mm-1 mi STAR OF THE NORTH Wednesday Morning, Sept. 21, IS6L A Fw bushels of potatoes -wiil be ; taken at this office on subscription, at the market price if brought this Ceik or the beginning of next. Roucrt F. Clarx, Esq., lias agreed to addren a series bf'meetings for the Repub lican party, in this county. Mr C. is a good Mump oraror, but hi talk is -on the Vrong side of the house 10 win. Tht Democratic Ticket is printed at this office and ready for distribution. The wole 'ticket and notb:ns but the ticket, headed by .Woodward and Low me. W are informed that the "Chan-man "of ' the U no ii Standing Committee of Ihia coon ' ty has repeatedly said, he never wouhl support Akdbew G Ccr-mn for reelec tion. A change must have come over Via .reams, for he is now supporting Cur tis with all brs might. Probably when he aid he would not support CbrTin be , thought, like many 'others, that Any would not ask a reflection There are a great many people who declared their intention not to support him again, and they are carry ing it out. Ir Abraham Likcol is the ,jGovern , tnenl," i some of our Abolition friends would have yon believe, we have a very weak one and it ought to be changed ; or if be is .nly the administetial portion tf the "Government" it is equally weak and defi cient, .and ouht to be changed. It has been paid of Mr. Lincoln . that be played -cards and drank liquor, but there is not ont of us who would be pleased to hear it announced that ocr 'Government" was a " ' black-leg and a droracd," no, not one. - But, then, s-orch might be the vase did we persiv-l in it 'hat a man was a 'Government! Coi John G. Fhc.zb has for safe, at the Recorder's Cffice, Blournsborg, Fifty Copies of "Saeppard's Constitutional Text-Book," recommended by the best Judges and Law yer of the countTy, for the use of the pub lic Different editions come al from 75 cts lo $1 25. He ha bsen induced to send for them because they have been so frequently in quired after. They are the same edi.ione he Dees in his speeches. Call and buy one It is rather a mean piece of business for ny person to be guilty of defacing or tear 'ing down hand bills. One day last week we caused some bills lo be posted up about Town, announcing a political meeting to be field in the Court House, the evening ot t'ie tlay which the bills were ciTcnlaied, and in he course of a few hours after they were posted, there were -carce!y any 10 be seeii up ; and those that remained were defaced arid marked with such epithets as "Copper fcead," Traitor," "Tory," and ' Secession iets." This is mighty small business ; and whoever practices it is a coward, sneak, and a violaterof the law. If this thing is repeated much oftner we shall endeavor to have the guilty ones suffer the penalty of the law. Mark that I Thsrt are two or three young men in this place, who have had a slight taste of Gov ernmenl pap. who are sanguine as to the success of the Shoddy and Tonnage - Tax candidate, A. G. 'Curtin. One of them is styled by tome people as a last young man. He wager money on almost every election : and we are told he is bantering people now-a-days to meet ' him in some wager two or trree hundred dollars, on the pres ent election Abraham's jobs will not al ways last, boys Our word for it, this bet ting young man will. find a customer, an-' one who vill win bis money if he dare oPiake it on this election against Woodward. Tfl Abolition papers have been publish ing witn great gusto, letters from Jame Buchanan and others, fonnd among the pa pers of Mr. Jefferson Davis. We don't think they have made a great deal out ot dirty work so far. Bui while they are about it why don't ihey print the letters of John V. Forney, Daniel S. Dickinson and others t wh'ch will be found in the same place. We can imagine nothing richer than the 1 picture which these letters would portray of Forney down on his knees for crumbs before the "slave oligarcy,". whom being spurned, he makes months at when at a distance, but trembles at when tbey get as near as Harrisburg is to Philadelphia. Come fentlemen be even-handed. Print all you've got. Fbak Boukd, the Republican Senator of t bin District, was at this place, on Friday vening last, for the purpose of speaking Defjre the Union League. " The League is not much heard of here. It is a slim affair. We presume Bound did not nnderlake to ex pla n l ow bis friend Andy Cnnin excuses himself for signing the repeat of the Ton cage Tar, which he pledged himself to the people he would not do. Curtin had money in fiis pocket, received from the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, for the purpose of lecuriog his election, if Senator Bound represented him correctly a short time after that election. The matter of repealing that tax caused the defeat for re-election of many !em6ers throughout the State who voted for it ; now, how does it come that men are supporting Curtin, who signed that Bill, raea who bitterly opposed the re election of thce Members who passed it in the House. f31 ueh i the case. I their memory on tb matter so poor '.bat they have to be re mmdeJofihe transaction 1 The Taxpay ers of tVss Commonwealth should defeat any ntan for office who favored that re peal, aucl we mistake the people this Fall tery much if they do not do that very thing to ,ha tana of 50,CC0 at the coming election. Democratic Mass Met ting. On Thursday, the Anniversary of the adop tion of the Constitution of the United States, "September 17, 1863, the Democracy of Col ambia co.met in Mass Meeting at Orange ville. This was the largest political gather ing we attendad in this county since 1856. There were delegations present from nearly all parts of the connty, swelling the crowd up to between our and fioe'thovtaahd persons! The ladies, too, God bless them, turned out in respectable number; they manifest their due portion of interest in the coming elec tion. The meeting was held in a splendid -Grove, -about one quarter of mile from the town. The people began to gather early in the day, and continued until two o'clock in afternoor. At one o'clock the masses re -pared lo the ground selected for the meet ing, and organized by appointing lbs fol lowing gentlemen as officers : President. HON. PETER ENT, ScOtt tp., Vice P-esidents. Jacob Kvans, Jorm Rob ison, Henry Delong, John Megargell, Jacob Young, Jno. McHenry,sr., Iram Derr, Jack son Hower, Steph. H Miller, Sam'l Rhone, Jos R. Patton, J. K. Sloan, John Fester, N. Flaketisfine, John Achenbuch, Wm. Kline, John Herring, Abner Welch, James Edgar, Jno. Mordan, Samuel Omaus, Sam'l Snyder. Secretaries. W. n. Jacoby, J. S. Sanders, Alem B. Tale. The organization being completed, the meeting then came to order, after which the President introduced to the audience Col. Victor E. Piollkt, of Bradford, who had been invited and was present to address the people. He made them a good speech, dwelling principally upon the State Govern ment, showing np much of the Abolition candidate's political trickery and corrupt doings, since in public life, and clearly es tablishing the tact that A G. Curtin is total ly nnfi; to govern the affairs of this great Commonwealth. Mr. Piole! understands, folly as well as ''any other man" in the State, bow things have been- managed un der "handy Andy" at Harrisburg, and he has the independence lo tell the people wherein this administration has swindled the soldiers and plundered the Treasury Hia speech was well received, and will do some good, ft was just what the people wanted to hear. Alter Mr Piollet finished his remarks. Daniel EbmknTrout, E?q ., of Berks, was introduced, who spoke over an hour to the people, in a fervent and earnest manner; making himself perfectly ''at home" with the audience and entirely master ot the issues of the campaign. He discussed the actions of the Federal Administration at Washington, the prefer.! war policy, and the hope of a reconstruction of the Union under the preheat management of affirs. The importance of electing a Governor this Fall be deemed far greater than at any oth er period since the formation of out State Government. We need a man who will look alter the interesu of our own State, and not neglect his duty by becoming be. fogged and crazed with Abolitionism, as in stilled into the minds of many men by those fanatic and political demagogues at Wash ington. We want no man who will tody to the authorities at Washington, tut him ply do his duty to the Gi.enwnent, and stand aloof from their iral vreies. The speakers were repeatedly cheered, and all seemed pleaded with tint addresses. At the cioe of the speeches, several air j were sung, wneu -he meeting adjourned, j giving three cheer lor 'he speakers, and ; three cheers lor fW.'u: :r, Laurie end Civil Liberty. PETER ENT, rrss't. Wm. H. Jcobt, j J. S Sahdicrs, Secretaries. Alem B. Tte, j lion. Charles R. Backaltw. The Boston Courier, one of the ablest pa per published in New England, of Old Line Whig proclivities, and conservative in its present political views, in noticing the letter of the distinguished Senator to the Hughesville meeting, calls it "the noble lei er of Mr. Buckalew," and it further says: "It is a great thing for thai Slate to have chO!eii such a Senator. However a sat ser vient majority may vote in the ol which he is a member, sentiments like his, frankly proclaimed will lead the popular mind and effect due reformation in time." The compliment is well deserved and coming from the source it does, will no doubt be gratifying to our Senator, and to all those who took an active part in secur ing his election. Mr. B jckalew is one of the ablest men and soundest statesmen in Pennsylvania or out of it; and we predict that the State, already proud of him, will have stronger reasons to be so before the expiration of the Senatorial term than she has now. If our government survive the present crisis, and his physical vigor shall prove equal to the duties imposed by his: position, a glorious lutcre ia before him. rati iot and Union. Gas. McClellan on Retired Pat. The National Intelligencer states that Gen. MX'Iel lan has been put on retired pay. It does not, however, add what is equally true, that every member of hia staff has been taken from him. It is thus that the nation repays our city's son for organizing, disciplining and leading the gallant Army of the Polo mac in its darkest and brightest hours. It is thus that the Savior of Washington and the victor of Antietam is rewarded for his labors, his sacrifices and his devotion. We have not beard, as yet, that Gen. Fre mont's or Geu. Butler's or any other Gener al's staff have been taken from either ol them. Indeed, we are authorized in saj ingthatlhey are still on duty at home, lecturing on loyalty, or parading their pa triotism with glorious gusto. That tbey are at their posts in the performance of the ar duous duties allotted them may be all right enough but, in contrast with the treat ment of McClellan'a stafl, there in a smack of partiality and unfairness in the business that cannot be escaped. Phil'a. Sunday Transcript. Dee notice will be given of a Democratic meeting which will be held at Jorseytown between this and the election. JosH C. Bitch er, Esqr , of Lewisborg, has engaged to address a meeting at that place as soon a convenient. CO 91 31 UX I CATED. JUr.. Editor I have for a long time noticed that after a man -has been elected Governor of Penn sylvania, and has occupied the Gubernato rial Chair for a term ol three years, and the acts of his administration are not a sufficient recommendation for his re election, so that he considers it necessary to canvass the State a second time to secure his re-election by patching np his old work and exhibiting himself, he may rest assured of a defeat.--There is an old saying that patched clothes are nannerly but patch npon patch is beg garly. We hare noticed it to be the cafe since the days of our good old Francis R. Shunk. previous (0 the death of this illustri ous patriot, it was not customary for a can didate for that eminent position, to travel the State, sounding his own trumpet. Judge Woodward is not out stamping the Stala, and why Andrew G. Curtin thinks it neces sary to travel through the country, singit g Vis own praises, is a mystery, as his acts are well known throughout the Common wealth from ;he commencement of the war, and the whohs population has (eit an in tense interest in the affairs of our State Government, particu'arly eince the inva sion of a portion of Pennsylvania. Many of our citizens tiave visited the battle fields, some viewing the destruction of life and property, some looking for their slain sons, some lor their bro;hers,somd watching with their wounded son" or brothers, and in some caseb wounded fathers, until death relieved them, and then wanted to be taken home for burial j others went home with tears in their eyes, saying, I could not find my son, and why all this misery? I will answer this question, it was for the want of an efficient commander in -chief, the Governor. Does Mr. Curtin go out to defame the char acter or ability of Judge Woodward? It has been said that he requested that Judge Woodward should not be personally assail ed. If that be his object now we will re er him to Republican tes:imony, viz: 'he edi or of the Philadelphia Inquirer, who says : Ufiii'nA IVnnil ira ril is a tt 1 7 trt t I uniiti. peachable character, an able jurist, and a patriotic gentleman." What more dees Curtin want? Judge Woodward has never been accused of intemperance ! Vox Pofuli. Democratic Heeling at Serena. We would announce to the Democracy of Greenwood and adjoining townships, that a Democratic Meeting will be held al Jchc Leggoi's, in Sereno, on Tuesday next, the 29ih inst., to which the citizens of Green wood and adjacent township? are invited. The meeting will be addre&ed by . H. Lit tle, Eaq , and Others'. Damel Ermkntkout, Emj , having finish ed the series of meetings he engaged to ad dress, in this county, went, on Monday la.t, to Lewbisurg, Pa., where he addreed a meeting and then returned to Berks. He has the thanks of the Democracy of Colurr bia lor the good service rendered them, and as some encouragement for his labors here, he may look tor a good report from the old Star of the North on the 13 h ol October. Th Premium List of the Columbia co.. Agricultural, Horticultural, and Mechani cal Society, will appear in our next, came too late for this paper. COMMUNICATED Fuiiiion.iry CoiiKiunpf ion A Curable Disease ! A CARD. TO CCftU.TaI'TlVES. THE undersigned having benn reslcred to health in a lew we. k, ty a very lim j;le remedy, alter having sufT-rd t-everal year with a sever lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption - anxious to make known to his lelJow stlerers the ma in of cure. To ail who desire ;t, he will sr;d a copy cf the pre-crit;uii n-ed (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and u-in th same, which ihey will find a sure cute lor CoKMimpiio'i, Aihma,, Coughs. Cold, &'. The orject of the advertter in sending the Prescription i to benefit the afflicted, and spread the infor mation which he conceives to be invalua ble ; and he hope" every suffemr will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aod may prove a bleeding. Parties wishing the prescription will please addres REV. EDWARD A. WILSON Wilhameburuh, Kings county, M. Y. Sept, 23, 1863 tmos. EDITOR OF THE STAR, Dear Sir . With your permission I wih to say tn ihe readers of jour paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Re ceive, with lull directions for making and ning a simple Vegetable Bairn, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impu rities o.' the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to thote having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simp'e direction and information that will enable them to start a fall growth of Luxarient Hair, Whiikers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail with out charse Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemht, No. 831 Broadway, New York. August 26, 18C3 3in. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervour. De bility, Incompetency, Premature decay and Youthful error, actuated by a desire to ben efit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, free of charge, the Recipe and directions for making the simple Remedy used in his case. . Those winning lo profit by his experience and possess a valuable renwdy will receive the same, by return mail, carelullv feled by addressing. " JOHN B. OGDEN, No 60 Naisau Street, New York. August 26, 1363. 3m. AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. Thfl Aaricultural, Horticubural anr1! Me chanical Society will hohf their i.ighth Annnal Fair, Thursday, Fridy and Sat urday, the 15th, 16th, and I7h daya ot October, 1863, on the grounds of the Soci ety, near Bloomsburg, Pa. By order of the Executive Committee. L. B. RUPERT, Secretary. BlooEubnrg, Sepu 9, 1863. The Great TEA COMPANY 51 VESEY STREEr, NEW YORK ; Since i s organization, has created a new era in the hisior of MholeMilins Teas In this Country. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at not over TWO CENTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cob!, Never deviating from the ONE PRICE acted. A noth er peculiarity of the Company is that their Tea Taster not only devotes hi lime to the selection of their TEAS a to quality, value, and particular tjles for particular localities of country, but tie helps the TEA buyer lo choose out of their enormous stock such TEAS as are best adapted to his particular waiiis, and not on ly this, but points out to him the best .bur gains. It i efy to see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Buyer has in th.s eMablishment over all others. If he i a Judge' of Tea or the Market, if his lime ix valuable, he has all the bene fits of a well organized sytin of doing; busines, of an immense capital, of the judgement ol a Professional Tea TaMer, and the knowledge of Miperior talemen. Tins enables all Tea buyer no matter if they are thousands of n.iles fiom ihi market to purchase on as good terms heie as I he New York Men hauls. Parties can order Teas will be served by os a well as though Ihey came themselves being sure to et or'mina' packages, true weights and tare; and ihe TEAS are war rantlsd as represented. We isue a Price List of the Company's Teas, which will be be tit to all who order it ; comprising I! 5' sot), Young EIyoii, Impe rial, Ci mi podcr. Twankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG. OBANGE & HY SON PEKOE. JAPAN TE of every description, col ored and uncolored. This list has kach kind of Tea divided into t F0UII Clas-o. namely: CARGO, hi3h CARGO FINEST, that every one may un-der-atnd frcm description and the price annexed that the Company are determined to nnderpeli ihe whole Tka trade. We enarntee lo ell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cent) per pound above co-t, believing this to be at'rac ive lo the many who havo heretofore been paying Enormous Profits. CREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTANT AND JOBBER, No. 61 Vesey Street, New Yoik. Sept. 9, 1863. 3moi. North Central Ilailivay. T I M ETA B L E . TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from ihe North and Wet Branch of the Susquehan na, Elmira, and ail of Northern New York. On and after Monday, 20iH, l63, ihe Parenger Trains ol ihe North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Hrrifeburg and Baltimore, as loliowi: SOUTHWARD. Mai! Train leaves Suubury daily excent Sundays, at 10 10 a m. Leaves Hairi-burg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 11 Express Train leaves Suubury dily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leave" Harril!r2,exrept Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at haltunore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a m Accommodation leaves Ilarrisb'ig 6,30 a. m NoiiTinr.quD. Mail Trail leaves bakiiiiore daily except Sundays, at 9.15 a m. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p rn. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p m. Exptess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrive"at riarriburs, 1.35 a.m Leaves Harrieb'r except Monday 3.00 " Arrive at Sunbury, 5.3H " For further particular apply at the office. I. N DU BARRY, Supt. Harrisbnrs, Aug 8, 1863. National Foundry, ISIoom.oniirir, Columbia Co.. flhe sub"tibjr, proprietor of the a named extensive establishment. U bove now prepared to receiva orders for all kinds o machinery, for COLLERIF.S. BLAST FUR NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is aUo prepared to make Siove.-, all size and patterns, Plow-irons, nrid every ihing usually made in (irj-l-clas Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, wairant him in receiving ihe largest contracts on tbe most reasonable leim. Ce" Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanae for caMmy?. This establishment is located near 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depni. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsbnri, Sept. 9. 1863. TLKKICLU IHSl'LOSUHES! Secrets For the .Tlillon ! A most valuable and wonderful publi canon. A work ot 400 paL'". and 30 colored engraving-. DR. HUNTER'S VADEMECUM,an original and popular treatie on Man and Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sxnal disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for iheir speedy cure. Ihe prac'ice of Dr. HUNTER ha long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numt erous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of hi "VADEMECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of Ihe moid awful and destruc tive scourge ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ot postage to any part of the Uni ted States tot 50 cents in P. O. namp, 3 coiis lor SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York Sept. 9. 1863. THE OLD GUARD. " Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin ciplea of 1776, Designed to unmasic the Usurpation, Deptirn and crimes of this . ' ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And to defend the doctrines of State Rights, and of Con-titoiional Liberty, as held by our Revolutionary Father. Publiched by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., saa street, New Fork. PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For warded by mail or express to all parts of the United Slates at $1 a yar, in advance. Any person sending ten subscriber will receive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 1863. Ayert Sarsaparilla. FRIENDS AND BELATIVES OF TH K Brave Soldiers and Sailors . r I"" "9 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. AH who have Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take especi care, that they be umpl'y supplied with these Pills and Oinfmenl ; anil where ihe brave Soldiers and S.'ilors have neglected lo provide themselves with them, no better present can be sent them by thsir friends. They have been proved to be the Soldiers, never-lailing-lrieud in the honr of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cored by using thei e admirable medicine, and by pa ing proper attention lo the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OK AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings which so sadden us,usual ly arise from trouble or annoyar.ces, ob otruced perspiration, or ea'ing and drink ing whatever is unwholesome, thus dis turbing ihe healthful action of the liver and stomach. These organs must be relieved, if you de-ire to be well. The Pills, taking according lo ihe printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, aud as a natural conse quence a rlear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the ue of these invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly arquire additional btrenjin Never let the bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. Il may teem strange that Hol loway's Pill should be recommended for Dyseniary and Flux, many persons suppo sing thai ihey would increase the relaxa tion. Thi is a great mistake, for these Pill will;' correct the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from Ihe system. This medicine will give tone and visjor to the whole organic system how ever deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter ot course. Iothing will stop the relaxation of il e bowels no ure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH. Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling" can witn certainty be radically cured if the pills are tifken niaht and mornirm and the Ointment be freely used as hated iu the printed instruction. If treated in any oth er manner they dry up in one par 'obreak ont in another. Wnerea this Ci'ilrnent will remove the humors from the system and leave the Patient a vigorous ami heal thy man. It will require a '.title peiserve ranee in bad cases to insine a lasting cure, FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Saik r are li able, lt:ere 3re no medicines so snfe, sore and convenient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounded and almost dvini; sufferer miuhl have hi wound dres-ed immediately, it he would only pro vide hirn-elt with this maichles Ointment, which should be thrut into the wound and smeared all rouud it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed wiih a handkercheif. Taking iiiht and mornin2 6 or 8 pill, to cool the svs'em and prevent inflamaiioti. Every" Soldier's Knapsack and Seatnari's Clie-i shjnld be provided with these valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None sre gennine unless ihe word "Holloway, New York and Lon don are discernahle as a Water-ma;k in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box : ihe same may be plninly seen bv holding the leaf to the liijht. A handsome reward will be given id any one renCeritii such information a may lead to the detection of any party or paries eoun lerfeitini the medicines pi vending the game, kniiviii2 ihem to be spurtou. Sold al the Mannfnctor v of Professor Hollouay, g0 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druaaits and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world in boxes at twenty five cenis, tixty two Cnts and one dollar each. ' W There is consi derable savig by ta ki"2 the Jarser sizes. N Jj Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed lo each box. April 9th 1862. ly. 100 of the most severe Battle Scenes and Incidents of the war now ready (size I8x 3tj inches) highly colored, m finerard pa per, 4 for 25 cnis, or 25 for SI, postpaid. Also, just published, the Official Union Volunteer Directory (400 payes), siviri" the name of every Officer and private in ihe Lfi.ion Army,wi'h their commands, &e, toaether wi'h a large amount of other val uable information, sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of 25 cts, To Agents and the trade no better opportunity was ever offered. Address HENRY B. ANSON. Print Publish er, &c, 49 State St., Boston, Mas. OTP pets copying, paid in the above. 354-5. iiEALTIFCL COMPLEXION. DOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will renJ toall who wish it (free of chirge) the Recipe auji full directions for making and using a beautiful vegetable Bairn, 'that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful ; aNo full di rections for using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimolant, war'anted to start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in less than thirty day. Either of lht above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwith stamps for return postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist, 831 Broadway New YorK. January 15, 186?. 2m. EDWARD bsNIDER, AND Ocncral Commission Mer chant. Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa. Particular mtention Riven to Patent rights. Sept. 2, 1663. 3mos. Attorney at Law BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office en Main Street, Exchang Block. i DAVID L0WEXERG. C LO THIN G STORE. On Main street, twodoorsabovelhe'Arner can Hotel.' SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm ol .Miller'tf Eyer, Merchants in Bloom hurg, are hereby notififd, that the Books, Notes and Accounts ol said firm. are in the S ore for collection, and must te settled by the first ol October, wirhout respect to those concerned. MILLER & EYER Bloomsburg, August 26, 1863. Neur Clothiiig Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. T IHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has jusi received Irom ihe Eastern Ciliec, a large assortment of AND SUMMER CLOTHING Fre.h from the seal of sorts-, sizes and ouantiiies, Fa-hion, of which will all be sold cheap lor cash or country produce -A L SC- Il ATS Ac CATS BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety of no tions and thing too troublesome lo numer ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chaser. CSCall and examine our stock of 2ods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Blonmsbnr?, Aug. 26, 1863. G1U10VS niKAP II A r STOltK KIHXOVEO. Another Arrival of Good. Now is Your Time to Buy. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER FTMIE undersigned hnving bouaht out the JL Grocery of David Stroup, has re'noved hts Hat and Cap Siore up to Stroop's Old Stand, where in addition to a superior as sortment of SPRING And summer HATS AND CAPS. Comprising every son and, quality, which will be sold at unusually low prices. He will continue trie Grocery and Notion business in all i'.s forms as carried on by Mr.Stroup And solicits a continuance of the old customers. ALSO:-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invites ine at tention ol Shoemaker and the public. JOHN K GIRTON. Rlnonrshurrr. Ang. 26. 163. P i: L A T U 12 A C S STIMULATING ONGUENT OR FRENCH CREAM. FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES'; 1 HIS celebrated article is warranted to bring out a full set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fir.e groftth of hair on a Bald Head, in Ie! than six Weeks, arid will in no way stain Or injure the skin. The French Cream is manufactured by Dr. Pelaiieaus ol Pari, and s ihe only reliable article ot the kind. Ue no other. War ranted in every case. ONE BOX WILL DO THE WORK. Price SI CO. Imported and tor salt Wholesale and Retail by THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Druggist, C31 Broadway, New York. P. S. A box of ihe Ongoeni sent lo any address hy return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents lor Postage. Au'iist 26, 1S63 -1m. Miller's Store. OPrci2SS .irf.3rcsall OF FALL AM) HlMEIt GOODS. fHE subscriber ha just returned from the Cities w ith another large and seieit assortment of FA I.I- & lVIATKi: GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia ind New York, at the lowest fin'e, ami which he is determined ose!l oti a moderate terms s can be procured elsewhere in Bloornsbiirg. His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and la'.esi fashions. DRY GOODS, HARD W ARK. QUE K N S W R K. CKDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, 3& 3CZD!8, Boo's and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c , &c. In short, ev ery tfiin usually kept in country stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. The hihesi price will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for go-ts. STEPHEN H miLLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. Jrcic Stock of Clothing. ?I 1sLP11V- cr? FALL 56 WINTER GOODS. 3JV2!3 LW17S. . T N VI I ES at eiition to his stock of cheap arid Insfi ionable Clfdriiriij af lts S me, on MJJJX STREET. DLOOMSJiURG, two doors above the .ivurhaii, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full as-ortment of lUcn and Roy's Clothing, includiug the most fahinnab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of liox. Sack, frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already lare stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; slrij-ed, flu:ed and plain Vest-, shins, cravats, stock-, collars, hands ercluefs, glovesj suspenders and fancy ar'.icles. N B He has constantly on hand a larae and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vetiri3, which he is prepared to make op to order, into a iy kind o clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. C-cjI1"cL C;3 .! 23 AND 2tiix3 r . Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap Hi Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in mis place. Call and examine hi general a srvtrrent ol Clothing. Watches, Jewelry, &c DAVID LOWENBEUG. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26. 1863. $2 EWPLOYMEXT ! $7T AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from 25 io $75 per month, aud all expenses, io aciive Agents, or give a commission. Particular sent free. Ad dress Erik Sewing. Machinb Company, R JAMES, Gei eral Age.n, Milan, Onto. Blooiiisburg, Aug. 21, 1861. G ents Balmoral Lsce Boots, will b hold very c low. Also. Boys Shoes, at L T.SHARPLFSS.' UIRA31 C. U0WER, SURGEON DENTIST. Oflice near WiUons Carnage Shop.Main 5f N Y. WEEKLY NEWS. The cheapest and best New York News paper. Only "one dollar per annum. E'ght pages .forty columns. A complete record of events, Benjamin Wood, editor and pro prietor, Pi.hlished at tid. 19 City Hall Sq-iaie, Daily News Building, Ne Yoik City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivalej in its ability aud enterprise as a public journal, and in EVERY DEPARTNENT is mot effiiNenily conducred, so a to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, firianci j I and literarv, ihroghout the World. In addition to thi it contains all the Domestic Intelligence of each week and full reports ol every ixat'er of public interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News will be lound on the side of lha Constitu tion of the courlry as it was framed and establi-hed liy ihe Fathers ol the Republic, and will tcftn whh care and fidelity every public act that may lend lo the violation of the letter and spirit of that instrument ol our liberties. It prefers th POLICY OF PEACE to a ruinous and exhaustir.g system of VVaT. Insisting upon the imUi of the principle embodied in ihe Declaration ol Indepen denee, that Ihe jsi powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of ih governed, il urpe the preservation of the lundamenial pr nciples of liberty, inviolate, a of more sacred rnportance than national gTandeur or ronsolii'atrd power under des potic rule without Ihe pale of established law. On all qv.eiion of national impor tance it is the inflexible champion of tho rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they hav edecided to be governed, it therefore boldiy avows its purpose ta sustain the Freedom of S, eech and 'of ihe Pre-s, with thfe view lo protect the people from Ihe encroaching dogmas ot theorists who conlempelate a modification of the democratic principles which to this time have been so;ained against every ef fort to overthrow ihem. In all matters per twining io Government the purpose of this newspaper is to protect the people from in considerate and rash legislation, and to hold our public servaids io a strict account abil'uy for their conduct while carding ou the machinery of power. To thi end the most cue fnl attention will be given tv ill Federal and Legislative U'vs, arid a firm and impartial examiuat alion of every new yolnical proposition may be expected a the only means of protecting ihe people from ari abridgement ol their rights. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are given in itie most succinct yel complete manner. They claim particular noticn for thiMr fidelity and truth, and all tho-e who desire to comprehend the exacl finan cial condition of the coneiry should not fail to examine ihe views which will be foonn in this department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting and in struct'ue and being derived from some of the ablest minds in Europe mut be read with the utmost avidity by thoe who desire to carnpreheml thai diblomacy of the Gov ernment of the Old Wo-ld. In all odier respecis THE WEEkLY NEWS will be found to meet the public de mand. It is the especial object ot the Pro prietor to render it a vaiuatie and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in i's moral influence, ennobling in us character, a;id satisfactory to that large class in the community who desire to see the Publie PreM treat ail public question with arguments apressed in coure-v and candor thought, at Ihe same time, with the spirit due to the themes discussed By reference l the terms of Tne Ne York Weekly News it will be noticed that it is by lar th cheapest newspiper in Ihe world, and the Proprietor feels that he may invre those w ho appfove of it principles and conlJct io n-e their influence in adding lo us yrese;it lare cueid-inon. NEW YORK WEELY NEWS, Eight Pges Frty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year On Dollar Eirven Copies ta one Addrea for One Year TEN DOLLARS, S i n I cnpie Three Cents th:: new york daily kkivs. A fi si i-u- Metropolitan J n rnal devoted tr Pestce und Coiisiitutionat Liberty, and contaiiiir.g -Il the he ot the day, Politi- Ifrtl, J r Irld MI lull, iifr il mi atiu . i the cheapest daily paper in the metropo lis. T E U 31 S ! One Copy, 0; e Y'ear Six Dollars. Ttire Dollars, Tnw Cents. WOon. Editor dy li-i'l Square, j One Cone Six Month Sing'e Cnpi-'S j Address BENJAMIN arnt rropne'er, u New York. !150 BEST PIANOS. $150 GKOVESTEEN & HAI.fc, having re moved to their new waretoomf, 1T0. -IF-CVrAY, are now prepared to ofTer the public a mag nificent new scale foil 7 Cclavc 1-oscwooil Piano containing all improveaients known in ibis country or Europe, over-strung bass, French grand actiou, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor S150 CASH, Warranted for 5 Tears. Rich moulding cases, $175 TO $200, all warran ted made ot the best seasoned material, and 10 siand'betier than any sold lor S400 or 8500 by the old method of manufacture. We invite the best Jodgfes 10 examine and try these new instruments; and we stand ready at all limes to test them w ith any others manufactured ia thisCoon- , y GKOYESTEEX & H.ILR. 478 Broadway, Xew York. June 4ih 1S62. 3m. Victory Perches I pen the stars and Stripes New Stock of Goods jnsl received b L. T. SHARPLESS. Fine a-sotment of Dres goods, Ualicoea atlO, 12, 16 & 18 cts, Flannels, Shirting, &. cheap, by m1aRPLkSS. Ladies La!ing Balmoral Shoes & Gaiters, and a targe stock ot shoe aud toots of all kinds, tor sale by , L. T. SHARPLESS. Ladies Balmoral skins, Hoop Skins,win- dow t aper etc, sold cheap. tv 1 ' ' L. T. SHARPLESS. Solars and Syrups cheap. Excelsior Syrup at 5c which cannot be excelled, lf so tower priced a' 50c pr gallon ai L. T. SHAKPLti-S' cheap can store. To those wanting to buy goods lor cash or coumry produce, or grain of any kind, I wooht say call and see the goods before; purchasing eke where L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, Sept. 17, 1862.