STAR OF THE NORTH, 3 IF 31. H. JACOBY, EDITOR. BLCQ3SBESG, TO3ESDAY, Ml Mil 5, 1662. A fc 8 1 i i I o a the Cause. We have asserted that Abolitionism, and not Slater, is the real cause of all oar national troubles. In making this assertion we are borne out, and oor statement vin dicated, by events which are- even - now transpiring iu our midst. But we are al ways met, by the Abolitionists, with the trgumenl that Abolitionism would never hae existed but for the existence of Sla very hence the latter is the cause. This is art argument about a forcible as that of the boy, who was the hero of this anecdote: He returned to his doting Mama with an exceedingly dirty face, whereupon said maternal sire, proposed, to administer a dose of soap and water, but was met with tbe following argument, from the young hopeful, "I don't see the use of washing my lace ; it will get dirty right off !" Flavery was indeed an institution in this Co untry long before it became a National Unity ; while it was fclill but a community oi dependent Colonies, subject to tbe British Crown. . It had been thrust upon us by a mercenary nation, or rather, several nations. At first its introduction was stoutly opposed by the Colonies ; but what could their fee ble opposition accomplish when even the home government was using all its power to fasten the institution upon ourContinent? It came Lere by force ; it took root in all the Co'on'e., and continued to grow with them. And hivory records the fact that twelve of the thirie.en original pirties to our national CrtmpactjNrere Slave holding Stales. Thsse pa rile mads "X Constitution in which the existence o.r ti e instimion is not only fully recognized, but clanses were inserted pro viding expressly for i s protection. This one fact would reuder Abolitionism nothing lets than opposition to the Constitution. And the form which that opposition has taken wouM sump the parlies indulging in it a traitor, in a less tolerant commu nity. But in this country, as long as it re mained under the influence of a conserva tive party, free speech was tolerated to the greatest extent, even to open denunciations of the Constitution and the government We have ourselves seen ' Republican ora tor , within. the past six years, stand upon the'potlic rostrum and .tear copies of the Constitution ir to shreds and cast the frag men is iu the dust at their feet. ' One of the results of this unlicensed trea son has been an attempt of the. Abolition party, proper, to'.bring abt an abolition ofMavery by force of arms. This has been their cry for years. It has resounded from the press, the pulpit, and the stump. Meu have been taaghtjto look upon a slave holder b. an outlaw. Little children have been taogbl to regard ail men who are dis posed to recognize the constitutionality of Slavery as fit subjects for their contempt In fact Abolitionism has at altera pied to in still into the population of the North a deersealeJ hatred of Slavery and Slave holders. Here we have a fruitful source of much of onr trouble. This spirit of antipa thy to the Sooth has gradually undermined that sentimentjof national unity of purpose, and unity of interest, which are tbe essen tial requisites to a happy and prosperous nnity ol political bodies Tbe South has been taught to believe that the North pro poses, either now, or in the near future, a crusade upon Slavery. And this conviction is daily strenghlened by the ranting of Sumner,- the silvery incendiaryiem of Phil lips, and tbe folly of Greeley. It is tun universal conviction in the South that precipitated rebellion, and it is the Abolition ranting of tbe Northern fire eaters in and out of Congress, that strength ens this conviction and induces Southern men to stake their alt upon the issue of this contest, because they feel convinced that failure on their part would be ruin. When yon remove this conviction yon have virtu ally disarmed the South. And you can never remove it until you have removed its cause, by the crushing out of tbe Aboli tion party of the North. The President has ptaced himself and his adminsitrdiion in a hostile attitude to this party. It only re mains for the people to come to the rescue, strengthen the hands of the government by giving Abolitionism its qnietus, and we may hope to look once more upon a united, happy asd prosperoas people, bound to gether by tne indisoIuble ties of a common interest- Carbon Democrat. Jost sj we Said. "Speaking for onrselves, we can honestly say that for that old Union which was kept in existence by Southern' menaces and Northern coricessfonists, we have no re grets and no wish for its construction. Who wants any Union which can only be pre served by systematic wrong and organiz ed political blunders ? Who wants any Union which it nothing but a sentiment to lacker ol July Orations withal ? iV. Y Tribune. . The above from the Tribune just proves what we always said, that the Abolitionists eared not a cor lor the Union unless slav ery be abolished. Unless this is done they a thousand times preler disunion. The whole wax is nothing bat an accursed Abolition crusade w far as the Abolition ist are concerned. This we have alway misntained, and history will so record it. S?in3rrove Times. ., Last summer we ware told that the war would be over as soon a the leaves fell off;, cow we are told it will be over as soon as they come out aa that is by May. Scli.tsTrnv Times. Abraham Lincoln. We observe a disposition on the part of 'some Democratic papers to treat Mr. Lin coln with extreme benevolence, because of some recent good acts which have brought down upon him the bitterest opposition of at least a portion of the ultra Republican. We submit that enmity to others is never a good reason for supporting those they hap pen to bate. But what has Lincoln done that deserves Democratic sympathy, except the single fact that he has not entirely inter posed obstacles to raising an army to quail rebellion 1 Have our friends forgolter. his nonsensical speeches before his inaugura tion! Have they forgotten the aid and com fort he gave the rebellion caue by appoint ing Abolitionists to his Cabinet, and the wrongs he perpetrated upon the Union men of the South by appointing to important of fices such men as the infamous Helper, the veteran scoundrel Giddings, and scores of others who have spent their lives in striving to produce this rebellion? Do our -friends not know thstthe exposure of the monstrous corruptions by tbe Van Wyck committee had no effect upon Lincoln ? . It is true that Democratic Generals (gen erally) are in command of our armies, but these were either appointed under a stress of circumstances that Lincoln could not withstand, or they obtained their prominent positions by the necessary removal of the corrupt or incompetent Republicans who had been placed above them. It is equally true that he invited Secretary Cameron to resign, but in doing so not only complimented him with the important mis sion to Russia, .bnt as if determined to stow that his deposed Secretary had done nothing to which he objected, wrote him a note as 6uring him of the President's "personal re gard for you, Cameron and ihe Presi dent confidence in his (Cameron's) abili ty. patriotism and fidelity to the public trust " If it be true, therefore, that the President desired to rid himself of Cameron because ofeither the tatters want of capacity, or integrity, or efficiency, or for any other on com plimentory reason, does he not by the above quotation either prove himself a con summate hypocrite or an equally consum mate knave ? We have no desire to excul pate Cameron, but we insist that the Presi dent who so fully endorses him is at lea?t no belter than he. Lincoln condemns Dawes for his speech exposing the army corruptions, and for pointing out how our soldiers were swin dled and rendered inefficient, atid continues in office the superb robber, Secretary Welles, who gave his brother in-law S75, 000 to S95,000 for a few days work in pur chasing ships that were not worth over half what the government was charged for them. And all this while our soldiers were not on ly imploring the civil officials for their pet ty pay, but also for the necessary means to proceed against the public enemy. Are these the things that give the President (he sobriquet of "honest old Abe," and do these things command Democratic sympathy 1 He has shown his incompetency by the selection of inferior, incompetent and dis pones', men for office from Cabinet minister down- and his want of fidelity to tbe Con stitution, as well as want of ability, by the arbitrary establishment of measures hostile to the Constitution, to the laws of the land and to all principles of civil liberty meas ures not only arbitrary, but unjust, tyranni cal and ioolish, working ouly harm and no good. He. may be commended for creating a va cancy in his Cabinet so as to bring in a Democrat of tried ability and integrity, but this he did in the hour of his peril, from ne cessity, and for the substantial reason that he couldn't help it. No fact could more strongly prove Lincoln's weakness, than that upon the accession of this man to his cabinet, pretty much the whole list of hum bog and all tbe unconstitutional and tyran nical measures he had previously adopted were at once discarded, and victory upon victory accompanied the march of our noble armies. While the country rejoices over the splendid achievements of our brave soldiers but is yet in tears for the dead brave whose lives were lost in obtaining them while thousands are on the verge of want and bur densome, frightful taxation stares every loy al man in the face "honest old Abe" mocks at the National griefs, calamities, and dangers, by introducing into the Presi dential mansion (the House of tbe people) the wildest, most fanciful, and most extrav agant scenes of gayety, carousal and dissi pation the first instance of the sort in the history of American Presidents! Does this commend him to Democratic sympathy? The Republicans in hostility to the Presi dent are averse to him only because he will not assent to making war upon one portion of the Constitution which he is un der a most solemn oalh to defend and pro tect and such assent he does not dare to give. Why shall the Democracy then bet called upon to support him for this ? Every Democrat will do bis best to put an end to the rebellion and restore the Union as it was. But this does not involve either the necessity or propriety of giving personal support to the President. "Mr. Lincoln is not the United States Government. Tbe Government is ours, and we owe alle giance to it, Mr. Lincoln is not ours, and we do not owe allegiance to bim. Mr. Lin coln's term of office is short &nd fleeting ; the Government we hope will last forever " Of alt Presidents the nation ever had he is the weakest aad most profligate, as well as the least worthy of admiration. Clinton Democrul. There are a few gall-blooded " Republi cans," alias Abolitionists, ic this glace who hate Gen. McCIellan with a hatred perfect ly malignant, simply because he is a Dem ocrat and because there is fair prospect that be may be in the way of their candidate in the next race for the Presidency. These same men not longer ago than July last were wont to:ry out, ''Treason ! hang him! whenever any one dared to express the opinion that Gen. McCIellan was an u over-1 rated man ". Has McCIellan been too sue-1 cflssful to suit thse patriotic worthies? Kessajc of Jeff. Davis. Baltimore, Feb. 28. The following if the message of Jeff Davis, delivered to the rebel Congres. To the Senate and House of Representatives qr me t,onjeaeraie males : la obedience to the provision of the Con stituiion requiring the President from tim-i to time to give to Congress information cl the elate of the Confederacy, and recom mend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedien , I have to communicate that, since my mei sage at the last session of the Provisional Congress, events have demonstrated that the Government had attempted more than it had power successfully to achieve. ' Hence, in the effort to protect by our arms the whole territory of the Confederate Stab is seaboard and inland, we have been so ec posed as recently to encounter serious dis astbrs. When the Confederacy was formed, the States comprising it were, in the peculiar character of their pursuits and a misplacid confidence in their former associates, to a great extent destitute of the means for tie prosecution of a war on so gigantic a scale as that which it has attained. The woik shops and artisans were mainly to be found in the Northern States, and one of the frst daties which devolved upon this Govern ment was to establish the necessary mat u factories, and in the meantime to obtain, by purchase from abroad, as far as practical le, whatever was required for the public le fence. No effort has been spared to effect bath of these ends ; and though the results h .ve not equalled oor hopes, it is bs!ieved that an impartial judgement, will, upoa full in vestigation, award to the various depart ments of the Government credit for hain O done all which human power and fores ght enabled them to accomplish. The vilor and devotion of the people have not t nly sustained the efforts of the Government, but have gone far to support its deficiencies The active state of military preparat ons among the nations of Europe in April- tbe date when our agents first went abroi.d interposed unavoidable delays in the pro curement of arms, and the want of a tiavy has greatly impeded oor efforts to impor tant military supplies of all-sorts. I have hoped tor several days to receive official reports in relation to our disco-n fit ure at Roanoke Island and the fall of Fort Donelson. They have not yet reached me, and I am therefore unable to communicate to you such information ol past events and arid the consequences resulting from liem, as would enable me to make recommi nda tions founded upon the changed :con ition which they have produced. Enough is known of the surrender of Roanoke Island to make us frel that it was deeply ht initi ating, however imperfect may have been the preparations for defence. The hope is still entertained that oor re ported losses at Fort Donelson have been mnch exaggerated, inasmuch as I am nc t only unwilling, but unable to believe that a large army of our people have surrendered with out a desperate attempt to cut their way through the investingforces, whatever may have been their numbers, and to endeavor to make a junction with the other diusions oflhoarmy. But In the absence of that exact information which can be afforded by official reports, it would be prema ure to pass judgment, own is resened, as I trust yours will be, until that information is received. In the meantime, strenuous efforts have been made to throw forward reinforce menis to the armies at the positions threatened, and I cannot doubt that the bitter disap pointments we have borne, by nerviig the people to still greater exertions, will speed ily secure results more accordai t with our just expectations, and as fa-orable to our cause as those which marked the earlier periods of the war. The reports of the Secretaries of War and the Navy will exhibit ihe mass of re sources for the conduct of the war which we have been enabled to accumula e not withstanding tbe very serious dificulties against which we have contended They afforded cheering hopes that our reiources, limited as they were at the beginning of the contest, will, during its progress,bec me de veloped to such an extent as fully to meet our future wants. Tbe policy of enlistment for short terms against which I have steadily contended from the commencement of the wir, has, in my judgment, contributed in no imma terial degree to the recent reverses which we have suffered, and even now r mders it difficult to furniih you an accurate state ment of the army. When the war first broke out, many of our people could with difficulty be persua ded that it would be long or seiious. It was not deemed poisible that anything so insane as a persistant attempt to mbjugate these States could be made still less, that the delusion would so far prevail sj to give to the war the vast proportions that it has assumed. The people, incredolous of a lung war, were naturally averse to long enlistments, and the early legislation of Congress ren dered it impracticable toobtain vole nteers for a greater period than twelve morn is. Now that it has become probable that the war will be continued lhrouah a seriet of years, our high-spirited and gabant soldi srs, while generally re-enlistir g. are from tie fact of their having entered tbe service fur a short term, compelled in many instances to go home to make the necessary arringements for their families during their prol anged ab sence. The qnota of the new regime its for the war, called for from the different States, are in rapid progress of organization. The whole body of new levies and ' re-enlisted men will probably be ready i.nd in the ranks within the next thirty days. But, in the meantime, it is exceedingly difficult to give an accurate statement of tie number of our forces in the field. Thiy may, in general terms, be stated at 400 regiments 1 1 of infantry, wun a proportion e iorce oi cavalry and artillery, detailed thich will be shown by th repoft of the IJecretary of 'War. ..I;., I deem it proper to advert to the fact that the process of furloughs and re-enlistments, in progress for the last month, had so far disorganized and weakened our forces as to impair our ability for a successful defence ; but I heartily congratulate you that this evil, which I had foreseen, and was powerless to prevent, may now be said to be substan tially at an end, and that we shall not again during the war, be exposed to seeing our strength diminished by this fruitful cause of disaster short enlistments. The people of the Confederate States, be ing principally engaged in agricultural pur suits, were unprovided at the commence ment of hostilities with ships, ship yards, materials for Bhip building, or skilled me chanics and seamen in sufficient numbers to make the prompt creation of a navy, a practical fask, evej.if the required appro priations had been made for the purpose. Notwithstanding our very limited resource, however, the report of the Secretary will exhibit to you a satisfactory proportion in preparation, and certainly of near comple tion, of vessels of a number and class on which we may confidently rely for contest ing the vaunted control of the enemy over our waters. The financial system devised by Ihe wis dom of your predecessors has proved ade quate to supplying all the wants of the Gov ernment, notwithstanding the unexpected and very large increase of expenditures re sulting from the great augmentation in the necessary means of defence. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury will exhib it the gratifying fact that we have no float ing debt, that the credit of the Government is unimpaired, and that tbe total expendi ture of the Government for the year has been, in round numbers, $170,000,000 less than one third of the sum wanted by the enemy in his vain efforts to conquer us and less than the value of a single article of export the cotton crop of the year. The report $1 the Postmaster General will show the condition of that Department to be steadily improving, its revenues increas ing, and already affording assurance that it will be self sustaining at the date required by the Constitution, while affording ample mail facilities for the people. In the Department of Justice, which in cludes the Paten; Office and Public Print inc, some legislative provisions will be re quired, which wilt be specificallj stated in the report of the head of that Department. I invite the attention of Congress to the duty of organising a Supreme Court of the Confederate States, in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution. m I refer you to my message communicated to the Provisional Congress in November last, for such further information as it might be useful to lay before you, the short inter val whieh has since elapsed not having produced any material change in that con dition, other than those to which reference has already been made. In conclusion, I cordially welcome the Representatives, who, being recently cho sen by the people, are fully imbued with their views and feelings, and can so ably advise me to the needful provisions for the public service. I assure you of my hearty co-operation in all your efforts for the common welfare of the country. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Change What it has Done and would yet Do. What an astonishing and encouraging change in the aspect of national affairs has been effected by the withdrawel of a cor rupt, thieving abolition, slave-arming Black Republican from the War Department, and pulling therein a plain spoken, straightfor ward Democrat, who as a citizen and an of ficer in the performance of duty, recognizes the Constitution as the highest law and the only basis of our government. No sooner bad Cameron left and Stanton been inaugurated, than McCIellan felt that he had a backer oa whom be could rely.and President Lincoln discovered that he bad a bold man and an honest adviser at hi3 coun cil board. The effect is soon seen. The President, the Secretary and the General harmonize. McCIellan, thus sustained, re gards not the insulting taunts and muttering threats of Abolition Republican Congress men and presses. Holding the Capitol se cure beyond mishap, he directs movements along the coast and in the West, against the Confederate forces at important points, and victory follows victory in rapid succession. Now, if the President would withdraw Welles from the Navy Department, as the plundering therein demands, and put a man of unquestionable integrity in his place, there would in all probability, be a still fur ther im provement. It would give assarance to the tax-payers of the country that New York Morganism was at an end, and that government expenditures would no longer be directed to the enriching of partizan fa vorites and brothers in-law, at the expense of the public treasury. Another change could not fail to prove highly advantageous to the Union cause. Let Mr. Seward be withdrawn from the Cabinet, and some sound, national, consti tutional, conservative man take his place, and it would do more towards bringing the war to a speedy close, and restoring tbe Union as it was, than an addition of a hun dred thousand soldiers to the army.andsave millions, perhaps hundred of millions to the government. Tbe Union men of the South never had, and have not now, any confi dence in Seward. The whole people there regard him as a sectionalism and an unscru pulous enemy of the South and its constitu tional rights. If he were put aside, and a true man from Maryland, Virginia, or Ken tucky substituted, it would go far, very far, in opening the minds of Southern citizens generally, for the reception and, perhaps, favorable consideration of any jost appeal which the President and the conservative people of the loyal Slates would make to the m .Jeffersonian. Brave Boys. Mr. John Bees, the noted match pedler of Snyder county, had no less thao Jive sons in the army. One was killed at the battle of Bull Run. Mr. Rees tells us that he is still as sound a democrat as ever, and expects to live and die a'dern ocrat. Seljnsgrove Times. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE Camp Chasc, Paw Paw Tdjkel ) Viginia, Feb. 24, 1862. Headquarters, 84th Regiment P. V. Friend Will; Variety being the spice of life, we, ol ibis Brigade, have our full share of it ; at least in respect to the weather. We have all shades, kinds and varieties of weather in twenty-four hours. Rain, snow, sleet, hail, snnshine and I was going to aaj no weather at all. We might almost as well live in an oiJ boat with a brown paste board for the atmosphere as to be here where you can almost cut the air iu slices. There is nothing of importance soing on here ; all is quiet along the upper Potomac to-day, but not so yesterday, the 22d. This was a gala-day, for the boys in Camp Chae. The day was ushered in by our Artillery firing thirteen rounds, which was followed by all the Regimental Bands ten in num ber striking op "Hail Columbia Happy Land," followed by tbe "Star-Spangled Banner," and other National and appropri ate airs. At 10 o'clock there was a grand review of all the forces here, by Gen. Lander and Staff. The scene was truly grand and im posing, and an abler pen than mine must do it justice. Gen. Lander addressed each Regiment seperately. He said, in sub stauce, to our Regiment : "Soldiers of the 84ih, you are enlisted in a glorious cauce it is just it is righteous I want you to stand by me. and 1 will lead you on." Then pointing to our Regi mental colors he said, (and a glee of enthu siasm seemed to light up his pal face as he spoke ) "I see you have two stand of colors, doubtless that one the old Stars and Stripes were presented to you by the ladies of your uative place " (A mistake in the General they were the gilt of Penn sylvania, through Governor Curtin.) Think of that and never no never disgrace that flag, nor allow even for a moment, the fair doners to blush for your unallaut or unmanly defence of that flag. Your Gener al has his eye upon you; and the lowest private in the tanks may rise by one deed of noble daring to the ranks of Lieutenant ; as in the case of a private in the 1st Virgin ia Cavalry, at the affair at Bloomery Gap, who followed bis General into the fight when others shrank back. In twenty four hours he received a telegraphic dispatch, from Washington City, to the effect that he was a Lieutenant of Cavalry. Although you may not have seen your Genera! before, yet I have seen you, when under the ene my's fire, at Hancock, and you behaved most nobly. 1 shall watch you, and were Promotion is due it shall be forthcoming. will lead (you into fiaht, and never run until you see me run firm, and if I fall fol low tbe next in command, until victory crowns oor efforts. I want you to fight; I do not want it said that we had to bring up fitly thonsaud men to deleat fifteen thou sand, but rather take fifteen thousand and beat twenty thousand rebels " - He raised his hat and retired amid the vociferous cheers of the boys. I have not time nor space to describe the General at this lime, but will attempt it in my next if possible. At 12 o'clock M., a national salute of thirty-four guns was fired and everything passed off in the most cheering manner. There are considerable sickness in Camp at present, but few fatal cases have occurred, and none in our company. Lookout for an onward movement as soon as the weather permits, and for some pretty hot work too. There must be something wrong, as I have not yet received a Star for three weeks. Send it along The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is now. opened for twenty nines Deiow nancocx, ana trains are run ning daily. But I must close for this time. Yours, troly. Toodles. The Victories of White Sen The recent glorious victories of ourtroops, says the Albany Argus, show that our white citizens are adequate to all the necessities of the existing contest. We have not had to call into the field as allies, that portion of the 4,000,000 of blacks iu the South ca pable of carrying a "gun, or a knife, or ihe incendiary torch, as, in momenta of trepi dation and despair, cruel and cowardly men clamorously urged us to do. The twenty four million of the North did not need such allies to aid them in a congest with eight millions of the South. It would have been as humilialir.g as disastrous, to have made such a confession as the call tor such help would have implied. We shall have no more of this African intervention in favor of the North, unless possibly European intervention in favor of the South should make our cause desperate. It was only from the despair of the country that a concent to such an extreme measure could have been wrong. The cry did not come from the true friends of the Union from men who sought its restoration. It was the decree of dema cosues who were enemies of the Constitu lion and the Union, and who preferred a dissolution of the Union to its preservation in connection with the 6lavehoIding States. While we rejoice at the victories which perpetuate us as a nation, let us not be un mindful of their not less auspicious result, the preservation of the Constitution and the restoration of the Uuion and with all these results, tbe vindication of our couiage, of our humanity, and of our powers of self government. 0 i a si Hon. Benjamin Starke, appointed by the Governor of Oregon a U. S Senator from that State, to fill the vacancy caused by Col. Baker's death, was admitted to his seat on Thursday, after several weeks' delay, caused by an accusation of disloyalty that was trumped up against him by poliiical opponents. The following was the vote on his admission : Ytas Messrs Anthony, Browning, Carlile Collamore, Cowan, Davis, Fessenden, Fos ter, Harris, Henderson, Howe, Johnson, Kennedy, Latham, McDongall, Nesmith, Pearce, Powell, Rice, Saulsbury, Sherman, Simmons, Ten Eyck, Thomson, Willey and Wilson (Mo.) 26. Nay Messrs. Chandler, Clark, Davis, Doolittle, Foote, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Howard, King, Lane,(Ind J. Morrill, Porae roy,Sumner, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilmot, and Wilson (Mass.) 19. How "cheerfully" Mr. Seward does ev erything. He "cheerfully" surrendered Mason and Slidell, he "cheerfully" permit ted the British to pass troops through Main to get well at us; and when Main com plained, he ,scheerfnllj" slopped the pro cess. Bishop Potter, of Pennsylvania, has four eons in the Union army. One is a Lieuten ant CoioneL . A Hit artless Act A few days ago a poor woman, whose husband is now with the Union forces on the line of the Potomac, called upon the Relief Committee of the Corn Exchange Association, and stated th.t 6he had received no money from her hus band for two months past ; that her four children were sick at home ; that she was without food or fuel ; and that the owner of the house had given her five days' notice to quite the premises, or he would pitch her, together with her children and furniture, into the street. Her wants were tempora rily supplied. What makes the case more heartless is the fact thai the builJing is owned by a clergyman, and when he was apprised of the distressing circumstances of the affair he bad no reply to make, ex cept that the woman must be put out if she did not pay up. Exchange. A Novel Race. The Honesdale Herald gives an account of a race which took place in that vicinity between a horse and a dog. The ground was from Waymart to Seely ville, a distance of eight mites. 'I he dog drew a small cutter, with a len year old boy as passenger. The race was well come. led as far as Prompton, six miles. There the horse, owing to a hill, got the advantage, which the dog was not able to regain. The time was 23 minutes for the horse and 31 for the dog. The conditions of the race required the dog to be within forty rods of the horBe on reaching th judges' ttand. The dog lost by a few seconds. The dog's weight was only 64 pounds. The affair created great interest, and waa witnessed by some two thousand people. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY WHEAT. 51 20 RYE, 62J CORN, 50 OATS, 3 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR pr. bbl. 6 00 CLOVERSEED.5 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, POTATOES, 16 12 10 10 621 DR'D APPLES,1 PO HAMS, 12 MARRIED. In Bloomsburg on tfie 25ih ult., by Rev. J. R Dimm, Mr. Emanuel Hill, to Mies Harriet Hktler, all of Centre township, Columbia, County, Pa. On Thursday the 20th nit., by Rev. John Thomas, Mr. Daniel S. Rittur of Franklin, Lycoming County, to Miss Catharine Krea mer, of Madison, Columbia, county. Thursday Feb. 13ih, by Elder John Sutton at his residence in Fishingcreek Mr. Sam uel H. Hess to Miss Beaulah A. Kitchen. At the same time and place, by the same Mr. Stepues B. Hess to Miss Elizibeth A. Kline. On Sunday Feb. 16th, by Josiah R. Fritz Esq., Mr. Shedreck Hess to Miss Mary Ann Hess both of Colombia county. DIED. In Beach Grove, on the 2 let utl., Mrs Elmira Hicks, aged about 30 years. Her disease was Consumption. At Millville, on the morning of the 20th ult., Benjamin E. eon of Dr. A. P. Helleh, aged about 5 years. In Muncy Feb. 2 3d, Ella Aovcs daughter of William and Louisa McMullen, Grand daughter of Charles and Nancy Kahler, aged 44 years 10 months and 10 days. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, THE 29th DAY OF MARCH next, at 10 o'clock in the foreneen, Martin A. Am merman and Michael Lemon, Ad mistrator of Peter P. Pealer, late of Fish ingcreek township, in said county, decased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain, tract of land situate in the township of Eishingcreek, aforesaid adjoining lands of Elias Laubach on the east, land of the heirs of George Laubacc on the Nonh, Philip Utiarlst on the west, and ihe public road on the South, containing TWENTY ACRES, more or less, fifteen acres of which is clear ed land and in a good slate of cultiva'ioi. Late the entate of said deceased, situate in the township el Fishinzcreek and county aforesaid. Terms of sale made knowuon dav of sale. JACOB EYERLY. Bloomsburg, March 5, 1862. Clerk. Ilririge Ijcttiii?. THE County Commissioners will receive proposal at the house of David DavM, in Beaver township, Columbia county, be tween the hours of 10 A. M . and one P. M., on Friday Ihe 4th day of April next for building an open TRUSS BRIDGE, ov er Cattawissa Creek near the residence of the said David Davis. Said bridge to be 85 feet between abutments, wicith 16 feet, bight 12 feet from low water mark; the abutments to be six feet thick and the wingwall on upper and lower side of Nonh abutment each 25 feet long; the wingwall on lower side of south abutment 10 feel long, and none required on the upper side. Plan and specifications can be seen on the day and place of letting. By order of the county Commissioners. R. C. FRUIT,' Commissioners' Office ) Clerk. Bloomsburg, March V5, 1862. j Public Sale OF HOUSE AND TOWN LOT. THE underpinned will offer at public sale on Sato n'ay the 22sd day of March, 1862, a Town Lot aud House, situate on Railroad Street, Below Third, South West Bloomsburg, containing 58 feet in front and 165 feet in depth. The tot is in a good slate or cul;ivation,well planted with young bearing fruit trees. Tbe improvements, are a one story and a half new frame dwelling house, with the outbuildings usually found upon town lots. Possession will be given on the first day of April next. Sale to com mence at one o'clock P. M. of said day wheu conditions will be made known by OSCAR P. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, March 5, 1862. NEW IIAUBER SHOP. Opposite the Court House and next door to Democrat Office. THE under6igr.ed,repecifully informs his friends and customers that he has opened A New Barber Shop. In Court Honse Alley, next door below the Office of the Columbia Democrat, where he will be hppy to wait upon all customers, and from long experience and strct atten tion to bosmesr, be hopes to merit and re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. BTAIJ things here "done in decency and in order." THOMAS BROWN. Bloomsburg, March 5, 1862. Auditor's IVolicc. THE undersigned, npo'interl an Audi'or by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county to distribnte the falance in the hands of Reuben Miller, Executor of John .Lmdeii, late of Briarcre-k Township, iri Kaid county (pcea"-d, to ao.l among the ceditors and ether enii'leil, according o iaw : will meet the panics interested for the purpose of hi appointment on Saturday, April 5th 1862, ai hi office in Blommshur, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when and where all pr-ous having claim- are requested to present them or be forever debarred from coming in for a shaie of said fund, JOHN G. FREEZE. Auditor. Bloomsburg, March 5 h 1862. Notice to the Heirs uf Feler Qoffman, dee'd. COLUMBIA COUNTY SS: ria Fowli?r. Rozetta Atnan1a Cleaver, Sv. vester Ifoffrnan, William Hoffman. Sar Elizabeth Richards, Charlotte Hoffman. Hannah Hoffman. Joseph Sieet and Sain uel Steele, children and devisees of Peter HofTman,deceated, late of Locust township, Columbia county. You and each of you are herf by cited and commanded to b and appear in your per sons before the Judges of the Orphan's Court of said county, to be LoK'en at Bloomsburg, in and forbid county, on the first Monday oi May oext, then and there to accept or refuse the estate of saiJ decM at tbe valuation or how cause why the same should not be sold. Witues's the honorable Aaron K: Peckbam, Esq , Presi dent of oursaid Court at Bloomsburg lh fourteenth day of February, A. D. bu thousand eight hundred sixty tro. Jacob Everly, Clerk O. C. JOSIAH H. FIJRMAN, Sheiff. Sheriff's Office, I Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. j re en wood Semit.ary. f"pHE Spring Term of this Institution will commence on the 7ib of April Dext. , The Principal will be assisted bv able In-lructors, and as ample facilities will be afforded to qualify S udent lor teachii g, for business or for a more exienrive cuur-e in literature, a liberal sh&ie of partrouage is auaiti solicited. Pupils who do not come from home, or are not put under ihe charge o' near rela tives, must board at the Seminary, and be subject to Ihe regulations thereot. They must provide their own towels and hava each article of clothing distinctly marked. Eleven weeks rorstituie a qtianer. and there will be a vacation of about six weeks in mid summer. Boarding, washing and Tuition, .wi:h furnished rooni9, will be ?25 per quarter, or.e half paj able in advance. Tuition alone jo Common branches, 85 00 " including advance Algebra mailiematic- history &ic. 6 CO 4 in Latin, German or French eah extra 1 CO For further p-ir iculars address WM. BURGESS, Principal. Millville, Col co., Feb. 26, 1862. m MARRIAGE. ITS LOVE AM) hates, sorrows and anger, hopes ami tears, regrets arid joys; MANHOOD, how lost, how restored; the nature, treatment and radical cure of epermatorrtCM or sem inal weakness ; in vc lunMry emit-ion, sex ual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervouMie-9, con-umtion, fit, mental and physical inrapci'y, reuliin from SELF-ABUSE -are tally exijin-d in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This moi extraordinary book should be in ihe hamU of every yonn person contemplating mariie, and every man or woman who desires to limit the number of their off?prirjii to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache in cidental to youth, maturity and old ae, i? fully explained; every partirle of knowl edge that should be known is herd given. Il is full of engravings. In tact, u dis-lo. sos secrets that every one shoulJ know ; still it is a book that mu-t be locked up, and cot lie about the hou-e. It will be enl to any one on receipt of twenty fie cents in specie or oos aje stamps. Ad dress Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPUUCE Street, aboe Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED & UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be jour disease, be fore you place yourself undei the care of any of the notorious Qwuks native or for eign ho advertise in ibis or any other paper, get a topy of Dr. ioui.o . book, and read it caretuhy. It will he the maan of saving you many a dollar, your health. and possibly your lite. Vll. lOLiSli can be consulted on any of the diseases described ii. his publication at No. 4 16 SPRUCE Sireel.abo.e fourth, Philadelphia. Ultice hours from 9 to 3, daily. February 26, 1862 y, Kollock's Dandelion CofJTre. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by ph yician as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, DypepMa, and ail bilious disorder-. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of cof fee will ue this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEYAIX, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Minnfactured by M II. KOLLOCK Lhetnist. Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, 3T And sold by all Druggists and Grocer, jjj February 26, 1862-Mv. FCBL1C SALE. THERE will be expos-ed to public sale, at tbe residence of the undersigned in East Bloomsburz, on Thursday, the 20th day of Match 1862, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing described property, to wit : Cookinjj and Parlor Stove. Bed and Bedding, Settee, CupboarJ, Chairs, Bu reau, tables, Carpet, Stands, Clock, Iron and Copper Kettles, Stone and Chm Ware, together witb his entire household and kitchen furniture. SAMUEL STETLER. Bloomsburg, Feb. 26, 1862. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. P)OCTOR THOMAS F- CHAPMAN wilt send toall who wish it (free of charge) the Recipe and full directions for makir.g and using a beautiful vegetable Balm, thai will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches. Tan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful ; aUo full di rections for using Pelatreao's celebrate 1 Stimulant, warranted to fetart a full growth ol Whiskers, or a Mustache, in le than thirty days. Either of lb above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing fwith stamp for return postage) DK. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist, 831 Broadway New York.. January 15, 1862. 2m. m tm BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office cn Main Street, in I'nai g., . New Britk Building " " JUV, COLUMBIA COUNTY SS: yyV 'HE Commonwealih of Penn- syivania to Louisa Lvnn, Henry Hoffman. Geo. W. Hoff- man, Harriet rishr. Anna X