The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 05, 1862, Image 1
.1 n ft1""! 0 W U. JACOBI, Proprlelflr. Truli and Sight Cod and oar Country. Two Dollars per Annua. A-im ! T ) r VOLUME 14. STAR OF THE NORTH PUBLISHED IT1ST VTEDSKSPAY BY WH. II. JAC03T, CinCC OQ main St.. 3ra;&qnare DCiOW UaTKCI, TEKMS : Two Dollars per annum If paid . within Bis months from i the time of subscr,. - - . -bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within thfe year. No subscription taken for a less period than six months ; no discon- tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, aniens at the option ot trie editor. 7 hi terms of advetiring will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00 Kvery subsequent insertion, ..... 25 One square, three months, ....... 3 00 One year, . . . . 8 00 I WAST TO BE A SOLDIER. a rTioDY. BY J WARD CHILC3. I want to be a soldier, And wi:h 'he soldiers'stand ; A knapsack on my shoulder, -A musket in my hand; ' And with ray bayonet gleaming, So glorious and so bright, : I'd join our gallant army,'. Aod for our country fight. . Though I should oft be woundad 1 would not shed a tear : Though in the midst of danger I ne'er would feel a fear; - Bui brave and patriotic, Like our brave sires I'd fight, And with ten thousand soldiers, Put rebels all to flight. I know I'm young and tender But, mother dry your tears, For many young as I am, Have joined the volunteers, And mother, should I perish, And lor my country die, I'd think of you and sister, And meet you in the sky. Then let me be a soldier, And with the ecidiels stand A knapsack on my shoulder, A moskei in my hand; And with my bayonet gleaming, So glorious and so bright, I'd join onr gallant army. And for my country fight. . r From the Atlantic Monthly. ' THE GEEAT PIGWICKET CEXTBE SCHOOL REBELLION. A 71 NX EE SCHOOL-MASTCR'a ADXfNTTRC The advent of Master Langdon to Fig vacket Centre created a much more lively seneation than bad attended that of either of his predecessors. Looks go a good ways all the world over, and though there were several good looking people in the place, and Major Bash was what the natives of the town called a 'handsome man,' that is, big, fat, and read, yet the sight of n really ele gant joang leIlow,Jwith Jthenatural air which grows op with carefully bred young persons, was a novelty. The Brahman blood which came from his grandfather, as well as from his mother, a direct descen dant of the old Flynt family, well known by the famous tutor, Henry Flynt (see Cat. Harv. Anno 1693), had been enlivened and enriched by that of the VVedtworths, which had a good deal of ripe old Madeira and other generous elements mingled with it, so that it ran to gout sometimes in the old folks, and to high spirit, warm complexion, and corly hair in some of the younger ones. The soft curling hair Mr. Bernard had in heritedsomething, perhaps of the high spirit ; bot that we shall have a chance of finding ont by-and by. But the long ser mons and frugal board of his Brahman an cestry, with his own habit3 of study, had told upon his color, which was subdued to ' something more of delicacy than one wocid j care to see in a yoang fellow with rough ' work before 'hin. This, however, made; .. mm iook more tnieresung, or a iue young . ladies at Major Bash's said 'in.erest.n.' When Mr. Bernard showed himself at meeting, on tte first Sunday after his arri- val, it may be supposed that a good many eyes were turned upon, the young schSal- master. There was something heroic in . hia coming forward bo readily to take a place which called for a strong hand, sad a prompt, s'eady will to goiJ it. In fact, bis position was that of a military chieftain on the eve of a battle. Everybody knew rrerything in Pigwacket Centre; and it was an understood thing that the young rebels meant to put down the new master if they could. It was natural thai the two prettiest girls in the Tillage, called in the locat dialect, as nearly as oar limited alphabet will repre sent it,Alminy Cotterr and Arvilly Braowne, should feel and express an interest in the good-looking stranger, and that, when their flattering comments were repeated, in the bearingof their indigenous admirers, among ' whom were some of the older 'boys' of the ' school, it would oof add to the amiable dis positions of the turbulent yooth. Monday came, and the new schoolmas ter was in his chair at the upper end of the . school-house, on the raised platform. The rcstics locked at his handocnie face, thought fal, peaceful, pleasant, cheerful but sharp ly cut roood the lips aJ proudly lighted about the eyes. The ringleader of the mischief-makers, the young butcher, who has before figared in this narrative, looked at bim stealthy, whenever he got a chance to -tody him oBobserved ; for the troth wa, ? felt, uncomfortable whenever he found i large, dark eyes fixed on his own little rp, deep-sef, gray ones. Bot he. found jns to. study him pretty well firs: his then bis -neck and shoulders, the set 5 arms, the narrowing at the loins, the 3 cf bis les'j and 13 way bo moved, BLOOMS In Bbort h.e earaineJ him a he would oa.o riimou a bieer, io Bee wnal tie could do and how he wonKI cul op. If he could only Lave gone to him and felt of h la m As. j cle3 he would have been entirely satisfied. j He was not a very wise youth, but he did j know we, 6 - j , 3 .. ' u,s rms and ,eS8 very good things, there is j something besides sizes that goes to make a man ; and he had heard stories of a fight ing man, called 'The Spider. ' from his at tenoated proportions, who was yet a terri ble hitter in the ring, and had whipped many a biglimbed fellow in and out of the roped arena. Nothing conld be smoother than the way in which everything went on for the firl uayor two ina new master was so kind Jhen he et up his bolster in every kno v and courteous, he seemed to take every- ing sort of way ; and delivered two or thrse thing in such a natural, easy way, that blows straight as rulers and nwift as wiil s. there was no chance to pick a quarrel with 'That will do,' he said. Then, as if to him. He in the meantime thought it best j make a certainty ol his condition, he took a to watch the boys and young men for a i dynammetor from one of the drawers in liis day or two with as little show of authority j old veneered bureau. First he squeezer! it as possible. It was easy enough to see that ; with his two funds Then he p acl it on he would have occasion for it before long ! the floor and lifted steadily, and strongly The school-house was a grim, otd, red, The .-prince creaked and cracked; the ri-one-siory building, perched on a bare rovk j de. -wept with great stride far up' iu:o ihe on the top of a hill parity because it was . hih figures of the ?ale ; it was a jrood lift, a conspicuous rite for the temple oi learn- He was tati-fied. He sat down on the ec ge' ing, acd partly because land is cheap where of his bed and looked on his cleanly shaj ed there is no chawe for rye or buckwheat, ; arms. ' 'If I strike one oi ihoe buobiei,J and where sheep find nothing to nibble.- am afraid i shall spoil him' he said Vet, Abont the littte porch were carved initials ; this oung man. when wei-heri wiih hU and dates, at various height, from the stat ure of nir.e to that of eighteen Inside were old unpainted desks unpainted. but browned with the number of human con tact and hacked by innumerable jack knives. It was long since the walls had been white-washed, as might be conjec tured by the various traces left upon them, wherever idle hands or sleepy heads could reacn mem. A curious appearance was noticeable on various hgher parts of the wall, namely, a wart-like erruption, as one would be tempted to call it, being, in reali ty, a crop of soft missiles before mentioned, which, adhering in considerable numbers, and hardening after the usual fashion of papier mache, formed at least permanent or naments of the edifice. - The young master's quick eye soon no ticed that a particular part of the wall was most favored with theso ornamented appen ""S"9- ueir position pointed sutnciently clear to the part of the room they came .! T"U - r -. . - . : from. In fact, there was a nest of young mutineers jusi mere, wmcnmostbe broken op by a coup d' elal. This was effected by a redistribution" of the seats and arranging the scholars according to classes, so that a mischievous fellow, charged full of the re bellious imponderable, should find himself between two non-conductors, in the shape of small boys of studious habits It was managed quietly enough, in such a plaui- ble sort ot way that its motive was not thought of. But its effects were soon lelt; and then began a sy-iem of correspondence oy signs, and ine throwing of little scrawls done up in peliets, and announced by pre liminary a' h' ms! to call the attention of j the distant youth addressed. Some of these j were incendiary documents, devoting the schoolmaster to the divinities, as 'a stuck op dandy,' as 'a purse proud aristocrat.' as a sight too big for his,' etc.. and hold- ? 1 i .t r ... 1 ing mm op in a vaneiy oi equa,.y lorohle pnrases to tne moigna.ion ot tne yot.thiul . those woaen tamers call a girl 'my :ear,' community of School District, -No. 1, Piy-! ailer five mimic's acquaintance, aud it wacket Centre. j 8eems aii ri'ht a they $ y it But y ou had Presently the draagh t?mai of the school not better trv it at a venture, set a caricature in circulation, labeled to j It sounded all right to Almi-.y as Mr Ber prevent mistake, with "the .chovmasier; j nard raid it. 'I'll tell y e what's the mat name An immense bell crooned hat, and ; (hrr ' ..fie f.u, ' a frishteued voice. Ab a long, pointed, swaiiuw-uiled crt iiowd :;erV guV to car' hi dog, ',' h'll s-t him that theactist had i his ruim', (he corn en- j OM )ez -tire Vr" alive T's the f-am ere tional dandy as rhowft in print thirty -r tur tha ha eat p KheJ? Squire', I. it e-Jo, io.ij years ago, ratner tr an any actotU nu nian apect Q (he l(ne , j round among , he toys a.d mie it. ,.nMu j : helping ot course to ui3erume ihi- : J ,er'8 authority, Punch, or trie Lha.ivun ' , ta'Kes the dignity out of an obi.oxio..- iuni- j i iaier. One morning on going to the fewi ! i room, Master Langdon lound hm enlarge. I j copy of this .-ketch, with it latel pinnt ! ; 0n the door. He took it dowr. ttni e,l a I little, put it into his pocket, and entered ihe I chiMren. After this ihe crea:ur was co-u-school room. An insidious silence , re j muzzled and, as he was ted cu raw vailed, which looked as if some plot were j meat chiefly wa always ready tor a fuht. brewing. The boys were ripe tor rnischiet J which he was occa-iona'iy indulged in but alraid. They had really no fault ti rind J when any thing .-tout tm.nth to n atth him with the master, except that he wa dressed could le ioui-d in any of the .ie:gh! iorii like a gentleman, which a certain class ol j villages fellows always consider a personal insult to j Tiger, of more briefly Tige the property themselves Bot the older ones were evi- I of At-ner Bf:g. junior, tnjlonsed to i sj.e dently plotting, and more than otice the I cie- not ttistir.ctiy named m icie tific books warning a'h' ml was heard, and a thriy j uni well known to our country folks under little scrap of paper rolled into a wad hot j the name o! "'Yaiiafi dog.r; Thev co not from one seat to another. One of the'e use ihis expresrimi as they woo d ay happened to strike the stove funnel, and j black do; or white do t.ot win as deiin lodged on the master's desk. He was cool enough not to seem to notice it. He se cured it without being observed by die boy s. It required no immediate notice. He who should have enjoyed the privi lege of looking npon Mr. Bernard Langdon the next morning, when his toilet was about balf finished, would have had a very pleas ant gratuitous exhibition. First he buck led the strap of his jrowsers pretty tightly. Then be took up a pair of heavy dumb bells, and swnng them for a few , minutes, then two great 'Indian clubs,' with which be enacted all sorts : of impossible-looking feats. His limbs were not very large, nor his shoulders remarkably broad ; but if you knew as moch of the muscles as all persons who look at. stalnes and pictures with a critical eye ought to have learned if yon knew the trapezius, lying diamond-shaped over thetback and shoulders lik a mnnlr'n i cowl or the dtlioti, whicb caps the shonl- ' BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., ders like an epaulette or the triceps, wbiih lurpishes the calf oi the upper arm or tj 'e hard knotted 6;cfp any of the great scnl ) tural landmarks, in fact you would ha-e said there was a pretty show of them, hi neath the white satiny skin of Mr. Bernad Langdon. And if you had seen him, wh n he laid down the Indian clubs, catch ho d of a leather strap that hung from the bean of the old fashioned ceding, and lift ai d lower himself over and over again by his left hand alone, you might have thought it a very simple and easy thing to do, utiiil you tried to do it yourself. Air. Bernard looked at himself with ti e eye of an expert. IVtty well?' ho sail; 'not so much taljen off as I expected class at college, conld barely turn on tun- itred and forty two pounds in thj scale not a heavy weight, smely; but some of :he middle weights, a the pre-ent English champion, tor instance, seemed to be of a far finer quality of muscles than the bull ier fellows. , .... The master took his breakfast with a giod appetite that mornin but was perhips rather more quiet than usual. After break fast, he went upstairs atid put on a I ght frock, instead of his nsnal dress coat, wl ich was a close fitting and rather stylish onr. On his way to school he met Alminy Cut ter, who happened to be walking in. the other direction. 'Good morning, Miss Cut ter.' he said, for she and another young lady had been introduced to him on a for mer occasion, in the usual phrases of po lite society in presenting ladies to per tle- ! men 'Mr. Langdon, let me make y ' ac- ; quainled with Miss Cutter; let me rrake J y' acquainted with Miss Browne.' So he ; aid, 'good morning,' to which she rep led, 'Good Mornin, Mr. Langdon, haow's rour health.' The answer to this question o lght natuarally to have been the end of the alk; but Alminy Cutter lingered and look d as if,t-he had something more on her mine. A young fellow does not require a Teat ; deal of experience to read a simple oun- try Kirl'a face as if it were a sign-boa d J Alminy was a good soul, with red cheeKs j and britiht eyes, kind-hearted as she could J be, and it was out of the question for her to I hide her thoughts or feelings like a fine , rt(.jy. Her bright eyes wete moit and her cheeks paler than they were woti't, as she said, wi'.h her lip quivering 'Oh, Mr. j Langdon, them boys 'II be the death cf ye, if yon don't take caar !' 'Why, what's the matter,, my dear?' said Mr. Bernard. Don't think there was any hing very odd in that 'my dear,' at the t-eiond interview with a village belle: sorre cf t a yer crr.e ne.v Faa.-i-day.' .u v, t!tj ia-t j-tatement nmfoi lii?it l over co'ored ; ; li tH Jo S.(t, tt ru'riintL.' :tbia the vill.tge will, an r.L'1.e-.r on hi- arm it is l rue where the Leas ' had caught him with hi teeth, on the nci ariun of 'lie chiiii's taking liberties with nim. as Iih had lei. iiccu-tomeit to do with a good tenij'cred New-tnutidhiiid do, who stemed to ukf teiiii p Ii-ii ami ha tiled root d i v ite a meatioiii a.- when they opeak of a ter rier or a spaniel A 4 y.liah ilor"' is ilare canine brute, with a dingy oid flatiue color of no particular breed exc-pi his owi , who hanijs around a tavern, a butcher' sd op, or trots alon side a fea'n looking as ii he were disgusted with the world and the world with him. Our inland population while they tolerate him, speak of him will, con tempt. Old , of Meredith Bridge.used to twit the sun for not shining on ;,oudy ' days, swearing that, if he hung up hii 'yal- i lah dog," he would maka a better stow of j daylight. A country fellow, abusing a horse ' of his neighbor's vowed that, ' il hi had! such ahoss, he'd swap him for a "rallah dog," and then shoot the dog." , s Tige was an ill-conditioned brute y na- 1 tnre, and art had not improved lira by cropping his ears and tail, and inr resting him with & spiked collar. He bora m hu person alsOf various not ornamental ! ; scars, J marks of old battles, for Tige had fight in him, as was said before, and as might be guessed by a certain bluntness about the muzzle, with a projection of the lower jaw, which looked as if there might be a bull dog stripe among the numerous barsinislers of his lineage. It was hardly fair, however, to leave Al miny Cutter waiting while this piece of natural history was telling. As she spoke of little Jo, who had been "haaf eat up," by Tige, she could not contain her sympa- thies, and began to cry. "Why, my dear little soul," said Mr. Bar- nard, ; What are yon worried about? I used to play with a bear wh en I was a boy and the bear ud to hug me and I used to j kiss him, ?o !" It was too bad of Mr. Bernard, only the I second time he had seen Alminy, but her i kind feelings had touched him, and that ; seemed the rnot natural way of expressing ' his gratitude. Alminy looked round to see , if anybody was near, she saw nobody but a stout young fellow, leading a yellow dog, muzzled, saw her thro' a crack in a picket fence, not a great way off the road. Many a year lie had been "hangin' 'raoun' " Al miny, and never did he wee any encoura ging look, or hear any i( Behave naow !" or 'L-orne naow, ain't ye 'shamed!" or o ther the effect ot the blow, but the blow was forbidding phrases of acquiescence, such as ; iieelt a neat one, and did not require to be village belles understand as well as ever did ' repeated, j the ii mph who fled to the willows in the j "Now go home," said the master, "and ecotegue we all, remember. j don't let me eee you or your dog here a- No wonder he was furious, when he saw i gam." And he turned his cuffs down the schoolmaster, who had never seen the i again over the gold sleeve buttons, girl till within a week, touching with his ( This finished the great Pigawacket Cen lips those rosy cheeks which he had never ; tre School Rebellion. What could be done dared approach. But that was all, it was a j with a master who was 60 pleasant as long sudden impulse and the master turned away from the young girl, laughing, and telling her not to fret herself about him he would take care of himself. So Master Langdon walked on towards his fchool-liouse. not displeased, perpaps, wim his little adventure, nor immensely elated by it, for he was one of the natural class of the sex-subduers, and had many a smile without asking, which had been de- J nied to the feeble youth who try to win faj vor by pleading their passion in rhyme, and j even to the more formidable approaches of young officers in volunteer compar.ies, con sidered by many to be quite irresistible to the fair who hive once beheld them from their windows in the epaulettes and plumes and sashes of the4-Pick wacket Invincibles," or the "Hackmatack Rangers."'" Master Langdon took his eeat and began the exercises of his school. The smaller boys recited their !esons well enough, but some of the larger ones were negligent and surly. He noticed one or two of them looking towards the door, as if expecting somebody or something in that direction. At half-past 9 o'clock, Abner Briggs, jr., who had not yet shown himself, mad his appearance. He was followed by his ''yallah dog," withont hia muzzle, who squatted down very grimly near the door, and gave a wolfi-h look rjund the room, as if he were considering which was the plumpest boy to begin with. The young butcher, meanwhile, went to his seat look ing somewhat flushed, except around the lip?, which w ere hardly as red as common, and set pretty sharply. "Put out that dog, Abner Brigg, !'' The master spoke as the captain speaks to the j helmsman, when there are rocks foaming at ! the lips, right under his lee. j Abner Briggs answered as the helmsman ' answers, when tie knows he has a rnutin- ' ons crew around that mean to run the s!iin on the reef, and is one of the mutineers, ) lp.ter nau,ra!y fonnii it3 wa- j,,,,, tho pub himself. -'Put him aout y'r.self, ;f ye ain't ! Iie priri,3. anii the Tribune fastening upon it a!e;ird on "him !" The master stepped into the ai!e. The yreat cr showed nis teeth and the deviiish iii-iii-cfs of fiis old wolf ancestry looked out oi his eves had fia?-hel from his sharp tw-ks. a'id yawned in his wide mouth and df p red gtl llet The movements of animals are to much quicker than those of human beings com mntilv are that they avoid blows as easily a- one of cs steps out of the way of an ox cart. It must be a very stupid doti that lets httiist it be run o ver by a fast driver in his gi,:, he can jump out of the wheel's way a:terthe tire has already touched hiin So, while one is lifting a stick to strike, or draw ing iiack his loot to kick, the beast makes a spring and the blow or kick comes too la'.e. It was not so this time. The master was a fencer and so mething of a boxer, he play ed at single stick and was used to watching an adversery's eye and coming down upon him without any of those premonitory sym torns by which nnpracticed persons show long beforehand what mischief ihey medi tate. "Out with you," he said fiercely, and explained what he meant by a sudden flash of his boot that clashed the yellow dog's white teeth together, like the springing of a bear traj. The cur knew that he bad found his master at the first glance, as low ani mals on four less, or a smaller numbar al ways do, and the blow took him so much by surprise that i; curled him up in an in stant, and he went bundling out of the open t.chool-house door, with a most pitiable yelp and his stump of a tail shut down as close as hit owner ever shut the short, slabbed blade of his jack knife. It was lime for the other enr to find who his master was. "Follow yoar dog, Abner Briggs I" said Maste Langdon. The stout butcher yonth looked all around but the rebels were all cowed and sat stilL WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1 802 ) "I'll go when I'm ready," ne said " 'n I I guess I won't go afore I'm ready, either." ) '"Yoa're ready now," said Master Lang- don, turning up his cuffs so that the little boys noticed the yellow gleam of a pair of gold sleeve buttons, once worn by Col. Per cy Wentworth, famous in the old French war. Abner Briggs, jr., did not, apparently, think he was ready, at any rale, for he rose in his place and stood with clenched fistf, I defiant, as the master K'rode towards him. j The master knew the fellow was really j frightened, for all his looks, 'and that he j must hav no time to rally. So he caught j him suddenly by the collar, and with one ! great pull had him out oer hi dfk and on ! the open floor He gave him a fcl.arp flir.g , backwards, and stood looking at him. i The rouh and-tumMe fiahtern all clinch, : as every body ki;ow, and Abner Brigs, jr., was one of that kind. He remembered how ;' he had floored Master Weeks, and he had just spunk enough left is. hitn to try to re- peat his former Miccesstul experiment on the new master. He sprang at him, open hauded, to clutch him. So the master had to olnke, once, but very hard, and jut in the place to tell. No doubt the authority that doth hedge a choo!maMer, added to ! as the boys behaved decently, and such a terrible fellow when he got riled, -as they called it. In a weeks time, everything wrs reduced to order, and the school committee were delighted Their Record. "Let us suppose that the war were ended to-day on some basis which would leave Slavery jast where this rebellion found it. anj bring Magon anj S!iJfcl( Toombs and Wicfall. Jeff. Davis and Cheatiint, Rust and Breckinridge, Hunter and Benjamin, back into the Senate, and into theirnormal re lations of cordiality and fraternity with Bayard and Pearce, Bright, Tompon, of N. J., Kice, Wall, Eigler and the Northern Democracy. They would have nearly half the Senate and about a third of the Electors from the Slave Stales a'one; does any one imagine that they wosld not, aided by the pressure of war taxes and the partizan clam or sure to be raised thereupon, soon re-acquire that ascendency which they in 1860 out of hatred to Douglas and eagerness for a purely Slaveholding Confederacy delib erately threw away? And then do y ou not see that we who have honestly and earnest ly resisted and baflled their ambitious ma chinations will be made to sup sorrow? Unpleasant neighbors as they are at Rich mond and Minassas, we prefer to have them there rather than in power at Wash ir.gton with a drilled partisan majority at their back." Tnhune. On the 12th of Jan. last, the Hon. A. S. Divert. M. C addressed alet'er to Mr. James Dunn, at F.lmira, N. Y., in which he took a firm but conservative stand a, to the obj?c'.s of the war holding that when it has ended in the rer-tcration of the Union, the rights an f privileges of the 6veral States nrnlr the Con-titntion must be restored, and in ad mat ers pertaining to slaves and slavery, the ? j tlilae qno ante ledum be re-eatabli-hed. This prints, ana tne I rinune Listening upon ha made it tlte Fiibject of an article -upwards of two columns in lenath. From Grpft'eys argument we c'.iplha extract which is prmied above. During the time that the question of com promise, and a peaceful settlement of our difficulties with the South anterior to the opening of hostilities, was before the coun try the Tribune was the in oft violent in op position to any compromise, and especially the Crtt!endei Amendment. Il has consis tently opposed every measure that has promi-ed. in the most remote degree, to bring about a restoration of kindly senti ments between the beligerents who now stand ready to cut rach others throats on all available occa sions. And these extreme sentimen.'s of the Tribune have been re echoed by every republican press in the country, with but few honorable exceptions. This fact, of itself, goes to show that the Tribune, and its statellites do not desire a restoration of theold Union. But we have other facts' before us which are still more damning to the characters and patriotism of this portion of th e Northern press, and es pecially of the Tribune. The laiter paper in its issue of November 10, 1860, fulmina ted ihe following : "If the cotton states consider the value of the Union debatable, we may maintain their perfect right to discuss it. Nay, we hold wiih Jefferson to the inalienable right of communities to alter or abolish forms of government that have become oppressive or injurious, and if the cotton states shall be come satisfied that they can do better out of the Union than in it, we insist on letting them go in peace. The right to secede may be a revolutionary one, but it exists never theless, and we do not see how one party can have a right to prevent it. We roust ever resist the asserted right of any Stale to remain in the Union and nullify or defy the laws thereof, to withdraw from the Union is quite anoiuer matter. Ana wnenever a considerable feection of oar Union shall de liberately resolve to go ont, we shall resist all coercive measures designed to keep i in. We hop3 never to live in a republic whereof one section is pinned to the residue by bayonets." This was the position of the Tribane,' at a time when the whole Democratic parly ol the North was united in an honest effort to save the country from the horrors of the civ il war which now rages from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. Again, in the Tribune of November 26th, i 18fi0, we find the following : j "If the co'ton States unitedly and earnest ly wish to withdraw peacefully from the Union we think they should and wonld be allowed to do sd An attempt to compel them by force to remain would be contrary to the principles enunciated in,the immor tal Declaration of Independence contrary to the fundamental ideas on which human liberty is based." In the Tribune of Dec. 10th, 1860, occurs Ihe following : "If the people of seven or eight contigu ous States nhal! pre'ty unanimously resolve to seceds and set up for themee! ves, we think they should do o, and that it would be most unwise to undertake to resist euch recession by Federal forces. Y hy is it that those who wa it to confute this doctrine al ways make th.?ir attack on something ehe?" Again, on the 17th of Dec. 1860, the Tri bune said : 'We have repeatedly asked those who dissent from our view ol this matter, to tell us frar.kiy whe'her they do or do not assent to Mr. Jefferson's statement in the Declara tion of Independence, that governments 'DERIVE TI I HI II JUST TOWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, AND THAT, WHENEVER ANY GOVERN MENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS IT I ST THE RIGHT OF TUB PEOPLE TO ALTER OR ABOLISH IT, and to institute a new government, Sec." We DO heartily accept this doctrine, believing it intrinsically sound, beneficient, and one that, universally accepted, is calculated to prevent the fchedding of seas of human blood." This is the record of the Tribune, and when we add to it the paragraph which heads this article, we feel that nothing can possibly be wanting to thow the real posi tion of the Tribune party. These gentle men denounce, as traitors, all men who ask that thi.war mayjbe conducted on consti tutional grounds, because they feel that suc cess un !er such will result in re storing the country to the guidance and con trol of conservative tdatesmen, who will ad minister the laws in strict accordance with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. What they de?ire if, a war policy that will inevitably result in the destruction of every prospect of future Union between North end South And all true Union men, who love tMe Union for the sake of tho-'e institutions that give life and vitality to the country, are denounced by them, as traitors, for the same reason. Cot it Short. A cetain barber, having a great gift of gV,use l to amuse his customers with bng yarns, while he went throogh his functions on their heads and faces. Otie day, an old codger came in, "and ordered a shave and hair cut. The barber went to work, and bean, at the same time, one of his long s.orie, to the little or no satisfaction of the old gentleman, who became irritated at wh-it the barber Baid. "Cut it thort." ,fYes, -:r," said; the barber, continuing the yarn, until the old gentleman again ordered. j'Cnt it short.'I say cut'it'shorf!" "Yes. sir," said he, clipping away and gabblinj faster. "Cut it short, I say," reiterated the gent. "Yes. sir," said the barber, going on with his story. "Will you cut it short?" bawls the old getit in a raje "Can't sir. for if you look in the glass you'll see I've cut it all off !"' And to his horror, npon looking in the 2las, the gent found his hair all cut from his head. The Killed and Wounded at Fort Dos j klon The following are the losses of the Union troops at the Fort Donelson siege : Killed. Wounded. Forty-ninth Illinois, Eleventh Illinois Eighteen h Illinois Seventh Illinois Twelnh Iowa Fifty eighth Ohio Fourteeiuh Iowa Second Iowa Ninth Illinois Forty first Illinois Twentieth Illinois Thirteenth Illinois Eighth Illinois Thirty first Illinois Eleventh Indiana Fifty second Illinois Forty fifth Illinois 14 41 75 2C0 45 155 4 20 3 24 3 6 50 38 150 35 165 19 130 21 113 19 71 56 196 40 200 2 7 6 3 15 Wi?dom is a nut which if not chosen wiih judgment may com you a tooth and pay you with nothing but a worm. We abe told to weigh our thoughts ; most men and women would need a very small pair of scales. To keep warm on a cold day, women double the cape, and men double the horn. It is dangerous for one to climb bis family tree too hightfor be is apt to get among dead and decayed branches. NUMBER 9. A Visit to the Cattle-field. A crrr-spondent of the Chicago Tmei, writing Irom Fort Donelson , Tenn., under date of Feb. 17, says; I was invited on Sunday mo' Gen eral McCIernand, to take a ride over the battle field. It would le difficult to des cribe, in a few words, the scenes which have met my view. The battle-ground was chiefly confined to the tpace outside the rebel fortifications extending op the river bank a distance of two miles, to the roinr where General McCIernand's force rallied from the retirement which they were at first forced into by the impetuous charge of the enemy. It musl be remembered that it was here that the grand sortie was made by the rebels up the river bank, with the in tention of turning our right flat.k and cut ting their way out. Some ten or twelve thousand men composed the force sent out fr this purpose. They advanced under cover ol a deadly fire of artillery, and stead ily drove General McClernand's force be fore them a distance of fifty or sixty rods. O ir troops here made a Hand, and, being reinforced by one or two regiments, bezan the assault before which the enemy were forced to retreat. The groundwas contested with desperation, and the slaughter on both sid-s was immense. The whole space of two miles was strewed with dead, who lay in every imaginable 6hape and form. Federal and rebel were promiscuously mingled, sometimes grappled in the fierce death throe, sometimes lacing each other as they gave and received the fatal t-hotj or thrust, sometimes lying across one another, aud again heaped in piles which lay six or even deep. J could imagine nothing more terrible ihan the silent indications of agony that marked the feature of the pale corp ses which lav at every step. Though dead and rigid in every muscle, they still writh ed and seemed to turn to calch the passing breeze for a cooling breath. Staring eyes, gaping mouths.clenched hands, and strands. , c ly contracted limbs, eeeming'y drawn into ihe smallest compass, as if by a mighty effort to rend asunder some irresistible bond which hold them down to the torture of which they died. One sat against a tree, and, with mouth and eye wide open, look ed up in:o the sky, as if to catch a glance at its fleeting spirit. Another clutched the branch of an overhanging irae, and hung half suspended, as in the death pang he raided himself partly from the ground. The other hand grasped his faithful mcsket, and the compression of the mcu'h told of the determination which would have been fatal to a foe had lifa ebbed a minute later. A third clung with both hands to a bayonet which wa buried in the ground, in the act of striking for the heart of a rebel loe. Great numbers lay in heaps, just as the fire of the'artillery mowed them down, mang ling their forms into an almost undistin guishable mass. Many of our men had evidently fallen victims to the ret el sharp, shooters, for they were pierced through the bead by rifle bullets, some in the forehead, some in the eyes, others on the bridge of ihe noe, in the checks, and in the mouth. This circumstance verified a natement mada to me by a rebel officer among the pri-oners, that their men were trained to shoot low and aim for ihe face, w hile ours, as a tenerat thing fired at random, aad shot over their heads. The enemy, in their retreat, carried riT their wounded, and a great many of tfeir dead, so that ours far outnumbered them on the field. The t-cene of action had been mostly in the woods, although there were two oien places ol an acre or two where the light had raged furiously, ad tl,e ground was covered wiib tne dead. All the way cp their entret'chrnents the same scene of death was presented. There were two miles of dead strewn thickly, mingled with fireams, artillery, dead horses, and the par aphernaii of Uie ba.tle field. It was a scene never to be forgotten never to be describ ed. The IIoi.t Land It is said that the Sal tan of Turkey is ertconrajinw the emi-ra-tior. of the Jjws to Palestine, and he oFered to sell them as much land as they choo.e to buy. and that he even hints at a willino ness to di.pos of the Mosqu of Omar which stand isecnnd oily to Macca as a sacred thnne. All thii seems almost incredible, but hia maj-.ty is hard up and is willing to part with anything that he has tor the ready car-h. He has led a particularly fastlife and he has been thoroughly plucked by hii favorites of every description. Whilest ha and other oppressors of :he chosen people have been growing poor, ihe children cf Israel have teen becoming rich. They hold the parse strings of Europe, and are able to buy all Jerusalem whenever the owners ar disposed to sell. Can it be pos sible that the Turk will sell out, and that men ot this generation will live to see the Restoratin of Urael to ihe Holy Land? Drinking up Jordan. The celebrated J, Vardman, of Kentucky, Ihouah a stiff Bap tist, always manifested the utmost coorteey toward others denominations, arid attended their ministry when he coold. Being at the monthly meeting of the Presbyterian church on a very hot day, he sat. as was the cus tom, near the pulpit, ktf.d clo-e to the table in front. Being thirsty, he several times drank from a bowl of watei on the table, probably supposing it was there for Ihe purpose. But at the clo.-e of the sermon the minister called for certain infant? to be brought forward tor "baptism," and, de scending to the table, discovered there wtu no water. Handing the boI to-a friend sitting rear, he requested it might be rilled. Vardeman, struck with the mischief he had done, startled the people by crying oti " What t did 1 drink vp your Jordan " '