STiR OJF THE NORTH. Serais?, November 20, 1861. .. - Who wid bring cVa gobular for -Thanks-"glvtng'cay 1 - DoVt all speak at once. :S new ad venire rnenls in to day's Star. ; - Qwrn tbem a careful perns l. . Tornat tote of this Repreentative - VitTfi taritl m mman in ihia weelr.' ntner. -r-flarrah for the Democracy J.' On our outside this week will be foand about two Keginriems of war news, quite -r inieresung. - PrrsR ia on hand today (Wednesday) whh frexb oyster lie is felling as usual at tic per quart.' Give bim a trul they are tight. .. Trfl Baptist Congregation at this p'ace, are holding a revival meeting; it has been gcTing on ctorirg the past week. Ihey will hare preaching oo Sabbath iiest at 10 o' clock, A. M. - MMrr Pricks in this place, still keep p. Buckwhea Floor i felling at $2 25 percwt. Fresh Pork SU 00 per cwt Pota toes 40c per buibel. Chicken 25 to 37 cts. "" a, pair. CPAtLas II. Noll, the late barber of this place, baa joined Capt Winter's Company of -Philadelphia. He was home on fur lough, last week, paying a visit to his fami ly. His brother continues the barbering ".business, and is worthy ol patronage. Next Mondav a week will be Court week Li ibis county. We would notify those owing oa thas early, that they will greatly oblige ' as by bringing or sending as their indebted hess upon that week. It may be an ad van 'tage to some to beed this notice. We must collect closer. ? - The Secretary of the Agricultural Society f -requests us to make a correction in the pub ' Jished report of the "trial ol horses" at the Ja;e Fair. The second premium of five dol lars for double team trot shonld have been awarded to Weslkt Bowman instead of A. , Pattcrsow. tywWic'in. . .The Repvbli:an'$ explanation in relation tu the Fair printing is eatislaciory. All we have to say is, had the Republican made op its bid tor the letting at the rate it charged for that "extra woik" it wonld never have received the work at the price reported Joriytvo ooliatsana seventy jue cents, t uai s -all you can run alone. AcrnjKNT.We learn that William 5haf JTtR, son of Samuel Shaffer, ol Bloom twp., bad one of bis legs broken on Tuesday last, "raused by the running away of his team two hores-with a load ol oats, throwing him ;ff the wagon and passing oter him. One .other yonng man was hurt bnt not seriously. 1 Imlat and Bjcnell' Bnk Note Reporter --the semi-monthly has been received for the 15th inst. This is a sure and safe mon y snide, considered among the very most reliable. Published in Philadelphia, at ?2 far the serai monthly and SI lor the month" 1 The fir:t snow of the season fell on Thurs day night last. It remindrd one strongly of ihe approach of winter and ot making the accessary preparations for an eary and a Jong one. The hills hereabouts were quite white.the article having fell to the Jep;h of .boot two iuches. ' SrrctAt attention . i invited to the new . . . - -advertisement of Hs.iar Zpppmgkr's wa ch and clock establishment in this week's Star Mr. Z. b as just Improved his instruments, and .received increased faci'iiie. to enable him :o execute the most difficult jobs w'nh neatness and dispatch His workmanship will favorably compare with any done this aide of our eastern citie. Give him a trial , Nw Liqcors sre to be had, at the Liquor tore of Daniel Robing, in ihis place. He has lately replenished his already Urge and superior stock of liquors. Thot-e dealing in the article as retailers will find it to their advantage to purchase at thise&tablishinent. The prices are right, and the liquor to Choice liquors of every description are to tz had at this store. . More Mew Wanted. Capt. Manly, of the Montour Rifles, and of the 6th Resi dent, commanded by Col. Ricketts. has advertised for one hundred able bodied men 1o fill op the different companies composing the 6th Regiment. They are at. liberty to join any company they choose Here is a Hood opportunity to come in close contact 'with the rebels. Thi Regiment is encamp ed at or near Pierpont, Virginia. The of ficers of this Regiment are desirable men to be under, no better in the army. A rather serious accident happened, on Friday McKelvy. Neal and Co's Fur nace, by the falling of a, scaffold some . . r i r . 1 . iwenry-pve leei, ms:ue oi me stacic npon rblch five or six workmen were engaged The whole party were badly bruised and jsrrrd ; but no bones were broken save the splitting of a knee-cap of Samuel Jacob?. Tfce name of the injured men, as far as we informed, are Christian Knapp, Samuel Jsccby, John Kesbty, Herrir.g. f VTe neglected in our last to notice the ar rival cf ocr estimable young friend. Mr. C22RSfVrEt!BLR3IAII, 80H, Of JiJCCb Btidft' tvtn of this p!ac, who i a member of ihe In California Regiment, commanded by tls J&te Ccl. Baser. - By the way Georgs It & printer, and wa believe we taught bim " .- it . t settne nrs; type. ,ie was prosiratea r-y t.:;l:-.-3 at the time cf the Bali' Bluff at fjrctherwise he might have teen among t j cf-rtciife He expects to fetarn tSl'.i r yi'-f w. z fair davs.". Sscfcss to DARLING'S and: Are pure vegetable extracts. Tney cure all biliou disorders of the human system. They festjlale and invigorate the liver and kidneys: ihey give tone to the d geelive orsans; they regulate the secretions, ex cretions and exhalations, equalize the cir cnlaiion, and purify the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, CoMivennss or Looseners are entirely controlled and cured by ihe$e remedies. PAULING'S LIVER RKUUIATOR Removes the morbid and tilinns depoe'tt from tfe stomnch and bowels, regulate the liver ai.d kidneys, ren oving every obftruc lion, restores a natural ard healthy action in the vital organs. 1' is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much better than Pills, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS l a superior tor.ic and duiriic ; excellent in c!e of-loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregilarities, pain in 'he t-ide and bowel, blind, protruding and bleeding pile, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY : Jas. L. Crumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, wrie, AnauM 18, 1860 : "I have been afflicted with piles, accom panied with bleeding, the last three years ; 1 used DARLING'S liveis itor And now CO nuW mysell e ill ire) cureil." Hon. Jonn A. Cros Mrriies, ''Brooklyn, March 15, I860. In the prmsr ot 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent lever. I took twodoeol DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and lover at once. 1'ievioiiB to tnis a tack, I had been troubled with d)spepsia several months; I have felt no'htna ol it since." Oii S udley, Eq., 128 East 28th Sireet, N. Y., write "Aiisnpt 13, 1860 I hm a difht'ulty with Kidney CompUini three jear, w ith constant pain in the srnajj cf my bark. I had ued most all kintU ot medi cine, but found, no per.nareiit relief until I uftd DARLINGS LIVER REGULATOR, mid e ESillers. I pa-ed do tul t'lucul b) i'e urelTa I am row entirely cured, and uke oleanne in recommen.Jma thse remrdie " 3Ur. C. Tebow, 11 Cri-t-ptir Sireer, N Y., writte : "Feb. 20 I860. I have ben ubject to attacks ol AthiiM ttie last twenty year. I have never found anything equal to DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, in atforttins immediate rein I It is a thor ough Liver and hilinu remedy." Airs Yonng, of B'ookh ii. wri'es. "Feb 2, 1860 In May Ust I hl a evere at ta-k oi Piles, which confined me to the house. I took one b'Me "I Pal ling Mfe Bitter and was entirely cured. I have had no attack cince.'' D VVet-lervelt, E-q., of South 5th, near 8lh Strei, William.tnrg, L. I., write ' Ana'K 5, 1$60 Having been troubled wi;h difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bilioiii attacks, I was advised by a Iriend to try DARLING S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so. end found it io o;;rra'e d mi 'ably, removing Ihe tile and arousin-j ihe liver to a-tivi'v I bur h'o n.e,! ; a a FAMILY UlCDlCriU. When our i hildren are out of sor's, we ijive ihem a le drops and it sets theui M ria'il. I find i: mee's ihe oenerl wants of the stomach and bowels when di-ordred. " Reader, if yoi need eiiher or both of he oiost excellent Remedie, inquire for hem at the Mores; if you o"f not find them take no Other, but incke One Dollar hi lener, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Retiedie will be sent areord n to your directions, by mail or express, post. paid. A't ires. DAS'L S. DARLIXfi, 102 Na-Mi Si.. Nev York. " Pnl np in 50 Pl.t SI Battles each. jSove-i ber fi. l86!.-6m. ivx trrival FALL KM) WINTER GOODS, David IjOiveiibrrg T NVn ES sfention to his finck of chean ' an. I fashionable clottiina at bis store or Main S ree, two doors above the 'Amer ican Hon"e,' where he ha a full as-ort-mf'it ot men and boy's wearing apparel, inclndinsr the mol fnhinntb!e GOODS, Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, ?ml Oil Cloth Coit of all sr-rts and size. Pants of all colors shawl, stripes and fianre vets, shirts, cra van, stock, collar", handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender- a'ul fancy ariirle N B He will also make to order any ar tide ot clo hina at very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing i mad- io wear, and mot of it is of home manufacture. r AVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsbnrg, pt. 25, 1861. ST. LOIIS HOTEL, CCEMNCT STRI ET, ABOVE THIRD IN the irnnediaie ieihborhood ol the Job bins House on - Market Third, and Chest nut Streets, the Bnk, Post Office, Mer clianis' Exchaiiff", &c. tic BOtRD PI II 04T S15Q. Areonimodauon when requued on ihe EU ROPEAN FLAN: Rooms from 50 rcm and upward. perds.v,nd meals at a Firt Class Kctch ant attach cd to THr Hotkl Priee aontin2 'o the BdU ot Fr. Ihe Hy Hr tke from any Mniio In ir(l-e loihf IIol I. Rr English, French, German and Spanish spoken. July 17,1861. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE nntterninrd would mo-i repeci lully announce to Ihe ciiizens ol Blo.nT brug and vicinity, that she hus jnst receiv ed Irom the eastern cities her fall nd WINTER JIILLIXERY GOOiiS, ait of whicfj she is prepared to niakeT- np and el1 at a very reawinahley low fivnitt. Her asor:nr.en: of eoo's are a lutW superior in point of dnrabi.'ity as well taftelulness, to any offered by her in ihi section heretofore. She returns thanks for the liberal patronage she has received, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the am.- MARY BABKLEY Bloomsbnra, Oct 9, 1H6I. . E. II. LITTLE. &i.- -Ota Fa. Office !u t'ourt Alley; formerly occupied by Charles R. Bnckalew. December 28, lS59.-tf. . CITATION TO THE HEIRS OF JOSEPH PAXTON, DECEASED. COLUMBIA COUNTY SS : The Commonwealth of Penn m ,y,ania " Catharine Paxton, Tl widow, Lloyd Paxton, John V5!? Sharpies and George Hushes, ''v Administrators, Briifht R I'axton of Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, Charlea R. Paxton, Benjiimin F. Paxton and Lloyd Paxton, of Columbia coun ty. Pa. Joseph R Paxton of Philadelphia, Mary intermar ried wnh George Seoit, of Colnmbia county children of the said Joseph Paxton dee'd., Charles Vastins, Joseph P. Vastine. Sarah Vasiine, and Huunah Vastine of Missouri Marv intermarried with W. Scott, of Norih.. co,Pa.,lary Ball and Sarah Ball.both of the city o.' Philadelphia, and both of whom art minor and have for thir Gnardian Riirh ard W. Dodson, Grand children ol tht said deceased. You and each ol you are hereby cited am commanded to be and appear in your prop er persons, before the judges of the Or phans Court of said county, to be holden a Bloomsburg. in and for snid county the firs Monday of December next, then and therf to answer Ihe petition of J. Frederick Pfah-. ler, letting lorih, that the said Joseph Pax ton in his lifetime to wit: on the first day ol April, A. D one thousand eieht hundred and sixty one, was seized in fee of and i i the following real estate situate in the said town ol CaitawiHsa to wit: nil those tbrmi town lots lying roniicuous to each other hiid marked, and numbered in the aenersl plan of aid town, forty nine (49) fiLy (50 arid filly one (51) comprising one square in the plan of Maul town, bein two hundred and leu feet ir. tengih and two hundred an 1 ten feel in breadth, bounded on the west by third Street, on i tie south, by south St , on the eat by al'ey, pndon the north by a i alley whereon are eiecied a tan yard, a frame fioute, siable and other out build inus, that being o peiZHd, the cant Joepi Paxton, did on or before the firM day .f April aforesriid, by a parol barirain or coi -tract Hgree to and wi'h your pe'itioner 1o ell and convey the said real Eiate wiih ihe appurtenances unto your petitioner in fre simple, and aUo the water riilM of ti e water, m the Spring run lor the use ol tfe sait tan yard. w same as enjoyed by tl e bkI Joseph Paxton, under his deed, fro n Jacoo Metz and Wife, dried 23d of Apiil H22, lor ihe cntisi lera'ioii ol two !houai d i.oiiar., ftx hundred ot which was paid o I tie Ihe said Jo-eph PhxIO i, on the iwenti eih day ol Ma) I t-t, and ihe balance i o be paid in two ears Irom aid laie wi h tu'erect. Thai your petitioner ready hi d willing to pay the balance ol the ail cm ideranoii money bn' that no sufficient pr -vi-ion tor ihe pertormanc ot the said har gain or cin rart appear- io have teen made tiy the -aid deceased, in h'-lile'ime thouj t. he whs well satisfied and ir tender" that the same should be coii-uinma'cd, that the -aid Court will be pleased to d-rree t ie specific perlormance of the contract as cording to the irite intent and meani iff tliereot n order to the completi'g ol l is liile according to ihe act of Assembly in such cae made and provided. Witness ihe Honorable Warran J Wood ward E-q., President of our said Court at Bloom-burg, the fourteenth day ol Septem ber A. 1. one thousand eijiht hundred a id sixty one. Jacob Eyerlv, Cl'k., O.C JOHN SNYDER, Sheiiff. Bloomsburg Ociober lt. 1861. lAt of ausi-, Ibr lc-c 1 Cyrus Ba-ion vs. Hiram O. Fowler, et al feigned isu. 2 T. WKahler. v Daniel Neyhard. 3 A'niltew Crevelitig. vs Andrew Mrtli;L Sr , ei al 4 P, li-.i Wirt'erseT, v Vale'ine V n tersieen. 5 Pi i lip Miller, admr. of baiali Si u niitn, v Jacob L Sh jman 6 Josepn Lock ard v- J Pennington. 7 E.ekiel Shuliz, v Jas. Pennmi'oii et al. 8. Jame-Shields,et al vs Isaiah Slmma i'- aitminiira!or 9 Richard B Menagh vj John (l'i2T to Hugh Thompson, et al vs Augustus B Pearce et al 11 Daniel F. Seybert vs A. B Pearce et al. 12 Henr) WelU vs (ieore Kif.ley. 13 Wilson Agr. v J.ep-i Patton. 14 Michael B Brown, et at vs Jam? J. Dull, ei al 15 Clinton D. Herring, et al v Danie' F. ev bert. 16 Mu'hael Focli-, vs Peter Campbell. 17 Thotna C. Rohi-o . vs Win Faosey. IK 'l' C fJobi-'on vi Wm. Faust-y 19 '1 homa-C. R'-b'iFon. vs Win Fausey. 20 Peier M Trau.'h. v Aaron Clayton. 21 .-aniuel Whi'aker v Margaret Sm h. 22 Nathan Tuylor. et al v- James,Cak'. 23 Frederick Dndy, vs Leonard Adrnin. 24 Cnarlts Tomliusoii, v Franklin Siw an, et al. graniTjckors " FOR TERM, 1861. Bloom Philip Eyer S Auston Ritier. Beaver William Schell. CaMawissa Jacob Gensel. Centre -Georae Feas, Wm. HotTman. Frar.klin Je&se Cleaver, Cliu;oii Men denhall. Fibin2creek Henry Bi'ienbender. Greenwood William Maitier. Hemlork John McRejnoIds. Jackon Iram Derr. Locn-t William Yeager. Madison Samuel Brugler. Maine John Grover. M llliM J"h(i Henler, Jacob Haitzel Orange Pnenias Brewer. Pit.e William Ka-hner. Scott John Kressler, Dn'l L. Everliart, William White. Shugarloal SamM Kitchen, John lewis jukors FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1861 B'oorn Jo-hua Fetierraian. Beaver Daniel (. Gearhart, Franklin L. Shii'iian Bor Berwick John McAnall, I avid Baucher. Br'iarcreek Jacob Bower, Frar.cis E'ans. Bentn -El'a McHenry. Caiiawis-a Will. am Jihn, Wm. Cr asy . Centre Sauu:e Creveling. Fishingcreek John Boston. John Hess, J tin Andrews, George M Howell, John Dre-her. Franklin Daniel Zirr. Greenwood Isaac D. Patton, John F. Moore. Lo.u st Lewis Lee, William Thtmas, Maihiai Persmg. Madison Silas Barber, Jacob Manning, William Kuchen. Mon'om-John Dieierick, Washiigton Bittenbender. Miffl ii Thomas Hicks. Ml. Paant Joseph R. Vandersli;e. Oranse David Achenbach. ' Poe -Thomas Harlin, Jacob Cbr itian, Hiram Shabz. Roaringcreek Daniel Levan. Scoil George Mack. Sogarloaf Jacob H- Fr'tZ. , ... THE v CELEBRATED ASHLiND MILLS WADDING, A SUPERIOR COTTON FOB. QUILTING. &cr lor sale cheap at the Cheap Cash More nt . ... . - . . ..v t : : hi T. SlURPLE SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD' JOIIIVS & CROSLEV'S AMERICAN I KJJIEYr GLUE The Strongesi Glue in the World. The Cheapest Glue in the World. The Most Durable Glue in the World. The Only Reliable Glue in the Woild. The B"si Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE li the the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. li WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, , Mend jour Hariiess,Siraps., Belts, boots &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle. , IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken ivery Fan, it is easily repaired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good a new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No maiter if thafbrok n Pitcher did not cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling eained. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will nev er show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE, CORAL, LAVA, AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Any aniele Cemen'ed with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show here H is mended - "Every Hcisekeepei should have a sup ply ol & Crowley's Cement Glue." A'tw Yotk Times. "It is so convenient to have in the hou-e." A'cwr York Exmets. "It is always reait ; this commends it to every body. ''-Independen'. "We have Iried it, and find it as ueeful in our house as water." ll'ilkes' Sprit of the Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $10.00 per. y ear saved in every Umiiy by One Bo:t- of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Pr.ce 25 Cet.:s per Bo'ile. Ji ice 25 Oiiis per Battle.. Price 25 Cents per B-n. Price 25 Cent- per Bottle. Price 25 Ceics per Boiile. Pi're 25 Cents per Bo.ile. Very Liberal Reduction to Wbole ' sale liuyers. T E RMS CASH. For Sale by all Druj;aist, and Store keeper jenerally throuyhmii the country. (S lie M-KiulaemrrO 7 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liheny street. NEW YORK. Impofiaut to Hone Owners. Liiportarit to Knilders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this mny content , and it concerns every body. JOIIXS 4- CKOSLEY'S IMPROVED GUI! A PKR:HA. The Cheapest ar.J most durable Kcnrii..g in use., IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied io N-iw and Old RjoU of All kinds, seep or Hat. an? to Shingle R-ofs i'hnnt removing the Shi-iile. THE f OST ISOL A f- OUT ONE-THIRD TH VT OF 1 1N, AN I) 1 ITS TWICE AS DURABLE. Thii ari'!e ha oeen ttio-onoly jn N-w York City and all part- of Ihe United S'ae. Canada, West Indie and Central and Somh America, on Building ol al! kind-, sik Ii a- Facioties Foundries Chnrch e Rail Road Depot. Cur-, and ori Public Riitldma-. generaliy, Government Idnl.linc. &., by ihe principal Builder, Architect and other, ilurin the pai f::r year-, and has proved to be ine CHEAPEST ami MOST DURABLE ROOFING m u-e ; it i m every re-pe.-t a fiire, water, weather and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALLKINDS. I'm is the OSLY matenol mnnvftetureJ in the Uiile-l Stales which combines ihe very ifesiiable properties of Elasticity and Dura bility, which are universally acknowledged to b- poss.ssed by GUTTA PEKCHA an. I INDIA RUBBER -iVa Heat is required in making appli cation. The exrene of applj ing ii is tttflmg. a an ordinary Roof can be covered and fvi. ished the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY" ANY ONE, end when finished lorm a pnecty Fi'e Proof S'nfice with an elaie hody. which cannot be injured by Heat. Cold or Storms, Shrinking ol Roof Boards, nor any external a:ti on w ha'evr. LIQUID CUTTA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coa iuil Metals ot all Kinds when ex poed to he action of the Weather and For Preserving and Jitpairing Metal Hoofs of all Kinds, This is the only Composition Known which will successfully resist extreme changes of climate, for any lenuth ol time. hn appbed to me'als, to which it adhere hrmly, lormin a body equal to three coats of ordhr am:, co-is o.uch len snd will LAST 1 II REE TIMES AS LONtJ ; and ironi its elaiiciiy is not inj ired ty the rn i iraciicti ol TIN and other METAL ROOFS, enn-equent upon suiiden changes of the weaiher. li will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Rools can t e readily repaired with GUTTA PEKCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from further cor-rn-ioii aiiA leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly water tight R ol or year. Thi CJeirieni is peculiarly adapted f'r the preerva'ion of Iron Railing", Sioves, Rail yes, Sas, A-jricnltural Impl-rnent, &c , al-o 'or eiieial iraiiii'actiirer n-e GUTTA PERClHi CKA1EST For pr-erv iii and rei'Hirini Tin an.! oiher Metal Root ar every description, born i:s great elaticiiy, i not injured by the con traction ami expansion ol Metals, auc will hoi crack in cold or run in arm weather. These materiaU are adapted to all fli ma es, and we are prepared to -supply or ders Irom any ran of country, at short uo'.ce. lor GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING m mil, ready piepared for ue, and GUPTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, wuh full printed directions tor application. A G EXTS WANTED. We ii" make liberal and tatvfuttory anange ments with responsible pti ties who toould i'ke to establish themselnes in a Lncrative and Perma nent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. . We can give abundant proot of all we claim in favor of our improved Roofing Materials, have applied them to sevtral thousand Roofs in New Yotk Citv and vi cinity. JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manufacturer, f Wholesale Warehouse 78 IFtlliam .V.t Corner oi Liberty Street. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Circnlars and Prices will be famished on i-n'-t-...,,.,- WILCOX & OIIIBS' Price with llemmer and Fellert $35 00. THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE UIORiTY PEl'ULIARY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and FdHng with a oingle I hread. It forms a neat, ever., and elastic seam, which is warranted not to rip in wear, even if the seaoi is col at Irequent intervals, and also under all circumstances "to survive the trastMuh " A Patented device of crea utility to learners, prevent the possibility of i tie ma chine being run :n the wrons direction, or the balance wheel wearinu a lady's dress. Another feature which deserves particu lar attention isESTHE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG Two thousard Stitches, or two yards of work, can be done in one minute without dropping a stitch. These Machiaes, so simple and accruate in their construction, supersede the ne of the shuttle; and with one thread produce al! the. practical resulis of the two thread 1 machine.: and more, for these fell without basting, and hem the finest musliu without puckering. Although at about half the price of the other first class machines, they will accom plish double the sewing in a given lime. "It is emphatically the good, low priced Family Sewing Machine thai the public hav long been waiting for." -Boston Tran script. "It is indeed a wonderfil production, and and for family use especially w no other will bear any comparison wi h it." Padadel phia Evening Journal." 'A mechanical wonder -Scientific Airier iccau. "Amonc the best and most serviceable Sewm2 machine. Liyhl and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction thai it seems almost impossible for it to gel out of repair." Pittsburg Chiotiicle. "Has combined with it own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvement of the higher priced machines." Pennsy I vanian. "Thi machine, in the opinior. of te cooioi'Mee, fills more nearly the require ments of a perlect famili machine than any on exhibition."' Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report ol 185S. "Tiiking in'" consideration simplicilv. cheapness, dirtili' V , and doing all work, the commit ee were nnanimoij in la-or o! the W i!cox & G'bb as a single threrd ma chine. " Penn- I vania S;ate Agncul.ural Siciet 's Report. "We must, in Juiiee, expre onr confi dence in Ihe merit of ihe Wilcox & G'hos Sewing Machine. We con-ider that a area : desidera-um has been supplied by it, in proving, he) ond coubl, thai two thread are not, a was supposed, neces-aiy to a yod in!-trn rneiii.' Christian Advocate and Jour, J'in 21, 1H60. "We have one id these machines in use, ard think more highly ot it than of anv ol ihe number we have tried.'' Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more ihan twemy different kinds ot Sewing Machine, and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibb' Patent, he ha purchased one of "bem as the best adapted o ihe wants of his family, and a ihe least 'itile to require repair. C LIVER CRANE. BoMor., J.ilv 3, 1860. The nndeisigried,turing eighteen month ha bad in almo' constant n-e, in his fam ly, Wilcox &: (Jibb Sewing Machine, np-n. vti-s h-.! b-et m -id - t'i i-i iSs cf f-i-Urge tami! from niosint I o pi lot lit u iticli'ding the cii't.'iing required 'or his sev eral boj; ard in inpn' have the seHin ftded, alii'O'igh in hard service. Tl-e Mia chine now in use in In-ta ha required no iear, ami is in all -p-pecis, well ap pointed, efficien' tid durable. JAi OB CIIH KERING. B ston. 1 Send l(ir h Cireniar.J J.IKn till liX. M.iiiut ci.npr. No. SOS Broadway, New Yotk, Opposite Sr. Nichola- Hotel. Au2iii 28. 161 ty. ui:gisti:ii's xotici:s. IOTICE i herebv giving to all legatee-, I'leill dl Other peis-iitix lliierestcit in the estates of the respective decedent and minors, that the following aduiini-tra lion and guardian accounts have been tiled in 'f.e ofhfri of the Register of C'tlnn.bia county, and will be pr-ven'ed forconfi'ma lion and allowance to ihp Orphan's Couri, to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county aforesaid, on Wedne-d-iy t'te 4 h da ot De cember next, at 2 o'clock, in Ihe aiiernoon 1. The first account of Jo..n Wenner, Adm'nisirator of ihe e-tate of Solomon Har man, late of Fishingcieek township dec ased. 2. The account of John KaifT, Guardian of the estate of Margaret Parr, a minor child of Jacob Parr, late ol Maine town Snip deceased. 3. The firM and final account of J hn Doak and Hi'am Walp Admin iftrator of tne estate cf Anthony Walp late ol Briar crek towftship, d;cea-ed. 4. The second account of William H Wood in, rie of the Exeoulor of Jared H. Young late o! the Borough of Berwick deceased- 5. The account of Philip B ver and Abraham Cooper Executor, ol the laM will and ietaneni ol Peter Shaffer, late ol Derry township deceased. 6. The aocount -of Knben Fahr;n;pf, Adminiirator ol theesKtaie ot Darnel HouVk late of Ritariiiacreeklwrp.. deceased 7. The account ol.vI)avid Shatfer, Guar dian of David one ol the hir of David Kocber, la'e of Bnarcreek lownsliip deceaed. 8. The first and final account of State B. M Yantz, Admiii'sira'or, d tf'P estate of Abr.ih.;m Stewart late of Mam twp, dec''. 9. Tti nccounl of Alviia Fler, Ad min s'ra rix id the estate rd Jiah Fowler, late ol Briarcreek iownhip decea-ed. 10. Tiie fir-t account of Crn- B Reekp AdiMfis'r&'or, ot Venats R-e-e, laie ol Hemlock township, deca-e . 1 1. Th" account ot Jo'i-i Sharpie, Ex ecutor of the last Will and le-tatnpnt ot EliZaoetn MilliarJ la!e ol Bloom township, deceaed. 12. The account of Samuel Applman and Jonn Lmon Administrator, of Samuel Lemon lateot Benton township dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Registkb's OrricK, ) Register. Bloomsburg Nov 6, 1861. J M SI. B K00XS Proprietor. lll'OOtlfttlUIM.. PA. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion ol the town, and op posite the Court House, his been ihoroushly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, leamsiers, drovers and boarders in the mont pleasant and agreeable manner Hi table will be supplied wnh the best the market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on harid, and his stabling is the most extensive in this section ol country. Omnibuses will, always be in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depotli GREENWOOD SEMINARY INI) COLOMBIA C6PNTT AT MILLVIl.LE, PENN'A. Important Additions ilu prorement? Autumn "t erm to Augat 1?, riMUS Instbution which ha been in sur -1- cessfnl operation for the past ten year' is about ui dergoing a very important ter ovation, in order io place it on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present laciliti. which are not surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern- Pennsylvania. Among the improvements will be a large three- storied budding wbicn will give much ad ditional room and stealer conveniences lor bnaideis ; a commodious hall for a lecture room and public exercises, convenient class room, a library and r-ading room contain ing a cabinet of minerals and euriositio, bath rooms, &e. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher and lecturer wdi be at the head of the, Board of Instruction, but the Principal will have the general superintendence of the institution and assume a share of ihe duties of teach ing. Regular lecliues will be dfdiveied upon various scientific subject, as well a up'on the theory and practice ol teaching, and a Normal Clas of young tnen and women who wi-h to qualify ihemstlves ior teachers' profession, will receive especial at'eniion and assistance. The course of Instruction in the school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the various branches ot a prac tical education. Ample provision will be made for the fciudy of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Phy-ics, and the Natural Sciences, by means ol suitable ap paratus, .ird for the sinfy ot the latin, U'eek. and Oerrnan language, to enable student to quality themselves for commer cial and sciKimfic pursuits, or io enter any cla at college. The conntty location of this Seminary in a plessant village, in a healthy and flourish in neighborhood, well known for the ele vated lone of its moral sentiment, and where the pupil are not surrounded by 1 those deriioialiK'iig influences, and temp tations lound in our t-i tes. larger toi,s and many oihr l"cali:ie, with no outside in fl'jences to divert their attention from liter ature anil ihe work of mental culture, pre. sent attractions and inducement to con ideraie pa'ei.l emulous students, seldom tout.d surrounding large bchool and acad emic. The Literary Society al-o, ore of the old est and best conducted in thi section ol coun-ry, presents an attractive feature and uelnl auxiliary, io a practical education. The improvement will tie under Ihe immediate charge of an efTii-jeiit Board ot Trustee, appointed by the Seminary Com party, end will tie completed in tune ior ttie Autumn term, to commence the 2di of August next. While thankful for pal pa'ronaje we wih lo merit a rotiMuuance ot iirnlar fa tors, and as we intend to include a bighei grade and wider range of instruction, we re-pectfi.Py solicit a careful examination into our facilities claims. Term. : Boarding, wa-nuig, tuition, lights and incidental expenses, for one quarier of eleven week, will be Thiry Dol jrs, one half pavable io advance ihe oilier half and all tuition bills will be expected j rompt M at tie expiration ol each quarter. l'ems : B larding, with furnished room,"one quarter 122,00 Tuision in common Englih branhce 5,00 i. .t i t including Mathematics and Book Keet ing b Di-oMh E i r 6 00 Tuition in La in, Greek, and German enlra po Wa-hmg, L'lihts and incidental ex- pen-e-, one quar er, 30 Those who desire to procure scholarhip or anei d by 'he ear, wd tie accommoda ted at a reasonable dii-couci, and studenis wisfiing to secure room should make pea onable application. For lurlher particular ad Ire WM. BL'K'.ESS, Princioal Millville. Penn'a. Gf.opgv M'-TERS, J K Kvks. 1 Dr. A. P Hki.lfr. Em.i Evks, Trutees BENJAMIN K. Evk. ) Mdlvilie, M m 29 Kol. tITA T I OTiTTlI C II El S OF PETE tl 11 ARIZ EL dexd. IS PROOF if conduct cth liemy H-itzd I tie ("oil! Miimi wen i h of Pen' :b:tX'. t slvria to H-or, ltaru-1, 11-' ei-ca Hr zei. E-i'ier iiiier- a'- ried witn I-aac Noer. P ter llai!zl Jacit Hart .el, ill ai. H.irtzel, Sarah intermarried wnu J o. Ft-h-er, ami El'Zit'eth Har z-l, ch Idreu and heirs ol IVier tlai ze decea-ed. You ami each of you are hereby command ed and ci'ed to be and appar in your prop er persons belore itie Judge of ihe Orphan' Court of said Coutn, to be holden a Bloomsburg in and for said county, the 1-' Monday of December next, then an I there io answer the petition of John Keiffer Ex ecutor of ihe lat will an I ieiamenl o Pe'er Har zell dec?d , setting forth ; that the saiit Peter Hartell in his li'etime io vii : in the tenth day ol April, A D., Oie ihouand eight hundred and filtv two, was e7.ed in fee ol utid in the ioiiowiug des cribed pla'it.iliou and aei ot land to tvtl All ilia: cer'ani plamaiioo and Iracl of Li.d irijate in Main town-hip atoreaid, adjoiia ing Imd- ot Jo-epti Harieli, Jacoh Shuar. Solomon Srinman. Maidda Jamison. Staa Jol-n. and oihers containing Ni'tty see-i Ace and tune peches more or le-s. that being so seized the said Pe;er Har zed, did by a bargain or contract in wiping binding himsell to sell and convey Ihe -ail toal e-iaie wnh the appurtenance unto hi son Henry liar'.-!! tor the consideration ol Nmeieeii hundred dollars, ihmeeu hundred do'iars ot the same io be paid in annual io j almein of one hundred and sixty four dollars. Ihe firt payment to wit: the sum of one hundred and sixty four dollar to be made in ne year alter the death of the -aid Peter Hrzell, and the said contract winch tea's iae on the said tenth day ol Apnl, A D IK52. funtier provided that the purchaser Henri Hanell should receive his deed for said Real E-tate alter the ma ing ol Hie firi payment, w.iich said pay- rr.enl has tieeo made o your petitioner, six ttundred dollar.- of said pnrchae money by the terms of said Contract wa lo retnaio it. ttie pfemies during .the life time of the wife of Peter Hr!.ell, the inerett on the same, lo be paid to hsr annoally and the principal io three equal annua! n slal.rient alter her death, but that no sufficient pro vision lor the peKo.fiiance of the aid bar gain or contract appear io have been made Oy ihe said decea-ed in hi lifetime though he was well sati-fi-d, and i'-tended that the same should be vou-uin moled. And tha the si'l Court will be pleased to' decree ihe specifio peiformance of :fie vaid co'uracl accoiding to the true intent and meaning thereof in order io the completing of ii litle according iq the act of Astembly in such case mule and provided. W:mess the Honorable Warren J Wood ward E-q., presi'ent of our said Court at Bloomsburg the Seventh day of September A. D., one thousand E'ghi bundre i and sixty on. J ? rvbiJUv jt-OEU-tfa. rO,.rL. LIFE TILLS & FBOENIX BITTERS, r I 'HESK MEDICINES bave now been Mr- fore he public lor a period of Thirty Years, arid dnnng that time bave n)aiDtind a high chaiaeierin almost every part of tb Globe, for their extraordinary end imme diate power ol fe'etorliig perfect hallb tt "persons suffering Under nearly every kiod of dieas to which, the human fr ana i liaMe. The foflowwrg are arnoij the distreaJof variety of umati iliea in which ihe - ?L(.BT4RLi: LIFE MtOICINCS Are well kiiou to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly leantIttr the first and second s'omarhes, and cr ting a flow of pnre, healthy bitv, instead of , th stale and actid kind: Haiol-Vie' Low ol AppetiteHeattbimr, Headache, Rewfesa nes. Ill-Temper. Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy,- which are ihe genet al ynji torn of Dyspepsia, v id vani'Mu aa a tost tliral cni:setp)eice of is cure. - COSTIVENESS. by cleansing te whof length of the iiitesiioes with a so'venv pro ce-s, and- w rthout iolence; all violent pur ges leave the bowel costive within two dny. FEVERS or all kinds, by retonng the blood to a regular circulation, ih'ongh the process of respiration i n such rases, and the thorough solution of all inteirtiaal ob struction in others. , The Lite Mei'icines hav been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently ir. three weeks, and GOUT in bait that time, bf removing lo al iofl.imat'on from ttie mus cles and ligxmen's of the joint. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and ireugthitig ;he kidney and bladder; Ihey operate mo-l delightfully bn these impor tant orRiis. and hence have ever bean found h certain remedy for the worst bases of GRAVEL. AUo WORMS, by riHodging from thu lurmnfc ol the bowels the slimy mauer to whb h tfiese crea'nre- adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, ai d INVETERATE SORES. b the perfect puinv wtiichthes LIFE MEDICINES give 10 iLe blood, shd a!! the humors. SCORHPTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, bv their alterative effect upon the fluids ibat feed die skin and the moibid state ol which occasions all emp ire complaints. skIIow , cloudy and trier disagreeable complexions The use ol these Pill- for a very fhort time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement id h- clearnes of the skin Cnmnvm Colds and Influenza will always be cured by otl dose, or by two ir. the worst cae. PILES The original proprietor of these Medicines, wa cured of Piles, 35 years s'am'ing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE.--For thi seberg of the Western country these Medicine will be foo'od a rae, speedy ami cei'ain remedy. O I er n ed'cincs leave the sys tem siit-j-cl tf a return ol the di-' use -a me bv ihe-e Med-cmes is permanent TRY THEM, te Sails fled and b Cured BILIOUS FEVERS aND LIVER COM PLAINTS (ieneral Dehi'ity. Loss ot sp peiiie, and Di-eases of Females -the Med cine have been use J wn!i trie most beo eficial results in cases of thi descriptinnr Knit's Evil, and Scrofula, in its worst forms ield 10 the mild yei powerful action of hese remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats Nervotj. debility. Nervous Complaint Qf al! kiod-j. Pal,dta'ion of the Heaft, Patn 'er' Colic, are sceeddj, cured. MERCURIAL DISEAS F.S.-Persbri s tv hose eonsliiuiioiis have t-ecmt impaired by the iitjiidtcion use of Mercury, wid fihJ these Mer ii-ine a 1 erfeci cure, as hoy never fail to eradica e Irom ihe system, all the etficisol Me enry, infinttetj sooner lhaa he mo-i powerful preparations of Sarstpa ri'Ia. Piepared and -c J tv W. B MOFFAT, 335 Brodwav, New York. TOR SALE 3V ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17 I 6 1 -1 r . V a U kiot .i:, MMfl. I.AV'Of-K, IMCnl'KlhTon, WYOMING. LUZERNE COU.vTY, PENN. fRlHE Proprietor re-peefully inform his JL fneruts and the potdx--enerallv thl he has taken charge of the Wyoming House, in U" village of Wtioiiig. ihe Railroad Depot ol that plyce, ari f ha filled it ,,uf po s to enier'atii Ootti trstefit jirtd perrha .'eiit ii tor in a -uitatde and comfortable manner. Hi- looms a'e spacious and airy n il not only calculated to add lo 'he cdnve i-iice and iirtlrt ol if,e traveling soinnitl tty, bn' al-o to ihfe who would seek a len-anf -ummer resort wiili families'. HIS TABLE will he -u.oo!'d with the best tie market n afford ; and hi PAR wdl be inrni-i.ed w ith the pures- liquor thai can be obtained. The proprietor will give his -X'du-ive a leniion 10 the comfort and con veii' ot hi tnest. ard is detef mined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank mong the firs' hotel in the Si i'e. The Proprietor hope that from his expe rience in ihe husine-s, and by Unremitting attention on hi part, combined with a judi cious -election ol the most careful and oblig ing servants, he may be entitled to ihe fa vorable consideration o! the ,ublc, and re ceive a literal share of their patronage. I tT Please give him a ca'l. and judge for ,.rPvK. A,nl 2. 1859. II ELK ON THE UCIRS CP GEO FEVSER VAN, Senr , DEC'D. COLUMBIA COUNI Y, SS: The Commonwealth of P-nn ,'v"'a ,f Joua Fetierman, fV vS Solomon Fe'ierman, Henrv F! terman, Georse F?tie'irJaii. Juo. 'J Feterma", Jonas Fetiefrnan, R-ubi-n Fe'terinan, re-iding in Lino county" Iowa, Catharine intermarried with Henry Harner, Sarah .tdermarriec with William Yea'jer, an t Elizabeth intdrmarriel will H.imi'ioi Fisher, children and heirs ot George Fererman sen., late of LoctJ-l town -hio, in mid county decea-ed. Vim un,t eii.-h of ton ure herehv coed and cOTinanded 10 be and appear in your proper perous before the Ju tge ot the 0r phaos' Court, at our Orphan-' Court. 10 be held at bloomsburg o;i the fist Monday of December next, then and it. ere to accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said G-urge Feitenr.ati, sen., deceased, at Ihe valuation place I upon it bv an inquest duly aw arded by the said Court, and returned by ttie Sheriff, or -how cause why the same should not le sol. I, and hereof fail hot. Witness 1 tie Honorable. Warren J Wood uan!, E-quire. pre-idem of our said Court a Bloooi-ourg, the 17th dav cf Septemher A. D. one ttiousai d eigtit hundred mid sixty one. Jacob Everlv, Cl'k O. C. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff R1onnbiirfT Oit'.oher 9 1 Rtil. $25; E3IPL0YMEXT ! $7:1 AGENTS WANTED! We will pay Irom ?25 to f75 per month, and all expense, lo active Agent, or gi. a commission, rarfcuiar seni iree. Ad dre Ehik Sgwikg Machisk Compavt. R JAMES, Ge- eral Age;i Milan, Ohio. Biooi.isbure, Aug. 21, 18t.l. FOR SAirEl