CAR OF THE NORTH JTJsOO 51.17 K G, FA. W'rdtesday Jlcrsing, December 35, ISS I. W print the Star on Tuesday this wetk in order lhat our'Printers can bare Christ mas as a holiday., . Thf ground is pretty completely covered with snow. The sleighs have been seen to try it. A 1 i t : I e more is neadaJ to make it first-rate. The forindut:oa is excellent The Ladies of Oranueville are not behind thoseof other places in making op and send ing arririesto our soldier'. They, a few vdays ago, shipped a box of article. Jo the army, the value of- w hich was reported to be over one hundred dollars. Thk Ladiks of Espy and Rohrsburg have rtfetty generally responded to ihe appeals made by the Sanitary Commision for our Btck and wounded soldiers. The .lartie of this place are very active in their efforts to aid the army in every thing that will tend to make them com : ANOTHER CHANK IN A uTtS PknKy" PoST OmcE. The "no party" par'y have remov ed Mr. T. J. Weluvkr from the Post Office at Welliverville, this county, and appointed llr. J Hi Ale in bis place This is anoth er "tec-penny" chance 1 The widows will liave to look out next ! Heads off, is the word with this "no party" party. W announced some weeks since that we intended to ihow op to our patrons before long how -well the Star had been sustained tlaring oor editorial career; but upftn doe reflection over the matter, we have conclu ded not to do it. We fear we could not say ranch that would reflect very credibly upon oar pafrons, hence drop the enhject. New Post Master. We learn that- the T'ost Office Department at Wahinnton has effected a change in the Post Office at Cata wissa, this county. ; Our frierd Mr I evi Keiler, successor of Casper Rah, has been removed and Mr. S D Regard appointed in his stead Yot aright we know Mr. Kei ler was a faithful and worthy officer, but changes vill tike place in the best regulated establishments.. Howard's Express carries, gratuitously, contributions for carrying on the "Coop er Shop Refreshment Saloon, No. 1009, Otsego St., Philada." This is a benevolent organization to feed all Soldiers passing throngh tha? city to the seat of war. They have refreshed as man) as 7.000 in a day, end ask aid Irom country friends in this good work in the very lime when soldiers most need good food. , Jesse K. Pbtor, a primer formerly in our rffice, and who wis a member of Captain Craig's Company,in Col Geary's Regiment, was captured wih Augustus Will ams ot Hazleton, bv the rebe's, while watching a boat along the Potomac. He with several others had started out to steal horse ; all had crossed but Pryor and Williams, who were left to watch the boat, when a lot of Cavalry came alone and captured them They were out without any knowledge of Ihe Captain. - DATH OK OSE OF THE 'lBON Gc.lRD Jl the late battle at DrainesvWla one of the Iron Guard,' met with hi death by beina shot, the ball taking effect near ihe mouth. The . onfortnnate person was Samcel C Waltm, an active ycnng man and brave soldier. The. corps arrived at this place on Monday evening, and was interred iti the Cemetery on Tuesday forenoon by tho hor ma or war, the ' Home Gnards" participa ting The remains were accompanied to the berial grounds by a large concourse of people. "Peace be to his ashes " Jons G Fasr.ZE, Esq. ' Attorney at Lw haying accepted the position of Deputy Register and Recorder of the 'County of Co lumbia ; has removed hi office into t e room occupied by the Register and Recor der in the Court Honse ; where he can al ways be lonnd prepared to attend to the business of his profession, and also to the duties of his r!epojyf.hip. CiT Persons havingbosir.ess wiih the Reg. ister or Recorder moot come prepared to pay the fees before the work can be done ; No other coarse can be'adbpted by the Dep nty, to whose care the entire business ol ihe office has been transferred. : A Hint to Advertisers. a bnlk winx'ow in which to expose your wares, i a fery pood inslitntion, because it attracts the lention of the people to yonr place of brnTi ress;bct an advertisement is much better People wbo pass yonr place only ee yonr frak window, but yoor advertisement pen. etraes every street and alley in the p1aCe The mountain wonld not come, to Mahomei bo Mahomet went to the "monn'.ain. The bulk window "will not go to the purchaser, but the purchaser will go to the bulk win t!owf il it i advertised in the newspaper. It is a plain case, and few at this late diy Jjuf what can see it. Those who have goods faitab'e for holiday presents should let the public bear from ihem where they are and .what they have, ; ..... - Newspaper.-An exchange has well said: " No: one person in a thousand estimate the value of newspapers in times of war Vie have heard pome people fay, 'what a harvest for the ne wspaperi-;' they do not take intoconsideratton that the proprietors scarce y get back the money the paper costs on which each issue is printed, and in these r t;rnes additional expenses are sustained vrhich are seldom incident to times of peace. In ssch times, too, advertising instead of increasing, falls ofT. The very life of a pa per is aettti:ly,'taken away and, additional bsrJena are tnapoed by tha large amount rf gra'vtstions labor that, is asked by the public in way o: calls for meetings, notices Gf varioas societies militarj companies, ere. Accounts of a public character are charge able la times of peace. The press, there for?, to-day, is really donating more, in proportion to its means than any other in- . etirt;-n in the Ian J, end with, perhaps, the ::.. I arrreciatioa and the t mallest' thanks: r? Y Virtue of a writ of Alias Levaria Facias tome directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of. the county of Columbia, Penn'a." will be exposed :o public Bale, at the Court House, in Bloomsbutg, on Tbarsday the Stliday of January, 1862, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the lollowing property to w'u: ALL THESE SIX CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND, situate in Braver township, County ol Columbia, ard State of Pennsylvania, one of them called, BALBEC,' bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a post thence by land of McNeal, north, 12 de crees net three hundred and forty perches to a chestnut oak, thence by I.uid of Win Gray and Win. S'eedman, south, seventy eight degrees west, one hundred and seven ty nine perches to a post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jackson, south,' twelve degrpes east, four hundred arid ten parche to a post; thence by land of Richard BrooK, north seventy degrees east, seventy three perches to a dogwood, north, twelve de crees west, fitteen perches to a post; thence north seventy e ght decree ea?t, eighty two perches to a black oak; thence by an old survey, north, twelve degrees west, twenty five perches to a hickory, and north, thirty two degrees est, thirty four perches to the place ol beginning containing four hundred and twelve acres and a t. alt, and allowance of six per cent, for roids, &c ANOTHER of thern called 'PALMYRA, hpoinnina at a post, thence by land of Robert Gray, north, twelve degrees wei, lour hundred and ten perches to a post, thence by land of Wm. . Steedman. south, evenly eight degrees west, one hnndre I and sixty perches to a post; thence by land of John Brady, south, twelve dere east, fojr hundre t and ten perches to a post, ant' thence by land of John Wild arid Richard Brook, north, seventy right degree east, one hundred and sixty six parches to ihe jiiace of beginning, containing lour hundred and one acre and a quarter, and allowance of ix per r ent, for road", &c. ANOTHPR nfthem caHed STON'V. HALL, beginning t a ot, thence by land of John Brady, north, twelve decrees west, two hun dred ai:d sixty three perches to a post, thence by land of Charles Hall, so tth seventy eisjht decrees wes-t- two honored and seventy one perches to h chestnut; thence by hind ol Catharine Longenterger, south, sixteen de 2re." and a quarter enst, two lundred anl severity six perches lo a s'one, and ihence by land of Deborah Stewart and Tlioma9 Brooks north, seventy eight degrees eai, two tinnJred and forty nine perches to place ot beginning, containing four hmrtbed and thirty eight acres and a halt, and allowance ot six per cent for road. &c, be the amfl more or less, on which is erected a stone house, and about half an acre of which i cleared land There is !o a vein of S'one Coal opened on thi tract and a Lug? Coal Ur-?alrr erected thereon. ' ANOTHER ot them called Farmers Deligi t beginning at a rn!S' thence by land ol Wri . 1 Steedman, north, sixteen degree ani three quarters west, three hundred and leri per che. to a S.ani-h oak, thence by land of William Vetb, south, sevet.ty tour degrees west, one hundred and sixty two pecies to a black oak. thence by ImJ ol Tncmas S iy, outh, sixteen degrees east, twenty parches to a chestnut, .thence by laud ot Cha-. Ha'l, south, eio-ht deg'ees and a half, ea-l, threr hundred and six'y six perches to a post, there by land ol John Brady, north, seven ty eight degrees east: one hundred fc. thirty perches lo an ah; north, twelve degrees wes', eighty perches io a wiie oak, and north, 8-venly eight degrees east, sixty per ches to the place of beginning, containing four hundred and eighteen acre and allow ance of six per cent for road. ANOTHER of them called TROV beginning at a post, thence by land of Jererr.iah Jack son north, twelve degree wi, four hun dred and ten perche io a post, thence by land of W. P. Brady, south, seventy eight degrees west piehly percht: t a writ! o k, south twelve degree eas', eighty pe'rhes to an ah. ouih seventv eiuht degrees Aest, one hui.dred ami itiirty perches to a pot. tnence by land of John Reese, south eleven decrees ea-t. l.o onlred and sixiv llr" perche to a pot. lhe!!ce bv'i of Tho BfOk, north seventv eiuht degrpes east, twenty perches to a rhesnnt oak, pnuth, twelve Leress ea&t. forty one jterche to a Black oak, thence by the same and land o' J .tin Willi, iicrih sexenty eight degree ea t me hundred and six perche I t a black oai. and north, seventy e'ght degree eal, e ghty perches to the place of beg'nning, c nitaining four hundred arid twenty nine acres and a quarter, and allowance of six Of t cent, far roads, And the o l.erof them called "MAINE.'' at a pos', ttience by land of Win P. Brady, noitn. eight degree and a ha I we-t, three hundreJ and sixty two ptrrhe- o a chestnut tree, thence by land of Thns Say aid Jesse Budd, south seventy four de grees wesi, nn hundred and eighty eihi perches to a poet, thence by land of Tho Bella, south, fi'ty five degrees east, eight) nine perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same and land ol John Longenberger. south, one hundred and eighty eight peren es to a chestnut oak, thence by land of the said John Lonsenberger, south, seventy six degrees and a quarter west, one hnndre I and twenty four perches to a post, sou'h six een degree an t a quarter east one hun dred and lour perches io a che-tnut tree, and thence by land of John Reej?e. north, .-evenly eiht degrees eai, two hundred and severity one perches to p'ace of begin ning, containing three hundred and eighty one acres and three quarter and allowance of fix per cent for roads. and also, aU that certain Rail Road with its several branches extending from the mines of the I and Iron Corpany in the of Braver to ihe Caitawissa the same has been surveed, out and constructed by and in I behalf uf the AlcCanley M luutam Railroad Compare, and all the land. Stitions Statior. Houses, Depo-P, Shops, Brdges, emhank "'ems, chartered rights, privileges and lran ch'fs app tain ing to iiie said Radroad and now eii.,ctj in helonging to the "aid Colombia coa and Iron Company fifieioj.f(,r ...,,- and all the chartered - - . U t . 1- , . " anu imports rights of the respective Com panies consolidated ia the Columbia Coal rtnu ii.iii v-ompany with the appurtenances. izet' 'ken in' enaction and io be sold as the property 0( Jacob QO(!(.f lne hand ..i- -iiiiniwraior Daniel B. Lo se, with notice terre tenam . JOSIAH H. FURMAN, SHB.rrFsOFricK, ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Dec, t l, issi i For Fall and Winter, lite-TV fttVPiVFn 17DrlT JT A UbVUl 4 wri I - FROM PHILADELPHIA L. T. SHARPLES CHEAP CASH STORE, Great inducements to rah Ca.tomsrs Bloomsburj, Oct. 16 16I. : ' CELEBRATED ASHLAND A SUPERIOR COTTON FOK QUILTING. &c: for eale cheap at the Cheap Cash Jbtore f L. T. S1I AUPLESS. Blocmsbur, October 30, I?5l. 1 Columbia Coa V township ! Rail Road as 1 located, laid I AYEE'S FOB PTJIUFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy cure of the fallowing cornptnlnti: Scrofula and SrrofnloiK AircMloiit.iuc a Tumors, Ulcers, orci, Kruutiou i, Plmplei, Pustules, lilotckes, lioil . lilaiua, and all hkiit Ulseases. Oakland, Ind.. 6th June, lS.r!. J. C. Arm A Co. Gents t I feel it my duty to ir ttnowlrilge -what your S-Hrnnpurilla hun done for lr . Havin JnliPrVod a Scrofulous iufectinn. I hnve eufter -d from it io various way for years.- Sometimes it tun it out in Vlrers on my hands and arms; sometimes it turned inward and dintrvmed me at the Ftomiith. X' 'o years ao it hruke out on my head and covi-red my sc p and ears w ith one sore, which was painful and loatltfoi le beyond description. 1 tried many tnodicines and sevei itl ploxiriiins. but without much relief from any thing- n twt, the dinorder kiuw worse. At length I was rejoic d to read in the Uospel MesaeiiKcr that you had prepar id an altHiative (Sarsaparilla), for 1 knew from yonr repu a tion that any thing you made must be good. 1 sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 to k it, as you advise, in small doses of a leaxpoourul ove- a nioiitU, and used almost three bottles. New and healt iy kin soon begun to form under the scab, which nfta'a while R-ll vS. My skin in now clour, and 1 know by I iy feelings that the disease htvi gone from my system. Y u can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I I ill you, that I hold yuti to be oue of the apostles of the a and reiuaiu ever gratefully. Yours, v - ALFKKD It. TALI.KT St. Anthony's PIre. Ttoe or Kr yslpeta , Tetter anil Halt II Ileum, StnlJ ilea J, ltltigworm, Sore Kjes, Dropsy. . Dr. Itotiert 51. Prrblo writes from Salem, N. Y., 1 ;th Pept lSia, that ho cured an inveternto case of Vropsy, which tliredtcned to terminate fatally, by tie persevering use of our .- ai sapHrilla. and aho a tlnu.en us Malignant Try iptl.iM by lari;e doses of the mine; ys he enres the common t.'ruptiims by it constantly. Drone hocele, Uoitre or Swelled Nee t. 7.Lbulou SI an rf I'nfpect, Texas, writes : "'i'lirne I ot tlee of ynur Snrsauirilla cured me from a OuUre a 1 Id eous swellinir on the neck, which I had uutlered fi in over two yoars." I.fnrnrrhirs or IVIi it e. Ovarian Tnm r, I;terlne Ulceration, Frnmle Uiseaaei . Dr. J. B. S. Channins- of New Ymk City, writes ; " I tnost cheerfully roinily with the reiiiieHlof your ai;en '. Jn b.i ing 1 have found your ciarsiiparilla a most exccll int Iterative in the numerous complaints for which wa employ such a remedy, but especially in fmale J'isei tfS of tho Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many itive r ate cases of I.eucorrlioea by it, and some wtiere Ihe c m plsint was caused by ulceration of tho t. The nl tr ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my km wl eil.n eqnals it for these female derailments." ixJwnrd S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A i nn renus ovarian tumor on one of the females i:i my fnn lly, which had dotted all the remedies we could employ, tins at length been completely cured ly yonr Kxtract of 5--saparilta. Our physician thmmht nothing but exti pa tion coubl afford relief, but lie advised the trial of j our Sarsaparilla as the Inst resort before cutting;, an I it proved effectual. After taking vnur remedy elht wi eks no symptom of the disense reinains. Srpliill and Mcrenrial Disense. Nrw Oni.rA?s, JJMh AuRiist, 1k I. Dr. J. C. Atfr : Sir, I cheerfully comply with tin le anest of your aeonr. and report to you some of the ef ects 1 have realized with your r?.rsaparUla. 1 hnve cured witli it, in my practice, most or the om ptaints for which it is recommended, and have fonu I its effects truly wonderful in the cure of f'rnrrml and lr turiot Iti fine. One of my patients had Syphilitic n cers tu his throat, which were consuming his palate am tl;e top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily ta ten, cured him in live weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in bis nose, and the ulceration hud eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I hclievi toe disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. It it it yielded to my admit) 1st ration of your Sarsaparilla: tho tih-ers healed, and he Is well aain, not of course wit lout Some dirtflnration to his face. A womau who liad K-en treated for Ihe same disorder by merenry was suffi ring from this poison in her txuies. 'J'hey had become so sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day she sultere I ex cruciating pain in tier joints and bones. She, too was cured entirely by your i-arsnporilia in a few week I. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory miiNt be a .Teat remedy: consequently, these truly reiuaikable results with it have not surprised me. Fraternally yonrs, 0. Y. I.ARI5IER, 51. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Com pi a nt. MDEPESPKMCE, Trenton Co., Ya.. Cth July, 1 Dr. J. C. Aral: Sir, 1 have been atllicted wiih a jain fnl chronic Ji'irumiitmii fur a long time, which Lallle I tha kill tf physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all tha remedies could fmd, until 1 tried yonr Saraaparilla. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my pe aeial health so much that I am far better than before was attacked. I think it a wonderful inediiine. J. UK AM. Jules Y. Oetcliett. of Ft. Louis, writes; "T have lecn afflicted for years with an ajhxliau of the .ircr, "hirh destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every bing fitiled to relieve me; and I have been a broken dowi man for some years from no other cause than dmingn sit of Vie I.irfr. Jly beloved pastor, tho ltev. Sir. Kspy. ac vised lne to try your Sarsaparilla, because he Kaid he kr.ev yon, and any tbin you made was worth trying. ly the bless ii g of Uod it lias cured lne, and has so purified my blood as to make a new man of me. I fee! youni again. Tha beet that can be said of yon is not half good enough " Sehlrrns.Cancer Tvtmora, r.nlsrem tnt, I' tccrnt ton, Carles and Kxloliwtio i of the Hones. A great vari'-ty of esse liavelwen reported to ns irhere rnres of thf formidable couiplaiuts liave re'ultw from I lie use of tlds remedy, but our space here wilt not admit them. Some of them may lie found in our Ani?rican Almanac, which the agents llow named are plea wd to fornirfli gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Kp'lep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia Many remarkable cure of thepe anectKms linv" been made ly the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital fiiiiclions into vigorous action, an 1 thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed liey md its reach. Such a lemedy has long been required by he ne cessities of the people, and wo are ronfidc-ut that tl is will di for them all that mc'dicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoiral, TOR TIIE RATID ctee op Coughs, Coltta, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Itronrliitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the lteliel' of Consumptive I'atlents In advanced Stages of the Disease. This Is s rewidy so unlvei.-ally known to snrp i sny other for the ctiro of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless hera to publish the evidence of its virtu -s. Its unrivalled excellence for rouphs and colds, and i A truly wonderful cured of pnlmonary disease, have I lade it known throughout the civilized nations of tin earth. Few are the communities, or even families, amoi g them who have not some personal experience of itslTects some living trophy in their midt of its victory ver the subtle and dangerons disonw-rs or tlie throat am. lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder, and as they know, too. the effects of this remedy, we I eed not do more than to aspire them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures whi ;h have won so strongly opn the confidence of mankind Prepared by Tr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell , Mass. r, iXIR PROPYLAMiMr. During the jmt jear we fieve intindnred to the noticB rf the rr;ediral profii(in of this country the fure Crytalized Ch or'uh of Propijlumine a a KCS1EUT FOR RUEOXATI ! And hitvinit ret-ivrd trori many toutce, both (rum pl-,sicians ol ttie tnatiet-i siand ina an! from patient, the mnei FlittiTinR Trtlmnnial of l: Krn i Valnf in ib-. treatment of lfw painful ant' obfti na'e disease, we are induced to prnent it to ihe pnbiic in a form READY FOR IM MEDIATE USE, which we hop will com mend itelf lo he who are PufTeridg wi'h thi fifflic'in" complaint, anil to th medi cal pradiiioner who may feel di.; osed lo test the powers of thi valuable renmdy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tie form above ipoken of, has recently beet exten sively experimented with in the fiViinsylvniiia Hospital, and with MARKED SUCCESS (a will ap pear from the poblished accounts in ihe medical journal".) CP It i carefnlly pni op ready for im mediate ne, witfi full direction, and ran Its obtained from all ihe drosgi la at 7f cents per bottle, and at wholesale if BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufactnrina ChemMt, Philadrlphia, .'knna. Philadelphia, Jcne 26, 18611 CAUPCT WEAVIXU- ' MRS. Catharine Zuppinaer bejs Iae to invite the attention of lie public that f he is now prepared to produce any width from thre quarters lo five quarters nice and trong. She will endeat or to suit her customers. Bloomsbor?, ov. 20, 1861. J- : FOR S A I-B ! ! QEVFRAL desirable Building; Lots in riocn.bnrs, lor le. LV RT ' J w w v - arsaparilla DISSOLUTION CF PARTNERSHIP. jVOTICE is hereby given that the cb-part- ' rership heretofore existing btween the late firm of Mart & Em, at Lighl Street, is this day, (Nov 25, 1861.) dissolved by mu tual consent of the parties. The book, &c, remain in the hand of Teter Ent, one ol ihe member" of the firm, by whom all claims Bgainst the Paid firm will be paid: f.(l those indebted to ihe firm will please call and make payment ol the same. . GEORGE MARTZ, PETER ENT. . Lipht Streri, Fov. 27, 1861. JMJW f?A?I.E?.l SIIO-, In Court louse Jilley opposite the Ex change HottL. THE vrv'ersi;jied wonld respectfully in lorm the citizens of Bloomsburg a ml the public: oeneraily, lhat he has opened a Opposite the Court House ami next ilor to the effee of the Columbia Democa:,w here iie is. prepared to execn'e Shaving, H.iir fresi;in and Shampoonine, in ihe best of manner, with despatch, and io eene;al pat ihfacunii. GEORGE N.ADDISON. Hloousbnrg, Nov. 27, 1?61. liYSffiRS! OYSTEKhH THE nnriprsioneii will be in Bloomsburs with FKESII OYSTERS, I very WcdMersJay and Fiid iy, Which he will sell at 31 cents per quart ; 90 eeuis per Can ; and 45 cents per Half Can. EM AM' EL PETERS. November 13, 1861 -loi. 4 NEW ASSORTMENT of walch and clock mMerialu, of the right quality, receiver!, which will be o lTered in all caees on jood coiidilons. HENRY ZUPP1NGER, Bloomburs, April ?5, 1861. tfl'ECIAL ROUTE. TO CONSUMPTIVES The Ad verier, having been restored lo heal in a very fw week by a very pim pie rfrrpCy al'er having nif!rJ several yenr with a severe I u I i afl-'ctio' anil that ilreail, Conurnpiion is anvioiM to make known to hi h'l!ow-si)tferer the rrfuns of cure. T all who ile'ire it; he will pend a copy of the prei riptinri oed, (lre t rnrf.) with ihe direciions for preparing and uina the fame, which ihey will fi'i'l a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchiti, &c. The oniy tt jr? l r.f ihe aitvrtier in -eml in; the I'rfu ript'on is to benpfit the iiffl c leil, am! tiprpail inlormatiO'i which he con reive lo bf iti valuable, and lie hop every riilfpier v i't iry hi remedy, ii wdlcor-t ilin; iKii'iii'a, and may prove a blessing. Parties wii-iiin ihe j,r9cript ion will please address Rpv. EDWARD WILSON, Wi!liambius, Knigs t-o., N. V. Otobpr 3o, IX6I, '6-n. AND JmX iS 4m i 4 g Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all lulion- disorders of the human system. They resnlate and ir.visorate the liver and kidr.ers: thev give tone lo the d pestive ors-tr" ; 'they regulate Ihe secretions," ex cretionand exhalations, eqoahze the cir i-niatioo, and pnrilv ihe Mood. Thti, all hiliocs complaint some of which are I'crpid l iver, Si k Headache, Dyspepsia, Pile-, ChiiU and Fevers, Co-tivene8 or Looxenei-e are entirely controlled and cured by then? remedies. - DARLING'S LIVER RK(UII.TOR Rpmoves the morbid and bilions depoiN Irom the stcmaco and bow els, regulate the liver ar.d k'diiey. rerr'Ovirie everv ottrne tion, restores a pattiral and hea'thy action in ihe vumI rraris It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, .Much betlr than PilN, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS I a superior lor.ic and dinrlic ; excellent io ra-e cf lo-s of appetite, flafoleoey. female weakness, irrenlarities, pain in die ide and bowel, Mind, protruding and bleedin ;ile, and oeneral dehili'v. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 1 Fulton street, New York, wrie, Atii ot IS, 1P60: "I have been afflicted wi:h ile. rcnm piiiiied with bleeding, the last three years : I used DARLING'S JAYV.IZ RKGl'LATOR A i.l tikitr f 1 1 itl h s ri -c s 1 1 still 1 1 1 1 f i fkwl J ' niltl III " S.f.TVI I J 1 'Sl-. . lion Jonn A. Cross write, ''Brooklyn, Man-h 15, I860. In the sprma ot 159 1 took severe cold, which induced a violent (ever. I took two dose ol DAUI.ING:S LIVER REGULATOR. Il broke tip my cold and lever at once. Pievious to this a lack, I had been troubled wiih dyspepsia several months ; I have fell nothing ot it since." Oti Smdlev, Eq., 128 Easl 2RtIi Street, N.Y., write "Auiusi 13, 1860 I had a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, witii constant pain in the small cl'my back. I bad used most ail kind ol medi cines, but found no per.iiurient relief until I ued : DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, :ml lAt'c Hillrrsi, I passed clotted blood by the urethra. I am now entirely cured, ami take pleasuie in reoommendnin these remedies." Mr. C. Tebow, 11 Cristopher Street, N. Y., wriite : "Feb. 20, I860. I have been subject lo attacks of Asthma ihe last twenty years. I have never found anything equal to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in alfordina immediate relief. It is a thor ough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs Younjr, of Brooklyn, writes. "Feb. 28, 1860 In Msy last I had a severe at tack of Piles, which confined me to the houe. I took one bottle ot Darling's lAVc Hitters and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since.'' D. Westerveli, Esq., of South fih, near 8lh Street, Williamsburg, L. I., writes ' Augur: 6, 1860 Having bren troubled wiih difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, 1 was advised by a inatid 10 "DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found il to operate admi'ably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activitv. I have also used i' a a FAMILY MEDICINE. When our children are out of sor's, we give them a fev drops and it sets them alt ri tit." I find it meets the general wants Of the stomach and bowels when disordered. " Reader, if yoa need either or both of the most excellent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not find them lake no other, bo t inclose One Dollar in a letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be sent accord ing lo your directions, by mail or express, post paid. Address, DAN'L S. DARLLXG, 102 Nassau St., New York. Put tip in 50 cent and $1 Bottles each. No rernber fi,186I.-6rTt. - r ' EOMETIIIXG FOR THE TIMES t A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! JOHNS & CROSIsFiV'S AMEUICAN CEMENT GLUE The Strongest (ilne in the World. The Cheapest Glue in the World The Most Durable Glue in the World. Ttie Only Reliable Glue in the World. The Bfi Glue in irfe World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE li the the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. il WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, . . Mend yonr Hume, Straps, Bim, boots &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save Ihe pieces of thai expensive Cut Glap Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY,' Don't throw away that broken ivery Fan, it i ef ily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Ctiina Cups ami Saucer can be made as good a rew. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out ot yonr Marble Mantle can be pot on a Mroii an ever. IT WILL MEND T0RCELA1N, No ma'ter it lhat brok ri Pitcher did no cost but a frhillins, a chilling saved is a fhiMinz earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cos-ily Alaaier Vae is broken and you can't riuttcti it, menu il. it will nev er show when pui 1oethr. IT WILL MEND BONK. CORAL. LAVA, AND IN EACr EVER V THING BUT METALS. Any ar-ich Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will nm show vWiere it if mended. "Every Hcnrekeepei houlJ have a nip ply ol J hn & Croeley'a Cement Glue." Acta Yoik Times. "It is so ronvenient to have in the h o iii-e. " A'f ip York Exit en. 'lIt is aif) rend) ; rtiis commends ii to every body.'' Iudepenrlen'. "We have tried it, and find it as tiefnl in onr houce as water," Wilke Sprit of the lima. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 210.00 per j ear saved in every Utility by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. ' Price 25 Cer.'.s per Bo'il-s. Price 25 Cents per B ml. Prifje 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bo!iI. Price 25 Cen's per Boole. Very Liberal Hednrlion to Whole sale liuyers. TF.RMSUAMI. 1 1' For Sa'e by all Dniai'ir't, and Store keepers aenerwllv throi)hnni irm romnry (Sole M 4iinlacmrtr.) 7h WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW YORK'. Important to Hni-e O vner. I rtporiHiit io Builder. Important 'o Bad Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To ell whom this mny come n . ond il concerns trcrv litdy. JOIIXS V "C'ROSLET'S IM I ROVED GUI I A PERCH A. Trie Ctieapesi and most durable Kuolin g in oe i IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied io New and Ol I Riol of A!! kind, sieep or flat, an 1 lo Shingle Rrots ni'hnt'l reofOvmj; the Shirg!. THE ( OST IS ONLY A I-OUT ONE-THIRD TH T OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This ar'ic! t,a, been ihooay tPSt'd in New York City and all parts 01 ihe United S'ate, Canada, West Indie and Central and South America, on Buildings of all kind, snch as Factories, Foundries Church es. Rail Road Dppoi. Car, and on Public Budding- generally, Government Buildings. &c. by dte prinrvpal Builders, Archiiect and, during the pa' f"r vear. and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use ; it i in every respect a fiir, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7h is tie OSLY material manvftclurel in fhp United Sliitlt which rim bines the vtv I (Vstrable pro. erties if EhsticHy urd Dnra 1'itity, wh ich are universally r U ri.w'ed eil to ti- po-ssse,' by GU 1 TA PERCHAan l INDl RUBBER iN'o Ileut is required in making appli cation. The evpense of apph ing it is trifling". a r oidiuary Roof can be covered and fin ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE. I'.ndwh-.i finished form a pnfictly Fi-e Proof surf tee with rt ela' e -hotly, which cannot be ii j-ired b Heat. Colli or Storms, Shrinking: of Roof Boards, nor any extein'sl a.;ti on v ha eir. LHH'ID CUTIA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coaling Methls ol all Kinds when ex posed lo the action of ttie Weather and For Preserviut and Impairing, Mtfal Itnof i of all Kinh, Thi is the only Composition Known which will successfully resist extreme change of climate, for anv length of time, w hen applied to me'als, lo which it adheres hrmlv, lorming a body equal to three coat of ordinary paint, cots innch les and will LAS P THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from ils elaticiiy is not injured by Ihe con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. 1. will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEA 1 HER AND WILL NOP WASH OFF. Leaky Tin pnd other Metnl Roof can re rea.ldy repaired wiih GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor rosion aucv leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water light Roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for ihe preservation of Iron Railing, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural Implements, Ate, also lor "eneral manufacturers n-e GUTTA PERCIU CEMENT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Meial Roots or every description, from its great elasiicity, is not injured by the con iraction and expansion ot Metals, anC will not crack in cold or run in iann weather, j These material are adapted to all cli mates, and we are prepared to supply or ders Irom anv part of ttie country, at short no-ice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in roll, ready prepared tor use, and GUPTA PERCH A CEMENT in barrels, wi.h full primed directions tor application. Ji GENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satirfictory arrange menu with resptmsifde p-n lies who would like to estahlii-h thcmselnes a Lncrauve and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH We can give abundant prool of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to several thousand Roofs in New Yoik City and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturer, JFholesah Warehouse 1-lVWiam St., Corner ol Liberty Strebl. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnished on application, ilhl-erj JlUXx , - GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND COLUMBU COI'NTT .. AT M1LLVILLE, PENN'A. In porta nt Additions 1 In prdvecienl? Atitnmn Term to ttimnence Augnl 1?. TTHJS Institution which has been ia snr J- cessful operation far the past len yean , is about undergoina a very important rer ovation, in order to place it on a more sta ble baei than ever, and present iHcilitie which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among Ihe improvement will be a large ihrpp. storied budding which will give much ad ditional room and uieater conveniences lor boarders; a commodious hall lor a lecture room and public exercie, convenient clxsx room, a library and reading room contain ins a i-abinei ot minerals and e u ri r. i i e-, balh room, &c. An experienced and ihoronshly qual.fied classical teacher and lecturer will be at ihe head ol the Board of Instruction, bin the Principal will have ihe general of the institution an.l nMODfl a share ol the duties of teach inn. Regular leciujen will be dliveied j upon various scientific subjects, as well a upon me jneory huh praruce ot ieactsi2. and a Normal Class of yoorj men and women who wih to qualify themselves ior teichers' profsion, will receive especial attention am. asisiRtice. The course of Instruction itl the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various tranchesot a prac tical education.. Ample provision will be made for the study ot the higher Mathe- ma'tcs. the elucidation of Physics, ami the Natural Scieric-s, by means of suitable ap paratus, ard for the siudy ot the latin, Greek, and German languazes, to, enable student to quality themselves for commer cial and sciermtic pursuus, or to enter any la at college. The rontilry location of this Seminary in a ple!anl vil!ai.e,in a healthy and flnurih- , l etsoutnw., auw., ior me eie- 1 t Ii i . 1 1 fltrti iwiic n 113 uiyini Btriiiiiurill, anu where the pupil are r.ot surrounded by those demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our ci ies, larger (owns and many other localities, with no -outside in fluences to divert treir atien'ion Irom liter ature and the work of mental culiure, pre sent attractions and inducements to con siderate parent emulous student, seldom fonr.d surrounding large schools and acad emies. The Li'erary Society al-o, ore of the old est and bc-t conducted in this section of comi'ry. presents an attractive feature and tiselnl auxil'ary. to a practical e location. The improvements will be under the immediate charge of an efficient Board nl Trustees, apoinnied by the S-minary Com pany, srnd will to completer! i i time for he Antnmn term, to commence the 12 h of August next. While thankful for pa patronage we wij. to merit a continuance ot similarly vor. and as we intend to include a higher grade anil wider range r.f ins. ruciop, see re-pe'!lnl!y solicit a carefnl examination into out facilities and claims. Term : Boarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarter of eleven week, will be Thir'y Dolurs, one half pat ah'e in advance the o;her half and all tuition bill will be expected prompt It at t te expiration ot each quarter. J'ems : B tarding, with furnished room", one quarter ?22,On I union in common hnglih branhces t. u .i k i it inc luding Mathematics and Book Keej ing by Double Entry Tuition in La'in, Greek, and German etra Washing, Light. and incidental ex p-Mi-e-, one q.iafter. 5,00 6 00 1 00 3,00 Thoe who lsire to proenre scbolarhips or attend by the year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students wishiii! to secure rooms shoulJ make sea sonable application. For fiiriner part. cnlar addre WM. BURGESS, PrincHal Midville, Penn'a. Gforgf MtTitR, J. K. Evrs. ) Dr. A. P Heller. F.t.t.t Eves, Trustees BrNJAMIN K. F.VK, ) MMlvili. Mat C9. ST. i.oum ho i i:r,, H1IMMT STREET. AD0VE TIIIRD IN 'he in'ri.eiiia'M neiehboibnod ol ttie Jo'i t ii.y House on Maikei 'Third, and Chest nut Stree', the Bnks, Post Orfiee, Mer chailis' Exchange. &it.. &C iiouii) iM.ii i iy $1 nn. Accorn in iida' ion when required on ihe EU IIOI'F.AN PLAN: Rooms from 50 cent and upward, per dt,ai'd meals ai a First ("LA Re-HRANT ATTACHED IO THE HOTEL Price a'-cor lttiii to lne Bdi- ol Fre. I tie lly ii r lk' l'nn iipi from any Mniidii lo i i;iii.f loitie lloiil. Tr" Enuiish, French, German and Spanish spoken. July 17. Ir.t. ir -i PETER ENT F5AS Just received frcn Philada l.ihia, and i no opening at Ihe old sianii latalv occupied In Mar z and Ent a splen did Hsi.r:ii;eiit ol merchandize, which will be sold c'e ap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. H' stock souststs ol Ladie' I)res (ioods, cljoicei stv'esnnd la'est fashions. DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Q E E N S -. V A R E . CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW-WARE IRON, NAH AND SPIKES BOO IS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTH IN (J, &C. fcC. In short everything usually kept in a coun try store. The patronage of old friend, and the public generally, i respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER EN P. Liht Street, Dec. 18, 1861 fY virtue of a writ of Ixviria Foci is lo - ir.e direcltd, issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas ol Columbia county, IVnna., will be exposed to public sa'e, at the Court House in Boomshnr, on WEDNESDAY I HE 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 1862, at one o'clock in the adertioon, the following prop erly, lo wit : AH those five town lo's in the town rI Uublevipe, in Beaver Vaey, Columbia coiiuiy and State of Pennsylvania at I lie foot of the McCauley Mountain, said lots beiiti! numbered in ihe Mirvey or draft of said town, a lot'Nns. one, two, three, ftuir atd five, lying coniignoiis, t-ituate on tlie North Eh-I cor'ier of sixth and McCauley Strsets,,and i;i Plot number one, the said five lots Iroming nto hundred and fifiy "fl on said McCauley street, and exte-j" 1,1 depth one hundred and iwentv ive eeU .. Seized taken in execuf""' "' t,f Jtfichael Graham add as the ptopeily Catharine Graham. .,.... JOSI A H'H. FURMAN. SberifTs OtTiee, Sheriff LIFE) PILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. HMHESE MEDICINES hare now been te- fore the public for a period of Thirty Years, and during that time have maintained a high rhamcier in almost every part of the Ulobe foi tt.eir extraordinary and immli diate power ol restoring peifecl health to persons ..uflerme under nearly every kind nf,iieaseio which the human frame ia liable. The fo'!fuviri2 among: the distressing vsrieiy of human diseases in which the , Vi:ul:T4iii.i. Lifc JitDic iCS Ap well knorn to be infallible. DVSPEPSI , by thoroughly cleansing ihe first ad ierond stomaches, and crea tine a flow of ptre, hea'.'.ny bile, instead of the i-iale ami hind kn it: rlamlenc") lxss ol A p pel he Heartburn, Headnclie, ReSilesa pes-. Ill-Ternper Anxiety. Lanenor, Hnd Melancholy, whu-h are ihe general symp tom of DtspepM, v i I vanish, a a ol lural coiiseqiienee of its cure. ( OS I I V EN ESS. bv i lesnsina ihe w hole length of the intestines witti a ao'vem pro cess, and w iihooi v iob-nce; all violent pur ses leave the bowels coeiive wilhin two ilays. FEVERS or all kinds, resoriP2 th blond to a repnlar ci r ulation, ttironh the process of respiration i n Mich cases, and toe thorough solmiun ol all intertinal cb Mruotioc in others. , r- The Lile Medieines hav be" known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and tiOUT in hall lhat time, by removing local ii,fl imat'on frm ihe mus cles and ligaments of the nints. DROPSIES of all kinds, bv freein2 and lrenjthtnsf the kiiinejs and Madder; they operate rnO"t delightfully on these impor tan t organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for Ihe worst cases of GRAVEL. Al.-o W0BMS, by dislodinsj from the turning of ibe bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and iNVETERTEV 1 ' ' SOKES, bv ihe perfect pun-v wnicb teseli LIFE MEDICINES give io tLe blood, and al! the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and RAD COMPLEXIONS, bv their alterative emscf upon the fluids that feed ihe akin, and the morbid state of which occasions all erup- ti'-e complaints, sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pill for a vety shri. tim will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clernes ot the skin Common Cold and Influenza will always be cmed by one dose, or by I wo ir. Ihe wort ca-es. PILES The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cored of Piles, 35 yers Manning by the use of the Life Medicine alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For ihis sronrge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and ceitsit remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem ul j-ct to a return of the disease a enrebv these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and be Cored BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity, Loss of a p. peti e, and Diseases of Female ihe Med ici'tes hase been used with ifip most ben efici! results in cases of this description! Kiii2 Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst form yields io the mild vet powerful action of these remaikable Medicines. Night Sweat Nervou- debility, Nervous Complaints of al! kind-. Palpitation of Jhe Heart, Pain ter' Colic, are sneedily s-ured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.-Porson.wri 0 constitutions have becom impajrt-d by the injidiciou use ol Mercury, will rind thesst Medicines a perfect cure, s ihy never fsil to eradicate from the system, all tf efftcis of Me-cury, infinitely ooouer than the inosi powerful preparations of Sarsapai r'tlfa. Prepared and sold hv W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17. If 61-1 y. "iVVCITiJSCsj l.OlJ-s-R, 04NIH. ,AVM)i:K, I'Uol'ItlKTd't. WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. fJflHE Proprietor respectfully informs hia jL fnends and ihe public enerally that he has taken charge of the Wyoming Home, in the tillage ol Wyoming, the Rulroad Depot of that place, an I has fitted it out so as to entertain both transient and perma nent visitor in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious and airy aiiii nin unit i auw idiru n aoo i ins innva. nience and romfori ol the traveling commu lity, hu alo to those who would seek a pleasant summer resori with families. HIS TA RLE will be supplied with the best he market can afford ; end hi BA R wul hjf I l,r likllf l wiih the onros! Ilmmi. K 1 1 rm be obtained. The proprietor will give fns exclusive attention to ihe comfort and con vemence ol his inests. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a- moii" the firs! hotels in the M tie. The Proorie'or hopes that from hi oxpe rienee in the business, and by unremitting altentio i on hi part, combined with a jtnl,. cious selection ol the mosl carefnl and oblig ing servant, lie may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration of ihe public, and re ceive a lit-errtl share of their patronage. iT Please cive him a call, and indo-e pidge for nnriv.a TAnrT" 2. 1859. IIENRT ZrPI'IXCER S WATCH MAKER SHOP. rIMlE urulersigned would; respect-j tuny iniorm the public, thai he " !" l'i.iiidr aueniior. tn s . 1 n I 111 II tla 1 rx S.... I . his Misiness line.'especiall v to all kin.i-f-.f j watches. chronorr.eters,cliKks, jewelry &c. I k.".. Jewelry, clocks and watches. aIw v --, -no no rir, guarartieeo. He I not dear, as some say, unless it is an tJ pensive job, and then all are dear. Cori and jud2e for yosrself. He keeps gof selection of spectacle-, al-o specticle alJ e without frames io fit atjy friirnB to suit ar.y ace. Any thins-, lhat can! done in this line in the c'ny can also done in some of the shops of Bioom-ri and frequently be terand lower. We the same menus, ir.ore spacious shopf at a more moderate rent than those J cities. Come and convince vonr,e. t fcutar a'lention paid to w-atches. i? clocks, lever 'clocks or clironomeiersr2? to all kiius uj emier clocks or 'mc; nr. Alii L'PPI.VfTica. zirppts-j-frn n oomsMircr, rNov. 20, 1661. Irtv Arrival of FALL AM) IVI.MEK GOODS, ISavhl roncnbcis t r 1 1 1. Hi eiiiioo lotus Muck of cheap .an.l tashionahle clothing a' his store .P? Main Sireei, two doors above the i-ort-ican House.' where he has ' gpp.rel, merit of men and l,ny,,nb",e including the mo. f i - A wa fit I I V "" 9&1 t. ,. tock,(inm, and OilCioi Coat BX;,?-?f.s and sizes, Pants of 1 Ar 'awl, stripes and fisnre vests, shir'N cra ts, stock, collar, handkerchief, g?oveN suspender and fancy arsicles. N B He will also make to ate' nJ ' tide ol ciodiing at very short nit"' "IJ V the best of mstmer. Al bis cU"r. ngj made to wear, and mni of it " ol b CAVID LOVLNCEPi