The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 12, 1862, Image 1
1 l.a- r Di- r H W II. J1C0BT, Proprlelor.3 Troth and Right God and oar Country. Two Dollars per Annum. VOLUME 14. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY MARCH 1?, 1862. NUMBER 10. STAR OF THE NORTH rVBXXSHXO ITI1T vxdhxsoat bt wa. a. jicoBr, CfHc e on Slabi St.. 3rd Square below Market, TERMS: Two Dollars pr annum If paid within six months from the time of subscri bing : two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the. year. No subscription taken for a leas period than six months; no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless aMhe option of the editor. 7 hi terms of advertising will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, $1 00 Every subsequent insertion, ...... 25 One square, three months, ....... 3 00 One year, . . 8 00 Crjoice poetrn. LOWLY FLOWERS. BT LVMAN B. GOODMAN. With feel half naked and bare Aud dresses all tattered and torn, With a penny here and a mockery there, And floods of derision and scorn. She wanders the street wherever her feet, Weary and willing, are borne, ; With an eye as bright and a cheek as fair As the earliest blush of the mora. Wandering op and down, .' And driven Irom door to door, A jest for every idle clown And a butt for every boor : While the velvet-slippered.iH sa in and lace Go rustlirg by her side, With a frozen heart and a curtained face, And a lip curled into pride. So beautiful, yet so frail, So willing, and yet so weak. Oh, what if tie heart should fail, And a heavenly purpose break ! And the dens, kennels and brothers of hell, Another poor victim hold, A celettia) spark be quenched in the dark, And an angel bartered tor gold ! No wonder the heart should fail, A heavenly purpose fade, The eye grow dim and the cheek grow pale When none stand ready to aid ! No wonder the lain and cradles of hell So many poor victims should hold, .When the good are content to worship God, And the rich to worship their gold ! Move patiently on, O earth ! Till Mercy's wandering dove Shall upward fly to the realm of its birth, And rest in the bosom of Love : Move patiently on till the crucified Christ Shall gather his radiant crown Prom the lowly flower and bleeding hear That the world has trampled down. te LOOK UP." . " Misfortunes,"' it is said never come sin gly.." This was certainly verified in the family of Win. Thornby. The world had gone fortunate with him for a time, but soon promising speculations failed entirely, and hi affairs became sadly involved. Some hopes of recovery presented themselves, when a fire broke oat in the place, bis house of business fell a prey to the flames, and to reader the misfortune greater, the insurance had expired the day before. Thornby and his large family were redu ced to absolute poverty. Nor was this all ; his anxiety and exposure daring the fire .brought on a fever, and for weeks his wife and daughter hung over him almost des pairing of bis life. At length, however, the fever abated, and though he was left weak and helpless as an infant, reason had return ed, and nothing was needed for his restora tion to health but good nursing and freedom from mental anxiety. Careful and affectionate nursing were no wanting, bat it was impossible to preveul mental uneasiness. His children must be upported, bnt hnw? They would share with him in the poverty, perlraps the dis grace, which the involved state of his affairs . would bring upon him, and many would . heap upon him unmerited reproach. There remained bat one way by which his fair name could be entirely retained,and on this he at once resolved. The house in which they lived was valuable and would command a ready and favorable sale. It . was hard to part with a home he had made o comfortable, bnt there was no aherna , live. . The house was offered for sale and a purchaser soon found. Every just claim was satisfied and the family removed to a distant part of thecoan try. ; Here in a 6mall,neat dwelling, they found themselves in the possession of many com forts, and in their affection for each other the mother and child soon found content meet and happiness. Bat the father's heart was still sad. He felt a want of confidence in himself, and mistrust of his fellow-creatnres. His whole appearance was changed. . His coontenance .was downcast and sad, his steps lingering -end irresolute, and no one would have rec ognized the once happy merehar-t in the ill- dressed and unhappy looking man, who ,eow busied himself in cultivating a small piece of land tha surrounded his little dwell- ' HU wife sooght by every means in her ' power to arouse bis dormant energies. '; The little property they had saved from the wreck would soon, be exhausted, he was ' yet in the prime of life, his health was fully restored, why not. again go forward and t endeavor to regain at least apart of what they had lost? Sorely it was a duty which ' ha owed to himself and his children. - But 5 her husband shrank from again mingling with what ha deemed a cold and unfeeling world. , . M It will be in vain, Mary," ha replied. " 1 1 hall Iose,the little we have. You can . Larily imagine the unfeeling manner in vfblch. the unfortunate s re treated. Many , '-ill help those who esera likely to rise . themselves, but very faw will eitend a i3 to save lie? 3 who are comparatively ' I " This is part true," said his more hope ful wife, "but I trust not to the extent which you seem to believe. Place more confi dence in your fellow men, and above all I have more reliance upon your H6avenfy , Father and you will succeed Begin at the bottom of the ladder, and seek a situation (as clerk. Yon are certainly well qualified either for a salesman or accountant, and will no doubt obtain a good salary." Mr. Thornby sighed deeply. MMy health," said he, will not permit to lead the Bedentary life of an accountant, as a salesman I fear I ehould stand little chance of success." "Not with that sad countenance, indeed, but strive to recover your former, cheerful temperament, and all will go well" "For your sake, Mary, and that of my children, I will make the attempt, but I feel sure it will fail." . He resolved to go and seek employment He left home for the city with the same sad countenance,downcsatIook, and slow meas ured step. Hts wife, who had watched him anxious ly until be was out of sight, turned sorrow fully from the window, and said to her old est daughter : "It is all in vain, Sarah, your poor father will never succeed on til he can learn to look up, not only naturally, but spiritually." After come expressions of mutual confi dence and affection, the excellent mother And daughter determined upon two things; first to commend the husband and lather to the kind protection of Heaven, and next to commence together, if possible, the keep ing of a email school. iThis latter plan,however,they determined to submit to the father, on his return. As Thornby approached the city, he felt more oppressed by the doubts and fears which he had urged in the conversation with his wife. The first place at which he called had ad vertised for a person having qualifications which Wm. Thornby felt an undoubted as surance that he possessed On stating his business, a young clerk requested him to be seated, a! the eame time surveying him with a contemptuous air Half an hour passed, and the employer entered. Thorn by'soame and application were laid before him, and without waiting to hear the qualification he was about to urge said quietly : "You will not answer my purposes, sir." The applicant turned away without rem onstrance, and left the office, saying lo him self : "Just as I expected. 1 have every quali fication he required in his advertisement ; my appearance does not suit him, but that is enough." The next trial was a large wholesale dry goods establishment. The refusal was equally decisive as the other, acd as h turned to leave the store he heard the em ployer remark to the head clerk : "I make it a rule never to employ a per son who looks as if he were unfortunate. Everything about tho man shows that he is going down hill." "And therefore," mentally added poor Thornby, "you will give him a push." He had resolved not to try again, but tha thought of those depending on him urged another trial. With desperate determina tion he resolved to go to every warehouse in the street through which he was passing. But he was unsuccessful, and with every failure be became more and more depressed till his anxious countenance could not fail to excite the observation of those around him. As he turned from the last shop he was, accosted by a benevolent looking old gstle roan in the garb of a quaker.who exclaimed in a friendly tone of inquiry : "Looking for a situation, iriend ?' "Yes, sir," wa the reply ,"can yon aid me in my search ?" "Not directly, but I can give thee a little advice, which, if rightly acted upon, will finally help thee to attain what thee de sires." "I shall be grateful for your advice." "It is this Look Up." At these words Thornby raised his eyes from the ground, supposing it to be a com mand to look at bis adviser, but to his sur prise the old gentleman had already turned and was rapidly away in an opposite direc tion. , "Some insane person," Thornby muttered . "I am in no humor for his folly." Then sorrowfully he turned towards his own home, quite convinced of the cseless cess of farther search. His wife not much surprised at his failure still endeavored to cheer him. and proposed the plan of keeping a school. With some difficulty they obtained bis sanction to what he considered as an almost absurd underta king, r Circulars were immmediately printed and circulated, and Sarah and her mother called upon many families in their immediate neighborhood and made known their intentions.-Their ladylike and pleasing appear snceeicited much interest, and they soon secured a sufficient number of pupils to en courage them in a beginning. The school rapidly increased and before the end of the first term they bad more applicant than they iiould; admit. - Many families were anxious that Mrs. Thornby should receive their daughters as boarders, this occasioned an extension of their plan. A larger and more convenient hoosa was taken, and ar rangements made for the accommodation of boarders, and also for tha reception of a lar ger nnmber of day scholars. 1 Mr. Thornby viewed with .woader the success ol his wife -and daughter. Why was it that he alone should be rejected be cause be was unfortunate? How was it they had raised so many kind' friends around them eager and able to assist them ? In what did the difference consist ? The words of the quaker always came t his mind, and though he had first regarded r them a mere expression of insanity he nov began to suspect that they in reality con tained the advice which the old gentlemai had said if rightly followed, would irsurs him success. 11 Look Up!" Surely, man formed in th imae of his Maker, should not, like tbs beast that periehelh cast his eyes upon th 3 earth ! Even when bowed down by misfoi tune, he should strive to look up the iigl.t which may yet illumine bis path. Thea thoughts had crowded forcibly uponThort by's mind, and he was beginning to act in accordance with them, Sarah bounded into the garden where her father was busied wi h some vines, and told her father that re should smile upon her cheerfully as he used to do, for that she had good news to tell him. "Vou deserve to be smiled upon, indeed my child," said he, gazing fondly on hsr animated countenance, "but what net's have you for me?" "One of the young ladies who attended our school asked me to day it my father wis in want of a situation as a clerk, and whon I answered in the offirmative, she said her uncle requested you to call at his office to worrow morning. Here is the address," Sarah continued handing her father a slip of paper. "Well there may be somthingyet instcte for me, Sarah " "Indeed there may, my dear father Or ly think how well our bebool is succeeding. The income from that alone would afford us comfortable support Onr Heavenly Fa h er is always near to help us in the hour of need." The heart of the strong man was boned down and he trembled with emotion Teirs of real sympathy stood in the eyed ot lis daughter, as she whispered : "Your heart will be no longer sad, father yon will smile on us once more." "My child, the dark shadow has long buen on me, but with the help of God, 1 will no longer be cast down. Even if the new opening shoald prove delusive, I will not be discouraged 1 will now look up." Wiih a cheerful countenance, and S! jps which fell sweetly on the ears of his w ife, bringing to her remembrance the days gone by, he descended to breakfastthe rext morning, and at an early hour was on his way to the city. As he entered the of ice answering to the address given him by his daughter, he was met by the same bene vc- lent old Quaker who had proffered him ad vice on a former occasion. "Well, friend," lie exclaimed, extending his hand, "I am glad thon hast followed my advice and learned to look up. I have a situation now at my commar.d where hee can obtain a good salary and without w rk ing harder than is fining at thy tima of life." The best remedy for a man who is g iing down hill is to loook up when earthly hopes fail there is still hope in heaven. Darkest . rarest Dawn. BT CLARA SIDNEY "Look in the other pocket, dear, per taps you put it there by mistake." I And the young wife turced towords her ! husband a face whose sudden whiteness belied her hopeful words. "It's no use, Maria, I tell you it is go te !" cried the yoncg man, in tone ol dear air ; . 'gone, and the Lord only knows what will i become of us." "What is the case sir ?" asked one o the i several gentleman who left their sea s to ; gather round the distressed fami'y, censis- ting of the parents and two very noble and j beautiful little ones, a boy and a girl. ! "I been have robbed of all the money that ' I have on earth replied the young nan, .... . . ,. . , . . his lips quivering and hts teeth fairly :hat- . . . . . , . r . 4i tering in his head. "And I am bound lor Iowa with my family. We have none to; help as ; we shall starve, or these will , be- ; fore I can earn anything for them. 1 Wit, UUl BU ISO-It IH ...., JUIIH ctl3 I quotha venerable gentleman, with a long j beard and gold-beaded cane ; "not sc bad f as that ; you mast not bo easily lose your ) courage." S At at this the pretty, weeping wia look- ed op, and said with earnestness : "If yon only knew one half he has some through, yoa would not wonder tha. this last misfortune is a drop too much." and leaning her head on her husband's s'loolde r the cobbed afresh. "I would like to hold you ou my la J, my boy, may I have that pleasure V ankud the old man of the little boy. Yeththir," was the frank asseni, and the little fellow sat quietly where bt . was placed, while Jennie looked op ino the benign face beside her. "Yon roast exense me, sir," the old 'man said, addressing the . husband and fither, "but I feel very much like taking libmies. Will yoa be so good as to relate so much as yon may choose of your history? I feel strangely anxious to heart it." . There was sympathy in every ac. and every tone of the old mac, and the sore heart of the troubled young man , was very thankful to unbnrden itself. . . - His name was George Howard, ht , laid, j' that is, this was tha only naraeha knew any-' j thing about, for he wa's a foundling taken from the cold stone '.floor of a hall in the; public building one cold autumn morning. He was then about two years old, had been drugged and left there Jo perinh, or to be picked up, as the cae might be. A kind gentleman had found him, and for six or eight years he was well cared for, and hap py. Then his friend died, and he found himeely cast out on the mercy of strangers. Ha was taken into a family where they were not kina to their own children to him they had dined every pleasure and every advautage, He could not obtain time to go to school, but had managed to get candles and to study at night. Thus he mastered book-keeping and some other things, and at eighteen yarsv ef ?9-hjd obtained a good place id. a etore. At twenty he had fallen in love with a sweet and worthy girl, and after two more years of toil, in spite of the opposition of her proud rela lives, he had married her. This was a mistake, he stippoed, at least everybody seemed to consider it so. They ought to have waited. But his salery was quite sufficient to live on, and what more did they need ? They were very happy ; but alas ! ihere came a chatige. A bank exploded some where ; then another and another ; then the merchant began to nhake, mid like a row of bricks standing close together, when the first one sers a blow, down they all fell, and his employer- among them. There wa no getting a situation. Hun dred of clerks, and many merchants, also, were out of business. George determined to go West. Then he met with many mis fortunes ; he was a long time sick, he was several times cheated, and once burned out ; all that he took out with him was 60on gon What made the trooble so bad, was th fact that his family were with his wife's re latives, and he knew very well how they all talked to her; he knew how hard it was for her high and true heart lo bear to hear him blamed for everything, and undervalued and condemned. So he had striven and earn ed and borrowed money enough to go for his family, and they had started for a home in the great West, and now this blow had fallen upon them, it was too much. "I am now without a dollar in the world," concluded George, aid the poor fellow let his head sink upon his breast, and two tears fell from his great, sad eyes. "Cheer up my man," said the stranger, "you Know 'tis an old saying, that the dark est hour is just before the dawn. And if a man ever trusts and hopes in God, it should be when he mott needs to. And you are in that place now." "Yes, I think I am," returned George, gloomily. "And .it is very hard. I had ' toped our west troubles were over " ! "Well 1 tnintc tney are said tneir ccm j panion, smiling. "Here, Mr. Conductor, '. (for that functionary at that moment paused beside our group,) I pay for three yon don't charge anything for my children, you ( know." "It is exceedingly kind of you, sir," said George; "but but you must give u your ! name and address, that we may know where lo send the money when we become able to return it." j You will have no difficulty in returning ! it, my man, as I reside in the same town to i which oo are bound. My name is Apple- ton. Every body in knows me." ) Little Josy, who had been looking in tently at the stranger, here excla'med : j "You looks like mine papa" i ,The child is right," said his mother. , "If you will excuse my saying it, sir, there never was father and son looked more alike than do yon and my husband." The gentleman was visibly Bgitated. For a moment he made no reply ; tnen said : "I lost my only son when he was two years of age. He was stolen away, and we could never find him. "Now, young man, 1 do not say thai yon are really my stolen 6on. There is perhaps no reasonable proof that you are. Bnt the time and manner of your discovery would . suggest that it moy be so. ( 9 .. . I over you as it never has y . . 4 My heart yearns yearneu over any living creature since my boy disappeared. I have never been blessed with another child. 1 will take you all to my home, if you are willing to go with the stranger." Was not the darkest hour nearest the dawn ? Georg and his family went with the old man to his home his large palatial home, no longer solitary as h had been. The mo ment Mrs. Appleton's eyes fell upon George she clasped her hands and gazed as one in a trance gazed long and earnesly, and then liuddenl) , as one who had made up her mind to shut out all doubt, she fell upon his neck and cried: "My eon! Oh, my long lost son !" George's dark days were over, and his morning had risen. 'Madam said the keeper at the gate of Kensington' Garden, 'I cannot permit you to take your dog into the garden,' 'Don't yoa see, my good friend,' said the Isdy, petting a couple of shillings into the keeper's hand, 'that it is a cat, and not a dog!' 'Madam,' said the keeper, instantly soft ening the tone ot his voice, 'I beg your par don for my mistake ; I now see clearly, by the aid of tha pair of specticles yoa have been 6o good as to give me, that it is a cat, and not a dog. If yon discharge a jest at a friend, or a gun at a woodcock, be tore that it im't oot 0f season. How a Man Feels on the Battle Field. Few persons are there who have not some curiosity about battle fields, and who do not lie pi re to know how men feel when under fire, especially before custom ha? made them feel indifferent or secure. Most of thope who were at Donelson muM have had this experience an the field was such that few could go to any part of it without incurring more or less rik. Hard ly any one could see the enemy or guns, and consequently the firt intimation ol their presence u ould be the falliog of a shell or the rattling of shot or balls in his imme diate vicinity. I do not suppose I have much pysical or mor&l courage, but the sensations under fire, judging from ray, from what is expected. A reasoning man at first feels alarmed, and his impulse is to run away ; and if he has no reason to Eland, he does run ; but at each exposure, he grows less timid, and alter hearing canifter aod grape about his ears a dozen times, begins to think he is not destined to be hurt. He still feels rather uneasy, perphaps; but the danger beno'iie fascinating, and, though he don't wish to be hit, he likes to have narrow escapes, and so voluntarily place himself in a posi'ion where he can incur more risk. After a li:ile while he begins to reason the matier : reliecis upon the doctrine of probabilities, and how much powder ai:d and lead is necessarily wasted before a man is killed ot wounded. Why should he be, he thinks, o much more unlucky than many other peop'e ; and he soon can hear the whizzing of bullets with a tolerable da gree of equanimity , though he involuntari ly dodges, or tries to do lge. the cannon balls or shells that go howling around his immedia e neighborhood. In the afternoon he is quite a different creature from what be was in the morning, and in voiuiar lj smiles to c-ee a man betray the same tre pidation which he himself exhibited a few hoors before. The more he is exposed to fire, the bet ter he can bear it ; and the timid being of to-day is the hero ol to morrow; and he who runs from danger on the first battle field will run irto it on the next, and court the hazard he once o dreaded. The courage, as it is styled, is little more with most men than custom ; and they learn to despise what has often threatened without causing them harm. If wounded, they learn wounds are less painful to bear than they had sopposed,and then the doctrine of probabilities teaches them once more they are less liable to be wounded again. So the mental process goes on until the nerves become by degreess the 6ubjec!j of will; and he only Icara who has not the will to be brave. Life in tbe Country. A merchant, turned farmer, in a letter to one ot his old city triends, says: "You seem to think that the society of fanners and rural residents must bu exceed ingly dull aiul stupid. 1 can assure you it is not so My neighbors in the country may not be quick and read)' in conversation as my old lrinnds in the city, and their at'en tiou may not have been directed to so jreat a diveiti:y of subjects, but their knowledge in less feuperficial, and their judgement far more sound and reliable. B it oven if in tellectually inferior, which 1 do not admii, they are certainly morally superior. Take a hundred individual, without any picking from my new neighbors, and a like number from tiie old. and there will be found more among the former than the latter who de serve and might command your mo al re spect and approbation men who are hon est, sincere and reliable, and of gooJ moral habits and worth of character. For my oami part, I take more pleasure i;i the society of the good than in lhat of t!;e roguish and un principled, Lo the la er ever to smart Then again I can be more vr itli my family than when keeping store, and can more ea sily keep my children from th8 contamina tion of evil companions. But the crowning recommendation of my farming pursuit is this : I feel that I am working together with God in providing f u (he primary wants of his human family." m - Wine More Deadly Than Cannon Wendell Phillips, in his late address al the Music Half said: 4 I know a soldier in the army of the Po tomac who was picked up in the streets of PhildJrldhiaotiH year ago a complete wreck a confirmed inebriate, but who was by the love of a sister and the charity of a Boston home placed once more on his feet. He wa at Ball's Bluff, and three times with unloaded musket charged upoii the enemy. He was one of the six who heroically de fended and brought away the body ol the fallen leader of that bloody fight The cap tain of tbe company to which he belonged died in hir arms receiving the last words of consolation from his lips. He was after wards conspicuous in tbe conflict until the orders were given for each one to seek his own safety. Removing some of his appar el he plunged into the inhospitable river, and after great exertion landed on the op posite bank, seven miles below the encamp ment. Nearly exhausted, chilled, halt-clad half-starved, he finally reached the camp. The captain of tbe next company to which he belonged, kindly said to bira, pouring out a glass of wine, "Let me give you this yon will perish without it." "I thank you sir," said the soldier,' "but I would sooner face all the cannonjof the enemy than taste that glass of wine." 3onry in the Soalh. A Norfolk correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch give this graphic picture of the difficulties attending the present condition of Confederate currency : "I eanii.g over the counter a puzzled vol unteer was endeavoring to reckon up the change jnst paid out by the sleek haired clerk. Before him lav a quantity of muti lated bills, raed and dirty pieces of pa per, bits of card board, printed checks, a few copper pennies, milk-tickets, postage- j stamps, ana otner interesting specimens ot the present outrageous ''coin of the realm." Over and over again the puzzled volunteer essayet to count the villainous currency, and over and over aain he tailed to find it fatist'actrry. It was loo much for his rustic arithmetic the problem was too difficult to solve upon only ten fingers. The bystan ders lauuhed. The money was spread out upon the show case as young ladies lay card upon a table in telling fortune?, and the soldier stood before it, searchingly ex aming every piece. "Do you call this money?"' he asked, taking up a 6mall yel low parallelogram, looking very much like the brass card on the top of a sardine box. "Do you call thi money 1" holding op an advertisement of fine Havana cigars, "and this " a bit lor fifteen cents, in which some weak-minded printer had gone raving mad in different kinds of type, " Good for out shave (reading slowly) Dick, the barber." ''Do you call this money The sleek haired clerk whs puzzled alo. ' 111 pass all over town ; indeed it will sir." Once more the soldier ecrutinizes the rasged and incongruous pile and grasping it in one hand, soloquized: ( So ibis is money money? Ha! I call it stuff. Why a man might hold his hand full, and then have bu' thirty-seven cents in money." Took Hub Chanou When the rebel Hearr.-er E H.Lewis was captured in the Gulf by the New London, there were among the passengers a young eirl and her slave woman. The slave declined to go ashore with her mistress at Biloxi, and the follow ing colloquy occurred : ' Would you leae me. Rose, and al! your friend, to go among strangers? "I know, Missus, it am bery hard to lebe yon ; for IVe taken care of you eter pince yon were born, and de Lord knows how 1 lub you and all my kindred ; but you see Missus, if 1 go back I'se a slave apd you know, Missus, now Massa whipped mt de mornir.g ;fora we come away, and if he takes a notion to etll ma, he will; so. Mis sus, I radi.r stay here and go up norf with the Yankees, -a here I shall be free, Missus." Capt. Smith tcld her the might rema'.u, if she chose, so she remained. The scene at the parting of mistress aud servant is des cribed by the lookers on as verey touching. She will remain on Ship Island. Captain Sittith assigned her a place in the house at tached to the light house, and she makes herself very useful in washing for the offi cers. Uxci.k Abe. A good story is told of cncle Abe and Col. Wetler : 'Mr. President," said Col Weller, "I have called on you to say that I most heart ily e:idure the conservative position you assumed.' President, 'I am heartily glad to hear you say this.' 'Yes,' said Weiler , 'I desire an appoint ment to aid in this work.' 'What do you want,' asked Abrahm. I desire to be appointed Commodore in the Navy.' said Weller. The President replied Colonel, I'did not think you. had any experience as a sail or.' 'I never had, Mr. President,' said Wel ler ; 'but, judging from the Brigadier Gen eral you have appointed in Ohio, tha less experience a man has, the higher position he attains.' A Good Name. A good name is bove all price. Have you not fo-jnd it to young man, you whose well-known virtues have placed you in a position which yon occupy with feelings of commendable pride ! Gold and talent what are those without character? A light to render darkness visible, gilding, which, by contrast, makes the substance more revolt ing ! Cherish it. then, all ye who possess it guard it carefully for depend upor. this, purity nce tarnished, the nn wearying effort will hardly restore it to its pristine lustre Let it attend you through the journey of life, crowning your days with peace and happiness. And when the treasure is no longer needful to you, it shall descend lo your po-terity, a legacy with whichmillions on millions would not bear to be compared. Too Tbcc. In the U. S. Senate, a few days since, Mr Wil-son, Republican Sen ator from Massachusetts, in speaking on Government affairs, said : 'Why the view the world has on us, i that we are a nation of he almost said thieves ; but he would say plunderers, in the midst of a war for tbe life of tbe coun try." That is true enough and the Senator might have added that the men of his party are the thieves. Things that never stop- He thai is good will become better, and he that is bad, worse ; for virtue, vice and time never stop. Truth is like a torch, the more il is sha ken tbe more it 'bines. Eerublican Intolerance. The Republican party has had a very brief existence, but brief as that existence has been, it has exhibited more bigoted intolerance toward all those who differ with it on questions of National policy, than any other party that ever had an" existence in this coun ry. Thisis the more inexcusable Irom the fact, that it commenced its career with loud professions in favor of the largest ammouit of liberty to all cUsses, conditions and rncc of men, taking info its freedom loving arms ' all the world and the rest of mankir.d." It baltled throughout its first Presidential Campaign with "Free Speech, Free Press, Free Homes and Fremont" as its motto emblazoned on its banners alt over the country. It pas-ed through its second Campaign, if possible, with- even g'eclar pioco;?ohs of love for freedom. Members of this free dom loving party were 6een to turn up their eyes in holy horror, al the idea of Southern men preventing abolition fana.ics from preaching sedition amongst tbem and inci ciling their slaves io insurrection, pronounc ing it a terrible 'outrage on free speech. Well this party got into power by gulling the people with . these lying professions. And now how do tb?y . proceed to - carry them out ? By making good their profes sion and granting unrestrained liberty of speech and the press ? Not a bit of it. But il some unfortunate fellow in an un guarded moment happens to criticize some act of the administration in power, be is im medially "spotted" as a traitor, and Mr. Secretary Seard has ; him arrested by telegraph and lodged in Fori Lafayette. Or it he express the opinion that the Repub lican parly is oot the purest and best party the world ever saw, he is denounced as a secessionist by a pack of newly fledged patriots and "Union Sliders," who never felt a genuine patriotic emotion lir in their breasts. Or if a newspaper EJi or intimile that the management of the War Depart ment under the administration of Simon Cameron has not been as scrupulously honest as it might have been, he is pm down as an enemy of the government. Or if -he presames to suggest, that this m not ex actly the right time for inaugurating the "first bajever given in the White House" he is politely informed by some idiotic fmatic that his establishment is to be torn ; d n by mob, an J his paper snp- pressed by the government. Snch, gentle readar are a few of the practical i!ius:ra lions of the Republican docirins of "free speech and a free press." But, thank God, a better day seems to te dawning upon us, the reign of terror and , fanaticism is rapidly drawing to a close 1 reason is beginning to resume her sway, J sensible and intelligent Republicans now ; look at things more calmly and that kind of work is left almost entirely in the hands J of a few big boys who reached their matu ; rity at ten years of age. I With a Democrat at the head of the War Department, a Democrat at the head of the j Army and Democratic Generals commaning ! almost every division, we may expect sn ; energetic forward movement, with negro , emancipation in the back ground, and the l restoraiion of the Union and the preerva , tion of the Constitution as the Pole Star for ! the guidance of every patriotic heart, j With patriotic and conservative officers to lead on our brave troops, such as Mc Clellan, Halleck, Dix, Butler, Sherman, McClernand and the galient Col John A. Logan of Illinois who, at the battle ol Fort Donelson, when his men were falling thick and fast around him, and ha himself fear fully wounded, rode along the lines, waving his hat and crying ool iinffer death boys, but disgrace never." With such men in the field, we say, there is hope for the country jet. God speed the day, when Northern fanat icsm and Southern treason shall find" a com mon grave, when the glorious Siars and Stripes the banner of the' Union shall wave in triumph from Maine to Tesas, when sectional hate and animosi y shall be banished from the conri'ry, we trust. for- ever, and when we shall again ' know no a north, no South no Eeist, no If est, but common bond in a common brotherhoop. Ccnius and Labor. Alexander Hamilton once said to an in timate friend ; "Men give rce some credit for genius. AH the genius I have lies just in this ; when I have a mbject in hand t study it profoundly. Day and night i. is before me. I explore il in all its beatings. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Then the effort which I make the people are pleased to call the fruit of geniut. It is the fruit of labor and thought " Mr. Webster once replied to a gentleman who pressed him to speak ou a subject of great importance : 'The subject interests me deeply, but I have no: time. There, sir," pointing lo a high pile of letters on the table, "is a pile of unanswered letters to which I must reply before ihe close of the session, (which wa then three days ) I have no lime to mas ter the subject so as to do it justice." "But Mr. Websier, a few wo?ds from yon would do much to awaken public attention to it." If there be so much weight in my words as you represent, it is because I do not al low myself to speak ot any subject until my mind is imbued with it." DemoMheues was once urged to speak on a great snd sudden emergency. "I am not prepared," said he, and obstinately re. fused The law of labor is equally binding on genius and mediocrity. - . -