STAR OF THE NORTH) BJLO OJISKUUGj PA. Wednesday Morning, Sarch Ujf IS63- Our Members have the thanks of the eJ itor forcontinued legislative favors. Ai desco Coal Oil to be had at 12 cents a quart of John K- Girton, in this p'ace. Sts new advertiaemeuta in today 'a pa per. Col. Tate has oar thanks lor Railroad favors procured on. . .' Wk havs two school orders for sale cheap; payable in tuition , one on the Pittsburg Commercial College, the other on Bryant and Straiton's College, Philadelphia. We will Aland a nice shave on these orders, any one wishing to purchase them. Nsw Cocntsrfkit The following i a description of a uew Counterfeit one dollar till on the Bank of Danville, which has lately been pet in circulation; 1 Vignette, au eagle poised on frame, man each hide, brig, and 1 on rigLr, female feeding eagle on left." . . A Grand Umon Scppcr will ba given at the American House, in this place on Thursday evening next, in honor of the brilliant victories achieved by the Union forces ot the United States. Qaite a good ' time generally is anticipated. Petersox's Detector for March contains a full account of all the banks in the coun try. There are quite a number of descrip tions given in the present issue, of counter-feita-on the different Bauks throughout the country. All dealers should have this De trctor. Patronize your local papers. Do not wzita rut nand tills when it costs but a tri fle fcsa tieni prisied TLey look much better, and ae read mora easily, as a gen eral :r.i;jg. Peuie Lcsg perfectly able to p;-y for biiis s'iouUI pairoi.ize the local prtj-s. I: ii the ou'y way to keep op th press. On Monday evening last we had qaite a storm. Cain fell in the early part of the night, and towards morning enow com menced falling and continued until day break, when the ground was completely covered with 6uow nome three or four inch es thick. It again called out ihe.s leighs in our midst. Gem. Lander, of whom Toodles speaks eo favorably, in a communication in to. day's Stab, has died since the writing of the correspondence. This Division mourns the loss of their General exceedingly. His place will be temporarily filled by Gen. Shield's. Lander was a Massachusetts roan, and a natural soldier. The down mzil train on the Bloomsbnrg and Lackawanna R K. was detained to re seven hours by a coal train running off the track on Tuesday morning last. u Nobody huh" that we heard of. We are informed that en Monday no mail was brought to this place by the Lack, mtfil train. We will not vouch lor the correctness of this infor mation, but if correct what was the matter? Some of our up country cotemporaries are having a race in adding new subscri bers to their subscription lists. They ard not getting patrons very fast We can beet them. We added six to our lis! in the same space of time tbey speek ot. Town patrons are bard to solicit at present as well as country patrous. The word, '-we can do without the papers," comes most too ban dy. A great many people are doing "with out the papers." Look Oct. The public are cautioned i against a new piece of villainy, by which the operator cuts the coupons off the 550 7,30 Treasury notes, and passes the note, as a demand note in trade, thus pocketing SIC 95, ihe amount of the coupons for three years, which he may cullec: half yearly upon presenting them at the Government ofSce. Traders'shouid bear in mind that there are no 550 demand tioteB, only S5s, elOa, and S20s. . Our friends in the different townships throughout the county will dons agreat fa vor in exerting themselves a little towards raisiog our subscription list. They can in crease car list without any inconvenience to themselves, and thereby be doing a great favor to us. Our list ought to be larger and most in order that we may continue the public ion ol the Stab. Job-work and ad. renisina being rather s'.ack we are compell ed to rely very much upon our subscrip tion. Col. I tvi L. Tats, member from Colum bia coney, paid family and friends a visit, at ibis piace, on Saturday last aud re turned on the foHowia' Monday. The Colonel is a faithful representative always at his post and ready to do his part. He has so far presented to the House several bills, all ol which have passed both branch en of the Legislature and become a law. The Republican says the acts are net of much importance; but that is only the expressed opinion ol a Republican, who feels sore to think that Col Tate was elected last fall over the candidates on the 'Union Ticket."' Akother SoLEiER Gome. We are called cpon to announce the melancholy fact that Joseph Stout, a member of Capt. Silves's Company, and who was brought to his home near Beach Haven, ou Saturday last, danger ously ill ol Cousam proa, died on the fol lowing Monday. His remains were buried ca Tuesday, the 25th inst., by the Berwick "Home Guards," with the honors of war. The iuneralwas largely attended. He leaves a wife and a v!arge family of children to mourn his Joss.- Thus one after another oar brave soldiers are passing away.- Her. The Daily papers of Monday evening last announced the death of General La.ider. He died at Paw Paw, eastern Virginia. "; He was a popular officer, having performed noble work in putting down this rebellion. The division of which he was the comman der. is compod of capital soldiers men who'are willing and able to fight. By the way Col. Murray's regiment to which the "Hurley Guards" are attached, was in Lander's Division. The men thought a great deal of their General. Gen. Shields has assumed the command in place of the deceased. Mr Lander was a Massachu setts man and a true soldier. Ha was wounded at the battle ol Ba!1's Bluff, where Col. Baker fell. It has teen reported, from the effects of the wound received at this pla e he died. His death will be deeply lamented by the entire army. Thus'anoth er brave man has been cut down in the cause of his country. New U. S Senator f-kom Indiana. Gov. Morton, of Indiana, has appointed ex Gov ernor Joseph A. Wright to the seat in the U. S. Senate made vacant by the expulsion of Jesse D. Bright. Gov. Wright was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1810, and removed with his parents, in 1818, to Indiana, then an almost unbroken wilderness. He is, and always has been, a Democrat in politics. From 1843 to 1849, he held a seal in Congress, and from 1649 to 1857, was Governor of Indiana. His last public service was as Minister to Berlin, un der the administration of Mr j Buchanan. His appointment to the Senate by a Repub lican Governor, is a high tribute to his char acter aud ability as a statesman. The papers of Tuesday evening confirm the evacuation of Columbus The rebels have all left the place to be occupied by bet'er and truer patriots. The army along the Potomac have as yet made no gene nil move. Certain Divisions have changed locations for the better as well as advancing ipon rebel soil for the pur pose of putting down rebellion. Gen. Bank's Division has made an important move, oc cupying Harper's Ferry and Charleston, secesh corners. We may expect some hard work performed along the Potomac in a few days. The American AGRiccLTUfcisrpu blished by Orange Judd, New York, has been re ceived at this office. It is a capital num ber. The farmers of Columbia county should all have it. Price, one dollar, a year in advance. COAL. Oil,. Ardesco Coal Oil for sale, 13 els. per quart, by JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. H E CON F ESS IONS and EXPERIENCE of a SUFFERER, Published as a wan,, in?, arid lor the especial benefit of Yonna Men and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premttur D--cay, &c, &c. &c, by one who ha.- cured himself by simple means, afar beini put o sreat expecse and inconvenience; through the nse of worh)ets medicine prescribed by learned Doctors. Single copies may be had ol the anthor, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq , Greenpoint, Lone Isiacd, by enclosing a post-paid addressr-d envelope. Ad.lre-s CHARLES A. LAM BERT. Esq , Greenpoint, Long Island, New York. January 15, 1862 2m. KOTICE TO LAND OWN ERS. THE undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia Couniy, woulJ gire notice to all those ow ing him their taxes on unseated lands, for the years 1860 and 1861, that they most come forward and pay the same, between this and the first of April, otherwise the land will be advertised and sold. A word to the wise is sufficient &c. JAS. S. MrNINCH. Treasurer's Office, ) Treasurer. Bloomsburg, Feb. 19, 1862. J FOR SALE OR RENT. THE undersigned offers for sale or rent the lollowina property, to wit : One good sized Biick Dwelling House, out houses, well of water at the door, and one acre of ground, situate on the north east corner of Market and First street; ALSO, a House aud Lit on First Street; house 30 x 20, frame; and a frame stable ; fruit trees, &c. &c. Terms reasonable. For particulars inquire of GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 19, 1862. Executor's Notice. Estate of Christopher Heller, late of Mifflin township, Col co.t deceased. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Christopher Heller, late of Mifflin twp., Columbia couniy. deceased, have been granted by the Register of Colombia coun ty, to Samuel Heller, residing in Hollen back township, Luzerne county. Ail per sons indebted 10 said estate are requested to rail and make immediate payment, ind those having claims or demands will pre sent them prrpeily autheiuicatcd for settle ment to the undersigned. SAMUEL HELLER, Executor. January 8, 1862. 6t. Notice of a Justice of the Peace. IF the few subscriptions remaining unpaid to 'he fund of the "Iron Guards" are not settled on or before the first day of Februa ry I am instructed to commence suit, and costs must follow in-each individual case. , J. M. Cbemberlin, J. P. . NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have entered into co-partnership, under the name, style an firm oi MILLER & EYER in the Mercantile Business in the "Old Arcade," in Btoomsburg, Co lombia county, where they intend carrying on the business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all ils diversified branches and departments, and to which they inv-ite an extension of the public patronage. S. H. MILLER. FRED'K EYER, Bloonubnrg, May 15, 1861 if. $25. EMPLOYMENT ! AGENTS WANTED I $75 We will pay from $25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Ad dress Eric Sewing Machine Company, R JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. Bioomslorar, Ang. 21, 1861. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOZAS, of proper & desirableforjnsjfo' sale at the ofthe "Star ofthe North.' AYER'S CATHARTIC Are you sick, feeble, and complaiuliigf Are you ut of ordur, with your ay atom de ranged, and your feelings u l conii'ortubler Theee symp toms are often the prelude to serious illuoss. Home fit of sickuess is creeping upon yc a, aud should be averted by a timely use of the right re n edy. Take Ayer'a fills, a id I- t d ''Tr;K'. , f w.njCE h "; cleanse out the disordered tu mors purity the blood, aid, let the fluids more on un b structed in health aga n. They stimulate the functic as of the body into vigorous ac tivity, purify the system fin an the obstructions which nuke disease. A cold settles somewhere lu the body, and in structs its natural function. These, If not relief d, react upon themselves aud the surrounding organs, p.o duclng general aggraratioilj suffering, and diiesie. While lu titis condition, oppressed by the dorangemerts, take Ayer'a Tills, and see how directly they restore I ha naturaf action of the system, and with It the buoyi nt fueling of health again. What is true and so apparent In this trivial and common complaint, is also true in nu ny of the deep-eeated and dangerous distempers. The ss me purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obsti ac tions and derangements of the natural functions of ha body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, ca -ed by the same means. None who know the virtues of tb se Pills, wilt neglect to employ them when suffering ft a the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, aud from other well kaowu public ier sons. From a Ibrmardiitg Merchant of St. Louis, Jb. 4, If SO. Dr. Atcr: Tour Pills are the paragon of all tlia: la great In medicine. They have cured my tittle duagl ter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that bad pre red incurable lor years. Uer mother has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin md in her hair. After our child was cured, she also t 'led your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORQKIDG I. A a Family Physic. From Dr. W. ChrtwrfglU, Aeio Orleans. Tour Pills are the prince of purgec. Their excel lent qualities surpass any eatbartlo we possess. They ara mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the ally j treatment of disease. ' j Headache, Slcltlleadaehe, Foul Stoma eh. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DsarBbo. Aria: I cannot answer you what coropl Jnts I have cured with your Pills better than to say all tfu t wt ever treat vrith a purgative medicine. I place great d pen deuce on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford u l the beet we have, I of course value them highly. PmaBDifl, Pa May 1, 18 5. Da. J. C Art. Sir: I bave been repeatedly eun d of the worst keadacht any body can have by a dose or two of your Pills. It teems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Tours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, (Xerkof Steamer CU rion. Billons Disorder Liver Complaints. From Dr. Theodore Bell, afK'.vs York City. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of biliout com plaiidt than auy one remedy I can mention. I in erely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which it wor thy the confidence of the prufewsiou aud the people. DlPARTMINT OF TUB INTERIOR, . Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 1863. Sir : I have used your Pills in my geuerol and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot heBitite to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a ense of biliout diteatt so olwtinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. I., llijlician otu Marin Ho:pitL Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. j'lvm Dr. J. G. Oreen, of Chicago. Tour Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for biliout dy tenter y and diarrhoea. Their sugar-c mting makes them very acceptable and convenient frr t ie una of women and children. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. From Jiev. J. V. Jliuus, Potior of Advent Cliurch, lotion. Er, Atcb: I bare used your Pills with extraonUnary success in my family and among those I am called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very beet remedy I have ever known, and I cau confidently recommund tl em to my friends. Yours, J. V. ILIJ L3. Warsaw, Wyoming Co, N. T., Oct. 24, 1 555. Dear Sir: I am using your Cathartic Pills in in;- prac tice, and tinil them an excellent purpitive to cleai se the svnteui aud purilu Uit fountain of the Vtootl. JOHN Q. M EACH AM, 3f. D. Cons tlpat ion, Coatlverj ess. Suppression, Jlheiimatlsm, tiout, Neuralgia, Crop. iy, Paralysla, Kits, etc. From Dr. J. J'. Yauylm, Moidreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the ure of eostiventts. It others of our fraternity have foum . them as efficacious as I have, tbey should join me in pr claim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who sunt r from that complaint, which, although bad enough lu itself, is the pron-nitor of others that are worse. I belii ve cot Uveuea to originate iu the liver, but your Pills aflt ct that organ and cure the disease. From. Mr. E Stuart, rhytician and Midvrift, B uton. I Bud one or two Isrze doses of your Pills, take! at ths proper time, are excellent promotives of the tiatim 1 ttcre timi when wholly or partially suppressed, and al very effectual to cteante the stomach and expel worm. They are so much tiie beet physic we have that I reeo amend no other to my patients. From the Rev. Dr. Ilawket, ofthe Methodist Fpii. i Thurch. ri'LASKi rjocsE, Savannah, Oa., Jan. 6, 1356. IIosorfd Sir : I should be ungrateful for th i relief your skill ha brought me if I did not report mj case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought or excru ciating nr.ura'oie paint, which ended in chronic heuna- . turn. Notwithstanding I had the bet of physici Jin, the disenne grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent apent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tri 3d your Pills. Their effects were Blow, but sure. By peri evering in the use of them, I am now entirely welL Sexati Chamber, Baton Ronge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Atir : I have been entirely cured, by yonr Pills, of Rheumatic Gout a painful disease that bad aftll rted me i for years. VINCENT SLII IXL. ' JITS' Moet of the Pitts in market contain S ercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful I ands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadfu conse quence that frequently follow its incautious at . These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatei r. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes r $1. j Prepared by Dr. J.C.AYEE&. CO.. LoweU.lIsus. Sold by E. P. Luiz, J. R. Moyer, and G. M. Hagenbuch, Bloomfbors, and by one dealer in eterv town iu the State. April 6, 1861.-1?. IVew Arrival ol FALL A.D WIXTEK GOOIS. David aLoweiibcrg tNVITES af.ention 10 his stock o " cheap anJ fashionable clothing at his i tore oa Main Street, two doors above the 'Amer ican Honee,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing ipparel, including the tnot fashionable D II K S S (sOOI) Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil CIo h Coats of all ft rts and t-izes, Pants of all colors shawl?, etripes and figure vests, Rhine, cra vats, tock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy anicle. N B. He will also make to ordei any ar ticle ol clothing at very short notio and in the best of manner. All his clo hing is made to wear, and moct of it is tl home manufacture. DAVID LOWENIiERG. Bloomsburg, Sept. 25, 1861. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan) Race Street, abere 3d Philadelphia. T. V. ROADES, Proprietor. Terms. $1.25 per d iy. 1 TO the old customers of this we l-known House, I desire to say, thai 1 have renovated, improved and newly furnished the sane, and that I respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage. Strangers, travelers and visitor b, I cor dially invite to the hospitality of he "Na tional" to come and see and jidge for themselves of its advantages and cierits. The location is central, and cc nvenient y for Merchants and business men j enerally We will always endeavor to tludy the wants and comforts of our gue?tR, and win; our long experience coupled with on r bt tenlive and obliging assistant?, we feel prepared to keep a good Hotel, i.iid hope to give general satisfaction. T. V. ROADES. Philad., Jan. 1st, 1862. IOR ShLE. Two Patent Lever (Thirteen Jewels) Watches, will be cod cheap for cah. They are 10 good conJition. For further particulars, inquire at the Star Or- Bloomsburg, Jan. 29, 1882. -STATEMENT OF- THE FINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF COLUM BIA Pa.. FROM TH E Fl RS f DAY of IANUARY, 1861, to THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1862. flHE Auditors ejected to fettle and adjust - the public accounis of Columbia county have examined the same from the 1st day of January, 1861, to the 1 day of January 1862, and respectfully lav before the Hon orable the Judgps of the Court of Common Pleas, the followins statement and report, agreeably to the 22d Section of the "Act ol the General Assembly ol this Common wealth, passed the 4ih day of April, A. D., 1834." JOHN A. FUNSTON, Treasurer of Columbia county, in account with said county : DR. Jan. 1861, To u xes ouistandinir, $7143 37 do tlo cash in Treasurer's hands 2055,48 Jan. 7th, To cash ol J. J. Karn, land redeemed, Frtb. 5th, To cash of S. F. Headley, land redeemed, Feb. 6, To cash of W. Cole, old iron, Fb. 9, To cash of J. Galbraiili, land redeemed. 3,77 46,14 11,18 22.17 June, Am'l of Co tax ass'd for 1861, 8789,48 do do State tax ass'd for 1861, 8401,69 do Am't cash ree'd from military ass'd 1861, 71 08 5,48 Oet. To ten day assessment, Nov. 12, To cash of A. Lilley, J. P., on salt of an esiray, 2,12 Nav. 12. To cash received for use of Court Room, 8,00 Dec. 18, Interest on Note of S. Ney- hard, adm'r of B. Hayman. dee'd, 10,73 Dec. To Noie of B. Haymau's adm'r, 26 24 To interest of the same, 4,13 26601,06 CR. By amt outstanding foe 1861 and pre vious years, $7225.05 By exonerations allowed collectors 263.25 By commissions, do do 880.87 By orders redeemed, 9134,70 By Treasurer's com. on $9000,P0, 360 00 By balance on the abatement a per Auditor Genl's Ruport, dated Mar. 2Sth, 1861, 26.03 By am t of State lax paid Slate Treas urer July 24! h, 186 1, 8290,13 By cash in hands of Treas. due co., 421.03 $26601,06 EXPEIT17RE.S. Assessors pay, spring afsesmeni, 5340,89 do do irieniel assessment, 429.03 5769,92 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Am'l paid County Asr Sooioiy. 5100,00 AUDITORS AND CLERK. Am't paid Auditors and Clerk, 40,50 Am'l paid W. Wirt for andiiina Pro- thonotary's and Register's ac'ts, 12.50 $53,00 BRIDGE ANT ROAD VIEWS. Am't paid sundry persons. tl 10,00 oLAiNK. UUK. Am't paid sundry persons, blk books, 597,63 BOARD OF RELIEF. Am't paid Rosanna Shafer, SlO.OO do Elizabeth Smelhers, 10 00 do Mrs. Kate Mahoney 10.00 do Margaret McGirr, 5.00 do Mary J. Thornton, 5,00 do Mrs. Patterson, 5,00 do Mrs. Diehl, 5,00 do Mrs. Taylor, 5 00 do Mrs. Fowler, 5;00 do Mrs. Mary Jane Manning, 5,00 do Mr. Et k, 5.00 do Rosa.inda Warner, 5,00 do Sarafi Sitron--, 5.00 Paid S Baldy fcj. Evat.s, B of Relief. 6,00 6,00 COMMONWEALTH COSTS Amouiit paid Mindr person S396,23 S86,30 CONSTABLES' RETURNS. Amount paid si ih several courts rnrtDT rnirn Am'l p'd court rrir durins th vear So4,00 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. P'd Aim Long, clennitiu court house 17,00 COUNTY BUILDINGS. Am'l paid for repairs done to county buildings do'rins the year. SI 13,09 JURORS WAGES AND MILEAGE. Paid Jurors at the several courts, 853,26 PRINTING. Wm. H.Jacoby, 130.59 Levi L Taie, 61.36 A. B. Tate, 72 99 ralemon John, 39.50 m 304,44 PENITENTIARY. Paid Eastern State Penitentiary, S156,92 PROTHONOTAUY. Paid Jacob Eyerly, 164,38 POSTAGE. Amount paid Palemon John, 1,16 ROAD DAMAGES. Paid William Cole, Beriiou, Sl5,00 do Jine Sheep, Madison, 35,00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Mrs. M. Barton, Bloom, 300,00 James Sanke, Scott, John Melick, do Peter Melick, do Jacob Sietler's heirs, Madison, Weslev Bowman, Orange, 60,00 20,00 40,00 10,00 10,00 20,00 1000 7,00 Jacob Ash, Benton, Aaron Kester, jr., Mt. Pleasant, John Smith, Benton, ' Denni Pursel, Bloom, Gross &Kuhn, do Stephen Kohn do John Watt, Greenwood, Mrs. S. A. Petrikiu, Bloom, 75.00 25,00 25,00 10 00 50.00 712,00 S400.00 218,66 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Amt paid John Ent on conttact, do David Savage, 61866 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amt paid sundry persons lor repairs, S279,22 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERK George Mnler, 5149,50 Joseph R. Patton, 184,00 William Lamon, 179,50 Charles H. Hess, 13,50 Robert C. Fruit, Clerk, 400,QO 926,50 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY. Am'l paid John G. Freeze, Att'y, 60,00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Amt paid E. H. Little, Dist. Att'y, 97,00 ELECTION EXPENSES. Spring election swearing officers etc 408.05 Special election, 295,90 General election, 450.29 1154,24 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. Amount paid sundry persons, FUEL. 106,97 Amount paid for coal and wood, INCIDENTAL. S48.38 37,01 Amount paid snndry persons, H'CITIl XTl'P iiounaiic Am't paid Lycoming Insurance co. 25.77 INQUESTS. Amt paid sundry persons for holding inquests during the year, 33,04 REGISTER & RECORDER. Paid D. Lee, recording Treas bond, ,00 do do for. copying alphabet to Mortgage Book, SO00 SHERIFF'S BILL. Am't paid John Snyder for conveying Clark Price el. al. io Penitentiary 281,00 P'd J. Snyder board &c for prisoners 345,83 Paid Josi'ah H.. Fcrmau for boarding Jtrn" 26,90 653,73 SURVEYOR. Paid Solomon Neybard for Surveying, and making map for county, 594,27 Paid P. W. Shafer, orfeying co. line between Col. & Schuylkill couniie 75.00 6b9,S'7 STATE ROAD AND CO. LINE. Paid Jas. Masters running Slate road through Pine lownMiip, 51,50 Paid Georjje Mack et. al. running co. line between Colombia & Luzerne, 30,00 81,50 TIP-STAFFS. Amount paid at the several courts, 31,00 TAXES REFUNDED. Amt of road and poor taxes returned to townships, 138.65 Amount to John Bond, 33 S138 98 Whole ami of orders issued 1861, 9o95,60 Deduct amt of taxes relunded, 138 98 Expenditures for the year 1861, Se'J56.62 We, the undesigned Auditors of the cc of Columbia. being tfuly electedto adjust and nettle the accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of tte same. from the first day of January, A D.. 1861, to the first day ol January, A. D., 186, do certify that we find ihem correct as , set forth in ihe foregoing statement, and that we find a balance due Columbia conutv of FOUR HUNDRED & T W EFTY-ON E DOLLARS AND THREE CENTS, Irom John A. Funs ion, Treasurer of said county. Given under our hands this seventh day of January, A. D , 1862. GEORGE M. HOWELL, J r JOS. B. KNITTLE. I inuM c enwr i-'i? V Auditors. Attest DANIEL LEE, Clerk. We, ttte underr-igned Commissioners of Colum bia county, do cert'fy that the fore going is a correct statement of the accounts of said county for the year 1861. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this seventh day of January A. D. 1862. JOSEPH R. PATTON. ) Comm's WILLIAM LAMON, of CHARLES H. HESS ) Col Co. Attest R. C. FRUIT, Clek Approved by the Court, Feb. 4th 1862. STEPHEN BALDY. ) Asociale JOHN M. REYNOLDS. J Judges. Commissioners Olfice, ) Bloomsburs, Feb. 5, 1862. J TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION rtrtUE annual meet'ina: of the Teachers' -- Association of Columbia county, will be held at the Academy, in Blnomsliur. on Saturday the 22J inst., at 10 o'clock A M. Titere is some important business to be transacted, anJ measures are in progress to secure a good attendance and make an interesting meeting. Prof Walker will at tend, and there will be, essays and discussions on several important topics All seachers and friends ot Educational diffusion are resj.eciively invited to attend . V. 3. CAMPBELL, February 12, 1862. Cot. Seecy. JIOOKS & STATIONERY: Hilliam G. Perrj, .Bookseller, Blank Book Manufacturer, and Dealer in Imported and Amer icn Mauon ery, and Photograph Albums, S. W. cor. Fourth and Race, Philada. Clank Account Books. FuOLS-CAP PAPER, LETTER, NOTE, Bill, .erino'i and Drawing Paper, Curtains -.t W'a.pi'is papers, Envelopes, Petici!. States. k2nifnon Boards. Cliess Gold Pen, Family Bibles, Hrr.ns, Prayer Book American. E-inli-h & French Inks. Pocke: Bock-, Writing Desk, ail of wr.icii are tein" sold at very low price fot cah. Wm.G. Perry, S. W.cor 4,h & Race, Pnila. Blank Coksof the Best Quality, can be bought at low p-ices. in ev-rv vari ety of -tyl"! of binding. 1 Wm. G. Perrv's Accnifii Book Manufactory, S. W. cor 4th and Race Streets, PhiU 'a. Family Bibles. A lariz" assortment fell'm-j at very low prices for cash. Wm. G. Perry, S. W. cor Fourth & Ra-e Stree s. Buy Win. i. Ferry's Steel Pens, the best and cheapest in the market. Wm. G. Perry, S'ationer, S- W. corner Fourth & Race st. (ool Bool Selling st a bargain. Purchasers buying Books", and Stationery for cash, car. pur chase much below w holesale prices at S. W. cor. Fourth Si Race. Wm. G. Perry, Bookseller and Book BiiK.isi? Of every description executed in the best style. Persons having bnoks in quantity that need binding, can have them bonr.d at the present time at very low rates. None but experienced workmen are employed in my establishment. Wm.G. PERRY, Book Hinder and Stationer, S. W. cor. Fourth & Race Sts, Philada. December 18, lR61.-4m. tfXlR PROPYLAMINE;. 'o?SWt WR During the past year we hese introduced to the notice ol the medical profession of his country the Pure Ciystalized Chloride oj Propylamine as a REMEDY FOR RUEOIATISJI ! And haviog received from many sources, both fmm physicians of the highest stand ng and from patients, the moM I'Ttitering Testimonials of i:s Kent Value in the treatment of this painful and obsii na'e disease, we are induced to present it to the pubiio in a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com mend itself to iose who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medi cal practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, ha receotly been exten sively experimented with in the Fciiitsylvaiiia Hospital, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will ap pear from '.he published accounts in the medical journals.) X3T It is carefully put up ready for im mediate use, with full directions, and can bn obtained from all the druggists at 75 cunts per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia, Pknna. Philadeloh.a, Jcne 26. 1861 lv. lHOrOGRAPIIY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in the best style known in the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East of Sixth, Philadelphia. E7Life Size in Oil and Pastil, GrStereoscopie Portraits, , EifAmbroti pes, Daguerreotypes, &e. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, &c no14 ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY, NORMAL SCHOOL AND . COMMERCIAL IXSTITCTE Oiang'.vile, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. riMIE Ttiird Term t ihe present Academ-- ic year of the Orangeville Male and Female Academy, will commence on Toes day, February 4th. 1662; Prof. II. U. WALK HI, A. Jl , Princlpul. NORMAL DEPATMENT. In the arrangement of Classen, the course ol ttudy and insi ruction, and the examina tion and ra 'uation of pupil.., in this de partmeM will conform to the State Normal chools of Pennsylvania and to the views of the StMe Department of Public Schools. The InMitutioti will be onder the charge of Prot. H. D. Walker, A. M., as Principal, who as a S holar.a Teacher and a Lecturer, is too widely known to need any recom mendation. The Trustees have spared neither pains nor expense to secure the service of a man in whose integrity and ability 'they have entire confidence; an. I they are determined that the sohool in the advantages which it proffers to the public shall not be surpassed Dy any similar in stitution in the State. Arrangements have also been made to connect with the Insti tution a COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE In which the course of Instruction wii! be as complete and thorough as in the best Com mercial Colleges. S udents, also who are desirous ol pursuing Classical or select studies will have, as in the State Normal '.Schools, the needed Utilities and iuMruo- UOII. The preparatory and model schools, un der the direct charge of the Principal, will comprise pupils whoss age or attainments do not quality itiem to pursue the studies of the regular c!a-se. In this department there will be famished to the teacher stu dents who are qualified for it, an op popunitv for practice in the Art of Teach ing, and for learning how to organize, arrange, and itiMrutt a school, in such a manner that under iheir direction our pub lic shall become truly model Schools. Lec tures on the Tneor and Practicof Teach ing will be givci to the Teacher students weekly Piir.hc Lectures will also tie given Semi-Monthly. L3 IP ZSl S3 CS 33 Tuition, per Ses.-ion, of eleven weeks: For trie firtt grade 4 00; Second grade 85.00; Third grade 6.00; Commercial Department 15. full course. One half ihe Tuition i required to be paid at the puiiig of each Session and Ihe o:her half at the close ; unless by agipemeni ; no deduction made for ab sence except in ca-es d continued illness. Boarding and furnished rooms will be siven Students at two dollars per week. Tne'e ara aUo rooms to let lor those who wish to board theme-elves. All the text books used in ibe Institution can be had in the place at the usual selling prices. OF'For further particulars address the Principal or E. Lazarus, C. Bittenbender, J.S. Woods, William Fritz, Oranseviile, Jan. James Patterson, Wesley Bowman, Samuel Achenbuch, Board of Trustees. 15, 1862. THE GREAT CAUSE OF S3 I) .13 A IV .TB ISKRY. Just Pulli hi d in a Sealed Envtloped. Price G i ent : jrn-t A LECIXT-W KY DR.CULVER- iZOwKM- 0N THE CAUSE AND ttr-k'V CURE, of Sp-rm at or rha?i, Con sumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervon-ner... Epilep-y ; Impared Nutnns of the Holy: La-situde; Weakness of the Limb and trie back; Indisposition and In capaci'y for stu dy and Labor Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversio 1 to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity, Self Distru?t; Dizziness; Headache; AtTee lions of the Eyss; Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions, and sexual Incapa city; the ront-equences of Youiblul Indis cretion, &c, iiC. t3T I ms admirable Leclureclearly proves that die above enumerated, often self af flirted, evils may be removed withdus medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in ihe land. Sent under seal, to any addres, in a plain cea'ed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addres.-iuz DR CHAS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Po?t Odice box 4586. January 29, 1862-ly. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JERSEYTOWN, PA) rBHE subscriber would respectfully ap- prise his frieuJs and the public gener ally, that he has established the MADISON HOUSE, in Jerseytown, Columbia county. Pa. The above house has lately been tefitted and undergone a thorough repairing by the pro prietor. He is fully prepared to entertain Ihe travelling cu-tom as well a the local with aeneial satii-tacnnn, His TAbLt. and BAR, are well supplied and will be careful- . - - .-.M.r-trrr-s ly superintended. And his jl A DLh is am ply and well Mo ked. in charge of careful grooms, will always oe property aueuueu. C57" He inviies a share ot Ihe publiccus- torn, and pledges his best eilorts. to help his "uesis feel al home. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown. Jan 8, 1862. SBC 1.1,131. OFF AT COST. A FEW COATS, Pants and Vests,' Shawls Boys' boots, Sic, will be old offal cost, by U. 1 . MIAIil Uta Notw ithstandina the enormous prices which Cotton Goods. G.ocppes, &c., de mand, I am determined to show the supe riority of (he CASH AND READY PAY SYSTEM, bj selling goods at lower profits than eer before. JUST RECEIVED .A lot of Hoop Skirts, with the lamous Enreka attachment, the utility of which will be t-ead ly seen upon examination. A LOT OFCALICOES.neat styles, which will ha enl.t ut nricej varvinz from 10 to 15 ots. LADIES' MOROCCO HEELED SHOES at 81:25. AT.SO. ihe Balmoral bkirts. a conveni ence which every iady should possess. nROr.F.RIF.S will be sold at the lowest profits, with all o.her eoods, at 1 L. T. SHARPLESS', Cheap Cash Siore. Bloomsborg. Jan- 15, 1862. THE CELEBRATED ASHLAND MILLS WADDINU, A SUPERIOR COTTON FOR QUILTING Lc: for sale cheap at the Cheap Cash Store ' L. T. SU ARPLESS. Bloomsbnrs, October 30, 1861. F O It SALE! oCTFCAI. desirable Buildin2 Lots in Bloomsbure, for sale. Inquire of Jane 20, 1860-tf. W. WIRT. Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. , Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it, conctrnt every body. J0RN3 Sr CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUirA PERCH A. Ttie Cheapest at.d moM durable Roofiiug in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and Old Roofs of All kinds, s.eep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingle. TH E COST IS ONLY A rOUT ONE-THIRD TH AT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article l;as been ihorouoly teted in New York City ami all part of the United Staies, Canada, West Iiidi and Central and South America, on Building" ol all kinds, such Facories, Foundries Church es. Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Building generally, Governmeut Buildings, &c, by ihe principal Builders, Architects and others, during the pasi four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use ; it i in every respe-t a Aire, waier, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7lw is the ONLY materml manufactured in the United States which combines the very desirable properbe-of Elasticity and Dura- omiy, wrncn are universally acknowledged to t,e potwenser! by GUTTA PERCH A and INDIA RUBBER. iYo Ieat is required in making appli. cation. The expense of applying it is trifling, a. an ordinary Roof can be covered aud fin. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANYONE, end when fin ished ioims a perfectly Fie Proof surface with an elat c body, which cannot be injured Dy Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external aoti on wha'evtr. LIQUID CUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coatiuii Metals of all Kinds wben ex posed to the action of the Weatuer and For Preserviu and Jit pairing Metal Hoof 3 of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully resit extreme changes of climates, for any lenatb of time, when applied to metuls, to which it adheres firmly, lormiuz a body equal to three coats of ordinary patn:, costs much lees, and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from its ela-ticily is not injured by the con- traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of tha weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can te readily repaired wiih GUTTA PEKCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor roion anv leakins, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Roof for many years. Tnis Cemnt is peculiarly adapted for tha preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Rao ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, &e , ucO tor reneral manufacturers u-e GUTTA PERCIU CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Mtal Rools or every deiripiion, from its great elasticity, is not irjured by the con traction aud expansion oi Metals, and will not crack in cold or run in varin weather. These material are adapted to all cli ma'eti, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any oan of the corjntry. at short no"ce, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed direction ior upplicaiion. Ji GENTS WANTED.) We witt malu liberal and suttfictory arrange tnenis with responsible p-u ties who would tike to establish, themselnes in a Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proot of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York City and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Ma'infar-torer, Wholesale Warehouse T8 ff'iMam .St., Cornerol Liberty Sireet. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be t.irnihed on ant hratio:i. October 16, 1861 ly. ST. LOUIS IZOTEIa, CCESTXCT STREET, ABOVE THIRD IN the imnediaie neiahborhood of ihe Joh- Mns Houses on Market Third, and Chest- nut Streets, the Banks, P0s OiEce. Mer. chants' Exchanae. &c, &c. IJOilU) PERDIT SISO. Accommodation when required on the EU ROPEAN PLAN; Room from 0 cent and upward, per dav, and meals at a First Class Kestcrant attached io thk Hotel. Price accordins to the Bill of Far. Ibe f My nrs take l'.incerM Irom asr smilon In orC;ti-e lotbe IlotH. English, Freuch, German and Scaiiish spoken. July 17. 15GI. FA IjJj & w srT i: R G O ODS. PET Eft EXT TT AS Jutt received frora Philadelphia, and is now openins a the old 6tand lataly occupied by Manz and Eut, a splen did assortment of merchandize, which will be sold cheap for CA! Oil COUNTRY TRODrCE. His stock sonsisis of Ladies' Dress Goods, choiret styles and latest fahions. DRY GOODS (JROC FRIES, HARD WARE, QEENS-WARE, CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WAKE. IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LC. &C. In short everything usually kept iu a country store. The patronage of old friend--, and ihe public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market rice paid for coon try produce. PETER ENT. Lishl Street, Dec. 18, 1861. SPECIAL XOTICE. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health iu a very few weeks by a very sim ple remedy aher having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his lellow-sulferers the means of cure. To all who decire it, he will send a crpr of the prescription used, (free ot chargb,) with the directions for preparing and the same, which tbey will find a sur cure for Con-ninption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The omy object of ihe advertiser in send ing the Prescription is to benefit the afflic ted, and spread information which he con ceives lobe invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as ii wllcot tli em nothing, and mat prove a blessing. Parties w'wtiing the prsscription will please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williamburg, Kingco., N. Y. October 3U, 1861, im. V . . i Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers