MR OF THE NORTIl, L3 IFJ .H. JACOBY, EDITOR. BLCC3IS2CEC, WEDNESDAY, FED. 12.. 1862. . abolition" Blasphemy. ... The Pine em! Palm, a leading orcan of the emancipationist?, edited by James Rrd pth of Kansas and John Brown notoriety, contains some of the roost infamous and impious blasphemy that ever stained the pages of a licentions press. We cannot pollute our columns with specimens of the more offensive of its articles but give the fallowing, without comment, as a sampld of the milder affusions of its writers: 'Will yon, Messrs. Unions, not leave off yoor monthiugs, your platitude about the Constitution and Union, yoor squinting tow ards emancipation as a pillar aud begin to be in earnest? Can you notarive beneath the Constitution and soar above the Union, to rescue Liberty from the surges of despot ism, and to place the rights o! man upon an immovable basis? We tell yon, sirs, there is bnt one issue, that of Slavery or Freedom do not then endeavor to conceal it nnder the euphemism Rebellion and Union; IT IS CRIMINAL there is but pne alternative, universal liberty or complete despotism. The despised negro, in. the name of God arid Liberty, has long demand ed his right, and God, in answer to his prayer, now erants the harve-t of his op pressors' systematized wrong, by the inflic tion of that most appalling be ourge, civil war. Will yoo not now release him ? He 14 tb bitter ingredient in the cop which even handed j'istice commends :o the lips of a nation recreant to its vows.and faithless to its trust as standard bearer in the advance of civil and religions freedom. LET IT DRINK! and in the bitter draught realize the enormity of it crime, and the devana tlon with which the offended majesty of Heaven regards its impious offence." TLc Attempt to Instrnet Car Senators in the Bright Case. An error occurred in our report of the proceedings of the house of Thursday last in at'.riboting to Mr. Cessna the motion to proceed to the consideration of the resolu tions instructing the Senators from this State to vote for the expulsion olJesse D. Bright. Mr. Cea?na recorded his vote with the ma jority against taking up the resolution. -The more we reflect upon the passage of similar reflations by the Senate, the more confirmed are we in the conviction that the net was a gross outrage and this without reference Jo the propriety or impropriety of Mr. Bright? expulsion from the United States . . "T-1 - .- I " I senate, mis is a qcesuori exclusively lur the body of which Mr Bright is a member a question which it alone is competent to decide in view of all the facts and circum stances o the case..'.' The Legislature of Pennsylvania has no moral or constitutional rizhtto meddle in the matter, or attempt to influence the decision one way or the other. The Constitution! declares that the House shall be the jidge of the qualifications of its own members for disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. It is under the authority conferr ed by this section that the U. S. Senate is acting in the proceedings against Mr. Bright The Constitu ioo assumes that each branch ot Congreis is the proper guardian ol its purity aud honor. It is a great s: retch of impertinence for members of the Legisla ture to undertake to control the action of Senators o a question that bel-mg exclusive ly to the Inter. Patriot and Union. A Contrast Decidedly the most bril liant military campaign in which onr coun try ever engaged, was the Mexican War, during the administration of President Polk, Ex President Buchanan was at the time Secretary of State, and the lata Governor Marcy, Secretary of War. The most exten sive means had to be provided for maintain ing a larie army in a distant country, and millions of money passed through the hands of the government officers. But we do not remember that any one of them was ever charged with peculation or dishonesty. Certain it is that not a whisper was evet beard affecting the integrity of Mr. Marcy, and be retired from office enjoying the re spect of the whole country. The Demo cratic administration of President Polk, in thai campaign, set an example which might have been profitably followed by those holding high placet under Mr. Lincoln. It certainly is not necessary to he successful prosecution of a war that all concerned in couducting it should turn highway robbers. 'Nomstown Register. - Tub Tax Bill iv Cogbess. It i nnder stnod that the tax bill is low being perfect ed in rs details by the Committee oa Ways and Means. .. It proposes a moderate rate of taxation upon most of the articles of neces sity and connmption, with higher rates on distilled liquors, and other articles of luxury on legacies and probates, on passengers by railroad and other conveyances, on news papers and telegraphic ' messages. From these sources, taken in connection with the tariff on imports, it is confidently' expected, after the most caref al investigation, that the Government will derive an annual reyenue cf it least one hundred a.d fifty millions of dollars. This tax bill willijive to the United Stales bond a sure specie paying security. The Committee have alo considered the si!-jf?ct of a National Banking Law, which wil require deposits of United Stales Stock a? security for the Bauk notes that are cir eula'ed as currency. A bill has been introduced in Coogr-'ss, to t.izthe t-aUries of government employee an J '.liCPrs of 'hs army and navy, "tender ci r cent. - the BitinnT case. In the Senate ol the United States, ion Wednesday, an act, was done which we cannot but believe the impartial judgment of posterity will pronounce a proscriptive and tyrannous exercise of power.. We al lude, of course to the expulsion from that body of the Hon. Jesse D. Bright, one of the Senators Jrom the State of Indiana. The offence imputed ' to him was'e correspondence with the rebels, and the proof was. found in the following letter : Washington. March I 1861-.-"Mr Dear Sir: Allow rae to "introduce to your my friend Thomas B. Lincoln, of Texas He visits yoor capilol mainly to dispose of what he regards a great improvement in fire-arms. 1 recom mend turn to your favorable consid-t ation as a gentleman of the first respectability, and reliable in every respect. "Very Truly Yours, JESSE D BRIGHT. "To his Excellency, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States.' This letter, it will be observed, was writ ten on the fitst day of 31arck, 1861, when no overt act of resistance to the authority of the Federal Government had yet been com mittedwhen Congress were still delibera ting upon measures for the adjustment of the matter at issue between the North and South and when few believed that the six Slates that had then passed ordinances of secession would rarry their attempted re bellion to the point of actual war, With this important fact as to time before os, Mr. Brighl's letter is substantially nothing more than one of simple introduction, such as one acquaintance would, npon request, write to another, without he itation, and without a sinister thought or design"" It would have to be so considered by every unprejudiced mind, were it not that it addresses Jefferson Davis by his assumed official line, and thus seemingly recognizes the lawfulness of the rebel government of which he is the head. But,without undertaking, as we might do. to explain it by reference to the common practice bo common that almost every one who writes a letter has fallen into it of giving men, out of mere courtesy, the titles claimed by them, with no idea of recogni zing their right to them in an formal or offi cial sense; we submit whether the use of that address, accompanied by no expres sions or acts to show complicity with the rebel leaders, is sufficient evidence upon jrhicb to brand a man with the infamous taint of treason. It may, at the time have, indicated a feeling ol sympathy with the secessionists although we doubt even that; i but the laws do not hold men criminally answerable for their sentiments, &nd no pow er except that which springs from the spirit of persecution, has ever attempted to pun' ish them. There is no such thing as eon. struewve treason recognized by the Ameri can government. Its founders rightly con sidered that too grave a crime to be charged upon a ci izen for any trivial or doubtful cause, or to be committed in any way short of an overt act of war against it ; and there fore, in the Constitution, they defined clear ly in what only treason should consist, and upon what proof only an accused person should be convicted. Here is the consti tutional provision and nothing could be more clearly expressed : ARTICLE III. Section 3. Treason against the United Stats, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adverting to their Ene mies, giving them Aid and Comlort. No j person thall be convicted ol Treason unies j on the Testimony of two Witnesses to ttm same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Now, with this provision of the Constitu tion before him, can Br.y roan can anj Senator, with the obligation of an oath to support that Constitution in ell its parts, resting upon him conscientiously say that Mr. Bright, in writing the letter above quoted, was guilty ot treason ? We woulj willingly believe that the Senators who vo ted fcr his expulsion were actuated by a pare and single desire to rid their chamber of all disloyal taint, or even of the suspicion of it; and that their votes were cast in obe dience to the promptings of an honest and zealous, although, it might be mistaken pa triotism. Butwith the fact before us, that Mr. James E. Harvy, the Republican ap pointee as Minister ol the United States to Portugal, who has been proved to have car ried on a treasonable correspondence with Judge Magrath, of Charleston, and actually communicated to the rebel authorities of South Carolina the intention of the Admin isiraiion to provision and re-inforce Fort Sumter which information led to the overt act of treason that initialed the war with the fact before us that this man is retained in his position, without even so much as a vote of censure being passed opon his conduct; we are compelled to regard the proceedings against Mr. Bright as partizan in its origin, partizan in its prosecution, and partizan in its object as a proscriptive exercise of po litical power against a Democrat who has hitherto stood high in the confidence and honor of his party and ol the people, for? the purpose of casting odium and infamy npon the party itself. Mr. Brighl's own State had no doubt of his loyalty, else would she not long ago have requested him to va cate his seat, and, falling that, appealed to his peers to expel him ? The Senate's Judici ary Committee, composed of distinguished lawyers, a majority of whom were bis op ponents in polit cs, after a fair hearing of the charges-aguist him, reported that the proof was insufficient to sustain them. But all this went for nought. The victim had been singled out for the sacrifice before be was prejudged, and pre-condemned and, whether ionocent or guilty, he must perish upon the altar of malignant partizan ship, concealed nnder the cloak of patriot ism ! . - ' Mr. Bright, individually, is nothing to os. 'We would not hold him less ttricilv to an account, because be is a democrat, than we would one of (he opposite party under sim ilar circumstances. If we believed him a traitor at heart, in the absence of any act of his to prove it, we would disown and de nounce him just as readily . anddecidedly as we did the traitor Breckinridge. But, in the faa of bis solemn protestations of' loy alty, made under the sanction of ! his .offi cial oath, and with no word or act proven, j to contradict them ; and with the record ol his votes cast in favor of every measure es sential to the sepport of the Government in Hs prosecution ot the war, since the day that war commenced, we cannot hold him guilty without doing violence to every con viction of Justice and right. The last words he spoke as a Senator are not those of a traitor, either in thought or deed. There is nothing of bravado, defiance, or revenge, in them. They are the earnest utterances of a heart conscious of its innocence, deter mined to prove it, and content to bid the time when calmer counsels, and a less par tial tribunal, shall reverse the harsh judg ment that has been passed upon him. He has only to make good these words in his future life, to vindicate the reputation that bitter partisanship has attempted to destroy. Let him do this and the time may come, perhaps more speedily than will be agreeable to his persecutors, when the people of Indiana will return him to the seat from which he has been expelled, to plague the inventors of the scheme by which they have attempted to disgrace him. In looking over the vote on the expul sion of Mr. Bright, our readers will not fai to observe that three Republican Senators representating respectively the conservative Middle States of New Nork, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Messrs. Harris, Ter Eyek and Cowan had the independence and courage to do. right, regardless of the clamor by which an attempt was mad to drive tbem from the position that their consciences and their judgments led then deliberately to take. We cannot leave this subject without ex pressing our regret that Democratic Statu ccuaiuis euuuiu iiiito ru i iuit;u!itMi mem stdves as to follow the lead of that arch-abolitionist, Morrow B. Lowry, in his resolu tion demanding the immediate expulsion cf Bright. Those who know the man, an I his complete subjection to the most extrem i partizan spirit, will understand full we I that his motive in offering it was not lovs for the Union, but hatred of the Democrat s party. Ask him and the politicians of his class, whether they would consent to ses the war ended and the Unior restored la its former status under the Constitutor, without interference with the domestic ir stitutions of- the several States, and they will answer you, Not The object for which they uphold the war, is not yet accomplish ed. They want an abolitionized Union or none ; and they are secesioviia so far i s that they would prefer separation to reuni on with the South on the basis of 'he Cot in stitution. They are for Abolition Jirst, aid the Union next, if the two can be conjoinet ; but for abolition at all hazards. In this they, differ radically from Democrats ar d conservative Republicans, who ara for tie Union ns the first, last, and only object of w r. When Democrats, therefore, suffer then selves to be led by such fanatical dema gogues as Lowry, even to the extreme of assisting to affix the brand of treason up in a Democratic United States Sena!or, wtio'e guilt has not been proven, they follow bii id guides, indeed ! Rending Gazette. C .1 u i . r .u-i Where will the present Abolition Con gress land the country ? We are inclined to think ihey will drop us somewhsre near the infernal regions! Never heie lo'ortf iia the Legislative halls of this cob n try been infested by such a band of uapr n clp ed, iu.-at-e tyros. The majority ol tin m too illiterate and dishonorable for lamp lighters, and yet they are to be the law makers of this mighty nation in the prce it perilous day ! They show their contemp tible ignorance in every word or act wh ch they utter or perform, and what a hafpy day for the country, should old Plato muster them off to his Hack domains. They have screamed emancipation n nil the whole country has become disgusted with them, and they have been busy in concocting all the wild schemes imaginable until they have very nearly exhausted he little common sense they were once or tunaie enough to The chap who chanced to hit upon the plan of tax ng newspaper publishers a quarter or a hall a cent for each sheet they putlish, onghi to be petrified by some means and be pla:ed on Jeff. Davi.'s.pig-8ty as a vane staff, rith a sick buzzard on his head for the wea her cock Wonder whether he ain't from some remote region of Africa. The Congrsss men who would thus odiously tax the preis of this country, is a stigma to civiliza tion, a bitter enemy to the dissemination of knowledge, and the sooner he is shac led in a mad-house the better for the nation and the greater the credit to ihe author ties who do it. Liwtsburg Argus. The leak in the Treasury can onlj be 6topped by bringing the war lo an end. The war can only be brouaht to an enc by the people furnishing the Government with all the men, means and moral suppoi. re quired for that object. Congress, as the representatives of the people, are expucted to devote themselves to this great pmpose with the single aim of preserving the Con stitution from the attacks of its enemies. Congress has no power to alter the Com tita tion, and will be held lo a strict accoun tability if they facliously attempt to evade override its written provisions. At y at tempt to make this war a wat of era an :ipa tion is coun'.rary to the provisions of the Costitution, and is treason. Every ; day spent by Congress in treasonable and fac tions debate, and thus impending the Presi dent and Commander-in-Chief iu prosecu ting the war, costs the country between two or more millions of dollars. i The people demand of Congress immeliate, prompt, ; united and decisive actio a in supporting the Government in crnshin j ont rebellion and treason, whether Sotth or North. The President and the army are ready ; let Congress do its part, ami the war will speedily be brought to a gl irious termination. So may it be. Patriot and Union. ,. ,- - ' . . i Greely calls Bennett" a lying old, brag gart," and Bennett retorts by calling (rreely a 'galvanized tquash." They both jiroba bly tell the tnjth ' " -if ; " 'Getting Alarmed. The Republicans are becoming alarmed at the exhibitions of fraud and corruption which have been made in the House of Congress, and are endeavoring to throw rid icule and contempt on the action of the legislature in appointing a committee to in vestigate the alleged corruptions of tLe Re publican party at Harrisburg last winter. The determined hostility to the acion of the legislature, in certain quarters, is but the ''Muttering of wounded pigeons." If they are so very confident that no frauds were perpetrated on the lax pa)'ers of Pennsyl vania by the repeal of the tonnage tax, we are at a loss to know why such a formidable opposition should be made to an investiga tion ol the subject. The investigation has been called for by the people without dis tinction of party, and we can see no good reason why they shonld not be cratified. The Stale has been robbed to the amount of nineteen millions of dollars, and the peo ple believe fraudulently robbed, and they have demanded a rigid investigation into the causes which have led to this whole sale robbery. The Legislature is but com plying with the expressed will of the peo ple at the last election, and the hypocritical sneers which hare been thrown out against it for its independent and manly action, come pretty generally from men who . are shaking with fear at the near approach of some exposure or other which may fall with crushing weight upon themselves or friends In relation to the charge that the most of the men who have defrauded the govern ment "learned their thieverj in the Demo cratic party," we would simply say that from the reeent reports of committees of in vestigation it is altogether unecessary to go outside of the Republican party to find ex perieuced thieves. That is a fact so fully proven as not to require any evidence from us. Wheu men are kicked out of the Dem ocratic party for acts of dishonesty and cor rnption, and the Republicans take them up and place them in prominent positions where they disgrace themselves and party, it 'proves conclusively that the party which receives such men into fellowship and communion must certainly be corrupt. There is no use in trying to doge the issue. The government has been 'robbed shame fully robbed, and the Republicans have done it. During the XXXIVth Congress, four members of the House of Representa tives were found guilty of entering into cor rupt combinations in order to prevent the passage of certain bills unless they were paid for their votes. Their names were William A. Gilbert, Francis S. Edwards, and Orsamus B. Matteson of New York, and William W. Welch of Connecticut. They were all republicans. The firm of Laurence, Stone & Co , cf Massachusetts, which spent eiahty-seven thousand dollars to secure the passage of the tariff of 1857, was cDmposed exclusively of Republicans. General Fremont and his political advisers, all belong to (he same school. The Mor gans and Cummings, and in fact all 11 the tiusiy agents" ol the administration are known and recognized as members of the Republican parly. Poltsville Standard. A Horse Sell. The Harrisburg Union tell the following good story of one. of the government horses : Many incidents connected with the horse purchases for the Government will probably become matters of history hereafter, and we will add one just learned from a friend, which we think will stand pre eminent the evideuces of the honesty of the loyal men who acted as agents for that govern ment A number of horses were purchased at various prices in the Juniata region, which were examined and passed by an inspector named Sherbarne. As Government had no foraje. the horses were placed among the farmers in the vicinity to board- Among the rest, and old farmer on Shaner's creek was allotted six head. He look excellent care ol them, and was getting along finely, until one day one of them slipped his wind spirit soared away to where oats are plenty, the pastures forever green, and no driver's lash to goad him on to labor fabulously known as horse heaven. The farmer was alarmed, because, honest, conscientious man as he was he feared Government would hold him for the loss of this fine army nag. In order to clear his skirts, if possible, he summoned half a dozen of hi neighbors to hold an inquest and pof mor tem examination over the dead body ot the charger, that they might certify that he did not die of neglect or inattention. The con clave assembled, and after doe deliberation decided that the horse had died of old age ! one of the jury of inquest testifying that he had known the animal personally for up wards of twenty seven years. A Blood Hound let Loose Gen. Jim Lane the Kansas cut-throat, who murdered his neighbor in cold blood, and still goes uthung, has been commissioned to go on an expedition through Kansas into Texas, with his execrable borde of "Jayhawkers." Washington letter writers stale that he has been instructed to arm the slaves if he sees proper, and ''drive them by battalions into battle against their masters." Carb an Dem ocrat. Lane, though he may have been disposed to arm the slaves, was still subordinate to Geo. Hunter. Not being able to agree with Gen. Hunter, when he arrived in Kansas, he at once determined lo abandon his ex pedition. It will be a great benefit to the country, if Lane gets his brains blowed out, and we hope that, like the Irishman, he may soon be able to say that he, fought bled and died for his country. He is a no torious scoundrel. Exchange. Vcbt Laconic An aransin? sword pre-' sentalion was made, on the 17th, by the of ficers of the 78th Pennsylvania to their Col onol, Wm. .Sirwell. The presentation speech of Captain Gillespie was; "Here we are, and here U is. This is a bully aword and comes from bully fellows take it and use it in a bully manner." Col. Sirwell'a reply wan: "Captain that was a bnlly , fpeecli.; Let os take a bully drink." The Rebel Army at CeatreTillc. FORMIDABLE ENTRESCH VENTS. A Washington correspondent of the Chi cago Times gives an interesting account of Beauregard and ' his operations since the Battle of ful! Run. All the statements we hive had from time to time, relative to the distress and discontent existing in the rebel army, the soldiers impatient to leave the service, etc., this correspondent positively contradicts. Instead of thin he corroborates the statement of Beauregard being rein forced with 25,000 fresh troops, and that the rebel army is in excellent condition. He then continues: And it will be seen that the task which Gen. McClellan has before him in driving Beauregard out of Eastern Virginia, is quite a formidable undertaking. Why has Beauregard thus fortified Cen treville? When the Union army of the Po tomac moves, the reason will become man ifest. Centreville is the key to Manassas Junction is the door to Richmond, and it may be said, to the whole of Virginia. Examine a military map of the country, trace the roads, the streams, the ranges of hill, aud it will be seen that a Union army entering by any other door will be sure to be surrounded, cut offfiora their base of operations, aod destroyed. If the 6tror.g lines of Manassas can be forced, and com munication with this city keptopen, a Union army can advance southward, conquering as it advances, aud lay the whole country under contribution. Hence the importance of fortifying Cenlrevillo. There are iwen'.y-eix forts which are so situated as lo command every possi'de ap proach to Centreville, trom Areola, on Gump Spring road, on the left, to ihe Occoqtian River rvo miles below Union Mills, on the right. On the morning of the battle of Bull Run, the Confedarate army was posted on the right bank of that stream, from the Stone Bridge to Union Mills. The reconnoi sances made by Gen. McDowell on the day previous enabled him to cross a large por tion of his force (Gen. Hunters Column) at Sudley's Ford, a quarter ol a mile below Stone Bridge. This disarranged Beaure gard's whole plan ol battle, arid came near defeating him. The hardest fighting of the day, and till 4 o'clock in the ailernoon. took place west of Sudley's Ford and between it and the Warrington turnpike road. The two forts.then between Areola and Sudley's Ford, are designed to prevent the Ford from being used by the Union troops. The lar gest and strongest forts are called Fort Beauregard, Fort Davis and Fort Slidell. They all command roads that must be ta ken in approach to Centreville. A 1 of the 26 forts are mounted with suitable artillery. It was to celebrate the completion of these works thai the great review of 70,000 Con federate troops took place early in Decern ber, at which Jeff. Davis was present, aud at which the " battle flags" were presented lo each regiment. Gen. Beauregard's army has gone into winter quarters the same way ihat our army here ha, viz: without being ordered to do so, the men have been allowed to make themselves comfortable in huts of their own construction. Beauregards main army fully 80,000 strong, is posted in and around these forts near Centreville. The riht wing, 45, 000 strong is posted between the right bank of the Occoquan River and Acqnia Creek The left wing is commanded by Gen. Jack son at Marlinsburgand Gen. Evans at Lees burg. (The latter officer, I believe, has since been relieved.) It is said that Lees burg is strongly lortified, bnt the works though apparently formidable, are probably of the Munson Hill style. There are 12, 000 troops there, however, and 12,000 more strongly intrenched on the right bank of Gooi-e Creek. Allow me to reter to my let ter of Ja.n. 9th for an account ol whai Gen. Jackson had done up to that time. Since that time he has not only remained master of the situation, the country between Mar tinsburg and Hancock, but he has also ad vanced on Romney, driven Gen. Lander and the Union troops out of that place, and pursued them to Cumber;and,and now holds high revel in ail the country between Har per's Ferry, Hancock, and Romney. Per haps if he would go to Cumberland, Gen. Lander might give him another ' fitting re sponse." And what has Gen. Banks been doing all this time ? Really I am unable to find out lhat he has been doing anything at all, and Gen. Stone's men are helping him. "Pitchy darkness" has been so improved in after times as to read "bituminous ob scurity." On the 5th inst.. bv Rev. Franklin Gear- heart, Mr. I. W. Storr, to Mis Levenia Slack, both ol Northumberland Pa." (Sunbury Gazette, will please copy.) On the 6th inst., by the same, Mr. Calkb Barton, to Miss Delilah Crevcling, both of Bloomsburg. On the 25th ult., by James Derr, Fsq., Mr. Elijah Shoemaker, to Miss It. Long, both ol Pine twp., Columbia county. On the 4th inst., by Rev. F. Gearhart. at the Exchange Hotel, in Bloomsburg Mr. A J. Crawford, to Miss Alon Beaker, both of White Hall. On December 20th 1861, by Rev. J. W. Houghawout, Mr. James V. Keeler, of Mt. Pleasant township, Col. co., to Miss Tar m eli a B. Steven, of Cambra, Loz. co. In Centre twp , Columbia County, Pa., By Rev.J. R. Dirnm, on the 25th, nit., Mr. Elijah Kisnilr, to Miss Matilda Roup, all of the above place. Also by the same, at his residence in Bloomsburg, on the 6th ult., Mr Emanuel L. Kelchner, to Miss Sarah C. Hagenbuch, all of Centre township, Columbia County, Pa. DIED. In Centre township, Columbia county, on Monday last, Mr. George P. Miller, aged about 45 years. In Wilkesbarre, January the 26th 1862, Mr. Charles B. Drake, aged about 47 years. In Philadelphia. ?5th ulU aged 45 years, Johm S. Dve, formerly on the West Branch (Pi.) country. In Greenwood township, Columbia coun ty, on the 30th ot January last, Mr. Edward R. Albertsos, aged 40 years, 4 month and 27 days. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES OF THE rOIJNTV OF COLUMBIA Pa., FROM THE FIRST DAY of JANUARY. 1861. to THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1862. fTUIE Auditors elected to seilU and adju! the public acconnts ot Columbia county have examined the same from the 1st da of January, 1861, to the lt dav of January 1862, and respectfully lav before the Hon orable the Judges of the Conrt or" Common Pleas, ihe following statement and report, agreeably to ihe 22d Section of the " Act of ihe General Assembly pi ihis Common wealth, pissed the 4th day of April, A. D., 1834." JOHN A. FUNSTON, Treasurer of Columbia county, in account with said county : DR. J-m. 1861, To n xes ontslandinz, $7143 37 do Ho cash in Treasurer's hand 2055,48 Jan. 7th, To cash of J. J. Karns, land redeemed, 3,77 Feb. 5th, To cash of S. F. Headley, land redeemed, 46,14 Feb. 6, Tocah of W. Cole, old iron, 11,18 Feb. 9, To cash of J. Galbrailli,.and rdeeired, 22,17 June, Am't of Co tax as'Jforl8fil, R789.48 do do State tax a'd for 1861, 8401,69 do Am't cash ree'd from military ass'd 1861. 71 08 0t. To ten day assessment, 5.48 Nov. 12, To cah of A. Lilley, J. P., on slf of an eptray, 2,12 N.iv. 12 To cash received for use of Court Room, 8,00 Dec. 18, Interest on Note of S Ney- hard, adm'r of B. Hayman. dee'd, 10,73 Dep. To No'e of B. Hayman's adm'r, 26 24 To interest of the' same, 4,13 26601,06 CR. By amt outstanding for 1861 and pre vious yearp, $7225,05 By exonerations allowed collectors 26S 25 By commissions, do do 880 87 By orders redeemed, 9134.70 By Treasurer's com. on S9000,PO, 360 00 By balance on the abatement a per Anditor Genl's Report, dated Mar. 28th, 1861, 26,03 By am't of State tax paid State Trea- urerJnlv 24th, 1861, 8290,13 By cash in hands of Treas. due co., 421.03 26601,06 EXPENDITURES. Assessors pay, sprin2a?sesment, $340,89 do do trieniel assessment, 429.03 $769 92 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -Am't paid Coiiniy Asr Societv, $100,00 AUDITORS AND CLERK. Am't paid Auditors and Clerk, 40,50 Am't paid W. Wirt for auditins Pro- thonotary's and Register's ac'ts, 12.50 $53.00 BRIDGE ANP ROAD VIEWS. Am't paid sundry person. SI 10,00 BLANK BOOKS. Am't paid fnndry perion Mk books, 597,63 BOARD OF RELIEF. Am't paid Roanna Shafer, 810,00 do Elizabeth Smethers, 10 00 do Mrs. Ka'e Mahoney, 10.00 do Margaret McGirr. 5 00 do Mary J. Thornton, 5,00 do Mrs. Patterson, 5,00 do Mrs. Diehl, 5,00 do Mrs. Taylor, 5 00 do Mrs. Fowler, 5 00 do Mrs. Mary Jane Manning, 5,00 do Mrs. Eck, 5.00 do Rosalinda Warner, 5,00 do Sarah Simons, 5.00 Paid S BalJy fcJ. Evans, B of Relief, 6.00 686,00 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Amount paid sundry reron. $396,23 CONSTABLES' RETURNS. Amount paid rt ths several courts 86,30 COURT CRIER. Am't pM court rrir dnrinz the vear S54,00 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. P?d Ann Long, cleanius court hou6eSl7,00 COUNTY BUILDING. Am't paid for repairs done to county bni'diti". dnriuu ihe year, SI 13,09 JURORS WAGES AND MILEAGE. Paid Juror at the several coorts, PRINTING. Wm. 11. Jacoby, Levi L. Tate, A. B. Tate, f'alemon John, S853.26 S130 59 61.36 72 99 39,50 3i4,44 S156,92 5164,38 51,16 PENITENTIARY. Paid Eastern State Penitentiary, PRO'f HONOTARY. Paid Jacob Eyerly, POSTAGE. Amount paid Palemou John. ROAD DAMAGES. Paid William Cole, Benton, do Jane Sheep, Madison, do Mrs. M Barton, Hloom, S15,00 35.00 300,00 do Jame banke, Sect, do . John Melick, do do Peter Melick, di do Jacob Stetler's heir, Madison, do' Wesley Bowman, Orauge, do Jacob Asti, Benton, do Aa:on Kester, jr., Mt. Pleasant, do John Smith, Benton, do Denni Parel, Bloom, do Gross & Kuhn, do do Stephen Kulin do do John Wntts, Greenwood, do Mrs. S. A. Petrikui, Bloom, 60,00 20,00 40.00 10,00 10 00 20 00 10 00 7.00 75 00 25,00 25,00 10 00 50 00 12,00 S400 00 2lft,66 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. John Ent on coiitract, David Savage, Amt paii? do 618 ti6 BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amt paid sundry persons lor repairs, S279,22 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERK. George Mitler, $149,50 Joseph R. Patton, 184,00 William Lamon, 179.50 Chailes H. Hess, 13,50 Robert C. Fruit, Clak, 400.0n 926,50 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY. Am't paid John G. Free-, Att'y. $60,00 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Amt paid E. H. Little, Dim. Att'y, S97,00 ELECTION EXPENSES. Spring election swearing officers etc 408.05 Special election, 295.90 General election, 29 SI 154,24 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS Amount paid sundry persons, FUEL. Amount paid for coal and wood, INCIDENTAL. Amount paid sundry persons, $106,97 548,33 $37,01 Am't paid Lycomina Insurance co. 825,77 INQUESTS. Amt paid sundry persons for holding ' . AAA A a inquests during the year, sjo,u- REGISTER & RECORDER. Paid D. Lee, recording Trea. bond, $,00 do do for copying alphabet to Mortgage Book, S0n0 SHERIFFS BILL. Am't paid John Snyder for conveying Clark Price et. al. to Penitentiary 281,00 P'd J. Snvder board &c. lor prisoners 345,83 Paid Josiah H. Furoiao lor boarding nriaouera &.C. 26,90 653,73 SURVEYOR. Paid Solomon Neyhard lor Surveying, and makinz mp for county, 59t,27 Taid P. W. Shafer, survejing co. line between Col. & Schuylkill cun'" 75 Oil STATE ROAD AND CO LIN'B. Paid Js. Masters running S ate road through Pin township, 51,50 Paid George Mark et. al. mourns o. Hue between Columbia & Luzerne. 30,00 SSl.oO TIP-STAFFS Amonni pa'd hi p several rrurts, 31,00 "TAXES REFUNDED. Amt of road and poor taxes returned to townships,' 65 Amount to John Bind, 33. SI38 98 Whole amt of orders isoed 186 1, iM)9r.6) Deduct amt of laxes refunde l, 138 98 Expenditures for the year 1861, 956,62 We, the nndendyned Auditor of the cc. of Columbia. being duly elecdio adjust and settle the acroonts of the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carPMiy examined the acconnts and vouchers of trie a me. from the first day of J inuary, A D 1861, to the firot day ol Janoary, A D., l6i, do certify that we find them rorreel set forth it ihe foregoinj statement, and that we find a balance due Columbia county of FOUR HUNDRED &TWEFTY-QNE DOLLARS AND THREE CENTS, from John A. Funs ton. Treasurer ol said county. Givon under oor tiandt this seventh day of January, A. D , 1862. GEORGE M HOWELL. ) n JOS. B. KNITTLE, Vom?lT JOHN F. FOWLER, Al,d'- Attest DANIEL LEE, Clerk. We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia county, do cert'fy that the fore ijoins; is a correct statement o ibe accrru.its of said county lor the year 1861. In testimony whereof we have hereunto "el our hands this eevenlh day of January A. D. 1&62. JOSEPH R. PATTON, ) Comm's WII LI AM LAM ON, J of CHAR LES H . H ESS Col. Co, Attest R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. ' . ApproveJ by ihe Court, Feb. 4th 1862. STEPHEN BALDY, ) A-o;ite . JOHN M.:REYNOLDS J Judges. Commissioner Orfice, ) 'Bfvimsburg, Feb. 5, 1862. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. TTHE annual meeting of the Teachers' Association ol Columbia coumy, wtl( be held at the Academy, in Bloomshorg. ; on Saturday the 22J insi., at 10 o'clock AM. There is some important bosines to be transacted, and measures are in progre to secure a good attendance and mki an interesting meeting. Prof Walker will at teud, and there will he addrss-e. e-av4 and riitcubsinns on several important topic. All teachers and friends ol Educational diffusion are respectively invited to attend. U. J. CAMPBELL, Febrnary 12. 1862. Cot. Seee'y. HOOKS & STAT I OX K 11 Y. William G. Perry, Bookseller, Blank Book Manntm tnrer, and Dealer in Imported snd American Station ery, and Photograph Albums, S. W. cor. Fourth and Race, Phitada. Hlank Account Books, FoOLS-CAP PAPER, LETTER, NOTE, Bill, Sermon and Drawing Paper, Curtain and Wrapping papers, Envelopes, Pencil, Slates. Backgammon Boards. Ches, Gold Pen, Family Bible, Hvmns. Prajer Rookn American, English & French Inks. Pocket Books, Writing Desks, &c . &r , all of which are beinc sold at very lor price foi cab. Wm.G. Peiry, S. W. cor 4rf,&R-ce, Phi'a. Blank Books of the Best Quality, can be boogrt at low prices, in wv-ry vari ety of sly le of binding, ai Wrn. G. Perry's Account Book Manufactory ,-S. W. cor. 4'h and Race Streets, PhiU'a. Family Bible. A large assortment? t-ellinn at very low prices for cash. Wm. G.Prry. S. W. cor Fourth & Race Si r-e'. Buy Win. Perry's Steel Pens, the beet and ch-apest in the market. Wm. G. Perry, S'ationer, S. W. corner Fonnh & Rare si s (moocI Books Selling t a hruin. Purcnaers buying Books, and Stationery for cab, ran pur chase rnucf below w holesale price- at S. W. cor. Fourth it Race. Wm. G Perrv, Bookseller and Book Binding ' Of every description execn'e l in the best style. Person havin: books in quantity that need bnu'ina. can have them hound at the present lime al very low rates. None but experienced workmen are employed in my establishment. Wm G PERRY, Book U nder and Sali ner, S. W. cor. Fon nr. & Race Sts, Phil ad a. December 18. 1861 -4m. tUXIR PR0PYLAMNE, v . rs During the past year we he,ve introduced to the notice of the medical profession of his country the Pure Ciystalized Chloride of Propylamine a a REMEDY FOR RUECJIATISM ! And having received from many source, both from ph)sicians of the highest stand ng and from patients, the most Flattering Testimonial of !: Item Yatu in the treatment of this painful and obsii na'e disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com mend itself to who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medi cal practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been exten sively experimented with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with MARKED SUCCESS (a will ap pear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) HT It is carefully pn op ready fcr im mediate ose, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the drnasist af 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemist Philadelphia, Pknna. Philadelphia, Jcne 26, 1861 lv. Ayer's Cherry PectoraL IIIRA51 C. UOiFEU, . SURGEON DFXTIST. Office near WiUon't Caning Mirp,Man S4