1- i i i -JL STA 11 OF THE NORTH jTSjLOOJSSIJtJaUJ, PA. Wednesday Horning, Ang. 6tb; 1563- , The proceedings ot the last war meeting will Le found in another column of ibe t'tar'. Read them. Mr lacher Grans ha had several appie I reei', loaded with very fine fruit, uprooted by some of the receut storms. Rjrki connty has appropriated S30 OOOas a bcotttj fund lor volunteers for the six new companies Irora that county." Binj F. Hartmari of this place was thrown from bis ulkey on Wednesday of last week and broke one ol his legs. He is doing as well as can be expected. Those wishing to enlist for tiine or twelve mouths have but a short time, as alter the lOlh inst. no recruit will be received for a lesn perit d than three jears or during the w&l. Thk Young Ladies of Bloomsburg will holl an Ice Cream Festival in Robison'a Brick, on Mam Street, on Thursday even ing, the 14th of August, the proceed of wDich will be applied to ameliorate the con dition of the sick and wounded soldiers. ' W feel it our duty to announce that Dr. Jofau has not volunteered. He i- evidently Valorous man, to express himself ready for a draft, when he known that as Post Mas:er he is exempt ! Truly he is ready. , I. V. Motcr, who was reported to have I ecu killed at the fight befoie Richmond, turns op since in one of the Hosj itala iii 3ltiuiore, where he lies wounded. He wai formerly a school teacher in this place. hlty he recover to fight another day.-' (!ittawi is ahead of this place in rais ing soldiers lor the war. That place and thiu are expected to be able to send a Com pany to Harrisburg on Friday next, to be accepted as nine mouths men. A. C. McNsrH, of this place, is buily en gaged recruiting men for the war. He id mere energetic than any. other man about the place. He is going in the tented field ttmse'f. Andy will make an industrious and popular officer. We learn that Ckari.es P xtos was not killed :n the late t attle before Richmond. Ho was formerly ot ibis place but enli-ted rJ joined a company from Lycoming county. letter says he is a prisoner at Richmond. .He is a relative ot the Paxtous ia this county. In another column will be found a circu lar iseued by the officers ol the Washing ton Pennsylvania Soldiers Relief Associa tion' Per-oti having friend or relative in the hospital at Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Near York or New Haven, can have assistance in learning their where atoul and condition, by addressing or call ing od the person named in the circular. Chsklks H. Noll, formerly barker in this p ace has procured hi discharge irotn the army, ai er a service of pome nii.e month, on account of ill health, and returned home to his family. He design opening his bar bur hop this week, and would .isk a fair rhare ot public patronage. He is a good liarr and t a r dresser, betides being wor tty ot a liberal patronage. Oji a Visit. We notice that our young liiend, William Mebick, son of our towns man Samuel Mel'.ick, who received an inj i rj; to the knee some time ago, but has so tar r covered as to Le able to pay his parents ana irteiu a visit. esahim lying in ti e Hospital, from the effects of his wound, - ttree weeks ago, at Alexandria, Virginia. Ha is a membei of Matthew's Battery, nd omrade of Lieuts. Ricketts and Brock way. MaJ- I. S. Monro made a speech at the -ii"e war rneeiing at this place.-the whole of ivbch we report He arose amid the cheers of the audience, and said : "1 am as good a Democrat as the sun ever thoi.e upon !" the n resumed his seat which was among the Vice Presidents of the meeting. This speech brought down the Abolition and Republican side of the bouse wiih rap turous applause, for they admire his Demo cracy, on account of its being so much the color ol their own. - We learn that the Methadists of the Ca -' t iwis&a Circuit intend having a Camp Meet lag on the ground ot Mr. Wiliiam Kim3cl, rear Sharp Ridge, about 7-miies from Cat tiwissa, to commence or. Monday, August. 18th, and close on the following Saturday. . lie. T. M. Rkksk, Presiding Elder of the Northumberland district and several other eminent ministers are expected to be pres cut. Republican. We are informed that ihe citizens of Mil iiile are making extensive arrangements tot a grand Union Festival, to be held in tbe grove near the village, on Saturday the 1 6th of August. The Festival will be under the auspices ol the Ladies Army Aid Socie ty of that pUce and tbe proceeds are to be impropriated to ameliorate the coudiiioti ot the sick and wounded soldiers. ' Several distinguished speakers Irom a distance will te in attendance. . - ; SixGtR & Co'6 Letter "A'; Family Sewing Machine, which is advertised in the Star, vithatfthe modern improvements, is the cheapest and most besutifut of alt Sew iig Machines. We can Bafely recommend Hit Machine. It has been thoroughly test t d and not found deficient ia any particular. This Machine stands above all others There is no other Machine in the Market at the present day, nor likely to be, which ciu eiruH so many kind of work lis ihis JJachine in question. It is the leading Ma eaiae of the day. 1 REfaisTEivswoTi ces. NOTICE is hereby given in all legatees creditors and other persons interested in the estates ot the respective decedents and minors, that the lollowing ad minis! rat ion and guardian accounts have been filed in the olfice of the Register of Columbia co., and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county afore said, on Wednesday the 3d day ol Septem ber next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. 1. First and final account of Geo. Blech er & Peter M Karshner Executors of Henry Krum late of Montour township dee'd. 2. The account of Alein B. White exec utor ot Joseph White Ja e of Pine uvp, dee'd. 3. First and final account of Chas. Mas teller adm'r l Lewis Smith late of Brier creek twp , dec d 4 First account of Geo. H ighes and cth err odmitiistra'ors ol the estate of Joseph Paxtou late of Catlawissa twp , dej'd. b. Account of Win, Cox Elus Executor of Elizabeth Murray late ol Derry twp., dee'd. 6. Account of Robert Davison Adm'r.ol B. F. Teila late of CaUawissa twp., dee'd 7r Final account ol David Davis & Paul Leidy executors ot Sarah techier late of the Borough of Danville deu'd. 8. First and final account of Joseph W Reese admr ol Benjamin W. Reese late of Greenwood township de'd. 9. First and final aicoun of John H. Hettler executor ol Peter Hertouher la e ol Mifiim twp., dee'd. 10 The first and final account of John Smith aitm'r of Peier Craw lord late ot Mad-i-on to usliip dee'd. 11 Account ol David Krisher, Guardian ot (ieo. W. Mint Buville Krisher minor sous ol Simon Kribhrr late ol Locust twp dee'd. 12. The final account ol Pe er Hippeu steel and John Hi-peiiteei administrators oi Conrad Hippeu&it-el late of Bnarcreek twp., dee'd. 13. Tt.e first ami finahacconnt of Jonathan Wilson adm'r of Arnold Ketter la'.e of Green wood township deo'd. 14. The final account of Wm. G. Quick and John G. Quick, adm'r of Jobu H. Quick late ot Montour twp, dee'd. 15. The final account ol Cyrus B. Reece adm'r ol Veuiah Reeee lata of Hemlock township dee d. DANIEL LEE, Register. Bloomsburg Aug 6 n l6o2. BLOOMSBURG BARBER SHOP. 1 HE undersigned respectfully informs the vi tZrfii ol Bloomsburg, and the public geueraily. that he ha reopened t'-e Barb-r Snop, located ou Main Street, ut the wbi'e Frame building, nearly oppo-ite the Exchange Block; w t t-re I e is l all times teady to wait upon his customers to entire satisfaction.' SHAVING AND HAIRDUESSING, Will bt execute d with rate and neatness and in the tuoi taftiiobable fcijlt. and on very moderate terms. tdtT Shampooing, done up in Citj' style. He i-oiicit .iibitc patronage uud plfe hii bfl ei.df avuro to give every reao lable sau i-facii on. CHARI.KS HENRY NOLL. B!oomburg, Aug. 6, 1362. Circular ''H'oih'mgton renntytonnvi Soldiert1 Relief stsocittio't., This Aoci tion, Imvin-' opened an office at No 5 Wa hing-nn ti iilJin-, comer ol "ill 8're: and Pennsylvania avenue where wi I be lonnd a regis er of all Pennsylvania soldiers in r around this city in lioi-pila'.s, invite the Iriends of the same to call assur iii2 them thai ail possible aid will be ex tended oi finding iheir sons Mr. Chas L. Weils, ihe register, will be fouiui i l:e otiice. " The Corre;iondin2 Secretary, Mr. S. Tood Perley, will answer all letter ir. regard to ick a-.d wounded Pennsylvania soldiers, wliether in or around this city, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or Ne x Haven. Address, care Box 84$ Washington, D. C. J K. MOREHEAD, Prest. J. M.SLTLLIVAN.Sec y. July 31, I8S2. I-UK I, ID sai.i; Valuable lienl lis ate In pnrsuanct-of an order ot the Orphan's Conn of toluinbia county, on Saturday the 23 t day ol AnuM next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, John M. Cherribeilin, Adm'r of Noah S P'ei.i3, la'e of Bloom town ship, in said ron ii n , deceastrl, will expose lo al.b PuMir: Vendue, upon the prem ise., a t'enain lot of fironnd, moate it: Hopk inville, Hlnom township v'' joiui''g Bioomsburg Columbia county) and m ihe North side ol ihe ullic road leadina from B.oomsburg to Espyiown, IroMina on ihe aid rca adj-miing a lot of the decedent o-i ihe E-si a lot ot Aiic So) der . on . west, and an alley on ihe norih, contamitig in front ou Ihe public road aforesaid sixty nine ffet, ai d extendiua alons the line of Alice Seder's loi t;ii hundred pr.d iiintv- fie leei t an ally, theme along said al ley in a South East direction eight nine! leei to a post, thence Ninth ve-lwardU one hundred and filiy five feet to the public roao. Hereon is erected a large two story, frame house, a latge Brick stable and oilier out building". Late the E-taie of said deceased, situate in the iowiisIjio of Bioom and couipv afore said. JACOB EYEULV, Cle,k Blnom-bur?. Jnt 23, lf62. TERMS OF SAIE. One fourth of the purchase mony to be paid n the cor fir mtijon of Ihe sale, three fourth in one ear from the confirmation, with in:erest Irom the confirmation, ten per cent of the one fourth to be paid at the time of striking down the property J M. CHEMBERLIN. Adm'r. - SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fir. Fac. to me di rected, issued nut ot the Court of Common Plea of Columbia county, will b exposed to 'public ale, at th- Court Hone, in Bloom-burg, on SATURDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF APGUSr. 1862, at 2 oVIot k, in the afternoon ol aid day, the following real estate to wit : A!l thai certain" tract or parcel cf land. sitDHte iu Madison l own-hip, Odmr.bia co. Pa., bounded and described as follows, viz: On Ihe Sou h and West by lids of New Columbia, ou .the North by land of Aora ham Young, on the E-si bv lauds of Sarn'l Staufier. and on the S-.ntli Ea-t by land of Aaron Smith, containing about one hun dredand tony five acres, be ihe same mow or les, whereon are erected a cood Frame Dwelling House and a Bank Barn, w ith the appurtenances. x ALSO, One other lot or piece of land, si'oate in the township and county aforesaid, contain ing 20 acres, unimproved, Bounded and described as follows to wit: Ou thg Wet by lands of James Ki-ner, on the North by lands of Alexander Carr, on the Jast by land ol Jonathan Mastellef- Seized taken in exei-nrion and to be sold a the property ol Jacob Bechtel. JOSIAH H. TUBMAN, SherifTs Offiere, ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg, July 23, 1S52. J SilER & CO Letter A" Family sewing Blachli e, With all the Recent Improvements. I the best and cheapest and most beanti lul of all Sewinz Machines. This Macb ne will sew anything, from the running cf a luck in Tarletan to ihe making ot an over coat; anything from Pilot or Beaver cblh down to the softest Gaue Sr Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do it wort . to perfection. It can tell, hem, bind, gall er, turk, quilt; and has capacity lor a great va riety ol ornamental work. This i not Ihe only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, mid so forth, but it will do so better than nny other machine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may be had in ureal vari ety ot cabinet cases. The Folding Ce, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be tol led into a box or case, which, when opei ed, make a beautitul. substantial, substantial, and ppRcioii table for the work to rent upon The ca-es are ol very imaaimble design; plain a the wood grew in its na ive forest, or us elaborately fiuiuhed as art can niitkrt them. The Bianch Office are well supplied vith silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc, of the very best quality. Send for a copy of Singtr & Co 's Gazbttk. 1. M SINGER & CO., 458 Bioalvvay. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 810 Chestnut St N. S. Tmgley, Agent, in Epy, Pa. John Sharpie, Agent, iu Cattawissa. Ju y 23, 1862 -1y. $150 BEST PIANOS. $150 GROVES IE EN & HALE, having ie moved to their new wareroouis, 1T0. 47 ErLOASVrAT, ar now pre, ared to offer the public a mag nificent new 6cale full 7 Octave Koscirood Piano, coutaiuiitg all iinprovetnenia known ir this Country or Europe, over-strung bass, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, lor S150 CASH, Warranted for 5 Years. Rich moulding cases, $175 TO $200, all warran ted made ol the best seasoned material, and to stand better than any sold lor $400 or 8500 by the old tneihoiis ot manoiacture. We invite the best Judges to examine and try these new insirurr ents. and we stand ready at all times to test them iih any others manufactured in tlii oun- ry GROVESTEEX & nLC. 478 Kroadway, New York. June 4 h 1862. 3m. HEADING RAIL ROAD. MM MLR AH11ANGL31LMV GREAT Trunk line from the Nor:h and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading Potisville, Lebanon, Allen town. Easion,&e , &e. ' Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadi Iphia New York, Reading, PoMsville, and idl in termediaie Sia.ions, at 8. M.aud I.4C P. M New York Express leave Harri-h irg ai 1.25 . M. airlving at New York at 8.:?5 the same mor ning. Fare Iroir Harrisburg : to New York $5 00, to Philadelphia S3.25 and $2,70. Baggage checked through. Reiurniug leave Nw York at 6 A M. i2 Noon, aii.t 8 P. M. ( Pin-burgh Ex re-s ) Lenve Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.15 P Sleeping ctM in the New ork LprefS Trains, through to and Irom Putt burgh without change. Passengers by the Cattaisa Riil Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A M. tor Phila delphia ami all intermediate Stations and at 3 00 P. M. lor Philadelphia. Ne York, and all Way Points. Trains lea e Pottsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. tor Philadelphia and New York, and ai 5.30 P. M. for Aobnrn ai:il Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Cattawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Pa-MMiyer train leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns Irom Phila delphia ut 5 P. M. All the the above liains tun daily, Sundays excepted. A Snndav train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A M. and Philadelphia al 3. id P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Sea-on, ai.d Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and Irom ail points. G. A. NICoLIS, General Superintemiant. June 4'h i62. AUDITOR'S NOTICII , CREDITORS, and other per-ons injeies led. will tke notice ihat the under signed, Auditor appointed by the Oiphan s Comt of Columbia couutj, lo settle and adjust' the rates bnd proportions of Ihe as-eis cf ihe Estate of Benjamin, H i). man, decM., iu Ihe hands of Sohhkoii Nejhwrd hi- adiiiini-tra.or, lo ano among the credi tor of Ihe s.iid deceased, according l' law, will attend to the discharge of tii duties, at fits i uc6, in riioomsourg.in earn i-uun.j, on Saturday, the Sixteenth day of Augu-t, A. :). nne thousand emht hnmtr -a aui sixty-twn,at ten o'clock, A M..il con firmation ot the first Audiuir' Rrport hav ingbeen taken oft by he said Court, and ihe said report re-com mitte J io tin said Auditor, when and where all person inierestea are requested to present iheir cUims 'j the Auditor, or be debarn d from coming in for a share of ihe said aet. W. WIRT, Aiditor. Bloomsburg, Jly 16 '62. 4t. Court Proclamation. WHEREAS the Hon. Aarou K Peck- ham, Pie-ident Judge ot Ihe Gonrt .f Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Sessions ol tht Peace and Court of Common Pleas ami Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and W ommg, and ihe Hons. Stephen B Idy and John MrKejnolds, Associate Judge, ol Co.. lumbia Co., tiave is-oed their precej I, bear ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixty one, and lo ire directed for fi tiding a Couri ol Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery , Quarter Sessions ot tin- Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in iil.ionis borg, iu the county of Columbia, on the first Monday (bein-r the 1-1 day) of Sept., nexi and io i-oiitinue one week. Notice i hereby 'O the Core ner, the J u -tires ol the Peace and Coii-iablns oi the said County of Columbia, lhai they.be Ihen and theie in Iheir proper persons at 10 o' clock in ihe forenoon ol said day, with their records, inquisitions and other rem jmbran ces lo do those things which lo their offices appertain to be dune. And those that are bound by recognizes, lo prosecutt agaiusi the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said county ot Columbia, lo be then and there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ja ror are requeued to be punctual in thei attendance, agreeably to their notie. e, dated at Bioomsborg, 21st day of July, in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. and in the cighty-siith year of the Independence of the United States of America. (God save the Common wealth.) JOSIAH H.J7URMAN, Sherifi's Office, ) Sheriff.. Bioomsborg, July 31, 1862. J GREAT EXC1TEJIFNT XT STILLWATER. LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RR CEIVED. AT the Store of Daniel McHenry, in Still water, Columbia connty. The undersigned would respectfully in vile the citizens of Fishing Creek and the surrounding country, to his large and ex tensive stock of Goods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here tofore His assortment consists of Cloth, Calicoes, Muslin, Hats and Caps, of ihe latesi fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved m-ke; also, a lot of excel lent Heady-Made Clothingr. together with a good assortment ol Ves ting. His store is well filled with Goods ot every description. His are not surpassed by any Stoie in the coun try. His Hardware Department has nut been neglected. SCTTUES, RAKES. II0ES, SII0TELS Sac, are constantly kept on hand ; also, Spikes and Nails in short, everything us ually found iu Firsi-Cla Stores. DANIEL McHENRY. Stillwa'er, May 14, 1862. Greenwood Seminary. THE Spring Term of this Institution wil commence on the 7ih of April next. The Principal will be asiied by able instructors, and as ample facilities will be afforded lo qualify S'udents lor teaching, for business or for a more extensive course in literature, a liberal abate of ;partrouage is again solicited. Pupils who do not come from home, or are not put under the charge o.' near rela tives, must board al the Seminary, and be subject lo Ihe regulations thereof. Ttiey must provide their own towels and have each article of clothing distinctly marked. Eleven weeks corstitute a quarter and there will be a vacation of about six weeks in n, id summer. Boarding, washing and Tuition, with furnished rooms, will be S25 per quarter, oi.e half payable in advance. Tuition ahuie in Common branches, $5 00 " .including advance Algebra mathematics history &c. 6 00 " in Latin, German or French each extra 1 CO For further paricnlars address WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 26. 1862. ill me. lfiiioret' QUARTERLY MIRROR of FASHIONS, GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rpHE Slimmer Number will contain four " large and splendid Fashion Plates, three Full Sized Patterns, comprising the new French Waist, and elegant sleeve, and a Misses Sack, together with nearly 100 en gravings ot ali the novelties tor Summer bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. ChiUireu's Dresses, etc , Valuable information to Mil liners, dress maker, mothers, and ladies generally, presuming the lergest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 47 Broaduay. and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by mail pest tree, on receipt "I ihe amount, Yearly 1 wi.h the follow ing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to Ihe selection of 50 cent worth ol plain patterns, from the designs in the DooH, or Irom the show room, or they may be order ed and sen by mail any tirr.e during the year, by paving the postage. rySplendid inducements io Canvassers The summer number will be ready ou or about the 1st of May. April 30th, 1852. Elt IIIM!I FOR TUC I MOY, And L. T. sharpies "flieap C-h More.' NEW GOODS I GREAT BARGAINS I THE nndersigred is just receiving a r.ew supi y of'goods, fresh fiom Ihe cities ol New York and Phil'a. and is prepaied to sell them at Reduced Prices. Calicoes from 7c to 12-, the best at I2c some of which cost 15c. Dress G.io I- ; Chalhs, Laveilas, Ginghams, Muslins, Ken lucky Jeans, boy's Casimere9, &e., in proportion. Ladies' Shoes and Gaitors. in great vari riety of Mj le end quality. A good heeled Gaiter for 62", and an excellei t Congress forSl.OO A kid heeled Loe Hoot for St him! upward. ALSO, the High Cut Puimo ral Laee Boot (or ladiex. Lndies' and Chil drens' Skirt, Linen Handkerchiefs, at a very low figure. C2 tfc m S3 en zr cz Best Stone Ware Sets S4.G0, &c IL'in'uiy, Dried Peaches, Mackerel, Chees, Lemons, etc- Good Syrup Molasse from 50 to 6f a gallon. Sugars, lower than recently sold, from 8e to 13ir, ihe latter price for te-t white. Coal Od as low as anywhere. lAn examination of the goods i soli cited. Come and see for yourselves, ihat Ihe Cash System is preferable io any other. Grain and country produce taken in ex change for Goods by L. T.SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg. March 26. 1862 NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! JIT PETER ENTS STORE'. In Light L'reet, Columbia county, Per.na. HAS just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Enl, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles ami latest fashion. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SHAWS, HOSIERY. SILKS, READY-M de clothing, CASSIMKRS. SATINETS, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C , GROCERIES, QUEENS W ARE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drus, Oils, Paints, &c , Boots and Shoes, Hat and Caps. In short everything usually kept in a oonntry store. The patronage of old friends, and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Lighl Street, May 7, 1862. v Hi)f'..s in turietv at ihe cheao t-a-h Store O of L. T. SHARPLESS. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER 56 EYER'S. rMIE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and telecl assortment of Spring and Summer Coodsj purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Their slock comprises I-adies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and late-t fashions. DRY GOOD 5, Of GU CZ3 C IT 1 Cd G3 q Hardware, Queensware, Cedara'e, Hol lovvware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hais and Caps, &c , &o. In short, everything usually kepi in country stores; to which fiey invites Ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country prod-ice. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, April 30, 1H62. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW MILLINERY GOODS. 'BllE nnder-igned would ino-t respect- toily announce to Ihe citizens of Blooms burg and vicinity that she ha just receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spring & Summer Millinery Goods, all ol winch she is prepared io inakeTr-g and sell at a very reasonably low fig fr' k ure. Her as-oilmni of good are a little superior in poml of durability as well a- ia-tefuli'e.-s, lo an v offered in this section. She returns thanks lor the libeml patron age si e bus rfcei?d. and u-sei'ilnHy so licits a continuance ol ill srne MARY BARK LEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 Opposite Ihe Comt Jiouse ami ntxl door to Democrat OJfue THE nndcrsgi:ed,re-pei:ilully inform hi friend and customer that h has ojined A New Barber Shop. In Court Hon- Al ey, next door below the Office of the Columtia Democrat, where he will be hvppy to wait upon all m-ionier., nl from long experience a id strct a'tn lion to buiresF, tie hopes to :rierd and re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. CPAII things here done in decern- and in order." THOMAS BROWN. Bloomsburg, Mrrh 5. 162. G ii 1 1 a I' rc'iia ClacKtiis: I (WITHOUT BRUSHING ) TjOR Boot, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Leather Work. This new and excellent article excels eveaythirig ever beloe in use, for beauti fving and sol ening the Leather. It rnal:e a polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor -lain the finest white s Ik, and makes lea'her perfectly water proof. Twice a mouth applied mi boot and shoes, and once a month lor hnrnes is tufhcirttii. If the leather becomes dirty wah it oil with clean water and the poii-h will re ap. enr. Warranted as lepre-euted. Direct ions lor u-e. Apply a fe ilrops on a sponge, rub ii slo'.tly over ihe leather, and the pdi-h is cnmid.Me. PRICE 37 CEFTS VFR BOTTLE ! ttT P'or sale by L. T. H.IU'LESS. j& Bloomsburg, May 14, lb62. GRAND Jt R0RS 5?E IT. TER.1I,!SG2. Benton John D h'me, 1. N. Moore, Beaver Samuel Cox, B'iarcret-k J.C. Nin th, Cen I re Andrew Fea-, Cat:a ia Dr. J. W. Bobbins, Dau'i Rein bold, Jacob Crca-y , Convngham Wm. L. Kline, Franklin J S. Pahringer Fishmgcreek, Kmaiidu Unaogst, David Yost,' Jackson Joshua Savage, Locust John L. Ilui-i, Madison James Welliver. Uriah Mills, M.iHi.i D. A. Hes H. C. Ile-s. Mi. PleasHtii I.ei Garrett, M:iine Jacob Gd Miii.', Pine Abraham Hmli'"St. Jihti Lfickhart, Thomas AlcB.'iJe, E!ij ih Fullmer. Traverse Jurorst Bloom Michael Wat er, J;.-e,.h Uirkley, John Deiterioli, Borough Berwick Jesse Bowman, Hudsen 0 .ven, Centre Wm. Sh;ifT-i. II W. IN-efl,.j(-!u Jeremiah Hagei.tnch. Calls wisa Gjo. Sc lt, Casper Rhn, Dan lei Heivvig, Fisliincreek Ma run Am Termaii, Frank lui Bei j. P. Kurt ier, (ireeiiwod l.aa.r Dm, setir. Lorusi Reuben Fahriuger, J-'hn Dvi, John K:ine David I It n , J idol Harner. Madison, Valentine Weliner. Ma'hia-. Moore, Shepherd R.nvau. Richarl De rnott, Ml Pleasant Wm. Mdier, Wm Kitchen, Mn'ot I Peter fleimhacti, MifUiii E. H. H-s, Mawe Jacoti Stingar, Wm.T. Shuman, Orange Alfred Howell, PiriP Ezra Runv an, Jotin Wi'uers'e(fi. Scot: Thoma- W. Edga', Eiias Kline, C. N'JSS, Sam'l ttaiieiihoch. Biuomborg. July 23, 1 S R 2 . List cf Causes for Sept. Term, I8C2. 1 Andrew divelin s. Andrew Ale In k et al. 2 Phibp Winlers'een v Valentine Winter- sieen. 3 Daniel F- Sebeit et al. vs Augustu- B. Pearce el ai 4 Dan ! F. Sejbeit vs Augustus B. Pearc et al. 5 Henry Welle jr. vs George Kinl-y jr. ti Samuel J Bealer v Abraham W. liub tiins et a!. 7 Jacob Eyer vs Al raham Kl.i-e. 8 Abraham KUse v- Jacnb Eer 9 David Lee et 1 vs Simuei L. Be'tle. in Daniel F. Sej bert v Joseph Gen-il. 11 Elijah McMurtfie. ei al vs Chn-rn Wolf. 12 Frederick Markrnfi v-J.diu R .Imm.ii 13 Wm.Cox el al vs Will inn Holdren. 14 William E. C-e i Centre township, 15 H B. Frea vs Jo-hua Feiierman et al. lri H B. Freas vs Joshua FcPerman ei ul 17 John H. Biown et al s Leonard B. Ru pert. 18 Peter M. Tra-jgh vs Aaron Clayton. 19 2U 21 Sau.uel Bilieiibender vs Sila I). Edgar. Mahlon Hicks et al vs Oliver Lynn ei.nl. George Hujjhes et al. vs J. V. CrUweil et al. James Harding v Elia Ree'e. Lewis Lari-h vs Ro'jeri Hageibuc'i. Susanna Lari-ti va Ruben Hagentxich. Andrew Lan-h's Executors v-. Robert 22 23 24 25 Hagenbnch. 26 Peter Hotfinan's Exec'rs vs Dv!d Fox. 27 N. B. Creasy vs Henry C. Frea. 28 Enoch Everett vs Mont Klitie el a!. 29 Win. L. Parks vs Eliha R bbms. JACOB EVERLY, Prothorjotary's Olfice. j Pio'.h'y. Bloomsburg July 23 1862. j I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Important to House Owners. I nportaiil to Biiilder. Important to Rail Road Companies. Iini;ort.nt to Farmers. To cUwhr,n this may concern, arid it ccmctrat every body JOILXS 4- 'CllOSLEY'S IMPROVED GUI I A PEli.lHA. The Cheapest and mot dul'e Ruufimg in ue IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and Old Roof of. Al! kinds, sieep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs n iihoui removing the Shingles THE COST IS ONLY AKOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE t AS DURABLE. Thi article has been ihorougly ipted in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on Buildings of all kind, such as Factories, Foundries Church e. Rail Road Depots. Car-, and on Public Building generally, Government Buildings, &i, by ihe principal Builders, Architects and other, during the past four yVar and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE HOOFING , use; it i in every respert a fiire, waier, weaihe'r and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7m is the ONLYmalennl manvf,clure.l in the United Stutci which combine iha very desiiable properties of Elasticity und Dura. Inlity, w hich are universally ack nowled ed to l... possessed by GL'TTA PEUCHA and INDIA RUBBER. " iYo Heat is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying it U triflning with ordinary Roof can be covered and fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BV" ANYONE, k nd when finished Jorms a pcifecty Fi'e Proof sinice with an elat hody. which cannnt be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrink tug of Roof Boards, nor any external a.;tion w ha' pvt. r. LIQUID CUT1A PERCHA CEMENT. For Loaiing Metals ol all Kinds when ex posed to he adion of the Weather and For Preaerviui; and R, pairing Mttal Ruofa of all Kinds, This U the only Composition Known which will successfully resist extreme change of climates, for any length of lime when applied io me'iils, to which it adheres lirmlv, lorming a body equal to ihree coats of nrdhmrv pain!, ro.-is riiOch le-s and will LAS I THIiEE TIMES AS LONtJ ; and Irom its elali"ily i not injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con-eqneut upon sudden changes of the weather. H will not CRACK' IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can r.e fffddv repaired wiih GUPTA PERCH A CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion a oft leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water lighl R-of for many year. Tlii Cement is peculiarly adapted for ihe pre-ervaiiou of Iron Railing, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implement, fcc, also for ceneial manufacturer n-e GUST A PERCH.? CEMENT For pr-serviug and repairing Tin and other Metal Rools or every description, from i s l great eu-ncny, i not injured by ihe con j traction and exparion ol Meials, anc will j no' crack in cold or run in tatm weather. I hese material are adapted to all cli ma'es, and we are prepared to supply or der Irom nny i art of H e country, at short now-e, for GUITA PERCHA ROOFING m r 11, realy prepared tor use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, wi;h full pruned directions lor application. AGENTS WANTED. Jt'e W'll m'l&t liberal and tati-fictpry nrrane metiu uitU e phi'le p utiei trh't would Hke io establish themelnes ' Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH, can give abui.d::t proof of all we claim m favor of our improved Rotfing Materials, have applied them to several thousand Rool io New Yoik City and vi-L-if 'ty. JOHNS k CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturer, Wholesale Warehouse 7S Jf'iUinn St., Couieroi L-berty S rr-el. N'EW YORK. Foil descriptive Circulars and Prices wiil be f.uni-hed on ai'plicaUOrl. Oroiir Ifi lsfii iy. ii!:lT!FtL C03IFLEXIOX. rOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will -en l loall w ho wi-t, ii (free of charge) the Rtpip and full directions for makn.g and using a beau:iful vegetable Balm. tha"t will effectually remove Pimple, Blouhes, Tari Freckies, Lc, &c, leaving ii,e skin -ir o'dh, cl-'aii, and beautiful; aUo full ui reclions !r using IVJatreau's eletrate l S'lrniilant, w;.r'asied to s'art a full growth ot Whi-kers, f r a Mus-ache, in e?s ihau ihiriv day-. Either of tfiH above cafi be I'btamed by reii.ru mail, by addressing fwiih s'amp for re'nrn po-tae) DR THOjl AS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chein ist 8S Broadway New Yorlc. Janunry 15, 1?62. 2m. r 1 1 HE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE 1 ol a SUFFERER, Published a a warn i'-g, and lor the e-pecial ht-nefit of Young A ii i and tho-- Mho suffer with Nervous D.-h i li:y, J.-s of Men.oiy, Prem.;ure D.--cay, & , &.c., i:o.5 t) one who ha cured himself ty simple means, ufer being put o great expor.se and inconvenience through the e of wor hie-s medicines prescribed ly learned Do tors. m-le hhi.i-. may he had of the author, C A LAMBERT, E-q , Greenpoii.t, Long l-lai:d ti -ficloiiig a msi-oaid add'ttssed '"yJV Ad lre-s CHARLES A. LAM I5KRT E-q , Gieeupotnt, Lon Island, New York. January 15, 1662 2m. Kollock's Dandelion Itiffer. THIS preparai ioo, made Irom the besl Jjva (.'otlee, i recommendeil by phvicin as a superior NUTRITIOUS R EVER AGE for Genvral Debility. Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorder. Thousand who have been compelled to abandon the use of oof tee w ill ue ; h is without injtiriou effects. O.ie ion contains the streng'h ol two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents K0LI,0(K'S LEVAIX, The pure, i a-.d beM BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cke. Price 1 5 cents. Miivufaclurcd hy M H KOLI.OCK Chemi-t. Corner of Bnnd and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, & And t,old bit all Pniggits and Grocers, jr February 26, 1862. ly. Adssiinistrator's 'olicc. ESTA TE OF ALEM MARK, DECD. Letters Ot ndministratio'i rn the. estale of Aletn M-trr, late of Scott twp , Cnlum. bia corr.tj, decea-ed, have been granted hy ihe Regi-ter of said county to Peter E n, residing in Light Street, to wnshiji an I coon iy aforesaid. All persons ha v ing cl t im or demands agairst the estate ol the oecedpni re requested to present ihem duly autheii ticaied to l ailministrator for settlement, and iho-e indebted io the estate will make payment forthwith to PETER ENTJmr. S.-ott, May 28, 1862. j FRILADS AKD RELAT1VCS j or THK IIOLIaOlVAY' PILLS AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friend nd Reln iros in the Army or Navy s'-ni.td take esperiaf ere,ihat they he amply snpniie I with ihes Pills and Ointment ; ai!tl whr tbn brave Sohlier- und S ilors tvp r eflected lo provide lhem--lve wiih tl em. i;o beitr present can be sent tliem bv ifeir Irienda They have been pioved to be ihe Soldier. never-lail ng-lnen J iu Ihe hnur of iied COUGHS AND CCLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved a'td etTectnal'y cured bf using ttier e admirabl-r rneilicine. and by pai ing proper attention to ihe Directions which are attached :o each Poi or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT (V AP PE I I I E, INC1DEN I AL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings which o sadden unusual ly arise from trout le or annoy hnces. ob struct! perspira:ioiij or ea iug and drink ing wha'ever i unwholesome, thus di lurbing ihe l etdihf nl anion of the liver and stomach. These organs must be relieied, if you de-ire to be well. The Pill, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy c'ioti in both bver and stomach, aatt a a natural conse quence a tlear head and good appeiiin WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the u-e of the invaiuaMe pills, and Ihe soldier will quick ly acquire additional streiutn Never let die bowels be etlher confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Hoi loway's Pill should be recommended " for Dysentary and Flux, many persons suppo sing lhai they woulu increase the relaxa tion. Ihis is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct ihe liver hh I stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from lhe stem. This medicine will give tone a'ui vigor to the whole organic sis'eui how ever deranged, while health an t strength lollo.v us a matter ol course. Nothing will stop ihe relaxation of tl e bowels so sure as tin- famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOU1H. Sore and Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling can with certainty be radically cured if the pill are taken night and morning and ihe Ointment be freely oed as saied in th printed instructions. If treated in any oth er nianner they dry op in one part to break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system rand leave the Patient a vigorous and heal thy man. It will require a Iiitle per-eve-ranee in bd cases to insure a la-ting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BV THE BAYONET. SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, thee are no medicines so safe, sure arid convenient a llol!o-ay : P.lls und Ointment. The poor w ounded attd almo-i diiug siifT-'rer might have hi wound dres-ed immediitely, il he would only pro vide him-elt wiih tui match! Ointment, which siioulJ be ihrul into lite wound an. I smeared all rouud it, then covered wi'h a piece of linen bom hi knapsack and compressed w i ft a handkercheif. Taking uiht and morning 6 or 8 ptll, to rool the ss em and prevent i.'iRaina ioo. Ever Sohher's Knap-ack arid Seaman's Clie-i shuli be provided with these valua ble R-medie. CAUTION ! None sre genuine unless the words "Hoiloway, New York and Lon don are discernahle as a Water ma:k in every leaf of the book of direviinn around each poi or box : the same may be rlnii.ly ( seen bv holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be giveu to any on rendering such information as may lea I t tiie detection ol any party or paries counterfeiting- ihr iiiei!icine oi vending Ihe same, know ing item to be spuriou. S:.hl ai lint Manufactory of Professor Hohowav, 0 Maiden Lane. New York, and by a'l rasjefable Druggi-ts arid Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civiiiz-'d world iu boxes -t twenty five cents, sixty lo cents and one doii-ir ech. t V Tt.etrt is cor, si ilerable" savig by ta king the larger sizs N B D'recticn lor ihe guidance of pa tents ia eveiy disorder ate afiixed to each bov. Apri 9i!i 162. ly. MI)l!50 1I0CSE, (OF JERSEY TOWN, PA) r"TnHE snb-criber would respectfully ap - pn-e Ins Irietid.- and the public gener ally, thai he In elatlishe.l the MADISON HOUSE, in J-reytown, Columbia county. Pa. Th above house ha la rly been tefitted and undergone a ihorongli repairing by the p-o-pr'etor He i fully prepared lo entertain the travelling ett-umi as well' as the local with general sati-laction. UisTABLEanJ J BAR, are well supplied ant? will be careful- ly su periii:ended. And hts STA BLE is am ; . .. i .....ii i :., ..i... ... .i ...ur.,i ply niiii nrn rimbT-v, iiai,? wi r j , grooms, will alay be proprly attended. IIP He invites a share of the public cus torn, and pledges hi best efforts, lu help his guests feel at home. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown. Jan 8, 1S62. THi: GREAT MTI0XAL HOUSE (fSOTFAlH; WILL 1HI f. K 'LoJl VaC K UEID T Keystone JPtirk, WILLIAMSPORT, PENNA.. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 2d 3d, 4ih&5h.: A rraf.geitients have been made io secure the; fines' as-emblage of imported, blooded and n-itive bred horses, that has ever been i-odected in ihis country. fTi The List ol premiums i!l be large, ranging as nign j-20(). Liberal arraiigemenis will be made with the I'ifferetit railroad companies. Williamsport si ua e.l i:i l.ie magnificent vatlley ot the Susquehanna, and acce-sible by Jxailroad Irorti all parts of I tie U. Slates, is etiiinen'ly well suiied for this exhimiion. Fuller pait'culars will stioitiy be given. Manager: D. K. Jarkman, P Herdie, Editrd Lyon,J N. Bagg. Henry Drinker, G F. M-sou, Cul. S. O. Hathway, J. H. Cow den, Win. Colder. A E. KNA PP. Prs't. VV. F. Lo?an. Chiel Mar-hall; H. E. Tay lor, Treasure; George M. De Put, Sec'-. June 25, 162. Ayert Cathartic Pills