STAR OP THE north; -0' -IT... " FFJi. 11. JACOB Y, EDITOR. BLCOluSBURG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE ISth, 1862 . Democratic Slate Conicatioa. In accordance with resolution of the Democratic State Executive Committee thc DrMocRAcr or 1'ctitisn.vANU will meet in STATU CONVENTION, at HARtHSBURG, oa Fridat, -the 4ih day of July, 1862, at 19 o'clock, a. nr., to .nominate candidates fur Ai eitor General -and Surveyor Gekehal. and to adopt such measures as may be deemed necessary for the' welfare ol the Democratic party and the coantry. WILLIAM H.WELSH, Chairman Democratic State Ex. Com. He Ecsnlts oftbe War. vDeppatches from all sides are establishing cur immediate military successes. The great operations in the West have resulted in our favor: Beaure?arri it nn ih retraii- i a ? and the operations in Virginia promise the " posesioo or the abandonment of Rich mond. But news comes, also, of success ful guerilla warfare on the part of the rebels &nd even in those Slates whoi-e occupation, at main points, we thought woukl preclude the prolongation of the war by any such eboiinate barbarity. Kentucky and Tennes see are only nominally ours, while hordes of assassins dragoon the people into sub jection, or plunder them of every necessity of ti r4 And nnur that 11 .ono I " armn ' -j.-... " ... iuj is breaking up into large and small frag ments, and taking to the mountain to pur sue this nomadic life of rapiue and blood; now that McClelland eventual occupancy ol Richmond develops the ultimate dts'gns of the generals theie in command and shows them tending in the same brigandish direction the question comes home to us very seriously, what chance is there of such internecine warfare finding any termination and what means shall be used to effect the de?ired result? We are beginning to find out the ue'e3e-ness"of relying, upon latent Ubion feeling at the South. -There is such feeling there, ar.d Heaven be thanked for the heroum which has asserted and accom panied its maintenance. But it is indisput able that it does not exist to such extent as to make it a valid adjunct in the restoration of the country. It is felt, but not overwhel mingly Jelr. It is strong enough to erect itself into a belligerent, but Dot strong enough to declare itself a victor. It is suf ficiently pronounced to provoke opposition, but cannot cope successfully with the spir it which it raises.- Instead of fighing on fair terms and with equal chances, it must endure the persecution of numbers or suc cumb. The vast bulk of the Southern peo pte seem permeated and hopelessly infect- eu who the black virus ot treason; and in a country of such exhausiless material re source as 'heirs, it vill be impossible to sub ject ttven millions of Anglo-Saxons by mere military authority. t Neither will it do to flitter ourselves that these marauders are only outlying bands of the rebel armies that are within supporting distance, and that when the supports fall back the mountain thieves mnst also in. pear For Beauregard has retreated; yet Tenner and Kentucky areas much in fested to day as ever. Manassas left for Richmond, yet Jackson and his fellows could ica'ter themselves through the moun tains in .every direction, and concentrate when they pleated for a special raid. Tne Rcpnblicans n. Democracy. It is a very fortunate thing far the Re publican Abolition party that John C.Breck inridge lamed out to be a secessionist. Had this event not taken place they would be entirely destitute of material to use against the Democratic party of-tbe North. They strive to make all the capital out of this poor miserable traitor to his Govern ment that is possible but it is all to no avail; the people have become sufficiently en lightened upon the art of bombuging. This cry of '"Breckinridge Democracy'7 does not alarm the people bl the Ncrth, but only in spires them with zeal, and more strongly fixes upon their minds tbe necessity of do ing their full duty to the country, by giving the lime honored Democratic party their entire support. .The Republican alias Abo lition party is fast sinking beneath the heaps of corruption and ruin. No party in this country or any other coul i ever stand under the heavy pressure that is brought down uponthis Republican Administration. The fast amount of plundering together with the violations of both law and justice I3ke up the mighty load ibst is fast crush ing them to the earth never to raise again. Democracy, be trp and a doing, there is an excellent opportunity to display more of the good qaaiiiies of the Democratic party, by barling these plunderers from power and restoring the Union toils once piosperous aad peaceful condition. If there is any hope of having a Caioa it comes through this channel. The Abolition party are not satisfied with the Union as b vent, and the Comiitation. a) U is ! 11 the' rebels would lay d&wn- their arms to-day, and positively declare themselves once more rightly ia the Uiiiuo, w'uh slavery the same as before, and willing to- pay the expense of this rebellion, the Republican 'Abolition party would 'cry aloud to the to jTof their voices, " N! we v-ili not agree to it " They don't want this Union with slavery. They are afraid of the insulation ol Rarefy ; it looks too Dema cruii;; it must bj broken up ; done away vhli entirely; and then there mijht be some ctarica for their future success over Democ racy. This is the idaa leading Republican Atolitionists have of. the whole matter of tii rebellion. It is going on delightfully just to :i;3ir liking; and eventually ia their yv;;n?on, mast accomplish their object viz : J. . ':Vi Jawy and diisolce Union I . i 1 be Traitors. t Doctor Johu is a man ol logic! Well he is. Don't you see how nicely, he refuted all the articles in last week's Star t The doctor has a magazine of argument. We "will tell the reader where this magazine is located. It is in the fish-woman's dictiona ry. Pure Billingsgate. See his argument against us in lam week's Ripubhcaa. First premise, liar ; second premise, scoundrel ; conclusion, tlackguard. There's an argo mem as ii an argument. The expenditure of brains must have been terrible.' But, seriously, we dp not intend to let thisunion slidiug,uegro-Ioving editor escape in this way. . In this tremendoous danger to the finest country and the finest govern ment that God's u shines upon, treason must be rebuked in low, as well as in high place. We shall persiot until the lion's skir. is nipped from the ass. The men who sup part Seward and Chase, the two cabinet ministers ol Lincoln who voted in favor of a petition for dissolving the Unioa ; the men who preach tiiat there is a higher law than the constitution ; the men who feed and clothe the runaway negro, whi'e the wives and children of soldiers are turned out of bouse and home, by these lying-, hypocriti cal patriots--. these men must be exposed. And they will be exposed. The country has got hold of them, and they are sealed to political damnation. ; Senatorial Conference. The Senatorial Conferees of of this Dis trict had a meeting tn Snnbnry on Saturday last, lor the purpose of appointing a Sena torial Delegate to the Democratic State Con vention, which will be held at .Harrisburg oa the 4th of July next. Hons. Peter Ent and John McReynolds wers the Conferees from this county. They were instructed to support John G. Freeze, Esqr , lor Senato rial Delegate, who if appointed will be ex pected to support Col. Levi L. Tate in the State Convention, for Surveyor General. But there appeared to be a division among 1 K a Csntaroaa ihnfio r f ik. Anuntiaa rtA Vnr. I thoroberland and Snyder supported a man I , !. ?P" from the latter county, whom they would I mnl 18 CreJ,,ed- ' a'Ue Mex,can War ll have go into the Convention at Harrisburg I O,Jrwai.r'0r gave a differe account of him and do all in his power to secure the nom- j f6'- Th,e ruraor aboui a Court of ,n1u'"r ination of Surveyor General for'.Mr. "Jack" beillg " rderedto investigatethe circurastar Ccmm.ngs of Northumberlond county, while I Ce8 aUe"d"nS the late battle, has not beea .. r i r t i .- i v i confirmed- the Conferees of Montour-and Columbia stood together, balloting for Mr Fkxez They ballo'ed several times during tbe day without making a choice ; and, when evening approached, they adjourned to meet again ia Danville, on Saturday next. We hope the Conferees of the lower counties will have made up their minds by the time of meeting next Saturday, to con cede the Delegate to Columbia. For va rious reasons we think this would be no more than just and proper. We have no particular interest in the matter further than to see justice to all parties concerned- We think the chances for Mr. Tate's nomina tion much better than Mr Cu.mminq's. This, with very little pains, could be made appear very clearly to be the cate. The matter needs reconciling in some satisfacto ry manner by all means. We trust it will be done. . Abolitionists Can't Stand it. . The Star is down on Abolitionists, and, in consequence, since the breaking out of tbe war, we have got rid of the niggardly few of that stripe who were patrons to our paper. II there are any more of that ' per suasion'7 we invite them to step forward, while we have pen in band, ready to erase their names. Those who discontinued, did so opon the plea that we were ''opposing and embarrassing the Government!" a charge which every sane man, who Las ever read our paper, knows to be utterly without foundation. The Gocernmeut itself never needed any "embarrassing" at our hands, but the Administration, Lincoln and party, needed, at certain times, much '-'embarrassing," which they did not fail to get, and that, too, without the fear of Fort War ren looming op before Our eyes. We would ask our Abolition friends, did either Dawes or Washburne, both members of Congress, "embarrass the government" when they made speeches in the House, showing the vast amount of corruption and enormous frauds practiced by this party in power 1 'Did Lincoln have them arrested, and placed within the walls of Fort Lafay ette or Fort Warrea ? Were they denoun ced by the Republican Abolition party as traitors? No, sir! They were both Re publican members, had a right to talk ! Had a Democrat delivered either Dawes or Washborne's speech on the corruptions of this Administiation, be would have been expelled from the House ; yea more, lock ed op in some dark and dreary old Fort. Under the pressure of these exposes, Con tractors were made to feel uneasy, Simon Cameron to resign, and Fremont to be re moved. All this was done in a short time, looking as though the net of thieves who were sapping the very life's blood from this nation, was to be broken up and destroyed. But this thing of retrenchment and reform did not continue more than a day, when all returned to their old practices again. Fre mont was reinstated to h command, Simon Cameron made -a Minister, and Secretary Welles passed over in silence. Some of tbe most corrupt and wicked men the sun ever shown upon are held in lucrative posi lions and high esteem by this administra tion. How long this state of things may continue is more than we are able to con jecture. Drive on, ye seekers of punder ! Uow to carry 4,5a f artj." If the Abolition Republicans desire to have no party urganizatioa, during the period of the war, they can accomplish it very easily. All they have to do is to abandon the Abo lition schemes pending in Congress and re peat those they have already passed. II they will be honest, and confine the war to what tbeyprofessed over a year ago to a struggle for the Union and the Constitution party dissensions will cease. . It ia they who are reviving old party feeling and old party issues. The Democracy are only act ing on the dfensive. Ir is not they who are reviving pany- Who Lies J Th,e only answer the Republican has to last week's Stab, is, that we print lies. Is it a lie thai Abraham Lincoln and his party are in favor of buying the slaves of the reb els ol the South I Is i! a lie that Forney's Press of April 16, 1561, admitted that north em agitators fomented rebellion at the South 1 Is it a lie that Seward anfi Chase Lincoln1 two head men, voted, long ago, in favor of a petition for dividing the U:iion ! Is it m ."Lie that ihis same Seward preached that there was a higher law than the Con stitutioB ? Is it a Ve that Banks, -whom the Almighty, for purposes of his own, allowed to be overtaken by Stonewall Jackson, was in favor, under certain circumstances, of letting the Union slide I Is it a lie that the biggest piece of stealing, by the rebels, to wit, the THREE THOUSAND CANNON, the several Ships of War, including the Blerrimai, and the vast quantity of stores, at Norfolk, was perpetrated long af:er Lincoln came into power? In short, and broadly, is it a lie that the nigger-lovers of the North are thorough-bread, ingrain, original traitors ? Answer, ye ingrates ! You have done yourTbest to ruin our country, and the words of the people with you will be lew. Stand from under. Bkig.Gkn Casey Brig. Gen Silas Casey whose division broke at the battle of Chick ahominy, is an officer ol the regular army, and a graduate of West Point. He entered the line after the expiration of his military studies, on the 1st of July, 1830. His first position was that of Second Lieutenant of the 7th (old) Regiment of Infantry, from which he rose gradually being promoted for tbe exhibition of ''great soldiery quali ties." He was arpointed to the Colonelcj of the 4th Regular Inlantry in October 1861 having been previously authorized to ac. as Brigadier General of Volunteers. Gen. Casey's reputation asa tactician was alway t of a high order, and many ol his cotempo raries are astonished at the reverse which has suddenly befallen it. He is a native of, who is again in acme service, was at the seige ot Vera Cruz, and when severely wounded, he.continued on the field, urging on his men, until a ball, passing through his lungs, struck him dow i. He was carried from the battle field, ard was reported bo near dead that obituaty notices of the gallant Gen appeared in near ly all the papers of the country. Even in the neighborhood of tbe battle-ground his life was for week despaired of, and tie anecdote of bis cure is fcremarkab!e, as it would appear improbable did the man not live at the present time to verify the state ment. It appears that he was entirely giv en ovivr by the army surgeons, when a Mexican doctor said he. would lite if ia would let hint remove the coagulated b!o)d Irora the wound Shields, as a kill or cure remedy, told him to try, and a fine s Ik handkerchief was worked and finally drawn through the wound, removing the extraia sated blood, when daylight could'be eeun through the hole. And yet Shields to day is a hale and hearty man, free from disei se or any inconvenience -from his woui d, which was considered at tbe time as mor tal, having Jeen made by a large copper ball, and going directly through his bedy and lums. Gradual Emancipation Defeated m Mis souri. In the Stale convention of Missouri, last Saturday, a proposition to submit lo he people amendments to the constitution of the State, for the gradual emancipation of slaves, was introduced by Mr. Breckinridge. It provides that all slaves horn after Januiry 1, 1865, hall be slaves until they are twsn-ty-five years of age, then to be paid for and sent out of the Slate by the aid of the gov ernment under a resolution of Conyrreis : no slaves are to be brought into tbe S ate after the ordinance takes effect; and the ordinance is to be submitted to a volt of the people in 1861, and to take effect cnly if it receives a majority of the popular vjte. As 60on as tbe bill was read a motion ivas made to table it. Senator Henderson vi. in ly strove to induce the withdrawal of the motion until he could make a few remirks on the subject, but the request was reftsed and the motion was carried by a vote cf 52 to 19. A motion to reconsider the rote was also tabled. ParpARC for Taxation. In a few days the Tax bill will be pissed, and a w iiole army of tax-gatherers will shortly be ap pointed, ready to pass round and gather ap a heavy toll from the public. Now ii the lime to prepare for these demands upoi us. Everybody must learn tobe economical. Those who wear out a soil of clothes i i six months, mcst make them last a year ; those who bave been ia the habit of patin, hot beefsteaks for breakfast, must learn tn put np with a cold scrag of rantton ;thase who have indulged in wine and water at diiner, most put up henceforth with the sioople element. All this is necessary to put down a rebellion originated by the abolitio lists, aided by the English aristocracy, and car ried into the field by the wicked secemon-, ists. Peterson's Magazine -This highly prized Magazine, by all who know anything about it, has made its way into our sanctum, pay ing us its monthly visit for July. It is i most splendid number, the embellish nents can't be beat, the "two sisters" occupying a conspicuous place in the proper diparl ment The engravings are fine. This is a cheap Magazine, and stands far ah sad of many others that are striving to co opete with it. Price S2 00. i Misprints will present themselves ia other columns thn those of newsf apers. The author of a temperance novel,' who wrote "drunkenness is . lolly,"'waa horror struck to read, "drunkenness is jolly. We find the following in the Philad'a Prest of Saturday last: t A "CaYalier" Abuses the "Puritans .' We copy the following article from a late number ol the Richmond Examiner. It is interesting and am using: - Enter the halls of legislation now the House of Representatives. A motley mob of soldiers and civilians, male and female, fill the galleries, and gaudily-uniformed Yankee officials crowd the vestibule and lobbies of the politicians. The debate on expulsion of a member for the expression j ol sympathy with the rebellion is before the House Loveiov pours out his vial of wrath, and a pungent remark brings down the House and galleries. The SpeaVer en joys it, but raps the detk, upon which the hilarity increases, and boisterous sallies of coarse wit are bandied between the repre sentatives on the floor and their constitu ents in the galleries. "Halloa, Jim ! is as likely to be answered from the floor to the gallery as at any town-meeting in New England, and the peanuteaters above think nothing of calling the attention of the speak er telow, by a peanut reminder alongside his head, with an 'i say, Sam, won't you come out and take a drink?" But now there is silence lor once. Vallandigham rises to address the House. If is wonderful what respect a brave man can wring from his enemies, even while in their power. As Vallandigham's " Mr. Speaker !" rings through tbe House, the hum dies out in the galleries, and the members turn to .their chairs, with a contemptuous jeer on their faces, to listen to his remarks. Like a Roman gladiator, he stands study ing the prelude to his remarks, looking around on his enemies, who, if they dared, would knife or pistol him at his seat. His Words begin to come hot, heavy, scorching it. his denunciation of the illegal measures of the Administration. The Speaker grows uaeasy the members grin and wriggle in their seats, and the galleries burst out into a pandemonium of hisses, yells and cerses. The Speaker raps his gavel; but the storm continues, the biasing darling down like the tongues of serpents upon the unshield ed head of Vallandigham, who stands un moved, toying with his watch-guard, wait ing for the restoration of order, which comes by and by, and he proceeds with intervals of interruptions such as we have described. Frequently 'despatches from the Yankee generals are read in the Houe and Senate, announcing "Another Glorious Union Vic tory !" amid hand-shaking and congratula tions on the floor and cheers and cries from the galleries Such a condition .of things as we have described can be witnessed any day at the Capitol during the session of Congress But the most humiliating result of the con dition of affairs there is the uses to which the Capitol has .been turned into, an im mense bake-house tor the manufacture of bread for the soldiers. The basement of the Baptist church, including the school and lecture-room, has been converted into a stable for horses, and a proposition is new entertained of taking Trinity Church for a soldiers' hospital, in retaliation for the sop posed disloyalty of its pastor, people, and vestry, in the pastor refusing to read the prayer of thankogiving for the success of the. Yankee Government. Reported Assassination or Got. Andrrw Johnson am Gen. Butler. We have a re port from Richmond, published in the Rich mond Examiner of the 9th, that a telegraphic dispatch had been received from Augusta, Ga., dated Jane 7th, stating that a Governor Andrew Johnson was killed in Nashville, by a man named George Brown, who, in turn, had been killed. The same dispatch states that Gen. Butler had been killed in New Orleans, but adds that the report lacks confirmation. We do not believe that either of these reports deserves any credit. That in regard to Governor Johnsou is certainly false. We bave direct telegraphic communication with Nashville, and as late as yesterday, we had news Irom Washington that Repre senlatie Maynard, of Tennessee, had re ceived a telegram from Gov. Andy Johnson on Thnrsday night to the effect that the reb els were reported to be retreating from Cumberland Gap toward Chattanooga. As for Gen Butler, we think he is too wary to be caught by an assa-sin's blow. The Freshet on thf Lehigh. The state ment we published last week, on the author ity of a dispatch from Easton, that "the whole town of Weissporl was swept away, ouly three bouses being left out of about three hundred, and that many families -were drowned," was greatly exaggerated. Later news informs oj that only seventeen houses were swept away atid several per sons drowned. Among the casualities at Reading Ostorn's boarding house was carried oif with fourteen persons, nine of whom are known lo have escaped. Returned E. II. Chase, who has been imprisoned among the rebels for the past year, returned to Wilkesbarre on Saturday night, looking well as ever. He io a little brawny, from his " 6ojourn in the South," but otherwise looks about as we last saw liiru a year since at Chamberbarg, where he was acting Secretary to Col. Emly,of tbe 8'.b Regiment. He left Col. Bowman still a prisoner in North Carolina. When the latter will be released is unknown, as it is understood the rebels refuse to receive their privateers in exchange for our officers. Luzerne Union. Wa. say white men first and black men afterwards. The poor white no doubt would accept of a farm each if purchased and giv en lo them. This administration proposes doing several things for the black man, and so far all that it has done has been to injure the condition of the poor African. To buy them of their masters and then buy or give them land, re will opposa. We say leave them where they are.. We donrt want ihem prowling all over the North. If we have any money to spare, for the respect of the nation, (if you have none for yourselves) uie it for some other purpose than purchas ing negroes. A Returned Volunteer. Serqt. A. G. Thornton, of the " Hurley Guards," arrived at bis home in Lightstreet, upon furlough, on Monday evening last. He was wounded in the hand t the severe battle of last Monday a week, which took place between Jackson's army and General Shields' advance, at or near Port Republic, in the Shenandoah Valley. This was one of the severest fights since the war Our forces were obliged to fall back, fighting ev ery foot of Jto ground for over four miles, the fight lasting five hours. Our loss has not yet been published. It is said to be heavy. The "Hurley Guards," or part of hem,, participated in the fight. Two or three members of this company are miss ing, several wounded, but not one killed. The "Bucktails" were in this engagement, and suffered severely; out of 125 of lhem,55 were reported killed. Col.. Kane is said to have been wounded and captured by the rebels. This may need confirmation Mr. Thornton reports the boys all doing as well as might be expected under the circum stances. They have been doing hard work, and enduring a large amount of exposure, upon slim (are and scanty clothing, for the last four or five months. Tbe Republican. on tbe Star. The editor of the Abolition circular op town managed to grind out a few lines to us and our paper last week, in which he persists in some things not worth mentioning. He is good at making sweeping and left hand charges, but miserably poor at substantia ting them by facts, hence his neglect to try. We don't intend you to back, oat in that kind of style, as you have done several times heretofore, but we want you to toe the mark, and if we have published treas onable articles and practised disloyally, you should have the honesty, which characteri ses every true journalist, to clearly make it appear. How do you expect to get a ver dict if you don't prove the facts in the case? The people of Columbia are the jurors, and they most assuredly won't take your woid without backing it up wi.h good substantial proof. "Traitor, liar, and blackguard a fit ting trinity to make up an editor of an Abo Utitn newspaper in the North." How well the above sentence suits the occasion. It is not often that a rascal will furnish the rod by which be may be whipped through the. land. Col. Samnel 9. Bowman. The above named gentleman, son of Jesse Bowman, Esq , ol Berwick, this county has just returned from General Hallecx's Army on a visit to his friend, having been furloughed for thirty days on nccount of sickness which nearly disabled him. He was Major of the fourth Illinois Cavalry, and was at the battles of Fort Donaldson and Pittsburg Landing. At tbe latter fear ful conflict he was especially active braving tbe greatest dangers. He unhorsed a Cap tain of Rebel Cavalry and took him prison er. He rendered very important services to our cause by heading important and hazardous expeditions in cutting off Rail road communications and burning bridges over which the enemy was receiving pro visoes and reinforcements. For these meri orious services he has been promoted and holds the commission ol Colonel in the Army. Democrat. The Philadelphia Inquirer says, a lar&e and enthusiastic meeting of the Union, men of all parties assembled at Westchester, to appoint delegates to Harrisburg, and passed resolutions seveiely condemning the course of Senator Cowan, and approving that of Senator WilmoL That must have been a great Union meet ing ! Coudernniug the course of a Union man, and endorsing the course of such abo lition disunionist as Wilmot! THE WAR NEWS. LATER FR0 CHARLESTON. OCCUPATION OF JAMES RIVER. The Rebel Force Augmented 30,000 of Beau, regard" s Troops Arrived. New York, June 13th. A special des patch to the Pest, from Washington, says that Mr. Pierce, the Government Superin tendent of cotton lands in South Carolina, has arrived there. He left Charleston har bor on Tusday. Our forces, under General BenLam, had occupied James Island under the protection of the gunboats. The rebel force at Charleston bad been greatly augmented. Deserters say thai 30 000 men lrom Beauregard's army had reached there, and every preparation was making for a stubborn defence of the city. Com. Dupont thought our attack could not salely proceed until we had a stronger force. There was heavy firing Irom the enemy during Tuesday, but no apprehension of danger was feit Irom an attack upon our troops. Later from Havana, Mexico, and Nassau. The Defeat oj th French Army-' A nival al Havana from Charleston. . New York, June 13th. The steamship British Queen, with Havana dates to tbe 7th, aid Nassau dates to the 9th, arrived this evening. Among the passengers is Mr. Plumb, the bearer of the ratified postal con vention and extradition treaty with Mexico. Tbe news from Mexico is to the 1st inst., and confirms the defeat of the French troops by the Mexicans. Five hundred of the former were killed, and 700 taken pris oners, but the latter were released, as the victors had not food for them. The Mexi cans were actively fortifying the capital, and the French will march against it when reinlorcements arrive. The statement current in Havana is that the French designs are not so much against Mexico as against the United Stales. There is great disaffection among the French officer, leading to appeals to Na poleon. Tbe English minister had conclu tied a treaty with Doblado, and it is said that Cabal'as, the agent of General Prim, had also concluded the ratification ot the Almonte treaty. Zaragoza has a force of 14,000 men. and Ortega was expected in Mexico with 8,000 more, and recurits were coming in from all points. Marqnez was io Vera Cruz, and was about imposing a forced loan on the For eign merchants, and it was snpposed that the English admiral would protest, though some thought he would not, as it would displease the French. Venezuela dates to the 16th utt., state that there had been an outbreak of the sol diers at Laguayra, but it had died out. Camp Barrett near Lorat, Va I Juae 12th, 1862. Friend WW; We have met the enemy again and we got an awful Hogging! The details I t-hali now proceed to give: Humiliating as it may be to the brave men, of the 3d and -lih Brigades, of Shields' divis ion, still the truth must be told, and trie au thors of this wholesale slaughter unmasked 1 would have written sooner, but we have been kept baay in trying ta keep out oi the rebel's clutches. On Saturday morning the 7th acting Brig. Gen Carroll, received orders to advance to Port Republic, a distance of 12 miles from this place, and burn the bridge across the river al that point, so at lo cut off Jackson's retreat, and then Shields and Fremont were to advance simultaneously, and attack him between the two branches of ihe Shenan doah river, where his army then lay. A forced march was made by the men, who were already worn down by long and Utig ning marches, and at 12 o'clock M our ad- -vnce reached ihe bridze, when Cantdin Robinson's 1st Ohio Battery unlimbered and sent several shell right into the enemy's camp, across the river. The rebels were either taken by surprise or only feigned to be, as up to this time r.o stir, no excitement was visible in his camp. But when our infantry had got within ra ge of their guns as ii by magic, no less than 21' pieces of ertiHery were thrown 'into position and opened upon our exposed ranks with terri ble effect. The 1st Virginia Cavalry made a dash across the bridre and succeeded in capturinz one gun and several prisoners, among ihem one ol Jackson's taff They had the bridge fired according to orders, but Gen. Carroll ordered the fire extinguished, and to this order we may attribute our sub sequent defeat and the murder of our brave boys. The rebels now charged with intant ry and drove the Cavalry nut of town and across the river, thus re-posretsing tbe bridge and capturing 2 pieces of our artil- i. :ti . i . u ti lery, &uuiig ino men ui uie guns. lucy, all the while, keeping up a murderous fire i ranks at a single discharge. The order was given '-About, Face !" and we retired, leav ing our dead and many ol the wounded on the field. We could plainly hear the shouts and cheers of the rebels as we retired. We leil back about two miles, the rebels not lolloping as they appeared to be satisfied with driving us back. The 3d Brigade now came up with Clark's Battery of Parrots, and what might have been a route was checked The mm were pifepoaed along the road and in tne woods, and thus terminated onrSunday's adventure without accomplishing anything more than that of the men losing all confidence in Carroll. Our loss on this day I am unable to ascer tain, bnl can sately say it was 60 killed and at least 200 wounded, with the mora It of the array almost gone. The over-marched and almost naked soldiers sank upon the ground completely exhaosted. It wa a pitiful sight to see the shoeless men plod ding their way over mountains, their steps marked with blood from 'heir lacerated feet, and living on half fare and the poorest at that. Marching day and ni'ht over the worst roads I ever saw, enduring all the i privations and hardship) that it was possi- ble to impose upon man, whose very looks told but too plainly their euleebled condi tion, ard all, all to gratify the insatiable ambition and secure the appointment ot a single officer. Had it ended here, il would not have been so bad, but the very same thing was re-enacted asain the next day, only on a larger and more murderous scale. Gen. Shields fearing that Carroll might hesitate in regard to tbe burning of the i bridge, sent a dispatch to him to ''barn the bridge at ad hazards and retire at mid night." This order came too la e to execute the first part of it, as the rebels already held the bridj-e with about 12000 men aid all bis artillery. But he might have tell back, but instead of doing so, he remained in his position all night. After Carroll had been driven back heavy cannonading aod the rolling of mu-kelry were heard tn the rear of the rebels, and it was found that Fremont had, after hearing the firing on our side of the island, and fearing that the rebels might prove loo powerful for us, attacked them from that direction, and after three hour's hard fight ing he was forced to fall back. This was no doubt a great day lor Jackson, and very humiliating tn the Union lorces. A defeat of a part of Shields' Division would hate been glory enough for the secesh, but when we add io that Fremont's Division, we must come to the conclusion that there is some thing wrong in attacking an enemy on the Sabbath. Since an attack begau on that day is a sure precursor of defeat. In proof of this, see Bull's Run, Pituburg Lauding, Winchester, and now Port Republic. The attacking parties in ail these great battles were defeated. Night, cold and chilly settled down upon us as we lay upon the cold ground with a heavy dew falling. Yet the wearied sol dier slept soundly, and no doublhad pleas ant dreams of home. Again the scenes ol his happy childhood pas-es before him again he feels the caress of a fond mother again he sees the lighting of her eyes as she gazes upon him and thinks her happi ness will be complete when she beholds him grown up to manhood, moving in the first circles of society, loved and respected by all his fellow men again he joins around the family altar and listens lo his aged father supplicating a throne of grace, again he is enjoying his boyish 6 pons with his brothers and sisters again he is a boy. A change comes over the spirit of his dream. He now is sitting beside the loved partner of bis bosom, conversing upon their future prospect in life, they are building airy castles, while a bright eyed roguish boy of perhaps (our or five summers is loortivelv plavins upon She Moor again to' a "-" ni eves nrishtecs and nis wnote coun'.e- nance betokens the happiness he is enjoy ina again be hears his country call to her sons lo step forth to defend her flag ; he feels himelf in doty bound to respond to her call and with tearful eyes he bids adieu to his family and rushes to her rescue. All these scenes pass before his mind and he is only aroused by the shrill reville sum moning him to arms. With the early dawn of the morcing of the 9th the still wearied soldiers were routed up,and without break last ordered to fall into line, as the rebels had succeeded during the night in throw ing a heavy body ot men across the river and were advancing to the attack. Capt. Clark's gons were got in position and open ed upon their advancing column with terri ble effect. The infantry soon got into line and awaited the approach of an overwhelm ing force ol rebels. The artillery all the while keeping up a terrible roar. It our forces suffered on the previons day from the rebels guns, they were now being paid back with interest; shell grape and canis ter was )at strewing the ground with the dead and dying, but as fast as they fell their places were filled up with fresh troops who were constantly arriving. The infantry engage at clos quarters. It was now 6 o'clock, and from this time on until 11 A. M was the fighting confin ed without intermission, and with scarcely any change in the ground. The iebels charged a battery and took 4 gons, but had not time lo use them upon us belore we charged and retook them, and used them with terrible effect against ihe enemy. The rebels charged and retook the guns, but not until the gunuers had spiked them and rendered them useless. Overpowered by superior numbers, ogr brave boys, after five hours hard fighting, were lorced to give way disputing every inch of ground they lost, until they got to the wood-, when our tToops scattered in all directions, leaving the killed and woonded upon the Hold and ii tfee hands of the reoe's The retel caff aly toilnwtfd in hot pursuit cutting down all l . . wno oDtKixec tneir onwara prores. uur officer Tallied a part ot the nen about two mile Irom the field of battle, and made a stand in order to check the pursuit and cov er o-st retreat. The rebels brought op two pieces ol light artillery, and opened upon our ranks with their guns charged to the muzzle with grape, at only 400 yards. The effect was tremeudnou, the men were fall ins upon 'every side, no troop could stand thoe murderous discharges,, the men fell before them as grass be fore the scythe It was here that James B. Arble met his fate. He was fighting like a tigar, when a shell burst at his feet completely cutting off hia ten leg at in imn, severing tne main ar- ier ,coasing death in a few minutes; be was a brave fearless soldier, and tell a like true patriot al his post. Another or the same Co. (D .) 84th Regt, was completely cat in two. A solid shot stri king him in the small of the back as he was in a stooping position, and coming out at the breast, scattering his lungs over bis comrades who were in advance of him His fate was terrible, bnt :nstantar.eops. He was beloved by the whole company and wa lee I that hi place cannot be filled May be ret in peace. I would give his name but the officers seem to think thai the more proper way will be to notify his p.ireots, by private letter first. . He is from your County, and from a neighboring town. Segt. A. G. Thornton of our Co. was struck by a piece or pieces of shell, almost cutting off a finger ol the left hand, wounding him in the head, ear, leg and eye, but slightly. He is now on his way borne on furlough. C. C. Merrill, is misring, and as we cannot learn ol his whereabouts, we conclude ihat he is either a prisoner, or killed. All dona nohy j Gen. Carroll, after he saw that the was lost, appeared to court death, ha was here, there and everywhere, one horse t shot under him. one wounded, another threw him, dislocating his shoulder, still be j kept the field until the pursuit was over me reoeis navmg oeen cnecxed Dy the ar- -tLl " la . rival of Gen. Shield.', with the 2nd Brizade. j Thus ended one of the most disastrous de j (eats we haye suffered t-ince Ball's Bluff. ! Our loss .vill reach 3u0 killed, 500 wound ed, and from 1000 to 1500 missing- We fell slowly back to this place, by order of Gen. McDiwel. General Fremont advanc ed, and look possesion of the field the same day, driving the rebels before Lira and capturing a great number of prisoners. Lieut Em acted nobly; he was in com mand of Company D. The Regiment was under command of Major Barrett, Lieut. Col. McDowell having resigned and gona home Thus by disobeying order onr brave mer, were murdered, and all our lonp and rapid marches to ensnare Jackon for naught. Our address is Washington D. C, Shields'" Division. 1 think our destination is Rich mond, but we will not move un'il we get new clothes and shoes. But I must close for this time, hoping soon to write again, ar.d give some -of the men, who have been indirecily the caae of this war, a rap on the knuckles. Yours, as ever, Toodles. - - Imlat's Bank Note Reporter. Tha semi-monthly number has come alon with quite a lot of descriptions ol new counterteits sincethe lt of June. A month ly Deiector, these times, is riot of much val ue. . A semi-monthly is much better. The 52d Pens a. Regiment The 521 suffered heavy loss at the Uie battle before Richmond. Several men from this placn, in that Regiment, have been wounded, an 1 David Phillips of Capt. Silver's Company, is reported lo have died on Sunday last ' Pdtston Gazelle. , The Soldier's True Friend. For over forty years. Doctor Holloway has been supplyins all the Armies of Europe with his PILLS & OINT.1E.NT, they having proved themselves the only Medicines able to curethe worst cases ot Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores, Wonrids ard Bruises. Every knap sack shoild contain them. Only 25 cts. per Box or Pot. 232. . .r3 REVIEW OF THE 2IARKCT. CARKFl'LLT CORRECTED WEEKLY WHEAT, SI RYE. CORN, OATS. BUCKWHEAT, FLOUR pr. bbl. 6 CLOVERSEED.5 12 56 50 35 50 50 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD. POTATOES. 12 8 10 10 50 DR'D APPLES,! PO HAMS, " lo MARRIED. On the 7th of Junf, 1862, by Montgomery Cole J. P, Elijah Pkterman, to Miss Eliz abeth Hess, all ofSugarloaf Township, Columbia County. Pa. DIED. In Bloomsburg,on Friday morning, Juno 13, aged about 4 years, Charles M., son of Peter Billmeyer, Esq. At Raliimore, ou the ?lt day f May, in the 17th year of his ase Nelson B Goff, son of Constable Golf, late of Bioomsburg. Ilriclge Letting. fllHE County Commissioner will recive proposals at McKelvy & Co's Paper Mill, in CatUwissa township, Columbia fonnty, between the hours of 10 A M. and 3 P. ftl , on MIKN UAY THE 7ih DAT OF JULY NEXT, for boildin' an Arch Bridge over Catiawissa Cretk. near said Mill. Said bridge to be 180 feet long between abu'ment( width 28 feet from out to out, (double track)and height 12 feet Tfrom low water mark. The abutments to be 10 feet thick at the skew-back. Plan and specifi cs.! ions can be seen on the day and placi of letting. Also the old bridge to be sold at the same time and place. By order of the Commissioners. R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. Bloomsbura, June 18, 1862. G ii 1 1 a Ferclia Blacking f (triTIlOUT BRUSHING.) TJ'OR Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Leather Work. This new and excellent ankle excels eveay thing ever before in use, for beauti fying and softening tbe Leather. It make a polish like patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor slain ihe finest white silk, and makes leather perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boote and shoes, and once a month tor harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty wash it off with clean wajer and the polish will re-apoear. Warranted as represented. Direct ions tor uo. Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it tlowly over the leather, and the polish is complete.: PRICE 37 CEFTS PFR BOTTLE I For sale by L. T. Mi A fir LESS. Bioomsburg, May 14, 1862.