1 r W. U. JACOCY, ProprleloiV Truib and Right God and our Country Two Dollars per Annua- VOLUME 14. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1862. NUMBER 5. 1 1 i u :1 in.- pj IWKllrlo STAR OF THE NORTH mUIIIID (TIBT WIMIIBiT BT we. u. n co Br, MSfflce on Sain St., Srd'Sqnare below SaTfctt, ' TEKMS: Two Dollars pr annum If paid 'within six months from the time of 6ubscri- j ting: two dollars "and filty cents if not paid ; within the year. No subscription taken for. a less period than six mourns ; no mscon. tinnar.ce permitted until all arrearages are maid, unless at the option of the editor. 7k terms of advertising tcfl 6e crs folloibs ; One square, twelve lines, three times, St 00 SSvery subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months, ........ U 00 One year, .... 3 CO Choice pocjrg. " TAB GARDENER- AXD TUB MOLfc. A gardener bad watched a mole, And caught i: as it left its hole. Mischievous beast '."cried he, "to harm The garden as thoo do9t the farm ! Here thoo hast thy wicked will Upon my tulip and jonquil.? Behold them on ttj lira Wed bed Dishonor'd, Drooping and half dead I" The mole said meekly in reply, It was my star it was not I, To undermine is mole' commission, We hold it justly from tradition, And all the earth that lies near ours It given us by the Higher Powers. We bear of coonies and of hares, ilut when commit we thefts like theirs! We never touch the flowers that blow, And onlv bulbs that lork below. 'Tib true", where we have run. the ground Is raised a trifle, uot quite sound ; Yet after a Sew days of rain, Level and firm it lies again. Wise men like you will rather wait For these than argue against ' Tate, And quarrel with o moles because We simply follow Nature s Jaws. Ve raise the turf to keep as warm, Surely in this ye see no harm ; Ye break it up to set iheceoii A fo.tres or perhaps a crown. Ye in the cold l.e all the n-g?t Under thin tents, at morn to fight. Neither lor horned nor fleecy cattle Start we to mmgte in the battle. Or in their pastures shed their blow! To pamper idle churls iib food. Indeed w do eat worm what then ! Do not thee very worms eat raer. ? "We never kill or wound a brother, Men kill by thousands one another : AuJ though ye swear ye wish for peace, Yonr fend a. l watfate r.ever ceae." Such home-brought troths the gardener, Though ruild by nature, could not bear, And lest the mole might more have said tie chopped it head off with the spade. LI nXE EDDIE, TUE DRUMMER. A Reminiscence of Wiisei'i Creek- Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune Camp Benton, December 20 -A few days before our regiment received orders to join Gen Lyon, on bis march to Wilson' Creek the drummer boy of our company was ta ten sick and conveyed to the hospital, and t)D the evening preceding the day that we were to march, a negro was arrested within Ihe lines of our camp ani brought befere t)ur Captain, who asked biro, What bosi Tiess he had within the lines V He replied 'I know a drummer that yoa would like to enlist in your company, and I have come to tell you of it. He was immediaiely re quested to inform the drummer ihat it . he woeld enlist for oor short term of service he would be allowed extra pay, and to do ihia he must be on the ground early in the morning. The negro was then passed be yond the guard. On the following morning there appeared before the Captain's Quarters, during the beating of the reveille, a good looking, mid dle aged woman dressed in deep mourning, leading by the hand a sharp, sprightly "ooking boy, apparently twelv or thirteen yers of age. Her story was soan told She was from East Tennessee, where her hnsband bad been killed by the rebels, and all her property destroyed. She bad come to St- Louis in search of her sister, and, not finding her, and being destitute of money, he thought if she could procure a situation for her boj as a drummer for the short lime that we had to remain in the service, she could find employment for herself, and per haps find her sister by the time we ere discharged.;. ; During the rehearsel of her story the little fellow kept hi eyes iotently fixed upon the countenance of the Captain, who was about to express a "determination not to take so small a boy, when he spoke oat, "Don't be afraid, Captain, I can drum." This was spoken with so much confidence that the Captain immediately observed with a ini!e, u Welt, well, Sergeant, bring the drum.' and order oar fifer to come forward." lc a few moments the drnra was produced, End oor fifer, a tall, rouad-shoaldered good catered fellow, from the Dubuque mines, who stood, when erect, something over six feet ia height, soon made his appearance. - Upon being introduced to his new com rade he stooped down, with his bands rest ing opon his knees, that were thrown for ward into an acute angle, and after peering into the Utile fellow's face a moment he observed, "My little man, can yon drum !" Ves, sir," ha replied, "I drummed for Captain Hill, in Tennessee." Our fifer im mediately commenced straitening' himself upward until all the angles in his person had disappeared, when he placed his fife in fci3 month and played the "Flowers of LJenboroogb," one cf the most difficult things to IcHow with the drum that could a?3 Lean selected, and nobly did the little felloe follow him, showing himself to be xr icir-r cf the'drsa. When the mnsic cess cd cur Cap'.aia turned to the mother, and f I ?er?sd, "ilaJaa, 1 will take yonr boy. "Edward Lea," she r';-!i?d: thea ptactr.? her hand con tha Captaia tra, the cter?eJ, "Captain, if he is not killed " here her maternal feel- j ings overcame her utterances, and she bent j down over her boy and kissed him upon the forehead. As she arose she observed, J Captain, you will bring him back w.th j you, won i you y "ies, yes, ne repueu, ' we will be certain to bring him back with os. We shall be-discharged in six weeks" In n 'hour after, "our company led the! hrwa Ffrst out of camp, our drum and fife playing "The girl I left behind me." Ed die, as we called him, soon became a great favorite with all the men in the company. When any of the boys had returned from a horticultural excuision, Eddie's share of the peaches and melons was the first apportioned out. During our heavy and fatiguing match from Rolla to Springfield rt was often amusing to tee out long legged gier wading through the mud with cur li;tle drummer mounred upon his back and al ways in that position when fording streams. During the fight at Wilson's creek I was stationed with a part of our company on the right of Tot ten's battery, while the bal ance of our com pany, with a part of the Illinois regiment, was ordered down iuto a deep ravine upon our left, in which it was known a portion of the enemy was conceal' ed.with whont they were soon "engaged The contest in the ravine continuing some hours. Totten suddenly wheeled his bat tery opon the enemy in that quarter, when they soon retreated ro the high ground behind their lines. In less than twenty minutes after Totten had driven the enemy from the ravi:re, the word pasned from man to man throughout the atmy, "Lyon if kill ed," and soon alter, hostilities hav'u gceaed upon both sidfs, the order cam for our main forces to lall back upon Springfield, while a part of the Iowa First and two com panies of thn Missouri regiment were to camp upon the ground and cover the re treat next morning. That night I was detailed for guard duty my turn of guard closing with the morning call. When X went out with the officer as a relief, I found that my pot was npon a high eminence that overlooked the deep ravine in which onr men had enaed the k ' ' . ' Bnemy until Totten's battery came ,me to meir i assistance. It was a dreary, lonesome beat. The moon had gone down in the early part j of the night, while the stars twinkled dimly through a bazy atmosphere, lighiing up j imperfectly the surrounding objecte Oc casionally I would p'ace m ear near the ground and listen lor the sound of loo.steps bu: all was siknt save the far ofl howling of the wolf, that seemed to scent upon the evening air the banquet that we had k eea preparing for him. The hours passed slow- ly away, when at length tne morning l.r,t began to streak along the eastern J, King snrrounuing oojecis mo.s F..u.j t. ble. Presently 1 heard a drum beat np the j morning call. At first I thought it came j from the camp of the enemy across the r creek, but as 1 lislened t lound that it came 1 op from the deep ravine; for a few minutes , it was silent, and then as it became more j light I heard it again. I listened the sound s of the drum was familiar to me and 1 knew that it was Beating for help the teveille. I was about to desert my post to go to his , .. ... ,v' the guard approaching wan two men. We ,, " , . , i .- r i ' ad listened to the sound, and were satisfied r.,,- , , i i, i ' that it was Eddie's drum I asked permis- ... . ,1., sion to j:o to his assistance. Ihe otncer: hesitated, saying that the orders were to m arh in taonlv mtnnfna I nrnmiAAtl tn i ....... j l , t' be back in that time, and he consented. I immediately started down the hill through the thick undergrowth, and upon reaching ! 1 the valley I followed the sound of the drum, and soon round him seated upon the ground ( bis back leaning against the trunk of a fal- lea tree, while his drum hang upon a bush i r.--.. r h;m roa-hinr. .,-arir irt ih I ground. As soon as he discovered me be jdroped his drumsticks and exclaimed : "Oh, Corporal, 1 am so glad to see you ! r - . Give me a drink," reaching out hta hand for my canteen, which was empty. I im mediately turned to bring him. some water from Ihe brook that I could bear rippling the bnsbes near by, when, thinking that I was about to leave, he commenced crying, saying: "Don't leave me Corporal 1 can't walk." I wast-oon back with the water, when I discovered that both of his feel bad been shot away by a cannon ball. After satisfy ing his thirst, he looked up into my tface and said: "You don't think I will die Corporal, do you This man said I would not he said the surgeon could cure my feet." I now discovered a man lying in the grass near hm. By his dress 1 recognized him as belonging to the enemy. It appear ed that he had been shot through ihe bow- els, and had fallen near where Eddie lay. Knowing that he could not live, and seeing the condition of the boy, be had crawled to him, taking off his buckskin suspenders, and corded the tittle fellow's legs below the kaee. and then lay down and died. While , he was telling me these particulars, I beard i the tramp of cavalry coming down ihe ra I vine, and in a moment a scout cf the enemy was upon us, and 1 was taken prisoner. I requested the officer to take Eddy np in from of him, and he did so, carrying him with great tenderness and care. When we reached the camp of the enemy the little fefiosv was dead. 1 1 is no-v, about two weeks since 1 made my escape from McCulioch'e grap. 1 Lave re-etilisted for the war, and as we are likely to be in camp for same time, I may writs again cf cnber scenes through which 1 hare passed A Long Story Briefly Told, There wa9 a cer,aiu king) who nke a ny Easlern fcingB Wa9 ver, fonj of hearhg florie8 ,0,d; To thi, arnu8eraent he gave his . b wa9 nevef 8aUfilML "Tjje exertions of all his couit'rers were in vain ' He at last, made a proclamation, that'. if any man should tell him a story that should lat-t forever he would make him lis heir, and give him the princess, his daugh ter, in marriage ; but if any one should pre tend he had such a story but should fai that is, If the story did come to an end, he was to have his head chopped off. For such a price as a beautiful' princjas and a kingdom, many candidates appeared; and dreadfully long stories some of thsra told. Some lasted a week, some a mocth, some six months. Poor fellows ! they hll spun them out as long a? they could; but in vain. Sooner or later they all camii to an end, and, one after another, the unlucky story tellers had their heads chopped of. At last came a man who said he had a story that would last forever, if his majcBly would be pleased to give him a trial. He was warned of his danger; they old him how many others had tried, and lost their heads; but he said he was not afraid, ind so he was brought before the king. He was a mar. of a very composed and delib erate way of speaking, and after mating all requisite stipulations for time for his eating, drinking and sleeping, he thus be gan his story : Oh, king ! there was once a king 'rho was a great tyrant. And desiring to in crease hi riches, he seized upon all the com and grain in his kingdom, and pit it in an immense grar.ery, which was l ailt on purpose, as high as a mountian. "This he did for several years, till the granary was quite full up to the top. He then stopped up doors and windows, and closed it up on all sides. "But the bricklayers had ; by acci lent left a very small hole near the top of the, granary and there came a flight of locusts and tried to get all the corn ; but the hole irn sn cmull thai nnltf nni InriiRl cnuln rasa through at a time. So one -locust we it in ... nrul frrin.t nf nn Train of porn, and lhan .() off , . . . went in and carried off another grail of , ano,hir ,. wanf ;n an,i ' carrieJ off a,l0incr Erain of corn, and then ( in am, off an j q aJ ano)her ,cuM .u anJ carried off auolhef gfa;n o ( j one oc thus from morning till j whgp hj eugageJ at fof abo0, a monlhf whe lhe kmX) ,hugh j tery patient king, began to be a little . . f . I(jCllfil. and ilU-iruD,ed hit sto- ry with "Well, well, we have heard enoo h of the locusts, we will suppose that they have helped themselves to all the corn that they wanted. Tell us what happened afterwird.'"' To which the story teller answered very deliberately: "II it pleases your majesty, it is inipos- ( sible to tell what happened af'erwani' be fore I have told you what happened finl." And then he went on again "And then a locust went in and csrried off another grain of corn and then another . locust went in and carried off another grain . . o corn, and then another locust went in and . . , carried ofl acother grain of corn." ... u, ineKi:ig liteneu wnn unconqueraui a jjt- tience for six months more, when he igain interrupted him with, r ' ' Oh, f"end, I am weaYy of your locusts ! How soon do you think you will have done?' To which the story teller made answer J "Oh,'king, who can tell, at the ti ne to which ray story has come, the locusts have j cleared away a small place, it may be a cubit, each way round the inside cf the j hole, and the air is still dark with ! costs J on all sides. But let the king have patience, . , . II I f j anu no uouoi we snau come io ui. B.u . i mem in ume. Thus encouraged, the king listened lor another full year, the s:ory teller goirg on still as before 5 "An then another locust went in anJ car ried off another grain of corn, and then an- other locust wen in and carried off at other grain of corn, and then another locus! went and carried off another gtatn of corn, till at last the poor king could bear it no l.nger and crid out "Oh, man, that ia enough! Takj my daughter! Take my kingdom! tak my everything, everything; only let me hear no more of your abominable locosts V And so the tory teller was married to the king:s daughter, and was declare! heir to the throne, and nobody ever expressed a wih to hear the rest of his story, Iir he , said 5t wa imros6ible to come to the other part of it till he had done with the locusts. The unreasonable capriece of the fwlif-h king was thns overmatched by the it geni- ous device of this wise man. i Oil. Refinery Burned. The oil re3nery of Mr. S. M. Keer, on Ewalt street in Law renceville was destroyed by fire last night. The accident occurred through the acci t'ei tal upsetting of a tank of benzols, the contents of which communicating wi h the fire, were soon in a blaze. The fire turned with great fory for some time, and slnded in ihe total destruction of the building : The establishment was worth bat little, aed the quantity of ben2ola destroyed wa Tery small. Twd hundred dollars will probably cover the entire loss. No insurance. 'Pitt burgh Chrcmdi. . A Dead Party. -Is the Republican party dead ? We infer so from the fact that its leaders are afraid to call a convention in this Stale. The his tory of that party in Pennsylvania is instruc- L live. It is a history of fraud and deception. Before the campaign of 1856 '.he Republican party proper could not poll more than ten thousand votes in the city of Phila., and its strength throughout the country districts was in about the same proportion. In the Presidential election of 1856 Republicanism was disguised by fusion wi'h Americanism and since that time it has never dared to make a fair, open fight with the Democracy under its true name. In the elections o' 1858 and 1859 this state was carried against the Democratic party by all thoe opposed to the Buchanan Administration this cir cumlocutory phrase being used for the pur pose of fusing factions by the attraction of a common antipathy which could not have been united upon the basis of congenial opinions. In the election of 1860 the Re publican party, still afraid to prosecute the campaign under its true colors sought ref uge and concealment in the name of ' Peo ple's Party," and now in trie year 1862 the elements composing this organization are about to undergo another change. The People's Partj is worn out, effete, rotten. The managers must devise some startling novelty some fresh attraction something to amuse and gull the innocent public, and perpetuate the power of a circle of huck stering politicians, who have not the cour age to stand by their true colors. This fact is suggestive of the incapacity of the Republican party to sustain an ad ministration of its own choice. Even when in power they are an opposition party, rec ognizing the Democracy as a centre against which to combine Their only idea of a political organization, is to defeat the Demo- . . p t-i t cratic party. Ine incapacity oi tne uepuo lican parly to sustain the Administration of its choice is clearly illustrated by passing ) events. Mr. Lincoln eucounters the great est trouble from men of his own party. They oppose his policy and give his admin istration all the trouble it has to contend against. While the democracy are support ing the government without making any noise about it, the Republicans are perpet ually wrangling and squabbling about the policy of the Administration. They seem to have entered into a conspiracy to dis credit the Administration. They have plon- derad the treasury to the extent of millions j Pn, opium is in Java for the Moham upon millions of dollars anlii this infamous edan and Chinaman. A European of the buoiness culminated in the withdrawel of a ! lower clasps many sit in his ta.nproom and cabinet Minister and the substitution of a debase himself by his sotushne, ; but he L-emocrat-yes, a Democrat who belonged j Joes it with an upro-nou merriment whtch to Mr. Buchanan's administration. Repub- would make 008 hink he was reaI1 haP" licanism as a governing power is a failure j PJ- Pi of the headaches and dehrwn -asad and miserable failure. What won j may know are in store for h.m. t-aiUr. rd dfat in the future and are seeking some refuge from the com inn atnrm ! l hat wonder that they are . . r un;, willing to give up the name of Republican . . ... .,. ni and enter into 3n alliance with any set oi . .u --r.il i ti,. men mat win enuure meir leiiuwsiup : " Republican party is dead yes, foul and re pulsive. Fat i jot If Union. Gov. Lctciibr's Mkssgb On the 6th inst. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, sent his me-sage to. the Legislature of the State accompanied with a letter from Governor Brown, and the joint resolutions recently adopted by the Legislature of Georgia, in which they declare that the separation of the latter State "is final and irrevocable, and that they will, under no circumstances, en tertain any proposition from any quarter which may have for its object a restoration or reconstruction of the old Uniou on any terms or conditions whatever." The message is an extraordinary 4 State paper;" a portion of it imitates the style of our Declaration of Independence, substitu ting the name of President Lincoln for George the Third, in setting forth his griev ances. The Governor is full of fight, and m-niTa-i- a ft!rit nf rpkts Harincr and a " E de(errninalion ,0 conquer or die. One of his closing paragraphs is the following : "The occarrences of the past nine months have demonstrated conclusively that we cannot live together as equals under the Government of the United States; and the j habituaj violation of the provisions of the j Constitution, and the open disregard of the J Jaw8 by p,esident Lincoln and his officials, rerKjer governmental association between us " impossible. Mutual confidence has been succeeded by mutual distrust, and mutual good will by mutual aversion No government cau be enduring which does not pos"ess the affection and respect of the governed. It cannot be that the people of the Confederate States can again cetertain feeling of affection and respect for the Government of the United Slate. We have, therefore, separated from them ; and now let it be ur.derstcod that the separation "is and ought to be final and irrevocable" that Virginia will, under no circumstances, entertain any proposition, from any quar ter, which may have for its object a resto ration or reconstruction of the late Uciou, on any terms and conditions whatever." Got Letchef, of Va., In art official state ment, says the amount elpended by the Slate of Virginia for war purposes, since her secession, exceeds six millions ot dollars, and that every demand againt her has been considered and disposed of, add that every demand allowed, has been paid on presen tation at the treasury. A smile rhay be bright while the heart is sad the rainbow is beautiful in the air while beneath is the morning of the tea. Two heaps ofMantire. The fessbh inculcated by the fallowing from the pen of Hon. F. H. Halbrook, in the New England Farmer, is one of the great value to the thinking farmer : "How true is the remark of Mr. Ccke, late Earl of Leicester that the value of farm yard manure is in proportion to what it is made of. If cattle eat straw, alone ; the cattle are straw, the farm is straw, and the farmer is straw they are all straw together. Not long ago I had four come to the stable in the fall, which 1 thought might yeild a good supply of milk through the winter if well fed. I also had foar other animals, cows and heif ers, which were not expected to give milk till the following grass season. The first four were tied in the stable side, and receiv ed each, in addition to hay and stalks, four quarts of small potatoes each morning and two quarts of corn and oat-meal each even ing during the winter. As we expected, they gave a good mees of milk, and came out well in the spring. The manure of the four cows was thrown out of a stable win dow under the cattle shed by itself. The other four animals were tied in the same stable next to the first four, and received only hay and corn fodder. Their manure was thrown out by itself at the next stable window, at.d under the same bhed, so that the two heaps lay side by side. The heap that was made by the first lour cows that weredaily messed with potatoes and meal, kept hot and t.mokin,j ail winter, and wts wholly free Irom frost. The heap made by the other animals that had only hay and stalks, showed no signsof termetation and was somewhat frozen. Observing this diffe rence from time to time, curiosity prompt ed me in the spring to app'y those two heaps of manure separately, but in equal quantities, side by side on a piece cf corn ground. The tuperority of the corn crop where the manure from the messed cattle win applied, over that were the other heap was spread, was quite apparent and striking and called my attention more particularly than it was ever before directed to the im portance of feeding out our best or richest product if We wouldhave the best kind of manure lor our lands, and targe crops from them." the Opium Shops of Java. What spirituous liquors are for the Euro- i in an opium neii an is sun as me grave. A mntky lamp spreads a flickering light through the low-roofed suffocating room . in , which are placed bae-bae or rough wooden ... . tables, covered with coarse matting, and ... . . , i divided into compartments by means of ; -. - bamboo reed wainscoltin; The opium smokers men and women lost to every sense ot modesty, throw themselves lan guidly on the matting, and their head sup ported by a greasy cushion, prepare to in dulge in their darling vice. A small burning lamp is placed on the (able, so as to be easily reached by all the degraded wretches who seek forgetlulness or elysium in the fumes of opium. A pipe of bamboo teed, with a bowl at one end contain the opium, i generally made to do service for two smokers. A piece of opium about the size of a pea, costs a sixpence (a day's wages ;) but it is sufficient to lull, by its fumes, the senses of the smoker. These fumes they inhale deliberately, re taming them in the mouth as long as they can, and then allowing them gradually to exhale through their nostrils. Alter two or three inhalations, however, the opium is consumed, and the pipe falls from the hand of its victim. At first the smokers talk to . each other in a whisper, scarcely audible ; but they soon become otill as the dead. Their dull sunken eye gradually become bright and sparkling their hollow sheeks seem to as sume a healthy roundness a gleam of sat isfaction, nay of ecs'.acy, lightens up their conntenaces as they revel in imagination in those sensual delights which are to con stitute thei' Mohammedan paradise. Ener vated, languid, emaciated, as they are in fact, they seem and feel for the time regen erated ; and though they lie there, the shameless and impressive slaves of sensu ality and lust, their senses are evidently steeped in bliss. Aroused, however, from iheir dreams and delusions the potency of the charm exhausted, driven from their "hell" by its proprietors see them next morning walking w'nh faltering step, eyes dull as lead, and cheeks hollow as coffins, to their work. A beautiful young lady, only daoghter of rich parints, cut ol all her long golden tres ses one night last week, while in a som nambulistic state. She was quite put out at the army style of her bead in the rooming, but was soothed by the barber, who prom ised a wig of the locks which should defy detection. The occurrence took place at Cincinnati. Upon the 19th of May, 1790, the mem orable dark day, a lady wrote to Dr. Byles, as follows: "Dear doctor, ; how do yon account lor this darkness 1' ' He replied, "dear rhad&rri, tainlat mttch in the dark as jria.we." SlXT WiD OX THE SHORE. From Punch Breathless and blue stood Sixty-two On the brink of Time's great ocean, Where together the Vast and the future are cast. In a world of wild commotion. The little poor fellow looked blue and yel low, With frost and with fear he shivered, As wave on wave did roar and rave, Till the very rock it quivered. Jump in! jump in"! said Sixty- one, As out of the spray he straggled, With battred legs and bleeding feet, And salt hair ooze-bedraggled. 1 Jump in! jnmp in ! The waves beat strong The Spring-tide mns a brimmer, The sky is dark and the night is long, Brave time for a sturdy swimmer! " Now out and alas !" said Sixty two, That 1 this sea must swim, Above me the shroud of the storm swept cloud, Around me the sea-rack dim ! The Past flows out in sorrow and doubt, Dark rolls the future in ; Through the merry moeic of Christmas time I haar the death bell's din. Oh, woe is me that my lot should be This night to put from shore, Against the wrath of a darkling sea. With his baby arm for an ott I With never a moon to give me light, And never a pilot star, Only the white of the foam crest bright, And the harbor lamps afar. Oh. scant of faith ! In mild rebuke Even as he spoke, o'er head Oji burst the light of the gentle moon, And broad on the waters spread. Then Sixty two his trust he'kr.ew, That still there was liaht on high And with sodden leap he took the deep, And breasted the surges high ! Iloa. Simon Cameron Retired." Unw ih RdDtiblicans trv to smooth over Cameron'sremoval Irom the Cabinet. They j saj he only " retired." Thit'sonnds very nice, but there are many who will not swal low such misrepresentation. He was com pelled to resign. The Sunbury American, one of Cameron's tools seems to speak &s it were by authority when it say: Gen. Cameron, we know, contemplated ! I months ago rearing from the laborious and responsible duiies of the War Department ( as soon as he could conveniently do so. Strange that Simon could not find it "con venient Vo do eo" until he had his pockets and those of his friends well lined and the Government well nigh broke up by robbing the Treasury! Cameroncoold no longer stand the storm of public indignation that was gathering round him. His place is now filled by Mr. Stanton, a democrat. What a commentary upon the Republican party, when they must take a democrat into the Cabinet! The Harri.-burg Tzlcgrnph, one of the meanest and most unscrupulous Abolition papers in the State, and one of Cameron's leading tools, says: " Amoug the immediare friends of the distingu'n-hed ex-Secretary ofWar, it is well understood that he occupied that posil'on with grea'reluctance, and that it has been his determination for a long time to retire from that department as soon as be had ac complished all the good in j hi power, for the immediate organization of the army and the future success ol the.slruggle to crush the rebellion." " As soon as he had accomplished all the good!" Just 6ee with what irapudentcom pUcency these Republicans can talk about the deposition nla political scoundrel from a high place. How they try to let him down easy! This is the same'Simon Cam eron whom oor neighbor ot the Post so zealously urged for the Presidency in 1860. Had Simon been made President, how won-drou- fat some of our wide-awakes would have wsxed ! Selinsgrove Times. Mas. Partington Visits the Cii or the Flvino Artillkrt. " Mister Century" said she to the guard at the gate, " is this the Camp Meeting of the Pennsylvania Voluntaries "Yes," replied the sentry smiling, " this is one department, the Flying Artillery de partment is over on 'he hill." "Oh," said she " this is the light infantile corpse, is it i When is the artillery going to " Why, ma'am," aid the guard, "the artillery is moved by horses and wheels, as jou see that gun now moving." " Oh, I thought it was one of the wings of the army !" The old lady soon left, thanking the sen try fot hia attention. Learn id childhood if yon can, that hap piness is not outside, but inside. A good heart and a clear conscience bring happi nesa which no riches and no circumstances alone ever do. A jolly old doctor said that spedple who were prompt in their payments always re covered in their sickness, as they were good Customer, and physicians could not afford to lose them. A good hint and a sensible doctor. Why ia a vain ynans ladv like a con firmed dronkered 1 because neither ol them is satisfied with the moderate use of the glass. A man advertises for a "competent per son to nndertake the sale of a new rnedi- , cine and adds that it will be profitable u h world-one where bis sweetheart i, 1 to the wderluUr." No doubt of H. the other where the bnu Saddening Words iVere are many euphonious words in ihe English language more perhaps than ia any other modern tongue except the Italian of which the sound so harmonizes with the sense, that they charm at once the ear and the heart. The voual body, so to speak with which the sentiment iskclothed, seems as appropriate to it as a lqvely countenance to ihe possessor of a beautiful mind. Home,', 4 Love, ' Slumber,,.'Cares8,?i 'Wel come,', Wiong to th 'category, but 'ft is -fn certatn pathetic expressions that the agree ment of sound and sentiment strikes os as most perfect. Poe said that 'Nevermore was the most mournful of all words, Byron gave the same melancholy pre-eminence to 'FarewII,' and Dr. Johnson thought that of all phrases 'The last' was the most touching. 'The last look' 'The last sigh 'The last of earth ;' these are certainly solemn and effecting utterances, but w think, with a'late writer, that there is ma.i real pathos in the word 'gone' than in an other in the language. To nse a Spanish, or rather Moorish, metaphor, it is ,'full of tears.' t How it appalls the sensejand deso lates 'the heart of "the weeping watcher when spoken, ever so softly, in the cham ber of death. Gone h cut s'off all hope. It vibrates on the air like the tone of a pass ing bell. Gone, foreverj! what four sylla bles in any language comprehend co much of mystery, and desolation and woe. Gone says the lone mother when the dark angel has borne away the last lamb of her fair flock, 'and I am left alone, alone !' 'Gone-, shrieks the distracted widow as she reads the name of her heart's idol on the death scroll of war. 4Oh, husband, that I had died with thee ! Gone, sobs the strong man, as he totters, weak as an infant, fro '.a the room where the wife of hisjbosom lies cold and pulseless. Ah ! it isaword of sorrow even when spoken ofjthe absent who'may return but as applied to the unreturoing dead, there ' no elaborate; sentence that ever was carved on totinb.'or monument so full of genuine pathos. Yet there is a connection in which it imparts consolation to the be reaved. If we can sav'trutnfuily 6r those who have left os 'Gone, gone to the bt ter.land,' andihcpe and believe that wo haI1 3,ecl lhera where lh,cr8 ar8 no raor 1 1 partings ana tne language oi sorrow is on known, we shall not ret use to be comforted, because they are not, Shells To the uninitiated this is a word of stapls and harmless significance. NeU ther bivalveSf.uuivalves, however, and by no means to the recipients safety-valves, but iron-framed and faty.filled are the shells in which the army is hearing such constant repor's, and which form a curious species in the natural history of war. "Shells," says Major Joseph Roberts, in his " Hand book of Artillery," are hollow sphers of cast-iron powder, which is ignited by means of a fuse, and a fuse is a small cylinder or conical shaped piece of wood, metal or paper which i filled with a slow burning composition, and is inserted into a hole in the shell. The rate of burning of the fuse is graded according to its length, and is so arranged that the fire shall be communicated to the mo ving missle at the proper moment. When fireJ at troops the shell should be timed to burst directly over their heads or amonr them, when fired at buildings or works, it should explode after it had penetrated. To vary this family of shell, we have spheri cal case shot, filled with leaden bullets and a charge of powder just large enough to burst it, canister shot a tin cylinder, iron headed filled with ca;t iron ba'ls, grape shot, consisting of nine balls in a bag or confined cylinder rings, and numerous others ingenious as dangerous. No former war has tound such virtue in shells as has the prresni. McClellan declared that this would be an artillery war, and that meant chiefly shells. Anecdote or Simon Cameron. A Penn stlvaniati now in the army, relates us a traditional anecdote of the Secretary of War, which is probably as true as the posthom ous stories of juvenile days of great mea generally are ; and we therefore put it on record for the benefit of his future biogra pher. It was the bbstc'm aforetime in Penn sylvania for mothers to place an apple, a silver dollar and a Bible before their chil dren, as soon as they were able to toddle about and, with a mother's interest watch them make their choice. It was considered indicative of their more matured predilec tions. In accordance with this custom, the mother of the infant Simon, as soon as he was able to stand on bis pins, produced the articles and set them before the child, hoping in heart he would select the Bible. But not so Simon. The future Secretary of War took a somewhat diliberate view, and with less reverence ihan King Alfred mcunted a Jop of the Holy Writ, pocketed the dollar and commenced munching the apple ! It is needless to add that he has been at that business ever since CIn. Enq "Facts are stubborn things," said a law yer to a female- witness. "Yes; sir, and so are women," she replied ; "and if you get anything but of roe just let me know it" "You'll be committed for contempt' said the lawyer. "Very well," said she, "I shall sorter justly for I feel the utmost contempt for every lawyer present." To the lover there are bat two places ia J w il