The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 27, 1862, Image 1
s v THE NORTH i .1 W U. JACOB., Proprietor. Truth and Rignt -God and onr Country. Th o Doll as ptr Anuuin. VOLUME-14. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA , WEDNESDAY At GUST 27, 1862. NVM BE II'-34. ;STjiE of the. north. rVtLIBBKD ITIII WSDXKiriT T - Wo. II. JACOBF. - Cfflee ce EsinSt.. 3rd Sqnare below Earktl. -. TEKMS: Two Dollars pr annum if paid wiibii six months Irom tho lime ol subi-cri-bing : two dollars and fitly rent if not paid withui thk. year, No subscription taken lor less period than nix months ; no discon- , linua'ue permitted until alt arrearages are j paid, unless at the option ot the e.litor. I 2 kit Ut mi of advertising will le us follows : Oue i qure, twelve lines, three times SI OO , Kvery subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three month, . . . . ... 3 00 One year, 800 11IE NATIONAL EXHIBITION or Imported Blood & American breeds of Horses . : - ' WILL BK HtLDT)N Kfjstene Park Agricultural Fair lirouuds, UilIiampoitt I'a., On 1 vtdoy lltdutsduy, 'Jkundoy and Fri c'aiptembcr 2, 3, 4, and 5, 1862. PREMIUM LIS r AND PRIZE BANNER OPKW TO KXHIBlIOttS FKOM thic CAN ADAS $i Ol HER BRITISH PROVINCES. GREAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF HORSES jit wiLUAMerokT, n. expi. 2, 3. 4 & 5, 1862 GREAT NAIIONAL HORSE FAIR. Th tuauagers Halter themselves that, al thouh the past exhibition held in oiher part ot the United Slates, have been en.i keutlf successful and entirely satisfactory Co tho public', the past experience will ena Lie them to improve somewhat ill the de tails Jf the arrangements, and in this con hertixi they hope to givu greater facilities lor the deliberate examination aid trial of hoTMs intended for sale. Williamsport is easily and qnickly accessible Irom alt direc tions. Kej-toue Park is ueqaalled in it track for showing or training a hor.-e. The (oantigers design t make lhi u hort-e mart, worilij of us ceutral position, and its extia 4rUiDxy laci'.itie. ; SUA III) OF MANAGERS. A. E KAPP, O.K. JACK.MAN, I'EIER HERU1C, J. N- HAGO, AV F. LOGAN,. HENRY DRINKER, GORDON F. MASUN, COL. S. G. HA I HAW AY, WM. COLDER. J. H. COW.EN EDWARD LVON, A. E. KAPP, President II. E-Taylor, Treasurer. . r- Logan, iniel iHarsnal. Geo. 31. D Pui Secretary. TH K G R EAT N ATION A L EXH 1 BITIOX Ol Imported B ood and American Breeds ol ; Sixe, actior. end rpeed will be ronsidei ' HORSES ; eJ making il.e award. V1I be bekl on KEYSTONE PARK, Agri cultural Fair Grounds, IN WILL' A. MS PORT. PA , Ou Tuday. W ednesday, -Thursday & Fri day, September 2 3 4, and 5, lb)2. I'lsintum Li-1 and Prize Banner opeu to Exhibitor Irom the Canadas and other British Pioince. gkneral uegu la r ions ; SMTkAkCK TO IHXPvaa. The entrance to Keystone P-rk for visit- ' ors on loot, is by the Center Gale, ou Camp 1 bell Street. The entrance lor Hor-es and Carriages is by lb a N E. Gat,on Campoed i The gates will be open for the admission el the public Irom ej o'clock, A M , until ' uixlown ol each day. The Chiel Mari-lial and Superintendents of the Exhibition, will meet at the Presi ient's Tent at 8 o'clock, A M . each day, to pef:Vct the arraiit'emenis lor the day. SUPERlN 1 EN DEN . A Soper:utetd-ti:t will accompany ech set ot Ji'dge-, and point out the tliffere:il cl aires or stock to be extiibited 1'hey will see that Hnre are provided w ith natters ly :l,eir owners, at.d suitably arranged lor, xliibuion each day. GIETS, REPORTERS AND JUDGES Will please report themselves on tneir arri val iti tow n , at the o thee ol the society, corierol Third and Elmira streets, in Tay lor's building,' where the coinmt.tee of Re ception wilt be in ession Cards ol admis sion will ue luruifhed them to tt.e exlubi lion.and the Committee will extend to them very civility w ithin their power. REPORTERS, for the creator convenience of editors and reporters lor the press, a tern will be spscially set apart tor their ue, aod every facility wil be a Horded them to ootaiii aod transmit hilormatiou. A Committee of recept:oc from ibe Press wil receive their brethren Irom abroad, on th 5eld and further the purpose ot their uoining. , i,! . JUDGES. The Judges will assemble at the lent of lb; President on ihe ground, at 8 o clock, A. 1. Tuesday, to organize and fill vacancies j in (be board, should any occur. The re-j fort of ihe Judges must be handed to ttie ; nssident'e Secretary be!ore Thurcday noou. I 'nssident'e Secretary before Thurcday noou. REFRESHMENTS- Will be furnished lor visitors on the field at a moderate charge. A tent saloon tor la " will be provided with female attend- abis. r - ilee, CotTee,Oysiers.&c , will be supplied by a competent Conlectioner. H PRICES OF ADMISSION. N'c Seasoo Hcknts will be issued.- Single itdmiAsion' to the ground $C 25 Children under 12 years of age, half price Admittatice to the seals opposite the Judges Hand " ' ' 1 Members of Public schools, Seminaties or Colleaesmay coEimute for admission, with tlilt Treasurer. ' .i YIS1TCRS IN CARRIAGES. For a four or six horse- vehicle and driver, paiseugers being supplied with tickets 1 00 For a two horse vehicle and driver, passen gers being supplied with tickets -75 Fcr a one horse vehicle and driver, passen gers being supplied with tickets 50 fW a horse aud its rider - 50 - v. -:- PREMIUMS, t. ;Piemioms will t.ot be paid cn animal, removed from the ex hibition,' unless such retnovat has the special approval of Ihe Chief Marshal, and premium- not claimed within thirty days alter the aanl, will be cCDStdered ss lorfeited. r Premiums will no! be paid on hores which are unsound. NOTICE. It is iaesimble that moe, who intend to raks entries lor exhibition sL Jd noiify t!ie Secretary on or before August 2Qih, tiat arrangements may posittFely me made iar:iieir accommodation. Letters may be scthesd to the Secretary at WiHiamsport. Tiis Treasurer will pay preminms awarded si the tusintJi Tent, ca the Grosnd, at the ubition and at hi office in Williamsport during ihe following moiiih; or w ill forward any premium, not on paid. ; in such manner as person entiled to the " ,na direct. .'- Class No. 1 Thotough Bred Horses, S allion. Premium, Two Hundred Dullas. ' S200 Speed will be considered in making the award. Class No 2 Thorough Bred Mares 1 ftfc I- ill I J 41 Picmium One Hutu-red Dollars, 5100 Speed will be considered m making the award. Class No. 3 Stallions for General ore six j ears and over. First premium, $100 Second do is Clas No. 4 Stallions for ceneral use, (our years aud under six. First premium 850 Second do 20 Class No 5 Stallions of 2 years and o ruler lour. First premium , $30 Second do 15. Clas No 6 Mares with Foal by their rides Fit ft pre tn i urn $40 Second do 0 ClafS No 7 Breeding Mare. For the beet bieedu.g mare Uur years and over, First premium 850 Second do 20 'Class No 8 Fillies, two years and under four Erst premium 840 Second do 20 Class No 9 Fillies, 1 year and under two. Firi premium 20 Second 10 Class No 10 Colts 2 years and under 4. First premium $25 Second do 10 Cias No 1 1. Colis, Siatlions or Geldings, ore year and under two. ! Firi-t premium 20 ( Second do 10 Clacs No 12 Maiched horses, geldings or mates, for the best span 16 tiatids and over First premium 50 Second do . . 20 For the be. 1 span of matched Hores, 14 hanus and under 16, Fust premium $25 Second do 10 Class No 13 Fancy matched horses, geld- ings or mares. First premium $25 Sfcond do 10 Six, action and speed will be considered in milking the awaid. Llass No 14 Gentlemen's spans of driving buret-f, geldings or mares. Firt Premiuiu $100 Second do 20 Class No lo Eamily torses, Geldings or Mares. For the ben lamily horse, four years and over, tinvti'g, color, viz and action will be considered in making tne award. First premium S50 Second do - 10 Clas No 16 Genilemen's Dri ina Horses, Gelding- or Mre, 4 years aud over. FirM pieriiium . $50 Second do 10 Driving, color, size, action and speed will ie conK.ered in iiiaaiug Hie award. Cla- N 17 Sd lle Hordes For ttie tieM Geiitleuiau's Saddle Horse Fir-l lueiuiutii S20 10 Second do For tt.e be ft Lady' Saddle Horse. F'l-l premium ' $20 Second do 10 CI.m No 18 F.rm ami Draft H-irses. For ti e best pair ot Farm and diatt hore First premioin SO Second do 10 Clasa No 19 Be-t Mimle Farm or Draft Hor-es. Firs' Pieminm " SI5 Jecoiid do - Class No 20 Ponies, Ponies, under 14 tiaodr, dil.eti double Tat.deiu or TriJem, Fum premium, $15 Secoi d do 10 Class No 21. Best team, six it: hand, S50 Clas No 12. Best tandem or irnlem team, $.0 STATE PRIZE BANNER. Will tie awarded to trie Slate (Agricul tural Societt J I'ther than Penn?. tv aiiM, winch by its citizen, enter l.r exni Vdlaable , buioii lor itie Ir -et i.mober ol tlore a prize banner woriti 200 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EX : H1B1TORS. Exhibitors wnuhoise are required to use the Souih etiir.iue gale on Campbell St., in coming ou to and returning Irom the grounds. Etnes of ,-tock may be made at the of fice ol the Secretary in Ta) lor's Building, Momla, 9o clock, p. in., Septsmber t, wr.eo the books must be made up tor tat. Jodgs. The exhibition ol ttotk or the i,v wail take place precisely at ttie lime specified iu the subjoined arraiigemetil;aud animals not prepared a! ttie proper time and place may, at the discretion of tne Jadges, be ruled outol competition. Stock will be maiked w'Uti crds luruished by ttie Seoretar), designating die class and No. of entry; and during the exnibiuou they must be Dlaced eutireiy under the nianagemeut of me officers ol ihe society. It sutiicenl time has not been given, m the programme lor the Judges to examine any one class belore the calling ol another class, ihe fir.i named class will be examined oil a vacant part ol the ground to oe designated by the Chiel Marshal. Arrangements will be made lor the trial of dralt hore by testing ttieir strength, docility &c. at a load. Owners or agents offering horses lor pre mium or exuibiiioii'will receive tickets of admission. Exhibitors are requested to leave sufficient space around eaca horse oi vehicle lor ihe Judges to pss lieety. The Judges will m. all caees withhold premiums where ihe horse is uoi worthy or is unsound, .though there be uo corrposi- lion- - j Exhibitors entering. cohs of the a'evi three years and under shall lornisti to the Judges evidence ol ihe lime ol foaling, to j be filed with Ihe Recordiug Secretary. j Pedigree of Blood Horses and origin and ; age must be funiistud, if required, lor ev- j ery horse offered lor premium. - - j The Judges will ; report to the Biard of j Managers not only - ihe. horses emitted to ; premiums, but also iLose next in merit hi each class, to raeel the contingency ol any ! objection whicn may arise lo tUe award, , All horses not cbiaiutug piemiuuis.woteu fe'isi's: ia the opinion of the Judges deserve peci x! ccnusendauoa, Hill be o reporttd to the board of Managers. J The Judges it nor satisfied as to the rej ; ulaiity ol the entries in ihe texpective cla e", or i lie ges ol the dorse a recorded in ihe entries, will apply to the Recording Secretary lor informa'ion. and skould there beany doubt, alter examination, ol thuir comiiig wimiii ttie rguiatioiiH, or it any hore is of such a ctiaracer a not lo be emitted to exhibition in competition, they will report the facts for the considcr-mou of tr.e board of iiiaiiacer, that aiich couioe may te adopted as the cae may require. Trie several classes o. hori-es upon exi.i bition wid be called tor in the order imlica t.d in the programme, .ml precisely at in hour . named, w hen fig wi.l be raised i.eai t,e Judges' Mand with the incriiiiiii ''CLE AH THE TRACK." Wtirn ihe tio'ir arrives for ihe exhibition of any r'arn- oi liorfe the bell will te roig and a 11 g will be raised to indicate ttie cUss to be extubiied. Ad hordes entfreit will be at therik ol the ownets. The most effectual iiieiii will be taken through Ihe agency ol the .police and otherwise lo guaid and i rot itt tut the mana"hi ibe hor-es exiubneo; cannot be repoiiMble lor injuries occasion ed by accident or otherwise. Reports ol the doings ol ;he F.xhioitiot: will be otficiallv published. SALE OF HORSES. Horses intended tor public or ptivats sale wilt le labeled accordingly, and a portion otthegiouud will be designated lor their exaruiiiatioii and sale. The services of an auctioneer will be provided and a time named for public sales. The Secretary will give notice ot such intended sales, it early entry is made with him to that effect. -Such horses cannot be withdrawn until the cljse ot the exhibition, except by written author ity ol the Managers. COLOR OF BADGES. Members ot the several committees will be recognized by the following badges : Class Nos 1 & 2 -Thorough Bred horses Navy Blue ribbon. Ciaas No 3. Stallions, 6 years anJ over, Green nboon. Class No 4. Stallions 4 years and under 6, White Ribbon. Class No. 5. StaHions,2 years and under 4, Green and White ribbou. Class Nos. 6 & 7. Mares with foal and Breeding Mare, Orange ribbon. Class Nos 8 & 9. Fillies, Black ar.d Or ange ribbon. Class Nos 10 & 11. Colts, Greeu and red ribbon. Class Nos 12 Si 13. Match and Fancy Match horse--, red and White ribbon. Clas No 14. Gent's Spans ol Driving Horees, Light Blue and rink ribbon. Clas No 15 Family Horses, Red White and Blue ribbon. Cia.s No Iti. Gent s Driving Horses. Dine and White ribbon. Class Nos 17 &. 20 Saddle Horses and Ponies, Black and While ribbon. Class Nos 18 & 19. Farmers' Draught Horses, red ribtou, Class Nos 21 ii 22. Best Team, Pink ribbon. Board of Managers, Rosettes. KA I LRU AD ARRANGEMENTS. No leature ol the Horse Sliow is riore pleasing lo 'he managers, and we trust ac ceptable to the public, than the lacili:ies offered lor the transportation ot horses and groom to and Irom the exhibition. Peiiiioyivani Central R R. I'lnla. & Erie R. R, Pinla bi Reading K R. Lebanon Val ley R. R, Cattwirsa R. R., Eimira& vVtl- iiatnspri K R, Syracuse, binghamp'.nii U N Y. R R., hast Pen. .a. R 11, Shamokin V-liey R. K., will carry visitors, t.orses and utooms Iree one way. Toe Lackaw.tnua &i Bioomturt. PluU. Wilmington & L'aiu ui re, and Cumoerlaiid Valley, aree to do as other roads do. There are other l oads lo hear Irom, which id, withoat doubt, come iu;o tliesame arrangements. 1'tius it it will be seen that ttie State ot Peunx , is thrown wiJe ope i to the exhibition. The roa w iii collect fares o:, all horses coming lo the exhibition, aud return them Irte, on pre.-euta iou ot tne Certiti- ate thai taey nave teen on exhibition, and are uictaoi-d in ownership . Trie loliowin is ttie form o thertiticaie relerred n above : N A I ION AL HORSE SHOW. U iixumpokt, Sept. 1662. To Riii!rotd Agents : Tins cerufie that has had on exhi bition, and noi sold Hor-es, at the First : Horse Show, held in Williarnsporl : l'enna. on the 2d, 3d, 4th aud 5th of Sep tember, 862. Secretary Daily Order of Arranjemrnl The is. teg w ill bo opened for ailuiisgion of h public, from e! o.wlock, a. w. until .unJowu cacti day. ' uts iay, September 2nd. 8 o'clock a m The Judges will aaemble at tin Preci dant's Tent to organise, aacerlaiu and fill vaanciei, and receive the Books of Entries for tlia exhibition. Hi o dick am All hr.- entered for premium, ex. bibition or sale, must be present on the ground. 10 o'clock a in At the sound of the bell, tho Grand Cavalcaua will form on the half mile track, in sbicball hortei entered for premium, exhibition or sale, are ex. pected to be present and take their places, as called bjr the Chief Marshal. After the grand cavalcade, all horses entered f r prem ium will assemble under the flags designating-their class for inspection by the Judges. Ill o'clock a ni At the sound of the bell, clai see Nos. 18 sad lt, (Farm and Draft Hors.) will assemble in front of the JudJes' stand for inspection, after which they will retire to the east part cf the groundx for the testing of their strength, and qualities for worlu IU o'clock p m Dinner. The track will be open fur ; promivcaous driving, till 2 o'clock pm. ' 2 o'clock p m At the sound of the bell, Cluss Tio. 6 Mares with Foal by their side.) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand lor exhibition ail o'clock p m At the sound of th belt, elais No. 7 (Breeding Mares) will assemble in front of the Judnes stand for exhibition. 3 o'clock p in Trial of speed of the horses designated by the Judges. 4 o'clock p m At the souudof the bell, Clai s No. 5 (Stallious of 2 years and under 4.) will assemble in trout of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 1 o'clock p m Trial of speed of the horse d signaled by the Judges. Wednesday September 3. , 9 o'clock a m At the sound of the doll, claites Nos. 8 9 and 10 (Fillies sad colts,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 91 o'clock a m Trial of the speed of horses c sigoated by the Judges." 10 o'clock a m At the sound oj the bell, Clai s No. 13 (Fancy inatchen horses, geldings or n.ares.) will as semble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 10, o'cleck a m Trial of sdeed of the horses designs, ted by the Judges. Ill o'clock aio At the sound of the bell Clai s No. 11 Colts (Stallions and Geldings 1 year and under 2.) will assemble in frant of the Judges' stand fr exhibition. 12 o'clock m At the sound of tne bell, Clatt No. 17 (Saddle Horses.) will assemble in front of th Judges' stand fir exhibition. l-Jt o'clock p iu Dinner. The track will be open for promiscuous driving until 2 p in. 2 o'clock p iu At the sound of the bell, clins No. 4 (Stallions 4 years and unJer .) will assemble In front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 21 o'cloek p m Trial of speed of the horiei designa ted bv the Jadxes. - - 3 o'clock p in At the sound of the bell, clt .ss No 20 (Ponies onder 14 hands. Jte., see bill.) will as -emble in front of the Judges stand for exhibition. 31 o'clock p m At the nund of th i beli. cli s No. 15 (Family Horses.) will assemble in front of th) Judges' , 4 o clock p sa Trial of speed of the Horses designa ted by the Judges. 'luuisiay, September 4 'A. 9 'clock mA Grand Cavalcade of alt horses en- ', tered for premium, exhibitoa or .ale. will takt place on' ' tee- half mila track MrbyJadgei. " i iot cock a At ia &: of tx a, e aa ber 12 (Matched Homes,) will assemble in front f the Judges' stand for exhibition 11 o'clock a m Triui of speed of the horses designa ted by the Judges. Ill o'clock u in At thi sound of the bell, clam No 21 (fi in hand.) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. " 12 o'clock M Trial of rpeed of the horses designated by the Judge. VH o'clock p m Dinner. The track will be open for promiscuous driving until 2 o'clock. 2 clock p m Trial of speed of the horses designated by the Judges. 2 o'clock p iu Atthe sound of the bull, class No 3 (Stallions to years mid over,) will assemble iu front of the Judges' stund for exhibition ! 31 o'clock p m Trial uf speed of horses designated ) by the Judges. 1 4 n clock p hi Atthe sound of. the bell, t lass iniiu- ; b.-r 2 (Thorough Bred Mured.) will assemble in front of j the Judges' stand for exhibition. .' 41 oVliK-k p m Trial of speed of the horses designa ted by the Juleus. Ffifla;y Septembet 5th , 9 o'clock a iu Grand Entree of Hornet by States, in j competion for the I'KIZt HANLK. I be homes Irom , rncli 8lute wiil be preceded by a banner bearing its naniH. 91 o'clock a in 1'rial of speed of the horses designated : by the Judges. 10 o'clock a in At the sound of the bell. Class No. 1 (Thorough ifd Stallion,) will assemble in frout of the I Jnriges stand for exhibition. ! . 1U1 o'clock a in At tho sound of the bell. Class No. 14 j (Gentlfuien's pans of Driving Horses.) wil assemble , front of the Judges' Fluntl for exhibition, j 1 1 o'clock a iu Trial of speed oi the horses designated j by thejudges. j 11 1 o'clock a m At the sound of the bell. Class No. S2 I (Tandems or Tridems.) w ilt assemble in trout of the Judges' stand for exhibition, j IS o'clock M Trial of speed of the horses designa i ted by the Judges. I I o'clock p m At the sound of the bell, .class No. 16 ' (Gentlemen's Driving Horses.) will assemble in front of ' the Judges' stand for exhibition. 3 o'clock p m At the souud of the bell, there will be a trial of speed of thorough Bred Horses designated by the Judges. 4 o'clock p m At the sound of the bell, al horses to wnom premiums have been awarded' will assemble on : the half mile track, atwhish lime the awards will be an- nounced from the Judges' stand, and premium flags dis I tributed J The Chief Marshrl requests punctuality on the part ; of exhibitors, in having their horses ready for exhibition : on tha signal of the bell, occording to the advertised j programme. Horses not ready for exhibition as called for sy the Chief Marshal, may be rejected rom the list J of competitors for premiums: IT sufficient time has not been given in the programme for the Judges to examine any one class, before the cull ing of another classs, the first named elana. will be ex amined on a vacant part of the ground, if so ordered by the Chief Maishal. Dr. W. F. LOGAN, CkiefManhal. August 8 1962. Choice Poetrrj. AFTER ALL. The apples are ripe in the orchard, Thejwork ol ihe reaper is done, And the golden woodlands redden In Ihe blood of the dying sun. At the cottage door the gnndsire Sits pale in his easy chair, While the gentle wind of twilight Plays w uh.his silver hair. A woman is kneeling'beside him, A fair young head is pre.t, In the first wild pas-ion of sorrow, Against his aged breast. And far from over the distance The faltering echoes come Of the flying blast of trumpet Aud ihe rattling roll of drum. Aud theGrandsire speaks in a whimper ''The end no man can see; But we give him to his country, And we give our prayers lo Thee." The violets star the meadows, The rose buds fringe the door, And over the grassy orchard The pink-Tliiie Dlossoms pour. But the grendsires chair is empty, The cottage is dark and still ; There's a nameless grave on the battlefield And a new one under she hill. And a pallid, tearless woman By ihr cold hearthstone sits alone. And the old clock in the corner Ticks on with a steady drone. Abocl Eepartees. A repartee we presume to be an immedi ate and appropriate reply lo an obervatiou iej ending upon the rapidity of the working of the mental powers, which seem to work rather fater with some people than others. We were once riding in a staije coach with a worthy farmer, the mud was very deep, and our progress at the rate of 2.40 miles per hour. To our impatient inquiries a to when we should reach our destination, the old man replied in a slow tone, which did not belie his words. "I never allow my mind to travel faster than my body." Some persona however, seem to have an electric current of wit, which flashes the moment it meets an opposing one ; and it is our purpose here to give from memory a few specimens of ibis sort of wit, for which we should give the authors proper credit if we knew their name?. Besinning with the two of Lamb's which cannot be left out of soch a catalogue, familiar at they are Fir?t his reply when he was rebuked for cominr in to business at the India House o very late in the morning 'You know I always go away very early in the after noon,' and Jhe still older one to the anxious passenger's query on entering a crowded omnibus 'All full inside V 'I don't know how 'tis with the other passengers butlhat last piece of oyster pie did Ihe the business for me.' It is related of some frie nds of Campbell, the author of Hohenlinden, in leaving hia room after a gay supper, that one of the number bad the misfortune to fall down the steps of a long flight of stair? the poet, alarmed at the noise opened his door ar.d ingnired- 'What's lhat V Tis I, sir, rolling rapidly,' was the immediate re ply of bis fallen friend. Sheridan is said to have remarked on entering acrawded com mittee room, in parliamentary language 'Will some member move that I may take a seat V Also on being asked how the sen sitive Fox would lake a salary provided for him by his charitable friends, replied, 'Quarterly.' A poor poet, desiring a com pliment, asKed Curran, 'Have yon read my Descent into Hell V 'No, I should like to see it,' replied the wit. A prosy member of parliament, having asked him s Have you read my last speech he replied, ' I hope I have.' Two old New England min isters were riding by a gallows, when the cider asked, the other 'Where wo'd yon be if that tree bore its proper fruit V Ri dicg alone wu the immediate reply. Ad Irish girl at play on Sunday was accosted I by the prie-t 'Good mornins, daughter ol the devil, 'and meekly replied, 'Good morn ing father.' Two friends meeli.ig, one re marked M have iust met a man who told me I looked exactly like yon.' 'Tell me j who it was that I may knock him down,' I rl ia1 Ii . fsianil Drk'f f frk ii K f x Vs-knreialf ' t x. l- 1 1 3 VX 1119 .lirillUi AUII IXVUWsO J r " v' a , f. , , ,f , I did that mv!elf at once.' The celebrated Davy Crockett, on visiting a Hienaaarie, j was comparing the countenance of a mon- ( ker to that of oue of his fellow members ol : Congress. Turning he saw the gentleman ; had overheard his remarks, so to make j matters pleasant he sxiJ ' 1 do no! know i which to apoligize to you or the monkey.' i Two deacons were once disputing about j the proposed site for a new graveyard, when j the first remarked 'I'll never be buried in lhal ground as long as I live.' ' What an obniinate mansaid the deacon. 'II my lile is spared, I will.' How New Monitors are Built. A good illustration of quick, systematic aud thoroughly intelligent workmanship may be seen in the construction ol one of the six new Monitors, at Fulton Foundry, loot . oiu s.rcet iersy cur. grows harmoniously, but not musically (unless one likes the din of a and hammers) under ihe eye of the visitor The lay ing of the keel, and the setting ol nearly all the frames, have already been accomplished. These are the difficult r , , . ., ,i . parts ot the structure, and upon their ac- . , i . .i i i curate adjustment everything depends. The new Monitor, in the present stage of its developement, looks- exactly like an I I o.l . f .... T' U 1. , iron venebriE with three times the usual supply of ribs. This skeleton of what is soon to be a thing of terrible powers, is cov -. L. . I . .1 with thrpA ItiriAit ha una Th- .Ir.Ulnn f h l l. ered with workmen as with flies. swarm all over a with big and little ham- .... , . mere, chisels, pincers, and every known appliance for the noisv handling and treat - meut of hot or cold iron. Dozens of por table forges stand on either side, in which innumerable bolts ate heated red hot, and ! passed to the workmen, by whom they are dexterously riveted in the hole made by j them ; and so the iron plating and bars are indissolubly bound togethe It is a kind of stitching for which no machine has yet j hPn invent.!. Th frarna i. snrsrs.1 hi- a high roof, to keep off the sun's ray. ; but he ends and sides of Ihe shed are left open or the comfort tf the On both sides of the ample yard are long sheds for the execution of various parts of the work. Iu one, the bolts are ma le ; in another, the holes are puncned ; in a third the ribs are bent into precisely the right shape, to the fraction of a hair. Trie latter task is a hard one, requiring the successive exertions ol numerous brawny fellows,who relieve each other every few minutes in the swinging of gigantis sledge hammers. Throughout the yard, at every turn, are visible the evidence of order, dispatch and ski):. This one of the six new Monitors will be 200 leet, extreme length ; 16 feet, extreme bread h ; and 11 feet, dep:h of hoi I . The general construction of that wonderful ves sel will be copied in all but two or three trifling respects, where the inventor thinks here is room for improvement. She will carry guns of the largest known calibre Journal of Commer: e. Central Nelson ."3 ode to .lark lime. A correspondent of the Irotiton (O.v.o) Register, relates the following as having occurred at Camp Joe Holt : The camp guards after night are instruct- ' ed to allow no one lo pass in or out with out giving a countersign, ad to retain as prisoners those who come from the outside to lha line with it. General Nelson came to one of the guards one evening, just alter the countersign had been given out, and held something like the following conver sation : Guard Halt. Who comes there ? Gen. I am General Nelson commanding ' this army. Guard I don't care a d n; mark time, march. Corporal ol the guard, No. (cock ing his piece. Gen (Commencing to mark time slow ly.) You d n fool, I'll have you punished like hell. Guard. ! don't cate a d n; If McClel Ian was here without the countersign, Jie should mark time till the corporal comes. Quick lime, march. Gen. (Swearing and sweating.) Let me rest. Guard No siree, mark lime. By this time the news had spread like wildfire through the camp that one ol the guards hnl General Nelson out at pol No. marking time, and half the regiment was collected on that side enjoying the joke hugely. The corporal was very slow in coming, and every time NeUon would slacken speed the guard would cock his goo and command, mark time. Pat, said a builder to au Irishman enga ged in carry itig salt to the lop of a four sto ry building, "have you any houses in Ire land, as high as this oue ? 'Yis, me mither's cabin." ' How many rooms had it V "There was the ateing room, the slape ing room, (he kitchen room and the pig-pen four rooms." "That's a story ," said the builder. 'Yis, four storitfs," said Pat. - ' An eminent physician has discovered that Ihe nightmare, in nine case.. oui of tea is produced by owing a bill lor a newspaper. 1 Cowardly Outrage. On Tnesday niht of last week, a coward ly attack wa made upon Mr. P. G Mcrk, the Junior editor ot the Dellefonte ITocA man, by a batch of rowdies of that place, which, lor a time, threatened lo terminate in a general riot, which was only prevent- : l s a r s l 1 - ed bv the interference ol respectable cm ,. . . . . ,. L , zens. 1 he editor says he was but slightly injured and is none :he worse ol the trifling scratch he received. Subsequently he was arretted on the charge of inducing men not to enlist in the army, upon the oath of one Of the persons who committed the assault upon him, and was bound over lo Court in the sum of S500. He pionounces the charge as "utterly without foundation." Mr. Men is quite a young mas and is 1 one of the most promising wri'ers in the ! S:ate. Like nearly all young and inexperi enced writers of great ability, be is impuls ive, earnest and sometimes indiscreet, as well as occasionally perrrfiding his ardor to carry him to extremes that may be termed extravagant. He is hones', patriotic, able and usually right in the judgment of th party whose organ he edits. But, Tf ever so wrong, there is no justification for an aMa0t at once so cowardly and dastardly was made upon him. If he is guilty o She charge of inducing men not to enlist in ' lh armj which he ind- ,,y deniejl ; ,he ,aw wj oa doe f eaffic"ieoliT pun. . m j In excitable times like thsse; mobs are I ' t a dangerous resort for the redress oi wrong -nd ,be? ar" 8lwa' crmina, ' Poli,i"1 r"or" ,hem' tot ,he Te Ul lICITailVV9, IIIC VIUIl Will ll'lf--" - ' . " ,OI"u" wo UDIICIBl UCBlIUtllUll O- Tk. Ml V, I .1--. .: ) property, loss of life, insecurity, and univer i I UlL'la.inau. ,1,1. rf c r, m K .. K I . I f chAft Bml ft0Alm..1tnn ITvp npnndff man . , . .. , . I is a law-abiding man, and whoever pur t - i k i , . , , ,. , J .uuifit anu biio i Ul 111V DOmiC Mobs cannot advance any cause, but nec essarily retard its progress, and in every case benefit alone the interest of those against whom ihey are directed. They are conductive only, of wrong, and give en- j tuu",er",r,,, la ou-iawry oi every uescrip- tton. Ihey induce and develope all evil n .. . . : . I .1 . : r ii i " u-auuciisw oi soi o. ! prPer,y and the P' wliy of iceii, I w" "d children. Every lover of his rwu""' ",,u J imeres.eo in preventing and pushing them. He who does rot obey the law is scarcely entitled to its protection, though he may receive it, and they who encourage its violation must i not te surprised if tho-e they injure or ! cause lo be injured will wreak vengeance i in the same lawless form. Lock linen Democ at. The Demijohn Chorea. Old Jndze L of Alabama kepi a demijohn of Jsmaica in hi private office. The Judge had noticd "hat on Monday mornings hi Jma ca was lighter. Another fact had gradually established iiself in his mind. His sou a missing from the pew in church. On Sunday afternoon Sam came in and went up stairs rather heavy, when the Jcdoe hailed him : "Sam where have you been'" "lo church, sir," wa the prompt reply. "What church, Sam ?" ' Second Methodist, sir." ''Had a good sermon, Sam !' "Very powerful, sir; it quite staggered tne sir." "Ah ! I see," said the Judge, "quite powerful, eh Sam ?' The next Sunday the son came home rather earlier than usual, and apparently not so much "under the weather." His father hailed him : "Well Sam, been to the Second Metho dist again to day ?" "Yes, sir." Gftod sermon, my boy V ' Fact was, father that I couldn't gel in . j church shut up and ticket on ibe door. Sorry, Sam ; keep going you may get good by it yet." Sam says on goinj to the office for his usual Spiritual refreshment, he found the "John" empty, and bearing the following label : "There will be no service here to-day, this church being closed for repairs." No Usx for Thsm A letter from Port Royal, S. C, to the Baltimore American, says : "About 75 600 stand of arms have been sent to this department from the North since last fall. What Ihey were intended for it is hard to ssy, but an order has come for 50,000, and they will be sent North in a few days.'1 It is evident somebody has made cancelations wide of the mark. An other fact of interest is stated in a private letter received in Ne1 Haven, which says, about 150 of Hunter's negro brigade had deserted, carrying off the fine rifled mus kets with which iher bad been armed, uni forms, equipments, &c. Perhaps the amis rent down were designed for the negroes j expected to be fonhco'rhing who were when Hunier issued his famous proclama- tl0n ,mmm, A loafer who had got bis Fourth of July load on, ' fetched up," against lh side of a house lhat had been newly painted. Shov inc. dear bv vigorous ffori ha took on by vigorous glimps at his shoulder, another at the house a third at his hands. and exclaimed 'Well, that's a raishty careless Irick in whoever painted lhat house, to leave it standing out II night for people to ran against.' Slandering thi lllustriom Dead. The Republican Convention, he?d in this city on Monday , pawd ihe) following res olution, as a bait'io catch gudgeons : T.eaoh-td That we reooanize not'oulyjthe loyalty ol the oreanixaliou know n as 'the 'People's Party," but lhat olal! Democrat ic citizens who bke the late Senator Dong. If s, give their cordial and unqualified sup port to the Government in its efforts to put down rebellion, and desire that they also be fully represented on any ticket this Con vention may adopt. This afleclior.atejreference lo Douglas by men who. for ten jears previous to hia death, spent their days and nights in revi ling him, would be amusing if it were not infamously 4hy pocritical. But in one re spect this resolution assumes a more seri ous character. It implies that, if,:lmrig. Douglas would join the Black Republicans and subscribe to their plan of support'; ihe Government in its efforts to put down the rebellion. This is, virtually, charging that lamented statesman with an inclination id plunder the treasury, arm the Southern -laves, annihilate a dozen .or more State Governments, and ruin the country, We regard this as a viles1andercpoh if.e illus trious dead, unwarranted by anything ever said or done by Douglas. His whole record attests hisjbitler hatred of the principles of this party, which, afiertraducing him as a traitor for yearsnow, that; be is dead, ie claiming him as its own. Even at the very threshold of the world to which bis spirit has departed, he desired that his children should be lauht'to love the Constitution which ihese Republicans repudiate, and which some of their leaders declare to be a "covenant. with death and a league with hell,",and, in his last publio speech, bedenounced the policy of the Re publican party in respect. to arming lie slaves. He w as for the preservation of the Union, but declared that'savages'must'not' be let loose" upon the women and children of the South. On;;be 3d 6l(Januafy, 1861, Mr. Douglas, in ibe U S. Senate, declared and provedthe Republicans'to.t e respoti sible.for the failure ot Crittenden's Compro mise. He said : "I believe this to be'a'fair bati of ami. sable adjustment. If you of the Republican side are not willing to accept this , nor ihe proposition of be Senator from Kentucky," Mr. Crittenden,! pray tell us what you are willing to do ? "I address the inquiry to republicans a'one, for the reason that in the Committee of Thirieen, a few days ago, every member from the South, including those from the Cotion State, Messrs Davis and Toombs expressed iheir readiness to accept the proposition of my venerable friend from Kentucky. Mr. Crittenden, as a final settle ment of the controversy, if tendered and sustained by the Republican members. " Hence the sole responsibility," (mark the language,) " of our disagreement, and the only difficulty in the way of amicable adjustment is with ihe Republican party." Bot, notwithstanding these well-known facts as to the sentiments of Mr. Douglas throughout his life, ep to the very hour of his death, we find the ultra vsing cf the Black Republican party of Philadelphia pas-ing a resolution implying that if Doug las were alive he would cow e acting with the ultra portion of lhat ultra parly! We know not how a greater reproach could have been cast upon the dead patriot- It i placing him in the same category .with Forney. Evening Jourml. Expense of Hindoo Marriage. There i nothing which, to the end of their exis tence, is remembered by a married couple with more pride ano satisfaction than the sum expended upon their nuptials. If it is extravagant, it is iheir "amookee," their title of nobility, and the basis ol their claim to repect in the eyes of those among whom they live. I have known a young Hindoo of the upper class, on arriving at his major ity, and enering upon the management of his estates, borrow three times the amount of his annual rents, and pay exorbitant in terest on the loan that he might have (be gratification of marrying off a couple of sis ters w'ith the jewels, dresses' processions, feasts and fireworks by which the weddings of his mother and grandmother were ren dered remarkable. The greatest expendi ture is on ibe part ot tho.-e related to the bride, who consider that in proportion to the money spent upon her wedding will be the Celerence with which she will be treat ed afterwards ; in other word, they seek by the prodigality of their outlay k pur chare for the yoang female a position in her husband's family, and respect among the tribe to which she befong'v A Prettt Shabp Report. The young ladies were riding in an omnibus. One of ihem rfuh features remarkable for a prom inence of nose, exibited to the other a da guerreotype of herself, and ihey were en pared in discussing its merits, when aa elderly lady got in. After awhile she reach- eJ out her hand, and said to the lady with the picture. Please let me look at it ? Her modest r?qnest was met with an in- ! dignant , "Ii's none of your business." The old lady settled back in her seat Nery complacently, when the companion I me one w in uie ,iiu.w "What do you wi-h to do with it V "Oh, nothing," repii-d the old lady ; "I only warned to ee how successfully the urtist has put such a hosii oa so saull