mm these facts TOE TESTBIOAT OF TIIE WORLD. -: '. i , 1 HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BADa LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORES - AND ULCERS. A'I description of soits are remediable by the proper and diligent use of this ines timable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by plasterine ihe edges of the bound together is a folly; for should the ekia unite, a boggy diseased donditioo re mains underneath to break out with tenfold esry in a few days. The onlj ratonan! und froccessful treatment, as indicated bv nature, i8aeduce the inflamaiior) ia and about the wound nd tc sooihe the neighboring parts by robbing ir plenty of the Ointment & salt is forced into mea'. DIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE . THROAT, AND SCARLET AND . . .. OTHER FEVERS. -Any of tbo abo?e diseases may be cared by well rubbing ihe Ointment three times a day into the chest, throat and neck of ihe patient; it will soon penetrate, and give immediate" relief. Medicine taken by the rnoath must operate upon the whole sys tem ere i ir.fluence can be felt in any lo cal part, whereas the -Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner of ihe disease named, or anv Vimilar disorders afleetin the chesi and throat, will fiiid themselves relieved a? ""1 charm. XES, FISTULAS, STRICTURES. Vva class of complaints wiil be Cv iVf nightly iomeoting the parts yfn water, aim incn uy iuu tffSbing in tha Ointment. Persons 'rifi' irota these direful complaints Jfd lose not a momem in arresting their sress. It should be understood that it t not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the afjected parts, but it must be clt mV.hfit in for tome considerable time two or three time? a day, that it may be ! Uaken into the system, whence it wi.i re move any hidden sore or wound as effect ually aa though palpable to the eye. There sgain bread and water poultices,-after rub bing in of ihe Ointment, will do great ser vice. This id the ou'.y sure treatment for ' females, cases of cancer in the stomach, or 5 where there my be a general bearing down. IN DISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES - AND ULCERS:" ' Bioiches, as also swellings, uo, with ertaicty, be radically cured if the Oint ment be used iteely, and Pills be taken r ioi and n.onfmg as recommended in the I"' d instructions. When treated in any ! r vay they only dry up in one place 1 ,-sak out in atioiher ; whereas this Omt- irtent will remove the humor from the, ej s f tem, and leave the patient a vigorous and ealtby being. It will require time with ;9 use of the Pills to ensure a lasting cure IROVSICAL, SWELLINGS, PARAL S!S AiJJ aiir 1.0. .Althonsib-the above complaints difler in iheir origin and nature, yet they s 1 run n trA !ofl treatment. Many t of the j Fcrst caes. f soch diseases, will yield in s i.rmnaratiK short space of time wtt- n j . 5 Ointment is diligently rubbed into ihe rr i .rar nrcrc nlhar me a IIS rr i, , - - . . tv.9 failed. In all serious maladies t..e ?.:; should be taken according to the di-ic-ioos accompanying each box. a ihe Ointment and Pills shonldle usei in . i - - ih follotcinz vtsts 7 Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female lrregulari- lies, Fevers of all kinds," Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sere Throa's, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symptoms, Tic-DoulbureQX,N Tumours, Ulcer-, Venereal Affections V'orms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, t s Compuiuts, '.tea on the U'm, Cofaplalots, " tion of the jWels, ruion, pi' ' . m "5 i plaTtits, Lumbago, Pi'-es, Rheumatiim, Retention ot Urine, Scrofula, or Kins' Evil, CAUTIOX ! None are cennine anisa the words 'Holloway, lew im doD " are disceraibie as a ffcffr mrrk v every leaf of .he book of direction are on acb pot or box ; the same mty be plainlv ceen b holding the teoflo ike tight. A hand ome reward will be given to any one ren dering soch information &3 way lead hanJ detection of any party or parties counter f eit'mg the medicines or vending the ume, fennwTii'r thjm to be, spurious. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Hol'oway, 80 Maiden l.ane; ix?w tum, bv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civih.ed world, in pots, at 25c.-. 62c. and SI each. CF" There is a considerable saving, by taking the larger sizes. - N. B. Directions for the guidance ol pa tients, iu every disorder, are araxeo u - DAYID L0WEXDERG, rl.OTHING STORE, Qn Main street, two doors above the 'Araer icaa Hotel.' For Sale or lieni. rvlTHE subscriber ofiers three Houses i a im. for a!t orient. one iu Blooms- -orr, one al Buckhorn, ar.d one f t lower . Bloomsburg Feb. 6, 1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, OF tiur rsiwtoraioneil offsrs for sae at tna Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhart deceased, in Catsawissa townsnip, about three miles from the town Cattawissa, an assortment of ' SPUING AND SQDIER GOODS, snpe'ior to any ever brought lo that section. His stock cf goods is varied and, of a n ez ii . ... ..t.... He ; r.runwil m sell cheai g. i ! : i i'. j i i i. . . . - . .;,' nnrrhasfd' his "Oods t SUlt the tltnes."' Purchasers are cordially ed to call and exairnae his stock tor ihiraseives 'Qvick Sales ar.d Small profit: has tsiri a .Irs pied as his motto t .-"Cuo:ry -n inre iaK?n in eiiuai'i e reliar niarttc-i i. t . . i . . . . ;oD-tf. i 1 1 i i-sa twp., May, 1S61. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES! IN lEe month of December, 1SJ58, the nn dersined for the first time offered for stile to, the public, Dr.J.ROVEE DODSUMPE RIAL WINE BITTERS, and in this short pe;iod they .have given "such universal sa' isfaction to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an es tablished articta. The amonnt cf bodily and mental miser arising simyly from a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and it is therefore oi the utmost importance it'-r a strict sttemi cn to the least and most baifiing bodily ailment should be had ; for diseases of the body rrius' invariably ailed ihe mind. The subscribers now only atk4a trial of DR. J. EOVEE DODS' Imperial" Wine Bitters!!! frorr rII who have not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for ths cure of Weak Stom acht: 'General Debility, and for Purifying and Entichirg the Blood, are absolutely nn surpassed by any 'oilier remedy on earih. To be assured of this, it i only necessary to make the trial. Tha Wine itself is of a ery superior quality, being about one th;rd stronger than other wines; warming and invigorating the whole system from the head lathe left. As these Bitters are tonic and alternative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate tha wnofe sys tem and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its pas,by equalizing the circulation removing obstructions, and producing a srenerai warmth. They aie also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to FE MALES, where a Tonic is required to strentheh and brace the system. No Lady, who is subject to latitude and faintnes, should be without them as they are revvi fi ing in their action. THESE B11TSR Will not only Cure, but Prevent Disease and in this res eel are doubly valuable to the person who may tir-e them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dis eases ot the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for sit cases requiting a Tome Dr. Bods' Celcbr trd Uiiie Kilters For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they ate truly valuable. . For the aed and li.firm. and for persons of a weak constitutioi!. for Ministers cf the Gonel. Lawyers, and all public spea ers for Book Keepers, Tailors, Seamstrss- es, Siu.tpnts. Arns's. and ail persons la.!- ing a sdenlary liie, they will provo truly beneficial. As a Bera?e, they are wholesome, in nfjcer.t, and delicious to ihe taste. .They produce ail the exhilarating effects of Bran dy or Wine, w iihnut intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy lor persons auaioieu 10 i the i)e of excessive sironsi driiik, and who I wirh to refrain from it. They are pure and j entirely free fioin the poisons cotitaiueJ in ! in the adulterated Wines ami Liquors with which ihe country is flooded. Bitter? not only CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should be u-eJ by aH ; who live in a country where the wair Is baJ, or where thill and hevers are prev aUnt. Being entirely innocent and harrn-let-s, they may He givpn freely to ChilJre!) and Ii.fants with impunity. Physicians, Cieraymen, and temperance advt cates, as an acl of humanity, should as--ist in spreading these valuable BIT TERS over' the land, and thereby es.entail lv aid i.i banishing Drunkenness and Dis- ease. ; . . ..., .t . In all Afieeticns ot the r;ea.i, sick iieaua.-ie or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine Bil'ers will be found 10 be moM Salutary and Efficacious. The many certifi'-ates which liave been tendered us, and the letters which we are daily receivins, are conclusive proof that among the women ihose Biuers havo giv en a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. No woman in the land should be without them, ami Ihnoe who once Use ihem will not fail to keep a supply. Dll. J. B O VE E J) Ol) V 1 M P ER I A L W 1 N E B 1 TT ERS Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician who has used them successful it: his practice for the last twenty-five years. The proprietor, before purchasir.g the ex clusive .right to manufacture and sell Ot. J. j Botee Do-is' Celebrated Imperial U me j Bitters, had them tested by two Distinguish ed medical practioneers, pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Althoush the medical men of the country as a general thing disapprove ot Paeui Medicines, yet we do not believe that a re spectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainied with their medi cal properties who will r ol highly approve rx., i i.rvvPL' r.rii' iMPKlMAl. WINE l t. J . iju i 1.1. wksu ..... - ----- BITTERS. In -11 newly settled place, where there is always a large quantity of decaying tin ber from which a poi-ouous miasma is created, those bitters should be used every morning before brekfaM. PR I. I OVF.E DODS' DipmAL wine bitters Are composed of a pure and undultented Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon s Seal. Confrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, . Spikenard, C! Chamomile t lower", aim wen- tian. Jn-) are manuiaciureu ... . himself, who is an experienced and sue- - i 1 V. . . lip llilil .oK.ri;l Fhvsician. ami htnee shouia not oe c!a-ed amon" ihe quack nostrums which flood the country, ami ajami l Medical Froiession are so iustly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bi ters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the cnmniunitv tor almost every variety of di- .....iAi.t in ih- hit mar svstem. that TONtn MF.D1C1NE AND A BEVkRA&L. Ti Cs wi : hnl f iir1 I v ihe hiood I Gie Tone lo the Stomach ! Renovate the System ! and Prolot-s Lite I PP.ICR Si PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES $5: Prepared aud sSd By - CHARLES W1DDIF1ELD & CO., 80LE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street, New York rpTor sala bv Druggists and grocers generally thronshout the country August 28, 186 r ly. SEW 2CSIXESS FIU2It ranHE nndsrsjaned refpecifuliy inform iheir friends and the public generally, ihj.- hasp entered into co-partnership. under the name, style aa firm ol MILLER & EVER in the ftlpri'aiitilc Business in the "Old Arcade, " in Bloomsbur?, Co lumbia county, where they intend carrying on ihe holiness of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all ils diversified branches and departments, and to which they invite an eitteBsiou of the public patronage. S. H- MILLER. FRED'K EVER, Bloomsbnr?, May 15, 1861 tf. Oyer's : Ghorry Pectoral. - - f" ' fkT,''T : PHILADELPHIA AND READING WINTER ARRANGEMENT, . DECEMBER 5TH, 1859. "' Four Daily Passenger Trains to Philcidelphii. (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 20 a. m., 12 nooi, (Freight and Passenger,) and 5.06 p. m." , Two daily trains to Pottsville and Perl Clinton, fcw 10.15 a. m., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Port Clinton with trains f )i Tamaqua, Williamsport, Eimira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the Canadas. The 10.15 a. m. up train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbane, Serantoti and Pittston. Passengers leaving Williamsport by I le Caltawissa Railroad night line, at 10.15 p. m., connect with a passenger train leav ing Porl Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Ret d ing at 5.50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m. Reid iris Accommodation Train. On Sundays the 10.15 a. m. Down, aid the 6.05 p. m Up Trains only run. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted) to end from Harrisburg. At 1023 a.m. and 6 0S p.m. Leaving Harrisburg at 8 00 a. tn. and 2.35 p. rn Connecting with trains on the Northern Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland al ley Railroads, for Suubr.ry, Williamson, Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Baltimore, Chain- be r burg, &c. Through Tickets Reading to Baltimire, St 00; to Lancaster, S2 25 ; to Get'ysbt rg, S3 50. 8u pounds of baggage allowed to each pas-eimer. ' The second class cars run with all :he above trains. Through firt clss tickets at reduced rates to Niagara Falls, Butfato, Deiioit, Chicaao, and all the principal points in the West, North West, and the Canadas; tnd Krni.-jront Tickets at lower fares to all ab)ve places, can be had on application to ihe station agent at Reading. All tickets will be porcha-ed before the trains start. Higher tares charged if aid in cars. A. Nl COLLS i, Engineer and General SupaMi tem'"'- February S2, 1860. LIQTJOB.SiT Wholesale ami ISetail. T HE subscriber would announce .tc iht ciiizens of Bioomiibiirg and vicii ity, that he i selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at ditfrreui price t, at his New Sire, on Maui treet, rtCtt. northsjife, two doors souti of fXf. Iron street, Biooiuoburg. His tf&Vp stock ot Foreign aucl Domestic ar ?'-" .M ItJbt consis's ot Cognac and Rochelle, iilacl br ry; Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He hue a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bouibon, Old Folks Whiskey, "and any quantity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not lead, a quantity of goo J double extr BROWN SJOUT; all of which he will sell at the low eet cash prices. The public are respect fully eoliciled to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROB BIN'S, At U. Blonmsburg, May 1, 1861. SPRING AND SUMMER CO LTD S3 & LARGE STOCK AM) LOW PRICES. e have again been to the city, ar d re turned with a large stock of Goo Is for the season, which we are prepared to sell at a low figure for ready pay. Our slock consists of Goods Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, ii-low-ware. Hollow-ware, B O OT SANDSHOES, Grwerie, Nails, Iron, Fih, Salt, Piaster, Fluid, Camphene Oils, White Lead )y the Keg, cheap, &c. H. C. fe I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1661. JAlrUll; tlf yUlli XHIll FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AXD SnniER GOODS, MILLER 56 EYER'Si. T yV. subscribers have just returm d Irnm it. f'nv uiih another lare am select sdrt meiit of S;riii and Suisimcr t- )ods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest fianre, and which thy are delerm ned to sell on as moderate terms as can 'e pro ,.,,i u!.uhre in Bloomsburc. Their stuck comprises of the choicest styles and late-t fnsl ions. DRY. GOOD 9j Hardware, Queensware. Cedarware, Hoi lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shies, Hals ar.d Caps, &c, &c. In short, etferyumig usuallv koui in country stores; to wt icn i tey invites ihe public cenerally. Tin highest J pr;t.e ,dll (0r couuuy produce. ;e. MILLER & J;ER. Blnomsburg, May 15, IS61. Lack a aud liloocisburg Railroad. ON AND AFTER NOV. 25, '1961, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL UL'jN AS i-UL- LOWS MOVING SOUTH. Freight & Passenger. 5.25 A. M. 4 'asstnetr. Leave Scranton, 1C.30 A.M. 4 Kingsion, il Rupert, 6,30 Arrive 1 !,15 i', M. 8,40 Danville, 9,15 Arrive at North'd. 10,00 ' MOVING KOBTH. Leave North'd. 4.30 P. 11. Danville, 5.10 . ' Rupert, 5.45 - " Kingston, 8 00 Leave 1.45 P. M. Arrive at -ranton. 9.00 P. M. 3 40 A Passenger Train also leave Kiusslon at 8.30 A. M. for Scranton, to coinect with traiu for New York. Returning leaves SiTanlnn on arrival of Tram irom New York al S 15 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloom .burs Rail road connects with the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western iianroau a ociduiun, for New York and intermediate joints east. At Rupert it connects with lh Catawirsa RnilroHd for ooints botn east ami west. At Northumberland it connerts with the Philadelphia aud Erie R. R. ani Northern Ceutral R. K. lor points west ana soma. JOHN P. ILSLI1Y, Sup't. J. C. Wells, Geirl Ticket Ag't. . November 27, 1861. - U' v ' ' 1 A.M. IllTEKT,?:-. :XER 4- STO VE Dl tfLER, RAYMOND S FAMILY StE W, I N Q MAC H j'NE! . ; PATENTtD MARCH 9, 1858. PRICE jlO EACH. ftESSR3. 'ZUPPINGEK & UOBBINS, of Bloomeburg, having purchased the ex clusive right of the above valuable Impro , ved Cheaf Patent Sewing Machine, for ihe County of 'Columbia, will be luppy to supply their friends. iih the article for the accomrurdationof themselves and families. The folfowing are tome of the superior advantages this implement pos.estes, viz: 1. It sews from 403 to 600 light stitches per minute. 2. Double thread Machines ate from ihe more complicated character of their mech anism . invariably managed and threaded with more or le difficulty ; not so with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage it iu two hours, aud it is threaded easier tbaa a com mon needle. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is ihe smallness and ihe compactness of its mechanism. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or siand, in operating order; ud removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes t!ie thread, and yet produces a team, sufficiently strong for any work for which it is intended, a qual ification not knowu to all kii.Cs of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cing a seam so regular and systematic. The seam is so strong it well done, that the f-tronge.-t material will tear before the seam will give way. 7. Among the nrray of Pa'enl Sewinsr Machines, iheie are none so cheap and durable as Raymond's P'?nt, but no Ma chine is adapted to kll kinds oi work as experience Jios proven. There re perhaps not.e so roaly useful, doing such a variety of wore for the immediate u-e of the fam ily circle and at such a moderate price as RAYMONDS PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his sm just as he pieces, waves, leaves end ftjwers, e c , cxn be represented or imitated. Ii i narticularl v adanteu to a'd kinds - of stitchii g such as '- f - J Gentlemen's shitL- bo-oms, risibands, collar', ec, and all kinds of ladies' sewing, mcluJum silks, lawns, deUines, calicoes, doners, etc., ex cepting tor men's heav y wear, this Machine is rather too li jbt oi contraction. 10. But we all admit, that the advantage to health, and principally to the virion or eve-ii-h?. inuored bv ihe use of Sewing Machines, fcurpa-ses infinitely all other ad- , vantages. 21. This Machine fastens the seim nl ways itself, bet if the operator wishes it uulast'ned or open, there is a way ior it too, thu6 you can have it fastened or not, as you please, which is, sometimes, espe cially for beginners, a very UvoraMe cir cumstance. Jf the seam is left unfastened, yoo can draw it out in three bCcunds ant j.ave ihe thread. Fur eale by the undersigned, at tjeir re spective residence, in Blaomebuig. who wiil put the Machine i: ojeration at'd give ali uecessury 'instruction. HEXKY Z':PPINGEU. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. Bloomsbor, July 11, 1660. FRESH ARRIVAL OF ATKEAD QUAUTEU.S! JIcKELVY, IV E A I- t VO., HAVE just received and opened their stock of Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and Laucsoin esl assortment now offered in this TO AN. paid great at:euion to the selection ol Iheir entire stock as lo Price atsd Qualify, thpc flatter themselves that they can compete the cheep!, and all those wishingito i buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We havea'l kinds of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very jarue aiid complete apsorttnent ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French Merntoes. wool plaids, alpacas, bom baxines, de bi.ges, DOplui paiaetta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laiaes,- Pereiau cloths, Gi"ghams, al;coes. Le. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, S'eeves, Collar, Spencer, handkerchiefs, Uouuci-gs, bands aud irimmit-, laces and ed-iu-'son.iei r'bons, in Ure varieiy, vil ve? libbotis, and bruls, kid, coltou, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, ice. aiAj kixjs of ss:.tviaS, hri,. Kav State. Waterville, buck silk, casi;mere, embrodered, &e. Also a very lare lar-e assortment of Cloihs, casimers, satinets, ver-iings, l weeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. r.f all kinds and sires for men, women and children. We have a large aortmenl I of HATS and CAPS of ihe latest tashion. e have aUo, Hardware, Queeueware, Cedar ware, Lc. Very cheap CAkVeTS,CAKPET-IJAGS, FLOOR. uble and carriage oil cloths, mats, rugs, Das kets.&c. Muslins, flannel, tickings dra pers, lowelings, driilii'gs, &c, in abundance. We invite our friends and ihe public gen erally to give os a call before purchasing elsewhere." We have bouaht our good at . llll't' 1 ...ill .- nl the LOWKSi IAM1 nut-wmiu himu. be undersold by anybody or the rest of kind. McKELVY, NEAL & CO. Bloomsbnrc, Nov- 2ll850 Tinware &'l5loTe Lsablishiaeut. rrfHE UNDERSIGNED respecifuily m forms his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by hi in -el I i:Uot.' Ho has Jest recoivod and of- ux lers tor eai me larizesi o.iu giyH . . .. T FA T.V STOl VS fers or sal the largest .. . 1 k - I i v. lellbivf tsBJ iiiiiciii vi - apr introduced into this uiarxei c.o;r, Hint Tinware constantly BICI linmui'-w . on hand and manufactured to order. All kimls of leuairing done, fcs usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully t,iei',,J- A. ai iIJ 1 1 ' Bloomsburg, Jan. 12. 1S53. tf. T1HOTOGRAPH i iis all - - wkt sVT ITS Branches executed in the best Myle known in the , at C. G. CRANES GALLERY, 532 art Arch Street. East ol Sixth, rnnaueipu.. RTLife Size in Oil and rasui, rStereoi!copic Portraits, " CirAmbrotpes, Dauuerreotypes, uc. For Cat-es, Aledaliiona, Pins,Rinsi, c. novl4 HENRY, EOSENSTOCK, 'B9 in, ice Third Story ot ihe b.x- 11 change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) BtoornBburS Columbia coun- bloomSDur?, iuv., vrj BLANKS! BLANKS! BLAAKS !! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCEN AS", AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & desirableform8,fo sale at the offica of the ?tar ofthe North AYEE'S' arsaparilla FOIl PUSUYDTQ TIIE BLOOD. And fir the speedy euro of iho following complaints: fccrofulnaml He refill una Affection, guch a Tumom, llterii, Sorea, Kruptlunii, Hiinplra. Pustules, lilutciiea, Uolla, . iiluiutf, aud mil &Uiu DivuMt:. Oakland, InJ., (iih June, 1953. J. C. AtkB k Oo. Oeiitti : 1 fcttl it my duty to ao koowlxie Lt yuiir hitriuiHrilla Iium duua fur lue. lluwu iiihi ttinl a tkrofuluua intc-ctiun, I liuvo nurTrul from it in Turious ways fur years. fcuiuuUnius it burst out in Ulittrs ou uiy Imi.'iit aud aroui; eonietiiues it turutnl limui J and didtrtssi-d iue nt tUu ctuamcli. Two yen, a ugo it Iruke out on my hetuj and covered juv scalp aud tir wttb guv kuio, wbkti wag luii.lul aud luaihauuie U yund dcriplion. 1 tried many medicine aud Kverul plAi iaii.H, but without relief from any tliiup. In bx't, Ibu dUorder grow worHe. At ltiifrtli I ari rejoiced to imd iu tlio Uuxpul MentniiUfr tljitt you had ln-nucd au allmatlv (4muiarU)B), f r 1 knew from your rvjjut tluu that any tiling you inn do mimt be good. I 8ent to Ciuciuuatiandgut it, and Ufed it till it cured mu. 1 took it, ail you adviso, iu nuiull doe of a teupsiiifiil over a Im.utU, and used aluiont three bottlea. Nt-tt and healthy akin on began to lorm under the iicab, which after a while f-il oil. 11 y Kkin ia uow idear, aud I know by my feelino that the dueate baa (tone rrom uiy nynlt-m. You oaii well believe ttuit I feel what I am aayiug when I tell you, that 1 hold you to be onu of the apustlea of the ago, aud louiuiu over gratefully. Yours, ALFHLD B. TALLE?. St. Anthony! Klr. Roue or Eryl i-Ja, Tetter onl Svlt itheuni, SJcnld llcaU, lllugtrormi Bore Kyea, Dropsy. Dr. ttobert M. Preble writes from Salem, X. Y., 12th Sept., 1150, that he has cured an Inveterato caoe of Dropsy, which threatened to teruiinato fataltv, by the perwverinn tine of our Saraaparilln. and also a ilaueroua ilUignant Erynjtdat by laru;e doeca of the same ; says he cures the common Eruptiimt by It congtautly. Dronchoccl! Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebnlon of l'rutiect, Texua, writes : "Three bot tles of your Harsaparilhi cured me from a G'c itre a hid eous swelling on the neck, whiuh I had u uttered from over two years." Lfiicorrlitra or TVhllee, Ovarian Tumor, Itterlno Ulceration, Feuinle Diaeuaes. Dr. J. B. 8. Clionnin, of Lew York City, writes ; " I Siwt cheerfully comi-ly with the rer!iet of your agent tn savins I have fouml your Paifnjiarilla a mont excelleut alterative in the inunen iis criil.'iiutH for winch we employ such n rein.tlr. but et-ix-ciiiliy in ImaU Diseases ot Ihe Scrofulous diaih-u. I hare cured many inveter ate canes of Leiii-orilnea by it, and Homo where the com plaint w:t caused by ulceration of tho nlmtt. Tbe ulcer ation itself was soon cured, Notbtun wiihin my knowl edge eniils it. for these female derangements." hdwurd S. Murrnw, of Nebury, Ala., writes, "A dun (Ktihi nrarian tymnr cn one or tho frniales in my family, whi h had defied all Ihe remedies we could employ, has at IrtiKth been cumpletely cured by your Kxtract of Sar apurilla. Our iliyiciun thought uothine tint extti-pa-tiou could BtTor'l reliL-fhut be advised the triul of your SuniaoHii'.la as the last resort before cuttiutr. and it proved effectual. After taking your remely eight weeks no symptom of tho disease remains." Syplitlla and Mercurial Disease. Ntw OrlfahS, 25th AuRtipt, JS59. Dm. J. C. Art : Sir, I cheerfully comply with tho re- Jnet of your ajrent, and report to you some of the effects have realized with your e.iraparilla. I have enred with it, in my practice, most of the com phifns for whir h it is recommended, and havo found iui efl.-ct truly wonderful iu tho euro of TVncreal and Mir Pifise. One of my patinnts bait Syphilitic ulcer In bis throat, which wero cousumlnp Lis palate and the top or his mouth. Your Sarsnparilla, steadily taken, cured him in hve weeks. Another was attucked by sec- symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration biul eaten away a considerablo part of it, so that I believe the disorder would hoon roach his braiu and kill him. lint it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, and he ia well again, not of course without Annie diffiuratlon to bis face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was euflering from this p'lisou in her bones. They hail become so sen sitive to tho Weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciutintr pain in her joints aud bones, fche, too, was cured entirely by your carsaparilla iu a few Weeks. I know from its formula, whieh your ageut gave tee, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it imve uot surprised mo. iraternally yours, G. X. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Oont, Llrer Complaint. IoSprsDEKCE, PrtsUn Co., Tu., Cth July, 1S59. Da. J. C. Arm: Sir, I have been alUicUd with a pain ful chronic It'ieumalism for a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to mo tn spite of all the remedies I could Bud, until I tried your Saxjaparilla. One bottle cured me iii two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I urn far better than before I was attacked. I thiuk it a wouderful medicine. J. 1 Kb AIL. Jules Y. Gotchell, of St. Louis, writes: "1 have been afflicted for years with an ufiedum of tlu Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, aud every thing tilled to relieve me; and I have been a Lroken-down maa for some years from no other cans" than deranpemtnt cf Uit Liver. Jly beloved pastor, the Hev. Jlr. Epy, advised, me to try your Sarsaparilla, boeauso he said he knew you, and any tbini? you made was worth trying. By the bless ing of God it baa cured me, and has so purified my blood as to make a new uian cf me. I feel young aain. The beat that can be said of you Is uot half good enough." Bcli Irrus. Cancer Tuuort, enlargement. Ulceration, Carl" "il K.vfo.1 latlon ( tHe itonee. A great variety of cases bare been reported to ns where cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from the use of this reuiedy, but our epaco here will not admit them. &'tiio r.f them may be toiind iu our American Almanac, w hich the agents bedow named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Fits, Kpllep- y, 'Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cuies of thea aifecticbs haTe been made by the alterative power of this medicine, it stiinu lat the Yi'.nl functions into vigorous acti'n, and tliua overcomes dtoide-rs which would be supposed leyoud its roae-b. Such a remedy has Ucsj been required by the ne-eesHlti.-s of the people, and we are cohCJeut tLat Uiia wiU do for them ail that itediciue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR THE HAT-ID CCRE OF Coughs, Coltla, Iuflutiz, Hortnei, Croup, Uroncliltls, Incipient ton. luiuptlun, antl for t!ic lltllef Qt Consumptive Patient In lvoncfl Stages of the Dliieaae. Thin h remedy no univerwillv known lo FnrpM arr othr Tor llis cure ot thmat and lunp complaint, that it to nwlow) hfra to publish ibe eTWetce of its Ttrtuea. 1 la onrialleJ excellence for coughs nnd cod,uJ in tro.y wnnjHrful cuiv vt r-ulmoDary diwase, bve maJe it known throuphonfr the clviliz-U of Ihe earth. Jew are tbe communities, or cren fomiUes, oiuomr thexn rho liave cot some prvnal exjt-rienro of it effects r-mo iivii.jr tr..i by in their Biidn of it tI. t. ry mr tha aubde and dangvnma dirder of the throat and luups. As all know the dreadful futility of tbra-e dirdr!', and as thoy know, too. the effects of this n-medy, we need not do more than to aasnre tlieon that it haa low ail i ir tues that it did haTe when making the cures which. uav won so strongly ui"1 tlie confidi-nce of mankind. Prejarad by Dr. J. C. AYEB U CO., Lowell, Mm. b(dd by K. P. Luiz. J R. Mujfr, and C M. llauetibui-.h, Rlooinebuis, and by one dealer in nerv town iu ihe Stale. April 6, 161.-1). Howard Aociatioii, PHILADKLPHIA. Ben-vrdpnt Irt'tutiofi e!abNhd by, special K tdowmer.t, lor t!,e Relief rf the Sit k at d Ditres-e . fl!ct-d with Viru lent and Chronic IM-fa, and epecial Jv tor the Cure of Disease of the Sexual Organs. M1 EPICAL APV1CK !iven jjrn, by the Aclit a Sarsjeoii, lo all w ho apply by letter, w i.h a tleM-riptinn rf their rondition, (aye, occupation, habit of lifei &e..) and inca-ei of extreme poverty, Medicines fnniUhed tret of charge. VALUA BLK RK PORTS on Spematorrhcra and n:h.'r Diseases of the Sexnl Orcrans, and on the NEW REMKDK'.S employed in the Ii'i.-pt-nsary, sent to thr- afflicted in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Two or three stamps tor postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Snraeon, Howard Association, No. 2 Souih Ninth Street, Philadelphia Pa. JJv order ot the Director. GEO. FA1RCIMLP, Sec. EZRA D. HEART WELL, Preet. Phi'tdelphiaApril 3, 1861 lj'. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk White Swan) RaceSlreet abare 3d Philadelphia JOHX B0YER, Proprietor. Terms, SI. 25 per d.iy. TO the old customers of this well-known -House. I desire to say, that I have renovated, improved ana newly- furnished the same.' and that I respectfully bolicit a continuance of their patronage. Siraners, travelers and visitors I cor dially invite to the hospitalliiy of the "Na tional" to come and see and judge lor themselvea of ils advantages fcud merits. The location is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor to nudy the wants and comforls of our uests, aud with the assistance of Mr. Joseph llotscai, our affable and attentive Clerk, we feel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, aud hope 10 give eneral satisfaction. JOHN BOYER. Philad., Feb. IS, 1861 y. CABINET WAKE --ROOMS s. C. Tg ;S21IVE. RESPECTFULLY invites the aUention of the I'ublic to his extensive ar-rori tncnl of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials ar.d in a workmanlike mariner. At his Establisk n.etit, can alwajs lie lotind a good assort me nt ot FASHIONABLE FEILMTEKE. which i equal in style bud fn ih lo that oi PLiladel'diia or New York cities, and at es low pricte. lie has Sofa of different style and price?, from 25 lo $60. Divans Loun ee, Walnut and Irlahooany. Parlor chairs, Hocking and eay cl.aire, I'iano stools, and a variety ol uphoUlereJ work, with Dreinp and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whainots and comr des ar.d all kinds of fashionable work. Hi stock of bureau?, enclosed and oomir.on waatiM&nda, dres-table?, corner cupboards hoias, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane teat and common chair is ihe largeni in ihi section oi the couniy. He will also keepa ood aesorimeni ol lookina ola wiih fancy gilt and common Ira rues He w ill also furuinh t-priny mat' rashes fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for dutabiliiy and comfort to any bed in ue. rvloornnbnrj?, January 13, 185S. ii. v. UDWJin, s t si a a: o ri i$ 2: ft t s t . ' ESI' EC FULLY offer His Jw- V ti r of:ifc; ini ) ri t f r v W'' i t n t ti f i'TYT ladie., and enllernen ol I'lr-oii) bur ati'd vicinity. He is prepared u attend to all the various operations in Den:isiry, amt is provided with the late.-t :mpr'vp I'OIICELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, 10 look as well a natural. A superior article of Tooih Powder, a! vi ays on iiarid. All operations on the teeth warranted. OiB'je, 3d building ahove S. A. Wilson's Carriage Maiinf-tory Main St., west tide. Bloomsburg, January 13. 1858 FORKS HOTEL. . ELOOMSECKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. 110 BERT HAGENBUCH, Proprietor. , T TAKES pleasure in announcing loihe pub lic that he has rented and UiorotiMy refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in B!oomrb'jrg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamster, drovers and boarders. H;s table w',i! be sup plied with the beM products the markets af ford, and bis Ear will be cutisianily furnish ed with tha choicest liquors. Attentive ostler will always be r. at tendance, and he trtirts his lon experience l in catering to .r.e wants or trie puouc, anu ni cbligmg citteiition to customers wilee curr him a liberal share of ptruiiue. Bioom.-bnrg, April 21, 1838. riotiram! Fevtl liTcrcd ! CUEAPK THAN TtiE CUEAFE3T ! T THE undersigned has made arrtne metits thdl wiil enatde htm lo di-livef Fiour and Feci!, FUR CASH, about'ten per cent, cfieaper than any body i:i town. Hi prices are as f,-.llows : Flour S7 25; Corn and Oats Chop ? 1 55 ; Corn ant! Kye Cha Sl 65 rar S 1 1J 5 1 renpecituiiy eolicir a shire of ttie pubiic pairoi:as;e. 21 OSES COFFA1AN bioorni-burg, Jur.e 14, iRSu. jfijjoMsnuiai ISA is is us; no2. r'MlF. under-ijne-J r i tiul!) informs the - citizdiis ct hi:n:nsLur generally, thai Se linf l. ; . aii j i ne pu o ic ken the B;t:ber Shop, located on A4tiu S vvtiite Frame Bui! jintr, nearly opposite i;ie L.x- j change , here he is at bit tjn.e- rea.ty j taction. SHAVING AND HAIUDUr.SINtJ, Will be executed with t-are and neatrte-' and in the mo-t Lis'iionalle i-iyie, and on very rno ier'e terms. j rNhampoonivj. dotie op in City Styl-. ' He vilici:! public patronage an I pl-..Miaes j hi be-i eitdeawor. lo give every reasonable 1 eaiitaCllOil. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Rloomrburvj, Oct. 12. 1859. N E W H A T SAND "cTa P S! ' At J. li- UirtoiYft Hal Store. j THE ondersisned re.-pectuily intoriHK die i the citizens of Bloom-borer, an J the public ! in t;er eral, that he has jn-l receiveJ Irom Philadelphia a lot ol NEW HATS k t-APS, for Spring and Summer, of the very laie-i htyleo and fashion-, all cf which h pre pared to t-eil cheaper limn can tie had eUe where, with the exception of ihe rnauulac turen. He fiai all kinds, s-tls, ;.ru atid size, d fia' and caps, probably the moM varied a.-ortment ever brouphi to town. AUo STRAW GOOD'S, incltdtns the mod- rill Ulirs aim IH3UIUHI.. r?"S'.ore on Main Street, nearly oppoiiu ( ..... ....I.... ...f f.r.t.... i the '-Old Arcade.'7 JOHN K. (JIRTON i Rloorn'-burs. April 24, IfGl. SOME I HING IOR TIIE TIME-! : A ni:c s:ssitv in lyltiy iioi skh'jld Tlie Mions"!! iilue. iu Ihe !VrIl For Cementini; Wood. Leather, Clas, Ivory, China. Martle: Porcelain, Alabaster, Rone. Coral, ice.. &c. SiC. j The enly article ol the kind ever produced which will with-und Water. EX HI A CIS: "Every housekeeper i-Lould have a sup ply of Johns & Cro- ey's American Cement Glue." Xtw York Times. " It is so convenient have in liie house" AVw Yutk Expiess. 'It is always re-tdv this cemmends it to everybody.'-' N. Y. Independent. "We have tried it, and tind it as usefu in our hcUse as water." JfVics' Spirit vf. the limes. J I'rlce 23 Cenls per iiomt-- Vr l.ih.rnl tied UCl toni lo ho!efe Dealers- ri:K3i CAH. CiTorsale by all Druggists and S e- tppnprs "enerallv ihronahoul the coU'J" JOHNS CROSLEY, fSoIe Manufacturers 78 William Street. Comer of Lib NEW YORK. July 10 1661. ly. WM.BK0QXS Pro? ri or. . t a mMTC :c U,.n.LiilUiie 111 UIO M T. . ... . L ' I 'nio ruaniin cu 1 .... I ...... r( postte the Court Hou,e yd rcpatiou auu itiuMi,.. is now prepared to a M m ( odate travelers, oarders in (be most teamsters, drovers pleasant and a manner. 11 is taole reel will be supplied tbe best the market th the choicest liquors. affords, and his always be on hand, the most extensive in Attentise osiler and bis stabli ntry. Omnibuses will this section rcoui always be Railroad Depots, gers to an" 3 K00N3. Phil'a laLiifaclared SALMANDElt SAFES;- No. 304 CheKinot Sircet PHILADELPHIA.. . H1E Siifes sre in use now all over th United StHies, and hav fieen well lett ed in iivpy (i e8.;flhe follow in g huw'e au other iiittaiice of their capability iu resist ing fire. - WITMER.S BRIDGE, .) Lanraiter Tow iishir. July 30, I860.J Mfww. EVANS & WATSON : Gentlemtn Tlie smp.ll nze No. 1 Sala mander Safe which I purchased Irom vour agent, Mr. Adam K. Barr, u Lancaster City , on July 20th, 1858, hah been tr.bjected to t very hevere test, which it withstood ia'a n.oft t-atiefaciory manner. Thia Safe, coi lainii!!! till my books, tcgether wi.h valor. b!e paper? belonging to myself and 60rh. to my neighbors and irienda, and repre tenliri" a value of over Twenty Thousaoi' Dollars, 20.000 was In my Miit which wa6 destroyed on the rijht ol iha 2thtif July, 1860, and passed ihro'.igh the fiery ordeal untcathed. The Sale wa on tla second floor, and fell lo ihe basement of the Mill, and was subjected or six houia to an inteiiee heat among the ruin? which was yreatly increased by ihe combustion pf a large quantity of grain 'confined wiih'if ihe brick w ail. After the fire the Safa wa-' and the books and papers taken ouq in a -tate of perfect preservation, the pa per no: even being decolored. Thin fict whs, however, to many, bynanders a bet ter recommendation ol your Safes than could Be txpreef-ed in any oiher words from me. Your? Respect fully, SAMUEL RANCK. Anoth-T Victory for Evans & Wit' 'son's Salamander Safe. Owero, N. Y , March 27, 1860. Gentlarr en It affords me much pleasuf to infnrm you that the Safe No. 5, cprizhij, which I purchased of B. Stroud, j our Trav- elling Aseni, hai parsed through an ' tx ceedir.gly hot fire in a three story briclc building, which leaied the Safe lo a whila heal, so that the corners of ii appear melt ed; but it preserved my books and valuabla papers to the amount of several thotTraciJ dollar, lor which I feel thankful. our, Heepecifolly, J.N. ELDRIDGE. Philadelphia. Jnn 4th, 1853. Me-frs EVANS fc WAT.-ON manofac turetl the Fire Proof Safes whicti have been in u- since the commecement of oo lirttik, an ! are eupplied with Itiree of the ra'etil Alphr.tetical Bank Lock, and bavt iven entire saiifaction. This Lock we have areat confidence in, bo'h as reyaru (ecurity and convenience, there beini no c'lHiice ta bluw it oui w ith powder, and ro key to carry. We consider it one of tha t;est and sale-i Lock now in use. ROBERT MORRIS, Pre'i Com'tb 8ark. 1IENRV GRAM BO. Cashier. Great Tire Another Triumph. Knoxviile, Tenn., March 13, 1859. ; Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, PhilaV.a. Getiileinen ll afford me great pleasora to say ro you that Ihe Salamander Sij wlticli I purchased of you in February, 185tf j. roved to I'd what you recommended it -a sure protection Irooi lire. My fciorehoase, losrether v. r'di sevtral others, w as Durnea lo Hie gr' tiud nt March tai. The Sate tell l:r'uh into the caller, and was expo-eJ to intense hi for s- or eiM hours, and L-"ii n Mas taken from ii. rniiii and open ed, all its contents were to be in a perlect .-tale, ihe books and the paper not be;.: i; vired i:y whatever. I can cheer Il.U iei:t.n;n. -I-i your Sfes lo Hie torn tiuiti , Wl-i-vmir, a I t'o, tht they are as indf fise proof r ij l e i::u.'.c. . it is possible l"r any Sa.a THOMAS J. POWELL. 51 cf crcticcs. Jlii.t. l';.iudrlp.ia : U.S. Arenal. U S P:n!;u!i ij.t Pi IjWH Br k : C:.eiter Valley B-ink , So'.tli w ctern Bw t-ori'iih, N. C : iU ot Va. ; Bank of Got.l Btis of Ra'eih, N. C. : Ul JliM.-tirj , -1 lr . , nana, vn jci-cv ti'iore, Pa. ; Uuiiv ot Newark, Wei. : ol Nor'iii'iiibt-r.and ; April 3J, 16 i. Lewisbur Biuk. a r r V j - O AVS the entiie cost for Tuition in th r uio-i puiiuiar and succesrtul Commer i-ial School in tlie cqantry. Upward of TwKLvt Hi wrkKD yont.2 men from twestt kicht dilferei.l Siales, hae been educated for bui;ie" here within tUe past three P;,r, k0n:e of whom lve been employed boot Kepr at f-Hiariet of SSUCO.00 per Annum, im r:ie;ia:e;y up.m laJuatiu. wiio Knew no'.hiriii of accounts when they entered, the college. riM'tiisir-' srn ball price. Students' enter at any lime, an I revi-w whea they ple.isc, wi'.tiout extra -riare. For Catalogues rf 6 pae? Sp9k of Prof. Copley'.- B;i-i;ies tind Orname ! Pepmanship, and a large Engraving of ih Colieie, inclose iwonty-hve cents in Post age Slumps to ihe Principal JENKINS & SMITH, PiUsbcrgh, Pa. June 5, 1SCJ. MANHOOD. HOir LOST, UQW UCSTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. I l?rTI'Pr n Tim k . 'L? I TURK, TREATMENT. AND K A D I C A L C UR E 0 F S PEIIMa- rORRHCEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sex- fiidl ieDiiny , ervoii.nes ana iivoluatary emifsions, prodscin impolencv, Consurnp I lion, and Mental and Physical Debility ' By ROB T. J. C ULVERWELL, M. D.. The important fact that ihe awful cons, quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed w ithout internal mrdicines or tna dangerous applications of caustics, iuslru merit-!, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and tne entirely new and highly sue ctfssful treatment, as adopted by the cele brated author fully explained, by means of which everyone is euabied to cure himself perfectly, and at tbe leaet possible cost, thereby avoiding ail the advertised nos irums of the day. This lecture will prova a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on the receipt of Iwo postage stamps, by addressing. DR. CH. J.C.KLINE,. 127 Bowery, N.Y. Post Office box 4,586. August 7, 1861-ly. 21'KELVY, NEAL t CO., MERCHANTS, Nonbeast corner of Main and Market Sta. Ayer's Cathartic Pills BlanLj of all Kinds for ea!e at the Star of xht Noi tk OiUct?. Bloor trz. Jclv 4, i860.