i -4 J 1 1 f : : ,11 H J 0 17. U. JlCOBr, Proprietor. Trutt and Kight -God and our Conutry. Two Dollars per Annua. VOLUME 14. BLOOM SB U JIG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1862. NUMBER 7. 1 qti t AT? 'PTTl? THTT'fT- PUBLISHED XTKRT WIDIflSDlT n T wa. JJ. JACOBF, . I. . 1 Office oa EaluSL, 3rd Isqnare Icldw Market, TERMS: Tjo Dollars pur annum If paid Vithia six mouths from the time of subscri- bini: two dollars and fitly cents if not paid iu '7 . . ,k.-.:. , Jr.... wuhiu lht year. ro subscription taken lor a less period than six months: ho discon- hinuar.ee permitted uutil all arrearages are paid,' unless at ihe'bption of the editor. 2 hi terms of advertising will be us follow?: 'One sqyare, twelve lines, ihree limes, $1 00 Every subsequent insertion, . . .' . . .. 25 'One square, ihree months, . . .v. . . 3 00 'One year, 8 00 Choice JJ o rf.f S; ccr out. It i many years since I fell ia love With Jane Jerusha Skeags ' - The buxomest country girl, by far, That ever went on legs. By meadow, creek and wood and dell, bo often we did walk, 1 he moonlight smiledon our meeting lips Aud the uight-winds learned our talk. I roamed all o'er the neighbor' farms I robbeu the wild -wood bowers, I lore myiirowcers and scratched my hsnds - Iu search of choicest fiower. In my LoyUh love I brought all these To my dear J-rush Jane ; But I would'nt be so loolieti now, '. If I was a boy again ! - , A city chap then came along, All dressed up in 6tore clothes. With alhiny haland a shiny vest. And a mustache under his uose ! -He 'talked to her at finding Ischbol, (For her lather owned a farm,) And she left me, her country love, And took the ne w chap's arm. And all that night I never slept, Nor could I eat next day, Fori loved that girl with a fervent love, That nought couid drive away. - 1' strove to win her back to me, But it was ail in vain . . . ." ; The city chap with the hairy lip, Harried Jerusha Jane ! And my poor heart was sad and sore, ; - Until the thought 6truck me, That just as good fi-h still remained, As ever were caught in the sea. i S I vrfln? to Methodist church one night, Audi saw a dark brown curl Peeping trom a gipsy hat And I married that very girl! And many yean have passed and gone. And 1 think ray loss my; gain, ' - And often bless the hairy chap That stole Jerusha Jane. TWELFTH NIGHT. - BY FBAfcZ rassco. Genteelly descended and connected,weahh7 talented, and accomplished, of genial dis position, jnst relumed from a five years' res tdencein Paris, a bachelor of thirty-five, of course Frank Allen waa extensively "cul- s rot more easily, pleased than you ac tivated" by bis friends and acquaintances why, I myself have some testa which a generally. He was eccentric, whimsical gemleraan must pass who would win my very well, that only made him more at-; promise to Move, honor, and obey.' " " tractive ; gave proof of an I original genius. "And pray what may they be?'.' asked Your common geniuses may indeed afloct ' Allen quickiy. oddity, but it is never lawyrintine. One! Why, the first is, tnal Ve must first have glauce gives yon the clue, and. they car been refused by at least twenty-five other never again surprise yon tor yon Know all t the crooks and turns, all the ins and outs of their 5ettation; indeed, by this you know that it is an affectation. Oddity 9 ; always native; it Can never be naturalized.: But, as we were saying, or rather intended to say, Frank Allen's oddity ws innate. j His popularity had been vastly increased of j late by the lbs applause which had accruea to him as the profit of a course of lectures i oa "France and the Emperor." As ibis"; was a private. afTdir, the audience being j composed of the select circle of friends to j whom he chose to present tickets, of couz?e ; it was . also a very geuteel affair. Each j one present, being phased to be thus dis- iiozuieueu uuui luc vuuiuiuu vuisiue mul titude, was in the best of humor, and in clined lo do full honor to the intellectual en tertainment provided for-them, which, to do il justice, was really worthy of great commendarion, thongh it might fairly be a question if they would have discerned its merits so readily had they been of the ex cluded cfowd, and allowed to read a report of U at their own quiet firesides ; rjf course "delivery 'is a jgreat deal!" (We bope, reader,: you will infer tee were there !) - Mrs Su 5imocgave her nnssai Twelfth night party on the evening succeeding the tast of tLe 'lectures. ' These parlies were 'talwayanice easy affairs, very select and Very social. All of the lower rooms were thrown open to the gusts, who, coltectud together in circles ax their tares inclined, toa!d find seats enocgh to enjoy a pleasant ti353 comfortably. Frank Alien gracefully bestowed himself m an arm chair which oc copied the centre of the library; the group around him being composed of hit mct ardent admired, the literati and literalcuU of the assembly, and perhaps we should add, s.a a separate class, some very pretty and , very marriageable young ladies, whose in tellectual prochVuies wefe rapidly .devid oping ender the anxious chaperonship of their worthy mammas. We would not be cnJerrtood as saying that all the intellect! gathered under Mrs. St. Simon's roof was inclosed within the four walis of the library cr tbat a'l within that inclosure were coa etitntionally inclined to brain fever, for to ekber a?senioti many exceptions might be tiiJ ; we only intended the" penultimate remark -&i a gsnera! one. '" , V This ex: nay proceed to sty mat a"u?'on w8 naturally made to the lec- re of ihi proceeding evening, and finding it, apparently, a very interesting subject to i the company; !Frank Allen was led to speak - somewhat at length, of beautiful France, pending with the remark; "But now I have ! corae home to live, and am looking round .' , . ., , ,. . 'or a wife : so, young ladieB, if you deem i . - i me an exemplary young rotn, worth pat- ionizing, I commend myself 16 your good graces !". Acd he finished with a graceful bow to the ladies addressed, some'of whom blushed, others smiled frankly, two or three were very busy with their boquets, and one or two looked decidedly cross ! 'Well," said the father of three dangh ters, "you rriust indeed be hard to please, if the spring finds you "fancy free." "The lady I shall choose," said Alleu, with an - air half-serious, half-gay, "most answer three several tests ; and in this age, such ladies must be very rare;" and he rose to examine a painting. A half hour later, a hand was laid npon his shoulder, rather roughly inasmuch as it served to turn him almost half-Vay round, and blunt Cap tain Summers exclaimed "Frank, lad, what on earth induced you to declare j ou were looking for a wife ! Don't you know you have drawn down upon yourself the fire of all the designing mam mas and daughters, and frightened away all the modest, worthy girls, with the fear that ihey m3y be thought designing?" "Don't fear fr me," repliad, Allen gay iy ; "I had a design in what I said. Only please don't dislocate my arm, for I have not yet got a wife to make it pleasant to be disabled." ''Had a design in it, hey!" and the old gentleman stroked his beard in evident per plexity. "Oh, Mr. Allen, I want to now if it is true, such a funny thing as I heard you said," exclaimed Fanny Ellison, breaking in upon the dialogue. "What did you hear I said?" "Whj that you were looking for a wife who must pass three tests, and that all the girls in the library had belter try for you. Pity I hadn't been there !'' and the little lady pouted. "All right except the advice, Miss Elli eon," said Allen, laughing. "I simply in tended to commend myself to the attention of young ladie in general, it ttiey tnougnt j Allen's eloquence that gentleman's rail me a desirable article of household furni- j happening to interrupt the dispute. Mint ture." ma waa forced to hear Carrie's wise ecoio- "Ah, indeed," said the lady, with the my highly commended, but she was not most provoking sauciness in the toss or her j forced to bear that gentleman's exclarta preity head ; "and what day do you appoint j ,;on a3 ne closed the street-door "Sa 'ed to decide your selection, and offer your ser vices lo the fortunate on !" 'Oh, I don't know; say thfs day six months," said Allen, carelessly. "Now, don't you imagine," resumed the lady, "that you are the only one watching and 'testing.' Don't think you have eaid anything original to-night. You gen tlemen stucy us, but dont forget, in your Be!f conceit, that we also 6tudy you, and are ladies." Allen looked at her in surprise. "Yes," she continued, "I thould learn from that that he did not lack courage or perseverance'; but. above all, I should have gome hope he would have lost some of his Peif conceit, and really be quite endurable, for you mU6l aiiow that, as a class, men are fearfully self-conceited." "You want a meek man whom yon can keep under a. little wholesome restraint, I 6nppnge ?" i-0" 6aid Fanny, with a quick gleam in her eye, and a very decided tone; "my husband if ever 1 can have one must be abe tu cornmanj me. not because I fear him, but because I love and respect him; aud, indeed, this is my second test" "And your third?" asked Allen, amnsed. "Beg ybuY pardon, sir, But I shall expect a return of confidence ; I have told you to tests when you asked me, and now, of course, expect to hear two of your tests;" and agaic the lady smiled an arch, provo king, a little smile. Allen bit bis lips in vexation. He bad walked right into the trap the artful little lady had prepared for him, and how was he lo escape ? "But if I divulge my secret, t pot the ladies npon their guard," pleaded Allen. "Oh, but I promise not to tell any one." "Suppose I should wish to try my 'tests' upon you ; "forewarned, forearmed," you know," said Alien, with a forced laugh. "Me 1 O dear, that's n6 use. I warn you I am entirely out of the question." "Are you engaged ?" asked Allen, quick- iy. ' - ' : . '"Saucy!" pouted the lady. "I beg pardon," said Allen, with a quick flushj for be had spoken upon the impulse of the moment The lady bowed but watted, toying with her fan. ' "Confess now that you have been com missioned to extort from me this secret." Confess now that you have . been most cpjas'iy suspicious," said ihe lady.; , v"l it so?" ''The last, not the first."; "Why, then, do you ask '' ; :'i "From my own curiosity to watch the ame and to teach you not to ask qaestions of others which you are unwilling to have returned upon yourself. ; ' ' 'Again Allen bit his lip, though the lady's bright eyes were bent upon his face. "Ask something else, and release n e from the obligation to tell you this." . u: "I wi!lt"'said Fanny, with a bewitchii g smile. "You shall have your choice be tween telling me this, and informing me )f the fact within twenty-four hoars after yiu have offered your services to your captivi tor, to which bit of information you w 11 please add the lady's name ;'' and she ga 'e her fan the ' merry flutter" described ly Addison. "Miss Ellison, there is a call for you at rthe piano," said a gentleman, approachirg, and offering his arm. "The first or the last ?" said she to Allen, as she accepted it. "The last, if it must be," wa6 his reply, as she retreated. "Very well, indeed," said Frank Allen to himself tossing his things right and left, as every man thinks he has a right to do in his own room; "only that teasing title witch, Fanny Ellison what in the wo: Id induced her to play, me such a neat little trick ? Well, she was merciful enough to let me off at last, for she is too lady like lo hold me to such a promise as that." At d, five minutes after this, Frank Allen catne as near snoring as a gentleman ever comas. He did not tell hia ''dream's the next moin iug so of course we caunot give them. "Wonder what they can be, Carrie ?" said Mrs. Ixicke to her daughter. "What what can be, mamma?" asted Carrie, though knowing very well tint mamma's thoughts and her own were rt li ning in very nearly the same direction. "Why, those three tests of Mr. Allen'e ?" "It's very evident what one of them m ist be," answered Carrie; "he said such ladies must be rare in these days, or something like it. Now the age is notorious for iix travagance, so of course the lady must be economical." In consequence of this belief, perhaps, it was that Carrie was resolute in her opin on that the dress mamma pronounced v jry suitable for Mrs. St. Simon's Twelfth nijht party would be equally suitable for the nxt party to which she reseived a card of it vi- tation, and that lo support the justness of this conclusion against mamma's vigor us protestations, she sought the a:d of fir. Locke one good bill, at least; but, A.ies Carrie, you have misled your recouing his time" A very common place little story this last, the reader, will say- Alas ! c ear j feader, fiat it ia so commonplace Frank Allen's next call was at Kittle Lit tleton's ; but when ushered into the draw room he found Fanny Ellison was thern to keep his company in wailing for Mist Kittie's appearance. It was well, notiry long before Kittie came, looking so sveet and rosy that it did one good to look at ier. She had evidently been busy at work, for carelessly thrown around her neck wus a skein of basting cotton. Noticing it, Fa iny hoped she was not interrupting her. "O dear, no," Kittie said ; "she was r.ly trying to cut herself a morning-dress. She never had tried before, and if Fanny had any bright ideas in her bead on the subject wouldn't she be good enough to im art them?" Fanny declared she never had thought of culling her own dresses, and had no dea on the subject. "And what is your idea in turning dress maker, Miss Littleton?" asked Allen. "My idea? Why, I happened to takn up a paper the other day that had a di6tiess ingly long article upon 'Ladies' Extrava gance.' Of course it wasn't true, but 1 be gan to think whether I had been very ex ttavagant, and where I could retrencl One most have just about so many gloves and kerchiefs, and so many yards of lace and ribben, in a year, you know, ai d I I could save, till I thought of this dress; so I began to cut it this morning." "And how are you succeeding ?" a iked Fanny. "Oh, indifferently well," said Kittie ; "I have only run up the breadths yet. 'Vhy don't you try, Fanny ?" "Oh, Annie Heywood can suit me batter than I can suit myself, and she needs the work, and I would rather have the time "to 'improve my mind.' That's the phrasj, is it not?" - "Well," said Kiltie, laughing goodratn redly, "yon improve your mind, and 1 will improve in dressmak'ng. If you should ever be poor, I suppose you could teac , or write a book for a living; but not having brains enough for either, 1 will learn to cut dresses a la mode ; that is, if I don't get dis couraged." "And give your customers equal pails of dry-goods ar.d French ?" Asked Allen. "Yes," said Kittie," if I find that fill t the money -drawer." "And yon, Miss Ellison are you joing to teach young ladies to talk Frenci, or wriieabook?" ''Not the first, certainly," eaid Fa itsy ; "I like French well enough to read or i tudy but I do not like ibis mongrel, part French aud part English, and often bad grammar at that !" a "Is that the reason you. never use Fisnch phrasis?', asked Kittie. . - "Yes, as I eaid, 1 want one language or the other. An American cmong Ameiicas, why shoold 1 speak French especial iy as it must be with an accent that would shock a Frenchman ?" t "Why, to prove you have had a fashion able education, and would have made a pretty good monkey, if you had happened to be one, certainly," said Kitty, laughing. "You read French ?" asked Allen. "O yes, I like to read it, except in Btories part English and part French. But I sup pose these ideas do not please you, Mr. Allen, after your long residence ia beauti ful France." "Now why could you not have said Ma belle France V anked Kittie. "Young ladies, you know, always claim the right to say what the please," Allen with a graceful bow to each of the ladies, indicating that this was a sufficient aniwer j to both, of their questions. "But," he added, ribing to go, "I have been waiting for a chance to offer my ser vices to Miss Ellison on her shopping ex pedition, for I see she has her shoppingbag upon her arm." "And I have been waiting," said Fanny laughing, but not rising, "to have a little private talk with Kittie before I go." So alien departed alone. Lena Alhling was Fanny Ellison's most j tell the reader, however, that his Ut call intimate friend ; and so it happened, very i was upon Fanny Ellison, and not to ob naturally, when on a . certain Thursday ! trude ourselves too soon, will begin report- morning, all of the signs predicting a drench ing rain within an hour or two, than Fanny should send & very urgent invitation to her to come to "pass the storm" with her, Lena cme. The siorra did not pass over till Friday, and it had been arranged that the visit should not terminate till Saturday. Various interruptions had prevented any very lengthy confidential chats between them during the day , and Lena's constitu tional sleepiness, during the sleepy hours, ' nest, and then he was forced to confess had before proved to Fanny that it was al- that no lady bad ever refused him. together too hard work to talk and keep her j "Suffer me to undeceive you," said Fan friend awake at the same time. But now a '. ny, opening an ewrretoire, and takin there long winter evening was before them, and, j trom a package of letters. Allen eiarted in as the drew around the glowing grate in j surprise, but the ldy, unheeding opeued a Fanny's room, they promised themselves a nice, cozy chat, free from interruption. It ! was oponed by Lena's exclaiming "What do you think of Frank Allen, Fan - np ?" " Well, I have not made up my mind yet. Some things about him 1 like much, but con fidently, Lena, I do suspect he has some rather despicable qualities." " What, for instance !" ''The first thing I think of is A knock at the door, aad Biddy announ ces: " Please, ma'am, Mr. Allen is in the drawing room, and wishes to see Miss Alh ling and Miss Ellison." To paint ihe disappointment of the friends would not require the pencil of Salvator Ro-j sa, but it would require more words than we havespare, so we shall only record Lena's exclamation, "How did he know I was here?" as, in no very happy mood, ihey went to receive their visitor. "How did you know I was hers?" akeJ Lena, as she took possession of a fauteu- l- - "Calling at your father's, I was told you was here, and as I intended lo call here to morrow evening, I thought I would con dense two pleasures into one. I hope I have not disturbed your plans for the even ing ?" " But indeed you have," said Lena, "we had just set down for a little quiet scandal. I had just asked Fanny what she thought of Mr. Allen, and she had just reached the ia- tensely interesting part which must have followed I think, when yon were announced. You ought to be intensely agreeable this evening, to pay for the bit of dissection you have caused me to lose." "Dear me how unfortunate !" said Allen. " Pray, can you tell me whether the opin ion was lavorable or otherwise ?" "I don't know anything aboul it," said Lena, "but I donbl not she was going to say at the very least, that yui were a grat ca lumniator of the world of fercininea." "How so?" "Why, you know you said, the other eve ning, that ladies qualified lo be Mrs Allen, must be very rare." nave a nine raercv. L.ena. saiu ranny t w m i UnoKmtr '; month, fmin talftK n ioht he makes his selection. Perhaps we may ! have a kalf hour's amusement in studying ihe peculiarities of this rre woman." "Six months ?" asked Allen, in surprise. "Yes," answered Fanny, "you gave that time." "I forgot it, but I will try to meet the ap pointment, and, by the way, I have met a lady who has passed one of the tests. Somebody says this public announcement of my wants and intentions will frighten from me all but scheming ladies. What do yoa think." "I think it was undoubtedly a gentleman who said it, and it is only anothet instance of manly self-conceit. Yoa all think you are great bargains anxiously sought for by all marriageable ladies, whereas, the truth is masculine schemers matrimonial are as ten toone of the like class of our sex. "My dear MissEllison, spare your elo quence, I entreat you," interrupted Allen, laughing. ' How I do pity the poor tellow who is doomed to pass your tests." Of course Fanny made a suitable reply, but we have put on record all of the conver sation which it pleases us to make public. We hasten now to report the decision. It waa generally understood among Frank Allen's acquaintances tbat six months from Twelfth-night be decision was to be made. At first this caused him some uneasiness : Dot, graaaaiiy oecoming Detter, satisnea with the coarse ol human events ia his ." own case, he had, upon being sorely press- ed, declared, a week before the appointed j time, that he was now ready to fulfill the : promise so carleesly given, so far as it de pended on him. Expectation was on tip toe. None could guess who the lady could be, for, if a particular attention was accord ed to one, it was 6ure to be speedily equall ed by some attention to another. Expecta tion however, demanded that he should se lect from among eight of his acquaintances of whom we have mentioned only four though candor compels u to allow that our own favoritism, not Mr. Allen's, has drawn the distinction. Among Mr. Allen's gentle man friends, quite a number of bets, were taken upon the chances of these ladies- those who missed their guess being pledged to unite in giving the bride a handsome sil ver service. Mrs. St. Simon issued card, for the evening succeeding the erenlfu! day to all the guests of her Twelith night party with malice prepense, many said think tug thathe secret might then be discovered. On the appointed day Mr. Allen called on each of the eight ladies, but the public were unable to decide if to any of them he breathed the important subject. We will ing the following, probably in reply to something we have lost : "You will remember, Mr. Allen, that I also had some tests; let me see if you can pass them. The first was, you were to have been refused by twenty-five other la- dies." Surely you are not serious?" " Indeed, then, I am." It required some time to convince him that she was in ear ; note and read: "Mr. Alien invited me to , attend the concert this evening, but I was obliged to retu?e him, being previously eti- ; gaged " Folding the note aain, she re- marked : l l have praof of twenty-five simi lar refusals. You have passed that ten:, but had yon been critical in your examina- t.on of my remark, you would not thus would not thus ' nave unaeretooa u; out ids loougn-soi you men are alwajs nron matrimony aud you judge others by yourselves." ' My recoud leM," continued Fanny, "is the power lo command my obedience ; and the third, proof that you can keep a a secret. Neither has been proved; but," here the lady blushed, "you may tell your j friends you have not been retused, and I will consider myself bound to fulfill any : expec'.ion such a statement may cause, on these conditions: Within six months j j jou are to pass my second test, and, dur ing that lime, no one is lo suspect, through word or act of yours, our present relations ; and your three tests must not be dis- biuccu. To this Allen agreed, adding : I now fulfill the promise lo inform you within twenty-four hours after my deci-ion should oe aeciareu. i am conditionally engaged to Miss Fanny Ellison." I presume, reader, there was come more nonsense uttered, but as they alone are re sponsible for it, let it pass. Allen faithfully j kepi his promise, and the next year Mrs. ! Su Simon omitted her usual Twelfth niiiht ' i party lo attend the reception of Mr Frank j Allan, than, and not till than. di! Mr. Allmi make known his three tests or requirement:! "A common sense and true dignity, which ' would not be embarrassed by the knowledge ' that he sought a wife; a sympathy with his great disklike of French phrases in En glish conversation, and not leant, the good fen e to appreciate his uood qualities buffi- i cieutly lo accept his preference" if fairs la Memphis. A gentleman just arrived in Cincinnalti, from Tentiesee, reports: Business in Memphis i completely pros trated. Two-thirds of the businee house are closed altogether; the others keep open from nine o'clock in the morning uut.l three . . TL . . j - i iu aneniuon. u? irei are jeoiuie, i 1 "d not more than one-half the dwel.ing occupied Shortly afier the breaking oat of the war about 2.000 men left for the North ince wen nine-iemns 01 insane pouieu men 01 inecnv nave enusieu in ine nouin- ernarmy. J he women are very zealous ,n lav cause ui secession anu uave lurmeu more than twenty societies for the u.auulacrure of wearing apparel for the soldier. Provis ions are very high in ihe South, as our read ers are already aware. In Memphis flour sells from S9 to Si2 per barrel, bacon brings 35 to 40 cent per pound. Flesh pork is sold at 10 cts per pound the lowne-s of the price being accounted for by the fact that salt is so scarce as to command SI 1 per sack. Coffee is sold at from 60 to 75 cents per pound, and would be dearer still but for the plenlitude ol substitotes, which are so freely used as lo make the demand for the genuine article very small. The lead ing men ol the South have 60 long been accustomed to the use of Rve that ihey find it easy to take instead of Ki-o Unless the blockade is raised very soon the X)ixianic provinces will be resolved into one grand slat? a state of Egyptian dark ness Candles are in demand at SI 25 er pound, and these a very poor quality. Tho scarcity of coal has competed the manu facturers of gas lo mix a great deal of ro.in with the black diamonds. The consequence is that the people ol Memphis see through the gas darkly, and are constantly crying for "light more light !" Soap is another scarce article. It sells as high as can dlesnot less than a dollar per pound In boarding houses, as a consequence, one lather has to subserve the purpose of sever al faces. But the article which the South ern heart most feels the need of. is whisker. . and that has gone up to S3 50 per gallon I hardly to be had even at that. Healthful Observances. 1. To eat when you do not feel like it is brutal, nay, this is a slander on the lower animals; they do not so debase them selves, 2. Do not enter iulo a pick chamber on an empty stomach, nor remain as a watcher or nurse until you feel almost exhausted, nor sit between the patient and the fire, nor in the direction of a current of air from the patient towards yourself, nor eat or drink anything after being in a sick room until you have rinsed your mouth thor oughly. 3. Do not sleep in any gatment om during the day. 4. Most grown persons are unable to sleep 6oundly and relrechingly oyer seven hoars in summer, and eight in winter ; the attempt lo force more sleep on tha system by a nap in the daytime, or a "second nap" in the morning, renders the whole of tha sleeps disturbed and imperfect. 5. Sorxioof'.he most painful "stomach aches" are occaioned by indigestion ; this generates wind and hence distension It is often promptly remedied by kneading the abdomen with the bait of the hand, skin to skin, from the lower edge of the ribs downwards, because the accumulated air is forced ou and outwards along the alimen tary canal. 6. When yon return to your house from a long walk or other exhaustive exercise, go to the fire or warm room, and do not remove a single article of clothing untd you have taken a cup cr more of some kind of hot drink. 7. In going into a colder atmosphere, keep the mouth closed, and walk with a rapidity sufficient to keep off a feeling of chillinHhs. 8. Two pair of thin stockings will keep the feet warmer than one pair of a greater thickness than both- B. The "night sweats" of diseaoe come on toward daylight: their deathly clam-mine.- aud coldness is greaiely modified by sleeping in a Sitifele, loose, lo.g woolen shirt. , 10. The man or women who drink a cup of strong tea or coPee, or other slim ularit. in order to aid in the better perfor mance of anv work or duty, public or Dri- j ygij a fool because it is to the body and j braiu , expend.ture of what i not yet this j ftot . it is 119, er ia atJva!1C8 and can never be done, even once, with per feet impunity. II. The less a man drinks of anything in hot weather the better, tor the more we j drink ua,u eren ice water raI1(J aj be COIRe3 of a metaic U6te, the longer you can pUt 0ff drinking cold water ou the niorni'ig of a hot day, the bailor you wdl j fee Ht night. 12. Drinking largely at meals, even of cold water or simple teas, is mere habit and is always hurtful. No one should t drink at any one meal more than a quarter j of a pint of any liquid, even of cold water, jor (l iiways retards, impairs. interferes wjlQ a healthful digestion, j l3. If you sleep at all in the daytime, it J will i(erfere with the soundness of your : eep at 'ivaht raoch ,es9 if lha Qap bJ u j ken , ,he forenoori. 14. A short nap in the daytime may be necessary to some Let it not exceed ten minutes to this end tdeep with the fore head on a chair back or edge of the ta ble. 15. Never swallow an atom of food while in a passion, or if under any gret mental excitement whether of a depressing or elevating character; brutsa wont do it. An Editor. Reader, have you ever tried to draw an Editor in yonr imagination ? If you have, we feel pretty coi.fider.l thai you widely failed to sketch a true representation. ! Some rp! nave an idea that he is a well- i iir, .11. i dressed, well-fed, well treated and well esteemed, gentlemen ; that everybody is anxious to make his acquaintance, that he , is invariably invited to every "hop" or ; ..OCCil,ioo helJ within fifly miles aroundf and that he lives on substantial fare and i richest delicacies. Oh ho! Such a pic ture represents his Hr.mble Self about as mach a3 ,!ie an ,e Gabriel favors a bi nd . . , ..... i r v.....b . i icciu . usi wmin. vi n, mviviisu cunui j how they figure you in high-heeled patent i ,A.,u. boot8 aivJ French broad cloth, with j an expensive silk tile resting on your apex, and gracefully shading your right eye, your pockets crammed with the "ready down," everybody shaking your hand right and ltfft, dancing at all the parties, found at the head of every great dinner or supper table, while your family board is groaning beneath a heavy store of templing supplies, and your house always the centre of attraction to the "best families !" We should be inex pressively happy to see editors basking in such bliss, for no other class of people s.o richely deserve the luxuries and esteem of the world as the toiling, weary editors. But also ! . like Peggy Broomstick's hens, 'they've got to scratch Jor tluir living!" Per mit us, if you please, to paint a correct scene of moderan editorial life in our "rural districts." Come with us up you long flight of stairs and we will enter an editor's sanctum. There he sits at his table, a melancholic, care worn, outraged looking individual. His habiliments (they were once new broad cloth, but 'twas long ago, before he become an editor, when he was yet a"jour,") glisten With a thick coat of ink wherever free from rents. His hair is tangled and dimly checkered with gray, and his arm trembles from excessive labor. Around him lie exchanges, balf-writteu ' edi'orials, puffs, rejected manuscripts, ' liberals propositions," and any number ofclosely smoked cigar stumps, all in ad mirable confn?ion. He trembles whenever the door opens, fearing that so me heartless creditor has "called in to see whether he is prepared to settle that little bill to day" or that some angery, blustering bully baa ' dropped in," who wishes "to have satis faction" for ome "contemptable article" which appeared in "the paper;" expecting to lake it out of the poor victim's cot potation sole with a cow hide and a sharp pair of boot toes. He is his own foreman, com positor, presiman and "devil " He cannot afford to hire assistance. He has not 6een a whole dollar at one time since he "worked by ihe thousand," and his credit is refused by all the "leading firms" in town. People regard him suspiciously on the street," and clap their hands on their pockets, eyeing him aekance, whenever he nears them. He mufct be very careful how he speaks, or his office will be "gutted," and he will bs punished for treason No one shakes hi? hand except now and then a hyopcrit- ica1 creditor, whoWiopes to draw out the full face of ihe note which he holds against him, by a hhake of the hand and honied phrases.-? But old Ink Keg can read the man 'right through. His boots are heavy brogans ; his hat is a dollar felt invention which some generom hearted merchant presented him lor a fifteen-line puff; and he has carried uo waich since he was bus iness agent for Grub & Sweat, new land clearers. He gets his petioles wherever he can, swaps old exchanges on bad ci gars, and does without ale. He lives on promises to p-iy, and is growing rich on poverty. Poor man, he has done moch for the place, but when he asks for a decent living ; no one hears him. The good peo ple'' of the village are rewarding his labors with calumny and abue, injuring his repu tation all they can. and pilfering his scanty dues. Who would no: be an editor? 'Ti foil to bit in the dingy daylight, or by a taliow-dip'tf ylare, writing till old Death bloA-s out our candle wan a breath of starvation. From tlie Tpper Potomac. The Wheeling Intelliueucer of yesterday Feb 3J says : " There were many rumrr- in the city about the condition of things at Patterson's Creek. It was eaid that our furoes were again threatened there and would in all likelihood make another masterly advance in the wrong direction. Of course these run,o-s are riotto be relied upon. Nearly all the ammunition in store here was exam ined yesterday and got ready for shipment to Patterson's Creek, but there is nothing; in thikt to induce us lo believe that there i anything unusual going to happen. The bet evidef.ee of an approaching fight that we have seen, is a prevalent sense of brass buttons an shoulder strap! iu aud about the city." A correspondent ol the Inteltigeucer also furnishes the following: " Ou the 30th ult , a party of Federal cav alry went out Trorri New Creek, ou the Northwestern Turnpike, leading to Romney as far as Ja. Fleming's, nine miles west otRomney, where they halted, having gone as near Koinney as they thought prudent. But one Lietenant, wishing jo have a little more fun, started off on the Romney end of the road, as a banter lo all that dare follow, and immediately seven others joiued. The main pary went down to the mills owned by Jas. Sheets, a rebel and known as Sheet's Mills which they burned. I con sidered this a wanton destruction of prop etty, as it had never been occupied by the enemy, and contained a considerable quan tity of rain belonging to Union men, at the lime it was burned. It was also patronized principally by Union men. "The eight men I spoke of going tow-, ards Romney to have a little more sport, were soon to be gratified, for they had pro-. ccedeJ but about a mile, and were making a tun in the road near the house of Mr. D . A. Leatherman, a firm I'nion man, where they discovered a party of rebel cavalry. They immediately set up a yell and started l after them, the rebels having taken tha 6!artaJ pell-mell across a meadow. Our men being but a short distance behind fired at'.er them, and 6ay that they emptied three saddles. The rebels had tbken Mr. Leatherman prisoner, and were just ready to start for Romney, where ihey intended to press him into service, when our troops happened to be just in time lo prevent it. Mr. Leatherman was then directed to moont his horse and go with them. They had proceeded but a short distance when they discovered about forty rebel cavalry coming after them. They fired several shots at Jour men, which passed harmlessly over their heads. After which the rebels returned lo Romney, where I am credibly informed there are net more than 2,000 rebels under Gen- Loring. The others went to Sheet' Mills where they fell in with the rest of their company, aud all returned in safety to New Creek, Mr. Leathtrman among tho number. And now I would say, that ti Union men it seems passing strange that they must thus be dragged from their homes and pressed into the rebel army by 2,003 rebels, while there is uch a heavy force of Federal troops in aad ou Ihe borders of iheir coumry." Moral remedeies will not eradicate f byi ica' need. " ' ' '