STAll OF THE NOETH Wednesday Korning, Nuveabcr27, IS61. Don't forget the Printer on Coort week, he needs money to continue his business Sheriff Snyder had several new boarders 'brought him a few days since. Ricio the leiter from one of the " Hurley 'Guard," in Jo-day's paper. JouhH. Fubman, the newy elected Sheriff, will enter upon the duties of his of fice next week. The Lack. & Bloomsbukg Railroad have 'changed '.heir time table, again. It can be teen in another column. Those whom it may concern had better examine it. To keep the ran ning of railroads now a days, it will require one to be pretty smart,for they are coutinually changing. Some of our farmers ire nil', having 'crfin in the field onhusked. It is high time it was housed the time for feeding it has ar rived. The corn crop in certain districts in this county has tnrned out to be most ex cellent. The crop generally thisyear have been good, 'better, to take tbem al! through, 'than they have been for several years past. Gr" Frank Leslie's Monthly, or Gazette of Fashion has bean received for the month of December. It is heavily laden with hand some illustrations aud choice reading. It is a massive publication, surpassing all others in quantity of matter, and ranks among the foremost ones in every other respect. Price 2 ; published at 19 City Hall,, New York. Information is sought by Charles H. Ma ton, of Mountpleasant township this coun ty, for the whereabouts of Montgomery Mason, a boy a&ed about 15 year?, 5i leet high, a little cross-eyed,anJ light complex ion, who left his pareuts on Tuesday eve ning of last week. Any information of his whereabouts will be thankfully received. Snow fell at this place on Sabbath last in large flakes, and in quantity sufficient to have made excellent sleighing had the bot tom been in the proper condition to re ceive it. This is the second snow of tho season, in this section. It look quite win tery ont, at present writing. Some of the "oldest inhabitants" tell us we are going to experience a severe winter, but we hope not. The condition the country is iu, it "would no; be suitable. Our subscribers in the country complain very much in regard to the non receipt of "their papers. We can assure them that we mail the Star regularly to their address. an. I va KoliavA that tho ?nDtmi1iir at ttlia n . :4 r forwards our packages punctually. But there must be a"screw loose" somewhere among the P. M'a and we are determined to find 'out where it is. We shall not hesitate a moment to report to the Department any "wilful misconduct or careless negligence. We are requested to stare through the 'columns of il.e'STAR, that the Stores, Shops and places of bnsiness generally, will be closed on Thanksgiving bay, to-morrow, Thursday. This is a day set a part by the Executive of this State an 'lie time forgiv ing thanks to the Almighty for the many and bountiful blessings he has bestowed upon he people of this Commonwealth during the past year. Of course, every body who can afforJ it, will get op a good dinner for themselves. How well we shall fare on that day, is a little too far a head Jot ds to peculate. Newspaper Blanket. Sme time since an rem ran the roundsof the newspaper lothe effect that a newspaper placed between the bedcloths added greatly to the. warmth of the -covering. Very liule attention was given to the statement at first, but intelligent per sons inform ds that it is really 'true and that -a newspaper under the counterpane or nn der the jacket is really very effective in "keeping the body comfortable. Texture of the paper is so close that it both keeps out the cold air and keeps in the bodily warmth better than cloth. . Lieut. Ent and Sergeant Price, who have Satorday last, with a half dozen raw recruits for Camp Crosraan, for the purpose of joining the "Har'ey Guard," which compa ny i attached to the 84lh Regiment, com manded by Col. Murray, and is expected to march down upon the "sacred soil' in a rery sbott time. This compiny has its complement of men, and no donbt will re ceive a prominent position in the Regiment "which they justly roent. It is well officered, proficient in drill, men of a medium size, nd excellently equipped. Passehgers wishing to travel north on the Calawissa railroad most be at Rupert Station by 3:44 P. M , and those desiring to go southward will be at the Station at 10:55, A. M. Those going to Philadelphia by thM road, and opon the (mail) train here mentioned, will arrive there in good season; in time for early tea. This road is doing a pretty snug business from all accounts and we are glad ro hear of iu It is one of the safest and best managed roads in the State, and few if any outside are more ably con ducted. Mr. H. 8. Goodwin, is the acting SoperintendanL" I oca obituary notice last week we pub lished the death of Mrs. Ecpiiamia Smith, ol Jackson. She had been confined to her room with an attack of fever and nnder the treatment of her physician was improving, but daring a temporary derangement of mind she attempted suicide by cutting her throat with a razor- The attempt was made in the morning and she died in the evening. a - .. cr, t ri i-1 . a tuui a aKtiuuiiiD lauiuy uia noi reside in the county. The occurrence has cast a gloom over the rho!e neighborhood .where they reside, and all deeply sympathise with the friends in their sad bereaveme&t. Re- ) fl A I? Y.I TV 12 fik "AND Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system. They regulate and invigorate the liver and kidneys: they give tone to the d gestive organ; they regulate the secretions, ex cretions and exhalations, equalize the clr citation, and purify the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints -some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costi veness or Loosenedare entirely controlled aud cured by these remedies. DARLING'S LIVER Rl (ilJLVOR Removes the morbid and bilious deposit- from the stomach and bovel, regulates the Itver and kidneys, reuoving every obstruc tion, restores a natural and healthy action in the vital organs, li in a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, . Much bo t if r than Pills, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS I a superior tonic anddiurtic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in the side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, w ri'e, August 1, If 60 : 'I have been afflicted with piles, accom panied with bleeding, the last three years ; 1 Used DAK LING'S LIVER ISECilJIiATOR And now co inder myself ennrelv cored." Hon. Jonn A. Cms write, ''B.ooklyn, March 15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I look a severe cold, which induced a viileut fever. I took two doses ot DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold und fever at once. Pievious to this a tack, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several month; I have felt nothing ot it since." OtU S.udley, Esq , 128 East 28:h Street, N.Y., wites "August 13. 1860 I h-td a difficulty with Kidney Comr lini three years', with constant pain in the small cf my tack. I tiad Used most all kinds ot medi cine", but found no per.nar'8ut relief Qiilil I used DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, and Life Hitlers, I pa-red clotted blond by '.lie urethra I am now entirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these) remedies." Mr.-. C.Tebnw, 11 Cn-topher Street, N Y., wriites: "Feb. 20 1860. I have been subject to attacks ot AlhtiM the last twenty years. I have never tound anything eq-.ial to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief, li is a thor ough Liver and hilinti remedy." Mrs Young, vf Brooklyn, wrie. "Feb 28, 1860 In May last I had a evere al tack of Pi!e, which routined me to the house. I took one boi'le of Darling1 Life Sinters and was entirely cured. I have had to attack since.'' D. Westervelt, E-q., of Sonth fih, near 8th Street, Williamsburg, L. I., write- ' Augu: 5, 1S60 Having been troubled with difficulty in the Liver, and subject t bilious attack, I was advised by a tneii I to m DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it to operate admi'at-ly, removing the bde ami aron-ing ihe liver to activitv. I have al-o tie1 r a- a FA3IILY 3iEI)IlE. When our children are ont of sr'Sj w ive them a fetv diops a;id it set them aii rishl. I find it mee"s tiie on.eral wants oi the stomach and bowels when di-ord.'red ,; Reader, if yoj need ei'her or b-th of 'he most excellent Remedies, inquire for ihem at tfe stores; if you d u.ii find them take no other, t o t inc!ose Oi.e Imtlarin letter, and on receipt ol ihe money, the Rerned or Re-nedie wi.I be sent accord ing :o your ttire"ions, by mail or expr--s; post paid. A ?ress. DAN'L S. DA UMXfif 102 Naau '.. N-'-v York Pnl up in 50 -ent and SI Bottles eich. Noverr ber 6, l86!.-6n. ifW Arrival of FALL A XI) UIXTEU GOODS, David rowenhci' TNVM ES t ention to his nock of rhea! jrid fa-hio-iable clotfiins a' hi f-'ore or Main S ree', two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' vHire he ha a full as-ort-ment of mn and boy?s wearing apparel, including the no-t fahinnabV 1 i: i; s s fioo f s, Box, Sack, Frock, Gnm, nd Oil Cloth Coat of ail ff-rts and size. Pants of ed colors shawl, stripes and fiaure vests, shirts, rra vais, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and far:cy articles. N B. He will also make to order any ar tide ol clo hins at very short notice and in the beit of manner. AM his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Sept. 25, 1861. ST. LOU I HOTEL, . CHESTMT STKTET, ABOVE THIRD INT the imn.edia'e i ethborhood of the Job bins House or Market Third, and Che-t-nut Streets, the B mks. Pol Otliee, Mer chants' Exchpnse, &c &c ROiRI) I'KR BIY f150. Accommodaiion when requiied i.ii the EU ROPEAN PLAN: Rooms from 50 cm and upwards, per dv, and menls at First Class Restcrant attached to thk Hotsl. Price according to the Bills of Far-. The ty C'nrs take I'lusenger- Irom any SlHilon I n or ;io-e lit ihe llnt' l. tP"Euglisfi, French, German and Spanish spoken. July 17,1851. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE undersigned would most re-pci-fully announce to the citiKens ol Bloms bntg and vicinity, lhat he has just recetv ed from the eastern oitie her full and TT1NTER MILLIXEUV fiOOUS, all of which stie is prepared to "ik''j- op and sell at a very reasonabley low ' ?r figure. He assoriment of cood are a li'tle superior in point of durability as well tastefulness, to any offered by her in ib i? section heretofore. Sne returns thanks for ihe liberal patronage she has received, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. MARY BARKLEY Kloomsburg, Oct 9, 1861 . , E. H. LITTLE. X5L0O11SKUHG, Fa. OfSce in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Chaile R. Buckalew. December 28, 1859. tf. Ayer's Sarsaparilla- CITATION TO THE HEIRS OF JOSEPH PAXTON, DEC EASED. COLUMBIA COUNTY SS : HiV'r, The Commonwealth ofPenn PV Ivania, to Catharine Paxton, fV.fvJr widow, Lloyd Paxton, John Sharpies and Geore Hushes, Administrators, Hriah. R. Paxton of Incoming county, Pennsylvania, Charles R. Paxton, Benjamin F. PaKton and Lloyd Paxton, ol Columbia county. Pa, Joseph R. Paxton of Philadelphia, Mary intermar ried with George Srolt, of Columbia count children of the said Joseph Paxton cVc'd.: Cnrtrles Vasiins, Joseph P. Vast'ne. Sarah Tasi'me, and Hannah Va-tine of Misollri Marv intermarried with W. Scott, of North, co, Pa., Mary Ball and Sarah Ball.boih of th city oJ l'hiladelpliia, anil both of whom ar minors and have for th.-ir G'lardian Rich ard V. Dodson, Grand children ol thit said tlecea ed. You ami each ol you are hpreby riled anil commanded to be and appear in our prop er persons, before the Judges of the Or phans Court of said county, to be holden at Bloomstmrg. in and for said counfy the first Monday ot December next, then and ther- to answer (he petition of J. Frederick P fab ler, fceititiij forth, that tho said Joseph Pax ton in his lifetime to wit: on the li ret dav of April, A. D one; thousand eiuh; hr.ndre I and nx'j one, was seized in lee of and ii tho foilowitiii real estate f-'nuate in the ai I town ol Cattawissa to wit: all those thru town lots liiti" romisnniK to euch otfur and marked, and numbered in the jieneri I plan ot said town, forty nine (49) fif.y (50) ami fifty one (51) com pri-ini; one Mnar in fhe plan of saiif town, bein twohundrel and ten leet ir. length and two hundred an I ten feet in breadth, bounded on the weht .by third Street, on the smith, by sonth St , on the ea-t by alley, mid on the north by a i alley whereon are erened a tan yard, a frame house, stable and other out build iiiiis, that bein .-o seized, the aid Joseph Paxton, did on or before the first day of April afores.iid, by a parol bargain or con tract aree to and with your pe itioner to sell and convey the said real E'ate wiih tfie appurtenances unto your peti'ioner in fee simple, and aUo the water riizht of the water, m the Spring run lor the ue of tf.e siid tan yard, the game as enjoyed by the said JoMpph Paxton, under his deed, frcii Jacob Metz und Vife, dtied 23d of April 1 y 22 , nr t tie consideration of two itiou-aiui dollars, six hundred of which was paid to the Ihe said Jo-eph Paxto i, on the twenti eth day of May la-l. and the balance is to be paid in two jears from said 'ate wiih inierert. That J our pftitior'er is ready arid willing to pay i tie balance of the -aid con sidpration money but thai no sntilcient pro vision tor the performance ol the .-aid bar gain or cnn'rait appear- to have been mai'e ty the said deccat-ed. IU ft;s lifesioie though lie was well satisfied and ii.tendec" tful (tie eame st.mild fie cnn-utriinited, that it e f-aid Court will be pleased to d.nree tiie. specific performance of ihe outran A3 cordug o the true ii t-nt anc! niearjns tiierent 'ii order to the completi:;; of t is title according to the act ol As.-embly .n such rae maile and provided. Wnne-s the Honorable Warran J. WooJ wa'd E-q., Presiilent of our said Court at Bloom-burs, the fourteenth day of Septem ber A. 1. one thousand eia'it hundred ami sixty one. Jacob Everlv, CITk.. () C. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloombur?, October lrt, 1861. Kit 4 Uansrs, tor Ore 'Ol. 1 Cms Barton V6. O. Fowler, e' al fei-jneil is-ue. 2 T. W. Kal.ler, ? Diniel Nevhard. 3 An.lrew Creveliug. vs Andrew Melick Sr , et al. 4 Ph lip Vinersteen, vs Valentine Win-ter-t'-"i. 5 Pi i lip Muler, ad'isr. of Isaiah Shu mar v- Jacob L Sturnaii Lft-kard. vs J Penninaton. 7 Eekiel Stiult, vs Jjs. Penninjtfni et al. 8. Jarne- Shields, et al vs I-aiah S.'iuma i's admud-iraior 9 Richard B Menah vs John Gijg-r. 10 Hiuh I'liomp-on, et al vs Auau-ius B. Pe;trt-e et a I 11 Daniel F. Seybert vs A. B. Pearce et al. 12 H-nry Wells vs (Jenrje Kir.ley. 13 Viion A-r. vs J.i-epii Patton. 14 Mn-hiirti B Brown, et al vs Jam J. Dull, ei al 15 Clinton D. Herring, et al vs Daniel F. Se bert. 16 M.chael Foj,, vs Pe'er Cam pb II. 17 Tnnma- C. lobi-n, vs Win Fao-ey. IS Tnoinas C KobisfMi vs Wrn. Kansey 19 1 hnma- C. K'-bison, n Win Fao-ey. 2(1 Pli-r M Trauih. v Aaron Clay'oo. 21 Samuel Whitaker. vs Maru'aret Smith. 22 Nathan Tuvl-T, el al v- Jarne- Cake. 23 Frederick Dndy, vs Leonard Adam. 24 CMarlts Tomlm-oa, vs Franklin Stew art, et al. grand Jrsssms FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1861. BIc-cMTi Pnilip Ever S Austo i Ri Iter. Braver Will urn 5heH. Ca'taw i-sa Jacob (ien-el. Outre George Freas, Wm. HofT'ra'i. Frar.kliii Jesse Cleaver, Ciitr.on Men denhall. Fi-hingrreek Henry Bi'tenbender. (ireenwood William Mather. Hernki' k John McKeyno'da. Jack-on Iram Derr. L'cu-t WiIImhi Yea2r. Madison Satuut'l Brugler. Mail e Johi Grover. Mdllin Jch.l Henler, Jacob Hartzel. Orai ge Phenia- Brewer. pire William Ka-hner. S, John Kre.-sler, Dan'l L. Everhart, William White. Sfiuarloaf Sam'l Kitchen, John Lewis TRAVERSE JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1861. fj!oom Jo-hua Feiierma.i. f'evrDaniel (i. Gearhart, Frankl.n L. Shuman Bor Berwick John McAnall, David Bancher. Briarcrek Jacob Bowerrancis Eans. bTimri Ebas McHenry. Caiiawis-a Will. am John, Wm. Creasy. Centre Samuel Fishingcreek John Bosmn. John Hess, J din Andrews, George M. Howell, John Dreher. Franklin Daniel Zirr. (ireenwood Isaac D. Patton, John F. Moore. Locust Lewis Lee, William Thtmas. Ma'hta- Persinu. Ma,iiwon Sdas Barber, Jacob Manning, William Kitchen. Montour John Dieterickj Washiigton Bittenbender. Mifil n Vhomas Hicks. Mi. Pleasant Joseph R. Vandersltce. Oranne Davitl Achenbach. Pine Thomas Harlin, Jacob Chr slian, Hiram Sholtz Roaringcreek Daniel Levan. Scoit George Mack. Sugarloaf Jacob H. Fritz. Till?. CELEBRATED ASHLAND MILLS WADDING, A STTPFRinn ( HTTON FOR QUILTING. &c: for sale cheap at the Cheap Cast Store L. T. SHARPLESS. S03IETIIIXG FOR TRE TIMES ! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! JOC.rVS & CROWLEY'S AMERICAN tEMEM' GLUE The Mrongest Glue in the World. The Cheapest Glue in the World. The Most Durable Glue in the World. The Only Reliable Glue in the World. The Best Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE Is the the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL 'WITHSTAND H ATER. 11 WILL MEND WOOD, Save onr broken Furiii'ure. IF WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend jonr Hames.SjSlraps. Belts, boots &c. I T WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of lhat expensive Cut Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don'l throw away that broken ivery Fan, it is easily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MAKBLE, That piece knocked out ot your Marble Mantle can be put on a strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No 'matter il ihat brok n Pttcf er did no cost but a shilling, a, shilling saved is -a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vae is broken and Jim can't match it, rnend it, it w ill nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONK. COUAL, LAVA AND IN FACT EV ERY THING BUT ' METALS. Anvar icl Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. L3 SS Q Of 5 t& a S3 a "Every Heiekeepet should have n sup ply of J dins & Cro-ley"6 Cement Glue." Xiw Yuik Tunes. ' "It is so convenient lo have in the hoo-e." A'ttc York Exmesi. 'It isalwnjs ready j this commends it to every body.' ' Jmiepeniien'. "We have tried it, and rind it a u-eful in our hou.-e as water." H'llket' Sprit of lite Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $10.00 per year saved in every laiiuiy by One Botil- of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer.'.s per BTtle. Price 25 Cents per B tlie. Price 25 Cents per B inle. Price 25 Cents pr Bottle-. Price 25 Cen s pfr Bottle. Price 25 Cnti pt-r Boale.. Very Liberal Reriucliou to Whole sale Buyers. T E R M S CASH. rCFor Sale by all Druggirts, and Store keepers generally throughout the country. JOIS.VS Ac CROSLEY, (Sil-i Manutacinrrrrs.) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW YORK. Important to House 0vneM. I , important to Builders. Imp ortant to Rail Road Companies, lof I'ortaot to Farmers. To all whom thismiy concern, and it concerns every hnly. JOHXS CKOiLET'S IMI KOVED Gt'H A PKKCHA. The Clieapesi ai.J mo-l durable Hoohmg in oe., IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to New and Oid Rofs of All kinds, f eep or flat, an ! lo Shingle fj"f. w i'fmo i reaiovitig 'ie Shi- gl--. THE COST ISONLV A I-OUT ONE-THIRD TH VI' OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This ar i'-I tias been itiomngly ptd in New York City and all pari of Ihe United S'st'e, Canada, West Indies and Central and Sonth America, on Buildings ot al' kind-, so-h s Fac'ories, Foundiis Church- es. Rail Road Depots, Curs, ami on Public .millings generally, Government Buildings. &. by "he principal Builders, Arrhitect- and other-', during the past year, and has proved lo be it.. CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in u-e ; it i- ill every re-pei-t a Hire, -ai-r, we,i!n-r a'"1 I IMF. 'PROOF coverioi' for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7A' is the OXLY malervtl morni future I it the Unitel StaUt which c.mbne, the very (sirat le pro, eit'es of Elasticity tin'l Dura bility, which are universally arknow'eded to he no-s-sse;' t.v UL11A l'hUCHA and INDIA RUBBER. .iVo Jltul is rtqvirrd in making appli cation. The expense ol app! ing it is trifling, a an ordinary Roof run bri covered and h i- iRheii the some "y. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY ANY ONE, e. va fie.i ni is'iei lotms a pirjrciiy riwc Pio l S'i'fue Wit'i an e!as-r t.ody. which caiinft te n I'irett p Meat. Lnl I or Mnrm, hr:''kn s of Roof Boardi-, nor ariy external a- ti ot: v l:a ev r. LIQUID GUT TA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coa ing Metals ftt all Kinds when ex pn-ed lo he action of the Weather and For Preserving ami H pairing Mttal Uotifi of all Kinds. This is the only Composition Known which will succes-fully resit extreme changes of climates, for any length of time. when appl ed to me'als, to which it adheres firmly, forming a body equal lo three coats of ordnarv ranr, ro-is much le-s und will LAS I' IHREE TIMES AS LONG ; and trom its elasticity is not injnred by the con traction of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con-pqnent upon tuddeu changes of the Wei1 'wdi not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. I-aky Tin and other Metal Roofs can te readily repaired wiih GUPTA PERCH A CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor-ro-ion an a leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight R'of for many year. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the pre-ervaion of Iron Railing-, Stoves, Ran ges. Sales, Agricultural Implement, &c , al-o lor general rn-nnitacturers o-e GUTT.i VERCUd CUM EXT For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, Irom its gieat ela-iicity, is nol injured by the con traction and expansion ol Metals, anc will not crack in cold or run in farm weather. These materials are adapted to all cli ma'eSj anil we are prepared to supply or ders Irom any t art of M e couutry, at short no-ce, for GUTTA PERCH A ROOFING m roll, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT in barrels, with full printed directions for application. .7 G ENTS WA NTI2D . We will mnke liberal and satt-fictory arrange- menu tciVA reap-mihle potties who would i'ke lo establish tnemselues uta Lucrative and rerma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. Ve can give abundant prool ot all we claim in favor of our improved Roofiu Ma'erials, have applied them lo 6evtral innusanu ivoois in iew inrik. i:it anu vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Wholesale Warehouse 78 IVWiam St., Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be f n r" i - bjd.uajr'l'.ai-to nummm i "w WILCOX & GIRRS' Trice with Ilemmer and Feller, $35 00. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY PECULIARY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and FtUing with a Single Thread. It forms a neat, ever.? anil elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under all circumstances "to survive the wash-tub " A Patented device of ereat utility to learners, prevents the possibility of Ihe ma chine being run :n the wrong direction, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's dresx. Anot her feature which ile-erve( particu lar attention is C"TH E W 1 LCOX PA TENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG. Two thousand Stitches, or two yards of woik, can be done iu one minute without dropping a Hitch. These Machiaes, so simple and accruate in their construction. 'supersede the use of the shuttle ; and with one thread produce al! the practical results of the two thread machine; and more, for these fell without pastti'g, and hem the finest musliu without puckering. Abhough at about half the price of the oiher fir! class machines, they will accom plish double Ihe sewing in a given time- 'It is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine thai the public hav long been wailing for." Boston Tran script. 4,ll is indeed a wonderful production, and and for family u-e especially, no other will bear any comparison wi'h il." Padadel phia Evening Journal." 'A mechanical wonder.'-Scientific Amer iccan. "Among the best aid mot nervic"Hble Sewmg machines. Light and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction thai it seems almost impossible for it lo gel ont of repair." Pittsburg Chionicle. "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvement of the higher priced machines." PenneyU vanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the cornmi'lee, fills mere nearly the require ment of a perlect family machine than any on exhibition.' Ffankbn Institute Exhibi tion Report ot 1858. 'Taking into consideration Simplicity, cheapness, durability, anil doing all work, the commit'ee were nnai,irnon- m tavor o! Pie ilcox &: G.bbs a a single thre? d ma chine.' Pennsylvania State Agriculiural Society s Report. "We must, in Justice, erpre onr confi dence in the merit of ih Wih-ox & Oibbs Sewing Machine. We consider that great desidera uiti has been so,;.li-d by it, in proving, beyond conbt, thai two thread are not, as was Mippned, neces-ary lo a good in-trument.' C'Ti-iMn Advorate aud Jour nal, Jnn- 21, 160. "We have one ol thee machines in use, and llnnk more highly of it than of any ol ihe number waiave tried.'" Richmond Whig. The undesigned, Missionary to Constan tinople, b examined more than twenty different kinds of Sewing Machines, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox &: Gibb' Patent, h ha purchased otic of -.hem as the best adapted lo the wants of tiis family, and a the leai liM to require repair. CL1YER CRANE. Bo-ior., July 3, 1860. The undesigned, during eighteen month ha tad m alm' constant n, in hi fa on ly. Wilcox & (iibh Sewing Machine, up-i Ahich hi been made ihe cl Mties cf hi large tar-iily from muslin to pilot cloth ti.c Ifding the clothing required lor hi sev eral boy; arid in i-o cas have the seami f..led, altliough in hard service. The ma chine now in use in hi-family ha required no repair, and is in all re-pects, well ap pointed, iTicierH and du'aMe. JACOB CHIC KER1NG. B ston. r?' Send for Circular. aj JJ1I.S UII()X, tl;nul u-itir r. Nn. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite S' Nicholas Hotel. Aug us- 28. 161 ly. JIECISTEU S NOTICES. "VOTICE i hereby giving to all legatee-. j credi or and other person interested in the e-taie of the respective decedent and rumors, that the following admini-tra tion and guardian account have been fiied in 'f.e office of the Register of Columbia county, and w ill tie preferred for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held a Blonmsbiirg, in the county -.'nresni I. on We.lne-dav the 4 h da ol De cember next, at 2 o'clock, in ihe afternoon. 1. The first account of Jo..n Wenner, Administrator of the eute of Slomn man, laie of Fishingcreek lowiish'p. 'PC Ssed. 2- The account of John Reibr, Guardian ot the e-ia e of Margaret Parr, a tninoi ci lid of Ja.-ob Parr, late ol Maina town snit deceased. 3. The fir-t and final account of John Drtk and Hifam Walp Admin i-trators of ihe es'ate cf Anthony Walp late of Briar creek township, tVcea-ed. 4. The second account ol William H. Wood in, hip of ihe Expouior of Jared H. You'g late ot the Borough ot Berwick de ceased. 5. The account of Philip Byer and Abraham Cooper Execi.tor, of ihe last will and le-iament of Peter Shaffer, late ol Derrv township deceased. 6. The aocount of Reuben Fahrincer, Admini-irator ot the estate ot Daniel Hou.-k late, ot Roaringcreek twp., decea-e I 7. The account of David Shatter. Guar dian of David Kocfcer one of the heir n David Kocher, la'e ol Briarcreek township decea-ed. 8. The first an-t final account of S:ate- B. M Yatdz. Administrator, of t e ptte. nf Abraham Stewart late of Maine twp , dec I. 9. The account of Alvina Fooler, Ad mMitstra'rix of the estat- of Josiah Fowler, late of Briarcreek township deceased. 10. The firsi account of Cro B. Reei-e. Administrator, of Yen'ah Reese, late ol Hemlock township, decaed. 11. The account of Jofi Sharpies", Ev ecutor of the last will and testament ol Ehzabetn Milliard late ol Bloom township, deceased. 12. The account of Samuel Appleman and Jonn Lemon Administrator, of Samuel Lemon lale ol Benton township dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Rkgisteb s Office, J Register Bloomsbnrg Nov. 6, 1861. For Fall and Winter, JUST RECEIVED FRESH FROM PHILADELPHIA, AND FOR SALE AT L. T. SHARPLES1 CHEAP CASH STORE, Great inducements to cash Cnslomers. Bloorosbnrj, Oct. 16. 18(31. BUNKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS II DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND COLUMBIA COPNTT AT MILLV1LLE, PENN'A. In porlant Addilions IirproTementf Autumn Term to August 1Q, fpHJS Institution which has been in sue JL cessful operation'for the past ten yearf, i about undergoing a very important rer ovation, in order lo place it on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present facilities which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad errnet in Northern Pennsylvania. Among the improvements will fie a large three stnried budding which will give much ad ditional room and gieater con venience for boarders; a commodious hall for a lecture room anil public exercises, convenient c'ap room, a library and reading room contain ing a cabinei of minerals and eiiriosuie, bath room, &c. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher anil lecturer will be at the head of the Board of Instruction, but the Principal will have the general of the ins-lit n i ion and assume a share of the duties of teach ing. Regular lectuje will be deliveied upon various scinnhc subjects, as well as upon the theory and practice ol teaching, and a Normal Class of young men and women who wi-h lo qualify themselves ior teachers' profession, will receive especial attention and assistance. The course of Instruction in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace ihe various branches ot a prac tical education. Amide provision will be made for Ihe s'ndy cf the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Physics, and the Natural Sciences, by means of suitable ap paratus, ard for ihe "stinry of ihe latin, Greek, and German languages, to enable students lo qualify themselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits, or lo enter any Has at college. I he conn try location of this Seminary in a ple-sant viliage,in a healthy and flourish ing neighborhood,' w ell known for the ele vated tone of its moral sentiment, and where ihe pupil are not surrounded by ihose demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our ci ies, larger towns and many other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their aitemion Irorn liter ature and the work of mental culture, pre sent attractions and inducements to con siderate parent emulous students, seldom found surrounding large schools and acad emies. The Literary Society al-o, or e of the old est and best conducted in this, section ol country, presents ari attractive fea'ur and useful auxiliary, lo a practical education. The improvement- will t-e nnder the immediate charge of an efficient Board ot Trustees, appoin'ed by the Seminary Com pany, anl will be completed in time ior the Anlumn term, to commence the I2di of next. While thankful for p".t patronage we wi-h to merit a continuance of similar fa vors, and a we intend to include a higher grade ami wider range of ins'.ruc'ior:, we re-pectfr.Hy -olicil a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Term : Boarding, wa.-hing, tuition; lights and incidental epen-e, for one quarter of eleven week, will be Thir y Dol.ars, one half payab:e in advance the other halt and all tuition bills will be expected prarnpt ly at t ie expiration of each quarter. Pern: Bearding, with furnished room, one quaner 522,00 5,00 Tuition in common English branhce i. .( including Mathematics and Book- K-eping t Double Entry 6 00 Tui'iou hi La'in, Greek, and German extra 100 Wa-hing, L'ght and incidental ex- p-ii-e, one quarer, 3,00 Those who desire to procure scholarships or attend by the year, will be accnm mrla ted a? a reasonable discnuct, and studen..-wi-hing to secure rooms should make eea Bonable application. For further parricr.tar addre WM. BL'RiiESS, Principal Mi'lville, Penn'a. Grorcif Ia'ters, J K. Evfs. ) Dr. A. i' ill i.lf.r. Ei.u Eves, Trustees. Bijmin K. Eves, ) Mdlvi'le, M.(t 29. IH61. " t! T A T I oYlO III E IIEI (S OF PETER HARTZEL. dee 1. IS PROOF tf cvmluct with iitury H irtzd 'he Comrni iiwealth of Pen'i 0-C""f.'C sylvinia io Henrv Hartzel, Re becca'zei. E-thr inter "ar- -j-'ys neil with I-aac Noyer. 1'. ter ''f7;'CxK Haitz-I, Jacob Hartzel, Will am Hartzel, Sarah intermarried with Jin. Fl-'i-er, and Elizabeth H ir et ch ldreu and heir ol Peter ilar;zed decea-ed. You ami each of you are hereby command ed andci ed to be and appear m your prop er per-on before ihp Judge of the Orphan's Ccun ot said County, to be ho'ulen a' Bioomsburg in and for said county, ihe 1-! Monday of December next, then an I there to answer the petition of John Keitfer Ex ecutor of the la-t will an-l testament oi P- er Harzell dee'd , selling forth : tl-a! the said Peter Harteil in hi li etime o ah : i n iIip tenth lay ot Aprd. A D., One ihf'O-atiit eight hundred and titty two, wa eized in fee ol i.n i in the following des cribed pla'itaiioii and tract of land to wit All that oer:n plantation and tract of land situate in Main township aforesaid, adjoin ing Und- of Joseph Hart.el, Jacob Shugar. Solomon Stititnan. Matilda Jamiso i. Staa Jotiti. and ihers containing Niu'.y seven Acres and mne perches more or le-s, Utat being so seize ! the id Pe er Har'z-15. did Py a bargain or contract in binding hin-se'.l to seis and convey the sail real e-taie with the appnrenaiice u'lto fits son Henry H-rzell tor t tie con-uleraiion ol NuiP.een liundred doIUrs, ihirieen hundred dollars of the same to be paid in annual in-s-almputs of one hundred and sixty four d-.dlars. The first payment io wit: the sum ol one hundred -and sixty four dolUr to t.e made in e-ne year aber the death of the said Peter Harwell, and the said contract which bears daM oi the said tenth day ot April, A. D. 1852. further provided that the purchaser Henry Harzell should receive his dee.d for said Real E-tate after the ma ing ol the fir-t, which said pay ment has oeen made to your petitioner, six hundred dollars of said purchase money by the terms of said Contract wa lo remain in ttie premi-es during the life time of the wife of Peter Hartzelt, the interett on the same to be paid to her annually and the principal in three equal annual instalment after her death, but lhat no sufficient pro vision lor the performance of the said bar gain or contract appear to have been made by ttie said deceased in his lifetime though he was well satisfied, and Intended that Hie same should be cooummnted. And that the said Court wiil be pleased to decree the specific peiformance of :he aid contract accotding to the true intent and meaning thereof in order to the completing of hi" title according lo the act ol Assembly in such case msde and provided. Witness ihe Honorable Warren J. Wood ward Esq., President of our said Court at Blnomsburg the Seventh day of September A. D., one thousand Eight hundred and sixty XV-n,. I ..I ' r"" " LIFE PILLS & PHOESIX BITTERS. fjiHESE MEDICINES have now been b- fore the public (or a period of Thirty Years, and during (hat time have maintained a high cbaiacter in almost every part of lh Globe, lot their extraordinary wild imme diate power ol restoring perfect health to person suffering under nearly every kind of disease to w hich the human fram is liable. . . . s . tl The following are among the distressing variety of human disease in which the VIEC. ETA ICIjKT-IFC MfcDlCIfrE Ate well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomnches, and cres ting a flow of pi. re, healthy bile, instead of thj stale -and acrid kind: Flatnl-rjc-, Los ol Appetite Heartburn, Headache, Restless ness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety,. Languor, aqd Melancholy, which are ihe geneial symp tom of Dy spepsia, v ill vanish, as a Dat lural copiiqnence of rs cure. . COSI IVENESS. by cleansing the whof length of ihe intestines with o so' ce-s, aud w ithout violence; all violent pur ges leave ihe bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, b restoring tha blood to a regular circulation, through the proce-s of respiration in. Mich cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The T,ife Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and tiOU T in half that time, by removing local ii floiat on from lhi rrius cles and ligaments of ihe joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and Mrengthing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor tant organ, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for Ihe worst cases of GRAVEL. AIo WORMS, by dislndging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter lb which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERTEA SORES, by ihe perfect puiitv wttich teseh LIFE MEDICINES give to The blood, and all the humors. SCORt'.l llC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, bv their alterative effect upon tfte fluids lhat feed it. e skin, and the morbid statu of which occasions all emp ire complaints, sallow, cloudy and other di-agreeable complexion. The use of these Pill for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in h' clearne-. of the f-kin Common Colds anil Influenza will alway s be cured by one dose, r.r by two ir. the wor-l case,. PILES The original proprietor of these Medicine, was cured of Piles, 35 years satnling by the use of the Life Medicines a:one, FEVER AND AGUE. For ibi scourge of the. H esiem cmnitry. these Medicine will be found a safe, speedy and reitain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of ihe di-ease a cure bv thest Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, be Satisfied and b Cored. . BILIOUS FEVERS a.ND LIVER COM PLAINTS General Debi'ity. Los of ap peti.e, and Di.-ease of Femaleithe Med icines have been useJ witii ihe most ben eficiwl results in ca-es of thi description: Kings Evil, and Scrofula, in its wnr forms ieids to the mPd ei powerful action of tlte-p remaikatde Medicines. Night Sweau Nervon- dehditv, Nervous Complaint of al! kind?. -i a:in f the Heart, Painter-" Colic., are ppee'iiH cured. M E R CUR I A L 0 1 SEAS ES.-Person s w hose constitution have become impaired by the injudicious u-e of Mercury, will find these Medi. ine a erfect cure a they never fail to eradicate Irom the system, all the elftciscl Me cury, infinitely poor er than the most powerful preparations of Sarsapa r ill a. Prepared and sold bv W. B MOFFAT, 335 Brndwav, New York. FOR SALE IS V ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17 1S6I-1 v- WYo.tii.M; no urn:, IUMI I. I.Y0 K, l'UoritlKTOIl, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN. f ClHE Proprietor respect'niiy informs his Jfi. friend and the public enerally lhat he has taken charge of i he Wyoming House, in he vidnge of Wyoming, i e ir 'he Railroad Depot of that place, and fias fitted it oot so I to enter'am both transient and perma nent iitor in a -nitable and comfortable manner. Hi room are spacious and airyj and not only calculated to add to the conve nience and rofofort of the travelingcomma ity, bin a!o to thre who woul.l seek a jiiea-ant -timmer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with the best fie market can ail rd : and hi PA R will be tnrni.she.-l with t tie pures; liquor that ran be olcait ed. The proprietor will give his .-lu-ivc attention to ihe comfort arid con ven'e;ce ot hi and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a niong the first bote's in the St we. The Proirie'cr tiope that from hi evpe nenre in the business, and by unremitting .Mteiitio-i on l is part, combined w ith a judi cious -election of the most careful and oblig ing servant, he may be entitled to ih fa vorable consideration o? thp ;ub!ic, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. e give hum a call, and judge for April 2, 1859. urel'- RULE OX THE HEIRS CF GEO FETTER MAN, Senr , DECD. COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: Ttie Commonwealth of Penn sylvania io Jo-hua Feiterman, Solomon Feuerman. Henry Fet- 'JC lerman, (jeorge r etterman, Jno. '',f. Feter'oav, Jona Federman, Reuben Fe'.'erman, residing in Linn county lwa, Ce'tiartne intermarried with Henry Harner. Sa rah intermarr-ec with William Yeage.r, and Elizabeth intermarried wil Hamilton Fisher, children ami heirs r George Feperman sen , la'e of Locust town ship, in said c.iuniy deceased. Von and eacti of you are hereby cited and comar trf I to be and appear in yonr proper c-er-on before the Judg of the Or phans" C.nirt, t onr Orphan Coort. io be held at Bloomsbnrg on the 5ist Monday of December next, then and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said George Fetterrr.ari. sen., deceased, al the valuation ptare ! upon it bv an inquest duly awarded by ttie said Court, and returned by the Sheriff, or show cause why the same should cot be sold, and hereof fail not. Witness the Ilnnirable Warren J. Wood ward, E-q'jire, Pre-iderit of our sai I Court at B;oomour the l7iti dav cf September A. D. one tnoua':d eight hundred aud sixty one. Jacob Everlv. CFk O. C. - JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Blooiisbnrg. October 9. 1861. $25: , EMPLOYMENT ! $75 ' AGENTS WANTED! Wp will pay from S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, lo active Agent, or give a commission. Particulars ent free. Ad dress EkIe Sewing Machine Compant, R JAMES, Ge eral Age.i', M ian, Ohio. Blooi.isLurg, Aug. 21, 1861. FOR SALE!