y,. WTT9 irr-r f-v ALw'AYG ADV."- ' IIOLIOWAY'S OINTMNT. Lonjr marches, sore and stiff joins, bl'S leied and iuflameu feet, all these the sol dier mnst endure, MOTHERS, REMEM BER THIS, when your sons are jsra.piiK lbeir musket lo meet danger, think what relief j shiule po of this ALL HEALING & COOLING Salve will give to the one you love when far away from home ami friends It har;en and make tough the feet so that ihey can endure great fatigue. It soothes and ijlieve the inflamed and stiffened joints, leaving then popple, strong and yig oroos,. while for SABRE CUTS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS - It stands unequalled, removing and pre venting every vestige of inflammation and jtentlj. drawing the edgestogtsther, it quick " ly and completely beaU the moil frightful wound. . ' WIVES AND SISTERS OF OUR VOLUN . TEERS. 'Yon ean not pot into the knapsacks ol ' yonr.iusband. and brother?, a more valua ble oi were necessary gilt than a uppiy of Iftis J . EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. Th' lonely sentry walking hi rounds a night, exposed 10 drenching runic and chill ttiuht air, i ofien seized with mot Violent Palni Clinch and eiiffoceiing hoarseness, first sytntoms of quick consumption tu if supplied with Hclioway's rill and Oint ment ' all danger is avered, lew Pill ta ken ittht and morning, and the Ouitmem briskly rat-bed iviee a day nver the thrna and ehet will remove the severest pain and slop the most distressing or Dangeron Coughs Therefore we say to the whole Atm FOLDIERS ATTENTION!! 5en'to yonr own health, do not trust to the army sepplies although mot valaable These Fills and Ointment have been thor oughly teoted, they are the oi.lv remedies edinthe European Camps and Barrack", or over forty rear Dr, Holloway has sup plied all the Armies in Europe, and during the Crimean Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava, Lirthe. exclusive sale of theso great remedies, many a I '.me hi pe cial jige.it ihere hassoldover a ton in weiahi of t .e ointment in a finale da?. These terriV.e and Ul enemies of the Soldier in Cr DIARRHEA. TYSEN lARY,SCUR YY. SOKES and SCROFULOUS ERUP TIOSS. all disappear like a charm before inemi PILLS & OlNTMENT.and now while the Cry rings throughout the ladd, TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! D not let these brave men perish by die place in their hands these precious msdie,thai will enable them to resist the dangerous, exposures. ihe Fevers, the Chill and the wounds which they cannoi avoid, and what !s more canoot frequently get sue eor in the moment of need, whereas if oor rrve men bare only to put their bands into their Knapsacks and find there a sure wmedy lor all the casualties of the battle jehL How many thousands ol lives wool I .hnn be Mved win would otherwise pe'isb before reliel could be obtained. EPCAUriON ! None are genuine un less i ha word "Holloway, New York and Loudon," are d"n-cernable as a watermark in y leaf of the book ol directions, around rac pt or box, the same may be plainly seea by holding the leaf to the light. A handsnme reward willbegivon to any one rende'Lo? such informotion as may lead to hf detection of any party dr pariie coon lerfiitin? tie medicines or vending the adfi.e, knowing theirv to be purioos. Sold at the Manufactory of Prof HoN lowav,'80 Maiden Lane, New York and by ill respectable DrugraitU and Dealer in Medicine thioushout the civilized world,in jotn, at 25c. 62e.and St eacn. fST There, is a consklerable saving by lakn2th larger sizes. I(. B Due ctinns for the guidance of pa limls, ia every dirorder are afllxed to each bui. ' , FRESH ARRIVAL OF "AT HEAD QUARTERS! ITIcIiELVY, NEAI& CO., T1"AYE just received and opened their stock ol Alerc-tandise tor sale, wmcn compn th f.AKGKSl . Cheapest, and Lar,i:om est assortment uow offered in this TO VN. - Having paid great attention to the selection tj l heir efitife stneC as to Pritre fliid Qiialitv, they flatter theroselvesthat they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to bar c be p. can save money by giving u a oII. Wa have a 1 kinds oi goous ana wares to upply the wants bhthe people. A very lrt;e and crmpli asoitment ol . LADES' DRESS GOODS. Fr inch Meruioes. wool plaids, alpacas, bom- bili'e, 1e bases, poplins paramriia ciotn, mohair 'us res, muslin d Uiues, Pereiau cicth, Gi"i;htms, alicoe. Sic. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, -Collar. Spencers handkerchiefs, fiooncing-! ba'uU and trimmings, ldr and eJiiu2s,toiinii rihbuiis, in larae variety. v I yet libbnns, and braids, kid, cotton, lile thread stoves, mohair milts. &c. ATuf KlSDS OF L2A1tI,S uiche. Bay Stme, Waterville, black nlk caiimeie, embrodered, AiC Also a very lama ie asortmsnt ol Cloths, caimtrs atinet ve.-tiii!? tweeds, jeans, coaling vel fl 1, Dearer ciusns, sue. of all kinds and lzes for men, women and vlildren. Ve4iave 'a large assortment xi d ATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We .l.'re- a!soy Hardware, Qaeensware, Cedar - . -I OAHPBTS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR table and carriage oil cloths, mais, rogs, bas kots,&.c. Muelins, flannels, tickings, dra- prrs, toweliuzs, drillings, sc., in abundance . We invite oor friends and the public gen- etally to (five os a call before purchasing elsewhere We have bought oor goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will rfeot l 'undersold by anyboi'y or the rest of man kfnd. " McKELVY, IxEAL & CO. nroorn-lmrg. May 28, 1862. 5, . AHrhey at Iavr Ul f , BLOOMSEURG, PA. iffice vn Msia. Street, Exchange Block DAVID LOirEXEERG. C L O Till N G STOKE, On Main street,! wo doorsabove lite jArner vn Hotel.' I ents u. irnGral Lace Boot, will.-, be scjd very li: AUo. Boys Shoes, at L T. SHARPLESS.' ' T ' . ess wasj ..Eoiaasya 0a I Price itilh Htmmer and Felter, 035 00. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY PECULIARY1TS OWN. Stitching, Hemming: and FtVing with -a Single Thread. It forms a neat, ever., add elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam is cot at frequent intervals, and also under all circumstances "to sorviye the wash-tub " A Patented device of great' utility lo learners, prevents the possibility of the ma chine being run in the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dr'ess. -Another feature which deserves particu lar attention isETHE WILCOX PATENT N KKDLE CANNOT BE SET W RONG. Two thousai d Siilches, or two yards of work, can be done tn one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machiaes, so simple and aceruate in their construction, supersede the use of the shuttle and with one thread produce all the practical results of the two thread machines; and more, for these fell without basnnsr, and hem the finest muslio without puckering. Although at about half the price of the oiher nrt class machines, they will an-om nlish double the sewim 111 a given i:mi 'It is emphatically the good, low p-iced Family Sewing Machine thai the public havm long been waning tor." lionlon Iran script. "ll is indeed a wonderful production, and asnd for family use especially, no othr will bear any comparison wi'u it." faiiaaet phia Evening Journal." 'A mechanical wouder. Scientific Amer ircan. "Among the best and most serviceable Sewing machines. Li:hl and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction ttiat it seem alrnosi imposible for it to get out of reiiair.' Piii6bursi Uftionide. "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable impro.eme M f the higher priced machine." Peuns)! vaiiiHn. "This machine, in the opinion of the commi'leti, fills mere nearly the require ment of a per I ft family machine than any on exhibition." Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report ol 1858. "Taking into consideration timplic'uv cheapness, durability, and doing all work, the committee were unanimous in favor ot the Wilcox &Gibbs as a iti:le threrd ma chine." Pennsylvania State Agricol ural Society's Report. "We must, in Justice, express on r confi dence in the merit of ihe Wilcox & Gibb Sewing Machine We consider that n aie-i def-ideTatum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubt, that two threads are not, as was supposed, neces-ary to a aoi-d instrument.'' Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 21, I860. "We have one of these machines in use, and think more highly of it than of any of the number we have tried."" Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of '.hem as the best adapted lo the wants or his family, and as the leaM liable to require repair. " OLIVER CRANK. Bot.tor., July 3, 1860. Tne undeisigned,during eighteenfnontbs has had in almost constant use, in his fam ly, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon which ha been made the clothe cf his large family from muslin to pilot cloth inclnding the clothing required lor his sev eral boy; and in no case have the seams failed, althoogu in hard service. The ma chine now in use in his family ha required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap pointed, efficient snd dorabl. nAS-k Mrive-Vfnrtll'n TO a . . JAtUD VnltHLKUXJ, DUPiuu. CVSend for a Circnlar.g3 JAMES WILroX, !UnulHCurer. N No. 508 Broadway. New York, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. August zts, leoi. iy. THE GREAT CAUSE OF H II HI A IV HI I S E R Y . Just Fubluhrd. in a Sealed Envtloptd. Price' & ttnta : A LKCrUR5 HY DR. CULVER $!flL.U.. ON THE CAUSE AND CURE, of Spermatorrl E4, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Dbiiiiy, Nervousness, Epilepsy ; lmpared Nuirms of the Body: Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the back; Indisposition and In capaci-y for stody and Labor DuHness ol Apr rfhension; Less of Memory; Aversion to Snritj: Love of Solitude; Timidity, Sell Diirut; D-Zlines-; Headache; Affec tions rf the Eyv: Pimples on the Face, Involintarv Emissions, ard exoal lncri c'ny; the cojj-equences of Yomhlul Indis rreiior., te., te. y I tus admirable Lertnrerlearly proves that .he above enumera'ed, often ;s-l( at flicted, evils may be removed wiih his medicine aud withoot dangerous snraicsl operation, and should be read by every yooth and pvery man in the land. Sent under seal, to any addre, in a plaiir eald envelope, on the refe'ipt of ix cents, or to no.tnre siairp, by addres-in" DR CHAS. J C KLINE, 127 B-wery, N. Y Po-t Oifice box 4S86. January 29, 1862-ly. BIAUUIACE. ITS LOVE AXI) Shales, sorrow a'il auaer, toje an tear, reiets and j"y s : MANHOOD, Low tost, how restored ; tne nature, ireutmet. mnl radical cure ol spermatoirt ce or inal weakness ; wivr lunury eiiiins, m-i ual debility and impediment to marnxe generally : nervousness, consumption, nt mental ami physical iucapaciy, resulnnj from SELF-ABUSE - are tolly explain in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM YOUNG, M. D. This mt extraordii.ar fuMilr kliontil te 111 the Han't 01 everv t ititii peron contemplating mariiaae, and eve man or woman who desires m limit l number of their olT.-prii.jj 10 their cm-urn -tn rices.' Every pain, disease and ache in Cidenthl o youth, maturity and old age, i- fully explained; every :-ar:icte ot knoI ede mat should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it disclo sea secrets thai every one should know still it is a book that must be lockd up and cot lie about the house. It will be -ent to any one on receipt of twenty five cents in specie or nosiage stamps. Ad dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. 2T AFFLICTED & UNFORTUNATE. no matter what may be your disease, be fore you place yourself uodei the care of any ot the notorious Ouadu native or lor eign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy , of Dr. Your.'a book, and read it carefully. It will be the man of saving you many a dollar, your health, and pos-ibly your life. DR. Y0UNGcan be consulted on any of the diseases described it. his publication at his office. No. 416 SPRUCE Street,aboe fourth, f btladelptiia. Office hoars Irorn 9 10 8, daily. Eebrcarf 26, 1862 y, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. TO TUB PEOPLE 01? THE UNITED STATES! IN the month of December. 1858. the un dersifcped for the first time offered fnf sale to the public Dr. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in this short period they have given such universal sa'- isfaction to the many thousands of persons wno nave tried them thai it is now an es tablished article. The amount of bodily and mental miser arising sirnyly from s neglect ol small complaints is surprising, and it is therefore ol the utmost importanc iiir a strict attention to the least and tnos haifling bodily ailment should be had; fo diseases ot the body must invariably affec the mind. The subscribers now only ask.n trial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS' Imperial Wine Bitters!!! fron all who have not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stom achs. General Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely ur -sftrpased by sny other remedy on earth. To be assured oflhis.it is only necessary lo make the trial. The Wine itself is of a tery superior quality, being about one th'rd stronger than other wines; warming and iiiviao'atiug the whole sstetn from the head to the feet. As these Bitters are ton e aud alternative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole sys tem and give a fine tone and healthy actir n 10 all its parts, by equalizing the circulation removing nbstrnc ions, and producing h general warmth. They are alo excelled tor Dieaee and Weakness peculiar lo Fli- MALKS. where a Tonic is required to itrengtkeh and brace the syten. No Lady, who is sntject to lassitude and fintne?, t ... . .1 . . 1 . . : should oe witnoui inem as uiey ar irvm fyir.g in their action. these nnrsR trill not only Cure,b:it Prrtent Ditue ..nd in this re-iect are, doubly valu'.de to the percO'i wno mv n-e inem. for INCIPIKNT'CONSUMPriuN. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dysne. ia. D s evses ol tlie Neivoos System, Paia!yi. Piles, and for sll cse eqrimi rrir- Dr. Dods' Celfbr Ifd Wine Bitters For Sore Throat, so cortimnn aoioiii he Cleray,ihey are truly valunbie F-r Hie asje.l and ! firm aut for peri. ni ol a weak eonstitiiiio'i, Icr MiriiM-.i o tlie Gospel, Lawyers, aiid all pntilic speak ers for B"ok K"eper-, Tailor, Seinsti.. es Sindriits. Anis's and alt per-oi.s leat- I ing a seilenlary lite, ihey- will (nvo truly beneficial As a Beveras-e, they are wholesome, i,,. nrtcent, and deltctou to ihe ta-ie. T'ie I produce nil ttie exhilarating ehVu! of Btifl ily or Wiue wiihout ititoxicating ; aii( are a valuable remedy lor persons ailctc e I to the use of exnesive strong drink, and 'vho wish 10 refrain from it. Triey are puie and entirely free fiom the poi-ons contained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors viih which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should b? oed bj- all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are r rev alent. Being entirely innocent and harm less, they may be giveu freely to Chillren and Infanta with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperince advocates, as an act of humaniiy, should assist in spreading these valuable iilT TERS over the land, aud thereby essentail ly aid "u banibhtng Drunkenness and Dis ease. In all Affections of the head, sick Headache or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be most Salutary and Efficacious. The many certificates which have been tendered us, and the lepers which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bitters have giv en a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in the land should be without them, am) those who once u-e them will not fail to keep a snpply. 1)11. J. BOVEE DODS IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and siilllul physician who has nsed them successful in his practice for the last twenty-five year. The proprietor, before purrha-ir.g thi ex clusive right to maiiulaclore end sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrated Imperial Wine Hitler 5, had them tested by two distinguish ed medical practinneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men of the crnntry as a general thing disapprove ot I'a'e'it Medicines, yet we do not believe thai a re--pectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainied with their medi cal properties who will nol highly approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE KJTTKUS. In all newly settled places, where there is always a large quantity ol iteiai um ber frjm which a poi-onoos niti-m i rrea:eri, thoe bitter. shouUl te used eveiy morni-g before brekfai. DR I. t O.'EE DODS' UIPKRHL HIXE BITTERS Are composed of a pure an.; n..ituli r,!e Wine, combined with I5.nl eri , Soiomoo'- Seal Confrey. Wild Cherry Tree Buk Spikenard. Chamomile Fl wer, an I Gei.. tan. I'hey are mauiita-tiired by Dr. Dt himself . ho is an experienced sij nc ces-ftj Physician, and h i.re h'nld 1101 t- laed among the quack iio-'ruin- wicn Moid the country, and aaain-i which ih Media-al lrotei-ii are so j.iiv -r jj-'ic-d these truly attiale Bi ier- have heen o iiorMihly tested by ell cU-e of t". 'omiiiiiniiy lor aiiiosi ererv var cv ! dt ease iiii idei'i 10 it.e hno-.ai --i-fn. tli-i are mw le-r,',t i iltki-en-ah' a JOMC MEDICINE AND A KKVEK.Af.E i'urclta- One Rattle ! It Co-is tui LuJe! Piirit iiie B:o. l ! One Tone 10 1 l.e Stomach ! Ri-ovt.te tne Sywiem ! and mhx I. 'ft- ! PRICP $1 PER BOTTLE -ft BOTTLES S5 Prepared a-d sold By CHARLEb W I DDI FIELD & CO , sole proprietors. . . " ' 78 William Sireei, Nsw York. tr for sale ty Urugisis and grocer eiiraNy ihronhoii' the country. AngiMi 28, 1K61 ly. AUDITOR'S NOTICE , JREDITORS, and other persons inleies led. will take notice thai the under signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's ooiiii i coiumDia county, to settle and adjust ihe rates and nronnnions of tha assets of the Estate of Reniamin. Havman. dee'd., in the hands of Solomon Neybard us adminisira:pr, to ana among the credi tors of the said deceased, according lo law, will attend to the rii scharie of him dnliea at hisofhee, in Bloomsburg.in said eounty, on Saturday, the Sixteenth day of Au2Ui. A. D. One thousand eiehl hnmlivH snrt sixtv-two.al ten o'clock. A. M Mi con. firmation of the first Auditor's Report hav ing been taken oftby the said Court, and the said report re-committed 10 the said Auditor,! when and where all nersnns r - interested are reonested in nretem ihif claims to the Auditor, or be debartud from coming in for a shar8 of the- said a.seta. ' VV. WIRT, At ditor. Bloomsborg, July 16 '62. 4t. wnoiosnle ant! Retail. THE subscriber would announce to the Citizens of Bloomsbur? and vicinitv. that he is selling LIQUORS to large and small quantities, and at different prices, at nisi-vew oiore, on mam street, nnrthside, two doors south of Iron sueet, Hloomsbnrg. His stock of Foreign and Domesiio consists of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginser, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks VVhiskey, and any quantity ol common. He also' has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pan ne Wines; and last but nol least, a qnamiiy ol good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he wilt ell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. R0BB1NS, Ag't. Bloomsborg, May 1, 1861. Lack'a aud Bloonsburg Railroad, ON AND AFTER NOV. 25, 1361, PAS SENGER TRAIN) WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS- MOVING SOOTH. Pattenger. Posseiigei . Leave Scranton, Kinas'on, ct Rupert, u Danville, Arrive at North'd 5 25 A. M. 10.30 A M. 6 30 A'rie 12,15 P. M. 8.40 9.15 10,00 MOVINO NORTH. Leave North'd. ' Panville, " Rnper'. M Kingston, Arr ve at Scraiilmi. 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5.45 8 Ot) Leave I 45 P M 9 00 P M. 3 40 A Pasen;ei Train aiso leaves KinyMon at 8.30 A. M tor Scranton, 10 connect will: tr.nn for New York. Reiiirninu leaves Srranlon on arrival ol Train lfrn iev Y.-rk at 4 15 P M. Ttie Lackawanna and B'loomsbur'i Rail road council- with tie Delaware, Larka - a'lia and Wesf-ri Hailiovd at Scrauinn, lor New York mnt iuterme-tia po4n's eat. A' Unper it connects ith the Caluvi-.-ii K-ilrnad for pom's both eat and we-t. At NortMimberland it connerl with the Philadelitii. and E'ie U R and N-rit.ern Central U. R tor i on t et and -m.th JOHN P ILSI EY, ipt J. C Wells. Cc.. I licket Ag't. Nor-inh-r 27. ISftl. SPECIAL NOTIt'E. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a very few weeks by a very sim ple remedy afier having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his lellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ol charge,) wiih the directions for preparing ami uing the same, which they will find a sure cure mcu me, ... ...... for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, sc., The oniv obiect Lnect of the advertiser in send- ing the rresenptton is to oeneni me am.c ted, aud spread information which he con ceives lobe invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williamsbur?, Kings co., N. Y. October 30, 1861, -3m. WYOMING IlOUrtE, DANIFI. I hAYcOCKi IMCUPItlliTOIt, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. frpHE Proprietor respecl'ully informs his fcL friends and the public generally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, ari l has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable - . . .. m maiiimf H is rooms are snanous arm airv. ... i " -- i 'i and not only calculated io add to the conve- nience and comfort of the travelingeommu - nity, bu aIo to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with lamibes. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can afford ; and his BAR will be fnrmsherl with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to ihe comfort and con venience ol his tnests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong the firs' hotels in the Sl.ne. The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attentio'i on hi part, combined with judi cious selection ol the uint careful and oblig ing servants, he ma) be entitled to the fa vorable consideration o the ;:ubl"C, and re ceive a liberal share ol their patroi.age. CP Please give h.m a ca'l. and jude for ourselve , April 2. J859. "EZ0HA2TG-3 HOTEL, tT3I BK00XS Proprietor. iii.ou.iim.ukc;, IV4 'PHIS masnificent Hotel, situate in llie I central portion ol the town, and c.p poi'eil e Court H'oe, hif been ihoronuhl repaired and refnrni-hed, and lite Proprietor I. now prepared lo accommodate traveler. eair-t rs. drovers jtnd boarder- in the most plea-am and ar-cable manner Hi-table ill be supplied Mill the best the market affords. and his Bal witti the choicest liquors Alientise ostlers will always b- on hand nd t.i. .lab III" I the HiO-l extensive lo f,i. -.t'n.i: l country On.'i.it.uses will alway- he in readine.. to CMi.ey pa-sen .. is to a .d trorn ttie Hadroid l)etot. . WM. 3. KOONS. Hh. rniTf2. J'dv 4. 1160. NW HATS AND CAPS ! A J. It. -irton s Hat Stoic. THE undersigned respectfully informs :h the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public in general, that he has ju-l received Irom Philadelphia a lot ol NEW HATS & CAPS, for Sorin.j arid Summer, of the very latest styles and fashions, all of which he is pre pared to sell cheaper. than can be had el-e where, with the exception of the manulac tnrers. He has all kinds, suIjs, sorts and sizes, of hats and caps, probably the most varied assortment ever brouaht to town. Also STRAW GOODS, including the mod ern styles and fashions. SrStore on Main Street, a few doors west of the American House. JOHN K.GIRTON. - Bloomsburg. Aptil 16, 1862. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in ihe best style known in the art, at C. U. CRAKE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. Mr i,ne size in uu ana raslil, c-yStereoscopic Portraits, tyAmbrot pes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nov!4 COAL OIL. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale. IS cts. pel quart, by JOHN K. GIRT0N. Bloomtbnrg, Feb. it, 1892. RAYMOND S FAMILY SEW INQ MACHINE patented marches, 1858. I IMMCfi $10 EACH. Yf ESSRS. ZUPPINGER & ROB BINS, of Bloomsburg, having purchased the ex clusive right of the above valuable Impro ved Chear- Patent Sewing Machine, for the County of Columbia, will be happy in supply their friends with the article tor ttie accommodation of themselves and families. The following are some of the superior advantages lets implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 tight stitches per minute. 2. Double thread Machines are from the more complicated character of their mech anism invariably managed and threaded with more or less difficulty not so With RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it in two hours, and it is threaded easier than a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is the smallness and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or siand, in operating order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a searn, sufficiently strong for any work tor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewiu Machines. 6. No human hand 1 capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The earn is so strong if well done, that the stronget material will tear before the seam will ive way. 7. Among the aray of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, Ihere are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Ma rhil e js adap'ed to all kinds ol work as experience Sas proven. There are perhaps nove so realy tiselul, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate n-e of the fam ily ciicle and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. 'Ttie operator can shape hi seam jusi s he pleases, waves, leave aud flowers, e;e , can be represented or imitated. 9. (t is particularly adapter to all kinds of si i ti ll n -nch as gentlemen's shirts, t'osoms ri-thands, collar-, etc., and all k unls of lad'es' sewing, including silks, law us, leai:.es, calicoes du-teM, etc., ex cepliny tor rnen'sheavy wear, this Machine is rather looliht oi construction. 10. But we all admit, that Ihe advantage io heahh, and principally to the vision or eyeihl, inc. need by ihe use of Sewing Marl ines, surpasses infinitely all other ad- antaues. ;i. Thi Machine fastens the seam al way itself, hut if the operator wishes it unfastened or open, there is a way for it ton, thus you can have it fastened or not, as j ou please, which is, sometime.-, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. II ihe seam is left unfasteneJ, you can draw it out in three seconds and ave the thread. For sale by the nndersined, at their re spective residences, in Bloomsburg, who will put ihe Machine in operation and give all necessary instruction. HENRY z: PPINGER. DANIEL W. ROBBINS. Bloomsborg, July 11, 1860. LIFE TILLS & PIIOE.MX BITTERS. ...ui'ei' 'Ml-niflMN h...nnhn h. 1 K7" ,u. .- . .:. , Years, and dnring thai time have maintained a high chaiacter in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing j variety of human diseases in which the VCIJKTiRLt: LIFE MLDH1LS Ate well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomaches, and crea ting a flow of pore, healthy bile; instead of thstale and acrid. kinit: Flatnletic", Loss of AppetiteHeaitburn, Headache, Resiless- j..ness, lll-iemper. Anxiety, Languor, and are lancholy, which are the genei al symp toms of Dyspepsia, v-iil vanish, as a ual tural consequence of its cure. - i C0STIVENESS. by cleansing ihe whole ( length of the intestines with a so'ven; pro ... .. . :i .. n .. :i i cei anu niinuui i loir iir-, an nirti jiui- tfi eae l()e i,owej8 cotive -within two ' jayS FEVERS or all kinds, by restoring the jjooti n a reSUar circulation, through the j (ir( of respiration in such cases, and ,ne .lorunh solution of all intestinal ob- . slr00 i j M, others. Th iile Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by remnvin local infl-.mat:on from the mus cles snd ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and trenutfiiti!i the kidneys and bladder; they operate most ttelihtlully on these impor tar.t organs, and hence have ever ben lo'iint a certain remedy for the worst cases ol (Hi. WEI.. A I' WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to wbi-h ihese cr a'lire a Ihere. M-UUVV, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SORES. ' the perfect puiitv wiiich leseh LIFE MEDICINES g.ve to The blood, and al! the humor SCOKKPTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative efTdct upon .he fluids that feed the skin, and the nio.btd state of which occasions all erup in e complaints, sallow, cloudy and other d isa'j n-eable complex ion. Ttie ne of tfiese Pills for a very short tone will effect an entire core of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in J.I kA 1 ! it- eihme-s ot lite sum. common Loidn and Inflnei 7a will always be cured by one dose, nr by t wo n. the worst ca-es. PILES The original proprietor of these Medicines, wa cured of Piles, 35 year. s!ainin by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of ttie Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure by 'hese Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS. General Debi'ily, Loss of ap peti;e, and Diseases jf Female the Med iciues have been used with the most ben eficial results in cases of this description: Kiuss Evil, and Scrofula in its worst forms y ields to the mild yet powerful action ol these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. M ERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsapa- rilla. Prepared and sold by W. MOFFAT, 335 Brndwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-lf. SLINKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper & desirablefonas.fo-aale at the of5 of the "ttr ofthe North..' ' S LOOMS JBUftS CABINET WARE ROOMS S. C. e SHITE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention ol the Public to hisexienVve assortment of Cabinet Furnitoi a,d Chairs, which he will warrant made of good mtteriaU and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish n.entj can always be iound a good assort ment ol FASHIONABLE FURMTtJRE. which is equal in style knd finish to mat ol Philadelphia or New York cities, ami at as low prices. He has Sofas ol different style and prices, from 825 to $60. Divans. Lnnn ges, Walnut and Maho&any. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varie;y of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlot bureaus, sofa, card, clntre and pier tables, detashn, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrode and all kinds of fashionable wotk. His stock of buteaus, enclosed and oomrnon wastelands, dress-tables, corner cupbo irds solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chair is the largest in this section ot the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring malt lasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in nse. floomshnrj, JaiMiary 13, 158. ii. c uoui:rt, j $IRGE()I DEM 1ST. PrW "! ESPECFULLY offers his QjCtfe-jsi. professional services to the ladies and gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided wph the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., wet side. Bloomsburg. January 13. 1858 PORKSHOTEU BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., TA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Iropnetor, fllAKES pleasure in announcing tothe pnb lie that he has rented and thoroughly refitted Ihe Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloomsborg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamster, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with Ihe bet products the markets al. lord, and hi Bar will be constantly furnish ed wiih the choice-t liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be :n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to Jte wants of the public, and his obliging attention to customer wil se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. Flour ami Feed ! live red ! CHEAPER TIIAX THE CHEAPEST I 'PHt undersigned has made arriuge J- merits thai will enable htm to deliver Flour aud Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else iu town. His prices are as follows: Flour" 25; Corn and Oats Chop SI 55; Corn and Rye Chop SI 65; Bran St 10 : I respectlully solicit a shre of the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN Bloomsburg, June 14, 1860. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!'. A NECESSITY IX EVERY norSEHOLD JOIII & ISOSLI'Y AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE The Strongest Glue in the World For Cementing Wood Leather, Class, Ivory China Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, ' Bone, Coral. 6ic, &c, &e. Thecnly article ol the kind evar produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have ntip ply of Johns & ('ro!ej's American Cement Glue.?' AVir.lot Timet. "It is so convenient to have in the house" yew Yok Expi tss. 'It is always re-dy this commend i: to e very bod v." A'. 1'. Independent. 'We have tried it, and find it as useful in our houe as water." Wilkes1 Spirit of the Timet lrlrc23 Cents per ISofllc. Very l.iberul Ked nci ion to hole-uir Heiilers. I I IOtl AMI. IW For sale by all Drugs' and S'ore i keepers generally ihronahoni the country i JJHNS & CROSLEY. Sole Manufacturer. 78 Williajn Sirel. fTntnpr nf r iK.n, 1 I L . t hi w . . I NEW YORK. J.ly 10. 1861 ly. FALL Ac VIITi;K GOODS. PETER EXT i flAS Ju-t received fiora Philadelphia, I and i now o eninu a the old stano lalaly occupied by Manz und Ent a splen did assortment ol merchandize, which will b sold cheap for i CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hi slock sonsists of l.a,lie-' Dress Good ' Choicest styles end la'esl fashions. DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD-W A R E, QE ENS-W A R K, CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WARE. IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES B001S AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LC. kC. In short everything u-ually kept in a country store. The paronas.e of old friend, and ihe public generally, is respectfully solicited. The fiigheM market price paid for conn try produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Dec. 18, 1861. $25: EMPLOYMENT ! $75 AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from S25 to $75 per month. and all expenses, to active Aaent, or give t a commission, t articular. seni free. Ad dress Ettiic Sewing Machine Company, R JAMES, Ge eral Age.n, Milan, Ohio. Blooiiislars. Aug. 21, 1861. Wvxv Arrival or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, David Losveiibci'g INVITES at ention to his stock of cheap and fashionable clothing ar hi store on Maiu Street, two doors above the 'Amer ican Mouse,- wnere ne nas a lull assort ment ot men and boy's wearing apparel, including the mot fashionable DRESS GOODS, Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coat of all sorts and sizes, Pants ol all colors 6hawl, stripes and fio:e vesis, shins, cra vats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy articles. N B. He will also make to order any ar ticle ol clothing at very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of borne manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERU. Sioomiborg, March 19, tiff. art Are pure tegeiat I extracts. Tury cur all bilioo- disorders of ihe human svstern. They regulate Mnd invigorate the liver and kidneys: Ihey uive lone to ihe d gestive oraar.s; Ihey retftilate the secreiiorn. eretionsand exhalations, eqnabze the cir culation, and purify ihe blood. Thus, all bilious complaints snmr nf which are Tcipid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepua, Piles, ChiMs and Fevers. Coiienesa nr Looceness are entirely controlled aud cureu Dy tnese remedies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes ihe rrorbid and bilious deposits Irom the stomach and bowels, reguUi,., the liver and kidneys, reii ovii.g every obstruc tion, restores a natural and healthy action in the vital organs It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much better than Pills, and much easier te take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS I a superior tor.ic and dtnnic ; excellent ir cases cf loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregular hies, pain in -he side and bowels, Mind, protruding and bleeding pile, arid general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY ! Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, wri'e, August 18, 18150: "I have been afflicted wi:h piles, accom panied with bleeding, the last three years ; I used DARLING'S LIVER. REGULATOR And now consider mysell eutireJv cured.' Hon. Jonn A. Cross writes, 'Biooklyn March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I took two doses ol DAM.ING'S LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold ami fser at once. Pievious to this a lack, I had been tmaM with dyspepsia several months ; I hate led liO'hiii!! ot it since." Oti S odley, Eq., 128 East 28th Street, N.Y., writes -'Angust Z. i860 1 had a difficulty with Kidney Complaint tares y ear, w iiti rr.risruiit yam in the small cf my back. I bad used most all kind of medi. cine, but fount! no per.nane'it relief until I used DARLING S LIVER REGULATOR, and Life Hitters. I pae clo'led blond by ihe nref rs -I am now entirely cured, and ufc pleasure iu recommending ihee rernedi " Mr.C.Tebow.H Cn-b-pher Street, js. Y., wriiie : -'Feb 20, i860. I !. berU sebiect tn attacks ol Asthma the last lveiy years. I nave never found anything equal to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relied. Ii is itwr ouvfi Liver and biliou- remedy." Mrs Young, of Brooklyn, wri'es. Fb 28, I860 In May la-i 1 had a avere au ta k of Piles, which confined me lo lie house. I look one bot'.le of Darling Life Bitters and was entirely cured. 1 have had a attack since. D. Westprveh, Eq., of South ?ih, near 8th Street, Williamsburg, L I., writes- 'Auau. 5, IHO Having b'eii troubled with difficulty in the Liver, and tubjwrl to ... .. ' Diiioos attacks, t was advised by a Iiiq4 to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so. and fraud it to opemie kdin'Kb)jr removing ttie bile and arou-ing the liver to activilv. I have also nd a FAMILY MEDICINE. When our i hildreu are out id eor's, we ive them a fe diops a:il H set them ml) riuht. I find it mees ihe et eral wttmaof the stoinarh anil bowels when di-rd red. ' Reader, if yot need either or both of the mo-i excellent Remedies, inquire tor them at the store; if you d not 6nd them take no other, but indole One I'oMar in a letter, and on receipt of the raonsj, ih Remedy o: Re-neilies will be sent accord, ing to your directions, by mail or exprs-sa, posi paid. Ad.'rees. DAN L 9. DIKLHG, 102 Nas?au Si.. New Yotk. Put up in 50 -ent and SI Buttles facb. November 6, 186! -6m. SOMETHING FOR TUE TIMES A NEC ESs I TV IN EVERY Hfll'SEHOLDI JOIirVS A: ( IiOSLEY'H AMERICAN tEMENP GLUE ' The Strongest (Jlne in the World. The Ctieiipesi Ulne in the World. "Ihe Most Durable Glue in ihe World. Tne Only Reliable Glue in ihe World. The B-si Glue in :he World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE I :he the only article of ilia kiud ever I rodiieed wfiich WILL U'lTIISTAND VTATEB. 11 WILI MEND WOOD, Save innr trokfn Furni'ur. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend yonr Harness, Straps. Belts, boots te. If WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that exj eiioive Cut Glase Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken ivery Fan, it i easily repaired. it will Mend china, Your broken Cnina Cups and Saucers ran be made a good a rew. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out ol your Marble Manile can lie put on as stronu as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN,! No matter if that biok n Pitcher did .no-, cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a sliillinu earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cosily Alabaster Vase is broken aod you can't match it, mend it, it w ill nev er show when put tojjether. IT WILL MEND BONE. CORAL. LAVA, AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not sh ow where it is mended "Every Housekeeper should bave a sip. ply of John & Crowley's Cement Glue."-, A'ro loii Timet. "It is so convenient to have in the houe." AVir York Ejpttss. "It is always ready ; this comnientoid to every body' Independen'. "We have tried it, and find it as useful' in our house as water." Wilte' Spirit oj tit Time. CONOIY1Y IS WALTH. 10.00 per year saved in every family by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer.ts per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per BottU. Price 25 Cem per Bottle. . Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cen's per Bottle. Yery Liberal Reduction to Whole sale Bayers. TERMS CASH. ST For Sale by all Druggists, and Sio keepers generally throughout the conntry. JOHNS Sc CROSLEY (Sol Manufacturers.) 7 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Lt-nr street. NEVvTOSX - 4 -a e ry