The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 16, 1862, Image 4
THE SOLDIER'S-TSUE FIUESD. ALWAYS READY. HOLLO WAFS OINTMNT. Long marches, sore and stiff joints, blis tered aid inflamed feet, atl these the sol dier must endure, MOTHERS, REM EM HER T.EIIS, when your sons are grasping their muskets to meet danger, think what relief a single po of this ALLHEALING & COOLING SaIv"wiH give to the one you lore when far away from home and friends. , It hardens and make tough the feet so that they can endure great fatigue. It soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened joints, leaving them supple, strong and vig orous, while lor sabre cuts and:gunshot wounds. It stands nnequalled, removing- and . pre venting every vestige of inflammation and gently drawing the edgestogether, it quick ly and completely heals the most frightful wounds. WIVES AND SISTERS OF OUR VOLUN TEERS. - Yon can not pot into the knapsacks of von; husbands and brothers a more valua ble or mere necessary gift than a eupny f this . EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. The lonely sentry walking his rounds at eight, exposed to drenching rains and chill night air, is often seiied wiitr most Violent Tains Cough and suffocating hoarseness, first sytmoms of quick consumption bo it fopplisd with Holloway's Pills and Oint ment, all danger is aver'ed, a lew Pills ta- ten ni"hi ana morning, ana me uintment and caest wilt remove the severest pains and stop the most distressing or Dangerous Cough. Therefore we say to the whole Army.' SOLDIERS ATTENTION!! See to your own health, do not trust lo the army scpplies although most valaable. These Pills and Ointment liave been thor oughly tefted, ihey are the- only remedies sed in the European Camps and Barracks, for over forty years Dr, Hoflowaj has sop plied all the Armies in Europe, and daring the Crimean Campaign be established a depot at Balaclava, for the exclusive sale of thes8 great remedies, many a lime hi spe cial agent there ha sold over aton in weight of the ointment in a single day. These terrible and fatal enemies of the Soldier in Camp DIARRHEA, TYSENTARY, SCUR VY, SORES, and SCROFULOUS ERUP TIONS, all disappear like a charm before these PILLS & OINTMENT.and now while the Cry rings throughout the ladd, . , TO ARMS' TO ARMS!! Dc not let these brave men perish by dis ease, place in their hands these precious j remedies, that will enable them to resist the dangerous eiposo.res.ine Fevers, the Chills j and the wounds which they cannot avoid, and. what Is more cannot frequently gel suc cor in thd moment of need, whereas if our brave men' have only to put their bands into their Knapsacks and find there a sore temedy lor all the casualties of the battle ield. How many thousands of live would thus be aed who would: otherwise perish before relief could be obtained.' C?"CAUTlON ! None are genuine vr lessthe words "Holloway, New York an2 London," are discemable as a watermark in erv leaf of the book of directions, around each pot or box, the same may be plainly seen bv boldins the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be givon to any one rendering such informotion as m ty lead to be detection of any party dr parlies coun terfeiting the -medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be epurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Prof. HoU loway, 80. Maiden Lane, JNew Yorfc and by all respectable Druggist and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world, in pot3, at25c. 62c. and $1 each. CF There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of pa tients, in every disorder arc affixed to each box. 1 . ' FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT I1EA1 QUARTEUS! SIcKELTY. XEAL & CO., HAVE jasi received and opened their stock of Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and hanoom est assortment now offered in this TOWN. Having paid great attention lo the selection of their entire stock as to - "Frir.R and Ounlitv. thee flatter themselves that thev can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to boy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We bavea'l kinds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very large and complete assortment oi LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom basine., de bages, poplins parametta cloth?, mohair lustres, muslin de lames, rersiau cloth?, Ginghams, alicoes, &c. Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouticiogs, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet tibbons. and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &e. ALL KIIVDS OF SHAWLS. oroche. Bar State, Waterviile, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, . &c. Also a very large large assortment oi Cloths, casimers, satioeis, vesting, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. '" 'Effl3T3:&:SI3S9 cf all kinds and sizes for men, women and vhiMren. We have a large assortment of dATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We -ave also, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar- ware, &c. Very cheap CAliPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, bas kets, Lc. Muslins, flanns, tickings, dra pers, toweling?, drillings, &c, in abundance. We invite our friends and the public gen-' erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our goods at the LOWEST. CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man-1 kind. McKELYY, WEAL Si LO. Bloom burg, May 28, 1S62. vJ a Attorney at Lair BLOOMSBURG, PA fuce en Main Street, Exchans Block DAVID LOTTESBEnG, CLOT II IN G ST O R E, i M-iin street, two doors above the 'Amer ica3 Hotsl.' ents Ca'moral Lace Boot, will b : sold very lo .v. ' Afo. Boys Shoe, at ' L TSHARrLESS.1 WILCOX & GIBBS' Prite with Hemmer and Felitr, 835 00. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIOR1TY PECULIARY ITS ' OWN. ; Stitching Hemming, and Filling with a isinsh Thread, . .It forms a neat, ever., . and elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam is cut at irequent intervals, and also under all circumstances (to survive the wash-tub." , ' " A Patented device of great n;ility to learners, prevent the possibility of the ma chine being run :n the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dress. Another feature which deserves particu lar attention isBTTHE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG. Two thousand Stitches, or two yards of work, can be done m one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machiaes, 60 simple and accruate in their construction, supersede the use of the shuttle ; and with one thread produce all the practical results of the two tnread machines; and more, for these fell without basting-, and hem the finest muslin without puckering. Although at about half the price of' the other first class machines, they will accom plish doable the sewing in a given time- ult is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine thai the pnblic hav long been waiting for." Boston Tran ecript. It is indeed a wonderful production, and and for family use especially, no other will bear any comparison with it." Pailadel phia Evening Journal." " 'A mechanical wonder.'Scientific Araer iccan. 'Among the best and mosl serviceable Sewing machines. Light - and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction that it seems almost impossible for it to gel out of repair." Pittsburg Chionicle. 'Has combined wilh its own peculiar merits all ihe rsally valuable improvements of the higher priced machines." PeuusyU vanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the committee, fills more nearly the require ments of a perlect family machine than any on exhibition' Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report ot 1858. "Taking into consideration timplicity, cheapness, durability, and doing all work, ih -rmmiiien were unanimous in favor of the Wilcox &Gibbs as a single threed ma chine." Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society's Report. "We mu6t, in Justice, express our confi dence in the merits of the Wilcox St Gibbs Sewing Machine. We consider thai a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubl, thai two threads are not, as was supposed, necessary to a eood instrument.'-' Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 21, I860." "We have one of these machines in use, arid think more highly of it lhan of any ol the number we have tried.''' Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary lo Constan tinople , has examined more than twenty different kinds ol Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of '.hem as the best adapted to the wants of bis famil", and as the le6t liable to require repair. ' OLIVER CRANE. Boston, July 3, 1860. The undeisigned,during eighteen months has had in almost constant use, in hisfam y, Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon which has been made the clothes cf his large family from muslin lo pilot cloth including the clothing required lor his sev eral boys; and in no case hava ihe seams failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now in use in bis family has required no repair, and is in all respecls, well ap pointed, efficienfcaiid dnrable. JACOB CHI CKERING, Bostou. CF"Send lor a Circnlar.jO JAMES WILCOX, Mnnalitciarer. No. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite Si. Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1861. iy. THE GREAT CAUSE OF II I1 ill A IV IDI8RRY. Jut Pulliihtd, ina Sealed Env doped. . Price d ituts : A LECTURE BY DR. CULVER WELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE, of Spermatorrhea, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy ; 1m pared Noinns of the Body: Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the back; Indisposition and In capacity for study and . Labor: Dullness of Apprehension; Less of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitod; Timidity, Self Distrust; Dizziness; Headache; Affec tions cf ihe Eyes: Pimples on ihe Face, Involontarv Emissions, and sexual Incapa city ; the consequences of Youthful Indis cretion, &c, &c. GTTh'iB admirable Lectureclearly proves that ihe above enumera'ed, often If-af flicted, evils may be removed wiihihts medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in ihe land. Sen! under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing. DR. CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4586. January 29, 1862-ly. MARRIAGE. ITS LOVE ASD hates, sorrows and angers, hopes and fears, regret and joys; MANHOOD, how lost, how restored; the nature, treatment and radical cure of spermatorrhoea or sem inal weakness ; invr luntary emissions, sex ual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervoasness, consumption, fit-, mental and physical incapacity, resultinz from SELF-ABUSE -are fuUy explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, Al. D. This mosl extraordinary book should be in the bauds of every young person contemplating maniage, and every man or woman who desires to limit ibe number of their off.-prinu to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache in cidental lo youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowl edge that should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it disclo ses secrets that every one should know; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie abont the house. It will be ent to any one on receipt of twenty five cents in specie or nnxtae stamps. Ad dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPKUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. CWA FFL1CTED & UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease, be fore you place yourself ender Ihe care of any of the notorious Quacks native or for eign who advertise in ibis or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read ii carefully. It will be (h means of saving yon many a dollar, yoar health, and possibly your life. . . DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described it. his publication at his office, No. 416 SPRUCE Street,aboe Fourth, Philadelphia. Office hoars from 9 10 3, daily. Eebruary 28, 18S2 y, Ayer's Sarsatmrilla. 4m TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES I IN ihe month of December, 1858, the un dersigned for the first lime offered for sale to the public Dr. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in this short period they have given such universal sa' isfaclion to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an es ablNhed article. The amount of bodily and mental miserj arising simyly from a neglect of small complaints is surprisine, and it is therefore of the utmost importance itir a strirt attention to the least and most hatfling bodily ailment should be had; for diseases of the body must invariably affect the mind. The subscribers now on ly ask.a trial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS' Imperial Wine Bitters!!! front all who have not U9ed them. We chal lenge the world lo produce their equal. These Bitters for the core of Weak Storm achs. General Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely un surpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is oi a very superior quality, being about one third stronger than other wines; warmin;; and invigorating the whole system from tin head to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic and alternative in their character, so the.1; strengthen and invigorate the whole sys tem and give a fine lone and healthy actio i to all its parts,by equalizing the circulatio i removing obstructions, and producing i general warmth. They are also exrellert for Dilates and Weakness peculiar lo FE MALES, where a Tonic is required a ttrengtkeh and bract the system. No Ladj , who is subject 'to lassitude and faintnesn, should be without them as they are revivi fying in their action. THESE JilTTSIi fffll not only Cure, but Prevent Diseai e and in this respect are doubly valuable lo the person who may use them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Nervous Stem, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tome Dr. Deds' Celebrated Wiue Ciller For Sore Throat, so common among tne Clergy, ihey are truly valuable. For the aged and Infirm, and for persens of a weak constitution, for Ministeis of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speik ers for Book Keepers, Tailors, Seamstress es, Students, Artie's, and all persons lead ing a sedentary lite, tbey will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, in nocent, and delicious to the taste. Tley produce all the exhilarating effects of Bran dy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons addictec to the use of excessive strong drink, and w ho wish 10 refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free fiom the poi-ons contained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors v ith which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only CURE, but PIIE VENT Disease, and should b used by ail who live in a ronntry where the wat' ts baJ, or where Chills and Fevers ar p ev alent. Being entirely innocent and harm less, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with impunity. - Physicians, Clergymen, and tempertnee advocates, as an act of humanity, shnuia assist in spreading these valuable UT TERS over ihe land, and thereby esseirail ly aid ia bauishing Drunkenness and Dis ease. In all Affections of ihe head, sick Headi.che or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be tnot Salutary and Efficacious. The many certificates which have jeen tendered us, and the letters which wit are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women those Bitter havo giv en a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in ihe laud stould be without them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. Dlt.J.BOV DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician who has used them success ul in his practice for the last twenty-five j ears. The proprietor, before purchasing tin ex clusive right lo manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinj nish ed medical practioneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although ihe medical men of the c nntry as a general thing disapprove of 1'a'eni Medicines, yet we do not believe that a re spectable Physician can be found ia ihe United Stales, acquainted with their medi cal properties who will nol highly af prove DR.J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL 'VINE BITTERS. In all newly settled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying lim ber from which a poisonous miasma i created, those bitters should be used every morning before brekfast. DR J. I OVER DODS' IMPERIAL WLE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and undul rated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, an J Gen tian. Ihey are manufactured by Dr. Uod. himsell. w ho is an experienced and suc cessful Physician, and bt nee should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters hate been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community for almost every variety of di ease incident lo ihe homac system, thai Ihey are now deemed indispensable as a TONIC. MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. liircliae One Bottle I It Costs but Lit;le I Purify the Bloo ! Give Tone lo ihe Stomach ! Renovate the System ! and Prolong Life ! PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES $5; Prepared and sold By CHARLES VV1DDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York. EiFor sale by Druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. Angusl 28, 1861- ly. Administrator's Notice. Estate cf Nathan Gi eenwalt, ' tate oj S olt tvp , Lotumtia co., deceated ; NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of al in iitl&l ra I inn nn ihn oa'jln nl Nalhxn Green wait, . late of Scott township, Colum bia county, deceased, bave been granted by the Register of said county, lo John Sterner, residing in Bloomsburg Columbia county. All persons having claim or de mands against the estate ol the decedent are requested to make them k now i lo the administrator, and (hose indebted, to the estate will make payment immediately to JOHN STERNER,. Idmr. Bloomsburg, Juue 4, 1S62. . i ; ; IOR SaLE. Two Patent Lever (Thirteen .... Jewel Watches,' will be sold cheap for cash. .They are n good con Jit on. hot further particulars, inquire at the Sua 0- blooffitborg, Jan. 29, 862. CO Wholesale antltKctuil. THE subscriber would announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, thai he is selling LIQUORS in large and' small quantities, and at different prices at inn new icMiiir, mi main outre I, north side, two doors south of Iron street, Bloomsburg. His stock of Foreign and Domestic : mm sj a is o 9- - consists of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Qaa ss lis. ce sr 9 Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quantity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, a quantity of good double extra BROWN STOUT ; all of which he w ill sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROBB1NS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. Lack'a aud Bloomsburg Railroad. O.N AND AFTER NOV..25, 1561, PAS SENGER TRAIN 5 WILL RUN AS FOL LOWS MOVING SOUTH. Freight Si Passenger. Pastenger. Leave Scranton, ' Kingston, " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive al North'd 5.25 A. M. 10.30 A. M. 6 30 Arrive 12,15 l. M. 8,40 9,15 10,00 MOVING NORTH. Leave North'd. 4.30 P.M. " Danville, " Rupert, " Kingston, 5.10 5.45 8 00 Leave 1 45 P. M. 9 CO P. Al. 3 40 Arrive at Scranton, A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.30 A. Al. for Scranton, to connect with train for New York. Returning leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from New York-al 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrs Rail road connects with the Delaware, Larka wanna and Western Railiosd at Srranion, for New York and intermediate poims eai-t. A Rupert it connects with Ihe Catawisea Rxilroad for points both east and wesl. At Northumberland it connei-t with'the Philadelphia and Erie R. R- and Northern Central R. R. for point west and south. JOHN P. 1LSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wells, Gr.rl Ttcket Jg:t. November 27. 1861. SPECIAL MTUE. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been resiored to health in a very few weeks by a very sim ple remedy alter having suffered several years with a severe long afTectio!!, and ihat dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to hi lellow-sulfeiers ihe means of cure. To atl who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription nsed, (free ol charge,) wilh Ihe directions for preparing and ning the same, which they will find a surw cure for Consumption, Asthma, bronchitis, &c. The omy object of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription i to benefit the affl.c led, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes e very sufferer will tryiiis remedy, as it will com them nothing, and may prove a blessins. Parties wishing the prescription, will please addresa Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. October 30, 1861, Sin. WYOMING IlOUttE, DIMM, ! Ml'cOCK, IMtOl'KIKTOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fHHE Proprietor respect'utly informs his JL friemts and the public generally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in the villase ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are Fpacious and airy, and nni nnlv calculated lo avid to the conve nience and comlort ol the traveiingcommu- nity, but also to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with familie HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can afford ; and his BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention lo the comfort and con venience ol his tnests. and is deiermined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a mong the first hotels in ihe Sl.He. The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection ol the most careful and obl'm ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. Ei" Please give him a call, and jud'e for ourselves April 2. 1859. HM. B K00S Proprietor. iu.ot3isi;i iu;, pa. r"pHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the L central portion of Ihe lown, and op poite the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors Allentise ostler will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section of country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen gers lo and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg. July 4. 1860. NEW HATS AND CAPS ! A JT. K- Virion's flat Store. THE undersigned respectfully informs the the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public in general, that be has just received from Philadelphia a lot of NEW HATS & CAPS, for Spring and Summer, of the very latest styles and fashions, all of which he i pre pared to sell cheaper than can be had else where, with the excepiion of the manufac turers. He Has all kinds, stvljs, sorts and sizes, of hats and caps, probably ihe most varied assortment ever brought to town. AI-o STRAW GOODS, including ihe mod. ern si) les and fashions. ' CStore on Main Street, a few doors wesl of the American House. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg. Apiil 16, 1862. PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in the best stile known in ihe an, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. EST Life Size in Oil and Pastil. fcyStereoscopic Porlrails, EFAmbroty pes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c. nov4 COAL OIL. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, 12 cts. per quart, by : - - JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. LIQUOUSi LIQTJOZt RAYAIOND'S FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE! PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. PRICE $10 EACH. ESSRS. ZUPPINGER & BOBBINS, of Bloomsburg, having purchased the ex clusive right ol ihe above valuable Impro ved Cheat- Patent Sewing Machine, for the County of Columbia, will be happy u supply their friends with the article for the accommodationof themselves and families. The .following are eome of the superioi1 ad vantages lb is implement possesses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 light stitches per minute. 2. DonMe thread Alachines are from the more complicated character of their mech anism invariaMy managed aiid threaded wilh more or ltj-s difficulty ; not so with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it ir. two hours, and ii is threaded easier that: a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is the smallness and the compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or stand, in operating order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently strong for any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification nol known lo all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The seam is so strong if well done, that the strongei-t material will tear belore the searn will give way. 7. Among the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machines, lher are none o cheap stud durable as Raymond's PateiM, but no Ma chire is adapted to all kinds of work ai expe'ience has proven. There are perliap none so realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for ihe immediate use of the larn ily circle, and at snch a moderate price a RAY.vlOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam just as he pleases, waves, leave and flowers, etc., can tie represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapter to all kinds of siitchicg such as gentlemen's shirt, bosoms, ristbands, collars, etc., and at! kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, lawns, delaine6, calicoes, dusters, etc.. ex cepting for men's heavy wear, this Machine is rather too lihl.o'. construction. 10. But we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to th vision or eyesight, inutit-ed by the use of Sewinu Machines, surpasses infinitely all other ad vantages. 11. ThU Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unlasti-ned or open, there is a way lor it too, thus you can have it'fasteued or not, as you please, which is, some:ime, espe cially for beginners, a very favoratde cir cumstance. If the seam is left unfastened, you can draw it out in three seconds and rave the thread. For sale by the undersigned, at their re spective residences,, in Blootiieburg, who will put the Machine in operation and give; all necessary instruction. HENRY Z :PPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. Bloomsburg, July 11,1860. LIFE TILLS & rilOEMX BITTERS fiHESE MEDICINES have now been be fore i tie public lor a period of Thirty Years, and durinz lha! time have maintained a high chaiacter in utmost every part of the Globe, foi their extraordinary and imme- ! diate power of restoring perfect healtti to , persons sufferina under nearly every kind ! of disease to which the human frame i liable. The following are among the distressing variety of hu man di-spaes in which ihe vx:i:tajjl.s: lifi aibDicixKs Ae we!l known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second, and crea ting a How of pure, healthy bile, instead of Ihi stale antl acrid kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetite Heartburn, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Lanyuor, and Melancholy, which are ihe general symp toms of Dyspepsia, w ill vanish, as a lural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing ihe whole length of the intestines with a so'veni pro cess, and without v io!enc; all violent pur- , ges leave the bowels costive within two j days. rhvhlis of all kinds, b) restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the prt s8 of respiration i n such cases, and the iOrugh sol niion of all intestinal ob struc .1 in others. Th. iJle Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local infl.iination from the mus cles ami ligaments ofthe joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthing the kidney and bladder; they operate mod delightfully on these impor tar.l oreans. and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for Ihe worst cases of GRAVEL. A No WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SORES, bv the perfect puiity wnichleseh LIFE MEDICINES give lo the blood, and al! the humor. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative eflct upon the fluids that feed the skin; and the morbid state of which occasions all erup tive complaints, sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills for a very shrt time; will effect an entire enre of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by t wo ir. the worsl caes. PILES. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35 years 6tani(ing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicine" will be found a safe, speedy and ceita'm remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure bv these Medicines is permanent LTRY THEM, be Satisfied and b Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS. General Debr'ity, Loss of ap petite, and Diseases of Females the Med icines have been used with the mftlU ben eficial results in cases of thi description: Kind's Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields io ihe mild el powerful action ol these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kiiuh, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as ihey never fail to eradicate from ihe system, all the efficisof Me:cury, infinitely sooner lhan ihe mosi powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-ly. M' isses anu Ladies Conre uaiterH Chile' rens Fancv and Common Shoes. Cheap Cash Stcre of L. T. SHARrLESS, Bloomfeborg, May 14, 1862. CABINET WARE ROOMS S. C SESIYE T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of 'the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good mitarial and in a workmanlike maimer. Al his E-tablisU-iiienl, can always be found a good assort ment ol FASHIONABLE FlItMTCRE, which is equal in style nd finish to Hint ol Philadelphia or Ne w York cities, and at us low prices. Fie has Sofa of different si)le and prices, from S25 to S60. Divans Loun te, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a varieiy of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes and all kinds of fashionable work.' His slock of bureaus, enclosed and oornmon wastislands, d ress-tdbles, corner cupboards sofas DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in I his section of the couniy. He w ill also keep a gooil assortment ol looking glasM with fancy gilt and common frames He will also furnish spring mai'rasses fitted to any sized bed-teal, which are superior for dutHt'ility and comfor: to any bed in ne. ItlniMrsbnri?, January 13, 1858. is. nowise, SDHCLO I I) JE , T 1ST. K.SPECFULLY ofTers his 'jfyC-"- professional services-to tfie ' ' ladies and gentlemen oi Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend u all the various operations in Denti-try, and is provided with the latest improvep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. - Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west hide. Bloomsburg. January 13. 1853 FORKS HOT L. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Proprietor, 'liAKES pleasure in announcing toihe jmb- lie that lie has rented and thoroughly refined Ihe Folks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloomshu rg, nd is prepared to accomodate travellers, leamier, drover and hoarders. His table will be sup plied with the be-t products the markets af. lord, and hi Par will be constantly furnish ed vi;h t f-e choireM liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience m caterinu to ihe wants of the pnblic, and his obliging attention to customers wit se cure ;im a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburji, April 21, 1858. S'louranri E'Vctl Delivered ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! T MIK u ndersij ned has made arnnze ments that will enable him to deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in lon. His prices ar- as follows : Flour 67 25; Corn and Oats Chop Si 55; Corn and Rye Chop St 65 ; Bran 61 10 ; I respectfully stdici a shire of the public patronage. MOSES COFFMAN Bioomsbur-j, June 14, I86Q. SOME Mil N (J F O R THE TIMES ! ! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD jo S3 :v rnosr.s-Yv AMERICAN CKAIEXT ULUE The Mi-0!i?;'t Cilue in llir World For (Temet. tiii2 Wood Leather, ( I. is-, Ivorv China Martie. PorceUiu, AlibaMer, Bone. Coral, stc, ice, &.C. Thectily article of the kind er;r produced which will with-iand Water. EX TRACTS : "Every housekeeper should have sup ply ol John- & Crod)' America.. Cerne;, Glue.' AVk? Yoik Timet. ' It i so convenient in have in the house" Arte Ytk Express. "It is a! whys reidv this commends to everybody." A'. Y. lnhpttler.t. 'We have tried it, and rind it a useful in our t ou-e a water." Witlts' Spirit v) the 7'Vifs Biice23 CenfN per (SoUIo. Very l.ihemi Hid net ions to boles ;ile Denier. I I-K.1I e.n. rFForsale by all Dru.'gisi and S ore keepers generallv throughout the country JUHNS & CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturers. 3 78 William S reel, Comer of Libeuy St.,1 NEW YORK. July 10. 1861 ly. FALL & W. I IS' T 8: IS GOODS. PETER ENT II AS Ju-t received fiom Pl.iladeL hi . and is no opening a the oi.i sinr d lataly occupied by Manz and Etil a splen did assortment ot merchandize, which will b sold chenp for CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hi stock sousists of La-he-' l)re-s Gonls, choicest styles Hr,d l-ifpst (,ilno:js. DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QEENS-W A R K, CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WARE, IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LC. &C. In short ever) thing usually kepi in a country store. The patronage of old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER EN I". Light Street, Dec. 18, 1S6I. $25: EMPLOYMENT ! AGENTS WANTED ! $73 We will pay from 25 to 575 per month, and all expenses, to active Asents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Erik Sewing Machine Company, R JAMES, Gei eral Agent, Milan, Ohio. BloonisLurg, Aug. 21, 1861. It'v' ArriTnl oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, David Lowe n berg T NVJTES at entioti to his stock of cheap an. I lashionable clothins al his store on Main Street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, iucludiug the most fashionable DRKSS GOODS, Box, Sack, Frock, (iam, and Oil Cloth Coats of all sorts and sizes, Pants of all colors 6hawls, stripes and figu:e vestSj shirts, cra vats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy ar.icle. N B. He will also make to order any ar ticle ot clothing at very short notice arid in the best of manner. All his clothing i made lo wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, March 12, 1862. fAKL!i'S AND Are j tire pgoatde extracts. They cure ail hiiiou- disorders of ihe humeri system. Ti.ey raiiu!e and invigorate the l.ver and kidi.ejs: :he ive icne to ihe d gestive oriHi,sj they ro.'ijlaie the secretions, ex crttioiis and extinlatioiis, eq-ialize the cir cn'a'iori, and purify the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints some of which are Tcrpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveuefs or Looseness are entirely controlled and cured by there remp.liep. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and bihons deposits from the stomach and bowels, regulates the liter and kidneys, removing every obstruc tion, restores a ostural aid healthy action in the vital orapna... It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much tetter than Pills, and much easier to t si k e DARLING S LIFE BITTERS ' I a superior and diurtic ; excellent in cases cf loss of appetne, flatulency, female weakness, irrei-i!arities, pai in ihe side Hod bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding f ile-, and eeneral debili'v. REAP THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, wri'e, August 18, I860: "I have hten nffiicted with piles. accom punied with bleeding, ihe lust three years I used 1 DARLING'S LITER ICjEGULATOR And now comider niysclf entirely cured.' Hon.Jonn A. Crosj writes, ''Brooklcn .March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a sever cold, which induced a violent lever. I took two doses of DAM.INtrs LIVER REGULATOR. It broke u; my cold and lever at once. Pievious to this a lack, I had been iroubl -with djspppsia several months ; 1 have fed no'hinii of it sine?." 0:i S'udley, E-q., 128 Easi 28ih S:reer, N.Y., writes 'Aiigusi j3, 1860 I bad a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, with constati! pain in the small cf my back. I had u-ed most all kinds ol medicine-, but found no per.nanetit relief until I used DARLING S LIVER REGULATOR, and Life Hitlers. I pa-se cioi led ' blood by ihe ureti.ra I am now entirely cured, and 1-ike pleasuiu in recoir. mendum tlise refnedit " Mrs.C.Tebxw.H Cri-tophr Street,. Y., wriites : "Feb 20, Uo0. I hate been subject to ailHcksol Asthma the Ibst twenty year-. 1 t.ave never found anything equal t DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording iinmr:lite rebel. I is a ihor nuih Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs Young, of B.-ookIn, wri'es. ''Feb. 28, i860 In May Usi I ha. I a severe at tack ol P lies, which roufi-ied me lo lha house. 1 iiioW one booje o ?as !iiiS Life BIIUci'm, ami v.a- entirely cured. 1 have had .no tt:-rk since. ' I) Wesiervelt, -., of South ?;h, near 8th Stre-t Witliam.-rniig. L 1., w rite Anu: 5, Isf.o H'-iving f.eii ir-o.bled wnh ditlicul'y in the Liver, and subject, to attacks, was advi-ed oy a trieud lo tr DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I liil so. an ! frond ii (o o,'ra; -il ir. i-atdy f reioovui Uie toie and arctirii il,e liver lo act IV it v 1 h:,ve also ue. f a- x FAMILY MEDIHaE. When our i luiJreo are tiUi of snr, w nive then a le .v ilroos and it set iheiri ail rtifit. I f;:i I i; nsees the ei.eral wau'snf ih stmracli aiii! bowels vvhn di-rd -reil. " Relr, it )fi i iieeil or L tth of 'he iii-( exceileiit liefne-jtesj inquire for 'lieui iit ti.e siores ; if you ! not tinil them take no other, but ii.cioe One l o'lr iu a (i'er. and o i rereiot of the money, ihe Reiiiedv or R-npilies will b- sent accord ing to yunr cliiections, by mail or express, j.'ist iiid. A- 'rs-, VW'L S. DARLIXi;, 102 Nassau M.. New Ycrk. Put lip in 50 cent m:d Si Bulges each. ove;i ber fi, 1 S S .6m. SOMETHING FOR THE THJES A NECESI I V IN EVERY liOl SEIIOLD t3IEi:it (E.HE.r GLUE Tr-e Mronges't (iiise in the Wori.i. Tf e Cheapest till.' in the Worhl. The Most Durab'e (i!ue in ire World. Toe Only Reliable Glue in ihe World. The liesi (Jiue in :he Wor'd. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE I the ihe tidy article of the ku.d ever l rdn-ed whieh WILL V. ITUSTWD WATER. 11 V. ILI MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. I!' WILL MEND LEATHER. 1 Mend )o: x !l-tri.ess,Siraps. Bells, toots fia;. I I r WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that exi e:iie Cut Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw any that broken ivery Fan, it i easily repaired. IT WILL MEN D CHINA, Yoar broken China Cup ami Saucers can oe ntaue as ooti as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, ' No matter if that brok n Pitcher did no cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, menu it, it will nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE, CORAL, LAVA. AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. ZMi d a ea s a S3 "Evpry Housekeeper should have a sn'rs- olv ol Johns fc: CrolevK Pemm CIL, .? New Yotk Tunes. - if nl. : . . . ii io to rmneineni .to nave in Ul bouse.-7 Aeic 1 ork E xot ess. I : i. : ... I l . .1 7 it is iwas rraoy , uns COmmenlOl; to every body.'7 Independent. ' f "We have Iried it, and find it as u- 3 in our house as wstleT'Witkes'SpirU ltmes. fi CONOMY IS WALTH. SlO.OO per year saved in every fam Una i5o!tl of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Price 25 Cer.ts per Bottle. Pr ice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cento per Bottle. Price 25 Cents perRottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Yery Liberal Reuuctiou to sale Carers. TERMS CASH rv ror oaie oy an ijruggists, a keepers senerally throuahom ih Johns & ct:osr (Sl Manufacinrers 78 WILLIAM. STREE Corner of Li- iy sueet. NEV