STIIi OE THE NORTH! --zsz- zs: --z W'cdllCSd-ay ilcrnin.Jloy 7th, . I$fi2. - A load of d r v wood will bo taken at this office onbscriptior. Lisrs on the death of Mis? Mary R. Holmes, oi F.shingcreek, will appear in oar text. - Lirur Ewt, of the Hurley Guards, left this place on Monday last for Winchester.where Lis compaoy is pt-siii'nied -at rreseflit- An apprentice to the printing business 'will be bvkeuat this office if application be made footi." One who will not gredua e" in ten or twelve days, as did out last ap Jrentice, is preferred. ',. Ice Cream B. Stohner, of the Blooros liurg Bakery and Confectionery, makes an excellent article of Ice Cream, which he has for ale nearly every evening, at his Tesidence, second door west of the Ameri can houe, same side Those fond of that kind of luxury will find in Stohner Ice Cream a superior article. Give it a trial. I.mliy & B.tknrll's Bai)l Note Reporter lor May is received. It gives a large list of new spuriou bank notes which have made - their Appearance since the issue nf Aril 1st. This Detector stands among the very best for correct, safe and reliable information re (peeling bank notes. Semi monthly two dollars and the monthly one dollar. Rain. If there be any significance in the old couplet, "April showers brings sweet May flowers '' the floral crop this year, will be unusually large. Rain, rain, rain, ac compnii?d by a miserable east wind, in the order of the 5y ; 'a few hours of sunshine, succeeded by a dismal storm. But it can't last forever, and we await patiently, but anxiously, the adtenl of the ' sweet breath . ed goddess." Condkmnfd Crimjnls There are now sixteen prisoners under sentence of death in Pennsylvania, owing to the fact that no 'Governor wilt fix the day for the execution ot aoy one condemned during the incum bency o his predecessor. Some have been under sentence II year. Thk National Tax Bill, as it stands, will require the appointment of abo: twenty six thousand collectors. Wha' an army of of fice Holders! And what a large proportion ol the tax it will take 10 feed them. Why not save a jjreaterart of this expense by pivins t'le collection of this tax to the sev eral states ? " - The rebels have evacuated Yorklown, and no doubt we'd for them. Oar forces are in pursuit of hem towards R.chmjnd, where il i ippo!el they wi I make a stand. We hope and "are of the opinion, that secesion is pre uy ne'ly p'ayed out From the looks of things, th.s war out soon to cua.-e We hae various reasons tor ! ihinkina ro, tune and tra e -vi'l not; , permit us lo-re to et forth. i j CourtAs we at, i .te iiiere is i-oth- i - . 1 . ! ing ot any great impoittiice t tne . Cojrt, with the exce; ion ol ti e tnul ot IwitiiAUo Tt'bBT for ii.uruer. .Ibis case as c.ilicd op n Fnday a'ternoor. a-:d occnpieii a wl.ue halt day empanfeiiiii a jurj . The cae will te iuterefftiug, and wiil orcupy ll.e tin e ot the Court lor -everal 'lays, trom w hat information and kuowlede we can .gather in the matter. On Monday there were no caes tried The -Grand Jtiry were empanis!ed, Phtkk Ejjt being appointed foreman, and qniie a nomber of bills laid be.ore them, of which several were sent up to Court for tri-il. This '-Morsing, Wednesday, the Grand Jurors are discharged.. -On Te.-da forenoon a man by the namet Chablks M.asb was triedfor he!t and found guilty. The sentence ot 4tie Court has not yet been pronounced. In our i.exl RS will endeavor to ive a IlII account of the proceedings. - The people in arendance jit n olhin'g Jike we anticipated The Reukl Coih;ke!s. Among the news items Irom Richmond is cue staling that the rebel Congress adopted aresolution on Mon day laat, to meet again on the third Monday in August. They no doobt desire to avoid the trouble and chagrin of a very sudden and undignified adjournments the request of our array, and hence lake time by the lorelork. Where the rebel Congress may be on ihe thire Monday of "August next, it is uot easy to fay; but the probabilities ot its meeting in Richmond in that warm cnonth, are not very great, and we trust no whew el.e. Gki. Shields Promoted Gen. Shields has been nominated as Maj r General. He is worthy of the honor, and we hope bis confirmation will be prompt and unani mous. Wit see many thinjj of interest in oir stroll V'around town" which give us great delight, and which often cause us to look open our village as being the most beauti ful and blissful little place to be found on old Terra's varied surface. We have the grandest buildings, the finest streets, and the most social and moral inhabitants of any rural distric: in the State, and our business lirru;. are all of the first class order, courte ous and enterprising and their establish ment are unrivalled for magnificence and exiefit by' any outside of the me-ropolisis. As we were this morning passing the splendid Grocery establishment of oar es teem sd and aflable friends. Evans & Cooper, we coatd Dot hslp but remark their large aad ie!ect stock of choice Groceries &c The purchaser can there fir;d all that he rnay desire to satisfy the ordinary demands of bin appetiies or gratify the most delicate of epicurean longings. Their establish ment is unquestionably the pride of the plac: in its line, and should be universally patronized by the citizens. The gentleman ly proprietors are known by all as being . "tbe'iaosl clever and enterprising Grocers in to'.rn," It is therefore ossle. for m to f.tni'.U:2 anon their merits Lems'jurg Ar r t. , 'j REGISTER'S NOTICES. njOTICE i3 hereby giving to slllegatees, j in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administra- lion and guardian accounts have been filed in r.e ouice oi me ivegisier oi Columbia : county, and will be prejented fol confirma i lion and allowance lo the Orphan's Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county aforesaid,on Wednesday the Tih da) of May next, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon ol said day. ... 1. Account of Samuel Creasy, Gnard-an of Hannah Boone, daughter of Aaron Fry. 2. Account of Aaron I.amberson, Guar dian ot William Jones, son of Jesse Jones 3. First fend final acconnt of Hon. War ren J. Woodward, Executor, of Miss Ellen Scott, deceased. . 4. Final aocXnnt of Daniel Gearhart, ad minietrator of John Gearhart, of Franklin township, deceased. . 5. Final account of Martin V. B. Kline, admini-trator of Hon. Peter Kline, late of Locust township, deceased. 6. The account of Jonathan C. Penning ton, idministrator of Samuel Rozell, late of Benfon twp , deceased. 7. First account of Samuel Creasy, exec utor of the last Will of John Brown, late ol Mifflin township, dee'd. H. Account ot William Bnckalew, one of the executors of John M. Bnckalew, late of Fishingcreek twp., deceased. . 9 Account of Franklin Rarig and John Wittier, admr's of Elizabeth Hebvig, late of Locust town-hip, deceased. 10 Account ol" Jj.sse Meosch, guardian of Clariss Sidler, minor child of John Sidler, late of Franklin, township, oeceased. II. Account of Elwood Hughes, executor of Stephen Adarns, late of Briarcreek twp , deceased. 12 Account of Thomas Reece, adm'r of Philip Reece, late of Greenwood township, deceased. , 13. Final account of Lewis Yetter, adm'r de tonis non of Err Harder, lite of Catiawis sa township, deceased. 14. Account ol Lewis Yetter and Samuel Drum, executors of John Gearhart, late ol Mifflin township, deceased 15. Account of Wesley Perry and Mark Williams, admr's ol Mordecai Perry, late of Locum township, deceased. 16. Account of Julia Rupert, Executrix of Catharine Rupert, late of Bloom twp. dee'd 17. Final account of Philip Freas, John Freas and Andrew Fteas, execmors of Jno. Freas, late of Centre towuship, dee'd. 18 Account of C. H. Dietter'ick & Phebe Johnson, executors of the last Will of Geo. W. Park, bte of Scon twp. decV. IP. First 'and final account of Levi Creasy and Samuel Creasy, executors of the las; Will of Adam Creasy, late of Mifibn twp., deceased. 20. Account of Samnel Creasy, guardian of Abraham Angl, minor child of Jacob Angle, late of Mdllin township, dee'd. 21. Ai cou' t of J R. Pe.inington, executor i f the last Will of Elias Lulz, late of Benton township, deceased. 22 Account ol Isaac K Krickbanm, ex ecutor of ihe last Wid of John Kline, black- mith, la'e of Benton township, deceased. 23 Accent)! ot Daniel Msieller, executor f Jonathan Ma-telier, lateof Madison twp. defeased. 24 Account of Benjamin M. Wilson, adm'r ()( William L Faue , Lie of Hemlock wp j Jeceaed 25 Account of Georae W. Dreisbach, ad miniMrator-of the e-ia.e of Elizabeth D.ei, Ute ot Bloom township, 'defeased. 26 Account of Catharine A. Welliver, ad ministratrix of William Weiliver, late ol Madion township. i)t eased Aicnuniof traiiklin V ocnm, adm'r ot Jacob oconi, Sate ol Roarinucreek town- , ; " 1 i'j deceae. , DANIEL LEE R KfiJSTE B Offics, . j Register. ,on.vsna, nl 9. 162 ( Ptililir rtnr fur l.irurp-s. nc I3 ret)y ive lh;i, ,he ioitow. i in;, ppr.ons , Columbia county, have tiled their petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions o! the said county for Tavern and S;ore License in their respective townships, which saiil petition will be presented to the said Court on Monday the 5th day ot May. A. L. 1S62, of which a'l persons inter ested will lake notice, and the Licenses for he county ol Columbia,' will te granted on Wednesday, the 7th day of May next, at 2 'clock p. m. Applicants. Lewis Euke Frederick Nicely Ellis Walt -n Daniel Obitz, Win.' B. koons John Lea cock Robert Hagenbnch 'Township. Bor Berwick do do do do do do Bloom, do do do Benton, do Beaver, do Cattawissa, do do Conyrigham do do do do Centre, Fishingcreek do Greenwood, Hemlock, Locust, do do do Madison do Main;;, do Montour, Mt Pleasant, MifSin, Change, do do Roaringcreek Sagarloaf, Scott, do do do do dq Bloom, do Cattawis8a. Locust. Tavern, do do do rio do do do dc do do do do Oliver A. Jacoby, I Samuel McHenry li. I s:- Charles F. Mann ii ii . a ridUftixi k-'ijuiliaii Daniel Rainbold r? t.l:.. cw., ,r, Samuel KotenbaJer do Jacob B Ki-tler do Reuben R Wassar do Henry G-ible, do Fretir'k R. Wohlforth do John L. Kline, do John R. Jones, . do John Grnver, do Benjamin McHenry do Daniel McHenry do W A. Kline do John Harsman, do John L. Hurst, do Jackson (ieorge . do Isaac Rhodes, do Joshua Womer do Samuel. Rimby do Keifer A. Smith, do Isaac Yetter dd John Nn-s do Eroanoel Cooner, do Thomas Jones do John Ke.'Ier do Jacob Good do Samuel Everett do Alexander Hi g es do George Thiele do EzekielCole, do Peter Schug do Daniel L Everhart do Enoch Howell do Reece Fairman do William Long do Williard C Green do L. D. Mendenhall, S;ore-, Jacob R. Groul, do' Jeremiah S. Brobst. do Washiuaton Yeaaer, do JACOB EYERLY, Pro'honotaryVOffice, ) Clerk. Bloomsburg, April 9, 1862 Appeals from Ihe Assessments, Notice is hereby given that the Com misionrs ol Columbia county will hold their Appeals on the following days apd places, to wit : On Jklonday 12ih. Locust and Roanngcreek at the House of John L. Ht rst, in Slabtown. On Tuesday 13:b, Conyngham, at the House of Reuben Wasser. . On .Thursday 15th, Bioom at the Court House, in BSoomsburg Br order of the Commissioners, ' R. C. FRUIT. Herk. Bloomsburg Match - 26, 1S62, HIRAMcTnOWEB, .SURGEON DFXTIST. . OSce near WiUon' Caniase Shop,Maio St Look to your Interests! i FRESH ARRIVAL OF " SPRING AND SC3I3IER GOODS, J AT . MILLER & EYE R'S. - '4 rHE subscribers have just returned from the City with another large and select assortment of Spring and Summer !ood$j purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which Ihey are determined to sell on as moderate terms, as can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloomcburg. Then stock comprises I-iadies' Dress Goods, ; of the choicest styles and latet fashions. D R Y GOOD S, Ct? GD A fflg Hardware. Queensware, Cedarware, Hoi ; lowware, Iron, Nails, Boois & Shoes, Han and Caps, &c , &c. In short, everything' usually kepi in country stores; to which t'lej invites ihe public cenerally. The highes price paid for country prodice. MILLER & EYER. Bloomsburg, April 30, 1862. Dissolution of PartiiiTship , 'OriCE is hereby "ivfii thai the ro-art 'nership heretofore existing between ihi rirm ot D. C. & G. A. Herring in the rpair irm and brfai building buine-s. at Centre. ville, Columbia county, was dissolved b mutual consent on ths 1st day of April 1862. The book remain in the hands of the jsni' ior member ol the firm, (G. A. Herring) for etilernem; who, aIo" designs contir.uinij the business m all iis branches ay hereto ! fore. He returns thanks for past pairoiiagu avid solicits a continuance of the ame. ' D C. HER RING, GEO. A. HEUIil.VG. Centreville,' April 30. 5862. Administrator's Notice. JVTOTICK is hereby given thai letters cf admiiiistranon on the esMie of John'.'. Hetler, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceahed, have been granted by the Register ol said county, to Michael 11. Heller, who resides in Mifflin towuship.--All persons having claims or demam s against the estase of the decedent are re quested to present thim for settlement, and those indebted lo make payment withot t delay lo MICHAEL B HETLER. M'fHin twp , March 26, -1862. 6w. llLltKtL!! FOIt THE UAlll.t, And L. 1". Nbarples' l'l heap t'ash Mare." NEW GOODS 1 GREAT BARGAINS I THE nudersigned is just reeeivln2a r.ew supply of goods, fresh fiorn the cities af New York and Thil'a, and is prepaied ;o sell them at Reduced Prices. Calicoes from 7c to 12 j, the best at 12 c some of which cost 5c. Dress (iood i ; Challis, Lavellas, Girsharns, Muslins, Kei tucky Jeans, boyjs Caseimeres, &e., &i:., in proportion. Ladies' Shoes and Gaitors, in great va-i-riety of sljle end quality. A sood- Iieel ul Gaiier for 62c, and an excellent Congress for Si. 00. A kid heeled Lace Bool for :Sl and upward ALSO, the Hiah Cut Palmo ral Lare Boot tor ladien. Ladies' and Chil drens' Skirts, Linen Handkerchieis, &c, at a very bw figure. Best Stone W are Sets 4. CO, &c H'mir y, Drie'd Peaches, Mackerel, Chee-, Leno is, eic. Good Srup Molasses from 50 lo (Uc a tjal'on Sugars, lower than recently sod, from 8c to I3r, the. latter price for bist "vh't". Coai Oil ps low as anywhere. tFAn examination of the noods is s li rited. Con.e ajid see for yourselves, I lat the Cash System is preferable io anv o'lier. Grain a:ni country produce taken in :x change for Goods by L. T. SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, Mareh 26, 1862. Notice to the Heirs of Teter Hoffman, dei 'd fgL", COLUMBIA CO UNTY S& : s;2 ' j 'HE Common wealth ot Pem-I-.tS svivania lo Louisa Lvnn, isgSj? Henry Hoiiman, Geo. W. HnlT .inati, Harriet Fiher, Anna M ria Fowler. R izetta Amanda Cleaver, fr.yl vester Horfmac, William Hoffman. Sarah Elizabeth Richards, Charlotte Hnffrran, Hanrtah Hoffman, Joseph Steele, hiii. Sm uel S eele, children and devisees ot Pjter HoiTmati.i'eceaed, late of Locust township, Columbia county. You and each of yon are hert by cited and commanded to b and appear in your )er-i-ons before the Judges of the Orphan's Court ot said county, to be holi'ei at Bloomsbiua, in and for said county, or the first Monday of My next, then a-nt there to accept or refos the estate of said dcM al the valuation or "how cause why the i-ame should not be sold. Witness the honorable Aaron K: Peckham, Esq , P esi dent of our said Court at Bloomsburg the fourteenth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred sixty two. Jacob Everly, Clerk O. C. JOSIAH H. FliRMAN, Sie-tJ Sheriff's Office. ) Bloomsburg, Feb. 26.' 1862. J BOOKS & STATIONERY. William G. Ferry, Bookseller, Blank Book Maning, arei.and Dealer in Imported and Amer ican Staiion ery, and Photograph Albums, S. W. cor. Fourth and Race, Philada. - Blank Accou it Books, FdOLS-CAP PAPER, LETTER, NOTE, Bill, Sermon and Drawing Paper, Cuitain ajid Wrapping papers, Envelopes, Pe icils, Slates, Backgammon Boards. Chess, Gold Pen, Family Bible,s, Hymns, Prayer Books American, English & French Inks, P)ckei Bocks, Writing Desks, &c. &c., all of which are being sold al very low prices fot can. Wm.G. Perry, S. W. cor 4ih & Race, '.bila. Blank Books of the Best Quality, can be bought at low prices, in every vari- P; cly ui ny ic ui uiuuuig at n hi. Account Book Manufacturer S. W co 4 tli and Race Streets, Philada. Family Bibles. A lane assortment selling at ver;r low prices for cash. Wm. G. Perry S. W. eor Fourth & Race Streets. Buy Win. . Perry's Steel Pecs, the best and cheapest in the market. Wm. G. Perry, Stations , S. W. corner Fourth & Race sts. 6ood Books Selling at a bargain. Purchasers, buying Books, and Stationery for cash, can " pur chase much below w liolesale pricei at S W. cor. Fourth & Race. , - Wm. G. Perrr, Bookseller and Book Binding -i Of every description executed in the best style. Persons having books in quantity that need binding, can have them ; bound at the present lime at very low rates. None but experienced workmen are employed in my establishment. Wm G. PEBRYj Book Binder ami Station, rf 'S. W. cor. Fourth & Race Stf, Piilada. December 18, 1861.-4m. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED fiANDS. A GREEABLY to the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled an Act directmg the mode of selling Unsealed Lands for (ax es, ard for other purposes, passed the 13ih day of March, 1815, and the further sup plements thereto, passed the 13ih dav of March, 1817, 25th day of 'March, 1821, and 9th day of March, 1847, the Treasurer of the county of Columbia, hereby gives no'ice lo all persons concerned therein, that utiles?, the Co, Road, School, Poor and Stale Taxes due on the following tracts of Unsealed Lands, situate in Columbia county, are paid before 'he day ol sale, the whole or such parts of each tract as will pay the taxes and costs rharneable thereon, will be sold at the COURT HOUSE, in Bloomsburg, county of Columbia, on the 9.h day of June 1862, being ihe second Monday, and to be continued by adj nrt!meni, from day today for arrearages ol taxe due said county and the cost accrued on each trad rospeeti vely WARRANTEES Oil OWNERS. BENTON TWP. Acres 80 Dols. Cls. John Young & Co. BEAVER. Andrew Clark, Sarah A Cauffran, Isaac Davis, do do Anthony Davis, Benjamin P Frick, John Graeff, Mann & Roal, Elias Milier, George Nungesser, 18 00 18 36 6 60 82 1 11 2 88 3 30 6 85 4 97 2 07 4 97 3 30 4 12 3 96 6 60 2 96 4 80 9 90 9 93 1 21 2 78 3 9ST 12 94 3 3S 2 42 ' 9 08 4 51 2 78 I 94 1 09 25 18 15 2 37 4 25 96 00 78 80 65 00 112 80 79 60 77 80 fiS 68 21 80 80 74 40 67 40 76 40 4 70 87 15 12 24 38 76 92 65 78 33 40 08 2 4(1 78 33 235 04 235 04 51 00 j 1 77 72 00 21 07 134 88 20 40 44 69 i 41 41 6 72 31 21 G 00 6 00 at, 4 10 , 10 22 13 12 34 78 56 34 34 1 12 1 01 78 4 44 86 1 20 2 40 5 39 7 73 II 59 7 84 4 63 22 45 10 11 5 99 9 48 11 81 9 93 b 1 32 2 02 3 37 1 07 372 too 25 - 35 50 loo 209 150 87 100 100 George Noyer, 63 Franklin Shuman, 40 200 125 200 2 00 Moses Schlicher. Peter Yohe, dee'd, Lewis Filger, William Stewart, William Grey. BIUARCREEK. 41 Jesse Bowman, 4 Seth B. Bowman, 180 Christopher Bender, 277 Lewis Bender, 427 Nathan Beach, 28 W. J. T. Clemm, 10 Philip Freas, 50 John Freas estate, 150 Andrew Freas, 90 Gilbert Fowler, 64 John Parkerson, 35 Daniel Seybert, 7 do do SCO Joseph Sharpless fc others 90 J. H. Young tretate, 140 Daniel F. Seybert, CONYNGHAM. 320 George Ashton, 394 Peter Dehaven, 331 Joseph Jordan, 376 Caleb Lownde, 338 William Miller, j 3S9 William Porter, i 340 Daniel Reee, I 109 IVter Smith, ! 4 Richard Tun s 372 Whiteman, 337 John Warner, 382 John Young, 277 Robert Jordan 285 Andrew Porter, 170 Thomas Rnston 30 Alary Ruston 303 Iwis Walker, . 3i4 Johnston Beasley, 100 George B jckham 30 Thomas, 3S4 1 homas Hiltzhimer, 384 Robert Hiltzhimer 3S4 William Shannon 250 Amos Wickerham, 3 Division A., Martin Land, 120 do y, . do do : 35 do C, do do 441 Ebeiiezer Branham ! 130 Pete: Baughner i 429 Joshua Beam, i 406 John Youig 1 12 John Huston 4.1 1 3G Paxton, Kiine & Sharpless i 100 Jacob I'neu, -j 100 do do i.0 37 6 lOp Foulk & Preston Retreat, 4 114 119p Altem ja f; Co. - 17 16 Sam'l S Abet j 9-16 J Anspach jr. CENTRE. 5 b 4 7 3 8 9 10 16 26 40 80 140 200 250 41 60 113 267 25 59 9 100 14 50 28 25 , 30 100 50 400 5 21 400 50 200 55 54 30 153 iof200 iof!90 $of200 iof200 i of 200 JoflOO 4of200 fj0fl90 iof20C ijf200 iot200 iofioo 18 27 10 3 20 20 175 209 80 300 40 127 8 400 17 Samuel Achenbachv Bei jamin Ailebach, Jacob Bond William Fritz, Jrtcob Good George Harman Emanuel Lazarus, Eiias Reese CATTAWISSA. Solomon Helwig Scbmich k. Rrcbst FRANKLIN. Jeremiah Fincher Elijah Reynolds & Co. FiSHINGCREEK. William Bnckalew, Frees & Hotfman Michael Lemons Edward McHenry W illiam Patterson's estate Abraham Young, Daniel F. Seybert, GREENWOOD. John Covanhovan's elate Isaac A. DeWilt, James DeWitt's heir3 Samuel C. Longshore Robert Montgomery's estate George Reese Jeremiah Whitson William Park, HEMLOCK. Nathaniel Campbell 5 63 Robert Montgomery's es:ate 15 25 JACKSON. Georgp Dills Elias Golder & Co. Abraham Midler, McCall's heirs New hard & Golder -William Stephens LOCUST. Thomas Billington Samuel John 2 43 10 11 87 1 00 10 II 2 43 20 70 5 5 4 7 63 53 14 79 do do William Sayers Wright Hughes, Mary Myers Daniel Reese Mary Ruston Charlotte Ruston John Reynolds Thomas Ruston Mary Myers Daniel Reese, Mary Ruston Charlotte Ruston John Reynolds Thomas Ruston, MIFFLIN. George Brown Jacob Harizel jr. Marshall G. Kinney Geo. Longenberger Abraham Masteller Peter Miller, George Nungesser . Jacob Sch weppenheiser Peter Yohe's estate, Thomas Lemon, MADISON. William Ellis Robert Montgomery's estate Witliim Ginsles, MAINE. Boyd & Paxton Henrv & Jacob Bauman 6 90 6 50 90 90 90 44 90 50 90 90 90 44 90 74 72 10 53 49 37 52 01 63 60 80 16 28 25 3 53 14 Benjamin P. Frick 7 33 35 Jeremiah Fincher, 1 83 32 George Longenberger 6 78 10' Henry G. Miller, 2 12 100 C. F. Mann,.Eq. 7 06 69 Isaiah Snuman 3 67 24 Joshua Webb 2d, 169 Mt. PLEASANT. - 10 Samuel Boone 52 11 William Beers 52 45 Samuel Melick 2 68 29 John Melick 1 72 -ORANGE. 8 Peter BelUs sr. 1 04 PINE. 100 Mathias Appleinan 7 93 18 Thomas Davis' estate 1 92 . 80 James Lockard 8 21 Lewis Schuyler 2 17 30 Samuel Snyder 2 19 116 Vallershamp's esta'e 12 46 ROAKINGCREKK. 50 Peter Bauahner 3 09 60 Thomas Barnes jr. 3 70 100 Part of John Huston, (i 18 165 Isaac Lindvilla 5 06 137 Daniel Levan, sr. , 6 18 50 Jacob Trien 3 09 SUGARLOAF. 195 James Bnckalew 10 56 AO Benjamin Cole's heirs 1 54 205 Goss' Kstate 1 1 22 64 Conrad Hess' estate "7 04 400 John lockard 16 50 73 Aaron Lewis 1 98 2.'0 Robert Montgomery's estate 13 61 200 do do 11 00 17 Lemuel Roberts 2 20 23 Sarah Jane Roberts 3 08 50 James Shnltz 5 50 47 Abraham Young 5 50 275 Bloomsburg Iron Co. 10 30 150 William Stephens 4 18 30. Wm Montgomery 2 64 JAMES S. McNINCH, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, ) Blooms-burg, April 2d, 1862. J TREASURER'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE-SEATED LAAD. A GREEABLY lo the provisions of the act x ol Ai-sembly, entitled an Act to reduce Ihe Slate debt, &c , passed the 39ih day ol April, 1844, the Tteasurer of the County ol Colurnt ia hereby aives notice lo all per sons concerned therein, that urdess the County, road, school, poor and State Tax, Stc. due on the following real estate situate in l f i e i-ouniv of Columbia, are paid before ttie day of sale, the whol or 6uch parts ol each a will pay the charges and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Couj House in Bloomburu. co. ol Colam bia, on the 9th day of June 1862, being the second 'Monday, and to be continued by adjournment from day today for arrearage ot taxes due sail' county and the costs ac crued on each r"spettlu!ly. O f'NERS OR REPUTED OWNERS. BLOOM. Ac-ei 2 35 Yeats. Dols. Cts Kingston" Coal Co, 1 Elizabeth Rittrr 2 Hiram W. Thornton 1 5 00 II 03 2 00 2 50 9 35 3 75 2 86 1 lot 1 lot Lydia Wanich'. j BEAVER. 29 John V. Crtsweil 2 30 Mann. Bal ly ScCrisH-ell 2 32 Franklin, Stewart k Co. 2 369 T. M Hubble . 1 72 John Baliard's heirs 1 400 George A. Frick . 1 35 Solomon Back hart 1 130 Charles S. Coxe 1 BENTON. 31 35 3 25 40 80 84 62 75 92 5 0 30 116 John Koons I Andrew Fellows 1 William McKelvy 1 Jonathan Pennington 1 E D.&i J. R. Swartwomt 1 BRIARCREEK. John Gardenhoue I Josiah Fowler 1 Khzdbeth lleirsey 1 Samuel F. Ileadley 1 do do - 2 Davi 1 KUner's estate 1 Gide"n Ha.-sler 1 Joeph Low - 2 William McAffte 1 William Srr.nti 1 John Beaver 1 67 50 3 II 92 82 2 42 1 43 6 06 34 02 8 3S 25 112 168 11 31 5 1 1 1 150 70 80 23 01 84 44 20 00 00 32 53 54 16 3 Abraham Culp 1 30 John Johnson 1 300 60 25 38 2 31 No. 10 do 7 do 1 No. 16 4J No.27 I 6j No. 12 14 i 23 6 25 John So) bert 1 J,cob Stiefler 1 Reuben Bower 1 Michael Bower 1 Henry Martiney 1 Wm IJdins 1 CENTRE. John Anderson' esl. 2 Charles Brobst 2 Waiter Cain 1 Lewi;. Brigg's estate 1 Jsicob Hoicbin 1 Abraham Deiierioh 1 A. D--iterich & Tofby I Cyrus Boone 1 John W.Clark I Levi Remley 1 17 1 21 '2 31 I 72 1 58 1 95 1 fc6 2 85 1 7s 2 63 10 32 Richard Torby 1 FISHINGCREEK. Jarne Parks 1 Isaac Drum I Monroe Merkle 1 1 43 1 34 7 1 55 1 66 73 50 1 96 2 25 2 95 1 88 1 11 1 56 40 51 9 87 23 CjrusFox 1 FRANKLIN. 27 Isaac Richard 1 I Julia A. Crowley " GREENWOOD. 22 Sanford Gearhart 1 2 lo'.s James Hampton 11 Samuel C. Loujshore ' JACKSON. 100 HeHrv C Hets, s two 80 John Roberts one MADISON. 7 Caleb Fox two MAINE. 1 lot (ieorge Gardener . two 3 Henry KoMenbader one 3 Lucy Stewart. two MONTOUR. 24 George Biecher 3 1 L. Davis 1 ORANGE. 1 lot Devanport's estate 3 1 lot Jacob Evans 1 10 David Feller 1 60 J. R. Morris 1 4 Samuel Trumpore . 3 50 3 92 28 47 5 55 3 2 15 24 30 80 1 05 2 26 1 65 1 01 14 39 1 30 .5 3 00 55 55 135 & llol J. Covanhovan'is est. 1 1 19 1 lot 79 100 00 465 50 34 273 100 41 Joseph Fausey PINE. Iaac Bogart Adam Bobb Cox's heirs 1 two one two Charrberlin &. Sowns one Ezekiel Crcssley Wm Edar Lotl Parker John II. Parker t . 3 two one Tbos Stack house sr. ' David & A. Smith David Sweeny ' jpjj Samuel C. Longshore I 3 Ob 1 04 1 17 68 1 10 44 46 John Johnson one Daniel Shultz's estate ' 59 43 200 40 John Sweeny ' SUGARLOAF. Bloomsbura Iron Co. one 1 Lavina Golder, JAMES S. McNINCH, Treas'r Treasurer's Office, ) Bloomsbiirs, Apri' 2nd. 1862 CUiL Oil,. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, 12 cts. per quart, by JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. Important to House Owners. J Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concerm ' every ttnihj JOHNS 4i- "I'KOSLEY'S IMPROVED GUI TA PERCH. . Trie Cheapest and mot d c bj Rcthu g in upe IT IS FIRE AND WAT ER PROOF. It can be applied to New. and Old Roofs of All kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shinlei. Til K COST IS ONLY AFOUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. . This article has been thorongly tested in New York City and all parts of the United Stands, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on Buildings of all kind-, such as Factories, Foundries Church e. Rail Road Depot, Car;, and on Public Building "enerally, Government Buildings, by il,. principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be tl,e. CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in u-e ; it i in every respect a Hire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOfS OF ALL KINDS. Ihnis the ONLY material marmf ictured in the United States which combines the very desirable proHertie. of Elasticity and Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to be possessed by GUTTA PERCHA and INDIA RUBBER. No Heat in required in making aip'i- j canon. The expense of appljing il is triflninz with ordinary Roof can be eovered and fin. ished the some iLiy. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE. Knd when finished form a prrfecty Fi'e Proof surface with an elat c. body, which cannot le injured Dv Heat, Cold orSlorms, Shrin kii-g of Roof Boards, nor any external a-jti on n ha'ev.r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coaiins Metals of all Kinds when ex poed lo the action of the Weairier and For Preserving and Impairing Mttal II oof 3 of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully resist extreme change of climate, for any let2th of time, when applied to rnp'.als, to which it adheres firmly, loriniii a body equal to three coats f ordinary fain:, co-is much less and will LAST IIIREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from ils elasticity is not injured by the con traction ot TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEA I HER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and ether Metal Roofe can te readily repaired with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor roion an leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight Roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railmjs, Stoves, Kan. 2es, Sales, Agricultural Implements, &c , also lor general manufacturers u-e. GUTTA PERCHA CEMEXT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, from i:s ! sreat ela-iicity, is not injured by the con traction and expansion ol Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in varm weather. ! These material are adapted to all cli- j ma'es, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any ran of t'.e country, at short i, lor GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in , r dU, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, wi;h full printed directions tor application. ! AGENTS WANTED.' ! We will m-ikrli',ei (d and sitt-fictcry arrang- mr.tws v i'Jt rcspntilJe p-nties cho icvdd Uke lo , establish ihemsclnes in a Lucrative and Perma- ; nenl busines. , OUR TERMS ARE CASH. I u e can give abundant nroot ot all ve claim in favor ot our improved Roofing j Materials, have applied ttiem to several) thou-and RooH in iNew loftc C:ir anf vi- m r m n. i . cinity JOIINS k CKOSLEY, Sole Manulacturers, If holes 'de Warrhmtse 7S William St Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be f.iroished on application. Oc 16, lftrJt ly 'UE.U :TIFt L i 0 31PLEXI0.N. FOCTOR THOMAS F. CHAPMAN wiil send foall who wi-h it (tree of charge) the Recipe and full directions for makir.2 and using a beauiiful ve2etable Balm. lha will erTectuallv remove I'imole. Binrchen ran( Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin sir ooth, clean, and beautiful ; also full di- ructions for using Peiatrcau's celebrated Simulant, war'atiied to s'att a full growth ot Whisker, fr a Mus ache, in less than thirty day. Either of thu above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwi'h stamp for return postasM DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chetn ist, 831 Broadway Nw York. January 15. 1862 2m. r 1 1 II E CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE A of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn ing, and fcr th.e especial benefit of Youna Men and thre who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of ?!emory, Pretnitore De cay, &c, Lc, &:c, by one who ha- cureil himself by simple means, afer being put io great expense and inconvenience, through the use of worliless medicines prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies inay be had ol the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing a f.osi-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM BERT. Esq , Greenpom', Long Island, New York. January 15, 1S62 2m. Kollock's Dandelion CcSee. THIS preparation, ma le from the best Java Cotlee. i recommended by physician as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, D pep-f. and a!i biliots disorder. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof lee will use ;his without injurion elfects. One can contains th strength ol two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOtK'S LEYAI.V, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cAke. Price 15 cents. Mmufticlitrtd 'by M II. KOLLOCK, Chemist. Corner cf Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, t&'Aid sola by all Druggists and Grocer. February 26, ly. Adwiuisirator's Notice. V OTIC E 'is hereby iven that letter ol administration on the eMate of Mich ie! Hetler, la'e of Mifllm township, Columbia county, ilet-eased, have been gratited by ihe Registerof said coamy to Michael B. Het ler, who resides in Mdllin iownhip. Ah persons having cliirns or demands agiiu-t he estate of the decedent are reque-'e '. to . r-eni tfioni to the undersigned and those indebted to the estate to make pay men' forthwith to MICHAEL B. HETLER Admr. Mifflin two.. Mireb 26. 1862. 6 v. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. FRIENDS AND RELATIVES or THE . Brave Soldiers and Sailors. II O I JL O Y A Y ' l 1 1 I S AND OINTMENT, A'l who have Fr.ends and Re'a ives it the Armv or Navy s' onfil lake especial nre,ihat Ihey be amply supplied witn ibe-M Pills and Ointment: and where if brave Soldiers an t S ilors five oelee'ed to provide Ibernselves wH then, no better present can be sent ihem bv liiair friend. Tbey have been pioved to be the Soldiers' neer-filin2 Irien l in tiie bom of fi!ed. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS. Will be relieved and effectually cured bv usiiij the? e admirable medicine-, and by paiii2 proper attention to rh Directions which are a'tarrotd to each Pol fir B-X. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT Or A P ' PEI 11 E, IN CI DEN I AL IO SOIX!Ei:s Those f-elins which so sadden us. usual ly aii.-e from trouble -or annovaroes. ob niructed perspira-ion, or ea' ing and drink ing wha'ever is unwholesome, thn dis turbing toe healihfi.l action ol trie liver and stomach These organs m ust be relieved, if you desire to be well. Trie PUN, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, auil a a natural conse quence a i Ic;ar head and i:ood appeiiie WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE. Will soon disappear by the u-e of thess invaluable pills, and the soldier will quick ly acquire additional strenitn Never let the bowels be etttier confined or nn toly acted upon. It may seern strange ihai Hol lo way's Pills should be recommence J (or Dyseniary and Flux, many persons suppo sing ilia ( ihey would increae. the r!:;y.t. lion. This is a ureal mistake, for thes- Pills will correct the liver arid sio'nbch and thus remove all Hie ucrid tumms troui l!e ) S'eu.. This medicine will give tone and vijor 'o the whole organic svs em how ever deranged, whi!t health an 1 s'rent'i follow as a matter oi course. Nothing wiil slop the relaxation of ti e bowels o mre as j this famous medicine. VOLUNTEERS A IT ENTiON ! INDIS CRETION OF YOU I H. Sore ar.d Ulcers, Blotches and Swelling can witn certainty be radically cured if tnj pills are taken niht and Tiorniaii and the Ointment be freely ued ; as sated to I'm printed itistrnciions. If treated in any oth er manner ihey dry op in one part tobrealc out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove ihe humors from the yiem and leave ihe Patient a vigorous and heal thy man. It will require a lutle perseve rance in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, lhere ire no medicine o safe, tco arid convenient a Ilolioway's IM!s aid O.riiirie.d. The pour wounded and dlinoi i-uiierer miiii have bis wound dres-ed immediately, it he would only pro vide Vimsett with ttii maichles Oti.tfiieitr, which shoulJ be ilirnst in'o the wouu I and smeared ail rnuiid it, tfien covered woit a piece ol lir.en from hi kmtpack at. 1 cr,m pre-sed with a han;!kerc!eit . Taking night and morning 6 or 8 pill, lo cool it e sS'em and prevent inflamatio'i. Ever Soldier's Knapsack and &ean.m Chest shjul.1 be provided with these vlua- blc uemedie. CAUTION! None are genuine unless ! 1 ,. II - V at t trie words ti:.iioway, iSew i ortt an-: i.on- ! don are discernable a a Wa'er ma k in every leal of the book of directions around i each pot or box : the same may be : seen bv holding ihe leaf b the light. A ; hatidsome reward Will be give:i to an o-ie I reiierinj such information as may lead lr j ihe detection of any party or paries conn- terfeilinj the medicines oi vending the 1 same. knivim them to h snurious. Sold al ih' Manufactory of Professor Holiowa, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all raspeciable Drugsist and Dealers i-i Medicine, thronahont the civilized wor'd in boxes at twenty live cents, sixty two I """,s anti or, dollar each, I There is considerable s aving bv ta king the larger size- N B Diref 'ions for the guidance rl pa tients in every di-orJer are atlived to eaoh box. Ap'ii S isfi2. ly. 3IAHIS0N HOUSE, (OF JERSEY TOWN, PA ) rytHE Mib-criber would respactfully ap JL prise hi friend snd the public geuer- ally, that tie ha established the MADISON HOUSE, m. in Jersey town, Columbia county, Pa. The above house ha lately teen veiitted an.l ou-lergone a thorough repairing by the p-o-pr"eior H- i fully prepared io entertain the travelling cutom as well the local with general sati-taction. Hi TABLE and BAR,are well supplied and will be careful ly piipctiti'ended. And lits STABLE is am ply and well stocked, in rharge of careful grooms, will always be properly attended. CST He invites a share of the public cus tom, an I pledges his best effort., to help his guests feel at borne. SAMUEL RIMBY. Jers?ytown. Jan 8, 18G2. Kxocntor's rVolicc. Estate of Chiiftophcr lit Her, lute of Mi'Jln tovnsh'p, Cot co , deceased. FETTERS te.-tameiitary on tbe e'ale f Ctiristo; her Heller, late of Mifilin twp., Colombia county, deceased, have been granted by 'he Register ot Columbia roun ly, to Samuel Heller, residing in Hollen back town-hip, Luzerne county. All per sons indeb'ed to sa:d estate are requested to call and make immedia'e paj merit, and those having claims or demand will pre sent them rcpeily authenticated for mji;1 rr.ent to the undersigned. SAMUEL HELLER, Executor. January 8. 162 6i. THE CELEBRATED ASHLAND MILLS WADDING, A SUPERIOR COTTON FOK QUILTING. &c: for sale cheap at the Cheap Cash Store ol L. T. SlU UP LESS. Bloomsbnrg.Ociobpr 30. R6l. CLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS M DEEDS, SUMMONS, E X EC UI I ON S. SUBtMENAS, f prooer k desirablefornis. fo- hale at tin iee "of rhe "sfHr otthe NnrS I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.-