The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, September 17, 1862, Image 1

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    njtwwwBWWW mimmmMj3iiijMil uuw'liwi' ' - ' ' ; " 21 ' ' ' " ' f J
W. U. JACOB!, Proprietor.
Truta and Right- God and oar Coontrj
Two Dollas per Annum.
"RT nAArGnTTDn rAT TTMDTA nATTATrrV DA "WTT? T TVTTP O T"i A V Ol? fj'T'tr ATT 1 P 17 1
J-J JL-J V- V i 1 K7 U w J I IT v- V- JLi 1 T JL J. xa. W U 1 X JL , A-tt... v V Jj JLJ JJ O .Lx X. X OJLJJ. lUlUiJUU l. s lUUv,
Wm. fl. JACOBF,
Office un Bain St., Jrd Sqnare below Market,
TERMS: Two Dollars pur annum If paid
within six months from the time of subscri
bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within tht year. No subscription taken -for
a less period than six months; no discon permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
7 he terms of advertising viU be as follows :
One square, twelve lines, three limes, SI 00
Kvery subsequent insertion, 25
One square, ihree months, ....... 3 00
One yar, . . . 800
Notice to Trespassing.
WE, the undersigned citizens of Madison
nd Pine township, Columbia county, and
oi the iownship of Moreland, Lycoming co.
do notify all person no: to trespass or hnnt
on our lands after this date, reserving that
right to onrselve, and the full penally of
the law will be vieiied upon, all persons
joona so trespassing or hunting
Adam Babb,
S. S. Rnovan,
Joel L. Moeer,
C. Gardner,
Lydia Roan,
Emanuel Bogarf,
Nelson Kitchen,
David D. Williams,
Wm. Fairroan,
Ezra Rnnyan,
Lew in Srhuylf r,
Margaret Former,
Wm. Gray him,
Ira C. Pursel,
September 10. IS 62.
J Sheatler,
David KUner,
Jhn F. Fowler,
Daniel Ande
W. B. Welliver,
laac Whipple,
Wm. Kitchen.
Michael Billehime,
John P. Run) an,
Jcob A. tiwisher,
Jacob Chamberlaud
Jacob Long,
Old Tilings flrcome INew,
The onder-tgned would beg leave to in
form his old friends, and "ihe rest of man
kind," that he ha lately returned from the
service of bis country, and again re- 1
opened hinOLD ESTABLISH- (i
with a view of making op entire new gar
ments, as well as mending old ones, for all
mankind, and any body el-e. who may
favor him with their work in hi line.
He i prepared o do work NAT, Fah
10NABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes
by so doing, and stru t .iiennon to business
to merii and raceive a due share of patron
age. But remember, all that ihee times
require money, or something to live upon, !
re inireiore nope anil tnm, that when
be ha done hi part, his ustomers will
1o theirs, by furnishing the "rea'y John,"
or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is
worth of his hire."
BIcomsburg, Sept. 10 1862.
THE County Commissioners will receive
proposals at the Houe of Soloman Buss,
in Fi-bingcreek township, Columbia co.,
between the hour- ol 10 o'clock, A. M
and 2 o'clock, P. M-. on Saturday the 27 1 h
day of September 1862, for building an
open TRUSS BRIDGE over Pine Creek,
near the residence of the t-aid Sol. Bus.
"Said bridge to be 60 feet between abut
ment ! ; width 16 feeij flight 11 fret from
low raer mark. Plan and specifications
can re seen on the .lay and place of letting.
i 'r By order of the Commissioners.
- ,. ('ommissionei's Office, )
Elriomsburz, Sept. 10 1852
IO(i of the most severe Battle Seene and
Incidents of the war now ready (size I8x
30 inches) highiv colored, in fine card pa
per, 1 for 25 cents, or 25 frr SI, po-tpaid.
Also, just published, the OfftVul Union
Volunteer Directory (400 page), giving
the name of every Officer and private in
the Ur.ion Armywi'h their commands, &e,
together with a large aanount of other val
uable information, sent, postpaid, on re
ceipt ot 25 cis, To Agents and the trade
no better opportunity was ever offered.
AddrifS H KNRY B. ANSON, Print Publish
er. &c, 49 State Si., Boston, Mas.
CyPapers copying, paid in the above.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Franklin decsosed.
V EITERS of ad miii ination on thee-iate
if Franklin Longenberger. Sate of Co
lombia county, dee'd, have been granted
-by the Register of said county, to Wm.K.
Longenberger, of Beaver twp., CoL co.,
All persons having- claims or demands
agairst the estate of the decedent, will
present tbem to the administrator for seitlern
enl,aid those indebted to the estate are
reqoonted r6" make payment immediately
jo tho undersigned.
Beaer twp., July 9, 1562.
TJSTRAYED from the premises of the
subscriber, in Greenwood lownhip,
Columbia county, on or abjui the 10th of
July last, a jrung
marked with white spots, and
had on when she left, a yoke'.
with a piece of chain attached. A liberal
reward will be paid for any information
which will lead to her recovery.
Grsen wood, Aug. 13, 1862.
flttlE undersigned would announce, that
be has on hand, at his Hat aud Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg, an
asso tmeiil of different kind of leather, such
as fi-ie calf skins, morocco, red acd black
and linings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewbera in this mar
ket. Call and examine them lor yourselves.
Bliomsbnrg. May 21, 1862.
Notice is hereby given that Hester Hess,
wife of James Hess, has left his bed
aud board without any just cause or provo
cation and all persons are forbidden to trust
her en his account. The parties resido in
Susarloaf township, Colombia county.
Sozarloaf, Aasu 20, 1862. St.
n it f irrmi rji
i, 11. Ull AUli.
OGcij io Court Alley ; formerly occupied by
Chatles R. Bockalew.
Der ember 28, l859.-if,
Sung by the German soldiers in the Union army. '
Aroime ye drowsy sleepers,
Up'from your conch of clay !
The horses lively capers
Now greet the new born day.
Our weapons are reflecting.
Aurora's purple rays,
While all are yet a dreaming
Of victorious affrays.
Great God, our Lord and Father,
Look from thy throne divine;
Your call has brought us hither,
The war, O Lord, is tlvne.
Thy grace is but required,
Then shall freedom's banner wave,
And lead its thus inspired,
To glory or the grave.
A morn is fast approaching,
A morning long foretold,
For which the good are waiting
And Angels now behold.
Its rays are fait appearing.
To cheer the good and free ;
0 may it soon be dawning
The morn of liberty.
Then shall onr tow'ring bells,.
In merry peals resound
From all the hills and dells,
Our grateful hearts respond.
When our cause pervades
We'll 6hare that happy sight !
For we. ye knightly blades
We also shared the fight.
A Statement from a Released Union Prisoner
Dr. A. A G Williams, of the 1st New
York Artillery, who was taken prisoner at
Warrenton Junction on the 29ih of March,
1861, by Lieut. Col. Lee of the It Va. Cav
alry, informs us that after his capture and
during his imprisonment he was dropped
from the rolls by recommendation of Gen.
Sumner because it was alleged that he was
beyond the lines and foraging without au
thority at the time he was taken by the reb
e's. An investigation into the affair showed
plainly that Dr. Williams was in reality
within the limits of Lie lines. and acting un
der au'hcrily at the Vme he was taken, con
sequently he was immediately restored by
special order 199.
We are indebted to the Doctor for the fol
lowing statement : When he was captnred
by the Rebels, he was taken before Gen.
Stuart who tauntingly remarked, "That one
ot his men was worth half a dozen of ours "
The Doctor replied : ' Yon had a fine
chance to try tbut at Drainesville." Stuart
ordered his prisoner to " Shot op, or he
wonld put him in irons." I have said all 1
wish to say," was the rejoinder. The Dr.
was then taken to Richmond, fordng the
Rappahannock and 'he Rapadin, and halt
ing at Orange Conrt-Hon?e. A wounded ;
prisoner was with him, but the rebelsrefused j
lint, bandages and medicine not only, bu j
alo took away from the Dr. the instruments j
and med'cines in hi posesHon. In Rich- ;
mond he was pnt in the same room with ;
Col. Wilcox, Col. Corcoran and seventy
other officers.
Above them wa a room occupied by over
400 of our Union prisoners. On one occa-;
ion the water pipe bnrst and for several
days the officers were exposed to the filth j
flowing through it. The rebel guards used j
occasionally to amuse themselves by kind- !
linjj fires in the room, and burning rags, I
straws and paper, to annoy the prisoners, i
chuckling over their efforts to smoke out the .
"dam Yankees." j
After staying there two month", he was!
taken to Sai'sbury with other officers and j
the political prisoners, anticipating the ta- .
king of Richmond; for they were terribly j
frightened by the news of the bombard- !
ment of Fort Darling. The roar of the guns
was distinctly heard at the rebel capital.
At Salisbury he had better accommodations
but worse fare, the latter consisting of sour j
bread, and, though not fresh, live bacon -and
half rationarat that less than a quarter
of the quantity allowed to oar .men. Time ;
and again the officer were insalted, and -some
of them were detained a month after '
tne oraer came ior tne release or tne sur
geons and chaplains.
AM speak in the bitterest terms of the ty
ranny of Col. Goodwin,, and a reprobate
from Maryland of the name of Bradford a
disowned son of Governor Bradford of Ma
ryland. These cowardly scoundrels watch
ed for opportunities to annoy and insult the t
prisoners in their hands. Lieut. Emack of j
Maryland, who had charge of the prisoners
at Richmond, is another vulgar bastard who
insulted the officers, and who need not look j
for much favor should he fall into the hands j
of the injured men who are no longer de- j
pendant upon him. The Good Book says,
"The tender mercies of the wicked are era.
Dr. Williams says the rebels are 'greatly
alarmed at the prospect of a Proclamation
of Freedom From President Lincoln. They
prate about black flags,b!oody hands, hang
ing, confiscation, &c , bo: they talk with '
white lips and chattering teeth, showing a
terrific state ol fear.
They think it unfair to force their men
from the regular Rebel service to guard the
negroer at home ; cruel beyond precedent
to call the slaves from that they
cannot provide bread for them and their
wives and children. .
"Henrietta," said a landlord to his new
girl, ''when there's bad news from Wash
ington, or any bad news, particularly private
affliction, always let the boarders know it
before dinner. It may seem strange Henri
etta, bat tfuch little things make a great dif
ference in eating in the coarse of a year."
Gone to the War.
Looking over some old notes and papers
tb.e other day, I took up a small, while
folded raper, and opening it, I came upon
a beautiful golden curl of softest hair
Marked on the inside of the paper, was the
pet name of the lovely child from whote
head I had clipped tliio eunny ringlet years
ago. I wondered where he might be "now,
and what he might be doing. A few days
alter, as if 1 sought for the information, I
was told he had gone to war.
"Gone to the war!" The words gave
me a strange chill. It seemed but a few
week ago since the summer afternoon
when tired with play he had fallen asleep,
his cheeks rosy Vith heat, the very picture
ol xquisite childish beauty, and I had clip
ped this glossy curl from close to his white
cheek, without waking the little sleeper
And now he toils over dusty roads, through
pathless swamps, with gun. blanket and
knapsack, hid fair youthful face burned by
the Southern sun, and hi young heart ex
posed to the temptations of the camp
profanity drunkenness and crime, or wounci
ed he i trampled by friends and foes, pe:
chance mutilated and brutally abandoned
to a worse than soldier's fate.
A war, horrible, cruel war, that has been
forced, with all its horrors, on the peace
loving and loyal sons of the North, by the
ungra'eful and rebellious children of this
once prosperous Republic.
" Gone to the war!" Another, our qoi-t
dark-eyed boy, who must be known to be
loved, so unobtrusive was he, and so reti:
ing,but best lovedby those who knew him
best. But the echo of Sumter's guns fired
his his heart, his dark eye flashed, he sei
zed his rifle and wa gone.
And so, one by one, and thousands ty
thousand all over the land, ihey have de
parted and many a heart male desolate.-
From one home, the younges, the pet, the
darling of the bouse is reluctantly given ur.
from the next the eldest, the noble, the
proud on whom bis father leaned, and from
the next the widow's only son, and from i
3 !
across the wav, every son in the househol j
Ohj who but the recording angel shall es
timate the agony, the untold sacrifice call
ed out this creation of rebelSonl Yet sh;ll
not iheir precious blood have been spilled
in vain, if by it liberty is purchased for ill
now ar.d forever. Anything less than this
is hearties mockery, if from these bloody
fields the remnant shall return to see t ie
Union restored as it was,, and human sla
very still protected by the banner that we
love and would give our lives to defend, then
vainly have mothers, wives and sisters sac
rificed and labored, prayed and wept, aid
vainly have their beloved ones bled aid
died. But if from these battle fields. liber
ty shall rise in shining garments, with nitw
glory on her shield, if one kindred and one
people, we stand again with clasped hands i
ot reconciliation and tne black stain upon
our national honor purged out forever.lhen
blesed shall they be whoennnt them b?st
beloved among the heroes by who?e fctrtig
gles the glorious result shall have been con
summated. God speed the time, and shield
our dear ones in the field of Battle.
Incidents or thb Bull Rax Battle. C ne
of the most impressive and solemn inci
dents that occurred while on that field of
death was the performance of the funeral
service at the burial of private L E. White,
of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, who
unfortunate enough to be in McDowell's :
division and fell while charging upon he j
enemy's battery. Dr. William, of Waits I
burg, Erie county, Pa., with w
Whre had resided the creater portion of
hi life, was in Washington the day of the
battle, and proffered his services to the Gov. !
eminent as a volunteer surgeon. On arri-j
ving at the army he discovered White was !
missing, and wa informed by a member of
his company that he was killed, as he had
seen him fall. On Tuesday morning the ;
Doctor made search for ihe body, ;ind
found him still alive and conscious. He
was able to converse, but lived only an
hour or two af er the doctor's arrival. Be
ing ihe only clergyman upon the ground, at
the request of the doctor I performed the
religious services at the grave ; and never,
while I live, can the recollections of that
scene and my feeling be effaced, as the
little group collected under a mulberry tree
and buried a patriot foldier. Cor. A. Y.
Clearing Out the Abolition Genkral?
General Hunter has been superceded at
Port Royal, and his place is to be filled by
Gen Phelps f who seems to be partially in
sane on the subject of contraband.) has
been displaced, to make room for Gen T.
W. Sherman. These changes come in
good time, being heralded simultaneously
with the announcement of the restoration
of General McClellan to the position from
which the intriguing malcontents of the Ab
olition camp had displaced him. We be
lieve the country will hail these indicat.otis
of a conservative, Union policy on the part
of the Administration with real satisfaction.
In Gen. McClellatrs case the vindicaticn of
justice and right is the more signal, from
the fact that his restoration was evidenily a
necessity, which the terrible exigensiei- of
the hour had made apparent to all officials
in Washington, whether friends or plotting
jealous enemies of the General. Soma of
them, however, wiil acknowledge tnii.
Bat no matter. Wholesome changes are
occurring, and the Abolitionists, just t ow,
are "the nnder dog in the fight." Perhaps
there may be a change in the War Depart
ment neu Rirtfad Tiie.
Onr Losses and Onr Dead at Bell Ron.
! Knn Ynrk Trihnng .1
u . t j . j
. Washington, Sept. 7. Up to last night not
less than 1000 of our dead at Bull Run (.till
lay unburied 1000 corpses, black, swollen
and decomposed by a week of hot suns Bnd
beating showers, were still refused a cover
ing of earth. Worse than this, as revolting
and more painful, the wounded lay days
long days and long nights among those
putrid corpses, wanting care for their
wounds, wanting food, wanting water, call
ing in faint voices to occasional passers by
friend or foe, for help, end receiving none.
These are facts, disgraceful as they are
stubborn. Last night, a new regiment from
Pennsylvania marched under a flag of truce
upon the battle-field for burial duty. Sur
geons and a party of nurses from this city
have been there since Monday attending to
the wounded an insufficient party ol but
ten or filieen men. whose utmost exertions
but sufficed to reach and partially relieve
the host of the 'wounded on the seventh
day. .
Although under flag of truce, our parties
were permitted to go and come at pleasure.
All this arduous work, which should have
been done in a day was devolved upon
those few humane surgeons and nurses.
Although our authorities must have known
that the dead still remained on the field, an
entire week passed before adequatemeans
were taken to hide in the earth the revolt
ing spectacle. Somewhere there has been j
gross neglect ol duty. ;
The party who were upon the field ihe
entire week gathered and sent to Centre- j
ville and on to Alexandria over 1500 wound-1
ed ; 925 were sent from the field on Friday 1
and Saturday, all ot whom had lain where ;
they fell three or four days before succor
came. The search for the poor wretches ,
presented the most heartrending scenes. ;
My informant says, as be approached the
poor lads, they would look eagerly at him, !
and in tones of touching impunity Bay:
"Doctor, come to me ; you look like a good
man ; Doctor, for God's satin, rome In ''
,, mi- j .k-
He says, in one small clearing, and in the
edges of the woods around and along the
excavations for an unfinished railroad,
where had been some of the heaviest work
-of Friday, Schurz, and Kearney, and Ste
vens fought, lay ridges of mangled bodies
w here they fell, the blue-clad corpses of our
dead soldiers, and among them were wound
ed men, still uncared for, some of them dy
ing. Some of the gentlemen who were on
the field tell us that for some time they
were so overcome by the unpleasant sights
and smells that reached their senses, that
they could not set themselves about their
benevolent labors.
The surgeons had provided themselves
with food, lint and bandages before leaving
Washington hence were enabled to do
justice to each case when reached. The
gfightly wounded had been paroled and
sent within our lines some days previously.
The cases which remained were, conse
quently, of a most serious nature.
There remain now upon the field, in care
of Dr. Coolidjce and assisants, 150 who can
not be removed.
The losses during the week of battles in
killed and wounded wiil sum up not iar
from 10 000.
A CoctCDled Farmer-
Once upon a time, Fredrick, King of Pru-
i sia, surnamed 0:d Fritzs, took a ride and
espied an old farmer ploughing his acre by
the wayside, cheerfully sinking his melody.
"You must be well off, old man," said
the King; "does this acre belong to you,
!..,....,, -7,
which you so industriously labor?"
. . ' ' ...
"No, sir," leplied the larmer, who
not know that it was the King. "1 am not
so rich as that ; 1 plow for wages."
"How much do you get a day ?' asked
t me rung.
. 1
"Eight groschen," said the farmer.
"This is not much," replied the King
"can you get along with this V1
' Get along, and have something left."
"How is this?"
"The farmer t-miled, and said :
Well, if 1 must tell you, two groschen are
for myself and wife; with two I pay my
old debts ; two 1 lend ; and two I give ior
the Lord' sake."
"This is a mystery which I cannot solve."
replied the King.
" Then I will solve it for yon," said the
farmer. I have two old parents at home,
who kept me when I was weak and needed J
help, I keep them, this is my debt toward j
pair of ;rcchen,which I lend away, I spend
ior the children, that they may receive a
Christian instruction, this will come handy
to, me and wife when we get old. With the
last two, I maintain two sick sisters whom
I would not be compelled to keep, this 1
give for the Lord's sake.
The king, well pleased with this answer,
said "Bravely spoken old man ! Now 1
will give you something to guess. Have
you ever seen me before ?"
"Never," said the farmer.
"In less than five minutes yon shall see
me fifty tiraes,and carry in jour pocket fifty
ol my likenesses."
"This rs a riddle which I cannot unravel,"
said the farmer.
" Then I will do it for yon," replied the.
Thrusting his hand into his pocket, and
counting him fifty new gold peices into his
band, stamped with his royal likeness, he
raid to the astonished farmer, who knew
not what was coming : The coin is also
genuine, for it comes from ear Lord and
am bis paymaster."
Political Friests.
If it could be ascertained exactly how
much of the responsibility for the present
deplorable condition of the country belong
ed to the churches, or rather to political
prie sis who officiate at some of the church
es, it woulc startle and alarm the Christatn
world. The political dogmas instilled into
the minds of adults, and children especially
from the pulpit have produced a revolution
in public sentiment which has resulted in a
clash of arms, a broken Union, and a'mined
people Men'clothed in clerical robe, have
from week ponred the poisonous
oil of sectionalism in to the minds of their
hearers, until they have uncaged the fiercest
and most vindictive passions, and turned
loose upon the land' consciences 'educated
"to bigotry and sectionalismr They tear men
as the devils of old did. They are roaring
lions going about seeking whom they may
devour. UTe say if the part played by the
political priests in bringing about the ruin
which has befallen our beloved country,
could be drawn truly and would
startle those profaners of God's sacred desk
and cause them to shrink back in horror at
the work of their own hands. They have
forgotten the holy calling to which they as
pire. Instead of preaching Christ and him
crccified, as they are instructed to do by
their Divine Master, they are continually
; dabblingin the dirty political pool, un'.il
' they have brought reproach upon religion
! and destruction upon the country. Many of
tnem have no doubt mistaken fanaticism for
conviction of duty, while others have been j
prompted by sinister motives. Indeed, so
far has this evil progressed and so fearful
are its results upon the popular mind, in
some portions of the country, that it is al
most dangerous for a minister of the Gospel
to pursue his legitimate calling, confining
him.-elf strictly thereto.
The populace demand that he shall make
known his political sentiments, his congre
gation requires :hat he should enunciate
:hoee sentiments from the sacred desk. If
his opinions coincide with theirs, and he
expresses them freely, they are content. If
on the other hand, he disagrees with them,
they dismiss him without ceremony, or re
fuse to hear him preach. If his convictions
of duty teach him to be silent, regarding
his political opinions as his own private
property ,to make a display of which would
militate with his mission, he is suspected
of disloyalty, and a demand is made lor a
confession or a resignation.
If he proclaims that his calling is to the.
Gospel aud to abstain from all secular af
fairs, in imitation of Him who declared His
mission was not of this world,' he is brand
ed as a traitor or something worse by fanat
ics. While these remarks are applicable to
ministers of many of the churches, we do
but justice when we say there are other
6hurches comparatively free from this great
and fatal error. There are also good and
pious men, occupying pulpits of churches
moot afflicted with this plague who have
not forgotten their duty, and who have
stead lastly set thir faces against il. A.''
rysvllle (Cat ) Erptess.
Great HJen at Home.
Ol what poor stuff greatness is often man
ufactured ! If there be a truly great man
irl the word if lhere be a man whose
thoughts and conclusions govern the peace
of the civilized globe and control the coure
j of empire, that man is Louis Napolean,Km-
! peror of France. (And yet Louis Napolean
j is one of the most dreamy and credulous
; of all fatalists. A bit of mesmeric nonsense
i j r i
I llio ill i CI uicdliun ut a, f nun, an 11 a i t uiuic
' ? . v. t.: . t .
i weight with him than the wisdom ot sage
counse'lers, and influence him more, even,
J than the remembrances of his own
experience. He i a strange, silent moody
man, lull of reflection and full of apprehen-
sions. Were his bare heart exposed, he
would be found, perhaps, timid as a girl,
though men believe him the essence ofcool
audacity. Could his true nature be unvail
ed, we should probably find him the dis
tressed victim of incessant doubts and fears
alighting ever, more by accident than de
sign, upon the schemes which a deluded
world imagines are always the result of a
calm and deliberate determination.
And all other great men as a general rule
are Napolean, upon a greater or less scale
No man is a hero to his valet, the poet tells
us, and no mind i thoroughly a great one
to any other mind familiar with all its little
delects and weaknesses.
'Tisdistancelends enchantmentto the view.'
in this as in many other cases, just as many
a city look miles off the r,e plus ultra of ad
mirable order and neatness, which when we
explore its streets and alleys, its culs-de-sac
and lanes, affrights us with its filth and de
moralization. We are content therefore, to
respect great men afar off. We prefer to
to contemplate them as we do the moon, for
even that luminary show ut but one of her
Bides,, and the closer we view that side, the
more the lair aud brilliant expanse seems
to broken up into volcanic hjlls and sterile
hollows, rugged chasms and desert plains
N. Y. Mercury.
A German doctor was consulted by a
very sick patient, and having called while
he was engaged, he wrote his prescription,
and threw it down to the sick man in baste
saviug. "there, take that." The patient
took the prescription and left. A few days
after he returned to the doctor and reported
himself well "But" said he, "I found it
I j medicine before, but I got it down, and am
well, thank God."
What's the ue of always fretting,
At the trials we shall find
Ever strewn along our pathway ?
Travel on, ar.d "Never Mind."
Travel upward, working, hoping,
Cast no lingering glance behind
At the trials once encountered,
Look ahead, and "Never Mind."
What is past is past forever,
Let all fretting be resigned,
It will never help the matter,
Do your best, and "Never Mind.'
And if thoe who mi-;lit befriend you,
Whom the ties ol Nature bind,
Should refuse to do their duty,
Look io Heaven, and "Never Mind "
Friendly words are often spoken,
When the feelings are unkind,
Take them tor their real value.
Pass them by, at.d'Never Mind."
Fate may threaten, clouds may lower,
Enemies may be combined,
if your trust in God is steadfast,
He will help you, "Never Mind."
to Winter in Philadelphia and New York.
I he Recession uts in Baltimore aver that
it is not the intention of he rebel army to and beautiful. A brooch similarly adorned
strike at either Washington or Baltimore, ; waa given a Bh0rtiime since to Dr. Osgood
but to make for Pennsylvania across the j or jg Sunday School. It was surmounted
western counties ol th'n State, and thence j with across,and was the symbol ol religion,
to aim for Philadelphia and New York. Df freedom, of Union, of glory.of a merciful
where they propose to winter in spite of ar,d dement Government, of a free and en
all resistance, and that then this city and lightened people, ever going onward, afpi
the capital will necessarily fall into their ' r;ng af,er perfectionof a home for the
lap like over-ripe pears shaken from their friendless a refuge from the tyrant,
stems by the blast of war. They fear an j if we vere not born in good old England
assault on Baltimore because they believe it ' the mother of this country, we might long
will be destroyed by the Union forts sur- tor the honor of being born under the beau-
rounoir.g ii, ana iney;waui io get n wnoie
and untouched.
Simultaneous with the march on Phila
delphia and New York, they say that Cin
cinnati and Pittsburg will fall into their pos- I
session. Their eyes are now turned with!
great anxiety to the movements on Cincin- '
nati. They boast of being able to keep I
Washington beleagured with a very small
force ot theirs in Iront ot our iortihcations, ;
while the mass ol their army will be releas
ed for the preposed aggressive movements
upon Philadelphia and New York, which
they say cannot be saved unless we with - !
draw our forces from the defence of the !
capital, in which event the seat of war wil
be removed into the free States, where they
expect to receive the sympathies of the se- ; anJ marrjeJ a woman who had been whip
cesionisis to help them subjugate their op- j ped round our town more lhan once The
The euddei disappearance of the en
emy's main army from the front of Wash
ington, they say, is a part of the programme
and its reappearance will be where no one
expects to see it. Such is the enemy's
news i hie morning, and they do not attempt
to conceal their purposes in conversation
with Union men. After the wonderful
events of the last ten days nobody laughs
at the enemy now for their extravagant ut
terances. Gen. .HiTlcMaii and the Army.
One ol ihe best answers to the charge-,
brought against Lien. McLllllan by poll-;
licians is to be found in the unbounded con
fidence of tho army. The officers and sol
diers of the army of the Potomac, who have
the best opportunity of knowing General
McClellan, are unanimous in expressing
their loe and confidence for their com-
rnander. From a private letter viitien t y
battle, we eitract the following :
' Little Mac. is more beloved than ever
in this arniy, and there is much bitten. ess
of feeling at the injustice with which they
believe he has been treated. As it was,
their lives and limbs were riked by the
hearties and traitorous course ui some of
the politicians. They naturally have pretty
lively sentiments on
the subject , and if
jou could hear the unction with which they
talk ot a rope and the necKs of certain per-
sons, who are believed to have been active
agents in preventing his reinforcement in
proper time, you would think so too."
Pkomotethe Deserving. Gen. McCIell-
an has issued an order directing the Gener-
al ol Brigade. and Divisions to forward to
his headquarters the name of every uon-
commitioned officer who, in the late "Sev -
en Day's Battle," may have been distin-
goihed for gallantry and good service on
the ba'tle field, with a view to immediate
promotion of the deserving. Over two
thousand names of young and old heroes
hava been handed in, and will no doubt
soon receive deserved promotion as a re
ward for their faithful services. There are
men serving in the ranks who are far supe
rior as soldiers to the political demagogues
who pretend to command regimeuls in
some cases, and these should not be lost
sight of when officers for the new levy are
to be selected. Let us show, in this crisis
of our country's greatest peril, that the no
blest of all republics was not forgetful of the
deed of her patriotic children, and refute
the general charge that "Republics are un
grateful. "One Mock !" Mr. Wendell Phillip, in
his traitorous harangue at Abingdon, com
pared the President of the United States to
a "turtle " Now, suppose that the Presi
dent were to issue hi mandate for convej
ing W. P. to Fort Warren, what then ?
j Why then, we should say, the
voice of the
I Turtle would ba ' heard thro.igh the land''
j .mii.faction and the traitor ba
I bound to confes the Real Tartle a great
deal stronger than his Mock. Vanity Fair.
An English Woman on the Stars and Stripes.
An English lady of much intelligence and
refinement, who has resided in this cruntry
for two or three y ears pa-t, recently sent to
her sister, reriding near London, the lines
and music of " The Star Spangled Banner,"
and a brooch bearing a representation of
our national ensign and other symbolc
The following extract from the note accom
panying them has been banded us for pub
lication :
" The Star Spangled Banner" is for my
niece F E . I hope, that, for
ihe sake of her aunt, she will learn to play
and sing my favorite national anthem
"To you. my dear sister, I send a little
brooch I have worn in my bosom. If my
brother W , thinks it too poor for you
to wear, tell him that it cost more than fitly
million dollars, and it is worth fully all it
cost. lis greatest value is in the fact that it
was won by brave heart, and the best
Mood of freemen Could I afford it the
device should be. formed of precious stones
with thirty-four diamonds to represent
its stars.
"This flag the Star and Stripes my
dear .i,-r. i the f utt ki.
,ifui f0,it o tJie flag 0r ,he free j haf
chosen for my winding sheet, and my
friends here promise! they , .willow rap it
around me when dead
"Wear my little brooch.'my dear'sister,if
only for a week. It is worthy to be worn
on the heart of one who is among God's
fairest works for a woman who is all her
Creator designed her to be, as daughter,
wjra anj mother, is one of iher-e."
To help those uneasy men and women
who wish to escape the noose of mair-mo-
ny, we copy the following from an English
record of many years back :
" A certain lewd fellow of the baser sort
came from a log way of! out of the tshires.
pajish officer were her bridesmaids, and
her husband was not afraid of receiving
cuitain-lectures, for their sole bed was of
dirty straw on the dirty ground, neverthe
less he wearied soon of his life, and went to
the parish clerk, seeking to get rid of his
crooked rib. Solomon was sly, and reply
ing to hi inquiry if the pardon could nnmar
ry them, aid : Wby need ye trouble his
reverence? Have not I, man and boy.been
his clerk forty years come, alf-hallow tide ?
I can do it as well a e'er a parson of them
all, and as sure as there is now a good tap
of ale at the Bell. Let us go there yon
tand two pots, and I will do
alt right for
you. So, after drinking out his fee Solomon
took the fellow into the church by the
j priest's door. Now said he ye were mar
j ried here, so put off your jacket, and kneel
' at confession for 'lis a solemn business.
j Then th-y went in'o the belfry and bidding
him take off hi shoes, and stand orr1 a stool
he gave him the longest rope. Tie that
tightly my lad, round your throat, and as
soon a I am gone, kick away the stool. I
will return in about an hour, when you will
be unmarried. and out of all your troubles !'
The Pes ht to the Waiter. There is a
good story going the round of the Paris
newspapers. An agitation has been, it ap
pear, lor some time on foot for abolishing
j the douceur of one or two sons, given from
j time immemorial to the garcon who brings
you your Demi-taste or your glass of absinthe
; in a cpffe- house. Lately a customer at one
of the mot lashionable cafe in Paris paid
1 his reckoning without adding thereto the
ordinary copper compliment to the waiter.
This functionary said nothing, but regarded
j the customer, who was an old habituiol the
j e.stablishment,tacitly enforcing explanation,
! 'Alphone," said the customer, kindly , but
! frrmyf "I am very sorry that 1 belong to
j,e nociety for giving nothing to waiters."
I 'Cfit Monsieur, ne dites pi ea .'" Alphonse,
) ycu are an old pratiq-te, and, in that case,
1 may hint to you that I, and Eujene, and
Louis yonder, all belong to the society for
accidentally tpdling hot coffe over the trovestra
of stingy customers." The members of. the
society for giving nothing to waiters im
mediately pressed ten centimes into Al
phonse's haod and went on his way, asad
der and wiser man.
Last week several young men of Chicago
were bathing in Lake Michigan.whea some
horses came down to drink. The young
men mounted several of them and had a
fine frolic, Presently one of ?he animals
became frightened; and set off wi:h his ri
der at full gallop, carrying him at headlong
speed through the streets of the city. No
persnasion would induce the horse to-lOp,
the young Mazeppa dared not dismounted
many ot the citizens ol Chicago who were
enjoying the U ilight .on the front atoopi
and balconies, were startled out of their pro
priety nod composure at the spectacle of a
l,ore nnaddled and uubiidled, ridden by
a rider aneaparisoned.
If the American Union were to per'nh,
the world might as well bs ta&d a bon&r: