The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 22, 1862, Image 1

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W. U. JACOSY, Proprietor.;
Two Hollas per Annum.
Truth and Right God and our Country.
.liLLl I l 7Jio' 1L Ji Jio
r?nn nnn male or female Agents
xjkjxjxjkj ,0 pe BOYD'S new Steel
Plate County . colored Mao of the Unite
States, Canada?, and New Biunswick
From recent surveys completed Ad?. 10,
. J8U2; cost 520,000 to engrave it and ene
year's time.
Superior to any $10 Map ever made by
Coltoa or Mlchell, aud pells at the low
price of fifty cents, 370,000 names are en
graved on this map.
It is not only a Coun'y Map, but it is
the UTitfed States and Cnadas combined
in one, givin? every RAILROAD STATION
and distances between.
Guarantee any woman or man S3 to $5
per day, and will take back all Maps that
cannot be hold anrf refund the money.
Send lor one dollar's worth to try.
Printed instructions bow to canvass well
furnished all 'our Agent.
WANTED Wholesale Agents for our
Map i:i every State, California, Canada,
England, France and Cuba. A fortune may
be made with a lew hundred dollars capi
tal. No competition. J T.LLOYD,
No 146 Broadway, New York.
The War Department uses oar Map o
Virginia, Maryland, and Peonat Ivania, cost
100,000, on which is marked Antietam
Creek, Sbarksburg, Maryland Heights,
Williamsport Ferry, Rhorersville, Noland'e
Ford, and all others on the Potomac, anJ
evury other place in Maryland, Virginia,
and PennsIvat.ia, or money refunded.
Kentucky. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, is
tho only authority for Gen.' Buell and the
V.'ir Department. Money relunded to any
one Ouding an error in it. Price 50 cts.
From the Tribune Aig. 2.
"Lloyd's Map of Virginia, Maryland, and
Pennsylvania. This map is very lare, its
com is but 25 cents, and it is Ike beat which
tai be punkased
RIVER From Actual Surveys by Capts.
L'ui and Wm. Bowen, Mississippi River
lYnts, of Si. Louis, Missouri, stiowf every
man's plantation ami owrer's name from
St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico 1,30
miles every sand bar, island, town, laud
' i:i:;. and sil places 20 miles bark from the
River colored in counties and Spates.
Price, 1 m sheets. S2. pocket form, and
2 50 on In.en, with rollers. R?adv, Sept.
20th IS62.
Navy Department, Washington, ?
September 17th, 1862 J
J T LLOYD Sir: Send nie your Map of
3 Mi!Mipu River, with price per bun
ftrpJ copies. Rrtad Admiral Cnarles H
ihtvis. corrtmanclins; the Mississippi squad
r i is authorized to purchase as many as
a:a required lot use ol that squadron.
' GIDEON WELLES Sec, ol Navy.
October 8, 1862. -
REA T Trunk linf from t!ie Nr:h and
Vrlr, R-a 'mg Potxvillf Lebanoti, Alien
to!!. Kafion, Sac t
1 ranis leave Hrnbur; for Philadelphia
Nw York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in
trin-nJiau: Stations, at 8 a. m. and 1.40 p. m.
New York Express leaves Harriubnr at
l.;!5 a u. atrtviug at New York at 8.25 the
Nine morning.
Fare Irom JJarrisburz: to Naw York
Si 00, io Philadelphia, $3,25 and S2,70.
liiasagw checked through".
Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12
Noon, ua 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.)
Lave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P
; Sleeping in the New York Express
Tram, ihrouah to and from Pittsburgh
w lUioin ci'ansi.
Psse ners by the Cattawissa Rail Road
leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila
delphia and ail intermediate Station, and
al. 3 00 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York,
aid all Way Points.
;,Trains!eave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and
2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York,
a id as 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port
Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove
aad with the Caltawissa Rail Road.
: An accomodation Pae-eenser irin leaves
Feading at 6 A. M. and returns from Phila
delphia at 5 P. M.
" ISAilthethe above tiains run daily,
Sundays excepted. -
A Sunday train leaves Podsvtlle al 7.30
li-M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M.
. Commutation, Mileaga, Seaon, and Ex
corsion Tickets, at reduced rates to and
liora all points.
. General Soperintendant.
Jane 4th i62.
To Conscnptires.
THE advertiser having been restored to
health in a few weeks', by a very simple
remedy, after having suffered years with a
levere Icng affection, and that dread dig
case, Consumption is anxious to make
l:nown to his fellow-sufferers the means of
f nre.
To ali'who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription used free of charge,
ivitb the direction for preparing and using
Ibe rarte, which they will find a sure enre
or Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c.
Tbe'only pbjectofthe advertiser in eend
. ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflic
ted, and ppread information which be con
waives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve-
ly snfferer will try his remedy, as it will
i:ost them nothing. and may prove a bleas-
ing- ' - . .
Parties wishing the prescription will
please addrejs Rev. E. A. WILSON,
Williamsborg, Kings county, N. Y.
- October 1, '62. 3m.
''THE tonfebioa and experienc of a
icSerer. Published as a warnins, and for
the especial benefit of Young Mea, and
those who Riiffer with Nervous Debility,
lass of Memory, Premature Decay, &c,
ty one who has cured himself by simple
means, after being pot to great expense
and" inconvenience, through the nse of
ivonhless medicines prescribed by learned
I)rctors. Single copies may be had of the
icthor, C. A LAMBERT, esq., Grenpoint,
lotig Island, by enclosing a post-paid ad
tTess envelope. Address -CIIAS.
Green point, Long Island, N. Y.
.May 21, '62. 2m. J
- Ayert Sarsaparilla.
Will. Ut JACOB?
Office on Bfiin St., Ird Sqnare below Market,
TERMS:-Two Dollars pnr annum if p..d
within sir month (rnm .K r ,..wt.:
" . . u ... 1UU IIUIQ II DUUtll' -
bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid bomb shell suddenly bursi in the midst of
within thfe year. No subscription taken for j those surgeons and nores or had tha en
a less period than six months ; no discon- tire rebel army suddenly rushed on tho hos
.... w v.tiimuu until an aucarnos a I o
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
Ik terms of advertising will be us follows :
One square, twelve lines, three times, $l 00
Every subsequent insertion, 25
One square, three months, ...... 3 00
Oneear " g00
Choice Poctryj.
We love the friends our hearts hold dear,
Our sisters and our brothers,
But most of all, we ought to love
Oar dear devoted mothers.
Although this wor'd is dark and drear
Its joys partake of sadness,
Yet, now aud then there will appear
A beam ol love and gladness.
A friend may love us long and well,
And cling through joy and sorrow,
But then some evil cursed spell
May chill this love to-morrow !
But firmer than the love of friends,
And stronger than all other,
The purest love we ever koew
Is thai of our dear mother.
A sister's love is fond and true,
And full of tender feeling,
Appreciated by the few
And often anrevealing
But dearer than a sister's love,
And tender than all others,
The dearest, sweetest love on earth
is a devoted mother's
A brother's love is firm and true,
A father loves us longer;
A wile's devotion greater still,
And her affection stronger ";
But dearer than those loves combined,
And sweeter than all other,
There is no love as true and kind
As a devoted mother.
They tell that spirits hover round,
From evil to detain us :
That friends.whom once we knew on earth
la Heaven may still befriend us ;
But dearer here than angel's love,
And purer than a!l others,
The love ou e.rth we need the mot,
Is a devoted mother's.' . let us prize our moihe rs more,
H i. ile they are leu to lui? us ;
And ciiertfh ip our hearts their words,
1; how thy watch atove n ;
And ne'er turret, or treai with olight,
I'hai-love all o'.hern,
Whu-'c fl'itfd forever Purning bright,
Tue hearts of our dear mothers.
One of the Unrecorded Incidents of the Camp.
Many a glorious incident ofthe field, and
many a humane action in the hospitals of
the army, will be described by the lips of
of our soldiers, but how few of these will be
recorded by the pens of the country. Yes
terday we happened to be in conversation
with one of our brave Dauphin county boys
a soldier from gallant old Wiconisco town
ship, who bad seen much' of the hardships
ol march, and the brunt of the battle, and
who knew what it was to suffer in the hos
pital. He was with McClellan in the
swamps and was wounded in one ofthe se
vere skirmishes which took piace in that
locality. He was sent to the hospital and
then, to use his own homely but emphatic
language, " he suffered lots and gobs of
pain," and thought that at one time he
would be compelled to fall back in good
order into the grave.
While he was in the hospital at Harrison's
Landing, be noticed a quiet, benevolent,
middle aged lady, hovering over sick beds
like a ministering angel, and passing anions
the wounded with the power of a health
giving, soothing and inspiriting influence.
One day the kind matronly lady lold a num
ber of sick Pennsylvanians, that she would
order a lot of oysters to be sent to the hos
pital, as she believed that stewed oyster
broth would be invigorating to the system.
The oysters came, but the surgeons and
some of the nnnes in charge decided that
they were not the thing for the sick that a
soldier should not luxuriate on oyster 60up
that it would unfit him for bis usual ra
tions when he he was discharged from the
hospital and therefore surgeons and nur
ses had a grand time over a splendid oys
ter supper that night. The next morning
the same lady returned as ever the bearer
of comfort and cbeerto the wounded, and
upon inquiring after the health of hereons,
as she called all in the hospital, desired to
know how they had relished their oysfers -The
sick ,boys hesitated a moment, and
then informed her that the oysters had been
decided unfit food for common soldiers
and that the gentlemanly nurses and brave
sargeons had regaled themselves with those
she had sent, in an oyster supper. A
frown suddenly gathered on her leanture,
but it as soddenly gave way to the placid
smile "vhich was wont to render her coaii
tenace so beautiful in the eyes of the sick
men to whom she rainistered. At this mo
ment several of the nurses and surgeons ap
peared, and having heard that the old lady
was inquiring as to the disposition of the
oysters, and learning that 6he was informed
as to their conduct attempted to look very
dignified, and In an imperious voice wanted
to know why the old woman was iterfering
with the men, and what right she had to
sow discontent among the patients. She
gently remonstrated, and ic a saeming sup
plicating volee, said that she had some
right in the hogpital. , One of the surgeons
next inquire as io now .u bubuou .u- ,
. - : i . 4 i. J V. . i
right. This was answered by tha old lady
at 'she had a son in the army. " Plenty
'vomen have sons in the army, and still i.u ngui iu imwneru wu.i me
hospitals," was the insolent rejoinder
' " Wh!1 is ,he narae of ya' boy' Th?
rrTn n
Clellan," mildly replied the lady. Had a
pital, the confusion could not hava
greater amonfe all present.
The surgeons and nnrses. scarcely know
ing what tbey did added to their humilia
tion by their awkward apologies while
tha sick soldiers who were within hearing
of what was going on, rose on their pallets,
cheered and then fell back again weeping
and sobbing with ecstacy of joy.
It was the mother of Major General Geo.
B McClellan, who had been the nurtu and
the benefactor of the sick soldier. What
mother in the land will refuse to rlivoke
Heaven's richest bjessing on her head !
ConspiracjTto Depose the President.
The following, which appeared in the
New York Herald of yesterday, under the
Washington date,Sept. 16., will not surprise
the reading community, after the proceed-
wilhstmding its seeming sensation charac
ter, that there is on toot some such con
spiracy as'that alluded to, we think scarce
ly admits of a doubt. Fremont and those
who support him are capable of attempt
iug anything that holds out to lhi?m a
chance of success :
"Most astounding disclosures have been
made here to-day, by letters and verbal
communications from prominent politicians
showing that a conspiracy has been S3t on
foot by the radicals of the Fremont faction
to depone tha present administration, and
place Fremont at the head of a proviiional
government, in other words to make him
military dictator. One cf these letter.1 as
serts that one feature of this conspiracy is
the proposed meeting of Governors of the
Northern States to request President Lincoln
to resign, to enablethem lo carry out their
scheme. The writer, in conclusion, says
Governor Andre and Senator Wilson are
at work. and tbey are probably at the move
ment. From other w-ll informed it is learn
ed tnat the fifty :honaud independent vol
unt?eri, propoed to be raised under the
anspices of the New York Natioral Union
De'enc? Corr.mitiee were emended to be a
nue'ens for tlif organization of this Fre
mont conspiracy. It was the purpose of
those ensaged;in Ihisj movement to have
this force organized and armed by the gov
ernment, and placedunder'the independent
command of their.chosen leader, and then
to call upon all sympathisers to nnitu with
them in arms to overthrow the present ad
ministration and establish in its stead a mil
itary dictatorship, to carry out the peculiar
policy they desire the government ihould
execute. Failing in this, it is stated lhat a
secret organization has been inaugurated,
the members of are known by the name of
Ronndheads. It is intended that this or
ganization shall number two hundred thou
sand men in arms, who shall raite the
standard of the conspirators and call Gener
al Fremont to the command. They expect
to be joined by two thirds of the Army of
the Union now in the field, anJ lhat eventu
ally one million of armed men will be gath
ered around their standard. This startling
disclosure is vouched for by men of high
repute in New York and other Northern
Stales It is the last card of those who hare
been vainly attempting to drive the Presi
dent intothe adoplirn of their own pecu
liar policy." '
The Tree Cans
of the Ctlel Northward
From the Richmond Examiner, Fep'. 12.
"The grain growing and provision raising
country which stretches from the Potomac
at Harper's Ferry to Memphis on the Ten
nessee is now exhausted of its provisions.
The armies of the South have consumed
everything in the central portion of it, and
the jf ir.t armies ol the two belligerer t Pow
ers hive consumed the supplies of the ex
tremes. Much of the productive of North
Carolina and the Gulf States have been al
so exhausted ,and the general scarce y of all
sorts of supplies is attested by the high pri
ces of everything eatable. Wheat in worth
two dollars and a half at Bristol, in the heart
of a -fine wheat country, and cattle are
bringing seven cents gross in Sou h west
ern Virginia, the chief cattle raisins region
for the whole South. Pork is not to be en
gaged now of the pork raisers of Ea?t Ten
nessee at twenty-five cents, though one
fourth that figure has always been booSbt
a good price after it had reached tbe mar
kets of consumption. Hay, which used to
be difficult of sale at fifty cents a hundred
in the interior, no cannot be obtained iu
sufficient quantities to supply . the demand
al two dollars. ' Every article of fa-m pro
duce has gone up to these fabulons prices,
and the ready payment ot these tempting
rates has exhausted the farming regions ol
the South of their supplies. High prices
I now no longer command, in requisiie quan
tities, the farm staples ofthe country.
Tbe. fact has resulted from the circum
stance that a comparatively limited region
of country has been compelled to support,
not only its own population, but also the
armies both of friend and foe. Tbe exhaus
tion which has resulted is almost complete,
as is shown by the fact that while ; dozen
- ,
eggs may oe procure ior iu ..out. .
Boston, they seudily command a dollar in
Richmond. As our armies have now ad
vanced into Kentucky and Maryland, this
scarcity of locd will be relieved to the ex
tent of the army supplies ; but the exhaus
tion is po absolute that it must be some
time before prices can subside to their ac
customed rate.
There are two sources only Irom which
Gavernment and people can obtain the pro
visions necessary for their support. The
first source is the cotton country, in which
unusual areas, heretofore devoted to cotton, J
are said to have been sown and planted in
grain, this source of supply will be ample
tor the emergency. But the rearing of ani
mals cannot be increased with, the 6ame
rapidity as that of grain crops ; and the cot
ton country will remain still longer a con
sumer of meals rather than a producer.
The deficiency in cattle might possibly
have been made up from Texas, and prob
ably will be to 'some extent; but the com
mand of a large portion of the channel of
the Mississippi by the enemy will serious
ly diminish the supply of flesh derived
from that quarter.
The great and true source of meat supply
is the State ot Kentucky. If our armies
could push directly forward on that State
a!U, occupy l lo ,he banks of the Ohio, the
political advantages secured to tne Jou:n
would be ot no small account compared
with ihote she would derive in a Bumptu-
ary point of view. There are more hogs
and cattle in Kentucky available for general
consumption, two or three !o one, than aro
now left in all the South besides, and steps
ought to be taken by Government to drive
the6e animals, us well as mules and horses
as the armies march forward, and place
them within our line. It is not only posi
tivelj important to us that these animal
be promptly seeurea as tney tan
within our grasp, but it is negativelv so.aUo j
In depriving the enemy of the convenient ;
supplies of meat for their army which they
have derived from Kentucky.
The PrcsidentVFroclamation in Kentucky.
The Louisville Jourml denounces the
President's late emancipation Proclamation
and iays it "will prove only to effectually
for the purposes. ol the enemy"
nal fur-her ays :
The Jour-
Kentucky cannot and will not acquiesce I
in me,.nr '- t A. Hula ,ll l !
allow it to chill her devotion to the cause
thus cruelly imperilled anew. Tbe govern
ment our fathers framed is one thing, and a
thing above price; Abraham Lincoln, the
temporary occupant of tbe executive chair,
is another thing, and a thing ol compara
tively little worth. The one is an individ
ual, the sands of whose official exigence
are running fast, and who, when his official
existence shall end, will be no more or less
than any other individual. The other is a
grand political structure, in which is con
tained the treasures and the energies t.f civ
ilization, and upon whose lofty and shining
dome, seen from the shores of all climes
sentre the eagCr hopes of mankind What
Abraham Lincoln as President does or fails
to do may exalt er lower our estimate of
himself but noi of the great and beneficent
government of which he is but the tempo
rary servant. The temple is not the Itfss
sacred and precious because the priest lays
an unlawful sacrifice upon the alter. The
loyally of Kentucky is not to be shaken by
any mad act of the President. If necessary
she will resist the act, and aid in holding
the acior to a just aud lawful accountabili
ty, but she will never lift her own hand
asaint the glorious fabric because he has
blindly or criminally smitten it. She is in
capable of such guilt and folly.
The President has fixed the first of next
January as the time for his proclamation to
go into effect. Belore that time the North
will be called upon to elect members of
Congress, and the new Congress will as
semble. We believe that the proclamation
will strike the loyal people ofthe North in
general with amazemet.t and abhorence.
We know it. We appeal to them to mar.i
lest their righteous detestation by returning
to Congress none but the avowed and zeal
ous adversaries of this measure Let the
revocation of the proclamation be made the
overshadowing issue, and let the voice of
the people at the polls, followed by (he
voice of our representatives in Congress,be
heard in such tones of remonstrance and of
condemnation that the Presiden', aroused
to a sence of his tremendous error, shall
not hesitate io withdraw the Measure. Tbe
vital interests of tha country demand that
the proclamation shall be revoked, the
sooner the better, and, until it is revoked,
every loyal man should unite in vigorously
working for its revocation. If the President
by any means is pressed away Irom the
constitution and his own pledges, he must
be pressed back again and held there by
the strong arm of the people.
The game of pressure is one that two can
play at; and it is no slight reproach to the
conservative men of the country that here
tofore they have do: taken their fair share
in this game as played at the national capi
tal. The radical have been allowed to
have the game to much to themselves. We
hope this reproach will now be wiped
' George," said a young lady to her lover :
"there is nothing interesting in the paper
to-day, is there 1"
"No love, but I hope there will be one
day when we shall both be interested."
The young lady blushed, and of course .
tlf . fi-oraa
TLe Best Advantage.
A countryman went into a store in Cos
ton the other day, and told the keeper that
a neighbor of his had entrusted him wi:h
some money to be spent to the best ad van
tace, and he meant to do it where he would
be treated the best.
He had beci very well reated in Boton
by the traders, end would not part with his
friends money until he found a man who
would treat him about right. With the ut
most suavity the trader says.
"I think I can treat you to your liking,
how do you want to be trea'ed 1"
"Well," says the farmer with a leer in
his eye.
"In the first place I want a glass of tod
dv " whir.h was forthcoming. "Now I will
have a nice cigar," says the countrymen
It was promptly handed him, leisurely light
d and thnn throwinir himself back, with
his feet as high as his head, he commen
ced puffins away like a Dutchman.
"Now what do you want to pcrchase 1 '
says the storekeeper.
" My neighbor banded me two cents
when I left home to buy htm a plug of to
bacco," answered the farmer,"have you got
the article 1 '
The storekeeper stopped instanter, and
tha ripti thinf lhat was heard from him was
j 6ideg ghakins and hij face Qn
fire as he was relating the sell to his friends
down town.
1 Soldier's Story.
Not long since a lot of us 1 am an H. P.,
"high private," were quartered in several
wooden tenements and in an inner room of
one lay the corpse of ayoung secesh offi
cer. awaiting burial. The news soon spread
to a village not far off, and down came tear-
. -entimental. not bad-looking speci
mRn of a Virc;nia dame.
M . . . . - f h; mo,her !" she
cried, as I interrupted her progress.
let me kiss him for his mother !"
4 "Kiss whom ?"
"The dear little Lient. the one who lies
dead within. I never saw him but oh !"
I led her through a room in whici young
Lieut. . of Philadelphia lay stretched
ou' on an upturned trough, fast aleep
Suppoing him to be the "article sought for,
she msned up exclaiming
" Let me kihim for his mother," and
approached her lips to his forehead
wa her amazement wren the corpse
claped his arms around her and exclaim
ed : .
''Never mind the old lady. Miss, go it on
your own account. I haven't the slightest
A couple of young ladies, having buried
theif father, who had an aversion to mari
mony, conversing on his character, the
eldest rbervd :
"He is dead at least, and now we will
"Well," said the youngest, " I am for a
rich husband, and Mr. C , shall be my
"Hold, sister." said the other, "don't lei
ns be so hasty in the choice of our husbands
let us marry thoe whom the power aSove
have destined for ns. our marriages are reg
istered in heaven' book"
'I am sorry for ?h,at," replied the young
est, 1 for I am afraid father will tear out the
Major Brodtback,of the twelfth Kentucky
regiment is a great favorite with his men.
He is a German. and although a strct disci
plinarian acd a regular soldier, he is not
always severe. An instance of his humor
i thus related :
Several of his men were repoited drunk.
Upon visiting Ihem the Major exc'.cimed :
"Here ! here ! here !" said he, " What's
all this V
"Major, dear," one of them replied, you
know we've been (hie) cooped up a long
time and when a feller gets a chance hicl
he's apt to go it."
"What's the matter wih you?"
"Tight, that's all "
"What have you been drinking?"
"Well, dat is better as the measles."
So he lets them off.
A Deucatk I,kul Touch. Nit very far
from Central New Jersey lived two yrnng
lawyers, Archy Bmwn and Tom Hall
Both were lond of dropping in at Mr
Smith's of an evening, and spending an
hour or two with his only dangh'er Mary.
One evening when Brown and Miss Mary
had discussed almost every topic, Brown
suddenly, and with his sweetest tones,
struck out as follows :
"Do yon think, Mary, yon could leave
yonr father and mothr,yonr pleasant home
here, with all its eae and comforts, and go
lo the Far West with a young lawyer, who
has but little besides his profess-on to de
pend upon and with him find out a new
home, which it should be your joint duty
to beautify and make delightful like thi ?"
Dropping her head softly on his shoulder
she answered, "I think I could, Archy."
'Well' said he, in a changed tone, and
straightening himself Up, "There's Tom
Hall i going West, and wants to get a wife.
j'H jnst mention it to him."
The boy who was told ihrd the best cure
for palpitation of the heart was to quit Kiss-
jng ,ne g;rl8t 8ajd, "If that is the only rem
ejy which can be proposed, I, for one say
let'r palpitate."
Tho Episcopal Convention.
The Convention continued its meeting
on Saturday.
A debate was bad on a series of resolu
tions introduced the day before by Hon.
Judge Hoffman, recommending the con
vention to declare that the &cutlicra
crurcbnien, in njecting the authority of
the church and the government of the
country, should be declared not of their
Hon. Horatio Seymour arose and spoke
upon this subject. He desired, he said,
to offer a few observations relative to the
vote he had on the preceding day cast in
favor of the resolutions introduced ty the
llev. Dr. Brunot, of Pennsylvania. He
was a close and constant reader of the
public journals, more so, perhaps, than
any member of the august and honorable
body before him, aud on the morning of
the day in question, he had read in one of
the public print3 what would probably be
the purport of the resolution to be presen
ted. Thus informed beforehand of their
scope and character, ho had come to tbe
convention with his tuind prepared, and
had voted in favor of the resolutions.
lie had dona so deliberately, because
he sincerely thought that a fair, free, and
thorough discussion of the great question
would clear the mental atmosphere of the
convention of any doubt that lingered;
there ; would set the great Episcopal body
of the Union right before the country and
its brethren everywhere, and would, in the
restoration of a perfect understanding and
the settlement ofthe disputed points, con-
tribute to the future harmony and joy of
all men members of that convention when
they should return to their homes. He for
one, did not fear debate in its widest and
fullest sense.
Why should any number of dignified
and, iu the persons of its reverend clergy,
so exalted a convocation, hesitate to adopt j
any cour?e in consonance with its high aad !
holy misHon I The disscussion that was
proposed would, perchance, remove from j In conclusion then, di-Jc:niing all it
aniong them many subjects of dispute, nay, I tention or desire to call up any que:-tion
even of discord, with which the church j Dot conducive to the Le--t interests of tho
i i 4i ,,i i . . j , j ( hurch, he wou'd again express the hope
bad directly nothing whatever to do, and ! , . . . , . I , ,
.. ,. , . f , . . . , ' , f that the resolution might be fully and freely
in this light, and with this aim, he could j- i
, , . ... , . i discussed
not dul rje;icve mat lue introduction or the
question would be productive of essen
tial good, for it was his earnest hope, as
it was his sincere- conviction, that the
influence ofthe Episcopal Church, would
be a most ready and effective instruentm
in bringing about the healing up oft!
wuundsand the restoration of a blessed
Such had been the mission ofthe Church
of Christen all ages and all lands whore
its stnndrad had been reared, and ao hour
so dark had come, no tempest so fierce
had rolled over the world, when the sa
cred emblems of our glorious faith and
the teachings ofthe man of God had not
been able to arrest nnd soothe, and, finally
to subdue the w rath of human passions.
War hadits uses, and, at times, the path
to p?nee lay over the bloody furrows of
ofthe battle field, but where was a power
in lovehat trancctdcJ all the achieve
ments of brute force. Such was not onlv
the doctrine of C!oi's word, but it vas
the common testimony ofthe past.
It war with tbis view, and penetrated
by this sentiment, that .the speaker had
voted for a special and common form of
prayer for this emergency a form in
which all might fervently unite one that
would express the innermost throbbins
of their hearts, and at the same time con
vey to the world a true combrehension of
tha position ofthe church. In so doing it
was essential that the iuvecations address
ed to the Most High, and the Episcopal
action , taken by this important body
should be conceived in a true spirit of love
for their erring and misguided brethren,
and that the record should be such as to
withstand the scrutiny of the future
When he contemplated thej stalwart form
of his reverned frieLd fro oi New York,
Dr. inton, as he rose, every inch the
the type of a soldier for the field A3 well
as soldier in the service of Christ when
saw him stand up before this house and
hear him, in that pregnant, forcible and
eloquent language, which was so singularly
his gift, heap denunciation on the South,
carried ou by the fervent zeal that distin
guishes him in all his undertakings, he
(the speaker)could not refrain from casting
Lis thoughts forward lor relief to that
period, still three years in the future whet
this convention wou'd again ascwbl2 ;
when the who e church, North and Sonth,
would again be gathered around the com
mon t iter to offer there a common sacri
fice. In that day, aud rmid that scen3, he
knew that his old friend, whose voice had
yesterday rung like a war-trumpet in
their ears, would be among the first in
good feeling would be a very child in the
gracious joy with which he would greet
his Suothern brethren returning to their
old accustomed seats. Let there be noth-
iDg, then, placed upon the record to revive
rancor in that hour of cordial reunion ;
let there remain no seed of future dbcord
in the church ; but kt the proceedings of
that high body bear evidence to the abun
dant love and charity lhat filled it.
Such he felt was the real eentin;ents of
those around him, a Lid hcuce he favored
the dLcusiiou that hi knew ii.ust elicit it.
Jutt aud viae cation he believed would
follow the debate. To the caus. s of the
war he would lo: rufer. There, ss in all
other large Louies, different political
opinions were entertained, and these he
did net wish to involve in controversy, yet
ho could cot and would not refrain 'rem
saying, and saying emphatically, too, that
vhatever might have been' the oiigan of
thia unhappy contest, thtis seemed to be
abroad in tbe laud a forge tfu'ncfs or a dis
regard of the wise policy and glorifus
principles of our fathers a neglect of
thoso cssei-tial elements of Republican
liberty taat were the life ofthe state and a
rncLlets tpirit or headloug theory which
hnd plunged our country into gigatitic
Our sins the sins ofthe whole land
had invited our present troubles, and it
would be well, in the question now before
the house, to avoid, il possible, the fatal
error of ascribing all evil to one source,
and to place upuu the record that which
three years hence they would bitterly
regret to see there. L"t not the idle
pastime of issuing paper bull against the
bhizing comet be repeated by so grave a
body, Lut let those things uhieh are not
ofthe church t.kc care of themselves in
other chanels. Let the bond? of brother
hood so remain that on another day we
miy meet our Southern brethren once
mere, and drown the remembrances of
past differences in the te:irs of a heartfelt
For his part he has conscientiously
and frankly, under strong convictions of
duty to his country, and animated by
nnil V'inrr f'rilltr t n Imr fivnriinrcc nrnirrocs
j from th vcrv firs. or)DOUj lie extrava'
j gant action of those especially wedded
i lo tne war Yt he desired just as earnestly
to see the church made unmistakable be
fore the South and the whole world.
Hut, in whatever action the convention
might propose to take, Lo conjured it to
deal with our Southern brethren a3 chil
dren of the same Father, as members of
thi game flock as fellow, countrymen
once, nq
such to be aiaia a Christ at
; men.
i ATarL- or,wXn a.
livery of the above address, and a verv
visible disposition to applaud was ncticd
I ia a Port"lJU of the Louse
Effects of Nero Emancipation
The inevitable fruit j cf negro emanci
pation can be seen in the recent attempt of
Gen. Jim Lane's negro brigade to cross
from Kansas into Missouri, for the pur
pose of robbing and murdering the while
men, women and chiiiren cf that section.
Iu this case, fortunately, they did not ac
compliih their brutal inteut, Lut under thi
lead of the drunken cut throat, who com
mauds them, who can tell what crimes they
will not perpetrate ? Iu this white men can
see tho inevitable consequences cf negro
emancipation aad equality, no socner are
they equals than they aspire to be master--,
and then follows murder, arson, rapiae,
and all tho more diustin and inhuman
crimes. And this is the class of our pop
ulation upon which all the care and sym
pathy of the Abolition Republican fac'ton
is expended. They are enlisted in the
service, and mustered iuto brigades, and
paid regu'arly, vhilst the poor white sol
diers do not see the paymasters once in six
months- All for the negro, nothing for
the white man. L'onuitutio'i'U Union.
Gex. Pope in Lancaster. Geneaal
Pope was at Laneeter on Mouday night,
lie was heartiiy cheesed, and in response
said :
Citizens of Lancasttr i I thank yoa for
your kiDd reception, and regret that I have
no cheering news to tell you; but I still
live in hope that Pennsylvania will not be
invad jd. The troopc- under my command
fought well, and among them cone fought
better than the Pennsylvania's. We did all
that men could do. but we were not sup
ported by the Government as we should
ba?e been."
The following, from tha Journal of
'ommerce, in correction ' of an allegation
recently pnt into currency against Gen.
McClellan, corresponds, the National In
telligencer says, with information in its
possession :
'We have received numerous inquiries
on the subject of the accusation that Gen.
McClellan refused to forward sapplies to
Pope, and the recent appointment of the
General to tho hLh command he now
holds seems not to have been sufficient to
stop the circulation of the misstatements.
We have the best authority for declaring
the whole allegation untrue. Gen. Mc
Clellan had forwarded all his eavalry to'
Gen. Pope, even to his own bodyguard,
and sent forward the supplies with an in
fantry escort, aking and expecting a cav
alry escort to meet them. Tho whob
foundation of the story was in the fict
that he sent forward the request for ihh
cavalry, although tho supplies were acta
all y in motion."