J -aIAP.1? THESE PACTS ! TElS TESTIJIOSI OF THE THMLP. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BADa LEGS, BAD BREATS. SOSES AND ULCERS. 'A71 description -ef sores are remediable by the prepr and diligent usef this ines timable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by plaslerina the edges of the bound togiher is a folly; for should the akin unite, a boggy diseased domtitinn re-' mains underneath to break out with lenfold sry in a few days. The only ratioriani and successful treatment, as indicated bv nature, is' to tednce the inflamaiion in and about the wound and tc soothe the neichborina parts by rubbing in plenty of the Ointment a salt is forced into meat.. PIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of rtiea"bove diseases may be cured v well rubbing the Ointment three time a dar into the cheat, throat and neck of ihe patient; it will soon penetrate, and I give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole sys- tern ere l'S Hiuueiii' -- ... . the t 1 . o .rw m it 111 iiii . ... : 1 1 ,1 :. "ork W oce. Whoever me- the onsnent .rn.hV.to.. manner cl the disea " ,;n,;ur disorders anecung the che: and throat, will find themselves relieved a hv a charm. Pirrs. FISTULAS, STRICTURES. Theabove class of complaints will be j ,- niotit v iomeiiunis r" with warm water, aiu - - Sly rubbing n lh Ointment. Person-"fflrin- Iro.n lhee direful complaint boutd lose not a moment in .rrt.ns ihe.' is doi pumm u... well robbed in for some considerable tin- rnet. uu .hal niPit OaV, mai U I"" if taken into the system, wnence u move anv tudi.eii ui- i " --- ...l v. .-...tnav.l 10 the ete. there catty " 1 ur-" r" , - ' fl : Kroa.l unA water nouluces, ait ader ruV- r fi.- riinimeiit. will o creat ser riri1' 111 11,1 "B,v"'' 1 . r ; . This . the only sure treatment for females, cases o( cancer in the stomach, or ITeretVere may be a general beam.. DISCRETIONS OF YOUTH j-SORKS AND ULCEi. .Blotches, as aso sweUns ". rertaictv be radically cored if tne O n, " S bey'sed treely and P,H. be uke. nicbt and n.orning as lecommen Jd in h printed instructions When jreate-l in n,; Kr way tr.ey only dry u, .n to break out in another 3 whereas t ,. .0... -ment will remove the humor from the M tern, and leave the patient a v,?oroos a.... bealtby beins- It ,re, ume the om of he P.IU to ensure a la.ns cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS ARALTtSU ' AND SlltFJOlMs. AlthoDoh - the ove complaints difle? WideW it thefr ori.tn and nature yet J ail ifvui 1 rnk 111 11 11 - t cf such diseases, wi will y ield i . -.L-t l,irt soace of tune wti i rh rOmddigenUy rubbed mU, the part affected, evea afer every o, . bave failed. In ail wi.ou -d t.. Pills should be taken according to tue Ui tecuoos accompanying each box. Both the Ointment and Pills hU be used i, Ague.' Asthma, Billions Complaint, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaiols, Colics, Constipation ol the . Bowela, Con&umplioo, Debility Inflammtion, Jaundice Liver Com pla'iDls, Lnmbago, Piks,. . Kheumatim, . -Retention of Urine, . Scrofula, or Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-acbe, Indigestion, Sore Tfiroats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary symp:oms. Tic-Doulou:eQX Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, Kira's Evil, &c , &c. riiTTIO f None are gennine un-es. the , .n-ii.,- Tpub York and lon ie woras -nouu-.j, -:: - , . Ann It 9t H rera.r e as a irme ii".- irf ki book of direct. on are on ; n the me n.av be plainU ' " u ih, Unflo the Held. A hand- saea uy ifuucig j i T.Bon in snv one ren- derinzsnch information as way lead hand 5! lnnofanrparty or parties counter. , . - -.ii..inf or venJin-i the same, leittn? inc uir"" . " irnowinT ih?rn to be epunoos. J Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holfowav, 80 Maiden Lane, New Jor, by all re'spectable Drugsts and Daler . mm . llrt..i ih. r vi hzed world. Meuicme. ii"""-""' , .-...Ac ctn a fid t each. l0;;Vid;,able saving by tjjr i ucio i i - . L. - I., ....if kl 7P h N B Directions for the guidance of pa- lients, in evetj - - ... .iunrnor UTK 21 1 Li A Cl Vi " " October 10. 1?60 box r nilin LOWCNBEHG, t' n r nrillXG STOKE, On Main street.two doorsabove ihe 'Amer ican Hotel I'm ma Ic or Urnt. Vw,pur Cnhc,.r'ihr nrfers three Houses I lni f.-ir sale, or rent, one in Blooms 1 ot Rnplihnrn 'ar.d one ft lower UUIg, " 7 - Lime Ridge, all in - ' Bloonisbarg Feb. 6, 1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, .;. - or fviur unrttfrcifrnffil orTdrs for sale at the Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhart deceased, in Catiawissa town-tup, aoout ihraa miles from tbe town of Cattawissa. an assortment of SPRING AND snniER GOODS, (imerior lo any ever brought to that sec tion His e'.ock cf goo-ls is varied and of a n ez cellenl quality. He i prepared to sell cheap Laving purchased his goods to suit th. times." Purchasers are cordially invited to Call and examine his stock for th melves "Qvick Sales and Small profits' has teen adopted as his motto. CFCountry produce taksn in exchange for ood at the regular market prices. 'JACOB H. CREASY. Catuwi?!-a twp.. May 1st, 1S61. TO THK PEOPLE OP TI1E UNITED STATES! IN the month of December, 1858, the nn dersined for the first time offered for sale to the public Dr. J.BOVEE DODS' IMPE RIAL WINE BITTEUS, and in this short period they have given such universal islac'.iou to the many thousands of person who have tried thern that it in row an es tablished article. Tfie . amonnt ff tod'ny and mei.tal ir.ier oricina: simyly from a nenlfct-ol small compUtM is surprisnii;, and it i liierefore ol the nimoct importance irir a stri' t attn i on to the least and rnosi haiflins bodily ailment should be hail; for diseases ot the body must invariably atfocl the mind. The subscribers now only ak,a trial ol . DR. J BOVEE DODS' Inperial TVine Bitters!!! fron all who have not used them. We chal let jja the workl lo produce their equal. These Bitters for the core of Weak Stom achs. General Debility, and for Purifying aid Enriching the Blood, are aholu:ely tin iiirpaed by anv other remoity on earth. To be assured of thi, it is only necessary to m:.ke the trial. The Wine itself is ol a very superior quality, be:nT about one third stronger than other wins; warmina and invijjo'ating the whole fystem from th dead to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic ami alternative in their character, so tliey -irengthen and invigorate the wtioie sys tem and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parta.by equt.li7.it g tlie circulation removing obstrnc ions, and producing a aneral warmth. Th.y are a!o excellent lor D-eaies and Weaknes- peculiar 10 FE MALES, where a Tonic is required lo nhenijheh and brace the syfen. Zip Lady, who" i subject to latitude and fa"mtii., -hould be withom them as they are revivi !ving in their cli n. THESE DITTSR tffll not only Cure, but Prttent Disfnse . . .1.. . mm IrttiKtt Valllllild lit itlU IU llllr rr-n i ait3 i.it.ij .....u.w v. tie person who my tf-e thjn. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. Weak Lnnas, Indipesiion, Dyspepia, Di r;ises ot the Nervouf .SjHeiri, Paralysis. Piles, and for nil rase ipq-nrii.ir a Tomr Dr. Deris' felctr ted Tiine Bittrrs For Sore Throat, so roinmoti amona the pipruv. i.ev are truiv vlnattle. For the aaed and li finn. sn t for persons M a weak cons: itutio:', tor Ministers i.c Go-pel, Lawyer-, and ji pubi.e fj-e.ik ers for Book Keeper, Tailors. Senj.tre-- Ss nd i-n is. Artie's, and all per-oi;6 kal nr a sedentary lite, .hy will prove truly renefifial. A a Beverace. they are v:hoieome. in imrfiit. and deliciou to the laip. They irr.dnf e all the exhilaraviiii etfect of Brn ly or Wine, w iihout intoxicatit.i ; and are h vaiUoO'i rci:i-ty iui jiit-...." - i use of excessive siroiii, drink. aid nn -h in refrain from it. They are pure ani ntireiv ff'e f'0"1 'he poin comaiiied in J 1 if 1 t ...;.f. ti e a-dOiteratea n in aim .iui.ui wmi wtjich the country is Hoo Vd. Tl ese Bi'lers not only LLKfc. but fill". VENT Di-ese, and snould t- u-eii oy .1 ho live in a country where the water is I or where Chills ant reitr ar pfv 1 . . .j 1 ulent. Beiiig entirely iiinoceiu nu ..jij. ihey may te gueu Ireely to CtnUren f r . . ..:!. I.i.nin.itr ttio ll.!an v 1111 mipiiiii.j. Physicians, Cleraymen, and temperance Ivocates, an an act of humanity, should ' . .1 .. 1 .. . t i . id r TKRS over the land, and thereby eien'ml id ij baniahiDg Drun!eii!:e and via jase. alt AfTections of th head, .sick Headaehe . r Vrvmm Head t he. Dr. Dod-' laij.er.al Wine Bitters will be lound to Salutary and Effi : arious. be u.o 12 5-C I2a E2i :?3 The many ceiliti':ates which tiae been tendered u, and the Jet ers which we are iai'y receivina, are conclusive prooi mai arcona me women viurs unn-ii er. a satisfaction which no other have ever done before No woman in the. land snouu Le without t'neiw, and those wiu ouce use hem wiil not fail to keep a supply. DU. J.BO vi: i: i) v 1 M PERI A L W ! N E B 1 I T ERS Are prepared by an eminent and skiuml iihvsician who has used tnem succef-spji in ' , . . aC - ....... ins practice tor tne la-i iweiay-uvc )"' The proprietor, before purchasir.g the ex- lu-ive ru'l:t to manr.iaci.ure ar.o t-nn m.j. . . I I . . J f : .1 Ufa . . . i it ii- i Bitters. had thfm !e?:e l by two ditir.giiih- ed medical practioneers, pronouncud tnem d valuable Temejy tor disease. Although the n.edicnl men ot trie country .1 a "enerui uiing uiri'i"" Medicines, yvt we do not DeHeve ini a re pectable Physician can lr ionnd in the United Slates, as quainied with their medi- isl proprues who wiil noi hiahlv app'ove DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE HITTERS. In all newly setiled rhices, where mere always a large quantity of decaying tini- jer from which a poisonous inijm -rea'ed, those bitters should be uea every morning beTore brekf.ft. I)R J. I OVEE DODV I3IPi:ilIAL ivixk BiTTi:ns Are composed of a p'e ami untJnlierawi Wine, combined with tiarrerry, ro,vu,w Seal. Confrey, Wild LI.erry ine oy, r.ikenard, Chamomile Flowers, ana r - ian. lhy are manniactureu oy imsplt w ho is an exoerirnced nu MH-" ,.cfnl Ptifsloi'in Bfi.t ific shonlJ noi ue 1 - r.-lli I m 'IT - - . . . " . .1 - 1. rnlilllIK WhlCn Hood the country, and aaam! wr.unin m p,.,!uCemn Rniiistlv preiii'! icen . Hie-e tmlv valuable Bmer have been il.rtn..l 1.? f utol Kv ail PlASrt-i Ol Hi? ooimnnity lor almost every variety ot di aei incident to ihe liumar syieru, that .l.i.. r no? itomd "l r. ii i - OC 11 ' U inwc. MF.DIC1NE AND A BEVERAGE. Ii Costs tjui Lit ie ! PunU (he limod . i Renovate the ve Tc-ne to the Stomach 1 Srs-Pin ! and Pr.ilon" Lite PRICP. &i PER BOTTLE, 6 BO I ILL to. Prepared and -ol.l By CHARLES W I DDI FIELD & CO , SOLE PROPRIETORS, 78 William Street. New York. . i- u. r ;Ei onl urocefs fcjt rur saie . uy kiuih' " o generally throughout the coantry. August 28, lP5f ly. NEW BUSINESS F1R3I. I rriUV. lindersioned respectfully inform ( JL iheir friends and the public generally, ihai they have entered into co-P"";"' HoHer the name, s-.yle an firm ol MILLLK Si. EVER in the r ifforrnnfilc Business .. ihe "Oid Arcade," in Bloomsburg, Co- inmhia fviintv. wiereih intend carrinc ou the business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all il ifiiersified branches and .icpartmants, and to which ihey invite an tjteiieion of the public patronaae. S.H.MILLER. FBED'K EYER, Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861 tl. Ayert Cherry Pectoral. PHILADELPHIA AND READING , WINTER ARRANGEMENT, ' DECEMBER 5TII 1859- Fonr Daily Passenger Trains to Fhihdclphia. (From and passim; Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 20 a m., 12 nocn, (Frciahl and Pas-ener.) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily irams to roitsvide ami rurl ClintO'i, at 10.1f a. in., ai;d b.05 p. in. Coimectina at i'orl Llmton wuh trains !0i Tmaqua, Williamsport, Ktmiia, BunHo, j Niagara Falls, and ihe Canadas. The 10.1? a. rn iiji train only connects at Port Clinton wiih trains for Wilkesbarre, , bcrantoti anc i iitslon. Passengers leaving Williamsport by the Cattawissa Railroad night lifie, at 10.15 p. m., conneel with a passenger train leev ing Port Clinton at 4.50 a. m., arrive at Read ing at 5 50 a. m., breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. m: Ret ina Accommodation Train. On Sundays the 10.15 a. m. Dowu, ami the 6.05 p. n'i Up Trains only run. LFBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two Trains Daily, Sunday Lxcrpled) to end fiom Horrid w g. At 10 23 a. m. and t OS p. m. Leavina Harrij-burg at 8 00 a. in. and 2.35 p. rn Conneriing with trair.s on the Noriht-ru Central, Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Yl ley K,ilroads, lor Sunbtiry, Williamsport, Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Biltitriore, Cha'ii bersbnra, &c. Through Tickets Reading to Baltimore. M 00; to Lancas:er, S2 25 ; to Gettysburg, 3 50. 8o pounds of baggage allowed to e.ch pasenopr. The second class cars run with all the tbnve trains. Through first class tickets at reduted rates to Niacara Fall, Buffalo, Deirat:, Chicaao, and all the principal point in he West, North Wet, and the Canada; nnd Emiaront Tickets at lower fares to tll above place, can be had on application lo ihe siMiinii ajent at Reading. All tickei will be purchased before the trai-is flart. Higher fare h-rad if i-aid in c.u-. G. A. MCOLLS, Enainer aru General SupeiiiileiiO'-n'. February J2, 1860. V holoale antl U'tail. 'I HE sut--i-riber vsoold annouio'e loilm Ciiitep- ot BIot?i-hiira and viciiiry, ih mi b isteilina LlCJl'OlfS in larae and viiibll mii'nti'iefi and a different nine-, at hie New Siore, on Alain sferM rn M .Jin kt'et. imr.h fi 'e. I w o door south of f. Ifi.n p'.reel, Blooni!'ire- H.s Mock ol Foreia-i ami l);iir.'iie 3?ilI4ATa-yallS9 roasis's ol t'oaiiac anil Rxct.elle. BlaekbT ry. timacr, Raspberry and Lavender. He hs a larae asor!fnent of Old Rye gy w'th a", tine Old Boiirlwin, O d Ko.ks Whiskey, and a'i quantity ol cof:iT)OM. Ke al-O has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeira. Lisbon, Claret, "Sherry and Cain paa'.e Wines; ami ia-t but not les, quainiiy ol eo 1 double exir? BROWN SIOUT: all of which h will nll a il.e lowesl ca.h price. The public are reflect f ail t fOliciied to mve hi liq'ior a trial. D. W. ROB BINS, Ag t. B'oomsburg, May 1, sprin'g'and summer I'vyy -JL i- a LAUGE STCtK AM LOW PiiUE. k have aaiu been to the ci'y, ami re turned ir(, a larae ioek of Gno i-i lor ihe fca-on, which we are prepared to sell at a low haure for ready pay. Oux nock consuls, ol Hardware, Q i-enw are, LeJarware, Wil-jow-whre. Htillow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Gr.K-eries, Nail-, Iron, Fi-h, Salt, Placer, Fluid, Camphene Uil, White LeaJ uy me LTuit rhpan. tc. &C. II. C. k I. WT. HARTMAN. Bloomsbui", April 10, 1861. Liooh to your Interests FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPUING AND SOI3IER G;0D5, MILLER 8o EYER'S. ffHE subscriber have ju-t returned from a ii.0r.iv uiih ariGtlier tarae ana eiei ; .... ;i-r.ri melil Ol J Sprisx and Slimmer uoods$ purched at Philadelphia, at the J-iwes' fia'e. and which they are determined to -ell on a moderate terms a can be pro- cured elsewhere in Bloom-Durg. lueir stock comprie liadio' Dress Goon, of the choice! styles and late-i tahicns. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queensw are, Cedara'e, Hol low ware, Iron, Nails, Boots L Shoe-, Hat and Cap. &c, &c. In short, everythina nsnallv kepi in country s'ore-jio w nic i i irj invites the public tienerally. The higher price paid for country pro.nce MILLER & EVER. Bloo'nsburg, May 15. 161. Lack a aud Lloomsburg Railroad. (). AND Ar i FJi NOV ., lSol, PAS SKXGER TRAIN WILL RUN A FOL LOWS- MOVING SOUTH. Ft tight & FaMenper. I'aeiiati Leave Scranton, Kinaston, " Rupert, D.uiille, Arrive at Norih:d 5 25 A. M. 10 3 ) A m 6 30 Arrive 12,15 P. M 8,40 9.15 10,00 MOVING NORTK. Leave North'd. 4.30 P. M. Danville, 5.10 Rupert, 5.45 " Kinaston, 8 00 Leave 1.4 5 P. M. Arrive at Scranton, 9.00 P. M. 3 40 A Passetmer Train also leaves tuiton at 8.30 A. M- for Scranton, to conn icl with tram for New York. Returning leaves Scranton on arrival of Train fro n New York at 4.15 P. M. The Ijiiiltawanna and Bloomfbcra Rail road connect wiih the Delaware, Lairka ar.na and Western Railiosd at S.-raruo:i, lor New York ami intermedials points eart At Rupert it connects with if.e C iiawissa Railroad for points both east and west. At Northumberland it eonnei-H Hh be Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and .northern Central K. R. lor point west and sruth. JOHN P- ILSLEY, Sup t. J. C. Wells, GeuH Jictut Ag't. November 27, 18.1. . -l-J'!JsllJTPI.HT' l-i. ,( V.-ri-JL,j AYER'S CATHARTIC FILLS. Ara you sick, fieblo, ftnd CorHi'huiiiiii;? Arojououtof A order, Willi your pystum ae- rial.....! im.l vnur titirlr Rn "fllCP." f'-"Vi conilVirtablnf 'i'lu'se nymp- " IS.f Hii kin-Mi Ik cix'ci.iisir uiirttl von. Vi . .o . " . ' . . . ... , . , . . . . i ejSiftf'LJ .-4 CleaiUOO let tllO I 1 nir S- mrncted X uKB Atrrn j lit-, nuu .,silVL i . -4 eu-aneo t the iliaoruoreu liu- Ctt-r.-fl.i.:,:y.i mors pnriTy tliB blooa, ana lliii'lrt move on uuou- itructcd in JicallU Agitin. They Btimulate tho functiona into vigorou iu- YZjtii - tlvity, purify IV the pvfttoiu from lbs ol.strurtioiig which make dtnearo. A col.l BotttM somnwlmrn u the tody, and ob tructs ii imturel function. Thess, if not relieved, renet upon ttirnm'lreii nuJ the surroiinJing orpvnn, pro rlueiiift Kenor.il nirRriivation, u(Teritig, mul dif.enw. W'liilo in thin condition, oppreawd by the deratipemetita, lake Ayor'n I'illn. nnd fleo hoir ditoclly they restore th natutai aetlon of tlie system, nd with it the buoyant feelini; f.f health iiitaln. Wlmt id true oud so apparent In ttiin tiiviitt and coiiimon complaint. Is al.vj true in many of the dc-tvttt4d nd danpei oiitt dwienipers. Tlie wn piirRiitire ,(Toet exiHl them. Caused by Rimilar obstruc tions and deraiigni'inlii of the natural functions of the btxlv. they are rapidly, nnd many of them surely, cured by Ihe muna ux-an. None who know the Tirtties of theao Tilln. wilt ni'tilect to employ tbeui wheo iiutionug from the di-tordeni thy cure. titfcnixiiM from leadiuK ptiyf,lrtins In sorao of th prinipl citios, and fruui otber well known public per- iwna. From a FhnearJrrtg Merchant cS. Itivit, Feb. i, 1854 Da. Aim: Tonr Pill are the paragon of all that U rrit in iiKxIlclne. Th.y hare cnrtsl my little daughter of ulccrom corex iion hor bands and fe-t that had proved ItK iir.il.l t for year. Her nmtlior has bwn toi griev ously all!i.:tod with blotrhe-) and pintptwion tier ekin and iu b-r hair. After our child irni cured, una al tried your MVU, and they batd cured her. ASA sioitauiDaa. Am m. Family rhyelc. From Dr. K. fl'. Oirtwright, Ji'ew Orltant. Tnor Tills aro th prinoo of purges. TUeir f icdlnt qnalitis mrpaiia anv cathartic we posfe-ai. Tbey are mild, but ry certain nnd effectual In their action on tha bowels, which makes them invuluabl to u Iu tlie dily troattnont of disease. Uedce,RlcUWertaclie,Fol Stomach. Wm Dr. EJward D-ijii, Ballimort. BsmP.no. Atf.b: I cannot answer you iciat complalnU I hare cure I with your Pills better than to say all that wt evrr tre it Willi a purpitivt medicine. I place preat ilcpen deu on an e!T.ct nut catltai llc in my ilally contest with fianM, nnd b?licrius as I do that your Pills uflford us tb ImmU w had, 1 of course value them highly. riTTfnrna, Ta., tar 1, 1S55. T. J. C Ainu Sir: T have been rep-at-liy eitrod of t!f worst h'liilarUn any body can havo by a d" or two of your Pills. It uwras to arlue bum a foul ttoniacU, which lhv cleans at onra. Yours with great reajioct. T.T). W. rnr.PT.1 Cterlc eJ Steamer Clarion. Etllouii Disorder I-lver Complnlnta. Fmm Dr. Vienlore Ml, o f Kew Turk Cly. Sot onlv are vonr ri!t ndm'.rahlv adnntd to t'iir poe- pneo as an aperient, bnt I find their lnliriiil ePf tsiipo tho I.ivcr rery marked Inil.vd. Tbey have In lay prac tice prov.l more eir.tlual for th rut of bamut ms pi.iinu thuiitiiiy oiKt rrio-.lv I can uifnti.i. i sincwvly n joice tliul we bate at l.-uit It a pnipile which u wot thy Uu cuiiliUiiC ol the pmlneMou and Uiu euple. Di PAHTurKT or the JsTraio, H'tu.!iinetn, D. C, lh i-tb., 1S.I. f Bint I have awd your 'ills iu ray t:ei:-ritl and huapital prarticnever niuoo you made Ihi ni, au.l cuutiut lirnitaie to say they are Uie best cathartic we employ. Their rcgu lutiiii; action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently Ihey ars an adiuiinMo remedy for derangement of that oi'ican. I udeed, 1 have seldom fjiltld a case of hilvmt diiiu so cltii):e that it did not readily yild to theia. trateruaUy yours, AlAJ.N. J ltAl.L, M. I'hytician Utt ASurin li' tyiljl. Dysentery, Dlarrlitra, Relax, Worm. ioi Dr. J. G. Oiten, qf C'tuMnn. Tonr rills have ha.1 a long Iriul in wy prarlico, and I bold them In eU-eiu as one of the beet aperiruU I hava eTcr found. Their alterative etfect ujm the liver umkJ tlieni an excellent reuie,lT, when given in suiall doas for LtUout dyseittrrj and Juirrhu-a. Ibtlr nifar-cillin niakes th.-nt vury accejAable aud conveuivot for tha Mt Of women aud ctnidreu. Dyspepsia, Impurity of tke Blood. Frem i.Vn. J. V. JUmts, VasL-jr ej A Jrsnt Cmre'i, r.otiu Ds-Ari-.R: I havsue-1 ynir Pi'tawith exttadioary aaeas iu my famiiy and among lho I am called lo visit in dilre. To r.-ulato tho organs of dij;eti'.n and purify the bloivl, they are the very best remedy I bar ever kuowo, aud I can confidently recommend them to my friend. Yours, J. V. IIIMK3. Ttaraw, Wyoming Co . N. T.. Oct. 24, 1E55. DtB Pin: I am usini; your Cathartic Pills In my pmo tlce. and fincl them an excellent purpiiivo lo cleaue lb stbLcuj aud purify tht foimuiint l!'. Urtl. JOHN O. MEACIIAM, M. D. Conttlpndnn, Caul Ivencaa, Ruppreeaf on, It lioi mntl-Kt, t.otit, Nturali;ia, Drop a, Ie.raij alK, I"!ts, etc. Fnmi Dr. J. V. Vaughn, 11 Mrail, Cjnada. Trio ninrh cannot be aaid of your Pills fur the cure of Wtipene:. If others of our fraternity bnvo Jjimd them as efticaclous as I have, tbey miooM join me In pro laiin iuK it fr the b-nefitof the multitude who ruITor from that complaint, wliich, althouph bad enoiigli In itself, is the propnitr of others that are worse. I ludjeve cn tirrnets to oricinaie In the liver, but your Pitls affect that Organ aud euro the disease. Frtm Mm. E Stuart, rfiytician and Midtfie, Bottom. I End one or two larpe doses of your Pills, taken at the proier time, are excellent promotives of the natural $erre tinn when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to elraut' Ihe ttomaclt and tr)l twnTtil. They are so mu h tho bet phynie w have that I recommend so other to my patients. jVron 7. lier. Dr. 17juUi,of 'the Mc'JindM Fpit. CJ'Urch. rn..Kt IToc&R. Favanr.ali.Ga., Jan. 8, IS5C. Iloyonrn Fir : I should be ungrateful for tho relief your rkill has bronchi me If I did not reort my case to yoo. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on eicrn ciatinp wr'c'ie point, which ended in chrouie. rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had the te-t of physicians, tha disease prew wow and worne, until by the advice of your excellent aent in P.ultiraore, Pr. Mackenzie, I tried yotir Tills. 7 heir effects were slow, but Hire. Hy peraoverlug In tho use of them, I am now entirely well. He nate Citambfr, Paton Ponce, I.a., 5 Pec. 155. PR. Ater: I have, been entirely curel, br your Pills, of Rheum itic Gvut a paiiifui disease that bait afflictej me for years. VINCENT SLIItKLL. -3Iist of tlie Tills In market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, la flancerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse quences that frequently f..Il w Its inc.ir.tious ue. The contain no mercury or mineral aubstauce whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1 Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES It, CO.. Lowell Mass. r...i.. i. v.. I'. I.'- J ii. t 'j' ', rtitii ti- M Haaenbuch, Bloomsbura. and by one dealer in eterv town iu the Slate. April 6, 186 l.-l y- Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. Benevolent Institution eftahlshed by, snecial E-wlowntenl, for tlie Relief of the Sick and Di-tresred. fifllicted with Viru lent and Chronic Dieae, and especial ly tor the Cure ol Disease of tlie Sexual Of a EDICAL ADVICE given jrra'i, by the i' Acting Surseon, to all who apply by lelier. wi;h a description of iheir condition, (age, orcnpation h:tbit of life, &.,) and in"case of estrenr.e poverty, Medicines fu"ii-hed (r of chura1. VALUABLE REPORTS on Soematorrhcra and other Di-eses ol ti e Sexual Oraan, and on the NEW R EM K DIES employed iu the Di.-pensary, sent to Ihe aillicted in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charae. Two or three stamps for postage will be act-eptaMe. Addres, Dr. J SKILLIN HOUOHTON. Anuria Surae'. Howard Associauon, No. 2 Sf.uih Ninth S reei. Piuladelphia Pa. lv order ol the Director". GEO. FAIRCHIL' , Sec. EZRA D HE A II TWELL, Prest. Phi!fdel..'i'a, April 3. lnl ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk White Swn) Race Street above 3d Philadelphia JOIIX HDYER, Proprietor. Terms, 81.2. per day. TO the old cu-iomers of litis well-known House, I desire to say, that I have renovated, itriprovod and newly furnished the same, and that 1 respecttully solicit a coniinoar.ee o! their patronaae. S'rangers, travelers and visitors I cor dially irjvile to the hospita'.iity of ihe "Na tional" lo come and see and judge for themselves of its advantages and merits.- ,'1 he location is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor to stny ihe warns and comforis of our auests. and with thi. uaifcl2.fW-' nt Mr. Joseph Housoi. our aflable and attentive Clerk, we leel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. JOHN BOYER. ri"'-"!,.lF"b : jv .11 v- 1 RAYMOND'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE'! PATENTKP MA net! 9, 1858. rHirr: i5io.r.Atn. rcor': vii ism vi Si i:n .!;! r:s; i.f 1 Hlniiir shi;rL I aii;u purchased the ex- I . .l.l 1 .1. ..I ...... ,ifi! i: .i h! d 1 in Tim r CllSVe riant ll tlie rtimc vnmi;i- linjou ved Cheuj Paier.t Sewing Machine, for the County ol ' Columbia, will be happy in supply their friends with the article lor i he iiccoriunc-dalionol theruelves and lamilie. The following ore some of the st-perior advantages ibis implement poSi-csses, viz: 1. It sews from 400 to 600 light stitches per minute. 2. Double thread Machines are from llie more complicated character of their mech anis!i invariably managed and threaded with more or less difficult V ; not eo with RAYMOND'S, a child can manage, ii in two 1 1 I k niiu ia s w w www-- - - - nion neecie. 3. One of the most valuable features of this Machine, is ihe smallness and the compaciness of its mechanism. 4. 1' can be attached to a board, table or sianii, in cperatins order, and removed in less than half a minute. 5. It greatly economizes the thread, and yet produces a seam, sufficiently sirona for any work lor which it is intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand is capable of produ cina a seam so retUr and syi-iematic. The eam is so sirong if well done, that ihe strongest material will tear before the seam w ill give way. 7. Anions ihe array of Pa'ent Sewina Machine., there are, none so cheap ami I'ofabV as Raymond's Pnier.t, but no Mi rhii.e is udapied to all kindj ol work as experience las proven. There are perhaps . r.. i - ......i. .. a...i!aii. riore so reaiy usemi, num niut "r'j of wore tor the immediate ue of the fam ily f ire! and at such a moderate price as RAYMONDS PATENT. 8. The operator can shape his seam juet as he pleases, waves, leaves and flowers, e.c.cwn be repre: enle.l or imitated. 9. It is particularly adapteu to all kinds ofsiiichiiy s'Jch as gentlemen's hhiri, hor-orr.n. risibaiida, collars, etc., anil all kinds of ladies' sewing, includina "ilks, Lwne, deLfinee, calicoes, tuter etc., ex Cf tiny for men'fiheavy wear. lhi Machine is riier ton habl c' i'onlruciion. 10. But we all admit, lhat li e advanlagp io hci.!'h, and principally to the visnin or L-er.-hi. intiiited bv li e use of Sewina M I. u.es, fcurpasae inffuisely all oiher ad- vulilaeH. il. This Machine fastens the seam al ways itself, but if the operator wishes it unlaMened or open, there is a way lor il loo, thus OU can have it fastened or not, as )Ot) please, which is, some. ime--, espe cially for beginners, a very favoratde cir cuinoiauce. If the seam i lett un fasieue t, yon can draw it out iu three becends and save the thread. For sal by the under-ianed, at their re spective residences, in Bloome-burg, who put the Machine in operation and "ive all neceosary instruction. HENRY zrpPINGER. DANIEL U UOBBINS. Bloomsbnra, July 11,1860. FRESH ARRIVAL O AT KEJ.IS) jrAKTEZ5S! JIcKfiLW, KSJAI- Ac t o,, nAVE just received and opened .heir stock il M jri'Sarnl i.s for sale, which compri- ses the LARfiESl', Cheapest, and hanom ! est sfirtrr.et.t now ofTerei) in thi TO'VN. ; Havma paid are.it t enuon lo the selection i ol iheir n't'" stork a to am ¬ they flatter !heo!seves thai ihe can compete with ihe cheapest, anil all inoee idee wirhing to by aiving Us a buv cheap, can save money call. We have a'l kinils ot ooo is ana ware to supply the wants of the people. A very Jnri-c and complete assortment ol LAMES' MESS GOODS. French Mennoes. wool plaid, alp", bom bazines, de baaes, poplins parameita cloth", mohair lusres, mu-lin de laines, Persiau cloih-. Ginahams, al'coes, &c. WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves. Collars. Snencers. handuerchier flouncir.ga, bands and irimmiria, let es aim edaina-,bori!:et ribbon, in larae variety, vel vet" libbr.r.R, and brails, kid, colton, li-ie threail uloves, mohair milt', i:c. AM As KISBS OFi.AWLSj broche. Bav Slate, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also a very iarac lara assortment of Cloths, casirners, saiTnei-, ve-tinas, tweeds, jeans, coatins vel tct, beaver cloths, &c . -. j - . , , r,f all kinds and sizes for men, women and i children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have al-o, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, eve- Very cheap CARPETS, CAKPKT-nACiS, FLOOR, table and carriaae oil cloths, mats, rug, bas- Rlkeis.&:c. Muslin, flannels, ticking", tira- ) pers. toweling8, driUii'as, &c , in nbiindance. ! We invite our Inetuls and ihe public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere We have f onjhi our good" at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anbo.tv nr ihe re-i ol rr.an kr McKELVY. NEAL & CO. Blppmshorg, Nov. 21, 1850. Tinware & Stove Esablishment. r2T(!E UNDERSIGNED respectfully in forms his ohl friends and cu.slomer.-, that he has purchased his brother's interes-i in the above establishment, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by h nr. -elf exclusively. He ha just recoived and of- (ers lor sale the largest J"; tensive assortineni o! FANC SI0TS Sv' nver introdui ed into this market. Stovepipe an.t Tinware con.-tantly on hand and manufactured to orler. AH kino .,1 tPt.airin.v done, as usual, un short nrtice. The patronage ot old trier.ns anu i.c v tomers is respectfully oUeiil. A . At . iw - Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, lf53. tL PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in .he best sttle known .in the an at C G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Arch Sireet. East of Sixth, Philadelphia. rSLile Size in Oil and Pastil, nrSiPrenscopic Portraits, nr Ambrof pe, Daanerreotypes, Sic. For Ca-es, Medallions, Pms.Kinas, c. novl4 HENRY ROJENSTOCK, Kkvfaislit Amlrolypitj a-0()"MS in tne Third Story ol me kx 14 cliarre Block, (-ntrar.ee te lhe Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. P. Bioomburg, Nov. 23, 1850-ly. jrKELVT, NEAL L CO., MVRL'lL'i'NTS, Northeast corner of Main and MarketSts. rni! KALE! -nr jIjc;.M Building Lots CABINET WARE. ROOMS J ..... . 'CPPECTFULLV invites ihe atteniion of So. the t'tiblic lo his 'extensive assortment of Cut'inei I'lirniture anil Chairs, which he will warrant made of ctnod materials ar.J in u work'maiilike manner. At his EstHblik rnent, can alw.iys be found a good as-ort mei't ot FAr.IGXABLE FCZIMTCRB. which is equal in slyle bud finish lo that ol Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as low prices. lie has Sofas cl difierert style and prices, from f 25 to SG0. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahoaany. Pailor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety ol upholstered work, with Dressing j parloi bureaus, sofa, curd, centre and pler tab'.es, detashu, cheffeniers, whatnots r.r.d come des and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of buieaus, enclosed and com mon wa-hrtands, dress-tables, corner cupboard sola, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and com mon chairs is th hiroesi in this section of ihe-couuiv. He will also keep a a00'1 asorimeriijOl looking olas.sefi wiih fancv S'lt and common Irames He will al-o furnish spriti" mai'rasses fitted lo any sized bed-lead, which are superior for duiability and com for: in any bed in use. Lloomsbnrr, January 13, 185S. D E IT T S EI. '. CIOYVIJR, s v k ii t: o w i i: i tist. .......n. ESPECFULLY offers his (ff'A'5L piofessional service to the -TirrT T la, lies end gentlemen ol Blooms burs and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all ihe various operations in Derniry, and i providetl wuh the latest irnprovep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. A superior article of Too'.h Powders, al ways on liand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Otiice, 3d buildirg above S. A. Wilson's Carridae Manufactory Main Si., west side. Bloomsbnra;. January 13. 1858 " "forks, hotel. ELOOMSItntG, COLUJ1L1A CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Iroprietor, fflAKES dea.-ure in announcing lothe pnb- J.c that he has rented and thorouahly retiiied the Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Weey.e, in bloomsburg, ami is prepared to bccomod te traveller-, teamsier-, drovers and boarders. His table, will be sup pheil Vvith the test products ihe markets aT- tord, a:id hi Ear will be constantly furnish ed wuh ihe choicest liquors. Attentive ostler will always be n at tendance, and he trusts his lon experience m eaterina to ihe wants of the public, and hi obliatr.a attention to customers wit se cure 1 im a liberal share of patronage. Blonmsboru. April 21, 1853. S'loui' nss! Vvvtl SJrlivCrrtl ! im:Ari:ii than tiik chimpest ! T 'HE under-ia'ied has rnatle arrtnae men! thai will enable hirn lo deliver Flour and Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper ihan any boot elseiuioun. Hi prire ar as follows: P'lonr7 25 : Corn and Ojts Chop SI 55; Corn and Rye Chop 1 65 : Bran SI 10 ; I respecilully soliri' a shire of the public pair..i-aae. MOSES COFr MAN. Bioom-burg, Jurie 14, lf60. n looms i. urn. flHE ur.tier-ianed respectlully informthe ci'izens ot Bhmmsbnrg, and the public 1 oenerally, that he has taken the Barber ! Shop, located on Main Street, in tlie white Frame Building, nearly opposite llie Ex change Rlock ,w here tie is at all lines ready to wait upon hi customers lo entire satis faction. SHAVING AND H A I R D R ESSI N J , Will be execi:tril with r;ire atiit neatness and !n the mot fashionable style, and on vcy mo'ler.ite terms. CiTSIiampnoiria, done up in City Style. He sohcils public patronage an-t pledas his be-l endeavors to give every reasonable paiiiaclion. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oci. 12, 1H59. N E W H ATS AN DC AP s" ! At T. K. iairloii' I2al Jtore. THE underpinned re-f-eclfull y iu!orrns he the ciiiyens of Bloomsbu rg, a nd 'h public in oeneral, that he has jn-i reren-ed tmm Phila felphia a lot ol NEW HATS & CAPS, fnr Sprina and Summer, of the very lale-i style- and fashions, all of which h i pre. pared to sell cheaper than can be had eie- i where, wuh the exception ol U;e manuiac turers. He Ra" all kinds, styles, sort and sizes, of hats and caps, probably ihe most varied assortment ever brouaht !o town. Al-o STRAW GOODS, including the mod ern styles and fashions. rPS'ore on Main Street, nearly opposite ( the "Old Arcade.'' JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg. April 24, 1SGI. SOME I HING FOR THE TIMES ! ! A NECESSITY IX LVERY HOf SEHOLI) joesr'M Ac vmiusia. v s AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE The Mi oiiR! iilue In tlw lVorltl For Cementing Wood.I.eatser, Class, Ivory, China Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone. Coral, tke, &c, &.C. Tbectily article ol the kind ever produced which will willi.-tand Water. EXTRACTS : "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply of Johns Crosiey's American Cement Giue." Sew Yoik Times. . .. . . 1. n a I tV. a linnco't It l SO con veil i e ni pj nav o iu iut uuusw Sew York Expiess. ''Ii Uaiwaif. rer.dv this commends it lo everybody .'' A'. I. Independent. :We have tried it. and find it as usefu in o;ir house as water." IIim spirit o the limes ! i'rjcc 25 Tenls per Slotlle. Very Iiberul llcductton io Wholesale Pettier. I l.ll (. AMI. RT For sale by all Drujgists and Store keepers oenerallv thronahont the country. " JOHNS & CROSLEV, Sole Manufacturers. 78 William Sireel, Corner of Libetty St., NEW YORK. Jnly 10 1S6I ly. EZGHA2TG-S aCCTL, HJI DK00XS Proprietor. THIS magnificent Hotel, siiuaie in the central portion of llie town, and op posite the Court House, hi? been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprieior i now prepared io accommodate traveler, teamster, drovers and boarders in the mosi pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords. and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ot country. Omnibuses will always be in reauiue iu tuirj e asen- in gers to and from the Railroad Depots- IMiITa manufactured ptMSALMANDER rSSMi. SA Ii'P.S. ku :rilrt-"--,No.304 C-ieinr.t Sireet I'll 1 LA DKl-PHf A a. I. ' - i iiM.niici,rnid HtsE Safes me in use now all over the United Stale, ami have been well test- et in riiariy n cs : u;e jonriw. ing snows an other instarce of Iheir capability in resist ing fire. WITMER.S BRIDGE, 1 Lancaster Townsliip, July 33, I860. 1 Messrs. EVANS 3t WATSON : fJentlemen The small size No. 1 Sala mander Sale which I purchased from voar agent, Mr. Adorn R. Barr, in Lancaster Cisy, on July 20lh, 1858, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withsiood in a most satisfactory manner. Thi Sale, con taining all my books, irgether with valua ble papers belonging to myself ami some to my neighbors and triends, tid repre senting ti value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, 520,000 was i-i 'my Mill which was destroyed on the night ol the 2lb of July. 1860, and passed ihropgh the fvPry ortleal unscathed The Safe wa on Ibo second floor, and fell to the basement of the Mill and was subjected for six hours lo an intense hfat among the ruins, which was "Tea'ily increased by ihe combustion of a large quantity of gfain confined with il the brick v. all. After ihe fire the Safe wa openet' and the books and papers taken oun in a state of perfect preserva'ion, tha pas per no: even beina discolored. Jhis fact was, however, to many, bysianHera a bet ter rerommendaiion ol your Safes than conld be expressed in any other words Irom me. Yours Respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. Another Victory for Evans & Wat sou's Salamander Safes Otveg-o, N. Y., March 27, I860. Gentlanren It affords me much pleasure to inform you lhat the Safe No. 5, uprightj which I purchased of B. Slrond, your Trav elling Aaeni, has passed through an x ceedinaly hot fire in a three story brick" building, which heated ihe SaSe to a white heat, so that the corners of it appear melt ed; but it preserved my books and valuable papers to the amount of several thousand doilars, lor which I feel tbatikful. Yours, Respectfully. J.N. ELD RIDGE. Philadelphia. June 4ih, 1858. Messrs. EVANS & WATj-ON manufac tured ihe Fire Proof Safes which have been in ue since the commecement of or Bank, and are supplied wish threi of the Pa'ent Alphabetical Bank Lock, and hv aiven entire satisfaction. This Lock we have great confidence in, bo' a as regards security and convenience, there beina no chance to blow it out with powder, and no key to carry. We consider it one of the besi am! safest Lock now in use. ROBERT MORRIS, Pres'i Com lb Bank. HENRY GRAMBO, Cashier. Great Fire Another Triumpii. Ki orvilJe, Tenn., March 13. 1859. Messrs. EVANS & WATSON, Phila'da. Gen'lemeri Il affords me great pleasure to say to yon that the Salamander Slu which I purchased of yon in February, 185V, proved to be what yon recommended it a cure protection trom fire. My storehouse, together with several others, was burned to the ground in Marrh last. The Safe fell hrouah imo ihe e.eller, and wa exposed to intent' heat for i.t or eight hnur, and whet, ii was uken from irm ruins a":l open ed, all its con:ents wpre fnnnJ ;o b? in a perlect state, the books and the pap " nit bei'ia ir.jnred any whatever. I can cheer fully recornrn nd your Safes to the com munity, bwbevirg, a I t'o. that ihey are as tiear fire prciot a.- it is po.ible b-r any Siafs to be ma le. THOMAS J. POWELL. I5crcrcncc. Mint. Pnilailelotiia : U. U S rs?r;a! Bank Btnk Gold- P.'.iM.U-l P..ti.-:-.w B-ink : Che'er Val'ev o it :iern Bank of Va. : Bank of b.irotiali, N. C : Bik of l..nk of Sah.-bn'ry, N C. Raleia'u, N. C. ; : Bank of Jersey Shore, Pa. ; Rs.ik ot, Newark, Del ; Bank ot Noritiurnbcriaad ; Lewisburg Biok Apni 3d. 1S61. PA YS the emiie cost for Tuition in th foo popular and successful Commer cial School in the country. Upward of Twu.vk llcsDRFD yoin.g men from twesitt eight different Sutes. have been educated for buiue here within ihe past three year, some of whom have been employed I as book Keepers at salaries ol $2000.00 per Annum imnte.lia ely cp m graduating, who knew no-hing of accounts wnea tbey entered the cnileae. ltT Minister' sons half price. Stodent" enter at any time, and review when tbey j please, without extra charge. Fur Cataloa'ie r.f 86 paaes, Specimen of Pruf. Cowley'- Bu-iness anJ Ornam--n:al Penmanship, and a large Lngravinjj ol ha College, inclose tweniy-nve cenis "m Post age Siamps to the Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. June 5, 1861. MANHOOD. nOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Publ'uhul. in a Sealed Envelope: r-k A LECTURE ON THE NA IZltf'&mU., TREATMENT, AND teS- RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA TORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Set ual Debility , Nervousness and involuntary emissions, producing impotency, Consump tion, and Mental and Physical Debilitv. ' ..-r vts ft ... t- t . M ft. By ROBT. J. ClU tRW bLi ji. u., The important fact lhat the awful conse. quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal raeSicines or tne dangerous applications of caustics, instru ment, medicated bougie, and rxber em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and ine entirely new and highly suc cessful ireatment, a? adopted by the cele brated author fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at ibe leist possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nos trums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon lo thousands and thousands Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing 1 DR. CH. J.C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,586. August 7, 1861-ly. BLINKS! BLANKS! BLANKS !1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOZNAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, i i 7 L ft35,00. I of proper & desirablefonns,fo- sale o. th J iuiiuj i in ., . tfiV.aJCa.rl V fX