The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 02, 1863, Image 1

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    ff TT1 rtrTTTTF II 1 TTfT) f 111"""" M
L 1- J J;
Jr. U. J1CQSY, FcblisfccrO
Truth and Right God and oar Country
Two Dollas per Annua.
" wa. n. Jacob r,
OHIes oa Hail, St., Ird Square below Sarfcet,
, . TERMS: Two Dollars pr annum If paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within int. year. No subscription taken for
a less period; than six months; no discon
linuanoe permitted until all arrearages ar
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
7Ui'enrii of advertising vriU bt as foliates:
One square, twelve lines three limes, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, .....
One sq aare, three months, . ...... 3
Ooeyear, . ...8
erijoue flottrg. .
- v fgz BiSTILE DE2I0C81T.
Tbey bore him to a gloomy cell,
And barred biro, from the light,
Bectuss ha boldly dared to tell
The people what was right,
. He dared liis single voice to raise ,
Ajaitist oppression's power,
f . To ihow Dy trwh's unerring rays, V
Tae dangers of the hour.
They called him by a traitor's name,
- ' And with a fiendish hate,
Heaped ori bis head a load of shame,
Such as on felons wait. hearth,
They dragged bim from his peaceful .
Upon an enemy's word,
Although ':he vilest man on earth,
Should by the law be heard.
They shut him up, they could not chairs
His free and fearless soul;
The sacreJ chamber of his brain,
Was free from their control.
Tbey could not bind the eagle thought
That from his mind look flight,
Efface the lesion he had taoghi,
Nor bear the truth Jrom light.
For tho' within a dnngeon damp '
Tbey shut him from the dy,
They cou'd not quench throth's airy lamp
That burns with fearless ray..
But hark upon foe sea of life,
What sound comes from afar !
It i the harbinger of strife, -
C( red, ensanguined war.
it if the people's voice that break,
, Like wild waves on the ear;
It im he people's tramp lhat shakes
- - The earth both far and near,
' Lif: op thy head, O martyr brave,
- Thy chains will broken be;
Tho people come their friend to save,
1x30 k up, thou will be free !
Mr, Buckalew's Letter
To the Rlfcting at HughesviBe, Eastern
Ly coring, August 22d, 1863.
Gentlemen of Lycoming : Yoa are
to be commended for assembling yourselves
as men opposed to the Administrations at
Uarrbburg and Washington, and I am
glad to contribute to your proceedings the
expression of gome few earnest words.
Au issuii between Power and Liberty is
distinctly presented us by the policy of
oar rulers, and if we stand indifferent to
i, or 'acquiesce in its decision according
to the pleasure of those who a.pire to be
oar masters, what shame will be oars 1
what loss :ind . injury ! what degradation
and eternal disgrace t
.By liberty I do not mean license, but
that regained freedom established by our
ancestors which we have enjoyed hitherto
without qu estion, and the example of which
we Lara held forth proudly, before other
natiocs as the reproof of their systems and 1
the glory -of our own. ;
By powjr Ido not mean legitimate au
thority, but authority usurped and lawless,
pursiiug its own ends over a broken Con
futation and through the baleful flames of
civil war.
Between these -between power and lib-
erty-aa' yoa - hesitate .in your ehoice?
Will yen hold cp a balance and weigh,
' doubtfully, the arguments which sustain
liberty ugliest those which oppose it I .
' Necetisily-Safety-are these the magical
: wo?ds by, which despotism is to be changed
in ci arr.ct3r and made fit for our adoption T
Shall the plea of tyrants be accepted as
our standard of public rule ? Shall we
concede force, and justice, and wisdom, to
one of tha most impudent, false and inja
riouS' doctrines ever intruded into the dis
cussion of public affairs t
But there it a necessity (quite different
from that asserted on - behalf of power)
which we must cow admit a? most evident
and urgent a necessity thai tee rid our
stlvti cf those uJia plead necessity as the
justijGcatioh of their misdeeds. Those who
carrot .govern lawfully and justly are not
to govern !t all, but to give place to others.
For' it is monstrous to say that the incapa'
ble ancl - ilcious shall lord it over their
fc!Ior3. " The rulers who say they cannot
govern by law and according to right, stand
eelf-coadetaned. Judged out cf their own
nonius, tl.ey are nnfc for rule "and should
be rted oat of power. r
Osnt'eaien ; the greatest sca of Ne w
Knj'snd speat nest of his Ufa : and won
Lis jjreai ; fame ia this Commonwealth.
TTe are pi-oud that he became a Pennryl
V42haand tocrank in our-Lfstory with
the founder of this Etate with the illus
trioas nan rLo established it "in deediof
jcs33." Let us try tLa hgo of tyranny
by tte jaclgrsent cf that greet man. 4 Let
iiVIfe the zpolcglz? cf arbitrary poT;er I
and advocate of ''strong government, ' who
fills our ears with impassioned discourse
upon public safely, and national life, and
necessity, to go with us to our great com
mercial metropolis and there stand with
us beside the modest slab which marks
the resting-place of 'Benjamin and Debo
rah Franklin.' Oh! how mean, and piti
ful, and lew, and utterly false and detesta
ble will there sound all these apologies
for wrong all these pretexts for stealing
away or taking away from the people, the
rights and liberties achieved for them by
the ere at men of former times ! We will
hear the voice of Franklin sounding in our
ears those memorable words of wisdom
and warning which should be written up
or hungup in great letttrs wherever the
people meet for consultation in times of
public danger ; "Those who would
Gentlemen j Your political opponents
think that patriotism should be called loy
alty, and made to consist in unconditional,
unquestioning devotion to an administra
tion of the government. I believe you
will agree with me that this great virtue
requires no new name borrowed from the
literature of monarchy ; that it is shown in
devotion to the Constitutions and laws of
the United States and of the several States,
and that the true patriot regards public
officials with a respect precisely propor
tioned to their observance of law, justice
and right, and to their skill, wisdom and
honesty in the performance of their public
Judge your public men fairly but freely.
Let no man put a padlock upon your lips,
cor impose upon you any of tho false and
pernicious sophisms of arbitrary power.
An important election approaches in
this commonwealth, and another import
ant one succeeds it next year. At these,
you are required to judge those who have
ruled or misruled you since I860, and to
determine, as far as your votes will go,
the policy of the future. You need no
labored exhortation from me to inspire
you with seal, courage, determination and
fidelity in the discharge of your electors
duties. Behold ! the evils which affiict the
cation and tho dangers which threaten it
These exhort you, beyond art of mine, to
right action, and justify that opinion which
we hold in common, that upon Democratic
success iu the elections just mentioned
depend the existence of free, liberal and
just government in this country: a re
storation of Union founded in consent
the avoidance of future wars, and the pre
servation and growth of that material pros
perity which results from good govern
ment when vouchsafed to an united, in
dustrious and virtuous people.
I am, your fellow-citizen,
and obdt. servant,
Wri tf Fmklin., by Spark, . TIT, pf. 107, 429, 430
This was the declaration of the Provin
cial Assembly of Pennsylvania, November
II, 1755, in answer to Governor Morns
upon the question of exempting Proprie
tary property from taxation. Despite the
fact of Indian depredations in the border
settlements and the danger of extended
hostilities, the Assembly refused an ap-
propriauon 01 money ior military purposes
unless the same should be raised or repaid
in a just manner, by placing the burden
equally upon the property and resources
of the colony. Equality of taxational an
essential principle qf liberty was then stern
ly vindicated by the men of Pennsylvania,
and military necessity was plead to them
in vain as a reason for surrendering or
fr l t e . i
w&iring vneir ngnis as ireemen, ana nena
ing their backs to a burden of injustice.
Dr. ifranklin was a member of the "As
sembly and prepared most of the docu
ments on its behalf, in the dispute. See
JAfe by Sparks. Works, v. J. pp. 179 80.
A Ecactifnl Sentiment.
Shortly after the departore of the lament
ed Heber for India, he preached a sermon
which contained this beautiful illustration :
' "Life bears us on like the stream of a
mighty river. Our boat at first glides down
the narrow channel through the playful
murmuriogs of the little brook and the
windings of its grassy , borders, The trees
shed their blobsoms over our young beads,
the flowers seem to ofler themselves to the
young bands; we are happy ia hope, and
grasp eagerly at the beauty around us but
the stream hurries on, and still our bands
are empty. Oar course in youth and man
hood is along a wilder and deeper flood,
amid objects more striking and magnificent.
We are animated at the moving pictures
and enjoyments and industry around ns;
we are excited at some short' lived disap
pointment The. stream bears ns on, and
oar joy rand griefs are alike left behind ns.
We may be shipwrecked, but we cannot be
delayed ; whether rough or smooth, the
river hastens to its home, till the roar ot the
ocean is in our ears, and the tossing of the
waves is beneath ocr feet, and the floods
are lifted op around us, and we take our
leave cf earth and i:s inhabitants, until our
fulcra voyage there is no witness save the
Infinite and Eternal."
Banal of a Confederate Offieer in Baltimore.
j Arrest of All Parties Attending the Funeral.
Captain William D. Brown, of the Con
i federate army, formerly of Baltimore, vat
j one of the wounded at the battle of Gettys
burg, and died in Hocphal upon the field,
July I0;h. Permission was obtained from
the Military authorities by his lather, Mr.
John S. Brown, to proceed to Gettysburg
and bring the remains to Baltimore for bur
ial. Accordingly, some friends of the de
ceased repaired to the battle 'field, bad the
bodv embalmed, and brought it to this ciiy,
when it was deposited in the mausoleum
at Greenmount Cemetery.
The friends of the deceased were invited,
through the press, to attend the funeral yes
terday afternoon, at the cemetery. The
father, with a number of acquaintances,
repaired to the spot at the appointed hnur,
when the body was removed to the ceme
tery chapel. Here all assembled, when i
the funeral services of the M. E. Church
was gone through with by the Rev. Messrs.
Slicer, Sargent and Owens. The Coffin was
then carried to the burial lot, and deposited
in the ground.
After this last rite had been performed,
and while those present were about leaiing
the cemetery, a military guard appeared at
the gate, the officer iu command sta ing
that his orders were to arrest all parties at
tending the funeral. The attendants, to the
number of nineteen, were then taken ur der
escort to the Gilmnre House, and placed in
a room in the second story, adjoining Gen
eral Tyler's headquarters. The officiating
clergymen named above were not arretted,
they having left the grounJ after the chapel
service.- ' -
It is stated that the services in the chap
el were confined strictly to those for the
burial of the dead, and thst no eulogistic
discourse was spoken. The body ' was
clothed in the suit which ' the deceased
wore on the fie'd of battle, although a state
ment had been made that a new confede
rate uniform had been procured and pi iced
upon it after reaching Baltimore.
The gentlemen arretted were kept under
guard until 9 o'clock, when Colonel Ctees
brough, of General Schneck'a staff, appear
ed and informed them of the circumstances
which led to their arrest. Information had
been received by the military auiho ities
that the body of Capt. Brown had been
dressed in confederate uniform, after its
arrival, and kept here several days for the
purpose of allowing parties to view it. The
gentlemen were dismissed to appear before
the authorities at 10 o'clock to day. t3alti
more Gazette, August 3d.
Gen. Hooker's Farewell Speech.
The following speech was made by Gen.
Hooker, near Frederick, Maryland, to a
crowd of officers lounging around head
quarters, upon the reception of the nears of
his removal :
" I tell you, gentleman, that at Chancel
lorsville, I was engaged but two hours with
Lee, while the other twenty two were tak
en op with lbs authorities at Washington.
1 never wanted to command this army
never cared for it never said I wanted it to
anybody; but was placed here by order of
the President. I hoped io remain in the
army till the rebellion was crushed. I did
not care so much about being its leade r.
'I always said this was the greatest army
of the Republic, and say so still. Yoa have
fallen into good bands, under a glorious old
soldier meaning Gen. Meade a glori
ous old soldier. I have been exiled to Bal
timore. What I shall do there I don't know,
for I don't know a d d woman, mac, nor
child there."
Capt. Cox, of the Commissary Depart
mert, here interposed, and said, ''Gener
al, I'll give yon letters." Great laughter
from all round
"I won't command where I cannot have
entire control myself. Already the army
has been benefitted by the change. Ten
thousand men have been withdrawn from
Harper's Ferry. I pitty any man who com
manded the Army ot the Potomac. I en
countered many things I little dreamed of
when I took command. I have been ham
pered and fettered."
Col. Davis "General, has not that al
ways been the case with all its command
ers 1"
Hooker, reluctantly : ull always fow"
Gen. Hooker at this point passed down
the avenue between the tents to the md of
thd street avenue, and again spoke, nearly
as follows:
"I want all reporters, as well as soldiers,
hear what I say, and print it in capitals;
I leave here because ray usefulness has
departed. I shall resign from the arney,
and go to California, where I am respect
ed." -
Stage Arms ! An anecdote is related of
of Gen. Logan. When he was a Colonel,
at the commencement of the rebellion, six
companies of his corps, becoming aggriev
ed at something, stacked arms and refused
to do duty. The Adujtanl informed Col.
Logan ot !he difficulty, who on hearing it,
exclamed : Stacked arms ! ' The dev .! tbey
have !" Then, pausing a minute, as he
considered the emergency, be continued :
"Well, Adjutant, I'll give them enough of
stacking arms." Accordingly, he formed
the remaining four companies inline, with
oaded muskets, and stood them over the
malcontents; whom he compelled to stack
and onstack arms for twelve hoars.
Labor Lost. An organ griuder pt aying
at the door of a deaf and dam asylum .
Shout! shout !
For the work so well begun,
For the deeds so nobly done,
For the field so bravely won,
And the victory that is ours!
Ring, O bells, our triumph out,
Brightened sunshine round, about,
Shadows vanish, vanish doubt,
And ye winds bear forth our joy,
Shout! shout ! ttiumhant shout 1
Weep ! weep !
Step are stilled that ne'er shall come
To the waiting ones at home,
Hearts are chilled, and lips are dumb,
And the noble lowly lie ;
Peaceful patriot, brave your sleep,
Green the sods that o'er you heap,'
While a ransomed people keep
Still as fresh your memory,
Weep! weep! in reverence weep 1
Sigh'.! Sigh !
Homes are hushed and desolate,
Heads are mutely bowed to fate,
Hearts may bleed but ne'er forget ;
Love will yearn, though hope is lost.
God of mercy from on high,
Hear the stricken mourner's cry ;
Even this cup of agony
Thou can'st turn to blessedness !
Sigh ! sigh! in pity sigh !
Praie ! Praise !
To the Lord Jehovah's name,
God of battles and of flame,
As of old, who is still the same,
Guards his chosen Israel !
His shall be the thanks and praise,
Songs of joy to Him we raise ;
God hath justified hia ways;
Right hath triumphed gloriously,
Praise! praise! exultant praise !
For the present, with its serene joys, I
sometimes look back upon the past with its
trials and its struggles. In my quiet home
in the country 1 feel as thoush the battle
had been fought and the victory won. To
me lile has been a busy, butt!ing pcene,
and here, in my quiet library, sorronr.deJ
by the well-thumbed volumes of Blackstnne,
Chitty and their fellows, I feel as though I
had completely emerged from the din of
the world, and that my heaven had com
menced here on earth.
In thirty years of practice I have been an
actor in many a life-drama, which may pos
sess to others some portion of the interest
with which I regard them ; but more for ray
own amusement, however, than for the edi
fication of the reader though I trust my
narrative may not be without its moral I
transcribe from the page of memory an in
cident from ray experience.
I was sealed in ray office, busily engaged
in hunting op the law for a certain case of
some importance, when the door was timid
ly opened, and a young lady, apparantly
not more than seventeen years of age, step
ped into the room. Without being very
pretty, she had countenance and an expres
sion which failed not to attract (be interest
of the beholder.
She was quite pale, and seemed to shrink
with instinctive dread from the glance I
bestowed upon her. But her sweet face
and gentle manners had already won my
sympathy. Her sad face and timid move
ments assured me thst she had a painful
tail to tell ; yet I was not indisposed to
hear it.
A visitor with a less prepossessing face
would have called forth a frown and a short
answer, for I was in the very midst of an
I investigation which promised to reward my
search if a sitisfactory manner.
Shedvanced towards my desk, and 1
closed ray book, and rose to receive her.
"Mr. Docket !" said she, and I saw ber
lips temble with emotion as she spoke.
I signified to ber that I was the person
she sought, and handed her a chair; a civil
ity which her trembling frame enabled her
to appreciate, for her agitation seemed to
be entirely beyond her control.
After allowing her a few moments to re
cover herself possession, I gently , inquired
her business with me.
"I have a brother," she began, and the
hot tears filled her eyes, and for a moment
obstructed her vision. Her heart seemed
to choke with its wild beatings.
"May I know whom I address !" I asked
moderating my voice, so as to afford her all
the encouragement which gentle tones
could convey,
"Alice Wade," she replied.
"Yoa seem to be in distress. Let me
beg of yoa to be calm, perhaps your case
is not no bad ai yon suppose."
"May Heaven grant that it be not !"
"Take your own lime, Miss Wade. Per
haps you had better wait a few moments
till yoa feel better able to proceed, and in
the meantime I assure you of my desire to
serve yoa"
"Thank yoa, sir," sobbed she, as I turn
ed to my law books, so as not to embarrass
her by seeming to be waiting for her to re
cover her calmness.
But I bad lost the clue to the investiga
tion, and though I fixed nay eyes on the!
book, it was only to think of the weeping j
maid by tny side. I waited till her sob-j
bings ceased, and then carefully approach
ed the object of ber visit.
"1 am taking up your lime, Mr. Docket, ;
but I have heard that yoa were a kind and
charitable gentleman, and I have ventured
to seek your aid."
It was a very blunt compliment, bat I
doubted not its sincerity. There coald be
no hypocrisy in that gentle .maiden none,
even to accomplish the most cherished pur
pose. "Whatever I can do for yoo, Miss Wade,
shall be done with the greatest pleasure," 1
"Thank yon, sir.''
"You must not look on the dark side of
your case. In law, we regard a man as in
nocent, till he is proved to be guilty ; and
yoo must not regard anything as hopeless
until all efforts to redeem it have failed." I
continued, with a smile, from which she
seemed to gather the hope I desired lo im
part. .
"I have a brother, an only brother, who
is in the deepest distress."
"His name 1" I asked, taking a pen, rea
dy to note down the facts in the case as she
detailed them.
"Richard Wade 1"
"Go on, if you please."
"He is a book keeper, in the store of Den
ley & Co."
"Ah," and I wrote it down, and being
acquainted with the firm, I began to feel
more confidence iu my ability to aid my
fair client.
Denley & Co. were merchants of estab
lished reputation for integrity and upright
ness. "My mother is a widow, and dependent
upon Richard for support. She had been
afflicted with a cancer for more than three
years, so thai I can do nothing but take
care of her and do the work at home. It
takes all of Richard's salary to support us
and pay the doctor's bill, but he has labor
ed cheerfully for us, for his poor suffering
mother. Richard is very kind, and never
thinks of the many privations which our cir
cumstances compel him to endure. He is
contented to work early and late, and never
spends a dollar on himself. Ah, sir, he is
such a good brother !"
"Your mother roust be grateful for such a
son, and yoa for such a brother."
"Oh, we are, sir ! But poor Richard !
he is in jail now and again she sobbed as
though her heart would break.
'Indeed ? In jail V
" I was not quite prepared for such a catas
trophe as this, and I confess that my feel
ings, lawyer as I was, were much moved.
Bat it was possible that the poor girl was
deceived ic regard to her brother that he
was angel at home, and a demon abroad, as
I have known more than one man to be.
Yet I could not reconcile the glowing eulo
ginra which the young lady had pronoun
ced upon his character with such a conclu
sion. "Of what is he accused, Miss Wade ?
Nay, do not weep ; he may be innocent."
"1 know he is !" she answered, with con
siderable vehemence.
"Then be assured his innocence will be
made apparant to the world "
Woild that I could feel so !"
"Now, if yoa will please state the facts
of the case, I will make a memorandum of
them, and I doubt not we shall be able to
make a good case of it."
''Why, mother's sickness had reduced
my brother's finances down to the lowest
ebb so low that we had not even enough
I to pay ou; quarter's rent, and the quarter
bills. Richard was much disturbed by this
difficulty, and for several days he was very
sad. Bat one day he came home with an
unusually cheerful face informed as that he
bad paid the rent and all the bills.
"We inquired where he had obtained the
money. He told as he had borrowed it of a
friend, who bad started that day for New
Orleans. We thought nothing more about
it till a week after that was yesterday
when he did not come to dinner. We were
not alarmed, however, but when he did cot
come home to supper, we were much dis
turbed, and I went to the s'ore to seek him.
"Mr. Denley told me that he had been
arrested for stealing a hundred dollars ftom
him about a week before. I was horrified
at the charge, and had nearly fallen upon
the floor."
The poor girl wiped her eyes, and I in
quired the ground upon which her brother
was accused.
"Mr. Denley was inclosing a hundred
dollar bill in a letter to send away by mail,
at the desk where Richard was writing,
when a runaway horse dashed by the store.
He flew to the door to observe the mad ani
mal leaving the hundred dollar bill, as he
declared, and the half written letter, on the
"On his return, the money was nowhere
to be lound. Richard had not seen it.
Search was instituted, but it could not be
found. It happened that our landlord, who
is a brother-in-law of Mr. Denley, wished
to change a hundred dollar bill, and casual
ly mentioned that he had received it from
Richard in payment of his rent, which had
been delayed several days.
"Mr. Denley immediately identified the
bill as the one he had lost. He is very pos
itive, and is ready to swear it is the very
bill he lost. An officer was called, and
poor Rrichard was thrown into prison. Of
course he could not produce the person
who lent him the money, and Mr. Denley
chooses to regard Richard's explanation as
a mere invention."
It was a heavy blow to the poor girl, and
heavier still to ber sick and suffering mo
ther. It certainly looked like a bad case. Th
young man's sadness in view of his unpaid
bills, his sudden cheerfulness, though the
debt itself still remained, and worse than
all, the positive nature of Mr. Denley's evi
dence, were all against a successful defence
But 1 had hopes of getting him off, for the
identity of the bill, unless actually register
ed by number, was a matter to which few
coald positively swear.
I made up my mind to elear him, if there
was any such thing even to clear him on
a quibble, if no other means offered. I had
little hope of establishing his innocence,
for my reason assured me that Richard,
good son though he was, was guilty ot the
crime with which he was charged.
I succeeded so well in assuring Alice
Wade that her brother would be restored
to her, that she was tolerably cheerful be
fore she left.
"Yoo aro very kind, Mr. Docket ; and I
fear we shall never be able fully to repay
yoo. Here are twenty dollars ; it is all we
have, but you are very kind; and she ten
dered me a roll of bills.
"No, Miss Wade, nothing. Keep your
money; you may want it though 1 pray that
you may not."
She took her leave, after again thanking
me, again and I proceeded to consider the
I need not detail to the reader the partic
ulars of Richard Wade's examination, upon
which he was fully committed. The Grand
Jury found a true bill, and be was arraigned
ior trial.
All that my poor skill and humble elo
quence could accomplish for the prisoner
was unsuccessful, and, to my grief and con
sternation, the Jury brought him io guilty,
after being out five hours.
Poor Alice ! I could not endure the
thought of meeting her and telling her of
the destruction of all her hopes, and instead
of going to my office, where she awaited
my coming, I took Mr. Denly's arm, with
me intention or getting mm lo make a
statement, by the aid of which a mitigation
of the unfortunate young man's sentence
might be obtained. Almost unconsciously
I led him into Parker's where we seated
ourselves at a table and called for a lunch.
"It is a very hard case, Mr. Denly,' said
I ; poor Wade's mother will suffer more
than be."
"I know it; but one eannot submit to be
plundered in this manner. Besides, it is a
duty we owe lo society to assist in punish
ing the guilty.'
"True ; but after all' Mr. Denly, yoa may
be mistaken about the bill."
"Mistaken ! Impossible ! I am sure of
the bill. It was the same one ; if there had
been a particle of doubt about it, I should
not h ave sworn to it, of course.'
"It might hare blown out of the win
dow." "The window was closed."
"Yoa must think Richard Wade was a
fool to take such an opportunity of robbing
you, when, as you testified, he handelod
butidreds of dollars of your money every
day. If be had meant to rob yoo, it seems
to me he would have chosen a belter oppor
tunity.' "The fact is undeniable."
"Oh no; I could mention a dozen plain
er cases than this, where innocent men
have been punished."
' There is no chance for a mia'ake.'
"Yoa migtt have thrust the bill into
your pocket and lost it."
"Bat the sime bill reached me again
through my brother-in law, who received it
from Wade,' he involuntarily thrusting his
hands into his vet pockets.
Suddenly I observed a nervousness iu his
manner, and with both hands he began to
fumble with great violence at the left hand
pocket. He bad thrust one finger through
a bole near the top of the pocket, and was
exploring the recess inside the lining of the
'My God !" exclaimed he, suddenly ris
ing from bis chair in the highest excitement
while with a nervous twich he tore away the
pocket and drew out a bit of crumpled pa
per. My heart leaped as his tremblicg band
unfolded the paper. It was a hundred dol
lar bill !
' God forgive me!" exclaimed he, and
his cheeks glowed with shame.
"Yoa were mistaken, ihen ?"
"I was ; come to the Judge with me
Docket," and he rushed furiously towards
the court house.
I need not inform the reader by what for
malities the judgment was reversed but it
was done at once. Perhaps some violence
was done to the forms ; but Richard Wade
walked with roe to my office, where he was
folded iu the arms of his loving and devoted
He was saved ! He was innocent ! What
a thrill of joy ran through the veins of that
lair girl !
We were immediately, joined by Mr.
Denely, who took to himself much blame
for the part he had acted. He apoligized in
very humble terms io his book-keeper.
"You meant right, Mr. Denly," said Rich
ard, taking his porffered hand, in token of
his forgiveness.
"1 was wrong, and the events of this day
have taught me a lesson which I shall nev
er forget," replied the merchant. "I shall
make yoa each amend as are in my power
and I begin by raising my salary."
"Thank you, sir, yoa are too kind. My
innocence is established, whici is of more
consequenca to me than anything else."
Tbe parties left my office soon after.
The scene, when the poor mother was in
formed of the result, can easily be imagined
by the reader. Since that day, I have been
proud to nnraber among my personal
friends the members of the Wade family.
' Richard's friend returned from the South
a few days after. He bad not received the
letter Richard had sent him, and was igno
rant of tbe events which had occurred in
bis absence. Richard paid him and it is
not very singular that this same friend be
came the husband of Alice two years after.
Mr. Denly kept bis word with Richard; the
year after he was admitted as a partner, an4
his long since made his fortsne.
Life Insurance.
Josh. Billings, the great modern philoso
pher, has been having some experience in
life insurance business. He says he made
application to the "Guarden Angel Lile In
surance Co.," when the following question
were propounded by a ''slick little fat fel
low with gold speck :"
let Are y a mail or femaill i.'sp,fstate
bow long ya have ben so.
3d Are ya subject ta fits, and ' if so, da
yu have more than one at a lime ?
2d What it ynre precise filing weight ?
4th Did ya ever hav enny ancestors,and
if so, how much t
5lh What iz yore legal opinion ov the
Constutiiioqality ' ov the ten command
ments 1
6th Do yu ever hav enny nite mares 1
7th Are ya married and single, or are ya
a bachelor ? ,.
8th Do ya beleve in a future state f if yu
du, stale it.
Sih What are yure private sentiments
about a rush ov rats to the bed ; can it be
did successfully t
10th Hav ya ever committed suicide,
and if so, how did it seem to affect ya !
After answering the above questions,
like a man in the confir-natif, the slick lit
tle fat old fellow with gold specks on eed I
was insured for life, and proberly wud re
main so for a term ov years. 1 thankel
him and smiled one of my most pensive
Frimship In every man's life there
sooner or later comes a time when tbe ser
vices of a friend are invaluable, and when
the want of them works desaster and some
times ruin. No man, be he high or low,
rich or poor, from tbe monarch to the beg
gar, can afford lo lose,' a friend ; for no
greater loss can belall a man to lose, and no
greater folly can a man commit than to
throw off or neglect one whose friendship
be has no reason to doubt. Hamlet says ;
"Tbe friends thou hast, and their adop
tion tried,
Grapple them by the soul with hooks of
Fcll or Btrrrra. 'Sarah, dear said a
waggish husband lo his wife, 'if I were ia
your place I wouldn't keep the babe so fall
ol butter as you do.'
'Batter, my dear, yoa mistake, I never
give it any butter.'
'No, bu; yoa poured about a quart of milk
down it this afternoon, and then trotted it
on your knees for nearly two hours. If it
doesn't contain a quantity of bolter by this
lime it isn't for want of churning"
A negro about dying, was told by his mio
istertbathe must forgive a certain darkey
against whom he seemed to entertain very
bitter feelings. "Yes, yes," be replied.
"If I dies, I forgive dat nigga; but if gits
well, dat nigga, by golly most take car 1"
Th celebrated portrait painter, Sture,
once met a lady in the street in Boston,
who saluted him with : "Oh, Mr. Stuart, I
have just seen your miniature, and I kissed
it because it was so much like yon." "And
did it kiss yoa ia return ?" Why, no."
"Then," said Stuart, "it was not like roe."
In a Fix. "If I keep on dyeing my whis
kers, they'll draft mefornnder forty-five,'
said a perplexed American ; "and if I leave
offdyeing 'em, Polly won't have me. Any
how, I calculate I'm in a tarnation fix; for I
hale fighting, and can't give up Polly." ;
'And wilt thou ever be unfaithful to me
again V
'Nay, dearest.'
'And he neighed.
'And wilt thou be ray own faithful loving
wife? O, wilt thou !
And she wilted.
'And we shall live lovingly together in a
little shanty sha't we V
And she shanlied.
Wnr, Gsorcc, what are yoa hoeing in the
garden for at this time o'ntght '""Well, I
was awful dry, mother, and don't the Bible
say "Ho every one that thristelh V Tbe
old lady drew in ber head, closed the win
dow and collapsed.
A paragraph has been going the rounds,
of an old lady who has a moustache on her
lip. It is not uncommon for young ladies ia
in this vicinity to have moustaches on their
Lrr the patriot soldier remember the sub
lime words of Pompey the Great : 'It
necessary for me to go it is not necessary
for me to live.'
Why is sympathy like blind man's bafff
It is a fellow feeling for a fellow creature.
Harry J , having beeo requested to
open some oysters, after knocking them
teboul for some lime, exclaimed : "Upon my,
conscience but tbey are mighty hard to
peel !"
Jokks complained of a bad smell about
the Post Office, and asked Brown what it
could be? Brown didn't know, bat iug
gested that it might be caused by "tbe dead
Copy of a sign upon an academy out
west: "Freeman & Hoggs, School teachers,
Freeman teaches the boys atrd Hogg tb.
girls. - -
A CoRtotiiAK, en being asked at break- :
fast how he came by ';hat block eye stld
'be slept on his fiat.1