The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 16, 1862, Image 1

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    W. U. JACOB Y, Proprietor.
Trail and Right God and oar Country.
Two Dollars per Auutiia.
Xr'S fi JiCOBF '
w , . . - , , .
Since cn Sain St.. 3rd Spare below Market,
TEliSlSrTwo Dollars pr annum if paid
WnSV1." TV9 li ? "'i"
cing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
vuhin the. year. No subscription laker I for
less period than six months; no discon permitted until all arrearages are
Jsaid, unless at the option of the editor.
2 he Itrmt of advertising will be'asjoUcrwt :
Oae square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, ..... 25
Ona square, three months, 3 00
Oo year, ............ . ... . . 8 00
'TU eve ; one brightly beaming star
Shines from the eastern heavens alar,
To light the footsteps of the brave.
Slow marching to a comrades grave.
The Northern winds have snhk to sleep;
The tweet Sou'b breathes as low and deep
The martial clang is beard, the tread
Of thce who bear the silent dead.
And whooe the form, all stark and cold,
Thus ready for the loosened mould, ,
And btrtcbed out on 60 rude a bier !
Thine, soldierthine I the Volunteer.
Poor Volanteer! the 6hot, the blow,
Oi swift disease has laid him low;
And few his early loss deplore
His battle lought, his journey o'er.
Alas ! no wife's fond arm caressed
His cheek no tender metier pressed,
No pitting soul was by his Ride,
As lonely in his tent he died.
lie died the Volunteer at noon;
At eveuing came the small plattoon
That toon will leave him to his rest,
With sods upon his manly breast.
Hark to their Ere ! bis only knell
More solemn than the passing bell
Fir. ah ! it tells a spirit flown,
. Unshiveriug to the dark .unknown.
Hi deeds and late shall fade away,
Forgotten ince his dyin day,
iAnd never on the roil ol Fame
Shall be inherited bis humble name. .
Alas ! like him how many more
Lie cold 0Ku Potomac's chore !
IIhw many green unnoted graves
Are borJrei by those placid waves!
Sleep, soldier, pleep ! from sorrow fre,
Atd .in and uVe. 'Ti well with thee !
' Tis well ! though not a single tear ,
Lamul buried Y.lcntrer.
Last Words.
Judging by 'he various reco-tieJ otteran
oe of our great men when th-y lay adyiug
.tha - sut-jects which occupied their last
.thoughts were as diverre as those which
occupied their live. Oh times, the last
brokeii exclamations recorded of our great
men contain dim forehai!owings of things
to come, an often, however, :hey ara mere
ly expressive of happiness and resignation
or ol despair and weari;iets of life. In
other case, again, ws t-eo "the ruling pas
sion Urona iti death." We End warriors
thanking God with "their last breath lhat
they done their duty, and martyrs, while as
cending the scaffold, resigning their souls
to Heaven, leeling assured lhat their deeds
would lite after ihem. and would be their
truest monument of all future time. Occa
sionally, too, we hav men poking jokes at
r the arisly Kir.g of Terror., himself, and
pass behind the dark curtain wi h a jest up
on their lips!
Sorely, there is something very pathetic
in thoe lat words of Dr. Adam of Edin-
, burg, the High School head master; "It
grows dark, boys, you may go." As the
shades of death were fa-t closing around
him, the master's thoughts were still with
bis work; and thus regarding the shades of
!eab as but '"ie waning twilight of the
earthly day, he gave the signal of dismiss
al tc his imaginary scholars, and wa bim
celfat the same intrant ' dismissed" from
work to bis eternal rest ! Every one knows
that the two last words which Goethe ut
tered were truly memorable. 'Diaw back
the curtains,", said he, "and let in more
light." - . ; --.i -. :.'',"..'
Washington's last word? were firm, cool
and reliant a himself. "I am about to die'
eaid be, ' and I am not afraid o die."
" Nble words these. There is something in
them which reminds us of Addison's' cele
brated request to those around him "to
mark how a christian could die" . .
Pocr Oliver Goldsmith's farewell words
, are also very plaintive. ' Is your miud at
case?'' asked the Doctor. "No it is not,'
was poor Goldsmith's melancholy reply.
. This was the last sentence he ever ottered,
and it is sorrowful, like his life.
That great man and incorrigible joker. Sir
Thomas Moore, perished, it will be recol-
- lecied upon the scaffold. .Observing, as he
. was ascending the scaffold, that it appeared
very -weak, he turned to the lieutenant, and
VaIJ 1 h'rn merrily; "I pray yoo, Mr. heo
l?nant, that yoo see me safe op, and as for
" ra J. coming down, why, let me 6hift for
taysslf." , Tbns speaking, "passeC away
cas of the best and bravest spirits of. that
- 9. Sarslyit .was men like him lhat first
won fcrour fatherland the title of rUMerry
, ) ft ' ' ' . . - ,v
The last worjf an old Norse here nara
. ca ThorrnoJ,who nsd been mortally wound
. ed by the shaft cf an arrow striking him in
' ba!t!s. lie retired to a barn, where "a worn- J
f ffrrant tried to pull the eaa.'t ol the ar
row ont of his wound with the help of a
pair -of tons3. Not succeeding in her at
t:".pt, however, jThonrod reproved the
girl for fcsr tenderness is osing th tongs ;
took them himself, and by main force, pall
ed &3 arrow ot of the vonnd. Upon
" :
tani some morsel oi nesn tram, cts
r?i, SDcna while.
Wfcea Tho
mod8awthemhe,dferira,y "Tbe kin
. , . .
' "e8rl"root9- 80 8aynS ne leanei
uaca una was oeaa.
Here id another account of the last words
and actions of another old Norse king. This
' hero,"feeIing that his time was at hand.and
t . ' , , . ,- . .
, be,nS ern,y resolved not to die a natural
j ueatn, oroerea nis war galley to pe wougni
out. this being done, he proceeded on
board, set it on fiie, and slowly drifted out
to sea, chanting his war song with his last
gasp. Surely the gates ol the Wallhalla of
the Norsemen would fly open to welcome
tvo such heroes as this old Norse king and
The Solution of Oar Troubles.
Ia 1856, a party noted for false promises,
and mountebank pretensions, persuaded
the people that the country needed a
change in the spirit of our government ;
that change was made, and great God !
what a change. Look at the blood, the
treasury and the rain it has produced.
Does any man believe that such ruin
would have followed if the good old nation
al and constitutional sentiments that built
up and protected this country had been
ustainedf Bad men wanted a change,
they drew geographical lines as the bais
of party organizations, and sought by every
invention in their power to divide the
friendly, religious and political relations
between the North and ihe outb. Their
schemes succeeded, and we have, as the
result, the greatest disaster that ever befell
a nation. Our armies are now conquering
the rebellion, but what hope is there for re
union and peace, unless these sectional
disorganize and treasury plunderers, are
made to give place to constitutional men
in our legislative halls. II we would have
the Unioaresiored, and the Consti;ution
obeyed, we must have men whose national
instincts and constitutional love, fit them
for the work, and not men whose geograp-
ical ideas, political prejudices lotm an im
passable barrier between the two sections
that are to be united. We want a Unioa, a
a union ol States a union of feeling, a union
of commerce and a union of interest.
Who can for a moment suppose that such
bitter sectionalists, such arbitrary and on
consli'utional pretenders, such irrepressi
ble conflict doc:ors as the leaders of this
Republican party are, can ever make such
a Union. There is bul one solution to this
great revolution but one way to save the
Union and the Constitution from cer aiu
and final ruin, and lhat is to fill our Con
gressional halU wiih men, who will lay
asie all geographical and sectional iUtias,
and poiutto the Constitution as the terms
and basis of a final settlement. The Re
publican papers all tell us lhat the Union
sentiment of ihe South is strong, who then
can doubt that the mases there would rise
up and declare themselves in favor of ihe
Union were it not for the constant abolition
legislation and the bitter sectional preju
dices of our fanatical rulers. Let national
men be placed in Congresstand let the peo
ple of the South be convinced lhat the Con
stitution is to be the basis of reunion, the
leaders of the rebellion cannot hold the
masses for a single dy. Why then will
the North tend to Congress men, whose
political prejudices, sectional bitterness and
deathly antagonism is constantly prevent
ing instead ol inviting reunion ? We be
lieve the people will be wise and that such
men as will labor to cultivate the Union
sentiment of the South ir.tead of constantly
repelling it, will be placed in our Congres
sional halU. The border States re strong
ly for the Union, but who does not know
that their Union love is eorely tried by the
insulting and bitter invictive of such men
as Wilmot and Sumner. If actions and a
recktess disregard for the Constitution and
decency could drive these Union members
from the border States into rebellion, it has
not certainly been wanting on the part of
the abolition fanatics who have disgraced
us in the capitol. Justice cads, upon the
people to rebuke ihemen, who after hav
ing dissolved the Union by their sectional
agitations, and plundered the country in its
hour of peril, are now striving to interpose
banters to prevent a reunion; while human
ity, bleeding, plundered and suffering hu
manity calls loud for the wisdom of nation
al and constitntional men to stay the tide of
rain which bad men, have put in motion.
Nose inn Lirs. A sharp nose and thin
lips are considered by physiognomitts cer
tain signs of shrewdish disposition. Asa
criminal was once on his way to the gat.
lows, proclamation was made that if any
woman would marry him under the gallows,
with the tope around his neck, he would
receive a pardon.
UI will," cried a cracked voice from the
middle of the crowd,, "
The culprit desired the eager candidate
for matrimony to approach the cart, which
she did ; and be began to examine her
countenance. . -:: I
.. "Nose like a knife," said he, "lips like
wafers. Drive on hangman."
A store was broken open oae eight,' bat
strange to say nothing was carried off. The
proprietor was making his brags of the
same time expressing his surprise at losing
nothing. Not at all arprising1,, naid hie
neighbor ; "ihe robbers lighted a lamp,
didn't they ?" "Yes," vti the reply. ia favor of carrying into effect that dause.
"Well," continued -the- neighbor, they ! of the Constitution for the rendition of fugi
found your goods marked so high they j slaves, 'la thy servant a dog, last he
coalda't afford to take them." , i aboold do .thw thing ? A dog to be trie to
A nnm I V, a (.nmiitirtruc ol flat h in Irish :
m!.'nnaat nu t h fnt ! nw ir.7 "Th hiort.
est bidder to be the purchaser, unless seme
rentlssaji this mora."
Ion are a Stopid Blockhead.
Are you sure of that ? Is It not just pon
sible that Ihe boy's teacher is a stupid one ?
Are you quite. certain that your question!,
or your explanations, are expressed in in
telligible language? Don't you talk no
rapidly that none but the brightest scholars
can follow you ? Does not your severity
of manner frighten the poor fellow so l e
cannot tell what he knows perfectly ? A-e
you not in your anxiety to make him reciie
piomptly and brilliantly, embarrassing bin
so that he cannot recite at all ? Have ycu
ever done anything to give lhat boy ee f
confidence 1 Have you ever heartily e i
couraged him, sympathised with him, made
him feel that you are his friend ? Ha' e
you ever earnestly tried to find the avenue
to bis heart and his head ? Say to yourself,
thoughtfully, "Alter all, am not I the stupid
oue?" -
But grant that the boy is naturally a "stu
pid blockhead." Is it his fault ? Had le
the making of his own brains? And is it
not misfortune enough to him to have be n
born a blockhead without your repeatedly
reminding him of the .disagreable fact ?
Will your statement make hira any tie
brighter, or yourself the more amiablo ?
Pot yourself down in that boy's place.
How much better would you feel, hew
.much more clearly would you think, how
much more cheerfully would you afterwaids
study if your teacher were to make a public
announcement of your stupidity ? Would
you uot be either utterly discouraged or
righteously indignant ? What right, thon,
have you to outrage that scholar's feelirgs
by cuuing words ? If his father were tit
ling in the school room, think you that you
would utter such harsh words ? And hi ve
you the thoaghtlulness, the meanness, to
use language in the father's absence which
you would be ashamed, and would notd ire
to use in your presence ? Is ii not your
duty to remember, that that boy has sersi
bilities to be moved, and 'feelings to be re
spected as much as you have ? And
not bis parents a right to demard that you
shall treat him with kindness and patieiue?
Will you uot do away, then, wiih all bitter
words, a-sured that they do no good, aut
much harm ? Mussach.iu.itls Teacher.
Liability of Gas Companies.
The Supreme Court of Wisconsin recent
ly decided a case involving the liabiliies
of gas companies. In 1857, Sydney Sh $p
erd applied to the Milwaukie Gas Com
pany for Gas to light his store, in that c ity
Ho wa informed that he could have it rf he
woukl sign the application bdbk, endorsing
the printed rules of the company. Hi re
fused, and the gas was denied him. Ho
sued the company and gained a verdict of
SlOO damages. The case was carried lo
the Supreme Court, where it was deciled
that ihe company had the exclusive right
to make and sell the gas: was bound lo
supply it on reasonable terms; that appli
cants might be required to sign an auiee
ment lhat is reasonable, and lhat the foil ) vy
ing rules were unreasonable: "That the
company shall at all times, by their agents,
have access lo the premises to examine the
gas apparatus or remove the meter or serv
ice pipe. That the company reset ves
the right to cut off ihe service ppe to pro
tect the works against fraud. That the fit
lings, after the admission of the gas, must
not be disconnected or opened either foi re
pairs or extensions without a permit f om
the company." Immediately after the
commencement of the suit. Mr Shejerd
made another demand and tender of money
for gas, and was again denied. His ttore
Was without gas 19 months. He brought
another suit against the Gas Company the
previous judgement having been paid. At
the Couniy Court the plaintiff was ron
snited. He carried ihe case to the Supreme
Coart, where the non-suit was reversed,
and the jury found a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for $1500 The company appeiled
to the Supreme Court, and that Court 'af
firmed its judgement, amounting with costs,
to $18,00, and there the matter rests.
Douglas on Sombr. If there was any
man that the lamented Senator Douglai re
garded with abhorrence, it wa Set ator
Sumner, of Mass. Here is a portrait that
he drew of him in debate in 1854. Ad
dressing himself to him he said :
"Is there anything in the means by wuich
he pot here to give bim a superiority over
other gentlemen who came by ordiiary
means? Is there anything to justify it in
the fact that be came here with a deliber
ate avowal that he would never obey one
clause of the Constitution , of the United
Slates, and yet put his hands upon the loly
Bible in the presence of tbl body, ant ap
pealed to Almighty God that he wouhl be
faithful to the Constitution, and wi h a
pledge of perjury on bis soul, by violating
both, that oath and the Constitution ?, He
came here with a pledge to perjure himself
av the condition of eligibility to the p ace
Has he a right to arraign us because w felt
it to be oar daty to be faithful to that Con
stitution which be disavows, to mat oath
which be assumes and . then repudit les ?
Tbe Senate have not forgotten the At bate
on the fugitive Slave law, when the Senator
eaid, in reply to a question whether b was
' Ihe Constitution of your country ! Tnal was
hid nOHilinn. and mill ha come hr ami
uMiirn na fnr rrimfii ami ialk ahnnl. an.
i cacityl Did mortal man ever wiiaess iuci
tfciacitj ia to trowed ciicaiaai 1" " ,
Not a Word.
Has the Repnblican press had a word to
say against Wendell Philips who publicly
boasted lhat he has been engaged lor nine
teen years in the work of destroying the
Union ?
Not a word !
Has it had a word to say against Vice
President Hamlin who, knowing Philips'
treasonable sentiments, publicly left the
Speaker's Chair, in the United Stales Senate,
and almost embraced hira on the floor of
that body ?
Noi a word !
Has it had a word to say against Senator
Wade who declared publicly in the Senate
lhat "the man who prates about the Con
stitution in this great crisis iaa traitor?
Not a word !
Has it had a word to say against Repre
sentative Bingham who said in the House,
only a month ago, "Who in the name of
Heaven wants the Cotton States or any oth
er State this side of perdition to remain in
the Union, if slavery is to continue?''
Not a word ! .
Has it bad a word to say against Thad
deus Stevens, who recently said in Congress
that he "was not for ihe restoration of the
Union if Blavery is preserved ?"
Not a word !
Has it had a word to say against any of
the fanatics who declare "the Constitution
a league with bell" and the "Union a cov
enant with the devil ?"
Not a word I
Has it had a word to say againBt any of
its friends who have plundered the treasury
in one year of a greater sum lhan the year
ly current expenses of Mr. Buchanan's ad
ministration ?
Not a word ! Lebanon AdverlUir.
A Eealifal Appeal.
We copy the following beautiful appeal
from the Naehville (Tenn.)Ctowof the 17ih
ultimo. The appeal is applicable not only
lo Tennessee, but also to iho&a from every
other State who are now fighting under the
banner ol rebellion :
"Wanderers from the fold of patriotism,
who have gone from the protecting shadow
of the flag of our country, come home, oh,
come home ! Thocsands of your neighbors
stand with outstretched arms and with tear
ful eye eagerly awaiting your return. Do
you not hear the clansmen of the Union
rallying once more along the hills of Ten
nessee ? Break not on your ear the familiar
strains of Yanken Doodle, Hail Columbia
and the Star Spangled Banner? Do ynu
not behold the ame old flag which floated
over Lundy's Lane, and Lake Champlain,
and Montery and Vera Cruz, and Cerro
Gordo, Chepuh.epec, and Buena Visto, fly
ing at the head of triumphant legion and
victorious navies ? Do not your hearts
warm within you al the recollection of a
thousand holy and patriotic memories ?
Come back to iht Union. Desert the black
flag of i'alhng and ignominious rebellion.
Fly from the rebel camp as from a city
crushed with ihe leprosy or the plague "
2m. Partington on Picket.
"As for sleeping on pickets," said Mrs.
Partington to a volunteer who had dropped
in to see her, "I don't bee how they can do
it without hurling 'em. Sleeping on a post
would be more sensible, unless there's a
na'ri in it, which might be prejudiciou to
the uniform. Every one to his lasie, and
such things as where a man shall sleep is
at his own auction ; bu: nobody can help
thinking that either a picket or post is a
very uncomfortable thing to sleep on, at
any rate, there is'nt much room fcr any
more fhan one in a bed and'
The man interposed to tell her the nature
of pickets and posts in military parlance, to
which she listened very attentively, while
Ike was trying experiment in Prestidicita
lion, by essaying to rub ihe cat, ana he
soldiers li ale brown dog into one.
A Thue Gentleman Show me the young
man who can quit the society of the young
to listen lo the kindly words of age; who
can hold cheerful converse with one whose
years are deprived of charms, show me the
man willing to help the deformed who need
help show me the man who no more
looks rudely on the poor in the- village tha?
the well dressed lady in the saloon show
me the man who abhors the libertine's
gibe who shuns as a blasphemer the tra
ducer oi his mother's sex who scorns, as
would a coward, the ridicular of woman's
reputation show me ihe mati who never
forgets lor an instant the delicacy, the re
spect tti at is due to woman in any condi
tion or class and you show me a gentle
man nay you show me better you thow
me a true gentleman.
Franklin said, that a man with a library
which he never reads, is about as respecta
bje an animal as a donkey, with a load of
books on his back. In a sense, that is true ;
but one day the old donkey dies, and his
library is willed to a college. It must at
least be said of him, thai he helped learning
by pnttiug his capital into the publishing
business, and now a thousand miuds are
feeding ou his stupid benefaction.'
A young lady once hinted to a gentleman I
that her thimble was worn out, and asked j
what reward she merited for her industry. J
He sent her an answer in the shape of a j
thimble, on which the follow ing'liues were.
engraved ; -'Intend you a thimble for
fingers nimble, which I hope will fit yon
when you try it j it will last you long if it'a
half as strong as the ilint yen gave me to
From the Columbia Democrat.
Jfly Country.
Hail Columbia, favored nation.
Meet with all that's great and free,
la the earth, how high tby etatioa.
Boasted home ol Liberty.
Bulling Ocean, girt tby borders,
Nublu river net thy plaiiis,
Nature's powers obey tby orders,
Speeding on in lightning trains.
Grandly rise thy lofty mountains,
Kich with treasures they contain,
Mighty lakes and sparkling fountains.
Valleys filled with waving grain.
Gold and silver in abundance,
Garuers running o'er with bread.
Enough for thee, with a roduudauce.
By which a hungry world is fed.
Richer still in mental treasures.
Science spreads bCr golden wings.
Fans the mind to boldest measures,
Accoiupliabiug unheard of thiugg.
litest with virtus and religion.
Blent w ith all thai man can have,
ISlostwith light ia every region.
Blest with all thut God can give.
Qt my country what doth ail thee.
Not contented w ith thy store,
Why should any one bewail thee,
Necd'kt thou, can'et thou ask for more.
Why these notes of preparation f
Why these honts in martiul ktrife I
Why these acts of desperation t
Wby this waste of tinman life I
Da some proud foe from foreign nation.
Invaded now thy fair domain t
Jealous of tby luity station,
Would tby growing greatueoa fain,
Are not these hosts of foeineh, fcrotusrs 1
Brothers pledged to sacred ties i
Then leave this bloody strild to others.
For each one killed, a brother dies.
Cau'.t thou by force restore communion t
Can'st tbou by hatred make a fru f
Will cannon balls briug back the Union f
Or will rebellion gala its euj
God of Wssnington protect us,
Bid this bloody contest cease.
Let tby goodness Lord affect na,
XJipoii oar miuds and hearts to peace.
SOU Wair,Jnt ti, let.
"I Did It."
Abraham Lincoln has always at bid
tonguo's end an unanswerable) excuse and
apology for the rascalities committed by
Lid understrappers, and tbo geeatcr the
thief ii, the more spirited is the Presiden
tial interference. Witness the devotion of
Hid Excellency to tbo interests of Siruoa
Cameron When that ditinguiihed despct
was arrested at the instance of Pierce
Butler, for false imprisonment, and there
was a probability that Siuiou would suffer,
it was enough in the eyes of the law for
Abraham to assume the drgntty of an Ori
ental satrap, say "I did it,' and the il
lustrious prisouer goes free.
No ordinary man would have- dared to
share the notoriety of the financial exploits
of Simon Cameron. Tha whole country
was shocked and amazed at his pecula
tions and frauds, which were of such gi
gantio proportions as to call forth even
from a Kcpublicrn House of Representa
tives, a resolution of censure. Abraham
Lincoln dares to share tho fame of Simon
Cameron. In hid late special message he
by insinuation rebukes Congress for Us
censure, eajing in substance. You were
wrong in censuring Cameron. It was nit,
I did it now what will you do 7
"J did it!'' What supercilious inso
lence, coming from such a man as Abe
Lincoln, who occupies by chances a posi
tion once held by George Washington.
J did it I So that ii to be tho way the
American people must be an-wored when
they becomo unaay over frauds and vio
lations of their liberties ! I Abraham Lin
coln I did it the Presidential ukase
which is to stop the mouths of the Ameri
can freemen complaining of opprefsion.
To such a pass wo uave come at last.
The Sooe Business. Tho Newbury
port Herald says that the shoo business is
reviving, all tho shoo towns feel the good
effects. In Lynn, Marblehead, Haver
hill, and a hundred other towns in this
State, work is abundant, and the working
people are few j wages have advanced, and
the manufacturers refuse io tako orders for
the future at present prioes, to that wa
ges may be better yet. Keal estuto id ad
vancing, the tradesmen are very hopeful
and everything looks first rate.
a?"An exohange cornea to us with the
notice that ( Truth' is crowded out of this
issue. This u almost as bad as the up
country editor who said: 'For the evil ef
fects of intoxicating drinks, Pee our inside.?
isrWheu we Iook around us now upon
the ruin of our country, it is a proud and
grateful consciousness to feel that we can
'look into the blue sky, and say 'it is no
fault of ours. '
JtS?" A German writer observes that in
America there is such a scarcity of thieves,
that they are obliged to offer a reward for
their discovery.
tgy t,Come, sonny, get-up," said an
indulgent father to his h tful son, the
other morning. "Remember the early
bird eatches the worm."
"What do I care for worm3?" replied
the young hopeful, "mother won't, let inn
go filiing.'J
Major-General tope.
Jfaj. Gen. Pope, who has been appointed
to the command of the Army of Virginia,
is upward of forty years of age. He was
born in Kentucky , but emigrated to Illinois
before attaining his majority, and ia now a
citizen of that State. He enteffl the West
Point Military Academy in 1838, as a
cadet from Illinois, and graduated with
distinction in 1842.
He was soon after appointed a brevet
second lieutenant of Topographical Engin
eers in the United States service ; and at
the commencement of tbo war with Mexico
accompanied tho army in that capacity.
At the battle of Monterey, he distinguished
himself, and for bis gallant conduct on
that occasion was brevetted a first lieutenaDt
the commission bearing data September
23, 1846. For meritorious service at the
battle of Buena Vista, ho was brevetted a
captain, bis commission dating from the
23d of February, 1817. In July, 1813,
ho became a full Captain in tho Topo
graphical Engineering corps, aud soon af
terwards was placed in command of the
Expedition sent out by tho Linked States
government to ascertain the practicability
of borcing artosiau wells in the Staked
Plain lying between Texas and New Mex
ico. Not succeeding in the undertaking,
Caplaim Pope returned to Illinois, lie
I supported Mr. Lincoln for tho Presidency,
and in February, ISO I, at the request of
tho newly eleoted President, ho accompan
ied him on Lis journey to Washington.
Being known to Mr. Lincoln as an able
and loyal officer, he was successively pro
moted uctil, on the 17th of May, 1661, be
was appointed a Brigadier General, and
assigned to the department of Mis:ouri.
In March last he was promoted to a Major-Generalship,
and subsequently com
manded a division of Gen. Ha'leek's army
i before Corinth. Thus he has risen step
by ttep to one of tho most important posi
tions in the Union army.
Evex TriE wortD "Union" makes
them Gnash tiikir Teeth. We take
the following iarcraDh frota a lon2 ar
w - a w
tiule in a late issue ot tbe I'titladcipuia
Sorth Jlnitricm, on the subject of etab
lishing a nw Democratic paper in Phila
delphia: ' "if a democratic paper could be pub
lished without constant iteration of the
words "Constitution aud Uuioo,'' iu its
title as well as its text, it is possible that a
reasonable degree of fcucces. would attend I
it. But one cannot ba so published, and j
therefore such journals are not pleasant
while they live, aud in enlightened' com- j
inanities tbey hpcedily die. If democratic .
t i . . , ... . , r 1
speeches, pamphlets, and utterances of,
r r ,, , , e .- -' I
every sort cou.d also steer clear of this in-
eessant iteration - an appropriate adjective
ia applied to such iteration in tho English !
classics, which, ad it is difficult to print we
3 . i i. i .1 - i
recommend to be consulted in tho original, ;
If the daily speeches, we eay, would j
leave out all surplus references to the j
Uuion and the Constitution, the public I
would feel great relief, and possibly these !
,,. ! ;4 , I
utterances would be rendered tolerable. I
The reason here assigned cannot fail to j
strike the reader with the utmost astonish-1
tnent. The " Union" aud the "Con&titu-;
tW are. of all names, the most obnox-
! iois to this high-toned, digniCeJ(!) journal.
, , -
Any other name would suit it better.
such names stink iu their nostrils.
If oir Government had been suddenly
changed to a monarchy, or a despotism,
j ,1 r 3 t-l 1 i-. .-
and all our free and liberal institutions, so
carefully shaped, and 60 nicely ojusted by j heaj Gf js the editor-in-chief of
our revolutionary father, had boen eud- j the Ecea'utg Post, William Culleu Bry
dcnly swept away, such contemptoui slurs I the poet, which announces as one of
upon tho loved names of cur once glorious I ls fundamental principles the dogma that
,..IT ... I ''AO Ztute vow zu tfte rtUluon shall be
"Constitution' and Uuion," would bo I recos,lizel a, a member of ae
appropriate enough ; but now when every Union except on anduion of tmancipor-
! loyal breast cherishes the hope of the res
! toraliou of both, as our only csoape from
otter anarchy and final ruin, such lan
guago is iu the highest degree detestable.
Ni-GROES in the A't.Mv. The Aboli
tion agitation are seeking by every means
to force upon the people their perverted
ideas of negro equality. The latest move
ment is bill introduced in the Senate by
the notorious Jehu P. Hale, to authorize
the enlistment of negroes in tho army, and
has created a propouud sensation at Wash- i
It provides that the President
shall have the power, by proclamation,
to call on every person to enlist, without
distinction of color, race, or condition, and
that every slave so enlisted fchall ever
thereafter be free and entitled to all tie
pensions aud bounties of white soldiers.
The movement is most ill ad vised and baa
aroused the utmost indignation among the
troops now in tho vicinity of the Capital.
They eay they are willing to fight for the
country but in doing so they are not will
ing that negro soldiors should be on an
equality with them. The bill has gone to
the Military Committee, and itrs extreme
ly doubtful wether it wll be reported to
tixa Senate in it present shape.
Proclamation of Gov. Curtln.
IIakrisbueq, July 4. The following
proclamation was issued by the Governor
to-day ; Pennsylvania, sh:
In tho name and by the authority of tha
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrpw
J. Curtin, Governor of Eaid Common
More men are required for the suppres
sion of tho rebellion- Our regiments in
the field are to be recruited to their origi
nal strength, and in addition, new regi
ments are to be formed.
Pennsylvania has hitherto dono "her
duty to the country. Her freemen ara
again 'called on to volunteer in bet
defeuae, that the blood of her bona, who
have already fallen, may not have beea
shed in vain, and that we may hand down
to our posterity tho blessiugd of Union,
an 1 civil and political liberty, which, wo
derived from our fathers.
Tho number of men now required, and
tho regulations for enlistments will be made
known forthwith in general orders. Mean
whilo the men of Pennsylvania will hold
themselves in readiness for a prompt com
pliance with the necessary demand up-
on their gallant and patriotic spirit.
Our noble Commonwealth has never yet
faltered, and mus.t stand firm now when
her honor and everything that is dear to
her are at stake.
Given under my hand and the great seal
of the State, at Uarri-burg,this fourth day
of July, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of
the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh.
By tho Governor.
Eli Flifer,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Address of Geu. Met lellan en tha
Fourth f July.
Eeadqnarte-a Army of the Fotorsao
Ctmp tusr UarrUon t Loading, Jly 4, looi
Soldiers or the Army ok the Potomac:
Your achivements of the past ten dayg
havo illustrated the valor aud .endurance
of the American soldier. Attacked by su
perior forced, aud without hope of reintorec
merits, you have succeeded in changing
your base ot operations by a flank move
iiient. alwavs regarded as fli. nmir.,1
f miiittrv d;..!. v k..
J saved ail your material, all your trains,
I - - v,MV S s UsVO
and all your guns except a few lost in bat
tle, taking iu return guns and colors from,
the enemy,
Upou your march you have been assailed
day after day with desperate fury, by men
of the panic race and nation, skillfully
masked and led.
Under every disadvantage of number
and necessarily of position also, you have.
j iu every conflict, beaten back your foes
enormous slaughter.
Your conduct ranks you among the cel-
tbrated armies of history.
No one will now question that each of
you may alwaya with pride say,4 I belong
to the Army of the Potomac.''
-,T , J , . .. .
lou have readied this new base com-
pleted in orgauizatioc uu;mpaircd iu spirit.
The enemy may at any time attack
you. We are prepared to meet them. I
have personally established your lines.
Let thlm come, and we will convert their
, . A j e . m.iu
repu-se into a final defeat.
your fi0verniIient is strengthening you
with the resources of a great people.
On this, our nation'sbirthdap, we declare
our fou' wLo are rcl'el gint the bct
interests of mankind, that this army shall
. . ,, - . , , ,, , r r 3
enter the capital of the so called Csnfcder-
aCy. That our National Constitution
shall prevail, aud that the Uniot, which
can, alone insure internal peace and exter-
?il curuy 10 eacu atate, must ana snail
be preserved, co;t what it may iu time,
trcasuro or blood.
(Mgued) GEO. B. M'CLELLAN,
' Major General Commanding
Northern Treason.
I n :i iiuirsmni i ui " um tanuu lias UCCH
: c , ? v , . "
firmed in the Citv of iew Y nrlr. at tht
i lion.11 What treason is this ! The as.
sociation U called the Emaneipatioa
League," and addresses have been deliv
ered before it at tho Cooper Institute by
Senator Jim Lane, of Kansas, and Oweu
Lovcjoy, the faniical Ml C from Illinois.
It is intended, if possible, to engraft thist
treasonable principle upon the platform
of thu Republican party, and convert the
war at into an anti-slavery crusade.
It is as rank treason as secession itself,
aud is based upon the abjured doctrine of
the Southern dcutogagut:s, that a State
can take itself out of ihe Union, and that
those States in which the rell ion now
i P s rtra" uul: wourypors
I Ii ml, I -l lfrwbr.ijn-Ti iAtiml lima A i.-. -
i V !!... Tl. . l
wsof the fallacy upon which the "Ernan
cipaton League" has established its creed:
''No States has gone out tf the Union,
and we are not attruepting to bring on
iiito the Uuion. W only aim to suppress
insurrection in certain States of the Union,
that the lav.3 may be executed and the loy
al people hold control. If the States could
take thoiusch e out of the Uniou,tUis would
be a foreign war, a war ot iuvai-iju,&ad to
be jutiued ou no good grounds; but net
being out, we can make no conditions for
their return. There is the Constitution
they must obey that, and we can iutposa
upon them nothing different or beyond
thst. Mr. Bryant ,s League accept tht
ground on which Jeff. iJavl started and
it 13 no more to be tolerated ta& sliould
be EC5t of secexicistv' : ;