The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 04, 1862, Image 2

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SeaocraUe State Conventioa.
Ia accordance with a resolution of the
Democratic State Executive Committee, the
DffMrvcBACT of Pennsylvania will meet in
ot Friday, the 4tbday of July, 1862, at 10
o'clock, a. m., to nominate candidates for
Aieitob General and Sctrvetor General,
and to adopt each measures as may be
daemed necessary for ihe' welfare ol the
Democratic party and the country.
' Chairman Democratic Slate Ex. Cora."
The Disloyal llepabllCHii I'aily.
Il is amazing to pee '.he Republican party
so boldly pretend to be in favorof the Union
Oaly a few years ago, Seward and Chase,
the two principal members of Lincoln's
Cabinet, voted in Congress in favor of a pe
tition for di&tolving the Union 1 Drive on,
r.igger ites. the people understand you !
The La:e B Ulle at Front floral.
It seems (hat our Gekvral Banes was
compelled to retreat from Virginia, and
come back on the north side of the Foto
rcac. He has thus lost the ground it lock
him so moch time to pain. He i nov just
where he started from,; but we may hope
for belter lock next time.
We do not pretend to moch military
knowledge, but it seems to us that his de
feat was mainly owing to the fact of his
having so many baggage wagons. Accord
ing to the accounts, he had fire hundred
wagons and four thousand men. which
would be about one wagon for eight men.
This certainly was a most extraordinary
baggage (ra;n.
The American A grtcnlttulst.
This is a substantial and reliable American
Agricultural publication; its contents always
of a highly important character,Emng in
formation of much vaiue to the Farmer an J
Gardener. To do without this work, is in
our opinion, neglecting to receive a tnost
necessary instructor for the tiller of the soil.
It ia exclusively devoted to their interest
The Proprietor, OaAkGB Jld, also publishes
a German edition, in order that'our German
Farmers may be accommodated with this
useful information in their own hngiuie
it is printed in octavo form, and twelve Nob
make a very large, intertsting and usafui
volume. It is weil illustrated; no liitle p.iii.9
being spared to make it come fully up to
. the wants of those for whom it is designed,
in every particular.
Fpeclal Election in Uuck nl f.ebfgh.
The Democracy at the special election in
the Lehigh District elected their candidate,
Mr Stiles, to Congress on last Saturday a
.week, by a majority of nearly $ix hundred
AU kinds of opposition were brought to
bear upon the Democratic candidate, charg
ing him with being a "sympathiser with
the Rebels, willing to make peace with
them nport any terms." and denounced him j
as a "Breckinridger," but in spite of these t
fihe charges, he ws triumphantly elected I
over hi? opponent by about SIX HUNDRED'
MAJORITY, and that too in a District which
not seldom but frequently elects an Oppo
sition. This old song of traitor, diuniot,isl ,
and, seeetaioniit, is a bo at 'played out,' which
in this case, is pretty finely demonstrated.
Mr. Stiles fill? the vacancy caused by the
death of Dr. Cooper. Mr. Stiles is a man
of fine abilities, and in him, the District he 1
represents have a worthy and able defender
of the Union, the laws and the Constitution.
The result of this election is merely the
forshadowing of what will take place in !
October pest. The Republican party never
can 6Qivive sufficient ;to creep into power
after once turned out, as they will be, with
a greater majority than they went in. That
party can never be resuscitated. Each suc
ceeding day seems to draw the nation deep
er into the vortex of anarchy, and even the
pilot of the ship of State grows giddy from
the whirl that seemingly hurries us down
Ser esalon and Abolition Ttc Same
Tat. Abolition press throughout the coun
try are in a great dilemma to know how to
release themselves from the great wrongs
they have perpetrated upon the people and
laws of the country. They have brought
this government in such a condition a the
world never before saw. For years they
have been engaged io engendering strife
between the two sections of this country,
and their teaching have been in common
with those of the secessionists of the South.
-They labored for a dissolution of this Union
for a number of years, and now being in a
fair way to accomplish what they so much
desired, still they fight under a pretext of
saving the Union. This may be all eli
enough ; but we Lave very little faith in
the Abolitionists, when they claim to be
ihe only true friends of this Union. The
Democratic party and the conservative por
tion of the Republican party can only save
the Union ; the Abolitionists are co-laborers
with the secessionists of the South, all
working for the same end a dissolution. -They
should receive their just deserts, by
being buried together in the same grave,
then the country would t,nce more enjoy
peace. No; tiil the rebels of the South and
the traitors of the North the ' Abolitionists
-ara put down, and that effectually, will
this Unioo fc restored, if ever Thi matd
b? Jjne in order to accomplish any good.
. -. . .
The Kmfjlk D y Hook ha? been suppres
sed bj Gen. Vie'a- When Norfolk was first
t:ike?i, the pr rer vs3 permitted to goon op
en giving promise of good- behavior, Hv
in-broken thi j'ag, ' it. is amtjnj the
thirsv-cftbs p5fc"n. r"' ' ?'
rp J)
1 i'iiii
Wfco arc tlie Traitors !
The Republican papers are jnst now
bristling and blazing all over with such ep
ithets as "traitor," "treason "and "disunion
ist," which they hurl at the heads of every
body, North or South, who does not quietly
acquiesce in their bloody pUtform of the
war. .
Did not the ?outh warn the North that
unless il ceased to rnakfl war upon her in
stitutions, it would be impossible to remain
in political anion with it ? Did she not en
treat the Nonh, by the memory of our fath
ers, and by the common blood which all
sections freely devoted to the achievement
of our national existence, to desist, and did
she not declare that, whenever a Presided
was elected by the northern States alone,
on the distinctive ground of hostility to the
institutions and domestic peace of the
South, she would feel compelled, in self re
spect, and for self preservation to cancel
the bond of union which united her to her
enemies. To what indignities did the not
submit before taking the last step? How
many years is it since we ceased to treat
her as an equal in the partnership of the
Union? Did we not pass laws robbing her
of her constitutional rights relative to her
fugitive "slaves?" Did we not deprive
them of the right of way in transi'u over
one-half of onr common .country ? Did we
not elect a President on the avowed plat
form of locking them out of every inch of
the common public domain ? Did we not
eay by this act that we would treat them a
inferiors, who thall have no share in the
territorial wealth of onr common country ?
Nor did we stop here We kept up an agi
tation which readers their property and
their lives insecure. We fostered a public
opinion which sent John Brown assassins,
clergymen, and peddiers, with knapsacks
and carpet birgs. ful' of strichnine and pis
tola, as missionaries to teach the negroes
how to murder their masters. Our northern
Senators held tharn up as tyrants, tbeives,
villains and barbarians, in the Senae cham
ber of the United States. Those in the
North who have for jeers waged a war up
on the Constitution that was framed by our
fathers who succeeded at last in breaking
np the Union now seek to brand as trai
tors the mfan who have resisted their unholy
and revolutionary doctrines But we throw
back the ignominious words into their own
facus, and we tell them that uot only do we
believe them to be the real traitors, but, a
God is our witnesa, we believe they will
receive the fate that belongs to traitors, il
they madly force upon us, a war for the
purposes of Abolitionism If the bloody
doctrines of Abolition are finally to prevail
as the fixed policy of this government, no
white man, who has not a negroe's soul in
bins, can hope to live in peace ar.d safety
even in the dearth. .If the murderous tem
pers of the men whom Mr. Lincoln has
everywhere placed in power are to rule us,
then we may as well at once begin to fight
for our altars and our homes. The men
who have broken up the country once, will
do it again, and keep doing it, until neither
life nor property will have any protection,
uulees we crush the serpent's head where
it is.
The Ilarrithnrg Patriot in "peakinz of the
late election for Congress, in the Lehigh
District, says: "The repeated le?soj) which
the Republicans have recently received of
the futility of attempting to defeat Demo
cratic candida'es by calling them ' Breckin
ridge Secessionists' ought to learn them
discretion if patriotic consideration' arc not
sufficient to deter them from rendering aid
and comfort to the enemy by representing
a majority of the voters of Pennsylvania as
secret friends ol the Southern rebel. But
they seera to learn neither wisdom nor pa
triotism from experience. This "Breckin
ride Secessionist" charge has helped ev
ery Democratic c andidate against whom it
has been used. . It was first tried to defeat
Biddle in Philadelphia; then against every
Democratic candidate at the October elec
tion; then against the Mayor of Lancaster;
and lastly against John D Stiles. But the
people seem to understand that it is the
last card of sinking, reckless and corrupt
politicians, for they have acquired the
wholesome habit of rebuking thoe who
play it, whenever the opportunity offers."
Prtersok's Detector comes to as to-day
crowded with information for all those who
handle paper money a list of fifty one new
counterfeits comprises descriptions of worth
less notes oi the most dangerous character,
and is especially worthy the attention of
business men. A valuable plate, with fac
similes of ihe coats-of-arms of all the States
will be found a great aid in detecting alter
ed notes, and should be cuf out and pasted
up in some convenient spot for reference.
The editorial matter is of the first quality.
The quotalioo.9 are made on the 28th of this
month, being nearer the first of the month
than any other Detector now published. A
great fault with these publications is that,
in the hurry to gel out ahead of their com
petitors, their rates are seldom found to be
reliable, and a bank, worthless to-day, is
quoted as good in a pamphlet dated a week
hence. Peterson avoids this. . Remit One
Dollar to T. B. Peterson t Brothers, Phila
delphia, for a year's subscription, at once.
Quarterly Mirror of Fashioks. This is
the title of a publication by Mrae. Demor
est, New York. It is devoted to the fash
ions for the ladies, containing many large
fashion plates of the very latest styles. It
is veiy interesting as well as useful for the
ladies. The summer number has been out
a few days and makes a favorable impres
sion. Its price per year ia one dollar, enti
tling the patron to fifty cents worth of plain
patterns from any design in tho book or
from the show window of the establishment.
Published at 473 Broadwav.
Th Abolition press ar8 busily engaged
abusing theDeraocratic party. Many allow
themselves to- be led off in their vitupera
tive abuse clear beyond ihe bounds of de
cency. Tbey appear to be striving to put
down the Democratic party of the North
as wcH as !Lolve the Uaion,' and in which"
efTon. they will most magnanimously fail.'
For the Star of the North. ;
lie Fearful Issues. -
Mr. Editor: Feeling it my duty as onu
who would wish to give all the light possibl J
to my democratic brethren on the past np t
the present condition of our country. In
the first place, we, as an American people,
ouszht to consider, and act judiciously, and
settle those internal disputes by fair means ,
and not by powder and-ball; for violent
means and measures should never be used
but in desperate cases. I ask the question,
would it not be more fit for a certain clas
of political men lo work in a tight bouse fot r
years when they would uot go -away If
they could ralherthan to have the nation
put Into such a confusion, to hinder it tt
the expense of millions of money and prop
erty, and the loss of thousands of lives, ill
by Abolitionism ? Reader, there is a caui e
for all this. Let us look at some of the
causes, which brought about this present
trouble. I said in my last I would try, to
show that the negro was not what the Re
publicans and Abolitionists are after. Fir t,
then, four years ago, all over the Northern
States Abblitionists and Republicans seen
ded. They did not fill the ensign of stars
only sixteen were seen on their banners'
Hear what they say: "Better no constitution,
no Union with the South, than to live iti
Union with them." Garrison said the " U Ti
led States Constitution is a covenant
Death and an agreement with Hell." 3e
also said, ' it was not the mere emancipa
tion of slaves they wanted, bet to baffle il
literate men that they might gain their
Hear what Seward said at Albany: he
"hoped the time would come when the
Constitution would be changed and the
Union dissolved, even at this Presidential
election." Look at NatbarJel P. Bai ks,
what he paid as speaker of the House :' 41 1
am not for the perpetuation of this Unioc,
I am willing to let it slide." He also slid,
'this Union cannot and ought not to stand."
Hear Mr. Giddings, he said he "hailed it
as the down fall, and (he Democratic pirty
with it." Now listen to Benj. F Wade, he
said "there is really no Union now between
the North and the South, and ought not to
be." R. P. Spaulding said, "1 am for a dis
solution, I care not how quick it comes "
Horace Mann, hear him "better diunion,
better war, than to have such a raz as the
Constitution." Garrison, Sumner, Raiks,
Rockwell and Wilson said, "up with the flag
of Disunion " Please hear Garrison again,
when he said, "this Union is a lie, and our
first business is to seek its utter overthrow,
let the Union be aecur-ed." Now hear
Josiah Quincy who said "no Union, no con
stitution" James Watson Webb mad use
of this language, "we are bear to form a
solemn compact, by which the cause of
the democratic party and this Union must
be dissolved with sword in hand, so help
us GJ; yes, nothing more nor nothing less
than civil war " The Rev. H. Ward Btiech
er has said, "all we want is to cu: the
North from the South, for two great ns lions
or powers can't live together, let it bi set
tled now clear the place, let us have var,"
for said he, "Rifles before the Bible." He
also said, 'let there be divisions of the r ation
in'.o two parts, the Northern and Southern,
of which should be the downfall of the
Democratic party; their very name has
vanished from the face of the earth. :. He
farther states, that the Abolition party fore
saw that this must come to pass soon.
Rev. Beecher is, in principle, a Ditmon,
and a fire-ntonthed Inagon he raad t war
years ago in religious matters he is one of
George Foxe's strait coats without a :ollar
Thus, reader, you can see that it is rot the
Negro they are after; it is the destr action
of the Constitution and the Democrat c par
ty, in order that they may form a net gov
ernment. They use the Negro as a i ubsti
tute to work out their hellish designs. The
sympathy they seem to have for him is
false, for Wendell Phillips himself acl.nowl
edges he has been engaged for nineteen
years to overthrow the Union. Bu now,
what do we hear from them; why, Jnion,
Union, Union! just as though they were al
ways Union. They talk much of serritude,
but please, Reader, look at those whites
(emaes) employed in the Eastern Fictories
and you can 6ee that they work harder and
more hours in a day tljan do the tlavea of
the South. There are instances w here the
employees are locked up that none may go
out or any come in, and all work by the
ringing of the bell, to the minute, mder a
penalty, which is a more eovereig t act of
tyranny than the black Slaves of thj South
are brought to feel the denominated slaves
of the upper order. Such servitude Regene
rates health, and those who labor as above,
appear pale like the potato stalk that grew
op in the celler. Those children vho are
raised in a state of such subordination have
very little opportunity for school, or any
ch-nce for improvement and infoimation,
but in point of cultivation mast become
like the wild ass colt. Girls raised in a fac
tory, from the age of ten years to eighteen,
what are they good for but to becoue nuns
in a factory, shut op for they kne w noth
ing about housewifery, are only fit for
Dolls at enormous expense, when the old
ladies are gone who knows bow to doctor,
nurse and dictate to others, what will the
poor ladies do who are brought up and
learned to live upon, "do nothing, ' except
to dress and tight iace ? Sir, in thi time of
the Revolutionary struggle there were virtue
and resolution among the peopli, as the
heart of one man. 'So Washington could
well 6ay "united we stand, divided we fall."
Deem any man an enemy who will dare to
mention a separation of the nation, and
division of the country.
1 find in ihe nullification business of the
North that the people did not go w ith their
leaders in the principle to divide ti e Union,
but when discouraged and anprorided for
by their rulers, they, of their owr volition,
flew to arms a exemplified bj the Ver
monlera to affairs of Plattsburg, aid that of
Stonington. So in the present ointest, by
dividing the States, the people have nothing
to give but moch to lose, and eve ything at
stake. ;" ; r
Well, look at the Abolition tontention
and jealousy, the many names nn ler which
this trouble u called, ana now airyosr-7
it? why, sir, war, armies, expences, plun- J
uer, murder and rapine, with all the hor
rors connected with war; and of all wars
civil or domestic are the worst, as exem
plified in the present condition of our coun
try, by such unholy demagogues ; a war of
extermination, for bitterness and revenue,
connected with bigotry of a hypocritical
kind ; excited animosity of the most danger
ous character, that which expels calm rea
son, and humane feelings, bordering upon
insanity, diabolical rage and madness.
Dear reader, look back to the dreadful
scenes of the Whig and Tory days in the
Revolution, there you can hear the descend
ants tell of the days and sufferings of their
fathers and mothers, too horrid for the his
torian of those days to fully record! 1 the
lories failed in their first plan, tbey would
devise the second, and so on, for the de
struction of the country. Those of their
progeny, the Abolitionitta and Republi
cans, seem to foster the same plans; if they
in their first attempt fail, they try the sec
ond, and so on, until they have ruined our
beloved country.
Each State reserving lo itself the power to
govern its own policy, which shows that
Congress cannot legislate on Slavery in
the South, or upon the Yankee Uw, religion
in the North. The Abolition ists have again
changed their name, calling themselves Tar
Burners, (at least it 'u said they have in the
town of B ,) but how it is, I am unable
to say.for they came wiih their datk lantern
in the dead hour of the night, and burned
Livcoln in effigy; and no one knows for
what cause this was done, unless it was
that they have become so mortally opposed
to Abolitionism, and an Old Abe has signed
one "nigger bill" I supposed that lo be the
cause. Tbey praised Buchanan very high
ly by paying adoration to him in the way of
singing some of the tunes of his acts, which
he was justifiable in not throwing a slander
upon himself or the Democratic party.
They bad a very pretty little speaker, who
tried to tell who were Abolitionists, poor
Boy; he had forgot, (he ought to know,)
whoever stood by Liocoln was a Abolitiou
its. This little fellow is a very smart boy,
at least he thinks he is, by being puffed np
by some of the ' friends," so called. It is
time people are governed by good sense,
and not by a blind zeal. Let every Demo
crat take warning and look ahead
Patriot. b d.
Democratic Stale CocTenllon.
The lime is fast approaching for the as
sembling of the Democratic Sta'e Conven
tion which i lo meet at Harrisburg on the
fourth cf July next, to put in nomination
candidate lo be supported at the ensuing
fall election, by the Democrats, and others
who are opposed to the wild and ruinous
schemes of plunder and anarchy of the par
ty now in power. Never before, since the
organization of our government, has such
reckless extravagance been witnessed, nor
have the laws beeo so flagrantly violated.
"Military necessity'' bas been made a
standing excuse for these, while a vitiated
ana tyrannical piiit has been the motor.
There are but few men in the state, outside
the abolition multinomina! no party party,
who have not been subjected lo threats, in
sults contumely, and abuse, while many
have Buffered imprisonment and mob vio
lence, and there are few men who will not
regret, when they have to pay in the form
of taxes, the blundered millions, that they
ever assisted in raiding to power a party,
the antecedents of which are all bad, and
that has now brought poverty and ruin on
the the land. The Democratic Motto is
"The Constitution and the Union," "The
Constitution as il is, and the Union as it was."
Every iruo Democrat will exert all his pow
er to crush out the wicked and unholy re
bellion that is now raging, and in bringing
traitors North and South to that just punish
ment they deserve. But they despise and
condemn the opposition, who, by making
loud mouthed professions of loyalty, en
deavor to bide from an outraged public
their mischeviou and plundering practices
and their infidelity to the constitution. The
sober second thought of the people, speak
ing through, the ballot box, will band this
motely crew of plunderers from their high
seats, in the political synagogne and place
in their stead men of tried worth, patriotism
and honesty. For some ixty years has
the Uoited States been Democratic, and
governed on Democratic principles, and du
ring that period made advances in national
greatness and prosperity, of which the pre
vious history of nations afford no paralell,
but, as soon as those principles and land
marks are abanded to a set of men who ig
nore them, as is now the case, we find our
glorious old ship of state afloat among Ihe
breakers of anarchy and confusion, with
out rudder or com pas, already vigil, and
in imminent danger of sinking to the bot
tom. Prudent men in such a case fly io
ihe pomps, clear the breakers, and put the
good old ship about, into the well known
and safe coarse, marked out in that invalu
able chart,the constitution, when all is safe
ty and the way is clear. Let us then an
Democrats and lovers and supporters of oor
glorious union, fly to the rescue. Select
men of trial worth and ability, to be sup
ported in the political campaign next fall
and we shall not fad of success For Au
ditor General we have heard mentioned the
names of Richardson L. Wright, Col. Jacob
Zeigler, and others, all good men and true,
while for Surveyor General the name of our
esteemed friend, Col. Levi L Tate, of the
Columliia Democrat, in this district, stands
prominent before the people. Either or
any of the gentlemen named as candidates
for nomination would receive a hearty sup
port from the Democracy, as well as from
many who have heretofore acted with the
opposition. The croakers against the Dem
ocrats have expended nearly all their ven
om, and dpw, with hoarse and discordant
voices, are preparing to peek another peri
od of obscurity from which it would have
been well if they had never emerged.
North Branch Democrat.
Gen. Sterling Price, of the rebel army,
is said to have been killed a few days since.
He fell into an ambuscade of the Fifty-first
Illinois, who fired upon him, and he fell,
pierced by forty balls. He was brought into
jbe federal camp, and identified by parties
Catlett's Station, Va.
May 27lh, 1862. '
friena irill ;l oodles is again sate in
camp, where I arrived on the evening of the
24th. When I left Bloomsbnrg, on the 20th,
I t-xpected to join my regiment at Winches
ter, but disappointment is the common lot
of man, and a soldier's life is no exception
to this rule.
I arrived at Williamsport. Md , in the
evening of the same day that I took rny do
parture trom your place. The journey thus
lar was a pleasant one. The next day I
walked to Winchester, a distance of thirty
four miles. I passed over' the cround on
which the battle of Falling Waters was
fought, on the ?d of July laft. The trees
snd buildings in the immediate vicinity
still bear the marks of this splendid liitle
affair. I spent an hour in walking over the
ground, in company with a gentleman by
the name of Mr. Wilson, who resides, and
did at that time, within 20 yards of the spot
wh ere ihe battle commenced. He pointed
out the spot where the first victorn of that
day fell. He was a member of the Third
Wisconsin Regiment. He also pointed out
the graves of those who were buried on the
field, and among them was thai ol Amos
Zuppinger, son of your townsman, Henry
Zuppinger. A board bearing his name
marks his last resting place, beneath the
shade of a large apple tree, and in the
boughs of which the feathered warblers as'
semble and sing a dolelul reqnium to the
departed Poor Amos; I knew him well.
He wes warm hearted, but impetuous.
Faults he hai; who has not? But he tell
in a glorious caote. Peace to his ahes.
1 arrived in Winchester at six o'clock, P
M., but could learn nothing of the 84th,
more ihan they had advanced up the valley.
Next morning 1 called upon the Provost
Marshall and procured a pass to Stra-burg,
a distance cf 18 miles. When I got as far
as Cedar Creek, 2 mils from Strasburg, I
came upon a camp containing about 500 of
General Banks' pct$, viz: Negroes, who were
contrabands of war, and were many ol them
dressed in the military attire of the volun
teers, and upon inquiry f found, to my ntter
astonishment, that they were drawing ra
tions just the same as the soldiers, at the
expense of the Government. This very nat
urally set my mind to work upon the sub
ject arid l came to the conclusion that it j
was a burning shame, yea a disgrace that
will hang like an incubuj to the present
administration, that they were feeding and
clothing thousands of Negroes and keeping
them in idleness, while the Families of the
Union Soldiers were in many case suffer
ing. What think you of that, ye tax-pa) ers1
Is it any wonder that the expenses ol the
Government exceeds two million dollars
per day ? Is is any wonder ihat there is a
mighty change in the minds of the soldiers,
that there is dissatisfaction in the army ?
But the evils that will arise from this cause
of proceedings are manifold; and 1 shail in
future letters try and handle this subject
and its authors the Abolitionists as best
I can, without caring for the snarling of
those petty bastard like Uuion ehders
At Strasburg 1 learned that Miields' Divis
ion bad crossed the mountain, but where
they were stationed I knew not. but was
told to wait until next morning, and then I
could get transportation lo the Regiment.
There were nearly twenty thousand roldiers
here, and Gen. Banks wai strongly fortiy
inz himself upon a hill overlooking ihe
town. There is a great deal of sickness at
that place, from eight to ten die daily.
Ifc'ext morning at 8 o'clock 1 took the cars
on 'he Strar-burg and Manassas Railroad,
but did not know our destination as there
were over a hundred of us going to join the
different Regiments, all under the charge
of a commissioned officer. Many incidents
occurred during the journey that would be
interesting to your readers, had I ihe time
to relate tiiem We arrived at Manassas
which was so long the terror of the Lorth
at 3 o'clock P. M. The cars only stopped
fifteen minutes. I bad no time to make
many observations aod al! I can say is, that
the place was otronely fortified at ali points
for miles around. 1 saw here one ot the
' Quaker" guns which he rebels left behind
when they evacuated the (dace It was a
round piece of log, painted blc-k, mounted
on wheels, and at a little distance looked,
as one o the boys remarked, "tor a 1 the
world like a cannon "
We here took the Orange and Alexandria
Railroad for Alexandria, where we arrived
at 6 o'clock We had with ns a full car load
of "contrabands," that had been itulenfrom
their oicen, and the Government was assist
ing ihem in their flight So we drift. Here
I firfct learned where the 84th was stationed.
It was at Fredericksburg, 75 miles from that
city. In company with Capt. Crissman, of
Company C , 84th Regiment, P. V., 1 veil
ed the "Marshall Hol'sk," where the gal
lant young Ellsworth was killed, in May
of last year. It is a splendid houe, nd is
kept by a gentleman from Philadelphia.
Curiosity prompted me lo make many in
quiries in resard 'othis murder, which shall
form the subject for another communication.
Next morning we took passage on the fisie
Government steamboat, North America, tor
Aquia Creek, distance 60 miles, where we
arrived at 12 M
We passed Fort Washington in ihe trip.
This Fort is situated on the left bank of the
Potomac, and is a very strong stone Fort
Its sides taring the river are pierced for 24
guns, and has at present 16 heavy Parrot
guns mounted on the parapet. The garrison
Band appeared on the walls and played
"Hail Columbia" and several national aira
as we were passing.
The rebels had thrown up strong intrench
meuls at Aquia Creek, which place they
evacuated some months ago. We here took
the cars again and arrived in camp jusl at
dark. I found the boys all well, and the
whole camp in a bustle, as they hail orders
to march next morning. Gen. McDowell's
Division was here too. The "Iron Guards"
are all well, but I did not get to see any of
them. They all visited our camp the day I
came in; and left the same time we did. but
I do not know where they went to. We
came to this place, where we arrived this
morning. The weather is fine, and the
boys ail anxious to meet the foe. This
place is ler. miles from Manassas, and is a
splendid place. Our address is Washing
ton, D. C. Rut I must cloe, hoping to write
soon again, I remain yours, as usual,
We notice some of our Republican ex
chanses are using the name of one Mr.
Ross, of Luzerne, (who we believe was a
member of the last legislature.) for the of
fic of Surveyor General. The Democracy
are talking pretty strongly of nominating
Col. Lsvi L. Tate, for the same office on
the 4th of July next, at Harri-burg Mr.
Ross having heretofore acted with the Dem
ocratic party, if we mistake not, we are not
sare whether he will agree to be a candi
date on the People'?, Republican, Union
League, no-party party Ticket.'' We will
TO ARMS! To Arms! The Cii'.z-n Sol
dier will find a mora deadly foe in ihe
brackish mnddy water and damp night air
than in the most determined enemy. HOL
LOWAY'S PILLS so purify the blood and
strengthen the stomach and bowels that the
Soldier can endure these hardships and still
be slrong and healthy. Only 25 cents per
Box i 230.
We have news to the effect that a heavy
battle was fought on Saturday last, between
the Divisions of Gen. McClellan's army,,
under Gen. Sumner, Heitzleman and Keys,
in the Valley of Chickahorniny, near Rich
mond. It resulted in a defeat of the rebels.
They were drove at the poini of the bayo
net, the loss on both sides being heavy.
The rebels tried to renew the at'ack on
Sunday morning but were nicely repulsed.
Many prisoners were taken by our army.
The rebels had, on Saturday, at the com
mencement of the battle, the best of it. Two
of our divisions behaved badly. Their
wagons and guns were taken by the rebels,
at the 6tart. At least so says telegraphic
Corinth has been evacuated by the reb
els. Our troops now occupy the town. The
rebel army left it a week ago, and have
gone to some place in Mississippi. This is
the latest, in relation to Corinth and the two
On the 27th nit , by the Rev. William J.
Eyer, Mr. Stephen B Raner, of Wdtiam
sport, and Miss Elizabeth Kostenbapcr, of
Cattawissa, Pa.
carefcllv corrected weeklv
WHEAT, - 1 20
RYE. 60
CORN, 50
OATS, 33
FLOUR pr. bbl. fi 00
LARD, 1)
HAMS, ' i?
A!iiiiiii(r;itorV IVotice.
Estate of Nath'in Grtenwalt , 'hte of S o!t licp ,
Colximli i co.. deceated.
OT1CE is hereby given that letters cf
administration on the es'ale of Nathan
Green wait, late of Scott township, Colum
bia county, deceased, have been granted
by the Ri-ter of said county, lo John
S'erner, residing in Bloorn-tiurg Columbia
county. All persons having ciaim or de
niaridrf asjainsi the estate oi Uih decedent
are requeued to make them known to the
administrator, and those indebted to the
estate will make payment immediately to
Bloomsbur, June 4, 1S62.
DY virtue of a wril of venditioni txponas
' issued out ol the court ot Common
Pla of Columbia county, will be expo-ed
to put lie 6ale at the Court House in
BIoo v.wbnrg, oti Saturday the 28;h day of
June 162, at two o'clock in ttie aftarr.oon
f said day, the luliowing real estate to
wit :
All that certain tract of land, situate in
Maine township, Columbia county, bound
ed anil described as jollows to wit : on the
weit and north by land of Rudolph Shu
man, and on he eaM ai.d south by land ol
I-aac Yetter, containing about one huti
dre 1 and ninety-six acies, be the same
more, or lcs, whereuii are erected a good
two ttory frame dwelling boue, and bank
bam, with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of lai.ih S tin man.
Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff
Blonmsbnrjr, June 4, 162.
$150 BEST 1'IANOS. 150
GROVEM'KEN & HALE, having re
moved1 to their new warerooins,
1T0. 474 BH0 AT,
are now prnared to offer the public a ma
nificeut new scale lull
7 Octave Rosewood Piano,
containing, all improvements known in this
country or Europe, over-strung bas,
French grand action, harp pedal, full iron
frame, Jor
Warranted for 5 Years.
Rich moulding caes.
175 TO $200,
all wrur:n e l mail-t of the ber-t seasoned
material, arid to stand better than any scU
for J4C0 or 500 by the old methods of
manu tacture. We invite the best Judge
to examine and try these new inurnment",
and we stand ready at all times to te.-lthem
with any others manufactured i;i thts coun
478 Ilroadir.'iyi IVetv York.
Ji.we 4 h 1862. 3m
liEAT Trunk line from the Nor:h and
North-west for Philadelphia, New
York, Reading. Pottville,Leb;ition, Allen
town. Easton, fcc..( &c.
Trains leave Hnrri-burg for Philadelphia
New York, Reading, Potiaville, and ail in
termediate Sta.ions, at 8 A. M. a,-.d 1.40 p. si.
New York Express leave Harnbnr: al
1.25 a.m. airivmg ai New York at 8.25 the
same mnrniog.
Fares Iroro Harrisbnrsr : to New York
55 00, to Philadelphia 53,25 and 52,70.
Rasjgage checked through.
Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. 12
Noon, and 8 P. M. (Piltsburgh E.vpre-s.)
Leave Philadelphia at A. M. and 3.15 P
Sleeping ctr? in the New York Expre-s
Train, through lo and from P'ttsburgb
without change.
Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road
leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila
delphia and all intermediate Stations, a:id
at 3 00 P. M. lor Philadelphia. New York,
and ail Way Pomls.
Trains leave Pottsville at 9 A. M. and
2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York,
and at 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port
Clinton only, connecting for Pme Grove
and with the Cattiwissa Rail Road.
An accomodation Pa'soner train leaves
Reading at C A. M. and returns Irorn Phila
delphia at 5 P. M.
5" All the the above tiains run daily,
Sundays 'excepted.
A Sunday train leaves Pottsv'dle at 7.30
A. M. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M-
Commutation, Mileage, Swaeon, and Ex
cursion Tickets, at reduced rates lo and
from all points.
General Superintendant
June 4th if 62.
TIlHE undersigned woulJ announce, that
A he has on hand, at his Hat and Cap
emporium on Main street, Bloomsburg, an
assortment of different kind of leather, such
as fine calf skins, morocco, red ar.d black
end linings, all of which he will sell cheap
er than can be had elesewhere in this mar
ket. Call and examine them for yourselves.
Bloomsburg, May 21, 1862.
OF Goods, Wares, Merc-ban Jizi. f
Distillers, Brewer, E nino; H-use Keep
ers, within the county of Columbia, relum
ed and classified in accordance with the
neveral acts of A-ernbly,by ihe A;.)priiser
of Mercantile Taxes of said couil'y a fal
lows, to wit :
Bloomsburg Iron Company 8 30 Of)
McKelvy, Neal fe Co 8 30 00
H C & I W Harimun ll 15 00
S H Miller & Eer 13 io 00
A J Sloan 13 10 f,0
LT Sharpies 14 7 00
Jeiemiah J Brower 14 7 00
David Stroup 14 7 00
John K Girton 14 7 00
David Lowenburg 14 7 00
Elias Mendenhall - 14 7 00
Dr P John 14 7 00
John R Moyer 14 7 00
Ephrairn P Lutz 14 7 CO
Geo M H-genbuch 14 7 00
B Stohner 14 7 00
A M Rupert 14 7 00
Oliver A Jacoby 14 7 00
Simou C Shive 14 - 7 (Ml
Miss Amelia D Webb 14 7 00
Joseph W Hendershot 14 7 00
Jos Sharidesa Foundry Stove14 7 00
Philip S Moyer Stoves 14 7 00
F Fox Confectioner & Baker 14 7 00
Bowman & Owen ll 00
Abraham?.liller 11 1? 00
Jack-ou & Woo lin 12 12 50
Reuben If Nicely 14 7 00
Ju."k.on Si Wooden Foundry 11 7 00
A brati am Miller Drug Store 14 7 00
A P Evam J B Dodron, Ag't
Drug S ore ll 1 CO
L-i Kinz 14 7 00
C b beeeholtZ U 7 00
Parvin Masters 14 7 00
Samuel Heacock 14 7 00
Hiram F Eveieit 14 7 00
Mrs H A Cole 14 7 rja
Franklin Shu man 14 7 00
Emanuel Friedman 14 7 00
John Sbarp'e 13 10 00
Je e K Sharpie ' 13 10 00
J S BroUl 13 10 00
Geo Hughe & Son Stove 14 7 00
S D Rinar I Stove 14 7 GO
Jacob il Crea-y 11 7 00
Levi Keii'T 14 7 00
C W McKelvy kCo 14 I I 00
William John 'ove, Dritan-
nia wares, &c. 14 7 00
Gilbert II Fowler 13 10 00
E W M Low & Brother 11 7 00
Jacob Sponsler 14 ' 7 00
C H He.-- & Co 117 00
C F Hill 14 7 ot
D K Sioa 14 7 0J
Mr-i M Gorrell 13 10 0t
Jonathar. J HoTg'and 14 7 0(1
J B Si R Knit Je 11 7 CO
D-nied McHenry 11 7 00
George M Hr.v'-ll 11 7 00
E A A P Unanyvt 14 7 no
B Ammermau 14 7 00
Salomon Bu-s 14 7 00
Georg" Meters Son 13 10 GO
John Le 'jo tt 14 7 00
Jacob Sctsoj ler 14 7 00
Betijiiniu & Charle Eves 14 7 CO
M G & W li Shoemaker 13 10 CJ
Caries Neyr.;rd 14 7 00
Jc 0 H trri' ' 14 7 frt?
Cji js Rexe 14 7 CQ
Washington Yeacr 14 7 0(
Jacob Yea-jer 14 7 Ot)
Abraham Rice 14 7 00
Mark Williams 14 7 00
Willikm T Shnrrau 14 7 00
Reighar J & Nuss 14 7 00
Neal McCoy 13 10 CO
Miiie & Swiher 13 10 00
C i W 13 10 03
Creay & Brown 13 10 00
UeuCeu Aliller ll 7 00
W Liltenb?nder Sc Co 14 7 00
Lazarus & Fi-her 13 Io 00
A B S;ewrt II 7 00
William Fritz 14 7 00
A Coleman Merchant Tailor 14 7 00
Isaac N Klme 14 7 CO
Judah Cherrihgton II 7 CO
Peter Ent 13 10 CO
H W Cre .sy Sc Brother 12 12 50
William Peacock Drug Store 14 7 00
Samuel A Worm an 14 7 00
B F Reighart & Brothei 14 7 00
CS Fowler & Creveling 13 Io 00
David Whitniyer 14 7 00
I & T Creveling II 7 00
U M Fuller S L Bettle, Ag'i 13 10 00
Jt-e R Per.n;n4t'.n 14 7 CO
R-d.r McHenry Benion II 15 00
E Jer ot McHenry Fishing-
" creek II 15 00
Richard Plnmor Bloom II 15 00
Reuben Miller Rriarcreek
Mia Mary Bark ley Bloom
Misses Harmans do
Miss E J Wilson do
Mrs A P Fowler Scott
Mr? A J Bras ftprwick
25 00
William B Kaons Bloom
B Stohner ,c
J W Hendershot "
Charles Noll " .
Frederick Nicely Berwick
Michael Frantz "
Henry Lohtnan Centre
Samuel Koster.bader Catta wijsa
Woe. Orange '
Levi Keiler "
Connor & Brother Montour
V Bi'tenbender & Cn
John D Kromer Mifflin
All persons who may feel aggrieved', by
the above classification can have an op
portuniiy of appealing by cailing upon the
undersigned at his office, Star of the North
Office) in Bloomsburg,, any-time on cr be
fore the I9ih day of June, 1362, or at the
Core raissioners' oflice in Bloomsburg, on
the 19th of June, after which no appeal
-;tl heot.i U'M ii iirnuv
will be heard.
Mercantile Ajfraiser.
May 21. 1862.
A lama asanrtmoi.t nl I n.lisit fli'iia.a inm
b 'v. ........ . Auuicn vj aim i n iu
received at SI 00 and 81 25 at
.ents Balmoral Lace Boot, will besold
veryu w. Also, Boys Shoes, at '
" - :