The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 19, 1862, Image 2

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    olilii Ui1 liliJ iulii II.
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BiCSSSiJCEG, WEDNESDAY, ffiUCll 19, 1862.
''Tfee Puor Saa'i Piaster.'"
This is the came girea by several of our
exchanges to tLe Tux ' Bill recently brought
forward in Congress, and a synopsis of which
wa given in our last papeT, and we think
the naraa very appropriate. It is not only
a "plaoler" but if it becomes a law, as ThaJ.
Stevens and his collcarues have prepared
it, it will prove a hard drawing one oa the
cias? of the people.
We had supposed that oar Black Repub
lican Congressmen, after having run up cof
fee, sugar, and other ar:ic!e, by a tieavy
tariff tax would be satisfied, but it reetns
otherwise, for they prepose to 'pile it on"
still more by a direct tax. This "poor man's
p'astet' puts a tax on all ground prepara
tion! ol" coffee, rye etc , made to be sold and
used aj ssiitutes for coffee, as if ube in
tention was !o compel people to bey and
rise all' pare coffee. It taxes sogar, candles
Iar.1 and coal oil., salt, ground pepper and
other spices, chocalata, Map, corn brooms,
tvouden pVds, leather, butchers meat of all
kinds, wheat flour, woo'en:cotton and worsted
good, hats and cap, &c, &c. Thus it will
be seerr that there is scarcely anything
which a family eats wear, or uses, that is
not taxed in this Biil. And almost, all the
exemptions or exceptions in the Bill are in
favor, not of the poor, but of those who are
more able to pay. Thus the man who
fted and faltem his own cattle, hogs and
heep, can slaugLier ihein, -use the meat,
make his own candles, soap and lard oil,
free from tax. So, a'so, in several other
particulars, to which we could point if nee
We thus condemn the proposed tax, and
not because we are opposed to the Govern
ment receiving a revenue equal to the de
mands of Us credit. We saw log ago from
the rapidity with wiich an enormous debt
was being run op, that heavy taxation must
come, and we have no hesitation in saying
that if our Black Republican Congress had
possessed sufficient honesty and moral
courage, at their extra session in July, to
have assessed a direct tax of at least one
hundred millions, annually;and apportioned
il to the etates.constilutionally, the currency
and financial condition of the country and
people would have been much more favor
abW now than it is But Congress was cow
ardly and dishonest, and the consequences
are opening oa ua in a flood of irredeema
ble pacer money. Still, though late, taxa
tion to the extent of at least one hundred
mUon a year, in addition to the tariff rev
enoe, is'r eeessafy, and the sooner it is re
alized the better. Bat it should come so as
to operate justly on all, according to their
ability to pay, and not, as in the Bill now
before as to bear onjustly upon
the toiling millions of the country. Penn
sylvania ha abundance of wealth and prof
erty to pay her lull proportion of one hun
dred millions, or any larger amount of tax
which the Government may require, and
wi'l cheerfuhy do so. Let Congress assess
itapon her, and it will be forthcoming in
due time, without a resort to the laboring
man's ground preparation of coffee and rye
pepper, sail, soap, candles, hats caps, shoes
boots, and other necessaries. She will raise
it, by exacting from all in proportion, not to
iheir wants and necessities (which appears
to be the aim of Stevens' "poor raan'a plas
ter") but to their ability to pay. Ife
CkeJer Jfjfersoniti.
Humbos2r7 is no new invention. Poor
Eve was dazzled by a green pippin, and
through her, Adam took a bite, and got his
eye ieeth cnt. Since then horobaggery has
htMTTft a science. Robinson Crusoe. Ara
bian Nights, Gulliver Travel, Barnnm'd
Woolly Horse, and other celebrities flour
ieheJ,then came Judge Ruhl'a Talking Cow
the New York Tribune and other nnsancti
fied oracle which have infested business,
religion, physics and politics generally.
But for the last twelve months il has assu
med the form ol raammoih Daily Inquirers,
Herald's, Tribune's, &.S., which have reap
ed rich harvests at Brother Jonothan'a cre
dulity. The country press stood amazed at
their hoge proportions and varied contents,
one hall of which wa. mannfac'ured for sen
sation porpo?e. The Arijus clipped, and
scissored and slashed, but lo no purpose
Tha country appeared to reludt the perform
ance, but as every 'dog has his ay ' so even
Sensation bad to saccumb to the inflexible
decree of j jstice and duty. Since the Gov
ernment has taken military possession of
all the telegrahio lines in the conulry, and
forbidden all telegraphic communications in
regard to military operations not expressly
authorized by the War Department, or the
f.or, or ntm mnnil in rr ih armv in the field
the coon'ry find repo?. The country presa j
is now more fully appreciated, and conse
quently new sub.-criber are coming in dai
Jy. Lrx'uburg Atgus.
Bad Piste to put 2oneyt
The Expre? of Thursday last, tells the
following story cf a ci.izen of this county:
" A fe week ayo a rich farmer of Mount, ia thi county had nine hundred dl
Jars in note tha7. he did nut know exactly
where to place for safety, but at last conclu
de 1 to put i: in a stove in his house that
wjs very seldom if ever osed. A short
tifna ef-er he hail deposited ii there, one of
Ihti feraa'e of ite house made fire in this
same stove, while the old man was absent
when the money was burned np, the irl
rot bein aware of it haing beers hidten
thre, and in a very lew minutes the old
csstt's uiue hondrcJ dollars wer-j in ashes.
From the Lvzerne Union.
. Eariler Will Cat: , f-
Ever since the famous Chicago Conven
vention, jjart of our people have been in
more ur less doubt as to rtie real purpose of
the late Black Republican party Mr. Lin
coln, as its great standard-bearer has tip to
March 6ih, 1862, teen able to " elude a fair
and square exposition of his real opinions
and final purposes by cunniog, evasive
and equivocal language and by ambiguous
executive demeanor, and his iriends liave
unfortunately eiHleavored, (with his silent
approbation) to eoerca private opinion and
secure a blind . and submissive adherence
to any dogma they might propose, and an
acquiescence " in any and every act they
should perform. It is needless to refer to
the high handed means used for this pur
pose.tothe imprisoning of men and women,
mobbing of newspaper offices seizing of
private papers, and assaults upon unoffend
ing citizens. Our people have been flatter
ed into the belief that it was necessary to
submit to those things in order to "preserve
the Union," and that all would end well.
While step by step civil war was breeding,
and we were told that "nobody was hurt,7'
that ih insurrection would prove the merest
farce, to be cheap'y and quickly ended by
at most 75.000 troops in ninety days we
have drifted along in war one- year. Our
army sometimes defeated, and many times
victorious on well contested fields, and now
following a series of unparalleled victories
for the Union army iu quick succession, we
are brought op -standing by a very remark
able message of Mr. Lincoln, the pith of
which is in the following words :
' I recommend the adoption of a joint
resolution by your honorable bodies, which
is in the following words:
"Risolced, That the United Stales, onght
to co operate with any Sta'e which may
adopt a gradual abolishment ol slavery, giv
ing to snch State petmniaiy via, to be used
by such State in us discretion to competsnte
for the inconvenience, public and private,
produced by such change of system."
Os'ensibly thU is a '-brai new thing,"
although many of us have supposed some
protect of the kind lay somewhere conceal-
ed under the planks'of the Chicago platform,
and that at what they deemed the proper
time the cat was to corr.e from the tag
The administration either lacked tie cour-
age or iransncss to commence mis war
with such a proposition hanging on the out
er wall, and noar in view of the lecent suc
cesses of the : federal arms, wi:h the pros
pect of an early suppression of the rebel
lion, I doubt not it takes a good many peo
ple by surprise.
Extracting the oil from out this proposed
resolution, and weeding it of rat-traps and
a goodly amount of executive cunriig,what
is it 1 Who does it come from and for what
purpose? Mr. Lincoln writes on a jiece
paper that Ciihe United Stales oiii;ht to
boy up" the southern niggers;" that we
northern people, at his bidding, must give
our hard earnings to purchase the freedom
of southern niggers. He hands the paper
to Congress asks them to say so too. But
Mr. Lincoln needs some excuse for making
this modest demand, and what is it 1 He
has made np his mind thaV it is the chief
meansor enuing uie reucmuu, .. ..,
. .l. u 1 1 : i il-! attention to it
Presoming that I i!l be sworn into Fort J
Lafayette by my Black Republican neigh
bors, or gigged into Fort Warren by the
mandatory instrument of VVm. H. Seward,
I propose to give this matter some little at
mminn. nerhans not so much because of
aav constitutional right I may have, but ,
, , r
because the Presideutseems to indicate
and as a special favor confer the liberty.
Wi b the special pleading by which Mr -
Lincoln attempts to excuse or justify and
support Am resolution, I do defy him or any
other man to pot another so strong an argu
ment to the world of our inability to fight
down the tebellion. lies it indeed come to
this, that Americans cannot restore the old
Union just as it was before? If we cannot,
then we are to have a r.ev one or none ai
If il is for the good old Union we are con
tending, let as fight on nntil we have it re
stored to os in all its native purity, grandeur
and glory. But if ail this sacr.fice is, after
all, but to break op the old Union ana run
the risks of making a new one alier the
patern of Greeley, Garrison. Phillips Sc'Co.,
let us be cautions tow we embark in the
dangerous an J doubtful enterprise. What !
Pennsylvania are lo be made to buy the
freedom of southern niggers! Penn-ylva-
nia has furnished 1C0 000 men to fight for
the restoration of, the old Union, and if ne
cessary, will double the number twice, but
without a consubation I can't say how many
are disposed to either fight or pay lor the
atolitiou of southern slavery. 1 do not
want Col. Wright to vote for any such reso
lutiou. I protest against it. When I voted
for Col. Wright, and asked my neighbors to
I used but one argument: I had but one
purpose. Me was eieciou io uio wi men
and money to Jighl down this rebellion, and
for nothing else. We bae not ye sent
him :o vo'e our money lo buy niggers, and
I do object to a vote from thia district to
bind and compel os to fight and pay for
fighting the southern rebe's and purchase
their niggers. It is a new propositions, un
necessary and inexpedienl ; a trap., a snare,
a new dodge for the abolition of slavery.
I desire, before we embark in any such
grand scheme of aboli'ion, to have a little
time for consideration, and if the friends
ol Mr. Lincln'i administration here are in
favor ol the resolution, give as a chance to
make it an issue uext fall in eletting our
member of Congress. Mr. Lincoln once
told us the object of ihe war was to re pos
sess the national property, collect the rev
enue, Sic , and ir, order to make it a short
war he asked Congress lo give him the le
gal power to call lor 500.000 men and S40o,
000. Congress responded promptly, and
even went beyond hia figures.. Oar brave
men are daily being mangled and slaugh
tered to restore the old Union, and as the
blessed day begins to dawn upon us, here
comes this slippery abolition proposition.
Mr. Lincolu does not tell- us bow much
we will have to pay for these negroes or
how many of Ihe States will probably thank
him for his offer, nor what be ia to do with
these purchased niggers or how depose cf
them when purchased. This .is all elodjf
ously left in the dark. It seems to m0 f
would lock quite as modest to haye,6orh )
man of the Mripe-of 1 had. Stevens or Love-
joy to submit the resolution, or mote prop r
t-j . ' ; I
Mill for a member from Delaware, Marj- i
land or Kentucky to make the -fUggeswon ; -
but no, it cornea from the great exponettt
of the Chicago platform, very honest Ate
Lincoln himself. Mr. Lincoln says:
"A practical re acknowledgment ol tie
national authority would render the wur
unneressary, ar.d it would at Once cease.?
If, however, resistance continues, the w ir
must alo continue, .and it is iinpossitle, p
lorsee all the incidents which may atierd
and all the ruin which may follow it. Su h
as may seem Indif pensable or may obvi
ously promise great efficiency towards enJ
ing the struggle, must and will come."
1 had supposed last summer, when jV r.
Lincoln called for his large army to ma';e
it a "'short and decisive war,"' that he h id
some ordinarily clear idea oi his motle pi
proceedure, and some defini:e idea of t ie
time it would t&ke to put down the rebid
lion. 1 supposed it wa3 to make tho m il
tercertain that he called for so large a for re
and for such an. amonnt of money. Sut
now he speaks of an indefinite conliouan :e
of the war, and broadly intimates our pre b
abie inability to master the rebellion . uiih
out abolishing slavery. "The Union," be
reiterates, "must be preserved, and hence
all indifpensible means must be employei .."
At his back stands the whole abolition crow
shouting fcr abolition as the great reme y.
Cowardly abolitionists, who will not r. f k
their heads in a war for the preservation of
the old Union, remain at I ome to petitian
Congress to abolish slavery to preserve ihe
We may as well look ench other squi re
in the face in this matter and speak the
truth. Therrt is no use gaging men or 'he
pres or choking the telegraph, and it
seems no c e of honest pnrpo-e and pri,;ht
demeaisor would do it, for first or last re
areonnd to know ail. This shy ad slip
pery dodging doe not make us one pa ti
de stronger. This is no war . of words or
political tricks, but it is a fair contest of
numbers, of force, prowess and power, i.nd
if Mr. Lincoln was mistaken iii regar to
the number of men he would need, and " ias
his whole 700,000 men nov at work do nig
all they can, and it is impossible for Gen.
McClellan, with 5u0,000 well armed und
drilled men, to gel out of sight of Washi ig-
ton, and more men are needed, why t ren
not tell us so, and we will double the nt m
ber for the preservation of the old Union,
but for God's sake do not let us be foe led
along two or three years longer at this m on
strous expense and sacrifice, and then tell
in we cannot beat the rebels, or restore the
Union without buying up the libetty of 4,
COO, 000 niggers.
I believe it to be the general feeling at
the north that we are able to put down this
rebellion. We are willing to make the
necessary sacriflice, but it does begin to
seem that these abolitionists are deteimi-
ned to find some excuse to prolong the war
until they can find an opoortor.iiy to gratify
j their duling project, the freedom of the
niggers and their elevation is an equality,
anj politically, with the white i tan
Mr Lincoln says "the initiation of eiian-
ci pation will substantially end the rebellian."
How does he know that ? At any rate, let
us suppose Mr. Lincoln is mistaken about
that, as he was about the shoit war with
500 000 men ; then, I suppose, we will get
another message that all that is wanted is
emanc'maie all ihe niszers at once. Or
I r J
6l,pp0se, as Senator Cowan intimates, that
Xil3 i,iT2ers do not want to be liberate d, or
! that they refuse to leave their master and
j protectors, and still the rebellion don't end,
j lheIi w hat i vVe must think of these ilii:ig
rof jt jg possible that Mr. Lincoln does not
j eeQ farlher jn0 a millstone than other men.
j Liowever we most consider this matt it of
purc.nasing niggers now, and iatima;e to
J OUf repre,eMatives how to vote for n. If
we are saliPfjej with ihe prejecl, we must
ihen say how much we are willing to give
each week, month and year, towards pay
i&" for the niggers. It is a matter tha con-
, cems bolh 60ujer anj citizen, and
it is to
be hopej lhal not a gr(,al many ar3 lo
i ti
fi,uated m ,ueir Moloch worship of Mr
Lincoln's administration, or so tno:h in
fear of incarceration in his bastilea, as to
rpfrain from ??ivin! I his abolition propesition
j sQne aarne9, consideration. For one I do
! nQl ,;ke lhe resou;,on) and f for one, again
gnter m). prote9l against our representatives
, for :, Whitk Man.
Slocum, March 8, 1862.
Mrs. Polk. A letter from Nasjville,
Tenn., in speaking of the visit of Gen. Grant
and some ot his staff to lhe widow of Presi
dent Polk, describes the appearance f the
mansion, and says :
"In one comer, surrounded by emble
matic evergreeus, is a ta-tlul, costly tomb,
beneath which sleeps the once powerful
! chief of a then united nation. Mrs tolk
is a well preserved lady ol perhap 5)years
ofasje. She received her visitors eourte
ously, but with a polished coldness tliat in.
dicated. sufficiently in which way he sym
pathies ran she was simply poii e and
tidy-like ; in no case patriotic. While she
discreetly, forebore to give utterance to any
expression of sympathy for the Souiii, she
as rigidly avoided saying ar.ythinj; that
might be constructed into a wish lor the
succesit of ihe Government. Shehopnd, she
said, that the tomb of her husband would
orotect her household property from pillage
turther than this she expected nothicg from
the United States, and desired nothing."
"Alwats true to the Union." Covern
orSprague ,ot Rhode Island, in accep ing the
renomination of the Democratic Conrention
for Governor, said "he had alway s ' found
the Democratic party true to the Union.'7
This is the crowning glory of that j;lorious
old party, and they do not share it with any '
other ; the same cannot truly be said ot any
other party Let the people thiiiK of thii
important fact at this time, when all, admit
and profess to deplore the danger lo the
Union, and when itsaalvation is the iivowed
desire of all. Who are its safest guardians
aud most reliable friends, those who have
qbjoiys been true to it, in prosperity and in
adversity in word and in deed ; of those'
who, wh:Ie they have tallied Umor, nave
shown, by their encooragememof sjctional
feelings and sectional principles, th it they
are at best but half Union men ?
Pennsylvania Legislature.
; ' Thursdat, March 13,' 1862.
The House was called to order at 7$ o"-
clock p m
The consideration of the tonnage lax ques
lion was resumed, and the bill was discuss
ed until nearly 12 o'clock, when the previ
ous question w as called and sustained. '
1 he substitute of Mr. Armstrong was lost.
Yeas 31 Nays 65.
The substitute of Mr. Williams, was car
ried. Yeas 65. Nays 31.
On the final passage.
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
WILDEY ai:d Mr. CALDWELL, and were
as follows, viz :
YeASMessr. A!exander,Banks, Barron,
Beaver, Beebe, Bighairi, Blanchard, Bliss,
Boileau. Brown, (Mercer) Brown, (Nor
thumberland) Busby, Ce.-sna Craig, Dellone
Divins, Donley, (Gruene )Dougheny, Elliott
Fox Freeland, Gamble, Graham, Gratrt.
Gross Hall, Happer, Henry, Hess, Hotfer,
Hoover, Hopkins. ( Washington) Hutchman,
Kaine, Kennedy, Kline, Labar, Lehman,
Litchenwallner M'CIellan, M'Coy, M'Cul-
loch, Myers, Neimax, lettirs, I'ot.eier,
Ramsey, Rex, Rhoads Ritter, Ross.
(Luzerne) Ros. (M iffiin) Row land, Ruusel,
Kyon, Shannon, S rang, Tate. Tracy. Tutton,
Wakefield, Weidner, Williams, W'nnley,
Windle; Wolf, Worley, Zeigler and Rowe,
Speaker 70
Nats Messrs Abbot. Armstrong, Bates,
Caldwell, Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, Den
nis, Donnely (Philadelphia.) Josephs, M'
Makin, M'Manus, Pershing, Quigley, Scott,
Smith, (Chester) Smith, (Philadelphia)
Thompson, Vincent, Warner ind Wiloey
So the bill passed finally.
Fhidat, March 14, 1862.
The SPEAKER called the Hjuse to order
at 10 o'clork a. m
Prayer by the Rev. Dr. De Witt.
Under a suspension of tha orders.
Mr. SHANNON read in place, an act to
provide for the military education of youths
Mr. TATE read a bill in place, to change
the place of holding the Elections from the
house of Joseph R. Patton, to the house of
Mr. Lemon, in Greenwood township, Co
lumbia county.
Also -To change the place of holding
the Elections from the house of Jacob Sidell
to the house of Wro. Sidell, in Derry twp.,
Montour county.
Also to annul the Marriage contract be
tween Margaret Ann Stiff, and Robert Stiff,
of Da.iville, Montour county.
Gcacrai. Jackson's pkoclamatiow to the
people of south carolina.
On leave aiven,
Mr TATE offered the followning pre
amble atid resolution :
Wuerk's, By a resolution of February 13
1862, the House determined to meet at 12
o'clock M. on the tath day of March, 162,
to hear the proclamation of Gen. Andrew
Jackson, to the people ot South Carolina,
read by the Clerk.
JnJ whereat, By the standing rule of this
House no session ran be held on that day,
and as a great many of the members will
be absent on that day, therefore,
Resulted, That the House will proceed to
discharge the duty prescribed by the reso
lution mentioned, on Tuesday next at five
o'clock p. M.
The resolution was read a second time
and agreed to.
. DleCltilan's address to bis Soldiers.
Soldiers of the Jrmy of the Potomac.
For-a long time I have kept you inactive,
but nol without a purpose. You were to
be disciplined, armed, and instructed. The
formidable artillery you now Lave had to
be created. Other armies were to move
and accomplish certain results. I have held
you back, that you might give the death
blow to the rebellion that has ditrac;ed our
once happy country. The patience you
have shown, and your confidence in your
General, are worth a dozen victories.
The'e preliminary results are now ac
complished. Meel that the patient labor?
ot many months have produced iheir fruit.
The Army of the Potomac is now a real
army, magnificent in material, admirable
in discipline and construction, and excel
lently equipped and armed. Your com
manders are all that I could wish.
The moment for action has arrived, and I
t-nnur ihiii I can trust in vou to save our
country. As I ride through your ranks, I
see in vonr faces the sure prestign of vie-
I feel ihs.t vou will do whatever I
w. j . - - f
ask of you.
The period of inaction has passed. I will
bring you now face to face with the Rebels,
and only pray that God may defend lhe
right. In whatever direction you may
move, however strange my actions may
appear to you, ever bear in mind that my
fale is linked wiih yours, and that all I do
is to bring yon where I know you wish to
be on the decisive battle-field. It is my
business lo place you there. I am to watch
over y ou as a parent over his children, and
vou know, that your General loves you
from the depths of his heart. Il shall be
my care it has ever been to gain success
with the least possible loss. Bui I know
thai if itia necessary you will willingly fol
low me to our craves for our righteous
God smiles upon us victory attends us
Yet I would not have you think that our
aim is lo be obtained without a manly
strutale. I will not disguise it from you
that yon have brave foes lo encounter foe
men wed worthy of the steel that you wil
use sJ well. I shall demand of you great
heroic exertions, rapid and long marches
desperate combats, privations, perhaps.
'e will share all these together, and when
this sad war is over, we wul all return to
our homes, and feel that we can ask no
higher honor than the proud consciousness
that we belonged to the Army of the Poto
mac. George B McClellan,
Major General Commanding
. Our Members at Harrisburg have our
continued thanks for public documents.
; VnTK the who's ticket as fouud ia to
ejay'a pperi ad nothing but the ticket."
ouii ak y tonr.EsrcsDEXtr.
MArmssBURO. Virginia, I .
March 9 h, 1862 J
Friend Will: When I last wrote yon
we expected to go'to Bath, which we cam
within two miles of doing; but being on
the cars we could BOt stop jus: where we
pleased, and so came until within 1 1 miles
of this place, a' Bark Creek Bridge, which
bridge the secesh blew up la6t summer
This bridge was a stupendous work of art.
It was a sirgle span, arched, eerty feet
high, and some eighty feet long. The ee
cesh piaced a large quantity of powdei in
the centre ol lhe arch and blew it up or
ra-.her down. The mode we adopted for
crossing this stream
was Mrrpie yet em-
cicnt. In the first place ve drew two Wire
ropes across trom abutment to abutment,
ihen -lacing boards thereon we crossed over
without accident. From this bridge to the
place where I now write the rails were all
lorn from the railroad track and removed to
Winchester. We arrived here at 12 o'clock at
night and quartered in empty houses,where
we still remain. We had but little chance
of looking atom at night, but as day began
to dan, tl.e desolation ol Sodom could
scarcely have been more comp'e e than the
view we got of the destruction of prcperty
by the rebels. As far as lhe eye could
reach, both up and down the railroad, was
strewn, in promiscuous confusion no less
than lhe skeletons of foTty five engines, and
any quantity of cars partly burned and bro
ken. It is sufficient to make the blood of
every, true Union man boil W4th indignation
at the siht of such w anion destruction of
This town is the Capital of Berkly County
and is iioied for its sucesrion proclivities
It cornains or rather did contain about
five, thousand inhabitans, but at present
there are not more than one thousand citi
zens in the place; but the Union families
that were driven off by tl.e secesh, are now
returning again to iheir homes whirh they
have nol seen, in some cases for five and I
six monirs. Some of them brought with
them a lare flag a restdsr witii one
with thirty toor stats fend thirteen stripes.
This flag was flung to the breeze from the
cupola of the Court House, on last evening,
amidst the most enthusiastic cheeriu .
The secesh hereabouts begin to think that
their game is about ''played out," and so I
think, for each passing day brings more
strikingly the conviction that lhe suppres
sion of this rebellion is near at hand. For
the McClellan Anaconda is slowly but sure
ly winding its mighty folda about it. The
heart of Tennessee has been restored and
Kentucky has been reclaimed to Federal
authority. A liberated people hailed with
deligh. and joyous acclamation the return
of the old flag, that has been for so many
months banihed from their sight
The resources of the relel leaders are
completely exhausted and ihnt nt the North
would have been in as deploiaLle condition
by this lime, if that notorious swindler and
thief, Camrron, had been retained. TLeir
long cherished hope'? of Foreign interven
tion are n;ter!y crushed. Tl.e reduction of
rebelion is inevitable. Let us, for a few
moments, eiamiue the matter a little closer
into the lois at.d jzaiti game that the South
ern rebels have been playing. They have
a loss of reputation a loss of blood and
treasure a loss of public confidence a losa
of prosperity a loss of security erjoyed in
the Union and under the constitution I'
ias gained, what ? A death blow to their
peculiar institution, which reckless and un
scrupulous political adventurer made the
pretext for civil war and all the horrors and
calamities it has entailed. Let me not re
misunderstood in this; for I do not blame
the whole thing uj.on the South but say
yea firmly believe, that certain politicians
of the North are just as accouutab'e lor
bringing about this rebellion u the hoi he ids
of the Souiii ; and those men are ami mve
been leaders of the party i,o .v iu power
The Constitution was the ark of salety lo
the South, but it wis repudiated and trodden
under foot by the very men wf;o depend on
il alone for protection. And now the very
northern fanatics who were most clamer
ous for "letting the Union slide,' and who
believeJ that 4'l!;e Union could never stand
half slave and half free," are the ones that
are most anxious lo place lhe noose around
the rebel leader's necks, when their own is
undoubtedly just as liable lo adorn the same
profession, viz : pulling hemp, as those re
bellious subjects; any more than that the
one belongs to the liunest party in power,
and the other dent. It is true the South
look a very bad step to obtain redress lor
the galliiu wrongs, either real or imaginary
heaped upon and threatened them, by cer
tain political scrape graces. The ouihern
ers have all to lose, for hey cannot enter
tain the remotest idea that they will succeed
in their mad attempts to "set up for them
'Ihe past cannot be remedied but the fu
ture is their own. The evils they have suf
fered cannot be cured, but the ills to result
from a continuation ot the war may be
avoided, by a return to their rightful alle
giance and obedience to lhe Constitution.
It is idle lor them to combat de6tiny, and
lift their pur.y hands against the irresis'.a
ble progress ol a great nation. A few weeks
more will decide the fate of the South.
I think that P T. Barnum would dj well
to secure Simon and Floyd and exhibit them
through the world as two of the greatest
rascals and robbers the nineteenth century
has produced. I do not think Simon would
raise any serious objection to such a mode
of seeing different countries at another's ex
pense; but I would advise Mr Barnum to
keep his hands upon his pocket book for
Simon's proclivities lor stealing is so great
that he would a'lempt to rob the son of Alan
ol his throne and crown if he could get
nothing to steal from Uucle Sam.
There is no telling how long we will stay
here, but do not think longer than until our
baggage train comes up, which I think will
bt in a day or two. Gen. William's Divis
ion is now at Bunker Hill, nine mile from
this place on the road lo Winchester, aud
his pickets extend about six miles further
on. They had a little brush with the rebels
on the 7tb, Three of our boy6 were wound
ed, one seriously too slightly. VVe lost two
hor es and captured three. The rebel loss 1
cotdd i;ot be ascertained they a usual re
trea'ing and taking iheir wounded and dead
along. .
1 he health of lhe "birys that we "here is
good. We set it all our sick to lite hospital
at Cumberland before we le It camp Cha-e.
LA regular linaol coaches has been estab
lished between this place and Hagerston,'
Md., a distance of 18 miles; hence wehave
better mail facilities than we have enjoyed
since vve left Harrbburg. J -remain yours.
&c. Toodlcs.
The Annual Conferikcc of the East
Baltimore Methodist Episcopal Church,
i at Baltimore, adooled the following Dream-
D r
to 15 nays :
Whereas, Since the annual seision of this
body, a fearful rebellion has broken out in
several of the Southeran States, threatening
to overthrow the best and most benign Gov
ernrnetit the world ever saw ; and whereas,
the Federal authority has been compelled
to use force of arms to suppress said rebel
lion and to maintain its own - supremacy ;
and whereas, patriotism is a Chrisuan v-ir
lue taught in ihe-Word of God and eiijoined
upon us in the twenty-third article ol reli
gion ; therefore
lUsolotd as a body of Christian
mininiers in Conference assembled, we
hereby express onr abhorrence ol the rebel
lion now existing within our borders as
bei ng treasonable in its origin, sangi.iniry
in its progress, and as 'ending to retard Ihe
progress of civil liberty throughout Ihe
Resolved, That we hereby approve and
endorse the present wise and ptitiiotic Ad
minstraton ol the Federal Government ir.
its effort to defeat ihe plans and to overcome
the armed resistance of the so-called Coo
leiiera'.e Slates, with a view to maintaining
and perpetuating tha unity ol this Govern
ment" Resolved. That, in onr pa'rotic efb-ts inthe
paei r present to sustain the Government
of our country in her lime of Irial, we are
not justly liable lo the charge of political
teaching, and in the inculcation of loyal 1
principles and sentiment we regard the J
pulpit and press as legitimate instrumental! j
Resolved, That a copy of the foresoin?
preamble and resolutions be transmitted to ;
the President ot the United States, signed 1
by the president and countersigned by the .
secretary ol the rcnference; (
j ,
Faithful Mimsters of Health In ex j
amining the vessels at lhe various wharves i
we find among the curiosities of our corn- 1
merce the brig Miranda, just in from Trux-
3 , , o 1.
illo with a cargo of Honduras Sarapanha :
lor Dr. J. C. Ay er k Co., of Lowell. So par-;
licular are this firm as to lh- articles tioed m '
compounding their various remedies
they have this drug, like some others
conm-me, gathered for them ty a
agent of their own 111 the tropical reaions ol
its growth. He in'orms us that there are
many species of this plant. but Iwo of which
,. a . , ,. . 1-
are really valuable in medicine, the quail -
lies of th-se are also affected by the lime of
ga'.herihi;, mode of curing, etc., operations
which in that region of unreliable workmen
, . . . r
impose a heavy labor upon him- One 01
' 1
the inert varieties of Sarsapanlla grows wild
in our own forests, while several others,
nearly worthless, abonnd in Central and
South America. The intelligent agent as-
. , , ,
sured us that the virtues of ihi? drug had
never been fully told, and lhal the reason ot j honorable Aaron K"; Peek ham, Esq , Presi
ihe low esteem in which many hold it is dui of our said C"nrt ai LJlootii-tui'j the
mainly due lo the importa'ion of such im
mense quantitius of the worthless varieties.
His acoun'.s of his trips to Honduras and his
business excursions along the Gulf of Dulce
a:id the rivers of Montagua and Santiago
and amonc the adjacent mountain- were of
intense iuterest. We can but commend and
honor his employ ers for the faiihfolresf and
energy wiih which they execute thier trust
as rnini-ters to the public health, and ve
scspect that this course is at least one of
the reasons why their meJicines are held ia
such extraordinary favor throughout the cv
iiized world. A"tu York City A'etc.
UYE. e:j
CORN, 10
OA IS. 3i
FLOUR pr. bbl 6 00
12 !
10 j
iO 1
Ui;n a 1. ur i'5 1 n
. 4
11 A MS,
On Ihe 5:h ins!., by Rev. Franklin Gear
hart, Mr. Llovu T SiHhPLcss, of Blooms-
t)Ur2, IO Miss MATT1E V. W AGONSkLLKB, of
On the 4;h inst , by the same Mr Wm
Tt pi.f., to Miss ErUiiNA DRk.isBAcu, botU of
Columbia county.
In Bloomsburj, on the 6th inst., by the
Rev.J N. Russell, Mr. Gotlr'B Smith, of
Berks county, and Miss Exizabkth Clakk,
of Montour county.
In Bloomsbur;: by Rev. J. R. Dimm on
the 15th inst., Mr. W. R Tcbb of SiiK-k-
shinny, Luzerne co. to Mis Maggie Har -
man ol this place.
Also by the same on the 16th inst.. Mr.
John Hippknstiei. 10 Miss Mart Catherine
Mklick all of Ml Pleasant Col. co , Pa. I
Al MiilviHe, on the 26th u't , by Friend'
Ceremony, Mr. CimnLEK Evf.s, of MiUvitle
and F.i iaekth Wilson, daughter ot John
W ilsoa, near Danville, Pa.
At the Presbyteiian Parsonage, in Ber
wick, on the 9th in-t., by the Rev. J. M.
Salmon, Mr. J hn Vjn Pelt, of Briarcreek.
to Miss M. E Gklgort, of Fairmoont, Luz
county. Pa.
On lhe 8th inst , at Townhill, by Rer. E.
Wadsvorth, Mr Gcokuk W. Ihhkr, ol Fair
mount, to Mi Jsk Young ol Huntingdon,
Luzerne county, Pa.
On the 2d inst., by Rev. W. Goodrich,
Mr. Jacob J., to Miss Makt E. Bak
TOL.both ol Madison township Columbia co,
On the 6ih inst , by Rev. W. Goodrich, at
the residence of Ihe "bride's father Mr. Wm.
P. Faus, to Miss Akk Elizabeth Foriwalp,
bo h of Pine twp.. Col. co.
In Espy, on Saturday, the 8th inst., Mr.
Cyrus Barton, aged about 66 years.
In Shamokin, 011 the 6th inst , Mr. Lo
cisda R. Young, wife of J. Weimer Young,
formerly of ihi place, aged 20 years. 3
months and 29 days. She wa interred at
the cemetery at this place.
COAL OIL.. Ardeoco Coal Oil for sale,
12 cts. per quart, by
Bloorusburg, Feb. 26, 1862.
I:zb!ic ale
..... or
IN porniinnc of an ordr if the Orphans'
Cfuirt ot Columbia county, or.
t.ext, at 10 o'rio k in lhe loreneen, .Vlirtiu
A. A'ti iimrriian anil Mn-hnt-1 Lemon. A l
mis;Titor of IV'er P. P. al-r, hie of Fi-h-
nut-reek low iictiip. in said rnunlr, derated,
will expose to sale by Public Vfiiilo",
upon lhe premises, a certain, tract of
situate in the township of F.ishumKrerk,
aforesai 1 adjoining lands of Ktia- LuHMcfi
An the east, land of the lieir-. nl Georue
Laubacc on the North. Ptiilio U'taiii-l on
the west, atid ihe public road on the South,
... ' 4
more or less, 'fifteen acre of wM"h i clear
ed land and in a good stale of rulji va ioi.
Lale the -evtale of said lecaeil, siija'e
in lhe townhip m Fishinycreek !n ' founiy
aforesaid. Terms of sale nia l k now u oa
davofsala JACOB KYERLY.
BloomsbuTg, March 5, 1862. . Cleik.
Bridge Icllinj-
THE Couirty Commissioner will receive
proposal at lhe house of Pavid Pai, in
Beaver township, Ci Inmbi county, be
tween the hmusof 10 A. M , and one P.
M , on Friday Ihe 4th d-v of April next,
for building an open TRUSS BRIDGE, ov
er Caitawi-sa Creek near the residence of
lhe said David Davi. Said bridge lo be
8 feet between abutment, width 16 lee,
bighl 12 feet from low waier mark; lhe
ahu menta 10 be six feet itiirk aod Ihe
winwall on upper and lower si.le ol Norii
abuirneni each 25 feet long; the wtm;wal
on lower siJe of south abul.niii lo let
long, and none req-iired 011 the npper sire.
Pl-t'u ami spec i fie lion ca be seen on the
day and place cdlettini. - .
By order of the coun'y Commi-:o'r'.
R C. FRUl r,
Commissioner' OflL' i Clerk.
Bloomsbur, Mju-Ii 5, 1862. J
Public Sale
OF .'
THE under-iifned will ofler a' nutViu
gale on Satu rday the 22-d day of March
1862. a Town I nt and Hou. situate ori
lUiirod Stree, Below Third, Sou'h Wei
blooai-burj, cuiiainiri'Z 08 feet in frot.t and
165 lent in depth. The bri is in a o,)n.l
it or cul ivauo ),wetl planted with ynun-
oearui-j Irud trees. 1'ne i'nproveme'iM.are
a ojie stoiy and a half new frame dwelling
house, with the outbuildings o-ually foijn I
upon town lot. Pos-ession wtli be w'ue-i
,,e tjrtl dly ot A,ril nexU Sa,e Io"t.ot .
niem-e at one o'clork P. M. of said day
when conditions will bemile known by
. - iiiA1 GIRTON.
B:onmsburg March 5, Ih62.
Notice to tlir llf in of Ttt t Hoffman, dce'd.
. rja Fowler. U"Z-tta Amanita Cleaver. Sv I
' vester Hofimar, William I luff nun Sarah
i Ebxabeth Richard. Cliailot-e Hoffman,
; Han'iah Hoffman. Jreph Sieeln ao.t Stu-
; crlldrifI1 ,, ,l(.v,e8 of ,Ver
! Hnffirin,'e-ea-ed, late of Lo-ut township,
( Colnmbij. coun'y
I Von aod of yon are hetf by cited arid
' commanded 10 t and appear in tour pr-
j , , , , . , . ,
! sons b-for ire JuJse ol the Orphan i
; CoiUI (l, riijt COlJf,.V) ,n te hoI.Vn at
j Bloom onr, in and for said county , on the
first Monday of May next, ihen a-nJ ther
j -o-"P' or ref.-H tt.e f ,aid dee'd
i at lhe tarnation or how cans wnv ihe
;.,an,a ,,lonj- no, bf, fro!t1. Witness it e
. ! loi;rlef.iii .ay ol reornary, A. .). oue
tnousand eight bnndre-l 6:xiy two.
Jacob Eyfrlv. Ctrk O. C:
Sh riff's Olli. e,
Blomrisburg, Feb. 26. 1662
Cii'ct'iiwood .Seminary.
f 'HE Spring Term of ihi litsntmion will,
X commence 011 lhe 7'h of April nejct.
The Piim-ipal will be ai-ted bv aole
instructors, aiivl a ample tacilitie- will be
afl.irded to qualify S udent for leai hir g,
for bni-iness or for a more exvn-ive conr-e
iu literature, a liberal stiaie of partronae
aain solicited.
Pupil wTio do not come from home, or
are not put under ihe charge o' near rela
tives, 'in iiil board al the Seminary, und be
subject to the reju!a:iot.s thereof. They
rnu.-l provide their own towel and have
each ariu le of clo:hin2 distinnily marked.
Eleven week corstitute a quarter and
there will be a vacation ol about six weeks
ill si;mi.ner.
Boardn ,
washing and Tuition with
S ,,, e hai fayable in advance.
. l.lir.n.u 1 w 1 u r. it in r lFfl U cLl lei.
... . ii - n .
; luitiun alone in Common brancbe
S5 00
6 CO
1 00
iiiciDuiri'r auvance Aiueora
ma:hematic his ory &.e.
' in LaMn, Germau or French
eai h extra
For further p-r icular ad lre
WM. BURGESS, Principal.
Mjllviiie, Col co, Feb. 26, 1862.
Auditor's IVotice.
THE undersigned, appointed an Andi'or
by ihe Orhat:'. Cnurt of C-dnmbia county
10 distribute lhe balance in the hand of
Reuben Miller, Executor of John Linden,
lain of Briarcreek 'Township, in said county
derea-ed. to and among the oeJitors and
ethers entitled, according toiaw : wiil meet
lhe pailies interested for the purpose of hi
; appointment on S-iurday, April 5th 1862,
at hi office in Blommsburg, at 10 o'clock,
A. M.. when and where all peron having
claim- are requested 10 present Ihem or be
forever debarred from coming iu lor a share
of said fund,
Bloomsbur;, March 5 h
Kollock's Dandelion Coffee.
THIS preparation, made from the best
Java Coffee, is recommended by phvician4
for General Debility, Dyspep-'u, and all
biliou disorder. Thousand who have
been compelled lo abandon the ne of cof
fee will use ;his without injurion elTectt.
One can contains ihe strengifi ol two
pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents.
The pore! and besi BAKING POWDER
known, for making light, sweei and nutri
tious Bread and cite. Pricn 15 cents.
Manufactured by
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streels.
tjAnd oldby all Druggies and Grocers, jgj
February 26, 1862. I v.
THE undersigned offer!" for sale or rent
the lollowing property, 10 wit : One good
sized Brick Dwelling Hon-e, ou hoo.e,
well of water al lhe door, and oae acre cf
ground, situate on the north eat corner of
Market and Fir-t street ; ALSO, h Hoife
andL't on Fir.-t Street; house 30 x 20,
frame ; aaj frame stable : fruii ireea, &c.
L.c. Terms reasonable. Ftr par icular
inquire of GEORGE WE. WEIL
Blooaisbors, 1ub. 19 '1862.
-. . ... - . . . .
, that j ,'1V,eS '! ' CoinmooH eahh of Penn-
tney .Ti? '
sil.ul j Harriet Fisher. Anna M.