The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 09, 1862, Image 2

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    STAR OF TDMOItT 11.1
I ..... .; -.- TKJ4
ttTJ. 7J. COiJr," EDITOR.
ELC0S5BESG, ?EDM-SDiT, JULY 9th, 1862.
In the absence of the Editor, little can be
said respecting Doctor John's last effort in
ibis paper. We can only say to the people
of Colombia County that the Republican re
fuses to give in its support to the Union
and the Constitution as our Fathers gave
hem to us, ar.d that lha editor of that Rev
olationary sheet glories in his shame as
being an Abolitionist.
. Denoeratic State CcpTention.
At the Democratic State ConYention held
in Harrisborg on ihe Fourth of July, Hon
Isaac Slenker of Union County was nomi
nated for Auditor General, and Col. James
P. Barr, of Alleghany county, for Surveyor
General. Soaud Democrats, and of course
opposed lo treason whether in an abolition
ist or a secessionist. Look but lor such a
majority next fall as Pennsylvania never
saw. We append the resolutions adopted
by the Convention to the proceedings. It
-will be seen that they are Union through
the bon3 and to the marrow. Read them.
They are worthy the days ol Andrew Jack
son. 1U First Ifsintat ol Sonti Carolina Tol
. csteers.
The title of this regiment would,, at the
first blush, appear to be an anomaly in the
.army of the United States. The supposi
tion that one thousand citizens of the nul
lifying, rebellious State of South Carolina
could be found 10 muster under the "Star
Spangled Banner," is one so far remote
from the range of probabilities, that the be
wildered reader may pause in donbt, after
reading the caption of this article. Gentle
reader, although there is such a corps as
the "First Regiment ol South Carolina Vol
unteers," we do not desire to mystify you
we will explain.
Gen. Hunter has organized, at Port Roy
al a regiment, romposed of runaway slaves,
mostly pressed into the U- S. service, who
r armed and equipped at the cost of the
United States. This negro reairaent is of
ficered by Dom commissioned officers aken
from the Pennsylvania and New York regi
mentsand who have been promoted for
that purpose by Gen. Hunter, to the rank
of captains, first and second lieutenants
The regiment is commanded by Col. Fes
enden, a son of Senator Fessenden, of the
State of Maine.
At first the negroes, like children fond of
leys, were pleased with the "pomp andcir
enmstance of glorious war." But when
they were brougbt down lo the drill, their
unconquerable dislike of all labor, got the
better of their love of glory, and so, on all
favorable opportunities, they ran away!
This valiaut regiment, originally consisting
of some nine hundred men, has already
-dwindled dowtl to three hundred. The
untiring efforts of Colonel Fessendeo and
si fh white entlemer. in command, Lave
signally failed before the vis iuertiae of the
black rank and file-. Toe fust Kegimeni 01
South Carolina Volunteers is afflicted with
the galioping consumption, and, before an
oScial report can be had of Gen. Hunter of
its existence it will be non est. The phi
lanthropic efforts of the Massachusetts
school masters who repaired to Port Royal
ith primer, slate and pencil in hand, to
teach the black idea how to shoot in the
South as vigorously as in the New England
States, and to draw fat salaries lor the same
have met with as little successs in teach
ing the the arts of peac as our officers in
tier attempt to teach the art of war.
These combined efforts, on the partof the
civil and military power, to raise the blacks,
to the level of the whites, are sad failures.
The white officers of the black regiment
are disgusted, and may well exclaim, with
Falslaff, "If I be not ashamed of my sol
diers I am a soused gurnet I'll uot march
through Coventry with them, that's flat."
Although they may not march t-ireugh Co
ventry with them they have already got
themselves into Coventry on their account;
for the soldier of the white regiments hold
them in such contempt that they hail them
in derision as Captain Coffee, Lieutenant
Sambo, and such like vile epithets.
The summing up of all these facts 6hows
that there are some 5.CC0 runaway negroes
at Port Royal and vicinitj, who, with praise
worthy appetiie,eat up Uncle Sam's rations
and in return, bask in all the luxury of Af
rican laziness in the rays of the broiling
sun. Bat when tb'sse dearly beloved ob
jects of Abolition's most tender cares are
asked to drill, or work, or learn, they sked
addle to the swamps, and ungratefully leave
their benefactors to ruminate over these
radical result- cf Abolition theory.
Ir. this lcte disastrous experiment of our
Abolition friends at Port Royal, the impos
sibility cf raising the blacks to the level of
tha whites having become apparent there
is nothing left for them but to attempt to
ruil the whites down to the level of tbe
t-acks. With the view to the accomplish
ment cf this laudable object, we would ad
yie ti immediate resignation of Col. Fe6
ssnden,' and of the Yankee Superiniendani
cf'cryro schools, and the appointment, in
i'-;r "places respectively, of the Hessian
"-Vrieior rf the Telegraph and bis rene--.-.;
3 editur, who have'long since reached
VvV moral Isctel calculated io quality thera
; -f she tatisfactoiy realirv.icn of this new
The close of the pastweek was marked
by important events before Richmond,
prominent among which was a battle, con
tinuing through two days. Gen. McCleilan
has contracted his Jines and massed his
troops between the Chickahomiuy and
James Rivers the latter of which will con
stitute his base of operation uutil the fall of
the rebel Capital, which cannot apparently
be long delayed. White House has been
abandoned, and "the right wing of the array
has been drawn in across the Chickahom
my not without considerable loss of life,
but still slight, it is believed, in comparison
with that of the rebels. The supplies for
the army will hereafter be conveyed up the
James River, under the protection of our
gunboats. On Friday morning the rebels
made the looked-fbr attempt to turn our
right wing. Tbe rebel division of Gen.
Jackson, which must have started tor Rich
mond immediately after the fiasico in Shen
andoah Valley, attacked Gen. McCall's
Division of the Pennsylvania reserves, on
our extreme right. The .action lasted for
three hours, and was brilliantly successful
on our part. Jackson was repulsed and
severely punished. The rebels then made
a general attack on our right wing, which
was composed of Gen. Fitz John Portera'a
army corps. A severe battle ensued, in
which the rebels suffered severely. In the
midst of the battle Gen. McCleilan execu
ted the movement for which he had been
preparing. His whole right wing com
menced an orderly retreat, falling back un
til it had crossed to the south 6ide of the
Chickahominy, in the rear of his left 4 wing
and pushed on towards the James River
The movement was carried out in excellent
style, everything valuable being secured,
and the rebels repulsed in their attacks up
on out rear guard. The evacuation of the
White House was completed on Saturday,
all that was valuable being carried away,
and the remnants not worth moving burned
In this destruction tbe White House itself
shared, some unauthorized persons having
set fire !o it in the confusion. Our troops
there were finally put on board steamers
and takeu to Yorktown.
A correspondent of the New York Times
thus describes the battle on Thursday :
About 2 o'clock, the rebels, who had
crossed the Chickahominy at Meadow
Bridge, two miles below Mechanicsville,
attacked with artillery from across the
reer, and with a strong infantry force, the
regiments composing the First Brigade of
McCall's Division the Bucktails.the Tenth,
Eighth, Ninth and Fifth Pennsylvania Regi
ments. They were promptly met by the
Pensylvanians, who fought them for two
hours, when the Second and Third Brigades
of McCall's Division, comprising six regi
ments, reinforced their hard pressed com
rades, and fought them until evening, re
pulsing them at every point. Our men suf
fered a very considerable loss in killed,
wounded and prisoners, something like
three hundredthe figure is merely esti
mated but were ready for further work
this morning and in high spirits. Tbe
Bucktails were especially unfortunate.
Two companies of them were surrounded
by the rebels. One of them succeeded in
escaping, but the other, Company K, fell
into the clutches of the Confederates. The
Captain of the Company, Capt. Irving, after
he bad been taken, took advantage of a
temporary confusion and made good his
escape. First Lieutenant Welch, of the
same company, was lett in the hands of
the rebels.
After holding the enemy in check for
four hours, McCall's Division was rein
forced by two brigades from General Fitz
John Porter, and the rebels were again
driven back, they making a further attack,
with a heavy loss. During the action a
severe cannonading was kept up by both
parties, the rebels, however, failing to do
much damage with their shells. They ad
vanced upon us in great force. It is esti
mated that at least 30,000 men were
broogt by them into the fight, to make a
desperate effort to flank our right. Our far
jii'erior force however, held them effect
ually in check and eventually drove them
back. .
Among the killed on the National side
were Gen. McQuaid and Col.S. W. Black
The latter was a weii-known politician and
orator in this State, served the country faith
fully during the Mexican war, was Gov.
ernor of Nebraska for four years, and was a
brave, patriotic and generous man.
A rebel force of 30,000 men under Pillow
is strongly entrenched at Vicksburg, Mis
sissipp't. Gen.Halleck is preparing to at
tack and cappture tbe rebels, who have
sent all the non-combatants out of the city
and threaten a desperate resistance.
Tbe United Slates troops under Gen.
Benham made an attack at four o'clock on
tbe morning of the 16th instant upon the
rebel battery on James Island, and were re
pulsed, after four hours hard fighting, with
a loss of six hundred and sixty-eight killed
and wounded, and missing. The Michi
gan Eight Regiment suffered very severely,
having but two hundred and fifty men left
to answer at roll-call. The New York
Seventy-ninth, also suffered severely.
Being unable to carry the enemy's works,
the Union troops were obliged to retreat
under cover of the gunboa's.
A correspondent of the New York Times
aj ' "
; The repulse of the National forces near
Charleston gives great concern in Wash
ington. The injrates of that region should
have had no further humiliation of the old
flag to gloat over. Enough is not known
to enable the country to decide with whom
the blame rests; but I can, assure you of
two facts: that the best judges of our mili
tary leaders never have thought General
Hunter equal to the command of any mili
tary department, and Gen. Benham is regar
ded aa altogether too rash, too excitable,
loo lacking in ballast, and too eager for dis
tinction,. toQnake it safe to put largo bodies
cf men in his hands. -
. 300,000 MORE MEN WANTED,
In accordance with the requst of the
Governors of eighteen States of the Union,
that an additional military force be called
for, "to garrison and hold all of the numer
ous cities and military positions that have
been captured by our armies, and speedly
crush out the rebellion still in existence,"
the President of the United States has
issued his -proclamation that a force of
three hundred thousand men additional to
those now in the field, be at once raised for
active service. The crisis of the rebel
lion,"as the gubernatorial memorial eays"i
now at hand;" and there is no doubt that
the country will speedly respond to this
renewed call upon its patriotism.
Fremont again m a pet. Thank fortune,
Fremont, the Republican pet, has again re
signed his command, and his staff of ram
pant Abolitionists have gone with him. Joy
go with them ! Neither Fremont nor his
stuff ever cared a tinker's curse for the
Union, and only joined the army to "crush
OHtslavery," and make Fremont tbe Repub
lican secession candidate for the Presidency
The Ledger thus speaks of this Republican
General and his staff:
Gone with all His Staff. It is announ
ced that on Gen. Fremont withdrawing all
his staff did the same thing, and have left
tbe servicers they did when he was super
seded in Missouri. If these officers' person
al attachment to Gen. Fremont is greatei
than to the country in whose service they
were supposed to be engaged, they can bo
easily spared. The Government should
allow no obligations to exist in its publio
servants greater than those they owe lo tin
country. The war we are engaged in is t
put down forever just such pretentions ai
these on the part of the rebels, who recog
nise a stronger attachment due to the indi
vidual State they reside in, than tbey do to
the Union, for no government can exist s
curely upon such secondary claims Jo tie
loyalty of its citizens. Men who cantnt
sink their local pride and personal attach
ment, in the larger obligation of duty whi h
comprehends the whole country, have nit
the true notion of loyalty which should in
spire the cetizaus of a country like this.
We do not see that the friends of Gen. Fie
mont have had anything fo complain of in
tbe action of the government. It took him
from civi lian ranks, gave him a comma id
superior 10 many belter known and ab er
Generals, longer in the army and next in
order of promotion according to the rules of
the service. She Government did this in
the hope that the extravagant expectations
Gen. Fremont's friends had of his military
abilities, would be borne out if a favorable
opportunity were afforded. These expnc
tationis have not been realized, for Fre
mont's operations in tbe valley of tbe Shin
audoah, however brilliant, have'nol been so
entirely successful as to create unbounded
ceufidence in his capacity as a military
commander. The country at this time can
not pause to consider mere question! of
military etiquette or of military rauk. I: is
believed lo exist in Gen. Pope, and Gen iral
Pope therefore is raised to chief comrai.nd.
If he should fail, he, in turn, will be su per
ceded, but as the position is created for the
public service, and not for any individual's
personal gratification, no one has a right to
take offence and retire from subordinate
position because a better, man than he is
presumed to be, isfvtnto the situation.
If this were sisMour military office is of
subordinate rank would be warrenied in a
general resignation every time a better of
ficer was placed over their heads. Mo6t
military men of discretion submit to such
things as necessary and proper.
In accordance with the call issued by the
Democratic State Central Committee, the
delegates from the several Senatorial and
Representative districts met in the hall of the
House of Representatives at 10 o'clock on
the 4th of July, 1 and were callod to
order by the Hon. W. H. Weli-lr
On motion of Mr. Searight, Gen. George
VV. Cass, of Allegheny county, was t nani
mously chosen temporary Chairman.
On motion, the following temporary Sec
retaries were elected: Jacob Zeigler,, of
Butler Truman Pnrdy, of Northumber
land; J. F Orvis, of Clinton ; A. J. 'jerrit
son, of Susquehanna, and T. W. Sut.on, of
On motion, the list of delegates wan call
ed over alphabetically, from which lite fol
lowing was compiled :
Philadelphia Richard Vaux. N. K Shoe
maker, John Apple and Robert E Wright.
Chester and Delaware John D. Et ana
Montgomery E. L. Acker.
Bucks Samuel Darrah.
Lehigh and Northampton Robeit Mc
Dowell. Berks Philip K. Miller
Schuylkill G. D. B. Keim.
Carbon, Monroe Pike and Wayne John
Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivaa and
Wyoming C. L. Ward.
Luzerne David R. Randall.
Tioga, Potter, McEean and Warren A.
M. Benton.
Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and Union
S. T. Shugert,
Snyder, Northumberland, Montour and
Columbia John G. Freeze.
Cumberland, Juniata, Perry and Miflin
Samuel Hepburn.
Dauphin, and Lebanon Wm. K. Wilson
Lancaster W. W. Brown, J. '. Bren
neman. York W. S. Picking.
Adams, Franklin and Fulton John Orr
Somerset, Bedford and Huntington W.
J. Bear.
Blair, Cambria and Clearfield James
Indiana and Armstrong J. Alexandra
Westmorland and Fayette Samuel A.
Gilmore. -1
Washington and Greene Wm. Patterson.
? Allegheny Geo. VV. Cass, R. H.Kerr.
: Beaver and Butler Robert Montgomery.
Lawrence, Mercer and Venango Wm.
Erie and Crawford Pearson Church.
Clarion, Forest, Jefferson and Elk K. L.
- Adams Jacob Bushey.
Allegheny James F. Richards, Jas. Ir
win, Dr. Penny, Samuel Ross, Samuel Har
per. Beaver Wm. Leaf.
Bedford Jacob Reed.
Bearks Wm. Albright, A. G. Green,
Daniel Ermentrout.
Bliar Wm. Forbes.
Bradford Julius Russell, S Rockwell.
Bucks Jesse W. Knight, Edward T.
Butler James M. Bredin, Jacob Zeigler
. Cambria John Fenlou.
Centre Ira C. Mitchell.
Chester James D. Jones, John D. Laver
t, Joeeph P.Walton.
Clarion, Forrest and Jefferson C L. Lam-
Clearfield, McKean and Elk G T. Mc
Coy, J. T.Ieonard.
Clinton J H. Orvis.
Columbia, Montour. Wyoming and Sul
livan Peter Ent, George D. Jackson.
Cumberland Thomas O'Brj an.
Dauphin Gen. A. L'Roumfort, J. C. M'
Alarney. Delaware William Young.
Erie Win. Pation, W. A. Galbraith.
Fayette T. B. Searight.
Franklin and Fulton Hiram Keyset, H.
G. Smith.
Greene Jos. G. Gearrard.
Huntingdon J Simpson Africa.
Indiaua Cyrus Clark.
Lancaster Samuel E. Keller, George L.
Eckert, James P. Andrews, G. J. Brush.
Lawrence D. S. Morris.
Lebauon S. T. McAdams.
. Lehigh and Carbon Herman Ropp, S.
E. Sites.
Luzerne O. S. Dodson, Stanley Wood
ward, and Henry Wilbur.
Lycoming John Piatt.
Mercer J.M. Arthur.
Millin George Bales.
Monroe and Pike James H. Walton.
Montsornery George Lower, George VV.
Wimley, anh L H. Davis.
Noribampion Dr. A. Stout, J. A Sletor.
Northumberland Truman 11 Purdy.
Perry J.A.'Magee.
Philapelphia ). Fosier, Jesse Johnson
Andrew Miller, J. P. Delany, E. R. Helral
bold, Samuel Thompson G. Benner, Wm.
H. Souder, John H. Piatt. Anthony J. Lech
ler A. D. Boile'ae, VV. O. Snyder, John P.
Sutton, W. F Sheible, Thomas J. Roberts,
Geo. F. Borie and Michael Arnold. .
Schuylkill Jas. J. Conner, Jonathan
Johnson, and Frank. P. Dewees.
Somerset A. II. Coffroth. j
Susquehanna A. J. Gerritson
Tioga and Potter H. A. Guernsey "
Union, Juniata and Snyder James H.
Young, J. 11. SJjjc
Venauglrnold Plumer.
Warrea J. Y. James.
Washington G. VV. Miller, A. H. Ecker.
Wryne James R. Dickson.
Westmorland and Armstrong Jacob Tur
oey, John McFarland, J. A, McCulloch.
York Adam Ebaugh, S, N. Bailey.
Hon. S. A. Gilmore, of Fayette, offered a
resolution that a committee of thirty-three
be appointed to report permanent officers
of the Convention. Also, a resolution to
appoint a committee to draft resolutions.
The first resolution was read by the
Mr. Lamberton, of Clarion, offered to
amend, "that the Convention do now pro
ceed to elect a permanent President."
After some debate, the resolution of Mr.
Lamberton was adopted. The following
nominations were then made:
Mr. Lamberton nominated Hon. F. VV.
Mr. Lecheler
Geu.J. Y. James
Ira C- Mitchell
A. H Coffroth
Hon. Richard Vaux.
Gen. G. W. Cass.
James Y. James.
Samual Hepburn.
Gen. Jamas withdrew his name.
Gen. Cass withdrew his name.
Hon. Samuel Hupburn withdrew his
Mr. Mitchell moved that the nomination
of Mr. Hughes be made unanimous.
Objections being made. Mr. Mitchell
withdrew his motion, when tha Convention
prodeeded to vole for a permanent Presi
pent, with the following result :
Hon. F. W.Hughes
Hon. R Vaux
S. Hepburn
Arnold Plumer
Jacob Zeigler
93 votes,
21 "
11 "
1 "
1 "
Mr.Huges having a majority of all voted,
was declared elected.
On motion of Mr. Richards of Allegheny,
the nomination of Mr. Hughes was made
Tbe President elect was escorted to the
chair by Messrs. Vaux and Hepburn.
On taking the chair, Mr. Hughes returned
his thanks, in a lew appropriate remarks.
Mr. Searight offered a resolution in re
lation to substitutes from Philadelphia.
The resolution gave rise to considerable
A. J. Gerritson, of Susquehanna, moved
as a modification that a committee of five
be appointed in each caae, which was
agreed to.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Gerritson,
Searight, Lamberton, Biddle and Leaf.
The motion recurring on officers for per
manent organization, the President decided
that so much of Mr. Gilmore 's resolution as
contemplated the appointment of thirty
three delegates by the members of the Con.
vention, being one from each Senatorial
District, to select permaoet officers, and a
committee to draft resolutions had carried.
After some debate, on motion of Mr.
Vaux, the Convention took a recess for ten
minutes, to enable the delegates to select
their committee men.
Daring the recess, the President an-,
noanced it as his decision that the resold
tion contemplated the appointment of two )
committees one to select officers, and the
other to draft resolutions.
On the re-assembling of the Convention,
he following Committees were announced:
1 lit cist. R. Vaux, E. R. Ileluibold,
j ( Kline Hhoemaker, VV H Snyder,
f All)-rt Botlcau J F Piatt
g) Geo V Bono W Y dclicible.
2nd District John D Latterly Wm Young
3rd " Goo Lower lr G IV VV himley
4ih " tfauiuel Durrah Edward T lies
5th Vr A Stout Herman Hupp
(itb " AG Greeu D Erutnentrout
?tu Jamew Kyou Gl)e B Ktim '
fcth " TK Bite John Smith
Ulh " C I. Ward Julius Uuggcll
loth " D R Randall OH Dodnon
llth " VVLM'Coy A II Guernsey
lilh " JHOrvia J II Young
13th T H Prudy Peter Kiit
HtU " 8 Hepburn Tnomaa O'Bryan
ISUt " WKWiUon A LKounfort
10th " W W Brown 8 E Keller
J II lirenneman Geo L Eckert
17th " Adam Ebaugh VV S Picking
leth II Z Smith II G Keycj
19th VVJ Bear J Sinipnon Africa
80th " Jamea Potu 1 T l.eauord
3Ut ' 1 A Fulton J M Clark
Siad " T B Scaiigbt J C Clark
;rd G VV Miller VV Patteraon
&4th " GenGVVCaia R H Kerr
Samuel Harper J M Richards
25th " R Montgomery VVm Leaf
Siitti ' Arnold Plumer I) S Morris
27th VV A Galbraith VV Palton
Volh " C L Lantbertou. K L Blood
After the announcement of the above
Comuiitieea.on motion, the Convention ad-
ourueu to meet at 3 o'clock in the alter
The Convention was called to order at
three o'clock by the President.
John Hodgson was substituted for one of
the delegates from Chester who failed to ar
rive, owing to indisposition.
General A. L Koumfort, chairman of the
committee to select permanent officer, re
ported the following:
I. Philadelphia JesHe Johnson, A J.
Lecher, Dr. Win. O. Snyder, Micheal Ar
nold. II. Chester and Delaware John Evans.
III. Montgomery Dr. E. L. Acker.
IV. Bucks Jesse VV. Knight.
V. Lehigh and Northampton Rober
VI. Berks Philip K. Miller.
VII. Schuylkill Fraur. P. Dewees.
VIII. Carbon, Monroe, Pike aud Wayne
John Smith.
IX. Brad lord, Susquehanna, Wyoming
and Sullivan George D Jackson.
X. Luzerne George Sanderson.
XI. Tioga, Potter, McKean and Warren
Thomas M. Biddle
XII. Clinton, Lycoming,. Centre and
Union J. Ik Young.
XIII. Snyder. Northumberland, Montour
and Columbia John G. Freeze.
XIV. Cumberland, Petry, Juniata and
Mitlin John Iloas.
XV. Dauphin Lebanon J. C. McAlar
ney. XVI. Lancaster G. G. Bush George L.
XVII. York S. N. Bailey.
XVIII. Adams, Franklin and Fulton
John Oorr.
XIX. Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon
Jacob Reed.
XX. Blair, Cambria and Clearfield Wm
HXI. Indiana and Armstrong Joseph M
XXI I. Veetmoreland,and Fayette Jacob
XXI II. Washington and Greene W. Pat
terson. XXIV. Allegheny Dr D. A. Penny, S.
P. Ross.
XXV. Beaver and Butler Wm. Leaf.
XXVI. Lawrence, Mercer and Venango
J. M. Arthur.
XXVII. Erie and Crawford P. Church.
XXVIII. Clarion, Jeflereon, Forest and
Elk Kennedy L. Blood.
Jacob Zeigler, Butler; T. H. Purdy, Nor
thumberland; J. H. Orvis, Clinton; A. J.
Gerretlson, Suiquehanna; T. W. Sutton,
Philadelphia: T. T. M'Adam, Lebanon; Ja.
Irvin, Alleghany; John P. Delauy, Pluia.
Jacob Bushby, Adam; Wm. M'Knight,
Mercer; L. Davis, Montgomery; J. M. Bre
din, Butler ; S. Darrah, Bucks ; De Loss
Rockwell, Bradford.
The report ot the Committee was adopt
Dr. Acker offered a resolution that the
Convention now proceed to general nomi
nations lor candidates to le supported by
the Democracy of this Commonwealth at
the October election, and that they be voted
for first ior Surveyor General, and next lor
Auditor General.
Mr. Miller moved 10 amend by reversing
the order of voting, which was agreed to.
Pending the motion, a motion to postpone
until the Committee on resolutions were
ready, report prevailed.
On motion it was resolved that an assess
ment of twenty five cents be made upon
each member to meet necessary expenses.
Mr. Coffroth ofiored the followihg :
Resolved, That the Convention now pro
ceed to the election of a Chairman of the
State Central Committee, and that the Com
mittee, consisting of one member from each
Senatorial District, shall be selected by the
Some objection being made to tho pas
sage of the resolutiou, Mr. Coffroth with
drew it lor the present.
On motion of Mr. Coffroth, Col. Jacob
Zeigler read the Declaration of Indepen
dence, at the conclusion of which a vote of
thanks was tendered to him by the Conven
tion. On motion of Mr. Miller, Gen. Tioumfor:
was elected Treasurer of the Convention.
In the absence of any other busine3stthe
President suggested the propriety of mem
bers paying in their assess orients, which
suggestion was immediately acted up.
On motion of Dr. Snyder, the convention
took a jecess for fifteen minutes.
After the lapse of an hour, A. H. Coff
roth moved that a committee ol three be
appointed to wail upon the Committee on
Resolutions to ascertain how soon they
would be likely to report. Agreed to.
The Chair appointed A. H. Coffroth, R.
M. Kerr, and Mr. Richards said commit
tee. In their absence, the committee on sub
stituted Delegates reportid lhat everything
had been amicably arranged, and asked to
be discharged, which was agreed to.
Tho committee returned, and reported
that the committee on Resolutions would
report in ten minutes.
R. II. Kerr offered the following :
Resolved, That the thanks ol this Conven
tion be tendered lo F. M. Hutchinson lor
his generous exertions in facilitating, as
Secretary, the business ol this Couveutioa.
Which, on motion, was passed unani
mously. At a quarter after 5 o'clock the Commit
lee on resolutions, through their Chairman,
Arnold Plumer, Esq., made the following
report :
Whkkkas, the American Constitution
was ordained and established by our fathers
in order to form a more pertect Union, es
tablish justice, ensure domestic tranquility
provide lor the commou delance, promote
me yeuerai wenare. arm secure the blese
iugs ol liberty to posterity.
Kesolved, Int. That the only object of the
Democratic party is the restoration of the
Union a& it was, ihe preservation of the
Constitution as it is.
Resolved, 2d. That to the end the Union
be restored, and the Constitution and laws
entorced throughout its whole extent, we
pled-e our hearty and unqualified support
to me reuerai juvernnient in the enerieiic
prosecution ot lUe existing war.
Ilewlved, 3d. i hat the true and nnl .,h.
jett ot the war is to restore the Uniou and
eniorce tne laws, aucn a purpose aioue is
worthy the awful Hicnfice which it costs
us ol lite and ot treasure; with such a pur
pope alone can we hope lor success. And
ttiose who troui sectional fetsliug or party
or private motives would give "any other
direction to the efforts of our armies are un
just and unworthy to be entrusted with
power, and would cause all our exertions
extraordinary and unparalleled as they are
to prove futile in the end. '
Resolved, 4th. That we justly view with
alarm the reckless extravagance which per
vadesixuue ol the departments of the Fed
eral Government, and lhat a return to riid
economy and accountability is indispensa
ble io arrest the systematic plunder of the
public treasury by favored partizans, and
lhat in view of the recent siartling devel
opemenis of frauds and corruptions at the
Federal metropolis and throughout the
country that we hold an entire change ot
administration to be imperatively demand
ed Resolved, 5th. That the parly fanaticism
or crime, whichever it may be called, that
seeks to lurn the slaves of Southern Mates
loose lo over.uii ihe North and enter into
competuion with the white laboring mass
es, thus degrading and insulting their man
hood, by placing them on an equuiity with
negroes in their occupation, is insulting to
onr race, and merits our most emohaiin and
unqualified condemnation.
Utiolwd, 6th. Thai we denounce Nor
thern Abolitionism, and Southern Secession
as the co operating sources of our present
calamities alike treasonable to the Con
stitution and inimical to tbe Union. I he
only way to a restored Union and a respect
ed CoiiMiiution with returning peace and
prosperity is through the overthrow ol both.
Resolved, 7;h. The Democracy of Penn
sylvania is equally opposed to all seciional
leg-.slation and geographical parties, which
base their hopes for continued sm cess on
the ararianism of emancipation and the
hypercr.iical philanthropy, of abolition, be
cause neither is known to the Constitution,
and both are intended to aid disunion and
subvert the Constitution and to prevent the
restoration, unity, peace and concord among
States arid people.
Resolved, 8th. That the Constitution and
the laws are sufficient ior any emergency,
and that the suppression ot the Ireedom of
speech and of the pre.-s, and the cuUwlul
arrest ol.citizenft and ljie suspension ,oIjhe
writ Qihalcas cutfjui Tn violn:ioiToT the Con
siiution in nates where the civil authorities
are unimpeded, is mo-i dangerous to civi!
Iiber.j , and should be reMMed at the baUot
box by every freeman in the land.
Resolved, 9lu. That this is a Government
ot white men, and was established exclu
sively lor the white race, lhat the negro
race are not enti'Ied to and ought not to be
admitted to political or social equality with
the white race, but that it is our djiy to
treat with kindness and consideration
as an interior and dependent race, that the
nghl ol the t-everal Sutes to determine ihe
position and duties ot the race is a sover
eign rihi, and ihe pledges ol the Constitu
tion require us, as loyal citizens, not to in
tertero therewith.
Siesnlvtd, lOtli. That Congress has no
power lo deprive any person of his proper
ty tor any criminal offence, unless lhat per
son has first been duly convicted of the of
letice by the verdict of a jury, and that all
uctr of Congress like those lately passed by
the House ol Uepreseutalives,which assume
to lorleit or cunli?cate the estates of men
lor ollences of which they hae not been
convicted upon due trial by jury, are un
constitutional, and Jead to oppression and
tyranny. It is no justification lor such acts
thai the crimes commuted in the prosecu
tion ot the rebellion are of unexampled
atrocity, nor is there any such justification
a Sta.e necessity known to our Government
or laws.
Resolved, llth. That theConstitution and
the laws must be preserved and maintain
ed in all their proper and rightful suprema
cy and that the tebelliou no in arms
against them must be suppressed and put
down, and lhat it is our duiy to Use all con
stitutional measures uecessary and proper
to lhat end.
Resolved, 12th. That the soldiers compo
sing our armies merit the warmest thanks
of the nation. Their country called, and
nobly did tbey retpond. Living, they shall
know a nation's graltitude; wounded, a na
tion's care; and dying, they shall live in
our memories, and monuments shall be
raised to teach posterity to honor the patri
ots and heroes who offered their lives at
their country's altar. Their widows and
orphans shall be adopted by tho nation, to
be watched over, and cared for as objects
truly worthy a nation's guardianship.
The resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed, amid loud and enthusiastic applause.
On motion of Mr. Lamberton
Resolved, That this convention do now
proceed to the nomination and election of
candidates for Auditor General and Survey
or General, which was agreed to.
Mr. Coffiolh nominated W. P. Schell, of
Bedford county for Auditor General.
Mr. Shumaker nominated Isaac Slenker,
ol Union coutity.
Mr. Knight nominated F. Vanzant.
Mr. Picking nominated Col. J. Zeigler.
Gen. Roumfort nominated Richardson L.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
with the following result :
1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5lh. 6th.
XV. P. Scbell - 21 25 30 32 29 17
Isaac Slenker-- 18 26 32 33 42 72
F. Vanzant 20 15 18 12 6 00
J Zeigler - - - - 24 17 1 00 . 00 0C
R. L. Wright - 39 42 46 50 46 39
J. M. Wetherell- 4 4 2 2 1 1
On the third ballot the name of Col. Zeig
ler was withdrawn.
On the sixth ballot, Hon. Isaac Sleeker,
of Union county,having received the largest
number of votes, was declared nominated
amid the most vociferous applause.
On motion of R H.'Kerr the nomination
was mad unanimous.
The Convention next proceeded to rote
for a candidate for Surveyor General, with
the following result :
suavcYoa general.
1st bal.
2nd bal
J. P. Barr
VV. T. 11 Pauley 25
Col. L. L. Tale 17
Dr. Chas. Hill 15
J. P. KhoaJes 6
Joel E. James "2 -
W. O Snyder 5
o. A. Backus 7
Col. J. F. Hartranft 2 1
Withdrawn alter the 6rst ballot.
On the second ballot J. P. Barr, hiving
received a majority of all the voles cast,
was declared nominated, amid loud and en
thusiaslic applause.
Ou motion of W. K Wilson, the nomina
tion was made unanimous
Mr. Kerr called up Mr. Coffroth' resolu
tion, and offered a modification making the
Chairman ol the Convention Chairman of
the Slate Central Committee, which was
agreed to.
On motion, the Convention adjourned un
til 8 i o'clock.
The Convention reassembled at8j o'clock
in pursuance of adjournment, when the
following persons were appointed member
of the Stale Central Committee :
F. VV. Hi'uhes, Schuylkill, Chairman.
1. Thomas E. Gaskill, Philadelphia.
Jotepn Lippeucot,
Simon W. Arnold,
Isaac S. Cassin,
Dr Wm. Young, Chester, Delaware Co.
Jesse B. Davis, Nornstowo, Montgom
ery county.
4. Dr. J. D. Mendeuhall, Doylestown,
Bucks county.
5. Robert M'Dowell, 'Slatington, Lehigh
6. Wm. P Albrighi, Reading. Pa.
7. Geo. De B Keim, Pottsville, Pa.
8. Ephraim VV. Hamlin, Bethany, Wayoe
9. A. J. Gerrittson, Montrose, Susquehan
na county.
10. Stanley Woodward, Wilkeebarre Lu
zerne county.
11 J. Y Jannes. Warren, Warren county.
12. Phaon Jarrett, Lock Haven, Clinton
13. Thomas Chalfan't, Danville, Montour
14. John H. CrusweM, Shippensburgj
Cumberland county.
15. R. A Lamberton,Harrisburg, Dauphin
16. James Patterson, Oak Shade, Lancas
ter county : HuhM. N inh.CjiurabiajLau
caster county.
17. John GibsoD, York, York county.
18. Calvin M. Duncan, Chambetsbarg
Franklin county.
19. A. II. Coffroih, Somerset, Somerset
.20. Jobn Fenlon, Ebensbnrg, Cmbria
21. Silas M. Clark, Indiana, Indiana C 1.
22 James C. Clark", 'Green-barg, West
moreland co unty.
23. Wm. Tatterfon, Patterson's Mills,
Washington county.
24. George W. Cass, Pittsburg.
John C. Dunn, do.
25. Charles Carter, Beaver.Beaver county.
26. D.S.Morris, New Castle, Lawrence
27. Benjamin Whitman .Epe.Erie coun'y.
5S. XV. VV. Barr, Clarion, Clarion county.
Mr. Fuhon altered the lollowing which
was adopteJ unanimously.
Resolved, That the thanks of this Conven
tion be and are hereby tendered to the
President for the dignified, impartial and
efficient manner in which he has discharg
ed the onerous and responsible duties of
his delicate position, and also lo the other
officers for their prompt, courteous and val
uable assistance.
A motion was then submitted lhat the
Convention adjourn nine die, and resolve
iiself into a mass meeting.
Before putting the question the presi
dent addsessed the Convention in a few
spirited and eloquent remarks which elicit
ed the greatest applause, af er which ihs
Convention adjourned finally.
District Attorney.
V1T WlRTwillbea candidit for Dis-
' trict Attorney, at tho comi ia'.l
election. Suhject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
Comity Commissioner.
E are authorized to announce throneh
llmnlnmn.nrn. . . V, n . TTllJ II
McIIENRY, of Benton lowusuip, will be a
candidate at the approaching Fall etectisn
for COUNTY COMMISSION Eli. subject to
the decision of the Democratic County Con
vention, which will be held io August nexL
June 25, 1862.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Franklin Longenberger dtisasel.
I ETTERS of adminisiaiion oa the estate
of Franklin Longenberger, Sate of Co-,
lumbia couniy, dee'd, have been granted,
by the Register of gaid county, to VVm. K.
Longenberger, of Beaver twp., Col. co.,
All persons having claims or demand
against the estate of the decedent, will
present them to the administrator for seillem
ent, and those indebted to the estate are
requested to make payment immediately
j the undersigned.
Beaver twp., July 9, 1862.
rilHE undersigned woulJ announce, that
lie has on hand, at his Hat and Cap
emporium on Main street, Blnomsburg, an
assortment of different kind of Ieather,Kucri
as fine calfskins, morocco, red ar.d black
and linings, all of which he will sell ch;ap
er than can be had elesewbere in this mar
ket. Call and examine them for yourselves.
Bloomsburg, May 21, 1862. -
A large assorim-i.t of Ladies' Gaiters just
receiTtd 00 and 81 25 at