Ci AE OF TAB NORrU . f- ri:. Ik. s 1 ' WM. H. JACOBY, EDITOR. MOOISBUEC, f EDXESDAY, Oct. 1st, IS62. Stale, District and County Ticket- FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ISAAC SLK NK ER, CFPMON COCNTT. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, JAMES P. BAB It, iC? ALLEGHANY COCNTT. FOR ASSEMBLY, Ci:0. D. JACKSON, of Sallivan, JO UN C. ELLIS, of Montour, FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE, HOIf, WILLIAM ELWELL. of Towanda, FOR CISTMCT ATTORN IT, - E 11. LITTLE, ol Bloomshurg. . TOR COMMISSIONER, ROHR McHENRY, of Benton. For COPMTT SURVEYOR, IS AAC A. DEW1TT, of Greenwood. FOR APT5ITOR, A. J. EVANS, or Bloomsburg: Ihe Comlns Election. Terhaps no more favorable epportonity than fhe present will ever occur, for rescu ing this government from the hand of men who are demonstrated to be until for it gui dance through the fiery ordeal we are now undergoing. The people are awake to the dac&er, and are resolved to meet it. We Lave tried the radicals, agitators and aboli tion if-ts long enongh. They have succeed ed,by their foolish and impractable schemes and legislation, only in uniting the Sooih as one man against "as, and .of dividing the IVorhlnto parties, which.anless more mod . erate counsels prevail, promise soon to be came as deadly hostile to each other as the ho nth can wish. The President who regards bis oath, the General who is opposed to negro insurrec tion, and the citizen that dares talk of con stitutional obligations and privileges have already become obnoxious to tbi progress ive school, and where the end will be, un less the people arise in their majesty and aeit their independence, we fear to con jecture. The ballci box is now onr only remedy. Let every patriot consider attention to poli tics liis. sacred duty; for, until all the cor mpt and timeserving demagogues who, for yean past, have osnrped the places of bun en men, have been utterly weeded out, we need hope for bnt for little change for the better. Let cs, theiefore, wine out the etd'o auu uegin anew. The coming elections are extremely im ponimt,as the complexion cf the law-make-ing power may be entirely changed there by. Besides the State ticket, which we have had a' the head of enr columns for several weeks, we have a member of Congress and of tie Sia:e Legislature to elect, as well as teveral minor, though important, county of ficers. The fact that the term . of office of that rampart partizan, David Wilmot. will expire on the 4ih of March next, at which time it will devolve upon our Legislature to choose his uccessor, renders it especially desirable that the Democracy should receive majority in -that body this fait. With a Democratic Senator to succeed ilenot and a ir oderate Republican like Cowan as his colleague, the Keystone State will not be likely to disgrace herself in the. higher branch of our National Legislature for years fo came, as she has during the past term. Let every in an who lovea his country bend bis energies to this end. Pkvkstlvanu Militia. We regret to have to 6tate that some portion of the Penn sylvania militia assembled recently for the defense of their Stale, object to marching intn Maryland lo-riefend Pennsylvania there Irorn invasion. No official information of the fact has reached here, we apprehend, thoagh it is doubtless true. It cannot be possible that a storm of public opinion at hocie will fail to core the recreants of such .shameless pohroonerr in twenty. four hours- .1.,- I w ivasHWgioti mar. ' tnrrratilnsfia fhnn mirKU.toiHol r , I PJ exclaimed the poet, and Pennsyivanians may appropriately adopt his language with reference to the cowardly maligner who is the author or the above. Pennsylvania sol diers twice saved the Capitol, whilt this miserable defamer sat crawling his diatri bes! in his easy chtir, within the confines cf the beleaguered cry. Pennsylvania has sent 150, 000 volunteers for the suppression of ihe rebellion, and to-day is ready to yield without a murmur to the call of the Presi dent for more men. And for all this, rhe . th,mks we Pennsyivanians get, from such war papers as the Siar, are curses when we c loose to do more than our coramander-in-chief.the Governor reqnire of os. Shame ! Shame I that any "loyal" journal, edited by a decent white man, should thus entreat lbs gallant sons of the brave old Keystone. A Patriotic Crowd. We notice by onr el changes that Messrs. L. L Tate, of the "Colombia Democrat," V. H. Jacpby, of ths "Star of the North," D. H. B. Brower and Se n, of the w Montour American," George M Rlcbart, of the Pittston Gazette," Wm. Y, Higgins, of the ''Lycoming Gazette'and Wm P Miner, of lhe"Record of the Times," have all gone to war, in response to Ihe call . of the Governor, rear y of them being ac companied by one or mora of their hands As these ,men are alt accustomed to the bundling of " shooting s'icks," they will t " p'onr ' leaded matter'' into the " solid col i iinns' of tho rebel rai.ks, knock .their - -."standing matter" in "pie," " chase" them 'hough the "Devil" was affer tLem, and fina'.ly "pre?" them to ths walL Ecriciik Frocccdlags of tie Congressional Confereaca. The Democratio Conference met at tha Eicbanga Hotel in Bloomshurg, Sept. 30th, 18G2, agreeably to the adjoarument.- The several conlerecs from the entire dl trict were present. C. Ent, from the Committee app:inted to make a report on the exifting Congress ional apportionment madetho following report. The Committee appointed by the Confer ence to prepare a statement on the Biibject cf tlie ezicting Congressional apportion ment, make report as follows : That upon examination it will appear tha the present arrangement of Congres sional districts in this Staiei an unjust one, and the authors of it are etiargeab e with the highest degree of partizan se'rihne.s and disregard of the rishtx of the people. It is proposed to chow, briefly, the lead ing facta in relation to the passage of the laws on this subject, including a designs lion of some of those who supported and are responsible for them. In the State Senate, Feb. 26:h, 1861, on motion of Mr. McClnre, it was Resolved, That a se'ect commit'ee of sev en be appointed to report to the Senate a bill apportioning the St.ite into Congression al districts, It was ordered that Messrs McClnre Fin ney, Gregg, Schindel, Smith. LAN DON and Lawrence be said Committee. . This Committee, composed of six Re pablicans and one Democrat, on the 9h of April 186 1 , reported a bill entitled, -n act to divide the State into Congressional dis tricts for the election of Representative in the Congress of the United States." The next day. April 10th, the Senate revoked itself ino Committee of the Whole upon the bill, when after some time, the bill was reported back to the Senate with amend ments. It was then taken up on second reading, and agreed to with one unimport ant amendment, oher amendments propos ed by Pemocratic Senators beina voted down. The rule which prohibits the read ing of bills twice on the same day as then dispensed with and the bill was rea l a third time, and paused finllj by the lollow in? vote : Ytrs Messrs. Benson, Bonghter. Bound, Connell. Finney. Fuller, Gres. Halt, Hum ilion, Hiestand, Imbrie, Keieharu. LAN DON, La, McCiure, Meredith. Par ker, Penney, Robino", Serrtll, Smith. Wharton, Yardley. and Pa ! rn e r, Spen Iter 24 Nat Messrs. Blood, Clymer, Crawlord Mott, Nichols, Schindel, Thompson and Welsh 8. The bill then went to the Hou of Rep resentatives, where it was considered on the 10 ifi a'id 12th days of April Amon other amendments propped to the bill was or.e by Mr. Tracy, ot Bradford to Mrik out in the 25ih line the words Wayne, and Luzerne counties" and ir.sert in lien thereof the words, "Bradford, Tioga and SnUivai counties," the effect of which would hae been to place the latter counties with Su quehanna county to torm a Congressional district. This amendment was rejected by a vote of yeas. 36 nays 46, and all other amendments were also rejected except one relating to a Philadelphia district.which was subsequently concurred in by the Senate On the 13ih of April the bill pa-sed the House, finally, by the following vote : Yem Messrs Abbott, Acker,A1exander, Anderson, Armstrotte Ashcom, Birr.sley, Bartholomew, Bisel,Bixler, B'air. Brewster, Burns. Cowan. Craig Douglas, Elliott Goeh ring, Gordon.Grabam, Harvey, Hayes. Hill man, Hood. Hofius, Hohn, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Lowther, M Gonigal Marshal, Mullin Patterson. Peirce, Preston. Po2he Reiiy, Ridgway Robinson, Roller, Seltzer, Shaffer Sthman, Stoneback.Taylor, Walk er, White, Wildey, wilaon arutDavis, Speak' ir 51 Nats Messrs. Austin, Ball, Blanchard, Bliss, Bover, Brodhead, Butler (Carbon), Butler (Crawford). Ca'dwe1!, Clark. Collins, Cope, Disrmnt,- Divns Donley, Dufftld, Dunlap. Eilenberger, Frarier,GaskiII,Heck, Hill, Kline. Iisenrinsr, Litchen wa'lner M' Donouah. Manifold, M vi re.Morrison. My ers, Osterhont, Randall, Reiff, Rhoad, Smith. Berks Smith Philade phia Tell er.Tracy and William 39 This bill, (which was subsequently sign ed by the Governor and became a Uw,) divided the State into twer.ty three Congres sional districts, that being the nnmber of Congressmen wtveh it s? nn.lefwiod tins i State waser.titled to under the United States census ot 1860. But in forming the di tricts the most oncrupul jus and disgrace ful partian6hip and dishonesty were mao ifesied. Both Houses hid large Republican majorities, and the. Governor being ol the same party, ttiere was no check upon po litical passion and injustice. At the election of Governor in I860, Mr Foster had 230 000 votes, and Mr. Cunin 262.000. -The majority of the latter was therefore 32,000, which, estimating voters as one fifili of the whole people, would represent a population of 160 000, some what but not largely in eicess of the num ber nece-sary for one member of Conaresa. A fair apportionment therefore wo. .Id have Riven Ivcetve Republican and eleven Demo cratic distiicts, upon the basis of ihe gnber tiatorial vote of IHP0. But the bill was so framed as to give nine'een Republican and but four Democratic Districts, up that basis of calculation. To accompll-li this result the natural connections of comities were disregarded , districts of very unequal population were made, and in some cases counties were divided ami the parts put in ilifTerent districts. Never since the Sate was founded bad such a bill been enacted regulating the representation of the people, nor any oue even approaching it in dishon esty. In effect it was to transfer no less than seven Congressional votes from one party to the other, making a difference of four teen toie upon any political question in the National Hout-e ol Representatives. It will be observed that Sena'or Landon, of Bradford, the present Republican candi dal for Cougress, in thi district, was one of the Committee that reported ih bill m the Senate, and that he subsequently sup ported it by hi vote. The arrangement of districts made by the act of 1861, was subjected to some modifi cation as to the eastern part ot the State, by an act passed at the lat se-sion but its essential features were not disturbed. Sub sequent to the passage ot the act ol 1861 it was ascertained from the corrected census returns that this State would be entitled to twenty-lour members of Congress instead of twenty-three, and hence a new appor "tionment became necessary. But in fram ing the new act (approved IClb April 1862)' care was taken to retain as much as pos sible of the act of 1861, and thus continue the party injustice established by it By the new bill this Congressional dis trict was made more strongly Republican than before, as Northumberland county was taken from it In 1860 the vote for Govern or in the present district was as follows : Foster. Cur'in. Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan, Colombia, Montour, 2328 1316 543 2586 1220 6664 1192 394 1848 983 8013 PETER ENT, AHIRA GAY, J. C. AMMERMAN, 11081 CommUlee. On motion, Resolved ', That" the report be adopted; agreed to unanimously. Tho - following resolution' was also unanimously adopted, ' ' Jieso!ve'l That the report of the commit tee be published with the proceedings : of this conference. 4 On motion of V. E. Piollet seconded by Mr. Amnicrman. Rtsolcel, That in view of existing cir cumstances in this Congressional District, this conference, will make no formal nom ination ot a candidate for support by the Democracy, which was adopted by etery vote in the conference. Jiesolved. That the members of thU Conference recommend tho 6uppon; of Henry. W. Tracy, of Bradford, as an luaepenaeni candidate lor Uongresa against Reverend George Landon, the Republican nominee, for the following reasons : . 1. Because the former opposed the ini quitous Congressional apportionment of 1861, while the latter was one of the un scrupulous authors of that measure. 2. Because the former as a member of the House of Representatives at Harris burg, opposed those recent bills of plunder and outrage relating to the Pecnsylvinia and Sunbury and Erie rail-roads, waich have deeply injured and disgraced the Commonwealth, while the latter supported them by speech and vote in the Seuata. 3. Because the former at the late iess ion of the Legislature earnestly supported the repeal of the act commuting the ton nage duties of the Pennsylvania rail-rsad, and is giving and will give his efforts and influence to secure that just and important object hereafter. 4. Because, f peaking generally, the for mer is a conservative gentleman whose in tegrity has been well-proved in public po sition, whils the latter is believed to be fanatical in sentiment and corrupt in con duct. Itcsolved, That in view of the corruption and profligacy that are known to exist in our national affairs, it is of the highest importance to te'.ect a Congressman whose integrity has borne the test of trial, and who has shown independence and courage in the performance of public duty. It is believed that this is true of Mr., and that in his support of the War and the Government, he will labor in good faith to restore the Ution of our fathers and to preserve all the Constitutional rights of the peopfe. liesofved. That inasmuch as this district wai formed to smother the voice of tha se veral Democratic, counties within it, and one of the authors of that measure now pre sents himself as a candidate, that he may reap the fruit of his iniquity, there is pe culiar reason for junction of effort among all honorable men to mark him with pub lic reprobation and prevent him from re pealing his past misdeeds, or others like unto them, in a position of increased i nflu ence and power. Adopted unanimously. Ilolveiy That the next Congressional Conference he held upon the first Thurs day in September, 1664, at the Exchange Hote',in Bloomburg, at 12 o'clock, M. Adjourned sine die. PETER ENTiW. V. E. Piollet, e . . t r a . , Secretaries. J Kj. Ammerman, j The Poblie Dtbt. The Republican papers are enJeavoring to make their readers believe that our pub lic debt is only about 1500,000,000." The annual interest on this sum, at six percent would be f J30.000 000) fAiYfy millions of del i. The Direct Tax Bilf, drawn by Thad. Stevens, and passed by a Republican Con gress, for the purpose of paying the inter est on ihe public debt, is (SI 50,000,000) one karnii ed ar.d Jijty millions of dollars per annum. Now, either the Republican papers are wrong, or Congress has grossly deceived and swindled the people on this point, by taxing them jnst five times as heavily as wa necessary I We leave the people to judge between the Republican papers and the Re publican Congres! The amount f f lax levied by Congress ($150 000 000) is the inteiest, at six per cent, of twenty five Aun dred millions of dollars I ($2,500,000,000) which sum, we presume, Congress believed the public debt would amount to by the time the assessment should be made ! If we are wrong, we trust some Republi can editor, of financial proclivities (Forney, for instance,) will set ns right. We are srmewbat anxious to see some arithmeti cian cypher out thin matter so as to show why SI50;000,000 were levied as the annu al interest on a debt cf 8500,000,000. Ac cording to our 4 figurin," this is reckoning interest at 30 per cent, and is, the refore, rank usury ! What Thty Want Aeit. The radicals, having forced the President to issne a paper proclamation which is to "end the war in sixty days," nor want Halleck and McClellan to be removed from the army. The Abolition organ, tho Inde pendent, says the Cabinet and the Gener als tnnst all be discharged, and Wendell Phillips, in a recent article in the Inclepend ent, over his own name, argues that the new policy can be carried out only ay men who sympathize with it. He says : "Of what ose would such a procla mation be, if Halleck and McClellan in tha field, and B air and Seward in the Cabinet, are left to execute it ? It would not b worth the paper it wasted. "If the President shonld proclaim eman cipation, and Halleck, McClellan a nt Buel smother under pretence of executing the the measure, it will be a failure. Let us provide beforehand against such a danger. Let it be understood now that our claim ot the Government is satisfy yourselies fully that yonr conciliation policy has failed, then we demand a proclamation of f-eedom-war, on war principles, to be conduced by such men as Sumner, of Massachusetts. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, and Wade, of Ohio, and their friends in the Cabinet, and by Hunter, Siegel and Fremont in the field." The desire of Phillips and the Abolition ists is, evidently, to make this an Abolition negro war. Will the President second the motion by removing McClellan ? CTDiDTts shonld see at once to the dis tribution of their tickets. Th liane it ahOTt. MUSTER ROLL. The following is ihe muster roll of Capt Clark's Company as it left Bloomshurg, bat after arriving at HarrUburg two companies were formed and filled up the 2d company Captained by Hiram R. Kline. There were qnite a number joined the secor.d company whose names does not appear on this ro'l. We should like to have been furnished with a complete list of both companies separate- ly: I VfTl f. Tats. D P Thomas. VV li Fry, B Stone r, Eli Barton, , A Cadwklauar. J Caduiao, UGreeoa. li Ke-tcr, 8 Case. W Hagenbaeh, D t.owenberr i; H Knoll, B Pursel, J Baub. 0 A Frederick, Peter Risbel, F Muffiey, G 8 FiKber, Jos Ktsii This Winner, X. K Ship man, H F Brooka. H C Conner. r Fox, FP Kline, R Johnson, M B Hugbes. J Rogers. C W Forrester. A F Header bot, 0. Casy. 1 Hct'ormiek, F McBnde, JO Worlcy J Banp, W Paee. P Kinney. W Uarrlnon, G Ruckel, A tteambe, M C Johuaoa, J Mar man, P Ancle. C H Appleman, 1. M Hesler. J Hill. IT. Johnson, E O Ager, P Franca, Paniet W Walter, F. Gibbons, 8 l.uarua, TV Kemly. A M white, A B Brown. 1 A Heckley. N B Fowler. W W Sutliff, TJ Barton W R Mather, ' C 8 Fowler, H N Po. A H Well. B H Vannatla, John Penman, R B .Veneacb, H W Thornton, R Fowler, B Rnrkel. r, C. tyer W. H. Jacob. TV r:. ' ' Peter Btllmerer I. . u. Kupert II. h. klioa J. M. Snyder J. W. t ry J. 8hff,-r i Beit wick, T L. Hen, 8 K Walton, L Bcttla C A Eilenberger, H O (irats, J B Kisuer. US Marr, W S Tbomaa. 8 H SiBita, P Moyer, Kobert Eait, . J K I 'ue, TWEdrar. William Fiaber, Henry Sbipton. Geo. UuKbea, Joa Townnd, L Afianek. Thot Williams, Frank Jaeoby, John Haroian, C a W ardm. William tot. J PK ice, J II Mear. W P Mritride, C W Zaner. J Faoboro, 8 W I! ittfiihoua, 8 K White, W Q Eves. P Aebenbacb. Clemnel Kurkla, W H 8b ii man, A J Evana, F MeCay, H M Friia. J W tmilh. A A Bcbuyler. William Kram, II J Heaa. fi W Edgar, F; E1 car. 'yrun Smith. C Mr I). Montrnirarr, Lew ii Crawford, Jos I. Shannon, Geo Moyer, J Hummel, James i arr, ' A II rante. W II Abbott, 1 f. Baehmao, Kobt K Clark, J Wordrn. Hiram Reese. Freasn Hfown, E H Kcirtleman, S Bhnemjker, n P Slater, I. W. McKelvr. After ihe above compiny was divided, Robert F. Clark as Captain, David Lowen berg 1st Lieut., and Charles S. Fowler 2nd Lient., were elected officers of the one Co , and Hiram R. Kline as Capt., Jacob D MeU lick, 1st Lieut., C. W. Foiesler 2nd l.ieut., are officers of the other. I. W. McKelvy, who was a private in the first company, was coronT'Sioned Quarter Master of ibe Regiment. MUSTER &0LL OF THE "COLUMBIA COUN TY &8VS." The fallowing is a list of the Members of the "Columbia County Reserves," who reft Bloom sburp; on the 2ud inst. : Dr. P. John, Cantain. let Lieut., Isaao McKamey. 2nd " Samuel J. Pea lor. 1st Serg.. M. C. Vance. 2nd " M. C. McColIura. Hd " Jesse B. Ilavman. 4th " Reuben L. Rich. 1st Corp., E. M. Wardin. 2nd ' Frank P. Masters. 3d " II. W, Bangs. Pritatet. Privates. Elias Hioks, Alfred Jobnun, J J Brower, J E Sands, Thoe. J, Thornton, L. T. Sharpless, Theo McD Price, Alfred Crevellin, Sylvester Pursel, Thorns Hughes, A. P. Ale, II N Ammerman, Ira Hens, Benj W Hess, Michael Weoner, A Crawford, Thomas Hill, Jtfhn Hofer, E P Beucher Wm V Eveland, J Depue Wm Henry, Sam'l AUbacb, Silas Conner, Andrew Parks, Sam'l Farrer, Wesley Eveland, J Fleckerstine, Benj F Hicks, Patrick Dillen. II W Oilbert, Wm J Bobbins, E B Brower, J L Parker, J O Red line, W W Clayton. Josiah Ileacnck, A A Harvey, Henry Rich, Solomon Lewis, P F Asheimao, John Reece, David Doty, Areb'd Patterson, Ssm'l Musgrave, C O'Brien. D J Patterson, C I Krickbaum, Wm II Krickbaum, C Bittenbender, Ira Doty, E. P. McCollum, J B Lur, John Belles, Wm Greenly, R R Pealer, W T Andrews, Jesse Shoemaker, Elisha C Barton, John C Patterson, -N B Reece, E. B. Chase, Ira Davenport, and Geo. B. Kulp, of Lnzerne co., who were arrested a few days since, at Wilkesbarre, upon the information of some inlamoos sneaking scoundrel, who dare not disclose his name, were, at last accounts in the custody ot the Sheriff of that county. The charge against them, is said to be the "discouraging ot en listments," though nothing of the kind has been proved. Mr. Chase has published the statements and affidavits of Judge Coiyng ham, Stanley Woodward, Judge Reichard, C. C Plotts, Capt. Mayer, Angelo Jackson, and others which entirely eicnlpates him frcirn th-s chires made against him. It is reported that some forty others in that county, among them Charles Denison, the Democratic candidate for Congress, have been put down by some sneaking informer for arrest. They will find that this game of intimidating democrats by imprisonments, or threats of it, will not accomplish the ob ject intended, but will, in the end, recoil npon their own guilty heads. Before Republicans repeat the slander oos charge that Democrats are secession sympathisers let them read the following record, and show a better one for themselves if they can : The only son ol General Robert Flernina, the choice of this county for Congress, is in the army. Three sons and a son in-law of John B Beck, the Democratic candidate for Member of Assembly, are in ihe army. Hon. C. D. Eidred, the Democratic can didate for Prothonotary. is in the army. A brother of John B. McMickenht? Dem ocratic candidate for Sheriff, was killed in the battles in front of Richmond. John J. Metzgar, the Democratic candi date for District Attorney, is in the army. JL son of Derrick Updegraff, th Demo cratic candidate for Commissioner, is in the army. Lycoming Gazette. WIVES. MOTHERS, AND ;SISTF.RS, whose Husbands, Sons and Brothers ar serving in the Army, can not put into their knapsacks a more necessary or valuable gift than a few boies of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. They insure health even onder the exposures of a soldier' life. Only 3 cents a Box or Pot. PREMITJM LIST OP THB SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY, TO BB BELT! AT f3BLOOMSBUH(J, OCTOBER, 15th. 16tb, 17th & 18th, '62 CLASS 1. HORSES. Beit pair draught Horses, $3 00 zni " " do do 6 Best " Carriage Horses, 8 2nd " ' do do 6 Best " do Mare?, 6 2nd " ' do do 4 Best Stallion over 4 years old, 8 2nd " do do 6 Best do . between 2 4 4 years 4 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 2cd do do do 3 00 Best Brood Mare with colt at her side, both owned by exhibitor, 0 2nd " do do do 4 Best Single Carriage Hons 4 2nd " do do 2 00 00 CO 00 Boet da Mare, 3 09 " Gelding Colt between 2 4 3 years 4 00 " Mare do do do 3 00 " Horse do do 1 A 2 years, 3 00 " Mare q do do 2 00 " Horse or Mare Colt under 10 months, 3 00 2nd " do do do do 2 00 Exhibitors ander this cla will have their horses on the ground by 10 o'olock on Thursday, at which time the judges will examine them. Judges Jacob Kostenbader, Franklin; Jere miah Hagenbuch. Centre; Isaac G. Pursel, Hem lock ; J. P. Smith, Greenwood ; John Zahmer, Briarcretk CLASS 2 CATTLE. DURHAM STOCK Best Bull 3 years old and upwards, 2nd " do do do Best do between 2 4 3 years, 2nd " do " do Bfst do 1 k 2 years, 2nd " do " do Best do Calf under 10 months, 2nd " do do Best Heifer or Cow between 2 A 3 years, 2nd " do do do Beet Cew Calf under 10 months, " Cow, 2nd" do DEVON STOCK. 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 6 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Best Ball 3 years old ni upwards, 00 2nd do do 00 I Best 2nd Bee, 2nd Best 2nd " do do do do do do between 2 ft 3 years, m do " 14 2 years, " do f alf under 10 months, do do 00 00 CO 00 00 00 ) Best Heifer or Cow between 2 k 3 years, 2nd do do Best Cow Calf under 10 months, " Cow, 2nd " do NATIVE STOCK. Best Ball 2 yean old upwards, 2ud " do do ' Best de between I k 2 years, 2nd - do do Best do Calf under 1 0 months. 2nd " do do do Best Cow, 2nd do Best Ileifer or Cow between 2 A 3 years, 2nd " do " it Best Cow Calf under 10 months, 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 3 00 00 2 00 ' 2 no 5 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 OXKN' k STEERS. Best Yoke Oxen owu'd k work'd by exLit'r 5,00 2nd " do do " 3,00 Best Steers between 2 A 3 years, 4.00 2nd do do 2,00 The Judges to examine cattle will be ready by Id o'clock on Thursday morning. Exhibitors most hare their stock in condition to receive them Jcnoxs Benj. Tohe, 51 ifflin ; Nehemiah Reece, Hemlock ; Henry Hollinshead, CatUwie ; Jo seph Hay u an, Greenwood ; Jacksou Thomas, Madison. CLASS 3 SWIXEs Best Boar of any Breed, 2nn ' do do Best Brood Sow, 2nd M do 00 00 I oo ! 00 i 00 ! o 00 00 : 00 00 : Best lot of pigs S or more nnder 8 weeks, 2 2nd " do do do 1 Boat display of fat Hogs, 2 or more, 3 2nd " " do do 2 Best lot Block Hogs, 4 or more 3 2nd do do 2 Jrooil John Betz, Hemlock ; Joshua Men- denha.ll. Franklin ; Kohr McIIenry, Benton. j CLASS 4. SHEEP. j Best Hooded Buck, 3 CO 2nd " do 2 01 ! Si " do 1 00 i Beet Native Buck, 3 0(1 i 2nd - do 1 80 1 Beet blooded Ewe, 3 00 native Ewe, 2 (i) Jruoes Soloman Sbamin, Maine; Elias Die- , terick, Montour ; Andrew Fraas, Centre. j CLASS 5 POULTRY. Best and largest display of Poultry, 3 2nd " " do 2 Best pair Chickens, any breed, male k fern. 2nd " do do Best pair Turkeys, 2nd " do Beit pair Qeete, 2nd " do Best pair Docks, 2nd do do do do do do do Largest and best display of tame pigeons, Jcdges Tho. Dollman, B'oom ; Wm. Shan non, Scott; Lloyd Paxton, Montour. CLASS 6 GIUIX& SEEDS. Best balf-bushel Clover-seed, 2nd " do do Best do Timothy-seed, 2nd do do Best bushel Rei-ChaST Wheat, do White Wheat, do Mediterranean Wheat, do Rye, Best balf-bushel Oourd-eel Corn, do Yellow Corn, do gmoked Corn, Bet sample Sweet Corn, 6 ears, " tus.bel Oats, " half bushel Flaxseed, " half-bushel Buckwheat, Judges ReuVen Wilson. Madison ; Eli Men denhall, Benton ; Joseph Mouser, Montour. CLASS 7th VEGETABLES. Best bushel Mercer Potatoes do do Prince Albert do oo 00 oo oo 00 oo 50 do do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do Peach Blo-som do do FielJ Turnips do Rnta Bagas do Field Beet i bu Sweet Potatoes i do Onions do Carrots i do Tom-toes Six Snjar B?e;s Three Hend- Cabbage Six Parmps Two quarts Lima Beans do do Soup do Three Garden squshes Six FiIJ Pumpkin Largest Sweet Pumpkin 50 ! 50 ' bo; 50 50 ; 50 i 5-J 5( 50 Judges Win Shaffer Briarcreek: Heis ter Vander.lic. Mount Pleasai.t ; Samuel Snyder, Mifllin CLAS 8th. H 0 US E II OLD M A N U FACTU R ES. Best 10 yds flan:. el made on hand loom I 00 2 do 10 do do do do 50 do 5 do vVooIed C!oth 1 00 do 10 do Carpet 1 0 2 do 10 do 50 do 10 do Plain Linen 1 00 do 10 do Diaper do 1 00 do Pair Knit Stockings 50 do do do Mittens 50 do . Il' tne made Shirt 1 Ol) do Silk Qudt 1 00 do Counterpane 1 00 2 do do ", 75 3 do - do 50 do Pair Woolen Blankets 50 do Pair Linen Sheets 50 do Home made .Table Cloth 50 Judges Freas Brown. Bloom ; Mrs. S. L. Bettle, Scott ; Mrs. Philip Cool, Roaring-ereek. CLASS 9. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best loaf of bread, . . do pound cake, do ginger cake. do sample. preserves, do do lruii celly, do do tomato prfserves, do do cucumber pickles. do do picklrt of any kind, do do apple butter, do do pach nu'tef, do do plum buttrr. do do preserved peaches, do. do home-male soap, do do rured ham, do roll bmier not less than 5 lbs. I 2 best do do do do CO bO 50 50 SO ftO 50 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 00 5d 50 60 50 50 Silas Best sample browned coflee, do do yea', do apple pie. do samplu sausage, Judges Wm Snvder, B'oim; Mrs. E. Fowler, Scott; Mrs. K. M.'Dowell. CLASS 10 FANCY ARTICLES. Bet knit quilt. 2 best knit quilt, best knit eontag, do do Nutia do do Polish boo s, do knit woolen undensleeves, do pair stockings. 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 CC 50 00 50 00 50 DO 50 60 00 50 50 00 50 do do do do knit mi:ienB, Large Afghan, Small do Tidies, 2 bft do beil knit shawl, do do hood do do do do do do do Infant Sacqne, Worsted Embroidery, cotton do telling collar, Specimen letting. Small articles in knitting. crocheting, as infant's tack, col lars nets, &c , best worstered and cotun mats, do specimen bead work, 50 do . do shell work, 1 00 do do burr do 1 00 io do Leather work, 1 00 do do lliir do J 00 do do wax, 1 00 test specimen penmanship, do collection of dahlias, do do artificial flowers. (lo do home plants in Bloom, do do dried grasses, Lest and largest variety of flowers, do sample neat sewing, do ottoman or chair cover, do drawing or painting, do B quet Flowers. do Hanging basket, 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 (JO 1 00 50 50 M iss Jndges Dr. John Rmey, Bloom Amolia lVrtl R!nnm Miss Emma Clark ; Cdtai-sa i ! CLASS Uth. FLOUR. I n . c in - . r-.i i est ram pie v neat rionr I do do Buckwheat Fionr 1 J'ldge. Jarnvs Matrs, Pine; 2 00 2 00 ; Wm Ce litre. 1 Brers, Hemlock ; Hnry Klchuer I STOVES k TINWARE Best Cooking Store, with Furnuure do Parlor S:ove do Variety tin ware Judges Wm. Ent. Scott; Wm 2 00 2 00 1 00 John, Caltawitsa : Seth B Biwrtian: B-rwick. L'LAS 13. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Best Plow ot any pattern, 2 00 do Thre-hin machine, 2 tO do Hore R-tke, l 00 do Lime spreader, i 00 do Portable Cider Mill, 1 00 d; Wine Press, 2 00 do Washing Machine, i oo do Farm Wagon, 2 00 do Wheelbarrow, j oo do S;ed, 5i do Roler 50 Jadjfs W. L. Freas Briarcreek; Henry Bitte'iberder, Fishinj;ereek ; Irani Drr. ol Jickou. CLASS 14. WAGONS & CARRIAGES. Brst Top B J2i;y do Open Butt ay do Two Hor-e Carriage o S eih 0'i 0(1 00 00 00 do Sulkey Jui'e. Jeremiah Seesho!tz. Berwick; Jos. Wintersieen, M.fiLn ; Reuben Hart ' man, Madison. j CLA5S 15. I DEN 1 1ST RV. &c. 1 Best Set Artificial teeth .do.Sewmg machine do Sample build inu brick do Iit Earthenware Judges. Dr. Lott, Ora-jr-ville ; Dr. 1 00 1 CO 0 1 0U Hay hurst Cattawissa ; Dr Fox, Numedia. CLASS 16. Jiees a fid J lives. Beit Ree Hive 1 00 do S'-vann Bees I O; do Sample Honey Sib 1 00 Jmlees-Hiram Reader. Franklin ; Peter BoJine.Cat tavtisa; John G Ncvitis, Madison; CL.AS3 17 IVittes and Liquors. Best Quirt Currant Wine 1 OO do do lilackbcrry d - 1 " do do Orape do . I OJ do do Cala ha do I do do Cherry do 1 00 do do Rye Whiskey 1 W do do Cider Vinegar Judees Win Neat, Bloom; J H Ikler. Crcenwood, Wm Hagenbuch. 5-ntt; Caleb Barton, Jr, Bloom , Syl vester l'ur.:l. Hemlock ; CLAS3 m. Manufactured Articles. Best display cabinet Work 2 00 do do oath do 2 00 do Pair . f ine Boots 1 On do do Coarse do 1 00 do t dot Windsor ChaiM 1 00 do t do Fprinr do 1 00 dj Rocking hair I 00 do Bed Mead 1 00 do Si-ttee 1 I'O do t doz Broom SO do fett f'incle Harness 2 oo do do Ooiihle do 2 00 do 2 fliJcs Sole Leather I 00 do 2 do Upper do 1 "O dc 2 do Kips do 1 00 do 2 do Calr do 1 W do Sausage Machine 1 00 Judees James Herman, OrangeviMe ; Wm. Iler- r.j I ring, Berwick ; James Urugler, Madison. Best i Bnslicl Vinter apples 1 On do do Fall do 1 OA do do Ft-in lard Pears 1 00 do fi Dwarf Pears 50 do Samplr dried pearhes 50 do do do Apples SO do do do Cherries 50 Judges Eli Barton, xBloora ; Mrs. Lavina Fowler Mahala Barkley. CLAS CO. TRIAL OF HORSES. SPORTIXG LIST. FIBST TROT. Best trotting mare, horse or gelding, time not over 3 minutes $25 00 SECO.VD TEOT. Best trotting mare horse or gelding, time not over 3-40 $10 on FARMERS 'LIST. FIR:?T TROT. Best trotting ho rsc maro or gelding $10 00 SECOND TROT. Best trotting mare or gelding 85 00 Judges Caspar Rowhn. Cattawissa ; John Eamsey, Bloom; Freas Fowler, Berwick. RULE AND RKGCLTIONS. Artiete 3d of the Constitution requires every person to pav to fhe association one dollar to constitute mem bership. th! practice heretofore has been to buy a fam. ily ticket on fair days and h ive their names recorded at the time. Every Kxbibitor i required tobeeome a member of the association before entering his article fr exhibition minors can become exhibitors when their parent or guardian is a member. The field of competition is open to all persons from other counties can become exhibitors upon the same terms as citizen of this county. All articles offered for competition most be owned by the competitor. Fruit, Vegetables, flowers Ace. mast be the growth of the competitor, and all manufvtured articles must be made by tbe competitor. In arWetss tor cow pet mans astb c the groamd by o'clock P. s. on Wednesday 13th, and reaiaia tkare until 12 o'clock M. onr Friday lTtli when they are at ihe dix poaal ol the exhibitor. . , feliows. Flying Huraes or other amasemma tha, tend to distract the attention of the visitors will not be allowed The Ladies Army aid Society, has the first choice o Stand for the sals of refreshments and goods. Oth (Hands can be obtained by making appication to Htm President or Secretary of ihe association. No license will be grantadto Stands that setl mats or spintous liquors A Judges appointed to examine the diff.'rftut classe; i will confer favor on the Association, by call. neat the Secretary's f mre early on Ihuraday motninf, aa4 obtain their instruction. The Executive .Committee at the time of ordering tKeM 'venth Annua! Fair of this Association, pasted the following; reso'ution. On motiou of t 'alcb Barton, Jr.. Rts'n vcd. That the expenses of holding the Seventh Annual Fair of thi Association be first deducted frta the receipts, and if any balance r -main, it be appro, priated to the Army Aid Society. I ickets to the Fair can be obtained of A. J.Ploaa, Elias Mendeuhall. J J. Ilrower. H.C. At I. VV. Martmaa. I l.iyd gharpless. Miller fc Kver. Bloom Iron Co.. Me Kelvy, Neal fc Co., and Book Store. PrsoSjs buyiujj tickets at the Fair Ground, mast pro Vide themselves with chance. Ifnllnr bills will p changed by buyins fifty eeuts worth of ticket. A. M A DI.-OX. fWretary. CALEB BAR VOX Jr. Pres. Bloomsburg, October I, lt?C2. Tlie Era of Great Events Real Benefit, ta ilomanlly This is an era of grand ideas and mag nificent projects ; but among them all, there bio i-umpoiaiiicij c w wiucu uave; tor tne aim and object the interests of humanity. : .. ... -t i . . : continually temg introduced, but what they add to the happiness or com'ort mankind 1 Nothing. One mind, with its powers directed to the amelioration of suffering, has accomplished more for the real good of the race, than all the inventors engaged in the attempt to abridge time and. space can ever achieve. ,We allude to Thomas HoLLOwr,whose PILLS and OINT MENT may be said to be omnipresent throughout the world. The Pills are work ing such wonders in caes of confirmed dys pepsia, that physicians everywhere are compelled to prescribe them, and tbe lima is not distant when for all diseases of the stomach and bowels, they will be the only preparation which any intelligent individuv al wdl dare to use. Millions of dollars have been expended in making Dr. Hollow ay's medicines knownj and they art known in every land where there is a written lan guane. In this country they are especially appreciated, for there is scarcely a com plaint incident In our climate for which they are not absolute specifics. Under such circumstances, the enormous and ever in creasing demand for them scarcely seems extraordinary, alth jagn it has no parallel iq medical history -N. Y Courier. Tbe Northnnberland coonty Agricultural Fair will be held at Milton, ou the 1st, 2nd and 3d of nxt October. The State Agricultural Fair will be held at Norristown, on ihe 30th ins;.t and 1st, 2J and 31 proximo. Excursion tickets to the Slate Fair will be issued at reduceJ rate. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. CARCrCLLY rOHKECTED WKEKLT WHEAT, 51 RYE. CORN, OA I S, BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr. bbl 6 CLOVEKSEED.5 12 56 50 2b 50 50 00 BUTTER, EGGS. TALLOW, LARD. POTATOES. 14 10 iO 10 50 DR'B APPLES,! fO HAMS. 10 EMUA1 COW, E5 STRAYED trom the promises of the subscriber, in Greenwood iown-hip, Colnmciit county, on or abjut the 10:h ol July last, a rnni LIGHT KED COW marked witli white pots, an( dad on when she Irfi, a yoke. with a piec of chain attached A IiVra! reward will t-.w paid for any irformatioa wtiich will lead to tier recoierv. . STADON. GreenwooJ, Aujr. 13. 1S62. O I, U H I A 4 11 U. 'I Y AGRICULTURAL FAIR. The Executive Committee of the Colum bia County Agricultural S.ciely, bate fixed upon the lth. 161 h, 17th. k 15th days of Ortober next, as the time of holding iheir Serenth Annual Fair, CALEB BARTON, Pres't. Ansnt !3 1862. rn Lie sali; OF Valuable Real Tsate. In pnrsuancp of an order of ihe O'phan's Court ot Columbia county, on b4iuntac ihe 1 tin day ol October next, at 10 o'clock in ; he forenoon, Siephen II. Miller Guardian ol the minor children of Zibulon R. Gros late of Bloom township in said county, deceased, will expoe to sale, by Public Ven due, upon the premises, a certain planta lion or tract ol land situated, in Mount Pleas ant Township Columbia county, containing ne hundred and seventeen acres and one Mnndted and fortf one perches Bounded ty lands cf Daniel Mordan, John Mordan, George Appleman and otherwhereon is erected a two story frame d welling house and a Bunk Barn. Some Fruit Tree oa the premise. Late the Eftiteof said deceaed, sitoate in the township of Mount Pleasant and counlv aforesaid. JACOB EYERLV, Clerk. Terms made known on dav of sale. S. H. MILLER, ; Guardian. Blonmsbur;, Sept. 17, 182. E. II. LITTLE. BLOOTISBURG, Ta. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Buckalew. December 28, 1859. if. DHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in the best sttle known in the trt, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. ri?"Lite Size in Oil and PaMil. rFStereocopic Portraits, ryAmbrot' pes, Dasuerreotypes, &c. For Caes, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nol4 BLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! I OEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper & des:rableforins,fo'' sale at the olice ofhe "tar ofthe North " niRA?I . I10WER, SURGEON DFNTIST. Office near Wilsons, Carriaee Shop. Main St. Gents Balmoral Lce Boots, will b sold rery low. Also. Boys Shrx Rt L T-SHARPLiSS.' J ' arw am.