1 mt i miin in inn.aa n 1: r 1 1 A 1 0 H U. J1C0DY, Proprietor Trutt and Rigbt God and our Coniifrr Two Doilars per Annua. VOLUME 14. BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA iOUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29, 1862. NUMBER 4. MAonn i STAR OF THE NORTH PUBLISHED EVERY WeOf)flP4T BT VB. I. JACOBlf, Cffice cn Ealn St.. 3rd Sqnttrc ielovr Market, TEKMS : Two Dollars pr annnm If paid within six months from the lime of subscri bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within tht. year. No subscription taken for 'a less period than six mouths; no discon tinuar.ce permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. 7ht terms of adwhilng will be as follows : One square, twelve lines, three limes, SI 00 Kvery subsequent insertion, ..... 25 One square, three months, ....... 3 00 One year 8 00" - t)0we poetrrj. TUB SESTET. . FROM THE GERMAN OF lOTHSR. They're gone the watch firesthey have set Glow round the mountain passes ret ; Out throngh the darkness of the night They flash a silent, flickering light. They shine on victory's distant track, 9 Whence none, alas! for me comes back; They let me bleed to death to night, True eentry, on the field of fight ! Hushed in the tumult of the fray, The powder smoke is blown awy ; Faint broken shouts fall on my ear, My comrades are all far from here. Yet, though" m? comrades all are far. There gleams foil many a golden star, And angel bands light up on high The eternal watch fire? ol the fcy. On, comrades, brave, lo victory ! Farewell ye banners, high and free! 1 can no longer be with yon; Another camp is near in view ! White banner, in the moonlight spread. Float through the heavens above my head, tlow sinking now 1 see them wave And flatter o'er a soldier's grave. 0 loved onptis- the thought of thee Alone weigh- down this heart in me; Yet weep oi, love, be il.i the pride That bravely at my poet I died ! The Lord of Hosts. nneen. on high 1 fad" out the armies of the sky Soon shall He call my name out clear, And I, trne sentry answer: Here! C. F- Knapp, E-q., Sea do i y of Van Cnmp Lodge, JVo. 140, 1 O.cO F. Sir : According to a resolution passed at VanCamp Lodge No 140, I O. of O. F , Jan 14th, 1862. I would say that I have, with great reluctance, concluded to comply with the request of the brethren as sembled on that day. In doing this, I am gnided more by their wishes than conGdence, on the merits of the remarks. Still, if in their judgement it publication will promote the objects of the Order, I submit it to your disposal. " Most respectfully, yours in F L. and T. E OPFENHELM Brothers: According to your wish ( ap pear before you on this occasion to contri Lute my feeble talent to your enterprize. I very much fegret that the offering is so un worthy the occasion, as the time did no, permit me to do more, therefore the most I can promise, is an inadequate expres-ion of my interest in the prosperity of Odd Fellow ship, and the high regard I have for the honor ol being associated wilh yoo in the bo'nds of a fraternal brotherhood. In be coming an Odd Fellow there is an intrinsic charm which lures and enchants its vota ries. Odd Fellowship is loved for the prln ciples it possesses and the unqualified pos session of those principles is a sufficient reward of toil. Odd Fellowship opens additional sources ot enjoyment, fills the 6oul with new beau ties and the most ecstatic delights. It ena bles the possessor of its true principles to travel throngh fields of amaranthine flowers and constantly inhale celestial fragrance. . It draws the curtain from the past and ppreads before its members the grand pan orama of six thousand years. It throws wide open the gates of natures vast temple the gigantic proportions of which, the true Odd Fellow alone can fcurvey with a proud satisfaction that he is treading- familiar . grounds and ''With a propriety which none can feel, He calls the beauteous scenery all his own ; His are the mountains and the valley's his, And the resplendant rivers his to enjoy ; And with a filial confidence inspired, lie lifts to Heaven his nnpresnrnptuons eye And erailingsays,my Father made them all." If in this iron age of cold blooded utilita rianism he meet? with a man whose only divinity is Hamtnon, and who deems noth ing important unless it catar for his appe tite or pander for his passion, who can ap preciate neither hi3 labor nor his motives, l.e can retire and wrap himself around with themantlaof his owa thoughts and say, "FrcculO! Proctil este profani." He has within himself the elements of substantial happiness which time cannot corrode nor aver?l!y destroy. This is a rich reranner Rtion for all time and labor expended, in the attainment of the principles of Odd Fel lowship which we denominate Fraternity. Thsre are certain objects upon which the nrs of the trtta CJJ Fellow is ever fixed. Cc?i '-erir j it a fa'?a humility, that seeks rccr to te teen, and wishes never to be mentioned, hs places fcis roarV hih open th piartac.'s of hnman influence, and rjse- ifaln?? and seek to form for himseli and seek. la form for himself a which shall centra the con- ;ys a: id blen-i i::e varied hues cf ever lie wi?hes to ;:r".t i n.e factors of his rice it career shall tar- ive behind an example . a- ' x !--t h ill i by sued--' Jir c "?nerat ;or: j with most endearing recollections of the past. And what better, nobler objects can man propose for himself ? Others tbTe are. He way live for wealth and "Throw up his interest on both worlds, First starved in this, then damned in that to come." He may live for fame. But how capricious. "Whom she praised to day, Vesing his ear with acclamations loud, And roaring round him with a thousand tongues, To morrow blamed and hissed him out of sight." He may live for power. But "He that a-cends the mountain tops shall find The loftiest peaks most wrapt in clouds and snow ; He that surpasses, or subdues mankind, Mu6l look down on the fate of these below. Though high above the sun ot glory glow, And far beneath the earth and ocean spread, Round him are icy rocks and londly blow Contending tempests on his naked head, 'And thus reward the toils which to those summits led." I am addressing a society whose imposing motto tells me its highest ambition is good ness and the object it most highly prizes the best means of attaining it What more fitting than a declination ot the noble means by which this noble end obtains. This, then shall bp my theme Suggested as it has been by ihe ' of your association, the age it represents and the Character it deserves. It will hardly be expected that I should give a minute detail of the rise and progress ol Odd Fellowship on the American Conti nent. That is a matter that has passed in to, and become a part of the history of our country. It is sufficient to say, that on the 26th day of April 1819, Ihe ' first Lodge of Odd Fellows was organized, on the conti nent of North America It was then in its infancy. The first Lodge only contained members enough for a quorum, for the pur pose of transacting the necessary business ot the Lodge. Now the members of the Order are counted by thousands. Its pro gress has been unparatelled in the history of this country. The organization as such ha. contributed vast sums of money, bor dering upon millions towards the relief of the widow, and education of the orphan, in our own country, while the orphan's cries have been stilled and the widow's tears dried by corresponding relief bestowed by the organization of the old world Now in the strnggle of our country, we are separated" from thousands of our brethren, in the south ern part of this Union, some of these breth ren might be bodily lo-t from ns, but in ti e principles of Odd Fellowship they will be united with ns forever, for principles are imperishable, time may change, men may change, the uuiverse itself may change, but principles never change. The principles of Odd Fellowship are as firm as the deity from which they emanate,it were principles of sound morality that called OJd Fellow ship into an existence. In vain may we search those imperisnable men who brought such principles from darkness to light Where are the founders of our Order? Where ant the patriots of the Revolution, who seemed almost immortal on the Field of bat tle? Go read their destiny upon their tombs. Their slumbering dust is beneath our feet, their voices are suppressed in death ; but I would hold on high, before you their beam ing example, lo gnde like a pill&r of fire your triumphal march to eminent useful ness. But let ns turn from the history of the past to ihe scene9 as enjoyed by us. The nineteenth century has been characterized, ' the age of associations" or "the age of societies," and yet out of the hundred and one "societies" that are now putting forth pretentions to public favor, there are bat few worth of the name of "charity" and en titled to the aid and sympathy of humanity. ' Whilst we have onr forms and ceremo niesour signs and passwords, whereby we recognize each other, ours is no fancy association with gew-gaws to attract and catch the silly and thoughtless; but it ad dresses itself at once to the nobler and high er attributes of oar nature. It is iha high if not the distinguishing characteristic of an Odd Fellow to believe that among the most acceptable services which man can render his God, is relief to bis fellow man; and the exercise of this unselfish philanthropy is emphatically his mission. Yes, Odd FeU lowship is founded upon that eternal prin ciple, which recognizing man as a constitu ent of one universal brotherhood, teaches him that, as he came from the hands of a common parent, he is bound to cherish and protect his fellow man. It thus presents a broad platform upon which mankind may unite, no offices of human benefactioi. Baed upon certain troths, which are alike axioms . among all cations, to tongues and creeds, its sacred tolerance presents a nu clenf, which by its gentle inflcence gathers within its orbit antagonist nature, controls the elements. of discord, stills the storm and soothes the spirit of passion, and di rects in harmony man's united efforts to fraternize the world. Like trutfc;, Odd Fellowship cannot lose by investigation and comparison, and must fi nally trtsrnph and prevail. And it fittingly becomes us to render homage and adoration to the Supreme Grand Sire of the Universe, fcr his continued approbation and protection to tjs and to that noble Charity for which we are laboring, fcr wiihont his Fatherly cars and love onr beloved order could not in so few y.:ars have grown from weakness to strength, and from poverty to wealth, and from crte man, cow to number hundreds of thousand. . I Therefore, brethren, the study of the hcly Bible, of which a copy is fonnd in every Lodge, is necessary of a true Odd Fellow, practice its precepts, for without a due ob servance of the lessons taught in the Bil Ie our Order could not exist a single ho ir, study it, for it contains priceless truths. It is the substratum upon which Odd Fellow ship rests, and upon which "it is destin jd immovably to repose amid the wreck of matter and crash of worlds." Bind its hcly principles as an amulet about your hearts ; you will find it touched with more tbin human influences over your coming vic'si tudes. It is charmed with supernatural power that can lift you to the skies. Tl us freighted, you shall ride safely the ilor my ocean of this world, thus arm sd, yoo will "bo prepared for Life' gr;at trials, and easily repel all the Harts of your nemies. Thus qualified, with powers so perfectly ba!anced,you can ascend with e ise and certainty the hill of renown, which I have supposed to be your highest ambi tion as an organized body, and you 'rill then stand . "Like some tall cliff that lifts its av ful form Swells from the vale and midway cleares the storm. Thongh round its breast some transient clouds are spread Eternal sunshine settles on its head. So shall you rise, and on the hig'iet watchtower of human benevolence, md charity, firmly stand. Deep, heartfelt en: eration like the atmosphere shall encircle yon, earths highest praises shall thickly cluster upon your immortalized namn, garlands of the richest laurel shall entw ine around your time honored brow, peaceful and triumphant shall be your passaa? to the tomb. solemn, "as it were a pane in nature," shall be your transit to eternity, thronged by the shade of sainted heroes shall be your approach to the Grand Lrdge above, pjcans and the songs of areels shall procede the opening of that Lidge beyond the Mars Glory, that isnnfacinjz, and sun like benevolence that is unclocded, and God like pleasures that swell? ont from the throne ot the Noble Grand in that celestial city, into a boundless ocea i of fruition, shall be your rich and eterns.1 in heritance Mort of the Array FranJg. IN CONGRESS. Fpccli of air, Dawes, FeptilUcnn meinher Jrom fiTafwchusctta, it the House of Representatives, Washington, Jan. 13, 1862. THKFRACDS IN THE WAR EXPEN DITURNS ECT. The House resumed the consideratit n of the amendments, reported to the House from the Committee of the Whole or the State of the Union, to the Civil Appr pria tion bill. Mr Dawes, (rep. of Mas., frott the Committee of Investigation on Goven ment Contracts, in resuming hi remarks com menced on Friday last, said Sir, Ihaie not failed to notice, and I believe the committee of which I am a member have not fai ed to notice, in common with the whole comtry, that for some unacconntable reason the charges upon the national treasury, at this time of war, have been such as to reach nearly the bottom of the public chest. Da ring our investigation startling facts have corne before the notice of this committee, & to the notice of the whole country, torching the mode and manner of the expenditure of the public money. Some of these iUms I proposeto call public attention to, ani then to ask gentlemen the plain question, when they propose to meet this question, i at all I and if so, how, when and where? The very first contract entered into by this government after the troops had left their homes tc come here, in April last, to defend the Capitol, by which they were to be fed, was a contract entered into for cattle. It was not made with a man whose business it was t J sup ply cattle to the market, jiot with i. man who kne the price of beef in the markets of the country, but was entered into y the government here with a man well knwn in this, and the other branch of Congress, for the last ten years, as an old political stipen diary one of the class of men who, ir. times past, made their money by such operations as buying the certificates of merabrs for books at a discount and then chargiig the full amount. This contract was rradeso that the first twenty-two hundred had of cattle furnished was charged at a rate which enabled their original contractor to sub-let it, in twenty-four hours after, to a nan in New York who did know the price nf beef, so that he put into his pockets, without stirring from his chair, thirty-two thousand dollars, and the men who actcaliy furnish ed the cattle in question put into their pock ets twenty-six thousand dollars nine, so that the contract under which these twenty two hundred head of cattle were fsrnished to the army was so made that the jrofit of 58-thodsand dollars was realized o rer the fair market price, ft takes a longer time to enable a thovsaud head of cattle tit reach this city from the states where they ire par chased than it takes the army to consume them. I ask the House, at this rate, to con sider bow long the most ample provisions of the Treasury would be able to n eet the simple demands for the subsistence oi the array. Sir, poorly as the array is siod to day, a million of shoes have Already been worn out, and a million more ais being manufactured, and yet upen everyj one of these shoe there ha3 been a wastlof eev-eD.ty-fe cects. Three quarters cf iimi'lion i t of dollars have been already xvorn out, and another three-quarters ofa million of dollars upon shoes is now being manufactured. In that department of the government con tracts have been so plenty that government officials have gone about the streets with their pockets filled with them, and of which they made presents to the clergymen of their parishes, and with which were healed old political sores and cured political feuds. Even the telegraph has announced that high public functionaries have graced the love feasts which were got up to celebrate these political reconciliations, thus brought about while the hatchet of political animosity was buried in the grave of public confidence, and the national credit crucified amongst male factors. We have reported to us the first fruits of one of these contracts. A regi ment of cavalry lately reached Louisville, one thousand stropg, and the board of army officers there appointed for the purpose have condemned four hundred and eighty five out of the thousand horses as utterly worthless. The man who examined these horses declared, upon hia oath, that there was not one of them that was worth twenty dollars. They were blind, spavined, ring boned, afflicted with the heaves, with the glanders, and with every disease that horse flesh is heir to. These four hundred and eighty five horses cost the government, be fore they were mustered into the service, fift) -eight thousand two hundred dollars, be sides more than'an additional thousand dol lars to transport them from Pennsylvania to Louisville, where they werecondemned and cast off. Mr. Mallory (Union.) of Ky., asked what regiment these horses belonged to, and who furnished them? Mr. DawesThey belonged to Colonel Williams' regiment of cavalry, and they were purchased in Pennsylvania, from which State they were forwarded to Louis ville, where they were condemned. There are eighty three regiments of cavalry to-day one thonand strotg. It takes two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to pat one of these regiments on font before it moves. Twenty million ol dollars have thus been expended on these cavalry regiments before they left the encampments wheretheyjwere muster ed into service, and hundreds and hundreds of these horses have been condemned and sent back to Elmira and to Annapolis, and to this city,to spend the winter Any day hundreds ofthem can be seen '"round this city, chained to trees, where they were left to starve to death. Gangs of two hundred horses, in various places, have been thus Ieftto die and'rot, till the committee on the District of Columbia'have called for a mea sure ol legislation to protect the city from the danger to be apprehended from these horse Gslgotha. An ex Governor of one State offered to an ex-Judge of another State five thousand dollars to get him per mission to raise one of these regimen's of cavalry, and when the ex-judge brought back the commission the ex Governor lakes it to his room at the hotel, while another plunderer its at the key-hole watching like a mastiff while he inside counts up forty thousand dollars profit on the horses, and calculates twenty thousand dollars more -upon '.he accoutrements and the details of furnishing these regiments. In addition to the arms in ibe hands of the six hundred j thousand soldiers in the field, there are nu j merous outstanding contracts, made with private individuals not made upon adver tisement, not made with the knowledge of the public, but made by ex-members of Congress, who know no more of the differ ence between one class of arms and another than does a raethodist minister. There are outstanding contracts for the manufacture of Springfield muskets, the first one of which cannot be delivered in six months from this day. There is a contract for the supply of one million and ninety thousand mnskets at twenty eight dollars apiece, when the same quality of muskets is manu factured at Springfield for thirteen and a half apiece ; and an ex member of Congress is now in Massachusetts, trying to get ma chinery made by which he will be able to manufacture in some six months hence, at twenty one dollars apiece, these rifled mus kets manufactured to day in that armory for thirteen dollars and a half. Providence, before six months, will dispose of this war or He will dispose of us. Not one of those muskets thus contracted for will be of the slightest service in this emergency, or be fore the Providence of God, whether for good or for evil, will dispose of it. I ask my friends from the North and Northwest how they expect to benefit by an armory at Chicago, at Rock Island and at Quincy, where a million and ninety-two thousand muskets will, according to this contract, be thrown upon the country, and that after war is over, and at such an enormous price, in addition to other outstanding contracts lor the manufacture, sometime hence, of two hundred and seventy two thousand Enfield rifles. Besides there are seventy five thou sand five hundred and forty three setts of harness, to be delivered by and by, at the cost of one million nine hundred and seven ty eight thousand four hundred and forty-six dollars. I have not time to enumerate all these contracts. When we appropriated, at the last session of Congress, for this pur pose twenty millions of dollars, thirty seven millions -and some thousand dollars had been already pledged to contractors not for the purchase of arms or the men in the field, not to protect thera in fighting their country's battles in this great emergency and peril, bat for romo future occasion, or to meet some present need ol the contractor, I don't know which at this mo ment. And not only the appropriation of last session has been exhausted, but seven teen millions put upon U. The riot of the 19th of April in Baltimore, opened this bull and on the 21st of April, in the city of New York, there was organized a corps of plun derers of the Treasury. Two mil!ions of dollars were entrusted to a poor, unfortu nate, honest but entirely incompetent edi tor of a paper in New York, to dispense it in the best manner he could. Straightway this gentleman began to purchase linen pantaloon,straw hats Loudon, porter, dried herrings, and such like provisions lor the army, till he expended iii this way three hundred and ninety thousand dollars of the money, and then he got scared and qnit. (Laughter.) There is an appropriation, also, for the supply owood to the army. This contractor is pledged the payment of fceren dollats a cord for all the wood deliv ered to the different commands, wood col lected after the labor of the soldiers them selves had cut down the trees to dear the ground for their batteries, and then this contractor employs lh army wagons lo draw it to the several camps, and he has no further trouble than to draw his seven dollars for a cord, leaving the government to draw the wood. Langhier. It costs two million-j of dollars every day to support the army in the field. A hundred mil lions of dollars have thus been expended since we met on the 22.1 day of December, and all that time the army has been in re pose. What the expenditures will increase i t r tL'Kan tiat rrraal ilair chatt orrlv d tvHfiri . J ......I. ItlO. g,tUb l J c . (.111 our eyes shall be gladdened with a sight of the army in motion,! donotknow. Another hundred millions may be added to those be fore the 4th of March. What it may cot to put down the rebellion,! care vpry little, provided, always, that it be put down ef fectually. Bnt.sir, faith without work is dead, and I am free to confess that my faith sometimes fails me. 1 mean my faith in men, not my faith in the cause. When the history of these times shfcll be written, ' it will be a question upon whom the guilt will rest most heavy upon him who has con spired to destroy, or upon him who has proved incompetent to preserve, the institu tions bequeathed to us by our fathers. It is no wonder that the public treasury trembles and stagsers like a strong man with too great a burthen upon him. A tron man in an air exhausted receiver is not morg helpless to-day than is the treasury of this government beneath the exhausting pro cess lo which it is subjected. The mighty monarch of the forest himself may holi at bay the fiercest, mightiest of his foes, while the vile cur coming up behind and opening his fangs gives him a fatal wound, and al though he may struggle oh boldly and val iently, the life blood is silently trickling from his heart, and he is at last forced to loosen his grasp, and he grows faint and falters and dies. The Treasury notes issued in the face of these immense outlays, with out a revenue from custom houses, from land sales, from any source whatever, are beginning to fall in the market. Already have they began to sell at six per cent, dis count at the tables of the money changers, at th very time, too, tHat we here exhibit the singular spectacle of frauJ, and of a struggle with the committee of wavs and means itself, in an endeavor to lift up and suvain to government of th9 country Al ready the sutler that curse of the camp is following the paymaster, as the shark fol lows the ship, buying np for four dollars every five dollars of the wages of the sol- have no desire to hasten the movements the array, or criticise the conduct of its leaders, but in view of the' stupenduoos drafts upon the Treasury, I mu; say that I long for the day of striking the blow which will bring this rebellion to an end Sixty days longer of this state of thirgs will bring about a result one way or another. It is impossible that the treasury of the United States can meet and continue to meet, this state of things sixty days longer, and an ig nominious peace must be submitted to un less we see to it that the credit of the conn try is sustained, and that, too, by the con viction going forth from this hall to the people of the country that we will treat as traitors not only those who are bold and manlj enough to meet us fate to face in the field of strife, but all those also who clan destinely and stealthily suck the lifeblood from us in the mighty struggle. Whatever mea.ures may emanate from the Commit tee of Ways and Means to meet and re trieve this state of things, they will but fall like a dead pall upon the public unless they give this assurance, that these extraor dinary and extreme measures to recusciate, revive and replenish the treasury, are not made to fill farther and longer Ihe already gorged pockets of the public plunderers. How then are we to contribute in this mat ter lo revive bublic confidence in our pub lic men here, if it be not when these appro priations come up that we probe them that we ascertain whether there be anything in them that at this moment can be spared. Our pressing duty now is to protect and save the treasury from further wholesale or other system of plundering. In conclusion, he argued against paying for printing the Treasury notes, on the ground that the con tract was improperly obtained. 'Is anybody waiting on you ?" said a polite dry goods clerk to a girl from the countrv. "Yes. sir", said the blushing - damsel, "thai't my feller outside. He wouldn't come in." TiiE DREAS. I sit in my chair by the blazing fire And doze away my life. And the laughing flame leap higher and higher, As I dream of a little Wife ; On my shoulder I feel a pressure sweet, And arms like the snow on, whiter! About my neck in a warm-clasp meet And the flames flash brighter and brighter. And ringlets of gold pout over my face, As my bead to her bosom's pillow, Sinks down in a cloud of perfumed lace. That heavens like a foam on the billow ; And 1 hear her warm heart's quickening beat And her eyes glow briht a fire, As my lip are covered with kisses sweet, And the flames leap higher and higher. A soft check nestles close to rny on, And the sweet smile o'er it char-e ; Like sundrops upon a calm lake thrown, Her dimples the smiles efface A flute-like laugh, and her swelling breast, Heaven joyous high anil higher; How happy my lot, and how sweet my rest, With a wife in front of the fire! And drink her beauty into my heart, And the love-light of her eyes : With a crash the red brands fall apart My wife np the chimney flies. Thas oft in my chair bj the blazing fire I doze away mj life, And the mocking flames laugh high and higher; At my dream of love and a wife. News From The Himalayas. The efforts which have been made fcr several years to recover the lost records of the intrepid and accomplish Asiatic ex plorer, Adolph Schlagintweit, have at lat been crowned with sucess It will be re membered that, with his brothers, Herman and Robert he1 set out in 1S54, under th patronaga of the East India Society, to explore the mountain system of the Himal ayas and the adjacent regions. They were provided wi'h the best instruments, trave'ed wherever it was possible with a lit'le army of dromedaries and coolies, ascended the peak of Hi Gamin, in Thibet, to a height of 22 260 feet, greater elevation than Hum boldt attained in South America, and had communicated the most valuable results to the learned societies of Europe, before the return of Hermann and Robert, in 1857. Adolph pursued his explorations alone, advanced in a north wester'y direction into central Asia, went beyond Yarkand in:o a region that has been described by no ecien- I unc ir:iveier since iviarco roio, ann readied j the walls of kashgar There he perished in j a melee between the rative savage tribes, I after having triumphed over the greatest ; difficulties of his perilous journey. The ! English authorities of India, prompted by ; the universal interest of savants, have from j that time been energetically endeavoring I to recover his papers, and to save to science ! the great amount of knowledge he had accumulated. A communication from Sir j R J. Murchison, in a late number of the London Time, announces the gratifying in telligence that his journal has been recov ered through the agency of the Civil Com missoner in Cashmere ; that it containes full records of his discoveries np to the time of his death, and that it will be in corporated in the splendid narrative of their travels which the surviving brothers Schla gintweit are now publishing. A Joke all Around. There is a quaint hnmor attached to somebody connected with the Rochester Express 'hat breaks out in spots occasionally in that sheet as witness the following : "A gentleman, (whose name we sup press fnr 'obvious reasons,)' while return ins home with the family purchases on ; w'liiuiua) c riling, ptcj'j'cu iniw a u ujoici saloon on Main street to refresh himself with a stew. While thus engaged a friend who had followed him in, abstracted from his groceries a package containing a pound of sround coffee, and having emptied it refilled the paper with saw dut, and restor ed it to its original place. The mistake was not discovered until the following morn ing, when the wife of the injured man prepared his breakfast. Laboring under the misapprehension that the grocer had swindled him, the husband returned the sawdust in the morning, and indignantly demanded, and finally received, its -equivalent in Old Jave. The unhappy grocer who is notoriously subject to fits of 'absent tnindneos,' declared most solemnly that it was unintentional and. that, really, it was a little the worst mistake he ever committed ! What renders the transaction still more perplexing is, that "for the life of him he can't remember where he got the sawdust !" Vanity of Life When 1 look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies within me ; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out ; when I meet the grief of parents on a tomb stone, my heart melts with com passion ; when I seethe tombs of parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow; when 1 see kings lying by those who dispose them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests, 1 reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions and debates of mankind ; when I read the dates of the tombs of some that died but yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great day when we shall all be cotem. poraries and make oar appearance together. In Connecticut they find a use for almost everything. An "old lady in the State is collecting all the daily newspapers she can lay her hands on to make soap of. She says "they are a 'ight better than ashes they are as good as clear fie." A Fnnny Acetion Sale. The Providence Journat thus recorden one of those funny afttirs a sale of unclaimed packages : Mr. She! Ion sold yesterdayat auction the various packages which have lain in tbU office of the Express Companies, uncalled for and unclaimed, for the last two Or three years. There were some two hundred lots or rr ore, of all shapes and sizes, and they were offered without reserve, for cash, to the highest bidder, the auctioneer adding to hi general terms the wise provision that each package was to be paid for before it was opened and delivered. Quite a numerous company attended the sale, and the idea of buying a "pig in a poke" but every body into a pleasant humor ol excite ment and fun. The package were mostly btown paper parcels, some small 'some large, some uncomfortably heavy, some remarkably light, with an occasional sprin kle of keys, boxes bottles, and broken varieties The first tot pot np was a woo len bcx, No. 13I, contents unknown, and this was purchased tor two dollars and a half by H. L Foster, Joseph Belcher bought the next lot, Nov I03. at the same price, and sale continued until the last lot found a purchaser, the various pickages bringing various prices, from 12 cents to Sl(, as their outside looks seemed to indicate their valce Among otberthings wenoticed a bundle of hoop skirts, patent forty spring skirts we presume with all the latest improvements, the grace of the tulip combined with spiral accompaniments and graduated exr&nsions. There was no ex cept on in favor of these womanly ele ments. ' Sv-eights," cried Mr. Sheldon. ! One dollar, a quarter d'ear it," be did hear it, and the hoop skins were sold for one dollar a id a quarter in the general limbo of sacrifice. Altogether the auction was an amusing occasion. The bidding was quite spirited, and several individuals ventured their lack in numerous purchases. It seems a pity that the packages conld not have been opei.ed on the spot as they were sold. The best partjof the entertain ment was lost through the provision that every lot should be bought and paid for without a look at its contents. Now we sh all only know who made good bargain. j The poor bargains -the buyers will gene rally kepp to themselves. One gen'.Ieman. however, who was quite liberal in his purchases, buying some eight or ten packages at a dollar apiece and up ward, has confided to us his experience in breaking the seals and strings O ie pack age was filled with "Trigone Campaign Documents for 1856 in German aDd En glish, ' in another were carefully packed t-.ro small cotton samples; another inclosed two daguerrotypes ; another contained a grape vine, dry and withered ; and 'in One portly bundle was done op with all a muci cian's tenderness, a brass trombone, some what worn and dinted by use, and without a mouth-piece, but still, so much of it as was lelt, a powerful instrument. Our, friend still recognizes that the owners have claims upon the.-e valuable articles, arid very liberally, we think, offers to give them up on payment of expenses. The Female P risocers At Washing ton. Yesterday afternoon, at five o'clock, the female prisoners, Mrs. Greeuhow and Bax ley; who have been confined for some time pa.-t at the Sixteenth street pri-on (Mrs. Greenlsow's former residence), under the care of Lieutenant N. E Sheldon, were by order of Brigadier General Andrew Portef, removed to the old Capitol prison, where apartments have been provided for them. At half-past four o'clock acariage was drawn up in front ol the door of the prison, and at the hour first named, the prisoners left tho houre on their way to their new quarters. Before leaving the house, how ever, both the ladies look occasion to shake hands with several members of the guard who stood to the left of the house, when the prisoners came out. Mrs. Greenhow was the first to advance, and taking one of the soldiers by the hand, said to him. 4 Good-bye, sir. 1 trust that in the future you may have a nobler employment than that of guarding defenceless women." As she dropped the hand of the guard and walked towards the carriage, we noticed a nervous twitching at the lips, and a watery look about the eye. Mrs. Baxley also shook hands with the guard, and, without speaking, entered the carriage. She was followed by little Rose Greenbow, the daughter cf Mrs. Greeuhow, who will, at the request of her mother, be incarcerated with her The carriage then drove off, followed by an army wagon, drawn by six horses, containing the bag gage of the prisoners. Lieut. Sheldon also took a seat in the carriage with the ladies. Arriving at the jail, th.e prisoner were delivered to the charge of the parties having control there, by whom they were con ducted to their quarters. At this point, both Mrs Greenhow and Mrs. Baxley took leave of Lieut. Sheldon their parting being of the most touching nature. Fnr.h the ladies expressed their thanks for the cour tesy and kindness with which they have been treated by the Lieutenant since their incarceration ; while lit'le Rose threw ber arms around the Lieutenant's neck and embraced him. On Monday morning, Mrs. Ellie Poole, one of the women confined at the Sixteenth j street prison, will be'relea-ed on hr parole, and conveyed lo Fortress Monroe,' under A , " rncB f ton Ckrmkl4. 1 e 1!