The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 02, 1862, Image 3

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VTtfcesday EcrnlB?, April Sad, 1SG3.
The lateness of the Star thia week is
owing jo the want of help in office" aud' the
"movies" of the editor's "'goods and chat
vela." We'il be " on time" next week..
Oca ''implied threat," Mr. Palemon of
the Repullicm, will be kept good, and lime
vri'l tell wbejher "any body trerhblea"; or
not, only you try and keep Bteady that you
may cot be the first to "tremble."
Wt might inter olieiuiinea from the tone
of little squibs in the lieputtican of this place,
thai every person who did not subscribe to
Republican principles was not a trne friend
of the Union. We might add another nee'
esary" qualification in order, to become a
good TJnisn man, in Paletnon't estimation,
nd thm It, to subscribe for the Republican
Phd pay for it." '
ThS Republican editor of this place teems
lo glorify over. the spring election of this
township and that of Briarcreek. Suppose
hi takss a glance over the general election
T3larnirof tre county and see how many of
his Republican friends hare been elecied.
Of course Vsioti min have been elected no-,
tody disputes that, and ip the election ot a
Democrat a Union man has been chosen
most surely. The Districts have gone Dem
ocratic pretty generally. Republicans have
been compelled to uiand oat doors. The
Democrats have no sympathy for secession
and Abolitionism The people will have a
dmnge, only give them an opportunity.
A thii remarked to us. the other day,
tat there'was one thing- about this war he.
would Itkejo understand and that was this:
In tf a early part of the war it was to know
ingly asserted by this Republican party, that
ihe Sooth bad no men in comparison 'o
what the North bad and could very readily
famish ; stdl nearly .every enj-aement we
pet into the papers and telegraph, announce
that the enemy had a superior forced double
that of ourtand that the rebel loss is al
ways rnrjchshe latest three to oar one.
He wished to understandable.' a, he ihocght
irom tlse number repor:ed to have been
killed by our forces, that is won!dr exceed
tti en:ire amount of the" rebel a'rmy; ami. he
was tn quite a qnandary to know where the
rebel ttresncht came from. He had suppos
ed by this time that there was not one. rebel
left, but still it appears differently, for in the
last battle the rebel force is reported twice
tb number of ours! This person, however,
after thir king the matter over carefully,came
lo the vey sensible conclusion, that he had
been . ioeorrectly informed by the the daily
papers, published and managed by those
who are in the warm affections of thfs ad
ministratis. He' subscribed for a weekly.
lemocrRtic paper, an act of his life he will
rever regret. It is through the weekly pa
pers af'er all, that the people derive their
correct and reliable information, respecting
tbis rebellion as well as ttiat of local, Sta e
and national affairs
FLOUR pr.bbl 6
n " To the hirs and lesal repre-
. - v ; seniatives of George Mears late
Z ' - of 'he co. of Colombia, dec'd.
' Vou aad each of you will lake
'''Ait -notice that at a Court of Com
mon Pleas, hekl at Bloornsbutg for the ro.
ol Colombia, on lie th day of February;
A D. 162, the petition of VVm.' Cool was
presented to ike 6id court, representing
that the said Wm. Cool had eiecu'ed lo
the sa'u! Geors Mears a -certain indenture
of. mortgage in due form of law, ar.d which
was recorded in the office for the recordina
f detis &c. ir. Bloomtbur in and tor the
said ro. ol Columbia, in Mortgage Book
No. 2, pag 613 and 614; that payment has
been, made of ail the. money due thereon,
or , to ..become doe, more than two 'years
irir to the pr8iiUtirn of . said petition,
aad that tat'u-laclion of the said mortijase
las.not teen entered opon the tecord of the
same, and praying the said court to grant' a
rule upon you to shew causa by the first
tay of the May Term of the said court, A.
D. 1862, why satistactioR of the said mort
gage should oot be entered by the Recorder
of DeesJa &e. for the said county by the
-direction of the said court Whereopon the
aaid conrt did appoint Peter S. Rishel Eq.,
cenrriisioner to take depositions in the
premises', who will sit' for that pnrpo-e, at
the ofike oT Robert F Clark, on Saturday t
the 26:b day of Aprifat 10 o'clock A. M,
wheo'and where, as well a beloreMhe said
rourt at the time of the beartns ja the eaid
lu! you are hereby required io appear and
answer said petition Witness mvfhand at
JJloomsburij, in the Coamy of Colombia,
this cst day of April A. D. 1S62. ,
Bloomsbcrs; April 2,'18f.2. - '
Administrator's Notice. ; -
TOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration on the ertate of Michael
Hetler, hi'e of iltfilin township, Colombia
coun'y, dereased, have been granted by the
Register of said county to Michael B. ,Hei
ler,.wbo resides in Mifflin township AH
persons having claims or demands against
t&e estate of the decedent are requested to
present tljera to the undersigned and those
iodebted to the estate to make paynienr
fonawith to ' " '
JIifHin twp Mitch 26, 1626?p.
Adninistrator's Koiice,
rl-TOTlCE is hereby given that letters of
adrainistranon on the estate of John J.
Ket'er, la e cf .Mtf3m township, Columbia
eoonty, deceased, have been granted by
the Regier ol said county, td" Michael B .
Heller, who resides in MifSin township.
All persons . havin? claims or demands
Cairm tse etaie cf the decedent are re-,
quesled lo present (htm for settlement, and
those indebted to make payment w'uhoat
delay to - -
Midm tp; March-26, 1862; 6r -.
r-EVERAL 'desirable Dai'idtni' Lo( in
!oouibcr2, for
fnqaire of
JU3S 20.. l0-tf.
W. W1KT.
By irme of several writs 'ol venditioni ex
ponas ai d Levari Farias, to me 'directed, is-"
t-aeii out of the Court of Comrcorr Pleas; of
. , . , i . ,
lie sale o., SATURDAY,- THE.3d.D AY OF
MAY NEXT, at 1 o'clock p-m..ot sait day,
at the Court House in Bloomtborg, the fol
lowitj" real estate, to wit : . ,, . . .
"A tract or piece of , land siina'e in the
township of Greenwood, county ol Colum
bia, bounded and described a; follows, to
wit: on the north by land of Jarues Patterson-,
on the South by. land of John Mason
and others, containing twenty six acres,
more or less, with the appurtenances.
Sei7ed taken in. execution arid to be sold
as the property of John Covanhovan, dec'd.
. '.' .; .- j ALSO, . ; ..; '. "
All that certain .tract of land situate in
Benten township. Columbia countv bcun-"
ded and described as follows to wit: o;t t!i
north by land of Philip Krickanm' bejr,
on the east by lands or; David Doty, on the
south by lands of Andrew Runyan & Pf ter
Case, and, on the west by land of Joseph
Hess, containing eighty three acres more
or lei-s, about one half ol which' is improv
ed land, whereon are erected a two story
frame dwelling honse,a wheelright shop, a
log Barn, and other outbuildings, with the
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the properly of N. P Moore.- '
- , ALSO,
; All that certain tract of land situate in
Mocntpleasant twp., Columbia county, P ,
bounded and described as follows to wi;:.
on the north by lantls of John Austin, on
the east by lands of John CroiJie,ttn the
south by lands of Catharine Zigler, aiid-on
the west by lands of Jacob John-oo, con
taining fifty acres more or less, about 35
acre of ; wr.ich is improved lund, whereon
are erected a frame dwelling house, a Irvine
stab'e, nd other outbuilding, with the ap
purtenances. (
Seized takpp in execution and to be sold
as the propeity ol John Johtlson.
: . ALSO, .
AH that certain lot of ground situate in
Bioom township, Columbia county, Penna
bounded and described as follows to wii:
On the South, by the 'Nor:h Branch Canal,
m the VVet by land ot the Iron Dale Co.,
on the Norh by aJSireet, and on the East
by lot of George . Wesver, containing one
acre of land be the same, moreot less,
whereon are erected a two fclory frame
dwelling house, a frame, stable, and other
outbuildings, with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution and io be sold
as the property of Jacob Reiswisk.
;, also, -,:,;;..
AH those certain lot and .tracts of (and
as follow to wit: All those three' lot lying
conltjtuous to each other, situate in Kern
town, Locust town-hip, Columbia enmity,
Penn'a, bounded and dfwribed a follows,
io wit: oti the north w?t by an Atly thirty
three fel wide, on the norihea-l bv a Mam
street of said town, on the H'iiih(a.t by
land ot Ftaucis Kern, and on the south wrst
by an alley,' conlainim: one third of acr
each, mora or less, whereon ' is erected a
new two story' (came store house, with the
appurtenances. . , ,f
Al-SO Six other lots situate in the iown
"and county aforesaid, Ij ins contiguous to
each o:her, bonnded on Itie northwest by
lands ol Peter Rhoads, on the north wet b
a Main street leading ttirough the town ti
Siab'.own, on the ronheast ty an alley 33
feet wide, and on the southwest by an al
ley, containing one third of an acre each,
more or les, whereon are erecred new
two Vtory fiame dwelling house, a -mall
Irame s:ore house, a wt-ll ol water, a-nt
other ocibnildiiigs. with the appurtenances.
ALSO Oi:e other lot simple in the twp.
and county aforesaid, bounded on the south
west by a public road leading trom Kerns
town lo Slabiown, and on the noriwe-t by
lands ol Peter Rhoads, on the northeast by
lands ot Nicholas Englehart, and oo the
South and East by laud of Francis H. Ketn.
containing eleven acres moie or less, all ol
which i cleared land, whereon Is erected
a loj. barn and other outbuildings, with toe
' -ALSO One other lot silria'e in the twp
and coun'y aforesaid, bounded on the norh
east by a public road leading from Ke-n-town
to Siabtown, on the northwest iy a
public road leading to Nen media, on the
sou hwesl by land of Iaiah Stiaffer and
on tne souin Dy tanas oi reir linoaiif,
containina five nJ one fourth arr"S 'more
or Ie!s, alt ol which is improved lah J,. wih
trie appurtenances.' - A t V .'. ' .
ALSO One oiher lot of land situate in
the town" of Neumedia, iwp. and county
afoiesaid, bounded on the west by Main
Street ot said town, on the nonh by a lot ot
John . Heimbauch, on the east by an alley,
and on the south by an alley, containing
one third of an acre more or less, whereon
aie erected a two story frame store house,
a to story irame Warehouse, a frame si a
ble, wagon houfce,a well ot water, with the
ALSO One and a half LotVituate in ih
town of Neumedia. Iwp. at d comilv aiore
said, bounded on the west by Main,
of Si id iown, on ihe north by a tree, i n
the ea-t by an alley, and on the sontt by a
l t of John Heimbauch, coi-taining one half
of an acre more or Ies. whereon i erected
an old frame dwelling house, a wellbt wat
er", with the appurtenances. ,
ALSO One other lot of limber land -iai
ale in Locust twp, Columbia co , bnindet
on the north by a public road, on the eat
by land of Benjamin Beaver, on the sooth
by land of , and on th wes: by 'land
of John Billich, caniatning nine acres, (all
onimproved) with the appurtenances.
ALSO One other lot and parceT of land
situate in the twp. and county aforesaid,
bounded on the west by an alley, on the
North by land of. Baird, and on the
South by lot of Reuben Fahringer, contain
ina two and one half acres more or Ies,
all of which is improved land and in good
lence, with the appurtenances.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of John P. Levari. -
All that certain tract or piece of land sit
uate in Jackson township,Colombia coun'y,
containing fifty acres and allowance, foun
ded and described as follows, to wit; on the
Nonh by land of , Wilson, Robert and Silas
McHenry, on the South by lands of Iaac
Lewis and Geo. Hnrleymaii, on the east by
Unda of Samuel Roberts -and E. McHenry,
and on the west by. lands oi Sam'l Robert,
whereon are erected a one and a half stiry
frame dwelling houe, a log stable, with
the appurtenances.: ...
Seized taken in execTion and to be sold
as the property of John Roberts. -t
All that certain lot and piece of ground
situate in Roarlr.gcreelt township Colum
bia' county, Pa', bounded and described as
follows to wit ? Beainnin at a R'one, a cot
nerofiandof Mr. Da vies, thence by the
same South eighty five and a half degrees
west, fifty one perches' to a while oak tree,
thence by land of an unknown person south
seventeen and "one half degrees east, 29
perches to a pest; ihence by other lands of
Solomon L. Snyder north 85 J degrees east,
51 perches to a stone, to lands of Solomon
L. Snyder; thence by lands of same, north
seventeen and, one half degrees west, 79
porches to the place of begiuuing, contain
iag twenty five acres Vnd twenty nine per.
of land be the same more or less,1 with the
appurtenances. - f.
Seized taken in'executton and td b fold
as the property of Joho Litwiler.
i K , ir.. fnmo dwelling hot FB
FHaalo i 1 1' R r i a u t e ek 7 O W o hi t . T t5 ' 0 H 1 &
itii hv 3vi linerr-- iof af israj pd-.,
1 or tract of Ir rtiwHViiHd tv-U'e Jaf o,br-
m lint i n dT-ni tf w"i f-.i-w t K'-w r-r
the said tract bounded ebst w.ard by lands 'or
Jhn Ruisnl, iiorVn. by public'road nrnf tj t'o J
ot bamuel snipr. - west hy .ml ui jaipix
Bower jr , aud ihe ldt bt grnnVd aid cUini
edae wopurteTiant io said building . , ,ji .
Seized ti.len in xeciit'on and to bttlolJ
as the propeity of . 'Jacob Suler. "," . " n
,: , , : ALSO, '"";'' V -,
All that certfttn moiety nr half part if a
lot of ofoniul situate in . Esjaj to wi;, irr hp
county ot Colombia, rnatke 1 ic the nennral
pUn ol said ti w it No. .19,'; Jj'imiber iii if '
leenj boonded h follow to itr lejiMiij
at a poft, C(irnnr o! i"t N '50, owned rvv
Alexander McKamey, on the. south ide (
ii;e" M Jii'' Street rnd rui' i' g 'em-e iiii
said 40fc iouthwardly .othe. hmtdr;M(; jirf.l
eir. tl,r- e feel -.hree ir-he" to i"v Alvv;
tbeoce along said alle.etvv fdty forj' ! e
feet three in-he. to a pot thence uln;ij.the
oiher moiety ot lot Nonineieeii owin't bv
Henry Trump northwardly ,ouo bnrred
and seventy three feet three inches to ai'n
Sreet alnrealll, antl thence St
eastward!) ' forty . one'; le'et three tnchns to
the place of. beginning together with the
apprtenancs.-; ;'-1 ; ' . -.
Seized taken in execution and lo he ttofil
as tUe propvttf.of H"nrv,B W Vationc ir.
Sheriff-. Offt.-e, ) herilf.
Blnnoi.t.-irs. A:nl 2 1862 " 1 ' ' .' '
Kotice t Ifit? llfirs of Peter iioffman, dte'd
.V-.--. .' - - - i i r-t . . . i.i t T
2 lib VyOin moii W HK I' II Ol If cifir
. lo ' I.miiKd f.i tin.
Hen 'y H:flinan. Co W. f.iff
man; llirrier FisU'-r. Amu M .-
ria Fowler. Rozt'a An.atiii Cle:ivr,.y
verier Hkifj'rcHi-,' Wil:iari H'rlnan : Siinh
EliZabVlh " ilictt.irds. -; Ctiarlot'e H' flfr
Harmah H'dimaT Joenh Steele Hnfi S?tii.
iipI Se.-le, children, itnd device ot leer
Hol!ftian.iWil, late of Locust tow ni hip,
ColiTuibit. eniiniy. . ' " ;
Yon and each of yon arp hert by cited and
commanded to b and apuear in ous per
sons beforo it;e J-idse of . the Or plan's
Court ol said comi'v, to te hol 'ei at
BloomsOnro, in and for coun! , on the
first Monday ol My next, then ant t iere
to ar'cpl or refne ttie e-tau- of f-aid fee !
at tlse variation or -how ca iiv lie
iaoie .honld not be , cold. Wiine-s tt.e
hnnorar-le Auron K: Peckha-.n. Eq . P'esi
deHt ofour -aid C"iirt .it Blofm-t.ij" ' th
foiutevnth day .of Fcbruai) , A. 'J. on--tnousaiul
eight tun'rei s'sty two.
Jacob Evkhlv, C!erfc O C, ,
.SWffV Otlic-,
Blooinstuira. Feti. 26. 1862
tt I.. . hiiiple.' " ie:ip !.. b t -re."'
THE nixler-iai ed i- ju-t .rec'eivinir a ' r.ew
snpily' of, Ireiih tifHo ihe. -iti ol
New . York at-d Ph'd'a. and is prepar pf to
el them at II -?i need Prices. , '.
Calrces from 7- vi l2i, the best at 12i"
sorr'e: t f whii lt cost I5c. Die-G p.t-;
Cf:a!iis, Lv'las, Gn.uhani!.. M nslit. . Ken
trcky Jean, boy's Cs-i'nere, &n .,
i'l propnriion. ; ,
. LiKties' Stioe ar.d Gaitors. in reit ari
rietv (f sti lc t n.i quality A ;:f"'l h eled
Gaiipr for 62 , ntA an exce!i"t C nre-?;
forSl;00 A kid heeled Lace Ho-i firSl
ai:d upward ; ALSO, it e Hiah P
ral L'aW Boot (V ladies. Lndies' rid V.'t d
drei' Skirt-, Lineu Hai'iikerciii-!- S', 1,1
a very low figure.
CEl'Jli DQSS,ts3y Sill &
Best Stosie Ware Serf 44.00. &c H m-m.
Drieif Peaches, Mackerel. Ch es, Le nous,
etc. Go.mI S rup '.1rh4!es " fon 50 ,o 60e
a gallon Sugars, lower than refeti'ly Mil f.
from R io.l3c. Ihe latter price .foi ; bel
wliite. Coal Oil sslow as imywhere.
. CFAn examinaiiori of the is '. s'lt
c'ped. Co-i.e and see for yonrselre .. tint
the Cafch System is pref-r.ible to any o'her.
(irait am4, country producn taken n ex-
chaiiue tor Good by . ,
B!Vomhtr.; March 26. 1862.
Am f a Is from the Aslj nis
.... , . .
Notice i- herehy : "iveli lht-ltie Ctm
rniioiiwrs of Columbia county wil' fmld
their Appeals on the following da)s a"'1
place-, to wit
On Monday, April 2lM 1862, Ii
aif Briarcreek, at tic Ri.inj u;,,
t i. k
Ie -.v I -
E"ke, in Berwick. .
On Tiie-ila. 22 f. Scott :1ml Cen r' a' l'1'"
H-use d Dame. L. . Ever'tap; m'!L-2't
Street. ' 1 ;
0' Wf'dnexliy. 23 f Orana- and " Mourn
Piea ariT, at the House of Samuel tvere't,
to O' ai ue v ille
On I'hi.rsda', , 24ih. Fi-hinocreek, at the
hrm-e formerly occupied by Geo. vV. Hoff
'in an, 111 Fi-hniffcrerk. ;
On Frntat. 25ili, Henton and &ii jhi oaf , at
William Co!-, Benton.
On a:uldy 26ih, Greenwood
a' the
1 v 00 .
sc Ir.iut
rhniie (i! J't-;ph K. Pal on, ot Gre.
Monita 2t h Jark"n a i l Pitie,
Deri-, :n .lackO".
On rue-ta 29' -in Mi- 'ii. h'
Runny m J-r") in
On Wedi. ps. 30 h, Hemlkaiit Mt.11
iour, ai the Buck mm Tavetn i Hemi-.i-k
On Thcrday, May 1st 1f62 Ca ai--a Fran klin, at ihe Fnhltc Hoo.-e ol Dan
iel Re irionM. in Cattawi-wa.
Fr'ntav 2d. Maine and Beaver,af tte Pob
lie bou-e ot John N-is, m Mauivihe.
On Saturday 3d. Miffiio, at the He use of
John KIItr, in Mifflin vilie.
On Monday I2di, Locust and Roarii ccreek
ai the Honseof John L. Hirst, in Slubiowu
On Tuesday 13th, Cooyimham, at the
Hou-e (4 Reutten Wa-ter
On .Thursday 15ih, Bioom at th-Couri
House, in Bloomsbur..
By order of the Commissiou r. -R
C. FRUIT, lerk..
Bloomsboru March 26,1862,
Dppositejjhe Corl fiaue and next door to
Democrat Ujfice
THE nndcr-'gi.' infi rro hii
friends and customer- that he has o ened
: : A New Barber Shop. .
In Court Houi Alley, next dooi. bnlow
the Office ol Ihe Col urn Ma D earners f wliere
he wdl be hvppy 10 wait upon all cu; tomers.
Mud from long experience and strcf ; att-c -lion
to business, be hopes to merit and re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
EEAIi things here ' done in deceoe and
in order." THOMAS BROWN.
Bloomsburg, March 5,. 1862. . ;
'executed in the best ttyie knonn in the
art, at C G. CRANE'S GALLElll, 632
Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia.
. C5"Life Size in Oil and Pastil.
. CiTStereoscopic Portraits, t ,
- CAmbrol pes, Daguerreotypes &e. '
; : For Case's, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c.
- novl4 .':.-. ' " ,.
COAL OIL,. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale,
12 cts. per quart, by ' ir "'
- JOHN K. dnrrdN.
Blootnsbarg, Feb. 28, 1862.- " t ' v
Greenwood Scniiiiarj'. n
nHE Spring Term of iKisTostitbtjonlwi'
- corjimeiice on the 7'h of April next.;
fi be Principal i!l be bv nole
jitistructorf , and h ample' lac'lities-will !
affordetl to qualify S'tidents for learning,
for business or for a more ex'en-ive i onre
Iii, .literature, "a literal shaie of par '
is auaiit "solicited"' :
Pupil vrho do not come frrrn home, or
are not pot under the charae o1 near re!a
tives, must board at 'ihe" Seminary, and i
sutijecl to the regulations ttiereol. They
must provide their own towels - and hnv.
each article of cloihin" distinctly marked.
''.'Eleven week cor-tiiute a quarter
l.t-if will be a vacation id aboit' siv v v .
in "ii; id siimmerl' 1
. Btctrdin, w'., 'it ) mi.' T--;t;-
i.T')iiied rnonis, "will . he $25 per q'i"e;.
"i.c half pajatde in advaice
iuition alone' t'i Coinmou hrtmcHe-, S- 0'
.'." includi'us advance Aliieira .
ma(henntir his'ory &e.
' ,! . In La'in. German or Frcncn
rarh extra .
6 00
. 1 i-ii
For furthvr paricnlar a(f.lres
VVM -BURGESS, Pinc-pal.
- . Millville. Cnl co , Feb. 26, 1862.
Kollocks Dandelion CofJ.e.
' THIS preparaiioi roa-te from i-.e
Java Coffee recommended bv phv'in
a? a superior NUiRITIOUS BEVKUAI.K
for 'General Detility lypep-i. n.i a'!
bilioiiH disonlers. Thousands who have
tipen Cfmpelled to abaxdon ilie uie of col
lep will t)e ;his without injnrion effects
One can contains ilm streniti i tun
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cen c
The purest and beM BAKING POWDEi:
known, fo making, liuh, wee and nnr.
'ions Bread and c. fce Price 5ce.-it.
Jlluniifucliti to ry
M H KOLl.OCK Chemi-t., -'
Corner of Bri:lvl jlt-t CiietnU" Sir -. !-.
PhiladelpJ-U.' '
Anil toltlby nil )juggi.tis and Grater, jtj
Ferriaiy 26, I 6 2 1 V . "
Auditor5 Notice.
- Til K ri'.iffl -i ill'l, api.oiied :ii 'A U I 't,t
by the Orphai:'-Cmiri of Cinrnbi.i conn v
to di-tribote i'ie hal.ifce in ilie liandi if
Rentien Mitlpr.. Executor of Infm - Lmden.
late of B'tHrcreek Township, ii sid -onii'
decea-ed to and among the ciedi'OM aud
eider enii'led, hcow m.i 'niint : ivid rnei
the parties in'te rested for the pnrp-ise ol
appoinlti'ei.i oi Stiirljy, April .1th l2.
ar ti- office in Blo'turnlmrj; at 10 nVl i. i,
A. JV1.. ivhpti ari't wfiere all per-ons t.m-r
cla m- are to preent them or h
fere vr ''pbarred from c'oniinu in for a l:-,i'e
of -aid fund,
JOHN G. FREFZE. Auditor.
Bloornburs;, Marcti 5'h jx62.
FOU SALi: It IlKST.""""
Til E wnd ,-r-iv ed off-r for :'e or rc
the foiluwin ,r(i!eriy, to -. c : One .jo'ni
siz-d Brick D.eliiJ Hou' ho
well ol water at the door, and o c .v.
!irmiini -itu;e on t'le iiof't en-.' -fi-ij-r
Market and Firi -tree: ; ALSO. .. I) i-
.''d L'l 'tn Fir-t Sreet; Nno-e 30
fr'.me; ail f a frame -:a Ie ; r t . t'..,- fc;
&r Ter'iis rea-otiahl F 'r far".
iiiui.-e oi GEORGE WEAVER
Bloomshcrz, Feb. 19 1862.
.. FKi' ti v mmvAi mods,
Stiaviii IoivenIics:
I NVl E rlC.ll.l 'O t'iS v 'l l. oi - -i
.".Ii. hitj I :i I'le c'otlilil a ' hi- --oi-Mam
Sireei. two door- above ;he 'A ii
iC.i" Ho'e,' uheie he lia- a i,;. s . i-
meni .ii tncii tin I to vverfri'-y .n-,.'
It. 4 llldnii. 'iie' i! 0-t fa.'ftiniirt b'e
n i. i. s s ;oo ;s,
B"X, So k, Frock, Gum, and Oi! CI t)i C n
.if .H rls himI si.e. Pants ol nd i-ojor
shawl-, stripes and fisinre vcs;, shirts, cra-vai-
-lock-', collars, handkerchiefs, gfoe-?
suspender and fancy articles
; N B He will also make to order any ar
ticle ot clo bins at very short notice and in.
the bet of manner Ail his clol!i:ii -m:id''
'o wear, and most of it is ot horrc
riiiinijtacnire. -
B oon.burg, March 2, 162.
.t-n.l loall ysh . i-h it (Iree of eti trv ;
t!ie U-M-ipe and full directions for IJKtK):.-,
and nsinij a beaii'ifnl le B-lm. h i
will effectually reirfuve I'nnple. BioN !n -T-iti
FrecklHf, fii., &c., b-ati'ig hc
-'i0'th. ch-aii, an. I hean iioi ; a'-. i 1
rectmns tor nsmj lVj:r'an'- 1 t tc r
S'iMitiioit. war'"tel o w.att h fnii -jr ixt:
Ot Wilis kel-, 1 T a Mi,-, ache, i. :es . .
ihirtv t'ay-. Elltter oi Itii- above Chk h
V-btmticd by rcinrti nail, bv a-h'r n
witti samp for reinrii po-iae) f I i
THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Cheii
l. 831 Broadway New YorK.
January 15. 1 162. 2n.
hale-. Kir;oi an'f iiiiii'ts iiooe- an.t
tear-, re-let and j"ys ; MANIIOOP. m w
trift, how rctcreif j th nature. uent"i'--.'
aiot ra''ic;t! fir-' of i.perna'orr! cea 'r e.t,
inn! uh'S ; tnvf Intitary emis-ioo-, a
iiiil tlfb. liiy and inipedinier,! in
crally j nerv(nii es. con-urn :n in n. fii-.
ieiit-il a in' id'V-'cal incap.ict' , ret):nng
trom SELF-ABUSE -are folly exnliin-d
YOUNG, M. D. This moi emr.tor lit .t;
boob -tioulil be in the hands of eery yom.g
perOfi Conte mplati:i maniave, ami every
man or woman who cfesires to limit the
number ol their off-pri'. to Ih-ir circum
stances. Every pain, disease and ache in
ctdeiital to youth, maturity and ol.l aje, i
fully explained; every particle of fciio-v.
pde mat should be known is her yiveo.
I; i- foil of engravings. In lact, it disclo
- secrets iliai every one should know ;
Kill it i- a bok that loi-k-o up
and not he about the hone. It will be
etil to any one on receipt ol twenty fie
ceni' in specie nr 00 aue s'arnp. Ad
dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPKUCK
St'ee. above Fourth. Philadelphia.
no n.afer what may be your di-ease. be
fore you place yonrself nndei the care of
any ot the notorious Quae native or for
eijiti vrho adveitise in this or any oiher
paper, get a copy .of Dr. Yotir.o'a book,
and read il carefully. It will be the mean
ol savins you manv a dollar, yoji health,
and possibly your life.
DR YOUNG can be consulted on any
of ihe. disea-e- described ii. hi publication
at his ofiice No. 4 16 SPRUCE Sireet,aboe
Fourth, Philadelphia. ;
Office hours from 9 to 3, daily. ;
Eebruarv 26, 1862 y,
Notice of a Justice of the Peace.
I F the few subscriptions remaini 12 unpaid
10 -he fund l the "Iron Guard-" are not
settled on or before the fir.t day of Februa
ry I am instructed to commence suit, and
corts must follow m ech individual ca-e.
. . J. M Chemberlin, J. P.
of nroner & desirablcf orais ,fo- sale at the
of5ce of the "itar ofthe orth.,
''""?-.' -
JJiicE,3 r '-.
' Am vou stck. feeble; and I
complaliilngf Arc yon out of
order, itb yonr syiitom de-
Taugcd, and your fettliDgs un
comfortable? Theie symp
toms areurten the prelude to
serious illness. Some fit of
lrknesif ts erecplug npon yon,
and should lie avertvd by a
timely tisa of tlie right rem
edy. Take Ayer's Pill, and
cleanse ont the disordered bo
mors purity the blood, and
let the fluids mote -on unob
structed In bealtb again.
They stimulate the functions
of the body into vigorous ac
tivity, purify the system from
tlie obstructions which make
disease. A cold settle somewhere In the body, and ob
structs its natural functions. These, If not relieved,
react upon themselves and the mirronnding organs, pro
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer's tilts, and see how directly they restore the
natural action of the system, and with it tlie buoyant
feeling or health again. What is trne and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of tlie deep-seated ami dangerous distempers. The same
purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
by t ho same means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians In some of (he
principal cities, and from other well known public per
sons. .fVoin o Forwarding SfercJtant tfS. Louii, &b, 4, 1858.
Die Ater: Tour Pills are the paragon of all that it
great in msdiclne. They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon ber hands and feet that had proved
iucurttlile for years. Ifer mother has been long griev
ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and
iu h. r hair. After our child was cured, she also tried
your Pills, and they have cured ber.
As a Family Physic.
From. Dr. E. in CUrtivriglit, New Meant.
Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities stirpnss any cathartic we possess. They are
mild, hut very certain and effi-ctiml in their action 011 the
lioirels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily
treatniont of disease.
IIedaelie,SIclclfeadacre,F'ol Stomach.
i Voin Dr. JCdium d Boyd, Baltimore.
I)B4Rl!iio. Arm: I cannot answer you what complaints
I have curvl with your Pills better than to say all that wt
ever treat milk a purgative meilicine. I place great depen
dence 011 an effectual rathnrtic in my daily contest with
disetue, mid believing as I do thst your Pills allard us the
beet we have, 1 of course value them highly.
PiTnncna, Pa., Way 1, 1S55.
Dr. J. C Aye. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst h'lulaclt any body ran have by a d'Ste or two
of yonr Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they clinne at ouce.
Yours with great respect, EP. W. PRETtLE,
Clerk of Steamer Clarion.
Billons Disorders Liver Complaints
From Dr. Tiifodore Bell, oXno Y'irk dly.
Not only are yonr Pills admirably adnpted to their pnr
pose no an aperient, hut I find their benefiriiil efT?ct upon
the Liver very marked Indeed. They have In my prac
tice proved more effectual for the ctire of iilious ont
jyuiitu than iuy out) remedy I can mention. 1 nincerely
rejuke that wu have ut li-n-lli a purgative which is wor
thy I La coufideuce of tlie proteasilou aud the people.
Departjiewt ot Tint Interior,
Waxhingtoii, D. C, Tilt h , )"t;. j
9m : I have used your rillit in my general and hospital
practice 1 li t Miico ou umdd them, end cannot hci-iliite to
h-iv in.- Hro the bent t-athartic we employ. -Their regu
lating in t ion ou the liver is quick aud decided, cuiise-iHi-ia!y
th-y are an admirable remedy for derangements
of that, organ. Indeed,! bnve sehloui found a caM) of
btliuui duene so I'hxtiiiate tbut it did not readily to
theiu. iraU-rually j.'ins. ALOZt UALb, M. 1).,
J '!!, tician of the ilarint JI tjiiUiL
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Xlelax, Worms. Dr. J. O. Orettt, of Chicago.
Tour fills have had a long trial in my practice, and 1
bold tluiii iu eteem a one of the best aperients I have
ever found. Their alterative eflVct upon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in small dunes for
bit initi linent.-r't aud diarrhoea. Their safrsr-ccatfng
make theui very acceptable and convenient (jr the use
of wouiau aud cinidieu.
Dyspepsia, Imparity of the) Blood.
From Jin. J. V. linnet, Jltstor of Adrent Churc'i, Botton.
Pr. Ater: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
success in my family and utiiong those I am called to visit
in dixtreis. To titillate the oigans of digeKtion and
purify tlio bliwtd, they are the v-ry best remedy I have
ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to
my frieiicUt. Yours, J. V. HIMK3.
Warshw, Wyoming CoM Sf . T., Oct. 24, lS.
Dear Srrt: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac
tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
syjitem and vuril'ji the fmmlaint ' the l,lond.
Constipation, Co t Irene an, Supprtmton,
itlit-mau tiHiii, Oont, Keuralglaj Drop
a j , I'Mialyalo, Kits, etc.
Fnnn Dr. J. J. Vaughn, iljntreal, Canada.
Too fum h cannot be aaid of your Pills for Ihe cure of
eor imwj. If others of our fraternity have ( mud them
as efficacioii as I have, they should join me hi proclaim
ing it far the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from
that complaint, which, although bad euouh in itself, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe ro
tireness to originate iu the liver, but your Pills affect that
organ and enre tlie disease.
From ifrt. E Stuart, rfiysidan and Jtlidrife, Bitten.
I find ono of two Inrg dows of your Pills, taken At the
proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural teere
ti'tt when wholly or partial I v suppressed, and also very
effectual to eleantt the tlnmach aud tryel wormt. They
axe so much the bet physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
From Vie Rev. Dr. ITaivkes,of the Af'thoditt Epii. Cfittrch.
Pcisk! IIorE. Favannah, 0a.. Jan. 6, 1S56.
HonrD ir: 1 utionld be nnerstefitl for the relief
yonr fkill hat broimht me if I did not report my rase to
you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
ciating neurngie paint, which ended In chronic rheuma
titm. Xotwithntanditu? 1 had the het of physician, the
disease grew worse and worse, until by tlie advice of your
v-llet)t airent in lhtltimore. Dr. Mackenzie, I tried yonr
Pill. Their frVcta were slow, Ittrt sure. Ity persevering
in tire Use of them, 1 am now entirely well.
Ffati Chamber, Baton Rouge, fjt 5 Dec. 1S5.
Dr. Ater : I have been entirely cured, by yonr Pill, of
Rheumatic Gout a, painful disease that had afflicted me
V-Tot of the mis tn market cortfstn Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy In skiifnl hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse
quence that frequently follow its incautious nse. Thfe
contain iio mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared tj Sr. J. C. ATER to CO.. Lowell. Mass.
i.i r.. i' I.'. . J il. sli,r, ii.
M Hrte--tii:i-!i . 15 :o'thnro. ami by on?
l.-!tr it; eicrv town in !hi Sta'e.
Aoii' fi, lfil -lv.
(LTr Whitk Swan)
I.icc Streti. above S1 Philadclpliia.
7 T. lit.-tHt.S. l'ri:p.wl',r
Tci'isii ier day.
' I 'O ttie ld cii-ioiiir-rs 'f i'ii weli-kniw r.
' I ( iV. t f 1 I I Imvr
riMint :te' t . i tn ;'.rc Vi-il 1'nl ii-v-t lunn!iHil
':e -a Tie. at d ihi I rc-pc; lull) sn'icit
a ctiMini aiive o! iht-ir p.'i tia'".
S-ratti.ers, travelers am! vtsur.r, I enr
diailv 10 Hie hnspilalilj the N
t tonal" ' et'trte an. ee and ju.lje !or
ttieni-elve of i's ail va'i!je, iiju merits.
I tie IncatiOH is cei:ifal, ami cor. ve n eiu
Jof-Mercf;anl-and Liisme-s iUen s-neraMy
We will always 10 stu.-v the
wants arid comfort of ocr miesls, nntl wittt
our lonij e. pt-rietice coupled with oar at
tentue ati'' obli'4 inij a-ttau:, e feel
prcparetl 'o keep a 'rd Hotel, arid ho, e
1 o iiive i;e.eral satisfaction.
t'hiiad . Jan. I si. 186.
1 H E I. O N HKN I O 1 : d EX P E l I E N C E
of a SUFFERER. Pt.b;ihe I a-- a warn
in:;, and lor the ei-ectal beneti; ct ii'Ui-u
Men Hill thus- Who Clifier vtb Nervous
Debili v. Lost of Memory, Prem!ure De
cay &i- , &C. &c . by one Atio ha- cured
himself iiy simple means, afer beitm
o areat expecse nnd inccinvetnence.
through the nut ol worthless niedicities
prescribed by learned Docor.
Suiale co'ip- may be had ol the author,
C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpomt, Lou
Islatul. by enclosing a post-paid addressed
en ve lope. Address CHARLES A. LAM
BERT. E-q , Greenpomt, L0114 Island,
New York
January 15, 1862 2m.
r . rTISS-r
&c: lor sale cheap at the Cheap Cash Store
Bloomsbnrg, October 30. 1861.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
: ' OR A N(J EV ACA OEM V.' rX
Oinngvi:iet: Colu ml io. County, Penmytvnhia
'i'HE Third Tirm f ihf preopnl Araffpm-
i(t y parol the Oranytville Alale unit
f-Vmale At-atlemv, will commence on Tues
hv. Frtbruary 4ih.-1862 ; .
I'rof. II. D. W a l.K Fltj A. Jl , PilnclpHl
In the arraiijjeme m of C!sf, the course
"of t-tuily nnd tiifiriinioti. p.dd ih pxamiti'n-
toti and l"''" nation of utpiN, in thia d.
iiiinmeM will itmform ro the State Normal
vl.iitiU of Vr iiiisylvania and to the vi wa
of thf Sinle f)tparirriDrit oi Pnl lie School
1 ht ln-ti ii lion will be nnler the charge
J Prol. M. 0. VnlkHr, A. M., a Principal,
vim a- Sfholar.a'Teacher anil a Lecturer.
- too w known to need any reenm
!:'Mi(ta' io'i. The Tru-tcen hav e pared
-i her p.mi nor expense to secure tie
rvice ol m?ii in whope inffsriiy r.l
i'.ilny they have entire ' confidence ; and
t!e are determined that the ohool in the
tdtantaneM which il pro(Tet to the public
-hall no; he f.urpaed hy jiiiy similar in
. i'Uiion in ihe State. ArranL'enienl have
a I no been made to connect with the Insti
which the course of Iritriiction will be 'a
complete and thorough a in the best Com
mercial Coileues.' S uent'J, also who are
desirou ot piirnin Classical ' of select
itnilief will have, as in Ihe S'ate Normal
'j.'lioolft, the needed lacilities and intruc-
Tte preparatory and mode! choo!, un
der the direct charge of the Principal, will
compne nnpds wlioss aae or attainment
do not quality them to pursue ihe etiidien
of the rfoiilar cla-e. In this department
here will be lornit;ed to ihe teacher tu
ena ' who are qoa'ifi?d for it, an op
; oi ' u ii it v lor practice in ihe Art ol Teach
it't;, and lor learruritr ho.v to . oroanize.
-ttrane. aiul intruct a rcnoo!,. in . such a
tr.atmcr tituit-r their direction otir p'j b
i c s'i;iii t et oiie truly Tiaile! Schools. Lec-tiiie-i
ci the Tiieor an I Pfac.iioof Teacb-
t.'j ill be yiven lo tho Teacher . si o leiits
wr-ctlv" Public Lecturu-i w ill also 'be iriveri
Ttiit'r.ri, i ei(l, of eleven wnsks :
;-'ur i Vj m (ir-t jrH('ta 4 00 ; Second arade
j (id ; Thi:d siraie 66 00 ; Commercial
'.hVif'me: t 515. lull, courst". - '
0..e halt 'li- Tui.ion " i req-j'red lo be
a' ilit i v!iti!'i o each Session and
c t-h-r l,;lf at the rl.e : nnlei'? by
. :tt-eirip,i r.o dedij?io'i made tor ab
-''i.i'j exec,)! in I's-n, ft i-ti'itinued illtiei.
!.f ir.'.'iT2 and lnrnir-hcil rifm will be
. -, -"i S i;ttent i." twtt (ii;l!r- per week. '
'l,.e'e are a!-o roomnio let lor those who
!o tiOrtr.l ihe(nel ves.
tl;e tcx' book- life-1 in the Institution
it t,e had in ttie place at the usual feliiiij;
" t ,;-t-.
T V For further parlTcolars atldrot?? the
t'ruifipal ttr
E Lazarus, Jarne Patterson,
" liiuetificniler, Wesley Bowman,
.l.S. '.Vi(0t. Samuel Aohenbtich,
Wil i itn Fri'z. Hoard cj Trustees.
0'.:.....Kvi Jan. 15, 1862.
U I' 31 A X .71 Isi?RY..;.
I list I'tilslixhul in a Stale I Enveloped.
I'rirr 6 t tuts :
L.--lv? CURE, of Sp-matorrha?i. Con-
titp. 'io'i. lJi tal and P'.iysical Debility,
Neiv i-ne-v Ei'tlep- ; Imt ared Nnirin
t.f the HoH: Lai-i'.tide; Weakne-" of Ihe
Lin, b- at il ti e back; Indisposition ami In
cpae'ey lor -liidy and Labor Dullness of
A i; rf hen-ion: Loss of Memory; Aver-ioi
to .t iev: f-ove of S 'lttud: Timidity,
rt Iti-'rt'-t; Di.zines; Headache: Aflec-
:.. I the E)ff: Pimples on the Face,
. vobir.iarv Emissions a'l sexual Incatts-
! v ; it, c ol Yoothlul Indis-
r r I Mi admirable Lecturrclear!y proves
-,;! I i; above enumerated, ofien pelf af
tided, evil may be removed wilh.bts
iiieiiicttie and -Ait'iout danerom surgical
o;..-ra: ion-, am. should be read by every
"nth ar.l everv man in ihe land.
r:i iw, tier -eal, to any i.dJrer, in a plain
-i ..i.-J e tvelope. on the recci;)-, of -ix cent-,
.ir i Ao i-t'-Uie tiiatrip, by addrcs-iua
127 Bmery, N.V. Po-t Ouice box 453G.
JaiiU ir 29, 1862-ly.
rgiHV. nib-criber would respuctfully ap
pre I is Iriemls and the public gener
;tb, 'tiai he has established the
i.i Jer-eytown, Columbia county. Pa. The
above house has la'ely been refitted and
undergone a thorouah repnirins by'lhe po-r-eirr
He is f nil v prepared to entertain
thf tr ve!lt:ii custom as well as the local
wild ctietal satisfaction. His TABLE and
lJAI,rtie well supplied am! wi'.l be careful
I. siij.etm 'ended. And Ids STA BLE IR am
ply ami weil stocked, in charge of careful
aronin-, will alays be properly atiendetl
CV He mvttes a share of the public cus
tom, and pledges hi bet-i efforts, to help
ue.-ls t-el at finme.
Jetf-eyiown. Jan 8, 1862.
firiclse liCttin??
THE County Commissioners will receive
propn-als at the house of Pavid Davis, in
lJertver iown-hi, C'lumbia county, be
tween the hours of 10 A. M. and one P.
M., on FruJay the 4th dav of April nest,
h.r bciltiiiii an open TRUSS BKIPGE, ov--r Creek near Ihe residence of
Hie sui t David Davis. Sai! bridjre to be
8 lee; betweenabutment, witith 16 teet,
iiiSt 12 ieet Irorn low wa'er mark; the
! u riients 10 be fix feet thick and the
wmsiwall 011 upper and lower "ide of North
abutment each 25 feel !on:; the wintjwall
on lower hide of south, abutment 10 feet
Ioiiji, and none required on the npper aide.
Plan and specifications can be seen on the
day and place of lettinu.
By order of the county Commissioner.
J nr-coftir'
Commissioner' OfBce ) Clerk.
Bloomfbur, March 5, 1862. J
Estate of Christopher HAler, late of Mifflin
township, Col co., deceased.
IETTERS testamentary on the estate of
- Ctiristopher HeHer, late of Mifflin twp..
Cnl'imbia county, deceased, have been
"ranted by the Register of Columbia conn
tv, 10 Samuel Heller, residni; .in Hollen
back town-hip, LtiRerne county. All per
son indebted io said estate are 'requested
10 call and make immediate payment, and
those having eUim-i or demandn will pre
sent thern prrpeily autherticatod for settle
ment to the nndersianed. ,
January 8, 1862. 6t.
--j Vmptrrmit tt Hooe Owuert$
- - l.fiportarit to Builder. x , .
linj ortani to Rail Road Crop6ifiu
r . ... T? . - F - -
.1 t "inn iiii-ii i ill rstriiit-ri.
To all whom this may concern , and it concern
, every body. . -
Tii Clieapesi ai.U rnoxt durabJe; Kr-oding
It can be applied lo New and Old Roiofs of ;
All kinds, sieep or flat, and io Shingle
Rncfa iihoni removing the Shingles
; . AS DURABLE.. . . .
- Thi article ha been i hor4it; ty tpt-tf-i) in
,Tew York City and all parts of the UnitM '
Mates, Canada, V ei Indies and Central
aiul South America, on Buildipi-s of, bli
kirn!, such an Factories. Foundries Chorrh- .'
e. Rail Road Depot it, 4 rs,, ,Hj oh Public '
BniUlirigs generally, Government Rujljinos'.
&c., by die princiiial .Builders, A rt-h Herts'
and ither, during lite pa-i fot r yearsi and :
has proved lo be the CHEAPEST and
in every respect a fiire, waier, weather and
TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS 0F
7Ai ii fh ONLY materinl manvfictured in
tne Umied blatet which cmbmes the vefy
desirable proert'es of Elasticity and Dura'
bility, which are universally arknow'ed'e'1
to be po-M-psed by GUTTA PEKCHA atiJ
No Ileal is required in making ajipli- '
The expense of applying it is tri9nin2 witt
ordinary Rnof can be covered and fin.
- ished the gome day. , .
erjdwhen finished forms a perfectly Fi-e-Proof
tuijxce witr ai elastic body. hit h
cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms,
Stirinking of Roof Boards nor any external
action wha'evor. '."
liv-uii- tiifiiA rhKUH.i CEJIENT.
For Coa'inu Metals of ail Kinds when
poed to the action of the Weather and . '
For Preservivje and He pairing Metal
; lioofi of alt Kinds, -i ;
Thi-I i tt;eOidv Comt.oaitlrtrf' ITnAVn .,.
a w i i r rx a -wf-r- k r-v m .
J t '.II
which Will SllCCessfnllv resist extrema
c!ian;:e of cbmie-.: tor ant- nf t , . :
when applied to me'als, to which it adheres
firmly, tnrmin-; a body equal to three coati -of
ordinary t a tn:, coaIs rnnch lep. and will
from itf ela"tiMiv is not in in red hv iha .
traction of UN and other METAL ROOFS,
coii-equeni upon mauen caanges of the
weatfier. - r v."-, ;
IN WATlvl VV PAl iiWD AVH tt'lll K-rf
"" "Hf KlbUltUl
Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs Cin tm
read. Iv repaired with GU1TA PERCHA
CEMENT, ard prevenied from further cor
rosion anft leakins, t'tereby enurin! a per
fectly water ii-ihi Roof for many years. .
This Cement is peculiarly adapted fir the -preserva'ion
of Iron Rai!nis, Stove.3, Ran-.
es Sates, Auricnltnral lmplerr.ems &c..
..I. i . i ' . ' 1
i no ueot-rai itiKiiu'actijrers u -c
For preserving and repairing Tin and other
Metal Roofs or every description, irotri its
sreat ela-iicity, is not injured by the con -tract
on and expansion of Mefale, ant? will
not crack in cob! or run in arm weather.
These material are "adap'ed to all cli
ma'es, and vie are nreoared to snoolv nr.
. , i rr i "
tiers froni any ran of the country, at short
mamp. Fa. rMTTrA Pl,urll T-iria.-r
rc-lls. ready prepared tor use, ami GUTTA
llflTII t rL'tU'VI1 l i ...... r .1
i r.iivii.A i.t;i,.i i in barrels, wiiti lull
priiiisI dircti"ti.s for apntn-'itioo.
II trill mnhr lihrnl and tntitftrlnm nrrnntr.
- J j -
meuis xcith rep-mUJe p-ti '? trA- tpnnld oke to
establish ii.etnstliies in a Lncrauve ami Petma
uent buirie. ' ' -
We can j-ive abundant proof of all we
claim in 'favor" of enr -improved Roofing
"it . L T , l.a.'A , ' 1 I t.A.n n . , I
thou-and Roofs in New Yotk Cittr and vi
cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY,
Sole Miiniilscturers, .
iriio'.etalr Wr.rfluuse 78 miliar St.,
Corner ol Liberty Street. NEW YORK.
Full desciipti ve Circulars and Prices will
be furnished on application. .--
October 16, 1861. ly.
iiui.-, ii-.r i ' i ii i ii 1 1 1 r iii iu rr i .i
111 in imoieuia-e neisnpornooa 01 jon
bin2 Houses on Market Third, and Chest
nut Suee's, the Btnks, Poi Office, Mer
chants' hxchanse, ice. &e.
co mo pkr ty si 50.
Aeeommodaiion when required on the EU
ROPEAN PLAN; Rooms from 50 cent
and upward, per div, and meals at a First
Class -uesturant attached to the hotel.
Price according to the Bills of Far-.
t he ity I'Hn take Passengers from any
Stm ion In nr Ctns tn the lintel.
Cr" English, French, German and Span iah
July 17,1?6.
nAS Just received from Philadelphia,
and is now open'mj a Ihe old .stand
lataly beenpied by Alartz and Ent a splen
did a-soriment of merchandize, which will
be po11 cheap For
His f.iock i-otisistj of LaJie' Dress Goods,
choicest stvles pnd la'est fashions.
In short everytlim usually kept in a
country More.
The patronage of old friend, and tha
public senerally, i respectfully solicited.
The highest market price paid forcoun
trv produce. PETER ENT.
'ListH Street, Dec. 18, 1861.
special notice:
The Advertiser, having been; restored to
healih in a very few weeki by a very-trifli-ple
remedy aber having mffered aeveral
years with a severe lung affection, and. that
dread disease, Consumption is anxious to
make known to hi leIlow-sufferer tha
means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription osed, (free ot chare.)
with the direction" for preparing nd osin?
the fame, which they will find a ur cure
for Consumption, Alhma, Bronehitia, &c.
The orny object of ihe a lvertiaer in Mmd
inn the Prescription is 10 benefit tha afJLo.
ted. and si.iead information waich he con
ceives tobe invaluable, and he hopes avery
sufTerer will try his remedy,' s i wdl oot
thern tiOthirc, ad may prove a bleaninii, '
Parlies wisuiu;; the prascripii"n vrill
please address. '
Wiiliamburo, Kings co , N. Y.
Oclober 3, 1861, -am.
. - Ayer's - Cathartic PiUs.