The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 17, 1862, Image 3
STAR OF THE NORTH 131,0 OJiSttUUG, PA. Wtilaesday Merging, Sept 17th, 1S63. Thi: Circus One of the best Circus' and Menagerie's that ever exibited in this coun ty or r'ace will give an entertainment on Wednesday the 24th inst. " They are good pertotmers. and also have a fine and inter esting selection of auirnaiu. On a Sore. Gov. Curtin issued a proc lamation, lat week, requeuing all persons liable-to -military duty to close up their busings place every day at three o'clock and Jriil in companies. Curtin must have either been on a big scare or on a big drunk ! Birr two Parties. Mrrton McMichael says the only two political parties now in Pennsylvania are the Abolition and the Dtta ocralie par:ies. McMichael for once has spoken ihe truth, and he U undoubted au thority with all Republicans. L. T. Shabplkss has just received from Philadelphia, a large and select assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes in vi.riety, &c, which he will dispose of at prices which canuot be excelled any whera in this vicinity. Give him a call and exatr ine bi goods und witness the advan tage 3l the ready pay system. . . - . - There i a certain bis-mouthed nil-eyed back sireeier, who spends most of his time about the Post-office, arid who, we think ought to e so war. He has been a strong war pup and did any.amonnt of barking, why does he not now go and do some nght ing ! II his arnmifiiitiou run out, in battle, hecc uld bag a regiment ol rebels with his big mouth. Let him now go to war or lor ever close bis eigh;-by ten clap trap. A-Ckgt. on the KMPE. - The lark County (Ohio) Dtmocrut says : j lie . . i.i i . v. i j i u - , u - - - i i i i . a ivi 9 i hi :ia in 9 war ynHfc mad in this ctiy (Springfield) on the eve- ,' ... i emng C the 19 h u!r, saul : 'The mac who desires to have the Liuon j os it was, oug hi to be han-ed up by the ; heeU until ha te dead ! ai-d ihe wolves and rave i ought t et' the iUh from his car- cass. . Boctit is on our book table. It is a splendid ! number, Mocks gay and happv,' arid shtiuld administratioti on ihe-es'ate ol ISathan be rpoa every centre table in'the S:id. We j Greer, wait, late of Scott, Colum ...... ,, . i bia couuiy, deceased, have been granteJ believe it is taken pretty generally by our , KjMer of aid con,tXy IO John lovers of faitiion and good taste. A nrUt S:erner, residins in $lornsDorg Columbia goal article of literature can be found on J county. All persons having i-iauns or de- ... . M .u.. . i t nmnHi aoainM ifi estate ol the decedent IIS iJage as wen as me hiusi nauu.-uma i r,- . .,- l i t- m euueliishments pub'.shed Tdm Mag.z, ne is not suroassed Published iu Thila. by L A-GoJej , at S3 a year, single subscrip tion. r Os Monday morning last, a company of voll.nteera con-isting of over one bund red men made up iu Bloom-burg and surrounu ing townships, composing some ol our oldest and bel citizens, under the com tnaid of Rol en F. Clark, Captain ; left for Hairisbnrg in answer to the call of the Governor, lor volunteers to defend the soil ot Pennsylvania. Belore leaving the De pot speeches were made by Cap ain R F. Clark, and Hon Levi L Tate, boi h mem bers of the company, which were highly patriotic and loudly applauded. W. H. Japoby, Editor of the Star was alsu one ol the volunteers to drive back the insolent invaders. Dr. John, ol the Republi can is at home digging his potatoes and wu 'ting fir Ihe diafl which he says he is ready for ! Military Arrests. Every day brings tis news of arrests in different sections ol lh; country by military force. We are now living uoder the worst military despotism in the world, and no man is for a moment a!e either in his prcpeny or in his peron. Eterywbere peaceable ci'izen are drag gel from their t eds at the hour of midnight and carried off to military forts and bastiles without law or warrent. How long are 4fc:se things to continue? Until they pro dace a civil wr in the North in defence of personal liberty and constitutional rights ? We hope not. if the? Administration wish to make a successful and peaceful draft, ihny had belter desist from the infamous coarse they have taken iu arresting Ddmo cruts and throwing them into Forts. Yc beard a voansr ladv verv imnruder.t- - j j 1 ly remark thi other day that she hoped the secessionists would ail be taken of. to war acd the Republicans lelt behind. This is Dt only the feeling and wish of the sons ar d daughters of the Republicans, bat it is a universal wish of the whole parly. And say secessionists ? Democrats, they mean ytu. To say" that they believe there are ecme loyal Democrats, is sheer hypocricy on their part, for, unless one is simple and addle-brained enough to go clean over to tteir party, they will invariably, if not to his face, in his absence accuse him of dis IcyaJtj. And why do they: want, tha Dem o:rat& all to go to war? This lady said because they wanted the Republicans at hJme to do the voting. Here then," Demo crats is a lesson for you. She allowed the s ection, however, was "all fixed." We are a little curious to know , hov f matters aod things" have been "fixed." Democrats fi!at.not, but do your duty boldly and stand op for your rights. Seliasgrove Times. "SEVEN HUNDRED VOLUNTEERS SICK IN CAMP! Young men be warned in time aapply yourselves with HOLLOWAY'S 1ILLS AND OINTMENT. They are guar .rai ia rnr the worst cases ol Sores.TJU u cers, Scurvy, Fevers and Bowel Complaints. Only 25 cent per Box or Pot, 218. To ConsumptiTes. THE advertiser having been rest cred to 'health in a few weeks, by a very simple J ' - rr a remedy, alter-naving sunereu years wiiu revere lung affection, and that dread dis ease, Consumption is fanxiona to make known lo his. fellow-sufferers the means of i cure. . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used free of charge, with the direction for preparing and using the same, which they will 6nd a sure cure or Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. The only pbject of the advertiser in send ing the Prescripiion is to benefit ihe afflic ted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it wtll cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing- . . ,, Parlies wishing the prescription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings county, N. Y. May 21. '62. 3m. SUElllFF'S SALES. n vtnna of certain writs of Fifi Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, to me directed will be exposed to public sale, at the conn house in Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 20ih day ol Sept. 1862, at 1 o'clock in the atter noon. the following properly to wit: A!l tho certain lour pieces, parcels and iracis of land, situate in Colombia county, Penn'a, "bounded m as follows to wit: ONE TRACT rouidining one hundred and twelve Acres and twenty two perchw, situate in Pine town-hip, in said county, bounded by Und of Thomas Eves deceased, Thomas Beufield, Luther A. German, Jackson Rob bins, and others, whereon are erected a Plank House, partly finished, " arid a Log Siable about 0 Acres of which are clear ed land. ONE OTHER TRACT situate partly in Greenwood and partly in I'me township, two hcndred and fifty some acres a"d eighty six perches, bound ed by Uuds ..f Geo. Greenley, W. Greenley, R. Greenley, Joseph Eves, T. Longshore, M Carson, V- Lawton, Samuel Musgrove and others, cu which are erected a dwelling house, stable and saw null, about 25 Acres of which are cleared laud. ONE OTHER TRACT situate in Greenwood township .in-i.-ji.! rmtainin? 131 Acres, bounded i by laud of George Masters, B Watts, M. Rence, E. H-acack, Titmons' estaie, and 1 i . nit t ..... r- t ,.- h mil Q ri f 1 u j f J 1 1 otners, anou! ai -tiri u -.!... . . Lin AlcO UAb Ullicu irui suuno :.. n ..... ... k ,.- tifaru.-ji I contain in - ; e;dre;r:n;;uine,y acres' and twelve j .)t,ri.j,e!4) bounded by land ol Beij. Winter- . i i mi ii nmns riacK u viic ?ircu, - - - Thomas Bentir-ld and oilier-, about thirty ..,.,., ..i ah"nK are rleared an!. jlte1 itl execution audio be sold &s lne pl0r,eriy of James Benrv. JOSIAH H. FUI1MAN, SherifTs Office, j Slierilf. Bloomsburg, Sept. 3, 1S62. J - . i Tft' 1 icimiiiisu.iiui iiuuit. f v . ... - . . - f. I I . I - . r. I I i n ..i i;. NOTICE is hereby aiven that letters of . , . are requested 10 make ihein known to the - ' rat0f. anJ lhos- iudebid to the estate will mike payment immediately to JOHN MMi.NbK, AQinr. Bioomsbursi, June 4, 1862. ?ivY ArriTal ol SPEIXG AXD SFJ.MI'R GOODS, David Lowcnticrs ; 1 NVl I'ES fcfention to his rinck of cheap and lashionaMe elottiins at ins store, or Mam Sueet, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where be has a full assort ment ot men and tov?s wearing apparel, including the mo-t fahionb!e d t: S S 1 O O I)S, Box, Sa-k, Frock. Gum, and Oil CI lh Coats of all sf-rts and sizes, Pants of all colors shawl", stripe and figure vents, shirts, cra vats, stoik", collars, tiamtkerchiefs, gloves, susper;!fr- and ar:iole. N B He will also make to order any ar tu le ol clo hing at very short notice and in the b"t of manner. All his clothing i mad- lo wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. PAY ID LOWENBERG. C'oomsbnrg, IMarch 12, 1862. BLOOMSBURG BARBERSHOP. 'HE nnder-igneJ respecMuil informs the ciiizjns of Bloomsburg, and the public senerally, that he has reopened t' e Barber Shop, loca'ed on Main Street, in the whi'e Frame buililing, nearly oppo-ite the Exchauue Block; w t ere l e is at all times ready to wait upon his customers to entire satisfaction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on very moderate terms. CsT Shampooing, done up in City style. He'solicits public patronase and .'pledges his best endeavors to give every reasonable calif-faction. CHARLES HENRY lOLL. Bloomsburg, Aug. 6, 1862. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!! A NECESSITY IX EVERY HOUSEHOLD AMKUICAN CEMENT GLUE The Strongest Glue In tlie World For Cementing Wood, leather, Clas, Ivory, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral, &c., &c, &c. Tbecnly article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a sop ply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." Xne York Times. "ft is so convenient tohave in the house" Few Yoik Express. "It is always ready this ccmrnends it to everybody." .tf. Y. Independent. I'lVo hnvR tried it. and find it as useful in our house as water." Wilkes' Spirit cf the limes. Price 25 Cents per Kollle. Very Liberal iteduction lo " Wholesale Dealers. I ! Il.Mf rAsIl rF"For sale by all Drusgista and Store; keepers generally thronhont the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, 78 William Street, Corner of Libeity St., NEW YORK. July 10, 1S61. ly. CAUTION. JTTotice is hereby given that Hester Hess wife of James Hess, bas left his bed, and board without any just cause or provo cation and all persons are forbidden to trsat her on his account. The parties resido in Sogarloaf township, Columbia county. JAMES HESS. Sugarloaf, Ao, 20, TS62. 2t. SIVGEU & CO.'S Letter "A" Family Sewing 3Iachino, With all the Recent Improvement a. ; Is the best and cheapest and mont beauti ful of all Sewing Machines. This Machinn will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making ot an over coal; anything from Pilot or Beaver cloth down to the softest G aue or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do it work t perfection. It can fell, hem, bind, gathei, turk, quill, and has capacity for a great va riety of ornamental work. This is noi th only Machine lhal can fell, hem, bind, an 1 so forth, but it will do so better than any mher machine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may be had in creat vari ety ol cabinet cases. The Folding Cast-, which is now he coming o popular, is, a? us name implies, one lhal can be lolde I into a box or case, which, when opened, makes a beautiiul. substantial, substantial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. The ca-es are of every imaginable design; plain as the wood grew in it native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can m;,ke them. The Bianch Offices are well supplied wilh silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., oflte very best quality. Send for a copy of Singer & Co.'s Gazette. I. M SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 810 Chestuut.S t. N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Epy, Pa. John Sharpies, Agent, in Catiawissa. . Ju y 23, 18o2-ly. $150 BEST PIANOS. $150 GROVES TEEN & HALE, having re moved to their new wareroorns, 1T0. 47 SSOADVfiLT, are now prepared to offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 Octave Rosewood Piano, containing all improvements known in this country . or Europe, over-strung ba, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor SI SO CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding cases, $175 TO $200, all warran ted made of the bet seasoned material. and..lo stand better than any eidd for S-lOO or S500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invito the best Jud:es lo examine and try these new instruments, and we stand ready at all times to test thi-m viith any others manufactured in this comi- U' GROTESTECX & IMLR. 178 Broadway, New York. June 4di 1862. 3m. READING RAIL ROAD. SHLUEK AtllUSGiEXT. GREAT Trunk line from the North Mid North-west for Pniladelpl.ia, NVw York, Reading. Pottsville.Lel'.i;ion. AIIjii town, Easion, &c, &c , . Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelpnta New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in termediate Staiions, at 8 a. M.atid 1.40 p M New Yprk Express leae Harrburg at 1.25 A. M. airlving at New York at 8.25 ihe same morning. ' Fares from Harrisbnrg : to New ork S3 00, lo Philadelphia 63,25 and 2,70. Baggage checked through. Reiurning leave New York Rt 6 A. M t2 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pin-bt.rgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at S A. M. and P M. Sleeping c; m in the New York Express Trains, through to and trom Piltsbtrgh without change. Pasengers by the Canawisa Rail Raad leave Port Clirnon at 4.45 A M. lor Phila delphia and all Station-, and at 3 00 P. M. for Philadelphia. New York, and all Way Pornt,. Trains leave Pottsvilie at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for I'niladelphia and New York, and at 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting 'or Pine G ove and with tUe Caitawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger irain le ives Reading at 6 A. M. and return- Irom Phila delphia at 5 P. 21. sT All ihethe above tiains run daily, Sundays excepied. A Sunday train leaves Potisvil'e at 7.30 A M. and Phiiadelphia at 3.5 P. M. Commnlation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICuLLS, General Soperinteudaat. June 4th i862. THE confessions aud experience of a sufferer. Published as a warning, and for the especial benefit of Young Men, and tUose who suffer with Nervous Detility, Lns of Memory, Premature D 'cay, &c, by one who has cured himself by simple means, after being put to great expense and inconvenience, through the use ot worthies- medicines prescribed by turned Doctors. Single copies may be had t f the author, C. A LAMBERT, esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a post-paid ad dress envelope. Addre CHAS. A. LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpoini. Long Inland, N. Y. May 21, '62. 2m. ACABDto young Ladies and Gentle men. The subscriber will send free of charge to all all who desire it, the Recipe ami directions for making a simple Vege table Balm, that will, in from two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness r.nd all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature intended it should be solt, clear, smooth and beautiful. Those desiring the Recnpe, wi:h full instructions, directions, and advice, will pleae cull on or address with return postage. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist, 831 Broadway, New.York. May 21, ,62. 2tn. IIOTOGRAPHY IN ALLOTS Brunches executed in ihe best style known in the art, at C. G. CRANES GALLFJV.I, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. FP"Life Size in Oil and Pastil, Ci?"Siereocopic Portrait, rtTAmbroU pes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Ca.-es, Medallion, Pins, Ring, &c. novl4 CLANKS ! BLANKS ! CLANK i ! l DEEDS, SL'MMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper & desirableforaris,fo sain at the ofthe ""tar ofthe North." HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Skv-Iislit Amlii-olyrisl, ROOMS in the Third Story ot the Ex change Biock, (entrance abi ve the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Colombi i coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburj, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. SHOES in variety at the cheap cat h Store - of L. T.SHARPLESS. II I II AM C MOWER SURGEON DENTIST, Office near WiUons Cariiage Shop, Iain St. GREATE5C1TE3IFKT AT STILLWATER LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED. 4 T the Store of Daniel McIIenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersigned would respectfully in vite the citizens of Filing Creek and the surrounding country, to his large and ex tensive stock of Goods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here tolore. His assortment consiets of Cloths, Calicoes, Muslin, Hats and Caps, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent Ready-Made Clothing. together with a good assortment ol Ves ting. His store is well filled with Goods ot every description. His CMXLQD CSS 1X22 22 IS 33 are not surpassed by any Stote in the coun try. His Hardware Department bas not been neglected. SCYTHES, RAKES. HOES, SHOVELS &c, are constantly kept on hand ; also, Spikes and Nail ; in short, everything us ually found in Firsi-Class Stores. DANIEL McIIENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1862. Greenwood 'Seminary. rrillE Spring Term of this Institution wi 1 X commence on the 7th of April next. The Principal will be assisted by able instructors, and as ample facilities will be afforded to qualify S'ltdents lor teaching, for business or for a more extensive course in literature, a liberal shate of . partronage is again solicited. Pupil who do not come from home, or are not put under the charge of near rela tives, must board at the Seminary, and be subject to Ihe regulations thereot. They must provide their own towels and have each ait'n-Ie of clothing di-iiuciiy marked. Eleven weeks corstitute a quarter and there will be a vacation ol about six weeks in mid summer. Boarding washing and Tuition, with furnished rooms, will be 25 per quarter, or.e half payable in advance. Tuition alone iu Common branches, S5 00 4 including advance Algebra mathematics history fee. 6 CO " in Latin, German or French earh extra 1 00 For further par icnlars address VM. BL'KGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 2fi, 18G2. .12 use. I?tai:aoret'K QUARTERLY 91IUK0R of FASHIONS, GUEAT IMPROVEMENTS! IMIE Summer Number will contain four large and splendid Fashion Plates, 'ihree Ful! Sizd Patterns, comprising the new French WaiM, and elegant sleeve, a:id a Mis.-e- Sick, together with nearly 100 en-J gravings ol an the noveiues lor summer bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. Children' Dresses, etc , Valuable inlormatioti to Mil liners, dress makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 47i Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent bv mail pest Iree. on receipt ol Ihe amount, Yearly S 1 wi h the follow ing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the dooK, or Ironi the show room, or they may be order ed and sent by mail any time during the year, by paving the postage. rSplendid inducements lo Canvassers The summer i.nmber will be ready on or abont the 1st of May. April 30th, 1852. NEW ARRIVAL OT SPRING AND SUMMER G Oi O B & Ji T PETER EXT S STORE .' In Light Lreet, Columbia county, HAS jurt received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Ent, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be sold cheap for CASH Oil COUNRY PPvODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashioni. CALICOES. MUSLINS, . ' GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SHAWS, ' HOSIERY, SILKS, READY-M DE CLOTHING, CASSIMEBS, SATINETS, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, tvt.fu ttar.Ucare. Medicines Drugs, Oils, Paints, S;c., Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. In short everything usually kept in a country stor. The patronage of old friends, and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. " . The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Lighc Street. May 7, 162. Ii;V IJAUBEU MIOi. Opposite the Court House and next door to Democrat Office. THE nnderstgr.ed,respectfully informs his friends and customers lhal ha has opened A Kew Barber Sbcp. In Court Hou-e Alley, next door below the Otiiee ol the Columbia Democrat, where he will be h?ppy to wait upon all customers, and from long experience and strct atten lion to business, he hopes to merit and re l chum of nublic naironage. ' tpr things here ' done in decency and in order" " THOMAS BROWN. Bloomsburg. March 5. l6.. ESTUA1 MARE. C1AME to the residence of the subscriber in Orangeville, Columbia yv county, on Saturday the 26th day of August, 1862, a BA 1 t fV'i MARE, wiih a white spot or etar on her forehead. The owner will come lorward, prove property, pay charges and lake her away, otherwise she will be sold 88 lhe UW direCl" SAMUEL EVERETT. Orangeville, Sept. 3. 1862. CO 41. OIL. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, l2ctS-pefqUa,,'by JOHNK.GIRTON. Blogmsborg, Feb. 26. 1862 1?ORSrtLE. l wo Patent Lever (1 htrteen - Jewels Watches, will be sold cheap for cash. Tbey are in good condition, tor further particulars, inquire at the Star ur- Bloomsburg, Jan. 29, 862. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRttG AM SUMMER GOODS, MILLER o EYE R,S. fllHE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and select assortment of Spring and Summer ftoods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they are determined io sell on as moderate terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in BloomsLarg. Their stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and late-t fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c , &e. In short, everything usually kepi in country storesj to which t'tey invites Ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country prodnce. MILLE1U& EYER. Bloomsburg, April 30, 1862. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW MILLINERY GOODS. 71M1E undersigned would most respect" folly announce to the citizens of Blooms burg and vicinity that she has jui-t receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spring & Slimmer Millinery Goods, all of which she is prepared lo make?T"v-i aod sell at a very reasonably low flg-. ore. Her assortment of goods Bre a Wt- little superior iu point of durability -as well as lastefolness, (o ativ offered in ihis section. She returns thanks Icr the libeial patron age she has received, and respectfully so licits a continuance of the arne. MARY BARK LEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 1862. it I li E'ereha ISlneL'in? i (WITHOUT lill US MSG.) OR Boots, Siioes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Leather VVork. F This new anil excellent article excels eveaything ever before in use, for beauli fying and of eniug (lie Leather. It makes u polish like patent leather ; will not rub oil with water, nor stain :he finest white silk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boots and shoe, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty wash it off with clean water and the polish will re-appear. Warranted as represented. Directions lor ue. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it -lowly over the leather, and the polish is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PER BOTTLE ! For sale by L. T. I5iA i'.l'LIS. j& Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. LIFE TILLS & 1 II0EMX LITTERS. rlHESE MEDICINES have no-been be--- fore ihe rub'to lor a neriud of J rutty Years, and during thai time have maintained a high diameter in almr.s; every prt ' the Globe, foi their extraordinary ajtd imme- u,4,n 'u"r' persons siillering uu-.ter nearly every Kinn I. ... . ' . ol di-eae to which the human frame is liable. The following :ire among the di'lrss-ing variety of human disease in which ihe Ate well kno vn to b infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stoinaches, and crea ting a flow of pure, t e.hhy bile, instead ol thj stale and acrid kind: Flatulnc;7, Loss of Appetitelleaitburn, Headache, Restless ues, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are ihe geneial symp toms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a nat tural consequence of its cure, COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a so'vent pro cess, and without v iolence; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two day. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood It a regular circulation, through the pri 'ss of respiration i n such cases, anc Ine ior"ugh solution of all iniet-tiual ob struc J in others. The i.ile Medicines havubeen known to cure RHEUMATISM permane."i y - tlirec weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflamation from the inus cles and ligamenis of llie joints. DROPSIES cf all kinds, bv freeing and streiiglhing the kidney and bladder; they operate mo.-t delightfully on these impor tar.t organs, ard hence have ever beau found a certain remedy for the worst ca.-es of GRAVEL. Abo WORMS, by dislodging from ihe turnings of Ihe bowels the slimy matter to which ihese crf-a'nres adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SORES, by ihe perfect puiny which leseh LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, bv their alterative effect upon the flui'ls that feed the hkin, and the morbid state of w hich occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexions The use of il ese Pills for a very shnN time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearnees of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza wtll always be cured by one dose., or by t wo it. the worst cases. PILES. 1 he original proprietor oi uiesw Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For ihi scourge ofthe Western country, these Medicines will be found a sale, speedy, and certain reme ly. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return ol ihe disease a cure bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and ba Cnred. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM- LPLAINTS. General Debi'ity, Loss of ap- petiie, and Diseases of Ir emale Ihe Med icines have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of thi- description: Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst lorms y ields to the mil 1 vet powerinl aclion ol these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEAS ES.-Pero n w h ne constitutions have become impaired by the injodiciou-snseot Mercury, will find these Medicine a perfect cure, as they never fj'tl to eradicate Irom ihe system, all the effccisof Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarapa rilla.. Prepared and sold by ' W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brndwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-ly. - lilfE EX WOOD S EMI Il . f BHE Autumn term ol this institution wi 11 commence on MONDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1S62. TERMS For Boarding, Washing, Tuition, etc., lor Eleven weeks 25 00 One half in advance. Students who have not engaged rooms will do well to make early application to WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, CoJ, co. Pa., July 19, 1862. Important to House Owners. I.nportant to Builders. Important lo Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, av.d it concern $ every body. JOHXS 4 "CIIOSLEY'S IMPROVED GUll'A PEBCHA. The Cheapest and most duble Roofiir; ' in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied lo New and Old Roofs of AH kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingles THE COST IS ONLY A f:OUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been ihorongly tested in New York City and all parts of the Unite.! State", Canada, West Indies and Centra! and South America, on Buildings ol :d kiniU, stic.h as Fac-loties, FoundrieaChnn-h-es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings. &., ly ihe principal Builders, Architects arid others, during (he past four ypars. ami h3 proved to bo the CHEAPEST' and MOST DURABLE ROOFING m use; it is in every respect a fiire, water, weather arid TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7f' is the ONLY material manvficl tired in the United Slates which cmbines ihe -very desirable properties of ELmlicity and Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to be possess.' by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. No Ileut is required in making appli cation, i The expense of applying ii is triflning with ordinary Roof can be covered aud fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, end when finished - lotm a perfectly Fie Proof suif.tce with art elat ;c body, which cannot be injured ly Heal, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external a.;tion wliH'evr.r. LIQUID GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals ol ail Kinds when ex posed to die acnon of Ihe Weather and For Preserving und Impairing Mttal Roof 3 cf all funds. This is the only Composiiion Known which will successfully resut extreme changes of climates, for any length of time, when applied lo rne'als, lo which it adheres firmly, lorming a body equal to three coais of urdhmrv ram:, costs much le-. and will LAS T THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom i!s elasticity is not injured by the con traction of TIN aud other METAL ROOFS, con-eqneut upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Me'al Roofs can te re;,d ly repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion atift leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Jinof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preserva'ioti of Iron Railings, Sloves, Ran ges, SaVs, Agricultural Implement, &c., also for general manufacturer u-e. GUTTA PERCIU CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin arid other j Roots or every description, from ite i greut eiuMkiiy, is not injured by tLo con .ract.mi aud expansion ot Metals. W . . - not crack III coM or run in v- n r in wuaihor These materijis are adapted to all cli- males, and e are prepared to supply or ders trom h"v : art of tt.e country, hi hhcri uo'"-ce, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in roils, realv prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in tarreis, wi full ' printed diractions lor application. AGENTS WANTED. We Will make H'.crtil and txtificloiy .irrane tncns vilh tc pimile p ii tics who woidd I'ke lo c-lutili?!i thewfclncs in a Lnciative and Perma nent busine-s. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in lavor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to sevtral thousand Roofs in New York City and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers. Wholesale Warehouse 73 William St., Corner ol Liberty S'ree.L NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars aiut Prices will be f.irni-he I on application. Ocober In lsp 1 v. ln.n hi tii i u.tii Lt,.Vl!;.i, FOCTO:i THOMAS F CHAPMAN will senJ loai wiio wisn it tree oj tthar-'ei r the R-cipe and fu'i direct ions for niakir.g and using a beau;iful vegptable Bilm, that will effectually remove Pimple, BIou Tan, FreckieSj &c.., &lc, leaving ihe skin smooth, clean, and beautiful ; also full rettions lor using Pela'rean's celebrated Stimulant, war'aiiled to s'art a full growth ol Whi-kers or a Musrache, in le-s than thirty days. Eitfier of thu I'blaiued by rrturt) mail, above can b by addresi-in. (w'nh s'amps tor reiiirn postage DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist, 831 Broadway New YorK. January 15, 1862. T i HE CON FESSIONS and EXPERIENCE of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn itur, and tor the especial benelit of Young Men and llios- who surfer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature De cay, &c, &c, &"., by one who has cured himself by simple means, afer being put io sireat expense and inconvenience ihrough the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be had of the author, C. A. LAM BERT. Esq , Green Islard, by enclosing a post-pa envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT. Esq, Greenpoint, Cong Island, New York. January 15, 1S62 2m. Koilock's Dandelion Cotter. THIS preparation, made from the besl Java Coffee, is recom mended by physicians k a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gem-rat Debility, Dyspep-i.i, amt all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of ccf tee will use ;his wiihout injurions effects. One can aonlains the strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLCfKS LEVAIX, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known', for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and caket. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M H. KOLLOCK, ChemiM, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, VTAnd sold by a'l Druggists and Grocers, jr February 20, 1S62. ly. Aismnsslr:tor's police. ESTATE OF ALEM A1ARR, DECD. a of aHministra'io'i on the estate of T et'.ers Alem Marr,Jate of Scon ip , Colum bia rornn, tM,t,?0' "av sri;' " t.v ihp Rp'''-" county to Peter Ent, residu e in Light Street, township and conn iv aforesaid. All persons having clauv or demands against the P'e of the oeceni re requested o present ihem duly nuthen Ucated lotbe administrator for settlemai.t, and those indebted io the estate wilt make payment forthwith tOpETERENT)ajrnr Scott, May 28tb, 1S63. TRIEADS AXD RELATIVES OF THE ISravc Soldiers and Sailors. IHILLOIVAY'M PILIjS AND OINTMENT. A 'I who have Friends snd Relatives in the Army or Navy, st.onld take especi care, thai they be amply supplied with ihese Tills and Ointment ; and where the brave Soldiers and S.-ilors have neglected lo provide themselves with, no better present can be sent ihem by their friends. 'They have bee ri ptoved io be the Soldier' n-vpr-lail.n-lrien J in thq hour of need. COUGHS AM) COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cured by using ther e admirable medicine, and by pay ing proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. ! S1CIC HEADACHES AND WANT OK AP- PEI H E, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. ) Those feelings which so sadden us, usual ly arise from trouble or annoyances, ob structed perspiration, or eating and drink- ing v ha'ever is unwholesome, thus dis turbing ihe healthful aclion ofthe liver and stomach. These organs tnnst be relieved, if y ou desire to be well. The Pills, taking according io ihe printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both hver and stomach, ami s a natural conse quence a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the use of these invaluarde pills, and the soldier will quick ly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be etther confined or unduly -Acted upon. It may sfem strange that Hol loway ' Pills should be recommended, for Dysenlary and Flux, many persons suppo sing that they would increase ihe relaxa tion. This i a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the livei and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic sys em how ever deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter ot course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of iLe bowels bo sure as this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOU fH. -Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can wiin cerainty be radically cured if llie pills arevke;i night and morning and ihe Ointment be freely used as sated iu 1Kb Tinted instructions. Iflrea'.ed in any oth er manner they dry up in one part lo break ont in another. Wherea this Ointment wdl remove the humors from the system and leave the Patient a vigorous and heal thy man. Ii will require a !i;tte perseve rance in bad cases io in.-ure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET. SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISKS. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, there are no medicines so safe, sore and ton venient as Holloway's Pills aud Ointment. The poor wounded and almost dving sufferer might have hi wounds dres-ed immediately, if tie would only pro Vl-,e 'iimseit with this rnalch!est Glumer;?, which should tie thrust into the wound and smeared all rouu j it, then covered wiih a piece of linen from his knapsack and compre's.-d wiih a handkercheif. Taking night and morning 6 or 8 pills, to cool the sys;em ami prevent inlldma'ion. Everv Soldier's Knapsack ami Sea. nan's Chest s!nild be provided with ihesa valua ble Remedies CAUTION ! None sre ppnifine unies t!,e words "Hfdloway, New York and Lou don are discernable as a Wavr-rnatk in every leaf of ihe book of directions around each pot or box : Ihe same may be plninly -pen bv hoi. 'rig i! leaf to the ligl. A if.-ome re .var I will t'e give.i io toy one re'i.-ertiij suc's inic:.nai:orj as may ieui to tie iteifc'.iori ol any party rr j orites coon- j ter'iti.-.g the r:.edii-i.irs ot vending the s-jiv.e, Kn -living iije in U -e tjjnrious. VS..;-I at Manufc:orv of Professor Hoi.nwai, .M d 'en Lane, New York, and by all Ta- i-.-ii'.b'.p Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, ihronghont the civilized world in boxes ut twenty five cen's, sixty two i'"ii!s and t ne dollar e ch. II- Tiiere derable savig by ta king tSe larger size-. N B D-rec'.iotiS for iL f guidance of pa rents ri box. April every disorfer are affixed to each 9th 1?62. ly. JIADISeX HOUSE, (OF JERSE YTO W N , T A ) rrTHE "ubscriber would respectlnlly ap irie his friends and the public gener ally, that he has established ihs MADISON (H HOUSE, in Jersey town, Colu mbia county. Pa. The above house l as lately been vefitted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain ihe travelling cuiorn as well a the local with general satiflactlon, Hi- TABLE and point, Long j BAR, are well supplied and wi;l be careful id addressed ly superintended. And hts STABLE is am ply and well storked, in charge of careful groom, will always be properly attended. CP" He ioviies a share of ihe publiccus torn, and pledges his best efforts, to help hi guests feel at home. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown, Jan 1S62. NEW HATS AND CAPS ! A J. K- Wirtoii's Slat tore. THE undersigned respectfully inft rrws tha the citizens of Bloomsburg, aud ihe publio in general, that be has pisl received Irom Philadelphia a lot ot NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of tlie very latest sty le and fashions,! all of which he is pre pared to sell cheaper lhan can be had else where, with the excen.ion of the manulac- turers. He ha alllkinds, stybs, sorts and sizes, of hats and caps, probably the most vared assortment ever brought to town. Also STRAW GOODS, including the mod ern styles and fashions. rSiore on Main Street, a few. doors wet of the American House. JOHNK.GIRTON. Bloomsburg. Apiil 10, 1562. $2': E3H'L0YMi:T ! $75 AG EN IS WANTED ! W'e will pay Irom S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particular sent free. Ad dress F.kik Sewimj Machine Company, R JAMES. G eral Agen, Milan, Ohio., Aug. 21, 1861. large H-sor;mi.t ui Lilies' Gaiters j a s t received at 5 1 00 and 51 25 a . T.SHARPLESS'