STill OF THE NORTH Wednesday KorniDfT'jaaaiiry 23, iSfiJ. 'Se new aJvertt.-emeals ia to dav's pa iper. Coi. Wright ha onr thanks for a copy of the Congressional G'obe Blnk ot all detrcriptions 10 te had at 'this office cheap for cash. Opt mfhbkrs, Messrs. Tatk and Tcttom, "fhave our .hank for legislative Records. AiicRiw S CHOsstEY, will fell a town lot 'end booea, situate ic this place on Tuesday 'next. A Cotillion Pjhty will be held at the 'Public House of George L. Shoemaker.. in 'Buckhorn, on the evening ol the 3Ulh ins'. We were visited, on Tuesday last, by Tjtiite a smart fall of tnow, which has help 'ed ihe'ileighirvg in places amazingly. Persons knowing themselves indebted to 'us for publishing administrator's uotces will please come forward and tenia the Jeame- We ire ever ready 10 execute all kinds of job work with iieatness and despatch Oar facilities for doing work are equal to that of any establishment n this section. 'Ant ptRSOS having a couple of shoals to ell would do well by calling upon'lhefedi itor of this journal, he being desirous of purchasing a pair. Ilr.NRT 0 Mcre, Republican, has been re elected State Treasurer, on Monday. Th Democrats supported Wm. V McGrath. The Union Democrats voted for Dr. James R. McClintock on the first ballot. Wk are pleased to learn that the Hon Paul Leidyof Danvillp, has so far recovered 'from a severe spell of s ckness as to be about again. At one tfme faint hopes of his recovery were entertained Cpr W. Silver, commander of the Key stone SviaTp Shooter, a company organized in ihia Borough, has been home on furlough during ihe present week. II reports the Berwick boys in good health Betw'uk Cuz Th remains of a Volunteer by the name 'of Bkigcs, irom the lower end of Lnzerne 'county, was bronght to Berwick on Thurs day list. We know not of vhat company he was a member, nor the natnre of the disease which caused -his death. lb. Prof. Shins, of the Orangeville Acade my, delivd an add'ess in ihe Court House, at this place, on Tuesday evening of last week Suhjec: !-The Progressive Idea''" We did not bear the address bnt it is raid vhul it "Mrs? -a-el! deiirered and was Very eloquent." We have effected an arrangement wi h a 'responsible person in PniiaJelphia, so as to abl to have " job of binding exe -u ed uron "short notice and at a reasonable figure. Those having binding to do would do well "by feeing ns in relation to the matter befoTe engaging it done elsewhere. The Ferroary Number ol the American Jgiiculturi&t is an interesting one, contain ing the most choice as well as the most in teresting matter that could possibly be fur nished for a work of the kind Orange Judd publishes the best Agricultcral peri odical that is issued in the fJYiiteJ States Terms, one dollar, in advance. Ov fur nnlaldo f lY-.a Ktd tv'ill Ko fnnn.l ' an address which was delivered by E. Oppenwum, of DanviiU, before the Van Camp Lodge No 140, at their annual gath ering in their rooms, at this place on Tues day the I4ih inst. It is a pretty good pro duction worthy of a careful perusal. H. S Goodwin, Superintendent of the Cattawissa and Williams port Railroad, will please accept our best wishes for that "An nual Ticket" sent os, which entitles us to "pasfe free" over the above mentioned road ooiil the 31st of Dec. next, unless otherwise urdere.d. Cockt. The regular term of onr Februa T Court commences next Monday, and du ring its continuance we expect to have the pleasure of & paying call from quite a nom ber of our delinquent friends. Walk in, gentlemen, and settle your accounts, and commence the New Year on the square, for we are sadly in need of all that is coming to ns. While the Republican managers at Han. rkburg are endeavoring to work the ele ments of opposition to the Democratic parly into some new shape, the Republicans of Philadelphia, under the lead of Wm. B. Thomas, Collector of the Port, are purging the Republican party of all its allies who ere not straight -up and-down Black Re publicans. . Black Repcblicav Argumsnt A corres pondent of the Money Luminary goes over tome at ' ion statistics stale and stupid try-J-r-o!3frv3 that 347,525 slaveholders in the south, are fiS"'in? against 22,844,351 citizens of the United Siate3. The day for ruch blockheads to figure has gone by Llack Republican statistics do not figure cp e!l in a revelation.---Northumberland County DsrnoctcK T3 Susqoshanna Conference of the Er. L'Jthersrt Synod of East Pa. will convene cn ihe 3rd of February next, in the Lutheran Church cf this place. Preaching by the ra enters, may be expected each evening daring it ' session. All besiness will be transacted with open doors. The public generally an J neighboring ministers especi a"v ar-i to at'.snd. A conference is i).3 fxzziUn edefiauc:-.! body in the Loth eran church an i is a subordinate branch of the di?::icl Synod which again, n subordi , -2 to t'h-e Gar.eral Synod of the U. Th? ccsfi r?::ca cc-afainss fis'.cea rr.m;ar." ORANGEVILLE ACADEMY, NORMAL S C HO O L AND CG3I3IERCIAL 'INSTITUTE Ot angn'i te, Columbia CtiuMy, Pennsylvania. rpHE Third Term of the present Academ-- ic year of the Orangeville Male and Female Academy, will commence on Tues day, February 4th. 1362 ; Prof. II. D. -WALK KB, A. S1, Principal. NORMAL DEPATMENT. In the arrangement of Classes, the con rue of fctudy and instruciion.'iBn'd the examina tion and graduation of pupils, in this de partment wtll conform 10 the State Normal NihooU of Pennsylvania and to ihe views of the State Department ol Pu blic "Schools . Ihe Institution will be under the charge of Prof. H. D. Walker, A. M., as Principal, who as a Scholar, a Teacher and a Lecturer, is too widely knovvn to need any recom mendation. The Trusteed have spared neither pains noe expense to secure the service ot a man 'in 'Whose integrity and ability they have entire confidence; and they are determined that the sohool in the advantage which it proffeis to the public t.hall not be surpassed by any similar in stitution in the State. Arrangement have also been made 1,0 connect with the Insti tution a COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE In which the coarse of Instruction wiil b as complete and thorough as in the best Com mercial Colleges. S udents, also who are destrotfs of pursuing Classical or select studies will have, as in Ihe Siale Normal Schools, the needed laeililiea and instruc tion. The preparatory and model schools, on der the direct charge of the Principal, will comprise pupils whose age or attainments do not quality them to pursue the studies of the regular cla-ses. In this department there will be furnished to the teacher stu dents who are qualified for it, 'an op ponuniiy tor practice in the Art of Teach ing, and for learning ho.v to organize, arrange, and instruct a school, in such a manner that under their direction onr pab lie shall become truly model Schools. Lec tuies on ihe Theory ami Praetic of Teach ing will be given to the Teacher students weekly Public Lectures will also be given Semi-Monthly. Tuition, per Session, of eleven weeks : For Ihe fir! grade 'S4 00; Second grade $5 00; Third grade $6 CO ; Commercial Department 15, full course. Oue half the Tuition is required to be paid at the opening of each Session and the o:her half at the close; unless by agreement; no dedartion made for ab sence except inca-es of continued illness. Boarding ami furnished rooms will be given Student at two dollars per week. Tne-e are also rooms to let for those who wish to board themselves. All the text books used in the Institution can be had in trie place at the usual selling price. "For further particulars address the Principal or E. Lazarus, James Patterson, C. Bmenbender, Wesley Bowman, J. S. Woods, Samuel Achenbuch, Wiliiam Fritz, Board of Trustees. Orange viile, Jan. 15, 1862. SUliKIFFS SA LES. By vitue of several writs of venditioni exponas issued out of the Court ol Common I'lras ol Columbia county to me directed, -.nil b exposed io iut!c sale, at the Court H ise on Alonriay the Zd diiy cf February, 1862, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fol low inc teal estate to wit: AH that Cf rtfiin tract of land. Situate in Sugarloaf townhip, Columbia county, bounded ami descnoed a- follows to wit: O.i the Nor.h by lands of Jacob Fri'z. on the East ry lands of John Lewis and David Lewis, on the South by lands o.' Ezkiel Cole, on Ihe west by lands ot Kzekiel Col and Andrew Laubach containing two hun dred and lotty lour acres be the same more or less. About one hundred mid forty acres of which is clea'retl land, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling house a two story plank dwelling hnus a large fram bank barn, a lrauie waaon shed a Hone spring house, a stone out hou-e, a cider house and other out bmhlings, al-o one other one and ahalf siojy fratr.e dwell ifi2 house a frame bam and ot'iei out boildinifs, al-o a lare number of Iruit tree with the appurtenance. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Laubach. AI-SO, at the same time and place, all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in ?Migarloal twp., Columbia county, con tain" ing Seventy Three Acres, about 20 acres cleaed land, bounded and described a follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Miles Sutiifl, on the south by lands of Phelondry Herrinston, on the east by the Comity line ot Luzerne an J Col. counties, and on the west by T. Q. A. Stephens, whereon are erected a one Siory Log Dwel ling Hoos, a log barn with the appr.rte naoces. Seized taen in execution and to be sold as ihe property of Oren Parks. i I At tti nam tini and nlace. all that certain lot of ground, situate in Espy- town, Scott township Columbia county, Pa. bounded on the north by Alain- Street ot said town, on the east by lot of B. i. Doan, on the soutb by North Branch Canal, and on ihe west by lot of Joi n Kressler, con taining ono third of an Acre, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house wirh a kitchen attatched 10 it. A frame Mable, a frame carpenter shop and other outbuildings with the apuurtenances. Seized taken in exe cution and 10 be sold as the property of George Vausickle. JOS1AH H. FURMAN, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Jan. i5, 1R62. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. J10CTOR THOMAS V. CHAPMAN will send to all who wish it (free of charge) the Recipe and full directions for making and osing a beautiful vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove Pimple, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, &c, &c, leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful r also full di rections for using Pelatreau's celebrated Stimulant, warranted to start a ?!! growth ot Whiskers, or a Mustache, in less than thirty days. . Either of thw above can be obtained by, return rr.ail, by addressing fwilh siatnps for retorn postage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chem ist, 831 Broadway New YorK. January 15, 1862. 2m. rr H E CON F ESS IONS and EXPERIENCE 1 of a SUFFERER, Published as a warn ing, and for the especial benefit of Young Men and those who soffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premttnre De cay, &c, &c, Lc, by one who has cored httr.felf by simple means, after being put 11 great ' expecse and inconvenience, ihroozh the nse of worthless medicines -rescribed by learned Doctors. Sinsle copies may be bad of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoiut, Long Island, by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope. Address CHARLES Ai LAM BERT. Esq., Greaapomt, Long Island, Mew York. January 15, 1852- 2m. Court Proclamation, . YfUEREAS the Hon. Aarou K. Peck- f ham. President Judge of' the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Del v efy,. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peai e, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, comp is, ed of the countiesof Columbia, Sullivan a ad Wvorninr, and ire Hons. Siepjien Baldy and John McKeynolds, Associate-Judges, ot (lo lumbia Co., have issued their precept, ber tngdate one thousand eighteen hundred and sixty one, and to me "directed for hold in ; a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peaje, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in BI001 is borg. in (he county of Columbia, on the t rst Monday (beitr the 3rd day) of Febtusry, next, and 10 continue one week. - Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, he Justices of the Peace and Constables ot lie said'Couiity of Columbia, that they be tl.en and theie in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon ol said day, with tteir records, inquisitions and other remembran ces to do those tnings which to their offijes appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute aga nsi the prisoners that are or may be in the , Tail of i-aid county ol Columbia, to be then uid there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested 10 be punctual in tlieii attendance, agreeably to their notice, di led at Bloomsburg, the 28th day of Dec, in ihe year of our Lord one ihousar.d eight htinc'red and sixty-one. and in the eighty-sixth jear of the Independence of the United State of America. (God save the Common wealth.) JOSIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff's Office, ) SlirilT. BlooniBburg, Jan. 1, 1862. J Grand Jurors for Feb. Term 162. Bloom E. Jackson Thornton, Stephen H. Miller. Biiarcreek Josiah Thorn as, Levi Rioard, Daniel Martz. Beaver John Singley. Benton Jacob Welliver. . Fishingcreek Joseph D. Ronvan. Green wood Francis Eves, MathiasKine. iiemlock Charles Neihan, Aaron Smith, George Drebach. Locum George Mowry. M:fflir. Lewis Eckroth, Charles Klii ga man. Maine 'Wm Longenberger, TJariiel Y Iter. Montour John Quick, Mount Pleasani John Ruckel. Orange Samuel Beidleman. Suiiarloaf William Hdss, Emanuel Lau- ba h, Samuel Fritz. Jan. 1, 1861 Travcrs Jurors lor Feb-' BS. Bloom Andrew S. CrosIey, Marlm Rup ert, Leonard B. Rupert, Joseph Weaver, William Bowman. Beaver Conrad Erwine, Moses Schlijher. Briarereek Auns-us B. Pearce. Cattawissa John Martz, Johh Ritter. Centre James Warden. Co.nvnaham William Rohrbaclc. Franklin Jeremiah S. Fahrtnger, Wi liam Mensch. Greenwood Samuel Bosart, Jaob Erans. Hemlock James Emmiit, Levi Wrig' t. Jackson Michasl Remely. Locust Peter Helwg, William Goodman, Samuel Adams. Maine Michael Grnver. MiflLn John Heller, John Masieller. M'. Pleasant Jacon Goho, Erie Iklei. Madison Conrad Kramer. Orange Isaac Yoeum, James Harman. Pine (ieorge Welliver. Scor James Luke, Charles Fowler, Samu el Hagenburh. Sugarloal William Mostellar, Josiah Friifc List of Causes Feb Term, 1S2. 1 C) rus Barton vs Hiram O Fowlm et al. 2 Soldaihiel Fkai vs Khza Eck'oat. 3 Toftfif-eiid W.Kahlet, vb Danie Nej hard. 4 Andrew Creveling vs Andrew M elicit, et at, 5 I'hilip'Wintersieen, vs Valentint Witi tersteen. 6 baiah Shuman, admr. vs Jacob L. Shuman. 7 James SheilJs, et al vs Isaiah Sruman 8 Richard B Menaali vs John Ginger. 9 1 1 utit Thompson, ei al vs A. B. learce. 10 Daniel F Seyoert, vs A. B. IVarce. 11 Henr Wells, vs George Kmley.Jr. 12 Wilson Ager, vs John Palion 13 Michael B. Brown, et al vs Ja nes J. Dull. 14 Clinton D. Herring, et al vs Da liel F. Sybert. 15 Michael Fogle, s Peter Camplell. 16 Thomas C. Robison, vs Wiilian Fau sey. 17 Thomas C. Robison, vs Williato Fau sey. 18 Thomas C. Robison, vs William Fau sey. 19 Samnel Witaker, vs Margaret Shiih. 20 Nathan TaIor. et al vs James Lake. 21 Frederick Dudy, vs Ludwig 3ngcn heimer admr. 22 Charles Tomltnson, vs the Extcutors and heirs of A. B. Wilson's, admr. ax 23 Henry Traoh, vslhe West Bra ,ch In surance Company. 24 Jacob Burniugsr admr. vs John man. 25 Snrriuel J. Bealer, vs Abrahim W. Robbins et al. 26 Jacob Eyer vs Abraham Klaze 27 Abmhain Klaze, vs Jcob Eyet. 28 Jesse W. Merrill, vs Henry Ale. . 29 David W. Clark, et al vs Lackiwanna and Bloomsburg, R. R Co. 30 Frederick Nicely, vs Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R. R. Co. 31 Daniel Rollers Ex. vs Jacob Kistler, et al. 31 John R. Merrill, ts Samuel W. Garri son. 32 David Lee, et al vs Samuel L Bettle. 33 Sylvester Pursel, vs Levi L. Ttte. PUBLIC NOTICE F0K LI: ESSES. ,TOTICEis hereby given that the lollow- inz oersojis. in Columbia counrr, have filed their petitions ir. the Court ot Quarter Se-sions, of the said county, for Javern License, in their respective to'vnships, which said peteiions will be prem'ed to the said Court, on Monday, the 4th day of February, A. D. 1862, ol which all persons interested will take notice, and ihe License will be granted on Wednesday the 5th day of February next, at 2 o'clock p. n. Applicants. Townships. E. & A. P. itnangslj Tavern, Fishi igcreek . Jacob M. Fry, do. Greenwood. John Leggottj do. Gn en wood. JACOB EYERLY, - Clerk. Bloornsborg, Jan. 15, 1862. Public Sale OT- A HOUSE AND LCT. rytHE undersigned will expose lo public sale in Bloomsbora, on rue way, ihe 4th day of February, 2862, at 2 o clock in the afternoon, U ' A CHICK HOUSE AND L)T, sitDate on Centre Street, Bloomsbj ig. The lot is in good condition, and wel planted with desirable fruit trees and shr ibbery. The boost is new, twenty eight b jr seven teen feet, and well built. . - The conditions of saii will be reasona ble, and made known on day of Hi by ANDREW S. CROSS! Y, Or Peter Biilmeyer, Aittioneer. BiComibarf, Jan. 15, 1862. t li BOOKS & STAOTIOWEHY. Willian G. rrrey, Bookseller, Blank Book Manufacturer, and Dealer in Imported and American Station ery, S. W. cor. Fourth and Race, PhiUda. Diaries for 1862, BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS. FuOLS CAP Paper, Leiter, Note, Bill, Sermon and Draw ing Paper, Curtains and Wrappers, Envel opes, Pencils, Slates, Backgammon Board's. Chess, Gold Pen, Photograph Albnm, Family Bibles, Hvmns, Prayer Books, American, English & French Inks, Pocket Books, Writing Desks, &o.&c , all of which are t eing sold at very low prices fot ca h . Wm.G. Perry, S. W. cor 4h'&Race, Phila. Family Bibles. A large assortment selling at very low prices for cash. Wm., G. Perry, S. W. cor Fourth &"Race Stree's. Buy Win- U Perry's Steel Pens, the best and cheapest in the market. .. Win. G. Perry, Stationer, S. VV. corner Fourth & Race sts. Cool Books Selling at a bargain. Purchasers buying Books, Stationery and Holiday Goods for cash, can purchase much below wholesale prices at S. W. cor. Fourth & Race. Wm. G. Perry, Bookseller and Stationer. Book Binding Of every description executed in the best style. Persons having books in quantity ;hat need binding, can have them bound at the present time al very low rates. None but experienced workmen are ernplojed in my establishment. Wm. G. PERRY, Book Binder and Stationer, S. W. cor. Fourth & Race Sis, Philada. December 18, 186l.-4m. DAKjLIIYG' AND Are pure vegetable extracts. They enre all biliou disorders of th human system Tl'Bi- rponlate and invigorate the liver and kidnevs : ihev give lone to the d gestive ! organs ; they re-julate the secretions, ex cretions and exhalations, equalize the cir filiation, and purify the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Djspep-ia, Piies, Chi'.ls and Fevers, Costi venes or Looseness are entirely controlled and cured by these remedies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and bilious deposit Irom the stomach and bowels, regulates the liverjand kidneys, removing every obstruc tion, restores a natural a d healthy action iu the vital organs I is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much belter than Pills, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS I a superior tonic anddiunic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in 'he side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding pile, and general debilitv. ' READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 18 4 Fidtun street. New York, wri'e, AusM 18, 160: T hau. hun urlir!0i1 ivi'ti nilew ani'nm- ! & 111-' uUIUv u .... . punied with bleeding, the fast three years ; 1 used DARLING'S MVEI! ISKUlaATOB Anil now ronii'er irijselt entre)i cured." Hon. Jonn A. Cross writes, 'Brooklyn, March 15, I860. In the spring ol 159 I took a severe redd, which induced a violent lever. I took iwo doe ol DAM.lNCrS LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and lever at once Pievions to litis a lack, I had been troubled with d)spepsia several months; I have lelt noihiiiu o( it since." Oii Siudlev, E-q.. 128 Easi 28ih Street, N.Y., writes : ' A ugui 13. 18601 had a difficulty with Kidney CnmpUi'ii three ears, with constanl pain in the soall cf my baek. 1 had tised mosi all Ktno- ot meoi ctnes, but found no per.nareul relief until I S DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, and liife II i Iter?. I passe, clo' led blood by the uret r. I am fow entirely cured, and take plea-uie in rei'ommeinlina these remedies " Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Cristonher Si reel, N. Y.,writte: "Feb. 20, I860. 1 have been subject to attacks of Asthma ihe last twenty years. 1 have never found anything equal to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief. It is a tbor ocsjh Liver and biliou remedy." Mrs Young, of Brooklyn, writes. "Feb. 28, 1860 lit May last I had a severe at tack of Pile, which confined me to the house. 1 took one bottle ol Barling's Iiie Bilfcr$, and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since.'' D Westervelt, Esq., of South 5th, near 8th Street, Williamsburg, L I., writes- "August 5, I860 Haing been troubled with difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, 1 was advised Dy ajrien l to ir DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so. and found it to opera:e admi'ably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activitv. I have also ned i' a a ' FAMILY WEDICIXE. When our children are out of sorts, we give them a I'etv drops and it sets ihem all right. I find it meets the general warns of the stomach and bowels when disord red " Reader, if yoo need eiiher or buth of the most excellent Remedies, inquire for them at ihe stores; if you do not find them take no other, bu t incloe One Dollar in a fetter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be sent accord ing io your directions by mail or express, post paid. Address, DAN L S. DARLIXG 102 Nassau Si.. New York. Put up in 50 cent and $1 Bottles each. November 6, 186l.-6m. SKLLMRG OFF AT COST. A FEW COATS, Pant and Vests Shawls Boys' bqpts, &.C., will be sold off at cos', by L.T. ShARPLESS Notwithstanding the enormous prices which Cotton Goods. G.ocerie &c., de martd, I am determined to thow the snpe rinriiyofihe CASH AND READY PAY SYSTEM, by selling goods at lower profits than ever before. - JUST RECEIVED A lot of floor Skins, with ihe (amous Enreka attachment ihe utility of which will be read ly seen upon examination. A LOTOFCAtlCOES.neat style-, which will be sold at price varying Irom 10 to 15 cts. LADIES' MOJOCCO HEELED SHOES atSl:25. ALSO, the Balmoral Skirts, a conveni ence which every lady should possess. GROCERIES will be sold at she lowest profits, with all o.her goods, at L. T. SHARPLESS?, Cheap Cash S;ore. Bloornsborg, Jan- J 5, J 862. SOMETHIXGTOit THE flMES ( a nfxessi !'y in f.vkut hojjs.khuld! i .toe: tvs a-. e;isi ivi ) AJHEBICAN ( EM EM' GLUE The Strongest Glue in the VVorld. The Cheapest Glue in the World. The Most Durable Glue in ihe VVorld. The' Only 'Reliable Glue in ihe Wotld. T!ie Besi'Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE Is '.he the only article of the kind 'ever produced which H ILL WITHSTAND H ATER. II WILL MEND WOOD, Save onr broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND-LEATHER, Mend joor Harness, Sirups. Bella, boots &C IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save" the pieces ol that expensive Cut Glass Bottle IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don'i throw away that broken i very Fan, it is easily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups ami Saucers can be made an good a ew IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked or.l ol your Marb'.' Mantle run be pn on ffron" us ever IT W ILL M EN I PO RCEL A IN, No matter if that brok n Pnct er duJ no cost but a shilling, a shdiing saved i ! a shillitiii e.ii ied. . IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and jou can't match it, menu it. it will nev etshow when pn' together. IT WILL MEND BONE. CORAL LAVA AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Any arid Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show Ahere it is mended . sis a or C2s a S3 "Every Hcni-ekeeper should have o sup ply of John- & Crosley's Cement Glue.'" New Yoik Times. "It is so convenient to have in Ihe house." New York Expi ess. l't is al vdijc ready ; it, is commends it to every body.'- Independen' . "We have tried ii, ami find it as useful in our house as water." Wilkes7 Sprit of the Times. economy is Wealth. $10.00 per year saved in every larmly by One Bo"le of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer ts per Bo'ile. Pric 25 Cents per Bitl. Price 25 Cents per Bolde. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Boule. Very Liberal Reduction to Whole sale Buyers. T E RMS CASH. t" For ISale by all Drnamsts, and Store keepers .'ertera!y th mr.a limit ihe t-(tti(iry J on a & ci:osm;y, (Sole M .lMl!rtClurr-r-.) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Lttieny street. NEW YORK. Important to ILnse Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies Iici oMani t Fanner. To uli whom this mny tonrern. and it concerns erei-y hnhj. JOHNS f KOSLEY'S IM I ROVED (il ll A PER H A. Tt.e Ctiea,ie-l ai.O tnol linrao'e Kootji in ile IT IS FIRE AND H'AtER PROOF. It can be a.ipl'ed IO New an I Oi l R ;l- of AH kinds, s eep or flat n ' to Shingle Rnolf wi'hoi'l reirnviij (, Shi- ule. THE ( OST IS ONL A : OUT ONE-THIRD Til VT OFTEN AND IT LSTWlCE AS DURABLE Thi ar icle ha t-e-ii thofonoly ipd jti New York City an. I all parts of the United Sia:e-. Canada. West Indie arid Cr-mral and South America, on Build in-j 'd all kind-, such s Factories. FoondriesChnn-h-e. Ran Road Depots. Cr, ami on Puhlic Boihliim generally , Government Bmldiou &c, by 'he principal Builders. Architect and other-, during the pai f--ir ear-, a'.f has proved lo be it,e CHEAPEST a ii. I MOST DURABLE ROOFING n-e ; it i id every" repec a fiire, 'ater, weather aii' TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF; ALL KINDS. 7Ar he ONLY matertil r.iitiuf.e'vi e l i the United Stales vv filch !: ii. e very desirable pro, erte of El ist icily ,md Dura bility, whu-h are nn ivera l v ack mwvi ;e-t to he ,,o.sts.c.' by GUI TA PKKCHA an t INDIA RUBBER j iVo Heat is required in innki'tg titrdi- ! cat i tii. The expense of apphing It is trifling, a- an ordinary Ibof can be covered wid ti'i- ished the some day IT CAN BE APPLIED BV ANY ONE. nd when finistieit totm a pctfectly Fi-e Proof suffice with an eluc body vihich cannot be injured tn Heat. Col I or Storms, Shrinkng ol Roof Boards, nor any extent! ali on vv ha ev.r. LIQUID GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coa'in'j Metals ot all Kind when ex posed to ;he ac'ion of the Weather and For Preserving and Ji'pairing Mttul Hoof of all Kinds, This is t tie only Composition Known which will successfully rei.-t extreme changes of climates, for any lensth ol lime, when applied to me'als, to which it adheres firmly, tormina a body equal lo three cdats of ordinary pain:, co.-m much les and will LAST 1HREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irom its elasticity is not icjnre t ty ihe con traction ol TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden change of the weather. It will net CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN W A R M V E A I H ER A N D W ILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roots can re readily repaired with GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT, at d prevented from further cor rosion unit leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Riot for many years. i This Cemen' is peculiarly adapted f ir the preservation of Iron Railma, Stoves, Ran ges. Sates, Agricultural Implements, &c , also tor eneial manulactnrers u-e GUTTA PERCIL1 CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Rools or every description, Irom i.s great elasticity, is noi injured by the con traction and expansion ol Meials. anc will not crack in cold or run in farm weather. These materials are adapted to all cli mates, ami we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any cart of ite country, at short lor GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, reaty prepared tor use. and GUTTA 'PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, with full printed direction lor application. JIG E STS WANTED. We wdl m-ike liberal and rattfictpry arrange menis with rtsptntilde puties who would eke lo eitablith themseliies inu Lucrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can sive abundant prOot of all we claim in lavor ol our improved Roofing Materials, have applied trtem to several thousand Roofs in New York Cmv ami vi cinity. JOHNS & ChOSLEY, Sole Manufacturer, JFhohsaU Warehouse 78 fftlliam St., Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be famished on application; October 16, 186 l.1y. GREENWOOD SEMINARY ANT), COLUMBIA COPNTT -.- ATMILLVILLE, PENN'A. In portant Additions X IinproTem'eiif? Antiimti TPtm lo ommence august 1? riMUS Institution which has' been in sur -I cessful operation for the past ten yean, is a'briut'uiidergoiug a very important ler ovation, in order io place ii on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present (acililie whien are nbt'surpasBe.-', by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Peuns) Ivania. Amcng the impro v'errienis will be a larsje three storied budding "which will give much ad ditional room and aieater conveniences lor bnaideis; a com rood ions hall for a lecture room aid public -xercisfs, convenient class rooms, a library and radiri room contain in a cabinet ot minerals t and enriosities, tath mom vc. An experienced and honicu hly qualified classical teacher and lecturer wd he ai the head of the Board cf Instruction, hot the 'principal will have the uetieral siiperintende:;ue of the institution an I ar-ii'oe ;,i.liar of tlie duties of leach iii!. Reiinlar lei-Hue., will be delivered ij(.oti viirioiis cjenn'rii; subj-ci, as well a upon di" theorv and practice ol teachin". and a Normal Class f,f young men ainJ wonien who wish lo qualify themselves ior teachers' profession, will receive e.-pecial at'eution and assistance. The cr urse ol Instruction in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace ihe various branches ot a prac tical education. Ample provision will be made for the study 'of the higher Mathe mattes, the elucidation of Physics, and the Natural Sciences, by means ol suitable ap paratus, ar.d for the study ot the latin Greek, and German languages, to enable students io qualify themselves for commer cial ami scientific pursuits, or lo enter any class at college: The conndy location of this SemlnaYy in a plessanl village, in a healthy and flourish inj neighborhood, well known for Ihe ele vated lone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupils are not surrounded by those demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our cities, larger (owns and many oiher localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention Irom liter ature and ihe work of mental culture, pre sents attractions and inducements to con siderate 'parent emulous students, seldom found surrounding large school- and acad emies. The Literary Soci-ty aUo, ore of the old est and best conducted in this section of country, present's an attractive feature and useful auxiliary, to a practical education. The improvements will be under ihe immediate charge of an efficient Board ol Trustees, appointed by the Seminary Com pany and w ill be completed in time for the Autumn term, io commence the 12ih of Anjinst next. While thankful for pa-l patronage we wish to merit a 'continuance of similar fa vors, and as we intend io include a higher grade ami wider range of instruction, we rr-pectfolly solicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Term : Boarding, wanina, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarter of eleven week, will be Thirty Dnl.-jrs, one hall iiayah'e in advance the o!hr half an I all imbon bill bills will be exjieced prompt- anon ol each quarter. It at t )H cxpira Vent's : V 'anting, with fun'i-hed morns, one quarter 22,00 Tuuioti in common Enjdish branhce 5,00 41 - ;4 t t( including Mathematics and Book Keein b Doubl-r Entry TiiiiiO i in La in, Gret'k, and German extra Waiiiti2, L'i:hN am! incidental ex-p-ii-e-, otie (jn-ir er. 6 00 1 00 3,00 Those who ifesire in procure scholarship or attei it by ifie year. Vvill be accommotia ied ai a reasonable discount, and students wihmg to secure rooms should make sea- oiiabl- application. F"f ftint er particular addres W.I. BL'Rl.ES, Princioal Ml!!vi!e. Pei.n'a. fonict.' M-Tt:us, J K Kv'ks. ) Dr A P IIki.i.ik Ei.lis Evks, Trustees. H KJAM1X K. Evtcs, J M 1 U t . .- M.,y 29 1861. st. ini I, uoi i;a I! I'I I I Mli I E V , AB(. YE THIRD iv . .'.. - v IN Ii.- !i. i! evtiii e i eij r horhnnd ol Ihe Job t ii- lb. i,e im Market Third, and Chest iiut S ree'. :he B.'.lcs, Pos Office, Mer- Cnrttn-' Exchw'i'je. &c.s&C H04I!I VKll I1Y SI SO. . AecoiTinxitirf ion when reqoiied on the EU UOPKAN PLAN; Rooms from 50 cents and upwards, per , and meals at a First CLASS RlisTURANT ATTACHED TO THE HoTKL. Price accoroing io ihe Bill of Fare. Ihe it y "nrs tnke lisengers from any Minion l nr;i-e lo the lluli l. Ci?" English, French, German and Spanish spoken. July 17, l6l. FALL A: AYKTi:iS GOODS. PETE It EXT ff AS Just received from Philadelphia, and i- now opening a the old 6tand laialy occupied by Martz and Ent; a splen did assortment ot merchandize, which will be soi l cheap for cash ok ccmnV produce. Hi stork sonsists of' Dress Goods, c;tioicest sivienn taepi iHanions. DRY (iOODS GROCERIES, HARD-WARE. Q E ENS. W ARE, CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WAKE, IRON NAII AND SPIKES BOOIS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, &C. &C. In short everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Dec. 18, 1861. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored lo health in a very few week by a very sim pie remedy after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to hi icllow-sutJerers the means of cure. To all who de-ire it, he will send a copy of the prescription nsed, (free ot charge,) with the directions for preparing and nins the same, which they will find a sur cure for Consumption, Asthma, Br nchiii, Sic. The omy object of ihe advertiser in send ing the Prei-cripi on i o benefit the afiLc led, and spread information which he con ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes uvery sufferer will try his remedy, asiiwdlcost ihem nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription will please address r Rev. EDWARD WI LS0N, Williarmbur?, Kings co., N. Y. October 30, 1861, ira. r LIXIR PROPYLAMir- Durins ihe past year we heve introduced o the iiotic of ihe medical profession o.f Piis country the Pure CtysfaUzed Chloride of PropvJimire, a a , KEJIEDY FCR RnECMATISUn Ami having r reived from many soutce, both Ir.un phyMcian' nf the highest stand na and from paiienu, the most Fix I It ring: restimonlal- of I Hem Valoe in the treatment ol this painful and ohstt nae disea-e, we are induced io present it to the public i'i a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hope will com mend itself to "hose who are suffering 'i'h 'hi" hfil c iti2 complaint, and io the medi cal practitioner who may feel disposed lo test ihe powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently beeu exten sively experimented with in the Pciuisy Ivania Hospital and with MAR'KED SUCCESS (a will a'r pear from the publirhed accounts in the medical journals ) C" It is carefully pn up ready for im mediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all ihe druzgila at 75 cents per bottle, and at -wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemist, i Philadelphia, Pkkna. Philadelphia, Jcne 6. 1661 -ly. NEW MILLINERY GOODS: THE ntidersigned would most respect fully announce to ihe citizens of BloorfS bntg and vicinity, that she has just receiv ed from the eastern citie her fall and WINTER 3IILLIXEP.Y GOADS, all of which she is prepared lo make up and sell at a very leasonabley lo nsure. ner asnrimen: ol no's are a lnile superior in point of durability as well Usefulness, to any offered by her iu this section heretofore. Srte returns thanks for the liberal patronaae she has received, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, Oct 9, 1861. i'tv Arrival of FALL AXD TVIXTEU GOODS, David Loivcnbcrg tNVH ES at entioii to his stock of cheap and lashiouable clothina at his store ors Main Street, two doors above the Amer ican Hon-e,' where he ha a full assort merit ot men and boy's wearing apparel, including ihe most fahionab!e DUUSS HOODS, Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coats of all sr rts and sizes, Pants ol all colors shawl, stripes s.nd fiotite vest, shirrs, cra vats, stock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender- and fancy article. , N B He will also make to order any ar ticle ol ciodiing at very short notice and in t ol , nMllrf to wea and mo of is of iiiit r i . rt rr . Elinor lx i i ita ts. . Hint ti iu . iu i j t CAYID LOWENBERii. Blo'omi-burg, Sept. 25, 1861. SOMETHING FOR THE TIM ESI I A NECESSITY IS EVERY HOUSEHOLD J2I' &. CROSSiKY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE The Miongesl f;iue ia liar World Fr Cemetiiing Wood, IalKer, Class, Ivorv, Chiiia Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Rone. Coral. Jcc, &c, &c. The ciily article of the kind ever produced wlii tli will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply ol John & Crosley's American Cement Giue.7' New York Times. ;lt is so convenient to have in the hobse" AVur Yoik Ezpiess. 'It is alway s readv ihi3 commands it to everybody' N. Y. Independent. '"We have Iried it, and linl it a Uefu in oar bouse as water.'" Wilkes? Spirit of the Tunes 11 Ice 25 On! R per IloUIo. j v"r lmllr"vunCAsil. holesale f--t? .,t k.. oil n, t V J c-mc ' j at, ai!4l fc.TlUfC keepers generally thronghout the country. JJHNS & CROWLEY, Sole Manufacturers, 78 Williim S.ret, Coruer of Libeity St.,3 NEW YORK. July 10. 1S6L ly. 1Y JI B K00XS Proprietor. in.ooiisi;Litc;, pi. rPHIS rragniflceiit Hotel, situate in the A- central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor i now prepared to accommodate traveler, teamsters, drovers and boarders in ihe most pleaani and agreeable manner His labia will be supplied with the best the market a fbrds. and his Bar with ihe choicest liquors Aiieniise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in thi section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness lo convey passen ger, to and Irom the Railroad Depot". WM. B. KOONS. Bloomsbnrj, July 4. 1860. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. . 'I HE co-partnership heretofore existing between ihe firm ol Stohkeb & Fox, proprietors of the Bakery anil Confectione ry Establishment a, this place, is this day, ihe 28th of December, 1861, dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by the senior member cf the firm by whom rII claim agam-n the firm will be paid, and those indebted io the firm will please come forward and settle the same. . B STOHNER, . FRED. FOX. Bloomsburg, jan. it. 1P62. Executor' Notice. Estate of Christopher Heller, late of Miffli toiCnship, Cot co.y deceased. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Christopher Heller, late of M;fflio twp., Cohmbia County, deceased, have beeri granted by ihe Register ot Columbia coon-, ly, to Samuel Heller, residing in Holleo back township, Ijzerne county. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to call and make immediate payment, and those having claims or demanJs will pre sent them prcpeily authenticated for settle ment to the u&dersigned. SAMUEL HELLER, Executor. January 8, 1862 6i. BUNKS ! CLANKS ! BLANKS ! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCEN AS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & de5irableforins,fo sale at the of nee of he "tar ofthe North" Ayer's Cherry Pectoral