The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 27, 1861, Image 2

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Ali U11
BLOOBSBCRG, WElttiESDIY, N0V.37tIi, 186!.
Thb Lczcrne Peojlb are having quite - r
interesting timB about thBir late election.
1 here appetfra to be considerable riissalis
faction on ihe part of the Republicajn ; they
being rather the unfcrttnite ones. The
return Judges, it would seem, have thrown
oot the entire army vote. The Democrats
were willing to receive such portions of it,
as appeared, upon its face, to be legal, rag
nlar, and 'to hate corre through the proper
U I . . . t T"V 1 . . , i,
cuBcaei, oui me itepaoucans sam ' alt or
nothing," and ''nothing" it turned out to be.
The Republicans were taken op at their
own proposition, and it carried tgains!
them. Th e effect of that was, the Repub
licans all '"seceded'' from the Convention,
leaving the Democrats in session with the
fall organization. They proceeded to fill
"Dp-certificates, which no doubt will be re
cognized by the proper authorities, after
which those who feel agrieved may contest.
Tho Union says ' the people of Luzerne
have at last found out the true 'secession'
party." A few or all of the Republican
Judges assembled together, after they se
-ceded from the regular Convention, and
filled up certificates Tor their candidates,
they having counted all the votes, legal and
illegal. They had no idea of doing any
thing else before they went into (he regular
Convention of Judges; they had their pa
pers (their ordinance of "secession") al'
prepared, which had cost them souse con
siderable time and trouble
Thc Montour American is a little off its
eggs if it means to charge us, in connection
with someo hers, with having copied "Num
tr of Si'tdiers," frcraa that paper without
crediting the article. Had we -credited the
article, we should have marked it to the
exchange'we copied from, although it did
not appear in the editorial department of
that exchange. The American, we are pleas
ed to state, is the mother of the article
In referring to our file of that astute sheet
for we file it on account of its being the
worst Republican papeTComngto ouroffice)
we "have discovered the article in an Octo
ber number. Sorry we did not examine the
AmerktiP more closely when we first receiv
ed the copy containing the article in ques
tion, as we most likely would have given
it pablieky sooner, and with the proper !
credit Brethren of the press, be careful
when you extract from the columns of the
American !
A moth kh Democrat Elected According
to the lastJFalton Democrat the Hon. John
Cessna, of the Summersef and Bedford Dis
trict, is elected to the Legislature, surely,
by a majority of 42 ever HoJseholder. Re
pnblican. This will be a sain of one Dem
ocratic rote in the House if the report is
correct. It is stated that the military vote
changed the result in Mr. Cessna's favor
John Cessna is an able man, and a man
of considerable legislative experience. We
should be pleased to see him made speak
er of trie Honse, and would feel perfectly
satisfied wiih the Committees and decisions
made by him, in that capacity. There may
be a good deal of troth in his election as the
Republican press have kept mum on the
subject; not a word having been said about
this district since the counting of the army
Editorial Change An editorial change
has taken p'ace in the Danville Intelligencer,
J. S. Sanders having retired and Thomas
Chalfant superseding. This paper has been
ably conducted for over three years by the
retiring editor, and we presume with pecu
niary success to himself. His snccessor, by
the way a radical and stanch Democrat, is
a ready and influential writer, possessing
sufficient energy and ability to maintain lor
the Intelligencer that high position and stand
ing it now holds in the Democratic ranks
This paper is one of the most straightforward
and reliable weeklies received in onr sanc
tum. Success to the new editor; also, to
Mr. Sanders in whatever persuit be may see
fit to engage.
News, since the capturing of Slidll and
Mson, and McClellan's grand review, has
been rather scarce ; movements along the
Potomac have caused no great consterna
tion among either the Union or Rebel party;
all parties appear to have kept exceedingly
quiet since the powerfnl and important ac
tion of oor troops down in South Carolina.
The taking of Fort Walker and Fort Beaure
gard, with the occupying of Beaufort, has,
in a great measare, put a quietus on ihi
Southern rebellion. This piece of work, so
nobly performed ty oor brave boys, has
fell like a cold wet blanket upon hut seces
$ion. Gen. McClellan will make another
important move on the "checker board,'' in a
few days, one that will eause the relets to
tear open their eyes still wider They must
and shall be pat don is the cry of every
ffae friend of Jhe Union.
The Intelligencer, published at Tnnkhan
cock, has suspended publication by virtue
of a writ in the hands of a superior officer.
This paper went its whole length for the Re
publican party aliiS Uuion. One of its ed
itors was aa applicant for a chaplaincy in
the army ; how well he succeeded, we did
tot learn. There are still two papers print
ed in Tunkhannock ; one Democratic and
the other Repabltcati in principle.
Dt reference to our advertising colnmns
in to-days Star it will be seen that the firm, in Light street, was dis
solved on the 25.h int. The firm accounts
President Judge,
Ihe election of Hon. vv. J. Woodward as
President Judge of Berks county and his ac
ceptance of that post, will render a tempo
rary appointment of Judge for this district,
by the Governor necessary. Such appoint
ment will stand until after the next general
election, when the office will be filled by
popular 6uflraae. Five years of Judi;e VV.'s
term in this district are unexpired as he was
elected in 1856, but we beliave the Jude
to be elected next fall will nerve for a full
term of ten years, and not for the mere bal
ance of the present term.
We understand that the members of the
bar in onr district, without ilistinc ion of
party, are ic favor of the appointment of
William Elwrll, Esq., of Towanda, as
Judge, and that nearly all of thsm recom
mended him to the Governor for the place.
He is a good lawyer, and a man of high
character, and pleasant address. If the
Governor complies with the wishes of the
district, in appointing Mr. Elwell, we can
congratulate ourselves upon the continued
possession of an excellent President Judge
Columbia Democrat.
Accidental Shooting.
One of the most heart rending accidents
it has ever fallen to our lot to record, oc
curred at the store of Col. II. B Hillman,
in this borough, on Friday'mornina last.
Five young men named respectively Frank
lin Smith, Arthur Hillman, Holland Hill
man, Edward Smith and John H. Doak,
some of whom had been intimate associates
for years, were in the store reading or re
hearsing one of Shnkspeare's plays -Alien,
coming to a soldiers ecene. each picked
np an instrument with which to make a
charge. One had an old sabre, ano'her a
gun barrel, and a gun standing near, young
Smith erasred i. and nomii. It tm,,),
rv 1 ' 1 J" , . . ' a' Wooiii-oorg, and I'm done Tliev are
Doak (not th.t it was loaded), .perfectly welc.'me ,0 Ternaio where th -y
discharged a load of duck shot the ; ate (they bear the right tiile lor a
neck of the Ke fell and died .almost ! coward and the like are ol no account in
instan-Iy. Dr. ITrquhart was snmntoml to f"m, r !,, ffi,d O,"a,ior'- n
.t . , t.ecome ol the H.rtman Camn-tnv itut was
the spot in a moment, but too late. T e Ll o,,, , tn ' P x V ,
. , , i en g m your place shor ly
fatal shot had done its work, and one of the j alter we arrived here ? Why did the ge 1
most estimable young men in our m dst i ''eu! "ui bring his men and join us il he
had been summoned into eternity The i '-""ned and reol-eJ upon set v-
1 . . . , ' ins countr, when h most needed I 14
coroner held an mqnest in the afternoon, ht.rvlCei H-h ,1 T ,,-etl'tl 1
. . , ... -j services Me should have known that it
who rendered a verdict that the "said John was utterly impossible lor him to rise a
H Doak came to h s death by the acciden- company, a!ter his county had
tal discharge of a gnn in the hards 0f : 'rly or q.ine perlormed her ptri as to
Franklin Smith, cauring a mortal wound.
:, !
Luzerne Union.
Sena'or Wilson, of Massachusetts, who
in his Senatorial capacity, appeared so anx-
bus for war and -blood to the knees," and I
, . . u
who in his celebrated speech in the etiate
spoke of Southern men thus "we have got
our feet upon their necks, and we will now
crush them.. Yes, fellow citizens, we will
grind them to powder," was, by mitike,
appointed 'by the powers that be," a Bri-gadier-General
! Has be battled as brave
ly as he talked ? No, the coward ! LUe
most Republicans, he talked for money.
Like most Republicans, he is after the fleh
pots of Egypt A few weeks he made
a great parade of bis military prowess, and
gave many high promises 10 the gallant
men who had enlisted under his banner.
He was "going to lea! them to front tf.e en
emy." The regiment of the valient Abo
lition Senator the man who desired to see
''blood to the knees ' wa hailed with en
thusiasm, and New York citizens preent-i
General Wilson's regiment with a splendid
flag arid gave them a magnificent enter
tainment, at which the General made a
speech a most patriotic, aye, a mot war
like speech Well, General McClellan
placed the i.oble Wilson and his men near
Fairfax, right in fron. A warrior would
have teen proud of this position, but Gen.
Wilson was indignant, and forthwith re
signed ! A Bot-ton paper denounces this
resignation as a shamefurbackiog out as
a fraud and swindle upon the men who
were induced to er.list from their hih opin
ion of the General.
Bat, the Boston paper may be wrong
Tho Senator, we tee, is announced as a
shoe coxtb actor, having secured a large
contract, by which he will reaPze, it is said
a fortune. He evidently prefers the smell
of leather to that of gunpowder If the in
nitutiori of liberty would not be jeoparded,
we would like to be able to compel the Ab
oiilionists and Secessionists to carry on the
warrhoping that they wou'd use each other
up, and thus rid the country of two abomi
nable, insufferable nuisances Extkinge
Commodore Wilkes Sustain kd When
the President was informed of the arrest of
the rebel emissaries, jt is said that he de
clarel emphatically that they would not be
given up by this government even though
a war with England should bo the con
sequence. The taw otficers of ihe govern
ment aio sustain the action of Captain
Wilkes upon precedents furnished by iirer
national law. It appears thai the ' govern
ment received information of the tact that i
a large quantity of private lei'ef. Ue-patch j
es, bills of exchange .drafts , Sec. had been!
sent alter Messrs. Maon and Midell, from
Havana to New York, to follow therri to Eu
rope by the steamer from the latter point.
But a few detectives were put on the watch,
and secured the whole batch of correspou
dence before the steamer left.
Godet's Ladt's Book, for December,
which we have received, completes the 3d
volumes and instead or losing it has month
ly increased in merit in all its various de
partments. We know of no magazine in
the country that renders so much saiitdac
tion to every household in whicnit enters,
(and it enters not a tew in this neighbor
hood, as Godey's It is monthly replete
with something Lew and instructive, which
makes it indispensable to every family that
have been lucky enough to have il as a
companion. Terms, one copy S3; two
copies 5 ; three copies ?6 ; four copies S7.
The present is the lime to send in your
Thk Democratic State Convention will
nieet at Hdrriabi.r4on the 4th of next March i
tc, nomjoats. rndidatea for Auditor and Sor-
Letter from one of onr Volunteer. Jo. 4.,.'
Camp Crosman, i
Huntingdon, Nov. 2i, 1861.
Friend Will : I hope you will nut place
me under the guillotine on account of my
not writing you last week. We have been
overstocked with business for the last few
days; our Captain ha been putting in
through the -different drills with considers
ble rapidity ; and I am proud to say that,
we are becoming quiie perfect in our mili
tary exercise. Our Captain Alex. Frick
is universally liked by all the boys; he does
everything in his power to make them com
fortable and have them love him.
We have now received our entire new
uniforms and arms, which compare favor
ably if not surpass, any in the service We
feel "gay and happy,; with our new dress,
and many are the encomium received frot,n
the officers and spectators when on dress
parade since being fully equipped. The
'Hmley G.iard-' is now lull, organized, and
in the best condition ; formed into the 84th
Regiment, commanded by Col. Wm. (.
Murray We are now under marching or-
ders. ami expect to leave on Monday "next
lor Washington city, and how much lurtlur
we may uo. we know not. On onr arrivtl
II. 'l. . .
ai iiamDurg 00 v. Lurtin will present ns
with our colors This performance is ex
peeled to come off at 2 o'clock, P. M.-
Camp Crosman is to be abolished or. our
leaving it; the design is to winter in a war
trier and probably a more congenial climate.
The toys all appear to be anxious to late
up quarters upon the "sacred soil."
The health or this ('amp has been r?
mnrkable, when we consider the laue
number of troops tente I in it. Oar boys
are all in ih.i be-t of spirits at pre-enl .11 i d
are becoming more and more acquainted
with the hie and duties of a soldier. We a-e
pained to record ttte death of Peter P.
Crau.-e. ol Philadelphia, who was a member
of Company A , McClellan Regiment. Il
is rumored that he died lor wan: of proper
attention and carele-sne in giving medi
cines. This may not have been the cafe,
but if correct it is a disgrace and burni ig
rharne upon the persons having the aili ig
j one 111 'n;tr-
e in -hrge. His H.e jra 23 vers.
I vvr.,n, relation 10 the "Horn-Guard-,"
a wor t in relation 10 the
"uppiyuig men lor the army. We lertrn. d
not 'ong Mnce, that a linle would-be mili a
r-epress indivi.tiirt started out in good
earnest into one 0! the townships in your
county for the purpose of recruiti:ii men to
fill Mr. H 1 n.,..,., f- -n .
e "rry as we learned it. ! he little pin-
JlT f ,hf """T 9uar,,'M
tra-eled two, three or four mil-s into the
country, artivf.l at a farm hone, enqoi e l
if ther- were any persons there desirous
Ol eilteriri-i the armv an, I urt-lni t.r
army ani ervin
country, in rutting do wn this w cked ?:d
unjust rebellion, when he was informed
there was not ; but he was told ot a per-on
wno lived some two miles lunher on his
road and wl.o it was thought might be in
duced to 20 to war, whereupon the recruit
ing officer siirted on his way rej .icing, nnd
in delightful expectation ot securing rie
reennt, at leat after all his ironhlt? and ex
pense After traveling the aforementioned
distance he came up with 'he re-ideiice of
the per-on in search; dismounting him! going
in,o ihe hou-e ! otficer was met by a
'nut rhalK pye-t npgre-s and upon enrni
ring of her if ihere was any person about
the premises wi-hing to go to war, he '.va
toi l r y the co oret lady there was, '"'lot,
said she," ''yon won't have him," "Why."
said ihe officer, "Berau-e he is a bl ick
man ! ' replied the yellow gi!
At lhi juncture the recruiting ofTi 'er.
tnr.pd upon his ppI jumped into his nz
on and drove home. digus'p I with ihe n
siness ol recruiting for Mr, Ilutmm Cn-p-iny.
Ii is r ot necessary lo state that his
''Horn Guard" ha not been reen out re
cm i ting since
I shaM write you agaii, as soon a we
become rationed. Yours, Sec
frisidful LinecIn Burnt in lUisj,
On the 6:h inst.. the first anniverry of
his election, President Lincoln was bjrnt
in effigy in the city of ZanesviPe. Ohio.
Not for any bieach ot he Constitution, not
lor h s usurpations of power was thif in
digniiy ofleieil to the President ; bin im
ply for doing v, hwt be had a conttitut on-il
and legal right to do removing Freuotit
from the command of the Departmei I of
the West.
Th is removal is londly denounced by
Republicans and so. called Unionists, who
were lately blatant for the support of the
President in all his Hcts, as identical with
the support of the Govern'iienl and the Uni
on Had a mob of Democrats, when the Pres
ident suspended the writ of hthoi crp'ts,
or when he destroyed the freedom of sj eech
and the press and denied the right of peti
tion assembled tnmuttnously, and burnt
him in eJTigy. what a ye I of indigration
and vrath, reverberating across the conti
nent, would have burst forth from tho Re
publican and Ao'ition ranks. The cry ol
Treason!" 'Treason!'' would have been
prodaiciipd by every political aim slavery
itew.-p..Ler and ever) lanatic in the Und.
The mtine 'iate imprisonment, it riot the
execution of ihe iiiobocrats, would have
been demanded, as a jui penalty for their
I audacious and treasofiat le amusement It
is dont tful, if such a scene hatl been enact
ed by remocrRts a few months ago, wheth
er the aiders and abettor would have been
permitted, at lea-t in some locations in ;l.i
State to survive for twenty lour houri after
wards. Republicans burning Lincoln in ? tfl g y !
The thought is startiing ! But time irhange
and the bogus Cnion savers chang with
them. Il is no uncommon thing for fana -
ic and hypocnts to vilify and persecute
those whom they have once prole-sed to
love and worship, when they can no longer
use them to effect iheir selfi-h p.Kpo-es.
Certain Reput licans and radical Abolition
ists are now showing by the abusas and
curstve-they heap upon President Lincoln
for removing Fremont, how deep a id sin
cere were there loud professions of love and
devotion to the Administration, the Govern
ment and the Union Xoitk'd. Dcmirat.
The Thirty seventh Congress will assem
ble on Monday next, at Washington city
xbe President's Mesjaee and Sicretary
Camerong rerjort are anxiously looked for.
From Papers of Saturday & Monday.
From the Upper Potomac.
A letter Irom Darnestown, dated to-day,
says nothing has been heard lor several
days of any movements of the enemy oppo
si;e onr lines. Everything is apparently
quiet in their encampments. This may be
caused by the withdrawal of the weight of
their forces lor th defence of Winc-Lenter,
which they now consider in jeopardy.
Yttuty Di,heurtii.
Notwithstanding his inviution lo a dinner
with the Fishmonger's Company. Yancy is
still 111 poor spirits. He wrnes by the lasi
steamer that he had "no presen t hopes' of
success in his mission 10 foreign powers.
Jefferson Davis's messane shows nlainlv
enough that his other emiarie aboard
( have sent hoice equally discouraging re
i . t j
Btitish Vessels with Re' el Arms.
One of th confidential despatches taken
at Hilton Head ored il.e Ret el Authorises
there to be 011 the look-out lor Hiiiish ves
sels laden with amis and monitions of war,
and mentioned ihs interesting fnclthat the
signal (lag ot a very Lrge e. pected ;eam
er would be "a blue ifag, with the l-le of
Man arms, three tin man !es iu the centre
in white "
Rebels sktoHnt; at tick other.
On Wednesday last, says a letter in the
Day Book two parue ot 1 roups met on ihe
Penin-ida, a:id mistook escii iMher for ene
mies, fcrisk at otioe eMimeiK-ed,aiid
a number on each id w re killed and
wo .Hided ere the mlMake wm found out.
Among the ki led was Mj.r Bu!ey,.d Mo- I
bile, whose body La ixn liken lo his
Cvpture of C'n.nrn. in ,ifern
General McCellan received a dipalch
from General Dm lo day announcing that
Captain K.chard s cavalry , pari of General
Lock woo ' command, had raptured nine
fi.ip bra field p.eces at Ihe town of Only,
on Oiioncock In'el near Governor Wise's
old re-ideitc. The rebels of A
'nr.h(ri niftn ,ii 1 1.. I. ..I . : - . 1 - 1. I
............. j. II.1M utr llllir U IHUB
iIipmi :eloie ih-y dispersed. There 1 now
no open b.e .. the east of Chesapeake By,
and Virginia oysters can aaiii reach New
AVgiPM in ike Rel Zervke.
We have imi-wnrihy intelligence, that
ihere ate at Mana-sa-, in ihe ret.el service,
several complete Companies ol niroes,
unilormed, united and equipped and com
manded tiy negro ottk-ei. From another
source, we ieurn. thai the wr.rlk o; irr.. ris
ing the slave- ,,o ihj military rvice of
the rebels is now being prosecuted with
vigor throughout ;he seceded
Ojxratvmi of a Scm'i is P iry .
A scouting party of 150 cat airy, s-it not
hy Lf 11. McCal! to day we-i as Ur as
Drainesnie about hall way from hi" camp '
to Leesburg, ami returned without seeing ' the white house We also hear some mnt
auy signs ol ,h enemy, vho was , such j priLlffs lrom ,he mofe u,.ra , ,fl ,h f.
force in the neighborhood on th -.lay pre- , , , . .....
reeding the battle of Ball' B that it was ! fecl lhat Mr4 Lmco n H lh" ,ever lhal keeP"
thought advisable lr Gen. McCH t e I th! Administration fron clasping hands
In whote force in maLing a rerotinoiance. j with the Abolitionists. They even intimate
1 o . , nro,"""M a''u "y ' a doobt of the good lady's loyalty. A con
fie Kelel tuckets several times. . .
the Retel pickets several times.
it'in'et Quartet.
Small wooden houses large double can
va tents, of heavy material, and coirifor.a
t ie log huts, are goi- g up in all the l-ali
ties occupied, ir likely to be ccpiedt du
ring tne winter or
;ne winter or a ponton, of it, by our
s in the vicinity ol Wa-bmgtoi. Our
Srs wdl all ce iell provided hr, but '
is ome diJficulty in deciding how ihe ;
targe number of cavalry now here can be
now tiere can be
Different plans are ,
it is protiaMe nii'iia
comloratdy cared for
under coiisuler.ttnHi.and
deri-100 wi.l be made 111 a few days. Ihe
horses have, ii far, beeu exposed to the 1
weather. j
The Muonn and SHJell Q tcs'iin.
Waging, Nov. ,pecu,
linn continues to te indulged in relative 10 '
the Masun and Siulell qne-rion. So far as
ca'i t'i a-ceriauie I. ihe Briiih minister of
her Brii.u'i.ic Maj--tya Government his
taken 1.0 ac inn wliatever iioo i th Mil i -ct .
t ut will pr'.aMy awt-i'ic io is. ,or ", go for the Union, or the Clerkship ? Car
has (here ten even an irforrnil coivera- fan Democrat.
lion teiween him and lh9 proper d?pir-j -m--m.
nieni concerning it. Those who are mii-t Atuotso the recent appointments of Tresi
mately acquamind wi.h L.rd Lvons bei-eve j fn L,ncoIn. we ohperTe lhat of Hinton R
thai 111 ihis as in u her matters, h his , ,
observed his ,wal dicre-io 1 in retraining j "e,Per. 'author ol the "Impen.ling Cris;s")
from prtiiiature expresrioi.s ol opinion. J counsel lo Buenos Ayres. This i me
Duiuin-z "fa fie'iel's litust. j of the most desirable consular appointments
A despatch frorti (Jal -polis 10 Governor 1 within the gift of tho President. Truly,
Pierpoui, on Saturday, s aied that there wan Helper has received his reward. Such ap
a rep.-ri ihere th.u the Union P.en had a- poinlment!, are injudicious and censurable,
semblcd in large nuinber. and set fire 10 ' J
the splendid property of A hert Gaila'iu i T rT ' ' ' m" T r ,
Jenkin. who led the rWe.,1 au.rk ..- Tir Rebel Pres.dents. Dav.s and Ste-
andoite. Tie property wa- -r.iiate.J "m ,
Cabell county, about teUe mi'- Jrom, , ihe Ohio river. Jenkins .
was a Cn,(i:resma.i triim vVV.-;m Virgmn, ;
and alter the breaking out ot th re!eliio'i
prot-sted against he action of the Postmas
ter General hi removing a number of disaf
fecied postmaster in VV'estern Virginia, for
which he received a cutting rebuke from
Mr. Holt. He is said to be immensely
Affairs in Paducah
The Paducah correspondence of the Lou
isville J iurnai writing lrom that city , under
d .ie November 15. savs:
This hitherto Secession city, now under '
the be iign of about 10,000 well
behaved and orderly Federal soldiers, is
rapidly assumi g a deceit respect tor law
and order. A large majority ol ihe citizens 1
now here are loyal to ihe United S ates, a .d ;
the Secehers begin to recognize the fct
lhat we have a Government. Many ol die
rnot rabid are returning to their home, af
ler a search of aOout two months in the
Southern Confederacy lor their rights
ftiey have concluded 10 come home, where
they have every reason o believe their
rights have and will be respected It is a
pitiable sight 10 look upon men, women
and children who have heen ojt in this un
lortuiiate t rinse in search of their right
They now see themselves penniless and
diseased. The men, lashed almosl to fury
b ihe ot Iheir own evi! doings
and their roiiis to iheir Governr-e-it. tliat
has nevr deprived them oi cue single riuht
are now coming t-nck to the house (if their
lathers, where all such can find an asylum,
and determined to lire in t'ie old Gavern
iricni'i. house, which it the treeet, happiest,
ami t-e-l on earth.
1 he ac'iii'u of the Rtbeh near Columbus. A
Panic in Miv:-uri.
Fftn parties who lett Columbut on
Wednesday . a.d who are in a po-mou t-j
kno l il y what they sUie, we lea'ti lhat
Gen Folk ! still sotleriii Ironi ih injury
he received on tSe occasion ot the bursting
ot ihe cannon there, and Gen Pillow was
in command. A force was at work culling
down ihe titnher on the Mis-o inside op
posite Co timbus, so as to leave no ambu.-h
for the enemy in any event. The people on
the Missouri side are in utter consternation
and are Hying from their hobses Whild
the Kentucky was up the river on Wednes
day, her captain kindly ferried over five
families to this side, with their teams and
household articles. E-s(ilive say there is
a large amount of corn and hoa in the
country, all of which they expect to fall in
to the hands of the enemy. I; has ten
forcibly kept there by the blockade. The
people were destroy nig or removing alt Mais,
along the shore. The ferry boat that crossed
near Point Pleasant has been destroyed. A
soldier who had been taken pri-oner, but
who escaped from Cairo, reported that sol
diers were coming into that place in great
numbers, and ihat the day before he left
Wednesday nine regimentsarrived. There
was a general expectation at Columbus that
there will soon bean invasion of a more
serious character than the late one at Bel
mont. Memphis Appeal.
An Intended Rebel Demonstration at the Grand
The New York Herald's Washington cor
respondent writes thus:
A rebel deserter, wno came into our lines
to-day, stales that the lebela had been ap
prised of the review which came offyester
day, and that it was iheir intention lo have
made a formidable demonstration against
our pickets, with a view ol driving them in
and thereby produce a regular panic and
stampede among the civilians, who were to
witness the grand affair. He states thai a
pretty large rebel force had been concentra
ted at Fairfax lor '.he purpose, but tha. for
some cause or other it had been abandoned.
He says that the officer in command at
Fairfax had heard that seven divisions were
to be reviewed by General McClellan.
The rebels, he says, are daily expecting an
advance movement of the Union forces, and
that they are hilly prepared to meet them.
He does not believe, however, that the
rebels will make a regular hland and give
battle this side of Manassas They have,
it appears, some pretty good fortifications
at Centreviile. Th capture and occupa
tion of Port Royal and Beaufort by the Uni
on fleet caused great excitement among the
South Carolina md Georgia troops.
If one half of what is said in the Hunting
don papers about the inspection of horses
at that place be true, the government has
been most outrageously swindled. . The
Journal (republican) says that of 700 horses
purchased and branded "600 or more are
unfit for the service." The Globe Cdernocraf
ic) says ''Horses were rushed through on
Tuesday without repect to age, color, or
soundness !" One lot of these horse, it
spems. was furnished by Ex-Senators Sel
lers and Southers and the other by Alex.
H. McClure. late chairman of the Repub
lican State Committee. We have no doubt
Secretary Cameron and Adjutant Thomas
might have foond extravagance and fraud 1
nearer home than St Louis, if they had
been so inclined. Em-ton Sentinel.
Wear(no the Bkefcuks Some of onr
Republican friends hereaboms have started
the "lory that Fremont's removal was ac
complished by the influence of Mrs. Lincoln.
The' Grey Mare being the better horse" ai
clusio i which they back op with the as
sertion lhat she is herself a South
ern lady at:d her brother and in fact
all her relatives are officers or privates in
the Southern army. We believe she ii
even suspected, by these tentlemen, with
.1 rtrr --r
bein lUe socrce of Je(T DaT,ft '"formation
Bbont thedestination of the great ' AMnadi."
Take care Madam, these ,4argus eved" gen-
Take care Madam, these ,4ary
try are afler you ! Exchange.
" ......
E H Ranch. E . Editor of ihp M.i-ich
Chunk Gazeite, la e Clerk ol the House of
Repree!i'ntives and Captain of the Rose"-
t'ri"Z Ranger.' i again a candidate lor the
Clerk of the House.-Pemi'a Stat, Jornl
Indeed! Why, we thought he enlisted to
f, T,i fnr th TInInn 1 IV ,i;,l ot
, that he was only raising a Company 10 fight
lor u,e '?rksni;. now is t Uinch J do you
phens, have been re-elected by the late
election held in the Rebel States, last week
The Rebel Congres" are in session, at Rich
, Tl, , n.-:.i.. i:
moid. Ihe ilP"sage of President Davis
has made il appearance in several ol onr
loyal papers, such ns the Tribune, Times and
Herald, those heavier weights. We may
give it an insertion, by and by, in order
that oor readers may see what the grat
sinner has :o say. He falsifies greatly in
the small portion of it that we read, at
Thk Republican and Intelligencer, papers
published at Tunkhannock, Wyoming co..
pa h)lve leen thrown together, and called
. ' . . , . " ...
,he "Woml ne,..b1ian and Intelligen
cer " T,e paper is published by the par
ties who punted the " Republican." At
present there are bnt two papers published
in the county of Wyoming, and lhat we
should think sufficient.
A queer state of affair things in Mis
souri. The Federal troops having taken
priiiiifieL' after a fierce a-id bloody slMig.
gle are now on the retreat Irom that place
toward St. Louis. The strangest part ol thi
business, is, that the enemy are not within
j fifty miles of SprinfielJ, atul they will on-
i itf r,,.,rn , ,iia, t,ta,. nnr tmon harf.
j - i - - 1
evacuated it.
Marriage of Dan Rick. The Cleveland
Plaino'ealer has an accontit of the wedding
of f)an Rice, ihe famous showman, which
took place at his farm, near Girard, Pa , on
the 5ih inst.. M:s Charlotte lvebecca Mc
Connel, of Girard, bein; the bride.
M.I 11 II I ED.
On Thursday the 7th inst . by Jacob Ship
man Fq , Mr. Hiram Fausbt, to Miss Sa
KiH J Klink, all of Mi. Pleasant, Columbia
co . Pa
By the same, on Saturday the SUh inst.,
Mr. Jamk Thkmas of G'een'-ood, o Mart
K. Mokdan, of Ml- Pleasant, all of Columbia
co. Pa
fRS. Catharine Zuppiner 6e?3 !eae
to invite the arniion of the public
ihat ehe is now prepared lo produce any
width from lhre quarters to -five quarters
nice and strong, isne will endeavor to suit
her customers.,Tr. Nor. 80. 186 1.
FLOUR pr. bbl 6
HAMS, 12
The Advertiser, having been restored to
health in a very few week by a very sim
ple remeCy after having suffered several
years with a severe lung affection, and hat
dread disease, Consumption rs anxious to
make known lo his lellow-sulferer the
means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription used, (free ol charge.)
with Ihe directions for preparini and uing
the same, which they will tin I a ur enre
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &;.
The on ty object of the advertiser in fend
ing the Prescription is 10 benefit the aril c
ted, and spread information which he con
ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
t-uffeter will try his remedy, asitwdlcost
I tie in nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parlies wisi.iug ihe prescription will
pk'ase addr
Wiiliarnoburp, King co , N. Y.
October 3u, 1861, 3m.
,M:U ItAKIiEU 1H1.
Ia Court House Jiltey opposite the Ex
change iiotti.
THE undersigned would respectfully in
form ihe citizens of Bloornibiirg and the ,
public generally, that he ha opened a
Opposite the Court House and next door to
the office of the. Columbia Democrat whpr
iie is prepared lo execu'e Slaving, Hiir
riiessiiig mid Shsmpooning, in ihe best of
manner, with despatch, and 10 general sat
Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 27, lf61.
mssoLrfiox of parinlrsuip.
Of ICE is hereby given than he co pait
1 1 tier-l i.i her- otore existing belween the
late firm of .! cu Si Km, at Light Street, is
this day, (Nov 25, iSrJI.j dissolved by mu
tual consent ol the parties. Tne book,
&c, remain 111 the hands of Peter Em, one
of ihe member- ot ;he firm, by whom all
claims against ihe said firm will be paid;
at;d those indebted to Ihe firm will please
call and make payment of th" same"
Li2ht Street, Nov. 27, 1861.
Lack'a and Uloonisburg Railroad.
ON AND AF1KII NOV. 25. iSril, PA
Ft tight &
Pairenger. Passenger.
5 25 A. M. 10.3:) A M.
JB 30 Arrive 12,15 P. M.
Leave Scran'on,
' Kingston,
" Rupert,
" Danvilie,
Arrive at North'd
9 15
Leave Norfh'd.
. i I i i. u.l
4.30 P
(S II . Ill C ,
8 uo Leave I i- P. M.
9 00 P. M. 3 Jf
Ariive at S rantfn,
A Pasen4ei Train aio leaven Kingston
at 8.30 A . &l. ior Scramon, to connect with
tram for New York. K-i.timi.ig leaves
Scranton on arrival ol Irani Irom New
York at 4 16 P. M.
The Lackawanna and Bloombarg Rail
road connects with the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railiosd at Scranton,
lor New York and intermedial point eau
At Rupert it counsels with Jhe CatuwisP
Railroad for points both eat ami west.
Al Northumberland il eonnerU with the
Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and NoriSeru
Central 11. R. lor point- west and south.
J. C. Wklls. luktl Ag't.
Novmtir 27. 1861.
otirt I'roclauta? ion. !
VlfilKKr-'AS the Hoi. Warren J. W01.L
ward, Pre-nlfiit Jddge ot the Coon
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery, Ci'iin of Qijarter Se-sir.n of ihe Peace,
and Court cf Common Pie ai l Or.ihatis,
Court, in the 26t!i Judicial District, compos
e l of the counties of Columbia. Sullivan and
Wjomrig, -nd the Hon. Jacob Evan and
Stephen Bal 1y. Associate .Id-.lges ot Colum
bia County, ha ve tsued heir prei-ppt, beartr-g
date one thousand euhte'n hundred and
sixty one, and 10 me directed for ho!, ling a
Court r f Oyer and Terminer, and General
Jnil Delivery , Quarter Sessions ol the Pe ce,
Com Pleas and Or,fians' Court, in Bloom
burg, 111 the cO'inty of Columbia, on th first
Monday (be in the 2nd day) of Derember,
next, and 10 continue one week.
Notice is her- given, to t'ie Coronpr, the
Jutices of the Peace and Con-tables ot the
said County of Columbia, that they be then
and th"re in their proper persons at 10 o'
clock in ih forenoon ot said day, with their
rpcords(itiqniinon and other remeaibran
ces to !o tho-e tnings which 10 t h i r oflice
appertain to be done. And thosn that are
'o md by recognizes, to prosecute agatnst
th prisoners that are or may be in the Jail
of -aid county ol Columbia, to b- then ami
there to prosecute then a shall be just. Ju
ror ar requested to be punctual in ihir
aite'idance. agreeably 10 iheir notice, d i'ed
at Bloomshurg, the 2 1 day of N.iv. in ihe
ye-tr of our Lord one thouar d eignt hip dred
and siX'-one and in die eigtity-sixth var
of Ihe Independence of the Unite i S:a es of
America (J id save t'f C nni-nvelt!i )
Blconisburg Nov 6, 161.
THK untler-iii'.ed would reject-
fully inform the public, trial h
continues to pay particular attmiot, y,.
his tiiisiness lin?, especially to all kinds of
watches. chroiioiriPterSjClnoks. jewelry ;Ccc ,
Sic. Jewelry, clocks and watches, j,iays
on hand, and for sale, snaranifed. H i
not dear, as some say, unless it is an ex
penivf job. and then all are der. Come
anil judf f nr yocrspif. He keeps a "no I
selection "f speciarles, also spectacle las.
es withiuit to fit any Ir-me and
to sui; at.y ae. Any thinz, that can be
done in thi 1 me in the city can aUo be
done in frome of the shops of Bloombor;.
and ffqnn'ly beuerand lower We have
the same mvn., more spacious shops ami
at a mor moderate rent than those? in h
ci'. Corne aid convince onreif. Par
ffutar attention paid to waiche, spring
clock, lever clocks or chronometers, also
lo all kinds of euhwr clou ks or wan hes.
Bloomsbur, Nov. 20, 1861.
NEW ASSORTMENT of watch and
clock materials, of the riht quali'y,
received, which will be offered id al! cases
on good co'iditons.
Bloomaburg, April 2, 1861.
and for tlx up ecdy euro ot Ihe following conipWut-i
8 rofuln and Hrrofulou A fTcrt lon.,a acH
'1,,,n". Clcer, ort, Kruptiuna.
l'iuiile, lus(ulrs, Ulutchc. Uotl.
Uluius, and all bk.lit Ulveasc..
. Oakland, I ud., 6th J one, 1859.
J. C. At to. i Co. Genu: I feel it my duly to .
uowlovgo -what your 'iunaai ilia La due for 1am.
. Having inherited a hcroUiluud mlecti. u. 1 liave uncrwt
from it in variou waji lor jeur. Sonietiiiict It bunt
out ia L'lcein on my Imndu ami arum; bonietiiiie U
tuiuej inwiirj and distressed me at tho Ktomach. Two
youra ago it broke cut cu my head and covered my scalp
and eur with one tore, which wa luiiufiil and loathsoni -beyonl
rie:i ljtion. I tried many medicineH and atvar-l
rjliynii-i.uis, but without much relief frinu any tiling, la
liiot, the disorder grew At li-nglh 1 wai I .-joked
to read in the Mratsenger that ou had irpared
au alterative (8an))arilla). t r 1 knew from your r. put.
tion thnt any tiling you Diudo nuiot be Kx.d. I sent to
Ciiiriniiatiand gut it, and iwl il tiil it cured me. I took
it, a. you adviM, in niimll liinte. of a teahpionrut over
Dion lb, and uaod almott three lioltlee. .New and bealtby
kin on lxguii to form under the M-b, which after a
while fell off. My ikln Is now cfear, and I know by my
ft-elilig that Ihe diamww 1ih iione from my ijatim. Yoa
can well tx-lieve thnt I feel what 1 am aayin wlmn I tell
you. that I hold you to be one of the apostle of the age,
aud reiaiu.ever Kialefully. Y ur,
ALr'lir.U B. TkVUV.t.
St. Anthony's Flrc, Hose or Kryalpclat.
Tetter and Kilt Ithcuin, Ht-ald llcad.
Ringworm, bore K es, Dropsy.
tr. in.lsrt M. I'retde writes from Pah n., K. 12th
Pept., lhat he ha cured an inveterate case of
Vropty, which threatened to terminate fatally, by th
persevering nae of our Sarraiutrilla. and alo a lUiiKerona
Malignant Erytiptlat by l.tre dexx-s of tint fame; say
be cures the common Eruption by it conntnntly.
Broncliocelc-, Goitre or Swelled Keck
Zelmlon Sloan of l'r(ert, Teias, writes : " Three bo,
ties of ynur Sarsaparilla cured me from a Oiilrt a hid
eous swelling on the neck, which 1 had sulfcred fiom
over two years."
Lencorrlnra'or TVliItet, Orarlan Tnmor,
Uterine Ulceration, Female lilseases.
Dr. J. B. 8. ChannltiK, of New York City, writes ; I
most cheerfully comply with the rojueet of your agent til
saying I have found your Sarxaparilla a most excellent
alterative in the numerons complaint fr which we
employ nnrh a remedy, bnt esnecMilly in fmaU Ihteaia
ft the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveter
ate rae of Ijeuccirrhaea by it, and some where the com
plaint w caused by ulceration of the utmut. The ulcer
ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl
edge ohukU it for them female derangements."
Edward a. Marrow, of Newbnrv, Ala writes, "A dan
rsrims ovarian Umnr on one of the frmales in my family,
wh rj, ha.1 defied all the remedlo we could eniplov, has
at leii.tb teen eonipWly rured by yonr Extract of Sar
saimrlllo. Onr physician thought nothing bnt extirpa
tion could afford relief, but 1m advised the trial of yonr
parsnparilla as the lart resort before cutting, and it
proved effectual. After taking your remedy ebzht weeks
no symptom of the disease remnina."
Syphilis and Jtferearlal Disease.
Nrw Orleans, Augut, lh59.
B. J. C. Ann : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re
snest of your agent, and report to yon some of the aflecte
I bsve realized wi'b your Darraparillo.
I hive cured with it. In my practice, most of ths con
plaints for which it is recommended, and have fjiind lis
eff-ct truly wonderful in Ihe cure of Yrnrrml and Afcr It'fftr. One it my patients had Syphilitic ulcer,
in his lbrit, which wers consuming his alate and th
top of hi mouth. Your ParsiparUia, steadily taken,
cured In weeks. Another was attacked by eeo
ondary symptoms lu his nose, and the ulceration had
eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the
disorder Would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it
yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the
ulcers healed, and be is well again, not of course without
Some d!riiiration to his face. A woman who liad beea
treated for the same disorder by mercury was eufferirg
from this poison In her bones. They had become so sen
sitive to the weather that on a damp dsy she suffered ex
cruciating pain iu her joints and bones. She, too, was
cured entirely by your .-arsaparilla iu s few weeks. X
know front its formula, which yonr agent gave me, that
this Preparation from jour I-buratoty mast 1 a great
remedy; consequently, these truly teinarkable resulU
with it have not surprised me.
1 ratemally yours, Q. V. LARIMER, M. D.
Ilheuraatism, Goat, Llrer Complaint.
Isru.pxxDxsc-, Preston Co.,"Va., 6lh July, 1W9.
TR. J. C. Atib: Ktr, 1 have barn afflicted with a pain
ful clinn'c llhtwntitirm for long time, which battled the
(kill or i hysicisna, and stuck to me in spite of all the
remedies 1 could find, until I tried yonr Sarjaparilla. One
bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general
heaith so much that I am far letter than before I waJ
attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. i'&KAM.
Julee Y. Getchell, of Et. Louis, writ.: I bare beam
arTticted for years with an itfctinn of Hit Liver, which
dtrrnyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing
biled to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man
for snme years from no other cause than drrangemrnt of
Vtt Lircr. My leloved palor. the Her. Mr. Kspy, advised
me to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said he knew yon,
and anv thinr yon maile was worth trying. JSy the bless
ing of Ood it has cured me, and has so purified my blood
as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The
beat tliat can be said of yon is not half good enough."
grhlrrue, Cancer Tumors, Enlargemsnt,
Ulceration, Carlea and Kxloliatlou of
the ISonea.
A great variety of rases have been reported to lis where
etiree of these funnldatile complaints have resulted from
the dk nf this remedy, bit onr spsce here will not admit
them. S- me nf them may be fonnd in our American
A luianac, which Uie azent below named are pleased to
furnish grails to all who call for them.
Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Kits. Epllep
ay, Melancholy, Neuralgia.
Many remarkable cures of Oiese afTections have been
roade by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu
lates the vital functions into Tigorons action, and tho
overcomes disorders which would be snpposed leynnd its
reach. Pucli a remedy bss long been required by the ne
cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
CongTis, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,,
Croup, Krone hit Is, Incipient Con
lurnptlnn, and for the Relief
of Consumptive Patient
In iilviutfil istagee
of the Dlseaae.
This Je a rewiedy vuivereattv known fr snrpsss tnT
other for the cure t.f llnt and romptainrs. that ft
Is uc!es here U publinh Ihe evidence if its virtues. It
nnnvaikd excellence for roughs and colds, aiid its truly
w.Cid-rfnl cures of pulmonary disease, have maile it
knon thronghont the civiiized nations of the earth.
Few are the commnnities, or even families, anion' them
who have net some personal experience of itselfects
some living trophy in their iuitit of its victory over the
snbtte and d.vnuerous r!iwird-r of the throet and lungs.
As all know the drea.tfnl fatality of these ii-.n!er, ad
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not
do nvire tlini to ssnre them tlmt it has n ail the vir
tnes that it did hsve when making the cure which have
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYE2, &, CO., Lowell, K&u.
J")Y vir'ue id sevril writs oh Vendi'ioni
' F.xpin i to me direced, istd out of
ihe t'ouri ol C.'imrnofi l'iea of Columbia
Connt , Peiiti Ivania. will be exposed lo
public sal h' Ihe Uourt Housp. in Bl -Onns
NOVEMBER, If61, at one o'cunk m ihe
afternoon, tti foil- tii' property 10 wit:
Ail trial certain Lot ol Ground ii'-ja;e in
L'uht S.r?ei, Scott iownhip, Columbia
conntv. r'eiui'a., bounded and described
a follows, to wit: on the East by Main
Street of said town, on ihe North by lot of
Samuel Hauenbuch, on the West by aa
Allev and on the South by an Alley, con
taining one Ihird of an acre, be the same
more or les, whereon ar erected a one
and a hlf story frame dwellirrj house a
Irame oui kittien a large Ira -tie -Utile and
other out buildiii with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in evecu ion and to be
cold as ihe properly ol Ja-nes Raa'.z.
A L O :
At the same time and pi ire, all that car
tin lit or parrrl of aron id situate in E
ptown, Scott to.Miship. Columbia comity,
F'i,ns Ivania. b."un l and described as
follow-, to wit: on ih Sui!h by Mam street
of sai 1 town, on the We-t by lot belong
'M'Z t" the Heirs of Elizabeth Crevelinaj.
dee d-, on the Nor h b an Alley, and ori
te East by a lo; pelonin lo the Estate
ol F ler and Crevelion. rj, bem2 ihe one
half d Lot No. 9 in said town. Contain
um fortj feet in front, and one hundred
and seventy-three and one-fonrtb. feet ia
dep'h, whereon is eiec'ed a two story
Irame dwelling house with ihe appurtenan
Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold
as ihe property of I-aae MKamey.
1 r-v l 1 a . - " sv tr ft ' n
juri. i, anenjj.
Sheriff's Otfice.
Bloomsbur;., Oci 30, 1861.
THE undersinei vill te in Bloomsburg
r.tery Wednesd ty and Fiiday,
Which he will sell at 31 cents per qnart :
90 ceuts per Can ; ai.J 45 cen's per Halt
November 13, 1861.-lm.
Ay ex's, Cathartic Pills.