The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 20, 1862, Image 1

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    I 1
I 1
: 1 JHj.Jji
f i
! I
W h. JiCOBI, Proprietor.
Truti and Right- tied and ocr Country.
Two Dallas prr Annua.
: wn. a. jacobf, . v
Cf.fl? en Sain St., Srd Square below EarKet,
TEKS1S: Two Dollars pr annum ifpaid
within mix months from the time of subscri
' bing : iwo dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within th year. No subscription taken for j success of the Abolitionists
icit penou man six montns ; no
liauance permitte
paG, unless at the
1 at terms cf adv
Une nquaro, twelve lines, three times, fl 00
Every subsequent insertion, . . .;-, 25
One iquare, three months, ....... 3 00
One year, 8 00
federacy, entertained by many in lie re
Tolling States, has secured for it uncondi
tion supporters, yet the desolation that bat
already attended upou their eLorts at sep
and of themselves powerless, band cf disu- that the pledges of the President and Con- j divided, and which still distinguish it. hare not become brutalized by the devil-
nionists in one or two of the slayeholding gress would be faithfully observed, vould They are'iuarm.s, bat not for the same j ishness of Abolitionism, be njost painfully
States, who siezod upon the opportunity have relaxed their efforts in behalf of their object; -they are moved to a common end, j shocked, but the whole civilized world
thus afforded by the aggressive action of usurping government, and, that the Union i but by different aad inconsistent reasons, i would condemn us, and probably, in the
the Abolitionists to stimulate these counter men of the South, and the returning sense j The leaders, which comprehends what j cause of humanity, rise to stay atrocities
I moTements. These efforts were too sac- of tli inesrimablfi value of the Union to I Was previously known as the States Rishts ! so dissrrnceful.
' cessfal ; and materials too, for such efforts all divisions of population there, ironld j party, and is much tho lesser class, seek j But what sane man can doubt that un- j of the Uuion, will, upon the removal of
; w-Rre heW continually sunDlied bv the eomnleto the restoration of resnect and to break down national independence and , der such policy the last spark of Union i the came of the Southern Sectionalism,
J tr - . - r r - - - -i - - . - .
nration, the continued pressure of our
anus, and the recollections of the blessings
emm i-omittee.
Retaliatory epithets were endulged in by
pulpits in the South against the Abolition
ists. Uburch organizations in the Union
were split into organizations North and
South. Nominations for the Presidency
were made upon issues, in fainter or
bolder terms, involving the question of the
' - existence of limitation of the area of do-
To tle Democrats and all other friends of rustic slavery. The decision of the
int i.onauiunon ana union tn Jt'cnnsyi-
vaiia. r .
Tbe Democratic State Central Oommit
tee address you upon subjects of the gra
yest moment. The life of our beloved
countxy is in danger. The Nation writhes
unde:f the throes oi wiao eprcaa civil war.
All cur patriotism ; and our wealth ;
our bys;cal powers j all of whatever vir
tue exists in the Republic is invoked, and
should be promptly afforded to save the
National Constitution and the Union of the
States from utter overthrow.
Is there a Pennsylvatian who values
the ti.tlo of American citir.en- who reveres
the memory of the men of the Revolution,
who values civil and religious liberty
-rho abhors anarchy or despotism or,
who claims to possess a manly, patriotic
heart, that is not prepared to pledge life,
fortune and sacred honor for his country,
y- . y -TV . . n .
preme vjourt of the uniteu states were
j resisted, its integrity assailed, and its re
moddiinsr avowed. Theso vrcre followed
by outbreaks, as illustrated by the raid of
John Brown into irguna. Meantime the
retaliatory and disunion movements in the
South, crvetalized and proclaimed the
all monstrous heresy that the union was but
analhenceof sovereign States, and that
any one of its members might in the exer
cise of an unlimited sovereignty,' which
was claimed for it, withdraw from such
union. This hereby was designated, and
as we all know, is familiarly called Se
cessionism, aud, under its banner, a great
and formidable party in the slave States
was rallied. .
Thus were confronted two great section
al parties the Abo!itiomsts North, and
th? Secessionists South the very anti
podes of each other in their seutiinents:
in this, her hour of greatest need and per- they met on the common platform of dis
iL None can withhold such assurances of union Each alike, tended to overthrow
jaet estimate of the importance of pre
serving the existence of our Repub ican
fastitotions. We approach you wish the
full (wuviction, that the hearts of the great
bod x of the people of Pennsylvania are
the Constitution and the Uuion. Each
alike, are the' enemies of the Republic
The Secessionists, claiming to act from the
apprehension that tho threat "for the ulti
mate extinction of Slavery"' would be put
with their country in this great crisis of in execution, succeeded by bare majorities
her destiny ; that ail that is needed, to be in some cases, aud by the more efficient
satisfied of a feasible mode of relief and organization of probable minorities in oth-
extrication, and of the mosi effective orgau- ers, in procuriug the adoption of ordinan-
ization to combine all the forces that can ces of Secession, or for the withdrawl of
bo applied to speedily and effectually yield such States from the American Uuion as
" the haDDV fruits of returned ueace and are now bauded under the designation of
r r j & . .
To clearly indicate the mode of relief it
would appear to be propor to first deter
mins the cause or causes of our pni;i.t dif
ficulties. Understanding the causes, it
would seem to be in the order of nature,
that restoration should follow up their re
woi al. . It is not compatible with the prac
tical efficiency of an address, such as this,
to eagage in any elaborate exposition, or
histsrical account of the gradual progress
of antecedent causes, that have at last cul '
ruinated in the dreadful results wo now be
hold. We shall, thsrefure, necessarily be
.brief, and best discharge our purpose by a
btateiuent of facts, which you will all rec
ognize as correct, aud by the assertion of
propositions and conclusions which we
maintain, cannot be successfully controver
ted" The troubles that are now upon us
are those that the fathers of this country
foresaw might arise upon the decay of pa
triotism, and against which they under
took to guard by the Constitution of the
Uni ted States, and the establishment there-
. t n e j nil . i.
iue wouieueraie otaics. vjuiaiuin ihus.
the formal organization of a government,
they set at defiance the Constitution and
the laws of the United Mates, and under
took to res'ut their execution within the
pretended juiisdiction of this revolutionary
government. The Government of the
United States, in strict accordance with its
powers, undertook to enforce these laws
and to demand obedienee" to them armed
resistance was at once inaugurated on - the
part of the Secessionists', aud thus began a
rebellion and civil war that has become
one of gigantic proportions, aud for many
of its characteristics one of the most formi
dable that ever exited among a civilized
people. At its outset, the appeal was made
to the loyal men of the North to fly to
arms, iu order to uphold the Constitution
and laws, and to maintain the Union.
With the rapidity of magic this appeal was
responded to with unbounded enthusiasm,
and an armed force of 700,t)00 men stood
ready to obey the summons to meet the
foes of the Union. Preident Lincoln, in
his inaugural address he said :
"I have no purpose, directly or indi-
These hopes
grej t de
gree at least, is found in the evidence af
forded of aterrible fact that the Abolition
ists in the North are determined thit the
white population of the South shall be ex
terminated or held in subjugation, an 1 that
our Government shall be overthrown and
the Union of these States finally aad for
ever broken up. Yes extermlnait tho
whites of the South, orgovefn them as a
subjugated people, -and overthrow the
Government and desshoy the Union, i.i their
purpose. . And we ask your candid con
sideration for a moment, until we present
to you a Jew points, from which yon will
see that the inference is irresistablo that
this is the design of this most disloyal
. The Constitution and the Union were
early regarded by the Abolitionists is the
barriers that stood in the way of negro
emancipation. Hence, such Constitution
was by them denounced as a 'covenant with
death and an agreement with hell.' So
late as the 15th of June last a portion of
the members of this band, at a meeti ig in
Massachusetts, passed a formal resolition,
viz :
fiesolvert, That as Abolitonists, d voted
to the great work of overthrowing slnvery,
we renew and repeat our old pledge, "No
Union with slaveholders." No support to
any Administration or Government that
permits slavery on any portion of its soil
and we value this war only as we believe it
must lead to emancipation by order of the
Abuse and obedience to the Constitution and la'vs of set up State domination. With them it sentiment in the South would be cxtin- , revive their sentiments of nationauty.
is a war ag inst nationality. The other j guished. and tho entire Southern popula j e believe that upon the substantial
classjs fighting, as it supposes, to maintain j tion become united as one person agaiust ' extinction of Abolitionibm, the Union cer
and preserve its richts of property and i the Government ? It were the merest folly i tainly can be restored, but that without
would ! such distinction it never can oe. ii at.
domestic safety, which it has been made to i to suppose otherwise 1 How then
believe are assailed by this Government. j such fighting bring back the revolted States - therefore, quite as essential that tho ener
This latter class are not disunionlsts wr e ; into the Union? Can the 8,01)0,000 of , gits of the loyal men of the North be ii
they are so only because they have been i white people there be held under our re- i reeled against the Abolition foes of tha
made to believe that this administration publican torm of Government in subjec- i Union as it is against Secession foes. It
is inimical to their rights, and i making tion ? Is it believed that the people ot the remains therefore only to tuquiro in what
war on their domestic institutions. As North can be maddened into the effort for ; way can these energies be most effectively
long as these two classes act together, they j extermination of eight millions of people, j directed to accomplish the desired purpose T
will never assent to a peace. The policy, with whom we have hitherto lived in a ( We reply only by supporting the orgaui
then, to be persued is obvious. The former i Union held . together by fraternal bonds, ' zation of the Democratic party. There
class will never be reconciled, but the lat- j and most of whom are now bouud to meui- ; is no other thoroughly loyal party m the
ter may be. Remove their apprehensions, i hers of our own population by the closest ; land ; it has, always been national ; it '.a
Satisfy them that no harm u intended to ties of consanguinity T it we were to tx-'. the only party that has no ainaattoa or
them and their institutions; that thisGov-i hau-t all our physical resources aud our i sympathy vith -sectionalism North or
eminent is not making war ou their rights ' pecuniary means could we, if wc would ac- . South it U the only party in Pennsylva
of property, but is dimply defending its complish such purpose of extermination ?. - nia, that is not in the sympathy or suppors
legitimate authority, and they will gladly Can wo hold the Southern States or peo- : ofwuch friends ad Wade, Sumner, Orcoloy,
return to their allegiance as soon as the pie in subjugation without overthrowing Philips, Lovejoy, and Wilmot. The na
presure of military dominion imposed by our Constitution and the Union; without, j tional men who supported Bell and Ever,
the Confederate authority is removed from & fact, establishing a government the most cit in the late Presidential canvass,
them. , I despotic? We need not answer for you j Hove, ni3y now counted in the ranks of the
"Twelve months ago both Houses of these inquiries. We know what must be j Democratic party. The only other poli
Congress, adopting the s-pirit of your mess- ; the response of every mind not deiueu:ed tical oraauization in this State is the na
ace. then but recently sent in. declared f by Abolitionism. I mys of the Democratic party, who has
with singular unanimty the objects of tho i Have we not shown, then, the policy of j rallied once more under the designation of
war, and the country instantly bounded to ' Abolitionism, if carried out, i to the over- the People's Party. This party held
your hide to assist you in carrying it on. throw of our Constitution and Uuion? Be- j tbeir Convention at Ilarriburg on the 17th
j ,
If the spirit of that resolution had been
adhered to wc are confident that we should
before now have seen the end of this de
plorable conflict. But what have we seenl
In both Houses of Congress we have heard litiomsm and bece-sionism. Put down the
doctriues subversive of the principles of former at the ballot box : put down the lat
the Constitution, and scan measure after ' ter (backed by arms) by force of arms
measure founded in substance on those IQ the execution of the latter, insist that
Federal authorities, or to a dissolution off doctrines proposed and carried through. lhc Government shall stand by its plight-
the Union, which must speedily produce 'which cau have no other effect than to dis- ed faithto conduct the war to uphold the
the same result. tract and divide loyal men and exasperate ! Constitution aud Uuion, and not, as Abo-
It is unnecessary to even specify the j anJ drive EtiI1 further fmm us and their j litionists would have it, to make disunion
prominent evidences that, from time 1o time ( dut7 tne people of rebellious States. Mil- i complete aud to overthrow the Constitu
have been afforded that the Abolitionists I 'tarJF officers, following these bad exam-! tion! Ab Pennsylvanians, you have poss
h ad firmly resolved upon the deti action j PIe3i ave stepped beyond the just limits j ibly a greater stake in the preservation of
of this Government. A few of thtm are ? the'r authority in tho ame direction, ; the Union thau the people of any other
tound in th uix-onstitntion! . so yA 1 until in several instances you have left tha state. noutu tne co-operative, yet in
lievintr wo have done so. it remaines to in- ! inst, and their true character is abuudant-
quire : What is the relief for us in this hour ; ly shown in that in their resolntions t they
of gloomxfor our beloved country? We an- j eulogize and sustain Senator Wilmot while
swer : Remove tho 01 -sen ; remove Ao- j they condemn Senator Cowan, both by
the homage paid to Mr. mlmot, and by
refusing to Mr. Cowan even the meed of
"faint prai e ' The distinguished fea
ture in the political course of thos two
Senators, it is well known, is thatMr.
Wilmot has supported the extremest Abo
lition measures of the present Congress,
whilst Mr. Cowan ha won the admiration
and confidence ofevery Union-loving pa
triot iu the land by his honest and fearless
opposition to these measures measures
thattendnd to tntke Disunion porpctuil.
Can any loval man in the State there
in either even: our fulure wiit
piarkeJ in desolated homes, ruined
lortuiies, the depiivutions of person
al liberty and personal security, and
very ' possibly onr soit and oar
siTuaTO- te" reddened with the blood
of our owa people. In such circum
stances we appeal to every loyal
Peminyivani m to do his doty, by
giving Li wneryie-, his influence,
and bit votn to lusure the success of
tLe nbiaiuees ol tha Democratic party-
By ordf of the Committee.
F W. HUGHES, Chairman;
Phila. Jjly 29. a 1862.
Personal Liberty Bills," of several iStates- necessity of interfering to arrest them. ! some sense, hostile movements of Aboli-; fore, hesitate which oi the two political
the renoated declarations of nroininnt And even the passage of the resolution to I ttouism and aecessionisui succeed, and dis
party leaders, even in the last Presidential : which you refer has been ostentatiously i unicn become au established fact, Penn
campaisrn, (see the speech delivered by ; proclaimed as the triumph of a principle sylvania, owiug to her peculiar geograph
Frauk P Biair, at Franklin Hall in the which the people of the Southern States ; ic'l position, would be exposed t the dca
City of Philadelphia, on the 2d of Octo- regard at ruiuous to them. The effect of j olatiou and become the battle field of the
ber, 160, one week before the eltction ) these measures was foretold, and may now ! confliction forces that might undertake to
in which he quoting still hieher authority be EeeD IQ the indurated state of Southern ; ttie all questions that would remain as the
by of what was deemed by them and has
... until recently, proved, to be the harmoni-
om pfion of States and Federal Govern- rect y, to interfere with the institution
uiait in their refined and just relations to
eaeb other. Washington, in his farewell
adc.ress, pointed out these dangers; and,
abeve all, indicated as the evidence of a
. wa:aing attachment for the Union and as
the precursor of its fall, the creation of
: set'.ional varties. It was in view of prob-
abb efforts in this direction that he appeal- civil war has been forced upon the country
ed to his countrymen "io indignantly by the Diunionists of the Southern States,
slavery in the States where it exists
believe I have no lawful right to do
and I have no inclination todoso."
The Cocgress of the United States, im
mediately after the bat le of Bull Uun, in
July, 1861 -
Jiesoivcd, that the present dcp'orable
frown upon the first dawning of every at
teDipt to alienate any portion of our coun
try from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred
tiai which link together the various parts.'
ILid the countrymen of Wasbirgton Buffi
rm mm
now in arms against the Constitutional
Government, and iu arms around the Cap
declared that the object of the Republican
party was ''thejiltimate extinction of sla-1
very." In the a. owed determination to
resist the decision of the Supreme Court of
the United States, in the Dred Scolt case,
and in such decleration as made bj Sana
tor Wade, "a Union where all men are,
equal, or no Union at all." Acting upon
this original purpose, and upon the convic
tion that a return to Congress of Senators
and Reprcseutafives from the Southern
States would result in their political over
throw, the Abolitionists in the lat j Con
gress have pursued a policy that has alarm- '
ed every loyal man in the North, and
forced the conviction that our gal, ant ar
mies in the field, and the whole nation
were to be thwarted in their patriotic pur-
poses. The resolution above quoted, j
adopted by Congress in July, If Ul, im-.
mediately after the Bull Run
was sought to re-af5rm in tho present Con
greos through a resolution offered by Mr.
llolman, of Indiana, in the following
terms :
Rcsolcel, That tha unfortunate civil
war into which the Government of the1
United States has been forced by tie trea- ,
sonablc attempt of Southern Secessionists'!
to destroy the Union, should not he pros- j
ecuted for any other purpose thati the re
"To these causes, Mr. President, and
net to our omission to vote for the resolu
tion recommended by you, we solemnly
believe we are to attribute the terrible
earnestness of those in arms against tho
Government and the continuance of the
war. Nor do we (permit us 1 3 say, Mr.
President, with all respect for you) aeree
that the institution of slavery is "the lever
heritage of dUuniou.
These, however, we forbear now to con
template; for we are unwilling to believe
that 4that God who presides over the des
tinies of nations'' will permitsuch aterri
ble dispensation to befall us. Wc are un
willing to believe that the poople of the
free States will ever become so madened
as to aid the spirit of Abolitiou, that
seems now to brood over us like some evil
of their power," but we are of the opinion I gecius.that would coutrol us to our destruc-
that "lever of their power" is the appre-1 tion. It cannot be that we are to have a
hension that the powers of a common gor- i uoom worse than beieu Uabylou alter she
ernment, created for common aud equal
protection to the interests of all, will bo
wielded against the institution of the
Southern States.
s "Sigued by,
C. A. WlCKLiFFE, Chairman.
Garrett Davis,
R. Wilson,
J J. Crittenden,
Jno. S. Carlile,
J. W. Cmfield,
J. S. Jackson,
H. G rider,
John S. Phelps,
Francis Thomas,
Chas. B. Calvert,
C L. L. Leary,
Edwin II. Webster",
11. Mallory,
Aaron Harding,
James S. Rollins,
J. W. Menzies,
Tboaias L. Prico,
G. W. Dunlap,
A. Hall'
In further prosecution of the emancipa
tion project of the Abolitionists we have
bad " become the habitation cf devils aud
the hold of every foul spirit."
The only excuse offered by Abolition
ism for its police, is the plausible fallacy
that "slavery is the cause of our threaten
ed disunion' To those who. lcok only to
immediate and proximate causes, this
position is captivating; but to those who
remember that the original Union, whic i
waged the war of the Revolution, was made
up of thirteen .slavehulding States ; that the
j Uniou at the time of the adoption of tlni
i present Constitution, consisted of twelve
slaveboldiog to one free-State, ii is very
plain, that instead of slavery producting
disunion that, unless it had been recog
nized and the faith of the whole people
pledged for its proteotion, this Union would
itol; that in this national emer gency t Moration of the authority of the Coustitu-1 the proposition to arm and enlist the ne
have never existed.
Congress, banishing all feeling of mere ! tion and welfare of the whole people of the groes as soldiers. Indeed, we are mforni
passion on resentment, will recollect only j United States, who are permanertly in- d, from official sources, that one General
ciently appreciated his patriotic-warning its duty to the whole country; that this i voived in the preservation ot our present in tne army nas already organtzea a tuil
th'S wide-spread civil war that now afHicts war is not waged on their part in any spirit j form ot Government, without modification ( regiment ot negroes, we torbcar to uts-
n3 would never have exi-ted; but on
contrary, we should, at this timej under
th(fupport which a most bountiful Provi
de ice is extending to us, be ia the enjoy
nunt of a degree of prosperity and happi
nci (we venture to as.sert) unequalled in
tho history of nations. Most unfortunate
ly," eectional parties have grown up, beget
ting sectional bitterness ; and already the
tit' of Americcn citizen begins to pale be
fore tho Invasive progress of such titles as -'
xionneruer ana oouioeraer.
. Years agn men in tho North, then a
yery insigcicant combination, began to
B-aiai'l oar Constitution and. our Union.
Tliis faction basing it3 opposition upon a
rard to the
quest or subjugation, or purpose of over
throwing or interfering with the rights or
established institutions of those States, but
to defend acd maintain the supremacy of
the Constitution, and to preserve the Uni
on, with all ' the dignity, equality, and
rights of the several States unimpaired;
a iid that as soon as these objects arc ac
complished the war ought to cease."
Thus the faith of the President and
Ibis resolution was defeated ha mo- i are not a burlesque upon the name, and
tion to lay it upon the table, made by Mr. whether clothing and arming negroes as
Lovej .y, by the followiug vote, yexs GO, such, beside tho waste of clothes, arms, and
nays 5d. Of those who voted to thus de- i other supplies, is not exposing us to defeat
feat the resolution 59 were Republicans, ' 'n battle, from the ckarly established fact,
while every Democrat excepting one, and 1 that tho negro is utterly disqualified by
every Border States representative whose nature to stand the mu-kctry aud artillery
vote is recorded, voted in the negative. i fire uotto speak of the bayouet charge
Itt co operation 'vitb this most siznifi- of modern warfare. The subject has in-
1 cant declaration, by the Federal .louse of finitely greater proportions when regarded
Representatives, we had the Military j in its effect to discourage enlistments by
It would be as reasonable to arnue that
Houses and money should be extermina
ted, because so long as they exist there
will be incendiaries and thieves, as to ar
gue that slavery should be destroyed be
cause so long as it exists there will be Ab
olitionists. Houses and money are not
more clearly and decidely recognized by
the Constitution and laws o. the Federal
Government, as subjected to the laws and
protection of the States where negro slavery
is recognized. Incendiaries and thieves
no more violate the recognized rights of
organizations is entitled to his support ? ;
The standard-bearers selected by the
D-.'inocratic State Convention are in every '
respect deserving of your confidence.
Isaac Slenker, Esq., our candidate for
Auditor General, is a geutmairuf dis-
tinguished ability and spotless reputation,
lie is a native of York counJ.y, Pennsyl- ;
vania (torn of German parents, and who
were tillers of the soil. , The early polit- '
ical course and well-tried integrity of
Isaac Slenker, is known to many of the !
people of Pennsylvania. "In 1334 he was 1
elected to represent Union and North-
Liscolsism Presidei.t Lincoln
oiiit hate hi joke. Talking oc tbd
rvt subject, be cannot refrain
from leiliru his story or cracking hi?
jM. Th Nw York Commertml Ad
verifier relates the following:
There is rsason io believe that tha
Pivudetit receives no ainill amount
ot advice from politicians, who in
irud up,ii tiiiii with their opinion,
and whor sorue.imes raihwr mors
ernphdtie than .courteous. 'I tell
you Mr President said a Senator
ou dy, 'uuiurs a propositioa for
emancipation is adopted, by the
Guvnriniient, we will all go to ths
d 1. At this very inomsnt we are
not over one mile (roai h 11.'
Perhaps not replied the Presi
dent,' 1 believe that is about the'
distance from here to the Capitol,
where you yeiiileinea are iu ses
sion If McC'.eltan's army was to capit
olaie, it wouid remind our jovial
Presideal of some fellow' out iu IlU
ioois wbo,while doing surae servictf
for a frieuJ. was caught io a man
frp ca his friend's premise. If
Siouewall Jackson should throw
bunrelt suddeuiy on Pope and cot
hi command to pieces, or should
be seeu one brtght morning in Balti
more, or before Washington, with
108,000 the merr Lincoln would
pause to tell a story ol some disa
gteeble chap' wao used always to
turn-up when and where he was
ieal expected.
The other day, a distinguished
public officer ot this State was at
Ws'iing;on, and, iu an interview
wtfi the President, introduced the
quKSiion ot slavery emancipation,
upon which the Administration has
so lonbeen played last and loose.
"Well, yon see," said Mr. Lincoln,
'we've i;iu to be mighty cautious
how we manage the uei;ro question.
If we're uoi, we shall be like the
barber out in Illinois, who was sha
vin a fellow with a haichel face aud
lanierr. jaws like mine The barber
siuck his tinker id his customer's
mouth, to make his cheek stick out
but, while ehaTin away, be cat
through the fellow's cheek cut off
his own finger! If we don't play
mighty smart about the Digger, we
sliail do as the barber did. Albany
(aV. I".) Alius (ltd Argut.
umbjrland counties in the senat
svlvania; and while too many
of r
in that body yielded to tlie influences that
were employed by the late Bank of the
United States to obtain its charter from a
Pennsylvania Legislature, Isaac Slenker,
with eleven others, as honest men, rests- ;;
ted these influences, aud won the reputatiu
of faithful
the faithle
misguided sentimentality in regard to
emtude of the negro race in the South-1 the battle-field, keeping step to the musio
em States, and allowing that sentimentali-1 othe Union, enduring privations and suf
ty to swallow up all true feelings of. patri- j fering8 that would have utterly appalled
otisin; and all duties as citizens, boldly less patriotic and devoted soldiers. The
'rwirtiafTW thS,r htUltv ta tha Constitu- enemy, althoush massed -in. formidable
i Congress was pledged to every loyal man , Jtepresentatives, we had the Military
in the INorth that the war was to be car- emancipation proclamations ot Generals j our own race; resulting iroimue commeu
ried on for the Constitution as it is and the ! Fremont and Hunter. Along ith these l.dable repugnance of the white man to be
Union as it was. Under the inspiration j we had the project of Mr. Sumtitr, in the U'Iace1 upon au equality of military rauk
of this high, patriotic, and holy purpose, J Senate, to blot out the State governments
our gallant countrymen have marched to t of the rebel States, reduce them to a ter-
tiscandthe Union, which they rightly
clidaed recosnized and was pledged not to
in rade the control of the1 States respective
ly over the institutions of domestio slavery.
IJ.sIoTa.1 declaration Knfth as ttLetter DO
Utiioa at all - than a Union with slave-! d'ers of the Unioathey for a time were
bodies, and supported by an energy, skill,
and munitions of war that evinced an in
creased concentration of sentiment in be
half ofthe rebellion, yet, before the mighty
shock of our arms inflicted by the sol-
htlders," becarasthe axiomatic dicta of
vanquished : their forts, towns, and other
strongholds were rapidly taken, and,
Jthrosgb its leaders their chief object to be
tlhe ultimate extinction of slavery" it at
tafc ed to such c inseq'ience that the people
cf the slave Lolling States became alarmed
i ctid bea to form counter combinations to
2 6 S us t the threatened - overthrow of what
they claimed to be rights that were intend
ed 'to bo sacredly guarded by the Constltn
tTiki c-fthj United States. At the sama
A21 an in-
with the negro.
But not the least objectionable consider
ation is the facV that this inferior raco
having their minus, and passions inflamed
by the tales of real or imaginary wrongs
which' Abolitionism is too careful to impart
to them, will, with arms in their hands,
perpetrate the atrocities of "the indiscrim
inate slaughter of all ages, sexes, and
conditions" barbarities in warfare of
which oar ancestors complained against
Great Britain, who had employed against
them the "merciless Indian savages."
The history of the Degro wars and in
surrection in St. Domingo, and other
West India Islands, is replete with the
barbarities of rapine and slaughter of
helpless women and infants, that shock the
sentibilities of the lowest development of
humanity ia the white mau. And yet,
should the negroes in the Southern States
be employed and armed by the Federal
Government against the white population,
then the atrocities of the West India
Islands we may naturally expect to be re
peated here on a vastly more extended
scale. Against such a fiendish policy
would have been spent, and that the peo we must glance at Southern society and uia oaiytne monu wuuimmwi oi
lh cf tho rebellious States; tcicj assured notice, tho elates into which il" haa been a11 whit, of the Ncrthera States who
ritonai conauiou ana to govern tnem as
tuch. Then followed various emancipa
tion schemes, and among them ths project
of confiscation of slaves nominiUyy but
really .a bill to emancipate them. We
caunot probably better prove the aperaiion
of such measures upon the Southern mind, !
man to quote tue iouowing extract irom
the reply of twenty-eight repreientatives
from the Border Slave States to President
Lincoln, in reference to his appet to them
to adopt his project, that the Federal Gov
ernment should aid them with ; money to
this faction, then and nnw in its for mid a
bla nroriortiona bp-t Vnos-n as Abolition- amid the shouts of ' the
IMS. V. itnont (Iwe !! nnnn tha nrarrresa t umuinuiu. i
ait,d growth cf thU faction, it is toolament- I listed for the me-e purposi of re-establish-1 " ihe rebellion derives its strength from
ally true and well known that croclaimia" ? inS devotion to,-acd the protection of, our j the union of all classes ia the insurgent
exult-1 pay the master for his nearro upon his
had cn- emancipation, viz : :
croud national ensisrn; the star spangled ; State ; and while that union lasts the
I i t ..i-.U. I M . 1 iM .1 - .
banner there again spreaa out us ioiu. j war win never ena until tney ire utterly
At tha beginning of these successes much j exhausted. We know that at the incep
aitachment for the Union . was - developed ! tion of these troubles Southern sciety was
among tho people where such cases occur j divided, and that a large portioi .', perhaps
red. It wa3 hoped and believed that, with , a majority, were opposed to secession
a fawmore Eimilar important blows in- j Now the great masses of Southern people
flicted upon the rebellion that it3 force - are u'aited. To discover why they are so
"upon the Judiciary Committee of the Sen- j
ate, and took n ac'ive part in the revi- ,
siou of our civil coda. At the expiration;
of his Sena'orial term, Mr. S enker re- ;
turned again to the practice of his pro- !
fjssioii as a lawyer, and since then has j
been out of public position, except that ia
lJ-56 he was one ofthe Paesidential Elcc-;
tors on tbe Democratic ticket in this State, j
Mr.SUnkeer is a gentleman of command- j
ing abilities ; highly exemplary in bis hab- ,
its of life ; of great industry ana purity oi .
Col. James P. Barr, our candidate
for Surveyor General, is the editor an 1
proprietor of the Pittsburg Pes', a news
paper that since Mr. Barr's connection
with it, has ever been the advocate of sound ;
National principles. During present civil
war the Pout has ably advocated the pros
ecution of tho war for the suppression of
the rebellion, aud the preservation of the
Constitution aid the Union. At tho same
time it has been unsparing iu its hostility
to that disloyal party or combination that
has sou-rht to prostitute uch war to the
mere purpose of negro emancipation, and
to that policy in conducting in that nece3
arily tends to make disuniou perpetual,
and to permanently destroy our republican
form of government. Mr. Barr, like Mr
Slenkr, is a Pennsylvanian by birth, born
in tho county of We-tmorelaud is a prac
tical ririnter has raised himselt to a
others wheu they burn houses and commit
robbery, than do Abolitionists, when, by
the underground railroad or other devices,
they deprive the slaveholders of the South
of thatDronertv to which tho Constitution
and laws of his States, as well as those of I proud political and business position by
the United States euarantee t roteeiiou. I his industry and energetic character, aad
If in the attempt to commit arsou or rob- j is a gentleman of promptness and integrity
bery, life is takeu, it is murder in the first ! in all his private and political rela
degree ; so, too, it is murder of the same , tions. .
grade to take iife in the unlawful attempt j While our candidates'have great reason
to deprive the owner of his rights in the . to entertain a just pride that they have
services of his negro. Aud hero, too, wi I been selected as thvj standard-bearers of a
will remark that tha present war, if j great national party, strug ing to maintain
Abolitionists should succeed in diverting I the Union and Constitution against dan-
it from its proper purpose of upholding tho
Constitution and the Union, and prosti
tuting it to their cherished object of free
gerous ana insiaiou3 assu'U oi iueir en
emies, still, that party may well congrat
ulate itself that it is so worthily repre-
ing negroes by killing white men, would j sented in its standard-bearsrs.
become an atrocious murderous war, that j Fellow countrymen, a great isue U be
wouldjuatly subject all who give it fuoh j fore you it involves tho sioineutiom oou
direction to the penalty ofthe law imposed ! sideration. 'whether our Constitu'. ion and
against tho highest of crimes. j Union shall be preserved ; or whether Ab-
The policy of Abolitionism, therefore 1 j olition foe North, or Seoession foe3 South,
not only unsupported by" one tenable shall destroy them I Every patriot iu the
ground, even for its palliation, but judged lttnd should know and feel that the ouly
by its objects and its effects, it is in tha chance for the preservation of our present
highest degree criminal aud disloyal. By , Government, it Constitution and the Un
eradicating Abolitionism, we remove not iou bised thereon, in on the success of
only sectionalism from tbe North, but the the Democratic party, in the free Stata,
cause of sectionalism in the South.
The fall of Abolitionism, we verily be
lieved would in a short time bs attended
bv the fall of Seoessionism. Although the
at tha next elections. If we fail then all
is lost, and the hitherto glorious fabric of
our once great government, will fall into
the abyss of anarchy, or else upon i riuas
imaginary advantages of a Southern Con- a despotism will be reared.
Whits and Black Rkqiments- to
ec KisD bt Jim Lahk. A dispatch
hum Washington to the Philadel
phia Press, nays :
Senator Lane, of Kansas, has re
ceiveJ authority from the President
ami Secretary of War to recruit un
der the late laws paed by Cutigrese
aud wild ibis authority will leavefor
ibe West, where he will issue a
public order, calling on all loyal
men, irre.-pestive ot party or color,
to join his army. He expects to
have one while and two black ra
itne.its iu the full in three week
from the lime ot reaching his des
tination. He has full authority to
draw on ail quartermaster for arms
clothing aid subsistence.
Dowx With Ti;k StxessioMsTs.
Ilia lime this cry , learned by note
and partoned against the Democrat
cy, fcbot.ld lose its terrors
1 here can be no more disgraceful
epithet applied to any man than that
oi traitor, but when party leaders,
lor partisan purposes, vicit this re
proach upon -better patriots than
iheni-elve-, the appellation will
so. ner or later come home, like
ch cker.s to rooi, on those lrom
whom it emanated.
The Democracy, at the first gun
from Sum'ef, sprang to arms in de
lance ol tlie Government. They bad
aiways been lor their country right
or "vronij, be'.ievein it lime enough
to inquire into the cause o? the con
linr.iiion alter the tire should be
extinguished. So, when the ques
tion ws between the preservation:
oi ttte Union and the support of an
administration with which they had
no sympathies in commonhey hes
itated not a moment in rallying for
the country, regardless ot the fact
that in so doin th-y were ooliged
to aid their political toes. If they
buried ths haichel, lha least that
could have bt-en expected was that
ihe Republican leaders, with eqaal
patriotism, should alo sink the slo
gan of Abolitionism in the about for
Die Constitution and the Union.'
Caicjga Tunts
An ignorant fellow, who was
aboti: to tiel married, ri solved 'o
make himself perfect in tae respon a
of tne marriage service, but by mis
take, he commuted the office of
baptism Jor tho-e id riper years ; so
whtt. the clergyman asked him ia
ihe church Will thoj have thi
woman to b thy wedded wife 1"
The bridegroom answered in a very
soUiuu tone. 'I renounce ihem all !'
The atani-hed minister aaid, "1
ihiuk you are a fool." To which he
replied, "All ihia I ileadlastly be
l:eve!" A your.g girl naroeil Bezet, aged
nil ye?, hR just expired at Sorgues
f Vauclbse. France ) alter great suf
fering, and having discharged a cat
erpil ar tio.Ti the uotrila some days
t;ore It i supposed that some of
ihe e2 mui hake b-eri inspired in
smeiun'4 a flower, anl had become
hatched in he head ot the child,
causing her dwath.
War limes, hard s,mii, and datt
times, is on he lip of every one.