MARK THESE FACTS ! tBE ' TESTING XT OF ;T11 E tVOK LP. M " - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BADa LEGS, BAD BREATS, SORES AND ULCEUS. AH description of sores are remediable by thepncper and diligent use of this hies timable preparation. To attempt to cure bad legs by plaMerins the edgesof ihe bound together is a . folly ; for should the ekia unite, a bogsy diseased denditton re mains underneath to break out with tenfold ssry in a few days. The only rationanl aud successful treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflamaiion in and about the wouDd and tc soothe the neighboring parts by robbing in plenty of the Ointment as salt is forced into meat. DIPTHERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Anv of theatove diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment three a day into the chest, throat ana neck of ihe ralien : it will soon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the mouth roust operate upon the whole sys tem ere i.e influence can be felt in any lo cal part, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner of the disease named, ot an similar disorders afieciing the chest and throat', will find themselves relieved as by a charm. PILES, FISTULAS. STRICTURES. The above class of complaints wiil be removed by nightly fomenting the parts wiih warm water, at.d then by most etTeot ually -rubbing in lha Ointment. Persons mfferiof troll ihese direful complaints bould lose not a moment in arrtstiiia their progress. It should be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Omt merAon the aflecied parts, but it must be well rubbed in for some considerable time two or three timps a day, that it may be taken into the system, whence it will re move any hidden soie or wound as ecl nally as though palpable to the eye. there again bread end vater pouhicee, alter rub bin" in of the Ointment, will Jo great ser vice. This U the only sure "treatment for females, cases ot career in the stomach, or where there tiny be a general bearing down. INDISCRETIONS OF YOUTH ; SORES AND ULCERS. Blotches, a also swelliug?, m-, with radically cured if the Onl rr.eut be used freely, and Pills be taaen uiot aud morning as recommeuded m the printed instructions. When treated m any other way they only dry up in one place to break out in another ; whereas this Ou.t ment will remove the humor fiom the ys tem.and leave the patient a viaorou and Wealthy beit:g. It wq""", !ut'e wuh the use of the Pill to ensure a lasting cure DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS AND SI IFF JOINTS. Although the above complaints difler widely in ther origin and nature, yet they alt require local treaiment. Many of the worst cases, nch diseases, will yield m a comparatively short space of time when this Ointment is ddigetitly rubbed into ihe par's affected, even afet every other means Vave failed. In all strious the Fills should tiiUn according 10 iuo ui rections accompany i euch box. Both the Ointment and PUU should be u.-eJ in - - the Julloictng Ague. Asthma, Billions Complaints, Blotcbes on hd Skin, Bowel Conoplant3 CAiIieM, Constipation of the Bowel, Consumption Debility', lagans ration, Jaundice Liver Com- plaints, Lnmbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention ot Urine, Scrofula, ,or li....... Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregulari ties, Fevers of all kind, Fit", Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary ymp:oms, Tic-Dc'ulou:enx, Tumours, Ulcer0, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness from whatever cause, Kins' Evil, &c , &.c. None rc sen nine m.Iess C.1UTIOX the words 'Holloway, lew iom arm w- don" are disceraibw Matmierw every leaf of book cf direction are on each pot or oox ; ine same. "'.'"" seen by holding the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as way UaJ nanJ-dsti-ction of any party or partie counter feiting the medicires ot vending the eime, knowing them to be spurious. SolJ at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druagist and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and SI each. GT There is a considerable caving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for tne guidance ot pa tients, in every disorder, are affixed to each box- October 10, 1860. DUID LOWESBERG. CLOT III NG STO 11 E, Oft Main street, twodooreabovethe Amer ioaa Hotel.' ' For Sale or Kent. TTHE subscriber offers three Houses and lots for sale, or rent, one in Blooms barg, one at Buckhorn, and one l tower Ume Ride, all in this county. ' . . ' GEORGE WEAVEK. . Bloomsborg Feb- 6, 1861. FRESH ARRIVAL, or rT'HE undersigned offers for 8iN at the A- Store formerly kept by Joseph Gearhart. dsceased, in Cattawissa township, about three miles from the towti of Catsawissa, an a?ortment of SPSIXG iSD SU3I31ER GOODS, superior to any ever brought to that section Hi stock cf goods U varied and of a o ez cellent quality. He is prepared to sell cheap haviog purchased his goods to suit ihe times." Purchasers are cordially incited to cail and examine hi stock for thiselvei "Qvick Sales acd Small profits," has teen adopted as hii roolto. x rCounuy prwiuce taken in exchange for ooods at the rpular market prices. ' l , JACOB H. CREASY. " Cattawissa twp., May 1st, 1861. TO Till: PEOPLE ;;. OF THE UrWTEI MATES! IN the month of December, 1S;.8, the un dersigned fur the first tinie offfied for sale to the public Or. J. BOVEE LOPS' IMPE RIAL W INE BITTERS, and in this short period they have given such universal sat isfaction to the many thousand of persons who have tried them that it is now an es tablished article. The amonnt rf bo-!i!y and mental mi-eij arising strnyly from a neglect of small complaints is surprisini:, and it is therefore ol the utmost importance r li a strict attention to the least and most haifling bodily ailmeul should be, had; f it diseases ol the body nt nsl invariably atfoct the mind. The subscribers now only asfc.a trial of DR. J BOVEE DODS' Imperial Hiue Bitters! I! Iron all ho have not used them. Wechal leige the world to produce their equal. These Bitters fi r the cure of Weak Stom achs. General Debility, and for Purifying at.d Entichit g the Blood, are absolutely un surpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is ot a very superior quality, being about one-ih'-rd stronger than other wines; warming and invigorating the whole system from the Lead to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic and alternative in their character, to they strengthen and invigorate the whole sys tem ami give a fine tone and healthy action to all its eqtuLzicg the ciicuUtiou removing obstructions, aud .producing a sjeneral warmth. They ate aUo excellent For and Weakness peculiar to FE MALES, wheie a Tonic is required to ttenk(luh mid brace the system. No L-uty, who is sutjeel to lassitude and famine, should be w ithout them ad they are revivi fy it.s in their aciion. THESE BITTSR -inilncl only Cure,bui Prttent Disease and in this rer eel are uonoty valuaote to the person who mav use thmr. For INCIPIENT CON SUMPTION. Webk Lungs. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Pilds, and for all cases requiring a Tonic Br. Dcds Wine Bitters For Sore Throat, so common, anion; the Clergy, they are truly valuabie. Fcr ihe aged and 1; firm, and for persons of a weak cor.stiiutioi-, for Miuisttsis of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speak ers for Book Keeper, Tailor?, Seamstress es, Students, Ariis's and all persons Ita.i ing a hcdeMary lite, .hey will proke truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholeome, in nocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating etlecu of Brn ily or Wine, w 'nhout iuloxicating ; ami are a valuable remedy fcr persons addicted to the use of excessive strung drink, and In wish to rfruiu from it. They are puie and entirely free flora the jioi-ons contained in in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bntera not only CURE, but PRE VENT Disease, and should hi ued by all who live in a conurry where the water is bad, or whete ChiUs and Fevers an prev alent. Being entirely innocent and harm less, ihey may be iven freely to Childien and IiJanib with impunity. Pliysiciaas, Clergymen, at.d temperance advocates, as an act of huii.-nity, should assist in spreudir.g these vhial!e BIT TERS over ihe land, and thereby eseti:ad ly aid ia baLishiiig DruukeunesA and Dis ease. In all Affections of the head, s:ck Headache cr Nervous Headache, Dr. Dod' lm;, Wine Bitiers wi.l be louna to Ce n.os-i Salutary und Elfuacious. The many Cf rtili'-.ts which been tendered u, and ihe let.trs which we ar daily rcceivir.':, are proof that amonjf he women those Bitters havo s'nr en a sa'.istac ion which no others hae evrr done before. No woman ia Ihe land should be without theiH, and those who ouce ue thera wnl not fail to kep a supply DR. J. BGVEE DODV IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are prepared by a;i eminent and skiilfu! physician who has used them sutcesfLl ir his practice for the last tenty five years. The proprietor, before pnrchasir. j the ex clusive rijjht to mauuf-cture ;r,d sell Dr. J. Hot Dm's' Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitter, had them tested by two o'itingui-h-ed medical practioner rs, prot.OuUced them a valuable remeJy for disea.-e. Although the medical men of the country art a gt-ueral thinrf disapprove of Pa, em Medicines, yet wt do not bliev that a re spectable Physician can be Tound in the United Slste-, acquaint d wiih their medi cal properties who will r ol h'ahlv approve DR. J. BOY EE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. In all newly settled places, where there is alwajs a Ure qnnttiy of decaying lim ber frcm which a poisonous miasma is creaied, thos bitt-r should te Used every mcrning before brkfasi. DR J. lO.'KK DODS' U1PKAIAL 1VINK C1TTERS Are composed of a pure and unJulterated Wine, combined with Barterry, Solomon's ShI Confrev. Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers, and (Jen- tiau. Ihy are manulacturea oy ui. vw himself, who is an experienced and uc-ct-ssful Physician, and htnee should not be cla-sed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and aaamsl which the Medical Profession are so justly preju J.ced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all cl tsse of the community l;r almost every variety of dis ease incident to the huaiac system, that they are now decmeil indispensable as a TONIC. MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. rt!i-cliac One Bollle ! It Cosis but Lit.le! Purily the Blood I Gue Tone to the Stomach f Rer.cvate the Sysiem ! arid Prolong Life I PRICE (1 PER BOTTLE. 6 BOTTLES $5: Prepared and sold By CHARLE Wl DDI FIELD u CO , 80LH FROPKIETOB5. 78 William Street, Nw York. rF"For by Druggists and grocer generally throughout the country. Angat28, 1861- ly. jSewbusixess firm. 2 IHE undersigned respectfully inform their friend and the public generally, that they have entered itdo co-partnership, under the name, style au firm ol MILLER St EYER in the Mercantile Business in the uOid Arcade," in Bloomsbur', Co lumbia county, where thej intend carrying on thp business of GENERAL MERCHAN DIZING, in all its diversified branches and departments, aud to which they invite an exteneiou of the public patrouaae. S. H. MILLER. ' FRED K EYER, Bloomiburg, May 15, 186S tL Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. riHLADELHlIA AKU I1EABING - WINTER ARRANGEMENT, jjeckmbilR 5th 1859. Four Daily Passenger Trains to PhiliJelphin (From and passing Reading) At 6.20 a. m., 10 20 a. m., 12 noon. (Freight and Passenger.) and 5.06 p. m. Two daily trains to Po.tville and Port Clinton, at 10.15 a. rn., and 6.05 p. m. Connecting at Port Clinton vri h train foi Tamaqna, Wiiliamsport, E iniin, But!alo, Niagara Falls, and the Canadas. The 10.1s a. rn. up train only connects a! Port Clinton wi.h trains for VVilkesbarre, Scranton end Pittstou. Passengers leaving Williamspurt by the Cattawissu Railroad night lihe, at 10.15 p. m , connect with a passenger train lav iiii Port Clinion at 4.50 a m., arrive at Read ing ai 5 50 a. m , breakfast and proceed di rect to Philadelphia by the 6.20 a. in. Read ing Accommodation Train. On Sundajs the 10.15 a. m. Down, and the 6.05 p. m Up Trains only run. LKBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Two 1'rains Daily, Sunday Excepted) to and from Harrisburg. At 10 23 a. m. and 6 08 p.m. leaving HarrUburg at 8 00 a. in. aud 2.35 p.m. Connec.ii'g with trains on the Northern Central. Pennsylvania, and Cumberland Vil ley Railroads, for Sunbury, Wiliiins(.orl; Ptttsbuigb, Laucaster, Bailimore, Cham-oersbur-j;, &c. Through rickets Reading to Baltimore, 4 00 ; to Lancaster, S2 25 ; to Gettysburg, 3 50. 80 pounds of baggage allowed to each passeruer. The second class cars run wiih all the above trains. Through first c!s tickets at reduced rates to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit Chicago, and all the principal points in ihe West, North West, ad the Canada; and Eruigronl Tickets at lower fares to tll abovt places, can be had on application to iht station iisjent at Reading. All tickets will be purchased be for tht trails sia.l. Higher fares charaeil if iau ia car. . A. NICOLI S, Engineer and General SupeituU'iiuotii Februa-y S2, 1860. i;ule)nle and Slctail. fl HE subscriber w ould announce to tn ilh snoscrioer wouia announce 10 mi 1 citizens of Bloomsburaj aud vicinity, that he i selling LIQUORS in large ami small quantities, and at different puces, at his Ne w Store, on Mam street, north aide. t o doors souti In. ii fi'.ieet. BiuGC.sbuik? i,.. V of Fnrein ana Dumestio t mi 7t . - consists ot Cosinac aud Koeheile, B.ackbu ry, Ginijer, Raspberry and Lavender. H has a lare assorlment of Old Re gray with ae, fin. Old Bourbot , Old Fo.ks Whiskey, and any quaumy d cuiiimou. Ke also tias PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, frfrry and Cam pasnfl Wines; and last but not least, t quantity of tiod double emn BROVVIJ SIOUT; all of which he will sell at lha lowest cash prices. The public ate respeot fullr aolici.d to give his liquor a trial. D. W. KOUB1NS, Ag t. Bloomsbura:, May 1, lb61. SPRING AND SUMMER on- 'vD rsj UiJ s3 0 LARGE STCf K AND LOW PRICES. We has aain beeu to the city, a id re turned ith a lariie iock of Goodn i t the season, which we tie prepared lo et il at a low Sure for ready pay- Our aloi k consists of Hardware, Quteusware, LeUarware, W !-I.iw-ware, Hollow-ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Nails, Iron, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Fluid, Campher.e Oii, While Lead by ihe Xesr, cheap, . H. C. t I. W. HARTMAN. Bloomsburg, April 10, 1861. Look to yniir Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SOUIER GOODS, MILLER EYER'S. fllHE subscribers have just returnd from the City wiih another large aud sebtt cf prtn and Summer Gooi.n, nr.-hsd at Philadelphia, at the lows' figure, and which thy are determined to -ell on as moderate terms as can be ro-t-ured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Tteir siock Ladies lres Goods, of the choicest styles and latent fashions DRY GOODS, ro'i. a cd c ir il s 3 Hardware. Qoeensware, Cedarwa'e, Hol lowware, Iron, Nails, Boots & Shoes, Hals and Capa, &c, &c. In short, eeryt! mi! usually kepi in country stores; to which they invitM ihe public aenerally. The bigrieat nrlpa nai.l fnrCOUUUV orod'lCe. r 1 MILLER & EYE.X Bloomsburg, May 15, 1861. Lack'a aud Bloonisburg Uallrozd. liiis:: ON AND AFTER AUG. 5th, lSrtl, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS POL LOWS M0V1K0 eOt'TH. Fl tight & Panenger. Pas&cger. Leave Scranton, ' Kingston, Rupert, 11 Dantille, ' Arrive at North'd. 5.45 A. M. 10.20 M. 6,50 Arrive 12,10 M 8,40 9,15 . 9 50 MOVING WORTH Leave North'd. Danville, 4.40 P. M. 5.15 5.50 7.45 Leave 1.35 ?. M Kineton, Arrive at Ncranton, 8 45 P. M. 3 25 ?. M. A Passenger 1 rain also Jeave Kinjsion at 8.00 A. M. for Scranton, to connect with traiD for New York. Returning Ijavei Scuninn on arri val of Train from New Y'ork at 4. 10 P. M. The Lackawanna and Bloomaburg Rail road connects with the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Rai!iod at Scrmtori, for New York and intermedial pointf east At Rupert it connect with ihe Catawissa Ran road lor poiota tioin easi ana wes:. At Northumberland it connect wiih the Philadalnhia and Erie R. u. and Northern Central R. U. for points west and south. JOHN P. 1LSLEY, Stpl, JL PtTTEEONC, Getil Ticket AgH. August 21,1861. A.M. IltTERT, 'CJVV7'r STOVE D EJILiiR, AYER'S 0ATHAETI0 Are yon nick, feeble, and onrHp!uiui:ii? Areyuuotitof ordur. with your system do nulled, and juur feelings un coiulurtable t Theae ymp toaiR are ol'ton tli pruluJe Ut siioii iiifo. Bouie fit of it knoiis in rreeping iinn yon, aud should tie averted by a timely iibe of the rirlit rem edy. Take Ayor'a and cloause out tliu UimTdditxl hu- mors purity the blood, and lot the fluids move on uuob- f. . V- , 1jtM ""III. - IL.;'s.. J T l';.'.'..' V-'";7 Btructcd In uoaltli again. vJC"-"V' 4 They stimulate Uie fonctioua kferjf f of tU body Into vigorous ao- RUuctod In holth tlvity, purify the syhtoiu from tbe olRtruttiuns which make dlseasn. A coUt aettlea aomewlwre la the body, and ob struct a Ira natural functious. Those, if not relieved, react upon tHsuiwlrea aud the surrounding orgaiiB, pro-du.-iuff gsoeral nufcravatian, (ufTuitng, aud disaae. W hile in tlim conditiun, opprueed by the doraiigPiiieuta, take Ayer's lilts, aud e hor directly they rwitore tha nutuial artiun-of the nyntetu. and milk it the buoyant f.liiK of health again. What is true and so apparent la tbU trivial aud common complaint, is Uno true in mauy of the dvt-,-ated aud daugeioun diatemporn. The sarua purgative elT.ft expela thein. Caused by similar olMtruo ti.iua aud derangMiuenta of the uatnral of the body, they are rapidly, and mauy of thcMU burely, cured by the ume uieau. Nune who kuow the virtue of theaa Piils, wilt neglect to employ them when tulTeiiug from the Jiitordura lli.y cure. HUteuiHtita from leading phyilclans In eome of the priuolpal tltiua, and from oilier null kuuwu public por ous. Plum a Jfmmirding Merchant (St, fib. 4, lHt.8. Da. Araa: Tour I'HU are the jiaragon of all that ia grent hi me.llvlue. They have curwi my little daughter of u!cor.uj aorea upon her ltauda and feet that had proved lut-urahle for yeaia. Her mother hua boeu long gri ouly alilioled with blotches and piuiploaon her skiu aud iu h. r hair. After our child was cured, aha auo tiled your I'Uls, aud they have cured her. ASA MOKQIUlXiB. Aa m. Family Pbyalo. F) om Vr. E. W. (ItrtwHyU, Aew OrUuitt. Your Pllla are tba pilnco of purges. Thnir excellent qunliti.-a aurpua any cathartic we poKaeee. They ara mild, but very curtain aud effectual iu thulr action on tti liowels, wliich makea theut invaluable to us la tue .Uily treatment of d image. Headache, StckIIendache,Foul Stomach. fYuin Vr. iklwiird Bond, Baltimore. PiarBro. Atkn: I cannot answer yon wltat complainta I have curil with your fills bettor than to say nil that wt cvr trtat with a pargiilive medicine. I place great dpeu duuoeonan erTuctual cathartic in my daily contest with diseaae, and believing as 1 do that your i'iils afford us the beat w have, I of couiae value them highly. Pittsboro, Pa., May 1, 1855. Da. J. 0. Aria. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worxt keudachi any body can have by a dnae or two r.f your Till, it seems to arise from foul stomach, which titer cleane at once. fours with great respect, ED. TV. TREBLE, Citric of SUamer durum. Dlltona Disorder Liver Complainta. Fivm Dr. Vttudort Bttt, ofNtw Turk Cy. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur poae aa an aperient, but I find their twnoflcinl effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have In my prac tice proved uura etfeclual for the cure of fru'ionj era plaiwt than any one remedy I can uientioo. I sincerrl rejoice that we have at b-agth a purgative which ia wi thy the cM.uaeboa of lbs piofeskkou aiid the people. DkFiaTMZXT or TUB Intirior, rVaahingtou, D. 0., 7lh ttb , JbJtS. f Sia 1 1 have ased your 1'ilU in iny geuerat and hoapitdl practice ever since you made them, and cauuot hehilaia to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action on the liver to quick aud derided, conse quently they ara an aduitrablo roniedy for derangement of that otgaa. IuJocd, I have scMuin fouud a caaa of bUtuu (iueuae so obaiiuaie that It did not readily yi.-!d to thaia. liaUruaily yours, AIaiaZO 15 ALL, M. I), Itiyiicuxn (J Uu Manrit Hit UaL Dyienttrf, Diarrhoea, Relax, IVorina. V Or. J. G. Oittn, oj Clucutf't. Tonr Pills mva had a long trial iu my practice, and I hold them in esteem aa one of the beat apcrieule I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makea them aa excellent remedy, when giveu in small doaes for bdtout dysenUrj and autrrhtra. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable aud cuuvenieiit ar Hut uaa of wotuen aud cittidien. Dyapepala, Impurity of the Blood From hrv. J. V. Uinia, IXutor of Advent Church, Bvttu Da. Aria: I have used yonr Piils with eztranrdinary auccetfi in my rawily and among those 1 am called to vuit In dbitreaa. To regulate the organs of digestion and puiily the blooti, they are the very beet remedy I have ever known, aiid 1 can confidently recommend tuvni to UJ bieiidJ. Youra, J. V. IIIMfcd. WiBiiaw, Wyoming Co, . T., Oct. 24, 155. DtB &ia: I am uaiug your Cathartic Pills lu my prao Uce, aud DuJ theui an excellent j urutlve to cleauae Ute syaWU tuid Luiv'V Vi foiudaint of tht llnnd. JollN 0. MEACHAiX, Jl. D. Constipation, Coitlvtne.M, St pnreaalon, ! ilheuiiiatlsin, Gout, .Neuralgia, Drop my, l'aralysia, I'tta, etc. r-rrm Or. J. 1'. ruwAa, ilmdnud, Canada. Too much cannot be aald of your Pills for the cure of j oratrnenru. Ii others of our fraternity have fuud them aa efficacious aa 1 have, tbey should join me iu proclaim- : big it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough in Itself, ia ; the pnveuitor or others tlmt are worse. I believe oo- Ux-etiftf to originate In the liver, but your PUi afloct that organ and core the diwvaee. j Fr.m Mrt. X Suart, rhytician and Midwife, Bxfmi. I I find one or two lanre d"aee or your PitK taken at the I proier time, are excellent pr tuotivta of the natural irers- ti n when wholly or partially suppreoee.1, and also very j effectual to clrante tha tUttMiiJi aud e-rj.'i iwmi. They ' axe so much the beat physic we have that I recouuueud ' nooLuvr to my paUeuts. ' JPnn Rev. Dr. Uawkes.of tht Utt odi Fpii. ChurcJl. j PrrLixr Uotrta. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 8, 15'. j i3"!oRrD Sies I sIk.uIJ bo ungrateful for the roilcf your ftill has brouicl.t ma if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating twurai'oic jiet, which end;d la chronic rh'uvta turn. Notwithatanding 1 had tha beet of physicians, the disease crow worse aud worse, until by the advice of your excellent acsnt in Pklliiuore, Dr. Mackeoxks I tried yur Pills. Ihetr effect were slow, but sure. By persevering Lb the use of thm, I ain now entirely walL Suiata CoAira, Baton Ronge, La., ft Dec 155. Da. Atxs : 1 have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Hhcumuhc Guut a painful diseaxe that had afftirtml me fcr years. VIXCEM 8UDELL. BTf Most of the Pills in niarket contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, U , dangeroos in a public pill, frxn the dreadful ennee queDcee that fre.juently bUow IU Incautious uw. These Contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 centa per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared If Cr. 7. C. AYES &C0-. Lowell. M&aa. Sh.IcI b L. I. I.UlI, J ii. Jl.jei, .tiivl M Hacenbucti, Biooirbum. and ty cue dealer in eerv town iu the State. April 6, lt61.-ly. IloTar(! AsociatiotJ, I'HILAUKLl'HIA. A Benevolent Ifjet'tution estM.r.eii ry, apecial Eiidowmer.t, fr-r the Kehel of ihe S;ck and I)itres!ed. stiiicied wiih Viru lent and Chronic Dieaei', nnd especial ly tor the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Or"an.. MEDICAL ADVICE given uratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to ail who apply by letter, a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) ami ui cae or extreme poverty, jiouiciues fiirniehrid fre , charvs. VALUABLE REPOI.rSon SpernatorrhoM and oiher of tbe Sexual Orgat r;, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispensary, er.t to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopes, free of charae. Two ot three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Adore, Dr. J. HULUH HO, Aelins Sorseon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Sireet, Philadelohia Fa. Bv order ot the Directors. GEO. FAlRCHlLP.Sec. EZRA D. HEART WELL, I'rest. Philttlelnnia, April 3, 1861 ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Latk White Swan) Race Street abore 3d Philadelphia JOHN B0YER, Proprietor. Terms. 1.25 xcr day, rpO the old customers of this well-known J- House, I desire to say, that I have renovated, improved and newly furnished the saitie, and that I respectfully solicit a continuance of their patronage. Strangers, traveler and visitor I cor dially invite to the hospitallity of the "Na tiofial" to come and see and judge lor themselves of iis advantages and merits. The locatioH is central, and convenient for Merchants and business men generally We will always endeavor to study the wants and comforts of our auesis, and with the assistance of Mr. Joseph Houscm, our aflable and attentive Clerk, wo feel prepar ed to keep a good Hotel, and hope to give general satisfaction. JOHN B0YER. Philad., Feb. 13, 1861 y. r?$Tirf RAYMON D'S FAMILY W i N G fV. A G H I l'ilt.S l il Mr- iiCil 'J, a,i C T il'it f . A 10 E At 1 1. M KSRCv ZUl'l'INGKR & KO ti BINS, ,,i niooii; fcl'tus:. bavin! nurctia'i iheex- cluhive r'uht ot she above valuable Iirii ro vett Cheat Patent Swii.2 Machine, for t i; e Coun'.y r-VColnmbia, will be happy lo ciipldy their frlvni).- with the article fur it e wctonniifdatioriof ihei'i.-elit.- and families. The toilovvin" arr f-ome of the .-npe.rior advansage tbi implement p( , viz: 1. Il f.ews from 400 to 6U0 light stitches pur minute. 2. Double thread Machine are from the more comniieaied characier of their mech- aniem invariaC'lv rni-nano aim tl rfa.-ted vtithn ore or lee iMthtuhy ; not ro with RAYMOND S, a child can manage it in two huurs, arid it is threaded easier thaa a com mon needle. 3. Our! of the mot.1 valuable features of thii Machine, U ihe fmallne.-a and the compactness of its' n.echatiiwm. 4. It can be attached to a board, table or sini.d, m operating order, and removed in l i than half a minuse. 5. It ijtea tly economizes the thread, and yet produces a t-t?em, rufficiently Hrono for any woik lor which it if intended, a qual ification not known to all kinds of Sewing Machines. 6. No human hand ia capable of produ cing a feam fo regular and ry ;iematic. The? tram i o i:rosg if we il done, that ihe Mroiiy'-t material will tear before the teani will jive way. 7. Amt-nsf the array of Pa'ent Sewing Machine, (here are nnne so cheap and durable HH Raymond' Patent, but no Ma thii.e i Hiipid to ail turing or work ha exe'iei.ce ha? proven 1 here are prfiao none eo rea'.y Ueerut, ooing nucn a vaneiy ri i- t of wore for ihe immediate ue ot the tarn ily circle, and at unch a moderate price a RAYMONDS PATENT. 8. Ttie operator can t-hape hi? fMd) just as, be pleti-ef, wavea, leave and flower?, e;c ,cn te repreeented or imitated. 9. It i particularly adapteu to all kind of etiufHLk, .-uch a senvlemtn's shirta, boeorr.8, rifibanJs, collar.', etc., and all kinds of ladies.' sewing, intludina F,ik, law n, delaine", calicoec, du?teri. etc., ex ue ting for inenV heavy wear, this Machine ie rasher too light ot tonhtructinn. 10. But we all admit, that tbe advantage lo health, ai.d principally to th vir-ion or eyep.iu.hl, iuodced by tt.e u-e of Sewing Mathinea, aurpaoes infinit'ily all oiher ad v antaijea. ;i. Thi Machine fastens the ?am al ways itself, but if the operator wished it unfaaW-ned or open, there is a way hr it too, thus you can have it fastened or not, as you please, which is, aome.inie-, erpe cialiy for beainriers, a very favorable cir cumstance. If the t-eam is lei't unfastened, too can draw it oul in thrte tecends and cave the thread. For aale by ih nnderioned, at their re speciivr residence-, in Bioornsburg, who wiil put the Machine in operation aud &ive all uttessary instruction. HENRY ZLPPINOER. DANIEL W. UOBBINS. BIooTisbari, July 11, 1S60.' FRESH ARRIVAL OF j 4jSv VV.a A. m g BAVE just receiveil and opened iheir ot Merchandise for sale, w hich oc ed iheir stock ompri- ses trie LAKfiES I, Cheapest, and haosom et assortrrietit now offered in th.s TO AN. Having paid great at.ention io the selection of iheir enii:e stock a to I'ricc asul Quality, they flaiter themselves that they can compete wiih the cheape-t, and ail iboe wishing,to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have a. I kinds of goods and wares to euppiy the want of the people. A very lare and complete assortment ot LADIES' DRLSS GOODS. French Merir.oes. wool plaid, alpacas bom bazines, de bages, Dophne parametta cloths, rnohair lua res, muslin de tames, Persian cloths, (J.r shams, bcon, &c WHITE GCODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Col!ar, Spencers, handkerchief, flouncmE-", bands and trimmings, laces and el"inii,r.t.ni1et ribbons, in Urge varieiy, vel vet libbons, and braid, kid, cotton, lisle threpd gloves, mohair rr.ids, &.c. Alifi KJIM OF SLAV. troche, bavSUie. Waterviile, blac silk, cashmere, emtrodered, &c. Also a very lurv-e lr-e ascrtmetst of Cloths, casimers, satinets, vesting, tweeds, jeans, coatinyj vel vet, beaver cloths, &o. c f all kind- and sires for men, women and children. We have a large assortment of HATS and CAPS of tbe latest fashion. We have also, Hard are, Qsieeosware, Cedar ware, &.c. Very cheap CAKPKTS.UAKPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil cloth, mats, ruzs, bn keia .c. Muslins, flannels, tickifg. dra pers,, drillings.. in abundance. We invite our triends nnd tf.e public gen erally to give u a call before purchasing elsewhere." We have bought our good at the LOWEST CASH PRICKS and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. McKELVY, NEAL&CO. P.locmsburg, Nov. 21, 1350. Tinware iTsioTe Esablishmfzil. 1 ti i l' i vnv s hu respeciiuuy m- llll. v. . . - . - - - - ' - 1 li.rms his old friends and customers, ihat he has ourchased hi- brother's interest iu the above enablishiner.t, and the con cern will hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. He has just recoived and of -K. fere lor sale the largest and most ex -leua.veassor.mentol FANCY STO TVS v-r introduced into this mafke;. Stovepipe and Tin ware constantly on k... I n,l r,annfaplnred to Order. All kltldS f rm done, as u.-iiaL nn short notice. The oatronaiie of old friends aud new cus- . ...if.ill.r trdiriled. IUUIBI8 IS ICBponiu..; M RUPERT Bloomsburs, Jan. 12, H53. tf- p nnTnr.RAPHY IN ALL ITS Branches executed in the best stvie Known in uie a. a va art at C G. CRANKS UALLt.m, b Arch Street, East of Sixth. Philadelphia. riTLife Size in Oil and Pa-til, rP'Stereoscopic Portraits, EiTAmbroUpes, Daguerreotypes, &c. For Cases, Medallions, Pins, Rings, He. novl4 HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sliv-Iicht AmI)i-olyi5t, r OOMS tn the Third Story of tne Ex chango Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa. Bloomsburg, 023, J859-ly. 2TKELVY, NCAL L CO., MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Main aod MarketSts. 1NEW ASSORTMENT of walch and clock materials, of the right quality, received, which will be offeted iu all cases on good coudilons. HENRY ZUPPlNGER, JTTIW)sT"sriniinirrwi i ' in i i. pi. mj iiijui V'-. 'Vv ItOOMS S -a aa-f 1 it. kiii 8- 5 It ESPECTt1 L'LL invites itir? aUecia-i a ihe Pt-blic tn tils extensive a-t-i.ri uic1!)' ot Cabinet Furniture aud Chair, which t,e w dl vt arrant rriade of good materials and m a workmanlike n. inner. At bin Esiatiliiv rnent, can always l)e lound a good a?sort merit o F Afr IHOX A ULVj Ft II M T lli K , which is clonal in siyle vnd finish lo that ol Philadelphia or New York citieu, ami at a low prices, lie lias Sofa ot different siy ! aud prices, from $25 to ?60. Pi vans ! Loun uer', Walnut anil Mahogany. Parlor chaics, flocking and ea-y chairr, Piano einols, a. id a varieiy ot upliol.-tered wotk, with Dressing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centre arid pier tables,, cheiTeniers, whatnots autl co mi ues at.d all kinds of faidiionable work. His stock of buieaus, enclosed and oomrnon wa-tistands, dress-table., corner cupboards sola, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, can? seat and common chair is the larsest in ihi section ot the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses wiih fancy gilt aud common frames He will aUo furnich spring mattras-'es fitied to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. Bloomsbur?, January 13, 1858. av JZi mmJ mm !J m Jt, I u. Jioiyi;i:, & V 15 a 3: 0 A 5 A T 8 S T . Mr-rpt. 1 ESI EC FULLY offers his professional services to the ladies and gentlemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Deniisiry, and is provided wiih the latei-t Irnprovep PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inser ted on pivot or gold plate, to look as wall as natural. A superior article of Too;h Powders, al ways on iianJ. All operations on the teeth warranted. Office, 3d building above S. A. Wilson's Carriage Manufactory Main St., west side. Bioomsburg. January 13, 1853 FORKS HOTEL ELOOMPEfRO, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, Ircmittcr. riAKES pleasure in announcing to'.he pub lie thai he hn rented and thoroughly refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occuried by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, arid is prepared to accomodate travellers-, teamter, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with the test products ihe markets af tord, and his B,;r will be constantly furnish ed wiih the choicest liquors. Attentive ost!nrs will always be 'n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience m caier.rig to ihe wants of the public, and his obliging attention to customers wil se cure him a liberal share of patrouage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1858. Flour and Feed delivered ! CMKAPLlt THAN THE CHEAPEST ! MH1E undersigned has made arrive A- ment ihat will enable him to de'ivef Flour an t Feed, FOR CASH, about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in tovn. His price ar? a- follow : Flour 7 25; Corn and Oats Chop 51 55; Corn and Ry e Chop ?l 65 ; Bran 51 1) ; I respectfully ei.Iici? a snare of the pnhlic MOSES COFFM AN. Bloomsburg, June 14, IfeCO. IlLOOMSliURC. llHYAl sis or. T HIE jnder-ined respectfully infofm (he citizens ot I'ioornsburj. ar.ii tfie p.ub.ic be has taken the Barber ceneraliy, Ihat Shop, loca'ed on i.lain Slnet, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite tt.e Ex change Block, where lie i at all imes ready to wait upun his customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING, Will be executed v;t;i c.ire a:id rieainess and in the mot fa-riio::dl le style, and on very moderate terns. Cr Snam, Moiti', done up in City Stj'e. 1! e pjtrnae ant pledges his best endeavors to give every reaioiiable -attraction. CHARLES HENRY NOLL. Boomburg, Oct. 12. 1859. " N WHAT 3 A N DC A PS ! At aT. K. a'airton's Hal Store. i THE undtrsisned respei. tfully inlorihs he j the ci'.izens of Bloomsburg, and 'he public in ai'rieral.'that he has jn-t received Irom Philadelphia a lot ol NEW HATS CAPS. for Spring at.d Summer, of the very l.ue.-t j style and fashions, ail of which h i pre- j pared to sell cheaper than can be had !-e- f where, with the exception of ihe matiulac I turers. He fta ail kinds, style, sorts atid ; sizes, o hats and Caps, probably ihe most t varietl asorttnenl ever brought to town. Al-o SI RAW GOODS, including ths mod ern s'.iles and lastiions. . fT" Store on Main Sireet, nearly opposite j the '-Old Arcade.3' JOHN K. GIRTON. ! liioomsbur. April 24, lfl. j " o mT:7 fi ingTo r t h e t i j es j A M:iislT Y IS LVKili IIUi'SKHOLD , .losses t:aaai-:Y ?-i ; A3IKKICAN CKMKM OKL'K The Mioiigt'Mt Ciluii In the t"urtI p"or Cenier.iii.iZ Wood.I-alVer. Class, Ivory, China. Marble. Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral. &ic, &c, &c. The enly article ot the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS: "Every housekeeper should have a sup ply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." jYet York Time. "It is so convenient to have hi the hoae?' A'ao Yoik Expie. "It is. always readv this ccmnends it to everybody." N. Y. Iadtpendcnt. "We have tried it, and hod it as usefu in our house as water.'" 11'ukcs' Spirit cf the 'Ihnci l'rlcP25 Cent per IJoltlc Very Liberal Ueductiotis to Wholesale Healers- I I KMs t'Asll. Ci?" For sale by all Prusgists and Store keepers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, fSole Manufacturers,! 78 William Sireet, Coiuer uf Lia-eity St., NEW YORK. July 10. I8fil ly. WM. B K00NS Proprietor. sii,oo.iaiuiu;, pa. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate iu the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, ha? been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in 'he rnosi pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market atl"ords,and his Car with the choicest liquors. Altentise ostlers will always be ' on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will always be in readiness to convey passen "ers to and from the Railroad Depot. WM. 3. K00NS. EVAA'S ta. f; t t'?- Sa;i'i.- No.. 3li4 C'-iirrH- f tgiU!3 PHILADEH'H fk HEbE .vafes sre in use now- all ov Unit d Stales, and tiave teen well ty ed in fi es : ihe follow ii.g sliuwa a. other of their capability in resist ing fire. WITMER.S LRITGF, ) Lancaster Tow liship, July "JO, 1860.1 Messrs. EVANS & W ATM)N : GetiileniHi Ti e sn:all size No. 1 Sala mander Safe which I purchased Irnm votr -gent. Mr. Adam R. Barr, in Lm. carter City, on Ji ly 20tfi, IfcoS, ha. been subjected to a very severe lest, "which it widisiood in a most satisfactory manner. This Sale, eon taining all my books, icgeiher with valua ble papers belonging to myelf and sorue to iny neiul bors and friends, and repte- enting a value ot overTwen'v TI onfanj Dollars, 620,000 was iu my Mill which was destrcyed on the n'ght ot the 2?th of July, ll"60, and passed ihro:iih ibe fipfy ordeal nnscattied The Safe was on 'ha second floor, and fell to the basement of tbe Mill, and was subjected for six hour's lo an intense heat anions the ruins, which vas really increa-ed by ihe rnmbiiMion of a lare quantity of grain coi fined with ii U.e brick walls. After the fire tbe Safe wa opei ed and the books and papers raken oun' in a stale of perfect preservation, the pas per no! even bein discolored. This fact was, however, to many, bysianders a bet ter recommendation ol your Sdes ihm could be expressed in any oiher word Irorn me. Yours Respecfuiiy. SAMUEL RANCK. AhciIut Victory for Evans & IVat son's Salamander Safe. Oeo, N. Y , March 27, I860. Gentian en Ii affords me mtu-h pleasure lo iu'orrn you ihbl the Safe No. 5, upright which I .urcha-ed of B. Stroud, y our Trav eliinu Aueni, has passed itirouh an ex ceedingly hoi fire in a three story brick building, which heated the Safe to a white heat, so that the corner of it eppear melt ed: tnt it preserved my books and valuable papers to the amount of several thousand dollars, tor which I feel thankful. oi. rs, Respecduily, J. N. ELDRIDGE. Philadelphia. June 4th, 1S53. Mers. EVANS & WAT.-ON m-nufac lured the Fire Front Safes which have been in use since the com meceinent of or Bank, and are supplied with three of Ihe Patent stical Bank lck, and havj uiven entire stifactiou. Tins Lock d have great confidence in, both as rearda security and convenience, there he inn no chance to blow il out with powi'er, and ro key to carry. We consider il one of the bet-t and safes? Lock now iu o-e. ROBERT MORRIS, Pres'i HENRY GRaMBO, Cd ier C.rfal Fire--aolher Tritisph. Kooxviile. Teiin , March 1. ISSrf. Mssr. EVANS iz WATON, Ph.J.V.a. Genilerr.en--It afTirds nie r-at fdaur to -ay to jutt that me S!am'ider Salo which I pnrcha'-e j of yon in Fe'-ruary. 195'.., prtived to be what yon recommended it fl -ute protection from h:e. My storehouse, t gelher with sevL-r-,1 (.(.'.rs, wts lurned to tTe grr.utid in March la-t. 1 he Sale fel t.r. t.'iih ii:to tr.e culler, a:id w a erpo.-e-.i to inie.'i-e .Sea: f r -n or eiht hours, ari l whei! m wa-tak-'ti from ihe rums and open el. a. I i-.s conter ts were fot.nJ to be in a perfect siate, ihe books and tne papers not t-et! ii jired a. y w!,a ever. 1 tan cheer f.iiy rcco.nrri .id your Sales u tfie com iiion tv, bl.evir.t, &. I co. th..t tfiey are a; r.t ar fire pri.ot as it is pn ibte fc!f any S-.tS iu l.c ii. a. .e. THOMAS J. POWELL. Ilftereiicc!. . Phi', i .ielo iiia ; U.S. Arnal. U i'-Mi I 'oil So., :mi. S Mirr. id. !,- ia i-c Ch! : N er"i-s B ante ; .i in-i !!. It f " r i . t-r Vllv Bi'.k ..'o-'ero B tnk oi V.i. ; B.ik of G...a uih, N. C. ; Bi'ikof Raleigh, N. C. t .. .... , - , li iliK of N C. : Ha.ik of Jersey nc)re, Pa. ; i ol Nor' h iini t.- I'liC cf Newark, i'-l. ; Bank d ; Lew i-bur ' B uk. riais Aoril 3 I, lMil. p A YS ihe enine cost for Tuition in (h6 intit pojjular and successful Corunoer- I cial School in the country. Cpward of ! Twelve 1 1 l'Mb f.u y on i.g men from twkmtt j ti;:tT diuf-rem State, have been edncaleJ ' for business here wilhiti the past thred j years, some of whom have been employed as b ok keepers at salaries of $3000,00 per Annum, immediately upon rriaduatiug, who knew no'.hiiii of accounts whea they entered ihe college. i' J" M-nisters' sons halt price. Students enter at any time, and review u.ieu iney plea.-e, wittiout extra charge. For Ca' of 86 paaes, Specimens (d Prof. Cowley's Bjiness and Ornamental Petiirjatis.'iip, and a large Engraving of thd Ctbeae, it.clost iwe.-ity-tivd cents in Post1 age S amp to the Principal. JENKINS k SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jur.e 5, l.s61 . HOW LOST, II0V' UESTOItED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope r-A LECTURE ON THE NA-i-'ZTURE. TREATMENT, ANP RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA TORRIItEA, or Seminal Weakness, Se ual Debility , Nervounes and involuntary emissions, producing impotency, Consump tion, and Mental and Physical Pebilitv. By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. Tt:e important fact that the awful conse quences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines or lr.i dangerous applications of caustics, inslr.: ments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, is here clearly demonstra ted, and tne entirely new and highly 6Uu cussful treatment, as aJopted by the a'.o briied author fully explained, by means of w hich every one is enabled to care bimse'f perfectly, and at the least possible ct, thereby avoiding ail the advertised ros trums of the day". Thislectore will pro. a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope.!) any address post paid, on the receipt of t .'-a postage stamps, by addressing. 1 DR. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office box 4,58C. August 7, 1861-ly. CLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS !! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS', AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper & d:rabIeforms,foa!e at .h nf;. Vvftb- "-x'sir ofthe North." (.