The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 09, 1862, Image 3

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Wednesday Homing, April Slli, ISM.
: Tavern and Stobs Licences are publish
ed in to day's Stab. Also, Treasurer's and
Sheriff's a!es id pretty good proportion. "
, Ttf wa News as we go to press is hot
of much importance. VYe are looking for
tcme startling ne'n to come along shortly
the taking of Richmond is expected in
a very short time.
. Thk Togo County Banner publihed at
Wellesborougb, ba made ita appearance
in oar office ; it takes the place oi the
WelksLoro' Democrat which was destroyed
by fire some few months finee. The Bm looks ceat and read well.and has all the
appearances oi being a . paying institution.
We welcome H oa our exchange list.
We would give notice that Mr. John K.
Girton has lemoved his Hat Cap anil vari
ety Store generally, to the brick building ot
the widow Leacock, in the room formerly
occupied by William B. Drake as a watch
- maker shop. Mr Girton wPl be happy to
xneet his old customers as well asnew oues
at his new bat and cap emporium. Adv't
will be changed in our next.
W. Wirt, Esqt , has established himself,
ince the first ' ofTApril, in a snugly fitted up
room, directly over B. Stobner'a confection
ary establishrasnl, (entrance first door
abore the post office)iu the Exchange Block,
where be will te pleased to meet his cli
ents and dipente the law to them. Give
him a call when in a tight pl-ce, he'll en
deavor to extricate you out ol difficulty I'll
assure you."
Snow fell, on Tuesday last, at this vplace,
in a sufficient quantity o make most excel
lent frleighing. We noticed a sleigh or two
trying it. After the snow all gets out of the
air we may enjoy varmer weather. It is
rather remarkable that we shoold have
s'etghing in this latitude oil the 8;h of April.
We had thought of planting some gar
den seeds this week, tut rather think we'll
postpone it till spring weather corned in
Falemon John has some attemion paid him
in this week's Star, by oar Army Corres
pondents. The toys ate afserhim, and tell
Lim and hi party .some pretty plain truths,
which they do not relish. One ot onr cor
respondents is to . te "ventilated"' by thru
Htpvltl;can ednor, this week. The people
ol this county, pretty generally, know who
'ToodIes" is, and they also know that in
whl he writes, there is "more truth than
poetry " A great deal too much troth for
the Republitnn and its par'y
Capt. Fkick, of the "Hnrly Guards " paid
oortown a flying vi-ii a lew days a'co. He
Jdoked tolerably well alter the fierce en
aemeni which he passed through on the
23d olL, rear Winchester. He is an excel
lent ofneer, and much beloved by hi." whn'o
company. It is said tliat he has tendered
bis resignation In case it should be ac
repted, we presume, the company will be
left under the command of the present first
Lieutenant. U. H. Em.
We would direct tiie attention of our read
ers to the speech of the Hon. N. Pkrkt of
New Jersey, which will be found in ths
week's Star It was I'eiivered in the House
of Representatives March 6;h 162, and has
the right ring about it It contains plain
. talk to the Abolitionisto; denouncing their
. policy for conducting thi war as ruinous to
the cause of the Union. Stick to the Con
siiiution i Mr. Perry's motto, which should
be the cry of every man who desires this
Union to re recons;ructed upon the pro
visions of that document Read the speech.
Palemon John publishes a letter in his last
isue, from one of our "soldier boys, com
plaining that a certain family in this county
waa in distress and shook! receive assistance
&.c, to which the sapient editor appends
eotoe remarks, reflecting not very credibly
upon our Board of Relief as well as the De
mocracy of ihis county.: It is possible at a
certain time the family complained ofneed-
d subsidence, but it is well known that
-she family in question was represented be
ore the Board ol Relief and did receive assir
lance to :he amount that was thought suffi
eient at the time. But as to the family be
ing turned out of a bouse, that was prom
i?ed in which they could" stay as long as
they chosed in case the husband of the wife
of the family went to war, we hare only to
Mynhat the house belonged to a Black Re
pot! ican, of the Doctor's patriotic brawling
ripe, too mean to be thepoomf kind of a
ranaga'.e Democrat, Hit us again, , Palemon,
on Democracy and patriotism.
Death or a VoLcnTf kr. We are pained
to record the death'of another of our brave
and patriotic volunteers, Mr. Jobs Pbosskr,
of this place, who was mortally wounded
in the late battle near Winchester, Virginia
He was a member of the Hluriey Guards,''
The corpse was brought to this place or.
Friday last, and interred on the lo'lowing
Sabbath Tbe funeral was very largely at
tended. Rev. David John, of the Metho
dist Church, preached a very effecting and
appropriate sermon on the occasion. Many
were unable to heai it lor want of room in
the Church. Capt. Alex. J. Furcs, of the
'Hur!er " Guan.Is." who "commanded the
company in the engagement near Winches
ter, :ra present at the funeral exercises.
Capb Frick's company sufftf red pretty se
Terely in '.hat battle, baring lost two men
ard some ten or eleven being wounded
V. R. Fowler, who was killed instantly,
was a young man from Briarcreei twp ,this
conr.ty, and leaves na one but a iser and
friends to mourn h!a untimely death bis
parents having died somi three year ago.
Ua was the only son of Josiah Fowler. -
- Our Legislature at HarrisLurg has decideJ
lo aJjoora its session on Friday, Ilth iust.
J Election Betnrfis.
The following is a complete list cf the
candidates elected to office in the different
districts throughout thib county at our late
election.: , !
Blcom Supervisors, Geo. Yost, Conrad
Ritteubender, James, K.-. Eyet ;' Constables,
Gorden R. Goff, Philip S. Moyer; Poor
Overseers. Jacob R. Groul. . Eli Barton ;
School Directors, John R. Moyer. Jeremiah
J. Brower ; Judge, Caleb Barton, jr. jlnspec
tors, I. W. Hanman, Geo. Weaver; Assess
or, Benjamic S. Merrill; Auditor, William
Benton Supervisors, Peter Appleman,
Joseph Hess; Constable, John R. Keeler;
Poor Overseers, acob Woolever, A. A
Kline: School Directors. J. C. Wenner, E.
McHenry; Judge, Thomas Seigfreid ; In
specters, Eli McHenry, N. J Hess; Assess
or, Samuel Rhone ; Auditor, J. R Ikeler.
Briarcreek Supervisors,. Levi Shaffer,
Joseph Blank ; Constable, Win. Klinetob;
Poor Overseers, A. B. Bomboy, Henry Dei
terich; School Directors, Samuel Sitler.
Daniel W. Martz; Judge, Joseph Stackhoose;
Inspectors. Samuel Kelchner, Nathan Martz;
Ast-essor, David Miller; Auditor, Wm. A
J Britain.
B.-aver -Justice, Andrew Shaman Super
visors. Henry Henterliter, Peter Gearhart ;
Constable. Chas B Troy, Poor Overseers,
Mosea Moyer Nathan Bredbeuder; School
Directors, Daniel Singley, John Frey 3 yrs
Jacob Keller, Philip B Frane two years;
Judge, Jacob Keller; Inspectors,, Stephen
I.ehr, J W. Johnson ; Assessor, N. Bredben-
der; Auditor, G. P Dreisbach.
Centre SupervisorSjSamnel Bower, Sam
uel Hagenbuch ; Constable. Chas H Dei
terich ; Poor Overseers, ESlwood Hughes,
E II Hess ; School Directors, Andrew
Freas. Isaac Hess; Judge, Wm Wiimoyer;
Inspectors, Lafayette Creasy, Mordecaf M
Hicks; Assessor, Samuel Neyhard; Auditor,
David R. Sloan.
Cattawisa Snpervisors, Johu Strause,
Reuben Orange; Constable, Peter G. Camp
bell; Poor Overseers,' Jacob Gensel, Abel
Thomas; School Directors, I -S. Monroe,
Abel Thomas; Judge. Geo. Manhardt; In
spectors Daniel Gearhart Chas Kreiuh: As
seseor, Peter Bodine; Auditor, J. S. Mc
Nirch. Conyngham Supervisors, Michael Har
man; Townshif) Treasurer, -J. li. Knittle ;
constable, Joseph Dawes; Poor Overseers,
Thos Flira. Reuben Wasser, School Direc
tors, J. L Beadle one year, A. W. Rea three
years, J. J. Hoaglaud three years: Judse,
Thos O'Conner; Inspectors, Chnstopherj
Coditington, Joseph V. Long; Assessor, J.
B. Knittle. - .
Fishingcreek Supervisors, Wm. Raber
Aaron lsender. constable, Cyrus Robbins
Poor Overseers, Beijamin McHenry, E
Unangst ; School Directors E. Mc. Lau
bach David Yos; Jiide, Philip Ap.!enian;
inspectors, J. u. Moker, . t . Andrews
Assessor, Juo Sutton; Auditors, Hugh Mc-
Bride turee years, Albert Ammeunaii I yr
Franklin Inspector, W. Mensch,S. Artley
constable, 1 h's Hower; Poor Overseers
Jonothan Former, J3se Cleaver; School Di
rectors, Jacob Kostenbauder. Elias Weaver
Judge, Seth Hartnian; Inspectors, Danie
Jtarr, rfohn Zeiuler, Assessor, II J. Reeder;
Auditor, Jas Keter 3 ts, Abraham Lillie
'two years.
Greenwood Supervisors, J. G Keller,
uavui Lemoit; conawe, raxton Kline
Poor Overseers. A J Atbertson, Adam Ult
School Diretlnrs, Samuel Bogart, J. C. Lem
on 3 year.-.; Humphrey Parker two jears:
Juose, famnel Kn-ner; Inspectors, I)
Alberison. Go McEwen; Ae-esor, I. Da
Wit:; Auditor, Wm. Eyer, F. Al. Roe.
Hemlock Supervisors, T.J. Vanderslice,
E. Geiger; constable, Daniel Neyhart: Poor
Uverseerx, heuben I . folk, James Lmrniit;
retiooi Uirectorf, Jno. AIcHeynoIds, M. A
Girton; Jude. Reuben Bomboy; Inspec ors.
AJ Emmttt. Jacob Biecher; A-t.essor.IL D.
Mcbride: Auditor, Win.Ohl.
Jack-ou Justice, Iram Derr: Supervisors
Geo Hurleyman. Matthew McHenry, con
stable, Joshua Robbin.", Poor Overseers, Jno.
H. Fritz, Jno Yorks; School Directors, J. W.
Kitchen. VV. B. Bobbins; Judge, Frederick
Wiles; Inspectors Robt Edgar,IIagh Shnltz.
Asteesor, Jacob Lunger; Auditor, J. McHen
Locust Snpervisor C Mensch J. Helwig;
constatde, SIomori Fette'man; Po r Over
seers, Daniel BieCer.S T. Keller, School Di
rectors CFetterman J G Campte;: J.;dge,
Jonas Fahriner; Inspectors, Jno. Mensch.l.
Dyer; Asse-sor, G. Hower: Auditor, May
berry Snyder.
Madison Justice, D. H. Watson; Super
visors, W, IJ Welliver, Valentine Welliver;
constable. A ilion Cox; Poor Overseers, W
Barber Jacob Deniott: School Directors, A.
S. Allen, Jas. Ki.ner; Jude, John Dinoti;
Inspectors, Jno SwvlerrJ. Cospen Assessor,
Jno Ronyan: Auditor, S. XV. Runyan.
Mlfliin Supervisor. Jacob Nnss, John B.
Angle: constable " Wm. Krickbaum: P-jor
Overseers, J. Keller, Jonas Hartzel: School
Directors, A Schwpppenheiser, S Gearhart:
Judge, W. Pettitt: Inspectors.!. K Schwep
penheiser. J. K. Foik; Assessor, Lawrence
Walters; Auditor, Samuel Snyder.
Maine Supervisor, J. Mas'.eller; consta
ble, J. Gigsier; Poor Overseers, G Miuman,
i. Dowmau; rcnooi directors. K. Mumm,
Wm. Bitler: Judge, Henry Bowman; In
spectors, J. Nuss, J. Breish: Assessor, D S.
Brown: Auditor, G. Miller.
Montour Supervisors, D. Kersher. W.
Hollingshead: constable: T. Weaver: Poor
Over5eers, E. Welliver, I. Mowry: School
Directors. W. Bittenber.der, E. Davis; Judge
H Geiger, Inspectors. Henry Buss, J. Lei
tly: Assessor, N. Mowser, Auditor, J. G
Quick. '
Ml Pleasant Supervisors Samuel Owen.
D Zeigler; constable, J. Shipman; Poor
uverseers M. (nioert. v. Kline; School Di
rectors, A. Heacock, B. Kistler; Judge, J. C.
JMunten; Inspectors, r. Miller, M. Ruckle;
Assessor, J. Jvline; Auciior, Isaac Apple
Orange Supervisors A Everh&rt, Moses
Everharl; - constable, M. C. Keller; Poor
Overseers, S. Beidleman, t. Zimmerman;
School Directors, S.hverett.W. Bellas; Jndge
D. Herring; Inspector, B Jones, J. Grham;
Assessor, T. McHenry; Auditor H. R Kline.
Pine Supervisors, D. Foruwald, T. Har
len; constable, A Bobb; Poor Overseers,
J. Lore, B. Wintersteen; School Directors,
E. Bogart, T. Stackbouse; Judge, J. Chem
berlinj'lnspec'ors, Ira Pursel. WFaus; As
sessor, Valentine Wirjtereteen; Auditor, J.
Roaringcreek Supervisors, M. Federoff,
J. Rarig; constable, J. Longenberger, Poor
Overseers, M. Federoff, J. Rarig; Sehool Di
rectors, J. Hibb. H. Hoffman; Judge, John
Whitner; Inspector. D. Gearhart C. Mencb;
Assessor, C. Dyer; Auditor, W. Rhoads.
- Sogarloaf Supervisors, J. Fritz, R. Kil;
constable Jesse Ilartman: Poor Orerseers.S
Fritz J. Fritz: School Director6,S. Park.G. W.
Steadman, J. W. Kile, to fill vacancy for 2
years: Judge, W. A- Kile.' inspectors, Peter
Lntz. C. T. Moore;. Assessor, E. Lau bach:
Auditor, W. B. Petermaru
Scott Sup'rs. E. Kiine,E. Krcm,corBtable,
S. BittenbendenPoor Overseers,D. Melick,J.
Trembly: School Directors, W. Peacock,
Eli Crevling: Judge, H. Melick: Inspectors,
O. P. Ent. J. McKaraey; Assessor, T. Cr8T
ling jr : Auditor. W. Peacock.
Ayert Sarsaparflla.
By virtue ol several writs ol venditioni V'
ponas and Levari Farias, to mo directed, is
sued out ol tbe Court of Common Pleaef
Columbia conn'y, will be exposed lo pub
lic sale on SATURDAY, THE 3d DAY OF
MAY NEXT, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said ay
at the Court House, in-Bloomsburg, the ol
lowing real estate, to wit :
A tract or piece of land situa'e in he
township of Greenwood, county of Colum
bia, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: -on the north by land of James Pat er
soii. on the South by laud of J ihn Mat on
and other, containing twenty six acies,
more or If m, with the appurtenances.!;
Seized taken in execution and to be old
as the propeity of John Covanhovan, dee'd.
All that certain tract of land situate in
Benien townhio. Columbia' county, bom
ded and dtn"ribed s lo'hiws t wit: on' In
north by land yi 'Philip Kn'okbaurn'ti heir-,
on tte eHSt by lands of David Dot), on-the
south bv lands of Andrnw Ranyan & P ier
Case, and on the west by land of Joseph
Hes, containing eighty three acres more
or le!-s, about. one half ot which is impiov
ed J.ind, wtiereon are erected a two story
frame l welling houses wh'elriht sho , a
log Barn, it nd other outbuildings, with the
Seized taken in execution and to be o!d
as the property of N. P Moore.
All that certain tract of land sitnat : in
Moniitpleanant tp., Columbia county, Ja ,
boninieit aiul described as follows In wi : ,
on . the north by lands of John Au-tin on
the east by lands of John Cro'jse, on the
south by lands of Cuibarine Zinler, am on
the west by lands of Jacob Johnson, ron
taining filiy acres more or !!. a turn 35
acres of wtich is improved land, wheiami
are erecied a Irame dwelling house, a Irnne
siab'e, aid other outbuildings, vviiti the ap
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
a3 the propeity oi John Jouuson.
All that certain lot of ground situate in
Bloom township, Columbia county, Per na
bounded and described as follow to w u
On the. South by the Nor:h Braiu-h Ctnal,
on the West by land of the Iron pale Co.,
on the Nordi by a Street, and on the iact
by lot of George Weaver, containing oi.e
acr ot land be the same more or es,
whereou are erected a two ttory frame
dwelling house, a frame stable, and oiber
outbuildings, with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution and to be fcold
as tin property of Jacob Reiswick.
All those certain lots and tracts of land
as follows io wit: All those three lot-" I k ing
contiguous to each other, situat in Kn;s
town, Locust town-hip, Columbia coi.i.ty,
Perm 'a, bounded and described a foiling,
to wit: on the northwest by an Alley t hrty
three feet wide, on the nonhea! by h Mam
street of aid town, on the sputhea. tby
laud oi Francis Kern, and on (be bouthAei
by an alley, containing one third of acre
each, mora or less, whereon is erect aJ a
uew two story frame store house, wit i ihe
ALSO Six otner lots situate in iheiown
and county aforesaid, ly ing contioo is to
each o-her, bounded on ll.e uonliwe-t bv
lands ol Peter Bhoad, on the norhwed by
a Main eirt-el leading through the iovii lo
Slabtown, on ihe rortheaft ny an alU y 33
feel wide, and on the euuihweM tiy ai al
ley, containing one third of an acre aeti,
more or less, wtiereon are erecrod a rew
iwo slory liame ilwellitig house, a t mall
frame store house, a well ol water aiul
other outbrildiiigs. withlhe appunena ice.
ALO Oi-e oilier lot situate in ihe twp.
and county aforesaid, bounded on thetoiuh
west by a public road leading from Kun.
town to Slabiown, and on the r;oriwet by
lands ol Peter Rhoads, on Ihe nortiiean by
lands of Nn IioJhs Englehari, and oilhe
Souih East bv land of Francis -II. Kein, ;
pnntjiriinir Imvmi nt-rci mnt nr 1. ll nt t
which is cleared land, whereon is er!i:;fd
a lo.i barn and other outbuildings, will ine
ALSO Oi.e other loi sitna'e in ihe Iwp.
aud county aforesaid, bounded on the north
east by a public road leading from Ke iis-
town to Stabtown, on the northwest by a
public read leading to Neumedia, oi the
southwest by lands cf Isaiah Siiatfr, and
on the soutn tiy lauds of Pelt-r ll'ioad.-, i
coriiamiii tif and one lonrth acr-s more 1
or le?t, all oi which i iuinioved laud wi;h :
' t
tiie rfpp ir eiiailCeS. one omer 101 oi and sitn-iie m '
the town of Neumedia, iwp. and county j noUke formerly occupied by Geo. VV. Hoff
afoiesaid, bounded on the wet bv Min i rnan, in Filiinsreek.
Street oi said town, on the nonh by a lot ot ! On Fridav, 25th, Benton and 5n:,iii!oaf, at
John Heimbatich, on the eaM by an iMey, i
and on the fcouth by an alley, com iniii ' i
one thiol of an acre more or let, wlmreon i
ate ereced a two Story frame More I oue, j
a two !ory Irame Warehouse, a framj Ma- j
ble, wagon hnu, a well ot water, wi h the )
apptinena;icf. j
AlO One and a half Lot situate n the
town of Neurnelia, twp. ard county ifore-
naid, bounded on the west by Main f- reet, !
of lown, on the north by a street, on '
the eat by an alley, and on the south by a
lot ot Johu lir imbauch, coiitaimiic; ore half
of an acre more or lees. whereon m e 'ected
an dd frame dwelling house, a well ot wat-
er, with the appurtenajicea.
ALSO One other lot ol timber land eiiu
ate in Locu.-t two , Columbia co., bounded
on the north by a public road, on th eaf-i
by land of Benjamin Diaver, on the ouih
by laud of, and on Ihe w?t h' land
of John Billich, containing nine acre1, fall
unimproved) with the appurtenance?.
AlO One other lot and parrel o'land
(-itualfl in Ihe twp. and county afoiesaid,
bounded on the west by an alley, n the
Notth by land of Baird, and oi the
South by lot of Beuben Fahrinaer, cnotain-
ins two and one half acre; more oi !er,
all of which Is improved land and iii good
fence, witlf tbe appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution anJ to be sold
aa the property of John P. Lean.
All that certain tract or piece of laid pit
u ate in Jackson townhip,Columbia ouniy,
containing fifty acres aad allowance, boon-'
ded and described as follows, to wit: )n the
Nonh by land of Wilson Roberta and Silas
McHenry, on the South by lands of Iaac
Lewis and Geo. Hurleyman, on ihe last by
Unds of Samuel Roberts and E. Mc ienry,
and on tne weft by lands of Sam'i Ruber!,
whereon are erected a oue and a half Mory
frame AJwelliug houe, a log stabU, wiih
the appurtenances. .
Seized taken id execnion and to I e sold
as the property of John Roberts.
All that certain lot and piece of round
situate in Roaringcreek township, Colum
bia county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows to wit : Beginning at a none a cor
tier of land of Mr. Da vies, thence l y the
same South eighty live and a half cereet
weft, fifty one perches to a wbiie oik iree,
thence by land of an unknown person south
seventeen and one half degrees e ist, 29
perches to a post; (hence by other linds of
Solomon L. Snyder north 85$ decrees east,
51 perches lo a stone, to lauds of Solomon
L. Snyder; thence by land of same, north
seventeen and one half degiees est, 79
perches to the place of beginning, e ntain
ing twenty five acres and twenty nine per.
of land be ihe same more or less, with ihe
Seized taken in execution and to lie sold
as the property of Johu Litwiler. . ? I
A certain two story frame dwelling honrt
eiiuate in Brian-reek townr-hip, about 1
(ee.t by 30 feet in size upon a lot ot troiind
or tract of laud now occupied by the Licob
Sitler, containing sixty acres or thereabouts,
the said tract bounded eastward by lands or
John Rinard, north by public road and land
of Samuel Sitler, west by land of Jacob
Bower jr , and the lot of jjround andcurnl
edge aupurtenant to said building.
Seized t&ken in execution and lo be sold
as the property of Jacob Sitler.
All that certain moiety or half part of a
lot of ground r-iluuie in EpJ town , in tt-n
county of Columbia, marked in the general
plan of said town No. 19. number xii'ie
teen J twin ded a follows to wit: beginning
at a post, corner o! lot No. 20, owned by
Alexander McKainey, on ihe south fid of
the Mdiii Street and running thence a i oils
"aid lot southwardly on hundred at; I ev
eniy three feet three inches to an A Hev;
thence along naid alley westward ly forty w e
fet tnree inches to a post thence along t""
other moiety ol lot No. nineteen owned by
H'-nry Truui) northward'y ono hundred
a:ut seventy three feel three inche to M-iin
S'reet aloresaul, and "thence alonw said St.
eastwardjy forty one feet three, inches to
the place ol beginning together with the
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as tw property of Henry B W Vanoncher.
By virtue of a writ ol Finii Fu n n cer
tain lot or piece of ground s.tnate in Cat
lawtssa, Columbia connty, bounded and
described a billows, to wit: on the Ei-t by
second ireet, on the North by lot of Georue
Huahes, on the VV'eet by lot ol late Joseph
Pax ton, and on lhe North went by Railroad
Street, containing 35 feet front and 2 IP feet
drtep, whereon are erecied a two story
1 arne house and a ttabie, with the appur
trnancrtd. Seized taken in execition and to be told
as the property of John tMiyder.
Sheriff's Office, ) Sheriff.
Bloomeburg, April 2. 1862
To the heir and lsnl rep re -
ff) seni.itives of George Mears. i
VrtV-i 0" ,he co- f Colombia, deo'd
You and each of you will t
i. late
iou aau eacn ti you wm iase
f . :it .1
',, noticrt Itiat at a Court of Com
mon Pleas, held at BJoomsbuig for the co.
ol Columbia, on the 6'h dav of February,
A. D. 1862, li e petition of Win. Cool was
presented to the said court, reprerning
that the sai I Wm. Cool had executed to
j the t-aid Georje Mears a certain indenture
' of mortgage in due form of law, ar.d which
was 'recorded in the office for the recording
nf deeds &c. ir. , Blooirisburj in and lor the
said co. ol Colurubi.i. m Mortgage Book
No 2, pagtf 613 and 614; that payment has
been made of all the money due thereon,
or to become due, more than two tears
prior to the presentation of said peiiuon,
and that satisfaction of the said inorlae
has tiot t pen entered upon the record of the
same, and praying the eaid court to grant a
rule upon yon to shew caustf by the first
'ay of ihe Mny Term- of the said citurt A.
D. 1862, why satislacuori of the said mort
gage should not be entered by ilieJIecorder
of )e-.fs &(. lot the said county ,. by the
dirctii;ii of the said t-onit Whfreup'm me
saiit court did appoint Peidr S. lii-hel E-q ,
coinnii-sioner lo lake depositions in the
' premises, who w ill si' for that purfu-e, at
the otfi.-e of Robert F C'ark, oi Sinirday,
the 26ih day ol April at 10 o'clock A. M.,
when and where, as well a before the said
court ai the time of ihe hearing of the saiit
rule, you are hereby required io appear and
answer said petition. Withers my hand at
B.oonisburi;, in the County oi Columbia,
tins first day ot April A. D. 162.
Bicomsbiirii, April 2, 1862.
Appeals from the Assessui uti,
Nonce is hereoy piven th-it ihe Com
missionars of Columbia coutiiy will hold
their Appeals on the following days aud
places, io wit : .
On Monday, April 21-t 1S62, Berwick
ar.d Briarcre-k, at the Rising Sun, Lwia
Enke, in Berwick.
Ou Tuesday, 22 I, Scott and Centre a' the
llou-e ul Daniel L Everharl. in Lgl.t
vveiinetav, liranse anil Mount
I'lea-ant, at the Houe of Samuel Everett.
. ... 1
un i iiur iav, in.ti, r i.-uinscreex. a ne
William Colea, Benton.
t-'n Daturday 2btli, ureeruvood, at the
houe of Jopli Ii. Paiton, in (JreenwooJ
Monday 2S;h Jackcon and Pin, at Irani
Derr's, in Jackson.
Ou Tuesday 29ih. Madi-son, al Samuel
Ilimby', in Jeriieyiovvn.
On Wednesdav 30'h. Hemlock and Mon-
lo,)ri al lt,e Buck'siorn Tsrern in H-mlock.
Oa Thursday, May lt 162, Ca'tawia
an' Fran klin, at tbe Public Hou.-e of Dan
to I Reinbold, in Cattawi--.a.
Friday 2d. Maine and Beaver,aJ the Pub
lic bou-e ol oho Nu!. inM tm vilie.
On Saturday 3 1, Mifflin, t the Ilou-e of
John K'tiler, in M fllinville.
On Monday 12th, Locust and Roarinjipfeek
at ih.9 House of John L. Hi r-i, in Slabiown
On Tuesday 1 3th, Conyngham, at the
Hoo-e of Rotieo Vaer
Ou Thursday 15th, Bioom at the Court
Houm?, in Blooinsbura.
By order of the CommioionereJ
R. C. FRUIT, Clerk.
Bloomsbur? March 26, 1S62,
hates, i-oriows and aufr, hopes and
tear, regrets and jnys ; MANHOOD, how
lost, how restored-; the nature, treatment
and radical cure of epermalorrl-coa or feem
inal weakness ; invc luntary emissions, sex
ual debility and impediments to marriage
generally ; nervouriec-s, concuraption, fib,
mental and phyfic?il incapacity, reultin"'
from SKLF-ABUSK -are fully explained
YOUNG, AL D. This mot extraordinary
book hou Id be in ihe hand of every young
peron contemplating marriage, and every
man or woman who decires io limit ihe
number of their offsprin; lo their circum
stances. Every pain, disease and ache in
cidental lo you'h, maturity and old age, is
fully explained; every particle of knowl
edge that should be known is here given.
It is full of engravings. In fact, it disclo
ses secrets that every one should know;
still it is a book that must be locked up,
and cot lie about the house. It will be
ent to any one on receipt of twenty five
cents in specie or nos-aiie stamps. Ad--
dre Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPKUCE
Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia.
no matter what may be your disease, be
fore you place yourself undei the care of
any of the notorious Quacki native or for
eignwho adveitise in this or any other
paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book,
and read it carefully, it will be the means
of saving you many a dollar, yoar health,
and possibly your life
DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any
of the diseases described ii. his publication
at his office, No. 416 SPRUCE Street,aboe
Fourth, Philadelphia.
Office hours from 9 to 3, 'daily.
Eebreary 26, 1862 y,
.re you sick, fcubte, and
.9 cnwDluinliiiiT Are too out of
order, wltli your system do
ranxt-'d.'and your feeliDgs un
cumturtntilef These eynip
ton is are often tbe prelude to
serious iliuwss. borne tit of
sickncKg 1 creeping upon you,
and should le averted by a
timely use of the right rem
edy. Tuke Ayer's l'ilis, and
cleause out the disordered hu
mors purify the blood, and
lut ttie tluicln move ou uuob
ttructed in henlth again.
They stimulate the functions -
the body Into vigorous ao
ivity, purify the system from
the obstructions which make
disense. A cold settles somewhere la tbe body, and ob
struct Its natural functions. Those, if not relieved,
I react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro
ducing general aggravation, suffering, aud disease.
AVhile In this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the
nut mill action or the system, and witli it the buoynnt
feeling of health agaiu. What is true and so apparent la
this triviul and common complaint, is also true in ninny
of the deep-st-nted and dangerous distempers. The same
purgative eCTect exH.-U them. Caused by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of tbe natural funptlons of tbe
lexlv, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
by the same means. None who know the virtues of these
Pijls. will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from loading physicians in some of ttie
principal cities, and from other well known public per
sons. Frnrn a IWwarding Merchant cSt. Louit, IVb. 4, 1856.
Drt. A trr : Your Pills aro the paragon of all that is -preat
In medicine. They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerom sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
incurable for years, lier mother lias been long griev
ously afflicted with blotch." and pimples on her skin i.nd
in her hair. After our ch.'Id waa cured, she also tried
your aud they have cured her.
As a Family Physic.
from Dr. K. Girlwriyht, A'ew Orl'ant.
Tour Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualitii.Ht surpass any cathartic we possess. They are
luild, but very certain and enVctual in their action on the
tiowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the laiiy
treatment of disease.
Headache, Slcklleadarlie, Foul Stomach.
J-Vom Dr. Edward Boyd, Haltimore.
DARJluo. Aran: I cannot answer you what complaints
I have cured with your Pills better than to say all Vint u
ever (rent with a purgative medicine. I place great depeu
donce on an effectual cathartic In my daily contest with
disease, and telieviDg as I do that your Pills afford us tbe
best we have, I of course value them highly.
rrrTsnrjno, Pa, May 1, 1855.
Dr. J. C. A tib. EIr: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst htudactte any body can have by a dose or two
of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, T.T. W. TRET1I.T?,
Clerk of Steamer Clarvin.
Bilious Disorder Liver Complaints.
From. Dr. Ttieodore BcU, oXew Tork Cly.
Not onjy are your Pills admirably adapted to their pnr
pose as l aperient, but I find their beneficial effects ujon
the LivcTvery marked indeed. They have in my prac
tice proved more effectual for tbe cure of biiiour cam
plaint tliau any one remedy I can mention. I sincerely
rrjoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor
thy the confidence of the profession and the people.
Department or int Interior, 1
Washington, . C, 7th Feb., 185U.
Sir: I have used your J 'ills in my general and hospital
practice ever since you made them, aud cannot hetiUile to
suy they are the best cathartic we employ. Tbur regu
lating action on the liver is quick aud decided, conse
quently they are au admirable remedy for deraugemeuta
of that orgau. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of
LiluiM diieate so obstiuate that it did not readily yii-ld to
thorn. iraternally your, AlAJS'.O BALL, M. h,
iltytician of the Marine Hospital.
Dyaenterj-, Diarrlicea, Relax, Vrnn,
from Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
hold them in esteem as oue of the best aperients I have
ever found. Their alterative effect ujkjii the liver makes
them au excellent remedy, when given in small doves for
bilious dyKiilfry and diarrhitu. Their sugar-coating
makes them ery acceptable and Convenient for the use
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
front JUe. J. Y. LI Lutes, J'ajlor of Aditnl Church, Boston.
Dr, Atcr: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
success iu my family and among those I am called to visit
in ditres. To regulate tiie organs of digestion aud
purify the blood, they are the Very best remedy I have
ever kuoan, and 1 can confidently recommend them to
my friends. Yours, J. V. 1IIJ1ES.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. T., Oct. 24, 1S55.
DrR Sir: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac
tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
syxtein aud purfy the fountains f Ot hlnnd.
Const! pnt Ion, Cost Ivtnrn, Suppression,
KlietiuiatiMm, tiont, .Neuralgia, Drop
ay, Paralysis, Fit, etc.
from Dr. J. f. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much rannt't he said of your Tills for the cure of
entlireneu. If others of our fraternity have Sund them
as efficacious as I have, they should join me in proclaim
ing il for the benefit of tire multitudes who suiter from
that complaint, which, although bad enough In itself, (s
the progenitor of others tlu.t aro worse. I believe eoj
tirmtu to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that
organ and cure the disease.
From ilrs. E Stuart, rtiyiician and JHJirifr, liostm.
I find one or two large doses of yonr Tills, taken at the
proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural trm.
twn when wholly or partially supposed, and also very
effectual to clfante the ttmnach and frjtl tenrjiu. They
are so much the best physic we have that I reiouuuoad
no other to my patients.
From Vie Dev. Dr. IUuiU,of the ifiitt fpis. Cliurch.
rn.ASKi Tlnrsr. Savannah, Ga,. Jan. , 1S5.
nosoRfD Sir : I should be uncratoful for the relief
j your skill has brought nie if I did not rKrt my case to
I tiK "!r.i'n;,a.n, which end4 in chrawe rhruma-
. .u Vr.f. ;il,.t.n:.. I 1 1 1 . r l I -
'U. a coi'j Sfina in my iimbsand brought on xcru-
. j xrew wnrra miH unro until l,v fl.. ..Li-..
i or vc
excellent anent In Baltimore. Dr. Mackenzie., I trie.l your
i-iii. i nt-ir erects were slow, nut mire. tj persevering
in the use cf thciu, I am now entirely welL
Sexate CniMBr, Eaton Itocpe, Iji., 5 Dec. 1955.
Dr. Ateb : I have been entirely cureil, bv vonr Tills, of
Rheumatic Gvutn paiaful diseat that hfi.f atHirt.-d rao
fur years. VI.NCEN'f SUDKLL. of the Pills in market contain Mercnrv,
win, h, although a valuable remeily in fkilfu! lian.l.'i
Uaoceron. In a public j-ill, rroin the dreaJful conse
quences that frequently follow it incautious ne. These
o nf.iin no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Er. J. C. AYES &, CO.. Lowell. Kaia.
Sold t) K. P.;.utz. J K. Moyer, ;..,d li.
M Haueubtu-h, Bloonburj, and by one
dealer iu eterv town in the Stale.
April 6, I SO I . 1 v.
"- -euJ loall vi ho w i?h 11 (I fee of cturne) ; l ,r:,Vcf !"' cu-torn as we'd lhe Ifel
the IL'i-ipe and lull diroctions lor maktr." ' v',h -tne':' "ti"! a.-tion T i I TABLE and
and using a beautiful vegetable R.ilm, ih;u well supplied un-' wi 1 te careful
will effectually remove Pimple, Blou-hei f-urr'iit 'rr.ded. An I ht S PA liLE is am
Tarii Freckles, fee, &e., leaving ihe ckin ! P'' a,ld "u" e.l. in charge of carelul
nmocth, clean, and beaiitilui ; aUo lull di- j Sri,om,5i vviil always be properly attended,
rectiunn lor usma Pelatreau's celebrated 1 CP He invites a s!:;ue ol the pab'-c i-u-
Stimulant, war-anted 10 Mart a full -ro th '
ol H hi.ker?, or a Muslache, in less than
thirty day, hither of the sibove can be
obtained by return mail, by addre-inj
fwiih fs;amp for return postage) D1I
THOM AS F. CH A PM AN, Praciicai Chem
is-t , 851 Broadway New Yoru.
January 15, 1862. 2m.
Jl of a SUFFERER, Published a-a warn
rncr, and lor the especial beiiefit nf Ynnn-j
Men and thn who eulu-r with Nervous
Debili:y, Lo?p of Memory, Premature De
cay, &c, Lc., &c, by one alio ha cured
himself by pimple means, afer bein put
10 sreat expense 3nd iniai! vemeni-e.
through the use of wnr'hle medicine
prescribed by learned Doctor.
Single copies may be bad o( the anilr,
C. A. LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpjiht, Lomii
llard, by enclomz a poi-'-naid addres-ed
envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAM
BERT, Eq , Greenpoini, Louj Icland,
New York.
January 15, 1862 2m.
Kollock's Daudelioii I'oOYe.
THIS preparation, made Irom the besi
Java Coffee. i- recommended bv phviciin
for General Debility, Dyspep-ia, and all
bilious disorder. Thousand who have
been compelled to abandon the u.e of cof
fee will ue Shis without injurionti eiTetts.
One can contains ihe strength ot two
pounds ol ordinary coffee. Price 25 cenis
The poret-t and bet BAKING POWDER
known, for making lig.'it, sweet and nutri
liotis Bread and cake. Price 15cenu.
Manufactured by
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets:
CP" And sold by all Druggists and Grocery, jfj
February 26, 1862. ly.
Otongvi if, Cutum'iia Cn'tntv, rensylcuii'i
'IIE Third Term id ite present A(?ai
" ic year ol ihe- ()rai-ye.vili Male
le mi-
Female Acuilernv, wtllooniineutie oi: Tue?-
lay, February 4ih. 1862 ;
Iif. 11. 1. U 4l.KIie, A.fll, Pilncipil
Fn ili Hrriiiii;err!erii f Clen, the mnre
if etnJy bi;tl u.?iri:rtirni. sunt ihe eairiin.T-
i on ami ji. 'tiHtimi ol pitjuN, in ih's
larirne-.t w 11 f-.nt'irni o the S.,le Nrri(
"i-hool- ri f iVni; IvmiiM ainl to ih vi-w
ol ttie State I r ('ar'trin; n Put-iw Sc'nt t I-.
1 fie Ji-ti iiimiii will he nrwlt-r the c'lr-ro
l I'rol. H. I. U'alk.-r, A. AL, 1'n... i
v lii as ii t tiolrfr.a IVotrlier ami a LCnier.
t(t( wi.(f-i) kr.ruiii to tit-etl any frj- Mr -'hendiilio't.
The Trii-tf-vs b' st-ar tl
ifi:herpun nor expense lo .srenre io
-enicp of a iriiiti in vvlioje ii,t-jri'y si tl
il ilfty they have ermre., ie.i. t ; uri't
they are dei mm ii.etl that ihe i...t,ot. m the
ailvHfit,ii:es wliu-ti il ,-r- (Teti- to ihe puLlt
-hall not he Piirpa-e.t ny ny ftiraihr in
s i iiiimi i i the .Viate. Arfan?emenn have
heen maile to ronnent w i'h ihe Itiii
wh'u h itie course of I ot rii--i ion w ill a.
ro?jlee and ihornr.l, a-i in the lest Com
nierfiyl College. S ulent-", al-o whi are
desirou ot purniii or .-elci
-'Dilier- will fiave, a in itie S ate N'.rri;
'ji-ltoolf,' the needed la-:ihlies a.n I in.-iroc-
Tl.c preparilory an I miV ch'nl-"1 un
der the dirfri i-har'e ot the Pfiiipijial, will
ro:ripri-e inj,)ds vvlios ae or atiainrneni
do iiut qiialiiy ihein lo pnr.-ne ihe htudisc
t ihe fnulnt rla-se. In ihis department
ilo're w ill t! lunii-hed to the ua liar m-dent-
re (;nalifi?d Irr 0, nit op
poiiU'iitV Jr practice in ihe Art o! Tearfi
i to', hi ul 'or Ifarnii) fio.v to L-.-ssinixe.
artiie, and i'lMrui't a ffhrif-1. in bucli
ruini.rr (hat undt?r H eir ilirrfeti-, n o?r pub
lic shall beeOrie truly model SehooU. Lec
tures on the Triforv and Praoiie nf Tea:fi-
.a w.U be ajver, Xa ihe ..odent,
weeklv I uM.c Lecture, a)SJ be,
5 rp 2Q 23 05 SS3
Tuition, t rriou, of eleven weeks :
For ifie first prade ?4 Ofl ; Serond graJe
65 00; Third arade ?6.00 ; Co ntnert ial
Depar'inenl Sl5. full course.
One half the Tuidon required lo be
paid a! ihe opening of eai h Session and
the o:her half at ti e r lo-e ; unlees hy
H2reerr.eni ; r-o de.! n ion made for ab
seiu-e exi-ept in caes of ci.ntinced i!l:ie.
boaromo ami furni-hed rooms u-iTI be
iv.-n tiidenl- at two dollar per week.
Ti e-e are a!o room? lo let fur those who
wi-h lo tnsril thtri.-elves.
A'l t! e ext book ue I in ih InitiMitiou
can hi j :J - the place ai lliti usyaj hejijt;"
Cc.'" Fo r fuitLer particulars siJJii.a the
Principal or
E. .tZarna,
C. Bii:eiitendr,
J. S. Woode,
Wiliiam Fri'z,
Orpnrvj le. Ja'l.
J-imes l'atteron,,
WeMev B wman,
ISartniel Acieiibtw;h ,
Lomd of Trustees.
15 162.
13 I' i t IV J2 I s s-; 11 V .
Jtibt rubli hul in a Si tiled Lnvilopul.
I'rirt Q Lent :
a Li.crriiv, HY fH. CULVER
WKLI , ON THE CAUSE AND;; t CUIiE, (f'Srmm!1rrf rpt. C . fi--u
ri,iiii. Menlv,! ar.rj D-biii'y,
NVrvf ii-n-s Efjiiep-V ; Impard fs'
d the !!oK: La-eim;!e; Wealinefj of the
Li n. b and ti e tia k; Indixpo-iiio'i and In
cupaci-y for -t i f v and L-bor Dullness of
Ap;-rn i etiion; L's ol Memory; Averio:t
to S-nieiy: Love of S.lnud-: rinrii-tiiy,
j Self )i'm-t; D'zzines; Headai-he; A fjc
j Horn i 1 Itie E)fe: Pimples (in the Face,
( Involuntary Em ifs ions, and exual Licana
'cii; the 'oiifequerice? of Youthful L:di
! cretioi., &c.
I Zlr I Jus adn.iralle Lecturei-Iearfy provei !
' fiat .t;e attive emiinera ed, otieri m- af
! ll.i ied, evil may be removed wish hts
niediciiiH and wit'iout daittr!Mj- etirii-al
:' o;-eraii(in, an". hruld be read by every
I youth ard every titan in ihe Und.
J-tit tinder r-eal, to any c.ddre., in a plain
j ea!ed e.i velope, on the receip; of etx cente,
j or pc.-i,."e si amp, by a llreii-itia
! " lill CHAS. J. C. KLINE,
i 127 Bnverv.N.Y. Po-t Oliice box ib66.
! January j9, 1862-ly.
i jniiiscN iicrsi:,
TTHE c.t-rnterould repac tluily up-!
nr.,; I ir.en.t. d K.e nnl,!
bl ) , Uirtl; he hi. e
labh.-lied itie
j in Jrey town, Columbia connty. Pa. The
above brii'se t as la"-ly been refine I and
., ....- , I. I... .1
I 11 n-11-1 -iir.- a ; v. i.i '.j 1 : ii u i r ii t-i i vy li'.v p u
1 r'e cr.
lie i fiiliv prepared to enteriain j
",m' a"":l ll, -!'"i h'" tTn; help
bii "ue-ts feel al hom-.
Jetgey lown, Jan 8, 16'J.
rrv A r rival 1
1 NY1 1 ES at eniion 10 his of cheap
aint fashionable clnthina at his f-'ote or
Maui S.teel, two dotir above the 'Amer
ican IKuit-e,' wheie be hn a full assort
ment ot men and bny'i! wearing apparel,
inclo lint: the mo-l fashionable
i) ti 1: a s a o ods,
Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coat
nf all ir rln and i-i.e, PatHi ol all color
shawls, Mripes and liure v p--, shirt, cra
vat, Ktork, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves,
f-uspe-ider- and fancy articl-?.
N B He will also make to onler any ar
ticle ol do. bin" at very short notice and in
the beet of manner. All his clothing i
made to wear, and mo-t of il is ol home
nioomsburg, Miri'li 12, IS62.
THE und er'-i'ied offers for tale or rent
Ihe Ittllowina property, to wit : One ornl
sized Bnck I) w e 1 1 ti Hoie, out honsen.
well of waier at the door, and one acre a
sjround, i-iiua'e on the north eat corner of
Market and First street ; ALSO, a Hon-e
and L t on Fird Street; house SO x 20,
Irame; and a frame i-:able : fruit tree,-, &f!.
&c. Tetrns reanable. For par'icular
inquire of GEORGE WEAVER
Bloomsburpr, Feb. 19 1862.
of prooer & des;.rableforniB,fo sale at the
oface of the "tar ofthe North "
I ni, o tanl to Hoo-e Owt;er?. ,
I i:, Dili lit io Guilders. ' .- .
- Important to Hail Road Cc tr psnles. -Irnrortani
to Farmers. -
To ell whom this may concern, and it conctrn$
' every body.
Ttie Cheaper! and most durable Kuoriin
in use.
It can be applied ii New and Oi.l K ol of
At! kind", t-'eep or flat, mi I ! 8h inu. le
JifHifii w iihoi" removin-r the Shii ui,
Tbi :jr i;-le I, a been ihort :iit;- t--ed in
ew V'fk City ai d all part" ol ihe Ui-ne l
a'o. Caiiadx. V'e.-. Indies, and Ciii rvl
uid Scitiih Americi, ori Build -n-." ot ll
kind-, si.j-h a- Fa-oiie. Fouiidn-.- Cliiu-i-!...
f i : 1 1 li'iad fepi,i-. Care, and'on Pi.biio
lliiililii,- enerali , C 'lernmenl Binldins;-.
S:.-.,t y lie prmeij al U '.ildere, Au-hneit-t
and r, during llie p foor jer-, and
ns proved to be the CHEAPEST and
MOST I t HA HI E fif OKING ir n-e ; it i
hi -v.-ry respe-M a fiire, wier, weather and
IIME PROOF .ovetii." for JICOIS OF
lh, is l e OAX 1' maieri'tl manvf ttured in
the U:i!ct Sla'es vhiiti c rn;iinet ihe very
rlecirable pui. ettie- i.f i:i,iHcily ,in l Dnr.t.
hti'y. v jire i:i.i.,T-j,iy -acknow'eij..,.,!
to t.e ,.0,f,.s,p.' by (JCTTA PELCHA and
hat is rt quirt l in making appli
cations The ppene of apphii.o ii is trlflri ir2 w
oidmary Roof can be covered and fin. 1
ihh-d the wite tl y.
ml when fitiet.etr foim- a peifedty Ki'
I'iooI fi fice wit . an elaM; body . ln fi
rati.K t te injured t lle.i, CidJ or Stnrni
Shrink ii g of Roof board?, t.or any eiew5iil
a.;ti on w ha'ev..r.
For Coadti' Melal of m Kmds when e,
pod to the action of ine Weather 'if
For Prexervivc aud Impairing Milul
Hoofs nf all Kinds,
Ihi I the Comnofiiiini KTnn.n
whic;, u dl MicoeU.My ' ,.t ,
, ehanj-e. oi, for ,v ,,.,h ol
whjf j Jw ,ri(.,aI w J .
nrmiy, Idrrnma a to ly equal to ihr- e coat
ford.'nari ra in, rol? -i.u h l-n andnill
from i' ela-ii-ny i- injured tiy ihe i oif.
traction of TIN and other AIETAL HOOFS,
eon-eqnent upon cuddeii chatiyei cf s
Leaky Tin and other Me'a! l!Vd can e
rf(!lv repaired wuh GUPTA PERCH
CEMENT, ar d prevented f:urn further t-ot
ro-n' ant1. ieakui2. t'iereby entiurin i p.-r.
fer-ily u aier li-ht Ko0f for rr.auy year-.
lliif Cement ie pt-ruliarly adapted f ir iSa
preservation of Iron Hailing, Sloven, Kan
"ea. Sale, Ariculinral Implrr.ei.'i.-., i.c ,
alo tor renetal manufa'-tureri. o-e
Fvr presert iti and repairing Tin and o'her
Metal Riio'B or every description, from i:s
ureat ela-iii-ity, is not injured by the. con
irartuiu and expansion oi MelaU, anc will
mt crar-k in coid or run in arm weather,
j Tnee. :naieriU iire eda;i'ed to all cli-
maes, aiiri we are prepared to supply order-
irom any ran o ir.e ronntry, al short
no'-ce, lor GUTTA PERCH A ROOFING in
r !N, ready ptrpared tor n, and GUTT
PKUCHA CEiiENT in barrel, w.;b Ull
prilled dir.'-tioi. tor application
We Wiflni'ite libernl and snti-ficlory nrranir
tnchis wit it rejt'ii'-ii'le pniiet v:fn would oke in
e-'nUnh thtimelnts iu a Lnchiiivd and Porn.a
newt bus'me.
We ran jiive . abunda..l prool of all
ilai'ii in iavfir ol our improved Reofins
MaieriaU, have applied ine.n to eevnral
thou-aiid lIjof in New York Ciiv and vi
Sole Manntaetureri',
11'hohsaU XVarfhoue 78 William St.,
Comer ot L;beity Street. 'EW YORK.
Fuil I'esi-riptive Circulars and Prices will
be t tri'i-hed o i application.
Oc ober 16, 1?61 ly.
-t. iaOirf mri:L,
chestm :t STIU'KT, abotc third
IN ilie nrRtpd.a e r enibborhood of lb JoH
bin? limine om M,.rkel Third, and Chests
nut'Sireer. the Biriks, P,f O.Hce, Mer
chdiiis' Evrhanse. &. &c.
Areommfida'mn when required oa the EU-
n -vim i nra.! f - -
uw l"u,',m Irom 00
a"1' Pward.. per dv, and meaU at a Fia,T
Class Reti-ha nt attach io the Uotkl.
Prn-e acordin 10 the Br.U ol Far-.
Ihe y 'nr tk" ' -.-neer-. from aiif
Minion T r:io-e to ihe Hot. I.
llr English, French, G.-rrnaa aud Span's
July 17. 101.
TTfAS Ji'.ss received JiO'O Philadelphia
" and i. now opening a the old eiand
la'aly occupied by Mar'z and Ent a splen
did aescrtnieii; ol merchandize, which will
be sold p'.pap for
Hi Mt k t-o i-is: of Lai.e Dress Goodn,"
ctioice-t tv' and la'pfi f-M, ions.
d;iy goods (jroceries,
ha r d-war e, qe ens-war e.
cedar ware. hollow-w a be;
iron, nails and spikes
In s.ori every;in!i usually kept iu a
country store.
The pa ronas.e of oM ftlend, and the
pnMic senerally, is respectfully solicited.
- The highest market price paid for roun
try produce. PETER ENT.
Lihl Street, Dec. 18, 1S61.
The Adverser, having been res'ored lr
health in a very few week by a very nim
pie remec'y ai'.er having p tillered feverat
years w ith a severe Inns aflectmii, and that
dread die.iSP, CoiiKuniplinn- ii anxious la
m.ike Ir.own to hi lel!avv-uwerer lha
'nemis ol cure..
. To all who "de-ire it, he will send a copy
of the pfpsi-ripii.ii n-ed, (free o charge.)
wiib lYi diieeiinnK for repar';n and osint;
ihe FRi.e.-w hich they will rind a sure cnr
for Ca.'1-ntription, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c.
The oiiiy nbjeii r.f 1 l.e afveriier in nend
inoi the Presi-rtpiio i i- 10 benefit the afH c
led, and t rei! informatiO'l which he enn
c.-ives i0 b iiiva!i:.ble,an l he hopes every
-utTerer v. i!J try hi remedy, ii will co
ilien; iit)i!ina, and may prove a blenin2-
Partie wi.i,t;iy t'e pr9Cf.ption will
please . Id res
Wti'!iarTibur?,-K'nai co-, N. Y.
Oi-lrr-er 3(. Hfil. i-o
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.