OT THE SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION - . OF THE COLUMBIA COUNT ACniCULTUHAL SOCIETY, it TO BC HELD AT CCI0BE2, 15th." 18th, 17th & 18th, '3 CLASS 1. HORSES. Eeit pair draught Horses, " ti 00 5 00 8 CO 5 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 do -do - Beit 2nd Best 2nd" Be tt 2nd - Btt 2nd Carriage Horses, do do " . do . JJares, " do do Stallion over 4 je ira old, do - .d , do between 2 A 4 yeari do 'do do Brood Mare with colt at ber side, both owned by exhibitor, do do do ' 2nd Bt Single Carriage Llorse 2nd do do Bost do '-' Jlare, r Geldi&g Celt between 2 & 3 years JIare do" do' do 3 00 11 or aw do do 1 JL 2 years, 9 00 iuarg - v uj uv vu : llorse or Mare Cult under 10 months, . 00 n.t .n ri.t 'An An. Ofl " Exhibitors under this class will bare their Worses on the ground by 10 o'clock on Thursday, t which time the fudges will examine the.ni. Jirbsus Jictb Kovicnbuder, Franklin; Jere--Biiaii JIagnbncti. 'Centre ; lsuao O. Pursel, Hem lock ; J. P. Suiitb,' Grueuwoud ; Johu Zaiiwer, ' Urii Jvretk w,'..'., i ;y; -U ' .. .. v .J CLASS 2 CATTLE. DURHAM STOCK. Best Bull 3 rears old and upwards, 2nd 44 do do do 00 00 00 00 Best do . between 2 13 years, 2nd do do do do do " do " 112 yean-, . . do ' Cs'.f undiT li month", .. . d- ' Brst 2nd -Best 3 00 2 00 2nd " Best Heifer or Cow between 2 A 3 years, 2nd " do do do Best Cw Calf under 10 months, ' Cow, 2nd " do ' I)EVON STOCK. fcest Enll 3 years old and upwards, 00 1.0 oo 00 00 (JO 0 oo 0' 2nd do do Ee;t 2nd Best 2nd 13 est 2nd " d do do do do do between 2 A 3 years', d ...... " 14 2 year", " do ' lf under 19 months, do ' ' do Fest Heifir or Cow between 2 13 years, 2nd do do Ist Cow Calf under 10 months, Cw, 2nd " do . ." NATIVE STOCK. J5st Tall 2 years old upwards, 2n.l " do . " do " 2 in) 1 01 & 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 110 .. let do ttwov:n 112 year. 2al do do , JMII UO Vai. UDIUT LV LU I'U t 19, 2nd" do do do . Best Cow. 2ol do 3 00 . - 13est Heifer or Cow between 2 4 3 years, : 2 00 2a 1 " do do 2 00 13st Cow Calf under 10 months, 1 00 OX EX A STEERS. t Tvite )i n uvu'J Sl work'd by exhit'r 5,00 2n l " , do do " 3.00 G-sl Stears bwtwen 2 3 years, " "4.00 2a J do - - do - 2,00 The Judgts to examine cattle wi'.l ready by ib.o'cl'ick n TIuV"lay tuoruini;. Exbi'ators Biitit have their s'r'l in cvnditiun t- rrueiv j them : Jir.s D.-r.j. Y"be, MifSin : Nehtuiiah lletccj Ilinali" k ; n-.irv Lin-. in?!ie.n 1. Ciltlawiia : .fo- i-'h It y ll.sl P... ir .f ianv i!f. " I'll, 1 HO 2 T'O r i'ii 1 ho r. mi 8 il l ! . . . !'.: Uro'.l -2i.l W " - - --- ... l!o-t ! !' 14 -1 or n:-5 -e uti lrr ? wiok, 2n - , i I ! Itcst disljy : f;! U-ig-'. 2 or m-.ri-, ?r il - .!. . ' littf lot iK-k li-'H-. 4 r tiior.j 2nd . . : di 1 ; - ' on Oil 2 ' J ih-es .1 bn 17. ; l!erH!o. V .t.-.-5iua 3.uua.i, f'lKtkrm : R .hr M-Ur.ry. iWi.U.u. ( l;LAS4:-' ; ' P.it W,..U I Vu.:l:,' - ' 3 lj "im! " '. 2 ( ' XI - .Tl . J 1 r.Tfi Xativu Bn.-lc, . , i 5 ' 2 ,. - ' ! 1 CO Best Uve,' . S 0:) ntivv ... 2 "0 Jrt:i.s H.l.'rn.n Pli"ms:i. Main? : Elias Dle i riek, iionf-nr : Andrew Fruas. fentro. CLA s po i 'L Til r. 1 00 , IM) I 50 i B a:'idljrrKst di-f.biyof Fwultry, 2d ' lt.at j-air Ci.i.-fcvri.- !iy 1-rocd, tua'c i fen. .1. : f'co i 1 ('0 .50 j I 00 50 S. i. do ! i 2nd - A' BrS f n ir firtrt, 1 n.l - rf'. : K-t pair liic';. !h'l ! Larzrst and bet di-f lny i.f lt:ne J'T-'e ms. Ji i;;ks Tiff. I'.!lni.n. B!.-iu ; ,7iu. ihan- I t.on, Stt; L5yl Montour, ' CLASS QalhiXtZ SEEDS -P.' st half buf'uel Cbjtrr see-.!; 2 I.'nd " " d d- 1 Uut tl- tiaky-t1,' ' . 2 i'.ad "do d- I Best basbot Ue-l-Cbal AVheal. ' 2 do .White Wheat. 2 do Mediterraiieaa Wheat,' - 2 d7 'Rye, 1 ' l;e balf -hnsuel Goni d-ecd Corn,' 1 do . Yellow Corn, 1 dcr Ptiiiked C-n.' '' ' 1 i Best SHinp'e fwect Cum, 6 ears, ' " ' CO J 1)0 i 00 I 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 on oe " ba'f b!jtl Flaaseed, ' . .': ; I ball jIit-t Buckwheat. I .i'POK Kcut-en Wilson., Madianif ; Eli Xlen denhail, Eoiiun ; Joseph Mouscr, ilontOur. CLASS 7th VEGETABLES. Best bor.el Mrcer Potatoes 1 do d Prince Albert do A - ,u IV.ft. Ulnisnm tin 1 00 00 oo CO 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 do do Field Turnips . 1 do do Kuta Baas 1 do do Field Beet' 1 dQ,. J bu Sweet Potatoes do i do Onions do $ do Carrol do" i do Tomatoes . . . , do Six Sosar Beeis do -Three Heads Cabbage' tia Six Parsnips , . do Two qnaris Lima Beans' do do do . Soup do do Three Garden eqoashe do. Six FklJ Pumpkins - . Largest Sweet Pumpkin Judges Win. Shaffer. Briarcreek ; Heis- ler Vandersllce, Mount Pieasabt j Samuel Snyder, AlifEin. CLAS 8 b.- " HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. Eest 10 yd flannel made on Land lopm I . 2 do 10 do do vio do 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 75 50 50 50 50 S. do 5 do do 10 do do 10 : do 10 do Wooled Clolh Carpet' -do , Plain Linen Diaper do ; 1 do 10 do do do do do do. do do d- do Tair Knil Stockings , , dn do jliltons II- ma mada Shirt 1 Silk Qadt . 1 Co'jnt-rpana . i do ' - d o ';. Pair Woolen Blankets 1 Pair Linen Sheets Home made TaMe Clolh t1 ia -Frea P.rown. Bloom ; Mrs. t. C-s'le, Scott ; Mrs! Philip Cool, fioarin'- CLASS 9. ... DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best loaf of bread, A -- do pound cake, do ginger cake, do sample preserves, do do Iruil gelly, -do do tomato preserve, do do cucumber pickles, do do pickles of any kind, do do apple boiler, ' do do peach butter, . . do do plum butter, do do preserved peaches, do do home-made soap, do do ' cured ham, ,. " do roll butter not less than 5 lbs 2 best do do do do - 50 bO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 .5tt 50 50 50 50 Best cample browned coffee, do do yeast, do apple pie, do sample sausage, Judges VYm Snyder, Bloom; Mrs. Silas Ev Fowler, Scon; Mr. K. McDowell. CLASS 10. FANCY ARTICLES. Best knit quilt. 2 best knij quilt, best knit sontag, do do- Nubia do do Polish boo's, . do knit woolen ntidersleeves, do pair slocking, lo knit mi'tens, - do Large Afghan, do Small do do Tidies, : 2 best do rest knit shawl, -V do do hood, do infant Sacqne, -. . do Worsted Embroidery, do. coiion do do fell i r a collar, do Specimen Idling, do Small articles id knitting do crocheting, as infant's acks, col 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 1 LQ 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 50 . 50 5d 1 00 50 50 lars nets, &c , best worstered and colon mats, do specimen bead work. 1 00 5(1 50 do do shell work, 1 o? do do burr do 1 00 do do Leather woik, 1 oo do - do Hair do . 1 Of) do do rX, 1 (10 bert speirhen penmanship, 50 do collecnoii of dahlia. 50 do do ariificiitl llowers. 5o do do hom pjanii in Bloom, 50 do do dried grasses, 50 best and largest variety of flowers, do sample neat sewing, do Ottoman or chair rover, Jo draw in j' of painting, do Boqnet Flowers, do Ianiii! basket, 60 50 CO 1 1 00 50 50 JudiiPji Dr. John llamser, Bloom : Miss Amnlta Webb, Bloom ; Miss Emma Clark ; Cai'.aAi-sa. CLAFS llth FLOUii. Best Sample Wheal Flour 2 00 do do Buckwheat Flour 2 00 Judas. James Masters, Pine; Wm Beers, Hemlock ; Henry Kflchner Centre. CLASS l2ih. ' STOVES & UN WARE. Best Cofkir. S-ove, with Furni.ure tin Parlor S:ove do Varieiy tin re Judges Win. Km. Scon : Wm 2 00 2 00 1 00 John, Caliawi-sa : Seth Y Bowman; B rwicki CLA S 13 A fR 1 CULT UU. A I. IMPLEMENTS. 'est I'lovv ol any . pn 'm, 2 CO lo 'f'iirt1 tiiiis'tiirie, 2 t O lo Mor-f ik.ikf, 1 00 do I.'IMP "prp "'T. l 00 Jp'P. r a' Ct fr ALU, 1 00 A Wi .- I'rns-. 2 00 it, v !: yM hint, 1 (10 ' Fl.:l!- V . i. 2 00 do ' W i.trU:tr;im, 1 00 di S .'.l. ' 50 tn UoiVr, 50 J ..due- W. L F. War-rek; Henry Min,. be der, Fi-iiUicr;fk ; liain D- rr, of Jack.-on. . . CLAS H. . WAGONS & CA'BKIAGES. .1.1 prH BIJV 2 00 ' do Two florae Cr:i.;je 2 00 j ; S -ii'h " 2 00 ! ilo Sn ky 2 00 Jodff. Jf-rerrjia'i ceehohz Berwick; J . Wmtfrs een, Alit'liu; lieuben Hart- Iiian. Al m1: -o:i. CLASS 15. PEN nTKY, &x. C Syr Ar-iti-.-iui wh I 00 dn ;.f p ij miii bi:.e 1.00 d.Siople tni!.fin trick 50 tf I! Knhiiwar 1 00 J- iIhs. Dr. L.n. Orat'ES'vill ; D'. Hay hurVt Caiiawi--a : P' Fo, Nu;ucJia. CLASS :6. Ihts u ad tiivs B.-t "ee th'v.V . 1 00 do P rarm i!-a. . O'l do Sample llou. y jIV . , 1 00 Jiulk -s -ilitatMiteader. Fr.tukiin ; Tutr Bodine.Cat tauia; Johu G Xevius, iadiiioii; CASS 17 Wirirx ind lAauors. P-st iuait Current tVjne d itlscSbcrry do t do Grape i .u do CaUiba do ' ' do do Cherry tio do do Rye Whiskey do do Cider Vinegar . . I no 1 00 1 I'd 1 (HI I (HI 1 0.J 50 Judge Wm Neat. Bloom; J fl Ikler. Creenwood, IV m tlagenbuch. Scott; Caleb Barton, Jr. Ulooui , Syl Tci'cf 1 ursel, tfenilock ; CLASS 13. .Manufactured ArticltS. Bcetdisplny cabinet Work do tlo Siiiith do do t'.iir fine Boots do do t.'oarse do do I doz Windsor Chairs do i do Spring eul do do Rocking chair d? Hed Mead do Settee do 4 doz Brooms , do tett Si ngld Harness do do Double do do X Ft Je Sole Leather do ' 2 do .Upper do . dc 2 do Kips do do 3 do Calf do do Fauage Machine a oo 2 (JO 1 o 1 10 1 (Ml 1 IKI I (h 1 OO 1 6.) S 00 3 OU I OU 1 ill I OH 1 01 1 0 Judges James tlarman, Orangeville ; Wm. tier ring, Lerwick; James Krucfr. ftiadlson.' Best JEasIifl Vi'nter apples do do Fall do do do Ft.m lard Pears do 6 Dwarf Pears do Saraplr dried peaches do do do Applet do do do Cherries 1 09 1 IK) 1 Oo 6u 50 50 50 Mrs. Lavina Fowler Judges Eli Barton, Bloom ; Mahaia Barkley. CLASS SO, -- - TRIAL OF nORSES. SPORTING UsT. FIRST TBOT. Eesttrrittins mare, horse or gelding, time not over 3ntinutcs $35 00 SECOXD TROT. Best trotting mare horse or geUing, time not over 3-4i . $1000 FAK.11F.US LIST.. FIRST TROT. Best trotting horse maro or gelding (19 00 SECOND TROT. Best trotting mare or gelding $3 00 Judges Casper Rowhn. Cattawissa; John Ramsey, Bloom ; Freas Fowler, Berwick. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Articte 3d of the Constitution requires every person to pay to the association one dollar to constitute mem bership, the practice heretofore has been to buy a fam. ily tirket on fair days and have their names recorded at the time. Every Exhibitor is required to become a memberof the association before entering bis article for exhibition miners can become exhibitors when their parent or guardian is a member. The field of competition is opan to all persons from ether counties can become exhibitors upon the same termas citizeas of this county. All articles offered for competition most be owned by the competitor. Fruit, Vegetables, flowers &c, must be the growth of the competitor, and all manufactured articles must be made by the competitor. ' All articl"s for competition must be on the ground by 8 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday 15th, and rrmam there until 12 o'clock M. on Friday 17th when they are at the disposal ot the exhibitor. Shows, Flying Horses or other amusements iha tend to distract the attention of the visitors will net be allowed The Ladies Army aid Society, has the first eboiei o Stand for the sals of refreshments and goods. Dinar Stands can be obtained by making appication to the President or Secretary of the association. No license will be grantad to Stands that sell malt or spiritoos liquors Judges appointed to examine the diff.-reut clashes, will confor a favor on the Association, by calling at the Secretary's Office early on 'lhursday morning, aad obtain their instructions. The Executive Committee at the time of orde -trig tke Seventh Annua! Fair of this Association, paused the following resolution. 1 On motion of Caleb Barton, Jr., Eis'- ven. That the expenses of holding the Seventh' Annual Fairof this Association be first deducted trim tho receipts, and if any balance remain, it ba appro priated to Lb a Army Aid Society. tickets to the Fair can be obtained of A. J. Pluan, Elias Mendeiihall. J J. Brower. H. C. fc I. W. Hartr tan, l-loyd Sharpfess, Miller & fcyer. Rloorn Iron Co., Mc Kelvy, Neal tt Co., and Rook Store. Persons buyiug tickets at the Fair Ground, must pro vide theinselv with change. Hollar hills wil; be changed by buying fifty ceuts worth of t ickets. A. MADlsov. Secretary. CALEB BAR TO Jr. I res Bloomsburg. October 4. 1 602 GENERAL ELECTION PISOCIj IwlSATlOlV. Whereas, by the laws of this Common wealih, il is made the duty ol the ShfhlF of every county to iiVB notice of I he General Elections. Ly publication in one or more newspapers of ih crunty, at least twenty days tefore ;ne election, and to enumerate therein the officers to be elecioil. and to designate ihe place at wiiirh ihe elecuo'i is to be held. The-relore, I, JO.SIAH II. FUK MAN, Hiah Sheriff ol Columbia Conn. y, do hereby make known ami proclaim tc the qualified elector of CoUimtita county, that a GKNKKAL ELECTION will be hel I mi TULSD 4Y, THE Utk DAY of OCTUbEU, ltin the reiouil TueMly in Sdil moiii'i, at the hevcral dmiricls within Ihe couuiy to wit ; Benton township, at ihe public hou-e ol J. J. Stiles, in the (own ol Uenton. b'eavr u w.liip, at ihe htue of Fniik !iu L Mit.m.iii. liitiom loan.-hip, at ih'J Court H(ue. BioMinotiur; . Bnarcret-k (own-hip, al Ihe School Hou?e near EvHiifville. Borough of Berwick, at ihe Town Hoie. in lie r wick. Cut'awi.fra towiiehip, at the hous' ol Samuel Kn.tenh.tJer, t"at:a'V;M;. Centre lowurLip at the houre oi Jeremiah Hess, dee d " Cnj nutiarn lowmLip, at ihe hona of R. R. Wa.-ser. Fishincreek township, at ihe house of Ge ry;e V. Huffman Franklin . lowuchip, al Clayton's School Uou-u. Gieenwoo I lo-.viifhip, at the house of Joseph R Paiion Hemiock lomn-hip, at the Buck Hmn. Jackson township, al tLe houe of E.e kiel Cole. Locust township, at ihe houso of J. L. Huts'., SI blown. M.fQin township, al the house of John Ke ier. Madison township, at the house of Sam uel Kim by. Mounl Pleasant township, at "the house now occupied by J F. Deiierick. Montour township, al the hone of John Richards, now occupied by Williatr Mol linshead. Main township, at the house of John M. Nuss Boarinscreek township at ihe honte for merly occupied by G. W. Driebach. . Orange township, al the houe of Afex ander Hughe Oraiieville. Pine lo.vihip, at ihe house o! Albert Hunier. Sugarloaf iownhip at the house cf Ali nas Cole. y Scon lownship, at ihe house of Enoch Howell, Epv. It is ftuiher directed that the eleciion of the said several districts shall be open be tween the ho; r ol 8 and 10 o'clock in the forenoon, ami shall continue open without interruption or adjournment, omit 7 c clock in the erening, when the polls shall be C.oed. The ctTicer to be elee'ed at the tine and places aioreai I, are An Auditor General. A Surveyor Gener al. 0..e Conte-mari. To Members of Assembly. A Presidant Judge. A District At.r.iej. A Coui ty Commissioner. A County Siirveyor. A ('ounly Auditor. It 16 fur'her directed that ihe meeting of the return j ides w i l b held at tha Court Huu-.e in !iuom-bnr. so make out the reu era! election, which will be oo FRIDAY ihe SEVENTEENTH DAY ol OCTO'iER. The reinrn Judges ol the Keprese u'ative District, composed ol ihe coun ies if Vy ominsr, Sullivan, Columbia nn i Montour, -hail ineei at ihe Court House, in P ooms bura iu th county of Colnmb a. on TUES DAY, the TIVEX IT FIRST DAY of OCIO- BKR next M mcke out returns lor members ol A!-emLlv. The Return Judges of ihe Congressional District, ccmposed of the ci intif? c f Mon tour. Columt ia, S-I ivan, Wyoming and Bradlord, shall meet at the Court II o-e in Tuiikhannotk. on TueMlny, ihe 1 wenty rirt day ot October, next, to make out fe Ijrns tor Member ol Congress. Anl in and by th Sit.ii nc:. I am further directed lo g ve notice that every person, txcepting justices of the peace, who hall hold any ottice or appo.tr ment ol j'rnfit or iiu-l under tle Goernft:ei:i ot ih,' UnneJ S a es, of of ih.s Sute, tir d anr city r in cnrpora'ed dirii"t. whether a c imnii"!iii ed Hiieer v,r mhtrwi-e a M:birdii:a')' officer nr aji ii!, who i or i-hall b- emj liel un der tiie. !egil..iiire. or '.vereti ve or j Miciary dejijirttiiem (' Ihi .v't;i e r ol any nicnrjui nted di-mc!, a -tl l-o iliai eery meiicer ot Coheres, and id ihe he eel or rn:niiini C tiii'Cil i! any city, (-o.iiniisixier, n any i i-i'r;ura'eil iJi-trn t, js. by law, iiic.iati n' 'tol.litiij or erciiiiu a', the ati.e lime. Ihe offi. or appo n'm n ot j i Ije. in-pec-br or clerk oi t i eiec i i-i ol tint c mmn wealth, a- il iha" no i ,pecior j .dn or arty ofheer ol any iiC'i e'eci'mn sha I be eligi ble io ai.y t'tfioe than to l-e o:eil I nr. Given under my h.n d and seal, hi mv of ficrt in Uloooisbnr. itiis l7iii day ot Sep tember, A. D., 1861. J II. FURMl.W. Bioomsburc, Oct. 8, 186?. $150 BEST PIAX0S. $150 GROVES I EEN &- HALE, hnvu.g re moved to iheir new wareroorns, 1T0. 470 BKOASVfAT, are now pre,-ared lo offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 OclaYc IIosciToofl Fi.-tiio, containing all improvements kno tii in this cuuiitry or Europe, over-strun- bas-, French zrand aclion, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich mouldins cases, . $175 TO $200, all warran led made ol the be-t seasoned material, and io stand better than any sold for S400 or S500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invito ihe best Judges to examine and try these new iniiruments. and we stand ready at all times tc test ihem with afty others rrianafactnred i;i this couu- ,ry" GR0TESTEES & HILG, 478 Broadway, New Yorks June 4ib 1S62. 3m. . GUEAT EXCITESIFFIT AT STILLWATER. LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED, 1 4 T the Store of Daniel McHenry, io Still- water, Columbia county. The undersigned would refpeclfully in vite the citizens of Fi.-htno Creek and the -urxounding country, lo his large and ex lensive stock of Goods, just received from he cilies of New York and Philadelphia, ill of which he will sell cheaper than here ofore. His assortment consists of Cloths, Calicoes, . Muslins, Hats and Caps, of he latest fashion, Boots and Shoex of the 'Host approved make ; also, a lot of excel ient - IS cad y-IVI a -Ic Clothing-. together w'nh a good assort men I of Ves 'ing. His store is well filled wild Goods ot every description. His IX CO C23 1X2 12 1 S3 are not snrpa-seo by any Stote in ihe coun try. His Hardware Department has not been nejlecie.l. SCYTHES. HAKES. UOES, SHOVELS &C, are constantly kept on haiut j al-o, Spikes and Nads ; iti-ohon, efy:inng us ually found in Elisl t-'U" Str. DANIEL Mc HENRY. S iiUa'er, May 11, lcib2. larct-nwood Seminary. T 'HE Spring 'term of ll b.-utnlioii w I roii.toence on the 7ih of April flex!. T.ne PiiM ip.il will be avi-lciLbv able - -1 r ucinr-i, iitnl a Hitiple lac.liieK will tip ti ir.led to qualify S u leiii Inr learhii". 'nr I'u-incs- or lor a more ex'eioive inur-e : ! litiT iinre. a lit) Tal s'taie of .partronase i-. a j am i.nlii-i'ed. , Pupil who do noi come from home, or re not I 1 ulliler the Charon o.' near rela- j iwes. mn-i IwMid al the Seminary, ami be : Mibj-ct in Ihe regulaiioiig ifiereol. They uiiil provide llieir own towels ami have. eaeti Hitl 1 of cloihing Ji-UHcily marke!. Eleen week corsiituie a. quarter and there will be a vacation ot about six weeks in ii. ill summer. lioardini., washing and Tuition, with fiirni-hed rooms, will lie $25 per quarter, oi.e half payable in advance. Tuition ahnieio Common branches, $5 00 " including advance Algebra malhemalics h's'ory &c. 6 CO in Latin, German or French eath extra 1 00 For further particulars adlress WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 26, 1862. Mine Iiiioic1' QUARTERLY 31IRR0R of FASHIONS GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rIIIE Summer Number will contain four - larn ami K-dndid Fashion PlaleM llirprt Full Sized Patterns, comprising the new French Wa'n-i. and eleiranl sleeve, and a f Mis.e Sack, together with neatly 100 en-i graving ot ah the novelties for Summer ; bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. Children's; Dresses, etc , Valuable information lo Mil liners, dress makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 47 i Broadway, and sold etery where at 2,5 cents, or seal by mail pest free, on rpceipt of ihe amount, Yeatly $1 wi h the follow ing valuabie premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, Iron. Ihe designs in the book, or Irom the show room, or they may be order ed and cu by mail any lime during the I year, by paving Ihe postage. j Fir Splendid inducements to Lanraesers. The summer number will be ready ou or about ihe 1st of May. April 30th, 1852. NEW AKHIVAL'OF SPRING AND SUMMER &! JIT PETER EXTS STORE'. In Ligh! L'reet, Columbia county, Per.na. HAS ji-t received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Ent, a splen di.l assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be sold cheap for CASH Oil COUNKY PRODUCE ! His stock cotisi-ts of Ladies Dress Goods ct.oicet s'les!ind la'p-t fashion. ' CALICOES MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPELS. SHAWS, HOSIERY. SILKS reaoy-mnde clothing, CASSlMKi;S SATIN ET, COnONADES . KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, fcC GROCERI ES, qUKEXSWAUE, Ce larwnre. II rdvvarf, M lico.- Dmg, Od-. Pait.t-i. &c , Boots and S'toes, H ls ami tp. ,i sh.iri everythiu usually r kept in a country sb-r-. I'tie pair-nige of oh! friemN, and ihe pubt. i- public generally, i lespecilully so li. i-ej. i : Ttie higSpst maiket prir paid ferenn try produce. PETER ENT. Li-h' S reet. May 7. 1f2. Letter "A" Family Sewing Iacliiue, Villi all the Recent Improvements'. I the bsi and cheapest and most beanti lut of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew any thing, fiom the running of a luck in Tarletan io ihe making ol an over coal; anything Irom Pilot or Beaver cloth down io the softest Gaue or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do it work to perfection. Ii can fell, hem, bind, gather, tui k, quill. and lias capacity for a great va riety of ornamental work. This i not the only Machire lhai can fell, hem, bind, and so lorih. but it will do so betler than any mher machine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may be had in great vari ety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case, which is now becomiug so popular, is, as its name implies, oce ihat can be loUleJ i ii to a box or case, which, when opened, makes a beautiiul. substantial, substantial, and spacious table for ihe work lo rest upon The ca-es are ol every imaginable design; plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can mkke them. The Branch Offices are well popplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc, of the very bet quality. Send lor a copy of Smcra & Co 's Gazette. I.M SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.810 Chestnut.St. N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. John Sharpies, Agent, in Cattawissa. Ju y 23, 1862.-ly. Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AXD SUBIBIER GOODS, . MILLER EYER'S. fflHE subscribers have just retarnedfrom the Ciiy with another large and telect assortment of Spring and Summer Goods purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in BIoomeLarg. Their stock comprises Ladies' I) res' Goods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarwa'e, Hol lovvware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; to wRich tliey invites ihe" public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsbnrg, April 30, 1862. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW MILLINERY GOODS. flUlE undersigned would most respect - fully announce lo Ihe citizens of Blooms burg ami vicinity ihat she has juot receiv ed from the eastern cities her . Spring & Summer Millinery Goods, all of which she is prepared io makeV--, and sell al a very reasonably low fig s ure. Her anrtmnt of ;ood' are a luile superior in point of durability as well a- iatefuhies. to an v offered in this section. She letnrni" thanks lor the libeial pntron age she has received, and lespectfully so licits a continuance of th same MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 1862. Gull a IVrclia Hiackins: .' (tumour BiiusniXG.) TJ'OR lhot, Shops, Harness, Carriages, - Mtnl Mdiiary Leather Work. This. new and excellent article excels eveay thing ever belote in use, for beanti fying and of ening the Lea'her. It makes ii polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with wawr, nor Main :he finest white s lk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a mouth applied on boot and shoes, and once a inontn tor harness is sufficient. If i he leather becomes dirty wah it off with clean water and Ihe polish will re apnear. Warran'ed as repteenied. Directions lor n-o. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the nolih is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PFIl BOTTLE I CsT For sale by L. T. SHA RPLESS. Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. LIFE TILLS & I'HOEXIX HITTERS. rlHE$E MEDICINES have now been be- fore the public lor a period of 1 hirty Years, and during ihat time have maintained a high chaiacter in almost every pari of the Globe, foi t tie ir extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are amonj the distressing variety of human diseases in which the YIITI Altl.i: MFC MIIIl l.r,S Aie well k no .vu to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing ihe first and second siomaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of thi stale ami acrid kind: Flatulnc, Loss of Appetite Ilea it b nr n, Headache, Resiless ! nes, Hi-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and i Me lancfioly, which are ihe geneial symp tom of Dyspepsia, iil vanish, as a nat- j tural consequence of 1's cure COSTIVENESS. by cleansing Ihe whole length of the iide.-iines with a so1 ven; pro-j ce-s, and iihout v iolencej all violent pur- ges leave the bowels costive wiihtti two davs. FEVERS of nil kinds, by restoring ihe blood to a regular circulation, through the pre "ss of respiration i n such cases, unit trie .w-uh solmion of all in'.erlitial ob struc .1 in others. Th i-.il Medicines ha v been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently it. three weeks, and GOUT in half ihat time, by ren,oving local inflamatiori Irom ihe rnu cles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeingand Blrenglhitig the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor tar.t organs, and hence have ever beau found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Al-o WORMS, by dislodging from the (limine of the bowels the slimy mutter io which these creatures ajhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SOKES, bv the perfect pumv which teseh LIFE MEDICINES give to The blood, and all the humor.. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, bv iheir alterative elfact upon ihe fluids ihat feed the skin, and Ihe moil. id siat of w hich occasions all erup n e compl aint. How, cloudy and other d i-ajreable complexion. The ne ol ihesp Pill- for a very short timeuii effect an entire cur of SALT RHEUM, mid a striking improvement in he rlitrue-i f the skin Conirr.on Coliis and Infliiei.a will nlwa) s be cmed by one do., or by t wo ii. Ihe worl ca-es. PILKS The original proprietor of these M.licines, was cured of Piles, 35 ear s'am'.ing by Ihe use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For t hi- scomge of ine. Western country, ihesn Medicine will be found a safe, speedy, and cenain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject lo a return of the diease a rnre bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS. General Debi'ily, Loss of np peti.e, and Diseases of Female- the Med icines have been used wiili me most ben eficial results in cases of thi description Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields io the mild yet powerful action ol these remaikable Medicines. Night Sweats ) Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kiud-j. Palpitation of ihe Heart, Pain ter' Colic, are speedily rured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a petfeel cure, as they never fail to eradicate from ihe system, all (he efficisof Me-cury,' infinitely sooner than Hie most powerlui preparations oi oarsapa- rilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-ly. gueexwooiTsemiMr fpHE Autumn term ol this institution will commence on MONDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1862. TERMS For Boarding, Washing, Tuition, etc., lor El-ven weeks S25 00 One half in advance. ""Students who have not engaged looms will do well to make early application lo WM. BURGESS, Principal MiliTille, Col, co. Pa., Jolv 19, 1862. Important to House Owuers. -Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To ell whom this may concern, and it conctrnt every body. JOHNS s,' CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUITA PERCHA. The Cheapest and most duble Rooflir.g in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and Old Roofs ol All kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs wiihoui removing the Shingles TH E COST IS ONLY A BOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been ihorougly tested in New York City and nil parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on Buildings of all kind, such sFactoties, FoundtiesChurch. es. Rail Road Depots, Car, and on Public Buslding-generally, Government Buildings. &c, by the principal Builders, Architects' and others, during the past four years; and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it U in every respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7 hi if the ONLY material manvficfured in Ihe United Slates which combines the very desirable properties 0f Elasticity and Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to be possessed by GUPTA PERCHA and INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making appli cation. The etpenss. of applying it is triflning with ordinary Roof can be covered and fin ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, undwhen finished form- a perfectly Fi-e Proof suffice' with an elatm body, which cannot te injured by Heat, Col l or Storms, Shrinking ol Roof Boards, nor any exteinal ati on w ha evi-r. LIQUID CUT PA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals ol all Kinds when ex posed to 'he action of the Weatner and For Presenilis and Jit pairing Mttal Rooft of all Kinds, This is the only Composition knbwt) which will successfully resist extreme changes of climaies, for any length of lime, when applied to meals,io which it adheres firmly, lorming a body equal io three coats of ordinary pain:, rots much le-s snd will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom its elaMp-ny is nut injure I by Ihe con trxcipn of TIN and mher METAL ROOFS, con-equeut upon sudden changes of ihe tieaihrr. It will noi CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEA1HER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can te read.lv repaired with GUPTA PERCHA CEMENT, ar d prevented from further cor- I rusion a leaking, thereby ensuring a per i fectly water tight Rnof for many years, i This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the j pre-erva'ion of Iron Railings-, Sioves, Ran j ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, &c., alo tor general manufacturers u-e. UUlIsi I'&HUIf.l UEMEXT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Rools or every description, from its great ela-iicity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ot Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in arm weather. These material' are adapted to all cli-ma-es, and u e are prepared to supply or ders Irom any ran of the country, al short no-.ee, lor GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rdl, rpalv prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT iu barrels, with full primed directions lor application. JGEXTS WANTED. We will m ikeliheiul and tali'fictory arrange inens vritli repnti-ilde p-n liet who would !'ke lo ei(ablih themsclues in a Lucrative and Perma nent busine4. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of onr improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to seviral thonand Roofs in New Yoik C:tv and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturer, JVholesal Warehouse 78 IViUiam St., Corner ol Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circular and Prices will be f.iroi-hed on application. Ocober 16 1 R6 1 ly. iJEUTIFIL COMPLEXION. rOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will send toall who wi-h ii (free of charge) ihe Recipe and full directions for makir.g and using a beau'iful vegetable Blm, that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotchen. Tan Freckles, &e., &c, leaving the skin smooth, clr.iiti, a:;d beautiful ; a!0 full oi rections lor using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimulant, war-at.led lo start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mus'ache. in les than thirty day. Either of lht above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing i with siamp for return postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist,83l Broadway New YorK. January 15, 1S62. 2-n. 'I il I E CO N F ESS IONS and F.XP E RIENCE of a OFFERER, Published as a warn i'Vg, and for the especial benefit of Young Men and thns who siiffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premilure De cay, &c , &c, &c, by one who ha cured himself by simple means, af-er being put io great expcr.se and inconvenience through ihe use of worthless medicine prescribed by learned Doctors. Single cone may be had ol ihe author, C. A LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpoint, Long l-laml. by enclosing a pos'-paid addressed envelope. Adlre.-s CHARLES A. LAM BERT E-q , Greenpoint, Long Island, New Yoik. January 15, 1862 2m. Will A V SALE OF Valuable Real Esate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Conn d Columbia county, on Saturday the I 111 day ot October next, at 10 o'clock in ihe fotenoon, Stephen II. Miller Guardian ol ihe minor children ol Z'bulon P. Gro late of li'o no lowi'Ship f n said county deceased, will expose lo sale, by Public Ve due, upon Ihe premises, a certain planta tion or tract of land si:imed,iii Mount Pleas ant Township Columbia county, containing One hundred and seventeen acres and one hnudtej and forty one perches Bounded by lands r.f Daniel Mordan, John Mordan, George Appleman and other whereon i ereeted a two story fram dwelling house and a Bank Barn, borne Fruit Trees on ihe premi-e'. Late the F.-tale of said d?ceae I, situate in the lnwiihip of Mount Pleasant and counlv aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Ctet Terms made k-irwn on da of sale. S H. MILLER, G ma dim Bloom-burg, Sept 17. 1S2. HI R AX i . HOU'EH; SURGEON J) V NT I ST, Office near Wilsons Carnage Shop.Maia St ents Balmoral Lace Boots, win b hold very low. AUo. Boys Shoes at L. T. SHARPLISS.' FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Of THE " - Crave Soldiers and Sailor. nn ih rim IIOI.I.OVTAT'k rULts r AND OINTMENT. A'l who havp Friends Bnd Rela'ires in the Army or Navy, should take cspeci care, ihat they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment ; and where ihe brave Soldiers and S. 'Mors have neglected; 10 provide themselves with (hem, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to be the Soldiers never-failing-fpetid in the hour of ned.- COUGHS AND . CCLLS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cured by using ther e admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions w hich are attached to each Pol or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT 0 AV PE1 II E, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. 1 Those feelings which so sadden us,usual ly arise from trouble or annoyances, ob--struced perspiration, or eating and drink ing whatever is unwholesome, thus die mrbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These organs must be relieved,; 11 you desire lo be well. The Pills, taking according io the printed instructions, will . quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, auil as a natural conse quence a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will sorn disappear by the use of these . invaluaDle pills, and ihe soldier will quick ly acquire additional . strength. Never lei . the bowels be etlhef confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Hoi low ay 's Pills should be recommended for Dyseniary and Flux, many persons suppo sing lhai they would increase tbe relaxa tion. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach -and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone, and vigor to the whole organic system bow ever deranged, while health and strength fkltsisBr a a m ilia ti nniirta rj r1 i n ft tar 1 1 1 sac- iiinntl vs vjrc. avrttii !! stop ihe relaxation of ire bowels so ure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH: T T t Tl . I O I I Dore ana uicers, uioicnes ana owe.uing can with certainty be radically cored if the pills are leken night and morning and ihe Ointment be freely used as sated to the printed instructions. If treated in any oth er manner they dry op in one part lo break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove ihe humors from the system and leave ihe Patient a vigorous and heal- tliv man Ii nil! rnnir a !illh nerseve- ranee in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED rv tup uivnvrr sip.uf nn the BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, there are no medicines so safe, tors ' and convenient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounded and almost djing sufferer mighi have his wounds dres-ed immediately, il he would only pro vide him-elt with this matchless Oinin em, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared ad rouud it, then covered tvitb a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed wiih a handkercheit. Taking night and morning 6 or 8 pills, 10 cool (htf system and prevent incarnation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and ea:i)an't Chest shauld be provided with these valua ble Rmedie4 . CAUTION '.None are genuine unless the words "Holioway, New York and Lon don are discernable as a H'ater-matk iu every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or bojr : ihe same may be plmnly seen by holding ihe leaf lo the light. A handsome reward will be given lo any one rendering such information a may lead lo the detection ol any party or parties counterfeiting- the medicines oi vending ihe same, knowing ihem to be spurious. Sold at Ihe Manufactory of Professor Hollowa, 80 Mtiden Laie, New York.and by all rspec able Druggiis and Dealers in Aledicine, throughout ttei civilized world in boxes at twenty five cents, sixty two cnis ami one dollar ch. Vif Tbere is cor.si dsrable savig bv ta king the larger sizes. N B Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. April 9th 1862. ly. m ii i sox iiorsE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA) rMlUE subscriber would respectfully up pri?e his friends and the public jent-r-ally, thai he ha established the MADISON HOUSE, io Jersey town, Columbia county. Pa. The above house has lately been tefitted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is Icily prepared lo entertain the travelling custom as well a the local with geneial satislaclion. His TABLE and BAR, are well supplied and will be careful ly superintended. And tits STA BLE is am ply and well stocked, in charge ol careful grooms, will always be properly attended. CW He invites a share of the publiccus torn, and pledges his best efforts, lo help hisguesis feel at bornv SAMUEL RIM BY. Jereeytown, Jan 8, 1S62. NEW HATS AND CAPS ! A J. I. irton's Hal tore. THE undersigned respectfully informs iha ihe citizens of Bloomsburg, and ihe public in oeneral, that he has UM received from Philadelphia a lot of NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of the very latest -ty le and fashions, all of which h i pre pared lo sell cheaper than can be had eUe where, with the excep.ion of the manulac turer. He na all kinds, slyljs, sort and sizes, of hats and caps, probably ihe mo( varied a ortment ever brought to town. A!-o SI RAW GOODS, includinj the mod em snles and fashions. rF'Store on Main Street, a few door we.-t ol Ihe American Hon-e. JOHN K.GIRTON. B'oo n'-burg. Apiil 16, 1862. . $23: EMPLOYMENT ! $75 AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to aciive Agent, or give a commission. Particnlars seni free. Ad dre Erik Sewing Machikc Cohpast, R JAMES, Ge eral Agent, Milan, Ohio. Bloomsburg, Aug. 21, 1861. 4 large assortment of Ladies' Gaiiers just C- received at f 1 00 and $155 at L. T. SHARPLESJ.'