" 2li'HE L Mmidj aofjiiug- Sept.-, AGUICCLTCttiL A'OiTCET ACS Asrrictliliirol U,.. I chamcal Sr,c,eiy wilt lt,j ,hf,ir E .r' Fr' Tburdav, End y and October, 1863 or. near iJoomburT. PA wW oi tne Kxeciiuve Committee i . L! jd- ib'ui.'tii.aii j puny irj liij; hehl V De,nocra'ic Aliirir wiljto'gel up a feeling, with the Irish and on if iih- 01 ,tie coon,Jr commeritiann, against our candidate for govenor, t'ee "PP0'n"nents iiSVoK V. Woodward. Thev fav he daj paper. "anaiTs .Splendid pl( nraits oC no.oWlha Democratic eand Governor, for safe Col p.p J craer's Office. Call and tuy cf thmr cent 1 M Tat Hepresentatire Coi.ferr . w uiii veiuicJt UuxtUe, 'Ciia coanty. are - Jie Dem bp ;,b' CrjnBp Jf There a 1I atteudace. 1 mon,h fif-M Friday eveni.LT -pi.tomery car- the coumv f f )... r Hie cenaior, primary ee oer hh 4r,ta a y coinpetiror, J. ".oodi-JIrHivn 'Th naves n rsons exempted from ' i'ity, together . with inption, fcave een Iho cause of ordered ic b sr.eit. i it4 win is an t 1 Ml i e would not miud much ( inse.l on. -luc Maj i ii to b held at ( Tuesday af.ernoon next, is b an old fashioned gathering locracy. God speakers will be G.. Wj. Scott will rrfach in the j7i unnrcn oi tnis piace on next 4t mon.mg'hal! pafrl 10 and halt past 7 in eveuitig. ; : J esse C. TfTC has opened an Ea'in And Drinking Saloon, in the Exchange B uck, cloie by the Exchange llo el this place lie hss in the eating line, barbacued young cbio,iieii,it'OiIsJ be el toiitjne and egs, oys un trjpe, cabbage, ai d excellent boloanas. 'Ue also intends keeping soups on hand lor ti rnsiomers. GiveJicssr a ct!i, ta cun tiii the tas'e of ll epicurnai:. Ccl John (J. FxfiZE has lor sale at tl'.e Rernrder's tfac, Bloomsburj. Fifty Copies f "Si.eppard'a Cons-titniiona! Text Booli," recsmmended by the test Judges and Law yer of the ct untry, lor the use of the p;b 'ic . Differen'. editions come al from 75 cts loiU 25. 'He h bsun induced to send for tin ro te-afj&e 'hiy; have been so frequently in -Squired after.1 They are the same e!'.!oiis 'tie Uses in hit speeches. Call and boy one 'Pchihs Drifted. The Washsngton, Paj Fevitw s,y : There appear to be F'rovidence in the recent conscription in rsnu re-pect at leat A large number of those blatant pulpit politicals," who have so aiuestly impressed upon others the chris 'tiauity of shedding blood, have been con 'eripteoV "Ofcoorse they go; those anxious 10 wane avgr-of extrrriration should nit he'.uta:e aboat "wading in gore" 'them elves. We'll ee." . fx J a a. 're) taf A3 f !! Iree v 9 Nxw Stouc Mr. Benj. Erasimus, has 'opined a Store in Bloomsburg, and sells his goo! at reasonably low prices. He has on band a general assortment of Goods. 'Gire Ecmuy , a call ; you will find him op posi e P. Unangst's ahoe shop, on Main Stteet; read? tf acco mmodate all who may fai"or him with !hir en:cm He will re- 'ceiva country pro!nce in exchange for goads. Good prices will be pai I fr coun- 'trf trade, sr.ch as griti., potatoes, . meat, 'better and eggs. ' Tsumak . PcHSy, Esq, received the nomination, in Northumberland co'imy, lor Member of j.he Legislature a few days ag' . This iiomiuittiort is jasl and proper, besides it being a very fit and worthy one. Mr Pnrdy 6hould nut ga unrewarded for his la bors done in the Democratic party, in his "county, for I he last three years, through the dark days during the reign -of the present administration. He should and onques ticnablj will be elected. LifT week, while taking a short ride on th j cars from this place, we saw a soldier mmae'ed, to his way to the army. Had Ihis sildierlbeep some run-away negro ser nt, who iras being taken back by a Pro tcibI Marshiil to his Southern master, the Abolition piress would set up a tremendous titiwl! - Hi. was a . white man. These Things are (if daily cccurrei.ee, and there is ni sins of retrenchment. ",Covr.-,k we go to press CorVrt is still in ession:JrDGC ELwctt on the - Bench. X)n Monday there was quite a lafge aten djJice. Tfie list of causes present bat few Tkdf forjlrialj and the Commonweal'.b bt sioefs is not very heayy. The proceed iags will ajpear iuonr next. . If we know iht fstces rtfths Jurymen in attendance, the Bical nnnj.ber of Democrat were again tlrawn.' Dr. Pee John wished, some time ajo, to kntjw how it came that there were na fe Rejcblicans drawn as Jurymen. onc!er if any tody haa yet told him? Tha taari cjajht to ba irJjraied .are nappy NORTE '. ? young Irien'i. Admittxd . tick, was ad- to notice thf t n . , .. ."several Conns ol sJay of this week, ranted 10 r . -. n Columbia4 .'. , . , He under . Ave an opportunity to examine u i - ,t$ worthy and promts is not c' .,.,.: . I make f 13 lnle"'?erlt honest, thA. possesses business .9, isci. " Sv fnnnd in nitrinni ni t.ia nd ' rw'"'""" otor Wk 11. V.. Jirrsnv 8tiwyer of 'Berwick, nnder Tt.een a faithfnl and smdions ual and Me Ii j i fi designs locatim! in Berwick . .. . . . . J C- fantf, Pa. We hope he may success every young "man of f , and merit deserves e4 ettO C Ti lvnnvcNo!hinT f at n'raiaont AI.a. r ...... Q . w w A?d in 1837 to disfranchise the foreigners fi ths risht to role. Evidences in the case to me contrary, u won't Pay Penl,eman lbe pklD )'00 ba?e etriPPed prore the' mat er to the contrary. It won't over you is too thin, your' deceitful and cor rupt carcasses are still visible. Thk Opposition of this county not being able to delude any Democrats 'Vino the no tion of taking a county nomination at their hand, thought it "inexpedient" to form a county ticket. Republicanism is fast ooz iu'o'ut in all counties of the State. They i ciii'i maintain an ordiiia'.ion much longer. When county organizations are so luke warm as not to pldce'a ticket in the field, there cannot be much enthusiasm- raised fjr the Slate Ticket. They are fast dying out ! Chakles Ingch.-oll. r-qr., of Phila delphia, will address the people of Colum- tia coutay at the Court Ilou?e, ia Blooms ) burz, on Saturday, the 12;h ins", at I o'clock p M The people of the co'intv are invi ted. Air. lngersoll h one ol the ablest and I'mosl eloquent speakers in all Pennsylvania. As a political speaker and Lawier hit ( evjnal is rarely found. He is a Constitution- al man, otirf who dare maintain the right, let J this administration threaten and frown upon 1 him a much as they please. Give hirn a large audience. The Senatorial Conferees of this District will meet at Danville on Friday, iSe 11th in?t ,lur the purpose ol making a Demo cratic nomination tor Senator. 'Hon Levi L. Tate of Colombia county, ani Daniel B. Alontomery, of NorthumbarUnd coan y, are the candidates for nomination. The Abolition meeting advertised in op position to the Democratic meeting, to be held i.i this place, on Tuesday evening, tbrned cut to be a perfec: fizzle. Abolition ism can't prosper. Dr. Pee John has pret ty nearly ruii.ed his party with his Aboli tion teachings. remctrafio Seeling, On TuesJay evening last a well attended Democratic Meeting was held in the Court Houre, at Bloomsburt;. There was quite a lar:e namter cf the fir daughters of Col omfia's sci! preent. The Court Hout-e war. compleiely filled with people ; a lari.e nccnter being obliged to stand, filling np the iflfa and every corner in the mom. The follow ir.c were appointed rffic r : rrtlidenl,liOS. JOHN MeliE VNOLDS, of HcTIilofk. Vice PtejJents, Stephen Ba'dy, Jol n C. Doty, Wm. Laraon,John Fruit, John Kob bi-on, 1-aiab Bower, Adam Su't, Henry Gable. William Hoffman, Isaac Snyder, John HiH, Michael Frantz, Robert Robbins, John H. Heller. Secretaries, Wm. H. Jacoty, A. B. Ta?e and E. B. Snider. The mee.in beina organized, Jo. C. BrcHCB.Eq., of Lewisburg, was inirod c-id to tae audience, who made a most capital sr-eech, showing the coriupiion in it e pres ent administration, how it came into pow er by Me promi-es, what it his arrom plished, and what it hat rot done. Ihere w?s a good deal of variety about his speech which made it the more interesting. He paid hs compliments to coirupt Andrew G. Cuttin, by ex"pbsing tome of the fraud ulent schemes practiced upon our soldiers: and yet the politically damned Contractors and Jobbers who cry war to the last dollar, have the brazen-faced impudence to tell u "Audy Curtin is the Soldier's Friend!" If he is, he hasjun lately become so. Mr. B. fcpoke nearly two hours, being frequent ly interrupted by tremendous applause. All were well pleased. Af:er the close of Air Bcchcr's remarks. Col. L L. Tate introduced Henrt S. Mrr, Esq , of Schuylkill county, who entertained the audience a short time with a neat li'lle speech. The speeches, upon the whole, were truth fol and patriotic. The meeting, in torn, gave each speaker three cheers ; and at the adjournment gave three cheers lor Woodward, Louric and Libbrty. Signed bv the Officers. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets For (he jflilloti ! A most valuable and wonderful pobli ta cation. A work ol 400 pases, and 3i colored engraviigs. DR. HUNTER'S VADEA1SCUA1, an original aad popular treatise on Alan and Wcman, their Phys iology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing .Remedies for iheir speedy cure. The practice of Dr. HUNTER has long been, : and s:iU is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation numrerous persons, he h been induced to extend his medical usefulness ihroogh the medium of hi "VADEAIECUAL" It is a volume that shook! be in the bands ot every family in the land, as a preventive oi secret vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion 6f one of the roost awful an destruc tive scourge ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free of postage to any part of the Uni ted Slates for 50 cenis in P. O. -stamps, 3" conies for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New Yo-k Sept. i. 1S63. FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE Brave Soldiers and Sailors AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friends and Relatives- it the Armv or Navy, should lake epci OMre,tliat they be amply supplied with iht'se Pills and Ointment ; and where the brave Soldier and S. ilors hve neglected to provide them-eUes with tbein, no betier present can be sent them by lt-eir Iriei'd. They have been proved to be the Soldiers, nc ver-faibnsj-lriend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND CCIJ S AFFECTING TROOPS. "Will be relieved and effectually cured by using ihei e admirable medicine, ami bj pa inn proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT (V AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS Those feelings which so sadden us. usual ly arie from trouble or annoyance, ob structed perspiration, or eating and drink ma whatever is unwholesome, thus dis turbing t'ne lieali hftil actioti of tne liver and stotnaoh. These organs iniist be r'lie.'-ed, if you desire to be well. The Pills, tailing according io the printed instrurtiors, w ill quickly produce a healthy action in both hver'and stomach, anil a a nu'-ural conse quence a lear hem! and ood api'iie WEAKNESS OR 'DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will coon disappear bv the ue of tSese invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly aronire additional strerutti N.ver let the bowels be e'.ther conBiifd or un Inlj acted upon. It may sem i-lrange that llol iowaiV Piiis hou!d be recoifiineuded lor Iv5i!arv anJ P'Inx, many persons Mippo- sina tba' they would increase the reldXa tton. This t a great mislfcke, for fiese Pills will rortect lie liver and stomach and ihns remove all Itte acrid hurnois roni the .ysieiii. This medicine will give tone aiid vior to the whole oraanie svatern how ever deranged, while health and strength folio as a matter ol course. Nothing will slop the relaxation of tte bowels so sure as this famous sriedicine. . VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH. Sore ai.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can With certainty be 'radically ciiretl if the pills are tfcken niht and morning and ihe OiMimenl be Irt-ely nsd as sated iu the primed instructions. If treated in any oili er manner i-y dry op in one par 'ol reak out in another. Wnerca this Ci'tt.nant wdl remove itie humors from the sytem and leave the Patient a vigorous ano heal thy man. It will require a little pei'neiTe rauce in Vm cases to injure a lastina cure, FOR WOUNDS KII'HKR OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORLS OR BRUISES. To which everv Sohiier and Said r are li able. lbee are no n -eiiieii.es o safe, sore and coovenifnt as Holloway's Pills and Oiniinent. The poor wounded and almost dio sufferer might have his ' wounds drt-s-cd i.nfne litlv, il te would oniy pro vole hmi-eit with t'i- matchless ()nt irteiil, which i-hoidd ! ihru-l into the wound and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece oi linen from hi knapsack find eumpresed wj ha harolkrcheit. T-iking iiiy,hl and triornina 6 or 8 pill, to cool he -i. em and prevent intldrriaiion. Ever Soldier's Knapsack and sea;;i3ii 's Chest shjulil t?e provided witU the.-e valua ble Roedif-. CAUTION ! None are genuine i nle-:-ite words "H .iloway, New Yoik and f.oi don are discernable as a H'aier-ioa k in every leaf of the book of directions around each poi or box : the same may be p.fiinlv seen'bv holding the le- f to 1 1; Itsiht. A handsome reward Will be given lo any one reoJerini snob information a may lead lo the detection of any party or parties coun terfeiting ihe medicines PI vending the same. kn"wina them to e spurious. Sold at th Manufactory of Professor Holiowav. Alsiden Lane, New York.and bv all r"pec able Drujsi-ts and DeaL-rs in Metticioe, ihri'iiahout the civilized worUl in boxes ji twen'y live ceiis, sixty two cents at'd one dollar eat h. Thete is con&i derable savig by la ki'ig the larger sizes. N B Directions for the guidance of pa tients in e very disorder are atiixed to each box. April 9th 1S62. ly. 15 A TT 1, 12 C i ES. 100 of the ir.osl fcevere Ba;tle Scenes and Incidents of ihe war now ready (i:;e I8x 30 inches) highly colored, ni finerard pa per, 4 for 25 cents, or 25 far SI, po-tpaul. Also, just published, ihe Official Union Volunteer Direciory (400 pages), sivma the name of every Officer and rivate in the Ur.ion Army,wih their commands, toaether with a large auiounl of other val nable information, sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of 25 cts, To Agents and the tratte no better opportunity wa ever offered.- Address HENRY B. ANSN, Print PnblUh er. &.'., 49 Stale St., Boston, Mas-. C"Papeis Copy ing, paid in ihe atnv. 31)4-5. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. DOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will send toali who wih it (free of charge) the Recipe and full directions for making and using a beautiful vegetable BiIti, that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches. Tan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving thu skin smooth, clean, and beautiful ; also full t!i rectiorn for using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimulant, waranied to start a full growth I ol Whiskers, ot a Alus'aclie, in less than thirty days, tuner ot the above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwith P'amp for reinrn postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist. 831 Broadway New Yora". January 15, 1862. 2m. EDWARD B, SNIDER AND Geiieral Coiiimi'ssioii Mer chnnt. Bioomsbnrg, Columbia county Pa. Particular attention given to Pa en1 rights. Sept. 2, 1863. 3mos. Wo 22i3 Attorney at Law BLOOMS BURG, PA. Office cn Main Street, Exchange Block. DAVID LOWESBERG, CLOTHING STOKE. On Main street,! wo door above the'Amer can Hotel.' SPECIAL NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the late firm ol -- Miller tf Eger, Merchants in Bloomi burg, are hereby notified, that the Books, Notes and Accounts of said firm are in Ihe S ore for collection, and . most be settled by the fir-i ol October, without respect lo those concerned. - . 'MILLER & EVER. Bioomsbnrg, Angus' 26, 1 8H3, i , j , ... - , IVeiv Clothing More. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public tenera!lv, that he ha jus; received IroVa the Eastern Cities, a lais.e assortment of AND SUMMER CLOTHING Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sortjij sizes ami quantities, which will te sold cheap for cash or country produce. A L S O, -r-J BOOTS AM) SHOES f fiir V Together with a vanaiy of no tions and ihingH loo troutdesome to numer ate, to which he itn ites the aiteouon of pur chaser. ITS' Call ad examine our stock of vcq !m. ANDUEW J. EVANS. Bloomsbiirn, Aug. 2G, 1S63. GiniO.N'S HIEAi IE A i MOltE Anoflicr Arr?val (' Good. IVoiv is Tour Time to Ii ui. I NOW M'.LL CHEAPER THAN EVER. TfME undersigned having bought out tf'e i Grocery ot D-ivid S:rc;:r; has re zioved his Hal and C-p Store no to StriU(. Old Si nd, wl ffB mi ifddition tj e. sop.rricr as ton iner.l l SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND (JAW, Comprising every soit an I Cpiaiitj, ivhiil. will be sold at unusiirtiSy low prices. He will continue (tie Grocery and Notion husine in ail i.s lorms as cum.! on ,y Mr.Siroup And solicit-, a conitniinice of the old f ris'oriit-r. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIPS, ' AiOuOCC'OES. and LININGS io which lie invite t:te temion ol Shoumdkers nod the pot lie. JOHN K GIRTON. Rloorrsbur?. Ans. Sfi. S63 P E L A T K E A U ' S STIMULATING ONGUENT. UR FiiENCII CREAM. FOR BALD HEADS AND HA R L' FACES'; 'S'HIS celebrated article is vbrr.uiicil in tririg out a full ret of Whiskers on ihe moothesi face, or a fit e grvth of hair on a Bald Head, in lesn than ix week and will in no way gtair or injure the skin The French C ream is manufactured by Dr. Pelalreaus ol Pari, a?id is the only rel:atie article of ti e kind. Ue no other. War ranted in every cae. ONE BOX WILL.IX) THE WORK. Price SI 00 Imported and (or sale Wholesale and Retail ov THOS. F. CHAPMAN, ChemiM and lbiigi;it. S3 I Binadway, iTew York. P. S. A box of ihe O'looent sent lr any aditre-s by return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents ior Potase. Auaust 23. IS63 Im. Jllillcr's Store. OF FALL AM) 1VIXTEU GOODS. fpHE ubscriber lia just returned liom Ihe Cnie wiih anotherlarge and i-eieit HS. (lieflt of pall & itiktk:: oods, porchsed at Philadelphia i,nd New York, at the lowest fiu-e, and which -he is determined io sell on a modera e tern.s a ciltt be procured elsewhere in Bioomsbnrg. His stock comprises JLailics' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions.- DRY GOODS, G2 CD CD LT1 11 Cy S3 a HAH D W A RE. QUE E N S W H I'. CEDAR '.V ARE, HOLLOW-WARE. Boots and Shoes, Hat a'.d Caps, &e , In short, everything u-ually kepi in country store.; to which he in vits the public gener ally. I fie higliesi pric will be phi I frr cout. iry prod'jee, in er hiige f- r go'(j. STEPHEN H MILLER. Blmmsburg, Aug. 26, ISG3. JYcid Stock of Clothing. FALL 8o WINTER GOODS. T NVI'I ES at'ention lo bis stock of cheap an t ta-him.atde Clothing at hi S'o'e, or M.IX SWEET liLOOMSHURG two roor above the .imfrica-i House, where be ha jun received from New Yoik a-d Plnladelprtia. a full as-oriment ol men and I5)y!s nothing, inclodiug 'he most fashionable, durable and handsome. DRESS GO0D, eo:ii' ing of Box, Sack, Frock t Gum ami Oil CotL Coats, ami Pants, of atl sr rts, sizes, and colors. He a!o has replenished his atreaJy large wock of Fat! and Winter Shawls; .striped, ti-nred and plairt Vest-, shirt, cravats, ttoik-, codar.-, handkerchiefs, glov es, suspen'Jers at.d fancy article. N B He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment ot Cloths and Vesting, which he is prepared to make up :o order, into aiy kind of clodiing on very short notice and in the bet of manlier. All bis eloih:ng i made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. A N D Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap His Case of Jewelry is not siirpa.ed in this place. Call and examine fits general as sortment ol Clothing, Waiches, Jewelry, &c. &c. LAV ID LOWENBERG. Rioomsburg, Aug. 26. IR63. $25: EMPLOYMENT ! AGENTS WANTED! $75 We will pay from S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, lo active Agent, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erik Sewiso Machine Compant, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. Blootiieburg, Aug. 21, 1861. Merits Balmoral Lace Boots, will be sold very low. Also, Boys Shoes, at L T. SH ARPLII SS.' UIRA3I t'. HOWER, SURGEON DFNTIST. Office near WiUons Cariiage Shop,iIain Sf N. Y. WEEKLY NEWS. The cheapest and best New York News paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight pages forty column. A complete record ol events, Benjamin Wood, eoitor and pro prietor, Published at No'. 19 City Hall Sqnaie, ' Daily News Buildi-g, Nejv Yoik City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivale.1 in its ability and enterprise as a public journal, and in EVERY DF.PARTNENT is mot efficiently conducted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial an literary, ihrognout the World. In adili'iori to tht it contains all the Domestic Intelligence ol ' Hch week and full reports of every n.attei of public interest. , . ' As a political JournalTiie Weekly News will be louod on the si'e of tha Constitu tion of the coui try a it was framed and esiabli-hed hy the Fathers ol ihe' Republic, and w ill scan with care and fidelity every public act tlo.t may tend io the viola ion of he Ifter htid spirit of thai instrument ol our iibeities. It prefer th POLICY OF PEACE io a ruinous and exhausting system of Wir. Insistt . apMi the irutti of ihe principle eirihodie.! if the Declaration of Indepen dence, ttMt ;he josi power of the Govern ment are derived Irooi ihe consent of ihe governed, it ittp.r the preservation of the !undaiiiii'al prineipfs.' of iiter;y, inviolate, a ot in. re sacred mpirtance than national grandeur or consolic ateo power under des potic; rule without the pa?? of established law. On all qde-iions ol national impor tance it ; the :i,rl-xibl- ct.Hmpion oi the rinhis cf ilizeris. a guarantee.! under the I i'l.-iruiriftut hy winch ihey tav e.'lcC'ded lo 1 f e governed. It tt-erelore holdiy avows its I purpose ia ssniain the Freedomif Speech and ol i tie Pre-s, woh ih view t' pro.ed It e i eople from itie encroaching dogmas ol theorivs who eontempetate a modification of the den. ocratic principles which hi thi titoe have lieen sustained against every ef lori to overthrow them. In all matters per l ining to Government the purpose of tins' newspaper is lo pnrect the people from in co'.sulerate ap.d rash legislation, and to hold our public -erva'lstto a strict account abdi'v for their ciiodnot while carrying ou the machinery of power. To this end Ihtt most careful ailo itio'i will be given t"t all Federal and Lei-i-laiive law, and a firm and im partial e.Xa m inal a lion clever,' new j voh.i.-! proposition may be expected as k m only ii.enns id proterting tne eoue from an abridgement of their right. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS Lare iiiv.-o in Hie moi succinct yet com j-.leie ma-ins.r. Triey claim panicutar notice for their fidelity and tru'h, and all tho-e who de-tre o c'imprehend the exact finan cial condition of the couetry should i,ot fail to examine It.e views which wi 1 be roi.nn in ihi departn.-en' of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting and in struciive and being deiiveJ fronf - s"me of the ablest minds in Europe mn-t read with the inmost avidity bv Iho-e who desire to camprehend that diblomacy of ihe UJV- ernmeii's of the0hl Wo'lJ. in all other respects THE WEEkLY NEWS will be found to meet ihe public de mand. It i the especial objct of the Pro., prietor to renJc-r u a vatual'.e and enter- , taming. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in iis moral iidluence, ennobling in OS character, and j.atifaelor v to that large clasin thecomrnnniiy wliu ilesire to see the Public Pres- feat ail public questions with arguments avpressetl in cour'e-y and candor, thought, a: i tie ame liioe, With t'ie spun due to the themes dicr.ssed By reference t" the term of Tne New York Weekly News i: will be nouced that it i by tbr ttie cheapest nvvpaper i l the world, and ihe Proprietor leels that he may invite itiose who app-ove of it principles and co id act to ne ibetr influence in adding i i s j resent large ciietibilion. NEW YORK WE ELY NEWS, Eight Pt-ges Foity Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Yeitr 0:i DV.lar Eleven Cofiie to one Ad 'res lor One Year TEN DOLLARS. Single copie T hree Cents. THEaEIV YORK DULY NEWS. A first clasy Metropolitan Journal devote I to Peace and Coiisiiuiional liberty, and ron tt"-nil'. g all ttie news ot ti e day. Politi cal, Telegraphic.il, Com rrerenl and Local i- ihe cheapert daily paper m the me'ropo li.. T E 11 31 S s One Cr py, One. Year Six D dlar-i. O ie Cotiv Six Mo-ith Tr-r-e Dollar, Siog'e Co) i-S Tow Cents. 'Addre BENJAMIN WOOD. Eduo and Pro, neior, No. Ii C.ly Hall Scjuate, New Yotk 8150 BKST PIAXOS. 8130 UK0VES1EEN Si HALE, having ie movel to their new warerooms, are now pre; ared to offer the public a mag I'tfieeii! new scale full 7 Octave Soscvronil Plaiso, containing all improvements" known in this country "r Europe over-strung bas, j French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor $150 CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding ca-es. 8175 TO 8200, all wairan led made t ihe best seasoned material, ami to stand betier than any sold tor S-luO or S500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invbo the best Judges to examine and f y these new- in-irtimeiil, and we stand ready at all times to test them with any others, manufactured in tuiscoun- ' J' GROYESTEES & IIALC. 478 IJioailwar, icw York. June 4'h 1R2. 3t Victory Ferclies Upon the Mars mid Stripes. New Stock of Goods jusl received by L. T. SHARPLESS. Fine asoitment of Dre-s goods, Calicoes at 10, 12, I6&-I8cls, Flannel, Shirting. &c, cheap, by 1 T. SHARPLESS. Indies Las'ing Balmoral Shoes Si Gaiter, and a large stock of shoes and toots of all kinds, for sale by L. T. SHARPLESS Ladies Balmoral skirts, Hoop Sktris,win dow papers. &c, sold cheap, by L. T. SHARPLESS. Solars and Syrups cheap. Excelsior Syrup at 75c which cannot be excelied, al so tower priced at 50c per gallon at L. T. SHARPLESS' cheap cash store. To those wanting lo buy goods for cash or country produce, or grain of any kind. I would say can ano see me goous oeiore purchasing elsewhere. L. T. SHARPLESS. Blcomsburg, Sept. 17, 1862. GREAT EXUlTESiFAT AT STILLWATER LARGE REINFORCEMENTS 'RE CEIVED, VT the Store of Daniel Mcllenrv, in Siill w ater, Columbia county. The ouCersigned would respectful'v in vile the c it zens ol Fihiug freek and ihe surrouniliiig coiintrj , lo his large and ex tensive :oi k d Gno.ls, just received from ihe cities ot New York an I Philadelphi.4, ail ol which he will -ell cheaper than here totore. His assoituient cous'uta of Cloths. Calicoe, Muslin. Hats and Caps, of the latest fashion. Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a loi of excel lent Ileariy-.ts-i'lc Clothing-. logethe' with a good assortment ol Ves ting. Hi store i well filled with Goods ot every description. Hi Cf2L3T IS?3 ate not surpa-se ! by any Stoe in the coun try. Hi Hardware Department ha not been neglected. SCYTHES, RAKES, ROES, SHOVELS &c, are con-tandy kept on hand ; alo, Spike" and Nail ; io shor, everything us ually found in First-Clas Store. DANIEL Mc HENRY. Still wa-er, May 14, 1863. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRINQ AND SUMMER AT PETER ENTS STORE'. Li Light L'reet, Columbia county, Per.na. HAS just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Eol. a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which w ill be soi l cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE I His rtot'k l onsi-is of Ladies Dress GooJs choieei s'yles and latest fashion. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SIIAWS, HOSIERY SILKS. READY-NUDE CLOTHING, CASSIMEliS, ATINET&, COTTON AD ES. KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, j ("edarxare, INrdwar", Medicine. Drug", l Oil. Paitiis, kc , Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cup. In short everything usually kept in a country ilor. The "patronage of old friends, and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. Tne highest market price paid fnr coun try produce. PETER ENT. 'Ligh'-Street. May 7, 1863. Letter "A" Family Sewiu? MacLi??, With all Iht J?ccent Improvements. I the bsl and cheapest and mot beaou lul of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, f'om the running of a tuck in Tarletan io the makiug ol an over coat: anything Irom I idol orBraver clo'h down to Ihe softest Gau4 ot Gossamer Tisne ami is ever ready lo do il work to perfectiin. It can fell, hem, bind, ga'her, luck, quilt, and ha capacity lor a great va riety ot ornameriial work. Tins i not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, mid so lorih, but it wi'l dj so betieKthan any odier m ichine). The Letter t:A'' Family Sewing Machine may be had in great vari ety ol cabinet liies. The Folding Cae, which is now becoming so popular, is. as n name implies, or.e that ran be irdded into a b'-x or m-c, which, whan opened, rr.uke a beaaii;ul. substantial, substantial, anvl spneion table for the work io rest upon 'The ca-.es are of eiery imaginable design; plain a the wood grew in it native fores', or as elaborately finished as art can m.ke them. The Blanch OiFu-e ae well supplied with silk Iwi:, thread, neeiils, oil, etc , of the very be-t quality. Send for a copy f Sisgfr & Co 's G.vETTr 1. M SINGER & CO., 4.o8 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.R10 Ciestout St. N. S. Tnigley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. John Sharpies, A'ent, in Cattawisa. Ju y 23, 18o2 -ly. READING HAIL ROAD. M 3! MtJt A li 11AXG LMi i:.T. REAT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Pniladelphia, New York, Reading. Pottssille, Lebanon, Allen tow n, Easton, &c . &c. Trains leave H rri-burg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Poitsv.lle, and all in termediate Sta.ior.s, at 8 a. M.and 1.40 p. m. New York Expre-s leave Harrisborj at 1.25 a. m. autving al New York al 8.25 ihe s.i 01 e in or nil g. Fare Irom Harrisbnrg : to New York 5 00, to Philadelphia 83,25 and 52,70. Baggage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. i2 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.) Leave Pniladelphia ai 8 A. M. and 3.t5 P. M. Sleeping ci mi in the New York Evprers Train, through 10 and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Catiawia Hail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. tor Phila delphia and all iii'ermedia'e Station, and at 3.00 P. M. lor Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Point. . 'Trnins leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and a; 5.30 P. M. for Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecii.ig for Pine Grove and with the Cdltawisa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at fi A. M. and returns Irum Phila delphia at 5 P. M. fc All the the above liains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A M. and t'hi.adelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Seaon, and Ex cursion Tickets, al reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superintendant. June 4th i62. LEATHER! LEATHER! fllHE undersigned would announce, that be ha 011 hand al his Hat and Cap emporium on Main s'reet, Bloomsburg. an assortment of different kind of leather. such as fine calf skins, morocco, ted acd black and linings, ail of which be will sell cheap er than can be had elesewhere in ibis mar ket. Call and examine them for yourselves. JOHN K. GIRTON. Ebomtbtirg, May 21, 1962. .Important to House Owners, l.nportaut to Builders. liiiportHut io Rail Read Ccirpanies. Iirportani to Farmers... , ? To all tekom thii (may content, and it centum eve i v Wy. jeiIXS"CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUITA PERCH A. Tue Cheaperl 'ai.d uio.l dubltKoofiing. iu .e . IT IS FH.E AM' v A l ER 1 1 COF ; It can be applied lo New and-Old R.ols of AH kinds, tceep or tft; mil lo Miitit!a RfHls: wiitmiM renw.ivu.,2 the Shu tile. TH E COST IS.ONLi .A I OUT ONE-1 HIIU THAT OF 1 l.. AND IT IS 1 ILK "AS ' DURA RLE. This article has been ifiorougly tested in New York Cjiy'Mini all pan of ihe United Suites, Canada, Wet li.d.e and Central and Souib America, on Buildings ot si) kind, such a- Fac ories. Foundrieit Churcf es. Rail Road Depot, Car, and on Public Building generally, Goven rnenl Buddings, &-., by ihe . principal Builder, Architects and others, during the pai lour years, ami bus proved to ! M-e CHEAPEST ami MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it i in every r-peci a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOKS OF ALL KINDS. 7Am is the OSLY mattrvtl n.onutcttn eJ m the Un !te I Slates vv.'J.-h cnmbine ihe very desirable pro, eili,- (,f 'Elasticity anil Dm it lii'i'y, which are universally tu-tt new-'edced lo be possessed by OL'TTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. Xo Iltut is required in making appli cation. The expene of applying il is tiiflning'witt oidinary Roof can be covered and fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, mid when finished loirn a perfect y Fi' Proof surface with an ela ;c body, which cannot be injure.! by Heat, Cold or Strirms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any exterrml action wha ei.r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENTV For Coating Metals ol ail Kinds when ex , posed to the aciioii of the Weather nd I'ur''rcserviusr and Repairing Mtial R003 of all Kinds, This is the oily Composition Known which will sinces-lully reift extreme changes ot climate-, (or any length of lim, when applied to iie'ls,to which it adhere firmly, lorming a body equal 10 ibree coats of ordinary pa 'lit, co-is much es and will LAST I H REE TIMES AS LONG ; and irom its e!ati"iiy is not injured by (he ron iracicn cl f'l N ami other M ETA L ROOFS, con-equeiit upon cudden L-hangeb of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM UEAIHER ANDVVILLNOr WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs an t readily repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion aim leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water ifghi Roof for many year. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for lh p'eservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sale, Agricultural Implement, i-c , a!o 'or re'teral manufacturers u-e G UTT.i PER CU CEMEy T For preserving and repairing Tin and 'other Metal Roof or every description, from great elasticity, is not injured by ibe con iraction and expansion ol Metals, anr will not crack in cold or run in arm weather. These material are adapted 10 all ch matesj and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any r an of H e country, al short notice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING m roll, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, wi;h full primed directions tor application. AGENTS WANTED. We wll mnke liberal ami sattfatory arrange rntns villi repnilJe piities icho voulil like 10 eitohhh tkemseli.es ina Lucrative and Perma nent busine. OUR TERMS A RE CASH, . We ran give abuudart proof of. all wi claim in favor of our improved Roofing Material, have applied item 10 eevfral thousand R.jof- iu New Yo'k Crtv and U cinity. JOHNS & CKOSf.EY, Sole Manufacturer. Wholeital Wart house 73 IfWiam Sr., Comercl Liberty S-rett. NEW YORK. F nil descriptive Circulars a:id Price will be f-irp'stii 00 aiipiicaiion. Oc oher 16 lPfi ly. fiOfl ((U MALE or FEMALE AaenM UUV5UUU 10 sell LLOYD'S new Steel Plate Cr.oniy colored Map of the United States, Canada, and New Biunwick. Froin recent surveys completed Aug. 10, 18o2; cost $20,000 to engrave it and er.e year's time. Superior lo any $10 Map ever made by Colion or M'icrell, and sell at the low price of fifty cents, 370.000 names are en graved , :.. Him map. Il i 1 o fi.lv a Coon'v Map, bnl it t aUo a COUNTY ami RAILROAD MAP, of die United S'ates and Cittaila- combined in one, giving every RA1 LROAD STATION and I'i-itam-e between. Guarantee any woman or man S3 to S3 per day, and will take back all Maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send or one dollar's worth lo try. Printed instructions how to canvass well furnished all. our Agent. WANTED Wholesale Agent for out Map in every Slate, California, Canada, England, France and Cuba A fortune may I e made wiih a tew hundred dollars capi tal. No competition. J T. LLOYD, No 146 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses oar Map 0 Virginia, Maryland, and Penns 1 vania, rosi 100,000, on whih is marked Autieiarn Creek, Sharksburg, Marylanl Heigh'., Williampori Ferry, Riorersyi!le, Nolaud's Ford, and alt others 00 ihe Pojomac, and every other place io Maryland, Virginia, and Pennlv-at ia, or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, is the only auihori y for Gen. Buell and the War Depanmer.i. Money refunded to any one Ondiug an error in it. Price 50 ct. From the Tribune A'tg. 2. 1 "Lloyd's Map of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Tin map 1 ery large tis cost is bin i5 cents, and it is the te vhidi can be purchne l LLOYD'S Gieat Map rf ihe MISSISSIPPI RIVER From Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wm. Bowen, Mi-i.ippi River Pilots, of St. Louis. Missouri, showf etery man's plan'alion and owter's.narpe from St. Louis to the Golf of Mexico 1,3 &r miles every and bar, island, town, land ing, ami all places 20 miles back front the Ri ver colored in counties and Spates. Price, 1 m sheets. S3, pocket form, ano! S 2 50 on linen, w ith ru'ler. Ready, Sept". 20th 1862. Navy Department, Washington ) September l7ih,.1862 J. T. LLOYD Sin Send me, your Map tl the Mi-i-ippi River, with price per hun dred copies. Read Admiral Charles H. Davis, commanding Ihe Mississippi squad ron is authorized m pnrch.e as many as are require loi ue n that squadron. GIDEON WELLE?, Sec. of Navy. October 8, 18G2. CLANKS ! BLAXKS !BLA5KS ! t DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTION. SUBPtT.NAS, of pro;er & desirablet onns.fu salt) z iJ ol.ictf ol tne ';S"tr ofthej N'iri'ri..