STAR OF THE NORTH bloosiskviig, pa, Wednesday urilg, Just 2ilb, 1803. .' A load- or two of good wood .will taken at ihis office -en subscription te f. Caues E. .Wright Eq'., 6f Wilkesbare, la aJrertiffd fo ai Orangeviljts tin the 4th of July to address the peo'pls-at.a ua- Jional celebration. - - " , - Tub Right Rkv. W.-lx StkVens' Assistant Bishop of the" Dioce of Pennsylvania, will officiate in the Episcopal Church, at this dace, ou Friday evening nex'. All the Secessionists ,nf the South and r.ll the Abolitionists of the North should be placed in a Geld together ad allowed a chance to fight this war out ; but then we doubt very ranch whether ihey would fight. What do yon say, Dr. John t Thk Danville Democrat announces the escape irom jail at that place o! Hiram Hale sentenced for one year for threatening to kill some one. ' Robert M. Plmkr, of Pottsville. Minis ter to the Argentine Republic, died on his retnrn homeward, fie was baried at sea. . As Abolitionist must naturally e a yery nnhappy individual at this timei He Is not likely to have his object accomplished in this war, and the result will most likely be that ol The rebel leaders, an application ot iiernp aoout tueir jugular veins. Tttsa are a number of advance paying patrons to the Star on our books, ho would Io well to come forward and renew their obscriptions lor the coming year, if they desire the paper continued.: ' An Excursion train will be run on the Tiloomsbcrg and Lackawanna Railroad, on the 4th cf July, to accommodate the people who may wish to attend any of the celebra tions, upon- that day, aloog the line, at half fare. '." " - ; Thkric was a considerable amount of rain fell in this place on Monday afternoon and Tuesday forenoon. The ground has become soaked. It i to wet for our farmers to cultivate their corn, and not good weather for the ripanifg of the praiii. Uai.v Ou Monday and Tuesday there was qnle a good deal of rain fell at this place, which has pretty completely soaked the gronnd made it too we to cultiva'e corn. The weather since has i-ot been fa vorable lor the ripening of grain ; which as well-aa the grass, is rather backward this season. , We have been reqneted lo give notice that Ire Cream will be served up by the Jellies of Catiawi.isa, oo Saturday evening, the 28th inst., in ?i,Yvrds New Hall, .'or j the purpose ol obtajifj-tig fundsjonhe Ladies' i Soldier' Aid Society.. Aajhe proceeds are f o be applied to a good cause we hope they may be liberally patronized. Oca patriotic friends in Orangeville and icinity design celebrating the Fourth of Ju ly, in an appropriate manner. ' The St a to-day. contains a letter from 'Tood!es," on the first page, written on the 3d of June, I elore the fight at Pt Repnblic, wherathe8Jth did nobly but suffered se verely. Jacob Sanders, brother to the editor of the Berwkk G.rz'Ub, was severely wounded in the late battle before Richmond. He lies in the Hospital at Phil-phia 1-- The examination of the Orangeville Acad emy and Norma! School will take place on the 2d and 3d of. July. The annual exhibi tion of the seriia institute will be held on the evening of the 3d of July. The annual address will be delivered by Prof. John F. Stoddard, of New York city. We notice that the c&me of John C. El lis, of Montour county, is announced in the Danville papers, as a candidate for Assem bly in this District W believe Montour and Sullivan claim the members this time It is time the candidates were looking for ward, as the day is not very far off when the nominations will have to be made. We understand from our neighboring pa pers that a son cf James Eves, near Orange ville was woaaded, and is among ihe miss ing, at the late fiht near Richmond. His same is H. C. Eves, and a very fine young man. "He was attached to the 93 Regiment, Col. McCarter. . R. S. Ccmmisgs, watchmaker and jeweller, at this place, had on Tuesday night of last week, thirty-one watches stolen from "his thop. This is the second time he has been robbed-. The thief broke open the window shutter and thus effected an entrance. Aiiufi iunB, .rain. 11 10 iiui geueianj known that the great Naiionat Horse Fair will be held at the Keyslona Park, Williams port Fa., September 2d to the 5th inclusive. Arrangements have been made to secure the finest assemblage of imporvaJ, bboded and native breed of horses that has been collected in thiscoantry. Tbe list of premi vrTiS will be large, ranging as high as $200 Lilsral arrangements bave been and will ts rsad3 wiib different railroads. Villiams port is situated in the beamiral valley of theSasqEfthanna, asd accessaWeby railroad froin a'l parts of the United States, and is eni'meuily well suited for the exhibition. . . . 1 1 r .. t. : ! Fivs hsndred" and thirty-five Rebel pr' - oiers were brocght to Camp Curtin, Harris biir'. a f;w days Z2Q. They are lo receive and the reiclar fara" of -oar soldiers. Scrgt. Thornton, ot the ''Hurley (J turds,' ' . who is home on furlough, informs us that lour regular correspondent, Toodles" pas ( sed through the lute severe ewacsmeM with the rebels at Pt. Republic without a shoe to his feet, and with tha lower part of his pantaloon legs completely torn off. In this condition he congested the field, against the rebels nobly and fearlessly ; yet he was not the only one in the 84th who fought under similar circumstances, as my infot mant says he wait very near in the same condition Still these soldiers are Demo crats, and at home are denounced by this cursed Abolition Jarty as Secessionists, and that 'somebody oat lOTioirown to the army and, shoot them." - Shame ! To ConsDoptires. J He. advertiser having been restnred lo health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease, Consump'ion is anxion to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of CUfP. n it a . a ! jo an wno oesire it, ne win send a copy of the prescription used free of charge with i he direction for preparing and uing the rame, which they will find a sure cure or Consumption Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only pbject of the advertiser in send in? the Prescription is to benefit the afflic ted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve ry sufferer wiil try his remedy, aa it will cost ttem nothing, and may prove a bless ing " .Parlies wishing the prescription will pfease address Rev. E. A. WILSON, 'Williamsburg, Kings county, N. Y. May21, ?62. 3rn. 4 CARD to young Ladies and Gen tie - : men. Ttie subscriber will send . free of charge to all all who desire it, the Recipe : and directions for making a simple Vege table Balm, that will, io from two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckle, Shallowness Rnd aU impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature intended it should be soft, clear, smooth and beauuful. Those desiring the Receipe, with full instrucions, directions, snj advice, will pleave call on or address with return postage. THOS F CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist, x '831 Broadway, New York. May 21, '62 2m. . - THE confessions at:d experience of a siiflerer. Published as a warning, and for the especial bensfit of Young Men. and L those who snfier with nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature D-'cay, &c, by one who has cured - himself by simple means, after being put to great expense ami inconvenience, through the use ol worthless medicine prescribed by learned Doctors. Single cpie- may b had of ihe author, C. A LAM BEK1 , esq.. Greenpoint, Long Uland, by encJo-ing a po-t-paid ad dress etive lope. Address CHAS A. LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpoint, Long Island, N. Y. May 21. -62 2m. Notice. A LL persons interested are referred to the provision ol the blh Section of an Act of A.senblr passed on the eleventh day of J April 1862. as lollops : ( ' Skc 5 That it shall be the duty of every city and count' treasurer to ue lor the re covery ol all licence duly returned to him by. the Mercantile Appraiser, it not paid on or before the first day of July, in each and every year, within let: days after that date; and said Treasuier shall not be discharged from any such lieen-e, unless he brings suit to recover ihe same within said date and presses the same to judgment and ex ecution as soon thereaher as practicable, a d pay the amount ol all such licenses re ceived bj him into the Slate Treasury, on or before the first day of October ensuing: nor shall be receive any consideration on such licenses, unless be makes payment as aloresaid. JAMES S. McNINCH, Treasurer ol Colombia county. Trkascer:s Office, ) Bloomsburg, May 28 1862. ) G ii 1 1 a . Perch a Blacking I (IVITHOUT BRUSHING.) TjOR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Mili'ary Leather Work. This new and excellent article excels eveajthihg ever before in use, for beauti fying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish like patent leather ; will not rob off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sufficient. If ihe leather becomes dirty wash it off with clean water and tbe polUh will re aprear. Warranted as represented. " Direct ions lor nnj. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rob it slowly over the leather, and the polish is complete. PRICE 37 CEFTS PFR BOTTLE I B7 For sale by L. T. feHARPLESS. j& Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. Bridge fretting. riHE Coun'y Conmissionert will recive proposals at aicKelvy est Co's raper Mill, in Cat'awissa township, Colombia county, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M, on MONDAY THE 7ih DAY OF JULY NEXT, for bnildin an Arch Bridge over Cattawifsa Creek, near said Mill. Said bridge to be 180 feet long between batments, width 28 feet from oul to out, (doable track)and height 12 feet 'from low water mark. The abutments lo be 1" feet thick at the skew-back. Plan and specif cations cac be seen on the day and place of letting. Also the old bridge to be sold at the same lime and place. ' , By order of the Commissioners. . R.C. FRUIT, Clerk. Blddrhsborg, Jane !8, 1862. - CLANKS ! CLANKS 1 BLANKS 1 1 DEEDS, "SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper &desirableforms,fosale at the ofthe'Vtarofthe North ' HIRAM C HOTTER SURGEON DVNTIST, Office near WiUon Carriage Shop,Main Sl COAL OIL- Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, 12 cts. per quart, by JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862 Gents Balmoral Lace Boon, will bs sold very low. Also, Boys Shoes, at L T. SHARPLESS.' large assortment ol Ladies' Gaiters just received at $1 00 and 81 25 at L.T. SHARPLESS.' ;: " UEST PIANOS. 8150 ' GUOVESTEEN & HALE, having re moved to their new warerooms, 1T0. 479 BUOADVfAT, are now prepared to offer the public a a ag nificent new scale full ' l 7 OciaTe IocTroofl Piano, containing all improvements known in this country or Europe, over-strung bass, French grand action, harp pedal, full ron Ira cue, lor SISO CASH, Warranted for 5 Years, if Rich moulding cases, " ' ' ' $173 TO' 200, . ' al warranted made of the best seascnd material, and to stand better than nv jold for S40O or 5500 by the old method! v of manalaciure. We invite the best Jni!gts lo examine and try these new inwrumtnt.. and we stand ready at all times to testiWem with any others manufactured in this cc un- U' GR0VESTEEX & IULR, 478 Broadway, New Voik. June 4 h 1862. 3m READING RAIL ROAD. StiMMEU ARRANGEMENT. JREAT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia, Nsw York, Reading. Pottsville, Lebanon, Allen town, Easlon, &c.4 &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all in termediate Stations, at 8 a. m. and 1.40 . M New York Express leaves Harrisbmg at 1.25 a. m. arriving at New York at 8.25 the same morning. tares Irom Harrisburg: to New York ?5 00, lo Philadelphia 83,25 and 82.7J. paggage checked through. Returning leave New York al S'A.'MV t? Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Expriss. Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P. M. - Sleeping ctra in tbe New York Exnrers Trains, through lo and from Pittsburgh without change. rassengersoy tne catiawissa Kail hoail leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. lor Ptila- delphia and all intermediate Stations, and at 3 00 P. M. lor Philadelphia. New Ycrk, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New Yrk, and at 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Giove and with the Caitawisa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger irin leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns from Pt ila delphia at 5 P. M. T All ihe the above ttains run daily, Suxdavs excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at f.30 A M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileaga, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and Irom all points. G. A. NICoLLS, General Superinteudai t. June 4th i862. A VOSCE FROM VOLUNTEERS : ATTENTION ! ANYONE FROM T0RKT0WN Let Facts Speak for Tbenselves ! - - Read the'folliwing brief note received this morning Irom one of our brave soldiers now bWore Yorkiowti : Camp WinSeld Scott, near YorkDwn. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Eq., ! SO Maiden Lane. May 1, 18 52, SIR As there are none of "HoIIoiray's Pills" for sale hereabouts, I enclose an or der, for which please send me the an ount in your very valuable Pills without celay. If there is any postage or expressago de duct it, and oblige Yours trulv, in haste, T. HANLY, Adjt., -.: 9lh N. Y. Cava ry. Before Yorktown, Vi . P. S. Your Pills are famour for the Dys sentery, and have no doubt that tbey will prove as efficacious in Chills and i?ever here aa they bave in other divisions of the army. May 14, 1862. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtne of a writ of venditioni ei-ponas issued out of the court ol Common Pleas of Colombia county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court Houe in Bloomsburg, on Saturday tte 28th d ty of June 1862, at two o'clock in the afternoon f said day, the following real estite to wit : All that certain tract of land, situite in Maine township, Columbia coanty, brand ed and described as follows to wit : n the wee: and north by land of Rudolph' Sha man, and on tbe east and south by 1 md of Isaac Yetter, containing about one hun dred and ninety-six acres, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a good to etory frame dwelling bouse, and bank barn, wiih the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to hi sold aa tbe property of Isaiah Shu man. t J0SIAH H. FURMAV, Sheriff's Office. ) Shi riff Bloomsburg, June 4, 1862. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Kathnn Greenwalt, tateofStot tiep , VolumMa co.. aeteaiea. OTICE i hereby given that letters of administration on Ihe estate of Nathan Greenwalt, late of Scott township, Colum bia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to John Sierner, residing in Bloomsburg Coiimbia county. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the desedent are requested to make them known" to the administrator, and those indebted ;o the estate will make payment irnmediatily to JOHN STKRNER, At m r. . Bloomsburg, June 4, IS62, s . LEATHER ! LEATHE R ! BlHE undersigned would announce, thai - he has on hand, at his Hat aa l Cap emporium on Main street, Bloomsborg, an assort me'nt of different kind of Iealbr,such as fine calf skins, mdrocco, red and black and linings, alt of which be will sell cheap er than can be had elesewhere in Ihil maf ket. Call and examine them for you) selves. JOHN E. GIRTON. Bloomsborg, May 21, 1862. .:, at STILLWATER. LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED. AT the Store of Daniel McIIenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersigned" would respectfully in vite the citizens of Fishing Creek and the surrounding country, to his large and ex tensive stock of Goods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all" of wh'icft he will sell cheaper than here tofore. ilis assortment consists f -Cloths, ; . ' Calicoes, V 'r - -, " Muslins, 7 c". Hats and Caps, of ibe latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent Rcaly-I?Inic Clothing. together with a good assortment ol Ves- tings. His store is well filled with Moods ot every description. His are not surpasspd by any Stote in ihe coun try. His Hardware Department baa not been neglected. SCYTHES) RAKES. HOES, SHOVELS &c, are ennctantly kept on hand aUo, Spikes and Nails ; in short, everything us ually found in First-Class Stores. ' DANIEL Mc HENRY. . Stillwaler, May 14, 1862. (rccn wood Seminary. THE Spring Term of this Ineiitniion wt ) commence orv ihe 7th of April next. " The Principal fill be asTsied brable instructors, and as ample facilities wilt be afforded to qualify Students lor leaching, for business or for a more extensive coure in literature, a liberal shate of jpartronage is asain solicited. Pupih who do not come from home, or are not put under the charge oJ near rela tives, must board at ihe Seminary, and be subjrtct lo Ihe regulations thereof. They must provide their own towels and have each article of clothing distinctly marked. Eleven weeks corstitnte a quarter and there will be a vacation of about six weeks in mid summer. Boarding, washing and Tuition, with furnished rooms, will be $25 per quarter, or.e half payable in advance. Tuition alone io Common branches, $5 00 " including advance Algebra mathematics history &c. 6 00 " in Latin, German or French each extra 1 CO For further pariculars address WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 25: 1832. IT! mc. DeiMorot'ft QUARTERLY MI nilOU of FASHIONS, GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rIIE Summer Number will contain four large and splendid Fashion Plates, three Full Sized Patterns, comprising the new French Waist, and elegant sleeve, and a Mis-es Sack, together with nearly 100 en gravings ol ali the novelties for Summer bonnets, Cloaks, Trim ruing. Children's Dresi-es, etc., Valuable information to Mil liners, ress makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine tn the World, published 47 j Broadway, and sold everywhere ai 25 cents, or seni by mail pest free, on receipt of the amount, Yearly Sl wi.h the follow ing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs ic the bonk, or from the show room, or thsy ma be order ed and sent by mail any time during the year, by paving the postage. RTSplendid inducements to Canvassers. The summpr number will be ready on or about the 1st of May. ' April 30th, 1852. IIVRRIH FOU TIIC tIMO.V, And L. T. Mtarpless' "Cheap Vnt-h More." NEW GOODS 1 GREAT BARGAINS I THE ouderigned is juM receiving a new supply of goodt, fresh from the cities of New York and Phil'a. and is prepaied to sell them at Reduced Prices. Calicoes from 7c to 12e, the best at 12 je some of which cost 15c. Dress Goods ; Challis, Lavelias, Ginghams, Muslins, (Ten lucky Jeans, boy's Cassimeres, &c, &c., in proportion. Ladies' Shoes and Gaitors, in great vari riety of sljle end quality. A good heeled Gaiter for 62jc, and an excellent Congress for $1,00. A kid heeled Xaceu Boot for Sl and upward. ALSO, the High Col Palrao ral Lace Boot for ladies. Ladies' and Chil dren' Skirls, Linen Handkerchieis, &c, at a very low figure. c& Ed S3 si of Best Stone Ware Sets 54.00, &c. Hominy, Dried Peaches, Mackerel, Chees, Lemons, etc. Good Sjrop Molasses from 50 lo 60c a gallon. Sugars, lower than recently sold, from 8c lo 13c, the latter price for best white. Coal Oil as low an any where. f?An examination of the goods is soli cited. Come and see for yourselves, (hat the Cash System is preferable to any other. Grain and country produce taken in ex change for Goods by ...... L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, March 2a, 1862. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER JIT PETER ENTS STO 11 El In Light Ltreet, Columbia coanty, HAS just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Ent, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE I His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashions. calicoes; MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SHAWS, HOSIERY, SILKS, READY-MWDE CLOTHING, CASSIMERS, satinets, COTTON ADES, KENTUCKY JEANS, , THREAD, &C , GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Cedarw are, Hardware, Medicinea, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, Boots aqd Shoes, Hats and Caps. , "f ' In short everything osoally nkept in a country store. ' The patronage of old friends,. and the public public generally, is respectfully so licited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Light Streel, May 7, 1862. aj HOES to varteiy at ibe cheap cashtore D 0f : L. T. SHARPLESS. jLook lo your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER &6 EYE RS. rpHE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and telect assortment of Spring and Summer Goods purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which ihey are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be pro a a I r I ww cureu etsewnere in oioomsDurg. ineir slock comprises jaIiV Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latent fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hoi lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hal and Caps, &c., &c. In short, everything usually kept in country stores; to which they invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, April 30, 1862. Diotiitioii T Pari iiciiit, V OTICE is hereby given that the co-part- nership heretofore existing between ihe drm of D. C..& G. A. Herring in the repair ing and boai building busines. at Centre ville, Columbia coonly, was dissolved by mutual consent on the let day of April 1862. The books remain in the hands of the jun ior member ol tbe firm, (G. A. Herring) for settlement; who, al-o designs continuing Ihe busines in all its branches as hereto fore. He returns thanks for past patronage and solicits a continuance of the same. C. D. HERRING, GEO. A. HERRI.VG. Centreville, April 30. 1862. Administrator's Notice JVOTICE to hereby given' letters of ' adminiflration on the estate of John J. Heller, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register ol said county, to Michael B. Heller, who resides in Mifflin lowuship. All persons having claims or demands against ihe estate of the decedent are re quested 'lo present th.m for settlement, and those indebted lo make payment withoul delay to MICHAEL B. HETLER. Admr. Mifflin twp, March 26, 1862. 6w. FRESH ARRIVAL " OF NEW MILLINERY GOODS. r"XHE undersigned would mot respect" fully announce to the citizens of Blooms burg and vicinity lhaf she has jut receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spring & Summer Millinery Goods, all of which the is prepared to makeT- and sell at a vpry reasonably low fig tj2 ore. Her assortment of soods are a little superior in point of durability as well as laMr fulness, to any offered in this section. She returns thanks for the liberal patron age she has received, and respectfully so licits a continuance of the same. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 23 1862. NDWRAKDCR MIOP. Opposite ihe Court House and next door to I Democrat Office THE undersigr.ed,repecifully inform his friends and customers that he has opened A New Earber Seop. In Court Hon-e Alley, next door below the OtTiee of the Columbia Democrat, where he will be h?ppy lo wait upon all customers, and from long experience and strct atten tion to bovine, be hopes to merit and re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. , ftSTAM things here ''done in decency and in order." THOMAS BROWN. ' Bloomsburg, March 5, 1862. iuOUi; IiXCITI.6 kews : YORKTOWN CAPTURED ! The Rebels Retreating! THIS IS GLORIOUS NEIVS ! FUT tbere"is still more important and - valuable news to the citizens of Con yngham and vicinity, in Columbia coun ty. Ii is that J. B. & R. KNITTLE have re ceived uewgoods and established a Store in the place above named, where goofs can be purchased upon t he mo-t reasona ble term for cash ot short credit. They pay particular attention t? dour, feed and provision geoerall , which can be had at their establishment at all limes, or deliver ed to the purchaser upon short notice, a they keep a hoise and wagon for that pur pose. . THEIR STOCK OF DRY GOODS is calculated to suit the people and the lime. They have evetything commonly found in country stores. Country. Produce will always be taken in for Goods and the regular mar ket price paid for the 8a me. J. B. & R. KNITTLE. - Conyngham. May 14, 1862. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry G. Miller, late of Jiijiin twp., dec a. VOTlCE in hereby given that letters tes--'tamentary on ihe eatate of Henry G. Miller, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted bv the Register of said county, to John H. Hetler, residing in the township and coun ty aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the dece dent are requested to present them to the Executor for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make payment forthwith to the undersigned. JOHN H. HETLER, Executor. Mifflin, May 7, l626i. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Philip Hartman, late of Scott town ship, Columbia county, deceased. ETTERS of administation on the estate of Philip Hartman, late of Scott town ship, Columbia county, dee'd, have been granted, bv tbe Register of said county, to Henry T. Reily, who resides in the town ship and county aforementioned. All per sons having claims or deuiands against the estate of the decedent, will present them io the administrator for settlement, and those indebted lo the estate are requested to make payment immediately to the under signed. HENRY T. REILY, Scott twp. April 30, 1862. Admr. Missed and Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Cuilc'rens Fancy and Common Shoes, low as can be bought elsewhere, at the Cheap Cash Stcre of L.T. SHARPLESS. Blaomsburs, May 14, 1862. ' 1 '"i i pdria'ti t To liouseX) a li'ersT'1"'1 I.nporlant to Builders. Important io Rail Road Companies Important to Farmers. To all whom this mny concern, and it eoncerm every body. JOIIJfS 4i CROSLEFS IMPROVED GUITA PERCH A. The Cheapest and most dubleRoofiing in ose. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PWDOF. II can be applied to New and Old Roofs of All kinds, sieep or flal, 8nd to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingle. ' " THE COST IS ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thorougly lerted in New York City and all parts of the United Slates, Canada, West indies and Central and South America, on Buildings of all kinds, such as Factories, FoundriesCborch. es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings, &c, by ihe principal Builders, Architects and others, during ihe. pasi four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in everv resoect a fiira. TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. I hi is the ONLY matennl m the United States which combines ihe verv desirable properties of Flnttiriiv n,. r - uuiu- ....My, wuitu ib uni vrrf any acKnowieded to bp nofsesned hv CI fTTT A PPDou T i INDIA RUBBER. u No Heat is required in making appli cation. The expense of applying it is triflning with oruinary uooi can De covered and fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE.APPLIEI) RY aw nwp and when finished forms a vcrfedlv R:- Proof surface, with an e!aii hH. i,:u cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms Mhrlnl Ii. ( Dwf H 1 ? ,, s u, imu i uuaiup, nor any external action wha'evr. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA ppmpvt For Coaling Metals of all Kinds when ex Dosed to the aciion of the lV,ma.n For Preserving and Repairing Metal hoojs oj an funds, -This is the onlv Comnoniiinn ITnntrn Which Will 6UCCe8sfullv rpi. yram J ' - n vi u llli changes of climates, for any length of lime, vmeii appiip.u to me'.ais, lo which it adheres firmly, forming a body equal io three coals of ordJnary pain:, corns much less, and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from its elasticity IB not ininro.l hv Ida on... traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of the weatner. It will not CRACK IN COf.n OR IJ TTW IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofa ran r readily repaired wiih GUTTA PERCHA Lh.Mr.NT, ard prevented from further cor rosion a ri( leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Roof for many years. Tnis Cement is peculiarly adapted for ihe preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, &c , also for general manufacturers u-e. GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Rools or every description, from its great elaMioity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ol Metals, anc wil not crack in cold or run in rarra weather. These material are adapted to 'all cli ma'es, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any ran of ihe country, at short notice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in mils, ready prepared for ose, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions tor applicalino. JGENTS WANTED. We wil mukelUierul and satisfactory arrange mevls with resxn,ibe paities who would like to establish themselues ina Lucrative and Perma nent busines. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. Ve can give abundant prool of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofiug Materials, have applied them lo several thousand Roofs in New York City and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Jl'holesale Warehouse 78 ffWiam St., Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be fornUhed on application. October 16, 186 1. ly. BE I TIFl L COMPLEXION. rOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will - send loall who wish it (free of charge) the Rfcipe and full directions for makir.g and using a beautiful vegetable Balm, thai will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Pan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful; aUo full di rections lor using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimulant, warranted to start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in less than thirty days. Either of the above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwith stamps for retnrn postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist, 851 Broadway New Yorlr. January 15, 1862. 2m. rp HE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE 1 of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn ing, and lor the e-pecial benefit of Young Men and those who suffer wiU Nervous Debility, Lofs of Memory, Premature De cay, &c, &c, fee, by one who has cured himself by simple means, af'er being pot io great and inconvenience, through the ne of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Smgle copies may be had of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT, Esq, Greenpoint, Long Island, New York. January 15, 1S62 2m. Kollock's Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, i recommended by physician a a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled lo abandon the use of cof fee will ut-e this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEY A IN The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and i-.tke. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, And sold ly all Drug gists and Grocer s.n February 26, 1862. ly. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF ALEM KAPB, DECD. Letters of administration Q the estate of Alem Marr, late of Scott twp , Colum bia connty, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to Peter Ent, residing in Light Street, township and coun ty aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against ihe estate of the decedent re requested to present them duly authen ticated to the administrator for settlement, and those indebted to the estate will make payment forthwith to PETER EI", admr. Scott, May 28th, 1862. or thr Brave Soldiers mid Sailors. HOLLO IVA-V'M.- PILLS AND OINTMENT. v A'l who have Friends and Rela'ire in the Army or Navy shonld lake especial care.that they be amply supplied with ihese Pills and Ointment ; and where - the brave Soldiers and S-ilorn have neglected to provide ihemelve with them, no better present can be seritthem bv their iriand They have been proved to be the Soldiers' never-failing-friend in the boor of need. COUGHS AND "COLDS- AFFECTING TROOPS. " Will be relieved and effectually pored using there admirable medicines, and by pajmg proper attention to ihe Directions which are attached to each Pol or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT Of AP PETITE, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feeling which so sadden us, usual ly arie from tronble or annoyance, ob structed perspiration, or eating and drink- 'S riaiever is nu whoienome, thus dis turbing the healthful aciion of the liver and stomach These organs m ost be Irelieted, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed instructions, wi',1 quickly produce a healthy aclioo in both liver and stomach, aud as a natural conse quence a clear bead and good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED ' BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by tbe use of these invaluable pills, and the soldier will qniek ly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be etther confined or undnly acted upon. Ii may teem strange that Hoi loway'n Pills should be recommended for Dysenlary and Flux, many persons suppo sing ihar they would increase tbe relaxa tion. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and thus remove ail ihe acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor io the whole organic system how ever deranged, while health and strength lollo w as a mailer ol course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of tte bowels so sure as thu famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! JNDIS- rfl l.'TTAVT rr? trnir-rn uitiiuin ur luuin. Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with certainty be radically cured if the pills are taken night and morning and the Ointment be freely used as saled iu tha printed instructions. If treated in any oth er manner iney ary op in one part to break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the hnmors from tbe system and leave the Patient a vigorous and heal thy man. It will require a little perseve rance in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Sailor are Ii. able, ihere are no medicine o safe, tore and convenient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment. Tbe poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have I.U wounds dresed immediately, he would only pro vide Vimi-ell with this match!es Ointment, which should be ihrust into the wound and meared all rnuud it, then covered with apiece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a handkercheif. Taking night and morning 6 or 8 pills, to root the sys'em and prevent inflamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman' CheM should be provided with these valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None are gennine onleM ihe words "Holloway., New York and Lon don are discernible a Water-matk in every leaf of r jc of directions around each pot or box : the same may be plninly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A. handsome reward will be given io any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties coun terfeiting the medicines oi vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at tbe Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, tbroughoot tbe civilized world in boxes at twenty five cents, sixty two ctrits and one dollar each. C" There is considerable saving by ta king the larger sizes. . N B Directions for tbe tn idanre of na . n r tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. April 9ih 1862. ly. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA ) JTTHE subscriber would respectfully ap prise his friends and the public gener ally, that he has established the MADISON fi HOUSE, in Jerseytown, Columbia county, Pa. The above bouse has lately been te fitted and undergone a thorough repairing by tbe pro prietor. He is fully prepared to entertain the travelling custom as well a the local with general satisfaction, His TABLE and BAR, are well supplied and will be careful ly superintended. And his STABLE is am ply and well stocked, in charge of careful grooms, will always be properly attended. CP" He invites a share of the public eus torn, and pledes his best efforts, to help bis guet-ts feet at home. SAMUEL RIMBY. Jerseytown, Jan 8, 1862. Executor' lYoticc. Lvate oj vniuiopntr tuner, laie oj suigun, township, Col co., deceased. I" ETTERS testamentary on the elate of Li Christopher Heller, late of Mifflin twp., Columbia county, deceased, have . been granted by the Register of Columbia coan ty, to Samuel Heller, residing in Hollea back township, Luzerne county. AH per sons indebted io said estate are requested to call and make immediate payment, aad those having claims or demands will pre sent them prcpeily authenticated for settle ment to ihe undersigned. SAMUEL HELLER, Executor. January 8, 1862 6i. Administrator's Notice. JVJOT1CE hereby given ihat letters of ' administration on the esta'e of Henry D. Miller, late of Miue township, Colom bia county, deceased, have been granted by ihe Register of faid county to Joseph Mus teller of Maine township and Nathan Lon genberger residing in Union township, Schuylkill county. All persons indebted to the enate of the decedent are requested to make payment lo the admini-traiors forthwith, and ihot-e having claims will pre sent ttiMio duly antheiitieaieJ for eule neul without delav n JOSEPH MASTtLLER, ) , -NATHAN LON'iENBKRGER Aa m' Maiue towthip, May 21, 18ti2.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers