Trice with Ilemm'er and Filler, 035 00. TIUS 1 A CHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE .c EIOIUTY PECULIARY ITS ; . - ; OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and FdHng tcith . - a Single Thread. 'It'feirsaa neat, ever., and ? elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the eeain 1 cot at frequent intervals, and 1o under all circumstances "to survive the wasb-tub" A Patented device. of great uiility to learner?, prevent the possibility of the ma ehme being run :n the wrong direction, or Hie balai.ce wheel wearing a lady's dress. Another feature which deserves pariico !tn attemion iaCTTHE WILCOX PATENT KF.EDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG. Two thousand Siitcbes, or two yards of work, tan be done in one minute without droppirg a s'ii:t'b. . - ... .These JJsclnae , so simple and accruate in their construction, supersede the nse of the shuttle; and with one thread produce al! the practical results of the two thread machines; and more, for these fell without tat;: p.?, and hem the finest musliu without puckering. ; Ahhongh at about half the price of the Cher first ciass machines, they will accom rhsh double the sewing in a given time "Jt is empbatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine thai the public har long been wailing for." Boston. Tran script. ' " . 'It is indeed a wonderful production, and nrtJ for family nse especially no other will tear any comparison with it.' Failadel rhia Evening Journal." A mechanical wonder.' Scientific Amer ican. ... ' "Among tbe best and most serviceable Bewins machines. Light and elegantly fiaishe"d, and ao simple in its construction that it seems almost impossible for it to get out of repair." Pittsburg Chionicle. -"Has combined with, its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements ef the higher priced macbinW Peonayl Tanian. . . . rTliia machine, m the opinion ot the fitta more nearlv the require ments of a perfect family machine Jhan any en exhibition.' Fraukl'm Institcte Exhibi tion Report of 1858. "Takin into consideration simplicity, , cheapness) durability, and doing all work, the committee were unanimous in favor of the Wiled & Gibbs as a single threrd ma rine." Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society's Report. . "We must, in Justice, express our confi dence in the merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Macbiue - We consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in provin2. beyond coubt, that two threads are not, aswas supposed, necessary to a cood instrument." Christian Advocate and Jour- eal, Jane 21, 160. ; ' "We have one of th machines in use, etd thiDk more highly cf it than of any oi the number we have tried.' Richmond W lit ? t The undersigned, Missionary to Constantinople,-has examined more than twenty different-kinds of Sewing Machines, and after' some six weeks' with Wilcox S: Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased ooeofthem as the best adapted to the want- of his family, and a the least liable require repair. OLIVER CRANK. Boston, July 3, isou. ; The nndeii3ned,during eighteen months Jm had in almost constant nse, in bis ram ie Wilcox & Gibbs Sewioa Machine, upon which fca been made the cl-the cf his Iar9 family from muslin to pilot eloih inclnding the clothing required tor his sev eral boy; and in ro case have the seams filled, ai:bcss in hard service. The ma chine cow in nse in hi family has required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap DOioled, efficient and durable. . : JACOB CHICKEIMXG, Boston. Send 'or a Cirrnlar.23 JAMES WIMOX, MiinuUciurer. No. 08 Broadway, New lor-, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1S6I. ly- wtojiing norsE, -OANIFI. LAY OCK, IMUMMil KTOItY WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN JHlHE Proprietor Wpecl'olly informs hi At. ft tends and the public jienerallv lhat he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, 'm i. :tt. l U'rnminir. naar the Railroad Depot of that place, and has fitted it ont so as to entertain both transient and perma rent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy, nd not only calculated to add to the conve nience nd comfort ol the travelingcommu Dity, bn alo to those who would seek a pleasant snmmer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best the market can afford ; and his PAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give hi? exclusive attention to the comfort and con enience oi hi tnests. and is determined To make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a tnong the first hotels in the State. The Proorietor bones that from his expe ctance is the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious selection of the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to the fa Torable consideration of the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. EST Please give him a call, and jodse for cnrsele- April 2, 1859. TOI.BK00NS Proprietor. m-OOJISKFRG, PA- THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, has been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most a III. flU.!.. pleasant and sgreeaote manner niiie will be supplied with the best the market affords,and his Bar with the choicest liquors Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and hi stabling is the most extensive in this section of country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen- "m Ba;V'Md 3.ToON3. IIUUiIlsuuij'; -i DAYID L0WEXEERG, CLOTHING SSFOHE, On Main street.twodoorsabovethe 'Araer lean Hotel.' E. II. LITTLE. 111,0032 SOU HG, Pa. O.r.ce ta t'ourt Alley; formerly occupied by Cbailes R. Bociralew. . December 28, 1859.-U. - HENRY ROSENSTOCK, ' Glzv-I'isXit Aisibrolypist, OOOiJS m the Third b'tory ot ne Ex-J4-4- chai"e iJiock, (entraice above the Bonk Siore,) B!oomburg, Columbia coun ty, Eioomsburg, Not.23, 1859-ly. ciran . hotter, " SURGEON' DENTIST, t.r,c xtsss Wtlioa' Cart s 3 bcp,Maia St TO TilE PEOPLE C OF THE UNITED STATES! IN the month of December, 1858, the nn ddrined for the first time offered for sale to the public Dr. J.BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in this short period they have given froeh universal sa' is fact io ii to the many thousands of persons Mho have tried them that it is now an es tablished article. The amonnt i'f bodily and mental niietj 1 arising smyly from a neilect oi rtnuli conlaints is surprisiiiB, and it i therefme ot the tiinioM iniporlanrt iir a strict sttmion to the and mn! baiflina bodily il(niRt should be had; lor iliBewht-s ol the body mus' iuvwriably affect ihe mind. The subieriber now only ask, a trial of - DR. J. BOVEE DODS' Impfrial Wine Hitters!!! frort s 1 1 !n4ave not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal. These Bittfrs for the cure of Weak Stom achs Generul Debility, and. for Purifying and Entichirg the Blood, are abolu'ely un snrpaed by any other renriedy on earih. To be assured of thi. it i only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is ol a very superior qnality, being about one-ih'-rd sironser than other wins; WHrmins and invigoating the whole sstem from th head to the feel. As the Bilters are tonic and alternative in iheir character, so they sirengthen and invigorate the whole sys tem and give a fine tone and healthy anion to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation removing obstruc ions, and producing a general warmth. They are aUo excellent for Diaies and Weakness peculiar to FE MALES, where a Tonic i required to $lrene,thek and brace the syttm. No Lady, wbo is subject to lassitude and faintnes, should be withourthem as they are revivi fying in their action. THESE B17TSR I Till not only Cure, but Prevent Disease and in this respect aro doubly valuable to the person who may ue them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dis- eases ot the ruervous rysiem, raraiysn, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic Dr. Dods' Ceifbr tfd Wine Bitters For Sore Throat, so common among the CAarav thev are trulv valuable. For the asred and lnnrm. and for persons of a weak constitution, for Ministers of the. Gospel, Lawyers, and ail public speak ers for Cook Keeper, Tailors, Seamstress es, Stcdent6, Arlis's. and all persons lea-ling a sedentary lile, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverace, thay are wholesome, in nocent, and delicious to the ia'e. Tliev prodnce all the exhilarating effects of Bran dy or WTine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for petons addicted to the use of excessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free fiom the poisons contained in j in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only CURE, bnt PRE VENT Disease, and should be ued by all who live in a country where the water ts bad, or where ChilU and Fevers are prev alent. Being entirely innocent and harm less, ihey maybe given freely io Children and Ir.lants with impunity.' Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable BIT TERS over the land, and thereby essentail ly Mid ia banishing Drunkeoucss and Dis ease. In all Affections of the head, mc'h Headache cr Nervous Headarhe. Dr. Dodn' Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to be mot Salutary and Etlu-acious. The many certificates which have been tendered us, and the letter which we Rre daily receiving, are conclusive proof that amonn ibe women ihos-e Bmer- havo gi er. a satisfaction wliicn no other have ever done before No woman in the land should be without them, and thoe who once U-e them will not fail to keep a snnnly. Hit. J BOVEE DO DS IMPERIAL WINE Bl ITERS Are prepared by an eminent and ski'ltut physician who has used them snccesful if. hs practice for the lat twenty five year. Tlte proprietor, before purcha-it.g the ex clusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Celebrate! Imperial Wine Bitters, had them ieed by two distinguish ed medical praciioneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although ihe medical men of the country as a general thin" disapprove ot Pa en Medicines, yet we do not believe tht a re- snectable Physician can be lounci in tne United Stales, acquainted with their medi cal properties who wnl not nigniy approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. In all newly senled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying tim ber from which a poionous miasma i created, lhoe bitters should be used every morning before brekfast. DR J. rOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL TVIXE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and nndulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gen tian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who is an experienced and suc cessful Physician, and (it nee should not be clawed among the quack nostrums whicn flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuahle Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all clases of the community for almost every variety of dis ease incident to the hnmar. system, that they are now deemed inriispen-able as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. Purchase One Bollle '. It Costs but Lit le ! Purily the Blood ! Give Tone to the Stomach ! Renovate the System ! and Prolong Life ! PRICS Si PER BOTTLE: 6 BOTTLES $5; Prepared and sold By CHARLEb Wl DDI FIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York. EFor sale by Druggists and grocers generally throughout tbe country. August 28, 186L ly. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have entered into co-partnership, under the name, style an firm ot MILLER & EYER in the Iflcrcanlilc Bnsines in the '-Old Arcade," in Bioomsborg, Co lombia county, where they intend carrj ing on the business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all its diversified branches and departments, and to which they invite an extension of the peblic patronage. . S. H. MILLER. FRED'K EYER, B!oombnrg, May 15, 1861 if..- $22f EMPLOYMENT! $75 EMPLOYMENT! AGENTS WANTED!' We will :av Irom S25 io S75 oer month. and all expenses, 10 active Agents,, or give a commission. Particular sent free. Ad- Hri Pult - SctriKR MxrHlHC COMPAN'T. R JAM.ES,' General Agent, Milao, Okio. f't,. ..I . An 1 ICR! PHILADELPHIA AND READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, DECEMBER 5TH 1859. Fonr Daily Passenger Trains to Philadelphia. (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m , 10 20 a m., 12 noon, (Freight and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Po'tsviHe and Port Clinton, at 10 15 h. in., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting hi Port Clinton with train foi TamnqoH. Wilham-port, E'mira, Buffalo Ningira Fall, and the CHiiads. . The li.l a. ni up train only connects ar Port (Mmion wi h trains for Wilkesbarre, cranton and Pitit-ton. Paicenprs leaving Wi!!iamport by the CattawiKisa R.nlroad night line, at 10.15 p. m., connect wih a pasenger irai'i leav itiu I'ori Clinton ai 4.50 a m., a'rive at (tend ing at 5 50 a. ro., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Read ing Accommodation Train. On Sundays the 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Trains only rnn.. . Lt-BANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, Sunday Excepted) to and from IarriiJ'urg. At 10 23 a. in. and 6 08 p.m. Leaving Hrriburg at 8 00 a. to. and 2.35 p. rn. Connecting with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Val ley Railroads, for Sunbnry, Williamsport. Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Cham bersbnr, &c. i Through Tir-kets Reading to Baltimore, f4 00; to Lancaster, S2 25 ; to Gettysburg, 3 50. 80 pounds of baggage allowed to each passenger. The second class cars run with all the above trains. Through first class tickets, at reduced rates to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all the principal points in the West, North West, and. the Cauadas; and Emigront Tickets at lower fares Io all above places, can be had on application to ihe station agent at Reading. All tickets will be purchased before the trains Mart. Higher fares charged if iatd in cars. G. A. NICOLLS, Engineer a id General Superii.taii'lent. February J 2. 1S60 W iiolcale and fUctuil. f I IIE subscriber would announce to ih X ciiizen ol Blooinbnrg and vicinity that he i selling L'QUCliS in largs ant small quantities, and at d'tlereut prices, a' Ins iew More, on Alain sireei, north si te, to dors souii of Iron street, B!oomburg. H's stock ot Foreij'i Hnl Diimrstio consists ot Cognac mid Rocbelle. Blackber ry, (iinger, Raspberry ami Lavender. H; has a large assortment of s ma ss Da. as. . Old Rye gray with age, tine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aoy quantity of common. FeaUo has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Cherry and Cam pagne Wines; aid lat but not least. quantiiy of good double extr? BROWN SiOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash priees. The public are ret-pec fully eol. cited to give hi a ri -!. D. W. ROB BINS, Ag'L Bloomshurg, May I, 1S61. SPRING AND SUMMER QUr vlD SJ j53 a LARGE STOCK AND LOW PKICES. VY e five aain been to the cin. ami r- turned wih a large -nock of for the sea-nn, .which we te prepared to tit at a low figure for ready pay. Our elojk consists of Hardware, Q env are, Ledarware, W, Hollow-w:re, BOOTS AND SHOES, Grm-erie-., NaiU, Iron, Kih, Salt, Plaser, Fluid. Campnetie Oil, Wtute Lead by 'ba Keg, cheap, &c., &c." H. C. & I. W. HARTMAN. Blootr.sburg, April 10, 1861. Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING 'AND SUMMER GuODS, MILLER 8c, EYER'S. f IlHE -ubicriber' have ju-t returned ftom ttie City with another large and e eel assortment of Spring nncl Summer Gootls, pnrclMsed at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they are determined to sell on a moderate terms a can be pro cured elsewhere in Bloorasborg. Their stock compries Iadiet' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and late fashions. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Hoi lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hat and Caps, &c , &c. In short, everything osnally kepi 'in country stores; to whicn tiey invites the public generally. The highest price paid for country prodnce. MILLER & EYEJl. BIoombnrg, May 15, 1861. Lack'a aud Bloomsbur Railroad, ON AND AFTER NOV SENGER TRAINS WILL .25, 1361, FAS RUN AS IOL- LOWS MOVING 0UTH. FrcJ it & Pasnenger. Pas$e per. Leave Scranton, 4 Kingston, " Rupert, Danville, Arrive at North'd 5 25 A. M. 10.30 A.M. 6 30 Arrive 12,15 I'.M. 8,40 9.15 10,00 MOVING NORTH Leave North'd. Danville, Rupert, " Kingston, 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5.45 8 00 Leave 1.45 P.M. 9 00 P. M. 3 40 Arrive at Scranton, A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scranton, to connect with tram for New York. Returning leaves Scranton nn arrival of Tram from New York at 4.18 P. M. Tbe Lackawaona and B!oomburg Rail road connects with the Delaware, Lix-ka-wanna and Western Railioid at Sera tion, for New York and intermedial points eaL At Rupert it connects with te Catatrisa Rtilroad for points both east and west. At Northumberland it connect win the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and Nor hern Central R. R. for point west and sout i. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sui't. J. C. Wctw, Ge7 Ticket Ag't. . November 27, 1861. " , A.M. RUPERT, J: TINNER & STOVE DEALE r?f Shop on South aide of Maia street, lelow Matket. 9 ! . RAYMOND'S FAMILY ;S E W I NG MACHINE! PATENTED MARCH 9, 1858. PRICE 10 FACH. ESSRS. ZUPPINGER & ROB BINS, of L Bloomsburg, having purchased the ex clusive right of the above valuable Impro ved Cht-Hi, Patent Sewiri" Machine, for he County ol Columbia, will be huppy to upply their friends with the article tor (he affuni medal ion cd themselves and tarn it ie. The following are tome of tfre supen' ait van'.age tbis intpVmeni possse', viz: 1. It sews from 400 io (SCO light stitche ler minute. 2 f'ouble thread Machines are from th more complicated character of .their mech antfrn . invariably mmnged pnd threaded wi'h more or le.-s difficulty : ' not-so witti RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it ir. two hours, and it is threaded cacier tttaa a com mon needle. . 3. One of the moM valuable features of this Machine, is the smallners and the ' compactness of its mechanism. 4. I can be attached to a board, table or siand, in operating order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently sironj for any work tor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regu'ar and sy ternatie. -The seam is so strong if well done, that t te strongeM material will tear before t seam will give way. 7. Among the array of Patent Sewing Machines, iheie are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's Talent, but no Ma chine is adapted to all kinds ot work a expe'ience has proven. There are perhaps none -o realy useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate use of the fam ily circle and at such a moderate price as RAYMOND'S PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam just as he pieces, waves, leaves and flowers, etc., can be represented or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapter to all kinds of siitehii g t-neh as gentlemen's shirt, bosoms, ristbands, collars, etc., and all kinds of ladies' sewing, including silks, hwris,, calicoes, duster, etc.. ex cepting for men's heavy wear.'this Macbiue is rather too light o' construction. 10. But we ail admit, that ihe advantage to he ilth, and principally to the vision or eyeMjihl. i:)uored by the ue of Sewing Machines, surpasses infinitely all oiher ad- aniau'fi. 11. Thi Machine fastens the seam al wayn iisellj but if the operator wishes it untaMe ned or open, there is a way lor it too, tfcbs you can have il fastened or not, ssjou please, which i, some ime?, espe cially for beginners, a very favorable cir cumstance. Il the t-eam i left unfastene-i, you can draw il out in three seconds and iave the thread. For sale by ihe undersigned, at their re speclive residences, in Bloomeburg, who will put the Machine in operation aud give all necessary instruction. HENRY Z 'PPINGER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS BIoombnra, July 11,1860. LIFE PILLS & PIIOEMX BITTERS. fllHESE MEDICINES have now been be-- fore 'he public for a period of Thirty Years, and duri.ig that time have maintained a high chaiacler in almost every part of the Globe, foi Iheir extraordinary mid imme diate power ol restoring perfect bealin io person suffering under nearly every kind of tlii-ease to which the human lrame liaM. The following are among the distressing variety ff Ixi'nn ilj.i.a-. io w bo-h l tt vs:;i:Tiiii,i. mfi: in.mi :ixr.s Ate wed ktio.11 to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and econd stomache., and crea ting a flow of p;ut, healthy bW. instead ot thJta!e and acrid kino": Flatnl-nc;-, Lo- Ol Ap,Htlte Heartbllf li, Headaehe, R"fcle ne, Ill-Temper Anxiety, Languor, and I Melancholy, which are ihe general sjrn . lorn of Dspepnia, v ill va.iif-h, as a nat ; tural coitscjnnre of its core, j COSTIVENESS. by cleansing the whole ! length of the intestine with a so'veni pro i ce-s, and w iihout iolence; all violent pnr ) ges leave the bowels cot-tive within two day. FEVERS or all kinds, by restoring the blood tt a regular circulation, through the ! proce-s of respiration in such ta-et. rnt j the thorough solution of all intet-ims! ob- tslroction in others. The Li'e Medicines hav been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently it. three weeks, and GOUT in half lhat time, b removing lot-al infiamat:on from ihe mu cles mid ligMmems of the joints. DROPSI ES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthing the kit'nw and bladder; they j operate mo!.t deligt tlully on these impor lar.t organ, aid hence nave ever oan found a certain remedy for the wor?t racs of tJRAVEf AUo WORMS, by dislodging from the iurnmg of the bowels the shtny matter to which these creature- adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SOUES. bv fte perfect puntv which teeh LIFE MEDICINES give to The blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effort upon the fluids ihat feed the kin, and the morbid tate of which occasions all erup tive com; 1 aiM sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexion The use of thei-e Pill for a very short tim will effect an entire cure o f SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in ihe clearnexi of the t-kin Common Cold and Influenza will always be cuted by one dose, or by t wo ii. the worst ca-es. PILES. The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35 year standing by the use of the Life Medicine alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the Western country, thesu Medicines wrll be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem t-ubjecl to a return of the diae a cure bv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and b Cured. BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS. General Dehi'ity, Loss of ap petite, and Diseases of Females the Med icines have been used with he most ben eficial results in caes of thi description? Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms yields to the mild yet powerful action ol ihese remaikable Medicines. Night Sweai Ntvous debility, Nervous CompUm's o! all kind's, Palpi ation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Person who- constitutions have become impaired by t'e injudicious ot-e ol Mercury, will find thesp Medicines a perfect core; as they ncrpr fail to eradicate Irom :b stMem.all the efftcis of Me-cury, infinitely sooner than the niOM powerful preparations of Sarapa r ilia. Prepared and sold bv W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, 1861-ly. ;Aflrncv :t l:aT, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office cn Main Street, in Uoangst, New Brick Building. AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PTTJirFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy cure of the following complntnt: Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections, such mm Tumor, Ulcers, Mores, Krujitlons, Pimples, Pustules, ' Itlotchei, lioils, Blatus, and all hlttu Diseases. Oakland, 1 ud., Cth June, 1859. J. C. Atcr A Co. Guut: I feet it mjr duty to oe knowluilK0 hnt jour t-i!Htinrilla' lias done fur me. 11av;u mlinrlted hcrufulous iiil'ection, I have suffered fiovi U in rurious waya tor yunr. fci'liietnue It burwt out iu Vkeis on my Iiautla aud arm: uniHtimwi it turnvd luwiud and diatiewtvii me at tlie stouiach. Two years ago it l-roke out i.u my li. ad and cotrl my sculp and tjar with one gore, which wan painful aud iouthaoins twyood dmcriptiou. I tried inuny m.-dlcines and w-veial pliyNieiKU, but without much relief from any tiling. Jn tart, the dinorder grew worse. At lrngth 1 wa rt-j iiced to read In the UoKpul Mnioigr tiiut ou l:ad iirttjiared an aiierativs (i?arupai'iiis), f r I knew from junr rvputa t:ci) tliat any thini; you made inuxt lie pood. 1 dent to Cincinnati aud got it, and oned it till it cured me. 1 took it, aa you edviw. in sninn dim of a tnspooijfnI overs mouth, and ued aliuoHt Ihreu bottlus. New and healthy kii soon lieau to firm under tlie acab, Inch nftt-r a while aVlt off. My ekin tiow clear, and I know ly my feeliuK lliat tbe diaenta hua koii froin my dvsteru. Vou Cau Wfclt I1iit that I tl what 1 nm Haying when I tell you, that 1 hold you to lm one of the apostle of the age, and reutaiu ever gratefully. Tours, ALKKKD B. TAI.I.ET. St. Anthony's Fire, IYose or Krrslpclns, Tettrr ami falt Itltrtiui, Keald llead, Illngworm, Sore 12yes, AJropay. Pr. Ilobert' M. t'rehle Wi idea from ?ntem. N. Y.. 12th Perit., lS5'J, that he lina cured an iiiveternlo case of Prop;, which-, threatened to terminate fatally, by the penieTeriDg use of our Ntrmiwrilla, and nlxo a ilauxerou Malignant Eryiiptlat by lurga doaee of ttia same; aays he cures tlie common Eruptiimi by it conRtantly. Bronclioeele, Ooltre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Ploan of l'nej-ct, Texan, writes: ' Three bot tles of your i-arwtparllla cured me from a (Jti'rt a hid eous sw-llitu on the neck, which I bad Budered froia OTr twf years." Leurorrhva or Whiles, O-rarlmi Tumor, Uterine Ulceratiotr, Female Diseases. Vr. J. n. 9. Ctiannln. of New York City, writes ; " I moat cheerfully comply with the rinet of j-onr atrent in saving I have found your Par-spnrilla a nut exeellent elterMirs in the iiumerus cotoilairita for which we employ such a rem"ly. but enecially iu fYmttle Diunsei of tbe Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveter ate rases of Iucorrlmea ly it, ami some where tlie com plaint was caused by Mlcn-ntum of the utrrut. The ulcer ation itself waa soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge eqnals It for these f-mnle derangements." :1ward P. Marrow, of Newbnry, Als writes, "A dan rerou marian tuntnr nn one of the females in my family, which bad defied all the remedies we could employ, lias at length been completely cured by yonr Extract of Sar saparilla. Our rdiyslclan thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but ba advised tlie trial of your Sarsaparilla aa the laat resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After takingyour remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains.' Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Krw ORl.fAWS. 25th August, 159. Dtt. J. C. Am l Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re meet of your agent, and report to yo some of the efiects 1 have realised with your Baruparilla. I have cured with It, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and hare f mnd its effects truly wonderfnl in the enre of V'vertal and Mrr eurial J)ii.e. One of my pstients bad fyphilitic ulcers In his throat, which were consuming his palate and tbe top of bis mouth. Your RarsapariCa, steadily taken, cured him iu five weeks. Another was attacked by sec ond! y symptoms in his nose, and tbe ulceration bad eaten away a considerable part of it, so lhat I iK-liuve the dieordor would soon reach Lis brain and kill him. Hut it yielded to my administration of jour ?arai arilla : the ulcers healed, and he U well nuin, not of coiiim without some disniinttiou to hi f ice. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by uiercnry waa suffering fr.un this poison in her bones. They had become so sen sitive to the weal her that on a dump day she suffered ez-cru.-iauii pain in tier joints and bones, the, tn, was cored emiiely by your raisaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave metbat Uis t'leparatiita from your lalioratory must be a treat remedy; consequently, thee truly remarkable results with it he not surprised me. fraternally yours, Q. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Clout, Liver Complaint IwrEFKMr.EM.-s, I'restoti Co., Tn.t Ctli July, 1S9. Pit. J. C. Area: hir, I have been atllicted with a pain ful chronic I'(eumttism fur a long time, which battled the skill of physicians, stid s'uck to me in spite of all the remo-lies I co'.IJ Cud, until 1 tried yoia Samaparilla. Ons hnttta cured me in two aeeks, and rcntored my reneral health so much that I am fur better than before 1 was stttcked. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. IKK AM. Jules Y. Ot-tcbell. cf St. Louis, writeet "I bare lieen afllictc-d for years with an affectum of the ,irer, which destroyed my health. J tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me ; and I have !ecn a hrokcu-down man fir "Ttie years from no other cause than drrnngetnevt ef Vif Liver. My 1-eloved pastor, the Iter. Mr. K.spv, advised me try ymir f apqtparilla, rwcausa lie said he kr.ew you, and any thing you iua.l was worth My the bless. lug of Tiivl it lias rnred me. and lias so purified my L i'"d as to make a new man of tne. 1 feel young aptin. The best that can tie said of ym is not half good enough." Bcl Irrii". Cancer Tumors, Fnlsrgrmcnt, l leri a tloti, Carles and Kxfollation of the lioncs. A ft-nt Ta:iety -f eases have 1n reported to us where ernes of lliese forinidal'le complaints bae re.'ulted from tiie use of this reniely. Vut our space here will not admit them. g"tne of them may be found in our American Ahn-inae, which the agent below named are pleased to furnish to ca" f"r Hiem. Dyepepsla, Heart Disease, Fits, Ttpllcp sy, fc laiitholy, Neuralgia Many reiouikahle inr-s of these affccti 'iis li.ive treen made by llm slo iativa wtr of this tut oil inc. Jt stimu lates tlie Mlal fundi, iik into vik'"roua action, end time overcomes diwrlris which would be Mn i beyond its reaeb. uch a remedy lias long 1-een r- ipiired liy the n eesKtiies of tlie people, and we are rocSdeut that this will do fr tiiem all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tort the rt.rm cihe op Conehs, Colds, Infliienza, Hoarscnest, troll , Itroisc fi it i. Incipient ( on- nmptlnii, anil for tlte Itelief of roniini.tlvc I'atlwattS lu s lrsiirrd Stage uf the liiacasc. Tlds ts s remedy so imivcrfuMv known to surpass ctlier for the rie of tlieoat nnd lung comptnints. that it is useless bete to pol !ili tlie evidence f its 'irities. Its anrivailod excellence fi.r coughs and cold, and its truly wonderful ernes of pulmoii-iry diresse, b-iv. made it known the civilized nations of tlie em lb. lew ere fha rcmi.intiitiea. or even families, tlit-m who l ave not some personal experience of it effects S'-rne living trophy in their midst of its victory over the sub' le and dsraerous rtinrib-rs of tlie throat and lures, is all know tho dreadful f.itality of these disouiets, slid as they know, too. the e(T-ctsof this remedy. e need rot do mo' than to asnre them that it lias now ell tlie vir tues th-xt it did have when maVing tlie cures which have won so stnincty ap the conlid, lire of mankind. Prepared by Er. J. C. AYES a CO., Lowell, Kaji. l.i t K. P I. J K. M ..v., . M Ha.eiit'iifri. Hloo.i.eburj. ami b otie tieu'ei r ftfn town in ihe ttaie. Apri' 6. I 61 -1 v. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT SIKAI) aUJAUT EIJM .HcKELVys XtiAts CO., HAVE juei receivpd attd oppf.evi iheir tock ot Merc'isndiee for ale. which oompri e tne LARGES I , Cheapest, and Lanc-oin-el a-sorirneol now offered in this TO VN. Hjvip" pai'l area! attention to the peleciion ol ttieir r tiiite stocK a io Price and Quality, they flatter ihemt-eUe ih .i it'p can compete wiih the ctiea()et, and ail those wih'm ta buy cheap, can pave money by uivitig u a call. We have all k inds of :no,s at.-l wares to supply 'he want of the people. A very lare and conipiie aMortment ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Frt iicli Mprinoets. wool platJf, alpacas, tom- baxit-e, i'e baoet, noplms paranet!a cloth-, j i i i . t : i P.iotial' IUS rei-, nillllll lie umo. irieidj cld'h. Git'Eiiini", at;co". &c WHITE GOOD OF ALL KINDS, Sleevt, Ccl'ar. Spencer-, hamikercliief?, tlou"ci"T, batub and trirnminas, leces and ettains, bonnet ribbon", in lare. variety . vel vet tibbons, and braidi!, k id, cotton, li!e iSreait glove, mthair inin, &c. ALL KI1D F SI.AWLS, broche. Pay State, Waterville, black filk, c.-i rr-ere, pro' ro iered, &c. AIo a ver laroeUre a-onmeiit o! Cl'ithn, ca!-imer, aiii,ets, veslinq, ! weed, jea, coating vel vet, beaver cloths. &e. if all kn.d- and ir.e for men, women and children. We have a lare assortment of HATS ami CAPS of the Uiet fahion. We havp No. Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, kc. Verv Ktl-HP CAlirt Ts-4. CAKPKT-BAGS, FLOOR, Ubie and carriage oil clotba, ni;it, rtiU--, ba- kei,&c. Mu-lin, flannel, lickin?:, ttra-,- j.ii: t... : n !..,. nr ltl Pllim. Ori'll"K, in i-imihui r- W I I II p i .I.,ll', We eraliv invite our menus mi j-u-i v- -u-to ive us a call before purchasing I I . I .,,1,1.. .. elsewhere We have bonuht our good at ihe LOWEST CASH PRICES and will noi be undersold by anybody or the real of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL&CO. pioonnborg, Nov. 21, 1850. CABINET WARE ROOMS S S3 1 YE r F.FPECTFULLV invites the a'trniion of the Tublic to liis extensive asfonment f.f Cat'itiet Furniture and Ctiatrs, which h .mI I w arrant matte of aootl mkttrial t;d in a workmanlike nitinner. At hi- f3tnVlils n.rwit, ran alwuya be found a good H'eort nipni ot FASHIONABLE FCUMTCRE, It it- ti if eqnl in etylf hul fiii i h lu that nl Plulaitpl) hia or New Ymk fitipf, and hi r iV pril'ra. He tin Sofa- Ol it'ffereiit nj le atul j rit'pa, frorr S25 lo S60. Divan Ltiun- if?, Uriitiui hiki rM riooaf.y. rarKir PliHif a. Hot-kit u. ai'tl fii-y chair-, Piano ninoln, ami a varie;) til u iloUterd wurk , w it h Dresfina and parlor bure-an. sofa card, centre and pier lab'ec, dftafhn, chefTemeri. whatnoie and corrn de ai d ail kind, of fah ionahle work. Ilia Mock of boteati, enclosed and KUfirnon wa-tittands, dres iatJe, corner cnpbo irt'a isnta-, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane Feat and common ctair i ihe larsei-i in this pctlttl c f iti ctuni'. lie will ri.-o keep a gooit :lsortmerll ot lokiip olaiec with si't nnd common tramp He v ill al-o furnih eprii tuat'rHiups fit'ed to any feizpil bedetead, hit-h arp stiierior tor dutatilny and cornfor. to any ted in iie. r!oir kbnrc. January 13 1858. D I: 5lSi T?J, ii. iit,5Ti',r:, S V 51 G I1 1 I, 1 E S T. FSPFXFULLY offen lii 1eIlw. Ulwl njHtUmon TI rxnn J burg arid vicinity. He in prepared to attend u, all tbe various operation in Deti:i'ry, ant is provided with the latent improvpp PORCELAIN TEKTH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Too'h Powder, al ways on iiaud. All operations on the leelh warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. WiUon's Carridse Matii:fa-tory Main St., wet eide. Bioonisburg. January 13. 185S FOR KSTOTEL PL00MSEURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBF.RT HAGENBUCH, Proprietor. rc A li KS pleasure in annoiinciria tothe ptib- lie t! at be ha renteil and thoroughly rt-fineil trie Fork" Hotel formerly occupied ry Jarre rrei-ze, in i'loomaourp:, and is prjiared to yccofnodiiip t r h velier, tam.'ier, drover and boarder?. Hia tabl will be Pop- plied w ith the t e-t product- the markets af. tor ed tori, at.d hi Ear v. ill be constantly lurnisb wi-.h i he choice-i liquors. Afentive cfilor '.vi!I p.hray? bs n at teridance, and be trtiFta his lon experience in ca'erif.a to ihe w i-nts of the public, and his obliiinu alietittoo io customers vil se cure hirn a liberal share of patronage. PloorrieLnro;. Aprii 21, 1858. I lour mid IY cl Drlivcrctl ! Cli i:FI2Il THA THE CHEAPEST ! T 'HE iifder-iot.ed ha made amuse inputs ilMt will enable btm to tielivef Fiour and Feed, FOR CASH, aboui ten ppr cent, cheaper than any boo else in town. Hi prire. j;r a follo-.v : Flour S7 25 ; Corn anl 0ts Chop SI 55; Corn and Bye Chop Si 65; Bran SI 10: I rp.n'ir.Ily Kolici' aj-hireof Ihe ptiblic pair.-ai.. MOSFS COFFMAN Ii r.orn-t'iiror. June 14. 1G0. N E VH ATS A N D CAP ST A .1. li. 4sii'lon'i Store. I HE niiderioitnl rei n t'ijily intornsihe :t:e ClizeTI" ol Bltirimattl '2, and 'he public in fceneral. that he hs pi-t received from Philadelphia a lot ol NEW II ATS & CAPS, for Spring ai d Summer, of the very lale.i -IV le- ami fashion, all of which b i pre pared to e'l Ciesj -r than can be had eUe Mtiere, wiih I'te ecepiifin of ihe. tr;aiu)tuc turr-. He ria- all kin !, ril-, i.rt- and pi7h. of ha's and Chos, proh.;hl the irm-i VHr'pfl a--o'ln,pi'i ever brought to town. Al-o SI RAW GOODS, imiudin the mod ern !e and lashiori". f' Sore on Mam ireet, nearly opposite :e ' Old Arc-de." JOHN K GIRTON. l?'ootni.bnrrr. Al til 24, !GI. 2V li EL V Y7 XEA L&TC67t ME11LI1JXTS, No-iheasi cnrner ot Maui vn' JlarVptt- laSmiltw oi nil Eiisd or fale al the S'nr of the Nmth OilL-e. M)Mi:im(; ion the mii:s!! A Mi "ESSn Y IX I.YEKY IKl SKIIOLI) io.i. A: t i:;si.i:v AMKiilC AN CI..MLM GI.UC rtio Mnn-st GIi:e fit t Ii YTorld F r lernet lino Wi in! l.e.i" v e r, t la-, Ivory, China Mart le. Pin-eUin, AUba-ier, Booe. Corl. 6:c, Sic. &.C. The cnl) aritcie oi Itie k ind ever produced which w ! 1'.-uiid Water. FX I R A CT.s : "Evpry t on.-eiieeper houhl have a sup ply ot John & Cro-iev'tt American Cement Glue." iVftf York Time. ' Ii is o coiivenierii i have in the house" AVtr Ymk Exp ei. 'It iUm) re .dv this femmends it to evervbod." N. Y. Independent. ' We have tried it, and find il a useful in our hou-e as water." Willies' Spirit of the 1'mei PiIcp 25 Cenfs p?r Ilotllo Very l.ib-r ii I,rducuoD to hole ale liexlt-r. I I It 1 All. FP"Ft-ra!e by a'l Druggist and Store keepers generally thronghont the country. JJHNS k CROSLEY, Sole Manufacturer. 78 William S.reet, Comer of Libeiiy St., NEW YORK. Jilv 10 18fil ly. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE ii.:.erigned would most respect iully announce to the citizens of Blooms bntg and vicinity, that she has just receiv ej Iro'ti tl e eastern citie her Till and Vi'IXTLR JilLLIXCIIY GC0DS, all ol winch slie is prepared to make- up and sell at a very reasonabley lowST ligutp. Her aonrr.en: ol gooi's are a liille superior in point of durability as well ia!elnbies, to any offered by her in this section heretofore. SSne returns thanks for the liberal patronage she has received, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the MARY BARK LEY. Bioomsborg, Oct 9, 1861. 'DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 'I HE co-paftner.Lip heretotore existing between ihe firm of Stohnei & Fox, proprietors of the B-tkery and Confectione t K-tablinliment at this place,'is this day, it.e 28; h of December, 1861, dissolved by mti-unl consent. The business will be vi ntmi.e I bv ?oe aeniiir mimberof the firm b whom rdl claim aai:i-' the firm will tie paU, and tho in lpbted to the firm will nlaa come lorward and sett!" tne same. ' ti cTniivrn B STOHNER, FRED. FOX. 1st. 1F62. Bloomsbnrg, Jan. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AND Are pnre vegembl extracts. Tney rnr all bilious disorder of th bnman yftem. They regulate and irivigorate tbe liver ami kidney: they sive tone to ihe d ptrative orgar. ; they reaolaie the wcretiong. ex cretion and exhalation?, pqualiza the cir filiation, and pnrify the blood.. Thr., all hilim complaints aomt of w hich are Ttrpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Pile, Chill and Fevers, Cor-tiveriefg or L"oenec are entirely controlled and I cured by there remedies. DAB LING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes ihe morbid and bilious depo-in Irom the stomach and bowei., regulates i?ie liver and kidneys, removing every obstruc tion, restores a natural and healthy action in the vital organs It i a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much be itc r than Pill-, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS a scpeiior tor.ic and dinrtic ; excellent in ce cf loss of rfppetite, flau.Ionry, female weakness, irregularities, pain in h tide and towel, blind, protruding and bleeding lile-, arid general debi'iiy. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY i Ja. L. Crumley, merchant, 134 rnlton cirppt, New York, wrie, A ngiisl 18, lf-fiOj "I have been atUictpd wiih piles, nccom- panied wiih bleeJing, ihe last three years ; I ued DARLING'S LITER REGULATOR And now consider myself eniirely cored." Hon. Jonn A. Croi? writes, ''Brooklyn, March 15, 18R1. In the spring of 119 I look a severe cold, which induced a vioieut lever. I took two clones of DARLING S LIVER REGULATOR. II broke up my cold and lever at once. Pievions to this a tack, I had been iroubl with dyspepsia evpral inonlha ; I have led nothing ol it since." On S odley, Eq, 128 East 28h Sirei, N. Y., writes "August 13, 1P60 I had a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, with cons'ant pain in the small cf my hoi It . T rtait n?d mnsl all trinity rtf . mu ll. J cine, ti)rtouu: no peraianent reltet oolil l used " - UAKL1.U'S LIVtK HhtiUhAlUSl. aud Life Isitfcrs. I pase. clo'ted blond" by the oretr. 1 am now entirely cored, and tke pleasore in rerommendins thsse remeJies." Mr. C. Te.bnw, 11 Cristopher Street, N. , wriitea: "Feb. 20, I860. I hare been subject to attacks of Asthma the last twenty years. I have never found anything eqial ti DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief. It is a thor ough Liver and biliour remedy." Mrs Yonng, of Brooklyn, writes. "Fab. 28, 18fi0 -In May last I had a severe at tack of Pile, which confined me lo the house. I look one bottle ol E?as lins' Life Elifterst and was entirely cored. 1 have had n t:fk since.'' D W'estervett, Eq., of Soctb 5ih, near 8iti Street, Willi am sbnrg, L L, wrne "Ang'J: 5, ISfiO Ha vin been troubled with dittiruliy in the Liver, and sut j-ct lo biliuus attacks, 1 was advised 0y a tneoJ to lr DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so. and found it o operate idtci-ably, removing the bile and arouing the liver to activitv. I have also rted i a a ' FAMILY flEMCnC When oar children are out cf op, vr give them a few drops and il set- ihem all right. I find it mee's the eeneral want of the stomach and bowels when diord .-red. " Re;tder, if joi need ei'her or boti of he mos excellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores; if you do noi find them lake no other, tut inc!oe One I)oiIar in a leer, and on receipt of the money, the Keinedv or Remedies will be sent accord ing to your tf irecimiSj by mail or expreas, pot paid. Ad'tre, DAX'L S. DARLIXG, 102 Nassau ?t.. N ; York. Pnt rip in 50 cet;t an! ?l Bottles e3ch. November 6, 186!.-6!n. SOMKTHIXG Toil THII TIMES A NKCESSI IT IN EVKivY HOUSEHOLD! jih.! & :RoLr.Y IMLHHAN (L.MEXr C.LIC The Nroiige' Glie in Ihe World. The friTtpe-t (;in in the Wor'd The Most Dnrab'e i!nrf in ihe World. Trie O ily liiatla Gin- in the Woild. The B-s' G vj in ;t,e ,o:M. AMERICAN CEMMNT CLIT. ! the tt;e only ar:irle cf ihe kind ever l,roiiiice! which tFILL WiTUSTAXI) VATES. 11 W ILL MEND WOOD, Save oi;r broken Funtiture. I- WILL MEND LEATHER, I Mend )0.;r H-iri.e!.,S.r.r. pl'a, buo'8 tic. I IT WILL MEND GLASS, j Save the pieces of thai expensive Cut Glass Hottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken ivery Fan, il is easily repaired. IT W ILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucer can 1 be made as gooJ a new. IT W ILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out ot your Marble Mantle can be pnt cn a strong a ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if thatbrok-n Pitcher did no cos! but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you cati'i matcii ii, mend il, it will nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE. CORAL, LAVA, AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT. METALS. Anyar'icli Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. "Every Housekeeper should have a sop ply of John & Crosley's Cement GIae.)' New York Times. "It is so convenient to hare in the house." AVtc York ExDtess. "It is al way ready; this cemmentoitd to every body." Independen. f "We hare tried it, and find it as oefut in our bouse as water." Wilkes' Sprit ofLru Times. . , , ECONOMY IS WEALTH. S10300 per year saved ia every lamily by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cerr.sper Botde. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Trice 25 Cents per Bot'le. Price 2." Cents perBotile. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Pric 25 Cents per Bot l. Yery Liberal Redaction to Whole- Gsln never?. TEBJISCAMl. tdTForSale by all DrugpiMs, and Store keener generally thronghoot the comtry. JOI- VS afc CROSLEY, (Sole Manulactorers.) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW Y0K-