IT 1 Two Doll as per Auuura. H . U. JACOBY, Publisher. Truth and Bight -God aad our touutrj. I V. r ? ) ! , I 7 ) 1 VOLUME 14. STAR OF THE NORTH PCSLISBKD ITIBT WBDHKSP4T Y . . ' wa- U. JACOB!, ; on Saia St., 3d Square below Sarkct TEl'MS: Two Dollars pur annum If paid . within six rnotitbs from the lime of subscri bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid vitliin tht year. No subscription taken for b lesu period than 6 is months; no discon perm'tted until all arrearages are paid, utiles at the option of the editor. 7k terms of advertising will be as follows : One square, twelve lines three times, 81 00 Every subsequent insertion, ..... t6 One square, three months, ....... 3 00 One rear.. ............ ... 8 00 THERE'S DiXGER IS DELAY, A Call to Freemen. Up. Freemen ! Up! in Freedom's cause ! Why sleep the People'a power:, While rights, thro' straggling sges won, Are fleeting with the hour 1 Our rights our braTe forefathers forced Fmm tyrants' greedy sway. Are last returning to their grasp There's danger iu delay. Time wa when every homble home Sheltered a Freeman's head ; lt? bare floor never shook beneath A Provosl Marshal's tread, Jut plenty blessed its tenant's toils, And cheered them, day by day; Unit, .Power's rode hand is on ihe latch Tnera's danger in delay. Then, innocence maligned could brave Its foul accuser e ban, , For Liberty called Ju.-lice in To rigbtlhe i:i'ire! man : , TwiMie peers redrew! the wrougs of cue; . . i .1-. i.. .. S oow, uungeon urns uispmj Their victim's le.tere I by oae hand 'Iheie'a dagger in delay. Then, with ire sacred power of ihonght The poer which Gou has given We. man to man. spoke out our thoughts, i . free as the brea'h ot Heaven ; O'J rulers owned our wul was law To riear was to obey Tbe t eopie wire not "iraitorV thet. There danger iu delay. .-- The ballot-box wa sacred then, And that is. sacred still ; . W.e to the lyranr who shall dare To thwart the Feop'tt will. The rgh:s of Freemen once resigned, .Forever pass awav. Then hr Freedom while you can There's dauber in delay. Ti e Constitution st.'.l is onr . the Mar and Stripes "till f y ; Tie ood old U-iioa i be saved," And with it Liberty. Ti morrow i may be too late ; Bein the ort to day, And trust in God to guard the right There's.datiger in delay. A gallant hot is jratherin fat. ' And Woodward lead the van. lie t ye who will not mate wnh slave? ; ' Rise ! every free-born man ; Rise ! and declare the PtpUU will ' They brook no despot's sway. Oir will shall beor Country's Law There Vdinj,r in delay. AnW yoo,vho in ynnr pride of power ' 'oold work the People wrom?. Kemerrber that your power is theirs ; They bade the weak be strong Remember! in their sirene'b yon rule; Take warning while yoo may ; No logger violate their trust . There's danger in delay. Imprtssfan of Cetljsbnr?. Alter spending some days in Gettysburg and the hospitals around it daring the week fallowing the great battle which occurred, the 6rst three days of July, I wish to fut ipon record some ihouzhta which were deeply impressed on me there. -The awfulness of war, in its attendants nnd results, is, beyond description. The most vivid imagination in its picturing comes short of the reality, and words seem feeble to coavey any adequate conception of the fact. , fclere lies before yoo a field of battle six or seven miles in length and from two to three in breadth, over which 140.0C0 men bad for three days been engaged in deadly conflict, surging backward and forward a victory perched upon this or that banner. The ground is furrowed with ploughing palls ami itrewed with tons of metal ihrown ifrow hoaredg of cannons ; the trees denu ded of their liOib", ' nd their trunks starred all over with bollet tricks ; the surface of the battle field is covered witfj n hor sen, in many places more thickly strewn than are shocks of wheat in the newly re?p ed harvest field; graves of men insolated or in groups meet the eye every few rods for miles upon miles ; while here and there lie, now a week alter the battle, some bod ie onboried and fast decaying. Broken gun-carriages, muskets by the thousands, blankets, haversacks," cap everything be longing to an array, are strewed over the wbola awa traversed by the contending hosts.' . ' And this i but the outside view. Go in to the b&ipital. They are the most popu lous places aboct the city. The theologU cal seminary, the college, the court-hoae, I churches, the public halls in the city, tha large farm houses and capacious barna gairocndiDg Gettysburg, are full of wound ed and dying men; and the grovei in the rear of He Federal battle field are filled whh meu lying opoo the ground without vn the teller of a tent. Ten thousand vrccndsd rnea ar yet bere,iiissaid:groan n..lpr the aeonv of ghastly wounds, and M;e of them deadly wcunds, away from Mends and boma comforts ; many of thea iil die for want of tha medical and nurs ..rcars "bich a good home would afford. BLOOMSnrRG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.. WK The surgeons' operating-tables are in full view, and human limbs are lying about j them, 6o that you can scarce pass near without stepping opon them. j : But you are not here to look on such j scenes as a curious spsctator. Take your soap, water, and spouse to cleanse their festering wounds, your lint, bandages, and plaster to bind them tip, your cordials to strengtheo the fainting; and as you kneel on the ground beside them and commence your toil, speak to them of home, wife children, or mother ; pomi them, to Ja-us, and whisper words of comfort or exortation . and vou will find much to deepen your con ceptions'of the dreidful results of war and not a litde to cheer your hear: in the sus taining power of piety. If you labor among the rebel waunded as I did pari ot the time, your heart will bleed for the unwil ling viciras of this unnatural war. As you pass from one to another, wash ing their wounds and adminietering some cordial or lood,you will hear such petitions as these : 'Do write to my dear wife: and tell her I die among 6iraneers, but they treated me kindly." Will you write to my mother and tell her that I trust in Jesus, her Jesus V '-Oh, sir, can you get one briel message to my wile Sarah F , Va ? Tell her to train up the children lor heaven, and to kiss for his dying lather my dear sweet little Jimmie ;" and so on trorn hour to hour. Here is a soldier jut breathing his last. You kneel and whisper in his ear, "Jeu, Saviour." He smiles and ceas-es to breathe.. There is one praying audibly and most tonchinnly for his young wife and only child, commedin them to God. And here is a wounded ofneer delirious with fever, giving orders to Lis men and charging up on the opposing troops wildly excited, and then sinking back exhau-ied upon the ground, while you do what you cap to soothe his burning wounds and fevered brow. Such scenes I passed through, until ex hausted with toil and sympathy, 1 sank down upon the earh ; then again toiling and resting until called away by other du ties. And all this suffering and sorrow oc curs no; only here, but upon other battle fields, because wicked men chose to rebel against a good government, rather than seek in constitutional modes the removal of their fancied wrongs. Tbe depth and general prevalence of re 'iaiou feeliiis among the woonded soldiers both federal and rebel, supprised me much A few profane men 1 found Ttiey never (ailed to apologize when g'ea'ly moved. But thegreal majority of those met in the hospitals exhibited unusual tenderness when spoken to of Christ. All were ready to hear and mot fully ready to take part in religious conversation whenever it wa at lempied The hospital is the great field or Chri&tiac effort tor the sold er; there ev ery thing conspire to prepare his mind and heart for right impressions, and there should be concentrated a large amount of ihe agencies employed lor the salvation of :he soldiery. Tbe value of religion reading for th ar my is receiving new iUuvraiiom daily, and on every battle field Men lyins without covering, food, or rr.edi - al care, I saw again and aain reading the Testament or tract, in apparent forgettulness of their suffering. Glad you are able to read jet, and my poor 'ellow," 1 say. "Yes," they respond, '4it i a great comfort. I bless the man that iave me this. Have you any tracts or books tor me V Said a chaplain to me who has the seivice from the opening of the war. '-'Thousands will bless the Tract So ciety for bringin4 comfort to those who have now passed away. I have been re peatedly on battle field, men dead and co d holding open in their hands and before their now glazed eyes the tracts of your Soriety Their spirit passed away as they read the words which pointed them to the Saviour of sinners " Oh for means to fill the camps and hospitals wi:h tbe words of life ! American Met sender. V fleaTj TIrinfcing. 44 I'll tell yoo what, a nan does a good deal of heavy thinking betore a battle " So said a young man in my hearing. I had noticed his dress, the number of bis reaiment on hi cap, and lormed my con clusion of him, though I did not know his name. His language was correct.. He talked like any other man. earnestly, readdy, and without an oath. We have been almost tempted to feel that soldiers might, nay most, swear. He did not. He did not drink. His clear eyes and clear skin, teady tones and pure breath proved it. N He did not nee tobacco ; by these same signs I knew that. Yoo may iangh, and imagine it makes no difference, but I put it to yoorself we will say nothings about the rum ; but suppose two men came to you for employment one of whom bad clean teeth and a pore breath and the other clogged and s'.ained by the filthy weed. Other things being equaf, which would yon cbooee ! I need not wait for your answer. Now which does Uncle Sam need for his servants and volunteers? "How did you feel before a battle V we asked. - "Oh," said he, "I said a man did some heavy thinking, and when it lasted loo long we were anxious to get into action. As to being afraid, we never thought of it; the excitement kept me op. : 1 was rather start led at first, bnl when the fight began 1 did not know m.-elf; It seemed as if it was . somebody eUe "I went back to livavy thinking ; life anil death hang upon thee lew honrs, one mo ment here, the next and lite is over. Am I reidy ? Happy he who has a(i'.vered this question before il come up in an hour of so much trial "I tell you a Christian man is saf, is sure is brave ; he need have no tear. He is more likely to have true courage, for he has before made up his mind to lace ridi cule and contempt, if need be, tor his prin ciples . II he can bear that, he will not fear to march where duty calls it it were up to the cannon's mouth He has laarned; like the Christian martyrs, that truth and right are worth more than life itself. .... ... . . . . no must comma nis soui io liou, ami io ,. .l u- i .i. mm commit 11100 iib iuvt? ; uiai tuns 111111 a Dans, but it is done. 'Father will care hut i o Hrma P'.-Kr umr f, it,- if k. h,a ma ho ,am.m10r. his country. Let uot my death be in 'rain for the land." Blessed is he who has only this thinking to do whose soul is at pence In the pros pect of the battle, and the excitnment and stir, there is ftttle time for the great prepar ation. A man should live as he wishes to is Uie. 11 II I Url .U UIC X VUii.a.i, ii J - II !. sA A ', s. n Phricii jn at ht-tier to live a Christian, and it is and it is hard enough then to keep righ'. Even then, in so solemn an hoar as that before a Datlle, there will be enough heavy thinking to do; but ihe kouI will be at peace. Christian famer. UoTon League Secrets. A c-rrespotiden- i the New Ham-Sire State Sentinel, who assumes :o have rMie trated die odious mysteries or the order sends Ihe following as a portion of the in structions given to the initiated : When you first see a member, present your left hand and and say : 4 How are yon Major V Answer :'Comtortably well." "Are you a member ol our Union League ?'' Answer "Prove me " 4'How shall I prove you ?'' Answer " By positions " Here comes in what might be cared command, for the person asking the ques lion above set forth, says : "Take position and Til call ihem." The person who answers the question then raises his left hand perpendicularly ov-r hi bead, at which time joj say "Washington He then drops his am to a honzon'al position, and you say, 'Jeffer son. " He '.hen drops his left ha. id en the left thigU and you say, "Jackson." He then raise h left hand on his breast, and say, "Union. He then joins the thumb and third tinker ol his lefi hand; a: ltns time you must alsa join the thumh and third finder as he doe ; then bo of your Jimds , meet, and you put your thumb a',. I third j finger inside his and you say League. 5i Ail i this is done in a shvrier 'una than 1 c 11 you. ! When a member is goi g into the hd.-e, the ;aworil at ne tirM door is J Iiern j.1 Vigilance ;" at the second door, Uu Price ol Liberty " Whe-i a member enter itis lodge, he palmes the Pre-l le;it n y lio d ingup his lelt lorefi ier W.'ien tie leaves j the lodge he holds up his right haiid iwo j fore fingers. j When a Union League ma i gets into a fight at night, he cries out, TIi ! Hi !" If' any ol ihe brothers are around, and willing to assist him, they cry out, -What, what.' Two Xegro Stories. A New Orleans correspondent .of the St., Louis Republican tells two regro s'.oriss, one is of a woman cook and man servant. The woman was upbraiding the man for not go ing into the army and thus flgbiting for his liberty, and finally she came down emphati cally with the remark' "Was I a man, I'd be seed in sojer clothes censed bar-room on imun son, sum ji"U afore you could say Jack Robinson. You, ; men cannot receive a pension on account you're a disgrace to de color, and c ught to of said injuries from the United States gov be a slave forever. Go way, nigga; I'se got ernment, nor can his heirs or creditors a contempt for you." j 2. No dratted man iu oin? io the ap- The negro man evidently much "taken - pointed rendezvous will be permute 1 to go down," but finally mustered a reply, which I think ' will pass." "Look a heah, Hannah, spnsin' you had two tills, a good one and a counterfeit, which'en of 'era would you get rid of fust?" "Why. de counterfeit of course yon fool,' said Hantiah 'Well, dai's just it de white sojer is de good bill, and de black sojer is de coun terfeit, and dey puts de counterfeit sojer in de front rank, and ge s ki led off fust ! I does'nt go a sojerin, nohow !" Not bad logic that, which reminds me of the negro who went to a menagerie in which was a large baboon in a ca',e. The negro approached the cage closely, while the baboon went through several gyrations, such as nodding and shaking his head, holding out one of his hands for the negro io shake, etc., to the evident delight of both negro and baboon. Finally, baboon seem, ed so intelligent and ''knowing," tie negro addressed him some remarks, w hich the baboon only answered by a noJ of the head. At this the negro was still mor de lighted, and broke forth with the remark "Yoo'se right don't open joor mouth, tease if vou spoke's a word, white man 'I' have a shovel in your nand in less dan a minit!'' Ltttlb bo should be seen and not heard." "hat's what a. little felUm told hi t'eacbr when he couldn't say hi lesson . Tlie Price of Blood. We daily hear such expressions as the f'lln w ihg : "Well, if the war doe co on, we are get ting rich." "The country never was in a more prosperous . condition.' "Business never wa brisker. ' "We are all making money " "This war ha not hurt me any ." 'I don't see why men make so much ado in favor of peace," and other cf like im pori fall fiom the lips of men who chatter loudly about "loyalty" war ! war ! "to the last man." and "the la-t dollar." . How thonzhtles, how crnel, how craven-hearted indeed must men have become, who can talk thus whiUt their neighbors, their friends, their brothers, and their coun 1 .to. ihom holdlv in the face. -j - - . ' mnnev' nut of the necessities which the j calamities oi war crueiwai uc umo"' r I . I. -,.. Kriiln Kl "pon their neighbors 11 the condition of the country be 4,pro-peroa," it is mat Kino of prosperity which enriches the fev at the expense of the many. However prosper ous the country may appear, the uation is daily merging toward bankruptcy. If "business never was brisker," it ha often been more profitable to the country at large. The man who buys a pound of f , , , ; c'uiec' lCA u' ru-a'' " ' . " . " or any article 01 actual iittesen). actual necessity, will readily admit that the draw on his pocket is "brik" indeed. Mfn who are soulless enough to boast of .o. Kiif' nnr mother riictniii iii""i, ii'-, earth is drunk with the lile blood of our friend and our neighbors, treely poured out ir: defence, a' they supposed, of our out rajied taws, we can pity. They are but whitened sepulchre., filled withdead men 's bone, arid, hyena like, are making com mon cause with the vultures who lollow the track of our armies. The one fattens, the other coins money oal of the mangled forms of slain vetrans. The tears ot bereav. ed widows, tbe silent moan of a heart-broken mother, and the waiiing of the tather less child, are so many sources of profit to i these modern "Shylocks." Such men may well exclaim, why "so much ado in favor of peace." No wonder ihey cry war ! war ! no compromise! Did he war cease did honesly and patriotism , rule at Washington and Harrisburg, instead of fanaticism, Abolitionism and downright treason to the Consiitution, we would se- cure a speedy peace and a restored Union ; and then, then the vocation of such men would be at an end; their patriotism wol'd cool as foon a it lailed to pay. Shame ! shame ! on the men who can make u-e ol such expressions, and prate about loy alty with the same breath ! Under the.r auspice-, our cour.try oace ; ha'.-py, once tree, once '.he home of she op i pressed of all nations now mourns over a i fra'ricidal war. a;,d freedom lies cru-h- ! in he ua- by th stern .decree ol iiU:ary nc- es-,iy. Tlie 'asylum for the oppressed of allra-h-3) have cor;vertl into a "Tetter's bleed" the 'Afai'd ofwhich t! ey no: field of Imast i- the Mood money' o ihe p'."or W I'M'g ?f;:u ar.aiiciMii rule and ruin ? A'- werjfeetnei, .Unitary at t!ie , o Is. ;''i4'M Artemijs Ward on th? Draft ClRCI 'HI NO. 73 As the under-igtied ha been leJ to fear our rear guard would overtake, pass, and that the law regulating the draft wa not ; leave them behind and . jch a spraining of wholly understood, notwithstanding the'nu-j energies, and hurrying ind bustling, was merous explanatory circular ihai have is- j never before known among the whole blacic sued from'lhe national capital of late, ha j crea'ion. hereby issues a circular of his o vn ; and if J What on earth are we to do with the im he shall succeed in making this favori'e : mense numbers of them coming within our measure more clear to a discerning public, lines 1 is a problem which the future atone he will feel that he has not lived in vain : , can solve One thing, however, is certain : 1. A yong man who is drafted and in- No matter how worthless or how incapable advertenly goes to Canada, where he comes of self-support they cannot be permitte I to embroiled wilh a raw bust hnglish party, who knocks him around so as to disable him for life, the same occuring in a li- round by way or uanaua on uu.iUl . ... road being beuer that way or because his "uncle Will. am" lives there. 3 Any gentleman livina in Ireland, who was never in this country, isnot liable to he draft, t or are our forefathers. Thi ade lor the benefit of thoe erolling officers who have acted on ihe supposition that the able-bodied male population of a place included dead gentle men in 'he cemeierie 4 The term of enlistment i for three hnt anv man who ha been drafted lai 11 r.i''---- -- two places ha a riht to go for six years, in whether the war lasts that length of lime or not a right this department hopes he will insist on. 5. The only sons of a poor widow, whose husband is in California are not ex empt, but the man who owns stock in the Vermont Central Railroad is. So also are incessant lonatics, persona who were born m-uh wooden less or false teeth. Blind men (unless they will acknowledge that ! OWN PARTY OR HIS OFFICE HOLD they "can't see it"), and people who de- j FRS S eech 0r Alex CummxnSsy before the Iiberateiy voteu mrjonn yier 9. No drafted man can claim exemption on he ground that he has several children whom he supports and who do not ber his name, or in the same house with him, and who have never been introdnced to his ;r, hnt vhn. nn the contrary, are en " ' ' iZl'"h ' ONES DAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1863. AS IT HAPPEr4ED. M'CleHftti was a g"od commander, And Ins rniunry' true jle endf-r ; We all knew the Army loved him, Whv the dure did they remove him1 To Humside then they gave command. Which cam a gloom o7er all the land We mart hed to Rappahannock's shore, And Mire we did hut utile more ; 'I he rel; they were on t'other cide, We met ihem with Yankee pnJe, Yankee cant on roared like thunder, As i! t'wo!d rend the earih asunder, Rut Rye, fur all tn'n thunder tone, No victory there to call our ow n ; I'nrusHe whs nnt in the saddle, Therefore, we did soon fkeda-.lille On Monday night we crossed tha pridga, And took poiiion on. the ridge ; Ilebs came down onto the river, Rurnside tfien a truce flag giver. We oasseil oversale and cunu, Burnside then encamped his lorces, Twin inn rivprs' ran ill courses. . . . I He wnertiner soon oegan to irrcie, We look it all with soldiers eae, Until Rum-ide aroused hi spirit, Thought onco more to try his merit ; While doing all true foldiers could, We soon were stirkir.g in the mud. This old march so gay and sweet, We call it Rnrnev's lat re-reat. They gave us old Joe Hooker next, Which some ol our old soldiers vexed, And now we soon expect utme fun, For this old Hook will never run, Bt like an old bull dog h" will fight, Whether he' wrong or whether he's right, Aftci the Ch'inieltorville Fthl Now I must end since I've begun, By telling you what ol I Hooker's done, On a noontoon he crosse J the river And knocked ihe rebels all to sliver He thundered down 'h-ir old stone wall, While doing this himseif did tail. Standing there at the Chancellor Ho'J(?, He was knocked down as dead as a mouse. The Reb to kill him tried in vain, For this old Hook got alive again, And brushing himself all over neat, He made a nice and sale retreat, The rebel say they flanked him out. The truth of this I very much doubt, He did'nt run fat and not very far, And now be is where the rebels are, And I expect to hear any day. That he has frightened the Rebs away. Now the good work which Hook begun, Old Meade has ended and well done. C. R. G. The Arming of Necracs in Mississippi. The VicksSurg corrdpondant of the Chi cago Tints writes : The return of the arny from J.ick'on'wa the occa.-ion of a reciisfkabie ejJu of ne , aroei Ti.ete were new ahle-bo-'tied your.g men, (or y e ylCy u making scldiers of them r n a, nH1 0i;t 0f everv ten a anxiou to keep out ot the way of the Yan kees as re mif.y of ths-ir ma.-ier. But all the oi i mu atd women, and young chil dren in t;ie whole region id country around Jck- M- t'rys -a !i Itave tee.-i a harden upo- theT m.iLer; and wi.l n.rcessarily t'e . i up(i our cf amy ac co o; it n i ed trie a-ro v : Kivn -p ..Uinber ; oi ii rettirn. in large numbers, fi'jcv of vfljide, a 'id an untold f 2r: "'"n t'owti r.ore an 1 mule-. ' wev '. ."i 'Jic service by 'hese con (rit- iii't ; '' iu"t? ' feet consisted of a Vickburg Their ef womerful quantify of o.d clothing and bedding, a-ut dilapidated furniture, which they seeme 1 to regard a nf inestimable value. The transportation. ! however, wa not mffic ent fjr alt, i hundred, carrying as mniy as po-sib and s of the inevi'.aple bundles, trunged aiong' on font All reemed animated bv a fear that starve, and whether collected in one local ity, or so equally distributed as to give each township in ihe North its proportion of paupers, they will be supported at the pub lic expese. There is another thing apout this negro question which i even more certain than the other proposition. The minds of all of them are filled with the most extravagant idea of the Norih. It is to ihem a counrv or eae an-t plentv and happiness, and say and do a you will, as j soon as ihe military blockade is made ie stringent, they will swarm upon you like locust of the eat Until I came down here. I believed that, even if emancipated, .he, nprrroes would remain in the South, I - - - now know better. Not one inter, will re main here. Tbev will go North, if they accomDlish the distance on foot. They don't feel safe here, not even those whose owner are dead and their fears impel them to go North And then their extravagant jjea8 as bright and glowing, as far as their owe ease and happiness is concerned, as the warmest imagination of the Arabian Knights will never permit them to remain in the South afrer the road to the North is open. BTGOVERNOR CURTIN CAN NOT SE CURE THE SUPPORT OF EITHER HIS Reptiblicnr. State Convention, Aug. 5, 1863. Mr Cummings is only one ot the many, formerly warm and influential friends of Curtin, who now are deserting him in the hour of trial when he most needs their snp- port. So it U, Curtin has made a very un- - ..V, y.. r.arlt7 iSiUUtoJ ! From tlio Army of tho Potomac. A remarkable proceeding A rebel Col- ond announces peace near al hand. 1 WASniNQTON, Tuesday, Sept. 8, '63. From the New- York Tribune's corres pondent with tha Army of tha Potomac wc have the following, dated ; IlEADqUVUTtRS, Sept. 8, 'G3. Cot. R. 0. Hill of the rebel army, re cently sent word across the Rappahan nock, from Fredericbburg, that he would J J like to see an oiTicer of our army. The j wish being made known to Gen. Custer, j : the General himself crossed. The motive ! ) of Col. Hill's request was to make .inqui- jTfts respecting General Gregg, with whom i tie was obcc a classmate anu intimate ! friend. Gen. Custer received a note from Co. Hill to Gen. Gregg, which vas forwarded. Col. Hill remarked confidentially to Gen. Custer that peaca was near at hand. This j assertion was voluntarily made by two j Rebel officers in the boat which conveyed j Gen. Custer, and by others on shore. On being asked the reason of their suppo ' sition they would not commuritcste it, sim i ply reittratiug their opinion. Col. Iliil j would not state what command he was con j uected with, but appeared to be a etaif officer. At least 1,000 cavalry and infan try from the Rebel army thronged about j the wharf as spectators when Gen. Custer j landed. His reception by the officers was t exceedingly cordial. 5 j Notwithtta tiding' tlie anticipations of i peace, the Reb'Jt cipected another battle near Culpepper. They did not anticipate altnckinnf U3 Vn,f irpa,mwl flif strengthened by conscripts, would cpeadily assume the offensive. Gen. Lee is yet in Richmoud. Doubt less the consultation amon; the heads of the Rebel Government are earnest. Great amicability exists between our pickets and those of the enemy. Yebtcr day about 100 men belonging to both ar mies bathed together in the Rappahannock. T. M. N. A Vile Imposition. On or about the 1st of September, a man calling himsel Capt. Wallace came to this place,and going immediately to Mr. L. Myers's livery or dered eight teams to be sent to Kinston.on the arrival of the up train, to receive 52 officers, who, as he alleged, were to arrive by said train. The teams were sent, and continued for a week to run to Kingston to meet the trains. He pretended to hail ty cf the States, and erecting a despotic from New York and was connected with form 0f government, in which tho wealthy a large banking house tber. .Meantime arj(l aristocratic shall have a monopoly he aaid that he had been promoted, since anj rant aDOve the laborer, as in despotic his arrival, from Captain to Lieut. Colonel j G0Unlries in Europe. Can the poor man and that he was acting only as agent and j aid them Dy his vote to destroy his own treasurer of the party of U. S, officer, who liberty ! If he does, he is not worthy to were on a furlough of pleasure, and who ba 3 freeman, and will not bo one long, would be glad to get off with $10 per day. LLVT THEM REMEMBER C d." Wallace ordered his carriage for Troy; tbat Andrew G. Curtin is not only a for Prospectus Rock, for Harvey's Lake, ! Know Nothing, in favor of denying for aud almost constantly his carriage, were ' eirUW rights which he would give to ne ee rushics hither and thither, scattering gr0cS that he is reported as having the gravel and enveloped in clouds of dust ; uce assorted that the Pennsylvania dutch At Harvey's Lake he ordered a dinner atj flatj for the whole party on Friday last; and; "DOUBLE SKULLS"' to meet such a sudden demand upon their ; and that he has favored tlie violations of hospitalitiee, the lake, the pig stye, the tur-; boih State and National Constitutions by key yard, thi chicken coop, were all laid arbitrary arrests, and has favored mobs, under contribution. But no officers with outrage and rioiings by pardoning rioters their families, cr otherwise, have yet ar- aud ruffians, after they were tried and rived. Last Thurday Mr. Myers broke off convicted for oatracring decency, law and the lines of communication and secured humanity This he did in the Columbia the ini poster. He offered a check of $300 J. on the Drovers' and Butchers' Bank of CouatJ not C13e aiid m the not case la New York, but on telegraphing the reply 3Iuncy, and yet he asks law-abiding and was "no funds." Col. Wallace is now constitutional men to give him their votes I under arrest, and it is to be hoped our Tbev will give him an invitation to leave authorities win mate an example oi mm. Luzerne Lnion. jfy-The following sentiment from one of Ohio's noblest most patriotio and worthy sons, is worthy of being printed in letters of cold. Bead it: "compromise." "Not compromise ! Compromise is the who make no lieing promises to the people fir.tlaw of combination I had almott as lh, aboIitiOH vItJ have done. Let said of nature. It is the law of all society J .... ii ii ;r,,i ottr. them remember that democratic pnnc pies al government all united action. r r Partners in business compromise members do Lot change that they have blessed the of political, religious, charitable, useful nation with peace, plenty and prosperity societies compromise. KiDgs compromise jQ the past arj(j wm $0 s0 hereafter. with each othtr-they compromise with Ilemember lLese thin and vote the Dcm thcir subjects, or loso them. ars end ... , . . m by compromise the family circle is a . octnUc ticket. Zorthumbertort Dan, compromise, jiusoanas compromise wuu their wives fathers compromise with their disobedient children and if our holy re i : ; , ClnA Almiorhtv finmnrnmispf nuaren-auu uur a.y., wUh man when he accepted in his behalf the atonement of his son ; and shall we re- , tiod Aimignty coropromisea ' . . i i i .i .if fuse to do what reason, religion and all form of free government, and coming over command ?" ion G. U. Pendleton. .; t(J tQJ Dmocratic Bide. You can count GeTBchenck has issued an order them in every township-men who have suppresoing the substitute business in Mary- hitherto opposed the Democrats party land and in his Department, it having been but who are now disgusted with the viola found that the agencies for procuring sub- te(j promisc8, and ruinous tendencies of titutes to go out of the State interfere &b0litionisin. Let them come, and bo ith the. operations ot the arait ana re- . e ruiting. Exchange. Schenck in his anxiety to oppress the of M Unajhag determined that fc r d fihall flot U ..llowed the 'l - Wlr?..' procure .ub.tu.e.. NUMBER 48. Let Freemen Remember That the country was warned for years that the triumph of the sectional, disunion, abolition party would give civil war and dissolve the Union, i LET THEM REMEMBER that as soon as this abolition party came I in power, the Uoioo crumbled, and that while democrats were in favor of the Crit i tenden compromise, which the South promised to accept, the abolitionists were opposed to it and voted i: down aainst the petitions, the protests and the votes of the democratic party thus throwing us into this stupendous civil war. LET THEM RCMEMEER tuai me auoiiuou uesigiis oi iue panj power, were soon after developed, by try- ip? to strike down the freedom of the press of speech and by the adoption of the universal emancipation and amalgama tion policy. LET TTIEM REMEMBER that the party in power have plundere'3 the government of millions upon millions ot dollars, have made an odious and op pressive system of taxation, have burdened us with a most stupendous national debt, have created scores of new offices for the benefit of tleir favored partisans, have quartered troops upon us without cause, and have showu the most astonishing prof ligacy and extravagance to enrich their own partizans at the expense of the coun try. LET THEM REMEMBER that the party in power, after making the most solemn promises of free press and free speech, and keeping the motto stand ing in their papers, have since fchown their disregard of all pledges, by trying to des troy by mobs and brute force, these great rights of freemen. LET THEM REMEMBER that their promises to the poor man, like all the rest, were false and deceptive, as the poor man must now pay double prices for all he consumes, must compete with negro labor and be classed by this admin istration as a negro's equal, and not only that, but mutt, because he ha3 not $300 be forced by bayonets, away from his fam ily into the army, while tbe rich do not feci the los3 of the price which exempts them. LET Til EM REMEMBER that this if the old Know Nothing party, with Curdn a Know Nothing at its bead, j9 jn favor 0f breaking down thesovereigu , jja rebuff LET FREEMEN REMEMBER all these things when they go to vote on the 13th of Oc ober, and cast their ballots for Woodward and Lowrie, men of char acter, who respect the law and obey the Constitution, who hold principles of equal ity between tbe rich and the poor, and Great Change. . township and county of the S'e, uet,t men are leaving the despotic men who are striving to revolutioBize our . , f?itA Im r, fit. f ni n are leaving the dasi wecomed into our rants, rreemen snouia I . , Ti . 1 4 talk to their neighbera and urge them to come. ; fuE $300 commutation monet, it h now decided, will exempt fcr three ycarv or during the war. 4 i