iTA 11 OF THE NORTH Wednesday JJornin, Jane ISth, IS6J. Ws cannot and will not publish commu nications if the writers do uot siga or give os their real names. That miserable piece of rhyme sent os from Uniontown, by one ml competent to to write prose, rhyme, or poetry, can be bail by the author 6en ding for it. 8om k pry wood will be taken al this office on subscription. Don't all of yoa bring wood at one time. ' Thk Republican Abolition party are being reb nked in both high and low places, A well deferred punishment is what they have been cultivating from the hands of the Democratic party for the past year or more. Tub Mercantile Appraiser will hold his appeal at the Commissioners' office in this place on Thursday (lo-morrow ) Those interested will please take notice. Contractors and builders will take notice that the Commissioners of Colombia county have a bridge to build. See advertisement in the S mr to-day. On our first page will be found a pretty truthful communication, showing who are the abo!itiof.if'3, and what they would do to accomplish their wicked designs. THe'Uron Guards" have been sent on to Teiu'wce McClelUn, at or near Richmond. "They started from near Fredericksburg the ear!y part of last week , Drs.Ramsay and Harkison, with sever. ' other citizens of bis place, who have sons in the war,startedori a tour down to "Dixie," one day last week.' May they have a pleasant trip. Ma. David Lowknbi'rq of this place has lately replenished his already large and fashionable stock of clothing, he. He has -clothing of every description, and ail in sea eon, fashionable and durable. . What has become of all the patriotism of onr Bloomsburg people ? The 4ih ol July is fait approaching- and not a move made for any kind of a demonstration! lis.jnst great a cay as it always wap. It can'l be possible that the patriotism :s all oozed out in this place ? A mv of Moses CofTinan of this place, is liome or. fnrlouah, lor the purpose of re cruiting hi health, which is very feeble. He i a member of the "Iron Guard." His father went down to Dixie" last week to ee his son, but by the time the father got there the-son was at this place enjoying the comtorts of "sweet home " We learn that Willi m Mkllick, eon of Samuel Mellick, ol lhi place was wounded knee, by aMeoe of a rebel shell, not Ion since, in an eng iizeineut, in or near Shenandoah Valley. He is attached to a battery We may expect him home as soon as able. Thk body of the little girl that was drown- -ed in Fishingcreek a few days ago has been foutid. It was discovered by a couple ol men in the river, about a mile below Catta , -wissa. near tie shore, north side. It had tee a in the water some wiTre days, yet looked Tery natural. A Co;oner' inquest was held over the body the day it was found Friday last. Tkb patriotic people of Berwick design celebrating the 4th of July in an appropri ate For the purpose of making ar rangements ihev had a tweeting- of citizens on Monday evening of last week, at which coramn tees were appointed to proceed to make all necessary preparations. They anticipate a jolly time a jjlorioas old fash iond Fourth ! A NEGRO at Washington city can step in to a alooo of refreshments and get what ever he wishes at the expense of the gen eral government without any questions being asked, but a white man upon en'er ing a 6aloon for something to eat or drink must either hand over a governmen'check" or the money for .the same, otherwise he cannot be accommodated. Comment is unnecessary. , AGrand Ukion Celebration of the dif ferent Sunday Schools of Cambra and vicini ty will be held at that place on the 4th of July next. Robert Flemming, of Wiiliams port, and Caleb E. Wright, of Wilkesbarre, are expected to be present as the orators of the day. Large preparations are being made for a general turn out. Cambra and Berwick are ahead as far as beard from. Wk have no war news this week of any great importance, or of an exciting charac ter. Our army of the Potomac has not yet taken Richmond, bat we expect to publish the occupying of it by onr toops in the next Star. Gen. Hunter is marching on to Charleston, carefully, mile by mile; and turning loose all the negroes belonging to the rebels that are on bis route. ' This be doss under the instructions of an act passed by Congress. Gen Butler is stilt at New Orleans. Barnside is following . np bis ex pedition. Fremont has lately had some desperate fighting with Stonewall Jackson. Where ia, Dr. John's "old Democrat" who he kept siaafling in bia office all last fall and riater 1 Is the " old gentleman" !?....-,! ,. Vf 1V nn V 1 f him for several months. Probably he's gone to war ! He ought to get a fcrloogh and come botne, so as to enable the Dr. to ctve anol her chaprer of. the ''old Demo crat's" experience iaihe Democraiic party, t Ws kotxcb that oar venerable and ancient friend, Major Isaac S. Monroe of Cattawissa, has at last got an office, viz : Dr. John has made him a Representative Conferee, with D. L. McKinney of this place, to select a Republican Abolition Delegate to the next Convention held by the "Republican Aboli tion, Know Nothing, Union League, Peoples' Cartyno-party party." Isaac never was an office seeker. Rather modest in that way. In this case the office certainly sought him. We hope he will behave him 6e'l when he gets into Conference and not be introducing any of, bis sly, cunning trickery. To Consumptives. THE : advertiser havinz been restored to health in a few weeks, bv a very simple remedy, after having suffered year with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease, Consumption -is anxious to make known to his feIIow-6ufferers ae means ol cure. To all who desiTe it, he will send a copy of the prescription ued free of charge, with the direction for preparing and asing the same, which they will find a sure cure or Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The only pbject of the advertiser in send ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflio ted, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes eve ry eufferer will try his remedy, as U will cost ihem Qothing,aud may prove a bkss iug. " , Parlies wishing the prescription will please addrei Rev. E. A. WILSON, Willrameborg, Kings county, N. Y. May 21, ;62. 3m. A CARD to young Ladies aqd Gentle men. The subscriber will send free of charge to all all who desire it, the Recipe and direction for making a simple Vege table Balm, that will, .in from two to eight day, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckle, Sallowness Rnd all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the same as Nature intended it should be ott, clear, smooth and beautiful. Those desiring the Receipe, with full insiruc'ions, directions, and advice, will pleate call on or address with return postage. THOS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemist, 831 Broadway, New;York. May 21, '62. 2m. Administrator's Notice. Estate of bath in Gieenwalt, lute oj St oit twp , Columbia co., deceamL JOTICE i- hereby given that letters of administration on the estate 6f Nathan Green wait, late of Scott township, Colum bia county, deceased, have been granted by the Regi-ter of said county, to John S.erner, residing in BloomsOurg Columbia county. All persons having ciaim or de mand against the estate of the decedent are nquestpd to make them known to the administrator, and those indebted to the etate wilt matte payment immediately to JOHN STKRNER, Admr. Bioomsburar, June 4, 1862. SHERIFF'S SALIJ. f V virtne ol a writ of vendJioni exponas mw issued out oi the court ol Coiumuit Pla of Colnmbia connty, will, be exposed to put lie sale at the Lour: House in Bloom stung, on Saturday tbe S8ih day of June 1862, at two o' in tne afternoon i said da), tne ioiioHiug real estate to wit : All tha! certain tract of land, situate in Maine township, Cclnmbia county , bound ed and tie-oribed follows tu wit; mi ;he west and north by land of Rudolph Shu man, and on the east at.d south by land ol Isaac Yetter, containing about one nun dreJ and ninety -six acres, be the same more or les, whereon are erected a good two ttory frme dwelling house, and bank barn. wi:a the appurtenance. SiEtd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaiah Shuman.- JOSIAH H. FUR MAN, Sheriff's Office, ) Stieriff. Bloimsbir, Jnn 4 1862. ) $150 BEST PIAfNOS. 150 KatxKs v il.hi n,ii.iM i iiAi.f-, Laving re moved to their new warerooms, no. 47 snorrwAT, are now prepared lo offer ih public a mag nificent new scale full - - 7 Octave Rosewood Piano, containing all improvements known in this cournry or Earope, over-strung. ba.s, French grand action, harp pedal, full iron frame, for . si so cash, Warranted for 5 fears Rich moulding caes, 3175 TO $200, all warranted made of the beet spasnned material, and to stand better than any sold for $409 or 500 by the old methods of manufacture. We invite the best Judges to examine and try these new instruments, and we stand ready at all times to test them with any others manufactured in this couu- t y' GR0VESTEEN & HALE, 478 Broadway, New York Jnnn 4th 1862. 3m READING RAIL ROAD. SU313IER AUKANGEJ1EAT. GREAT Trunk line from the North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Pottsville.Lebaiioa, Allen town, Easton, &c.( if-. Trains leave HarrUbcrg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Potisville, and all in termediate Stations, at 8 i. m. and 1.40 p. M New York Express leaves Harriburg at 1.25 a. M. airiviug i New York at 8.25 the same morning. Fares Irom Harrishnr: to New York S5 0Q, lo Philadelphia S3, 25 and -S2,70. Basgage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.15 P M. Sleeping ctrs in (he New York Exprers Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A M. for Phila delphia and all intermediate Station, and at 3 00 P. M. for Philadelphia. New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New. York, and at 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine Grove and with the Cattawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns from Phila delphia at 5 P. M. EiT All the the above tiaios ran daily, Sundays excepied. ' A Sunday train leaves Potisville at, 7.30 A M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all poials. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superinteudanl. June 4th tS62. LIST OF DEALERS, IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, FOR THE YEAR 1862. "F Goods, Wares, Merchandize, &e, v-r Distillers, Brewers, Eating House Keep ers, within the county of Columbia, fetors ed and classified in accordance with the several acts of Assembly , by the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes of said county as Xol lows, to-wii : BLOOM TWP. TENDERS. CLASS. DDLLi. Blooirisbarg Iron Company 8 30 (0 McKelvy, Neal & Co 8 30 (0 H C & 1 W Hartmaa U 15 (0 S H Miller & Ejei 13 10 (0 A J Sloan . v 13 10 (0 LT Sharpies 14 7(0 Jeremiah J Brower 14 7 i n J David Stroup 14 7 (10 I l.k.. IT : David Lowenborg 14 7 (i0 Eiias Mendenhall 14 7 d0 Dr P John 14 7 00 John R Mover '14 7 (i0 Ephrwim P Lutz - 14 7 t0 Geo M Higenbuch 14 7 d0 B Siohner 14 7 00 A M Rupert 14 7 (10 Oliver A Jacoby 14 7 DO Simon CSliive 14 7 00 Miss Amelia D Webb 14 7 )0 Joseph W Hendershot 14 7 00 Jos Sharoless Found ry Stoves 14 7 )0 Philip S Moyer Sioves 4 7 )0 F Fox Coufec'ioner & Baker 14 7 tJO BERWICK- Bowman & Owen n 15 00 Abraham Miliar n 30 Jackson & Woodin ' 12 12 50 Reuben H Nicely 14 7 00 Jackson & Wooden Foundry 14 7 00 Abraham Miller Drug Store 14 7 00 A P Evans J B Dodson, Ag't Drug Store 14 7 00 BRIARCREEK. Let i Kirtz 14 7 00 C B oeesholtz , 14 7 00 BENTON. Parvin Masters 14 7 00 Samuel Heacock 14 7 00 Hiram F Everett 14 7 00 Mro H A Cole 14 7 00 BEAVER. Franklin Snnman 14 Emanuel Friedman 14 CATTAWISSA. John Sharpless 13 Jese K Sharpless 13 J S Brobst 13 Geo Hoahe & Son Stove 14 S D Rinard Moe 14 Jacob H Crea 14 Levi Keiler 14 C W McKelvy & Co 14 William John toye, Britan nia wares, &c 14 CENTRE. Gilbert H Fowler 13 E W M Low & Brother 14 Jacob Sponsler 14 00 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 C H Hess & Co 14 C F Hill 14 D K Sloan 14 CONYNGHAM. Mrs M Gorrell 1$ Jonathan J Hoaglaud 14 J B & R Kuittle 14 FISHINGCREEK. Dniet McHenrr 14 George M How'ell 14 E & A A P Unangst 14 B Ammerman 14 Solomon Bus 14 greenwood: 7 7 7 7 7 "1 00 CO 00 00 uo 00 George Masters & Son John Legoti Jacob Sehuj ler Ueijamin & Charles Eves HEMLOCK. M G & W H Shoemaker Charles Neyhard Jacob Harris ' Crus Reene LOCUST. Wahirigun Yea,er Jacob Yeaser Abraham Rice Mark Williams MAINE. William T Shoman Reighard & Nuss MADISON. Neal M. Coy Miller & Sw iiher C & W Krearuer MIFFLIN. 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 14 14 1G 00 : 00 00 ', 00 id 00 ',- 00 r 00 '.' 00 v 00 v 00 r 00 7 00 7 00 r 00 1 0 00 io 00 i) 00 i) 00 7 00 " 00 I) 00 Creasy & Brown Reuben filler MONTOUR. W Biuer.bender & Co ORANGE. Lazaru & Fisher 13 A B Siewart 14 William Fritz 1 4 A ("olrr an Merchant Tailor 14 Isaac N Kline 14 ROARINGCREEK. Jadah Cberringtoti 14 SCO FT. Peter Ent 13 H W Creasy & Brother 12 William Peacock Drug Store 14 00 00 00 00 7 00 n 12 7 7 7 00 50 00 00 CO Samuel A Worman B F Reighari & Brother C S Fowler & Creveling David Whiimyer I & T Creveling H M Fuller S L Battle, As'l SUGARLOAF. 14 14 13 14 14 13 14 10 00 00 00 10 00 Jesse R Penninan 7 00 DISTILLERS. Rohr McHenry Benton II 15 00 Edger & McHenry Fishing creek II 5 00 Richard Plomer Bloom II 15 00 Reuben Miller Briarcreek 9 J 5 00 MILLINERS. Miss Mary Barkley Bloom ll 7 00 Misses Harmans do 14 7 00 Miss E J Wilson do 14 7 00 Mrs A P Fowler Scott 14 7 00 Mrs A J Brass Berwick 14 -7 00 EaTING-HOUSES. William B Koons Bloom B Stohner " J W Hendershot 4 CharlesNoll " Frederick Nicely Berwick Michael Frantz " Henry Lohman Centre Samuel Kostenbader Cattawissa Wrc. Orange . " Levi Keiier " Connor & Brother Montour W Biitenbender & Co " John D Kromer Mifflin Alt persons who may feel aggrieved by the above classification can have an op portunity of appealing by calling upen the undersigned at his office, Stat of the. North Office) in Bloomsbor,, anytime on r be fore the I9ih day of June, 1862, or at the Concmissioners' office in Bloomsburj, on the 19th of June, after which no ippenl will be beard. WM. H. JACOBY. Mercantile Appri iser. May 21. 1862. large assortmei.t of Ladies' Gaiteis just received al t 00 and Si 25 at " ' L. T. SHARPLEJS.' .ent9 Balmoral Lace Boots, will bi, sold V very low. Also. Boy Shoes at L T. SHARPLEJS.1 GREAT EXC1TEJJFNT AT STILLWATER LARGE REINFORCEMENTS RE CEIVED, AT the Store of Daniel McHenry, in Still water, Columbia county. The undersign-ed would respectfully in vite the citizens of Fishing Creek and the surrounding country, to his large and ex tensive stock ofGoods, just received from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, all of which he will sell cheaper than here tofore. His assortmeut consists of Cloths, . Calicoes, Muslins; Hats and Caps, of the latest fashion, Boots and Shoes of the most approved make ; also, a lot of excel lent ISeady-?ladc Clothing:. together with a good assortment of Ves Utigs. His store is well filled with Good? ot every description. His are not surpassed by any Stoie in the coun try. His Hardware Department ha not been neglected. SCYTHES, RAKES HOES, SHOVELS &c., are eotiftanlly kept on hand ; also, Spikes and Nails ; in short, everything us ually found in First-Class Stores. DANIEL McHENRY. Stillwater, May 14, 1862. Greenwood Seminary. rrtHE Spring Term of this Institution wi 1 X commence on the 7th of April next. The Principal will be assisted by able instructors, and as ample facilities will be afforded to qualify Students for teaching, for business or for a more extensive course in literature, a liberal share of partronage is aaaiu solicited. Pupils who do not come from home, or are not put under the charge o near rela tives, must board al the Seminary, and be subject to the regulations therol. They must provide their own towels and have each article of clothinz distinctly marked. Eleven weeks corstitute a quarter and there will be a vacation of about &ix weeks in mid summer. Boarding, ' washing and Tuition with furnished rooms, will be $25 per quarter, ore half payable in advance. Tuition alone io Common branches, 5 00 " including advance Algebra mathematics hisiory &c. 6 00 " in Latin, German or French eah extra 1 00 For further particulars address WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville. Col co., Feb. 26, 1862. Mine IeiiiorelN QUARTERLY MIRROR of FASHIONS, GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! rMlE Summer Number will contain four ' larae and splendid Fashion Plates," three Full Silted Patterns, comprising the new French Waist, and elegant sleeve, and a Mises Sack, togeihe' with neatly 100 en gravings of ali the novelties lor Summer bonnets,- Cloaks, Trimmings. Children's Dresses, etc , Valuable information to Mil liners, dress makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, published 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by mail pest tree, on receipt of the amount, Yearly SI with the lollow iug valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the took, or from ihe show room, or they may be order ed and sent by mail any time during the year, hy patinsz the postage. fiP'Splendid inducements to Canvassers The snmmfr immlier will be ready on or about the 1st of May. April 30th, 1652. IlUIUt ill FOR TIJC IT . I OX, And L. T. haiplcs "I heap l.ush More." NEW GOODS I GREAT BARGAINS I THE ooderngned is just receivins a new supply of goods, fresh fiom the cities of New York and Phil'a. and is prepaied to sell them at Reduced Prices. Calicoes from 7c to 12jc, the best at 12jc some of which cost 15c. Dress Giods ; Challis, Lavellas, Gntshams, Muslins, Ken tucky Jeans, boy's Cassimeres, &c, &c, in proportion. Ladies' Shoes and Gaitors, in great vari riety of til rn quality. A good heeled Gaiter for 62c", and an excellent Congress for $1,00. A ki I heeled Lace Boot lor Si and upward ALSO, the High Cut Palmo ral Lara Boot for ladies. Lidies' and Chil dren' Skirts, Linen Handkerchieis, &c, at a very low figure. Best Sione Ware Sets 84.00, &u. Hominy, Dried Peaches, Mackerel, Chees, Lemons, etc. Good Syrup Molasses from 50 10 60c a gallon. Sugais, lower than recently sold, from 8c lo 13ir, ihe latter price for beet white. Coal Oil as low as anywhere. C7An examination of the goods is soli cited. Come and see for yourselves, ihat Ibe Cash System is preferable 10 any other. Grain and country produce taken in ex change for Goods by ' L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsburz, March 26, 1862. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER jjT PETEfi ESTS STOREl In Lizb! L'reet, Columbia county, Ill" AS just received from Philadelphia, and is now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Martz & Ent, a splen did assortment of MERCHANDIZE, which will b sold cheap for CASH OR COUNRY PRODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashion. CALICOES, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, SHAWS, HOSIERY. SILKS, READY-MADE CLOTHING CASSIMEF.S. SATINET!, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. In short everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of old friends, and the public public ge nerally, is respectfully so licited. Tbe highest 'market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 7, 1862. toHOEb io variety at tbe cheap car Store 0 of L. T. SHARPLESS. Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER Sc. EYER'S. fllHE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and select assortment of Spring and Summer Goodsj purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and "which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Their slock compries Parties' Dress Good, of the choicest styles and latest fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, &c. (n short, everything usually kept in country stores, to which tviey invites Ihe public generally. The highest price paid for country produce. MILLER &. EYER. Bloomsburg, April 30, 1862. Dissolution of Partnership, IVOTICE is hereby given that the co-part-nership heretofore existing between the firm of D. C. & G. A. Herring in the repair ins and boat building business, al Centre ville, Columbia county, was dissolved by mutual consent on the M day of April 1862. The book remain in the hands of the jun ior member of ihe firm, (G. A. Herring) for settlement; who, aNo designs continuing Ihe business in all its branches as hereto fore. He returns thanks for pant patronage and solicits a continuance of the same. C. D. HERRING, GEO. A. HERRING. CenVeville, April 30, 1862. Administrator's Notice. JYTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ' administration on the eslate of John J. Hetler, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceaised, have teen eranted by the Register of said county, to Michael B. Heller, who resides in Mifflin township. All persons having claims or demands against the eta)e of the decedent are re quested to present th m for settlement, and those indebted to make payment without delay to MICHAEL B HETLER Admr. Mfll-n t p , March 26, 1862. 6w. FRESH ARRIVAL or NEW MILLINERY GOODS. flHE undersigned would muM respect fully announce to the citizens of Blooms bora and vicinity ihal she has just receiv ed from the eastern cities her Spriug & Summer Millinery Goods, all of which she is prepared 10 make5j--and sell at a very reasonably low fig-T nre. Her assortm-nt of sool are a little superior in point of .durability as well as ialefulness, lo any offered in this section. She returns thanks for the libeinl patron age she has received, and respectfully so licits a continuance of ih same MARY BARKLEY. BlooTisbnr, April 23 1R62. rva ;w ElABSISEK SHOP. Opposite the Court Home and next door to Democrat Office THE undorsigr.ed,repectlul!y inform his friends and customers that h has opened A New Darber Shop. In Court Hon-e Alley, next door below the Office of the Columbia Democrat, where he will be h?pcy to wait upon all customers, anil from long experience and strct atten tion to business, he hopes to merit and re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. tVAll things here done in decency and in order." THOMAS BROWN. Bloomsburg, March 5, 1R62. Soke exciting neiVs! YOBKTOWN CAPTURED ! The Rebels Retreating! THIS IS GLORIOUS NEWS! f UT there is still more important and valuable news to the citizens of Con yn&ham and vicinity, in Columbia coun ty. It i- that J. B. & R ENTITLE have re reied newjgond mid established a S'ore in the place above named, where goots can be purchased upon ihe most reasona ble term!' for cash 01 short credit. They pay particular aiieniion to flour, feed and provj-ion generall), which can be had at their establishment at all limes, or deliver ed to the porrhaser upon short notice, a they keep a hotse and wagon for that pur pose. THEIR STOCK OF DRV GOODS i calcula'oJ to suit the people and the fime. They have everything commonly found in country stores. Country Produce will always be lakpn in exi hane for Goods and the regular mar ket price paid for the same. J B. & R. KNITTLE. Conyngham, May 14, 1862. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Eilutt of Henry G. Miller ; late of Slfflin twp., dee'd. IVOTICE U hereby given that etters"tes--'tameniary on the estate of Henry G. Milfr, late of Mifflin township, Columbia, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, 10 John H. Heller, residing in the township and coun ty afore-aid. All persons having claim- or demands agiinst the estate of the dece dent are requested to present them to the Executor for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make payment forthwith lo the undersigned. JOHN H. HETLER, Executor. Mifflin, May 7, 1862 6t. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Phip Hartman, late of Scott town ship, Columbia county, deceased. I ETTERS of administation on the e'ate - cf Philip Hartman, late of Scott town ship, Columbia county, dee'd, have been granted, br the Register of said county, to Henry T. Reily, who resides in the lown 6hip and county aforementioned. All per sons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent, will present them lo the'adminislrilor for settlement, and those indebted to the estate are requested to make payment immediately to the under signed. HENRY T. REILY, Scott twp. April 30, 1862. Admr. jlfijsea and Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Chilrrens Fancv and Common Shoes, low as can be botia'it elsewhere, at the Cheap Cash Sure ol L. T. SHARPLESS, Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. ' Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concerm every body JODXS 4- CK0SLEfS IMPROVED GUITA PERCHA. The Cheapest and most dubleRoofii 11 g in uie IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied lo New and Old Roofs ol All kinds, sieep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs without removing the ShingleM. THE COST IS ONLV A feOUT ONE-THIRD TH T OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This ariicle has been ihorougly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Csrurai and South America, on Buildings of all kind, sorb as Factories, FoundriesChurch es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and 011 Public Building generally, Government Buildings, &., by ihe principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four year, and has proved to be ihe CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7hi is the ONLY material manufactured in the United Stales which combines the very desirable properties of Elasticity und Dura bility, which are universally arknow'ed 'ed to be po-sssed by GCTTA PERCHA and INDIA RUBBER. iVo Ileal is required in muking etppfi cation. The Pxppnse of applying it is triflnins with ordinary Roof can be covered and fin. ished ihe tnme dot). IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE, end when finished lorms a perfectly Fl'e Proof snrfwe with an elastic body, which canti'-l be injured D Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external a.;ti on wha'evr. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coaiing Metals of all Kind when ex posed to the action of ihe Weather and For Preserviuir and Repairing Mttal Roofs of all Kinds, This is ihe only Composition Known wnich will successfully resist extreme change of climates, for any length of time, when applied to me!als, to which it adheres firmly, lorming a body equal 10 three coats of ordinary pain:, cots much tes. and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from its elaticily is not injured by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con-equent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT -WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can he readily repaired wiih GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion ano Ieakiti2, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Roof for many years. Tnis Cement is peculiarly adapted fr ihe preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, &c., al-o for general manufacturers ue. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, from its great ela-iicily, is nol injured by ihe con traction and expansion of Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in Term weather. These material are adapted to all cli mates, and we are prepared lo supply or ders trom any ran of the country, at short notice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in roll, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions lor application. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal and satisfactory arrange mcnls with rapunsilile puties who woidd Vke to establish thtmtelnes in a Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to several thooaiid Roofs in New York C:tr and vi cinity. f JOHNS A CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, irholesale Warehouse 78 William St. Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will j De irntMied on application. October 16, 1861 ly. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. rjOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will sen J to all who wih it (free of charge) the Recipe and full directions for makir.g and using a beautiful vesetable B-dm, that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Tan, Frerkles, &c, &c, leaving the skin smooth, clt-an, and beautiful; alto full di rections for usins Pelatreau's celebraled Stimulant, war'anled 10 start a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in le-s than thirty day. Either of the above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwiih s'amp for return postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist. 851 Broadway New Yorlc. January 15, 1S62. 2m. r n H E CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE 1 of a SUFFERER, Published a a warn ing, and lor the epecial benefit of Youn Me n and lho-? who suffer uith Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature De cay, &c., &c, &c, by one who has cured himself by simple means, after being put in great and inconvenience, through ihe nse of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single mine may be had of the author, C. A LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a post-paid addrefed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT E-q , Greenpoint, Long Island, New Yotk. January 15, lS622m. Kollock's Dandelion CoOYe. THIS preparation, made Ironi the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspep-ia, and all bilious disorder. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof fee will ue this without injnrions eJfects. One can contains ihe slrenth ol two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIX, The purest and beM BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and ckes. Price 15 cent. Manufactured by M H. KOL'LOCK, Chemit. Corner of Broad and Chesmni Streets. Philadelphia, V& And sold by all Druggist and Grocers, jj February 28, 1862. ly. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF ALEM MA PR, DECD. Letters of administration on the estate of Alem Marr, late of Scott ivp , Colum bia cornty, deceased, have been granted by the RegU'er of said county lo Peter Ent, residing in Light Street, townsl ip an I coun ty aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands auainst the estate of the decedent re reque.ted 10 present them duly authen ticated to the administrator for settlement, and those indebted 10 the estate will make payment forthwith to PETER EI admr. Scott, May 28th, 1862. FRIEXDS AXD RELATIVES or TUB Brave .Soldiers and Sailors. mi hi HOLLOW AT' PILLS AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy s'lould take especial care,tha Ihey be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment ; and where ihe brave Soldiers and S.'ilots have nehctvd lo provide them-elves with them, no better present can be spm them bv their 'friends. They have been proved to be lb Soldiers' never-failing-triend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved aid effectually cared by using the e admirable medicine," and by paying pmper attention 10 'Ihe Direction which are attached to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT Ot AP PEI I1 E, INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feelings'which so sadden us. usual ly arise from troutde or annoyantres. ob structed perspiratioti) or eating and drink ig whatever is unwholesome, thus di lurbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach These organs must tw relief ed, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according 10 the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both, liver and stomach, auii as a natural conse quence a rlear head and nood appetite. WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the be of thesa invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly acquire additional Never let the bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Hol loway't. Pills should te recommended for Dysentary and Flux, many persons suppo sing that they would increase tbe relaxa tion. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct tl;e liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from Ihe system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system how ever deranged, while health and strength follow as a matter ol cour-e. Nothing will stop the relaxation of ire bowels 00 sure as tlii famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! INDIS CRETION OF YOUTH. Sores ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling can with certainty be radically cured if the pills are taken niaht and nrioftiina and the Ointment be freely ued as sated in th printed instructions. If treated in any oth er manner they dry np in one part lo break out in another. Wnerea this Ointment will remove ihe humors from the syMem and leave (he Patient. a vigorous and heal thy man. It will require a little perseve rance in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR RHUISES. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, there are no medicine o safe, sore and convenient a Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounded ?tid almo-t dying sufferer might have his wounds dres-ed immediately, il he would only pro vide himself with thi matchless Ointment, which should be thrut into the wound and smeared all rouud it, then covered wiih a piece of lioen from his knapsack and compressed with a han.lkercheit . Taking niahl and morning 6 or 8 pill, to cool (he sysiem and prevent inflamation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and tie a. nan's Chef sfnuli be proviJtvl wiih these valua ble Remedies. CAUTION ! None are opnnlne cnles the words "Holloway, New York and Lon don are discernable as a Water-maik in every leaf of the book of direction around each pot or box : Ihe same may be ptninly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given id any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or patties coun terfeiting Ihe medicines 01 vending the same, kniwinz them 10 be spurious. Sold at tha Mannfactorv of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, Nw York, and by all rjspecable Drogzist and Dealers in Medicine, throughoni lfie civilized world in boxes at twenty five ceniS) sixty iwo cents and one dollar each. ty There i? considerable saving by ta king the larger sizes. N B Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. April 9th IS62. ly. AMI) I SOX HOUSE, (OF JERSEYTOVVN, PA) rFTHE sub-criber would respectfully ap prise his friend and the public gener ally, that he has established the r 1 ntnrwr nri. tirTtr"t iUAlildUr Fits u w - I iii Jerseytown, Columbia coimly, Pa. The above house has lately oeen efiited and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prieior. He is fully prepared lo entertain Ihe travelling custom as well a the local with genetal satisfaction. Hi TABLE and BAR, are well supplied and wi'l re careful ly su perin'ended. Arid lit STABLE is am ply and well stocked, in charge of careful grooms, will always be properly attended. tV lie invites a share of the public en torn, and pledges his best efforts, to help his guests feel at home. SAMUEL RIMBY. Jersey town, Jan 8, 1862. Executor's IVolicc. Estate of Christopher Heller, lute of Mifflin township, Cot co., deceased. ETTERS testamentary on the estate of r Christopher Heller, late of M tHin iwp., Colnmbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register ol Columbia coun ty, 10 Samuel Heller, residing in Hollen back town-hip, Luzerne county. All per sons indeb'ed 10 said estal are requested to call and make immedia'e payment, and those having cUims or demands will pre sent them prcpeily autheMicatod for settle ment lo th4 nridersi'jned. SAMUEL HELLER, Executor. January 8, 1862 6t. Administrator's Notice. jVOTICE is hereby given that letters of ' administration on the eta e of Henry D. Miller, late of Maine township. Colom bia county, deceased ,have been granted by ihe Register of said county to Joseph Mas teller of Maine town.hipand Nathan Lon enberer residing in Union lown-bip, FchoilkiH county. All persons it.debied 10 the eriate ol the decedent are requested to make payment to the administrators forthwith, and those having claims will pre sent them du'.y authenticated for settle ment without delay to JOSEPH MASTELLER, ) NATHAN LONGENBERGER, j Aa m' Maine lowcshtp, May 21, 1852.