JSTAll OF THE NORTH,! Wednesday Earning, SovcafcerlJ, fSCt. REVIEW CF THE "JHAffUET. CaRKFCLLV COrfKKtrtD wkult WHEAT, 31 1'' RYE. .... .. .. 70 CORN, 50 OA!S. 3o BUCKWHEAT, oi FLOUR pr.bbl 6 00 CL0VERSEED.5 !0 BUTTER, 14 EGGS. 12 TALLOW, . 12 LAUD. . 12 POTATOES. 40 DIUD' APPLES", I 00 HAMS. 12 in day St r appears another letter - Irtni Cump CroVitan, ve&r' Huutiligdin " P. "( " TW WillfamVpbrt Silver Con. ef Btnd was .. attached to'Gen. Baker's brigade, but com ""pelled lo remain on the Maryland side of v the Potomac: d bring the bjule in whuh lie was killed. W are credibly 'informed' ihat, a boat load of lean passed this place, on Sunday last, bound for Harrisburg. We presuma they were purchased by the Government ' for oat Soldiers. Beans are plenty this' sea- aon. . A Patisc Bank The Wyoming Bank of this place has declared a femiannual divi dend of six per cent, out of tlie 'profits ' ol the last fix months' business. This is a large dividend for times like these. Luzerne Union. . ' - Thc Lewisburg Argus comes lo in again in its foil size. The ' publishers Had been ! issuing half sheets two a week. The Ar , gus is a spirited and high toned democratic pap?- ; Success lo ail soch independent journal. ' Governor Curtin gives notice that no par .'dons will hereafter be granted vithouldue notice in the county once a week for two 'consecutive weeks of the application, full notice to the District Attorney and consul tation With the Jude who presided at tLe trial. ! The RrrcRir Jvvots of Columbia County, ""met at the Court-House en Tuesday last, Tor the purpose of receiving and counting . the army vote, so far as this county is con cerned. The vote will be seen in another column. " Cajt R. J. .M'.LLihD of Stillwater, and A. BTate, of ihe HdKhk Gazette, are ei.- - gaged raiting a Military Company for the war, to be cal ed the 44 Ruckalilw Guard." They have already about forty name at tached lo their muster roil, with lair pros- -pecls ol receiving the sufficient number. TflkOTSTtR Man Emanuel Peters, of Danville, visits this place eery Wedns 'dayand Friday with splendid fresh Oysters J Peters has a libf rd run of custom in this j . place, as well as at Daf.ville, where he has been engaged in t!is business a number of year lo t e satisfaction, we are informed, j ""of all who patronized him. He sells by the , quart, caa, or otherwise, at prices to au.t the times.' The Exchhscs Hotel, at this p'ace has? undergone a thorough rerairi.is "especiat'y . the bar-room. That portion of li.e toildirg j " has received new tioor, new siding. t.ew j . paper, and new bir wi'h new future.. ' presents a splendid appearance. Mr. Koch, I the proprietor, is a inan of lmp?o e r.ent-. ' Tbia house is calculated, a:;d should do a good b'ifiiness. It is the leading house of the place. Stghnkr and Fcx, of the Bakery at this place, -have engaged themselves it. ihe Oys- j" ter business. They are prepared to snpp y our citizens with good fresh Oysters a litile "cheaper than can be had of any other per son. They will wait opoa our citizens - every Wednesday and Friday, and all who wih anything in the "oysfer line ca- be ac commodated upon the most liberal terms. .'Give them a trial. Protracted Meetixg. We learn that the Baptist Congregation of this place,under the 'pastoral charge of Rer. A. B Still, propose holding a series of protracted meetings in "their church edifice, commencing on Sun day evening next. Rev. A. F. Shanafe't, of , White Hall, this county, has consented to i assist in these exercises, and is expected to r preach every evening daring the coming "week, commencing on1 Monday night, the Ilth inst. Mr. iftanafel:' is an excellent preacher and, revivalist. The public are cordially invited to attend Danville InlelU gtnur. , : , - - Kitw Com jiission'er -The newly e'ected Commissioner of thi& county was ensialled -in office on Tuesday last. That person was Charles H. Hess of MIfiiinviile. He is "successor of George Miller, of Maine town ship vho has served three year's and made a tolerably good. Commissioner. Air. Mil lar is none of yfotir shrewdest of men, but jdst smart enough to "gbard the interest of the connly with a good deal ot ,'care. Mr. Hess has the ability to make an excellent 'officer, and "with bis business tact com bined with his large ekepe'rience and knowl edge' of our county matters we have no .doubthe w";ll prove an efficient and diligent functionary. . ....... . ' . Caitawissa KailroaO We have receiv--fed anew lime table for this road, issued on ibe 3d inst. The mail train c'oingsbuth is doe at Rupert, by this schedule, at 10.55 A.M.. The mail and passenger train Iron! Philadelphia, northward bound, -arrives at Kuper at 3.44. This i!l be the winter arrangement. The Lack, and Bioomsbhrg '.Road rnuke concections with this, road lot Fiviadc!fih'ia and other points. This; if. a change in the management of these roads hstt we think will prove of some benefit id th sriTciing public as well as to tia profit of ? tTerent companies concerned. These a j rod a-"l ro&Js atu! shbuU AYEE'S Sarsaparilia FOE PUEIJTYSJQ THE BLOOD. AuJ for die speedy cure of tbe f'lloin cumplaliit : Scrofula and Scrofulous A lTrt loiis.Hiich as U'ltmorai, Ulcers, Kruptlvm, Piihplea, Pustules, ltlutvliea, lloiia, lilaiuat, ud all bk.iu AJlscas. . Oakiasd, Ind., CtU June, 185P. J. C. Arm 1 Co. Gents: I tel it my duty to ac-M.-OOM K-ilB what jour NiH.ariilti lius douo fur n. llavin :ulieilte a Sk-iufuluHi infection, I have auft'eml from it iu Tnrioua waya for jear. .Sometimes it burnt out in Ll.'ers on my Iiaqda and aima; Bometiiuea it turnjj luward and distressed uie ut the stotnacb. Two yeara ago it broke oat oo my head aud cover-- J my scaip and enia with one sure, which waa p.thifut and loathsome beyond description.. I tried inaDy medicines and several , physi.-iana, but without much relirfrom auy thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I waa rejoiced . to read in the Uos-pel Messenger that ou had prepaid an altttrative (iiarenparilia), Cr 1 kuew from your repata tiou tlit any thinj? you made must be jrood. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and osed it till it cured me. I took it, as you advice. In small dose of a teaspoonful over month, and uned almost three bottles. New and healthy kin euon begun to form under the scab, which after a while fell off. My skiu is now clear, and I know by my feelings that tbe disease has cone from my aystein. You can welt believe that I feel wliat 1 am saying when I tell you. that I hold yon to be one of the apoetljs of the age, and reiuuiu ever gratefully. , Yours, ALFRED Bi TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Roi or Erye!ieln, Tetter ana Salt Rheum, Scald Ilead, Ringworm, Sore Uyes, JDropiy. Dr. Ttolwrt M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th . Sept., 1S&9, that he has cured an inveterate cose of lrepty, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering nse of our Saraaparillu, aud also a dangerous : Malignant Erysiptlat by large doses of the same; says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronthorele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prpei-tj Texss, writes s " Three bot tle of your Sarsaparilia cored raa from a Goitrt a hid eous. swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years." Xicncorrliora or Whites). Ovarian Tumor, ' Uterine Ulceration, female Disease. Dr. J. B. S. Channlng, of New York City, writes j " I most eheerfully comply ith tbe request of your agent in savin? I liave found your Sarsaparilia a most excellent alterative In the numerous complaints for which we employ snch a remedy, bnt especially in fWna PittnteM of the Scrofulous diathesis. I have cured many inveter ate rases of l.euronliopa by It, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The nicer, atfon itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge equals it for these female derangements." iOdward 8. Marrow, of Newlmry, Ala writes, " A dan gerous otarian tnnwr on one of tlie females in my family, . which had defied alt the remedies we could employ, haa at lent th been completely cured by yonr Extract of Sar saparilia. . Our j'hyiieiun thought nothing tint extirpa tion could aft'urd relief, but be advised the trial of your Sarsaparilia as the litut resort before cutting, and .it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eiht week no symptom of the diwase remaii:. , , . Sj'pullia and Mercurial Disease. New Orlfaks. 25th August, 159. Da. J. C Amu: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re- auest of your seent. and report to ynu some of the ellects I hxve realised with your S.irsaprllla. . I havecurel with it, in my practice, most of the com plaint for which it is recommended, and have fmnd it eiTecrs truly wonderful in the exuo of Ytnerenl aud Mer eurii'l Pitt-is. One of my patient bad Syphilitic nicer tu hi throat, which were consuming Ida palate and the top, of iii mouth. . Your Sarsapurilla, steadily taken, cured him iu five weeks. Another waa attacked by sec- , ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. lint it , yielded to my administration cf your Sarsaparilia; the Ulcer healed, and he is well again, not of course without some uUtiguration to ids face. A woman wbo had been . treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison iu iter boues. They bad become so sen- . itive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciatlua; pain in her joint and bones, the, too, wa cured entirely by your Sarsaparilia in a lew week. I know from it formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your lulmratory must l-e a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised rue. Fraternally your, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint lDpit.ND.vcr, Preston Cc, Va.. 6th July, 1859. Bit. J. C. Aver: Sir, I have beon atllicted with a pain ful chrouic li'.'.cumjtism for a long time, which battled tbe skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the .remedies 1 could find, until 1 tried your Sarsaparilia. One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than bef re I waa attackud. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. FUEAM. Jnles Y. Getchell, of St. Lcuift. writes: I have leen afflicted for years v.iih an afftriimnf the Liter, which destroyed my health. I tried every tliintr. and every thing failed to relieve me; and 1 have been a broken-down man . for some years from no other cause than derangement of the. Lirer. Jly beloved pastor, the Itev. lr. Kspy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilia, because he said he knew yon, .and any thins you made was worth trying. By the bleas iug of (iixl it has rut ..i iae, and has so purified my blond :as to make a new man uf me. I fori young again. The butt tint can be said of you is not half good enough." Scltirru, Cancer Tnmors, Enlsrrmtnt, Ulceration, Curled aud Kxfoliatlou of the Hones. A grpat vaiiety of cases liavelwnn reporfsd to vm where ctifs if I !. liiriiiidi'di; cir.;r.-.ii' ts live ren!ted from the use of ibis ra,,i:.!y, 1.:; rar space here r ill not admit them. Seine r.f them may ht .'otind ii or.r American Almanac, which the agents l!..w cauej are pleated to fnrniah gratis to all who call for them. Dytxiepntn. Itrnrt T!-ica, Kit, Epilep sy, lelanciioly, Mruralgla. . Many rvniatkabie cures of thojw aflertion have been made by tlie alterutive pov.er of this ir. ii' ine. It slimn lates tlie vital functions into viToiw action, and thu overeonien tliHnleni thi--h would le supposed beyond it reach. Such a ien; ly !;.i-s long beep riiired by the ne-cetwiU- s ;" the pie, :tiid .re are confident that Uiia will for them all that mo Jkine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOIt THE RAPID Cl ttE OF Congha, Cold, Inlciiza, IIorcneg, Croup, Hronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, aud for tlie Relief of Consumptive luilcnt In utivMiifil StA.es of the Diicskt-. This t AT.edy so 'iiiivep-aMv known to rorpa?s any other for the cue "of tlircat and lung complaint, that it is uaeieKH her to publwh the evidence if its virtiw s. 1 1 nnrivailcd excellence for roughs end colds, and its truly wondwful cures of pulmonary tlisease, have made , it known tbrongliout the civilized nationa of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, smone them who have not some personal experience of its fleets some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorder of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects cf this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it haa now all the vir tues that It rlid have whn making the cores which Lave won so strongly opon the confidence cf mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Kass. SHERIFF'S SALES. DY vinue of several writ ol Venditioni Exponas, lo rne directed, issued out of ihe Court of Common l'lea of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Blooms bnrL'.rn SATURDAY, THK 30th DAY OF NOVEMBER, l-6l,at one o'clock in the afiernoon, the ' following property to wit: All lhat certain Lot of Ground riiuaie in Light Street, Scoit low'nhip, Columbia couniy. . I'enn'a., bounded ahl described a- fnliows, to wit: o;i the E-tet by Main Street of said town, on the North by lot of Samuel Haenbuch, on the -Weit by an Alley antl on ihe South by an Alley, con taining one third of an acre, be the eame more or lest, whereon are erected a one and a htlf Mory frame dwelling house a frame 001 kitrnen a IdVsre Irame tabl and other out buildings with the appurtenance-. Seized, lakn in execution and to be sold as the property ol James Raniz. A L'sO: ; At the same tim ami place, all that cer tain lot or patcel of ground situate in E ptown, Scott towohhip, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded, apd dectirtpd a tollowe-, lo wit: on iheSnuih by Mam street of taid town, on the Wet by l'9belons ing lo the Heirs of Elizabeth Creveling dee d., on the North by an Alley, and on the East by a lot belonging lo the Estate ot Fowlr and CreveJim. Ii beina.ihe one half of Lot No. 9 in said town Contaiii tng fort) feet ir front,, and one htndred and fevenly-three and one-fourth (eel in depth, whereon i elected.; a. two story frame dwelling house wiih the appurtenan ces." - Seized, taken in execration and to be sold as the property of laar. MrKatnef . JOHN SNYDEK, Sheriff. ShenfT'a Office. Blobt'nsborg, Oct. 30, 18(5!. Tine -: CELEBRATED, ASHLAND MILLS WADDING, A SUPERIOR COTTON FOIt QUILTING, ice: for sale chetp at the Cheap Cash Store of - ; c " ::-'" ' ' - 1 r. SII AUPLES. r.ir omsbnrg, October Ho, 1861 f ' ; ilyer's Cathartic PUls. . J031ETHIXG FOR THE TIMES , A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! JOHNS & CKOSLHY'S AMERICAN tEMENT GLUE The Strongest Glue in the World. The Cheapest Glue in the World. The Most Durable Glue in ihe World. The Only Reliable Glu in the World. The Br-i Glue in the World. AMERICAN' CEMENT CLUE la '.he the only article of the kind ever produced, which WILL WITHSTAXD WATER 11 WILL MEND WOOD, , Sae. our broken Furniiure. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend )onr Harnest,Ftran!. Belts, booie tic . '. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save il,e pieces ol that expensive Cut Glasi , . Bottle. . ,., IT WILL MEND IVORY, Doti'i throw away that broken ivery Fau, it h easily repaired. . , IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Ct'ina Cups and Saucers can be made as good a pew. IT WILL M END MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mamie "can be pn on a Mrono as ever. IT. WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No maiter if thai btok n ' Pitcher did no' coal bul a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly AlabaMer'Vaee is broken and you can'i match ii, menu: it, it will nev er show when put looether. IT WILL MEND BONE, CORAL. LAVA AND IN FACT EVERY THING BUT METALS. Anyarii-I Cemenied with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show vihere it id mended "Every Housekeeper should have a sup ply of John & Crotdey's Cement Glue." Jitvt'Yotk Times. "It is so convenient to have in the hou-e." iVtu York Exwess. . i 'It is always ready ; this commends ii 10 every body." Independent. ''We have tried it, and find it "as useful in our- house as water." Wilkes' Sprit of the Times ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $10.ti0 per year saved in every laiitily by One Bottl of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cer.'.s per Boule. Ptice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cetns per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Botile. Price 25 Cenis per Bottle. Price 25 Cenfs per Botile. Very Liberal deduction to Whole sale Buyers. TERMS CASH, ksr"" For Sale by ail Druoojets, ami Store keepers jierifialiy throuuhnut ihe country. JOllIYS & ClaOSLCV, (Sole Manulaclumrs.) . 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner ol Liberty street. NEW YORK. Important to Houe Owners. I:i;pottnt lo Builders. Itr.pottant to Rail Road Companies. Imrottant to Farmers. To Glivchovilh'iSiniyeomern, and it concerns every body 'JOHN'S 4-fK0SLEr$ IM I ROVED GUI J A PEKCHA. Ttie CtieapeM at.d rriOTl durable Kootiing In ue.- IT IS FIRE AND WATER PR OOP. It can be aj plied lo Nw and OLI Riots of AM kinds, steep or Hal, and to Stimle R'tots i hri'i removing the Shitiales.. THE COST ISONL. AVOUT ONE-1HIRD THAT OF TIN. AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. Thi aric'f has been ihoroualv letd in N".v York City ami all parts of the United Sta es, Canada, Went Indies and Central 11 it d Sonih America, on BuiMin ot all kind-, su h .i Factories, Foundii-s Church es. Rail Roa-.l Depots, Cars, and on Public Building ueiierally, (ioverimeiit Buiiditis, &f., by ihe principal Builders, Architects and others, during the pat four years, and has proved to he the CilEAFEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING u it; it i in every respe -l a tiire, waier, we ttri-sr and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. 7fn is le CXLY material nianvj ictmed in the Uni.el Statu ihi?ti f-'mbtnes the very tsirat le r,.eflies oi Elasticity it.d Dar t' Litity, which are universally ark nowleded to posse pser by GUTTA PEUCHA anJ INDIA RUBBER. Ao Ihat is required in raaJiwg cppli culion. The expense of applving ii is trifling, as an ordinary Koof em be? covered aud 1 1 ta -isheil the some day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY" ANY ONE, k rid wfje.i finished tonris a perfectly Fie Proof surf ice with an e'ass :c hody. which cannot te iojnreil by Hent, Cold or Storms, Shrinking ol Roof Boards, nor any exierual acti on ha'pv.r. LIQUID CUTTA PERCH A' CEMENT. For Coa ing Metals ol ad Kinds when ex posed to 'he action of the Weather mil , For Preserviu and Jitpairing '.Metal J(uoJ.i of all Aintls. This is ihe ot.ly Composition Kiown which will successfully resist ex'reme changes of climates, for any length of time, when applied lo me'aU, to which it adhere? firmly, terming a body equal lo. three- coats of ordinary airi!, cosis much les. an I will LAST .'IHREE TIMES AS LONG ; and Irorn ilf elasticity is not injure. I by th enn iraciion of TIN and other METAL ROOFS, con.-eqnent upon sudden changes tf the tveai her. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Rools nan te readily repaired wiih GUTTA PEUCHA CEMENT, ard prevented from furme r cor rosion ann leakini, thereby ensuring a per lecily water light Rnof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted 'or the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ran ges, Sales, Agricultural I in pie merits &c., also lor ceneral manufacturers ue. G VTTA PER CH.1 CEMES T For preserving and repairing Tin and other Metal Roofs or every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by tht- con traction and eipansion ol Melals, at c will not crack in cold or run in warm we tther. These material are adapted to all cli maies, and we are prepared to sopj ly or ders from any part of the country, af short no'ice, for GUTTA PERCHA ROOFING in roll, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT in barrels, wi b. full printed directions lor application. . AGENTS WANTED. - IVe will make liberal and $atifutory a range menu with responsible pit ties tcho woul I ike lo establish themselnes r'tio Locralive aud perma neut business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give- abuadaot prool of all we claim in favor of our "improved iiuofitig Materials, have applied them to several tboosaod Roofs in New York Cily and vi cinity; JOHNS & CKOSLEY, Sole Manhfact ireis. 'lFhotesak'Varehou$e'i& tFillum St., Comerol Liberty Sirett. NEW YORK. Full descriptive Ctrcnlars arid Pri :ec will be f.irnished oi application..: Ociober IS, 11. fv. ' Price with Hemmer and Feller, $35 00. THiS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SUPE RIORITY. PECULIARY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and FU'ing icith u Single Tfiread. It forms a neat, ever.,1 and elastic seam, which is warranted not lo rip in wear, even if ihe seam is cot at frequent intervals, and also tinder ail circumstances 'io survive the wash-lub " ; A Patented device of great , utility lo learners, prevents the possibility of the ma chine beit.g run :n the wrong direciion, or the balance wheel wearing a lady's) dress. Anot her feature which deserves particu lar attention iE5THE WILCOX PATENT NEEDLE CANNOT BE SET WRONG Two ihousat.d Stitches, or two yards of work, can be done in one minute without dropping a stitch, . These Machiaes, so simple and accruaie in their construction, supersede the use of the shuttle; and wiih one. thread produce all the practical results of the two thread machines; and more, for these leil without basting, and hem the finest muslm without puckering. Although at about half the price of . ihe o'her firM olass machines, they will acrom-plt-ih double the sewing in a given time-. ,rlt is emphatically ihe good, low priced Family Sewing Machine that the public bain loiijj been wailing for." Boston Tran script. 'Tt is indeed a wonderful production, and and for family use especially, no older will bear any comparison wi'h it." Padadel phia Evening Journal." . 'A mechanical wonder.' Scientific Amer iccan. "Among Ihe best and mosi serviceable Sewing machines. Light, and elegantly finished, and so simple in its construction that it seems almost impossible for it to get out of repair." Pittsburg Ctuonicle. "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the higher priced machines." Pennsyl vaniau. , ."This machine, in the opinion of the-j committee, , it. is more nearly the require ment of a perteel family machine Ihan any on exhibition."' Franklin Institute Exhibi tion Report of 1858. "Taking inio consideration (iropliciiy, cheapness, durability, and doing alt work,, the commit'ee were unanimous in favor ot the Wilcox & Gibbs as a single ihrep d ma chine." -Pennsj lvania State Agricultural Society's Report. We must, in justice, express our confi dence in the merits of the Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine. "We 'consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond coubl, thai two Kneads are not, as was supposed, necessary to a good instrument." -Christian Advocate and Jour nal, June 1, 160. "We have one o( these machines in use, and think more highly of il than of any of the number we have tried." uichmonu VVj.ig. The undersigned," Missionary to Constan tinople, has examined more ihan twenty different kinds of Seeing Machines and after some six weeks' experience with Wilcox & Gibbs' Patent, he has purchased one of '.hem as ihe best adapted to the wanls of his familj-, and a the last liable to require repair. CL1VER CRANE. Boaton, July 3, 1360. Tlie undesigned, during eighteen months has had in almost constant ne, in his fam y, Wilcox & Gibhs Sewing Machine, tipn which has been, made .the rlthes -f his large family --f rum muslin lo pilot cloth including the clothing required lor his sev eral boy; and in t 0 case have the seams failed, although in hard service. The ma chine now in use in his family ha required no repair, and is in all respects, well ap pointed, -fiicienf and durable. JACOB CHIC KERING, Boston. riTSerid lor Circular. JMES Ull.i'iiX, tUntitacturer. No. 508 Broadway, New York, Opposite Si Nicholas Hotel. August 28, 1861. ly. RULE OS THE HEIRS CF GEO FETTER MAN, Senr , DECD. COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: Hj. The Common wealth of Penn- iterinan, tfr;i;ry I'ei- e Feiterman, Jno. ,, r rttri'iis::, juuo cur i man, t-... I L'.... ... .... Reuben Fetterinan, residing in Lin;i county Iowa, Catharine imerrnarried with Henry j Uarwer, t-arah iitierniarnec wi.ti wuiiam Yeaser, and Elizabeth intermarrie I with Hamilton Fisher, children and heirs ot (Jeore Fet'errnan sen., late of Locu.-t town ship, iu said county decea-ed. You and each of you are hereby cited anJ commanded lo be anl appear in your proper persons before the Judge of the Or phans' Court, at our Orphan' Co'irt, lr be held at Bfoomsburg on the tiist Monday ot Decefnber next, tfieii and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said George Fetterinan, sen., deceased, at the valuation placed upon it bv an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and relumed by the Sheriir, or show cause why the same should not be sold, and hereof fail not. Witness ihe Honorable Warren J. Wood ward. Esquire, President of our sail Court al Bloomsburg the 17th day :f September A. D. one thousand etghi hundred and sixty one. Jacob Eyerly, Cl"k O. C. JOHN SNYDER, Sherif. Bloomsburg. October D, 1861. IVew AiTivnl or FALL AXD 1VIXTER GOODS, David Lotvciibcrg T NVITES afention lo his 6tock of cheap and lashionable clothing at his store on Main Street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, :ucludiu ihe most fashionable I) 11 13 S S G O O I) , Box, Sack, Frock, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coat of all sorts and sizes, Pauls oi all colors shawls, tdripes and figure vests, shirts, cra vats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy article. N B. He will also make to order any ar ticle ol clotting at very short notice and in the best of manner. . All his clothing is made to wear, and most of il is of home manufacture. " DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, Sept. 23, 1861. NEW .GOODS!! For Fall and Winter JUST' RECEIVED FRESH FROM PHILADELPHIA, AND FOR SALE AT L T. SHARPLESS' CHEAP CASH STORE, Great; inducements to cash Customers: W 'r S r jjfl Aks Cj c -f.VVf . Solomon Feu lrman, Geor? GREENWOOD SEMINARY AND COLUMBIA COONTr . AT MILLV1LLE, PENN'A. Inportant Additions Sl Improvement? Autumn Term lo ommeuce August 1? FpHIS Institution which has been in 6ur J- cessful operation for the past len yearr , is about undergoing a very important rer -ovation, in order to place it on a more sta ble basis than ever, and present laciiiiies which are nol surpassed by ordinary Acad emies in Northern Pennsylvania. Among ,lhe improvements will be a large three storied building which will give much ad ditional room ami uieater coti venienres (or boarders; a commodious hall for a lecture room and public exercises, convenient class rooms, a library and reading room contain ing a cabinet of minerals, and curiosities, bath rooms, &c. An experienced and thoroughly qualified classical teacher and lecturer will be at the head. ol 'the Board of Insiruclion, bul the Principal will have the general superintendence of the institution an J assume a .share of ihe duties of teach ing. Regular Iectuiea will be delivered upon various scientific subjects, as well as upon ihe theory and practice ot leaching, and a Normal Class of young men and women wfio wish to qualify themselves ior teachers' profession, will receive especial attention and assistance. The course of. Insiruclion in ihe school will be thorough and systematic, calculated to embrace the tarious branches ol a prac tical education, Ample provision will be made for the study of the higher Mathe matics, the elucidation of Phyics, and the Natural Sciences, by mean ot suitable ap paratus, ar.tl lor ihe 6iudy ol ihe latin, Greek, and German languages, to enable students to qualify themselves for commer cial and scientific pursuits, or to enter any class at college. The connliy locaiion of this Seminary in a plessant village, in a healihy and flourish ing neighborhood, well known for ihe ele vated lone of its moral sentiment, and whero the pupils are nol surrounded by ihose demoralizing influences, and temp tations found in our cities, larger owns and many other localities, with no outside in fluences to divert their attention from liter ature and the work of mental culture, pre sents attractions and inducements to con siderate parents emulous students, seldom found surrounding lare schools and acad emies. The Literary Society also, ore of the old est and best conducted in this section of country, .presents an attractive feature and useful auxiliary, to a practical education. Tha improvements, will te m.iler the immediate charge of an efficient Board ol Trustees, appointed by the Seminary Com pany, ami will lie completed in lime for the Autumn lent:, to commence the 12th of A ugusi next. While thankful for pat patronaje we win to merit a coiuinuance of similar fa vor, and as we intend to include a higher 'grade and wider range of ins'.rnciion, we respectfully solicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. Term: Boarding, washing, tuition, !iaht and incidental expenses, for one quarter of I eleven weeks, will be Thirty Dot ars, one j half pavable in advance ihe o;hr half; and all tuition bills will be expected prompt ly a' the expiration ot each quarter. l'em : . B larding, with furnished rooms, one. . quarter S22,00 Tuition in common English branhees 5,00 ti it t including Mathematics aid Book- Keeping by Double Entry Tuition in Latin, Greek, and German exlra Washing, Liaht and incidental ex- 6 no 1 0 pea-ies, one quarter, 3,00 Those w ho desire to procure cho!arhips or aMend by the year, will be accommoda ted at a reasonable discount, and students j w ishing to secure room? should make sea- j sonable application. For further particulars ddr WM. BURGESS, Prirwioal Milivide, PenliV GeoFGF MTK?tS, J. K. Evk.s. ) Dr. A. P HrLLKR. Ellis Evts, Trustees. BkNJAMlN K. Eves. Millville, May 9. 1861. NEW XAH0.AL LO W, Seven and Three-Tenths Per Tent. tki:a;i:y ivotk. !Now UtuU) l-r i)f livery ut I be I'fSce CF JAY COOKE & CO.. BANKERS, No. 114 South Tt.ird Street rhiladeiphia. Pursnard to instructions from the Secre tary of ihe Treasury, the Snscriptio'i Book to ihe NEW FATIONAL LOAN ot Treasu ry Note-, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-!enths per c-nt. per auuen , will remain ope i at n.y otlic. No. 1H S. THIRD STREET, until further notice, from 8 A M. till 6 P. M ai.d on Monday (ill 9. P.M. These notes will t e of ihe denomination of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and are all dte.i 13ih ct August, 1861, pavab.e m gold, in convertible into a twenty three years, or years' six percent, loan, at i!h o;tion the holder. Each 1 reasury .Note has mter- est coupons attached, which can be cut ell and collected in gold a; the Mint every siy months, and at the rale ot one cent per dax on eiich fifty dollar. Payments of subscriptions may be made . .... fit i ... ... - c .. ..I . 1 111 tiotii or unecKs, or tioie- oi Jny oi me Philadelphia Banks. Parties at a distance can rptnit by their (reinds, through the mail, or by express, or through Banks, and ih Treasury Notes will be immediately delivered, or sent to each subscriber as they may severally di rect. ,. Parties remmitting most add the interest from the 19th ot August, the da'e of all the notes, to the day Ihe remiilaece rache Philarfelyhia, at the rate of one tent per per day on each fifty dollars. Aoolv to or address JAY COOKK, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Care ot JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers. No. 114 Siuth Third Street Phi ladelphia. Ociober 9, 1861. lm. . Auditor police. Estate of Thomas Conner, deceased. THE undersigned, appointed by the Or phan's Court of Columbia county, an audi tor to distribute ihe funds in ihe hands of John Conner, Trustee &c, of Thomas Con ner, la'e of Greenwood township, in said County, deceased, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent according to law: will attend at. his office in Bloomsburg, to perform the duties 3f hs appointment, on Friday .the 8th day of Noveraber. A. D. 1861. And all persons having any claim on the said funds are re quested to make known the same to the Auditor on said day, or be forever debar red from coining in for a share ol the said fund. ": v ' . ' . ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor'. LIFE PILLS & PHOENIX BITTERS. riMlESEMEDIClNES have now been be V fore the pub'ic tor a period of Thirty Years,, and during thai time have rnain'ait ed a high chaiaclerin almost every pari of Hie Globe, foi Iheir extraordinary and imme diate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering umW nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the dislresoiny variety of human diseases in which the rc-jF.TAiti.:: Lirt: mi-jdicixus Ate well kno.vn to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and seroud siotuaclies, and crea ting a (low of pure, healthy l ile, instead of the stale and acrid kind: Flatulency, Loss of Appetiie Heailbntn, Headache, Resilesj. ness, Ill-Temper, Anxiety, Lat.siuor, and Melancholy, which are the geneial yrnp lom of D spep.-ia, ill vartish, as a nat tural consf qnrnce of iis .'ure. tOSTIVENESS, by cleansina the whole length of the intesiines w ith a so'veni pro cess, and without v iolence; all violent pur ges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiraiioti i n such cases, and tne thorough solution of all iutettirictl ob struction in olliers. The Life Medicines hav been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, and GOU L in half that time, by removing local ii;fl.imntion (rom the mus cles nd ligaments of ihe joints, i . DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these impor tar.t oraans. atid hence have ever. beu found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of ihe bowels the slimy mailer lo w hich these creatures adhere. , SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORESrby the perfect put ity which these LIFE MEDICINES give lo ihe blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative elizct upon the fluids ihat feed ihe skin, and the moibid statu of which occasions all erup ii e complaints, sallow, cloudy and other disagreeable complexion". The us of ihese PiiN for a very f-hoft time will f fleet an entire cure of SALT j RHEUM, and a .striking improvemei.t in I 'If c h arness of the skin Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one j dos, or by two ir. the worst cases, i PILES The original proprietor of hese I Medicines, was cured of Piles, 35 years I standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE. For ibis scourge ' of the Western couniry. ihese Medicine- will beiouud a sale, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the diseae a cure by these Medicines is permanent TRY THEM, I e Satisfied and be Curd. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS. GeiicrarDebi'ity, L.oss of ap petite, and Diseases of Females the Med icines have been uej with ihe most ben eficia,! results in cases of this description: Kings Evil, and Scrofu'.a, iu its worst forms y ields to ihe mild yet powerful action ol these remaikable Medicines. Ntjht Sweats Nervon- ilebility, Nervous Complaints of al! kind?. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain ters' Colic, are speedily cured. A IERCUR1AL DIS E A S F.S.-Pe rs o n s w h ose constitution have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find ihese Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradica'e from the sysiem, all the etltctsof Me-cury, infinitely, sooner than tlie moi powerful preparations of Sarsapa rilia. Prepared aud sold by W. R MOFFAT, 335 Bmdwav. New York. FOR SALE Br' ALL DRUGGISTS. April 17, lS61-ly. v. OF C22-C2D Clears 2 OF ALL KINDS, at J. Ri:o.Yi;!rs lit M Wrilfv) CJIscapcr than Ever. May 1 H, jsfJU. WYO.TSSC! ESOlTMt, ... DAMHi l,AV OCK, IMttU'filliTtllt, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENN THIIE Proj rietor resj)ect!nily informs his Ji. fr:etids and tlie public generally that he has tak'-ri cl.ariie of ihe Wyoming, House, in the village ol Wyoming, ner ihe Railroad Depoi ol ihat pface, an I has f ttetf it out so as to entertain both transient arid perma tieid vis tor.- in a suitable anil c untenable I manner. His rooms are spacious aud airy , and not only calculated lo add lo he ironve iiience and comfort of the traveling commu nity, bul also to thofce who would seek a pleasant Mimnier resort wi;h families. HIS TABLE aid be supplied with the best the market can ailord : and his BAR will be j furnished with the purest liquors that can j be obtained. The proprietor will give his veute;:ce ot his r.ue.t. and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a rtiong the first hotels in the St lie. The Proprietor hope that from hi expe rience iu the business, and by unremitting attention on his part, combined with a judi cious -election ol the most careful and oblig ing servants, lie may be entitled lo the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceie a liberal share of their patronage. fy Please gtva him a call, and judge for ourselvt April 2, 1859. WtH.ISKOOSS Proprietor. ItLOOISIIL'UG, PA. fpiIIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the L central portion of the town, and op posiie ihe Court House, hi" been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, leam.-iers, drovers and boarders in 'he most plpasanl and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market arJords,and bis Bar with the choicest liquors. Atlenlise ostlers will always be on. hand. and his stabling is ttie most extensive in this section ol country., Omnibuses will always be m readin to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 4, 1860. ' GRAPE YIXES. - "VOUNG Times of two years, ol ''Miller's m. RnrJiindv with beautitul .roots . can be had : als, peach trees from seed of the j choicest vanelicsjf called for soon. t HENRY ZUPPINGER ! If HEALTH A!YD ITS PLEASURES, Disease With If 9 Aonief CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM. II O 11 OWAY'S P1JLLS. NEUVOl DISORDERS . Wliat is inr.r. lesrfni ihan a break in if down ol the: nervous system ? To t.s sin. table or nervous in a small degre j. mot distressine, for wnere .can -a rmedy bj found! There is one : dt'mk ibu. IhiIa wine, heer. or spirits, or far better.'- rone ; lake r.o coflee, weai tea beinu preferabU gei all the fresh air you can ; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solid, avoiding the use of slops ; arid il Ihese gold en rules are followed; you will be happy in mind antl strong in body, and loryel you have any nerves. ' MOTHERS AND Da. UGH1 ERS. , -I f t here is one. thmg more han another for which these . .PiJU are so famous it i iheir purifying properties cpecially theit power of cleansing ihe blood' from all im purities and removing dangerocs and sus pended secretions. Universally adopted t ihe one giand lemedy for female complaints thev never fail, never weaken the system ' and. always bring about w hat is required. SICK HEADACHFS AND WANT OP , APPETITE.,. .These feelings which so sadden usare so frequently arise from annoyance and (roub le, from obstructed perspiration, or from, eaung and drinking what is ur.fit for rj inns disordering the liver atid stomach These organs must be regulated if you wiat to be well. The Pills, it taken according to the printed instruction, will quickly re store a healthy action lo both liver and stomach, whence follow as a nural contact sequence, a gocd appe-ire and a clear head.' In the East and Wesi Indies . scaicely any other medicine is ever used for these dii orders. ' ' . DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS. . In all diseases affecting these- oran whelher they secrete too much or loo little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or wiih ache and pain sealed in the loins over the regioos of the kidneya. these Pills should bo taken irsnr. ding to tlie printed instruction directions. f i s -v. - ann ine. uirtmeni should te well, rubbed into the small of t he ba-k at bed lime. Thia treatment will give almost immediate reliaf when all other, means have faded. FOR STOMACHS OUT OK ORTER. No medicine will so effecioally imDrovs he tor.e of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. Ther reach ihe liver and reduce il lo a healthy action; they are wonderfully efficacious n. caes ol spasm in fact thejr sever tail in curing all disorders ot the Ii pr. nd stomech. llollnw'iy' s I'ills are. the Lest remedy knoien. im the tcorldjor the following diseases. Ague, Inflammation, Anhms, . . Jaundice,' B-llioiis Complaint!, Liver Com. B!otche on (he pfaillis, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of r, Uriney Scrcst'ila,' or King's Evil, Sore Throats, Stor.e and Gravel, Secondary Symnioaa, Tic-Douloureox, I'd oi ours, Ulcers, ! Venereal ArTeeiions, Worms ot all kinds Weakness from .. ,. - whatever cause, &c, iic. Skin,... :- Bowel Complaint, Colic, Con-'ipatiori of tha Bow-. Consumption, Debility. Dropsy, . D-sentery, Erysipelas, Female Irreghlari- ties, Fevers of all kinds, Fit, Gotit, Head ache, i i . ill Jieruon, C'AL'TlOV !! None are genuine onlst the words "HoMoway, New York tad Loxi- don' are cVi-ernable as a, Waiersinirh in every leaf of ihe book of directions arourvl each pot or hex :. the am mav be plainly -een by holding the Uf to the liglU. A hand some , reward will, be given lo iny oss reiufijriiig sii'h inforirj.ttion as may lead to the detection ol any party or pastiee coun terfeiting the medicines - or - vending the sums, -knowing them 10 be.sporioQs. - . Sold a! me Mnufaciorr of Profe-sar HoUoJray, f0 Maiden Lane, New York,aul bv ?.!! respec able Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, thronghnnt tt;e civilized world, in boxe at 25 cents, 62 cents and .31 each PC" Tlere is considerable saving by ta king tie larger sizes.- - - N B Directions for the guidance of p tierits in every disorder are affixed to each box. t - October. 17. 180. ' fsiTTi-OTl II O l KI CUESTACt STREET, ABOVE THIRD IN the imrnedia'e neighborhood of Ihe Job-, binj Houses on Market Third-, and Chest nut Streets, ihe Banks,-Post Office, Mer chants' Exchange. &c, &c. . -'-i f. noiitn ri;it i4Y $i.-o. Accommodation when required on ihe EU ROPEAN PLAN: Rooms from. 50 cenu and upwards, per div,aml meals at a First Class Rkstcbant attached lo .the Hotil. Price acvording to she Bills of Fare. Ihe My i'Hrs take I ;. npers from any Minion I o or Close lo tbe Hotel. English, French, German and Spanish spoken. Inlv 17. 1 C I. SPUING AND SUMMER J1AUTZ A; E-VT: FT AVE just received from Philadelphia splendid assortment of merchandise, purchased at the lowest figure, and which Ihey are determined to sell for . Cash or Country Produce on as moderate terms as ifaq be procured elsewhere in Light &'set Thei?5iock. con sists ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest sty les and la'si fashions, i t i. . nnv goods, groceries. HARDWARE, CJUEENSWARE, .CEDAR. I FA RE. H01A.OfV.lVA RE. Iron, rail add Spikes, BOOT'S AND SHOES, H ATS j AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. &C.. In short every thing usually kept in a coun iry Store. They respectfully invito iheir old friends, and the public generally, to call and examine their Mock before purchasing elsewhere.. ...... , , Ef.The highest price paid for country produce. - r '. - j MARTZ& ENT. Light Street, July 3d, H61. S..C- SUITE, Manufacturer cf Furniture and Cabimti Wr, Wareroom in Sliive'a Block, on Main $!! if. X.l rt ir