The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 14, 1862, Image 1

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    . . i r .
f7!iF":T ST AS OF THE iwiil ML
- - - - ' ' . . ' T . - . '" . . ' " ' Two Dollars per Anuura.
" ' .fl.V - Truth and Right God and our Country.
W-'JI. JACOBY, Prepnetor.l - , - --
an extensive practice, forgot all about my
obstinate old farmer. About two years af
terwaid, however, a person, an utter stran-
i oor tn me. called on me with a few hairs
The Farmer is King.
"Cotton is king," said a Senator.
said another, "Gold is King."
we. the Farmer U King! A
Nay, say
monarch is
Wfice Oil 3IalDSt., 3rd Square bdOW Earfett, j 8creWed up in a piece of paper which ha j pre'pa-ed for hU lhrono by careful ecuca-
TKKMS: Two Dollars rwr annum n uaiu asked me to examine ana report on
within six months Irom tne time w uu
tying; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
within the year. .No subscription taken for
less period than six months ; no discon permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor. -
Ihelermt or iravenvsmg vnu
J .i - .as t l i
One uare, twelve lines three times, 31 00
Ever? subsequent insertion, ..... "i"uu" , ' ... , . . ...
ine square, Three months, ....... 3 00 j solve; and ,1 you will do ,,, I will ,
CDrigitxoi lloetrn
We saw her breathing faint and rfow,
At midiiishl still we wa'ched her.
The saddened voice spoke laml and low,
Ol the loved oue that was dying.
At early Spring she was called away.
To leave this world of sin
Amoiu the Ansel now sue'll stay,
The loved one that was dying.
Twas Sabbath morn at break of day,
When lovely Angels came
To take the prize ot death away
The loved oue that was dying.
Weep nt for me" she said ' I 11 go
And join my Iriends in Heaven,
My Mother dear. I leave below,
Bui rejoice that I am. dying
Mourn not of me Oh! weep no mora
For I ha1d happy be,
At God righi hand, ihat happy shore,
Will be the oue that's dyiu "
Fit with disease that laid tier low,
For weeks"ai.d month- he lay
Think you that she would lon to go
here there'll be no more dying!
Yet death to4ier brought on no fear,
She whs prepared to i;o,
Nor wifhed e Mil the ti ne more near
I o eae the thought ot dying.
Submissive at Hi. will she bowed,
To wait slow death's approach
JSor did she cease lo spen al. d,
Until 'twas aid she dying.
Her friends around .h- dea'-h bed tlooJ
'1 o catch ibe djiiip -rd
AI1V wrl I iiieidiie o un the gooJ,
Our Mary who w is tljiug.
Fkigcrefk. 3ly IwkVll
Is this another murder case?" I enquir.
ed ; "for, if so, I will have nothing to do
with it. I've had enough of that Bort of
"No, no," said he, "It's nothing of the
kind. It's only a matter of enriosity, which
ill call or
00 .Ami far tha result of vour examination in a
j few day's time." Having received this as
i surance I undertook the investigation.
"When he was gone and I had leisure, I
put the hairs under the microscope, and
soon discovered that they were taken from
the back of a Norway tat.
Two or three days afterwards, as I was
sitting in my consulting rcom, an old far
mer looking man wa ushered in. ' "Well,"
said he, "has thee looked at them hairs!"'
Yes," I answered, "and I find that they
are from the back of a Norway rat "
"Well." exclaimed he, "so they are. Thou
has forgotten me; but I have not forgotten
thee. Does thee recollect tne trial for mur-
jer al l assizes! I said I would prove
thee ; and so I haveTor them hairs came
from the back of a rat's skin my eon sent
me Lorn NoTWay." So the old gentleman
.was quite satisfied with the proof to which
he had put me, and I, as you may suppose,
was well pleased that ray skill and sagacity
had stood such a queer proof as this, and
more convinced me than ever of the value
of the microcope."
Here the doctor ended his story, which 1
have given as nearly as possible in his own
word, and onon which I believe that a
thorough dependence may be placed.
Useful Receipts.
Frozen Custard. Slice a Vanilla bean
and boil it slowly in half a pint of milk, 'till
!l ih Breii!ith is extracted and tbe milk
! highly flavored with the Vanilla, then strain
ii and set it a.ide. Mix a quart of cream
ajul a pint of milk, or, if you can procure
' cream, take three (3) pints of rich milk, and
put them into a skillet or sauce pan ; set it
j on hot coals and boil it. When it has come
a boil, mix a table spoonful of flour in
three (3) table spoonfuls of milk and stir it
j into ihe boiling.' Afterwards add two (2)
! eggs, wh ch have been beaten up wi;h (2)
j taMe poontuls ol milk, pouring them slow
i ly iitlo the mixture. Take care to Mir it all
the time u is boiling, five minutes alter,
tion. But who is nurtured v with, such an
education as a farmer ! He is nursed in the
strong embrace of prolific, many ha Jed
Nature. Our mother Nature keeps the wis
est school, Great Nature rude, yet gentle ;
stern, yet kindly ; terrible, yet loving ; fru
gal, yet beautiful. We almost believe that
no men can be God's great men, ojless
nurtured in the strong embrace of our real
mother on the bosom of the earth.
All men should some time in their lives,
live in the midst of nature and till tbe soil.
He whb has been born and reared and who
lives in a cily, debarred the privilege of
communing with Nature, is most unfort?-
i.ate. He can never be a whole man. He
lacks the stern poetic teachings of this ,jreat
school. Nothing can compensate lor it.
"An undevout astronomer is mad I . ex
claimed a wise man. An undevout ; far
mer is a monster! we exclaim. What lean
the husbandman receive his food t irect
from Heaven its rains, and dews, and
suushine; it smiles over him in the blue
and spangled vault, sun and moon and stars
lit; all around him in the wavy gras and
grain, the many tinted flowers ; in the voic
es of the wind and the bending trees ; un
derneath him, in profile, fresh turned toil
and still be a monster, out of tune wit! out
er and inner Nature! Who lives s far
from temptation ? Who lives so nigh his
Creator, enwrapped all about it witli his
arras fed from his dazzling muni icent
hand. He sleeps between the leavss of
God's picture book the Universe.
"He loved husbandry," is the encoiium
that inspiration pays to one of the best
Kingf of Israel, and who had one of the
longest and most prosperous reigns. "Uz-
zah the King," says the sacred writer, "dig
ged many well,4br he had much cattle j hus
bandmen also, and vine-dressers in
Democracy and the Enion.
As much as the Democratic party desire
to see an end put to this horrible and un
natural war, and peace again restored to
the country, it would not have our Govern
ment humble itself before an aimed rebel
lion, or accede to terms that would be dis
honorable, or in contravention to the Coii
stiiution upon which our institutions are
founded, merely for the sake of peace. W e
waul no peace short of a restoration of the
Union. Our flag mast again float over
every inch of our former territory, and be
honored and respected as in days past, be
fore the war can end. Let the war Je
pushed vigorously forward to attain that
end, and when that is accomplished, and
the friendship of the Union men of the
South regained and their confidence in the
Government reassured, the. war ought to
terminate and life and rroperty be spared.
Our Government should leave nothing un
done to reassure the Union men ol the
South that their rights under the Constitu
tion will not be trampled upon, Tor to them
it must look for aid in re-establishing the
Union and maintaining and administering
the laws when the war ends. We see how
well this is working iu Tennessee under
Hon. Andrew Johnson, and the tame good
results are manifesting themselves every
day, under the lead of Southren Union men
in other parts of the rebel States. Nobly
have the Union men of the South stood
side by side with the Democracy of the
North and batiled all through these trying
times for the Union, the whole Union and dAscin' thk Pokkr." Well, thar wasto
nothing but the Uniou. The Southern Union e a pcrly ai Squire Jones anJ as me an
aien have risked all suffered all lo show galy Thomas wur invited, (Sally is my!
to ihe world that they were honest in the Sweetheart, but dont tell nobody, caie !
principles they professed ol being as much ehe won't like it ) I concluded to ri' op my
opposed lo a sectional party South, as they Sunday go-to-meetins, and see Sal thru j
were to a sectional party North, it matters Well, the oile cum, and Mam and Aur.l j
not whether that party take the name of janQ they greased my hair, and tied mj
Secession or abolition, or is marshalled un- creevat, and rubbedwe powertul fine, and
der the leadership of Jefl. Davis in the south very eoon rne an Sail wur thar in all our
or Abraham Lincoln in the north, its aim is Oofy ati ef I say it myself, thar waru't a
Thete's a little mischief maker,
That is stealing half our bli?s,
Sketching pictures in a dreamland,
Which are never seen in this;
Dashing from our lips the pleasure
Of the present while we sigh
You mav know this mischief-maker,
For bis name is "By and by."
He is sitting by our hearth-stones,
With his sly bewitching glance.
Whispering of the coming morrow,
As the social hours advance ;
Loitering 'mid our calm reflections,
Hiding lorms of beauty nigh,
He's a smooth deceitful fellow,
This enchanter, "By and by."
You may know him by his mincing,
By his careless, sportive air,
By his sly obtrusive presence
That is straying everywhere ;
By the trophies which he gathers.
Where his cheated victims lie
For a bold determined fellow,
Is the conquerer, ,:By and by."
When the calls of duty haunt us,
And ihe present seems to be
All of time that ever mortals
Snatch from long eternity ;
Then a fairy hand seems painting
Pictures on a d'stant sky,
For a cunning little artist,
Is the fairy, "By and by."
"By and by." the wind is singing
By snd by," the heart replies,
But ihe phantom ju6t before us,
Kre we grasp it, ever flies,
Lift not to the idle charmer.
Scorn the very specious lie ;
Only in the lancy liveth
This deceiver, ' By and by."
mountains, and Carmeal, for he loved bus
Kun4r If ihia could have been said o
uanu i v -' -
disunion and its fruits civil war, but while
! the Democratic parly is true to itself its hell-
r ish purposes can never be consummated.
larksnrv Raid i ne u nion rausi auu
nicer pair ol ioiks hi iae mum. ..
had been to a daiisin' school fur sum time,
an told me she wur goin to danse the po
ker that nite. an I must do it too. Well,
The First Step Towards Amalgamation. Reconciled in Death.
Any one who walks the streets of Harris- j It is related that at the battle of Shiloh a
burg may eee at almost every corner, a ' Federal Volunteer and a rebel soldier were
promiscuous crowd of white and black boys j found dead, with hands clasped It was
playing together, wrangling together and i supposed that they fell side by side. mor
practically carrying out the abolition doc- tally wounded, and making friends, died in
trine of perfect equality between the races . peace. How touching it roust have been
It riot unfrequently happens that, in these J for tbe "details" oui looked for dead and
assemblages, fights occur, in which white wounded, to have come upon this picure.
What a contrast lo the spectacle atoond I
Here were trees almost torn to pieces by
the two days' storm ol shot and shell
There were groopn ot dead men, lyine in
every altitude of combat and agony. Pcols
of blood crimsoned the ground, growin'
deeoer from the wounds of the yet. onten-
ted soldiers who had been manled in thd
fight. Muskets, caanon, knappAttt-, blau
kets, torn tents, fragments of army wagons,
wheels, commissary stores, broken swords,
all dashed on the earth in the tumult of the
trife, cumbered the ravines, while
Thete lay the steed with his nostras ail
Though tbrongh it there rushed not the
breath of h:s pride."
With his huge bulk crushing the cores of
hi rider. 1 he une ngure ot me poei ni
been much admired,' when speaking in the
person of one dear friead to aaoiher he
said z
"A dew shall rest upon our tomb
Of snoh a quality,
That fuhtinj armies hither come
Shall reconciled be "
But what must have been the power of
the feelings 'hat induced that reconciliation
amid the bolts and thunders of batde ; amid
its infuriate passion, in the heart of its mas-
terless commotion ! What visions of the
spiritual world, opening bfure the dyi.ig
eyes of ihe solder ; what convictions that
for them the honors and the strifes of earth
were over, and that when next their souls
6hou!d awake to life it would be in a more
august assembly, where paia and sorrow,
the raptors of the strife" and it equally
inevitable agony, should be forgotten, as a
dream that is fled.
Some lime ago, in company with a med- j
jal man, whom I will cail Dr. R . we ;
.it .--.I mi. ihi tiHt ot the mi i
roScope, in the management of which he j ! -tir in gradually haJ a pound of powdered
was a., adept. "Now," -aid he "I w.;l tell ! h-al f"gar, and then the decoct.on of Vanil
you a stor of what happened to myself- i - surreu ua.u j
cue which I think well me i.u Jake it ofl the fire, and set it to cool. When,
ot this iiirumeat to ociei,, ; m i , , of hj9 foe8ibut they are the a vamp
yoa would ice cream, lor wincn mrequeui- - .,- th vprv
rower to seek to increase
. ...
monarch increase in DOwer. it is in
words the growth of tyranny. Not w the
T- T? . til., tv.annvf lm n.0r h, T TP fl
ness. neuwie, iu re.Tard for the constitutional rights of
groans; but it is witn abundance. ne
brings his enemies to tbe fagot anl the
slake ; but they are thistle, the daisy and
the briar. Hd overruns and subdues the
be preserved," and his woads will ever find yoa 6ee I didn't ki ow no more about the
a response in the heart ol every true Dem- poker lnan 1 did about pleedin law, but sez
ocrat. 1, I'm as smart ai sum other folkes, an ef
The Democratic party has heartily sup- Sal wants me to, I'll try ef I bust; so you
ported the administration, as the represeu- see arlera wh're the poker wurlo be dansed
. . r i ri ;n -.11 ltd ... t rt . r I ii rrl ' '
talive head ot ine ooverumem, " an sal. sez sne, reie, now f wu
You may flavor it with a tea spoonful of
though I wa out in a very unple.tsara pi
c a - t i
.t,x nu.-i,.t iii niv a'cuiiaintauce wilh it. " passes
. l hi- a vou know, tfiven a good deal ;
,f,um to comparative anatomy, es strong oil ol lemon, stirred in
pecially to the structure ol the hair as it ap- you lake it fmrn the fire, or with a quarter
pears under the micro-cope. To the unas of a pound of shelled almonds, blanched
,sted e)e, indeed, all hairs appear very pounded in a mortar with a little water, and
much alike, except that it is 1-utg or Phort, er. poh u in .
dark or fair, straight or curly, fine or coarse
his successor, the Jews had not partec and
scattered, as at this day, among the nations.
As long as it can be said of the sever eigns
of these States, 'they loved husbandry,' the
Republic is safe. Small farms grow true
patriots. The wealth of the Republic must
be a common weaiiu. it is tne nno ,ha hllmn and ... i. ...i i .!nn.l out on the
itself ' Vben Jusl e myui wun iuai, uo u u,vi r--
bold i re-esiauusn iue nupictuowj noor.
over the eutire country. Jt Knows no oiu-( gui lookin as sweet as bhugar canu w ,ui
er issue than the restoratioa of the Union j,er rej coeQ otl an a pattin her foot, like
and a race nag waitin fur the drum to tap; a for
it .:....:Ann .;nktD nf I . a r i i l . I I . !-. mv hpari lipfll
a regaru ior me t-oiiniui.ioui nguio u miJ i jen ramer sneoicu mj w-.. --r-
South as well as the North. That is the Up a ra;,y ihumpin agin my ribs, an 1 fell
sole object for which ihe Democratic party baJ generally. Thinks I, I'm in fur it now
is pouring out its best blood on our battle an bust my biter if 1 don't go thru, shu'e
fields. To fight to establish negro equality, '0t Vhe old nigger fiddler at last got thru
or to back op the Administration in its Ab- wjln pokin at his fiddle 6trings, giv a long
olitioa schemes, is no part ol the pro- pau otl his bo, and we was off. The first
. -r i K a. nomnrjKV in lliA nrKkPnl e .. I n.o in m k A A D&SS at me
i k.,. , ,l,Uv mA ar a. the Sting- ; 6"""" " ' " - - i.mS v.
just before J . ' . . . - i war, nor can it
ins insect, ana me iaugeu uu r"uuv"" '
boys get unmercifully whipped by the
blacks, who ute not slow to avail them
selves of their superior size and strength,
and who carry out the natural law which
gives right lo might.
Now, what can you expect from a white
boy who is in the habit ot free and equal in
tercourse wilh black boys, whose home and
street education every one of our citizens
Can the while boy who has been kicked
and cuffed by a negro entertain the self-re-specl
and senbe of shame calculated to re
strain him Iron low and immoral hab
its! The aphorism that evil communications
corrupt good manners was nevermore fully
um nlifid than ii the Dresent cae. We
: -
wonder that parents do not interposa to
correct an evil so demoralizing to the rising
generation, and which, unlortunately, is oue
of the bit'.erebt Iruits of ihe turbid Biream of
Abolition speeches, essays and tracts sown
broad cant over the laud by fana ics whoe
morbid sympathy lor the blacks prepares
the degradation of the whites?
How long wid the people suffer ic their
midst l!iee howling dervishes whose sole
ol.;?ct "turns to be to pull down Ihe whites
;o i;.e lo '.el ol the blacks ! Whose can't is,
'ihe diinf.y of white labor, and whose
practice if the degradation of thai labor, by
the introduction iu our midst of thousands
of runaw ay slaves, who will enter into com
petition wilh our white laborers, re
duce their wages, and degrade their occu
The white boy who is now seen cheek
by iowl with a negro may probably be Eeen
in after life mating with a colored wench,
.u- .:n: :n,..nn,.,,inr
and mus oecome uie wiiunj inimiuvu.-.
practical amalgamation.
The city of Harrisburg now presents a
few such shameful examples. The jave
nile admixture ol black and whites of
which we now complain may hereafter in
crease them to such a degree as to disgrace
ihe community and deterioate our race.
Parents, look to your children and re
member th;it "iust a the twia is teni the
Ha nlnwi ii n the very
MtlU IUC v t . w . w f - B7
foundation of the stronghold of hisdtstroy-
The earth is his slave ; but it is
l countable for
auy way
be held ac
taxation im-
.l-:- corruptions and pay the expenses of ihe qui sideways, fust one
h' prvaits to ! plunderings aud extravagance of this Ad- olher, and a laying back like, while her
Under the microscope, however, the case
is different ; the negro's oval ; the mou&e s
appaiamly jointed ; the bars jagged ; and
so on. Indeed, every animal has a hair of
peculiar character, and, what ia more, ; this
character varies acco'diug to the part of ihe
body from which it is taken an important
circumstance, as will appear from my sto
ry, wbiih is this :
I once received a letter by post, contain
ing a lew hairs, with a reqnest that I should
examine them, and addiog that they would
be called for in a few days. Accordingly I
ubmi'ted the bair to the microscope, when
I discovered they were from a human eye
trow and bruised I made a note to this
.effect, and folded it with tbe hairs in an en
velope, ready for the person who had sent
them. In a few days a stranger called and
inquired whether I bad made ihe investiga
tion. "Oh, ye," I said, "there they are,
and yon will find them and their descrip
tion in tQis envelope," banding it to him
zl the fame time. He expressed himself
as being much obliged, and offered me a
fee, which, however, I declined, telling him
thai I could not think of taking anything for
bo small a matter.
-li turned out. however, of more conse
quence than I bad imagined, for within a
week I was served wilh a subpoena, to at
tend as a witness on a It ial for murder. This
svas very disagreeable, as I have said ; but
Ihee was no help for it now. The case
was this- A roan had been kilted by a
tlow on the eyebrow, and the hairs seut to
tne for examination bad been taken from a
hammer in the possession of the suspected
mur&exer. I was pot into the witness box
and wy testimony, 'that the hairs were
from the human eyebrow and had been
... bruwed," was just the link in the chain of
evidence which sufficed to convict the pris
oner. The jury, however, was not easily
saiisei thai ray statement was worth any
thiug ; and it required the solemn assarance
of the judge that such a conclusion was in
the reach of science to coaviuca them that
I hey mijrht act opoa it.
"One juryman ia particular an old far
mer was hard to satisfy.. "Does thee mean
to say," said he, "that thee can lell any
Latr of an animal T 1
vor is extracted
Ice Ckeam Split into pieces a Vanilla
bean, and boil it in a very little milk till the
flavor is well extracted, then strain it. Mix
two (?) table spoonsfuls of arrow root pow- j
der, or the samequantity of fine powdered
scire b, with just sufficient cold milk to make
it a thin paste ; rubbing it till quite smooth.
. ' " Posed upon the people to cover up
t d a r r r r in w s nr 11 until s.iiu u u nuuiv i -
alio oiovci j wi "wv .w.
before him, and tbe trees
rr ;nv fnr him. He chains his servants to
ivi A J ,u -
do his will ; but they are the elemenis, the
huge and wi ling ox, and the majestic horse
impatient to do his bidding and champing
for the word that bids b'un go.
When the monarch Farmer raisei him
self on high andstretchs his sceptre abroad,
cities spring up under its shadow. The
sound of the pindle, the loom, the anvil,
like she wur goin to run rite thru me, i
dodged aud made a pass at her, she dodged
and cum at me wilh a sorter jigger, throin
fool and then the
Boil together a pint of cream and a pint of on. foundrv and mil are
rich milk, and while bolting stir in the prep--, of he indostrious rauhi-
aration ol arrow-root and ihe milk in wh,ch : ,odes cocning up iike the voice 01 many
the Vanilla has been boiled. When it ha. , wbiU).wio d 8hips fly over ihe un
boiled hard, take it off, slir rn a half pound : main men cagt a8iJe lhe;r h(t and
r i e Jlftaa ma w a t
ot powuerea ioai sugar, anu iei n iuiuo i
a boil again Then strain it, put it into a
freezer, placed in a tub that has a hole in
bottom to let out the water, and surround it,
on all sides, wilh ice broken fine, and mix
ed with coarse salt; turning the freezer con-
In Dr. Brown's late racy and valuable
work on 4,Healtb," he thus refers to the
"sin" of dancing :
Dancing is just the music for tha feet, lb
gladness of the young legs, and is well call
ed ihe poetry of motion. 1 remember a sto
ry of a good old Anti burgher minister- It
was in the days when dancing was held .o
be a great sin and to deal with by the Ses
sion. Jessie, a comely, and good and blithe
a great lavorue nu iuo
tree's inclined. Let it not be forgotten, that
,r.i.,;m n,nnlp and i yOUO Woman,
. - . i i 1 minister, had been guilty of daucing at
ihnt all intprm xture with inferior races de-i n""ieic, "a" ucc . .
n,n,lPin moilev rabble friends wedding.
l aiitn uui j'ivu.v...8 j
unlit for self government, as we see exem
pi i lied in distiacted Mexico.
Rules for home Education.
The following are worthy of being print
ed in letters of gold, and placed ia a con
spicuous position in your household :
1. From your children's earliest infancy,
inculcate the necessity of infant obedience.
She was summoned be
fore the Session to be dealt with the grim
old fellows sternly concentrating their eyes
upon her as she" stood trembling in her
sniped short gown and her pretty bare feet.
The doctor, who was one of the divinity,
and a deep thinker, greatly pitying ber,
"Jessie, my woman, were ye danciu' !"
"Yes," sobbed Jessie. "Ye maun e'en
promise never to dance again Jessie."
"I wull, sir ; I wull promise," with a cur-
The Democratic party will never endorse
the sentiments avowed by President Lin
coln, or approve all the acts ot his admin
istration, but so far as carrying on the war
hoops (darn the things) wur a whirltn rouu
like a big balloon, she then hitched on to
me and cavorted roun two or three times,
me going round like a lop all ihe lime;
fii'- ,iiv hiranoe how strong in the arms
V" j,
2. Unite firmness wilh gentleness. Let1
your children alwaj s uuderstaad that joutry.
mean exactly what you say. "Now, what were ye thinkin' o' Jessie
3 Never promise anyhing unless you , when je were dancin' ! tell us truly ! sai l,
are sure you can give them what you prom-' an old elder, who.had been a preacher in
i bis youth. "Nae ill, sir," sobbed out tha
ir .. . AilJ imlaanvthins. show 1 dear Iiltle woman. -men. jhms, my
in accordance w ith ihe reauirements of the naU U well, Sal, she next fotch
Constitution, he can rely lully upon its sup- short billy gote jumps, and then hopped up
. '. I wnman. are dance." Cried th delighted
. mm now io uo u, auu see mai n uuue. , -j -
I a 1,1 m.n,h vour children for wil- : doctor. An J so say I, to the extent that so
, w. ..... j I j
' fully disobeying jou, but never punish in
a .
fig leaves and are clothed in imperii j gar
ments, and women are arrayed in abrics
as fine as gossamer and many tinted as the
sunset cloud. Penury, pestilence apd fam
ine he keeps bound in his prison house.
Labor stands in the floor of his magiztnes,
tinually for twenty minutes, men let is rest. , fitaiwart hand he holds the scales
occasionally taking off the cover and 6Cra' of human iIe, and weighs out the a ipplies
p-ng down with a Jong spoon the cream i q and anJ ani8ts and arrai; DI
that sticks to ihe aides. When it is well j anJ church and 8tate . (00d aid rai-
frozen transfer it to a mould, surround raentf abQndaoce and luxury. He di als out
with fresh salt and ice, and then freeze it j p'rogre89 0f harnan kind. Ihe Farmer
over again
If yon wish to flavor it with lemon in
is Kmc the Monarch of men.
stead of Vanilla, take a large lump of sugar,
before yoo powder it, and rub it on the out
side of a large lemoa till all the yellow is
rubbed off upon the sugar ; then when the
sugar ia all powdered mix with it the juice.
For strawberry ice cream, the juice of a
quart of ripe atrawberriea squeezed through
a linen bag.
Pbu Cork Bread Riceipb. The prize
of $10 offered by Orange Judd, the publish
er of the American Agriculturalitt, for the
corn bread loaf, was awarded to Mr. James
O'Brien, of Carrick, Penna- The receipe
for making the bread is as follows : To
two qnarts of meal add one pint of bread
sponge; water eufficient'to wet the whole ;
add half a pint of flour and a table spoonful
of salt ; let it rise ; then knead well for the
i;ma onrt nlac the douzh in tbe
KWUU I - a
i oven, and allow it to bake an hour ana a
half. t ,mm,t
GiblsI -There are two kinds of girls.
One is the kind that appears the best abroad
the girls that are good for parlies, ndes,
visits, balls, &.c , and whose chief delight
is in such things. The other m the kind
eo-v... ""J that appears best at home tne gins i
answered that 1 , afQ 08ejai and cheerful ia the dinning room,
I onrror
port. The enormous debt now increasing and down like a turKey on a uoi ...i g Never let them perceive that they can !
at the rate of nearly three millions a day an rue all the lime a uoin iaj 1 Tex 0r make you loe your self-com
. j r i i hoi i nun nr- at last tue
must also he paid, ana no goou uemutiai use i nwu mand.
whatever may be his view iu regard lo the clinched me Bg.n. and shutiled tust oue siue i ? q pelubnce and
policy of commencing the war and the then the other, till I Ditcnea my uun. ' j leraper wail Ull they are calm, and then
. ..... i i. i i ,ir. Tin nil the fore nart ol i ' ... .
manner in wnicu u nas oeeu tuuuuu.a muri uut .ui.r,..n- - . ! oentlv reason with them on ttie iraprapneiy
r . - . f U . . hrtnnu IX IT lavtii c -
will demur at the payment oi nis pon.ou ner coai, anu iwo o. c. , of ,heir conduct.
of taxes to defray the necessary expenses aboul on the ilore.
of the war. To save the Union, the De- j You oiter heered Bill Harris an aara an
;. roa.te- m make anv sacrifice panl an the bovs holler; Bll kin out Hotter
' long as our young girls think "nae ill" they
j mav dance their feet's fill. And so on with
all the round of the sunshine aud flowers
J God has thrown on and along the path of
His children.
Of all the amusements ihat can possibly
be imagined for a hard working man, after
.. his jiantr in nr i ri nun laio. itiwiu -
8. Remember that a little present pun- -j - - - ;
ihmiil. w hen the occasion arises, is much
, - i
mnrrt pfrectual than the threatening ot a eupyvs
nothing like reading an interesting booK,
a t . . r 2 Jm
mg mm io nave a iasie ior n am.
bear any burden of taxation and do any anybody an he wur doiu his best. Here 8 j oreater payment should ihe fault be re- ' suppling him to have the book to read.
amount of hard fighting,, but it decidedly ' lhe devil to pay, ses I, but I can't he p n, ; ewpJ r j It call for no bodily exertion, of which be
moiesta against being oppressed and and with tha: I iried lo edge along side by; children anvthing ' has already had enough, or perhaps, too
slaughtered to save the platform of a sec- ! Sal, to beg pardon, but I tell you Sal was j lhjjy cfy ,of a
tional party. Everything for the Union but hot. "Never mind Mr. Sporum,' ses she t 10 0n no account allow them to do at
nothing for sectionalism North or bourn.
Vulley SpiriL
Fashionable Women.
w . f
would not take upon myself to assert posi- the siuk room, and ail the precincts oinomo.
tirely that I could do so, although I belie. ! They differ widely in character. , Una, is
u ?. . .,, . i often a torment at home : the other is a
ed Icoald. "Weil," said De, i u prova . moth. consuming every-
"The priicnsr, as J said, was cpavicted ,
ted I weal hcae, and, ia lb busy 'lib cf
Emancipation in Jamaca
In a work on ibe ordeal of Free Libor by
Sewell. we find the following description of
the result of emancipation a'. K:ngst n
There is not a house in decent rejair, not
a wharf in good order, no pavemmt, no
sidewalk, no drainages, and scanty water,
no light there is nothing like work lone.
Wreck and ruin, destitution and iegieci.
The inhabitants, taken en masse, ar.i steep
ed to eyelids in immorality. The jopula
tion shows unnatural decrease. Illegitimacy
exceeds legitimacy. Nothing is laplaced
that time destroys. If a brick turob ea from
a house to the street, it remains there. If
a spout is loosened by the wind, it hangs
by a thread till it fails, ii furniture is acci
dentally broken, the idea of having it mend
ed is not entertained. .
A godforsaken place, without life or en-,r-gy,
old, dilapidated, sickly, st away
irom the anchorage of sound motility, of
reason and common sense. Yet this wretch
ed hulk is the capital of an island the most
fertile in the word. It is blessed with a cli
mate the most glorious, it lies rotting in tbe
khadow of mountains that can be cultivated
Irom the summit to the bae win every
product of tropic and temperate regions. It
. t i. -i. . kin , f hnna..
is the mistress oi uiuu wuo.w,.. -
Fashion kills more women than toil or
sorrow. Obedience to fashion is a greater
transgression to the laws of woman's na
ture, a greater injury to her physical and
mental constitution, than the hardships ol
poverty and neglect. The Blave .woman at
her task will live and grow old, and see
two or three generations of her mistress
ea nniv. The washerwoman, with
KiM.hi a nr n i nonts iu cucci uci uv.
toils, will live to see her fashionable sisiers
all die around her, and the kitchen maid
is hearty and strong when the lady has to
be nursed like a sick baby. It is a sad
truth that lashioo pampered women are al
most worthless for all the great ends of hu
man life. They live for no great purpose
in life, they accomplish no worthy ends
They write no books, they set no rich ex
amples of virtue and womanly life. If they
rear children servants and nurses do it all,
save to conceive aud give them birth. And
when reared what are they! What do
they ever amount to bnt weaker scions of
th aid stock ! Who ever heard of fashion
able women exhibiting any power of mind
for which it became eminent! Read the
biographies of our men and women. Not
one of them bad a fashionable mother.
Thev nearlv all had sprang from plain,
- . .ii . i
strong-minded women who aaa auoui Mj
much. It releaves his home ot its dullness
"Nevermind Mr. Sporum," ses she do al ; and Fameness. It transport, him into a
(,he alw ays called me Pete afore that) "you '. anolher tirne ! livelier, and gayer, and more diversified and
never mind, I'll not trouble you ag.u soo' m)Jer lhe 8arne circunisUace, Lave forbid- interesting scene; and while he enjoy,
wkh mv company." 1 was floored, an all , himself there: he may forget the evils ol
because them internal hoops wouldn't stay j . Bure anJ , lhe preSent moment, fu'ly as much as if he
in lhe rite place. Well it iuk me a good . q be ,
munth to rpate u up wun ca, uu, . Arrn,..,.n .hem io make their little re-
citais ir. perfect truth.
3. Never allow tale bearing.
11. T.ach then: that self-denial, not self-ii:du!,-e;;ce,
t the appointed and sure meth
oJ of securing happiness.
it, an I swore ef I ever dansed the poker
i hr.r.a.1 ihfl fool killer would cum
aa I u
aloug an nock me in ihe head I say so
rT The other Evening a humorous
publican member ol the New York Leis-
! lature. wrote a note to anolher lleputhcr.u
member from an extreme -vestern county,
saying that s, lady in lhe gallery had been
attracted by the fine of aid
member and would like to m-jet him. If
the desire was mutual, lhe Hady" wished
ihe gentleman from C io ho d a
newspaper in each hand, so that she could
see the signal. The note Laving been dis
patched to the member, the wicked author
posted all those around him, and soon half
the chamber awaited developements. The
unfortunate legislator read the note, cast a
sentimental glance at the ladies' gallery,
seized two Tribunes and held them alol1
wilh all due energy. A load laugh from
those around him followed. He is yet look
ing for "that woman."
Who first introduced salt provision into
the navy ! Noah, for he had Haiu in the
3 about her ; the other is asunoeam d Uqq of baUle 6bip8 caa
irix35 life and gladce&s along her pain- F cll0r -.--
"I'll take lhe responsibility," as Jenkins
ride aifely at lmle to do witk fashions as with changing Baid when, he held out his arms lor we
the clouds.
Tu.uMxj a Gus. The operation ol firing
o. board ttie Weitern gunboats is inieres L:ke all men-of-war, the crew, 5-10
in all, are divided into watches of four hours
each with a freoh lot for every watch.
The guns on board are numbered, and
each gunnr belongs to a certain number
and fills a certain function. There is one
who brings the powder fom the magazine,
another the shoi, another io hand them to
the person whose duty it is to charge the
gun, another to sight, still another to ram
to sponge to depress or elevate, and an of
ficer to direct the firing. The gun being
loaded at a iven signal it is fired, and the
gun bounds on its carriage wilh smoke,
almost to suffocation, and the process is re
newed. Everything move like clock-work
the old rule being rigidly followed, 4,a place
lor everything, and everything in it place."
Matters are arranged with neatueES a::d or
der on board, and w hat is cheering to relate
there is no extraordiuary bustle, but in ihe
heat of action every one is quietly attentive
to his gun.
w ere ever so drvnk. with the great advan
tage of finding himself lhe flext day with
his money in his pocket, or at least, laid
out ir. real necessaries and comforts for him
self and his family and without a head
ache. Nay, it accompanies him to his
next day's work ; and if the book he has
been reading be anything above the very
idlest and lightest, gives him something to
think of, besides the mere mechanical
drudgery of his every-day occupation
something he can enjoy while absent, and
look forward with pleasure to. If I were to
pray for taste which should stand me in
stead under every variety of circumstance,
and be a source of happiness and cheerful,
ness to roe through life, and shield against
its ills, however things might go amis, and
the world frown upon me, it wou'd bp, a
taste for reading Sir. J. Het sihd.
Forney,, who is aboul as black.a Repub
lican as we know of, writes from Washing
ton to hit paper in Philadelphia: "If by
some inexorable command, which could
not safely be resisted, certain of our publio
teachers were dircted to turn their faces in
stead of their backs upon their records, and
forced to re-read and re-digest these rec
ords, we Bhould have some most pi: eons
and piiUble protestation " We do not
know whom thi coat would bo well fit as
Forney hiaielf. Chkago Time.