STAR OFTHE NORTH m.o SSTsiTiu it a , pa. Wednesday Korninf, Anz 19, 1SG3- A riw bushel l pie applet wilt be re reived An subbcrfptiou, at this office if brought swori. - ' j Tuk 'wea'.lnjf Las been extremely hoi fur some weeks past, commencing with the last wet-k n Jdly. Frequent shower general ly at ftigtii, fail 10 keep us cool. : Thk : At.TiCLe handed us from the pen of K. W. W. on ''Improvement of A. mhuT' will appear on the first page of next week's pa jier. The article is a good one. .Our excellent watchmaker and fellow townsman, Hkkry Zcppugcr, will please accept our thanks for that bottle of superior domestic wine presented us. Mr. Zapping er uaderFtatids .making a good ' article of wine. ; He is one of the best if not the very best boilicuI.urisM in ibis section of country. IisTCRNro. We are happy to announce the arrival home of W. Wirt, Esq., of this place, who was down in North Carolina Swamps and on the Peninsula, serving as a soldier for (he last niwe months, among the Dtafted Militia of this State. Ksq. Wirt looks ha!? aod hearty, much improved to what le 'van when we seen him with his Regimen last June at the Whim House, on the Peninsula. PaoMorsn. Wellington H. Enf, son of Hon. Peter Knt, ol Light Street, this county, has lately b-sea promoted for meritorious !eeds and 'worth as Colonel of the 6h Pennsylvania Reserve. Col Enl rosa grad ally from -first Lieutenant in the "Iron Guards," until he reached the position he now hald, Laving filled every office from a Lieutenancy in his old company to Colonel ? of the Regirrien!, which post of honor and j TepiiHitility he now fills. He is said to ' l-e very jopular with his Regiment, and ' withal is ar excellent young roan of lair . promise, besides a true patriot and soldier. : , . . . . , J .Wc Scm our paper to day to nearly all our old patrons, hoping they will patronize J it as reretofare So far we have received good sncouragement, much better thao we i t-oulJ expect in so short a time. Any sub- j triber receiving the Star who is not deir- j ou of continuing his support to the paper, will pleae return the first number. We bupeto see but few copies returned ; in- ! " stead of reiurnina any it wonld be much ' in lt0liX oi ,he Court Ho,,?e' at ,hi8 Place better for tte editor, thereby enablina him ! The a,,en,,ance 19 represented to have not to print a more readable paper, if each and ' been ,are' bot ,he Vech ls BaiJ to ever, scb.cnber ould send him an add,- j h"ve comft Mo expectations The speak tional name. See how many will do this er no doubl '. doubled, as are all the Abo Trr the plan, we are sure-vou can send us ' "nmP Pers, with "necro mania" otie t ew each. Thk Militia Compakixs which were out in th "emurgency" from thi connty, have all reiarued. Capt. Robison arrived with the 'fxiweribers Guards" on the first of last week. Major Knorr also returned, looking well. Columbia county did her part in send ng ou t troops for the "emergency ." Gen. Lee's army was handsomely whipped, driven out pf Pennsylvania and Maryland, .acrofsthe fotoraac, into Virginia, by Gen. Meade's amy. supported by Geo Couch's corpn. -Thu effect produced upon the rebel C tiie 'uifi by the raising of these Slare Mili tia was ko small matter towards accom plishing a viciory for our arms. Gen. Coucb bad good troops, and with a little drilling and camp experience wocld have made an effective body of troops, read' for and equal to acy '"emergency." - Ih khk sccHs to be a loll in our army at present, hence the lack of war news in the papirs. Genera! Meade is having his old Regiments filled up to their original num ber with drafted men. The draft will pretty oesrly fill up all the old Regiments, tha' is if the people respond pretty general ly a id too many of '.hem do not take advan tage of the Threts Hundred Dollar Act and ljuy their exemption. Very few are enter ing the service from Philadelphia City and Lan:asr connty, the latter place being old Thad. Stevens' strong Republican bold. The drafted men in these places are paying their Three Hundred Dollars. The draft has passed off quietly in several of the counties in this State. It has been made in the city of Harrisbnrg. and hit some eight Printers in the different offices. The conscripting ba not yet been resumed in the city of New York, bat is going on in the Stale. W hen the wheel will be turned in ' ibis county we are uninformed. A Doiocbatic Mectisq was held on the rSihinst. , in Fishingcreek township, near the Forks, which was largely attended and well ccnJ acted. Speeches were made by -Col Freeze, Col. Tate, and E. H. Little ct. The meeting was a complete sue iiesii, everything passing off , in a harmoni ous manner, and the speakers being fre juntlj applauded. The Democracy are alive the camp-fires of this Fall's cam paign Are already burning, ani threaten trcngly of sweeping everything before it We will elect Hon. GeoRGE W . Woodwaro Governor of this State at the coming eiec liott by an ovewhelmiog majority. His op poiejt, Andy Cut tin, can not command the foil support of the office-hoIJers.jobbers and cot tractors, who have been and are stilt fattening upon bis appoiatmeuts. The re lumed soldiers bis party coaut largely npon; bat there is a mistaken idea connected with thii-count. They had better not build cas tle in ine air for fear they might fall down, .nn the election day, and demolish the whole structure. Andy has a settlement to make wills, the soldiers before he can call himself their friend, as be has repeatedly done. We hill pa our respect to bim' doring the Eiriai2n a a manner as he deserves v f r , - t A load of pood dry -wood is -wanted at this office. Will tome one of our patron bring us a load . , , . - ' A. J. Evan.-.' advertisement will appear in our next. Ha has embarked . into the Clothlug business quite extensively. Mr. S H. Millcb, of this town, received a lot of New Goods a few days ago, which he will celt cheap for cash or produce Advertisement next week. Oca City ' advertisers who wish to con tinue their adveriisemeuls, will please drop ua a line immediately on the receipt of this paper. Those of our patrons who failed to settle their subscriptions daring our absence, will greatly oblige the editor of this paper, as well as do a commendable act, by coming forward and settling their iudeblness to us immediately. : We must have our money ; we ueed it. Pay the printer if you wish to get smoothly through this world, say noth ing of the other one. We do hope our de linquent patrons will beed this notice, as we do not intend to fend apapertoany but those who pay. A word to the wise,&c. The Provost Marshal of this county has seot his Guards to Try, Pa. The squad numbered about 30 members, all invalid soldiers, gathered together and organized into companies by the Government for the especial purpose ef doing garrison and Pro vosL'duly. There was no work for them in this county. The enrollment so far as we f can understand passed off peaceably. The drawing will take place in a few days, so boys prepare yourselves ! 9 m Wc most respectfully tender our sincere thanks to those editors who continued 13 send their papers to the Star office during I our nine month's soldiering. We will prom ise to return the favor should ever an occa sion offer itself, but do not wish to hear of any of our brother editors being drafted. Playing soldier behind a goose-quill is more pleasant and much the healthiest ! We prefer office drill to that of field, and do not blame any mau who can honorably 4 cet ot of the draft " Shonlder, Sliooting- Iron Forward, march! is played oat, for awhile with us. We would that some of our most patriotic friends enter the service and try their strength at making forced marches and capturing rebel armies. Af er serving a term of nine or more months they inay f,e aDte ,0 expain wny General Mc- ciellan and Meade have teen so slow in capturing, or to use a more desperate word, annihilates the whole rebel arm, Lee and Davia included. This thing of capturing armie that are well handled is much eas- fier talked about than doue. Thk Ablution harangue was delivered as - 1 K C.. . V Tl I I -. on me irain. n i not a nine siouuiar those leading Abolitionists in Washing'on have become crazy on this subject of Abo litionism as they have got their hands full with the negro. The African is only in the way and an expense to the Governmet.t instead of usefully filling important posi tions in the ranks of our army. Thousandi of these blacks are being clothed and fed by our Government, and not one cent do they earn for themselves or any one else, but remain in perfect idleness. It i true at certain points some of them are employ ed by the Government, but not profitably. The same amount of labor would be much better and quicker done by white men, thus making it the cheapest to have nothing to do with the Free American Citizen of African descent. The Southern negro no? his master if oa would get much wcrk done by him. The kind of work they are employed at in the South suits them, being raised and trained to it, besides it seems as natural for them to take to that particular labor a- the young duck does to water. We mean the cultivation of tobacco, cotton, sugar-cane, and the manufacturing ot these productions into merchantable good. In the hot climate they are of service, at snch work as we have mentioned. The African has been terribly disorganized by the break ing out of this rebellion-been ii.duced to leave bis matter and in many instances his master has left him, making him discon tented and miserable, dependent w'ooiiy upon the Government for protection :l support. The oego slave was much better situated before the war broke out. arid any person who knows of their present condi tion will readily admit this to be the fact. To Consumptives. THE advertiser bavins been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease, Consumption is anxious to make known to hia fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used ftee of charge, with the direction for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure or Consumption. A6lhrr.a, Brcr.ctiins, &c. Tbe only pbject of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflic ted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription will plea- address Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsbor?, Kings cou it J;N. Y. October 1, '62. 3m. H THE Confessions and Experience of a scfierer. Published as a warning, and for ibefcspecial benefit of Young Men, and iuose who suffer with Nervous Debility, Los of Memory,-" Prematura Decay, &c., by one who has cured himself by ;, simple means, after being put to gtt expense and inconvenience, through the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors Single copie. may be had of the author. C. A LAMBERT, esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a poel-paid ad dress envelop. Address CH AS. A. LAMBERT, Esq Gmenpoint, LonJ Island, N. Y. MiV 21, '62.-213. Candidate's Column. SENATORIAL. To the Democratic Electors of Colnmbii. Connty: '' Friends and Fellow Citizens Gratefu 1 for your former panialitv and generouu confidence, I would respectfully announ ce that I will be a candidate before the dem ocratic County Convention for the nomina tion as a candidate for State Senator to represent the Thirteenth Senatorial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the countieu of ColuQibia,Montour Northumberland and Snider. And respectfully solicit vour suffrage. LEVI L. TATE. Bloom township, Anz. 19, 1863. Kegistctviiitl'Recordcr. Upon consultation with many friend in different part of the connty, I am induced o offer rnvsalf to th e Democratic Conven tion, and subjvel to its action. a a candi date for he office of REGISTER AND RECORD ER in and for the County of Col ombia : and I hereby solicit the favorabls consideration of th Democracy at the pri mary Delegate Elections It will be my aim to perform the duties of the office promp tly, frfficiently tnd courteonsl. JOHN G. FREEZE. Bloomsburz, Aug. 19, 1863. Froth onotary. To the Democracy of Columbia county : Profou ndly grateful to you for your re peat ed evidence of confidence in my ca pacity, at the solicitation of many old and worm friend-, I am induced to offer myself to the Democratic County Convention, anJ su bject to its HCton as a candidate for the office of Pf.'O fHON OTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS, in and for the County of Columbia. Should 1 be nominated, I pledge m)8elf to execute the duties of tf e office to the beet of mv hbilitj. JACOB EYE RLY. Bloomsburg, Aug. 19 1863. Prothoiiotary. To'lhe Democracy of Columbia county : We are requeued to announce to ire Democratic voters of Columbia county th;it JESSE COLEMAN, of Orang township, will be a candidate for the office of Pro. tdonotarv, and Clerk of the several Courts, id Colombia county, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. O'mos" townhip. Ang. 19 1863. Trcaurcrt DANIEL McIIENUY, Eq., of Fishin;. creek townohip. we are a uthorizrl to an nourre, ill be a candidate for Treasurer f Co'ntnbi? County, at the approaching Eleciion, subject to the action ct the Col umbia county Democratic Convention. Fihincreek Iwp., Aug 19, 1863. Treasurer. HENRY BITTEN BENDER Fsq. of ingceek township, we are auttiorized to announce, will be a candidate for the office of TREASURER of Columbia county, at the approaching Election, subject to n action of the Columbia county Democratic Convention. FUhin;;creek Iwp , Aug. 13, 1863. ('oiiiiiiissioiier. THOMAS J. VANDERSLICE, Erq., of Hemlock townr-hip, we are authorized to announce will be a candidate this fall for BOUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the det-i-ion of the Columbia couniy Derro cra ic Convention. Hemim-k township, Aog. 19, 1863. ftfin CMl Ma LE or FEMALE Agents UUU,;UU 10 tej LLOYD'S new Stsel Pi-Ate County colored Map of trie Uni ed SutrH. Canada, and New Biunwkk From recent surveys completed Aug. 10, 1862; cost $20,000 to engrave it and cue jear's time. Superior to any S10 Map ever mide by Cotton or M ctiell, andselU at the inw price of fifty cm', 370,000 names are un g raved on this map. It is i.oi only a Coun'v Map, bat it is also a COUNTY and RAILROAD MAP. of the United States and Canada combined . in one, giving every RAILROAD STATION and 'iMnres between. Guarantee any woman or man S3 to $5 per day, and will take back all Maps that cannot be told and refund the money. Send lor one dollar's worth to try. Printed instructions how to Canvass well furninhed all our Agents. WANTED Wholesale Agents for our .Map hi every State, Calilornia, Caru.da, biilaiui, rrance anu tuba A tortune may i be made with u few hundred dollars capi- i tal. No competition. J T. LLOYD. No 146 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses our Ma.Mj Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsi 1 vania, com. 100,000, on which is marked Antie am Creek, Sharksbur', Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rtioret.-vill, Noland's Ford, and all others on th. Potomac, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsy Ivania. or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF Kentucky, Ohio, lnoiana, and Illinois, is the only authority for Gen. Buell and the War Department. Money refunded to any one Onding an error in it. Price 50 ct. From the Tribune A'ig. 2. "Lloyd's Mip of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This mai i very larae its cost is bui i5 "!', il is the leU t.hich can be purchased LLOYD'S Great Map of the MISSISSIPPI RIVER Frorr Aoiual Surveys by Capts. Bart Hitd Wm. Bawen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Missouri, show every man's plantation and owner's name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico 1,350 miles very sand bar, island, town, land ing, and all places 20 miles back from tbe River colored in counties and Slates. Price, Si in sheets. $2, pocket form, and S2 SO on linen, with rollers. Ready, :Spl. 20th 1862 Navy Department, Washinston, ) September 17th, 1862. J J. T. LLOYD Sir: Send me your Mip of the Mi-sissippi River, with price per hun dred copies. Read Admiral Charles H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squad ron is authorized to purchase as many as are required ioi use of that squadron. GIDKON WELLES, Sec. of Natry. October 8, 5862. IJATTL.E SCENES." mo of the most severe Battle Scenes and Incidmn of the war now ready (sizis I8x 30 inches) highly colored, rn fine card pa per, 4 for 25 cents, or 25 for SI, postpaid Also, just published, the Official Union Volunteer Directory (400 pages), jiving the name of every Officer and private in tbe Union Army, with their commaudit, &c, together wih a large amount of other val uable information, sent, postpaid, cn re ceipt of 25 cts, To Agents and the trade no better opportunity was ever offeied. Address H ENRY B. ANSON, Print Publish er. &c, 49 State St., Boston, Mass. GT Pa pet s copying, paid in the above. - ' 35'l-5. BLANKS I CLANKS I CLANKS 1 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, , EXECUTIONS, SUBPCEN AS, of proper &desirableforms,fovsale at the W5c of the "Star oftheTiprth," : N. Y. WEEKLY NEWS. The cheapest and best New York News paper. Only one dollar per annum. Eight pages forty columns. A complete record of events, Benjamin Wood, editor and pro prietor. Published at No." 19 City Hall Squate, Daily News Building, New York City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS is unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a public journal, and in EVERY DEPARTNENT is mo"t efficien: ly conducted , so as to form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial ani literary, throghout the World. In addition to thi it contains all the Do mestic Intelligence ofewch week and full reports of every matter of public interest. As a political Journal The Week ly News will be loutid on the side of tha Constitu tion of the country a it was lramed and est ablithed hy the Fathers ol the Republic, and will scan with care and fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of the let ter and spirit of thai instrument of our liberties. It prefers the POLICY OF PEACE to a ruinous and exhausting system of War. Insisting- upon the trutn of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, thai the just powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of the governed, it urges the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate , as of more sacred mporisnce than national grandeur or consolidated power under des potic rule without the pale of establihed law. On all question of national impor tance it 5s the inflexible champion of the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they bav edecided to be governed. It therefore holdiy avows its purpose ta sustain the FreodomSof Speech and of the Pret-s, with the view to protect the people fromlthe encroaching dogmas of theorists who coritfmpelate a modification of the democratic principles which to thi time havelbeen sustained against every ef fort to overthrow ihem. In all matters per filling to Government the purpose of this newspaper is to protect the people trom in considerate ar.d rash legislation, and to hold our public servants. to a drift account ability for their conduct while carrying ou the machinery of power. To this end the moxt careful attention will be given to ?ll Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm and impartial examinat atiott of every new yolitical proportion may be expected a the only means of protecting the people from an abrldemeut'ol their riahN. COMMERCIAL & MARKET REPORTS are givn in Hie most succinct yet complete manner. They claim particular notice for their fidelity and truth, and all tho-e who dei-ir to comprehend the exact finan cial condition of the couetry i-hould not fail to examine the views which will be lounn in this department of the journal. THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially interesting aod in otructiAe and being derived froui some of the ablest minds in Europe mu-t be read with the utmost avidity by those who desire to camprehend that diplomacy of the Gov ernments of the OUI Weld. In all other respects THE WEEkLY NEWS will be found to meet the public de mand. It is the ecpecial object of the Pro prietor to render u a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, eunobling in i's character, and satisfactory to that large claf in Ihe community who Vlnsire to see the Public Press treat all public questions with arguments aipresed in c-ourte-y and candor, thought, at the Mine time, with the spirit due to f,e themes dicuspd. By reference to the term of Tne New York Weekly Newo it will be noticed that tt is by far the cheapest new-pper in the world, and the Proprietor feel- that he may invi e those who approve of it principles aud conduct to use their influence in adding to its yresenl Iarj;e circulation. NEW YORK.WEELY NEWS, Eight Pases Forty Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year One Dollar Eleven Copies to one Address for One Year TEN DOLLARS, Single copies Three Cents THE KE.V YORK DAILY BE. VS. A first clas Metropolitan Jou rnal devoted to Peace and Constitutional Liberty, and) containing all the new.s ol the day. Politi cal. Telenraohical. Commercisl ami Local is the cheapen daily paper in the metropo- 9 I lis. TERMS: One Copy, Oue,Year Six Dollars. One Copv Six Months Three Dollars, Single Copies Tow Cents. Address "BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square, New York. 150 BEST PIANOS. $150 GROVESTEEN & HALE, having re moved to their new warerooms, no. k c z vrjjz, are now prepared to offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 Octave Uoscwood Piano, containing all improvements known in this country or Europe, over-strong bass, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor $1 SO CASH, Warranted for 5 Years Rich moulding cases, 175 TO $200, all warran led made of the bet seasoned material, and to 6tand better than any sold lor S400 or S500 by the old methods of manolacture. We invite the best Judges to examine and try these new instruments, and we Hand ready at all times to test them w ith any others manufactured in this coun- , y' GROVESTEEN & MALE, 478 Broadway, IVcw York. June 4'h 1862. 3rn Victory Perches I pou the Stars aud Stripes. New Slock ef Goods just received by L. T. SHARPLESS. Fine assottment of Dret-s goods, Calicoes at 10, 12, 16 & 18 cts, Fiaunels, Shirting, &c, cheap, by L. T. SHARPLESS. Ladies Lasting Balmoral Shoes & Gaiters, and a large stock of shoes and boots of all kinds, for sale by L. T. SHARPLESS Ladies Balmoral skirts, Hoop Skins, win dow papers. &c, sold cheap, by L. T. SHARPLESS. Sugars and Syrops cheap. Excelsior Syrup at 75c which cannot be excelled, al so tower priced at 50c per gallon at L. T. SHARPLESS' cheap cash store. To those wauling to buy goods for cash or country produce, or grain of any kind, I would say call and see the goods before purchasing elsewhere. L. T. SHARPLESS. ploombburg, Sept. 17, 1862. GREAT EXCITEJJFNT AT STILLWATER. LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED, AT tbe Store of Daniel McHenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersigned would respectfully in vite the citizens of Fishing Creek and the surrounding conntry, to his large and ex tensive stock of Goods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here tofore. His assortment consists of Cloths, Calicoe, Muslins, Hats and Caps, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make.- also, a lot of excel lent ISeacly-JIarte Clothing:. logeiher with a good assortment of Ves ting. Hi store is well fi!l3d with Goods ot every description. Hi? are not surpassed by ,.ny Store in the coun try. His Hardwr-d Department has not been nealecte '. . SCYTHES, BAKES. nOES, SHOVELS &c, are cmi-tAr;tiy kept on hand ; also, Spikes and Nails ; in sltort, everything us ually found in First-Cla Stores. DANIEL McIlENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1862. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER G O O B ! Jl T PE TER ENT S STORE I In Lizhi Ltreet, Columbia county, LTAS jut received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Ent, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNKY PRODUCE ! His stock consUis of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashion. CALICOES, MUSLINS, ginghams, flannels, carpets, siiaws, hosiery. silks, ready-m de clothing, CASSIMKRS. SATINETS, COTTON A DES. KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C, GROCERIES, QUEENSWA RE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicine. Drnu-i, Oils, PainU, &.C., Boots and Shoe, Haiti and Caps. In thort everything usually kept in a conntry store. The patronage of old friend, and the public public generally, ia respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun trv produce. PETER ENT. " Street. Mav 7, 1862. si;:i:ii &. co. s Letter "A" Family Sewiug Machine, With all the Recent Improvements. Is the bast and cheapest and moi beauti ful of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sow anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making ol an over coat; anything Irom Pilot or Beaver cloth down to the softest (Jane or Gossamer Tisne. and h ever ready to d j it- work to perfection. It can lei!, hem, bind, gather, lurk, quilt, and has capacity lor a great va riety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other machine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may be had in great vari ety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be lolded into a box or case, which, when opened, makes a beautiiul. substantial, substantial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon The ca-es are of every imaginable desisznj pi tin as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can mak them. The Branch Otfice are well supplied with i-iik twist, thread, ueedles, oil, etc., of the very bet quality. Send for a copy of Sikcfr & Co.'s Gazette. I.M SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8J0 Chesir.ut.St. N. S. Tingley, Auent, in Espy, Pa. John Sharpies, Aent, in Cattawipsa. Ju y 23, 1862 -ly. READING RAIL ROAD. SU13IER AKIIASGOENT. GREAT Trunk line frorn the Nor;h and North-west for lelphia, New York, Reading, Pottit;e,Lebaoou, Allen town, EaMori, &c.( Trains leave Harrirbtirg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Poti.sviiie, and all in termediate Sla.ions, hi 8 a. m. and 1.40 P. M. New York Express leave Harri-bnrg at 1.25 a. m. airiviiig at New York at 8.25 the same morning. Fares Irom Harrisburg: to New York $5 00, to Philadelphia S3, 25 and S2,70. Baggage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pitteburgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.t5 P. M. Sleeping ci-rs in the New York Exprers Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change- Passengers by the Caltawi.ssa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila delphia and all intermediate Station, and at 3.00 P.M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsvilie at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and at 5.30 P. M. for Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Caitawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger (rain leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns from Phila delphia at 5 P. M. ICV All the the above tiains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvilie at 7.30 A. M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileaga, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to aud from all points. . G. A. NICoLLS, general Superinteodant. June 4th i862. LEATHER! LEATHER ! rjlHE undersigned would announce, that be has on hand, at his Hat and Cap emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg, an assortment of different kind of leather,uch as fine calf skins, morocco, red ar d black and iinings, all of which he will sell cheap er than can De had elesewhere in this mar ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves. JOHN K. GIRTON'. Bloormburg, May 21, 1862. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concern every body. jonxs sr crosley's IMPROVED GUI TA PERCH A. The Cheapest and most dubleRoofling. in use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF It can be applied to New and Old Roofs ol All kinds, steep or flat, aud to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingles. TH E COST I S ON L Y A bO UT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article bas been tborougly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America. On Rn it ft inn a nf ull j - 'luiiiio vi n kinds, uuch as Factories, FoundriesChurrh es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings. &c, by the principal Builders, Architects anu outers, uuring tne past lour years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST aud MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in evpry respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7Am is the ONLY material mantifuctvud in the United States which combines tbe very desirable properties of Elasticity and Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to be possessed - by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying il is triflninz with ordinary Roof can be covered aud fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE, undwhen finished forms a perfectly Fi'-e Proof surface, with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms. Shrin king of Roof Boards, nor any external action ha evr. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all Kinds when ex posed to the action of the Weather and For Preserving and Jit pairing Metal Hoof a of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully reeit extreme changes of climates, for any length of time, when applied to me'als, to which it adheres firmly, tormina a body equal to ibree coats oi ordinary pain:, costs much less. nd will LAS T IHREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom its elasticity is not injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. li will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Rools can te readily repaired wiih GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion aim leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Rnof for rnnny year-. This Cetnnt is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, iic, alo lor general manufacturers ue. GUTTA PERCU CEMENT For pr-serving and repairing Tin and other Metal Rools or every description, from its great ela-ticity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ol Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in varm weather. 1 hee materials are adapted to all cli mates, aud we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any part of the country, at short no-ice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolNj ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions lor application. AGENTS WANTED. We will makelibeml and salt factory arrangf mens with retptmsiljle p nties who would i'ke to establish themselnes inu Lucrative and Perma nent buines. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant prool of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Miierials. have applied them to sevtral thousand Roofs in New Yoik Citv and vi cinity. JOHNS & C LOS LEY, Sole Manufacturers, Wholesale. Warehouse 78 William St., Corner ol Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be f.trniihed on application. October 16, 1861 ly. BEAUTIFl'L COMPLEXION. rjOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will sen I toall who wish it (Iree of charge) the Recipe and full directions for makir.g and using a beautiful vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Tan Freckles, &c, &c!, leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful; alfo full di rections lor using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimulant, war'anted to start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in less than thirty days. Either of the above can be obtained by return mail, by addresi-ing f"with stamps for return postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist. 831 Broadway New York. January 15, 1862. 2m. r p H E CON F ESS I ONS an d EX P ER I EN C E 1 of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn ing, and for the especial benefit of Youna Mve.n and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature De cay, &c, &c, &:c, by one who has cured himself by simple means, afer being put to great and inconvenience, through the n.e of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be had of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by encloMng a post-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT. Esq, Greenpoint, Long Inland, New Yoik. January 15, 1862 2m. A SEVEN OCTAVE $400 1:0 i:vooi fiaiyo. Payable in easy sums of Three Dollars per month. The public will please take notice that the books of the Fh iladclpli ia ITIiiMCinl av ings and Loan ocicty Are now open to receive subscribers to a Fourth Series. The first distribution of Seven octave Rosewood Pianos for this series will take place at the office No, 1021 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY, Oct, th. at 8 o'clock, Circulars, giving the full plan of opera lions, of this highly beneficial institution can be had by applying to the Secretary of the society. U W. GRAY, Secretary, OtTice, 1021 Chestnut St. Oct. 8, 1862. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in the best style known in the art, at C. G. CHASE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. 7 Life Sixe in Oil and Pastil. ISTStereoscopic Portraits, RTAmbrotvpes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rinjj &e. novM FRIENDS AND RELATIVES or THK Brave Soldiers and Sailors IIOLLOU AT'S -FILLS AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Frien ds and Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take efpeci eare,that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment ; and where th brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no betitr present can be sent them by their friencV Tbey have been proved to be the Soldier never-lailiiig-lriend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND CCLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cured by using ther e admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT O AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIEPS. Those feelings which so sadden ua, usual ly arioe from trouble or annoyances, ot, frlructed perspiration, or eating and drink, ing whatever is unwholesome, thus dis turbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These organs must be relieved, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed iuttructioi'S, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, aud as a natural conse quence a clear head and good appetii ' WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Wilt soon disappear by the use of these invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Hoi loway'e Pills should be recommended for Dysenlary and Flux, many persons suppo sing that they would increase ibe relaxa tion. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will( correct tbe liver and Momwch and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give ton and vigor to the whole organic sys em bow ever deranged, while healih'.and strength follow as a mailer of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of il e bowels so sure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION I INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH. Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Sweilingi can with certainty be radically cured if the pills are leken night and mominit and the Ointment be freely used as sated iu thu printed instructions. If treated in a iy oth er manner th-y drv op in one pa t "k out in another. Whereas this O irflent will remove the humors from the , f tern and leave the Patient a vigorous alio ehl thy man. It will require a little per M rauce in bad cases to insure a lasting c FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASION K. BY THE BAYONET. SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Sath r are li able, there are no medicines o safe, iom and convenient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounded and almost dving sufferer might have bi wounds dres-ed immediately, it be would only pro vide hime!t with this match! Ointment, which should be thruM ioio the wonnd and smeared all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a handkercheit. Taking night and morning 6 or 8 pills, to rool the pys'em and prevent mflamation. Everv Soldier's Koapsack and kSearran's Chest should be provided with these valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None sre penuine unless the words "Holloway, NewlYork and Lon don are discernable as a Water-maik in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box : the t-ame may be plninly seen by holding the leaf to tbe light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties coun terfeiting themedicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spuriou. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hollowat, &0 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout tbe civilized world in boxes at twenty five cents, sixty two cents and one dollar each. CP There is consi derable savig by la king the larger sizes. N B Direc'.ionsjfor the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed .to each box. April 9th 1862. ly. MADISOX HOrSE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA.) ajtHE subscriber w ould respectfully ap prise his friends and the public gener ally, that he bas eslablihed the MADISON m HOUSE, hi Jerseytown, Columbia county. Pa. The above house has lately been vefitted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared ?to entertain the travelling custom as well a the Iocs I with general satislaetion, His TABLE and BAR, are well supplied and will h careful ly superintended. And hts STABLE is am ply and well storked, in charge of careful grooms, will always be properly attended. t? He invites a share of the pnbliccoa torn, and pledses his best efforts, to help his guests feel at home SAMUEL RIM BY. Jereeytown, Jan P, 1862. NEW HATS AND CAPS ! At J. K, Virion's Hat tore. THE undersigned respectfully informs the the citizens of Bloomsborg,and he public in eeneral. that be ha tos received from Philadelphia a lot ol NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of the very latest styles and fashions, all of which bt is pre pared to sell cheaper than ran be bad else where, with the exception of the manufac turers. He ha all kinds, stvbs, sorts and sizes, of hats and caps, probably the most varied assortment ever brought to town. Also STRAW GOODS, including the mod. em slvles and fashions. tySiore on Main Street, a few doors above the American House. JOHN K.GIRTON. Bloomsborg. April 16, 1862. $25: EMPLOYMENT ! 475 AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from S25 to S75 per monih, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress F.Ric Sewiko Machikk Com pant, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. BloonisLurg, Auj. 21, 1861. 4 lare aoriuiLt ui LJtj' Gaiter just received! 91.00 and SI 25 at L. T. SHARPLESS.'