1 1 r 1 J U. n. JAC0BT,VroprieterO Tntb and Right God and oar Country. Two Dollars per Anncm. VOLUME 14 BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15, 1862. NUMBER 2. np iJ 1 l w 1L U JI ILlio STIR OF THE NORTH rUlLtSHID ITIBTWIDKIIPiT T wa. ii..jitBy, Cfflsc on Uala St.. Srd Square below Market, TEKMS: Two Dollar pr annum if paid within six months from the time of subscri bing : two dollar and fifty cents if nej paid within the year. No subscription taken for a les period than six months; no discon tinuance permitted until alt arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. 7 hi term cf adie-liing will be as follows : On square, twelve lines, three limes, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, ...... 25 One square, three months, . 3 00 One year, 8 00 - riUSl aMiitlau .ui.udi9.iuia ASDEEWg' CURTIS. Coietnor of Pennsylvania, to both noma of t&t Legislature, reai January 8, 1862. Jo the Honorable the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the Commonxoe Ulh of Penntyl varta : Gentlemen: It has pleased Divine Pro v. Uence, during the last season, lo give us abundant crops, unbroken peace withiu our borders, unanimity among our. people, and thus to enable this Commonwealth to do her fall duty to the country, to herself and to posterity. For these blessing we have cause to be grateful. The balance in the Tresaury on the 30th Nov., 1860, was S68J.433.0S The receipts da-' . ring the fiscal tear ending Nov. - 80, 1861, were as follows: From ordinary sour ces. 83,017,645.57 From temporary loan under Act of Ap.i 12, 1861, I 6 percent, in teresl and nego tiated at par. $475,000 00 From 6 per cent loin under Act of May 15. 186l,al go negouaied at par. 52,612,150.00 From Society ot Cincinnatus. 500.00 From United States - on ac't military expenses. 608.000.00 From Paymasters and other refun ded. -22,229.45 6,743 525 02 Total in Treasury for fiscal year iHirit Nov. 3U. - 1861. 7,424,958 10 And the payments as follows: For ordinary pur poses. 83,144,480.34 For military ex penses, onder Acts April 12, 1861, and May 25 aud 16 .1861: 474J'873.85 1,708.462.63 170,535 51 2,353 872 04 For im't loan on der Act of Apiil 12, 186 prepaid. 375,000 00 5 873 352.38 Leavin? balance in Treasury. Nov. 30, 1861. SI, 551,605.72 Public Del Funded and Unfunded. Received from . temporary loan under Act April 12,1861. 5475,000.00 Renaid a above. 375 000 00 Outstanding Nov. 30, 1861, Received from loan under Act May 15, 1S61. Amount of poblic S 100,000.00 2,612,150.00 debt, funded and unfunded, Nov. 30, 1860. 837,969.847.50 Paid duriug fiscal year. 101.331.42 537,863,516.03 Jl e tn a i n i nz un paid, (exclu sive cf military loans abve men tioned,) Nov. 30 1861. , $37,868,51608 Receipts and Expenditure of Military Loans. Receipts from Mil-' itary loan under AclAprd 12,1861. 8475,000.00 Act May 15,1861. 2,612,150.00 From Pay Masters andolhersrefund- ed. - 32,229.45 53,119,379.45 Paid for military expenses as a bove 2,353,872 04 Paid for redeem ing loan. Act ' April 12. 375,000 00 2728,87204 Unexpended of military loans. $390,507 41 Jlsce'pts and Expenditures of Ordinary Rectr.ue. Balance in Treas , ory from ordi n a r y sources, Not. 30, 1860. 5681,433.03 Received from Or dinary sources during fiscal y'r. 3,017,545.57 83,699,07865 Paid for ord'ry ex- peaeessabove. 3,144,48034 . . TTnexpended of ord'iy revenue. 8554,533.3 Received from U. E :ates Govern- ment on account rniSnarr expea ditcre. " - Hszslrei from So ciety of Cmcia rat us. eo5,coo.oo 50000 r'ance in Treasn- tt&f, above. 51,551,605 72 it will baoteerved that the fiscal year ends r- tv a Z'.ih cf November, and the inki'g "-"d year o.n the first Monday in Septem- r, which fcccoufiis tor toe apparent aen r.ry ta tha amnojit cf debt paid as s'ate th3Tracrer report, znd by ths Corr a apparent cen- ed AO'.zii ci the sinking cn Izzi a fcrr-lss cf .cnifcrms and l . . - - - which the United States have agreed to take and pay for at cost.. Arrangements have been made with the general government for the reimbursement of the military ex penses of the State since the 27th of July last. The bills as paid are forwarded to Washington and partial repayments have , already been made. j It will be observed that the receipts from ' odinary sources of revenue tor the ear. 1861 have decreased, but as payments have i been made on some of them since the set- j tlement at the end of the fiscal year on the I nrst ot uecemoer, anu more may reasona bly be expected in addition to the payments to be msde by the National Government as heriual'er stated the balance available in the treasury will be largely increased. It will also be observed that it has not yet been found necessary to call in all of the loan effected under the act of the 18th of May last. In some items the ordinary revenue of 1861 was in expess of that of I860. The loan authorized by the act of May 15th, 1861. was taken a, par. This occur rence, most gratily ing under all the then existing circumstances of embarrassment, affords triumphant evidence ot the confi dence of the people in the stability and in tegrity of the Commonwealth and of their determination to support the Government The operations ot the Sinking Fund dur ing the Inst year have been as shown by my Proclamation of 5ib September last, as follows : Debt redeemed from 4th Sep. 1860, to 1st Sep. 1861, 2300,801.01 Of stock loans. 300,050 00 "interests on cer- ficates. 3,330.01 ''relief notes. 421.00 " - $300,801.01 1 refer to the reports of the Stale Treasu rer and Auditor General for the details ol the financial affairs of the Commonwealth. 'J he report of the Surveyor General and State Librarian will exhibit the stale of the Departments under their care. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund dnrins the last spring received Jrom Phila delphiaand Erie (late Sunbury and Erie) Railroad Company forty bonds ol that Com patty for S'0) 000 each aud a mong2tf to secure tt.e sam executed in coutorrniiy with he third section of the act of March the 7th 1861. That company has tirade posited in the S ate Treasury its bonds to the amount ol five millions ol dollars in ac cordance wuh the 6ih section ot the came act On the 9th ol May lat 1 granted my warrant authorizing the Slate Treasury, to deliver' to the said company one thousand of said bonds, being to the amount ot one million of dollars Thi warrant wa issued in conformity with the law, the five per cent bonds mentioned in the fifth section ol the act (except those belonging to the State and now in the Sinking Fond) hiving been previously surrendered and cancelled, and saiifaction entered on the Record of the Mortgage mentioned in said fifth section. Having received notice irom the company that the bonds so delivered to the company or their proceeds had been appropriated in accordance with the provisions' of the law, on the 21st of June last I appointed John A. V right as Commissioner to examine ai.d to report to me whether said bonds or their proceeds had been appropriated to the pur poses required by the act. His report has not yet been received by me. It is understood that arrangements have at laM been made nnder which the direct railroad connection between Philadelphia and Erie will be completed within a priori time. It is imj osible to e-timate too highly the importance of this great work to tho Commonwealth, and especially to Philadel phia and Erie and the hitherto neglected counties near its route west of the Susque hanna By the act of the 21st April. 1858, for the sale of the State canals to the Suubury and Erfe railroad company it was provided that i( that company should sell eaid ca nals for a greater sum in the aggregate than three and a half millions of dollars, seventy five per centum of such excels should be paid to the Commonwealth by a transfer of so much of such bonds and securities as said company should receive for the same and payable in like manner. The company sold the canals and report ed that the share ot the profit on such sale, due to the Commonwealth was 8281,250 of which 250 was paid in cash and lor the re maining 8281,000 the Commonwealth re ceived coupon bond of the Wyoming canal company to that amount beini a portion of bonds for (900,000 issued by that compa ny and secured by a mortgage of the Wyo ming canal, formerly called the Lower North Branch canal. These bouds bear an inter est of six percent per annum, payable semi annually on the 1 5th of January and July, and ih interest was paid by the company to January last inclusive. The interest due in July last has not been paid. Judgments having been obtained against the company on some of the coupons for the unpaid July interest, a bill in equity was filed in the su preme court by a bond and stock holder in which such proceedings were had that by a decree made on the 2d September last the property and affairs of this company were placed in the hands of a teceiver. A plan has been fugested for the assent of the slock and bond holders, which con template a sale ot the canal under lawful process and a purchase ot the same for the purpose of forming a new company of which the capita! stock shall be ont million of dol ars. divided into twenty thousand shares of fitly dollars each, of which each assenting holder ot a mortgage Lund lor one thousand dollars, shall b9 entitled lo eigh teen share, and each assenting holder of fi:ty shares of stock ot ihe Wyoming canal company thall t e emitl&d to nine shares. Ot course no officer of the Commonweal n had authority to assent to the proposal or in any way to affect her poji'.iou. It is believ ed also that the plan is oot one that ought lo be assented io by the Common wealth and that under all the circumstances, if ihe convenience of individual parties requires a change cuch as proposed, ihe debt due to the Commonwealth ought U be first paid or fully secured I suggeVt that the Act pased 8th of April, 1861. entitled "An Act concerning ihe sal of railroads, canal. &c.,': should be modifi ed so that in all case in which a debt may be due to the Common wealth by the com pany as whose property a public work may be sold, the purchasers thereof shall not be entitled to the benefits nd privileges con ferred by the Act unlets they shall have first pa d the debt due to the State, or secu red ih -ame by their bonds to the Com monvt e thh secured by a first mortgage on tha work ii-e-'f. I coracaend the ubjtct to the immediate ccHU!era!io!i of tha Le;is'aiure, as an effort mar ba made at an early Jay to - enforce a eels cf tha C3.na!,ar.d to a prsTialcaby law to protect the interests of the State would, in that case be necessary. r The wicked and monstrous rebellion w hich broke out many months ago, has not yet been quelled. Every sentiment of loyalty and patriotism demands its effectual sup pressioti In my messages cf the 9th and 30th of April last, I set forth at length my views of the character and objects of the. contest which is still pending. Subsequent reflec tion has confirmed me tn the correctnes of the opinions-then expressed,and to which I refer. In addition it might to be undentood that, looking to the variety and charactar of her products and industry, her material in terest alone would render the preuerv ition of the Union from the present assault upon it indispensable to Pennsylvania. She can not afford to have a foreign power belcw or above or bonnding her on the Delawars.ihe Chesapeake.or the Mississippi, and sh will never acquiesce in such a result, whatever may re the cost in men and money o; her L resistance to it. On the 9ih of April last 1 directed tie at tentionofthe Legislature to the necessity which existed for an improved militan or ganization, and on the 12th of the "ame month the Act entitled "An Act for ihu bet ter organization of the militia of this com monwealth" passed, appropriating thf sum of S 500:000 for the purpose of organizing, equipping and arming the militia On the 15th ot April the President, by proclamation called for a military force of 75:000 mon, of which the qoota assigned to Pennsylvania was at first sixteen (afterwards reduced to fourteen) regiments to serve as infantry or riflemen for ihe term of three months.tin'ess sooner discharged. .This call was enthusi astically responded to by the people of Pennsylvania. Th first military aid from the loyal States, which the Government re ceived at Washington, was a Pennsylvania corps which arrived there prior to the 19th ol Apnl On that day the pa-sage of other j corps from thi and other States through i Baltimore was impeded by force and during nearly two weeks atterward the com muni cation he: ween Washington and the loyal s'aies was almost entirely cut off. On the 19ih I received a request from the W ir De partment that the troops preparing in this tlaie should be clothed, armed equipped, subsisted an I transported by the Stite in consequence of the then inability of the United Sta'es This request was of :ourse complied with, and twenty-five regi nenls, bemji eleven regiments beyond our ouota) comprising 20,175 men from Pennsylvania t-erved for ihe the term of three mom is nn tier the President's proclamation abeve re ferred ta As ihe furnishing those volt nteers with supplies was necessary under ilie cir cumstances a hurried operation, tr,d as complaints were made in regard to them, and Irauds were alleged lo have bee i per petrated, I appointed aboard ol commis sioners to investigate ihe whole subject. A copy of their report with the evidenc i taken by them has been already laid btre th public. It is the intention oi the Auditor General to open the accounts of such par tie as appear by the testimony t have been overpaid, aud this course has tlready been taken in two ol those ca-es On the expiration of the term of the three month men in July last, some eight or ten thousand discharged Pennsylvania volun teers were thrown into Harrisburg 'vithout notice and detained here, waiting to 5e paid for an average time of some len days Their tents, camp equipage and oooking utensils, had been taken from thern at Wil liamsport, Md. , and they arrived lure des titute of all means of shelter and ot prepar ing their food. The Commissary of the United Nates furnished uncooked rations, and under the circumstances ot emergency I deemed it necessary lo make J rrange ments for aiding in the conking and baking of the rations, and also for furnishing meals to such regiments a arrive ! dur ng the nght. or under circumstance requi 'ing in stant relief. The expenses attendir g these operations amounted, so far as asce 'lained ; to 8744:20, and I recommend that the Legis lature make an appropriation to pa r ihern It ought to be stated that these expenses would have been much larg-r, but for the liberal and patriotic efforts of the :itizens, and especially the ladies, of Harrif burg ; their free handed hospi'ality and j eneroas aid io our wearied and hungry soldiers, de serve remembrance anc gratitude. At the special session ot the Legislature which commenced on the 30th of April last 1 recommended the organization of it reserve corps, to be armed, equipped, clot fed sub sisted and paid by the Staie, and drilled in camps of instruction, in aniicipatio i of the exegencies of the country .and by tl e Act of 15lh of May last, such a corps was directed to be raised, and a loan of 83,000,1)00 was anthorized to delray the expenses of that and other military preparations. Men more than sufficient in number to form some ten regiments of the Reserve Corps had, previ ous to the 15th ot May been acci pted by me in pursuance of a call on me(a te rwards rescinded,) for twenty-five regimen s, and were then already assembled and subject io my control. Mostol these men volunteer ed for the Reserve Corps and were immedi ately organized. The remaining rjgimenls were rapidly recruited and the Corps was thns completed, and George A. McCall, of Chester county, was commissioned as Ma jor General, aud assigned to the command of all the forces raised or to be raited under the provisions of the last memionnd act.- The regiments composing the Reserve Corps were instructed in four cam; is tn dif lerent parts of the State, until they were ta ken into the service of ihe United States. Two of these regiments, under he com mands oi Colonels Charles J.'Biidle aud Seneca G. Simmons, and two companies ot artillery onder the command of Co . Charles 1. Campbell at ihe pressing instai.ee ot the War Department were sent on th 22d of June laM to' the relief of Col. W illace, at Cumberland, and remained for about six weeksthere, and in We sue r a Virginia enga ged in active operations Towards the close of July the whole Corps was called for under requisition, t nd taken into ihe service of il United Statue With in four day alter the disaster at Bull Ron eleven rej'menis, of this fine bodi of men armd, drilled, clothed. equippeJ, and in nil respects ready for active servife were in Washington. The regiments tnd torn panies from Western Virginia an I the re maining two regiments making tie whole number of fifteen, soon joined thm there, and they are all now in service binder the command of Gen. McCall, who -has been commissioned as a Brigadier Geni ral of the United States. ', These fifteen Tegimenta contiin fifteen thousand eight bondredand fifty -six men, and constitute a divUion. compriiing three brigades a regiment of Artillery and one of j iavKjry. ins wnoie expense ipf raising cioiaisj, equipping aubwsung nd paying the Reserve Corps including the expense ot establishing and fitting the camps of in struction, of recruiting, and supplying regi mental flags, and the expenses of the cam paign ol the two regiments and companies in Maryland and Western Virginia, which were all defrayed by the State has amount ed to S855, 444:87 . 1 his does not include the transportation on Rail Roadt,as the sep aration ot that account wouhi have been a work of great labor, nor does it include the pay of the two regiments during the cam paign, but it does include all ihe expenses, which were heavy, of teams and transpor tation, not on Railroads, for the two regi ments on the campaign above mentioned. Twelve regiments of the reserve Corps were paid subsisted, &c, by the State lo the av eiaae dale of ihe 22d July. The two regi ments in Western Virginia were paid by the slate to the date of their departure from Harrisburg on that expedition. The Caval ry regiment was not paid by the Stale. It will be perceived that the whole average expense per man was 853:95. Previous to the 31st of April last, a regi ment had been enlisted in the city of Erie, from Northwestern Pennsylvania. When the rail was made on me on that day, for 25 additional regimenls, the Erie regiment was ordered to march to Harrisburg. The call was rescinded however, before ihe reg iment reached Pittsburg, and I ordered :i to encamp at that city, where it remained until the 30th of June. The national Gov ernment declined to muster the regiment i.ito service, as all existing requisitions made on the Slate were more than filled, , 1 1 Much apprehension existsed in lh West- em and South western borders of the State and it was deemed prudent to retain the i regiment at Pittsburg lo meet any emergen- ' cy that might arise. After tha passage of j ifi Act of 15th May, 1861, it was expected that the regiment would form part of the i Reserve Volunteer corps ; bul as the men ; had been a long time from home and re- ; mained inactive in camp, they declined entering the service, and were subsisted and paid up to the ?0th of June by the State. . Two regiments have since been enlisted j from the same part of Pennsylvania at the ; city of Erie, one of which has been at . Washington in service since' September, and the other is now ready for marching ' orders and it is due lo the first Erie regi ment to say that most of the men are now ; in service i Fur.her requisitions for sixteen regiments j of Infantry and two regiments of Cavalry were shortly afterwards made by ihe War Department. Of these, sixteen have al ready been raised and are in the service of the United States, and the remaining two are in the course of organization and nearly ready to march. In addition lo the requisitions on the Slate, the War Department had given au thorities to nnmerous individuals to raise volunteers in Pennsylvania, but as that sys tem was found to create much embarrass ment, a general order was issued by the War Department on the 25th ot September last, placing all such organizations under the control of the Governor, and shortly af terwards a requisition was made on the State to increase her quota to 75 000 men. Those independent organizations, as they were called, thus became Pennsylvania regiments and as completed and sent for ward form part ot ihe quota ot the htate. The State regiments have been numbered, I and the last to this date is numbered 115. Two of the three months regiments have continued in service under the late requisi- j tions. and retain their original numbers. Deducting ths remaining twenty-three three months regiments, ti.re are ninety-two reg iments in service and preparing for it. We have also in service and preparing twenty four companies. The following table of the existing Penn sylvania volunteer force is given for infor mation: RIOIMXXTS IH SERVICE. 66 regimen its of infantry of which 6 e regiments, 71.189 were rifle 11 reeimsnts of cavalry. 12.G90 1 regiment of artillery, 1,077 COMPANIES IS SERVICE. 7 companies of infantry, 707 6 " " cavalry, 578 6 " ' artillery, 936 2,221 87,177 Enlistments In other Pennsylvania organizations, estimated, (the offi cers of which are in course of being commissioned,) 6,400 Total in Service, 93,577 REGIMENTS PREPARING FOR SERVICE. 12 regiments of infantry, 13.092 1 regiment " cavalry, 1,136 j 1 " artillery, 1.077 15,305 con panies PREPARING fOB SERVICE. 1 company of cavalry, 1 " artillery, 109 621 733 16,038 93 577 16,038 In service. Preparing for service, Pennsylvania's contribution, 109,615 Exclusive of 20,175 three months men now disbanded. a - Tue regiments preparing for service are incomplete. Those that may not be filled by the 16th inst., will be consolidated and sent forward. Of the regiments in service the llth and 15th regiments of Infantry are at Annapolis ; the 28th, 29, 31st, 66tb, 69th, ! 71st, 72nd and lUuth regiments ana one company of Infantry are in the command of Major General Banks ; the 45tb, 50th, 55th. 76th and 100th regiments of Infantry are in South Carolina; the 43th Infantry are at TT..t.... Inl-I the 108th Infantry and llth t- 1 .... T7V f -en. f ..nna . th 77 1 h tsui. o- 7Qk rr.f-n. rhu 7th ni- 9th Cavalry, one troop of horses, one squadron r r..trV two batal lions of Artillery are in Kentucky : the 84th and 110th Infantry are in Western Virginia, as are also three companies of Infantry four companies ot r. .. f r - i - , : 1 1 Cavalry, five oinpanies of Light Artillery ; the 87th Infantry are at Cockeysville, in Maryland ; one company of Artillery is at Fort Delaware ; all the remainder of the vol unteers are at or near Washington. Up wards of300 volunteers from Pennsylvania are now prisoners, but as arrangements have been made for the exchange of prisoners, it may be expected that they will soon be re leased. . In compliance with the joint resolutions of the sixteenth of May It, I have procur ed regimental flags for the Pennsylvania Tolonteert, and ha?e presented them in jr soa to most cf the regiments. la other ea ees the regiments being on or near the Po tomac, I have requested Mr. Cowan, Sena tor, and Messrs. Grow and Wright.tns rubers of the House of Representatives from Penn sylvania, to present them in the name of the Commonwealth. The General Government requested that the States would abstain from purchasing arms, as their competition was fuuud inju rious in the market, and in view of the large expenditures of money in arming and equip ping the volunteer force of the State, provi ded for the defence of the National Govern ment. I did not purchase any as authoriz ed by the 28th section of thp act of the h of May, 1861. The State has now quite as many arms as are necessary to arm nil the j volunteer organizations in existence ; but, i influenced by the threatening aspect of our j relations with foreign Governments, I have directed the Adjutant General to procure arms as 6oon as it can be done on reasona ble terms and without injurious competition with the Natioal Government. Arms have been distributed among the border counties to all the organizations that have,been form ed to receive them. 1930 arms have been thus distributed. I have also addressed a letter to the commissioners of all the border counties, offering arms to them as soon as military organizations shall be formed to i receive them ! Beside thus comolyin g with the require ments of the 27th sectio'u of the Act of the ' 15th of May last, I have deemed it prudent t to offer five thousand arms to such military organizations as may be found 10 l'hiladel adelphia, on a plan to be offered by me as Commander-in-Chief. Muskets and rifles to a considerable extent have been furnished to Pennsylvania valunteers from the State Arsenal. Others have been sent by the United States authorities to arm them before leaving the State. In some cases regiments have gone without arms under assurances from the War Department that they would be armed at Washington or other near des ignated points, and that their imintdiate de parture was required. It was thought wise in these cases not to insist on the arms being sent before the regiments marched, as this would have im ported on the Government an unnecessary expense in freight, and would have been productive of delays which might have been seriounly detrimental to the public service. Forty-one pieces of artillery with limbers, caissons, forces, ammunition, and wagons, harness, and all the necessary implements and equipments were furnished by the State to the artillery regiment of the Reserve Corps. Ten of these were purchased by the State, and the cost has been refundod by the United States. Diligence has been used in collecting arms throughout the State and repairing and altering them in the most improved manner. The State has now C2 pieces of artillery, of which 17 need re pairs. 26,753 muskets and rifles, some of which are in the hands of mechanics being repaired ; 1910 are in the hands of vol unter corps throughout the State ; 1930 in the possession of County Commis sioners, and 1,000 with the reserve corps of Philadelphia. In addition to this the city of Philadel phia has 9 pieces of rifled artillery, and 4,976 mus- kets and rifles The Stats has also in the Arsenal at Har risburg. 1.C99 sabres and swords, and 1,957 pistols. and the city of Philadelphia, has 440 sabres, and 326 pistols with the neces sary accoutrements. Thare is also in the Arsenal at Harris burg a large amount of accoutrements aud ammunition for artillery and small arms. The Adjutunt General is successfully en gaged in collecting arms throughout the State, and it is expected that the number above stated will be largely increased. Probably, at least 5,000 muskets and rifles and several pieces of artillery will be collec ted. The care which has been bestowed upon the comfort of the volunteers, and the good ness and sufficiency of their supplies of all i kinds, and the excellent arrangements of! the Medical Department under the control j of Surgeon Henry II. Suii'h. are proved by j the fact that more than 60.000 men have j been for various, generally, short period at Camp Curtin since the 19th of April last, ! and that down to the 1st January instant. there died but fortv-nioe men at that Camp viz : fourty-four from eickaei-s, two (belong- ing to regiments from other States,) who had been injured on railroads, two acoiden- ) pUp,i eUould be admitted tj tbU school j papers, k.-iown, to bo exponents of govern tally killed in Camp Curtin and one shot in 1 vr.n.out having passed a through examiou- J lne. po!lc. ,h(J ecf0' a u f , To faciliate tho making of allotments of ! of instruction except the military art prt per. their pay by our volunteers in the field for ' 1 respectfully urge this subject on your ear ths support of their familie at home. I ap-1 ly considerations, as one of material, per- pointe ointed Hon. Edi?ar Cowan.Thos. E. Frank- lin and . C Humes, esq., commissioners to visit the camps of our men on and ooutt th of the Potomac, and also James rant and M. W. Reltzhoover, esq., commissioners to visit those in Kentucky and elsewhere in mac, and also James Pars: anc . the western country, to call the atteotioo of the troops to the system of allotment and to 1 encourage them in adopting a practical plan for carrying it into caect. The several reports of these commission ers are highly satisfactory. For details on the several subjects con nected with the military operations of this State, I refer to the rep'orts of the Adjutant General, Surgeon General, Quartermaster General, Commissary General and Paymas ter General which accompany this Message. The duties imposed on me were so oner ous that I found it necessary to iuvite the temporary assistance of gentlemen on my staff to aid uie to perform them. In this capacity Cols. Thomas A. Scott, Gideou J. Ball, and John A. Wright cou trihuted their valuable services trom the middle of April until they were called away by other duties. Colonel Scett remaining - t It' until he became connected with the ar ; Dtfoartiuent. Col. Ball until the first ot Juoe, and Col. Wright until the 23rd of July ; lor tne time mus ucvumo. io uo ger ; vice of the State, they have refused to re ceive any compensation. Col. Joseph D. Potts, A. L. Russel, J. j Brown Parker and Craig Biddle, , service up to the 20th of Decern! Department of Telegraph and Ti were in bsr. The Transporta tion was under the exclusive control of Col. Potts. The system and ecouomy of its management show how failbfully and well he fulfilled his office. It is but just to all these gentlemen that I shoull bsar testimony to the untiring zeal and fidelity with which their duties were performed. The qnota of the State having been more than filled, and ber military force organized, 1 was enabled on the twentieth of December last, to dispease with personal staff, and the temporary arrangement which had been made for its employment was then closed. By the 13th section of the Act of the 15th of May, 1861, I was authorized to draw my warrauts on the Treasury for a sum not ex ceeding $20,000 for compensation to such persons as might ba required to serve the country in a military capacity, &o. Of this fund I have drawn from the Treasury J8, 000, out of which I paid the compensation of my personal staff, also other expenses of the military department, and the actual ex penses of persons employed on temporary service, none of whom received any further compensation, aud expenses of the commis sions appointed to investigate alleged frauds, Sbc, and the expenses of establishing milita ry patrols on the Maryland line and five hundred dollars on secret service." My ac count is settled in the office of the Auditor General up to the lst'of December. On that day I had expended $6,400, and except some inconsiderable payments made since, the balance remains in my hands. The report of the Auditor General will exhibit the items of the account. An account of military expenditures by the State on behalf of the United States, as far as the same had then been ascertained and settled by the accounting departments here, was male up to the 1st day of Septem ber, 1861, and preented on the I2th of that month at the Treasury Depftrtmaut of the United estates tor settlement and allowance. The sum of $606,000, has been received from the Treasury Department on that account. The repayment by the General Government of the expenses attending the organization and support of the Reserve Corps, may not be provided for by auy existing act of Con gress. As these expeuses were incurred ty the State for the benefit of the General Gov ernment, and have been productive of ro. safety of the country, it would be right that an act of Congress should be passed pro viding expressly for their repayment. It lies with the Legislature to adopt the proper means fur dircetiug the attention of Congress o this subject. Assurances have been received from the Treasury Department that the examination of the military accounts of the state will by proceeded in without delay, so that the state may receive a crvdit for the ballancedue iu time to apply the same towards the payment of the quota of the direct tax. Assuming the compleiiuTS of this arrangement, if the State shall assume the direct tax for this year, a saving of fifteen per cent, will accrue to her, und no present increase of her taxation will be necessary. Whether this credit be given or not, I re commend that the payment of the direct tax be assumed by the state. In case the btate assumes the payment of this tax there should be sjch revision of the tax laws as will hereafter equitably appor tion the burden among the various interests now subject, or that cau properly be made subject to taxation. The saving of fifteen per cent, to the people of the state by the assurution is a matter worthy of thought, but a more important consideration is that it, will enable you who represent all the varied interests of the commonwealth to apportion the tux iu such manner as to bear equally upon all. Our revenue laws bad imposed on real and personal property as its tull proportion but little iuore than one third of the taxes needed for the ordinary expenditures of tha government. Ry the act of 15th May last the tax on this species as property has al ready been iucreased one sixth. Should the State refuse to assume the United States tax the whole burden of it will fall upon ' theo interests, interests too, most uniavor- i ably affected by the war, whilst other kinds J of nroDertv and other sources ot sources ot rveaue. judged by our laws aula to pay nearly two - j thirds of the present revenues of the state, I would not be called on to contribute ondol- i lar of additional tax. The militia system of the commonwealth is very imperfect. I recommend the estab- lisbmeut or a commission to frame anl re- port a sytteai more adequate to the exigen- t:y of the times. - ..... 1 earnestly recommend to the Legislature that provisions be maJe lot tha military 1 instruction of youth. The appointment of j a military instructor in tiie lroruial schools; would iu a snort period give ;euchers to the common suuuois who woud Le competent t train the boys iu atteudance on iheui. It j woulJ in my or.nni.ai he wie ai.o to 1 pr.-vide for ihi purchase or leasing, by the conimonweaiin. 01 a um.uii.ii ior iiiuiiai v Kl.i.n.1iH o,i i.r eoinluvimr oomneteut in j gtructors at the expense of the state, requir - j tnz ti,e pupils to uefray the other expeoMs. iaps vital, importance. 1 have tnkeu measures to direct the effi- cieut atteutiou of the General Government to the fortiacatiou of the water approaches on the sea board and the lakes, and arrange ments are iu the course of being effected which it is hoped will be satisfaction in their results. 1 send with this message a copy of a com munication from General Totte:-, chief of the Military Engineer Department at Washing ton. I have also represented to the Secreta ry of the Navy the necessity for floattug de fences on the Delaware, aud have his assur ance that they shall be prepared at the ear liest moment. 1 have LaJ a correspondence with the authorities and some of the citizens of Erie on the subject of the defenseless conditions of that citj, and the part of the State bor dering ou the lake. On examination it is fouu J that there are no defences ou the lake, and that the ordnance at the city of Erie was withdrawn by the National Government in the bummer of 1&61. The Secretary of the Navy, on a request made, directed mat the I crew of the United States steamer Michigan I i 1 l L - t 1 ..1. .. .1 ...4 .... l... I. n-il nouiti HOI ue uikuiuucu, as uuo yvv.. ujuoi. and that vessel will remain in the harbor of Erie during the winter. Should the National Governmeut unexpectedly fail in its duty by providing adequate defences at our assailable point, East and Wast, I ear nestly recommend that the Legislature take prompt means for that purpose. W'e should be admonished, by recent indications from abroad, to be prepared for our own defanc. as well as for the suppiession of domestic insurrection. In selecting a site far a National Armory, if the public good be alone considered, Pennsylvania will be preferred, as she af fords the combined advantages of a central position, abundance of material and skilled mechanics, and a people of undoubted loyal- I commend to the attention of the Legisls tnre the report of the Superintedent cf the Public Schools, the fiouriahws state of whioh apd the rapid prngressi of edoction are subjects of just congratulation. The reports of the Lunatic Hospital at' Harrisburg and of Western Pennsylvania, of the House of Refuge at Philadelphia and Pottsburg, of the Institutions for the Deaf Dumb and for the blind and the Northern House for Friendless Children at Philadel phia, and of the Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Chil dren at Media, show that these meritorious charities are well administered, end I recommend that the countenance and aid of the Commonwealth be continued to them. Under the joint resolution of 16th May lasr ---nnjissiooers have been appointed to reve ,ue revenue laws, whose names will be forthwith submitted for the advice and consent of the Senate. It is hoped that the commissioners will be able to report during the present session of the Legislature. Con sidering the great labor imposed on them, and the vaat importance at the present time of an able and efficient performance of the duties of the commissioners. I suggest that the compensation provided for by the joint resolution should be increased to .an adequate amount. It was evident, long since, that it would be impossible for the banks to oontioue to redeem their obligations in coin, in the faoe of tho large issues of paper, the necessity for which was imposed on them ana the Government by the exigencies of the times. No surprise, therefors wa3 felt at the sus pension of specie payments by the banks. which took place on Monday, the 30th of Decmber last. Under the circumstances, I recommed that they be believed from all penalties for this breach of the law. Pennsylvania has made great efforts to support the Government. She has given more and better clothed, and better equip ped men than auy other State, and has far exceeding her quota of the military levies, The sons of our best citizene, young men ot education and means, fill the ranks of ber volunteer regiments. Their gallant conduct, wbenevery an opportunity has been affor ded to them, has done honor to the Com monwealth. The universal movement among our people, signifies that they are loyal to the Government established by their fathers, and are determined to quell the present in surrection and preserve the Union, and that they will not tolerate any plan for either the disolution or reconstruction of it. A. G. CURTIN Executive Chamber. 1 Harrisburg, Jan. 8 1851. j Maioa and Slidell Released. When Secretary Seward indited the w 0 rd s:-1 ' 7 hey will be cheerfully liber ale d" . Your Lotdth'p wilt please indicate the "lime and place for receiving them'' he placed upon history's page, a record of weakness and imbecility which will astonish, while it amuses the world. He could not hare humbled the Nation more, had he said to I the British Minister : "Sir. we are on the i verge of ruin. ' We are loo weak, and too j "imbecile to maintain what we have a! I ''ready endorsed and applauded. We are J "your slaves, kick us, beat us itsult ns if yea ; please, we will crawl, like the whipped cur, at ymrfeet.t "We hare neither the courage to assume a responsibility, nor the power to maintain the right." "Why did not Mr. Seward ue plain language, and state his case in ihese words. They convey no more than what he hat 6aid, and would not have consigned him, and his government ; 10 ub ia e 01 oemg written dowu 'the political mountebank." j Wnen Ma90n and SIidelj caped from. . u-c 1. m j . ! 11,3 cuul" wa W active m j adopting measures for their apprehension, 6etu out vessels to intercept them. By a j circcmMancs, which Mr. Seward no doabt . , , r . . . . . . r.lnsi.Ir.i lnr!nna:o at hit. lima ihn mka Mi lister- were secured, brought into port, ai;d, Ly order of the v? flint Secretary, con signed to Fort Warren. Subsequently Con gi ts p ise l reo utionx instructing the Pres ulent to c.'itfi'ie the prisoner $ tn felon's ce'.lst as nn act of retaliation Tor similar treat- me.it 10 le.ieral prisoners now in the hands .1 - 1 . Thu endorsing the 1 caP're ' the mo-t positive terms. At 1 tie same time some of the leading news- Admwiftration not only applauded the act, but hurled defiance in ihe face of the British governmentand protested that the prisoners would be retained at all haz ards. , The Adminstration was apparently stiff in the knees acd ready to do its dutj. The mia ho.vever.shows that all our bragadocia was mere clap-trap. Our government now looks very much like a email canine, who,, while he feels safe behind bis covert growls and barks most turioutdy at his next door neighbor ; but ihe moment said neigh bor shows a disposition to invade the sanc tity of his retreat, he lowers his crest and clinks a way to a safe distance, cowardice depicted on his supplicating countenance, and ooing forth from his shaking limbs. Our government was never in a more ridiculous poture than now. It shows cowardice at every turn At fint, it was afraid to disavow the act of its officer in seizing the rebel Ministers, for fear of its own citizens ; now it virtually disavows the act for lar of Knclish guns. It always yields t-eiore the most Like ihe "Home Guard, to be ' always to relreal of safety." formidable enemy ,"it mission seems to the next place War with England is sore to come. Eng land has decided to interfere in this struggle. Her "neutrality" is but another name for hostiil.ty. War i inevitable! And we are ioM on good authority that this fact i well understood at Washington. Then why is it necessary for ns to crawl upon our beilies before the English throne Why must Mr. Seward degrade the very name of his office, by a tame and cowardly acquiescence, in the domineerng demands of a government which has been preparing for awar with us tor fiix months 1 - Away with such cowardly dotards- Seward has shown himself incompetent for the mo, ordinary diplomacy, lie U not even ab'e to stand the first fire of the enemy, bet most needs turn upon his heel and run tho moment he sees the mofzle pf bis gca, Carbon Democrat,