-A - f S'OK OF THE N0RTI1 Wednesday MornSng, Ang-27lft, ISfi'J. 'Qurre a considerable amount of sickness 'prevs.ils through the coontry at present. MaJ Monroe was a spectator at the Dem ocratic Convention, in thi place,'on 'Moti- The Delegates a; o'er Democratic Con tention were a truly , patriotic set of men: Thej cheered for the ".Constitlit'ion as it is, 'and .he Union' as it watt' . PiTtRON's Magkzinb fdr "September is a 'splendid number. It ia one of'bdr first 'class Magazines. Ail lire 'fa'dies should bavi it. Its fashioned plates are epleudid. . CiPT. W. H. Ent, oT the ;Iron 'Guards, paid his parents and friends a visit, last - week iu thi rourity. fie has returned to 'the iirmy again; his company being in Gen. McCIe!lan' column. The Captain looked 'hale and hearty, and had all ihe appear 'aoce ot a noble and brave officer. ; Success 'attend the young oolitic r. Tts. Bi.oombc.g Band ha'relnrned home 'from the Army, having been dismissed by act of Congress. The young men all ap -'pear in good rpirt(., look full as well as 'hey did when they lelt -us, (over a year ago) with" the exception .hat their face are p retty well broxned. Some of them are Incoming uneasy and very anxious lo rejo n the army to see the rebellion ended. . - Tiik Coii miss ion krs oC this county fefl tor .Wabineion ciiy on Tuesday morning last, 'fGr the purpose ol visiting the volunteer., 'in the two lust companies Irom'this county, -and paying them their bounty of twenty fie dollars each.' ' The Commissioners mean, and always did, lodo what is right hr our volunteer. They are an honest-aflU loyal ;set of men! No man 'djra question their 'loyal! - The Pe'mot'racy of Luzerne nominated 'Cnaries Denicoit for Congress, at their con Teulion, on Monday of last week, subject to tiie decifiou of the conferees of the two 'COOittitTs lormirig their disirici.Susquehatiiia and Lnerne. Co. H. B. Wrigtit wa de feated in the convention fdr this uoraina tioa by 13 votes; Deuiaon receiving 40 and Wright 27. - PT thc PaiNica. Those inde'bteS to u on i ubscription and advertising will do well to nake payment ol the same on Court vetk, which commence. on Monday next. We need money: we can't afford lo print a paper and receive nothing for it. As many of our suOtrribers have been taking the Ftab for oer four"years, this may be con sidered a good bint to ihera to pay up pay the printer and save hisgrumbling, be sides preparing yourselves for the hearaf ter." . r'KxocasTic Mr.rrifcG. There will be a Democratic meet ing !frel! at Sereno, Col Dm'.tia connty, on Saturday, the 6ih'i?,y ol Septeml-er next. It will be addreed by Uu. I'irtu Lunr, J homis . Chalfjnt, and Oil Lavj TtTt, upon ihe principal top rcs'bf the day, in a Democratic manner, sticking as close to the faith of Akdkkw Jslkso.v and Thomas Jffehson the bark to l green apple tree. A large turn-out is anticipated. Extensive- preparations are leiag made by Mr. John Lea go-1, at whoe hoie the meeiii a will be held,- for the accommodation of all who mny favor him! with their presence. Larje tie '. iona are completing their arrangement mi is to le there upon that day lor the purpose of be ing 'refreshed with a Democratic speech once more. Roil op. Democrats, and swell - the crowfl , F.etur so. C h ri siophe r Vooi3 s , 'Ch a rl 6 s Zoler, Oscar MellSn, Oeorge Dean, Colonel lire wn and Art hut llenriewho have been erring in the army of ih Poromac as mu " eicians have returned home, having receiv ed their discharge under the late act ol Ceigress, reducing. the number of bands in ihe service The "boys" alf look heany aa bocks and brown as berries." Their relatives and fellow townsmen, wfcre glad to welcome them" liome Donci?e infelli geacer. ' .. ihkTt AcftrtcLttoKiL SoCibtt. The mem bers ot the Executive Committe of the Penn ylvania State Agricultural Society met at h residence of the Preside at, CoL Thos - F.'Knox, ia Noirristowa Byrongh, on .Wed reday afternoon last, and were entertained by the Col with bis well knowh hocpitaliiy A. BroverLon'ak"er, Esq , was elected Sec retary ot the Society, in place of A. Boyd Hamilton, Esq., resigned. Part of the third Company that was be In j formed in this place, was seat to Har raibarg on Saturday last. They were net becepted by dor. Curtin for nine months tei .her as a Company or part of a Company With privilege of filling up; The Governor refuted to take them as three year men an iens they would go without bounty and adv TiJice pay on the ground that they were m reprrtexl by 12 o'clock on- Friday night UpU His orders were not. to receive any nore troops. - But ihefe happened td be a coinpany id Camp Curtin,, from Crawford cebctjj which bad been accepted for nine months, and fell 6hort some thirty men. The Captain of Crawlord county company e,reed to take tbe Colombia county men in bis company and give a secend Lieutenan c)'. Oar boys; after some consideration eiJscted ,A. B.; TiTe, who accepted the position, and the boys are now snogly ar-ii.nge.-t in. a company for ntna rnouths, the tijne preferred to serve. Lieut. Tatk will i i a gf.'od o ulcer to bit mea.r Sue cess to ;aetrti . , . THE advertiser hafibg been restored to health in .a few weeks by a 'vy 'iVmpta remedy, after having suffered years'witha revere Jung affection,' arid that dread dis ease, Consumptionis anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of care. . ," . To all who' desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used free of charge, with the direction for preparing and uing the fame, which they will find a sure cur or Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only pbject ofthe advertiser in fend ing the Prescription is lo ten-fit the afflic ted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve ry Sufferer wilt try his remedy, as it will cost tbeeri coining , and may prove "a 'bless ing. . . . Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings county, N. Y. May 21. '62. 3m. A CARD to ouiig Ladies and Gentle men. The subscriber will send fre'e of cbargej to all all who desire ii, the Recipe and direction lor making a 'simple Vege table. Balm, that will, in Irom two to eight day, . remove Pimple., Blotches, Tan, Freckte, "Saliowiies Rnd aU- impurities Miid roughness of the Skin, leaving the same' as'Nature intended it "shoxilVl be pott, clear, emoo h ami beautiful.- Those desiriirg the'Receipe, wiih full instrucions, directions, anJ advice, will pleae call on or address iili return postage j " THOS. F. CHAPMAN, ' Practical Chemist. 831 Broad way New tydrk. My 21, '62. 2m. THE conlesldri"s ai.d experience of a SbftVrer. Published as a warning, and lor the especial benefit of Young Ma:i, and ihote who suffer wiih Nervous Debility, Loss of ?lemorr. Premature Decay, Sir.. by one who has'rmred himself by simple means, after being put lo ureal expense and ii. convenience, through the use ol worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctor Single copies may be had ol the xuihnr, C. A LAMBERI, esq., fcreenpoint, LnngMshmd, by enclosing a 'p'oJt-paid ad dress envelope. Addre- CHAS. A. LAMbERT. Esq., Greenpoint, Long IsiahJ, N. Y. May .21, '62. 2m. REGISTER'S NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given to alllegat. creditors and other person's iMejeted ih the estates ol the respective decedent and ii mors, that the following administration and "nardian account's have been filed in the office uf th Regisier ol Columbia co., and will be presented for confirmation and alio jvance to the "Orphan's 'Court, to be held at B.bomsburg, in the county afore said, on Wednesday ihe 3d (lay of Sepiem ter next at 2 o'tloilc in the alternoun'bf eaid day. I. First and final acconnt of Geb. Blech er & Peier M Karshner Execntdrs bf Henry Kruin late ol. Montour towihip dee'd. 2 The account of Alam B. VVh'i'e exec uior ol Joseph White lu'e 'fcf !Piue twp, decM. 3 First and final acconlit 'hfChas. Mas teller jdm'r ol LeivisJrhii'h late of Buer creek Iwp , tfec'iL 4 'FrVft Recount ofCJeo. Hughes and oth ers administrators dl fbe estate of Jo-eph Paxtoti late of Cattawissa twp , ilec'd. b. Account of Wm.'Cox Elns Execu'or of EliZrfbe h Mur'raV late ol Derry lwp.,dec'd. 6. Account ol Robert Davison Adm'r. ol B. F. Tett lafe'of Ca'tawissa l p., dee'd 7r Final a'cctnjttt ol David DavU & Paul t Leidy execurors ol Sarah Sechler late of 'the Broti2h ot Danville deed. , 8. First and final account of Joseph V. Reee fcdmr ol Henjamin VV. Reese lafe ol Greenwood town-hip de'd. 9. First ar.tl final arconn '6f John H. j Heiih-r executor of Peter HeriocheV la e 61 M tflin twp., dee'd. I It) The first and final account of John 1 Smith adm'r of Pet'er 'Crawford late ol Mad . i-on tow'tiehip dee'd. ! II Ai-t-ounr'ot David Kr'n-her, Guardian 1 ol (ieo. W. and Benville Krir minor sons oi Simon Krisher late ot L'rnl twp. dee'd. 12. Ttie final account ol I'e er Hippen fteel and John lli-penstel adini iisirators oi Conrad Hippeusteel late of Bnarcreek twp., dee'd. 13. Tl.e first ami final account of Jonathan Wil.-oii adm'r of Arnold Keeter la:e ol Greeuwotid towiifhip dee'd. - 14. The final account of Wm. G. "Qnick ' xnd John G. Quick, adm'rs ot John H. 'Quick la'e ol Montour twp, dae'd. 15., The final acrooul ol Cyro B. fteere xdrrr r ut Vf niah lleece iaie of Hemlock 'township dex d. 16. First and final arc'oun' bi John Rich art, adm'r of Samuel Rich art late of Midi sun rownhii, dec d. DANIEL LEE, Re Bloomsbufi, Any 6. h 1862. . Ac)ixiiiii(raloiV IVotici. Estate of nlfim Gt ee.tip ill, late of St oil liip , J Cotumftu co . deceased IV OTICE is hereby gi vert that letters of administration On the estate of Nathan fireienwa.lt, late of Scott townohip, Colum bia comity, deceased, have been granted by trie Register of said county, lo John Sierner, residing in Bloomsourg Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands asainst the estate of the decedent are requested to make them known to the administrator, and those indebted to th estate will make1 payment immediately to v JOHN SrHtNER, Adrnr. Bloomsbnr?, June 4, 162. - - - -- IOR SnLE. Two Patent Lever (Thirteen JeweU Watches, .will be sold cheap for cash. They are in good cbtiJiilon. For fuhher particulars, inquire at the Star Or- FICRi - Bloomsbnrg, Jan. 29, 862. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, i Sky-faight Ambrolypist, ROOMS in the Third Story ol me Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. BloomsbUrg, Nov. 23, 1859-ly. E H. LITTLE iiLoousmiKo, ra. Office in i'onrt Alley ; formerly occupied by Chatles R. Bcckalew. December 28, I859.tf. , CLANKS I BLANKS ! BLANKS ! l DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECU110HS, SUBPCEAls; " ? of prooer & desirableforin8,fo sale at the ofiea "of the "tarofthe North" . DIRAMC. HOWEU, SURGEON DFNTIST, Office near WiUbnfc Carriage Shop,Main St. large assortment of Ladies' Gaiters just received at. tl.CO and Sl.25 at L.T. 5HARPLESS. - - lGCir & GO 'S Letter A'f Family Sewlcg ililaihln'3, 'fFilh all the Recent Improvements. " 'Is the best and cheapest and most beau i tul of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will eew auytllirtg, 'from the running of a tuk in Tarletan to trTa making ot an over coat; ariyihing from ' Piloi "or Beaver cloth down to Ihe softest 'Gaue'or Gossamer Tissue, and U ever ready to dojts.work to perfection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, turk, quilt. and has capacity for a great va riety of ornamental work. This is not lie only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, a id so forth, but it will do so better than any other machine. The Letter ,rA" Fam ly Sewing Machine may be had in great vail ety of cabinet cases. The Folding Cae, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its riame' implies, or.e that can be loldad into a box 'or case, which, when 6)Jetid, makes a beauiilul. "substantial, substantial, and spacious table for the work to rust upon The ca:e"s are of every imaginable design; phin as the wood grew'iu its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices 'are well supplied w'th silk twist, thread, needles, toil , etc., of tbe very Desrtiuatiry. "Send for a'cody of 3 iKjra & Co 's Gznrrc. 'I. M SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFF1CE.8I0 Chestnut St N. S. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. John Sharpless, Aeitt,-in Catta'wisa. Ju y 23, 1862 -ly. 150 BEST PIANOS. $lfd 'GROVESTEEN & tlALE, having re moved to their new warerooms, 1T0. 47 23.0 Alf, are now pre ared lo offer the public a mag nificent new scale full 7 Octave Uosewooil Piano, containing all improvements known in this country or 'Eurbpe, 'over-strung bss, French grand action, harp pedal, full irou Irame, lor S150 CASH, 'Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding cases. $175 TO "3200, all warran ted made ol the best seaso ied material, and to stand better than any iold lor $400 or S500 by the old merhods of mauulactore. We invite the best Judges to exarnine and try these new instruments, and we t-tand ready at all times to lesttfcem with any dthers manufactured ia thiscoun- r)' GROVESTEEN & IIALG. 478 Broadway, IN'ew York. Juue 4h 1862.3(n. READING RAIL ROAD,. SlJiaiER A1UUNGE3IENT. GREATTrunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia, Nw York, Reading, Pottsville.Lebanou, Al en town, Easton, &c, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Potlsville, and all in termediate Stations, al 8 a. m. and 1.40 v. M New York Expre-s leaves Harri?bnr at 1.25 a. M. arriving at New York at 8.26 the same morniug. Fares Irom Harrisbnra: to New York S5 00, to Philadelphia 3,25 and S2,70. Ba2:ge checked through. Returning leave New York at "6 A. M. i2 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Ex-prcs ) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. aud 3.15 P M. Sleeping cs.rg in the New York Exr re?8 Train, through to aud Irom Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the CaMawisa Rail Road le'ave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. tor Phila delphia ant all intermediate Station, and at 3 00 P. M. for Philadelphia. New York, and all Way Points. ' Train leae Po'ltsvirie at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. foV Philadelphia and New York, and a; 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Caiiawiesa Rail Uoad. , An ae'c'omddariori Pa-senger train leaves Reading at '6 A. M. and returns Irom Pnila-; delphia at 5 P. M. tip All thethe above ttains run taily, Sundajs excepted. A Sunday train leaves Potlsville al 7.30 A M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and E' cursior. Tickets, al re'duceci rates to and Irom ail points. G. A. NICoLLS, General Superiniendnnt. June 4th 1862. Court iroclauia1ioii. WHEREAS the Hon. Aarou K. PVcV- ham, Piesident Judge ol the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Sesions ol the Peace., and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 2111 Judicial District, co npos e.I of the counties of Colu mbia, Sutlivsn aud Wyoming, and the Hons. Stephen Balcy and John McReynoldf, Associate Judges, t Co.. lurhbia Co., have is?ued their precept, bear ing date one thousand eiiht hundred and ixiy one, and to me directed lor hoi ling a Cn.irt nf fl. or anl Terminer, and General " ' J 7 Jail Delivery , Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, .-- i . i . :.. t i I . yom. rieas ano wrpnaim -tuii. m uiumnv burg, in the county ol Coluntbia. on ti e first Monday (bein j the Isrday) of Sept -, next and 10 continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ol the said Coutity of Columbia, thai ihey be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o clock in ihe forenoon ol said day, win their record inqoiition and other remembran ces to do those thiugs which to their office appertain to be done. And those t tat are bound by recognizes, to prosecute ugainM the prisoners that are or may be in Ibe Jail of haid county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested 16 be punctual i i their attendance, agreeably to their notic-,daied at Bloornsbnrgj 21st day ol July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight h nnured and sixty-one. and in the eiyhty-sixlh year of the Independence of the United S;a'B of America. (God save the Commonv ealth.) JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff's Office, SturifJ. Bloomsburg. July 31, 1862. j Ier Arrival of SPIUisiv AND SC31MEU C0( DS, David Lowenbcrg INVITES afention to his stock of cheap and fashionable clothing at his itore on Main Cireet, two doors above the 'Amer ican Hoasei' where he has a full assort ment ol men and boy'a wearing ipparel, including the most fashionable D K ESS GOO D!S, Box, Sack, Frock, Gam, and Oil Cloth Coats of all sorts and sizes, Pants of all colors shawlnj stripes and figo;e vesij shirts, cra Vats, btock-i collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, euspendern and fancy ahicle. N B. tie will also make lb ordei any ar ticle ol clothing at very short nolic j and iu the Jjest of manner All his clothing is made to wearj and roost of It is ( f home manufacture. ,. .-.-' DAVID LOWENIiERO. , Bloomburg, March 12, 1882. -; ; CHEAT EIC1TEMFT AT STILLWA T;ER. LARdE ;K EIN FOK d E M E N TS RE- t CEIVED, AT the'Stoire of Daniel McHenry, in Still water, Colombia county. The undersigned would respectfully in vite ihe r il'.zens ofTishing Creek and the surrounding country, to his large and ex tensive stock of Good8, jusi received from the cities of New 'York and Philadelphia, all ol which he will sell cheaper than here toforf. His assortment consists of 'Cloths, ,CalTc6e, . r ; y Muslin, , , , Hats and Cap, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent lSeac!y-iHale Clotliin?. together with a good assortment ol Ves ting. His store is well filled with Goods ot every description. His - are not surpassed by any Sioie in the coun try. His Hardware Department has not been nealecled. SCYTHES, RAKES. IIOEs, SHOVELS &c, are constantly kept on hand ; also, Spikes and Nail ; in shon, everything us ually found iu First-Clas Stores. DANIEL Mc HENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1862. ; ice ii wood Seminary. rpHE Spring Term of this Institution wi -1 commence on ihe 7th of April Dext. The Principal will be assisted by able instructors, and'as ample iacilities will be afforded to qualify Students lor teaching, for business or for a more extensive course iu literature, a liberal 'Share of parironage is again solicited. Pupil who do not come 'from home, tr are not put under the charge 6.' near 'rela tives, must board at the Seminary, and be subject to ihe regulafiftn's thereof. They must provide their own towels and have each article of clothing distinctly marked. Eleven weeks rorstitute a quarter and there will be a vacation of about six week in mid sufn'mer. Boarding, washing and Tuition, with furnished rdorns, will be 525 per quarter, oi.e half payable in advance. Tuition alone in Common branches, S5 00 u iriclucfing adYanc'e Algebra mathematics history &e. '6 00 " in Latin, German or French eaih extra 1 00 For furtlwr par'icnlars address " WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 26, 1862. ITIme. Dcmoret's QUARTERLY 01IRUOR of FASHIONS, GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rIHE Summer Number will contain four " large and splendid Fashion Plates, 't'hree Fu-H Sited Pali'ern, comprising iW new French VVaist, and elegant sleeve, and a Misses Sack, together with "nearly 100 en gravings ol ali the novelties for Summer bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. Chiloren's Dresses, etc-, Valuable information to Mil lineYs, dre"&s rnakers, rnothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 47i Broadway, and sold everywhere al 25 cents, or senl by mail pest Iree. on receipt of the amount, Yearly SI wi.h tbe lollow ing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the Dook, or from the show room, or they may be order ed and sent by mail any time during the year, by paving the postage. Ci" Splendid inducements lo Canvassers. The summer number will be ready on or about the I?l of May-. April 30th, 1852. ft I? II RAH FOK TUfe LMOV, And L. T. Mmtpless' "t heap Cash More." NEW GOODS I GREAT BARGAINS I THE uudersigned is just reeeWing.a new supi lj of goods, fresh fiom the cities of New York and Phil'a. and is prepated to sell them at Reduced Prices. Calicoes from 7c to 12$c, the best at.l2c Cballis,, Lavellast Ginghams, Muslins, Ken tucky Jeans-, boy'a Casstmeres, &c., fee, in proportion. Ladies' Shoes and Gaitors, in great vari riety of style, end quality. A good heeled Gaiter for 62c, and an excellent Congress for 51,00. A kid heeled Lace Bool lor Si and upward. ALSO, the High Cut Palmo ral Lace Boot forjadies. Ladies' and Chil drens' Skirts, Linea IUndkerchiels, &c, at a very low figure. CEi QEL Ct C2 CEX S3 SCa Df Best Stone Ware Sets S4:00, &c. Hominy, Dried Teaches, Mackerel, Chees, Lemons, etc. Good Sytup Molasses from 50 to 60c a gallon. Soars, lower than recently sold, from Be to 13c, Ihe latter price for beet white. Coal Oil as low as any where. CAn examination of the goods is soli cited. Cdme and see for yburftelVes, that the Cash System is preferable to any other. Grain and country produce lakeu in ex change for Goods by L.T. SHARPLESS. Blno tebnrz. March 26, 1862. NEW ARMVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GO IDS'. JIT PETER EM"S STORE'. In Light Ltreeti Columbia county, Per.na. HAS just received from Philadelphia, and is how opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & . Ent, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be Sold Cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE i M. amrk rrtnfiisis of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SHAWS, ' HOSIERY. SILKS, READY-MVDE CLOTHING, CASSIMERS, SATINETS, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &.C., GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c., Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. , In short everything usually kept in a country store. , , The patronage of did friends, and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. ' The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Lighf Street, May 7, t862. HOES in variety at the cheap cash Store ciitDnrccu Ol j. 1 , onni LMc. Look to your Interest's ! FRESH 'jRRtVAL OF 1 spring and Summer GddDs, -AT MILLErR & EYEfR'S. fllHE subscribers have 'just returned from the City with another large and select assortment of . Spring aii'tl Stii-iiiier Goods purchased at 'Philadelphia, , at the lowest figure, and which Ihey 'are determined co sell on as moderate 'terms as cdn be pro cured elsewhere in Blooraebdrg. Their stock com prides jadics' Dress doods, of the choicest style arid Uteriaghioi)8. . fDfR V GO O D S, C a ce cz gd tr H ce S3 Hardware, 'Queensware, Cedarwa'e, Hol lowware,:Irou, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hat and Caps, '&c, &c. In "Short, everything usually "kepi in country stores; to which they invites ihe public generally. The highest price paid for'count produce. . ,, MILLER'Sc EVER. Bloombnrg, April 30, 1862. , fRESU ARRIVAL NEW klLLlNfillY GOODS. rt'H'E unders'rgrfed would roost respect fuUy arindunce to Ihe citizens of Blooms burg and vicinity that fhe has jost receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spring & Summer millinery Goods, 'all of which she i prepared to makeff 'and sell al a very reasonably low fig tire. Her assortment of good are a little superior in point of durability as well a lastefolrfes's.'tb any ofTered!in'ths seciidti. She returns thanks for the liberal patron age she has received, an'd respectfulfy So licits a continuance of ihe same., MARY BARK LEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 1R62. i i: xv itijsisK mio p. Opposite the Court Houte and next door to Democrat Office THE undersigned, respectfully inorm his Iriends and customers that he has opened A New Barber Sliop. In 'Coiirt Hoii-e Alley, next door "below the Office of the 'Columbia Dem6crat,whVre he will be hppy to wait upon all cumome'rs, and from long experience and strct atten tion to bainesF, he hopes to merit and re' ceive a liberal share of public patronage. RTAIi things here ' done in decenc and in order." THOMAS "BROWN. Bloomsbnrsr. Ma'rch o, l8'62. ii ii i ta Perclia Illackin? f HIT 116 UT BRUsUlKGs) "IOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Leather Work. This new and excellent article excels eveaj thing ever before in nse, for beauti fring and softening the Leather. It make a polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white s-lk, and makes leather perfectly water prbof. Twice a month applied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If ihe leather becomes dirty wah It off with clean water and the polish will re S.pn'ea r. Warranted as represented. Directions lor ne. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rob it slowly over the leather, and the polih is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PER BOtTLE rjr For t-ale by L. T. rHARPLESS. j Bloomsburg, May 14 , 1662. GRAND JCRORS SEPT. TERM,I862. BentonJohn Diline, P. N. Moore, Beaver Samuel Cor, Briarcreek J. C. Sm:th, Centre Andrew Frea, CatiawiKa Dr. J. W. Robbins, Dan'l Rein bold, Jacob Creasy, Co'nyngham Wm. L. Kline, Franklin J S. Fahrtnger, - Fishingcreek, Erhandus ITnangs't, David Yost, Jackson Joshna Savage, Locust John L. Hurst, Madison James Welliver. Uriah Milk, Mifflin D. A. Hess H. C. Hcs, Ml. Pleasant Levi Garrett, Maine Jacob Gih'linz, Pine Abraham Hemlock. John LockhaVt, Thomas McBride, Elijah Fullmer. Travcrfec Jiirorst BloomMichael Walter, Joseph Baikfey, John Detterich, Borough Berwick Jesse Bowman, Hudseh Owen, Centre Wm.BhafTei, 11 W. Hagenbuch, Jeremiah Hagenbuch. Cattawisa Geo. Scolt, Casper Rahn, Dan iel Helwig, Fishingcreek Martin Ammerman, Franklm Bcuj. P. Fortner, Greenwood Isaac Dewitt, senr. Locust Reuben Fahringer, John Davis, John Kline. David Herbein.John Harner. Madinon, Valentine Welliver, Mathia, Moore, Shepherd Runyan, Richard De mon, Ml. Pleasant Vm. Miller, Wm Kitchen, Montoui Peter Ileinibach, Mifilin E. H. llw, . ' , . Maine Jacob Shiigar, Wm. T. Shuman, Oranie Alfred Howell, Pine Kzra Runyan, John Wintersieen. Sroti 'I liomaK W. Edgar, Elias Kline, C. Nus, Sam 'I Hagenbuch. Bloomsburg, July 23, 1862. List of Causes for Sept. Term, 1862. 1 Andrew Criveling vs. Andrew Mellick et al. 2 Philip Wintersteen vs Valentine Wlnter- fteen. 3 Daniel F. Seybett el al. Vs Augustus B. Pearce et al. 4 Dan ! F. Seybert vs Augustus B. Pearce ot al. 5 6 Henry AVelles jr. vs George Kinley jr. Samuel J. Bealer vs Abraham W. Rob- bins el al. 7 Jacob Eyer vs Abraham Klae. 8 Abraham Klase vs Jacob Eyer 9 David Lee et al v Samuel L. Bettle. !' Dariiel F. Sej bert v s Joseph Gensil. 1 1 Elijah McMprtrie et al vs Chrnt'n Wolf. 12 Frederick MarkrotT vs John. Robison. 13 Wm.Cox et al vs William Holdren. 14 William E. Ctse vs Centre township, 15 H. B. Freas vs Joshua Fetierrhan et al. 16 II. B. Freas vs Joshua Fetterman et al. 17 John H. Brown el al vs Lednafd B. Ru- pert. 18 Peter M. Traugh vs Aaron Clavton. 19 Samuel Biltenbender vs Silas D. Edgar. 20 Mahloo Hicks et al vs Oliver Lynn ei.al. 21 George Hughes et al. v J. V. Criwell et al; 22 James llarding vs Elia Reese; 23 Lewis Larisri vs Robert Haenbuth. 24 Susanna Larish vs Robert Hagenbuch. 25 Andrew Larish'a Executors Vs. Robert Hagenbuch. 26 Peter Hoffman's Exec'rs vs David Fox. 27 N. B. Creasy vs Henry C. Freas. , 28 Enoch Everett vs Mont. .Kline et al. 29 Wm. L. Parks vs Elisha Robbins. JACOB EYERLY, Prothotiotary's Office. ) Proth'y. Bloomsburg July 23. 1862. j I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Impbrtant to Houe Owners.' Important to. Builders.", ' Jlint-oftant to Rail Road Companies. - , Irriportant to Farmers. To alt whom this may concetti, and itcbricernt every boily. JOHNS 4- CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUHA PERCH A. The Cheapest ar.d most duble Kooflu. . in qe ( IT IS'FfRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and 614 'Roofs of All kind, steep or flat, and to ShiiTgle Roofs w ithout removing the Shir clef TH K COST IS ONLY A HOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN, AND.'fT'IS TV ICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thordugly tested in Ne w York Cjty and all parm of the 'United States, Canada, West Indies and "Central .and South America, on Buildings ol all kind, stich ss!Faclorie's,;Foundrie8 Church es. Rail Road Depots, Carri, and on Public .Building generally, Government Building Stc, by ihe principal Builder, Architects and dthers, during the pasi four years, and has, proved to be th CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING m use; jti" in. every respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. , r 7Af if rhe ONLY material manufactured in the United States which combines the very desirable properties of Elasticity und 'Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to b ponded by GL'TTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. No Heal is required in making application. The expense of applying ii is triflning with ordinary nooi can re covered and fin. ished the sorfie dily. IT CAN BE APPL1KD RV" avv-rtvp end when finished for'ms a 'peifectly Fre t mill nfn wiih mu eia-M'c nody. which cannot be injured Dy Heat, Cold or Storm's Shrinking of Roof Board?, ror any external action wha'evt.r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coatina Metals of all Kinds when ex posed to the action of the Weather and For Preservivg and Repairing Mtial Roofs of all Kihds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully reoist extreme changes of climate, for any length of time, when applied lo me!als,to which it adhere firmly, lorming a body equal to three coato 01 onwnarv pam:, coi8 much less, and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG; arid from its elasticity i not injured by the con traction of TIN arid other META!L 'ROOFS, coneqnent upon suddea changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEAlflER AND WILL NOT WASH OEF. Leaty Tin and oher Kfetal Roofs can be readily repaired wiih GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT,' ard prevented from further cor rosion an leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Roof for many year. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sates, Agricultural Implements, &c, aUo for general GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT For preserving aud repairing Tin and other Metal Root or every description, Irom its great ela-ticiiy, is not injured by the con traction aud expansion ol Metals, anc7 will not crack in c6ld or run in -warm weather. These material are adapted to all cli rn&ies, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any part of the country, at short no'ice, for GUTTA PERCIIA ROOFING in roll, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT in barrels, wiib fall printed directions lor application. AGENTS WANTED. We will makeliherul and satisfactory a'rra'iige tnails with rt-pn-iUc pn ties who would like lo establish themselves in a Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. Ve can give abundant proof of all we claim in favcr of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied ihem to several thousand Roofs in New York Citv and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Wholesale Warehouse 78 IfWiam.St., Comer of Liberty Street. NEVV YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be f;irni-hed on application. October 16. lRfil ly. iiEAUTlFlL COMPLEXION. OCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will send loall who wish it (free of charge) the Recipe and full directions for making and using a leaitiTul Vegetable Bam, lhat will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin mooth, clan, and beautiful; aUo full di rections for using Pelaireau's celebrated Stimulant, warranted to start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in less than thirty days. Either of the above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwiih stamps for return pondage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem il, 831 Broadway New Yorlc. January 15, .1862. 2m. ry HE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE 1 of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn iog, and lor the e-pecial benefit of Young Men and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Lot-s of Memory, Premature De cay, &c, &c, &c, by one who has cured himself by simple means, afer being put lo great exper.se and inconvenience, through the n.e of worthless medicine prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copip may be had of the author, C.A.LAMBERT, Esq, Greenpoint, Long island, by enclosing a posi-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT. Eq , Greenpoint, Long It-land, New Y'ork. January 15, 1862 2m. Kollock's Daudeliou Coffee. THIS preparation, madefrom the besl Java Coffee, is recommended bv ph vsicisn a a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Genera' Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorder. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof lee will ue ;hi Without injurions effects, dne can contains Ihe strength ol two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. ROLLOUTS LEYAIX, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making liht, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. l!anufac'lurtd by M H. KOLIiOCK. Chemist,' Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, 15" And sold by alt Druggists and Grocers. jFj February 26, 1862. ly. I Aiiiiiiiiislraidr'S Police. ESTATE OF ALEM MArR, DECD. Letters of administration on the estate of Alem Marr, late of Scott tp ; Colum bia cooniy, deceased, have been granted by Ihe Register of said county to Peter Ent, residing in Light Street, tovVnsbip and coun ty aforesaid. All persons having claims Or demands against the estate of the decedent re requested to present ihem duly authen ticated to the adminiKtrator for settlemsnt, and those indebted to Ihe estate will make payment forthwith to 1 ' PETER ENT, adror. Scott, May 28tbi 1862. FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ' ' -. ' OT TH , . 'BriiVe Soldiers 'and Sa ilor. IIOLloiVA V' 1'8IjS 'AND OINTMENT. ArI who have Friend and Relatives in It the Armv or Navy, s' oulil lake eperi care,that 'they be ampfyWppiied with iheve Pills and 'Ointment'; and wjiere .Ihe brave Soldiers irtt.l S.iilnrs have neglected lo provide lhemefve with them, no better present can be sent ihem 'bv iheir. Iriend. They have been 'pr'bvt-'d lo(be the Soldiers' never-lail.hg-irrend in the hoar of jiee,d. COUGHS AN6 .'CCLI!S AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effect lia'lly cored by using iher'e admirable medicin'e-, 'atiH X'y paying proper attention 10 the Direcfjoha which are attached to each Pot or Box. .. SJCK HEADACHES AND WANT Or A.P" PEI II E, fNCfDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings which so sadden usjnsuat ly arise from 'fro'nb;Je 'or annoyance, ob structed perspiration, 'or'eai'iifg and drink ing whatever is unwholesome, thus di turbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These organs most be 'relieted, if you desire to be well. The Pill, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and sforrrach, aurl as a natural conse quence a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS pKt DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the oe of these 'invaluan'le pills, tmd the soldier will quick ly acquire additional strenutn. Never let rhe bowels be either confined o'r 'u'ndul'j acted upon. Ii may seem strange lhat $o'l. loway's Pills should be tecommendedi for Dysentary and Flux, many 'persons suppo sing thai ihey wo'uld u'crease ibe relaxa-. non. This is a -gYeat mistake, for these Pills wifl 'correct the liver a'nd stqmacb and thus remove all the acrid humor's frorrj the system. ThTs m'edicme Will give 'tone and vigor t6 the whole organic system how ever deranged, While health arid strength follow as a matter ol course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of it e bowels so cure as this famous medicine. . . VOLUNTEERS .. ATTENTION I I'M) IS t'RETION OF YOUTH. Sores ar.d Ulcer, Blotches and dwellings, can with certainly be radically cured if th.e pills are tsken night and morning 'and the Oiniment be freely used as sated To the printed instructions. If treated in 'any oth er manner they dry Dp in one part, tobreai out in another. Whereas this Ointmen) will remove rhe ho mors from the sy stern, and leave the Patient a vigorous and heal 'tti y man. It will require a little perseve rance in bad rases to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER 'dcCASl'dND BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR TrlE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. . T6 whfch every Soldier a'nd aVlor a're.H- abfe, there are no medicmes o safe, sore and 'convenient as Holloway's Pills, .and uinttnent. 1 he poor wounded and aimot dying sufferer might have his woundf dres-ed immediately, i ne wonld only pro vide himselt with this matchless Ointmepti which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all round ii, then covered wjth a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a handkerch'eil. .Taai'ti'i 'uihl and morning 6 or 8 pills, to cool the system and prevent tnnamation. . v Ever? Soldier's Knapsack arid ?eamanf Chest shDnld be provided with ibe'se Valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None 're genuine unless the words "Holloway, New York and Loq don are discernable as a Water-maik . r every leaf of the book of directions aroun$ each pot or box : the same may be plninly seen by holding the leaf In the light... A, handsome reward will be given to any. one rendering such information as maV lead, to the detection ol any party or parties coun terfeiting the medicine oi vending the same, knowing them to be sporiotis. t Sold at the Martrifa'cto'ry of professor Holloway, 80 Maidcti Lane, Itew York, and by all Trfsp'ec ablrt Druggists and Dealers in Aledicine, ihrotighopt the civilized .wqrld in boxes at twenty five .cents, sixty two cents and one dollar e 'ch. , .. , , EST There is tonsi derabl savig by ta king the larger siie. . N B Direc'.ToTis for the guidance of. pa tients in every disorder are affixed lo each box. April 9th 1S62. ly. MADISON IIOCSEj (OF jerseytown; pa THE subscriber would respictfully. ap prise his friends and the public gener ally, lhat he has established the . MADISON HOUSE; in Jerseytdwn, Columbia cduntyv Pa. The above house has lately been is fit ted and on.lergoh a thorough repairin by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain ihe travelling cuio'm as well a the:locl with general satislaction. His TABLE and BAR,are well snpplied and will be careful 1.. , .. o.;.i.o..rli,l A nit litA STA RI.K is arn- I y pu 1 mi 1 1 run. . ...... - ply and well stocked, in charge of careful grr.orh, will always be properly attended: &T He invites a share of rhe publiccus torn; and pledaes his best efforts, to help his guests leel al hom. . SAMUEL rimby: Jerieylown, Jail 8, 1862. THE GJIEAT e X NATIOXAL WILL THI VKR '4X 0 A CeVjf BB.UKLD t Kcysionc JPqrJij wiLLIAMSPORT- fENNA:j T U" ES D A Y, W EDN ESF) A Y, f Til U RS b A Y, AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 2tl 3d, 4ih k 5ih." Arrangements have beee made 10 secure iho fiues as-emblage of imported, blooded and native brej horses, lhat has ever beerl follected in iKis cotinifv.. ... The List of premiums ill be large, ranging as hign a 5200.. it Liberal arrangemenis will be made with' lh different railroad companies. Witliamsport simaed in f.ie magnificent vallevof the Snsanehanni, aud accessible; by Riimad Irom all pans of the U. Suites", is eminently well suited for this exhibilioxij Fuller particulars will shortly be 2ifri-.. , Manas"-D. K. Jackman, P. Herdic, Edward Lyon, J N. Bgg. Henry Drinker; G F. Mason, Cnl. S. G. Hathway, J. H. Cowden, Wm. Colder. . . .. A E. KflAPP.Pw'l. W. F. Logan. Chief Mar-hajl; H. E. Tay lor. Tr-a-nrer; George Al. DePui, Sec'y. June 25, 1862. A xTtTci Hat "H nrtic Pills V w 'till.