M OF TOE NORTH, 1 f. . iW'Jl. H.J ACQ BY, EDITOR. BICOISJICRG, WEDNESDAY, iSEPT. 16, 1S6J D EMOI RATIC STATE KO3ILATI0XS. FOR GOVERNOR, GJCOIICE W.WOODWARD) S OF LUZERNE COUNTT. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, AVAITEU n.LOWISIE, or ALLEGHENY COUNT?. . ' 3 . FOR SENATE, , DJiTID B. MONTGOMERY, - !: Of Northumberland. ; FOR ASSEMBLY, GEO. D. JACKSON, ef Sullivan, JOHN C. ELLIS, of Montour, ' PROTHONOTARY. L JEJ.SE COLEMAN, of Orange. " REGISTER AND RECORDER, COL, JOHN G. FREEZE, of Dlooa. TREASURER DANIEL McHENKY, of Fishingereek. ' " COMMISSIONER. THOS.J. VANDERSLICE, of Hemlock. AUDITOR. .-' JOHN R YOnE,ofMiain. i CORONER, WILLIAM T. SUE SUN, of CaUwissa. - DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. 1 .The fo lowing meetings will be held in this County daring the weeks following the ' . ft..." . Bloomsburg. Wednesday evening, " Cr:uigevi!Ie, Thursday afternoon, " Berwick,1 Thorsday evening, u Slibtown, Friday afternoon, " Cailavrist a, Friday evening, " MiSinville, Saturday afternoon, " Benton. Thorsday afternoon. ' 16th, 17ih, 18th, 19ih, 24th. The afiemooa meetings will be held at - 1 c 'clock., those in the evening at 7. Dasiel Ermentroot, Esq., of Berks, and others, will address the meetings. Col. PioIIet of 3radford will speak at Orangeville j W. H. JACOB Y, -1 CbairmanDem.Stand.Com. Kept 2d, 1863. Oar Candidates for Assembly. The Democratic Representative Confer- - een ratt in Tnokhannock, Wyoming coun ' lyt on Friday the 11th inst, and nominated for Assembly, George D. Jackson, of Sal livun county, and John C. Ellis, ot Mon tour county. They are now the regnlarly nominated candidates for the Legislature, and we bospeak for them a hearty and en thosia;ie support at the coming election. Fettling ti.at we should say something for , -these gentlemen, we clip the following from the Sullivan Democrat, which meets out viowa I precisely . It says "both these - gentlemen are entirely qualified for the po sition , for which they are selected. Mr. Jackso has represented this District in the Lej;islatnie for three sessions to the entire satisfaction of his constituents a mau of general intelligence, and a liberal-minded aoci patriotic public citizen. His colleague on the saioe ticker Hon. John C Ellis, is . a man wl-ose character and standing in the dit.rict is ttbove reproach, whilst bis business . Labile em inenlly fit him for the proper dis cbs.re of the duties of Representative. It is of tbe utmost importance that good men should be sent to our Slate Legislature at this; tine.; The State has been sadly plan--- deied by the Cortin Abolition party. Not a chance has been neglected by this band of immacalate patriots. This whole matter will be exliomed when the Democracy as- autrea the reigns of government. Tbe Leg ist ore will have to take the initiative in . this expose, and hence the importance of having men of character and standing in . the Legislature. In this matter tbe Democ- - racy of eat District hat acted in a com mendable spirit. Both " these gentlemen will reeeivu the united support of the Dem- . ocratic party, and will be triumphantly elected on; the second Tuesday of October." - Treason in Riga flares. . Oct read era will all remember that a lit tie over a jrear ago, President Lincoln ar . res:ed tbe editors ol the Pat not and Union, at Harrisbnrg, the charge against one in . . par.icular,;if not both of them, was that they bad printed and circulated a band-bill call ing for oe;ro recruits, purposing to raise - a regirnet.1 of colored troops. For this they ; were arres ed and dragged away from their bones, from under the eres of Andrew G. Curtin., and witbont the granting of a trial, Caiiin ttai ding by and looking on as ua- . .concerned as if nothing was going on. Thfise gentlemen committed treason, played the part of disloyalty, and was punished ac . cordingly ly the 'Lincoln Government." Bat in less I than six months after these ar rests were -made, this very adminirtration called for eegro troops, by companies and by regiments. Thia was considered trea son and dit loyalty to the Government by . theta -vrhei they arrested the Patriot and . Unm oditqrs. .Is it treason now 1 What dolheydejine treason now ? They ought to be arrested "Oh ! consistency, thou art jewel H The Abolition press of the State affect to feel quite psjoiced over the fact that tbe Clereland Germania, a German paper, and the Steobet vilie Union, do not support Mr. Y&ilanriighum. Neither of the above named papers supported Mr.Jewett in 151, while the ChsveUnd plain Dealer, Madison County Vemoasl sid Dtlatsare Standirei, which sappor'.eJ I'odd in '61, are out now against Ef3s-3, asd declare for Va'Iindi'sham and . i- Democratic Meeting la liloomkborg. - On Saturday evening, Sept. 18th inst., tbe Democracy ol Columbia county bad a large and spirited meeting in the Court House, at Bloomsburg. At an arly hour the house was crowded with noble and patriotic fath ers .and mother?, sons and daughters of Democracy. . Almost every township in the county was represented by an enthusiastic delegation of men who were proud to declare to the world that they were Democrats. The meeting was organized by motion of Hon. John MeUynold, that Levi L Tate be President of the meeting. On motion of Wnr. H. Jacoby. the follow ing persona were made Vice Presidents : Peter Ent, S. H. Miller, Daniel Snyder, John Hill, Philip Kistler, James Freeze, Joseph Poe, John A. Funston, A. J. Albert son, Samuel Lake, M. C. Woodward, John C. Lemon, David Lowenburg. On motion, W. Wirt and Charles G. Bark ly, Esqrfc., were appointed Secretaries. W. H.Jacoby and M.C. Woodward, were appointed a committee to Invite Hon. Chas. Inoersoll, of Philadelphia, to address the audience. But a few moments passed till the committee returned, escorting Mr In gersoll, when three beany cheers were giv en for bim. The speaker introduced his remarks by saying that the great question now to be decided by the people of Penn'a, was whether George W. Woodward or Andrew G. Curtin should be the next Governor of our State. And reminded them that aliho' this, in limes past, would have been but a local question, now the affairs of tbe Gen eral Government had swallowed op State interests and rendered the issue wholly Federal. He then discussed, in a logical manner, the effects of the enormoos tax system and paper currency, and varaed the people of the inevitable pinch they must in a short time suffer. He nejt dwelt upon the un precedented, unjustifiable and inhuman ar bitrary arrests and confinement of patriotic citizens by the present administration; thus depriving a fre people of the Inalienable Riahta of personal security and personal Liberty. Lastly he spoke of tbe Conscrip tion Act ; nobly declaring his opinion that it is illegal and unconstitutional. He que tioned the right of any power to take citi zens from their homes and make slaves of them. Concluding with a few remarks upon the upright character and abi'iiy of George W. Woodward. He asked every one to discuss in hit own mind, considering the past actions of Gov. Curtin, whether he was a suitable man to maintain the honor of a great State like Penn'a. Mr. Ingersoil indulged in no harsh terms of reproach upon the Opposition party, but displayed great logic throughout his whole speech and prcved to every one who heard him that he is, what he has the reputation of being, a great statesman. At the close of the meeting three hearty cheers were given for Woodward, Lowrie, and the Constitution. LEVI L TATE, Pres'l. W Wirt. ) Chas G. Barklt, J Secretaries. Woodward Slock High Up. Everywhere throughout the Slate the De mocracy appear to be confident of a trinm pbant victory. Our visit to Cumberland last CourtJ week gave us an oppertunity of seeing and conversing with a large number of the leading and roost influential Demo crats of nearly every township, and they, one and all, gave it aa their deliberate opinion that Woodward.s majority would reach absut 1200 in the county. The rebels invasion has greatly damaged Curtin in the valley. The people verj justly charge bim with neglect of duty and hold him res ponsible for the defenceless condition of the State. The same feeling, we are credibly informed, exists in Franklin, Fulton, Adams and York counties, as will be apparent when the ballot-boxes are counted off, and all along the Southern tier of counties the Democratic gains will be onprecedentedly large, and astounding to the Black Repub licans. We have never known the Democratic party of this State in as good trim as it is at the present lime. It is everywhere a unite in support of Woodward and Lowrie, and it is daily and hourly gaining accessions from the conservative portion ot the Repub lican party. We have every reason to an ticipate an old-iashoned Jackson majority id Pennsylvania on the second Tuesday of October, and, in addition, the Democra cy expect to carry Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin to boot. Tbe skies look bright all around the political horizon, and the days of Abolitionism are numbered. Lancaster Intelligencer. m m u . A Tried Man The Presbyterian Banner says, "Gover nor Curtin is a tried man." Truly, - be is; and not only is be "a tried man," but a convieted one also. Judgement has been passed upon him. and the day of execution appointed Tuesday, the 15th ol October, 1863, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. The execution will be in public, and so intense is the feeling, that a large concourse of people is expected to witness the preliminary ceremonies and the final struggles of the condemned man. There is no hope of pardon, and we under stand the unhappy man is preparing to meet his fate with fortitude He is daily receiving such consolation as his ghostly advisers, M'Clure, Covode, Mann, Mc Micbaei, and other saints of the political calender caj administer. . Sniaks. -Democrats, beware of men, who, pretending to be Democrats, go about as sailing tbe candidates on the Democratic ticket and retailing the stale and ridiculous stories of the Abolitionists about "d;loyal ly" "treason," "sympathy with secession" &c. Such men are traitors o the Democrat ic cause ! They are, soul aoj body, the property of the Abolitionists! They have been bought with Lincoln greenbacks, to play the sneak and do tbe dirty, work of pur enemies. OUB TRIP TO TCSKHASNOCE. In company with Hon. John C. Ellis, Hi ram Antrim and Wu, A. Dean, all ol Mon tour county, whom we joined at the Blooms burg and Lackawanna Railroad Depct, we paid a visit to tbe ancient and venerable town of Tunkhannock, Wyoming coun'y, Pa., on Friday the 11th inst., as a Represen tative Conferee, to meet other Conferees from this Representative District in Confer ence, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for Assembly, to be voted for at the coming election. At Berwick we bad an acquisition made to onr company in the person of Jeremiah S Sanders, the able and talented editor of the Berwick Gazette, who was our worthy and active colleague in the Conference We commenced our journey on Thursday evening by taking the cars at this place for Scramon, Luzerne co., a distance of some 60 miles, and arrived there a little after 9 o'clock, P. M. We put up there for the night with the gentlemanly Proprietor Mr Burgess of the Wyoming House, who fur nished us with all tbe necessaries and com forts that guests could reasonably demand. This House is well conducted, rooms and bedding in excellent condition, table smply provided with the best the Market affords, and the landlord's bill accordingly. At this place we chartered a private conveyance to take us to Tunkhannock, a distance of twenty-five miles, the village we had set o Jt for. We boarded oar Cab, with two fine Heeds hitched before it, about 6 o'clock im the morning, and traveled 9 miles, when we drew up in front ol the Public House cf Mr. M. W. Bi.ifs, in Abington Centre, Luzerne co., where our party enjoyed a warm break fast This House is a large one. and bears the appearance of being conducted proper ly and with a good deal ot care. The town is small, nevertheless handsome, consisting of about 18 or 20 dwelling houses, a school house, church, and a blacksmith shop. To the end of our journey, from this place, we had 16 miles to travel. The next place which attracted some at tention was Factoryville, where we irrired after several hour's ride, the nearest pont to Tunkhannock by railway, it being nine miles. Factoryville is a shipping point for Tunkhannock and vicinity on the Delaware, Lack., Si Western Railroad. The roads in this section were rough hilly and tedious. It being a very dry season, and the dust at places nearly suffocating to the traveler, made the trip not as pleasant as it otherwise would have been. We arrived in Tunkhannock a few mo ments before 12 o'clock. M , and met Hon. Geonge D. Jack so v of Sullivan co., wi.h his Conferees from the upper counties of this Representative District, at T. B Wall's Ho tel. We, with the other Conferees of the District, met in session almoM immediately on our arrival, and unanimously nominated for Assembly, Hons. George D. Jack -on, of Sullivan co., and John C. Ellis, of Montour co. uur stay in mis place was snort, not nns enough to take a stroll about tne own. What we seen of the place was handsome There are some nice farming land in the vicinity and neighborhood of Tunkhannock. The Susquehanna river and North Branch Canal rnn close by the town. As for the people of the place, we can only say, with those whom we became acquainted we were much pleased. They seem like sociable and obliging people. Harvey Sickler. the able and spicy editor of the North Branch Democrat, took Mr San ders and ourself into bis office and exhibited to us his well selected cases of type, and all his facilities lor executing job-wor and priming a paper. Mr. Sickler, is District Attorney for Wyoming co , and this office, in connection with publishing the Democrat, ought to afford him a very snog living. The type-se'ting for his paper is principally done by two handsome young ladies, whom we saw at work in the office, Mr. S. prints a sound Democratic paper, one that never swerves from the principles as laid down by the founders of the Democratic party. Success to him and the cause which advo cates. At 2j o'clock, in the afternoon, w bid adieu to the town, and parted with onr Sul livan and Wyoming county friends, assur ing each other that the Democratic vote would be largely increased at the coming election, in our respective counties. The counties represented by our party alll give Democratic majorities, and will continue to do so until the people are convinced that Democratic principles are wrong. On our way back to Sctanton, we fok a glance at the agricultural improvements, as we passed tbe different farms. The ground through the section of country in which we passed, is pretty generally rough ; so much the case that it is impossible for the larm ers to use tbe drill or reaper. Their Fall crops, such as corn, buckwheat, and pota toes, look exceeding well for that land. The apple yield is a promising one. The farmers of Luzerne and Wyoming counties, raise some very fine fruit. They have a good market at Scranton. We saw them on the road for that place with loads of hay, straw, oats, potatoes, apples and cabbage. From what we observed the farmers pretty generally sell off their crops as soon at they are gathered. Not one stack of grain, nor scarcely one ot hay, was seen standing on our whole route from Scranton to Tunkhan nock. They build small barns, with no yards attached in order that manure may be made and saved for their land. There may be 'some very good larmers among them, but we think our Columbia county farmers excel them. Their stock is good, fully op to any with us or on the Wyoming fiat. They pay some attention to mising sheep in these counties, more than the farm ers do in Columbia county. On arriving in Scranton at o'clock, P. M., on our return, we spent the night with the obliging and accommodating Proprietor of the St. Chailes Hotel. This is a Demo cratic house, kept in excellent style, and terms moderate. At 5i o'clock in tbe morn ing, we took the cars for Bloomsburg, and after some several hour's riding, arrived safely at tbe Lack. Si Bloomsburg Railroad Depot, wbere we parted with our Montour friends, and, npon the whole, felt pleased with our trip. We left our friend Sanders at Berwick, the point where he joined us. Democratic Heeling. A Democratic Meeting was held at the Court House, in Bloomkburg, on Saturday afternoon, the 12th insf. There was a good turn-out people present from all parts of the count. The attendance of the ladies I was nothing less than complimentary. They teel a deep interest in the issues before the country, to be decided upon on the 13th of October next, at the ballot-box. The meet ing came to order by appointing the follow ing gentlemen as officers : ' President Hon. STEPHEN BALDY, of Cattawissa. Vice Presidents Jacob Evans, Geo. Wea ver, Wm. Howell, Peter Ent, John McRey nolds, John Robison, Jeremiah Hagenbnch, John Dieterick, John Fruit, John Cressler, Peter Billmeyer, Frederick Eyer, William Witenight, T. J. Vanderslice. Secretaries'-Dr. Hiram C. Hower, Lieut. A. B. Tate. On motion, Tkchak II. Turdt, editor of the Nor thumbet land Co. Democrat, came for ward and addressed the people in a speech of about two hour's duration, which was listened to with the utmost attention. The speech was well received, and will have good effect. Mr. Purdy is an able speaker one who dare maintain the right, let the consequences be what they may. lie is a Constitutional man, and loves that docu ment with irue sincerity. This Union can not and will not be restored only under the Constitution as it is; and the Union as it was is the only way the Democratic party will agree to accept it. Who were the friends of tbe Union, and always true to their Government and flag, was clearly shown by the speaker, and in such a manner that no argument could successfully rebut it. He exposed Governor Curtin's administration, ! showing that no administration has been so plainly itteminVil wivh fr:tnd and corruption, in every department, since the e-ianli-h-ment o! this State Government; ar d jet, Curtin tins, alter pnhlichin bis declination for re-nomination, the cool impodence ta ask a re e'ection at the hands o the people. The people will attend to him at the com ing election. At the close of the address the speaker received three hearty cheers, alter which the meeting adjourned. STEPHEN BALDY, Pres't. H. C. Hower, ) A. B. Tate, J feec- ! Shonlder-straps for Xrgroes acd nand-enfis ( r. nhii. m. JUI HUUC uicu A few days ago we saw in tbe streets of this fair city a sight calculated to fill every heart with horror Walking between a file of soldiers, in one of our most crowded thoroughfares, were five white freeman, handcuffed and strongly guarded by their military escort. Over the iron manacles that bound the wrists of several were thrown handkerchiefs ; and the downcat look and sorrowing eye of the con$ctip!s told how deeply they felt the degredation they were compelled to suffer. These men had committed no crime There names had been drawn from the fatal wheel; and, in the agony of doubt, whether they should remain with their loved ones :n these sore times of want and trial, or eagerly march to fill the ranks of the army in this "war for the African and his race," they had not promptly reported to the provost Marshal's office, and were called deserters. This sight, we are informed, is no extraordinary one. It is of frequent and almoat hourly occur rence. Compelled to suffer ihe grossest in dignities, thousands are daily tortured with the galling thought that in this land of free dom they must meet the fate ot slaves. But, be patient ! A few weeks more only must pass away, before the freemen of Pennsylvania will have an opportunity oT smilting at the ballot-box the miscreants who are now striving to deprive them of their liberties. In going to the polls, re member, freemen, that the Abolitionists of this proud city have forged handcuffs for white men, and given ehoulder-straps to negroes ! The Age. It is said that the Jeff Davis correspon dence, discovered at bis home in Missis sippi, several letters of which have been published, has been sent to Washington. The reason of this disposition of it is, that several letters are amongst it from Benja min F. Butler, Daniel S. Dickinson, A. E. Burnside, and others of the Breckinridge couspirators, who have since joined the Abolition party, which partisan interests require phould be suppressed. They will be suppressed, of course, though they be more treasonable than all the other corres pondence beide. Only such letters will be published as will damage political oppo nents. It is believed that the existence or these letters of Bjtler, Dickinson and Burn side has influenced their obsequiousness to the Linrotn Administration. Chicago Times. Democratic Meeting. A Democratic Meeting will be held in Mifilinville on Saturday next. The De mocracy are becoming fairly aroused to the cause of Constitutional Liberty and Free Speech. The day in which arbitrary ar rests and usurpations of power will be brought to an end is not far off. The peo pie are only waiting patiently an opportu nity at the ballot-box to put a stop to this high banded robbery and plundering going on in the different departments in our State Government Able speakers will address tbe meeting at Mifilinville. Daniel Ermen trout will be one of the speakers. Little Things. People who are ncac customed to studying economy in their little arrangements, have little idea how easily money may be saved, and at the same time caralort secured by a little , attention to a little economy in little things. In illustra tion, take the little article of metal tips worn on tbe toes of little shoes. It is asserted that by this article alone, the snug little sum of over six million dollars is annually saved lo ihose wbo use them, and at tbe same time not a little amount of comfort and protection added to some three million pair of little feet. So with many other little things. Tribune. Car Senatorial Candidate. We place at the head of onr paper, to day, the choice of the Senatorial Confer ence, which met at Danville. That person is Davis B. Montgomery, of Northumber land county. This is a good nomination, one that will add strength to the ticket in his county. In Columbia county he "will receive the regular Democratic vote, which will be largely increased at this Fall's elec tion. He is a man of considerable ability and experience ; understands the affairs of State and Nation folly as well, if not better, than "any other man" in the District. We will have, in him, an honest, careful and safe Representative in the Senate. He will be our next Senator, and worthy successor to the present member, Frank Bound It matters not who the Abolitionists trot out against snch men as David B. Montgomery they are doomed to certain defeat. The proceedings of the Senatorial Conference will appear in our next. We will have a word to say about this nomination in one other of our paper, previous to tbe election. Democrats, be vig ilent, your ticket is com plete, now gow to work ! COmilTXICATED. Singular Coincidence There is an ex Justice of the Peace living in the lower end of Luzerne county, who had a son in the 7th Regiment of the Penn'a Reserves; tbe father and son keeping up a constant cor respondence, and sending valuable pres ents constantly to each other, until early last spring, when the Father joined the Republican party, and the son deserted from the army. Vox. The Republican party profess very deep sympathy in favor of onr adopted citizens, and their right of voting and enjoying equal privileap with our native born citizens. How migh'ily have their principles charg ed si' ce Know-Nothing and Wide-Awake times. I abhor such abomniable hypocra cy. Just listen to the expression of an old Republican who was the Republican candi date for Associate Judge, in Columbia co., at their last election for Associate Judges, (and would have been elected too, only he did not receive votes enough) he said that the Hon. Charles Denison was elected to Congress last Fall by the Dkeos or Europe. Now it should be borne in mind, that Mr. Derison and Judge Woodward are friends, and of the same political principles, and the men who elected Mr. D-nison cannot very easily be persuaded or driver., by Re publican brow. beating, to re-elect Mr. Cur tiu Governor of Pennsylvania. Vox Populi. Hed Qrs. Battery F., 1st Art't. P. R. V. C. September 7, 1863. Mr Dear Sir: In your issue of Sept 2d, 1863, you speak of me s " commanding Battery F., 1st Pa. Artillery, at the battle of Gettysburg." I commanded that portion ol it on which the enemy charged, but vndtr Capt. R. Bruce Rickets, of Orangeville Pa., who was present during the' action. It is owing, in a great measure, to his courage and presence of mind, that the charge was repulsed after the Infantry ran, who were to support us. 1 am, Sir, Yonr Obd'l Serv't, C. B. BROCK WAY, lit Lieut. Battery F , 1st Arty, P.R.V.C. Amusing. It is amusing to see how the Curtin-Abolition organs in this Represen tative District squirm. Little Charly, of the Danville Democrat, issues a call for a Republican County Convention, to nomi nate a ticket, while the old Know-Nothing of the 'Amencan, says ihe call is bogus and should not be countenanced. Thus we see what harmony exists in the ranks of the opposition party in this District, and the hopelessness of their cause. Just as sure as the second Tuesday of October comes, Hon. Geo. D. Jackson and John C. Ellis will be triumphantly elected. Sullivzn Co. Democrat. Paying cp an Old Score. The Patriot and Union says, as one of the drafted men came out ol the Provost Marshal's office day before yesterday, just three hundred dollars shorter than he went in, be cast his glance around upon the lugubrious faces of the throng of expectants standing in the hall, whose hour have not yet come, and soothed his kindred spirits thus : "Boys three years ago I was a gay 'Vide Avake,' and wore a glazed cap at my own expense but the coal oil was said to be free. They are now settling that coal oil account ; I've paid mine, and here's a receipt in full." Saying which be flourished his commutation receipt. Abraham Lincoln says that "The Gov eri. mnt connot endure permanently half slave and half free." Jefferson Davis 6aid that "A onion between slave States and free Slates is impossible." The promulgation of such doctrines in the North and tbe South occasioned the civil war which, ia now de stroying the nation. Which of the two sen timents is most deserving of reprobation? Yet the spurious "loyalists" who cringe at the footstool of the despot at Washington attempt to elerate its guilty head to the po sition and dignity of a patriot ! GOVERNOR CURTIN CAN NOT SE CURE THE SUPPORT OF EITHER HIS i OWN PARTY OR HIS OFFICE HOLD ERS. Speech of Alex Cummmgs, before the Republican State Convention, Aug. 5, 1863. Mr Cummings is only one ot the many formerly warm and influential friends of Curtin, who now are deserting him in the hour of trial when be most needs their sup port. So it is, Curtin has made a very un popular Governor, even with his own party. Cummings is a leading Republican ! "Let the soldiers vote." Abolition jxtper. But let ell vo'e soldiers of both parties. Don't allow the republicans to come home and do the voting, whilst Democrats are compelled to keep their places in the army to do the fighting. TI1ELAT from CAR NEWS Progressoflhe Bonvb I UIN. jJnrTJtn Forl Mofrie ft Ihe Assault on FW!ref. Sin-e vnlie-Ei-hy Kdled'J f"1"0 era i Ihe ictrcu. . l t and Cap They TEAS, New York, Sept. 13.. rid Island dated the 8th TWO gives an account of the rec? . . tion against Fort Sumter. "dil sisted ot between twenty-fP c boats, manned by over 100 P ' Lieut. Com. Williams of the iJt and 100 marines, under Capt., Qn the entire force being commanir, ' Stevens, of the Patapsco. The l' vi. towed withiu a short distance jn whence they advanced .A i nree ul -! ft ! der Com. Williams Lieut. Remy, ! sign Poner, landed, and the paries a p y this, led to run tin the rums to the HTl. . A .- ft. .. mM.l,Ai, ' ,. hand-grenades were thrown down ! It i, esy to see the n,,ab,-."";t them. The slope was so sharp that tlge a Tea Bojer has in th publish maul were unable to reach the parpel. A Bigter all other. was given from the fort, and in an insia.j e is a Judge of Tea or the Market all the rebel batteries opened on tbe for8 t,me is valuable, he ha all the bene and shelled it terribly. I he three boaisf a well organized systam of doing prA amaihaH anl all mhn lanrlorl wprn nf gn immense capital, of the Kiiieil or captured. Lieut Bradford, ot tne marines, was mortally wounded and cap lured. Among others captured were Com mander Williams, Lieut. Remy, Lieut. Preston, Lieut Brower, I.ieot. Bunce, Dr. Wheeler, and Ensign Porter. Between forty and fifty of the sailors and marines were killed and wounded, and the entire list of casoal'ies will number about eighty The remainder of the command retired eafely. The flig of truce states that our captured officers and men are in -Sumpter, and are well treated. Washington, Sept. 13 A private no'e received here to-day from off Charleston states that about three hundred and fihy men composed the recent expedition to Sumpler, and that only a portion of the force landed, some of the boats having grounded on the shoals. But for this there would probably have been a different result. Captain Rhind arrived to day with dis patches io the Navy Department from Ad miral Datilgren It is understood that they are generally of a business character. . from tbe Army of the Potomae. i REBEL MOVEMENTS. j New York. Sept. 13. The correspondent ! of the New York Time with the Army of" the Potomac writes under date of thelOth inst.: It is believed that one corps of Lee's army, under Longstreet, is moving to Rich mond, there lo be transferred, two divisions to the Southwest and one lo Charleston. Hood's division left Fredericksburg on Tues day last for richmond and thence to Charles ton. This seems to indicate that the rebels in Virginia will remain entirely upon the defensive for the coming campaign, which every one counts upon belore win:er. Washington, Sept 13 Information from the Army ol the Potomac shows that we still guard the fords between Falmouth acd Rappahannock station. The rebel pickets continue to front ours in thoe localities, and occasionally con verse with them, but they profess to know little or nothing ol General Lee and the dis position of hi forces A note from the Upper Potomac fta'es tha. ihe guerilla, White wa recently near Purcellsville, liudon county. Va.. and that Moeby's force was south of the mountain, near the river. Citizens freqnently cros from London lo Poolesviile and other place in Maryland. EDITOR OF THE STAR, Dear Sir : With your permission I viti to say to the readers of j our paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free a Re ceipe, with full directions lor making and Ufing a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities ol the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. 1 will aIo mail free to those having Cald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lnxurient Heir, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, ChemiM, No. 831 Broadway, New York, August 26, 1863 3m. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Premature decay and Youthful error, actuated by a desire to ben efit others, will be happy to furnish to al wbo need it, free of charge, the Recipe and direclions for making the simple Remedy used in bis case." Those wishing to profit by his experience and posses a valuable remedy will receive the same, by return mail, caretullv sealed by addressing. JOHN B. OGDEN, No 60 Nassau Street, New York. August 26, 1S63 3rn. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLT. WHEAT, SI RYE, 1 CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr. bbl. 7 CLOVERSEED.4 o0 I BUTTER, 00 EGGS, 90 I TALLOW, 65 LARD, per lb. 75 -POTATOES, 50 DR'D APPLESl 00 HAMS, 20 12 12 16 50 00 12 Teachers' Examinations. THE Examination of Teachers for Col umbia cour.ty, will take place at the fol lowing times and places : PanlrA nl Prt vo Iaiiv i It a ontamKa, O 1 ai . .. .... .- - .-.V, ..,r-IKJftl . I , Calawissa at Catawba, Sept. 22 ; Berwick Bor. Sept. 23 ; Mifflin at Miffliaville, Sept. 28 ; B'aver at Michael's School house, Sept. 29 ; Main at Maiaville, Sept. 30; Roaring creek at Middle School house, Oct. 1 ; Con yngham at Ceotreville, Oct. 2 ; Lotut tt Numedia, Oct. 3 ; Franklin at Clayton's School house, Oci. 6 ; Orange at Orangeville, Oct. 7 ; Fishingcreek at Pealer's School house, Oct. 8 ; Benton at Benton, Oct. 9; Susarloaf at Cole's School house, Oct. 10 ; Scon at Light Street, Oct. 14 ; Madison at Jerseytown, Oct. 16; Hemlock at Buck Horn, Oct. 20 ; Montour at Dieterick's School hou?e, Oct. 21; Mount Pleasant at Jones' School house, Oct. 22 ; Briaicreek at Martz's School house, Oct. 21; Green wood at Rohrsburg, Oct 26; Jackson at Derr's School house, Oct. 27 ; Pine at Warnersvilte, Oct. 30. The exercises at sll tbe above places to commence at 1C o'clock, A. M. Teachers will please be punctual in at tendance. Directors are respectfully re quested to be present. CHARLES G.BARKLY. Bloomsburg, Sept. 12, 1863. Co 5vpt 4 large assortment of Ladies' Gaiters jus received at 51.00 and 51.25 at L.T.SHARPLESS,' The Great TEA COMPANY, yp - .K.Y STREE f N KW YORK : s orgau-awiiou, ha e-ted ,t. Minor ot boleHlinz I r" in . u -- - have introduced ilieir selection of ard are felling them -at not over C'liX'IJ ( 02 Cents) per pound above vos', Never deviating liom the ONE PRICE aeked. Another peculiarity of the Company U that their Tea Tater not only deotea . f. mih selection of the-r TEAS as to quality, value, and particular ,t lei r!:-tr localities of country, but for he hlos the TEA buyer to choose out of their Smoa. stock such TEAS a. ar best to his particular wants, and not on- but points out to bim the best .bar- ment ot a rroiBo"ii , knowledge of .superior salemen. ileuablesall Tea buyer no matter mire -thousand of miles from ihis as no purchase on as good terms here Pwv York Merehan-. cs as au order Teas will be served by bein s though ihey came themselves weiohto ei original packages, trne rantted aare; and the TEAS are irar- We isfen,eJ' Teas whPrice List or the Company's it ; comprull be sent to all who order ".."cW ny' lnlPe- OOLONG'S0GkORANGE &HY- JAPAN TEA 6EK0lf- . ,- n , ored and nncolore' 'crtption. col- 1 his list has each ol Tea divided into tUVli i:ms-. na' CARGO FINEST, ihi CARGO, hub deratnd frcm d rr one may no- annexed that .he Comp ,erm...ed lo undersell the whole T We enarntee to sell Al.a' , t,. ai not over TWO CENTSf.02 Ci"f ta -d above col, believing this r . rac tve to the many who havo h..r, t.-n paying Enohmous Profits. iuiw - GREAT AMERICAN TEA vpaNY, I MPORTANT AND JOBR ' No. 51 ;Vesey Street, Ne York. Sepi. 9, 18f3. 3mo. IVorlh Central ItailvT TIME TABLE TWO TRAINS DAILY to and fromn North ai d Wst Branch of te SuqaerM. na, Elmir, and all of Nurhern New Yns On and afer Mnndav, A.ril 20th. ie the Pafengr Trains o ihe Nor h Central Railway mil arrive and depart Irom Son bury, Hrrisburg and Bal imore, a lohows: SOUTHWARD. Mai! Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10 If) a m. Leave Hairi-burg. 1 15 p.m. Arrives at Uilnmore. 5.3a 41 Ettpres. Tra:u leaves Sunbury ddilf except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leave Harrisb'rg.tsxcept Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives ai Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accoinuiodatior leave Harrisb'rj 6,30 a.m. TsOR Til It1RD. Mail Trail leaves ba!:imore daily except Sundays, at 9 15 a m. Leaves Harribnrg, 1.15 pin- Arrives at Sunbury, 4 05 p m. Kxpies Trains BaPimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at rla'ri-bur. 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'ra except Monday 3.00 ' Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 " For further particular apply at the office. I. N DL'UARKY, Supt. Harnsbori, Aua 8, 1863. National Foundry. Illooiiitlittr?, Coltiniliia Co-. 'Ihe snbribir, proprietor of the above named ext ensive e-tablihmen:, is now prepared to receive orders for nil kinds of machinery, for COLLERIES BLAST FCR NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES. &c, &c. He is also prepared to make S ove, all size and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually maJe in tirstt-las Foundries His extanive facilities and practical workmsn, wairant bim in receiving ihe largest contracts on tbe most reasonable terms. CfT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanae for castings. Cy This establishment is located neat 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomborg, Sept. 9: 1863. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets For the .Tlillon ! A mot valuable and wonderful publi- canon. A work ol 400 pazes. anil . HUNTER'S and popular their Phys disorders of 30 colored engravi-ig. DR. VADEMECUM, an original treatise on Man and Weman, iology, Functions, and Sexual every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their epeedy cure. The prac'ice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numberous persons, he has been induced lo extend his medical usefulness through the medium ol" his "VADEMECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of the mot awful and destruc tive scourge ever visited mankind. One copy, seourelv enveloped, will be forwar ded free ot postage to any part of the Uni ted Stales lor 50 cents in P. O. stamp, 3 copies fir SI. Address, pot paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street New York Sept. 9. 1863. THE OLD GUARD. A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin ciples of 1776, Designed to unmask the Usurpation, Depiisrn and crimes of Ihis ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And to defend the doctrines of State Right, and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolntionary Fathers. Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., sau street, New Fork. PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For warded by mail or expr-ss io all parts of the United States at SI a ysar, in advance. Any person sending ten subscriber will ereive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 1863. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.