: V STAR OF THE -NORTH' : - 'Wfucesdaj' Morning, Sept. 2, IS6J.. Portraits. Splendid ' Portraits of Judge Wopdwaud, the Democratic candidate for Governor, for sale by Col. : Freeze at, the Recorder's Oificu. Call and boy one Price tliiny cents, i . : . .. v : i . - - ... We notice the d rait has bees made in quite a number of counties in this State, and those districts favorable to Republican ism have nntiL the middle of October to .ieportT while nose more Democratic are found to be bad ;y needed, and are notified lo report in a sfcort time.: Ia there any jus lice La tbi proceeding? ".. "' , ' , : ... Bojmside, being an . ignominious failure as a commander in the . field, seems to be ambitious cf earning a reputation like But ler did at New Orleans, by a career oi,infa tnouB administrative tyranny. Peaches. Hiram J.Reeder, of Franklin township, thi&coonty has, our thanks for Ihosa peaches presented to ns. They were fine and we' think we did justice to them. 4.Mr. K. U the'most extensive peach grower in this county... He has & splendid peach orchard, and raises large and val uable crops, . Hi experience as a horticul I urirt, especially. in the peach liaeis bard lo surpufrn. Saccesw to; him. - . Nkw subscribers are com ming; in daily from all quart srs.' We sustained quite a considerable (oss in the closing up of our c:e, daring our drafted term, but the prospects are fair towards making it up lo as in a short time. We . hesitate not in laying that the Star or the North has fully merited the support ot the truly, loyal men of Columbia county. And we can state further that no yonng man in the coun ty has made greater sacrifice in entering the army than ns, save that of life.1. We will endeavor to iprint a good paper, sustain ing "Truth and "Right God and our Conn try." ': "'.-,. - . " J ' Cot John '3. Fkeilze has for sale at the Recorder's C:3icr Bloomsburg,Fifty Copies of 'Sheppard's Constitutional Text-Book," recommended by the best Judges and Law yers of the country, lor the use of the pub lic, DdTexuiit edition come at from 75 els. to 81 25. ! . He La buen induced to send for them becanis ihe-j- have been so frequently in quired alter, They are the same editions be noes in his speeches. Call and buy one. . Go as. The two coiapamea of soldiers wao have teen stationed here for some time, left on Tuesday to rejotn their Regi ment, the 2d Corn Exchan, which is ex ptcted to return to Philadelphia soon,' to be mustered 001 cf service. The constant en quiry while ihey were here was: IV ho sent for them? What .were thy bronghf here for? And vrhy were they retained here? Prhaps some frightened old grannies could answer that question. We hope they will sleep soundly at nights now without visions of Amazons armed with broomsticks to dis turb their dream?. Danvihe Intelligencer. Bakkahd Kskdiu, Jamns Wilet, and J' D. Kerun, ware last week convicted of an ag gravated assault opoD a Democrat in Erie county,, and each sentenced to pay a fine ci twenty dollars and costg cf prosecution. This class of persons are now receiving the Mteation tley deserve, and it is being dem onstrated that there is but one kind of law lor Democrats and Republicans. Da. PekJohs appears to be considerably exe rcised about V Copperheads,' and ' Cop perhead Meetings" which he plates - are betr.g held in Columbia county. From his paper we -might judge that the whole Democratic pany were "Copperheads," as scarcely an allusion is made to that "party or hs candidates without the appellation ,,Coppeb!idJ,, We don't understand why iitis that tie Democratic party are more 'Copperish thatithe Abolition party, unless ill j as ont of our. speakers remarked, the other dayj that Uncle Afcfaharn had made a good rataiy" Green Back'; which were given to- the ' Government swindlers and contractor! and the poor Democrats were compelled, to pat up with the ; "old pen nies." ' '.' '. ... . . . , ., .. ' . "; CFUUDGE WOODWARD IS A CITIZEN OFUNIMPEACH ABLE CHARACTER. AN ABLE JURIST, AND A PATRIOTIC GEN TLEMAN." FA ilade'ph ia InouirertJune 18, I8'33, llepiiclican fnper.). This isagood endorsement of the Dem ocratic enndidate lor Governor, coming as it does ffom one-of the most influential Republicjtn joarnali of the State. , ; The Abolition 'candidate for Governor, Andy Cwtin, has commenced 'hist tour of stiarnpinthe State for re-election. 'Ho will have to explain bis action m regard to the signing of the bill repeating the Tonnage Tax, on the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. He told the citizens of this' county, '.when he was a candidate before, thati it was dan gerous ti elect Henry Df Foster, the; Demo cratic candidate, as be (Fo&ter) was conn sel for the, Pennsylvania Railroad Co., snd it iasght;be expected would favor the pas sage of a bill exempting the Connpahy from tonnage1 duties" - .What did he do, and what was he pledged to do . at the'.very time he taada this assertion 1 Why, one of the very first acta of his administration was to sigr iho bill, t -which he assured the people he wos'J np't 'favor, making the taxpayers of tbis CoJTiraonmealth pay ; the State some 3O0.CO0jauncally J- Now he is. gain ask icg you for your votes. .Will yoa give him yoar sajpert ?' Does he deserve "anything more thin a jist rebuke .from the citizens , of this Commonwealth after thus deceiving theni ? jThis act alone should, be sufficient ! ic place; hira on a level with a trick:r and ' ei6Bn:jn.! Tlfrain. fGOVERNOR CURT1N CAN NOT SE-' I CURS THE SUPPORT OF EITHER HIS OWN PARTV OR HIS OFFICE HOLD ERS. Speech cf Alex Cummmqs, before the Hcpublkon State Convention, Aug, 5, 1863. Mr Cummings is only one ot the many formerly warm and' influential friends of Curtin, who now are deserting him in the hour of trial when he most needs their sop port. So it is, Curtin bas made a very un popular Governor, even with bis own party. Cumming '8 a leading Republican ! Profession Practice. Previous to the draft in this county the Abolition Jacobine Republicans professed great friendship for this mode of "sustaining the Government." They were Rtrong advocates of the draft it was all right the army must have men, and the darft was the way to get them.. ,4The draft must be enforced, even ii the valiant members of the Loyal League (those braves who ran off and left their families when Jeniins' cavalry approached our town,) had to assist the Provost Marshal." This was their language. Well, the draft come off, and some of these patriots who were so loud in its favor, happened to draw the lucky prize ; in other words they wers drafted. At once, and as if by magic, "a change came o'er the spirit of their dream and every mother's son of them refused to go into the army, but nil ere ready to fork over300 tobe leftoff! What hypocrits ! What beauties are they to talk in iavor of the draft ? Is this the way to ""sustain the Government ?"' Of the lew . Republicans wbo were drafted in this place we don't know one that intends shouldering a musk et ; one and all have backed out. Carlisle Volunteer Lieut. Brocfcway. We clip the following acconnt of a charge of a portion of Ewell's Corpe, on our forces at Cemetery Hill, during the recent battle at Gettysburg, Penna., and their reception by Batlary F., commanded by Lieut. C. B. Brockway, of Salem, Luzerne county., from the Toledo (Ohio) Blade. It speaks well for the gallantry aud courage of pur young friend ; 'Near dusk, the infantry on the right having been engaged since 6 P, M, the Divison of Gen. Early, of Ewell's corps eight thousand strong, charged upon the batteries on Cemetery Hill, with the deter mination to carry the position or die in the attempt.' A they came down the opposite slope through a wheat field, the "red and white" rag of rebellion could plainly be seen, and quicker than thought itself, every gun that could te brought to bear was opened upon the lines. Slill on they come. Soon they came and entered, the battery and had posr-ession of the two left guns of the battery. A seceh Lieutenant was just grasping thebatery colors when the bearer shot him through the he-art with a revolver, receiving a ball in his own the next in stant. The colors were instantly seized by Lieut. Brockway, and the stall shot away below his hand. The Lieutenant, discov ered a rebel demanding the surrender of one of his Sereants, struck him in tlm head with a stone; completely flooring him. Nothing dannted, 4 Johnie Reb," jumped up and called upon both to surrender, when the Sergeant seized hit own musket and shot Urn. Just at Uu moment the gallant Gen. Carroll, commauding the 4th aud 8th Ohio, 7th Virginia, and 14th Indiana Regiments, came through our battery, aod joWied iu the fiiht with his brigade, turned tho tide the attack was reputed and the hill was still safe. During this part of the day Capt. Witherell, of Marietta, was sho' thruogh the hand wiib a Minnie ball. Until 6 the fiht was incessant, ceasing quite abroptly and leaving' oar lined still firm and in tact.'? . . ' A SEVEN OCTAVE $400 nOfcVOOI PIANO. Payable in easy sums of Three Dollar per month. The pnblic will please take notice that the books of tb9 .. Philadelphia jtfusifinl av and Loan ocicty Are now open to receive subscribers to a Fourth Series. , t . The first distribution of Seven octave Rosewood Pianos for this series will take place at the office ' " " . No,: 1021 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDS F, OtU 1th. at 8 o'clock. Circulars, giving the full plan of opera tions, of this highly beneficial institution can be had by applying to the Secretary of the society. . , H -W. GRAY, Secretary, OtIIce, 1021 Chestnut St. Oct. 8, 1862. . - North Central Hail way. TI M E TA BLE. TWQ TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the Susquehan na. Elmira, and ail of Northern New York. On and after Monday, April 20th, ie63, the Passenger Trains of the Nonh Central Railway mill arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisburg sod, Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. . Mail Train leaves Sunbory daily except Sundays, at . - ' 'Z'.-. 10.10 a.m. Leaves Hatmburg, - : ' 1-15 p.rn. Arrives at Baltimore, : 5.35 ' Express Train leaves Sunbory daily . j except Sundays, at 11 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg,except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except , Monday, at r . 6.15 a.m. AccommodatioT leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.ra. i NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves. Baltimore daily 5 ' ' except Sundays, at 9.15 a.nw Leaves HarrUburg, ' 1.15 p.m. Arrives at , Sunbory.; ' . . ' ' : 4.05 p.m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at .Harrisburg, J5 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 u Arrives at Sunbury, ' 5.S8 " f For further particulars apply at the office. I. N. DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Ang- 8, 1863. ; , ".- A large assortment of Ladies' Gaiters jost received at S1.C0 and SI 25 at , . . .L..T. SHARPLESS.' Ayert Sarsaparilla, SPECIAL NOTICE. ' -A.LL persons indebted to the late firm ot Miller If Eyer, Merchants in Bloom ourg, are tiert-by nntibed, tral (he Hook?, Notes and Accounts of said firm are in the Store for .collection, .and - must be settled by the first of October, without respect to those concerned. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, August 26, 1863. New Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fTlHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just received from the Eastern Cities, a large assortment of AND SUMMER CLOTHING Fresh from the seat of Fai-hion, of all sorts, size( and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce, A L S O, XI ATS & CAPS '. : E00TS AND SU0ES ." Together with a variety of no tions and ihingH too troublesome to numsr ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chaser. CP" Call and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomshnrjr, Ana;. 26, 1863. (HitroiVs cheap hat store KEJ7IOVEO. Another Arrival of. Goods. Now is Your Time to Buy. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having bouaht oim the Grocery of Divid Stroup, has re:nov.d his Hat and Cap Siore up to Stronp's Old Stand, where in addition lo a superior as boriment of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS. Comprising every soit and quality, wiiiieh will be sold at unusually low. prices. He will continue the Grocery and Notion business in all its forms as carried on by Mr.Stroup And solicits a continuance of the old customers. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS,. MOROCCOES, and LININGS to which he inviifs the at tention of Shou makers and the public. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloonrbnrp. Ang. 26. 1S63. IE L A T It E A ITS STIMULATING ONGUENT. OK FRENCH CREAM. FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES': ' IHIS- celebrated article is warranted to -- bring out a full set of Whiskers on the smooihsi face, or a fir.e growth of hair on a Bhld Head, in loso than six weeks, and will in no way staiu or injure the skin. The French Cream is manufactured by Dr. PeUireaus of Par in, and is the only reliable article of the kind. Ue no olher. War raned in every cane. ONE BOX WILL DO THE WORK. Price SI 00. Imported and for saltf Wholesale aod K;il by THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Drngi'ist, 831 Broadway, New York. P. S. A box of the Ougueoi snt to any address by return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cen's for Poatage. Antut 26, 1S63 lm Jflillcr's Store. CF FALL AXD WIXTER GOODS. IHE subscriber ban just relurnet) . from - the Cities with another large and elecl mforlment of FALIj ci: IVI'TEIS GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest fisure, and which he is determined ine on as modert termp can be procured eleewhere iu 31oombarg. His stock comprises- Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latent fashions. . D R Y GOODS, GZ S;C CD IT a G5' S3 S HARDWARE. QUEENSVVARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hals aid Caps, scc , &c. In short, everything usually kept in country t-toree; to which he iuvites the public gener ally. The highest price will be paid for coon try produce, in exchange for good'. . STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. JY etc $tock of Clotfdng. FALL 8o WINTER GOODS. TNV1TES afention to bis stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two door i above the American House, where ha has just received from Njw York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men and Boy's Clothing, including the mom fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisiing of Box, Sack, Frockt Gum and Oil ClotK Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors." He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter "Shawls;" striped, ; figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders md fancy articles; , N B He ha6 constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestings, which he is prepared to make up lo order, into any Kind ot doming on very short notice and in the bent of manner. - All bis clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOVVENBERG. Bloomsbnrg, An2. 26 1863. $25: E31PLOY5IEST ! AGENTS WANTED! $75 ; We will pay from S25 to 575 per month, and all expenses, to active Agent, or give a commission. Particulars sent free.' Ad dress Erik 'Sewing Machine Ccmpant, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. Blootusburg, Aug. 21, 1861. G ents Balmoral Lace Boot, wilt be sold very low. . Also, Boys Shoe at .' LT.SHARPLFSS.' HIRAB1 C. I20WER,, SURGEON DKNTIST, Office near WiUoas Carnage Shop,Maia St Court ProcSamaliosi: : viHEREAS the Honorable William Fl v well. President Jodge of the Cutri of Oyer sttd Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Conn of Quarter Sessions of the Petice, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Conrt, in the 26lh Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Suliivan and Wyomins, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy and John McReynolds, Associate Judges, of Co.. iumbia Co., have issued their precept, bear ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in the county of Columbia on the first Monday (bain? the 7th day) of Sept., next and io continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ot the said County of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and olher remembran ces to do those tninas which to iheir offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute agamm the prisoners that are or may be in the Juii of said county ot Columbia, to ba then and there to prosecute ihen as shall be just. Ju rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bloomsburg the 6th day of Augsut in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence of the United States of America. (God save the Commonwealth.) JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Bloomsburs, Aug. 19 1863. J GRAND JURORS SEPT. TERM 1663. Bloom Charles G Barkley. Benton Stott E. Colley. Bor. Berwick Michael Frantz, George A. Beam. Briar Crepk Geo. M. Bower, Eph. Evans. Centre David K. Sloan. Philip Miller. Cattawigpa Joseph Breish, Nathan Helwig. Conjnghatn John R. Kline, jr. Frankiin Ruben Knittle. Greenwood Samuel R. Albertson Hemlock William Eyerly. Locust John Men"ch, William Helwig. Montour Emanuel Lazarus. Miffl in Henry Hetler. Madison Jacob Girton. Maine Wa-hitiKion Fiher, Wni. Miller. Orange James B. Harnian. Pine Hiram Shuitz. Sugarloaf Alexander Hess. Travel se Jurors Sept. Term 1S63. Bloom Hiram C. Hower. Benton David Yocum, Samuel Hess, J. C. Doty. Briarcreek Joseph Lamon, Adam Suit Beaver Peter Eckroat, Joel Bredbender Bor Berwick Naiad Bower, S. B. Bowman. Cattawifsa Maybery HughegV Thomas Centre Elias Creasy. Franklin Isaac llenderhot. Fisbmgcreek William Witenigbt. Greenwood Wm. E. Pa'.serson, Samuel Kixner. Robert Robbins, Caleb Moore, Jno. Black.' . Hemlock Dr. Joseph R. Evans, Jackson Leidy, Witliam H. Shoemaker. - Jackson Dame! roust. Locust Solomon Ynagr, Wm Erwine, Elia Helwig. Johr, Yeager, Henry Gable. Maine Samuel Fisher Madison John Fruit, Sr., John StuU-r, Betht-el Whipple. M.lllni Jehu H. Ilcttler, l.-aAc Snyder, Samuel Lntz, Orance Alex. Hugh?, David Achen buch, Daniel Keller.' Pine Israel Heuth. Roaringcreek Jetlctboa Winterstocr., A. Gable, Peter Levan. Sc-oti Daniel Snyder, Henry W. Creasy, Peter Ent. John Edt. Susarloal Samuel Kitchen. Bioomburg, Auu- .9, 1S63. l.lyl' Ol-' CAUKS EOK NEIT. EttJl. 1 Philip Wintereteeu vs Valen'ine Wrin lerMeen. 2 Henry Weiis vs George K'ir.ley, jr. 3 Jauoi Eyr vs AOrafiani K!te. 4 Abraham Klase vs Jacob Eyer. 5 David I.ee et si vs Samuel L. Bedle. 6 Daniel F Seybert vs Joseph Gtfnil. 7 Elijah Mc&lnririe et al vs Chrir'n Wolf. 8 John H. Brown el al vs Leotmd B. -Ru pert. 9 Samuel Binenbender vs Silas D. Edger. 10 James Harding vs Elias Reefe. H Louisa (iowan vs Elizabeth DjtiuB. 12 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby. 13 Jacob Bond vsTilman Nagle 14 George Hughes et al. vs J. V. Criswell et al. 15 Daniel Reinbold vs Michael Grover. 16 Russel P. Stoker vs Wm. lkeler. 17 W. A. Kline vs George W. Hoffman, et al. 18 Rebecca Vanderslice vs Geo. Dodson. 19 N. L. Campbell vs Samnel Johnsou i 20 David J. Waller, vs Wm. J. Hagenbuch 21 Franklin Longenberger, Adttr vs Ctris- tian Wolf et el. 22 Daniel F. Seybert vs Renben Nicelv. 23 Benjamin F. Reighard & Bro. vs Silas Edgar. 24 David J Carey vs Martz & Ent. 25 W. A Kline vs George W. Huffman. 26 Joseph F. Long vs Isaao D Patton. 27 Enos L Adams V3 Daniel F. Seybert et. al. 28 Charles H Hess et al vs Stephen Wolf. 29 Joseph Hartman vs Reuben Lins. 30 John Gigger vs Richard B. Menagh. JACOB EYERLY, Prothor;otary's Office. ' ) Proth'y, Bloomsbnrg Ang. 18, 1863. J D3 ITT IS TRY. II. 5. I SOW LSI, SURGEON DENTIST. 1 ESPECFULLY offers his h. XVnrnfusftiAtiat GDrvin.fi tn Ihd It -Ll-tI-F ladies & gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all the various operations in Dantistry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. " Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tcred and all operations' on teeth carefully attended to. "; A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on tia-jd. All operations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1858. T freseTarrival OF - NEW MILLINERY GOODS. fllHE undersigned would most respect fully announce to the citizens of Elooms barj and vicinity that she has just receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spring & Snoacr fllillinery Goods, all of which she is prepared to niakef and sell at a very reasonably low il Ic" ure. Her assortment of goods are a ' little superior in point of durability as well as tastefulnespijto any offered in this section. She returns thanks for the libfial patron age she ba? received, and respectfully so licits a continuance of the same. : : ; MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 1663.' N. Y. WEEKLY-NEWS..' The cheapest ami best New York News paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eiht pug'-s fort- columns. A complete record of eventf, -Benjamin Wood, editor and pro prietor, Published at No. 19 City Hall Squaie, Daily News Building, Ne,w York City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivaled in its ability aud enterprise as a public journal, and in EVERY DEPARTNENT is mo--t efficiently conducted, so as to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financi I and literary, throgtioui the World.' In addition to this it contains all the Domestic Intelligence of each week and full reports of every matter of public interest. As a pcli'ical Journal The Weekly News will be fobiid on the side of tha Constitu tion of the couriry as it was framed and established hy the Falhers ot the Republic, and will scan with care and fidelity ever) public act that may tend lo the violation of the le'ter and spirit of that instrument of our liberties, ft prefer the POLICY OF PEACE to a rubious and exhausting system of War. Insisting- upon the truth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, that the jnst powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of the governed, it urge the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate, a of more sacred mporlance than national grandeur or consolidate d power under des potic rule without the pale' of esiablNhed law. On all question" of national impor tance it is the inflexible champion ol the rights of citizens, as gnaran'eed under the instruments by which they havedecided lo be governed. It therefore boldiy avows its purpose ia sustain the Freedom of Speech and of (he Prefs, with the view to protect the people from the encroaching dogmas ot theorists who cnniempelate a modification of the democratic principles which to this time have been sustained against every ef fort io overthrow them. In all matters per t"iniri2 to Government the purpose of this nowt-paper is lo protect the people from in considerate sr.d rash legislation, and to hold our public servai.ls'to a urict account ability for their conduct while ciir;ying ou the machinery of power. To this end the mol careful attention v.-iH be given tr al! Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm and impartial examinat ation of every new yoliiioal proposition may be expected a tn only means of protecting the people from an abrtdement'ol their riiiht. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are given in the most succinct yet complete mariner. They claim particular notice for their fidelity and tru'h, and all thoe who desire to comprehend tha exact finan cial condition of tn couetry should not fail to examine the views which will be fou'in in this department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting and in Ftructue an being derived from some of the ablest minds in Europ mut be read with the utmost avidity by ttfo'e who desire to enmprehend 'hat t'iblomacy of the Gov ernment of the Old World. It. all other rejects THE WEEkLY NEWS will b found to meet ihe public de mand. It is the especial objr-cl of the Pro prietor to rentier it a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its rnnral influence, ennobling in it c! ar.-ic'er and satisfactory ta tha! l ire claps in the community who desire to scj the Public Press tre it all public qnas-lions with argurren's axf res-sed io coare-v and candor thought, at ihe same time, with the spirit re to the tt e tries disccsd. By 'efennce to thu trn of T:i New York Weekly N'er it will b? noticed that it is by fr the r-f:eapet n".v-p iper in the world, and the Proprietor feels ihal he may invite those who approve of its principles and co"di3ct to ti'e their influence in adding to i!s yresenl lare circulation. NEW YORK WEELY NEWS, Eight Psges Forty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For On Yeur On-? Dollar Eluven Copies to one Ad('ies for One Yenr TEN DOLLARS, Single copies Three Cents THE -SEW YORK DAILY SEWS, A first claa Metropolitan Journal devoted to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, and containing all the news of the day, Politi cal, Teleiiraphical, Commercil and Local is ihe cheapest daily paper in the metropo- TERMS: One Copy, One Year Six Dollars. One Copy Six Months Three Dollars, Jrii ; :c C :, ies Tow Cents. ' Addre BENJAMIN WOOD Editor and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square, New York. 150 BEST PIANOS. $150 GROVESTEEN. &. HALE, having re moved io their new warerooms, 110. 47 J 2 3. C Z V" A Y, are now prepared io offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 Octave Rosewood I'iacso, containing all improveinents known in this country or Europe, over-strung bas, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for $1 SO' CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding caes, $175 TO 200, all warran ted made of the ben peusond material, and to stand better than any sold for 5400 or $500 ' by the old nethud of manutaciure. We inviif the best Jn.is&s to earnine and try thce new inMrimotus. snd we -tand ready at all times to tost them w ith any others manufactured in this coun try. GKOVESTEEX & IIALIT, 478 IlroacUvay, IVcw-York. Jnae 4'h-1862. 3m. Victory Perches Ipoa the Stars and Stripes. New Stock of Good? jot received by L. T. SHARPLESS. Fine avpoitment of Dre9 goods, Calicoes at 10, 12, 16 & 18 cts, Flannels, Shirting, &c, cheap by L. T. SHARPLESS. Ladie Lastins P.almoral Shoes & Gaitcra. and a large stock of shoes and boots of al! kinds, for sale by L. T. SHARPLESS Ladies Balmoral skirt, Hoop Skirts,win dow papers, &c, sold cheap, by L. T. SHARPLESS. Sugars and Syrups cheap. Excelsior Syrup at 75c which cannot be excelled, al so tower priced a 50c p?r calion at L. T. SHARPLESS' cheap cah fdorc. To thote wanting to bey goods for cih or co entry produce, or grain of any kind. I would py call and see the goods before purcha-sir.g elr-ewhere. L.T. SHARPLESS. ricorr.ttur?, Spt 17, ' 1862. AT STILLWATER LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE- J CEIVED, T the Store of Daniel McIIenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersigned would respectfully in vite the citizens of Fibbing 'reek and the surrounding country, to his larye and ex tensive stock of Goods, jut received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here tofore. His assortment consists of Cloths, Calicoes, Muslins, IlM and Caps, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the moot approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent Heady-US a de Clothing. together with a good assortment of Ves ting. His store is well filled with Goods ot every description. His ; are not surpassed by any Store in the coun try. His Hardware Department has not been neglected. , . . SCYTHES, RAKES. HOES, SHOVELS &c, are constantly kept on hand ; po, Spikes and Nails ; in short, everything us ually found in First-Class Stores. DANIEL McHENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1S63. "NEW ARRIVAL OF.' SPRING AND S U-M M H AT PETER ENTS S TOR El In Lizht Ltreet, Columbia county, Per.na. 5LTAS just received from -Philadelphia, -fi-- and is now oppning at the eld sta:id lately occupied by M-irtz &; Ent, a splen did assortment of MEliCliANDlZE,which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE ! Hi.- stock corifcista of Ladies Dress Goods choicest s'.yles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SUA WIS, HOSIERY. SILKS R E A D Y-M I ) E C LOT 11ING, CASSIMF.RS SATINETS, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, ("udanvare, Hardware, Medicines Drugs, Oil, Paints, fcc., Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. I i short everything usually kepi in a country store. The patronage of old friend, and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for conn try produce. PETER ENT. Liahf Street. May 7, 18fi3. IaMct "A" Family FcvIb? Machine, IVith all the Recent Improvemtnts. Is this bwht ai d cheapest and rr.Oft beanti ful of all Sew'12 Machine1:. This Machine will se-jv anything, f.-orn 'he running of n turk in Tarleian to the making of an over coat; anything fr(T. Pilot or Beaver cloth down to th? softest Gaue or Gossamer Tissue and i- ever ready lo do it work lo perfection. It can fell, hern, bind, na'her, tcrk, quilt, and has capacity for a reat va riety' of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine thai can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other machine. The Letter "A" FaT. ily Ssv.i;; Machine ny be had in great vari ety of cabinet cases. The Folding Cae, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case, which, when opened, rr.ake a beautilul. substantial, substantial, and spacious table fir the work to rest upon - The ca-es are ol every imaginable design; plain as the wood srew in its na'ive forest, or as elaborately nibhed as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with ilk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of Ihe very best quality. Send lor a copy of Sikgfr Co.'s Gazette. I. M SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFF1CE.81C Ciieotuui.Si. N. S. Tintley, Aei.t, in Epy, Pa. John Sharplees, Agent, iu Caiiawissa. Jn y 23, 1S62 -ly. READING RAIL ROAD. $1 A1.1ZE& A R RAXGU31 EST. "1REAT Trunk line from the Nor'.h and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, ReaJing. Pot'sviilejLebanon, Allen town, F.aston, &c, &c. Tra'ns leave Hrriburq; for Philadelphia New York, Heading, Pottsvdle, at'd all in-te-mediate Ste.ions, at 8 a. M.und 1. 40 p. m. New York Evpro-s leaves Harriburj ai t.25 a M. airlving at New York al 8.25 the same morning. . Fares !ro:n Harrisbnrs : to New York ?5 00, to Philadelphia ?3,25 and ?2,70. Ka.To;toR checked ihrougn. Retuminz leave New York at 6 A M. i2 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P M Sleeping; ct rs in the New York Exprer Train, 'hrouh to and Irora Putburgh without chanue. Passengers by the Caitawisa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila delphia an all iitierrediate Stations, and at 3.00 P. M. !cr Philadelphia. New York, an ' all Way Points. Train leave P.ttsvil!e at 9 A.M. and 2.I5 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and al 5.33 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting fr Pme Grove ar.J with tho Cattawissa liail Road. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns from Phila delphia at 5 P. M. All the the above tiains run daily, Sjr dajs excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pcltsville at 7.30 A. M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Cnrort'Elation, Mileaga, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superintijudant. Juiia 4ih i862. LEATHER! LEATHER ! fBlHE undersigned would announce, that - be has on ha. d, at his Hat. and Cap emporium on Min !rtet, Liotm-Lurg, an Rssortnient of difierent kitui of leather. sneh as fine calfskins, Uiorocco, fred ai i tlackj and lihingB, all of which he wil'se'i cheap er than ca- b had elesewl.ere in this mar ket. Caii aud evantn them for curelve?. . JOHN K. GIRTON'., I.Soomjburp, Viy 21, lo2. Important to House Owners-. . I.upottnt to Guilders. Important to Rail Road Companiea. Important to Farmem. -To all whom this may concern, and it concerns every body. JOHNS CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUITA PERCH A. The Cheapest and ruoi dubleRoofiiDg. in use IT IS FIRE AND WA'IKR TPOOF " It can be applied to New and Old Roofs of All kinds, steep or flaf, and to Shingle' Roofs without removing the Shingles. THE COST IS ONLY A LOUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been (horougly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, WTest Indies and Central and South America, on Pudding of nil kinds, fnch as Factories. FoundriesChon-h-es. Rail Road Depots, Cur, and on Publio Building generally, Gi-vert ment Buildings. &c, by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and. hs proved to 'brt the CHEAPEST ami MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect a Sire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. lhis the OS LY material the United States which combines ihe very '""'inuio 'nitKi ue oi ,tnsiicriy tint I Uurtt I'ility, which are universally acknowledged, to be possessed by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. No JJeut is required in making appli. cation. . The expense of applying it U ttjflning witlj' ordinary uooi can oe covered and fin. ished the iome dny. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY" ANY ONE, end when finished forms a perfectly Fi- Proof surface with an elanc tody, which cannot be injured by Heat, Cul l or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external ' action wha'ev&r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when ex posed to he action of ihe Weather and For Preserving and Ripairing Metal . Roof 4 of tdl Kinds, This is tl:j ordy Composition Known Wt.ich Will successfully rei extrema changes of climates for any length of time. ... t I-,. .i . - .. wneii appne-u io mcaie, io wnicn it aiiDeres firmly, forming a body equal to ihree coals of ordJnarv pain:, cots much lens Bnd will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG; and from its elali-ity is n't injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, coni-equent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will r.ot CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can te readily repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, acd prevented from further cor rosion ana leakins, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Safes, Agricultural Implements, &c, nlso for general manufacturers iif-e. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ol Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run ia warm weather. These materials are adapted to all cli mates, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any part of the country, at fehort uoiice, fcr GUTTA PERCHA Rf'iOFING io mils, ready prepared for ns, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions for application. AGENTS WANTED. We will makelibcrul and tatitficlory arrange menis with resynsil-le pntiei who would Vke to establish themsclr.es mu Lncrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor cf our improved Roofing Materials, have applied inem to several thousand Roofs in New York C:iy and vi ciciiy. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufaetnrers, inwlesale Warehouse 78 Ifillium St., Comer of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnirhed on applicaiion. October 16, 1861. ly. flftrt M'-LE or FEMALE Aaent UUU,UUU io sell LLOYD'S new Steel Plate County colored Map of .the United Si-'teg, Canada?, find New Biunswick. F.om recent surveys completed Aug. 10, 1862; cot $20,000 to engrave it aud ena year's time. . - Superior to Eny SI0 Map ever made Ly Colton cr M:che!l, and sells at the lw price of fify cents, 370,000 names are en graved on t:i' map. It is no? only a Coun'y Map, but it is -bo a COUNTY and RAILROAD MAP, of ihe United States and Cunadas combined in one, giving; every RAILROAD STATION and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man f3 tr 85 per diy, and wil" take bsck all Maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for one dollar's worth to try. Printed itu-tructions how to canvass well furnished all our Ager.ts. WANTED Wholesale AgHt for our Map in every Slate, Cali'or-ih, Canada, England, Fiance and Ccbn. A frn. r.e mo-,-be ma le w'nh a few hundred dollars cupi tal. No competition. .1 T. LLOYD, No 14-5 !roadwny, New York. The Wiir Department uses mr Mup : Virginia, MaryUnd, and Peunsx 1 vnia. r.c- i 1C0,0U0, on which is marked Antieiain Creek, Sharksburg, Marylan 1 Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rhororsville, Nolanrt's Ford, and all others on the P omac, and every ether plate in Maryland, Virginia, anH IVnnsyivai ia. or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky, Ohio, l.Kiiaau, aid lliinoi, i the 0:.l authority for Ge. Bee 11 and tb War Department. Money relr.t.ded to any one Ondir.g ac error in i. Trice 5t) cts. Fron t!.e Tn'une Aifi 2. "Lloyd's Map of Virghau, Mbtjland, and rennsy lva:iia. This map is very irce ii cost is but 25 tents, and il ii lit Ut tckkk cctt Itjnnch ise l LLOYD'S Great Map cf the MISSISSIPPI RIVER From Actaal Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wrn. Pow?n, Mi-sissippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Missouri, showf every man's plantation and owrcr's name from St. Louis to the Gcll of Mexico 1,350 mile- every sand bar, island, town, land ing, ant! all places 20 mile back from the River colored in counties ann buies. Price, SI in sheets. c2, pocket form, and ?2 50 on linen, wiih roller. Ready, Sept. 20ih 1862 Navy Department, Washinaton, ! Sertomrer 17;t, 1CS2. J. T. LLOYD Sir: Send me your Map ol the Mississippi River, with price per hun dred copies. Road Admiral Charles 11. Davis, ccmmandii.g the Mississippi sqnad ron is authorized to purchase a- many ae are recvin-d lot u r ihat squadun. GIDEON WELLES, Sec. of Navy. . Oc tuber 8, 1862. - BLANKS ! I? L AXKS ! SLACKS 1 1 DEEDS, -SUMMONS,- execui ions . su nr ajA, of piopr dn:rb'.'f'',yms',fo a!e at tba ofaco oi ULd "Mar oith North 1