1H2 iCLDiER'S TRUE FftlESD. J. L WAITS IIS A DY. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMNT. ! Long marches, sore and BttfJjoinis, blis tered and inflamed feet, all these the sol dier must endure, MOTHERS, REMEM BER THIS, when your sons, are grasping their muskets to meel clanger, think what relief a single pot of this ALLHEALING & COOLING Salve will give to the one yoo love when far away from home and friend? It bardjms and makes loogh the feet so that they can endure great fatiirue. It soothes and relieves the inflamed and widened joints, leaving them 6upple, strong and vig orous, while for sabre cuts and gunsh ot wounds. ItEtands nnequalled, removing, and pre venting every vestige of inflammation and gently drawing Ihe edgestogether, it quick ly and completely heals the most frighifuf wounds. WIVES AND SISTERS OF, OUR VOLUN TEERS. - You i can not put into the knapsacks of your husbands and brothers, a more valua ble or more necessary gift than a eupp y of this ; ...... EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. -The lonely sentry walking his rounds at night, exposed to drenching rains and chill night lir, is often seized with most Violent Pains Cough and suffocsting hoarseness, first symtoma of quick consumption bu if eoppliud with Holloway's Pills and Oint ment, all danger is aver'ed, a few Pills la ken night and morning, and the Ointment briskly rubbed twice a day over the throat and ctest will remove, the severest p;iin and stop the most distressing or Dangerous Coughs Therefore. we say to the whole Afmy SOLDIERS ATTENTION ! I See to your own health, do not trnst to the army tcpplies akhoagb most valaable. These Pills and Ointment have been thor oughly tefted," ihey are the only remedies sed in the European Camps and Barracks, Tor over forty yeara Dr, Hoilowav has sop nlied all the Armies in Europe, and during the Crimean Campaign he e3'abli?hed a depot at Balaclava, f ihe exclusive sale of these great remedies, many a tfme hi epe rial a;$ent there hassold over aton in weight of the ointment in a single day. These terrible arid fa'al enemies of the Soldier in Camp DIARRHEA. PYSEN TARY, SCUR VY, SORES and SCROFULOUS ERUP T10:S, all disappear like a charm before these PILLS & OINTMENT.and now while the Cry rings throughout th6 ladd, TO ARMS! TO ARMS! ! Do not let these brave men perish by dis ease plce in their hands these precious reme'dtes.that will enable them lo resist the dangerous exposures.the Fevers, the Chills andlhe wounds which they cannot avoid, and what Is more cannot frequently get suc cor in the moment of need, whereas ii onr bravs men have only o put their hands into their Knapsacks and find there a snre -.emedy for all the casualties of the battle Jield.- How many thousands of lives woul I inns be saved who wonld. otherwise pcish before relief. could be obtained. GrCAUTlON ! None are genuine vn less the words "Halloway, Naw Fork and London," are discernaole as a waterman m every leaf of the book of directions, around each pot or box, the same may be. plainly eeeir by holding the leaf to the light. A hanJsome reward will be givon to any one remJe-ing such infoimotion as may Nad to b detection of any pa-ty dr parties coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them io. be spurious. k Sold at the Manufactory of Prof UoU loway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York and by nil respectable Druggist and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world, iti pots at 25c. 62c' and SI each. CP There is a considerable saving by lak'ngthe larger sizes. pL B Directions for the guidance of pa liel.ts, in every disorder are afUxed to each box. "' FRESH ARRIVAL OF ilT HEAD IUAUTERS! KIcKELVY, IVEAL & CO., a "AVE just received and opened their stock - of Merchandise for sale, which compri-.-H. I ARfiFSl'. Cheanest. and Laru'som- est assortment now offered in this TO V N. Having paid great attention to the selection ef I heir entire stock as to Price and Quality, they flatter lhemselvesthatthe can compete w'n.h the cheapest, and all those wishing to bay cheap, can save money by giving u a call. We have all kinds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. Avery jarge and complete assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom bazines, de bases, Doplins parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cl'Jths, Ginghams, al;coes, &e. - WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, f'ssves, Collars, Spencer, handkerchiefs, fl.juncing", bands and trimmings, laces and ec-ings.bonnet ribbons, in large variety, ! vi i ribbons, 'and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, cc. AT,I, KIIVDS OF SHAWLS, eroche,' Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &e. Also a very large large assortment of Cloths, cassimers, sjttinets, vesting', tweeds, jeans, coating vel vat, beaver clolbs, &. . . . . '5'-.,2ifS .'S SENSES', of all kinds and sires for men, women and tbitJren. We have a large assortment of tlATS and CAPS of Ihe latent fashion. We ftve also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar fare,&c. Very cheap , CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR; l;it!e and carriage oi! cloths, mats, rogs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dra pers, toweling, drillings, &c, in abundance. Ws invite our friends and the pnblic gen erally to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bnnght our goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not f-e undersoil by anybody nr ihe rest of man kind. .McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloomsburg, May 23, 1862. ACtomev at. BLOOMSBURG, PA . cn Slain Street, Exvbang Block DAT ID L0KTS2EEG, CLOT II I N G S T O Ii E, On Main street,twodoorsabovetLe'Amer i can Hotel.' ara Chorry' Pectoral. WILCOX OIIIKS' Price with Ilemmer and Feller, 1 035 00; THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY PECUL1ARYITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and Fitting with ' a Single Thread. It forms a neat, ever:, and elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under all circumstances "to survive the wash-tub." . A Patented device of great . uiiliiy to learners, prevents the possibility of the ma chine being run :n the wrong direction, or ihe balance wheel wearing a lady's dre?s. Anot her feature which deserves particu lar attention is CiTHE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG. Two thousard Siitches, or two yards of work, can be done in one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machiaes, so simple and ncrruaie in their construction, supersede the ne of the shuttle ; and with one thread provtuce al! the practical results of the two thread machines; and more, for these fell without basitn, and hem the finest musiiu without puckering. Although at about half ihe price of the other fint class machines, they will accom plish double the sewing in a given time- ult is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine thai the public hav long been wailing for."- Boston Tran script. 'It is indeed a wonderful production, and and for family nse especially, no other will bear nny comparison wi'h it." Pailadel phia Evening Journal." A mechanical wotider.'-'Scietitific Amer iccan. "Among the bet and most servicpaMe Sewing machines. Light and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction that it eeems almost impossible for it to get out of repair." Pittsburg Chionicle. "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvement? of the higher priced machines." PennejU vanian, "This machine, in the opinion of the committee, tills more nearly the require ments of a perfect family machine than any on exhibition." Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report ol 1858. "Taking into consideration nmplicity, cheapness, durability, and doing all work, the committee were "unanimous in favor ot the Wilcox & Gibbs as a single thre? d ma chine." Pennsylvania State Agricul:ural Society's Report. "We must, in Justice, express onrcor.fi dence in the merit of ihe Wil. ox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. We consider that a grai desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond conbt, that two threads are not, aswas supposed, necessary to a good instrument." Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 21, 1860. "We have one of these machines in use, and think more highly of it than of any ol ! ihe number we have tried' luchmonJ Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of '.hem as the best adapted to the wants of his familj, and a ihe least liable to require repair. OLIVER CRANE. Rntnr.. JnK 3. 1860. The. undeiigned,during eighteen months has bad in alrnosi ronstant nse, in hisfn-n- j y, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon j the clothes cf hi-M large family from muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing required lor his sev eral boy; and in no case have the seams failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now in use in bin family ha required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap pointed, efficient and durable. JACOB CHICKERING, Boston. B?"Send lor a Circnlar.Fj J il KS WILCOX, Maniilttcnirer. No. 508 Broadway, New ork, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. August 28, lebi. iy. THE GREAT CAUSE OF XI II .11 A IV 31 IS 12 I Y . Just Published. ina Sealed Enveloped. Prict 6 ituts : -v A LECTURE tfY DR. CULVER tSKWKLL, ON THE CAUSE AND CUKE, ot permatnrri'fE, oun sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervonsuess, Epilepsy ; Impared Nutrms of the Body: Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the back; Indisposition and In c-patity forstudv and Labor- Dullness of Aprrehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society: Love of Solitude: Timidity, Self Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affec lions cf the Eyes: Pimples on the Face, t,cn!nnirv Emissions, ar.d eexoal Incapa- 1 city; the consequences of Youthlul Indis- cretior., &lc, 6LC. O-This admirable Lectureclearly proves that the above enumerated, often If-af flieied, evils may be removed wnhtlits medicine and without dangerous surzical operations, and should be read by every yonth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, to any addres-, in a plain sealed envelope, on Ihe receipt of six cents, or two notae stamps, by addressing or two poa0e r y Q KLINE, 127 Bowery, N.Y. Post Office box 4586. January 29, 1 862-1 y. MARRI.1GE.-ITS LOVE AND hais. sorrows and angers, hopes and tear-, rearets and joys; MANHOOD, how ' lost, how restored ; the natnre, treatment and radical core oi pperriiiuni"-t; ui r, inal weakness ; invclontary emissions, sex ual debility and impediments lo marriage generally ; nervonsness, consumption, fit-, mental and physicalincapacity, resuliinz from SELF-ABUSE -are Inlly explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This moai extraordinary book fhouldbeinthehand.-ofevery young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to lirniTthe number of their offsprir.i to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache in cidental to yonth, maturity and old nge, is fully explained; every particle of knowl edge that should be known is here given, (l fs full of engravings. In fact, it disclo fe secrets that every one should know; still it i a book thaf mnsi be locked up, and not lie abont ihe house. It will be ent to any one on receipt of iwenty five cents in specie or nostase stamps. Ad dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPKUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. El" AFFLICTED & UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease, be fore yon place yourself under the care of any of the notorious Quaiks-native or for eign who adveilise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Your.'u book, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, yoar health, and possibly your life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of ihe diseases described it. his publication at his office. No. 416 SPRUCE Sireet,aboe Fourth, Philadelphia. Office boors from 9 lo 3 daily. Eebruary 26, 1862 y, Ayefs Sarsaparilla. , TO THE PEOPLE t OP THE UNITED. STATES I IN Ihe month of December, 1858, the un dersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public Dr. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL. WINE BITTERS, and in this short period ihey have given such universal a' isfaction lo the manv thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an es tablished article. The amonnt cf bodily and mental miser arising simyly from a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and it is therefore ol the utmost importance iiir a striri attention to the least and most battling bodily ailment should be had; foi diseasps ol the body.mngt invariably affect the mind. The subscribers now on ly ask48 trial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS' ImpcriallVine Kit Irs! !! front sll who have riot used tbem. We chal lenge the world lo produce their equal. These Hitters for the core of Weak Stom achs. General Debility, tnd for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely un surpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is cf a very superior quality, being about one thrd stronger than other whips; warmin2 and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic and alternative in their character, so ihey strengthen and invigorate the whole sys tem and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by eqnolizing tle circulaiicn removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent lor Di'aes and Weakness peculiar to FE MALES, where a Tonic i required ':o strcngllieh and brace the sytcrr. No Lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintne, should b without them as they are revivi fying in their action. THESE BI7TSR H'illnot only Cure, but Prevent Disease and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them. For INCIPIENT "CONSUMPTION. Weak Longs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, D's eascs ol the-Nervous System,- Paralysis, Piles, and for sll cases requiring- a Tonic Dr. Rods CdebrMfd IViue Billcrs For Sore Throat, so common among (he Clergy, ihey are truly valaable. For the aged and Infirm, and fr persons of a weak constitution, for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speak ers for Book Keepers, Tailors, Seamstress, es, Students, Arlis's. and all persons lend ing a si-dentary lile, they will prove Inly bei:eficial. As a Beverace, they are wholesome, in nocent, and delicious to ihe taste. They produce all the exhilaravina effects of Briti o"y or Wine, without intoxicating ; and are a valu&ble remedy for persons addicted to the use of excessive strong drink, and who wifh to refrain from it. They are pute and entirely free fiomihe poi-ons contained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors v.itU which Ihe country is Hoo-'ert. These Biners not only CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should bj ued by all w ho live in a ronntry where the water is ba I, or where Chills and Fevers are prev alent. Being entirely innocent and hsrrri less, ihey may be given Ireely lo Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable HIT TERS over the land, and thereby esei tail ly aid i.l banishing Drunkenness and Dis ease. " In all Affections of Ihe head, sick Ilead iche or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dnd-' Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be most Salutary and Efficacious. The many certificates which have been tendered us, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bitters have giv er. a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in ihe. land should be without them, and those who onco use them will not fail to keep a supply. I) It. J. liOV EE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and sl illful physician who has used them successful in hts practice for the last twenty -five r ears. The proprietor, before purchasing tin ex clusive right to manufacture fnd sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrated I mperiai Wine Bitters, had them ieted by two I'istinjiiiish ed medical practioneers, pronounced ihem a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medic al men of the country as a general thing disapprove ot faient Medicines, yel we do noi believe lht a re spectable Physician can be found in the United States, acqnaioied with their medi cal properties who will nol highly approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL .VINE BJ ITERS. . In all newly seiiled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying tim ber from which a poisonous miasma is created, those bitters should be Used every morning before brekfast. DR. J. mi'KR DODS' UI PER I A L WIS E BITTER S Are composed of a pure and nndulierated Wine, combined with Barberry, Sol nnon's Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gen tian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself . w ho is an experienced and suc cessful Physician, and funce should not be cla-sed among ihe quack nostrums which flood the country, and againt which the Medical Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly valnahle Bitters hate been so thoroughly tested by all classes of Ihe community lor almost every variety of di. ease incident to ihe human svsten, ihal ihey are now deemed indispensable as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. Purchase One Bolllc ! It Costs bin Lit le I Purify the Blood! Give Tone lo ihe Stomach ! Renovate the System ! and Prolong Life ! PRIC Si PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES So: Prepared and sold By CHARLES W I DDI FIELD & CO., SOLE PROPKIETORS, 78 William Street, New York. CP For sale by Druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. . s Angus! 28, 1861- ly- Alj bTTO R'S NOTICE, CREDITORS, and other persons inteies ted. will take notice that th- under signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's i Conn of Columbia county, to setile and adjust the rates and proportion of the assets of ihe Estate of Benjamin, Hayman, decM., in the hands of Solomon N'eyhard his adminitra:or, lo and among lln credi tors of the said deceased, according lo law, will attend lo the discharge of hi 4 duties, at hisofhee, in Bloomsburg.in said county, on Saturday, the Sixteenth day of . Aogut, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-wo,at ten o'clock, A, M., be con firmation of ihe first Auditor's Rejiorlhav ing been laken of! by the said Coirt, and the said repori re-commilteJ lo t!ie said Auditor, when and where all persons interested are requested lo present iheir claims to the Auditor, or be debared from coming in for a share of the said ; issets. W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsbcrg, July 16 '62. 4t. ; - Wholesale and Kctail. THE subscriber would announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and' small quantities, and at different prices at his New Store, on Main street, nsarT. north side, Iwo doors south of MhTZIt Iron 8reet, Bloomsburg. His (HittMJ stock ol Foreign end Domestic - .Tffr IBS A STRESS a consists of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginge Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quai.tity of common. Ee also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not leat, a quantity ol good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell al Ihe lowest cash prices. The pnblic are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. I). W. ROBB1NS, Agt. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. Lack'a and Rioomsburg Railroad, f-y-r ON AND AFTER NOV. 25, 1S6I, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS- , MOVING SOCTH. Freight & Passenger. Passenger, Leave Scrardcn, ' Kingston, " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at North'd. 5 25 A. M. 10.30 A. Jl. M. 6,30 Arrive 12,15 P. 8,40 9,15 10,00 MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. " Danville, " Rupert, " Kinaston, 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5.45 6 00 Leave 1 45 P. M. 9 00 P. M. 3 40 Arrive at Scranton, A Passenufr Train also leaves Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scranton, to connect with train for New York. Returning leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from New York at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloornsburg Rail road connect with the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railio?d at Scranton, for New York and intermediate points east. ARupert U connects with the Catawissa Railroad for points both east and west. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and Northern Central U. R: for points west and south. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wfu.s. CcuU Ticket Ag't. Nnvpmhr 27. lfi. M'LUAL KOTIt'ti. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertir, having been restored lo health in a very few week by a very sim ple remedy al er having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known lo his lellow-bufferers the means of core. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the precriplion used, (free ot charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The omv object of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription i- to benefit the atillc led, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wil com them nothing, and may prove a blessina- Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williamburs, Kings co., N. Y. October 30, 1861, 3m. iVY033i; ISOUSE, 1NM I, I" I. A YcOt'K? IMtOIMUIi'TOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUiTY, PENN. rpjHE Proprietor respectfully informs his JL friends and the public jenerally thai he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in the villaze ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, an I has fitted it out go as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airv. and not only calculated to add to ihe conve- J nience anil comfort ol the iravelingcommu- i nity, bin also lo those who would seek a pleasant sum mer resort with lamilies HIS TA RLE will be suoolied with i h bsi the market can aflord ; and his BaR will be j witn a view of 'naking np entire new gar fnrnished with the purest liquors that can t men-s, as well as mending old ones, for ail be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attontion to ihe comfort and con venieuce ol hi .nets. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a-' moiig the first hotels in the Sine. The Proorie'or hopes' that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection cf the most careful and obliz ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. fir I lease give him a call, and jude for ourselve- C April 2,n 1859. 1VM.BK00XS Proprietor. THIS magnificent Motel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op posite ihe Court House, ha? been ihoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared lo accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His lable will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors Atlenlise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses wHI always be in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Blr-iomsbors, July 4, 1860. LEATHER ! LEATHER ! rIH E undersigned would announce, - he has on hand, at his Hat a '.id emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg that Cap an assortment of different kind of leather.soch as fine calf skins, morocco, red ar.d black and iinins, all ol which he will sell cheap er than can be had elesewhere iti this mar ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves. JOHN K." GIIiTON. Bloomsburg, May 21, 1862. ' KoIIock's Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the, best Java Coffee, is recommended bv physicians ns a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General r Debility, Dyspepia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof fee will use ;his without injurions effects. One can contains the strength ol iwo pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIX, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. - Price 15 cents. Mantifacturtd by . M H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. . - Philadelphia, tar And sold fry all Druggists and Grottrs.jfl February 26, 1862. I jr. ' . --2 v RAYMOND'S FAMf LY;;'3. SrtE.W INQ MAC H I.N ; 5 rr,-! EI PRICE Slfl i EACH. s!. lf ESSRS. ZUPPINQER & ROBCINS, of A Bloomsburff. haviriT onrchBd ih v. elusive riaht of ihe above valuableTmpro ve'dCheaf Patent Sewing Machine, for the C ountyof Columbia, will be happy io supply their friends with the article lor the aceommodalionof themselves and lamilies. The following are some of the superior advantages ibis implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 io 600 light stitches per minute. 2. Double thread Machines are from ihe more complicated character of their mech anism invariably managed and threaded w iih more or less difficulty ; not so with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it in two hours, and it is threaded easier than a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is the smallness and the compactness of its mechanism. - 4. It can be attached to.a, board, table or siand, in operating order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a. seam, sufficiently strong for any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. , , .t ; 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The eam is so strong if well done, ihat the strongest material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, there aro none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds ol work as experience has proven. There are perhaps none so realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate use of the fam ily circle, and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam just as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, etc ,can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapteu to all kinds of stitching such as gentlemen's shirts, bosoms, risibands, collars, etc., and all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, lawns, delaines, calicoes, dusters, etc., ex cepting for men'sheavy wear, this Machine is rather too light ol construction. 10. But we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the vision or eyesight, intinced by the use of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oilier ad vantages. 5 1. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unfastened or open, there is a way lor it too, thus you can have it fastened or not, as you please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beainners, a very favorable cir cumstance. If the seam is left nnfastene 1, you can draw it out in three seconds and save the thread. For sale by ihe nndersined, at their re spective resiliences, in Bloomsburg, who will put ihe Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY ZUPPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. Bloomsburg, July 11, 1860. IVolicc to Trespassing-. WK, the undersigned citizens of Madison and Pine townships. Columbia county, and ot the township of MoreLaud, Lycoming co. do noti'y all persons no, to trespass or hunl on our lands aftej this date, reservina that right to onr-elves, and the lull penalty ol the law will be viiied upon all persons found so trespassing or hunting. Adam Babb, S. S. Rnnyan, J. Shea'ler, David Ki-ner, John F. Fowler, Daniel Ande W. B. Welliver, laac Whipple, Wm. Kitchen, Micnael Billehime, John P. Runj an, Jacob A. 'jwi-her, Jacob Chamberlain! Jacob Long, Joel L. Moser, C. Gardner, Lydia Roan, Emanuel Bogart, Nelson Kilchen, David D. Williams, Wm. Fairman, Ezra Knnyau, Lew is Schnj le r, Margaret Former, Wm. Grayham, Ira C. Purse), September 10. 1862. i!d Things ISecoixic IVeiv, The under-igned would beg leave lo in form his old friends, and "ihe rest of man kind," fnst he has lately returned from the service cf his country, and aijain re opened his OLD ESTABLISH- ftA E D T A I L O R I N G SA LOO N. -LS. mankind, (and any body el-e, who may favor him with their work in his line. He ! prepared to do work NEAT, Fash ION ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes Ly so doina, and strict attention lo business o merit and receive a due share of patron age. But remember, all. that ihese times require money, or something (o live upon, he therefore hopes and trut, thai when' he has done his part, his customers will do iheirs, by furnishing the "ready John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsbnrg, Sept. 10 18C2. Victory Perclics Tpou ihe Mars and Stripes. New Stock of Goods just received by L. T. SHARPLESS. Fine assoitment of Dress goods Calicoes at 10, 12, 16 & 18 cts, Flannels, Sh irtiugj Lc, chejp, by L T. SHARPLESS. Ladies Lasting Balmoral Shoes &. Gaiters, and a large Mock of shoes and Loots of all kinds, for sale by L. T. SHARPLESS Ladies Balmoral skirts, Hoop Skirts,win dow papers, fcc, sold cheap, by i ' L. T. SHARPLESS. f Snjnrs and Syrups cheap. Excelsior Syrup at 75s which cannot be excelled, al so tower priced a' 50c per gallon at L. T. SHARPLES' cheap cah store. To ihoi-e warning lo buy goods lor ca-h or country produce, or grain of any kirxf. I would say call nd i-ee the good's before purchasing elsewhere. L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsbnrz, Sept. 17, 1862. 100 ol the most severe Battle Scenes and Incidents of the war now ready (ize l8x 30 inches) hih! colored, i n fine card pa per, 4 for 25 cents, or 25 for SI, postpaid. Also, just published, the Official Union Volunteer Directory (400 pages), giviri2 the name of every Officer and private iti the Ui.ion Army, with their commands, &c, together wih a large amount of other val uable information, senl, postpaid, on re ceipt ol 25 cts, To Agents and the trade no better opportunity was ever offered. Address HENRY B.ANSON, Print Publish er. &c, 49 Stale St., Boston, Mass. Papers copying, paid in ihe above. 354-5. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-fjiglit AmbrolypUt, rOOMS in the Third Story oT ihe Ex chang-e Block, (entrance above Ihe Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. SHOES in variety at the cheap cash Store of L. T. SHARPLESS. CABINET WARE ROOMS s. c. SISIVE T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of -'the Public to his ' extensive assortment cf Cabinet Furniture: and Chairs, which he will a arrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. Al his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort men cf FASHIONABLE FUR XI TURK, which is equal in style bod finish lo that ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low pricts. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 to $60. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and eay chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlot bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of buteans, enclosed and oomrnon washMands, dress-tables, corner cupbojrds so(a, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the larsest in this section ol ihe couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring mattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use." Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. II. CJ. UOWI'R, S V It E O 1 I)KiTIST. ESP EC FULLY offers his professional services to the ladies and gentlemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared lo attend lo all the various operations in Dentisiry, and is provided wnh the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. .. FORKSSOTEL. ELOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT II AGENBUCH, Proprietor, r"I1AKES pleasure in announcing lothe pub lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James treeze, in Kloomsburg, ana is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup- o'tied with the best products ihe markets ah lord, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed with ihe choicest liquors. At:entive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to the wants ol ihe public, and his obliging attention to customer wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg. April 21, 1853. Flour and Vcvil Delivered I CUEAI'Iilt THAN THE CHEAPEST ! rIHE undersianed has made arrange -L merits that will enable him lo deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, aboul ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in town. Hi prices are as follows: Flour S7 25; Corn and Oats Chop Si 55; Com and Rye Chop Si 65; Bran Si 10; I respecttully solicit a shreof ihe pnblic patronage. MOSES COFFMAN. B!oombnrrr, June 14,1860. SOM E 1 1 1 1 N G FO It TH E Tl M ES ! ! A NECESSITY IX EVERY HOUSEHOLD .TOS3IV & CISOSLEY'M AM Kill CAN CEMENT GLUE The MrongpMt Clue in Ihe World For Ceniet.ling Wood. Leather, C'las", lvorv, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral. &c, &c, &e. The enly article ol the kind evr produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement G!ue.?' Xew York Timet. 'Ii is so convenient io have in the house" yew York Express. "Ii is always ready " this ccmmerids it lo everybody." A'. Y. Independent. "We have tried it, and find it as ueful in onr house as water.'7 Wilkes1 Spirit cf the 1 'mef. Irlco25 Cents per Hoftle. Very I.itM-riti Heduction lo U hole-ale Denlt r- I I. If .T "AMI. lit Fo r sale by all Druggists and S:ore- keepers generally throughout the country. . JJHNS & CROSLEY, bole Manufacturers, 78 William Sireet, Corner of Libetty St., NEW YORK. July 10, 1S6 1. ly. BLOOMSBURG BARBER SHOP. rlHE nnderMjneJ respectfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he lias reopened H e Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in ihe white Frame building, nearly opposite the Exchause Block; w here I e is at all times ready lo wait upon his customers lo entire Satisfaction. SHAVING AND IIA1RDRF.SSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable stjle, and on yery moderate terms. CP Shampooir.2, done up in City siyle. He solicits public patronage and t pledges his best endeavors lo give every reasonable satisfaction. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburs, Aug. 6, 1862. !cw Arrival of SriUXG AM) SUMMER GOODS, David Lowciibcrg tNYITES at'.ention to his nock of cheap and lashionable clothing at his store on Main Sireet, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment ol mn and boy's wearing apparel, including the mo-t fashionable ii:i:ss c;oois, Box, Sack, Frock, Gom, and Oil Cloth Coal of all sorts and sizes, Pants ol all colors shawN, stripes and figure vests, shirt, cra vats, stock, collars, haiidk?rcliiefs, gloves, suspender- and fancy ar'icle. N B- He will also make to order any ar ticle ol clothing at very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAY ID LOWENBERi'. Bloomsburg, March 12, 1862. A m i ii i s I ra t o r's IVo I i ce. Estate cf AiA m Gteenwilt, lute cj St ott twp , Co!umhi,i co.. deceased IVOTICE i hereby given ihat letters of administration on il.e estate of Nathan Greenwalt, late of Scott township, Colum bia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, io John Sterner, residing in Bloomsburg Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands asainsi the estate oi ihe decedent are requested to make them known lothe administrator, and those indebted to the estate will make payment immediately to JOHN STKRXER, Admr. Bloomsburg, June 4, 1862. '-s'""--i))Ai:iiirG,s- Are pure vegetable extracts. ,'J'hey r nre all bilion- disorders of ihe human system. -They regulate and invigorate tl lver ant kidneys : ihey give lone lo ihe d-'gestive orgar.sj'they resulate the " secretions, ex cretions and exhalations, equalize the cir culation, and purify ihe blood. Thus, all bilious complaints some of which are Turpid Liver, Sick Headache, Djspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costivenes or Looseness are entirely control led and cured by these remedies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes ihe morbid and bilions deposits trom the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver and kidneys, rerroving every obstruc tion, restores a natural ai d healthy action in the vital organs. Ii i a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much better than Pills, and much easier to DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS j Is a superior Ionic anddinrtic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in ihe side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleediu piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY! Too T Prnmlai. morkrif Ifi 1 .,!.. -TW- ' i . - . - - t- . . . n si rrpi , iew- ivr, wrcps, auiBSi is, leou: "I have been afflicted wi:h piles, accom panied with bleeding, the last three years ; 1 used DARLING'S liver i:kgulatok And now consider myself entirely cured.' Hon. Jonn A. Cross writes, ''Brooklyn March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 t look a 6ever cold, which induced a violent fever. 1 took two doses ol DAhLIXG'S LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and fever at once. Pievious toihis a lack, I had been troubl with dyspepsia several mouths ; 1 have fed nothing of it since." Otis Studley, Eq., 128 East 28th Street, N.Y., writes "August 13, 1860 I had a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, with constant pain in the small cf my back. I had used most all kinds of medi cines, but founl no permanent relief onlil I DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, and Life Killers. I pase clotted blood by ihe urethra.' 1 am now entirely cured, and lake pleasure in recommending these remedies." Mrs. C.Tebow, 11 Cristopher Street, N. Y., writtes: "Feb. 20, I860. 1 have been subject to attacks of Asthma the last twenty years. I have never loutul anything equal. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief. Ii is a thor ough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs Young, of Brooklyn, writes. "Feb. 28, 1860 In May last I had a severe at tack of Piles, which routined me lo the house. I took one bottle ol Darling's Life Cillers, and was entirely cured. 1 have had no attack since.'' D. Westervell, Eq., of South 5th, near 8th Street, Wil'.iamsbnrg, L L, writes- "Angus: 5, 1860 Having been troubled with difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, I was advised by a Iriend to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it lo operate dmiably, , : . . L ' l I " . L I . removing wie Due anu arousing me uver io activitv. I have also oed : a a FAMILY '2IEDICIXE. When our children are out of sorts, yj give them a few drops and ii sets them all right. I find i! meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disordered." Reader, if yoa need either or both of ihe mo-t excellent Remedies, inquire for ihem at the stores; if you do noi find them take no other, bu t incloe One Dollar in a letter, and on receipt of the money, the r 1 T I - . nemeuy or ueneuies win ue peni accord ing lo yonr directions, by mail or express, post paid. Address, DA.VL S. DARLKG, 102 Nassau St.. New York. Pot np in 50 cent and SI Bottles each. November 6, 186!.-6m. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! JOUIY.S & CKOS LEY'S AMERICAN I E3IENT GLCE The Stronaest Glue in the World. The Cheapest Glue in the WorU. The Mom Durable Glue in ite World. The Only Reliable Glue in the World. The Besi Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE Is the the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. 11 WILL MEND WOOD, Save vour broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, 1 Mend jour Harness, Straps. Belts, boots &c. II WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Col Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken ivery Fac, it i easilv repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cup and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out ot your Marble Mantle can be pnl on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN," No matter ii that brok n Pitcher did no cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cotly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE. CORAL, LAVA, AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Anv article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. OS IT SSI O 1 S3 & KIT....... Il.,..ba.,.,. . I, . ply of John & Cro.-ley's Cement Glue." New Yoik Timti. "Ii is so convenient to have in the house." New York Express. "It is al wayo ready ; this cnmmentoisd to every body." hkdeptnden' . "We have Iried it, and find it as useful in our house as water." Wilkes' Spirit o' the Time. , CONOMY IS WALTH. 10,00 per year saved in every family by One BottU of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. . " Price 25 Cer.ts per Bottle. " Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Ceuis per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. j'. -Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Redaction to Whole sale Bayers. TERMS CASH. -mmi r.s I TV m ksr- for sate oy an jjruggists, ann Mo e keepers eenerally throughout the conntry. JOIITfcS & CROSLEY, (SoU Manufacturers.) T ? WILLIAM STREET. Corner of Lil-rtv streei. NEW YORK.