1 Two Dollars per Annua. Trnih and Rteht- God and our Country. W. 0. JACOBY, rroprietor. VOLUME 14. CTAP (W TTTR NfTRTH UlAiyj., , ----- , ci.ihevebtttkdhp4tSt , . J UM. U. JA':'lBli ; Cfflcc cn Bain St.. 3rd Square below Market, ' n ;i TEKMS:-Two Dollars within six month from he , me of subset . , '7? v "k , i, :;,,:k;,r?o i WIIIHII iur cm. . " " - - - --- I.,, nerind than si months ; no discon- , 'Hfiuar.c permitted until all arrearages are raid utile at the option of the editor J. he lei vis cj nqiri'"g "'j1"" Ooe square, twelve lines three limes, 31 Every subsequent insertion, One square, three months, 3 Ooe year, 8 oo 25 00 00 COU RT AD V E RTYS E MNTS. Court Pruclaiua? ion. WHEREAS the Hon. Aaron K. Peck bam, PieideutJudge of the Court of Oyer afd Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Court of Quarter Se-wionof the Pence, and Court of Common Plea anil Orphans' Court, io Hie 2.6th Judicial District, compos, ed of the counties ol Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy Hnd John Mcheynold, Associate Judge, ot Co lombia Co.. have ii-ued their precept, bear ing date one thousand ethl hundred and sixty one, ar.d to directed lor holding Court of 0)r and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery , Quarter See-ion ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphan C'ort, in bloom burg, lit the comity ot Columbia nn the fir.-l Mono a v (bnX the Mti day) of May, next ari3 to t'otitinue ote week Notice if hereby given, to the Coroner, the Jotices of the Peaoe and Con-tables Ol the aid County of Columbia, thai they be. then and. theie in their proper person at 10 o' clock in the . fnrenonu of said day, with their record, inqnt-iiinn and ot her. renern bran res lo do thoe inula which to iheir offices . appertain to be done. And thos that are bound by recoanae, -to prosecute annn the prisoner that are or may be in the Jail of Wiul county ol Colombia, lo b- then iii there lo po-ecuie a shall be jisl. Ju ror are reqnea'ed to be punctual in then attendance, agreeably to llieir notice, dated t Bioom.bnrg, 24th day of March in the year ofonr Lord onethousard eight hundred ou tixty-ot.e,. and in the eighty-sixth. ear of the liidepeiidence of the Untied Siaien ol America. (God nve the C'mmonweiltli ) JOSIAH H.-FURMAN,' Sheriff OiKce. ) StietiH B!o.mrv4irf, Mr. 26, lfi2. Public Amice for Lieencest JX1 LTOllCE is hereby aien Ihai the lollow- ir.tf person in t'olnai hia county, have Hied their pennon ui the Court of Quarter eeion. ' ot ibe aid cnu:iiv for Tavern and Store Li ceii -em their respective township, , which id petition wiM I prrenteJ to -i t r . S! . I .. .. il.A cK r f Li c i n 1R9 . wl.irha: oer.o,,. inter- s?ed will take no: ire. a;d ;h- Lirene for Ihe county ol i"olumiia, wiil r- firanted on Wednesday, the 7ih day of May next, al 2 4'c!oclc p. m. jlpph-antt. Le is Erk Ti Fiederick Nicely Klli Walton Daniel Oii'z, Wm. B. Koors John L'acot'k Robert Hagenhuch Oliver A. Jaeoby, Samnel M Henry John J. S Ies Charles F. Mann F'anklir. Shuman Daniel Rembo.d Sa.Tiuel K'enha.ier Jacob B Kt-ller Reuben R Was-ar Jrlenry GbTtf, Tcvr.skpi. ivern. Bur Berwick to do do do do do do do do 0 blorrni, c'o do do do do da do Benton, do do do Braver, do do do Ca:tawis, do do do lo do Conyngham do do tio do do if . do do do Centre, do Fi-hingcreek do do do Greenwood, da Hemlock, do LcnM, i'o do do do do do do Madioti do do do Maioe, do do do Mon'our, do Mt Pleasant, do Mi IS in, do Otange, do lio do do do Roaringereek do Sugarloaf, do Scott, do do do do do do do do do do Sore, Bloom, c . .. , do do Cattawissa. do L'cu-t. Fredr'k li. Wohlforth io John L Kline, John K. Jones, John Grover, Be.-ijjmin Mt Henry Daniel Mcllenry -W A. Kline -' John Hanman, John L. Hursi, Jackson (ieore laac Eho.'es, Joshua Womer, Samuel Rtmty Keifer A Smith, Isaac Yetier, John Nus. Emanuel Conner, Thooias Jones, John Ke'ler, Jacob Good Samuel Everett, Alexander Hughes George Thiele Ezekiel Cole, Peter Schug Daniel L Everhatt Enoch Hoell Eeece Fairmac Willmm Long Wiliiarrt C Green L. D. Mendenhall, Jacob I. Gionl, JereKiiah S Bmbst, WashitiHioit Yeagei " JACOB EVERLY, Proihonotary's Offi.-e," ).- Clerk. BIonTO-h'ir Apnl9. lSt2 i 5'clicc ta liie luira uf I'tier liufiman, dec'd nV.w.0 COLUMBIA COUSTY SS : S , 'WE Common weahh ot Penn- syivania o Louisa Lnn, -'v. r iK.r. ti. rr.., ,., v u,.flr Hen'y Hoffman . Geo. W. Huff man. Harriet ruher. Anna Ma ria Fowler. Rozetta Amanda Clearer, Syl reater Hoffman, William Hoffman, Sarah Elizabeth1 Richard. Charlotte. Hoffman, Hannah Hoffman. Joseph Steele aud Sam eel Sseek, children and. devisees ol Peer Hoffman,deceaed, late of Locu.t township, - Co! om bit county. ; You and each of yoo are hert by cited and commanded lo b and appear in your per sons before the JaJge of the Orphan' Court of aid county, to be4 hoh'eo at JJIoomsborg, in and for aid county, on the firat Monday' of May next, then and there to accept or refuse the estate of aid dec'd at the valuation or kow cause why the time should not be old. Witness the bonorable Aaron K: Peckham, Esq , Presi rient of ouraid Court; at Bloomsbnrg the fourteenth day of Feb'uary, A. D. one thoacand eight bundred sixty wo. Jacob Eterlt, Clerk O. C. J0S1AH H. FI!RMAN,5imJ - Sherufs Oif.ce. ) Elonmsbnrg'FeH 26. I8fi2 J vefa Chei BLOOMS nilGISTCB'S KOTICES. ivOTICS is herebv giving to a!! legatee, J " CtdvoT and o'ther persons interested in the estates of the respective decedent and minors, that the following administr lion and guardian accounts have been filed ( R iser o Col(nKa be nff d fo confirma "on "d iow.r. to the Orphan'. Court; to be held at Bloombor", in the county aforesaid, on Wedned iy the Tih da of May next, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon ol t-aid day. 1. Account of Samuel Creanv, Gnanl'an of Hannah Boone daughter of Aaron Fry. 2. Account of Aaron Lamber.on, Guar diati of William Jon, ion of Jee June 3 Fiit fcnd final account of Hon. War ren J. UTo'''lward, lUxeculor, of Mis Ellen Scott, de ved. . 4., Final account of Duniet liearharr, ad minioirator of John Gearhart, of Franklin towusbJp, deceae f. - - 5. Final account of Martin V. B. Kline, admini-trator of Hon. Peter Kline, late of Locust township, deceased. 6. The account of Jonathan C. Penning ton, administrator ol Samuel Kozell, late of Demon twp., deceased. 7. First account of Samuel Creasy, exec utor of the lat Will ol John Brow;i, late ol MtlBiii township, itee'.l. H. Accour.l ol William Bnckalew, one ot the e&ecutors of John M. liuckalew, late of Fi'iinycreek iwp- deceased. 9 Account of Franklin Kariii and J hn Witner atmrVof Elizabeth Helwig, lale of Lo ust tovn-hip, deceased. 10 Account ol Jese Mensch, guardian of ClarifS i Sidler, minor child of Johr. Midler, Ute of Franklin lowti-hip, deceased. 11. 'Account of K I a-nod Hughes, executor ot Stephen Adams late of Briarcrttek twp , deceased. 12 Account of Thomas Reece, adm'r of Philip fleece, lae of Greenwood town-h p. ileceaed. 13. Final account of Lewi Yetter, adm'r dt loiiis : non ol Err Harder, lata of Catuwis a town-hip, deceased. 14. Account ot Lewi YeMer and Sarnnel Drum, eiecu'oiF. of Joh i Gearhart, lie ol M trim township, decea-ed 15. Account of Wesley Perry and Mark Williams, a.lmr'a ot Mordecai Perry, late ol Locu-t township, deceased. 16. Account of Julia Rupert, Executrix of Catharine Rupert lale of Hloom twp. dcM 17. Final wccunt of Philip Freis, J hn Frea anil Andrew Fleas, executors o! Jno. Fieas, lale ol Centre towtiship, dec'd. 18 Account of C. H. D;etierick & Phebe Johnson. executor"of ttie last Will of Geo. W. Parks, late of Scott twp. dec.V. 19. P'trsi and final account ol Levi Creasy j and Samuel Creasy, executor of the last ; Will ot Adam Creasy, late ot M; til in twp , i deceased. 20. Atcount of Satruel Creaky, guardian of Abraham Angle, minor child ol Jai-ob Ai.-le.lale of M fil.n town-hip, uee l 21. Account ul J P.. Pennington, eecutor id the last Will ol Etias Lutx late of Benton tow nship. deceased. 22 Account ol Iaac K Krickbaum, ex ecutor of ilie la-t Wi.l ol John Kline, black fmiifi, la'e o( Benton tow nship, deceased. S3 Aicount ol Daniel Maeler, executor of Jmia'hat) Ma-teller, lateol Maditou twp. deceased- 24 Account of Bepj imin M WiNon, adm'r of William L Fause, late of Hemlock twp deceased. 25 Account of George W. Dreifbach, ad mtni'.traior of the esta:e ol Elizabeth D.'ei-b-rch, lte ot Bioorn towniihip, .leceased. 26 Account ol Catharine A: Weliiyer, ad ministratrix of Wilnam Weliiver, latent Madi-nn townsfiip. deceased 27 Account ot Franklin Yncnm, adm'r of Jacob Yocnm, ate ot Roaringereek town ship, deceasec'. DANIEL LEE Registcr's Orrtce, ) Register. R-ni r-nrg ;nl 9. Ir2 liraud Jurors, for May Term, IS32. Bloom John Pursel. sr., Montgomery .Kline Andrew Creveling. Beaver Christian Shu man. Benton Elijah Klir.e. Briarcreek John W. Bowman. Bor. Berwick- Towusanil B ioue. Catiaw ipsa, John Sharple.s, Daniel C Gear lart. Hemlock J ihn Brug'er. Jackson Frederick Wile, Robert Edgar. LoeuM Wm. Lee, David L. Helwig. Reu ben Fah ringer, jr., Benjamin V ajitiet. Mount Pleasant Thoma J. Weliiver Madi-on Jacob Swisber, Henry C. MilU. Orange John Herring. Pine John Lore, Albert Hunter. Scott Peter E l, Enock Howell. Mar-t. 26, 1862. Traverse Jurors, for May, 1S62. Bor. Berwick Henry C. Frea Bloom Peter Billrneyer, George Weaver. Briarcreek John Feitr, jr., John Blank, jr., Euo L. Ar f, Josep4i Siackhouse. Beaver Jaco . figer, Peter Ecroatli. Benton J -c (v ;le, Alexander Colley Catiatsa John Rit'.er, George Strieker, William !'arr Centre John Hill, Paul Zaner. Franklin Washington Parr, Aaron Lam- berton. Fishingcreek Elia Pealer, Henry Bitten bemler. Greenwood Jesse Heacock, Nicholas Cole John M. Parker. Hemlock Reuben Bomboy, Samuel Ohl, Benjamin Wilson, Jacob Harri. Locust Henry Fahringer, Jacob Miller, David Hauck, Michael Hower. M film Stephen Auchenbacb, John R .be, Henry Angle. Madison Valentine Christian, Thomas A- Fuuston, John Fruit, jr Montour Lewis RoatvGfier Quick. Orange Je-se Coleman. Peter P. Kline, Hiram R. Kline. Roaringereek Benjamin Hanck. Sugarloal William Maaieller, Elias Cole, George Hes. ' Scott Chester C. Marrs Samuel Kreesler. March i6, 1862 Executor's Notice." Estate of CKnUfhir Heller, late of ilifllin township, Col co.t deceased. LETTERS tcHamenlary oo the estate of Cnristopher Heller, late of Mifflin twp.. Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia coun ty, to Samuel Heller, residing in Hollen back township, Luzerne county. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to rail and make immediate payment, and those having claims or demand will pre sent them prcpetly authenticated for settle ment to ihe nidersigoed. - ; - SAMUEL HELLER,:rufor. January 8, 1S2. t. BURG. COLUMBIA I AM DYING FAR HO 51 HOSE. ET JOEL K KKIMER. Notk The words I am dying far fiam Home," were ti e last ottered by a yo ing volunteer of the 19th Mass. Volonteei,who died of Typhoid lever and wa buried near Dames town, Md. The circumstance as related to the author hence these lines Beneath the hills the son was sinking On a pleasant Autumn day, And npon lhe tree top shining Were the sun's last lingering ray. As beneath a canva awning Or. an humble couch there Uy, One whose tide of lite was ebbing From its tenament of clay. - Racked was his mind and body sore, Hot and burning wa his brain, As he on his couch lay turning, Fall of anguish and of pain. But now there shot a gleam ol reason j From his fever brilliant eye, A to hi home his thoughts were taming Ere he was about lo die. - Once again he see his mother, Feels her calm and magic touch; Once again he sees hi brotter. Grasps his hand in friendly clutch. Spirit Sister round him hover, Father with his mem so bold, Fancy' vision waft around him, Like a tale that's twice been told Ah ! did'st not that thrilling spasm, As it closed life's motal tone, In low aud feeble accents whisper, "I am dying tar from home ! ' uiR Ait.nY c"ouuiio.ii:j;i:. Henriq'nrttrs, Silh Iieitnent, P Y. 15 kkyviilk, Va .April 14. :62 ( Fiieml IFi; There is nothing r.ew trans piring in thi vicinity that would in erest your reader, unless it be the capturiti; of now and then a full blooded recr-h who is immediately supplied with qoarers i n the Guard House, until shipped to some other point I know not whi'her. A severe snow storm visited us oi la-t Tuesday, snow fell to the depth ofei,htor ten inches, which wa the deepest snow Ihey have had thi winter. The wiather has been rather severe for the fruit orops, and it is feared that this cold snap h in jured them, if not totally destroyed th sm in this section ; but at present writm , the earth is again free from it snowy rover, and the roads are fast drying off. Th citi zens are fast returning to their home f, and all appear to receive the Union troopi. with a shy feeling of joy. Th-y say that I thi place is to be del. I by the Union force i they hope that the 8 4th P. V. may be reiaine'.l here. But our boys would rather be p and doing. they do not like the idea o! lying supinely by, guarding a town (lar distant from the field cf active operation contain ing nothing but old men, a few wome i. and any quantity ol Palcman, wards, viz: "nia- gers," w hill others are winning unperish able laurels. Heavy firing wa heard on Saturday morn ing in the direction ot Strasbtirg, but a yet I have ndt been able t ascertain the caue. but rather think it was some of our bitteries practicing with their new guns. Not having important new to con muni cate, I will give you some incidents of our late battle at Winchester. Sergeant Goldsboro wa in the thichesl of the fight, and as the colors fell the econd time, be caught them up, and rusiingto the front of the column, amid a h werof lead, he shouted at the top of his voice. 'come on boys, rally arooncV.he cole rs, and let u die ra her than retreat " With a shoot that woold have done hoco - to a many natives of the woods, they rushed forward carrying everything before liem. Louisiana Tigars, to the rescu ran along the lines of the rebels, when they were hard pressed by the Indiana Joys. 'To h 1 with the Louisiana Tigars. Hoos iers go in," was the reply ; and thej did go in, and drove back the hordes of Jackson with terrible slaa2hter. Sergnant Henry Funk of our company the "Hurley Guards1' received a painful wound in the thigh, and at the same time a ball struck his gun, cutting the t ck and ram rod off, thus spoiling the gun. Noth ing daunted, he borrowed another aid with the exclamation ' you d d rascal i here's another gnn to break," he continued to ad ranee and fire, nntil night put a sto to our further progress, and saved tt e reb -l from total annihilation, when he returned oramp completely exhausted. He is notr ready for another chance of obtaining sa: sfacMon for the broken gun- Hope he may t ucceed. We copy the following Irom the Cartridge Box of March 31et, published by ome of the Printer of the 84th: JcvtMLK BhavekT Little Stephen Hallo ran. a drummer boy, aged thirteen year, belonging io the 84th. appropriated Ihe gun and cartridge box of a rebel sold er, who was killed m the c-cmme cement o'the ac tion at Winchester, and fought bravely until the enemy were repulsed. Teurs were discovered trickling down the berxc lad' cheeks, but he evinced no signs ol coward ice. His raltant disposition is most as suredly an index to a bright and glorious future. His noble conduct has already won him a position that men ol 6'erner years would be proud of; and it i io dpubi envied by the boasting cowards wto feared to stand by his side in the deadlj couflict for their country, and left the ranks to find shelter behind some straw stack or he trees io the wood. Narkow Escape One of the enemy's shells struck the haerack of Corf - Jas. M Price, while he was standing in brie of bat tle, on Sunday last, perfectly deoolihing it, and scattering it contents over the field The gallant Corpeal remarked , hat, the gcour.drels were cutting ell his suppHes.--Ile was slightly wounded in the lig tJ io explosion. If .-vi COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY APRIL 30, 1862. Too mnch praise canr.ot be awarded lo Capt. Frick and Lieut Ent, for their cool ness, bravery and daring, Thile under the most severe fire It seems a though the fates favored them for their bravery, as both had their clothes cut with rebel's ball Their escape unhurt is a miracle. Long may they continue to lead the " Hurley Guards" to victory. The whole company, with few exceptions, done nobly, and a glorious welcome awaits them, should they ever return to their homes, unless that idiot Doctor should take it into hi head to blast the fair fame they have won, fighting the battles of the country, or as his precept runs, freeing the negro. I perceive by a lale number of that atuts sheet the Republican of your pjace that its editor doe not relish " Toodles' " letters, and says that he shall tell his ''reader who Toodles' is, and something of his antece dents." Don't, Doctor, don't! I wa not aware when I wro'e those communications, that 1 was treading on the Q-iocjfc's toe, for how could he expect me to know that he had forned a coalition with Simon, ine thief ? Sorry for you. doctor, you certainly have shown the cloven foot, by ycur uncall ed for attack upon me. Why bless your poor ignorant soul q'iery, has he got a -ool? I did not mean yoo, I only hit thieve anil swindlers But Irom hi ravins one would be led to think that he wa Simon himself; or from hi sympathy with the negro that there I a tain, bomtvher. But I suppose ere this reaches you, that hi readers will know w ho " Toodles ' is! What a discov i n't . ........ 1 1 .. ery be tia mane: aai hiimiimmi' m closures! Now doc., let ine telf yon hon estly what the opinion cf the majority of ihe Company is in resard to yourself : They fay that jou are not only a blackguard but a coward in every sene of the word, and I must endorse their opinion- You certainly cannot lay claims to decency, and a to bra very your ow n action belie you, or you would not wantonly assail a man who hn lelt home and friends, all, all behind, and taken up arms to assist in putting down this rebellion, which wa caused by such notorious aholitionWt a yourself. Ah, you are very brave ! Thi i bravery : Silting at home, far from the scenes of toil, hard ship and dangers, that daily beset the sol dier, you act bravely and show, your love for the Union by your tirade again-t the soldier that have laced the dead y cannon mouth tf a have t;ken their lives in their own hand that have dared to bare their brea-t and welcome the death blow, so that it but secured thi great Union. What con solation ha tte soldier, alter making all the sacrifice in hi- power, even to that of offering up hi life for hi country, if she in turn stabs him in the back 1 Shame ! doctor, same! There appears to be a conviction settling upon the mind of the soldier that thi war i n"t a much lor the perpema ion of the Union it i to free the negro; and 1 firmly be'ieve that thi was the idea of ail the leading Black hearted Republican Abolit on leader. And time will show that the.-e surmises are correct vide lat Congre- It is w;el! known that this i the itipptr love John i creed, the Chicago Platform his bible. Simon Cameron hi God, and Snmne', Wil son. Stevens, Greeley k. Co are the pnji'i. What cares thi insignificant idiot, whether the Union is divided or not only so that the slave is freed. I hve not been the only one that he ha seen fit to vent his spleen upon ; no, far from it, even Geokgk B. McClellav, the secoi d Washington of America, i not free Irom his blistered tongue. He attempts to lob him of the laurels he has won and sac rilegiously place them upon a man's head who is na more fit to wear them than a donkey is to appear upon a ball-room floor. But I will drop the subject, Jor ihii time, by saying that, I sought no controversy with the editor of the Republican, I did not even -make an attack upon him or his correspon dent. They have opened the ball, fired the first shot, and Lhave and shall respond, ! God defend the right. As lar as his army j correpondent in thi Company i yoncern ! ed, I can prove him to be ns great a coward I as the doctor himself. If the self conceited and bombastic elaied defender of Came on ihinks that I am done with that prince ol swindlers he i much mistaken, for I iutet'd to follow him up and expect ere long to lm able to lay before your renders some as tounding intelligence of his movement in Rnssia. I know not why the doctor defend him so valiantly, unless he think to gain the favor of the ohl sinner, and secure for tsimselt a j osi'ion a Private Secretary ; or, perhaps he i taking lesson under him Well, the old scoundrel will fi d in the doc tor an apt scholar. Bo, thai k God Simon will not have the chance ol demanding the poor soldiers of their honest due a he did in the thtee month's service, by payina them off with money on the Warren Bank, Shamokm B-mk, and others of the same stamp, worth at that time fromo'ty to six'y cents to the dollar, when he received par money Irom the Government for the pay ments. Now see the honesty of the old traitor, sinner and thief He exchanges with these Banks at from forty to sixty per cent, discount, and then paid of ihe men icith this trash at full ralue, thus stealing ye, steal ing the hard-earned and honest due of 'he soldier, and putting them into hi pock-t This act alone was sufficient to have called down the execrations ot all honest men op- on his head; but so far from ii, that the Re-, Thgy arfl neTer alon6 ,hat are accompa publican party take him by the hand, laud1 nieJ whh nob,e lhoagul9. him to the skies, and secure for him tbe appointment of Minister to Russia. Oh, Abe ! Abe I ! has reason entirsly ; deserted her throne, that you appoint a man to so responsible a post, knowing his thieving propensities and his secession and Aboli tion proclivifes ? But what more can we expect from this same party 1 Not satisfied w'fh producing this war, ihey rob in every way, shape, form and manner imaginable, and now have the country upon the brink ol ruin, both physically and financially, and all for what? Why, that this Abolition j their share ;ri ,nat terr.ble fight. Let the party may free the negro, ruin the country, mo,;ye what ,t mav ,jie neglect to make place the black man upon an equality with .; known, officially, ihe part taken be our Vol the white, and by dieir aid and assistance j unl9ers jn tne action is inexcusable. It ride into power, crush out the last remain- i has ieake, ou, however, a: last, notwith ing vestige of Ireedom, throw down the j Ftani,tig Curtin's attempt to keep it Irom pillars of liberty and erect thereon a mon- archical and tyrannical Government. This is what they are striving after for this they have been schemina and planning lor the last twenty years, and they now g'oat over tbe prospects of the consummation of their hellish designs. Thi may seem harsh lan guaee, but it is truth, and I hurl it into the teeth of the black Abolitionist and dare them to deny it with truth. But, a day of reconing is coming; the hor izon ol their joy, where all wa sunshine is fast becoming covered o'er with the clouds nf retributive vengeance the peop'.e ae becoming ick of such proceeding they are beginning to get their eyes open to the true condition ot affair they are just a wak ening from a lethargic sleep, and with Sampson like strength they will hurl those proud oppressors fiom power, take the rein of Government into their own hands. chae out the thieve and money changer, cement the tie of the Union stronger than ever, bring back the nation lo its former greatness and glory, and cause it to become again respected by all the nation of the earth and not a now a by word at:d a reproach. A wake Democrats, gird on the armor, fling your barrier to the bteeze, rush to the re-cue, throw yourselves into the breach, shout forth your battle cry of "truth and right God and our country," and victory will perch upon your banners. Perhaps the docior and his friends think that I am piling it on rasher steep but I can assure them that I do not wih to exaggerate nor to throw blame where it should not at tich The people are disappointed, dis- J hear'ened, and diguied. They see their government bankrupt ; the see, too, that the Abolitionists are making no effort tow ard an adjustment of our national trouble ; and they fee, loo, that until the slave are . tree these diunioni6ts do not want peace ! J I hey would rather see ihe glorious fabric ! of our liberties a heap of smouldering ruin ar.d the slaves free, than to have ihe sacred Unioc once more united, and peace and harmony retg' ing supreme throughout this land, and the southern people still holding property, to which the Constitution and the Laws give them a perfect right. Why dees lot the inveterate abolitiot it. Dr.; John, comedown this way and try and se- j cure a lew nz a pets, and keep them in a ; cage l'i his sanctum, to wile away the tedi- ' on hours w hen not otherwir-e engaged or Ihey would make a splendid parlor or -a-me.it esj ecia ly d;ri"g the summer season for all such rank black Republican Aboli tionists. There is not a negro in the south but what i in Savor ol Uncle Abe and there is not one in the north, black or white, iut what is in lavor ol ihe same honest individu , al. So much lor that. Your.&c. Toodles There i not really half the gallantry of manner as there ued to be some filty year ago. Now a gentleman only litis his hat to a lady, then the hal was entirely removed from the head, and the gentleman stood be fore her imcovered. Now ihe gentleman take a smack from her roby lips, and hardly looks red in the face then he sirug gled for ihe sm.ck, and never drew a long breath for half an hour after, then he kneel ed gracefu ly to tie up her shoe string, row she puts her fool ir.to his lap, and he ties the string wiih a cape and releases the ti,bl toot, wiltioui any eepiasy or rcu a squeeze. We are growing barbirou. In the town of , in Wisconsin lives a busy little shoemaker, who, at Huridry times ctlipiates a preacher, save li lie expense of printing, In order 10 it was hi custom to write his notices ot preaching : Here isoneof the laiest : 'There will be preaching to the pine next Sunday afier- j noon on the subject All who do not be- . lieve will be damned at 2 o'clock " I it very sickly here ?' asked a son of the Emerald Is e iheoihet day of a brother Irish man. 'Ye,' was the reply, 'a great many have died this year who nier died before.' The que' ion ut regard to man's political position used to be I he sound on the ; goo-e ?"' Now Prentice say it should be, 'Is he sound on the e-gle V Why are two young ladies kissing each other an emblem ol Christianity ? Answer Because they are doing onto each other as they would men should unto ihem. One's sweetheart is always the flower of humanity ; one's wife sometime the flour of sulphur. He who asks no questions is queer, but he who asks many is the querist. Where did Noah strike the first nail in J ihe ark ? On the beaJ. i Why is an infant like a dt 1 aus it ia a dear little thing. diamond? Be- Tbe PennsyiTQnians at Pilhbnrg Landing., Gov. C us tin is responsible for the- an nouncement that no Pennsylvania soUliers participated in the slorious victon- gained j y over the enemies ol the Union at Pittsburg Landing. The Governor must either have 6upposed that he was stating fact, or else 9 wa perfectly indifferent io awarding honor m the brave soldiers of his own Siata for lne public, that a Peuny Ivania Regiment did participate in that bat1!, and to o:her States Kentucky and Ohio are we indebt ed for the firi account of the heroic conduct of the gailant Pennsyl vanians on that bloody battle field. Two weeks ago the Governor should have made known this glorious news, through a General Order, congratula ting the 77th. Pennsy lvania Volunteers, tor their gallantry at ihe battle of Pittsburg Landing Nothing of the kind ha been done, or will it likely take place unless our prompting ittould bri;ig it out. These Re publican Administrations have a queer way of dealing wiih the soldiers It is noi enough Uiat they cover their back with -ho.l.ly, issue them aiity and ur.wliule .oriie rations, withho'd their pay lor three or four months at a lime while their fami lies are in want all these wrongs it seem? are not sufficient but the poor boon ot an acknowledgement of their share in achiev ing a glorious victory must too be withheld. Byron once said that " glory consisted in being killed in battle ar.d having your name misspelt in the Bulletin " These Republi cans would go a little further ihey are very willing to have you killed in battle but would omit the name altogether. There was a time when Gov Cnrtin ?oul1 not vis j her We we,M upoa ,he ice aritj then Mary it a camp ol Pennsylvania sold.ers without j quielly down, ordered roe on my knees, being hissed or hooted at. Are we getting am, quie,y p!aceJ that foot, a foot in my back to those days? Have the whitewash- j bp and biJ melo put or. her fckAte9 jf in-sof the Legislative Committees so em j sjr yenU!t bild drop?ed frorQ Heaven, and. boldened him and hi clique a to make j l0,d Re l0 ru5 hr dowa wilh roIlen Ptoa0 , them believe that they can renew their out- j anJ Ql, jt couIJ n0, have a3,onished me rages on the soldier with impunity? To j mofe lhan wben lhat dir-Be fuol WM pUced the Democratic press of the country must j Qn my unworihy ,a? j felt faiu: but buck our gallant soldier look to have j eJ Di, lrke kate. and stood op, with Mary wrongs righted. It has in every war prov- j by my eide! No . we j lel me teU yoa. . en itsel! the steadfast inena oi trie oeietni- sis of our Country's Flag and it will not be found wanting at tin time The '?ar' wrongs perpetrated on the soldier have never been excused or winked at by the Democratic press, or ha a single member of the party it repre-ents ever descended so low in the scale of patriotism as to express the wi-h that they may be "welcomed with bloody hand to hospi'able craves." Thai is a ort ol l.yny that the Democratic par ly will never understand in practice or the o ry . Vi Hey Spii it. Ministering Angels. ! The beautiful have "fine with their bloom ! from the gaze o! human eye Soft eyes thai made it spring time in our hearts are ; seen no more. We have loved the light of maty a sm.le that ha laded from us now, : and in our heart hae lingered sweet voi- i ce that now are hushed in the siiet.ee of death. Seats are left vacant in our earthly home, which none again can fill. Kin . if- i i i . . . ... dfea ana menu-, lovea uii na-o p-sC.. away one by one, our heart are teti oeso- late, w e are lonely without them. I hey have passed with their love to "that la;id. from whose bourne no traveller returns " Shall we never see thetn agai:i ? Memory turns with lingering regret to call those smiles and the loved tones of those dear fa miliar voices. In fancy they are of:et by our side, bul iheir hime is on a bright er shore. They visit ns in our dreams, floating over our memory like shadows over moonlit water. When the heart i weary with anguith and the soul is bowed with 6rlt5l do they not come and whisper thoughts of comfort and hope ? Yes sweet memory brings them to us, and the love o bore ihem lilts the heart from earihly aspi rations, and we long to join them ir. thai better land. They hover round u, Ihe ' . t - I .I. . tsihereai .19p.ir.ei ones, ;ovi . ana i.ie loved, they w.i:c!i wrti eye ir.ai sium er tot. When gentle dream- are wandering to ihe attgeliand in whispers wake ihe hymning strain ol that bright and happy choir, revealing many a tale ol hope, b i-s tenden.es. ar..l love They 'ell of sunny re!m, ne'er viewed by mortal eye of form? arrayed in fadeless beauty and lotty anthems :o their great Creator' praise are sounded forth in sweet seraphic number-. And this bright vision of the blest dissolve the tumuli id life's jarting cenes, they fade in air and then we glory in the thought that we are heirs of immortality. And why 1 i' that we regard with such deep rever erence anJ love, tno-e bright celestial be ing ot another spi ere? Ah. it i because they take an interest in our welfare, and joy over our succes in the great battle of life. They are not selfish in their happiness but fain would have o share it wiih them. General Fremont is a statesman who ha never made a speech, a genera! who has never won a battle, a pa'hfinder who ha always mWsed ihe track, and a rnillionare not worth a continental damn. ''I am a great gun," Baid a tipsy printer, who had been or. a spree for a week. 'Yes' said ihe foreman, 'and half cocked and you can consider yonrself discharged.' 'Well,' said Typo 'then I had better go off' The lazy wife' friend. A reekingchair. NUMBER 17. The Tree Reason.' . "If w had no slavery in ihi conntry w should have no rebellion." Republican Pa ' - ... . . . If we had no Abn!itinuit9 in this countrj ; we should have no rebellion Slavery ex; lztt i r ft. A frfrTW ot Ina I I 11 a ff tKa tfr - , ' but we had no rebellion in consequence of. it. For ih'ee quarters of a century, peace, ' happiness and pscperiiy reigned supreme in the land, but no sooner did the monter abolitionism raise it hydra head a-d as sume to control the r'esiini- of this great nation, than we had rebellion civil war, bloodshed. carriage and devastation through out the length and breadih of a once peace-, ful and happy country. From Exeter Hall in old England the poisonous weed was brooght nod planted in the congenial soil of New England, and from small beginnings' its poison infused itself gradually Into the minds of the Northero people, until it re sulted in tbe organization of the Republi can party with abolitionism for its basis. And a soon as abolitionism entered the halls of our national Legislature did peace harmony and good fee ing leave, and bitter j hatred . sectional animosty and vindiciliva prejudice succeeded the good old days of fraternal kindness and mutual regard ' for. evdi other's rights, which existed in that time of the Fathers of the Republic and continued for many years thereafter. AbC litinnistn i i an evil hour was permitted to lead the people astray, a id to-day the Caiioo paying the pena ty of its folly. Seating Cocbtiso Well, air, Mary cetughl the skating fever which is raging so " fearfully. I heard her express a wish for a pair of skates, and the next day she bad the best pair that could be bought in the city, and nobody knows who sent them to - Mary and her victim in tbe firt skaiioj' Ie.on. Marv and I started she on mr ' left arm all square. First, Mary's dear' little gaiter boots presented themselves to my astonished vision, an 1 before I had time to wonder how they came up before me, I fell ihem pressing their blessed beau ty with empia-i into the pit ot my stom acn. Next scene wavy hair, with thirty dollar bannel. camepi.ching into my waist coat w ith such violence that I fe:t the but tons agaiasi my spine. Next, Mary gazed at me Irom between my jack boot, and anon her blessed little nose wa thrust into my shirt boom. Ah! my friend, all re search and study on the myterioiis subject i i ol woman has been comparatively vain till i in t'.u eventful year of 162, the fashion ha opened new and various source of ia ; formation. Doyo'i rememb-r yoir first at i tempt at driving tandem? Do you remetn j ber how that internal perverse beast that j you nad selected for our leaJer, wooUi in j s ist on turning short round and staring you , .(i (f f what the deuce ; . , . r, y. just you jo and try a woman on sxates. tni s an jisi iry ii ; Ah, wont you come to the conclusion that women have sundry and divers ways of ac complishing their object. Dear M try, I of fered mysell to her every time he turned up or came around. I am her. . .t .1 tt - - Amcmno Each OrHKK A correspondent ' of the N. Y. Tribune, writing from the Pen insula Va., on ihe 11th insi., gives ihe fol lowing: During ihe f rst day's kirmih on our right, iwo soldiers, one from Maine. lb other from Georgia, posied themselves each behind a tree, and indulged in sundry shots without efiect at the same time keeping op a lively chat. Finally, thct getting & little tedious. Georgia call out to Mane 'Give me a show." meaing step out and give atl opportunity to hit Maine, in re-ponso, pokes out Ir head a lew inche. and Geor gia cracks away and m:sse 4iToo high,' says Maine, now give me a show." Geor gia pokes out tier head, and Maine blazes away 'Too low' sing Georgia. Ia lhi way the two alternated several time, with out hitting. Finally Maine sends aball so as to "raze the tree within an inch or two of the ear ot Georg-a 'Csase firing.' shoots Georgia. 'Ceae it is ' respond Maine. Look here,' say one 'we have carried oo thi business long enough for one day rSpoe we adjourn for rations.' 4Aereed,' says the other. And so tbe two marched" away in different directions, one whistling Yankee Dood e,: and the other 'Dixie.' An old Scotch clergyman of the true Spurgeonistic cla.. who wa terribly an noyed at many of hi congregation indulging in the habit ol bolting out of church previ ous to, and during the benediction, had one day jt6t got that length in tbe service, acd was standing wiih outstretched . hands and closed eyes, when tbe noise of the escaping multitude attracted his at er.lion, and dt turbed ihe the quiet of the church. Quietly opening bis eye, be thus adJressed the door-keeper, and efieetoally stopped the practice for that day at any rate : Aod now John. o;.en the door and let all tbe cursed people who doa't want the b'eain, re tire